#couldn't gif the *entirety* of this interaction but !!!
5ftboy · 9 months
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"Can I do a snoop check to see how horny The Fix is?" "That's gonna be snoop one."
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blksoysauce · 4 months
I want you.
Lucifer x reader
Tags: angst, unrequited love
Author note: lmfao I hate it it's not really good
" Once upon a time... you found yourself enamored with the most resplendent celestial being in the entirety of heaven, Lucifer. Alas, the fear of potential rejection deterred you from ever talking to him, ultimately leaving you consumed with remorse. "
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You gazed upon Lucifer with eyes brimming with adoration as he talked about his ideas to a fellow seraphim. The seraphim appeared largely uncomfortable, attempting to end the conversation.
"What a shame"
you said to yourself silently, peering at him from a nearby tree. How much you longed to listen to him talk about his wonderful ideals.
Despite being a dreamer yourself, you lacked the courage to talk about your own ideals with the same boldness as he did. You admired him so much.
Your heart weighed heavily as you observed Lucifer's disappointment upon the seraphim's escape.
Yet, you remained silent due to your low angelic status, feeling small in comparison to THE Lucifer.
The idea of starting a conversation with him seemed nothing but inappropriate.
With a final quick glance at the golden-haired angel, you reluctantly turned away, leaving your dreams unspoken and unfulfilled.
While walking around heaven, your thoughts incessantly gravitated towards him... You wondered what kind of people he liked, his favorite color and his liking.
Before retiring to your home, you couldn't help but notice Lucifer's majestic wings spread as he descended to earth. Hugging your pillow, you fantasized about it, perhaps god finally approved his ideas about humankind. You couldn't help but smile at your sweet fantasy.
The following day you woke up with an unexpected visit from a friend, you could tell from her face that something unsettling happened. You grew anxious yourself as you learned that someone was put on trial by god, curious you and your friend went outside the trial room trying to get some informations.
As the resonant voice of God gave his judgment, your heart broke at the decree of banishment upon Lucifer. Witnessing angels roughly pushing him, you frantically went to a high rank angel for clarification, only to find out Lucifer gave free will to humankind without god's consent and had lustful interaction with Lilith (he banged her).
The passage of time failed to heal the sorrow that gripped your soul. Nights turned into weeks, then months, and eventually years, yet the ache of loss persisted. Each tear served as a reminder of all missed opportunities and unspoken sentiments.
UNTIL... Part 2
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solara-bean · 1 year
Jut found out that the full Touchstarved game might not be out till 2025 so here's a scenario I imagined with Ais. Has the others interact with mc too, but Ais is the main love interest. Hope this doesn't feel too much like my oc. I chose the Unnamed route so that may be brought up.
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Worth The Trouble ( Ais x GN Reader )
( Content Warning: Violence, Blood, cursing, Ais being Ais, Remember what he did to that guy in the demo )
MC = Y/N ( I'm too tired from finals to type the slash, sorry 😭)
It started off as a normal day in Eridia, or at least as peaceful as things could be in the hellscape of a city. MC went to the market for some light grocery shopping, their small tote bag half full, when a group of kids zoomed past them. For a flash they could see that the kids' arms were full of produce, a few stray fruits leaving a trail in their wake. It was mere seconds before an enraged yell from a man was heard.
" Get back here you little shits!!!" the a man, a local produce seller, barreled down in the kid's direction. Nearly knocking down passersby, MC included.
One of the smaller kids tripped, dropping all of their stolen goods. They called to their friends for help but it was too late. The seller had already grabbed them by the collar like a stray puppy.
" Stupid maggot! I'll show you what happens to thieves around here!!" He pulled back his meaty fist to strike them.
Without thinking, MC ran to grab his wrist before the blow landed.
" Hey! That's going way too far."
The seller looked down at them and snarled.
" Stay out of this! This is between me and this little thief here."
" I get that but look at them." MC pointed to the kid's dirty clothes that were holding on by threads. " Clearly they aren't stealing for the fun of it. Can't you let them go?"
The seller scoffed at them, foul breath fanning their face. Thankfully they held back their disgust.
" I'm not running a charity. If the kid wants to eat the kid's gotta pay."
MC thought for a moment as they stared at the child, who was still curled in a protective ball. Although their face was covered, it was clear by their trembling that they were crying. MC immediately remembered all the times they'd been hungry and in need after they fled the temple. While they survived they couldn't imagine doing so at this child's age. How long had they been suffering?
" I'll do it."
" Do what?"
" Pay." MC reached into their cloak and pulled out their coin purse. " I've got plenty to spare." which wasn't true but they'd manage. The seller gave them a long, calculated glare before sighing.
" Fine."
He put the kid down. They gave a quick glance to the seller then the MC before grabbing their haul and scurrying off to where the rest of the group went. MC wasn't expecting a thank you, but the last look the kid gave to them over their shoulder was enough.
" Ok," MC counted the coins in their palm, leaving the purse nearly empty. " Will this be enough?"
The seller took the coins. Counting each while scratching his stubbly chin.
" Yeah, almost..."
MC looked at him confused. They were sure that they gave him much more than his nearly, spoiled produce was worth. They almost didn't notice his arm go up. But they did feel the strike across their face. Everything went white for a moment as they stumbled. Pain flared over the entirety of the right side of MC's face. They pressed their palm to it and whipped their gaze back to the seller stunned.
" What the fuck is your problem??!!" they shrieked at him.
" Don't look so confused. You said you'd pay for everything. That includes punishment. " He let out a dark chuckle and walked pass them. " Maybe think twice next time you wanna be someone's savior."
MC gawked at his back. What kind of asshole pulls a stunt like that. He got his money fair and square. Clearly he just wanted a reason to cause someone harm. They wanted to let it go and move on but crap that hit really hurt. His hands were big enough to crush their skull and they were pretty sure that his ring cut their cheek. There was no way they were gonna let him walk away so easily.
" Hey!"
The seller turned around and was met with a fist right to the nose. He reeled back, giving MC enough time to land a kick to his kneecap. He fell to the city floor with the gracefulness of an old dying ox, MC's coins going down with him. They grabbed a handful of them before making a break for it back to the Wet Wick.
Out of breath, energy, half their coins and what little faith they had in humanity, all MC wanted to do was go to sleep in their room and maybe have some of their scraps for dinner. It could've been made into a full meal but they hadn't realized they'd dropped their tote bag until it was too late. Thankfully, the bar sounded empty from the outside, so at least they could avoid the headache of possibly socializing.
" Hey sparrow."
There right in his usual spot at the bar sat Ais, accompanied by Vere and Leander.
" Hey Ais..." they said weakly, pulling up their hood even more to hide the blooming bruises.
" Um Excuse me. I'm here too dear. Goodness has being here already dulled your manners?" came Vere, tail playfully swaying.
" Hey Vere." they said quickly as they tried to flee to their room, but that would've been to easy.
" Oh MC how was the market did you get anything good?" Leander asked, conveniently getting in front of them and blocking their path. They didn't look up at him and did their best not to adjust their hood again.
" Yeah, yeah it was good."
" But where's your tote ba-"
" It's getting late I'll see you guys later." MC swerved around him, nearly home free.
" Sparrow."
They stopped. Ais' piercing gaze burning into their back.
" Come here, please." he instructed in a soft yet stern tone. They couldn't resist him. He'd only pry more if they did, so reluctantly they sat next to him, avoiding eye contact.
" Take off your hood."
They stayed still. The air filled with a tense silence.
" Ais come one. They've probably had a long day. I'm sure their fi-" Lenader nearly choked when MC took their hood off. " What the hell happened?! Are you ok?!"
" Obviously not." Vere scoffed. " Thought I smelled blood but that's nothing new for you. Do tell, what mess have you found yourself in this time, MC?"
MC let out a tired sigh. Leander's worrying and Vere's teasing made for a sickening combo on an already shitty afternoon.
" It's nothing. I just ran into a bad guy at the market. Nothing interesting." They were about to get up to leave when Ais' hand was placed firmly on their shoulder.
" Humor us would ya? What really happened?" While the slight smile on his face was meant to be assuring, MC knew he was up to no good.
" Really it's nothing. I just saw some kids steal some food and one of them got caught by the seller. So I thought hey why not be nice and help this clearly starving child. But nope! As usual the situation blew up in my face. Apparently coins weren't enough payment for the guy so he- " They mimicked the back-handed slap motion they'd been a victim to. " The asshole didn't even have the decency to warn me first, so I thought it was only fair to get in a few blows in myself then run like hell before things got too heated. So yeah that's it. Nothing special."
After what they hadn't meant to be a ramble there was another thick silence. Crap maybe I said too much. Then a low chuckle came from beside them. Oh good Ais found the story amusing, maybe they were worried for nothing. But that was quickly put aside when they turned to look at him.
His grin was downright dangerous. Fangs gleaming and all. His eyes were even worse, glowing with a bloodlust that would scare a soulless shitless.
" I'll be right back." he said, getting up from his seat and stretching out his tired joints with a pop.
" Ais." Leander warned. " Let's think about this, ok buddy."
" Nothing to think about. Now," He stood in front of MC and leaned down to their level. " Which seller was it?"
MC felt their pulse quicken. Not just from being at eye level with Ais, but also from the immense violent aura he began to exude.
" Really Ais it's fine. I hit him pretty hard so we're even."
" I'm sure you did. But this is purely for my own selfish vices. I can't rest easy knowing this jackass is going around threatening kids and hitting customers. So who was it?"
" Ais. It's not worth the trouble just let it g-"
Ais' hand swiftly taken ahold of their chin. With a gentleness that greatly contrasted his character, he tilted MC's face to better examine the damage. They couldn't help the heat that rose within them.
" Plenty worth the trouble to me." He tilted their head back to face forward. " Who was it, MC."
Maybe it was the softness of his tone or the way he said their name instead of Sparrow, but they confessed. Even down to what stalls the seller's had been next to. He gave them a small, genuine smile and went on the hunt.
" Well, there's no stopping him now. Let's get some ice on that bruise, hm." Leander went around the counter, paying no mind to MC's breathless expression. In no time he came back with clean rag and another with ice inside. " Alright let me see."
Before he could attend to their face, Vere cut in.
" Leander, didn't the doctor leave some magic elixir or whatever for minor injuries in the backroom?"
" Oh you're right. He did. I should go get it."
" Yes you should." Vere smiled sweetly then frowned once Leander was out of sight. " Good I couldn't tolerate him for much longer without Ais here."
" Don't get too excited, he'll be back soon." MC reminded him.
" No he won't," Vere swiped the rag that Leander left on the counter near the ice bag before turning back to them with a mischievous smirk. " I poured those nasty medicine bottles out weeks ago."
MC gawked at him.
" Why would you do that? What if someone needed those?"
" What like you? Don't be such a baby you'll be fine. Now hold still. I can only take so much of you blood smelling up the place."
With a similar gentleness as Ais, Vere took hold of their chin and began to dab the blood away from the cut that was already beginning to close. MC didn't have the energy for anymore shock today, so they relished in the care.
" You know. This pacifist act you're playing won't do you any good in this city"
MC sighed and grabbed the ice bag to put on their bruise once he was done with the cut.
" I'm not a pacifist. Trust me I've got nothing against that jerk getting what he deserves. I just don't want Ais to get in any trouble because of me."
" Hmph, now why would Ais get in trouble?"
" Because, he's a monster. What if the Senobium punishes him for being too violent?"
Vere hummed to himself. He carelessly tossed the bloody rag on the floor and leaned back against the counter, tail swishing languidly.
" Oh don't fret dear. The Senobium's too up their own asses to care about a few lowtown brutes getting torn apart. Besides I highly doubt Ais would do anything so dreadful as to get a punishment like mine. And if he did..." Vere's eyes turned a bright pink, his fangs seemed longer as well. " I'd tear this city to the ground before they laid a finger on him."
MC just stared at him for a while. The primordial fear in their gut was unmistakable, but they couldn't help but feel a bit relieved.
" Well I'm glad Ais has a friend like you to look after him."
The fox scoffed.
" I'm not his friend."
A bit confused by that response, they were sure he was joking. The duo seemed as close as Mhin and Kuras if not more.
" Ok then I'm glad you're his very close, foxy furry acquaintance."
Vere's ears went down as he scowled at them.
" I can break you like a twig. Don't forget that."
They merely chuckled at that although they weren't entirely sure if he was serious or not.
" Sorry for the wait!" Came Leander's chipper voice. He rejoined the two with a small container of bandaids and a bottle of unknown liquid. " Took me forever to find this elixir. I could've swore we had more bottles. Thankfully, I always stash a spare."
" Wow how great is that Vere." MC gave him an innocent smile that in turn got them glare. Vere definitely meant that threat now.
Ais arrived back at the bar late into the night. He wreaked of blood despite his best efforts to clean himself. He didn't want to make another bad impression on his new...new friend? Acquaintance? Whatever they were he wanted them around him more often. Which would be hard if they were scared of him. Did he scare them before when asking about the seller? They seemed nervous, but most people were around him, especially after knowing about his brutal tendencies.
Perhaps they didn't mind. He got a good look at the seller's broken nose, and what he could assume was an injured knee that made it all the easier to catch and corner him. The sparrow really did have a tough side after all. He was almost sad that he sullied their work with his own. No one would suspect that what was left of the asshole was the handiwork of two pissed off individuals. Maybe returning their tote bag full of goods and the coins that he'd swiped from the guy's pockets would be a good enough apology gift.
The barkeep was cleaning shot glasses when he arrived. Out of no where a wave of unease hit him. Maybe he came back too late and should just leave their stuff here.
" Got something for MC. Can you give it to them for me?"
The barkeep only spared him a quick glance.
" Do I look like a delivery boy? Drop it off at their door yourself, I'm busy." She replied with a bitterness that he always found amusing.
" Yes ma'am."
He was in front of their door when the doubt came back, sweaty palms too. What the hell was he nervous for? He doesn't get nervous. This was just a small favor for a frien-aquaintance. Just put the stuff down and go. But what if someone took it? Maybe he should see if they're awake first. Maybe not what if he wakes them up.
Annoyed by his rambling thoughts he did least smart thing and opened, which should've been locked, door. It was dark inside, aside the moonlight from a small window. His higher than average vision could make out a small bed with a lump under the covers. Next to it was a dresser. He made his way to it quietly, mentally cursing the metal on his boots for the creaks they made in the floorboards.
Finally at his destination, he set the tote bag and coins on the dresser and turned to leave. But curiosity got the best of him. He snuck a peak at MC and it was all over. The covers were up to their nose. There was a small bandage on their cheek. The bruising seemed to have healed a bit. Ais had never seen them look so peaceful. It was actually pretty cute. Then he realized how creepy this whole situation was and made his way to the door.
" Ais...?"
He stopped mid step, looking over his shoulder at them. Their eyes were barely open and their voice was quiet and soft.
" That you?"
He sighed.
" Yeah it's me sparrow. Don't worry just wanted to return your bag. I'm leaving, go back to sleep." he kept walking.
" Are you ok?"
He stopped again, wide eyed.
" What?" he asked.
They yawned.
" I smell blood."
Oh, he thought. They were worried about him? That's actually really sweet. When was the last time anyone got worried for him? Vere and Kuras maybe. But they knew he could handle himself. It's what's he's good at. Looking out for himself when no one will. When everyone else leaves eventually.
But maybe MC wanted to stick around.
He smiled, unsure if they could see his face so he made sure they could hear it in his voice.
" I'm just fine sparrow. It's not my blood you're smelling."
They smiled back before yawning again.
" Good. Well see ya later I guess..."
They curled back into their blanket and pillow, already drifting. He took in the sight one last time before leaving and closing the door.
" Yeah see ya later."
The barkeep and every wander through the night had no idea why the feared demon renegade, Ais, had the softest smile on his face all the way back to the wastelands.
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Since you want us to feed you, I shall give you some food for thought! How about our lovely PLANTs with reader that somehow has some paint nymph friends? Cute little ones~
I like the idea of Vash maybe being able to create miniature nymphs and them just finding and attaching to the reader so let's write that real quick. Set in Trigun Stampede because I feel like it fits better.
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SUMMARY: Your new little friends came from somewhere completely unexpected. Who would have thought.
Nymphs, tiny plants that follow you around like the plague. You don't mind, they're very small and cute. Looking at them reminds you of a rather close friend of yours, Vash. They're kind and sweet like him and they both love to follow you around like lost puppies. Speaking of puppies, Nick's confident that you smuggled in a pet of some kind and are feeding it behind their backs, in its entirety it isn't a lie. You sneak food and water behind everyone's backs for your three little friends, they absolutely love you for it.
Sitting behind the truck at night, you'll lift a crumb to the one on your shoulder while the other two stand in the palm of your hand drinking from the small cap you filled for them. They can't speak but each bows their head in appreciation before they start climbing all around your body. Usually your arms up is the playing ground. As they climb around you, their hands and feet feel like rain on your skin. They're gentle not to pull or pinch wherever they go and as long as they do that they stay mostly out of sight.
When they first came to you it was out of the blue. You were asleep in the backseat between Vash and Nick. Your head had simply rolled around on your shoulders before you eventually leaned into Vash's shoulder. Enough time passed and your hair began to move and tug out of nowhere. Confused and worried that it might be a bug, you swiped at the top of your head. When your hand rested back in your lap a soft pinch tinged your skin. Opening your eyes, you couldn't believe what you were seeing. There poking at your hand was a tiny person, all around them flowed a makeshift skirt from... Flower petals? She had the intricate patterns of a plant all along her skin and she stood there looking up at you in awe.
With wide eves you scooped her carefully into your other hand and told her to settle in the pocket of your shirt. And then the fun began.
"Move it dick head." You shoved Nick's limp body.
He groaned awake, anger stirring on his face. "Move or I'm gonna piss on you hurry and open the door."
He stared at you in anger before the realization hit him. "Don't piss on me!" He pushed the door open and grabbed your arm to shove you out. Scrambling over his lap, you managed to land safely on the ground outside as the door shut behind you. You bounced back up to your feet.
"Are you okay?" You opened the pocket to peek in. At the very bottom, the small plant had curled into a protective ball to keep from moving about too much. Hearing your voice she slowly unfolded to peek her head out and look around. As you walked around to the end of the truck's trailer, you smiled and offered her a hand to step out onto. Gracefully pulling her self up, she turns to face you with a bow. All of this started the routine of climbing on to the top of the truck in the late hours of the night.
The same event happened two more times and now you took care of all three without the other knowing. Seeing yourself as the kind of person to care for something wasn't in the realm of possibility until these plants came around. Caring for each one brought you joy in this desolate land, watching them interact and care for each other while they come to you for their care is amazing to watch. Just the fact that they are their own being is amazing enough, but to be the one to handle and care for them is even better.
The cold air breezes past you and a chill runs through you. You're completely bare to the wind on top of the truck without a coat, but you sudden through the cold with a smile while you watch the plants eat and drink in front of you. Suddenly, one of the truck's doors opens and closes softly. Out climbs Vash who quickly glances around in search of you. Quickly gathering the nymphs you hide them on the other side of you to turn and face Vash.
"Up here." You call him. He turns to look up at you with mild surprise before he softly frowns. "You aren't cold up there?" Grabbing the rail on top he uses it to pull himself up and sit beside you.
"I am very cold." You chuckle nervously with a sheepish smile. Suddenly, on your leg there's a light tug that pulls your attention. Climbing up your leg is the smallest of the plants, she looks determined to see what's going on. Lifting your hand, you subtly swipe her back next to her companions before you look back to Vash. He looks at you strangely before he slips off his coat and wraps it around you.
"There. That should help." He offers you a kind smile. A floral smell surrounds you as it drapes around your shoulders bringing with it warmth. With your heart fluttering in your chest, you smile at Vash.
"You didn't- Ow!" A sharp sting jolt your leg. looking down, one of the nymphs has fully climbed up your leg and into View. Your throat squeezes with panic as you look back to Vash with wide eyes. Seeing the small plant emerge from your side, he grins and extends a hand to her. "That's where you've been." As his hand reaches her, she breaks out into a run and hugs his thumb.
"What? You know about them?" You stammer.
Watching the other two climb up and onto his hand, he carefully pulls them back towards himself. "Yeah." His finger tip carefully brushes over each of their heads with ease. "I kinda...made them."
Your eyes grow even wider as you watch the tip of his finger light up with the glow of a plant every time he pats the nymphs. He smiles fondly at each of them. The more you look, the more it starts to make sense. Each one of them shares a striking resemblance to Vash himself and his personality. It's no wonder you took to them so quickly. They're parts of him and that's why.
"It's not surprising that they went to you instead of staying with me." Vash lifts his gaze to meet yours. "They can feel my emotions for you, so..."
You pick your dry lips. "So you're a plant and they trust me because you trust me?" None of this is making much sense though some parts of it have become clear as just this simple interaction. They clearly know him, there's no doubt about it.
He scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah. I am a plant and I do trust you, it's just... Trust isn't enough to make them leave me for someone else." His face flushes bright red. "They like you because I like you, I have feelings for you. So you're kind of like another parent for them."
Heat blooms in your cheeks and your heart races in your chest. This is the most honest and gentle you've ever seen vash, he's never treated a situation like this lightly before. At least that's how it feels to you. "You... Have feelings for me?"
Vash nods. "I have for a while now. It's strange that this is how you have to find out." He looks back down to the three plants in his hand. Strange is definitely a way to describe it but it's cute and endearing in a way. It makes your heart swoon in response. The smile that spreads on your face can't be helped now.
Leaning your head on his shoulder, he looks at you. "This is such a sweet moment Vash." Looking down at the nymphs you place your hand under his and smile at them. "I think it's amazing you can even create these things. They're so... alive."
Looking at you, Vash can feel his chest grow warm. You hold so much sentiment and care for his creations and you completely disregard him being a plant. If anything you just told him he was wonderful. Just seeing you treat them with such fondness and warmth makes him fall even more for you and your beautiful soul.
"So you don't care that I'm a plant? It's not weird to you?"
Your face softens when you look up at him. In your eyes the glow of the worms shines above, casting a soft bloom that cascades along your skin like a waterfall. "To be able to create life is a beautiful thing, Vash. You are a beautiful person. And these guys reflect that." Gingerly your hand grabs his free hand. "You being a plant only makes this so much more amazing to me. I think it's wonderful what you can do."
A blush creeps up Vash's face again. "It's not that special, really." Leaning closer you nudge him. "Give yourself some credit where it's due Vash."
He looks back down at the plants in his hand. "Sure. I guess I am pretty cool."
"Of course you are."
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thebearchives · 2 years
lonely nights in monaco | PG10
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PAIRING: pierre gasly x single mom!reader
REQUESTED: [X] yes [] no
this is the second part of slow days in monaco, read the first part here.
SYNOPSIS: after meeting you and thomas, all pierre could think about was you. to escape his thoughts, pierre decides to go to club, only to you to show up in the same club, all alone after you got stood up on a date.
WARNINGS: the fluffiest fluff ever, pierre being an absolute mess in the beginning, mentions of thomas but no thomas x pierre content (sorry), french + translations, pierre calls reader every nickname under the sun because he is stupid and keeps forgetting to ask you for your name.
A/N: 100 followers!! sdim part 2!! who cheered??? thank you to everyone who interacted with slow days in monaco and asked for a second part!! i honestly had so much fun writing this part, literally having to pause so many times bc i couldn't handle how cute reader and pierre were lmao
as always, don't be a ghost reader!
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the drawing done by thomas was put on display on charles’ fridge the second the pair of drivers had gotten home.
it was an endearing sight, and maybe a bit comical, with the colourful (and mostly coherent) mess of crayon scribbles standing out against polaroids of charles’ friends and family, and the slightly less coherent mess of chicken scratch that was charles’ grocery list. 
the number on the back of the drawing now found a new home in pierre’s list of contacts, under the name of thomas’ maman, after realizing he had never caught your name.
charles had laughed at him, telling him he could have read your nametag, and when asked by pierre, nodded to indicate that yes, he did in fact read it and yes, he did know your name. he refused to share it though, “you brought this onto yourself, mate. c’est la vie.” that’s life.
he’d contemplated sending you a text all day, going as far as opening a chat with you and drafting several different messages. each time he would erase it, slide up and clear the app. 
god, was it too early? should he wait for a couple of days before he sent you something? should he text you at all? after all, it wasn’t you who gave him your number, it was your son. 
pierre’s thoughts revolved around you and thomas for the entirety of his day, so consumed with his questions that he had waved off charles’ offer to go to the club with him and his girlfriend. 
your son, pierre had thought to himself, a kid who probably has a dad at home. his eyes widened at the sudden thought, holy shit, pierre, what the fuck are you thinking?
before pierre could freak out, another part of his mind had reminded him that the boy had given you his mother’s number for a reason. 
maybe because you’re a famous driver and he wants to talk to you, fuckface. 
but there was no father in the picture he had drawn. just you and himself, surrounded by the two drivers and their cars. that had to mean something.
pierre groaned into a cushion. even if that were the case and you were single, what were his intentions with you? 
he was sure you weren’t a short fling kind of woman, you had a kid to think about. a kid who had pierre wrapped around his finger without him even realizing it. hell, he had bought the kid a cookie before he even knew him. 
what a fucking idiot, pierre rested his head in his hands, what if he had been allergic to something in the cookie?
it was strange, really, to see pierre so distraught over a woman he had barely spoken to. to see him question his intentions for a woman he didn’t even consider a romantic interest. where were these feelings coming from? 
pierre abruptly sat up from his spot on charles’ couch. he needed a drink. he eyed the extra housekey that charles had given him after moving into his new place. what was the name of that club charles had mentioned?
about thirty minutes later, pierre found himself nursing his second drink of the night, sitting at the bar alone. he had arrived to the club just as charles had walked out, hand in hand with his girlfriend, who looked more than just a little tipsy. 
after a surprised smile and an explanation that he was going to take her home, charles was off, and pierre was once again alone with his thoughts.
he was only about halfway through his drink when a person sat down two seats down from him. a woman. 
his eyes dragged themselves up her body. first, her small black heels. then, her legs, that shined under the neon lights of the club. his eyes followed up the smooth silky material of her dress, fitting her like a glove, and yet still loose enough to be considered rather modest.
he’d choked, however, when his eyes reached her face. 
your face. 
he turned his head away from you, trying to hide his coughs, though his body gave away his struggle as it shook with every muffled hack. he could feel eyes on him, his ears heating up in embarrassment at the possibility that it was your eyes.
who would have thought, that of all the places he could have gone to, just to avoid thinking of you, you would show up at the same one? 
pierre pulled himself upright, the last of his coughing fit escaping him as he pretended to brush lint off of his pants. casual, yup, acting like he didn’t just cough up a lung at the sight of you.
“pierre?” even with the music booming over the speakers, he could hear your voice clearly.
the frenchman faked a surprised look when he made eye contact with you, “no way.”
‘no way’? are you fucking kidding me? of all words, ‘no way’, pierre wanted to punch himself, he had never been this bad at talking to girls before.
“way,” a small chuckle left your mouth. great, he thought, a laugh of pity.
you pointed to the barstool next to him, “is this seat taken?”
oh, fuck.
“no, not at all.” pierre willed his heart to stop beating so fast, hand gesturing to the seat next to him as if presenting it as yours to take.
you slotted yourself next to him, thanking the bartender as he passed you your drink of choice. 
“no thomas, huh?” yeah, no shit, pierre.
you let out a giggle, “no, no. i’m afraid he wouldn’t quite make it past the bouncers up front.”
after a sip from your drink you continued, “he’s with his grandparents tonight,” you held up your phone, the lack of notifications showcased your lockscreen clearly: a mirror selfie of thomas and yourself with matching tiger sheet masks, “and i haven’t gotten any calls from my mom yet, so i’m hoping that means he’s fast asleep in his bed.”
pierre wanted to ask about his father but refrained. he’d fucked up enough already, he didn’t need to make it worse. instead, he smiled, “cute lockscreen.”
your face instantly brightened and pierre felt like he was staring right at the sun, “isn’t it? thomas had seen them at a department store and begged for me to buy them for us so we could be ‘les tigres les plus cool du monde entier’.” 'the coolest tigers in the whole world.'
pierre and you made small talk about thomas for a few more minutes before pierre decided to bite the bullet and ask the one question on his mind, “so, what are you doing here? all alone, that is.”
“i could ask you the same,” you tipped your glass in his direction, a sly smirk painted on your lips.
“touché,” pierre started, “charles invited me to join him and his girlfriend, but i got here too late and now he’s tending to a drunk girlfriend and i’m here.”
you nodded at his explanation, “i got stood up.”
pierre spluttered for the second time in the same night, “you? stood up?”
you felt yourself experiencing deja vu from earlier in the day, handing pierre a napkin like you had done with charles, “you’re making it sound like that’s not believable.”
“because it is not, ma chérie.” neither of you batted an eye at the petname, “whoever stood you up is a fool.”
“well, you’d be surprised at how many men are fools, then,” you hid your slight frown behind your glass, “but it comes with being a mother, i suppose. no one wants you when you’ve got baggage in the form of a child.”
you quickly stuck your hand out, “not that i think of thomas as baggage. mon dieu, no. thomas is the best thing to have happened to me.”
pierre placed a hand on your back, thumb rubbing a small circle against the fabric of your dress. an act to show his understanding.
an idea came to his head, and on impulse, he stood up, telling the bartender to put your drinks on his tab and close it. his fingers tapped against your back, head beckoning for you to get up and follow him.
your questions fell to deaf ears as he tugged you out into the cool night air of monaco. unlike the club, the streets of monaco were rather quiet this night. 
before you could ask him once more, pierre answered your first, and arguably most important question, “we, belle fille, are going on a date.” pretty girl,
your cheeks darkened, “a date?”
pierre nodded, “you being a mother does not make you any less worthy of going out on dates and enjoying yourself. and i’ll prove it to you right now by taking you on the best date you’ve ever had.”
under the street lights, pierre could see the red that coloured your cheeks. a sense of pride bloomed in his chest. he was the reason you were blushing, and he liked it. a lot.
you hesitated for a second, before sticking your hand out, “consider the rest of my night yours, gasly.”
pierre smiled, hand slotting into yours perfectly, “prépare-toi à être étonné, mon amour.” prepare to be amazed, my love.
and amazed you were. from the moment your impromptu date with pierre begin, to the moment he walked you home.
the first thing he had done was take you to a diner entirely out of your budget. catching sight of your apprehensive look, pierre had squeezed your hand.
“you deserve to be spoiled, amour,” he had said. and he did, ordering the most expensive dishes and bottle of champagne, all while he explained to you how he had discovered such restaurant.
the two of you chatted about your personal lives, starting shallow and only delving deeper. 
you told pierre about your favourite colour, “originally, i was going to say that i don’t have one, but the shade of your eyes, well, it’s absolutely beautiful.”
pierre had blushed, averting his eyes from your face as he took a second to recover, “mon amour, i thought we had decided that tonight was my night to woo you. not the other way around.”
you had shrugged, a playful smile making its way to your face, “just being honest, is all.”
it was crazy to you, the way your world had turned a whole 180 in just one day. here you were, in a diner where waitresses probably made your rent’s worth of money in one shift, flirting with a famous formula one driver, the very driver you used to fawn over to your friends. 
when your food arrived, pierre had been chattering about his family and the plans they had made for the rest of his summer break. 
said frenchman had blushed profusely when you groaned in delight after your first bite. you, however, failed to notice, too focused on how the chefs were able to cook such delicious pasta.
at one point, pierre had noticed the splash of red that peaked out from the side of your mouth, thumb coming up to wipe it off for you as you rambled about the time you had burnt your pasta because two-month-old thomas had woken up and started crying.
you’d froze at the feeling of his warm thumb brushing against the side of your lip, your grip on your fork nearly faltering. pierre’s thumb had pulled away from your skin, the pasta sauce now gone from your face, but the rest of his curled fingers that grazed against the nip of your chin stayed. 
that had been the first instance of the night where pierre found himself staring at your lips, wanting nothing more than to place his own against them. 
instead, he wiped his thumb on his napkin, asking you how you had managed to get thomas to stop crying, acting as if nothing had happened. 
when time came for dessert, you had begged pierre to not order from the restaurant’s menu, 10 euros for a single scoop of ice cream had seemed entirely unreasonable.
“it’s gourmet!” pierre had argued.
“it’s bullshit,” you’d retorted, flagging down a waiter to ask for the bill.
the two of you had moved your date to the nearest mcdonald’s, a sundae placed in the middle of the table you sat at, a spoon placed on either side of the dessert.
the mcdonald’s had also been the second place where pierre found himself entranced by your lips. he had simply been admiring your features, eyes travelling down the bridge of your nose and to the cupid’s bow above your lips when your tongue had poked out, licking your bottom lip clean of the sweet ice cream.
in that moment, pierre found himself shifting in his seat, head filled with the most unholy thoughts as you continued to blabber about how you had learned in high school that humans had the ability to gain a lactose intolerance if they avoided all dairy products in their diet for a while, clueless to how the cheeks of the man across from you began to darken to a deep red.
pierre had proposed a late-night walk along the pier, something you had giggled about, watching his eyes roll in mock annoyance, before agreeing.
hands intertwined once again, the two of you walked down the harbour. pierre shared stories about the times he and charles had taken the yacht out and the absolute havoc they’d wreak. you shared stories of when you had been young, pointing to the biggest boats and telling your father that one day, it would be yours.
pierre had stopped you then, asking you to point to the boat you wanted the most right now.
“no, i know what you’re doing,” your arms were crossed and your eyes were narrowed, “a yacht is not something you can just buy.”
“chérie, it quite literally is.” he had laughed loudly at the way you rolled your eyes, heart warming when you’d shrugged his hand off your shoulder with a slight pout on your lips.
“you, mr. gasly, need to be brought back down to earth,” you had reached up and flicked his ear.
instead of cradle his stinging ear, pierre found himself reaching for your hand again, “then hold my hand and never let go.”
your next destination had been your last, and it had been a park. 
pierre tugged you to the open field, letting go of your hand to shrug off his jacket and lay it against the flat ground. he’d reached for you hand again after that, pulling you down to lay on his jacket while he laid his own body next to you, back against the dry grass.
“pierre, your shirt is white,” you sat up, “it’s going to get stained if you lay on the grass. take the jacket instead.”
pierre caught your wrist before you could pull the jacket from under you, “it’s okay, it’s not mine.”
his wide smile had caused a smile to grow on your face as well, allowing the frenchman to slide you back down next to him.
“i’ve always wanted to do this,” he had started, eyes playing connect the dots with the stars that shined above your heads.
“lay on the grass in charles’ shirt?” you had giggled when pierre let out a sound resembling a snort.
“stargaze with the most beautiful girl in the world.”
pierre’s heart stuttered when he watched you cover your face with your hands, propping his body on one elbow as he tried to pull your hands away.
“no, go away.” you had rolled over to escape his hands.
“mon amour, let me see your face.”
“no” your voice was muffled, words disappearing into pierre’s jacket and the earth beneath you.
“why not?” pierre’s hand found its way to your hair, fingers combing through the strands.
a quiet mumble escaped your lips, in absolute bliss from pierre’s ministrations.
“coeur, i cannot understand you when you’re talking to my jacket instead of me.”
heart. you felt your chest squeeze at the new petname, head turning slightly so your lips weren’t flat against the frenchman’s jacket, “i don’t want you to see how red you make me. c'est embarrassant, i feel like a school girl with a crush.” it’s embarrassing,
“then live out your teenage fantasies with me,” pierre placed his hand on your shoulder and you allowed yourself to be turned onto your back, eyes meeting pierre’s.
pierre’s eyes had found their home on your lips again, but instead of stare, he had closed his eyes, leaning forward. your eyes followed suite, the blissful feeling never leaving you even for a second.
his lips met your forehead, a quiet murmur being spoken against your skin, “tu me rends fou depuis que j'ai posé mes yeux sur toi ce matin.” you've been driving me crazy since I laid eyes on you this morning.
“imagine ce que j'ai ressenti en te regardant sur le grand écran pendant des années.” imagine how i felt watching you on the big screen for years.
the rest of your night had been spent cuddled in each other’s arms, fingers pointing at random shapes in the starry sky. 
you didn’t know when you had fallen asleep, wrapped up in pierre’s arms, feeling the safest you had in a long time. pierre, himself, had hated to wake you up, but it was late and he wanted to get you home safely.
hands connected for the last time that night, pierre took you home. smiling softly when you wiped your eyes only to snap your eyes open when you realized you had smudged your mascara. 
pierre’s thumb wiped under your eye lightly before resting on your temple. the rest of his fingers uncurled, wrapping around your head to pull it closer once more. 
his lips met your forehead again, this time longer than the last. he replaced his lips with his own forehead, eyes connected to yours.
“bonne nuit, mon étoile.” goodnight, my star.
it was safe to say that pierre had done more than just prove you were worthy of going out on dates and enjoying yourself. 
pierre had made you feel loved.
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thankeywa · 1 year
Star-crossed | Lo'ak x fem!human!reader pt. 2
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Part two of my Lo'ak x reader fic (you can find part 1 here), also posted on @lucozadehulahoop. Trying to post all of my avatar stuff on this account, so follow me on here like the 7 badasses who already have done so! Thank you all so much for the love, this story is ongoing so let me know if you want to be on the tag list. I will be getting to some requests next! Unfortunately, it is exam season for me y'all, but keep the requests coming because writing keeps me sane.
part 3 part 4
Warnings: once again, both Lo'ak and the reader are 20y/o, and there will be eventual mature stuffs, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT with this or anything on my accounts.
words: 1K
summary: reader is a human left behind on pandora, she grew up with the remaining humans who'd been aloud to stay on the planet after the war and has been friends with the Sully clan her entire life. She and Lo'ak were best friends until he began to pull away from her in their teen years for seemingly no reason. This story is about them reconnecting on the day of her twentieth birthday, and dealing with the feelings they have for each other and the obstacles that come with them being from two different worlds.
Translations for this chapter:
Ngaru lu fpom srak? = Are you alright?
Eywa ngahu = (May) Eywa be with you
Y/n stepped outside the bunker and turned around the corner. Lo'ak was there, after all, hastily trying to get up and off his ass before she could see him. He cussed, giving himself away, but only managed to get back up on his knees, before freezing in his tracks. He hadn't seen her face to face in so long, he didn't know what to do with himself. Why was it so hard for him to even say a word all of a sudden? Lo'ak felt like he couldn't breathe.
The sunlight had gone, but now the entirety of the forest was a glow with the night, along with the 'freckles' on the Na'vi's skin, making him look like a constellation come to life. Y/n could see it: how much taller Lo'ak had grown since the last time she'd seen him. He'd also filled out his lanky features a little more; she imagined it was due to all of that training Jake and Neytiri put their kids through. "Hey..." she hugged herself, not really dressed for the cold air of the night. "Ngaru lu fpom srak?" She asked in concern, but he simply stared back at her. "Are you hurt? Is something out there...?"
"I'm fine." Lo'ak managed finally, and y/n looked away.
That was all he had to say to her after all those years?
All of a sudden, Y/n felt stupid and naive. Who was to say he'd come to see her on purpose? It had just been her own wishful thinking playing tricks on her. With how much of a clutz she remembered Lo'ak being, he'd most likely just fallen out of a tree by accident. She'd just wanted to check he wasn't in any immediate danger.
"Well." She quipped. "If there's nothing I can do for you, Eywa ngahu." Y/n bid him goodnight, and Lo'ak had to bite his tongue to stop himself from calling out to her. He'd made the mess they were in, and now y/n probably thought he'd shown up just to mess with her head. Eywa knew, he hadn't meant for y/n to see him. He'd just wanted to get a glimpse of her, tired of hearing his family constantly talking about her with him no longer being a part of her life.
By his own fault, nobody else's, as Neteyam had said.
But no, it wasn't just that. What did his brother know? What did any of them understand of the pain he was in? He was in love with a human. With his best friend. Someone who could never want back him the same way he did. Someone so infuriatingly understanding and accepting of him, she'd just talked to him with the same kindness and patience in her eyes as she'd done since they'd been kids together. As if he hadn't thrown it all back in her face. As if the past four years had never happened.
Why couldn't she just hate him?
"You know what—" He started, but was immediately cut off.
The second y/n was a about to turn away and walk the other direction, a blood curling growl was heard from the not so far away distance, and she immediately reached out for Lo'ak, who was about to run his mouth as always. Too distracted with what was going on in his own head to see the danger around him. He'd knelt down to her level, which made shutting his mouth a lot easier.
Y/n hadn't even thought about the fact that she'd basically pinned the Na'vi against the outside wall of her home, as if she could shield him from whatever hell was out there, until she could feel his laboured breath against her skin.
Something was moving out there, and that was all she could think about.
"I-N-S-I-D-E." She signed across the plane of his chest. "N-O-W." y/n looked into Lo'ak's yellow eyes to see if he'd understood that they would have to reasume talking another time.
She leaned against his side, guiding them slowly through the dark, when suddenly the damn fool decided to hoist her up and start running. It didn't fail to alert the Thanator that had been out prowling nearby for a midnight snack. Y/n dug her nails into Lo'ak's skin, probably drawing blood, and struggled to keep quiet as they got through the door. She yanked the Na'vi inside with her, not trusting Lo'ak not to do something stupid like stand outside and fight the apex predator of the forests of Pandora.
"Shit, shit, shit‐"
"Shut. Up." They snapped at each other in the dark in hushed tones.
She put out all the lights and they both lay down on the floor, holding onto each other as they listened to the beast's heavy paws prowl the grounds just outside her door, along with the slight snarl it made every time it exhaled. Lo'ak held her close, maybe a little too tight, while his other hand went to his dagger.
If the Thanator did decide it was going to attack the bunker until it got through, Lo'ak was going to throw himself at it with everything he had. He wanted to say everything he hadn't told y/n up until that point, realizing how cruel it would be for either one of them to die thinking their once best friend hated them. Y/n saw the Thanator's shadow on her kitchen floor as it passed by the window, and closed her eyes, pressing her forehead against Lo'ak's shoulder.
"Eywa, please, not him. He is he one of your people... I'll do anything. Please..." She chanted, mustering up her best Na'vi as tears began to stream down her face.
Y/n couldn't believe it. She actually was praying. Not that she didn't believe Eywa was a very real goddess. Y/n simply didn't think humans had the right to ask anything of the Mother of Pandora. Yet she meant it, wholeheartedly. She would have repaid any debt in exchange for Lo'ak safety, knowing full well that the words that were leaving her mouth were not to be taken lightly.
And Lo'ak knew it too.
He was the one to muffle her ramblings this time, covering her mouth with his overly large hand, eyes wide with fear, and his ears now pointed backward. Y/n had just vouched for his life to be saved at any price.
What have you done?
Lo'ak wanted to scream at her, and he knew she could see it in his eyes. Y/n didn't care.
Her prayers had just been answered and the Thanator was gone.
tag list for the people who asked for part 2: @aleromania, @ghostjoohoney
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
To Be Cherished…
Natasha Romanoff x FemPlusSize!Reader
18+ | SMUT | Minors DNI
To Be Mine Forever (Next)
Oral(R receiving), Fingering (R receiving), Thigh Riding (Nat), Double-Sided Strap—Reader riding, Daddy Kink
Warnings: Alluded to fat-phobia, passive-aggressive abusive coworkers, trust issues, insecure reader
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Heads Up Buttercups: 8857 Words 💋
Natasha locked the door to her apartment, and set off into the night for a much needed escape. The world could most certainly survive if the Black Widow took a night off, and it's not like they had been given much of a choice anyways. Natasha was craving human interaction, the kind that was free of expectation, so off to the bar she went.
The attention she craved tonight wasn't necessarily promiscuous, but she would be lying to say she had sworn it off all together. Her outfit was slightly reserved, but it was also incredibly form fitting, with a classy view of her cleavage leaving hardly anything to the imagination.
Your outfit was quite the opposite, as you were forced into the skimpiest of clothes for this bartending gig. The tube top, and black jean booty shorts barely contained your figure, truthfully doing nothing but to make you incredibly uncomfortable. Your gapless thighs would uncomfortably rub against each other as you maneuvered behind the bar at an efficient pace, leaving behind "chub rub" most nights. Then your far from toned stomach was visible to every patron served, and their eyes never failed to roam the entirety of your body.
Being a bigger woman you always anticipated the stares, people would be "inconspicuously" ogling your 'assets', then reimagining them on the toned blonde two stools down. You were also more than accustomed to the backhanded compliments from desperate patrons nearing last call, having yet to leave with someone.
"You're beautiful... for a girl your size, want to get outta here?"
Your response always came in the form of a tight lipped smile, and a firm 'no thank you.' Even though all you'd wanted to do in the moment was sucker punch the asshole, while simultaneously bursting into tears. Alas, you had bills to pay, and couldn't afford to lose your place—your kitty baby depended on you. The reminder that you graduated in a little under a year was all that really got you through your shifts anymore.
Natasha could hear the music roaring from a whole street down as she slowly approached the designated party block. The streets were flooded with plastered college kids trying to forget their studies as they bar hopped, and the older crowd was glued to their stool as they worked to drown out their worries. Natasha found amusement in observing the everyday people; stressing over such trivial occurrences that many of them had a hand in choosing for themselves.
If only she'd had the same problems...
She entered the first bar she saw, instantly regretting it as it appeared to be for a much younger crowd. It didn't take much for her to see their intentions were to engage in illegal activities, and she's not interested in having to be a narc so she swiftly retreated. The next few bars were busts as well, full of crowds of dull looking individuals, who make people watching entirely too mundane, so she continued on in her search.
She'd eventually settled upon the Hooter-esque bar—"The Glory Hole"—that left its workers in skimpy fits, with an array of patrons from all walks of life. Entirely too amused by the topless men in booty shorts, prancing around the establishment with pen pads and trays, she nearly missed the women behind the counter. Prissy overachievers was her first thought, as she vaguely heard their exaggerated giggles, but then her eyes made their way to you.
Something about the look in your eye had her absolutely enthralled, you were nothing like your fellow bartenders whom all seemed ecstatic to be here. The obvious obligation in your stance had instantly drawn her to you, because she herself is no stranger to the obligatory workings of the world.
She observed as the men and women patrons looked to you, ordering their drinks with their gazes obviously never meeting your eyes. Your tight smile gave way to the clear disinterest you'd felt for the attention, but your sweet tone in contrast had her smirking over her drink as she could just practically hear your internal monologues. Though she indeed found pleasure in briefly ogling your physique, she truly found the sound of your laugh—even if forced—to be more enticing.
After a little over an hour the traffic had finally died down, leaving you alone at the bar as all the others rushed off to take their 'breaks' in the laps of the many patrons, she'd decided this would be her chance to make her move to get closer to you. Her eyes had spent most of their time observing you, favoring you over the idiotic patrons she'd initially come for, and with every passing moment she'd found herself itching with unrivaled need to talk to you.
Being that you were no stranger to the stares, you'd felt hers almost immediately, but it wasn't anything you'd ever been used to. There was nothing about her gaze that was fueled by disgust, nor that devious curiosity that reigns in the eyes of those with the unexplored "chubby girl" fetishes you'd unfortunately grown used to. It came as quite a shock to you seeing as she was extremely fit, and quite literally an Avenger. It's no lie to say that she could have quite literally have anyone she wanted in this establishment; to even flirt with the idea that she'd be interested in you felt  much more like a fever dream.
Whenever you would spare the glance her way her eyes wouldn't waver in their hold on you. Gentle intensity met your painfully insecure orbs, working overtime to pull you in, thus causing you to stutter in your movements more than once. Natasha would smirk over her glass, feeling accomplished whenever you ended up over pouring the shot, or nearly dropping your strainer when pouring a patrons drink.
Anxiety had overtook your form once your coworkers had abandoned you at the bar, and you could tell by the way the  redhead was fidgeting around that she was preparing to move from her seat. Deep down you'd wanted her to approach you, maybe even flirt with you, but the even deeper seeded insecurities told you not to get your hopes up—to remember who you were in comparison to her. Attempting to avoid a prematurely broken heart you'd focused your attention on cleaning the bar up, shuffling around the bottles, then moving to restock the emptied.
An unexpected ringing from above had left you startled, causing you to hit your head on the undercarriage of the bar, and by a stroke of luck you'd been able to save the disheveled bottles before they could come crashing down. Reluctantly you stood to your feet to help whom ever it was that nearly cost you an entire paycheck, biting back the pained groan in favor of a friendly smile. Beautiful, iridescent green eyes, now apparently full of concern had been what you found yourself greeted with.
"Good evening, how may I satisfy your hole? Would another vodka soda suffice?" You ask the woman the go to slogan-esque question that the owner Bob had coined, internally cringing for the millionth time as the embarrassing words leave your mouth.
"Are you okay?" She tenderly questions you, completely overlooking your "professional" greeting.
"Oh, I'm fine miss, just a little bump is all. Thank you for asking, I truly appreciate it."
"Natasha." She gently corrects with an easy smile as she stares into your eyes.
"I know who you are miss, it's just more a professional courtesy is all, as I'm almost certain that you like to remain anonymous to the world when you're out in it."
"Yeah, you're not wrong, but I certainly don't mind when a pretty girl such as yourself calls me by my name." She shamelessly flirts as her smile morphs into a cheeky smirk, followed quickly by you exaggeratedly rolling your eyes at her words, but your stomach betrays you as it flutters with daunting hope.
Natasha also sees right through your gesture, because when your eyes refocus on her own she can see the insecurity that's mercilessly drowning out the hope swirling around, and the lack of faith in others you have—though she relates—truly breaks her heart.
"It would be even nicer if I also knew her name, so that I could know who it is I'm going out with later tonight."
"You're the Black Widow, I'm sure you know my name, probably even have access to my social security for that matter." You deadpan, having no tangible faith in this encounter as it progresses, insecurities now entirely controlling your thoughts.
"What's the fun in looking you up in a database when I have the gorgeous source stood before me?"
"Look, it's only a matter of minutes before the sex crazed idiots I work with all return, as well as the next wave of patrons who will follow. Please, can you just tell me which one of the said idiots put you up to this so that I can just set you free? I'll even tell them I fell into your trap, that I actually believed that someone like you was interested in someone like me. Then you can all share your little laugh later at my expense. Just please, stop whatever this is." You snap at the woman, losing all means of professionalism as you've grown tired of this repetitive act you've been subjected to
Usually this is perpetrated by the likes of Macy, the high school drop out from your graduating year, whom of which had conveniently showed up in the big apple a few months back. She also just so happens to be this bars go to piece of eye candy so reports to Bob end up getting filed away in a dusty HR folder. The same Macy who's currently in the far corners booth with her tongue down "Old Johnny Boy's" throat. You never expected she'd drag an Avenger into the mix just to humiliate you, nor that one would willing bite.
Though the hurt that flashes over her features at the insinuating words you just angrily spewed at her had you instantly regret them.  The genuine frown on her face, and the ways in which you saw her internally monologuing before speaking once more told you she was completely caught off guard.
"Sweet angel, I can assure you that this isn't some twisted game, I've never met your coworkers, and clearly I'm the better one for it if that's something they'd do to you. You're truly gorgeous to me honey, I've spent most of my evening just marveling at the sight of you and your beautiful smile. So of course I'd be interested in "someone like you," and I'd genuinely love nothing more than to take you out after your shift ends."
"I-I, Natasha, I'm sorry, it's just..."
"Listen, there's this really cute diner up the way that never really closes, so please, if you're truly sorry then just let me take you out...?" She pointedly cuts your stuttered apology off, truly holding nothing against you in the moment, but very much willing to use your remorse to seal in the date with you.
"Well I'd be a fool to turn you down, so if it's a genuine offer, then I'll be all yours in an hour."
Natasha's face lights up at your sudden switch to acceptance, then she places her hand over yours on the bar to lightly squeeze it in silent confirmation that she's definitely all in here.
"I'm just going to slip off back to my corner table now while I attempt to wait patiently for you to get off moya prekrasnaya devushka..." She relays, before lifting your hand up and gently linking hers with yours to place a kiss to your knuckles before promptly departing.
(My beautiful girl)
The last hour of your shift is honestly a breeze once you allow yourself to feel the hope that's squeezing at your heart.
"Y/N/N...." Macy's shrill voice sings out your unfavored nickname, breaking through your peace, and like always her voice never fails to cause your body to tense up.
"I have a date." You flatly state with your hand already on the door handle seeing as how you knew where this was headed and you'd already clocked out ten minutes ago.
"Yeah, and I'm ugly, try something a bit more believable next time Y/N/N. Johnny wants to take me home, and Brad already left with Jamarion so that only leaves you to help close."
"Jesus Macy, you're the one scheduled to close with Patrick tonight, so do your damn job because my date's been patiently waiting on me while I was changing." You groan in response, swiftly moving out of the employee's backroom and passing by the amused looking blonde.
"Ooh, look at you suddenly getting all feisty... Now, like I was saying, I really need you to handle it for me tonight. No need to lie about a date, especially not when I have a very important one of my own to attend to." Macy teases as she follows you out, completely oblivious to the assassin's watching eyes as she casually humiliates you.
Natasha watches the scene playing out, doing her very best to keep the anger at bay when she sees the way that your coworker treats you in front of everybody. She smiles to herself though as she hears you standing up for yourself, and judging by the blondes scowl it's clearly not a usual occurrence.
"Attend it once your shift ends then—because newsflash, that's how having a job works. Goodbye now Macy."
Before the girl can push you any further though Natasha decides to step in to hopefully shut this messy bitch up so that she can finally have you all to herself.
"Hey there sweetheart, are you ready to go?"
Macy's eyes nearly bulge out of her skull at the sight of Natasha Romanoff with her arm wrapped around your shoulder, and she's not entirely sure why but for some reason her eyes are completely zeroed in on you.
"Yes, I'm really sorry that it took me so long, I needed to change and then my coworker here was trying to get me to cover her tonight but I had to sadly decline."
"Sorry, Mace is it? But we must be on our way now, hopefully your boyfriend is able to stay up passed his bedtime just this once though, I'm sure the senior center will make the exception for you. Good luck, we'll be rooting for you."
Natasha pulls you out of the bar within the same instant, leaving the blonde a spluttering mess, and her heart soars unbelievably high at the sound of your unfiltered laughter.
"Oh my gosh! Did you see her face?! That was fucking amazing, you're truly amazing!"
Natasha's quick to pull you into a kiss as the heightened feelings of joy overwhelm her, lightly leaning into you as she maneuvers your body against the brick wall, but before it could divulge into a rushed night she pulls back.
"Woah..." You mutter, mouth remaining agape as the realization of what took place hits you.
She chuckles at your adorably shocked face then places another sweet kiss to your cheek as she links her hands with yours, and then pulls you down the street.
"Yeah, I might've gotten ahead of myself there darling, I hope I didn't scare you off."
You swiftly quell her worries, then allow her to lead you to the 24/7 diner you're already intimately familiar with as a college student. Which is made rather apparent to the assassin as she watches you being greeted with a warm embrace. Had the lady not been nearing her sixties she might've even been jealous, but you agreeably being here with her was enough to calm her truly unwarranted feelings.
"Y/N! Sweetheart, it's been so long, it's so good to see you!" Eliza greets you with a firm hug, tiny arms doing their best to wrap around you, and you reciprocate the gesture by loosely wrapping your arms around her fragile form.
"Mama Liz, how have you been? Sorry, but college has been kicking my behind these last couple weeks. So between the masters coursework, and the bar I've been a bit preoccupied."
"I've been great dear, I hope you have been as well, don't go overworking yourself now."
"Tired, but overall yes, I'm doing well."
"That's good dear, now let's get the two of you seated, booth or table?" She asks while picking up two menus, even if she knows you won't be needing it.
You look back to your date with a soft smile, still shocked to see the gorgeous redheaded woman behind you, and she understands you're both leaving the decision up to her.
"A booth would be nice." Natasha quietly decides, suddenly nervous having now already met someone who—judging by the title you'd greeted her with, seems to be important to you.
Natasha slides into her side with apparent ease, whereas you cautiously take your seat across from her, slightly sucking in to ensure you're not embarrassingly struggling to fit into the narrow space. Natasha obviously sees this, inwardly she's cursing herself for not even considering the limitations of a booth, but she remains quiet and averts her gaze to the menu. Once you're comfortable with the seating you silently observe her as she curiously overlooks the menu.
"The t-bone steak with your choice of eggs and country style potatoes seems like it would be something you'd like." You suddenly state, and her accompanying chuckle makes you a bit nervous to hear her thoughts.
"Yeah, is that right now?" She teases, lowering her menu a tad to meet your gaze.
"Yeah, you don't seem like you'd be all that interested in the sweet side of breakfast; so really the steak, potatoes and eggs is simple enough, and you seem like a practical person."
"Honey, it's currently one in the morning, I'd like to think practicality was kinda thrown out the window." She jests, then places her menu down and takes a sip of the water before her.
She observes the slight fall of your face, recognizing the insecurity that once again is written all over you, and she hates how truly engrained it all is in your mind.
"Fair point, well, I'm getting the classic burger with fries and a chocolate shake." You apprise her of your order while nervously fidgeting as you begin to stack up the abundance of creamers on the table.
Natasha reaches out to grip your hands, successfully stopping your stacking game, consequently pulling your distant gaze up to meet hers. Her kind smile works to bring you back to the moment, and you suddenly feel this need to apologize for the sudden mood drop.
"I'm sorr—."
"Hey, hey, sweet girl... Please don't apologize, whatever it is you're feeling is more than okay. How can I help?"
Before you could voice your insecurity driven thoughts Mama Liz interrupts the both of you, taking the both of your orders, and as you'd expected Natasha does order the T-Bone Steak breakfast. As soon as Liz takes off Natasha looks for you to continue, squeezing your hand for encouragement, and so with a slight hesitance you nervously begin to ramble.
"It's just, I don't understand why you're here. Even though you've told me why, I just can't wrap my head around it, because there were so many people at the bar you could've gone home with. So many people that were far closer to being in your league, so much prettier even. I'm just an average looking chubby girl, and normally I don't struggle to see my worth, but this still just feels like a big old joke to me. There's no fathomable reason you, The Black Widow, gorgeous as you are would want to be caught dead with someone like me."
Natasha's jaw briefly tenses at the way you speak so ill of yourself, it truly boils her blood because you're genuinely gorgeous. Clearly you're blinded by what society has told you to think of yourself, and she plans to undo this horrific conditioning of yours, to let you see just what she sees when she looks to you. Quickly she'd gotten up and situated herself beside you on your side of the booth. Using her left hand she guides your face up to get you to look at her. Her other hand remains atop of yours on the table, subtly intertwining her fingers with your own as she does her best to reassure you once again.
"Y/N, you are so fucking gorgeous, every single last bit of you. Whoever has told you otherwise deserves to have their eyes removed for their inability to use them correctly, then honestly to have their asses beat for lying to you. Now, to answer your looming question, none of those people at the bar had what you do, because beyond you being incredibly hot, more importantly I can tell you're beautiful in every other way as well. Whatever it is you've been made to see, I need you to work to unsee it, and to realize your beauty because I want you in anyway you will let me have you, and if I'm being honest with you I'm sort of hopeful it's in totality."
"I'm sorry, I really don't mean to seem so insecure, honestly it's embarrassing."
"Oh sweetheart, it's okay, you deserve to be cherished, and I promise to do just that this early morning."
Natasha leans forward to capture your lips in a gentle kiss, hopeful it's enough to reassure you, though she once again finds herself reluctant to pull away but she somehow finds the strength to do so just in time for the food to arrive.
Mama Liz silently settles the food down on your rightful sides, then as Natasha shifts back to her original seat Liz sends a knowing wink your way and you find yourself shying away.
"Enjoy the food ladies."
"Thank you ma'am." Natasha politely says with her nervous eyes on the elder woman.
"Oh no dear, Mama Liz is just fine, because any friend of Y/N's is a friend of mine." She sweetly relays, emphasizing the word 'friend' as she sends another not so subtle wink your way.
Silence falls over the table as the both of you dig into your plates, sounds of forks scraping and muffled chewing is all that really fills the space around you until the Russian finally asks you the highly anticipated question.
"So... How do you know Mama Liz?"
"She's the owner of my favorite diner." You purposefully answer with sparse details, then you lightly chuckle at the sounds of her displeased huff.
"I mean—."
"I know what you mean." You playfully tease her, then go on to give her what she wanted.
"I'm not from New York if you hadn't figured that out yet, I am actually from a small town out in California, which I'm grateful for because living in that state had at least prepared me for the sheer size of this place." You relay, pausing to gulp down a drink of your water before continuing on.
"When I arrived here on a wing and a prayer five years ago, I had effectively known nobody, so in turn my first year here was rather lonely. I'd come here, order this exact meal, and focus in on my studies while the ambiance of the building provided me much needed comfort. Over time Eliza here took notice of me, so on nights when the restaurant was slow she'd just sit with me and converse over a cup of coffee. The simple gesture was the only thing that had made me feel welcome in this massive city, she really was my only friend."
Natasha smirks at the way you dually emphasize the use of the term friend, now understanding the true meaning behind the elder woman's previous inflection, and her underlying protectiveness over you.
"To this day she is still my greatest adversary, she's taken such great care of me over the years. This one time when she was comforting me over a bad break up I had kinda let the title slip, and she hushed my apologies with happy acceptance instead. She's truly a sweet woman, who deserves nothing short of the world."
Natasha admires the way you speak with such care for the woman, a newfound appreciation for the diner owner arises as she hears about the ways in which she's cared for you; shocking hope knocks at her heart in anticipation that one day she'll be able to be the one to comfort you instead.
"She's actually retired for the most part, having passed the diner off to her son a couple years back, but he recently got really sick though so she's currently holding down the fort again. So on the days when I have the free time I come in to work with her. She tries to pay me, and when I vehemently refuse she'll still find a way to slip a $20 into my pocket and shove an entire weeks worth of food into my hand." Somberly the words leave your mouth, followed by an exaggerated sigh as you finish off, finally looking up to see the beautiful woman already staring at you.
"Mama Liz is actually reserved for me, so you should honestly feel extra special." You lightly tease the woman who only returns your teasing with a gentle smile.
"Well, you two have a great night, I'll see you next weekend my darling girl." Eliza relays while suddenly popping up, refilling your empty water cups as she does, and turning to you for confirmation and you lightly nod.
Before walking away she places a tender kiss to your cheek, glaring at you in subtle challenge as she sees you consider wiping the remnants of the wet kiss off, triumphantly smiling at the both of you when you decided to leave it be.
"Keep her safe, and be good to my sweet Y/N." She reiterates with a soft glare when looking to the Avenger sat before you, causing you to stifle your laughter when you notice the almost fearful look in the former assassin's eyes.
"Of course ma'a—Mama Liz, I promise." Natasha stutters out, subtly correcting herself, and you observe her wide smile when the woman leans down to kiss her cheek as well.
You'd basically watched as her anxieties all but faded away under the tender touch of the elder woman, and you felt an abundance of hope consume you at the sight of your comfort person and your new prospective lover getting along so well.
"I know you will..." She confirms with a firm squeeze to the former assassins shoulder before rushing off to take her leave.
Shonda, the woman clocking in to replace Eliza waves your way while assisting another table, instantly peeking the redheads interest as she observes the interaction with jealous curiosity.
"Who's that?"
Her voice was laced with an obvious distaste she'd been trying to hide, and you smirked over the bite of your burger at the thought of her potentially being jealous.
"Shonda, she works twelve hour graveyard shifts twice a week to cover the bills her student loans, and supplemental payments from the government don't cover. Her husband was shipped off a couple months ago to be thrown into combat, thus leaving her alone to finish her last year of undergrad with a nearly five month old. Lovely woman."
Natasha's shoulders settle at your in depth description of the woman, allowing her to know that she was expressly spoken for, then she tenses once more when she sees you dipping a fry into your shake.
"What in the world are you doing?"
"This, Miss Romanoff, is a diner delicacy." You  tease, passing the sticky fry over and staring expectantly at her as she observes it fearfully.
The melted chocolate ice cream begins to drip down the fry, nearly reaching her fingertips so she reluctantly throws the questionable food into her mouth, and you silently cheer at the involuntary moan that leaves her mouth.
"Shit, that's shockingly good." She states while doing grabby hands, causing you to giggle loudly at her enthusiasm.
You push your shake, along with your fries to the center of the table, then gesture for her to have at it, watching amusedly as she dips her own into your shake with an almost childlike glee.
"How's everything going over here?" Shonda's customer voice sings in question, successfully popping your bubble, and you stand at the sound of her voice to pull her into a bear hug.
"Pictures!" You pretty much shriek in her face, ignoring her question, and Natasha just continues to devour your food while silently observing the interaction.
"He's sitting up with barely any assistance now, and look at him, the little shit looks just like his father. I did all the damn work, and still am as of right now, and if you saw us together at the grocery store you'd think I'd kidnapped him."
"Oh you hush, he literally has your nose." You try to reason with her, receiving a harsh slap to your arm for a reason you're unaware of.
"Do you see the size of that nose?! Mine is tiny and cute, how incredibly rude..."
You roll your eyes at her asinine antics, then sit back down across from your date when the chef calls out that an order is ready to go out.
"Well, duty calls, feel free to leave whenever. Your guy's tab was already covered—Eliza's orders, I hope that you two have a wonderful night, and I'll see you next weekend sweets."
"Oh no, please do let me pay." Natasha panics, instantly reaching for her wallet, but Shonda dismisses her with the shake of her hand.
Natasha frowns when she swiftly takes off to assist the other tables, so she huffs and defiantly places a crisp $100 bill onto the table under the already stacked dishes and stands with her hand extended out for yours.
"That was very sweet of you Natasha, especially when the meal was definitely no more than $35." You coo, placing a kiss to her cheek in thanks as you both exit the diner, and Natasha's just grateful for the cover of night so that you don't see her blushing.
"It was honestly nothing dorogoy."
The both of you set off in the direction of your apartment that was only a little ways up the street. You were happily swinging your interlocked hands while talking about anything and everything imaginable and Natasha was honestly more than happy to just listen to you. It was honestly amazing to watch as you'd gone from this hesitant, closed off shell of a human to an overzealous goof in just under a few hours.
"This is me." You shyly announce, stopping in front of the set of semi-rundown studio apartments.
"Noooo, it can't be." Natasha whines, stomping her feet in clear protest, and moving her hands to hold you in front of her by your love handles.
Seeing the woman who's globally known for her ever so stoic disposition whining amuses you tremendously, especially over something as minor as you departing after only having just met earlier in the night. So you smirk at her, which only causes her to deepen her pout, then she catches you off guard by moving to trap you against the brick walls of your building.
The sheer force with which she uses to shove you into the wall shouldn't shock you but it most definitely does as you gasp at the impact. Most individuals have avoided having to move you around, so you'd never actually thought you'd find someone willing to, let alone able to do so, and the act alone had you feeling dizzy.
Her lips pressing against yours with bruising force also did nothing to distract you from your already impure thoughts. You found yourself eagerly matching her force, moving your lips in tandem against one another's until the both of you were eventually pulling back as you were completely void of oxygen in your lungs.
"I still haven't been able to cherish you like I promised detka." She breathlessly rasps against your kiss swollen lips, voice having dropped an entire octave; streetlights perfectly illuminated her face, and gave you a clear view of her lust filled orbs.
"What's stopping you?" You challenge the woman with a playful smile, and quirked brow.
"Lead the way angel." She muses, forcefully spinning you around by your plush hips until your stood before her as a guide.
Her tight hold on your hips remains as you make your way to the door, keys in hand, but the nerves began to drown out your fleeting wave of confidence thus causing your ability to unlock a door to all but disappear. Natasha's right hand slowly trails up your side, nimble fingers lightly cascade down the expanse of your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake as they travel with purpose to grab the color coded keys from your shaky hands.
"Which key is it sweetheart?"
"Gre-en." You manage to stutter out over your incredibly dry throat, and as if she can sense the nerves—of course she can—her lips move to place a gentle kiss to the side of your neck as she simultaneously unlocks the door and guides you inside.
Before she can pounce on you though as she intends to a loud meow, followed by a protective hiss halts her movements.
"Jesus, Kitty Baby, don't go scaring off my beautiful guest." You scold the calico pigmy cat, gently lifting her up to properly introduce her to the redhead before passing her along and filling the cat's bowl with food.
"Her name is kitty baby?" She asks, humor clear in her tone as she sets your tiniest love down at her food bowl.
"Well, yeah..." You nervously answer her, scratching at the back of your neck and the redhead moves quickly to envelop you in her strong arms.
"That's just adorable." She humorously mumbles against your lips before leaning in to tenderly kiss you, leading to you pretty much melting against her as she guides you by your hips to lean against your counter.
"Oh love, I can't wait to have you beneath me, giving you all the tenderness that you deserve, is that what you want too?"
The words hardly register in your mind as her kisses begin to trail down your neck, desperate whimpers fall from your lips as it sinks in for you just how touch starved you've truly been.
"Honey, are you with me?" Natasha asks, very much aware of the effect she's having on you, and loving every second of it.
Humming—it's all you can do in this instance to let her know that you're presently in the moment with her. Eyes lazily flutter open though once you feel her lips leaving your collarbone, and her eyes bore into your own expectantly.
"My beautiful, sweet angel, I need words before I can go any further here, what do you want?"
"Please baby, just cherish me..." You whimper, shiver running down the redheads spine at the desperation in your tone as you plead for her.
"I truly don't mind cherishing you here angel, but a bed might be more comfortable."
Even though your mind was muddy, and your legs felt like jelly when you walked you managed to guide her into your room. With a gentleness she'd pushed you back onto your mattress, and then moved to straddle your thighs. Natasha was rather cautious when approaching the subject of removing your own dress.
"Detka, can I?" She husks into your ear, while her fingers twist the bottom of your dress and she breathes in deeply to work to contain her urges.
She had began to lightly grind her hips down against your own to keep the arousal flowing. Too far gone to even feel embarrassed by the idea of her seeing you so exposed you happened to mumble out a:
"Daddy please, take it off."
Intentions—as pure as they can be, are not always met with equivalent actions when one's in the heat of the moment. A flip had switched in Natasha at the title that naturally rolled off your tongue, and in a completely feral state she'd ripped your dress in half.
"Fuck..." She groaned, watching excitedly at the way your nipples immediately perked up at the contact with the cold air since you were already braless.
Natasha's mouth connected to yours briefly before her lips and nimble fingers trailed down the entirety of your body with a purpose. Delicate fingers trace over your stretch marks with the utmost care, leaving behind bursts of goosebumps that are then followed by soft lips leaving behind a multitude of love bites in their wake before she makes her way down.
"Honey, can I?"
"Yes, please..."
"Good girl..." She praises while pulling your panties off in one swift motion, grateful for your use of both your words and manners.
Her firm grip on your thighs has your body shaking with anticipation when she spreads them further than you could do on your own. Natasha breathes in deeply, letting the smell of your arousal consume her before she's diving right in.
"Oh, oh, shitt..."
Expertly—she uses her tongue to bring you over the edge within a matter of minutes, remaining there even longer as she makes sure to lap up every last drop of your addicting arousal. After being substantially satisfied with her collection she pulls back to marvel at the sight of your glistening folds.
While her fingers teasingly ran through your slick folds she had began to need to rub her own thighs together in search of the much needed friction. In a frenzied state she pulled away, leaving you to whimper at the loss of contact, spurring her on to move quickly to rip her clothing off, so that she could then straddle your right thigh without pesky barriers. A low moan fell from her at the slight contact, her hips then began to move with a clear goal, as she ground into your thigh in desperate chase of her release.
"Look at what you did to daddy honey, making me make a mess all over your luscious thighs..."
She'd slowly dipped her fingers back through your folds to collect your arousal, teasingly rolling over your sensitive nub before trailing back down to push two fingers into your pulsating entrance. Your incoherent babbles had brought a brief smirk to her face before her own mouth fell open, releasing the filthiest of moans that only furthered your own arousal.
Natasha could hardly keep herself up between the overwhelming pleasure she was receiving by humping your thigh, and the delicious feeling of your warm, tight walls holding her fingers captive. She was nearing her breaking point—movements becoming erratic, and at the same time that Natasha had curled her fingers up inside of you, and used her thumb to rub against your clit you'd tensed the muscles in your thigh effectively throwing the both of you over and into a state of pure bliss.
Natasha instantaneously fell into you, lips smashing into yours carelessly, and her tongue wasted no time in pushing passed your lips to explore the entirety of your mouth while the both of you were still reeling from your mind blowing orgasms.
"We're not done yet, I always come prepared..." She husks against your lips before she's pulling back with a renewed energy while moving to collect something from her bag.
The familiar sounds of her fastening the strap to herself had you a tad bit nervous, but the excitement of it all weighed it out. Natasha crawled back onto the bed, hovering her face above yours before leaning in for a much sweeter kiss than the previous ones.
"Listen honey, I'm going to ask you to do something, and I want you to please consider trying it before you just say no."
With the way she looked to you, the nerves were now beginning to drown out the excitement, so you silently nodded in vague agreement.
"Daddy's going to lay against these pillows, and you're going to ride my cock, okay? I promise there's nothing to worry about, I got you..."
"What if I hu—."
"Honey, you could never hurt me, I promise... I'm starting to wonder myself if you might be the thing that actually makes me whole again."
Natasha wipes away at the tears that threaten to fall from your eyes at her sincere words, then she places a kiss to your nose, and smiles kindly down at you when you nod shyly in favor of her request. Natasha gets situated on the bed, hands reaching up to hold yours while you struggle to maneuver across the memory foam mattress. Nearly falling on top of her like you'd feared, but once again her strength amazed you, saving you from the embarrassment of it all with a cheeky wink thrown your way.
Natasha holds one of your hands while using her other to guide the faux cock to your entrance, gaze nothing short of encouraging as you begin to lower yourself onto the strap. Wincing at the way it had stretched you out, Natasha was quick to comfort you:
"Shhh.. You're okay honey, move whenever you're ready."
Never had you done something like this before, it's always just been missionary, or down on all fours. You'd say it's because the idea terrified you, but more so it's because your previous partners were never interested in such a thing with you, it was always just about a quick release with you for them. Natasha observed the hesitancy, but was patient and allowed you the time to explore, watching in adoration as you slowly began to grind against her.
The strap moved inside the both of you at the perfect angle once you'd finally got the hang of lightly bouncing, testing out your limits and finding immense pleasure in it. The coil within Natasha's abdomen was tightening far quicker than before now that she was able to see you in this new way. Carefree as can be as you rode her strap, breasts bouncing in rapid succession along with your belly. Her marks beautifully littered across your skin, illuminated by the sweat that had layered your body, and the different noises that filled the room were driving her absolutely crazy.
Natasha watched on as your moves began to falter, exhaustion rather prominent in your eyes, and she herself was barely holding on. Planting her feet firmly into the bed she'd aggressively thrusted her hips upwards, causing you to fall forward, but Natasha's arm was quick to wrap around you to rotate your bodies. Slamming you down into mattress, thus causing the strap to reach your furthest depths, causing you to scream as your arousal came gushing out of you, drenching her strap, and the sheets beneath the both of you. Natasha's climax was just as intense, having found the way that you just came undone below her so unbelievably hot, her intense screams slightly muffled against your neck.
After your third orgasm had ran through you Natasha could tell you were spent, honestly, she was too after the long week she'd just had. Bodies seemingly molded together as one once she settled atop of you; the panting, sweaty mess she was, lazily placing tender kisses over the marks she'd left behind while the both of you came down from your collective highs.
"Thank you..." A choked out phrase tumbles from your lips, vulnerability obvious, and heartbreaking as she felt you lightly shaking from beneath her.
"It was truly my pleasure detka, there's no need for thanks." She reassures you before attaching her lips to yours for a lazy round of making out.
Exhaustion doesn't even stop her from kissing you as your lips are far too intoxicating, sighs of contentment leaving her in the moment tell you just how happy she truly is. The only thing able to convince her to pull away is the pained whine that reverberates through her mouth from your throat when her knee had accidentally brushed against your puffy, sensitive core.
Natasha reluctantly pulls back from your lips only to settle on admiring you, leaning her face onto her hand that's propped up by her elbow. Total serenity consumes her at the sight of your stilled features, taking her fingers she gently trailed them across your face until she coaxed you from your nearing sleep state.
"Hey there sunshine..." She sweetly whispers once your eyes finally open, thumb dragging along your kiss swollen lips as she does.
"Hi..." You croak out, then with an embarrassed smile you turn to bury your face into her shoulder.
Natasha loves how shy you suddenly became even after the intense ways in which you'd both just intimately used one another's bodies for pleasure. Her hand went up to cup the back of your head to hold you close while she whispered into your ear.
"Moya prekrasnaya devushka, I'm going to be right back, don't fall asleep just yet..."
(My beautiful girl)
After your hum of acknowledgment she'd kissed your temple then took off towards your kitchen. Collecting two glasses of ice water, and preparing a post love making snack as fast as she could before making her way back to you.
"Honey, where are your night clothes?"
Lazily you'd pointed out the top drawer, so she'd sifted through it to find you a camisole and pair of panties, then for herself she took an old graphic T-shirt that fortunately for her had smelled just like you. After she'd cleaned you both up, then redressed your now self aware form she'd sat herself against the headboard and beckoned you close.
"Dorogoy, come here..."
Shyly you'd set yourself in her lap, allowing her to pull your back flush against her front as she cuddled you from behind, nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck for the brief moment of peace it offered her.
"I made us a snack, then after we eat we can go to sleep..."
Natasha broke the sandwich she'd made in half, handing you your side before digging right into her own like a woman starved. Without much consideration you also took a large bite, but grew to quickly regret it as your body was thrown into a coughing fit.
"Natasha, what exactly ... is ... this?"
"A peanut butter sandwich...?"
"Jeezus, so I introduce you to a delicacy, and you go and try to kill me with this brick of a sandwich. I'm not rich, but I know damn well I had jelly."
Natasha's laughter warms your heart as it reaches your ears, and shakes throughout your body with her underneath you.
"Come on, it's not that bad.." She gets out over her laughter while raising your glass of water to your lips to offer you much needed 'salvation.'
"Much better..." You exaggeratedly sigh out, quickly rolling away to avoid the pinch headed for your hips, but she pounced on you anyways.
The laughter faded quickly as the exhaustion resettled into your bodies, and you smiled at the way Natasha had decided to attach herself to you like a koala bear.
"Goodnight detka..." She breathes against your collarbones, and you return the sentiment while pulling the blanket up over your bodies.
Natasha had to rush off the following morning after receiving a text from Maria that she had been needed for an emergency mission. Broodingly she'd traveled around the room to collect her belongings, slowly redressing herself so that she could continue to admire your sleeping form. Natasha's gaze happily rested on the swell of your ass while she pulled a pen out of her bag to leave you behind a note. Leaving a kiss in the corner of the letter, she then does the same to your cheek before reluctantly taking off out of your front door.
When you woke up to an empty bed your heart had honestly sank, the fear that she'd just used her learned deceptive skills to have you convinced you were more than a challenging fuck ran through your mind. Your tear line had begun to fill, but as you sat up your sight fell to your bedside table. Sat atop the furnishing was a beautifully written note, a bottle of water, granola bar and a business card with her personal information.
After a moment of just sitting there with your eyes closed, trying to stabilize the nervous fluttering heart in your chest you finally found the bravery to pick up the note.
"Dearest Y/N,
I'll be back, no promises on when exactly, but just know that I did NOT want to leave your side this morning. Because honey, you looked far too delectable for your own good, but sadly duty calls, so once I finish saving the world I'll be back to pick up where we'd left off...
Take care of yourself,
XO, Natasha 💋"
The simple note had truly made your heart swell, filling with the kind of hope you'd only ever dreamed of—Natasha was proving rather quickly to be your wildest dream come true.
The week had come to an end pretty quickly, and you were currently finishing up your shift at the bar; relief spreading throughout your aching muscles as you spun around to place a final drink before a young man when a familiar flash of red had caught your gaze. Natasha was stood off to the side of the bar with a wide smile, her hair thrown up into a messy bun, wearing a tight pair of jeans, that she'd paired with an oversized hoodie that you immediately recognized as the one missing from your closet.
"Welcome to the Glory Hole where we aim to pleasure you, what can I get you to help satisfy your deepest desires?" You cheekily greet the woman with another one of Bob's greatest quips.
Natasha licks her lips before attempting to answer you, and you obviously notice the not so subtle way in which her eyes fall to your exposed chest before they return to meet your own which causes you to smile cheekily while you were drying a cup in wait for her answer.
"You know honey, I'm so glad you'd asked, because I was really hoping to escort the prettiest girl in the bar here to this adorable diner up the street. What do you—."
"Well good thing I'm free then." Macy cuts in, causing your entire body to tense and face to fall in anticipation of the impending taunts.
"Look, my patience for you is truly nonexistent. So run along, suck face with the guy who's nearing his deathbed, and leave my beautiful angel and I alone."
Macy huffs at the sheer humiliation, stomping off in the direction of her knight in shining diapers, and you run around the counter to hug the woman close in thanks.
"I'll be waiting right out front for you detka..." She tenderly promises with a kiss to both of your cheeks.
As you'd exited the bar you were greeted with a bouquet of flowers, followed by a chaste kiss to your lips before a motorcycle helmet was then fastened over your head.
"I got you..." She coos as you anxiously settled behind her and held onto for dear life as she'd secretly anticipated, then she drove off towards Eliza's.
Natasha sat in a booth that night sipping on her never ending mug of coffee, while filling out her digital mission reports. One report normally took her fifteen minutes, but tonight she'd been far too distracted, admiring the way that you, Shonda and Mama Liz worked so harmoniously together.
"Why did you even work at the bar?" She wonders to herself before attempting to refocus herself on the task before her.
It was to no avail though, because whenever you laughed her heart would skip a beat, and when you bustled by her booth her eyes would be stuck on your adorable, focused expression. Then when the diner had slowed, and you sat across from her with fries and a shake, her report was long forgotten as her entire focus was on the descriptions of your week gone by.
If there was one thing the redhead was entirely sure of as she watched you peacefully sleeping beside her that night it was that you were it for her. Peace was hard to come by in her line of work, so after the calm you'd been able to bring her just by being near had effectively settled in she was hooked. Natasha knew from the moment she saw you that you deserved the world, and she vowed to herself to be the one to give it to you.
A woman like you deserved to be cherished...
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goth-mami-writer · 26 days
A post about my life lately.
(If you fucking care ✌️🫠)
⚠️Tw: There's some mentions in this that may stir certain emotions regarding✨️pro-choice✨️mindsets (abortion) and vomiting. So if you think that's gonna upset you, don't interact pls. Thx.⚠️
I've been away. And here's why without being theatrical - I found out I was pregnant again. And....I wasn't happy.
I'm a mom to 1 already and...I knew that I couldn't do it again. It's hard, to be as frank as I can. The physical effect of pregnancy on the body is something...I despise? I had awful, TERRIBLE sickness the first time anddd fuck, it was the same this time.
Yeah, no. You can go ahead and count me out.
Well- Were you using BiRtH CoNtrOl?!, you may ask?
Yes. Abso-fuckin-lutely. I had an IUD inserted two months after I had my first kid. Cause FUCK THAT. I knew I didn't want another. My son's awesome. Being his mom is my reason for living. But pregnancy is not for me.
So- this being the decision, I fucking called the one person I goddamn trust and that's Mera. ❤️ @short-honey-badger
And bitch, did we plan a trip. We had to drive OUT OF OUR STATE TO RECEIVE THE CARE NECESSARY. (That's a topic for another day tho t-.-t )
✨️Anyways,✨️ Mera is a badass and drove me to said appointment as I'm fighting the most debilitating nausea. All I could stand to eat without vomiting was fucking popsicles and slushies. So yum at 5 am, BTW.
~But here's where shit gets wild~
I show up, ready to have this done. Get on with my life. Maybe start writing again because I know that I'll feel better. The nurses and staff were incredible and sweet. But there was one problem.....my IUD was out of place, they tell me.
Okay? I knew that, right? Obviously, that's why it didn't work and I got pregnant. Makes sense.
NONONONO. I'm laying on a table out of my home state, laughing gassed out of MY FUCKING MIND, with a lady doctor telling me in the calmest demeanor that she can that I need FUCKING ✨️EMERGENCY SURGERY✨️
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So...the staff is obviously letting me recover from the procedure- THE ONE I JUST HAD. and now I'm being fed all this medical jargon basically saying that if I didn't receive surgery, this IUD was gonna tear its way into my other organs because it was already embedded in the muscle tissue of my abdomen.
Fucking AWESOME.
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Luckily, all these people were contracted to the local hospital in this city and they were going to let them know I was coming over and all that good jazz, but I basically needed to get over there. Like...now. RIGHT NEOW. 💀
So then it's me and Mera just navigating parts of a city that we just DO NOT fucking know, trying to get me to said hospital where this surgery needed to take place. It wasn't far but goddamn this hospital had absolute SHIT parking. It was a monster to fucking navigate as well. Luckily, I was on some good pain meds that were keeping me kinda stable, but ooohhhh, not for long.
We get checked into the ER and yeah, I started HURTING. Not to mention also, viciously nauseous once again. But this time, because I hadn't eaten anything since 5am and I was told that it would basically be fucking ILLEGAL for me to eat again until I got off this operating table.
(I thought you said it was an emergency, why didn't they have you in OR yet??)
My particular case needed staffing of crazy ass doctors to oversee this procedure. I swear to God, I met like 5 people in the four hours that I sat in the emergency room before being prepped for surgery.
I was rolled out for testing like four different times! All kinds of shit just being shot into my IV while I'm still fucked up on the first dose of morphine that's still whooping my ass in and out of consciousness as Mera is at my bedside like,
"O.o u okay?" (Bc she's an angel that stayed with me during the entirety of this fucking insanity like T-T)
FINALLY. I got into my fucking surgery. It went fine, everything is fine. But goddamn, I'm exhausted. Mera was exhausted. We'd been up for almost 24hrs at this point in the day and now I'm finally being admitted into an actual room for post-op recovery.
That next morning before my discharge, I was let know the gravity of my situation and things like that. I was reassured that nothing I did caused this IUD to move. And that meant one thing-
It was never inserted correctly in the first place.
✨️So✨️ let me be the first one to tell you- please. For the love of FUCK. Go get your IUD checked. Via fucking ultrasound.
Don't let that sassy nurse stick a speculum in your fuggin hoo-haa and tell you she can see the strings so you're good.
Check your IUD!!! Or you're gonna be knocked up, getting a little pregnancy✨️deletion✨️ in a strange state where a really nice lady doctor is gonna tell you that you're like weeks away from internally bleeding and need dire abdominal surgery to prevent that. And all you're gonna have is your bestfriend who you feel terrible for bc she didn't sign up for any of this bullshit. But there you are, passed out on morphine, hungry, confused, nauseous and WAITING FOR SURGEONS.
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iguana-eyanna · 8 months
do i hate you or do i just need to kiss you
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Pairing: Lewis Capaldi x Singer! Reader
Summary: For some reason, both you and Lewis hate each other. But that changes after one night being forced to be with each other in an enclosed space
"Hold the elevator please!" You yell out loud.
You were muttering under your breath, as your heels were killing you at one of the award shows you were nominated for. You were really looking forward for tonight. This was your second time being nominated and you hoped to bring your first award home.
But, a certain scottish songwriter had to steal your spotlight once again.
Yes, you had quiet feud with the famous singer, Lewis Capaldi. You two were often stuck with one another at award shows or events. People thought you two would be a good fit with each other, but each interaction was filled with wallowing and grumbling under breaths.
You were about to thank the person who waited for you to get in the elevator and you see Lewis again, who didn't look too happy as he just saw you fighting with your poofy dress.
"Oh, just my luck," you muttered under her breath.
Lewis rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Can't escape me, can you?"
You resumed silence as you pulled in the entirety of your dress inside and pressed the floor that you wanted to go up to, as most of the singers booked rooms above the banquet hall at the venue.
Lewis just stared at you as you were clearly not wanting to be here and in his rare moment, decided not to say anything that can turn into a fight.
Could this night get any worse?
The rest of the ride was silent until the elevator jolted to a stop, plunging them into sudden darkness. You let out an exasperated sigh, while Lewis groaned.
"Great, just what I needed," you grumbled, trying to press the emergency button but no one replied right away.
Lewis pulled out his phone, seeing that he had no reception, and just decided to turn on his flashlight.
"I think the elevator thinks your dress is too much." Lewis chimed in, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Like your personality?" You snapped back at him, clearly upset.
As minutes turned to what felt like infinity, the two musicians exchanged impatient glances. The tension was palpable, and the silence became unbearable.
Each of you chose a corner to sit down. You chose to take off your pinchy shoes and you looked at Lewis who was mildly bored.
"You know," you finally broke the silence, "it's not like I planned for this to happen."
Lewis raised an eyebrow. "What, getting stuck in an elevator with you?"
You smirked. "Oh, please. As if I'd choose this."
"Well, it's not on my list of preferred evening activities either," Lewis retorted.
"Since we're talking about that, why don't you entertain me on what you'd rather be doing now?" You ask, crossing your arms.
"Psh, like you want to know." He says, shaking his head. He looks over to your shoulder as you await his answer.
"Wait, you're serious?" He asks.
"I got nowhere to be." You said, leaning your back against the cool metal.
Lewis looks down at his lap and thinks a bit.
"I'd be watching Love Island."
"Wait, wasn't your ex on the show?" You ask.
"Yeah, but I skipped the season she was in, she kept on mentioning that I wrote a song about her."
You couldn't help but stifle a chuckle until you started to laugh hysterically.
"I am so glad I'm not you!" You said, also making Lewis join in your laughter.
As the two of you were still confined in your small space, something shifted. You two spoke more compared to any of the small encounters you had in public. You and Lewis started sharing about early struggles in the industry, the sleepless nights spent perfecting lyrics, and the moments when you both doubted your own talents.
You began to shift closer to Lew, your past frustration giving way to a faint smile. "You know, for someone who's my 'rival,' you're surprisingly... human."
Lewis chuckled. "You're not the ice queen everyone thinks you are either."
You share a fake gasp as you hit Lewis playfully in the shoulder.
"Hey um... I wanted to say that I really thought you were going to win tonight. Your album really blew me away."
"Wait, the Lewis Capaldi listened to my music?" You fake gasp.
"I'm trying to compliment you and you're making fun of me?" He asks, crossing his arms at you.
"I'm sorry, not used to you sharing something nice about me." You explained.
"I kinda deserve that. But truly, I hope you get the next nomination. You really deserve it."
You give him a small smile, feeling a sort of flutter in your chest.
"Thank you." You said, slightly blushing.
Lewis comes closer to you, staring at your beautiful eyes in the dim lights gave from your phones.
"Have you ever listened to my stuff?" He asks, amusingly.
"Occasionally." You whisper.
His eyes glint at how you're slightly teasing him.
"I feel like you're holding back with me, love."
You slightly scoff when he calls you that.
"What?" Lewis said.
"I didn't say anything." You replied, trying not to be obvious.
"That lil' scoff you did when I called you love. You're flustered, aren't ya?"
You stare at him with disbelief.
"You know what? I remember why I didn't like you in the first place." You said.
"Oh, so we're being like that again. For a minute I thought you were pretty cool but you're still childish." He bit back.
You got up from where you sat and placed your hands on your hips.
"You're incomparable, Capaldi."
He got up and crossed his arms.
"You're a menace."
Both of you began to burn up with tension, and for some reason, you attacked his lips with a kiss.
Lewis held you tightly on your waist as your hands went through his hair, making him slightly whimper. The kiss began to grow deeper and deeper until a groan was made by the elevator and the harsh fluorescent light turned back on.
You and Lewis broke out of your embrace in a flash, too stunned to realize what each person had done. The elevator opened and you two stared at a few hotel staff and the maintenance who quickly apologized for what happened.
"It's uh - it's alright." Lewis said in a whisper, quickly brushing his light brown hair away from his face.
You nodded in agreement, already grapping your clutch purse and shoes.
"I'm just going to take the stairs." You said in a hurry, quickly running away from the scene.
Lewis was about to run after you, but his manager stopped him in his tracks, trying to see if he was alright.
He just looked at you slightly jogging away, out of his grasp.
You were in your bed, sipping on some wine as you indulged watching the bachelor to forget what happened in the past several hours.
You didn't just kiss your archnemesis, no. You kissed someone that you couldn't STAND. How is this possible? You two were bickering in that enclosed room, and then it led to a courteous conversation, then back to fighting, then you combing through his soft locks as your mouth discovered his -
"Stop it." You mumbled to yourself, gulping down your wine to momentarily forget what happened tonight.
Suddenly, you heard a soft knock on your door. You wanted to ignore it, but something told you to at least check who it was. You got up from your bed and put on your slippers, looking through the little peephole in your door.
There stood a slightly anxious Lewis who had his hands in his pockets.
You opened your door and he was slightly bewildered, not thinking you'd opened your door for him.
"He-Hey. I um, I asked your manager where you stayed. I wanted to check if you were alright."
"Yeah, I'm... I'm alright. Just trying to forget I guess." You said, motioning how you were watching reality TV with some wine.
"Well, the thing is that I - I really don't - want to forget, if that makes sense." Lewis said, trying to choose his words carefully.
"Look Lewis. I don't know what came over me. Maybe I just wanted to shut up that cute face of yours -"
"You think I'm cute?" He asks, smirking.
You scoff playfully, rolling your eyes.
"You just love choosing what you want to hear, don't you?"
He shrugs casually as you see how he started to relax a bit.
"I'm sorry. But on a serious note, I feel like I haven't given the best impression of myself to you. I want you to know the real me, someone who doesn't make very obnoxious jokes when he's nervous around pretty girls."
Now it was your turn to smirk as you cross your arms across your chest.
"So, you admit I'm pretty." You said, smiling.
"Okay, okay. I get it, it's annoying." He said.
You unroll your hands and you smile at him, leaning closer to your door.
"I'd love for us to get to know each other. There's this breakfast place I saw nearby the hotel, want to go tomorrow around 10 AM?"
"You're making plans so quickly?" He asks, impressed.
"Well yeah, I need to act fast before I remember why i hate your guts."
"Hate's a strong word." He said, making the two of you laugh.
"But yeah, tomorrow morning sounds good. I'll meet you here."
"Yeah, let's not take the elevator though. I don't like kissing before the first date." You joked.
He smiled before he slowly walked away.
"Agreed, night!" He said, waving to you as you did the same.
You close your door and lean on it for a second, exhaling as you smile to yourself.
This was definitely going to be a night to remember.
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sha-bae · 2 years
The Knights Pet
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Chapter Two
Kylos POV
"Pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen." The greasy old man snickered, a smug smirk plastered across his face as he stashed the newly acquired credits in his shirt pocket. He whistled loudly, calling a red haired women over and instructed her to retrieve the girl before promptly  shooing her away. He gave us one last nod and disappeared out of sight.
A rather rowdy group of Devaronions clinked there glasses together loudly and cheered. The devil looking creatures cackled, slapping each other on the backs as they celebrated. In the booth to there right, two Kubaz had managed to untangle themselves into some sort of conflict. They flailed there hands at one another as they spoke in there strange language consisting of only clicks and whistles. It made the interaction just that much more entertaining.
After a while of sitting in silence waiting, my head snapped in the direction of the door from which the girls had first emerged. The red hair women from earlier came through followed by our girl, a heavy chain lease sat around her neck as she was lead back to our table. The red head bowed and presented the end of the leash to me. I took it promptly from her hand, giving her a nod as she scurried away.
The girl pulled at the leather around her neck with an annoyed huff, a look of agitation on her face, a hard contrast from earlier. "Is it to tight, little one?" I questioned her, wanting her to be as comfortable as possible before we headed back for the base. She looked around as if trying to comprehend that I had said but ultimately didn't reply. I motioned with two fingers  for her to come to me. This she seemed to understand, padding towards me hesitantly.
My gloves fingers reached to meet the soft skin of her neck, unbuckling the metal and rebuckling it much looser. The skin that sat beneath the restraint seems irritated and red, like they never took it off. This kindness seemed to satisfy the girl who smiled contently and nuzzled her cheek sweetly against my hand. Maybe Vicrul was correct, this couldn't be so bad.
Me and my men stood, grabbing our weapons as we did, and turning towards the door. As we started off  to leave the girl followed quickly, not having much of a choice seeing as I was still holding her lead. As we pushed our way through the door the girl stopped, yanking her head back to make it clear that she wasn't going any further.
"She's barefoot" Trudgen pointed out, making it clear that that was the reason for her refusal and not just stubbornness. "I've got her" Vicrul rushed, almost to eager as he hooked a large arm around her waist to pick the girl up. Though I couldn't see his face I knew for a fact that he had to be smiling beneath his mask.
And with that we were off to the ship. As we made our way inside the girls eyes grew wide once again, I was guessing she had never seen the inside of a ship, besides the transport used to bring her to this plant in the first place. We made our way to the control room and started back to the base.
The girl jumped as the door to the Night Buzzard slid swiftly open. The loud sounds of generals and technicians hurrying around the docking bay echoed through the large space. Workers scattered as I exited the ship, knights and girl in tow as I headed for the bridge. The sound of our heavy boots booming against the floor interrupted the silence that had now taken over the room.
The girl stumbled a bit behind me, tripping over her own feet as she hurried along, doing her best to keep pace. Her large eyes wondered the base in amazement, it was like nothing she had ever seen before. So many new faces and things. We walked quickly towards where General Hux would be waiting with new information.
After the First Order had successfully stomped out the entirety of the resistance, including the force sensitive scavenger scum, me and my knights took care of Snoke. Now, I was the supreme leader of the first order, some might even say the galaxy. It was rare that we found groups of resisting fighters, most people knew the first order was much to powerful to be taken down, and they accepted that.
The girl, who was now practically running to keep up with us, reached forward, grabbing Vicruls leather claud hand in her own. He turned his head ever so slightly, looking down at her before he readjusted his gaze back down the hallway, gritting his teeth beneath his mask. Her hand did it's best to hold onto his massive gloved paw as he pulled her along. His shoulders tense as he tightened his hold on her protectively.
Control yourself
The door to the bridge slid open, revealing a mess of generals scrambling about the room. The chaotic scene didn't surprise me with Hux in charge, that babbling idiot. A group of them stood over a map of the galaxy, discussing ways to destroy the new found base, ways to find if there were others.
"Ren, finally," Hux huffed, a datapad tightly gripped in his pale clammy hand. "While you where out doing god knows what, I've been here cultivating a plan to end this, silliness" he continued, flailing his hands like a fool. "Now I-" His eyes shifted down a bit, landing on the girl who now stood between Vicrul and Trudgen, her mouth hanging open in a small "o" as she scanned the room.
The knights stood on either side of her, towering over her, weapons in hand. "What in the galaxy is that?" The general questioned, gesturing towards her as he tightened his jaw. His eye twitched a bit in that way it always did when I agitated him. Oh how I enjoyed it.
If Ren has taken another prisoner, I'll simply kill myself.
"A companion for my knights," I replied simply, my vocoder rumbling to life as I spoke. "I expect you'll stay far away from her, now get on with it general I don't have all day."
The man scoffed as if I had insulted him. He was after all a high up General for the first order. Why would he want her, of all the women in the galaxy that he could beg for attention from. Rolling his eyes he led me to the control screens.
"The base is located on Basteel, in the Corva sector of the outer rim. They were planning an attack, a revolt against there government for submitting to the first order." he explained pointing to the planet on screen. "One of there own turned in the organization to the Basteel government who then contacted us." I folded my arms behind my back.
Always a weak link
"Send troopers to eliminate everyone associated with the base. Make it known that we will not tolerate resistance" the general nodded promptly, understanding my command. "And as for the rest of Basteel?" He questioned, raising his chin as he awaited my answer. "They've pledged there allegiance to the First order on multiply occasions. Leave the rest of the planet untouched."
With that I turned, booming back down the stairs of the bridge and towards the door. The knights and girl followed closely behind. "Supreme leader" a female general nodded to me as I passed her. "General" I retorted. The door slid open once again and we exited.
As we made our way down the halls of the base the girl couldn't hide her excitement. The sleek black flooring, the eliminated panels that lined the metal walls. It was amazing, not to mention the most interesting thing she had been allowed to see in a very long time.
As I heard my knights come to a halt behind me, I turned to see that the girl had stopped dead in her tracks, staring down a hallway filled with troopers. She blinked at them in astonishment. They were like nothing she had ever seen before. The rush of emotions she was feeling had her frozen as the booming footsteps quickly approached.
"Come now, little one" Vicrul commanded, the loud boom of his vocoder causing the anxiety ridden girl to jump. She lowered her gaze, hurrying to his side, looking up into his mask as she shook, you could see the pure terror on her face.
So it seemed she understood a few words. It was clear that she was afraid he would hurt her, already bracing herself for if a blow were to come her way but Vicrul simply grabbed her hand in his once again and pulled her along beside him.Without another word we continued down the hallway.
Making a left we entered the common area that sat in the hall of the knights quarters. The imbedded circular couch lit up as the orange flame from the fire pit crackled lively. I stopped, turning to the knights who stood tall, radiating power as they towered over there new companion. "Take her to Med Bay to be evaluated and then bring her to the throne room. I've business to attend to."
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thatiranianphantom · 10 months
No, but it really is going to be okay, a rambly Nancy Drew/Nace meta
I'm just closing my eyes and picturing this:
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I feel like you can sum up my thoughts on 412 as this:
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But should you be in the mood for a brain dump (hopefully a reassuring one?), click that cut, my friend.
Okay, let's get some disclaimers out of the way to begin with.
I only read the subtitles, and watched certain parts, didn't see the entire episode. So there could very well be nuance here that I am missing.
I, too, am frustrated with how this season has shook out. Being disappointed that they are literally leaving things to the finale is valid. I would never have done the season like this given the chance. And being let down by that is okay! Goddamn, there was a lot of lobster boy in this season, and they, as of now, inexplicably expected the viewers to be emotionally invested in him?
I could end up being the world's biggest clown, and be 100% wrong on everything, or again, there is nuance here I didn't see or consider, leading to me being wrong. I am accepting that as a real possibility.
Here is what (to my understanding) the show would like me to believe:
Due to something maybe involving the pickled curse, Ace had to choose to save Captain Thom or the captain Alice, and he saved Thom but couldn't save Alice. Captain Thom and Ace are alive and do not remember, and yet Alice is still dead.
Ace was riddled with guilt and called Nancy, who on her own, erased this, mooting the conversation we saw in 408. This only erased the memory of the sin, not the sin itself. Nancy didn't undo the sin, she just erased the memory. We know this, because Alice is still dead.
Ace and Nancy are no different in 408 than they were in 409, the only thing that changed is the events of the night of 408, which they do not remember, thus it wouldn't have altered their behaviour.
George, Nick, Bess and all of the crew were unaffected, memories and behaviour wise, by anything that happened. There is nothing supernatural coming between Ace and Bess, nothing that is making Nick push Nancy towards Tristan, nothing that is making Bess and George particularly close.
The Nancy of 409-411, the one who referred to Ace as a "relationship" and her "ex", is no different from the Nancy of before 408, who was pining hard over Ace. Again, the only thing that changed, neither of them remembered.
Ace and Nancy are cold and bitter to each other in a way they've never been in 4 seasons. He didn't want her at the Seder, so much to the point that Bess panics when she shows up, despite inviting both her dads and her dad's girlfriend. And yet that relationship, which, again, is portrayed quite differently in 409-411 than before, is enough for Nancy to abandon the entirety of her morals and belief system to save and protect Ace. Instantly.
Nancy and Ace have some memory of being something to each other, enough for them to acknowledge them both not having moved on, but the actual interactions they are referring to are and have been extremely vague since 409.
Ace, the person who knows Nancy better than anyone, is attached enough to a ghost that he will yell at Nancy repeatedly and ask her why she has to solve something. A ghost he met what was canonically probably no more than a few days ago.
Tristan, who has been in 5 episodes, and the ghost, who has been in 3, are just as significant as love interests as the 4-season buildup to Nace.
George is moving away from Horseshoe Bay, and completely supports Nick's relationship with Jade (this one may be real, but my Fanson heart doesn't want it to be).
Very little from early on in the season connects to later in the season in a significant way.
The connection Nancy and Tristan have (a relationship 5 episodes in the making) is stronger than the connection she feels to Ace (a relationship 4 seasons in the making).
Look. LOOK. Look.
Maybe some of this is true. Maybe indeed, Nancy and Ace have truly just moved on, they are different people, they are interested in different people. Maybe platanchors can't platanchor forever, and they truly did intend to do away with 4 seasons of character development (How very HIMYM of them).
But in Nancy Drew, a show that nearly always lays out its mysteries with explicit, agonizing detail, and centers itself around the fundamental concept of love being the most powerful thing in the world, capable of spanning time and space, that is a lot to ask me to swallow at face value. All of this together makes very little sense, given what we've seen, not only in the past season but the past year.
And these are a few things that I find, at best, extremely fishy about the whole affair.
Why hasn't Nace or anyone mentioned the curse since 407? Nick is pushing Nancy to Tristan despite having a despondent Ace grieving over Nancy at his doorstep two episodes ago?
How am I expected to buy that between 408 and 409, Nancy and Ace just up and moved on, decided they were nothing to each other, and jumped right in with their whole asses to their love interests, if the sin that was erased only changed the events of one night, which until now, neither remember (and Ace still doesn't). The fights also really seemed to show that what they remember and what we, the audience, saw, is fundamentally different.
The mystery seems so lackluster. I don't know how to explain it except that the writing on the mystery seems so lazy in a way it never has before, unless there was a twist that upends the entire thing that they've been laying hints for this entire time. I believe we still don't know what started the fire in the first place. We know that in order for the Sin Eater to erase a sin, you have to pay a toll. What if the toll was Nancy and Ace forgetting what they were and Nancy being bound to the Sin Eater? That would explain both the forgetting and the connection with Tristan. We still don't know what Chief Lovett and Nashua's connections are. Via Kennedy, we still don't know Tristan's full importance.
The ND writers are very well aware of what the fandom wants. They are extremely interactive with the fandom. The writers are still talking to the fandom. I just have so much trouble envisioning a scenario where they essentially say "lol just kidding on that nace thing, enjoy the chronicles of nancy and lobster boy" in the penultimate episode, unless there is a twist we weren't expecting that brings the whole thing back to Nace.
Openly admitting this is thinner and more subjective, but I feel like Kennedy has been about as reassuring as she is allowed to be, the writers have been tweeting things like "there is nothing to be afraid of", and this episode has been described as setting the bases for 413's home run (or something to that effect, I don't sportsball).
It almost seems like they want us to take this at face value, to set it up for the Nace twist at the end. ND loves its ending twists.
And all of this (so close to shutting up I promise) brings me to the 413 description.
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Few things here. While it is possible that Nancy figuring out the sin she erased was the "most shocking discovery yet" I have some...pretty severe doubts. And if it wasn't, we haven't gotten to that revelation yet. And we know based on this description that this revelation has something to do with Ace. Again, it is possible that this is Nancy finding out about her sin, but it almost feels like that's been dealt with in 412? Are they going to...rehash it again in 413? I doubt it. This lends a lot of credence to my theory that there is a twist yet to be had. One that will bring us epically back around to Nace.
Now, could I be wrong about all of this? Maybe. I haven't seen the finale, I am but a clown on the internet. And again it is valid to be disappointed in the way the show has chosen to approach this. I do think there is a conversation to be had about the somewhat aggressive way we consume media, especially when given access to artists via social media, but that is an entirely separate conversation. But do I think Nace is over and done for good and we should just give up now? All I can say is
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3mcwriting · 11 months
Any Fan's Dream, Part 19
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.
Taglist: @secretly-sirens, @zeeader, @imdoingathingmom, @x-theolivia, @ainsley-official, @huntress-artemiss, @hoohoohope, @ourgoddessathena, @wiintaersoldier, @vine-enthusiast, @afraidofshrimp, @myfturn, @im-better-than-your-newborn, , @mjaudrey, @igotthisasajokeyetimstillhere, @starr60, @coldmermaidhologram, @daenerysluvrr, @viperchick47, @marvelwomen-arehot, @mynightandstars
Sorry to everyone who the tagging isn't working, I'm not sure why but I hope you manage to find this anyway :))
"I thought we weren't leaving for another hour," Clint prompted, "to go over the plan and everything?"
You shook your head. "They're gonna be here any minute. You all have to go now."
Steve glanced at you. "Plans change. We're leaving."
You could hardly believe it. 
You were in the quinjet.
With the entirety of team Cap. 
Maybe you were hallucinating?
Or were you actually in the quinjet, meaning you had managed to change the course of the movie. You had seen Civil War innumerable times and you knew that the whole team didn't make it out of there. Tony and the others managed to capture everyone except Bucky and Steve and even then they only barely made it out of there.
But there you were, sitting with Wanda, Clint, Thor, Sam, and- 
Scott and Bucky.
Oh, for fucks sake, your heart was going to give out on you if you thought about it too much. You had never really had a moment to introduce yourself to Bucky in the few instances you'd interacted with him- and Scott, this is the first time you'd seen him.
Although you were impatient to talk to Bucky, you knew exactly how excitable you could get and given that the man hadn't exactly had an easy last couple decades, you were going to talk to Scott first in the hope that you'd manage to chill out enough afterward to talk to Bucky.
"Hi!" You cursed inwardly at the volume of your voice. "It's really awesome to meet you, I'm a huge fan."
Scott looked at you, a smile growing on his face. "Really? Well, it's awesome to meet you too. I've never really met a fan before."
"They have no taste then," you said, without hesitation. You were practically bouncing. "Trust me- it is insane that I'm meeting you. You're super cool."
Too occupied by having a conversation with Scott (seriously, you were talking to Scott Lang. Ant-Man. The World's Greatest Grandma. It was awesome) you didn't notice the pairs of eyes on you. Or rather, you didn't notice one set of blue eyes in particular. 
Bucky was intrigued.
Of course, he was. 
The first time he'd seen you had been confusing to say the least, especially the way you'd seemed so starstruck by him. What was he supposed to think? He was an ex-assassin credited with over two dozen kills and you were staring at him with nothing less than awe in your eyes and he just couldn't figure out why.
And from there, it only got more confusing. 
When you had showed up in the warehouse, talking to Steve and helping all of them, he had pieced together that you were a friend of Steve's- but not only were you a friend, you were one of the people caught in the explosion. The explosion he had been framed for. Which meant that when he had first seen you, you had been looking at him so admirably even though you couldn't have known that it wasn't him who set off the bomb. 
And most recently, less than half an hour ago when you had showed up, being pulled through the air by a magic hammer of all things, and told all of them that they had to leave. 
Who were you?
Steve hadn't hesitated to listen to you, Clint had patted you on the back, and Wanda had hugged you; so you were obviously an acquaintance of the group. The most obvious reason would be that you were an agent; somebody who had interacted with the Avengers, but you looked far too young and far too full of life to be one.
And now, there you were, excitedly talking to the new guy (Scott?) and seemingly fascinated by meeting him. Wanda would look at you and shake her head with a smile, fond of the way you seemed so yourself. Clint looked at you with the easy caring of a family member. Despite the warnings you had arrived with, you seemed happy and carefree, eyes shining and laugh ready. 
Your smile was carefree, a little crooked, but entirely true to how you felt. 
He could see the shadows hiding in your eyes, the way you would wince sometimes, like a headache was pounding but you kept on smiling throughout it. And watching you, entrapped with the way you seemed so keen, so enduring, he couldn't help the thought that crossed his mind. 
He liked your smile.
Steve set the quinjet on autopilot, looking at you while you approached him. 
You looked around nervously, there wasn't really a closed cockpit like most aircrafts, so you were going to have to tell him and risk the rest of the crew hearing. There was a lot of important shit that happened in Civil War, things that would determine the outcome of whether they beat Thanos or not. You knew that changing anything was a risk, but you had to believe that what you were doing was the right thing, that they would prevail over Thanos if they stood together.
"Steve, I know." You weren't sure how to say what you were about to, so you just forced the words out of your mouth. "I know about what happened between-" you lowered your voice even more, "-Sergeant Barnes and Tony's parents."
Steve stiffened. "How- how do you know?"
"Well," you tried to think of a believable lie, "I spent a lot of time looking online for ways to get you all out of the Accords,  which lead me to a lot of things I wasn't supposed to see and I ended up hacking into this old Hydra bunker- well, there's footage there." You knew your lie had holes, but you had to hope that he wouldn't notice.
He swallowed. "And you?"
"Me?" You blinked.
"What did you think?" He looked almost scared and you couldn't help but feel horrible. 
You cleared your throat. "He was being controlled. It wasn't him. Not really."
Steve let out a relieved breath, glad he wasn't going to have to lose another friend. "Does Tony know?"
"No." You remembered something. "But the guy who mind-controlled Sergeant Barnes wants to show him the video. Probably to tear the Avengers apart. That can't happen and you have to tell him yourself."
"I-" Steve tried to absorb your words. "-I will. I'll tell him. Thank you, (y/n)."
He pulled you in for a hug, but allowed you a moment to move away if you felt uncomfortable. You, being far too much of a simp to refuse, moved into the hug, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He mirrored your action, trying to show you exactly how much he appreciated you. 
"I mean it, (y/n). Thank you."
"No problem, old man." You said, voice muffled from the hug.
He squeezed you just a little bit tighter, the bear hug more than welcome to you after the stress of the last couple days. With his arms around you, you could pretend for a moment that everything was okay. You had, after all, managed to stop the team from fighting at the airport but you knew that had only postponed the confrontation.
But, even if it was only for a moment, you could pretend that everything was going right.
"Which one of you did this." The phrasing turning the words from a question to an accusation. "WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS?" Ross slammed his palm on the table, rage practically radiating from his form.
Tony looked at the TV screen in the hotel living room, feeling a drop in his stomach when he saw the matter being discussed.
"Oh, fuck." Natasha cursed softly, face illuminated by the glow of her phone screen.
Countless news outlets were reporting on the same subject, each one screaming "Breaking News!" with a picture either of the Avengers, the Accords themselves, the UN, or some sort of combination of the three. 
She knew exactly who had done this.
Natasha hadn't forgotten how you had tried to sneak back into the hotel room before Thor had arrived,  she knew you had been up to something, but she wouldn't of guessed this.
She should've though.
She should've known you would pull something like this. She'd seen firsthand how devastated you were by the Accords splitting apart the team. She knew you cared about them. She knew you would do anything for the people you cared about. 
But somehow, she didn't see this coming.
If anybody were to be able to see it coming, it should've been Natasha. After all, she had done a very similar thing when Hydra had been discovered within S.H.I.E.L.D..
"This was you, wasn't it?" The Secretary glared at Natasha, recalling the same event she had. "You did this with S.H.I.E.L.D., now you're doing it with the Accords."
"I would be very careful of throwing accusations around," Tony warned, voice lacking his normal humor. "Nobody here did it. In case you hadn't noticed, we've been busy trying to find Rogers."
"Oh, shut up, Stark." Ross scoffed. "You've all been against this from the very start. Of course one of you would stoop to this level."
"Get me a lie detector then," Tony remarked. "Nobody here had any part in this."
Which wasn't a lie considering....
Ross somewhat managed to wrangle his temper in. "We will. And have tech search every computer you own. You won't get away with this, Stark."
Tony sighed, sitting back in the his private jet with Peter and Natasha, the others having returned to their duties after Ross had dismissed them from the hotel.
"They won't find anything. They'll try, but there won't be a piece of information they could use against any of us." He met Natasha's eyes, knowing as well as she did who had leaked the info.
"Did (y/n) do this?" Peter asked quietly, knowing how much you cherished the people important to you; how much you wanted to protect them. "The leaking of the Accords?"
"Well, kid," Tony sighed, "if we were betting, I'd have my entire net worth on her."
"What does that mean? Is something going to happen to her?" Peter was worried now.
Natasha shook her head. "As long as what Tony said is true, nobody will be able to trace it back to the hotel, and by extension, no one will trace it back to (y/n)."
"What was she thinking?" Tony couldn't help the frustration in his voice. "She knows how serious this is."
"You know what she was thinking," Natasha stated bluntly. 
"Um," Peter started, looking at some of the articles that had been posted on the Accords. "A lot of people are agreeing with Mr. Captain America now." He showed the phone screen to the two adults. "And honestly- I don't blame them. Look at the picture with the highlighting on it. It's a picture of one of the pages of the Accords. They were going to lock you guys up in a supermax raft-prison in the middle of the ocean if you didn't follow their every order."
Natasha remembered what you had told them, when you had pleaded with her and Tony to change the Accords some way. "Of course, they were. They only gave us a couple days to agree for a moment. They knew we wouldn't be able to read through every page of that thing. How did she manage to find that?"
"Must've written a program on the computer to scan the document for certain things," Tony's fists were clenched, anger spiking as he thought of the way the government had tried to enslave them. "I should've done it the moment they'd proposed the Accords. Fuck," he swore, "I could've done something."
"There's more." Peter looked horrified. "There's so much more."
"They were going to do to us what Hydra did to Barnes," Natasha stated. "(y/n) told us that much and we did nothing. So, she took matters into her own hands and did what she could to protect the people she cared about."
"I get that." Peter spoke. "But where is she now?"
The quinjet had almost arrived at the destination, your nerves rising the closer you got to the Hydra bunker. You knew there was no chance that the arrival wouldn't precede Zemo's, but you had to hope he hadn't yet killed all the Winter Soldiers and set up the trap for Tony and Steve.
Granted, Tony wasn't there to see the video, but it would probably be better if Steve told the team rather than having it forced to the light. Your knees were bouncing, energy trying to find some outlet to release your pent up nerves. 
You felt a hand tap your shoulder. "You okay, (y/n)?" A familiar accented voice asked.
"Just nervous, Wanda." You managed a smile. "How are you feeling?"
She pulled her hand into her sleeve, thinking about your question. "I don't know. I've hurt people and I don't want to do that anymore."
Your eyes softened, and you clutched the hand she had used to tap you, intertwining your fingers with hers in a hope to comfort her. You realized quickly that you should've asked first, and was about to pull away when she squeezed your hand a little. You met her eyes, feeling your heart squeeze when you remembered what would've happened to her if they had ended up fighting Tony and she got arrested. You didn't want to see her in that cell, a straightjacket around her, eyes dead.
"You've made mistakes," you acknowledged, "and people got hurt. But that doesn't mean you can't still help people. You're a good person, Wanda. You can't possibly know how glad I am to have met you." 
Your earnest words made Wanda's eyes go misty, but she hurried to blink back tears. You had never been very close to her (instead, you were normally closer to Natasha and Steve), but you had always treated her with the utmost respect and admiration, and now you were comforting her and she couldn't express how thankful she was for that.
"Thank you, (y/n)," she managed. "You are a good person, too."
You thought back to the explosion, the explosion you knew was going to happen that you let people get hurt in. "It doesn't always feel like that, but all we can do is our best, right?" 
Wanda nodded, glad to have your hand to hold on to, appreciating how the loneliness abated with you beside her. 
"Lady (y/n), you are so wise."
Those words coming from just about anybody else, and you'd think they were being sarcastic, but with Thor having said it, you knew he meant it completely.
"Thanks, Thor."
"Alright, everybody." Steve spoke. "We're here."
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btr-rewatch · 6 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 5: “Big Time Love Song”
While I won't be covering this episode in its entirety, I did still want to make a post about it because it introduces a major character to the series: Jo Taylor.
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As I dig back through my memories of when the series was originally on, I recall a few things about the Jo and Kendall relationship.
As with any pairing, there were people who loved them together and people who didn't, though I seem to recall that most fans did like the Jendall dynamic and enjoyed Jo's character overall.
Of those who criticized them, one of the complaints was that Jo and Kendall looked too much like brother and sister. Which...no they don't, but okay. And I very vividly remember this criticism actually becoming a joke in one of the episodes ("Big Time Tour Bus"—one of my all time favorite episodes that I watched over and over)
Some people thought that Jo was too much of a Mary Sue and made Kendall boring. Of course, there were ALSO fans who said that Kendall himself was a Mary Sue, so he was the one making himself boring, lol. This is not something I will get into here, but I may touch upon it in the future.
Personally, I was always Team Jo. I loved her, and I thought she paired well with Kendall and they had good chemistry. Being Kendall's first real "love", I couldn't not root for them all through the series. I have very vague memories of Lucy, who I think is with Kendall for a little bit? I don't remember liking Lucy all that much, so I'm interested in when I get to the episodes with her so I can take another look at her character.
Anyway, as ridiculous as it is to watch the boys get into physical fights with each other every two minutes in this episode, seeing Kendall and Jo's first interactions is so cute.
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Kendall's just...so goofy. He's just this tall, awkward, incredibly sincere guy, and I love him dearly. As mentioned in a past post, Carlos was the one I had a major crush on, but Kendall was my favorite character-wise, and so far, he's still my favorite of the four boys. While Logan, James, and Carlos all try gimmicks to impress Jo, Kendall never wants to do anything but be himself, and it's that determination to simply be who he is that I find so endearing.
As you know, I love the little bit of an edge that First Episode Kendall has, and I do wish they would have explored that side of him more, but I really can't complain. Look at this kid:
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Kendall is such a sweetheart.
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greenbetula · 5 months
1 2 6 and 15 for Futa
1. favorite song lyrics?
bye bye idiots and devils with a faces of angels we will expose you all by whipping you with words until you are bruised
it hits hard really
and this one line from backdraft has been looping in my mind for days now, so i might as well add it
a slick rhymed hooligan holler-holler from safety, so worthless the fight’s up here! come up to the ring and face me!
although it's more for the line delivery than the actual lyric itself
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
the entirety of bring it on
but if i had to choose, it's this one!
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i remember the spine-chilling feeling when i first saw this scene. it really stuck to my brain
6. favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
hmm, i'm really interested in his relationship with haruka. but i couldn't really find that much interactions on the timeline convos tho (ily minigram 💕)
also i find his interactions with kotoko quite amusing (specifically the T1 ones because they're funny, but i like their T2 relationship as well)
this convo is one of my personal faves
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15. what do you think of their voice?
i really like listening to it! i can't describe it, it's like rough but also smooth? you know that feeling when you're on a boat and there's really strong waves? it's like that. backdraft is one of my top fives in terms of vocals, it's so powerful but desperate. it's just so beautiful! aaaaa
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christall77 · 1 year
~❦Skull and Fangs❦~
GN! Vampire Werewolf Hybrid x GN! Demon Wendigo Hybrid Reader
I hope I did well enough on this one. This was requested on my Quotev under the same account name. Sorry if this might be a little bit short (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
If any of you are not comfortable reading about those themes, don't read. hope you enjoy!
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Screams echo through the dark wooden forest for a moment until nothing but the sound of deep rugged breaths and tearing of flesh can be heard. The body of the young woman hangs limb in your bloodied jaws while you tear at her limbs. Long spindly claws ripping through her tissue and fibers with ease. Feasting eagerly to finally have your fill.
Once you drop little what's left of the body with a thud you waste no time chasing after the last survivor with haste. Blinded by the insatiable hunger that keeps growing, the further your prey gets. One might think from your lanky and frail looking appearance that your species would have trouble keeping up, though it couldn't be further from the truth. The smell of blood coming from the wounded human only made it worse for their escape, for now they have no place to hide. They just have to keep running and pray for their life. Pray that you won't find them.
A few months back you would've tried to ask for help, tried to fight the desire of human flesh consumption.
But due to the lack of any kind of human interaction and food for literally a year in this beastly form, wandering aimlessly through these woods, you grew weaker. Until any ounce of your own past conscience was thrown out the window.
The spirit of the last monster who tried to end your life, here in the same woods you took a hike through just to end up lost, left it's former body when it's bloody form collapsed right in front of you from exhaustion and probably the undying hunger it must've gone through before it had the chance to end your life and gave up on its own.
It was snowing heavily, no one came to your rescue and you were left shaking in the cold and almost starving to death, if it had not been for the unknown curse that's been bestowed to you and made you to this tall murderous demonic beast.
Your once (h/l), (h/c) hair has grown almost covering the entirety of your back while desiccated skin, complexion the ash grey of death pulled tauntly over your bones. Ribs poking through and clearly visible. A head akin to a stag that sports antlers, with a grotesque mouth filled with sharp bloodied fangs. What lips you had are tattered and bloody.
On all fours you follow the unmistakable scent of your victim, visible puffs of air escaping through your panting jaws as you sprint through the cold night. Glowing beady (e/c) eyes searching.
The adrenaline and haze clouding your mind from any thought, other than taking chase after the man makes you oblivious to the other being that has entered your territory. Then once a horrified scream fills the air not far in front of you, and you come to an abrupt halt. Focus on your surroundings coming back and snapping out of the tunnel vision when the presence of the once living soul can no longer be felt.
A small part of yourself that still hasn't left yet is relieved the carnage is over for now and not another life was yet again slaughtered by your own hands. At the same time though, the monstrous part that you've slowly come victim to, is nagging to find the cause of who or what just stole the life of your morsel.
Standing up onto your hind legs you sniff the air and make your way past the many dark pine trees as quiet as the breeze blowing through your hair and small patches of fur on your limbs. With the long strides you make it only took you a few minutes to come to a clearing where the unmistakable former target lays, but you didn't expect the other creature hunched over the body and draining all remaining blood from the corpse.
Only after they detach their large fangs from the person's neck do they seem to have noticed your presence. White gleaming eyes reflecting the moonlight and meeting yours in an instant, yours being the only things visible as you stand in the shadows, unmoving as the both of you stare each other down.
They look like nothing you've seen so far in these woods, yet at the same time bear some well known characteristics seen from other animals. Like the very obvious furry head and body of a werewolf. Yet they also have bat like ears and wings attached to their long arms, a tail seems to be non-existent. It definitely was not one of those beasts you've read about or seen on tv back when you were still human. This was something entirely different. A hybrid.
You can't put your finger on it, but something in your mind tells you that this creature has something else. And by the smell of it, it was definitely not to long ago. Being a wendigo has its perks sometimes you guess. Senses and overall power and abilities are far from your former human comprehension.
Thoughts were interrupted when this trespasser bares their teeth, warning growls rumbling through its chest. Black furr standing in an attempt to intimidate you, but there's also no mistaking the slight fear they ooze from their being. Nose scrunching up most likely from the strange and eerie odor of decay and decomposition you gave off.
With a slow tilt of your head you take a few cautious steps towards, them taking a few back at the same time in response once your towering form reveals itself to the moonlight. It was hard to keep yourself from lunging at the hybrid and reclaim the deceased human, the idea of having your food snatched from you not sitting well to the nonhuman part of your mind.
They notice the way your eyes flash dangerously between hunger and reason, claws twitching by your sides. The hybrid glances towards their kill and to your surprise pick the body up and offer it towards you. Their growls have turned silent, but it's still to early to entirely put their guard down around a demonic creature the likes of you. Sure they could defend themself but they won't take any chances.
This gesture was something you'd never expected. Your gaze lingers on the other before you snatch the carcass from them and fill your stomach at once. When finally the hunger dies down again, at least for now, and nothing but bones and a few other remains are left behind is when your attention turns back to the hybrid whose been watching the entirety unfold in front of them.
An awkward silence fills the air before you decide to break it. Since you can't communicate anymore like you used to, saying thank you is impossible. Instead you reached your long spindly arm towards them, alarmed they stiffened and unfolded their wings ready to fly off. Just for their ears to perk up in confusion after you gave them a few pats on the head before walking off. Leaving them standing there bamboozled for a while longer into the night.
Ever since then you've encountered the same creature multiple times in the span of just a few weeks. Is it curiosity or something else? Why would they come back to you? Turns out this as you now know, vampire werewolf hybrid who introduced themself as Avis has more in common with you than you thought. It did make you confused as to why they would be in the company as someone like you, but at the end of the day you just went along with it and ended up becoming closer to them.
At first it was quite a rocky start when only one of you could properly speak to one while the other could only let out growls or other noises to communicate. In the end you opted to writing onto the ground. Avis did learn quick though and in no time was it no difficulty to tell what you wanted to say. Well, most of the times.
Nightly visits became daily hangouts until both of you decided to share your territory together. It definitely has its perks. When Avis showed how they could turn into their vampiric self, having a more human resemblance they immediately came up with the idea of luring more humans into the woods for the both of you to feed on. Since you obviously can't go much longer without the taste of flesh caused by your hunger strikes, and them having to gather more blood so they can finally have control over both their appearances and also have their fill.
Even with the news spreading around town for people to not get any closer to the woods since several missing cases have been filed around this place, the both of you still find ways to be efficient. Always sharing at the end of a hunt and then lying down to watch the starry skies until both of you fall asleep huddled close together.
Who would've known those two different monstrous species could get so perfectly along with each other?
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bardcore-jaskier · 1 year
♡ My thoughts on Veskier + headcanons ♡
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- One of the rarest rare pairs in the Witcher fandom for sure! And guess what? I LOVE IT!!!
- They chose the perfect actor to play Vesemir in season 2! Kim Bodnia is a charismatic Danish actor with a charming accent, his performance was AMAZING!
- As of season 2, I personally am a bit cross with most characters in the series for the way they treated Jaskier. Geralt used Jaskier for his loyalty and his apology was shit, so Geraskier prompts/ideas don't come to me as quickly as they used to.
- Lauren went and killed off Eskel, so to cook up some Jaskel content it would have to be an AU where he doesn't die and would require a LOT of creativity not only to make it possible for him to be alive, but also mix and match his personality from video clips of his game counterpart on YouTube, since Eskel didn't get enough screen time on Netflix to show the entirety of his character.
- Lambert was an absolute dick to Jaskier, so Lambskier is rocky too, Lambskier's only saving grace is that Lambert and Jaskier didn't have a lot of scenes together, leaving a lot of room for thinking up ways in which those two could bond.
- WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY CURRENT FAVORITE JASKIER SHIPS: Yennskier (I already made a post about) and of course Veskier!
- Veskier, being a ship of a younger pretty man and an older witcher warrior, has mostly gotten attention from the extremely kinky side of the fandom. Daddy kink, BDSM, dom/sub, breeding kink and other kinks galore. Even more often, this ship is mixed with others in a M/M/M/M/M setting, you know, I know you know, we all have seen the witchersexual!Jaskier tag on AO3. And while I do enjoy a little well written smut from time to time, most of the Veskier fanfics out there do not quite suit my taste.
- Vesemir and our beloved, adorable, brilliant walking sunshine trouble maker of a bard, did not interact in season 2 at all, I doubt that they will ever, with both being side characters. HOWEVER, that makes this pairing FREE REAL ESTATE! Who is to say what is likely and what is not? Who is to say they won't work? Who is to say that they couldn't have gotten together at some point off screen?
- It makes me a little sad that people don't realize just how much potential there is with Veskier! Much like Yennskier, the theoretical romantic relationship between these two, at least going off of Netflix canon alone, would be surprisingly healthy and wholesome.
- Every time I imagine them together, I headcanon Jaskier as not entirely human. Either part-fae or of elder blood.
- Veskier is a perfect ship for emotional healing, for fluff, for the kinky side, for the crack, for happiness!
Let me set the scene
- After Voleth Mier, Jaskier realizes that he somehow ended up in a situation where he lost his precious lute, became a wanted man in Oxenfurt (a city he considered his home), got tortured for information about his ex-bff, then said ex-bff came to bail him out of jail because he needed him, not for the sake of making amends, essentially using Jaskier to find Yennefer and then sending him off with Ciri as a glorified nanny. And here he is, at the top of another mountain, in Kaer Morhen, where Geralt is too busy with Ciri to talk while the other witchers are rude to him. He is penniless, injured, has nothing but the bloodied clothes on his back and is suffering from nightmares about Rience.
- Vesemir is a tired old man who has witnessed too much bloodshed in his lifetime. His body may be enhanced and therefore he doesn't feel the physical effects of aging (if at all) as much as he does the mental. All witchers were human at some point, he can actually feel the psychological toll of living much longer than humans are designed to. Still, he has to be strong as the master of the keep, to set an example and to be a dependable source of wisdom and guidance for his pups. He will never admit it out loud, but the things he has to deal with after Voleth Mier overwhelm him. There's Geralt's whole elder blood child surprise thing, constant repairs of a crumbling fortress, honoring and mourning the fallen witchers, processing the fact that new mutated mosters are appearing and they don't have the mutagens to create more of their kind to protect the continent and survive. There is nothing he can do about it except deal with the anxiety of knowing these stone cold facts.
- In this whole mess, two broken souls might just be what the other needs. Where Vesemir could do with a break, with a little joy, Jaskier is more than enough to help with that. And where Jaskier could do with being taken care of after everything he's been through, after everything he lost, Vesemir is a perfect candidate for that job. Their relationship would be yin and yang, balance and harmony personified.
- Honestly, please tell me that you see it too! They have a lot in common, Jaskier is a professor, mastered the seven liberal arts, grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy and according to canon, he passed every exam with flying colors!
- Vesemir is wise, he has lived for centuries, he has witnessed history, he was trained as an alchemist, has extensive knowledge about many things. He is a bottomless pit of knowledge.
- They could talk for hours together and never run out of topics to discuss.
- And the sex? OH BROTHER! Jaskier fucked his way across the continent countless times, while Vesemir is so ancient there is no way that he hadn't bedded a considerable amount of people. Yeah, the sex would be mind blowing I should think.
- Jaskier is a hopeless romantic and Vesemir is a traditional gentleman (when he is wooing the damsels, according to game!canon Lambert.) They would probably be very fluffy and affectionate with eachother. Verbose compliments, music, cuddling, kissing.
- LMAO, imagine everyone else's reaction!!!
- Geralt would be mortified seeing his friend making out with his father figure on the kitchen table 🤣🤣🤣
- The other witchers would probably feel uneasy, shocked at first too, until they get used to it. HAHA ONCE THEY DO LAMBERT IS GONNA FUCKING MILK IT
"Morning papa Vesemir, papa Jaskier"
- Also, the theoretical adventures a witty traveling part fae bard and a silverfox witcher could have, make me beyond giddy!
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