thecoulrologist · 10 months
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Here's hoping he doesn't breach containment ;o)
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cuddledot · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Hatch Day to Wes in a universe where everything is the same but I projected my Coulrology clown species canon to Don't Starve.
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k1llr0y-v · 8 months
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Clowntober Day 3: Cozy
I was almost late for this one, so it's kinda rushed, but I personally think a good book in a big chair next to a roaring fire on a rainy day is the COZIEST it can get!
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scareclownnation · 21 days
Our Story
Hello Tumblr! My name is Clownly! I got my degree in veterinary courlogy from Howard University, and had been studying clowns for a few years. But recently I ran away to Montana to start my own clown ranch/rehab, specifically for scare clowns (but we don't discriminate). Scare clowns are some of the most misunderstood species of clown, and we're here to dispell some of those myths.
[Hi, irl I'm just a 19 yro film student with a need for escapism. This blog is meant to read like a small business's social media. I'm new to tumblr so please be nice! Thank you!]
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motion-of-them · 2 years
hi, ive recently became a coulrologist/clownologist and i want to do a run-down of what to expect for those who are trying to get into coulrology :o) (info under the cut)
usually, a good starting point is to start doing research. any coulrologist will tell you this, but a good website for info is coulroscience, its backed by many coulrologists as the most reputable site to date, with nearly every confirmed piece of info on any breed (even ones like fruit clowns!) + it is not associated with the ASWC and other harmful organizations towards clowns & their health. 2. when getting into coulrology, its mandatory for them to know if you have had any past history with clowns at all. it is very important to specify what association youve had; if any. (ex. if you say yes, you must specify if you are an owner, a past owner, a breeder, etc.) this is to note what information they must tell you first. 3. usually, once you get in, you will have to take care of a clown for at least 5 days. you are often able to pick the specific breed, unless you are a coulrologist for a specific breed. so for example; if you are a juggolatologist, you will get a (tamed) juggalo to take care of. 4. PLEASE be aware of the risks with some clown breeds. clowns such as pierrots or sweets british are often very high maintenance, and clowns such as fruit clowns or juggalos can be *slightly* aggressive (note: if any professional gives you an untamed clown, immediately report them to the coulrologist resources department.) im likely forgetting some things, so feel free to add on in the reblogs/comments!
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scarecrowjester · 8 months
Humans have begun hunting, trapping, killing and relocating their kind to traveling circuses and other sideshow attractions. Despite the Clouradates fondness for these communal living situations they have become unhappy with the treatment they receive from humans, once they were feared or revered across the globe now relegated to simple sidewalk or traveling entertainment. It was a bitter pill to swallow. Many older clowns remember how they were once  treated  by the humans and find the current circumstances nothing more than a farce, a way for the humans to control and contain  them. Not only has their plan worked it has also had unintended side effects; the once great clown species has dwindled almost  entirely and gone are their cunning and instinctual hunting and killing skills. It is obvious in the lack of dots shown on pelts. The Jesters seems to have cowered to the humans self- domesticating and becoming more pet then the once intelligent predator they were, the jesters where always the most intelligent of the Clouradates but now they were mere shadows of themselves being treated as more of a decoration or conversation piece then a real threat which they naturally are.
And the mimes once the strongest of our species are now feared hunted and sequestered from their own kind to attempt to slow or completely stagnate tier breeding process,the mimes illusion ability to seemingly create and affect etheric constructions make them a much harder foe to overcome therefore they have culled their numbers and segregated them from one another due to the mimes fondness for pack hunting 
The beginning of the cull, then the humans segregated their kinds putting them in camps and in human controlled cities were they were outnumbered and controlled for the entertainment of the masses they provided, over time the humans began to forget what the clouradates were and the predatory instincts that still resided deep within them They became complacent forgetting the fear the clouradate can create, with this lapse in control again the clouradates began their inevitable rise to power slowly they began with raising their numbers across all species, then they slowly rose to power within the confines of the circuses and entertainment venues in which they were enslaved. With control over the circuses and venues and their numbers steadily growing they began planning the carnival where all three species across the planet would congregate together and plan the next step in their  rise to power to take back their rightful place as alpha predator of the food chain. 
The carnival was to be held in Europe in a small undisclosed village. It’s not known how this information was passed on between the three species  but sure enough on April fools  day all known clouradates went missing. It was only due to the  access of satellites they were able to locate the hoard in europe. The humans who over time have forgotten the true nature of the clouradates simply assumed it was some sort of gathering of the species and didn’t really seem to concerned about the conglomeration,  the Carnival lasted only a week but in that time a lot of strange reports came in from cities and villages surrounding the area where the Carnival was taking place. For instance those who traveled to the area to see the large gathering for themselves spoke of others who had gotten closer than 5 miles of the carnival itself and had disappeared. It is not sure what  came of them but the horror stories that returned from that place would spark ideas that would make even the strongest of willed whither and shake. Stories of hearing the blood curdling cries of those who had attracted the attention of the Clouradates others said the horrific noises came from the Clouradates themselves although no one ever got close enough and returned to actually find out what was  happening within the makeshift parameters of the Carnival. After the first few days though things seemed to changed the raucous activity of the clouradates seemed to lessen and they began to erect a massive structure which could only be defined as a circus tent however it didn't seem to follow the laws of human physics with turrets, steeples and big tops jutting from places and angles that didn't seem physically possible. After the erection of this massive structure all the clouradates were thought to go inside as none were seen on the carnival grounds afterwards for the remainder of the Carnival which lasted 4 more days. Upon their re-appearance from the large structure the Clouradates seemed to disperse either alone or in small groups or tribes heading back to their respective circuses, domains and other traveling sideshows and back alley from which they had suddenly sprang. Over the next few years the Clouradates became more emboldened, stories of attacks and deaths at the hands of these mysterious creatures became more common especially in the urban cities. At first people stopped associating with the mimes that scavenged and entertained for food in the street, then the jester owners began abandoning or giving up their ownership of the self-domesticated creatures. Lastly the traveling attractions and circuses were no longer classed as entertainment or intriguing but something to fear and avoid, something which small towns and cities began to arm themselves against in a bid of self preservation
Human specialists from all walks scrambled to find an answer, with all their science and technology they were able to discover that everything tracked back to the Carnival something had occurred during that strange ritual of the Clouradates ever since then they have changed slowly reverting back to their original archetypes, their animal instincts were breaking through after everything they had endured at the hands of the humans. People began to realize that these crazy, creepy creatures amongst them were truly something to fear and not just a playful fool or mystical trickster but in fact a species of ageless and brutal predators that had once been controlled and forced into submission by the human ancestors now something has changed something has given them the motivation to fight back, break free from their human constraints and reclaim their place as the earth's alpha predators. 
No one was prepared for what was to come next…
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direbeastrex · 10 months
Fun fact for y'all- did you know that in the wild, the ancient ancestors of our modern Clowns were migratory? The original concept of a travelling circus was a very early attempt to exercise (or more correctly, manage) this strong instinct in their clown troupes.
But i've seen some handlers wonder about this before. Most wild clown species that are particularly social or form troupes will find a territory to settle in, perform their courtship rites, and generally stay in that range until they whelp their clownlings in the spring.
As autumn approaches, you may find your clown doesn't quite have the same need for extensive zoomies and may grow a little more docile and affectionate with you and any other clowns in your troupe. Naturally they still need plenty of exercise- its no excuse for slacking on walkies and acrobatics!- and of course any unusual lethargy and lack of interest in things is always worth a trip to the vet's. But try not to panic too much if your troupe are less sprightly in the run up to the equinox.
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heysayhappyface · 3 months
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If you can draw yourself with the prize I wold be crateful
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daughterthethird · 18 days
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thecoulrologist · 1 year
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Or a gigglet, or a clownling or a jack-in-the-box or a poppet or whatever you want, really!
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k1llr0y-v · 8 months
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Clowntober day 2: Storm A rainy clown making a rainbow to brighten up the day!
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bananahkim · 11 months
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Artfight attacks for @missazura @coulrology @jess-the-vampire @dailu-chill and pavleve
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komod0 · 6 months
MERRY CHRISTMASS dearest dahling moots
Mango needed a few christmas decorations off u all to build their christmas tree :]
Crossposted 2 instagramm
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Sry to the moots i didnt include!! I can only draw mango so many times with so many accessories before i combust lmao 😭 tags in order from left to rightt >>
@rikkimaximum @itsmemaryk (its ur,, lizord 🫶🫶) @/enderelda @coulrology (i did a sketch of juniper instead of Rain but istg i CANNOT draw juniper im so sorry 😭) @/cosmodic_dragon @daughterthethird @projectpekoe
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susis1223 · 1 year
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@kit-shipper @coulrology @welcome-home-official @artinclined-jointheartside @daughterthethird @tixuctoad
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jess-the-vampire · 11 months
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Art Fight 4/?
Ocs belong to:
@theangrygreenpearl (Design was by me for a "Draw me an oc" prompt)
Konwalia620 (insta) (Design was by me for a "Draw me an oc" prompt)
nesema_hrsate (insta)
Kaadaart (Insta)
LanaBananaa (Da)
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eyeball-freak · 1 year
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Thank you @kochana-lulu for tagging me!
The challenge is: Go on Pinterest, search [Your name]core aesthetic and create a mood board using the first 9 images that come up!
Tagging: @superiortrash @chilling-in-the-void @bigmanthugnasty @jassumkiddos @coconutmammal7356 @coulrology
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