dreamaze · 1 month
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ONEWE (Harin × Giuk) ⟡ 동서남북 (Omnipresent)
However, in the east, west, south, and north no matter where you were my heart was on your periphery (x)
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quokki · 7 months
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Giuk ♡ 「 소녀의 파노라마」 by YongYong
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httpiastri · 2 months
Paul’s arms
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5q9KYwNJsA/?igsh=MWM0bzB2bGNkZjNndA== 🤍
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this video was the simultaneously best and worst thing to ever happen to me
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caluupin · 11 months
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"!!!" bf and "..." bf
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onewedata · 2 months
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240406 ♡ official_ONEWE: [#ONEWE]
2024.04.17 6PM (KST) RELEASE✔
#원위 #PlanetNine_ISOTROPY #하린 #HARIN #동명 #DONGMYEONG #기욱 #GIUK #추억의_소각장 #Beautiful_Ashes
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kirikiri1 · 1 month
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This hoop is for a dear friend, whose webcomic, Dust, went live today on webtoons! This beautiful creature is Cya, one of the gods of the fantasy world of Dust, and you should go read it riiiight now:
I had a ton of fun playing with textures and using some cool metallic effect floss options I had stashed away :D
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Anyway go check out Dust! <3
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sunghanbin · 1 year
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zhaozi · 1 month
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molarbeardoc · 2 months
I was gonna post this earlier but I fell asleep and couldn’t fight the sleep demons. Plus there were a bunch of spelling mistakes so I fixed them.
Anyway here’s the updated theory
As you may remember from the much older post, I said how MR taunted Bive and drove her insane. But what if it was deeper than that?
Bive is a failed/accidental lab experiment
MR used to be apart of the science team (or is still apart of it)
Perhaps it was trying to make some sort of successor should something happen to it. Considering the fact that MR has a cybernetic God, any angry laser shooting cat, and possibly other enemies after its stony head, it’d make sense. It’d make sense if MR was the one who created Bive on accident.
It saw how she lacked pretty much all the features it wanted its successor to have and would’ve disposed of her but saw no purpose wasting valuable time and energy on such a task. Overtime the young hairy creature followed it everywhere, assisting it in its task to the point of exhaustion.
MR took notice of her loyalty and had a slight change of what little of a heart it had.
This is where the cult comes in. MR found her loyalty to it impressive as he watched her chase anyway any lingering bugs or helped pick up fallen items. It noticed how she never got along with any of the other members on its team and would always come running back to it no matter what. It was from that that MR decided to try teach her its ways, in hopes that she could very possibly lead the cult that follow it. Of which she would lead it, considering they obeyed it and any commands it gave them.
So they got to work. MR taught Bive everything she needed to know and Bive listened to it without any questions. Overtime as Bive grew she became more and more loyal to MR refusing to listen to anyone else who spoke to her. She didn’t even listen to its many victims who tried to warn her. What they said wasn’t what she was taught at all, they were all liars trying to lead her astray. But she couldn’t help but grow curious as to why they were so determined to do so.
Whenever she questioned MR about it, it always dismissed her with the same answer: They didn’t like it very much. It didn’t help quell her concerns and she was usually left with more questions than she had answers.
During this entire time MR was still trying to create a successor. However it never told Bive what it was doing. This led to her asking it about it, MR immediately snapped at her, which it never did before, and told her to leave, which she quickly did. Why was it so defensive about? Had she done something wrong? None of it made any sense.
After many weeks, she had finally had enough. She deserved answers to her questions. She worked just as hard as it, doing whatever it commanded and learning whatever MR taught her. She should have some closure right?
When the time was right, she snuck into its working area. Snooping through drawers and filing cabinets for anything she could get her hands onto. She found everything she was looking for yeah, but then her world was practically flipped upside down.
Everything she was taught, everything she was told, was an utter lie. She found out the truth about it, about the cult, even about the victims it tormented, she found out she wasn’t supposed to exist and was supposed to be disposed of when she was first created, She even saw its plans for creating a successor for if something were to ever happen to it.
She couldn’t believe it, she didn’t want to believe it. But the evidence was sitting right in front of her face. Bive was overcome with a strong sense of shame and was understandably upset. Eventually it stirred into anger and rage. She was angry with MR for lying to her, for causing so much harm. As a result, she took everything. The plans, the documents, even the files for its successor, she took it all and she left. She ran off with all of its work without even looking back.
MR, of course, wasn’t happy about this. In fact, it was absolutely enraged by the fact that the very being it practically raised as its own blood, had betrayed it. All that hard work it put into her becoming the perfect leader, wasted. But there was no use crying over spilled milk. It would get its revenge, and it knew just how to do it.
Bive, now trying to save other people from falling into the same trap she did, began trying to spread the word of it. Unfortunately her reputation had been rather damaged from the rock itself and how she was known to follow it blindly. Very few people looked her way, and fewer listened. Of course it was frustrating but she didn’t give up, not yet at least.
MR, being a being of divine authority, began to haunt Bive within her mind. Giving her nightmares, continuing to fill her with lies, manipulating her into thinking other things followed it. It lied to her about the cult saying how they infiltrated the government as well as lied to her about random nonsensical things such as number 2 pencils, clowns, and the snow soldier militia.
All of these things, along with the fact the very thing she ran away from was now stalking her aroused every corner, both metaphorically and "physically", began to drive her mad. She didn’t know who or what she could trust anymore.
She began not sleeping out of fear that it would be there, causing her to make her special brew to keep her awake. She stopped eating often as well, believing it somehow had control over the food too. Everything and everyone was a threat and possibly worked underneath it. They probably wanted to catch her and drag her back to it.
As a result she hid in the maze, the twisting and turning walls and dead ends would confuse anyone who entered, if Scary Mike didn’t get to them first. It would give her plenty of time to escape with everything important.
However this works well in MR’s favour. It knows no one is actually going to be coming after Bive, at least not yet. No one would actively seek out a crazy person would they? Of course not. Her isolating herself would only make it harder for her to spread the truth about it and its plans.
Now I know what you’re probably asking: "Critter! You said in the other post that Poob also ties into this. But you didn’t explain how!"
Let me get to it damn. So impatient 🙄😒 /j
Anyway, as most of us know, the same spirit that’s controlling MR also protects Poob from the explosion at the Happy House Party. Not to mention in one of the dialogues with Bive, she asks if they had seen "the group", which could very well be the cult members. You’d think Poob would be like "What group? I haven’t seen a group…" and they do! They do say that! But what really sets it off is how they apologize and how their head is fuzzy.
What if MR, after failing with Bive, is now trying to get Poob to become the next leader of the cult? It has no motive to be protecting them from the explosion, it just does it anyway. What if Poob has ties with the cult and MR manages to wipe their memory when needed? Perhaps it’s trying to use Poob to get back at Bive in some way.
That would also explain Poobs strange way of talking to others, with each memory wipe, they become more and more forgetful and basic tasks they originally had no problem completing are not becoming a bit more challenging than before.
It could also explain why Poob is so obsessed with partying. MR could be using the obsession as a distraction to prevent them from asking questions about what’s going on with them as well as prevent them from listening to Bive whenever she’s around.
Of course this was just me yapping but as our beloved Matthew Patrick once said:
Hope you enjoyed!
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dreamaze · 2 months
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ONEWE ⟡ Planet Nine : ISOTROPY
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quokki · 7 months
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Giuk ♡ 231119 SBS Inkygayo 「Scratch」
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lostinw0nderlandd · 5 months
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✨ Just going to leave these here ✨
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caluupin · 1 year
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them but in casual clothes because I don't want to draw their canon outfits
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onewedata · 6 days
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© 71_UK2 ♡ editing allowed.
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minzbins · 1 year
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GIUK Hype Boy (cover) / 230509
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sunghanbin · 1 year
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