#daily cerberus
cerb-daily · 3 days
Cerberi throwing water balloons instead of apples?
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day 39 - unrestrained summer fun
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c-rowlesdraws · 10 months
✨Excellent News📰
for sophisticated enjoyers of obscure Mass Effect lore! This reddit user compiled ALL of the old Cerberus Daily News e-mails into a google doc, helpfully formatted for better readability and organized by topic! There are plenty of one-off articles about various aspects of galactic life, but also a bunch of multi-installment stories. The whole thing is very entertaining and compelling despite CDN having been written as "just" a fun extra thing for players to read along with in ME3, and it's packed with tons of neat glimpses into the setting outside of Shepard's immediate circle and experiences.
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ciccerone · 10 months
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Average day of work in hell by Cugu
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dragomircho · 8 months
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turianhumanclient · 7 days
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Hadas contemplates things of great gravity.
Diplomatic Immunity's drell priest from Cerberus Daily News rp forum, which regrettably is still suffering from a hacked database.
Funny paper texture smudging over it all because you never know what's getting scraped and from where.
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dailydogdoodles · 1 year
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Sneaking in two quick doodles before midnight ;’) We’re ReALLY gunning to try to hit 31 for the month!
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Mana'mana nar Limamomona Please Don't Taunt the Custodial Staff Production Still, Nos Dwicka Civil Protection Instructional Video #62 2192 On Loan from the Dwick Dwickcast Syndykyt
((Posevember Sketch #19, "Balancing." Each day in November 2023 I worked on a sketch involving at least one character in a unique pose for that day. On that day, I chose to depict Nos Dwicka Civic Protection's volunteer officer Jorgal Zoar casually annoying Codex (a totally normal cleaning unit that is totally not the covert receptacle for a quarian-patterned artificial intelligence, no sir). My thanks to both @capybonara and @operative-arrow for creating such great characters, and I hope they both enjoy this silly little scene I made of them. <3
Extra thanks for @capybonara for helping me apply the appropriate perspective blurs on these pictures. :3 ))
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alnair-jpg · 5 months
Jan 8: bubble bath day
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cerberusdailynews · 7 months
In an very unofficial capacity, some folks (myself included) are doing our farewells to the forum and the characters we played there throughout the forums' 13 years of existence.
Nothing is official, but if a forum that's paid for biannually sees no posts for months...
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devildomwriter · 8 months
Mammon Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Mammon states that he sleeps in the nude
2. Mammon despises witches and was nearly chopped into pieces by them once but Lucifer rescued him (although Lucifer was also the one to recommend they cut him into pieces)
3. When Levi tried attacking Mammon in his sleep, before he could even bring his foot down on Mammon, Mammon had him in a headlock
4. Mammon has a habit of stripping while drunk
5. Mammon does not like it when bath’s smell like flowers
6. Mammon’s dream for the future is having a carefree and playful life
7. Mammon starts his baths by washing his head
8. Mammon’s fear of ghosts and monsters originates a little after a year of living in the Devildom when he is possessed by a ghost
9. Mammon hates a Devildom song called “Corpse Rock”
10. Karasu refers to Mammon as noodle-boy
11. In earlier chats and Devilgrams Mammon is said to be a cat person, in later stories he is said to be a dog person, but his birthday information card again states he is more of a cat person
12. Mammon’s motto is “Money will makes the Devil turn millstones.”
13. Mammon’s daily activity is procrastinating in MC’s room
14. Mammon is obsessed with his shades and when he accidentally breaks them he’s devastated
15. According to Beelzebub, Mammon is bad at cooking and doesn’t make good peanut butter sandwiches
16. When Belphie and Beel helped Mammon pick out his human world outfit, he was so touched he bought them their human world clothes
17. Mammon states if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow he’d borrow as much money as he wanted to spend and not have to pay any of it back
18. Mammon’s favorite food in hell is Soy Sauce flavored cup ramen
19. In a love survey in B’s log, Mammin is said to be the active one pursuing love
20. Mammon is said to attract the “sassy and outgoing” types
21. The first thing Mammon does in the morning is check his stocks
22. In the love survey in B’s log when asked if he’d want to be bound by or bind his lover his response was “what do you want me to do? What did you say? Idiot!”
23. Mammon’s car is a Demonio 666 Lexura. The specific type was very rare and (unbeknownst to him originally) only with Lucifer and Diavolo’s help was he able to get it
24. Mammon easily forgets anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
25. Mammon is unable to express himself frankly
26. Mammon likes R&B music
27. Mammon is not a morning demon
28. One of the first things in the game said about Mammon by his brothers is that he’s a masochist
29. The results of a demon brain scanning app showed that Mammon’s thoughts are 90% money
30. Mammon’s worst RAD subject is Hexes and Curses
31. Mammon became Lucifer’s attendant in the Celestial Realm before Leviathan had even been born
32. Mammon was once almost roasted alive by hellfire
33. Mammon is a very bad liar and often admits exactly what he did when explaining that’s not what he did
34. Mammon was almost the one to tame Cerberus but Lucifer rushed in as he was about to confront the dog
35. Mammon is extremely protective of his little brothers
36. When forced to be honest, Mammon admits how much he admires and respects Lucifer
37. When Lucifer has a bad day, Mammon will bring him a drink and sandwich without being asked
38. Mammon was almost kicked out of the celestial realm thousands of years before the fall until Lucifer got through to him
39. Besides the people who were told what Simeon was going through in season 4, Mammon was the first one to notice something was wrong with him
40. Once Mammon was punished by Lucifer by being tickled until he laughed so hard he was humiliated
41. Mammon was given a serum with unknown results that caused him to tell MC he wanted to do many explicit things with them
42. Even Michael was unable to handle Mammon as an angel
43. Mammon is so fast that not even Diavolo and Lucifer can catch up to him
44. It’s been mentioned multiple times that Mammon uses crows as familiars
45. When Lucifer cannot trust Diavolo, he turns to Mammon
46. Mammon once called up Simeon to ask about significant lines in the TSL series so he could successfully hack into Leviathan’s akuzon account
47. Levi and Mammon sometimes perform standup comedy
48. When Mammon tried making a cake for Lucifer on his birthday in the Celestial Realm, he accidentally destroyed the kitchen, infuriating Michael
49. Mammon works as a model occasionally
50. In lesson 11 of the game Mammon claims he is well over 5,000 years old
51. In the celestial realm Mammon would often watch over the younger angels
52. Mammon once tried selling bird feathers to the lesser angels, claiming they were seraph feathers
53. In the celestial realm, Mammon once used the lesser angels to play a game of life-size chess
54. Mammon is said to have been the one who rallied and encouraged the angels in the Celestial war
55. Unlike his brothers, Mammon doesn’t often lose control of his powers
56. Whenever Mammon comes up with solutions to a crisis, they usually make things worse
57. Mammon struggles with math unless he thinks about it as calculating money
58. Mammon loves pandas because they’re profitable
59. Mammon always lets his brothers know about sales and deals going on
60. Mammon is the one who told Lucifer to always have pride and not regret his decision about the war
61. Mammon was cursed to speak like a cat during season 4 and Satan was unable to leave his side even getting Mammon to play with cat toys.
62. The first time Mammon lost control of his powers and transformed into a demon in the game is when he misunderstood a conversation between Levi and MC and assumed they had “relations”
63. Mammon is one of the only people who will indulge Asmodeus and watch his one-man fashion shows
64. When Mammon put too many meals on Satan’s tab, Satan called up Solomon and told him Mammon wanted to try his new recipe
65. Mammon has kidnapped MC multiple times
66. Mammon sometimes goes clubbing with Asmo after part time jobs
67. After Mammon sold all of their silverware he was fired from Ristorante Six
68. Mammon is sometimes referred to as MC’s pet
69. Mammon continues to insist he’s MC’s master not the other way around
70. Mammon sees Luke as his little brother
71. Student council members used to oversee detention until Mammon kept getting detention himself
72. Mammon once accidentally cast a spell on himself that made him burst into song
73. Mammon once accidentally turned himself into a dog
74. Mammon accidentally cursed himself and became extremely small. He was scared of how Beel was looking at him
75. When Mammon made the Miss’em dolls he became extremely wealthy but later blew it all on gambling
76. Mammon is too scared to watch horror movies alone and asks Lucifer to watch them with him
77. Mammon once attacked Lucifer with a three-prong pitch fork when he embarrassed him
78. Mammon has cried from fear of Simeon multiple times
79. Mammon was unable to even pretend to break up with MC
80. Mammon is one of the reasons you need a permit to get to the human world rather than do so freely
81. Mammon got a Mohawk once but his brothers teased him so much he immediately got rid of it
82. Mammon loves the Devildom version of Harry Potter
83. Mammon often threatens lesser/younger demons to hand over all their money
84. Mammon once stopped a bank robbery and demanded the money as compensation
85. Mammon accidentally cut down a Christmas tree gifted to Lucifer from Diavolo
86. Mammon was tricked by Lucifer to gamble against everyone he’d ever screwed over all at once
87. Mammon calls going to the horse races “seeing the horsies” to try and convince MC to tag along
88. When he was Lucifer’s attendant, Mammon sought for a rare Crystal Lily flower to gift him but got lost and Lucifer had to come find him
89. Mammon used Serenity Manor as collateral in gambling as soon as he got to the human world, almost forcing everyone to go right back to the Devildom
90. When coming up with proposal’s Mammon forced Simeon, Solomon, and Luke to participate in a flash mob
91. Mammon has a blood oath with MC and Leviathan
92. Mammon accidentally won Henry 1.0 while trying his first Devildom ice cream. He was nearly eaten.
93. Mammon owns an AK-47 after winning it over in a game against Leviathan
94. Mammon fees guilty that he didn’t have a grand reason to follow Lucifer to hell rather than just feeling like it
95. Mammon once lost a bet to a bunch of rabbits
96. Mammon prefers spicy foods to sweets
97. Mammon extorted Satan for 50,000 Grimm in exchange for throwing him a baseball
98. Mammon’s highest known rank in the celestial realm within the game is a Throne
99. When Mammon was turned into a Test Name box he got used to it immediately, disappointing Beelzebub
100. Mammon died in season 4 for a few minutes but was brought back by Barbatos
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lovetei · 8 months
Okay so, someone headcanon that Lucifer interact with Cerberus very seriously like no baby talk or any normal petowners behaviour…? This is actually kinda canon now? In the recent Lucifer’s card. He be trying to get his lepus doing smth by acting like they’re business partners and the lepus keeps electrocuting him in the progress lol.
And just imagine MC being the lovely troublemaker they are keep sneaking in the underground tomb to see Cerberus to give him belly rubs, snacks and all of the things Lucifer didn’t do because MC feels bad cuz Cerberus can’t experience all the “good boys stuff” he deserves
Then one day, Cerberus just break out and just running around the house to find MC cuz they forgot to give Cerberus his daily without Lucifer knowing snacks, and daily cuddle too! What a crime. How would the bros react to that?
I was surprised Fluff and crack dominated the poll I created last post 😭
But this cute as hell.
I'm back on my long post era :b
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MC who thinks Cerberus is just a giant puppy that deserves love cause he's a good boy
Warnings: Grammar errors, spelling errors, long post, Mentions of starving, Mentions of eye bags, Mentions of some real threats
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
He's a very serious pet owner
He doesn't punish his pet though, no fasting or whips just some soft scolding and lecturing
On the other hand, there's you who as a pet fever, always hyperventilating when you see Cerberus
He figured that you might turn his stoic and monstrous three headed dog into some giant puppy
So he made sure that he adds one more barrier, specifically preventing you from entering the tomb
But guess what? You're the shit.
Ain't no barrier gonna stop you.
So you sneak out late at night while struggling to hold all the large sized snacks you starved yourself to get your hands on just make Cerberus feel like the good boy he is.
Of course, Lucifer noticed this but he's not really sure and he does not want to confront you about this.
Like, what if you're not actually going to the tomb to pet and give Cerberus belly rubs? He'll look like a fool.
But it just kept getting worse.
The eyebags around your eyes
And how Cerberus gets more and more whiney
What the fuck is on about you two
So as a punishment, he decided to give you a break (Wow)
You're not allowed to leave your room until the dark circles under your eyes disappear.
And to his surprise, and prediction, Cerberus managed to break out of the magic he applied on the tomb that prevents him fron going out without his permission
He's both disspointed and proud.
Disspointed because his dog is disobeying and proud because his dog is actually really strong.
And as to his guesses, he ran up straight to the HOL and broke the door open.
And just like in those movies
You guys met halfway and life dramatically cried out as if Lucifer prevented two lovers from meeting each other.
He's just standing on the background like :l
Cause he expected this much.
He liked the dog don't get him wrong
It's just that, he's not as crazy as you are about them
Plus that three headed tree pisser tried to kill him multiple times
And he's NOT happy about it
It's not like he can get any time to bond with the dog too since Lucifer is keeping a tight leash on him both literally and figuratively.
That might stop him
But not you
As your first man, he already know you're up to something the moment he saw you, through his crows, carrying large sizes of food, now human food, dog food.
He also knows that you're someone who don't actually want someone to know about this little secret of yours
So he just kept quite and stood at the bay
Watching you sneak around the house, trying to get to the tomb by yourself
Who knows? Something might go wrong and he needs to be by your side to save you as your babysitter and as your first man.
He started getting worried as soon as he saw those eye bags though
So he admitted that he knows what you're up to and suggested that you stop
You got mad
Of course
He knew it
He snitched on you by the way
He didn't straight up told Lucifer that you're going out to meet Cerberus
He just pointed out that you have like the worse eye bags ever and subtly said that you might be on some late night rendezvous.
He's glad that Lucifer gave you that time out.
He's sorry for snitching on you too but your health comes first before some belly rubs and dog treats.
When he heard the door of HOL crashing down though
He knew damn well who it was
He actually opened (broke) the door for you.
He's not that much of a dog person
More on reptiles and amphibians
But he understands why you're all crazy about dogs
I mean it's a common thing among humans right?
He's pretty sure Lucifer won't let you near Cerberus though since all about the string, guard dogs type while you're all down for cutesy belly rubs and treats.
Then one night, when he's about to get water after playing video games all night he saw you
Sneaking out
And he thought "What if MC actually have a hidden identity like in those anime?! That would be so cool!"
And so he followed you
And saw Mammon following you too
Mammon explained what's happening to him.
He's actually surprised you would go this far.
He started following you every night too of course
Even though he knows that you can knock out Cerberus with a single hit if you're actually serious
He even started watching anime about dogs and reading managas about them too then recommending them to you
He just loves the expression you make when you're so excited and your heart is melting because of the cute illustrations.
Is Mammon snitching?! On you?!
He's surprised cause, what the fuck, he's actually the last person he thought will snitch on you
It's understandable though, 'cause he's actually near on doing the same.
He's just glad that you got mad on Mammon instead of him
So you got your rest and you're not mad at him, it's a win win for him.
He also got to record the whole dramatic reunion between you and Cerberus.
He's a cat person
He can barely care
About Lucifer and his pet
But if it's you then... Maybe he can bare with it.
He just loves how you look at dogs like how he looks at cats.
You guys really are soul mates.
But why would you starve yourself for dog foods..?
He got a little mad because of it but he knows you just love Cerberus so much
And that you want to treat him like the good puppy he is because the so good Lucifer FAILED to do so.
He knows you're sneaking in and out of HOL to go in the tomb and meet Cerberus
He applied a few spells that made you seem more approachable to animals and be more sneaky without you knowing too.
But his guts are just telling him to close this book and follow you.
And so he did.
And he saw not one,
But two of his brothers trying to act sneaky and following you down to the tomb you knowing
He didn't expect this to be honest
He thought Mammon would be too dumb to find out and Levi will be watching too many animes and play too many games to even notice.
But he guess he underestimated their feelings for you
That doesn't mean his is in any way less than them though
That's why he's here
Although he knows that Lucifer would find out sooner or later
He didn't expect Mammon to be dropping hints when you're his absolute partner in crimes
What a traitor
He would've killed him and fed him to his crows if he did that to him.
But he knows that Mammon is just as worried as he is
Plus he knows to himself that he will be telling you to Lucifer if this gets any worse.
So he is really no better than Mammon
Putting you on some sort of time out and forcing you to rest is a good way of punishment, he expected it, Lucifer spoiling you.
But Cerberus barging in the HOL is not something he thought would happen.
He knows how disciplined Cerberus is, he's Lucifer's pet after all.
He also thought the dramatic meeting was cute and he chuckled a bit.
Oh... Dogs?
He doesn't like stray fur on his clothes though...
But he guess he can understand you.
Cerberus is indeed one big, fluffy dog after all.
Despite being locked down inside the tomb
Cerberus is actually squeaky clean and always smells good.
He's one of the dogs Asmo will be okay being close to.
He can understand you buying him treats and sneak one or a couple of times
But sneaking out in the middle of the night just to give him treats and belly rubs?
Even starving yourself to buy him food is outrageous
You could've asked him for help, he has all these money from modeling just rotting away
Waiting to get spend on some shoes and pearls.
Like Mammon, he dropped subtle hints, commenting on your eye bags but Lucifer seems to not take him seriously as he thinks that Asmo points out even the slightest difference.
He's dissapointed, he means, it's your health on the line here!
So he resorted into confronting you
He thought that maybe following you to your late night sneak outs and pretending to catch you will work
He didn't expect Mammon, Levi and Satan following you too though
He's looking at them all shock cause what the fuck?
And then when he's about to scream Satan just pulled him and covered his mouth with his hand.
When you're about to leave though, he tried to break free from Satan's grasp and proceed with his plans but instead earned shushes from everyone.
Out of all people
He didn't expect Mammon to snitch on you
He actually thought that Cerberus snitching on you is higher than Mammon telling you on.
But he's glad to hear that you're under house arrest and is prohibited from tiring yourself
You really need this rest, honey.
He's one of the people that took care of you that day, actually.
He painted your nairs and gave you a spa day inside the bathroom.
And then he heard a loud crash
He just rolled his eyes and stopped fanning your wet finger nails and just let you run out of the room
He must confess he thinks the reunion is dramatic but it was cute
All the heads of Cerberus whining and crying
But your nails dear!
Beel loves Cerberus too!
It's just sad that Lucifer won't leg him take care of him as much as he wants to
Cerberus' main job is to protect the tomb where their grimoires are located at so he understands why.
Lucifer doesn't want Cerberus to end up all cutesy greeting each 'visitor' that enters the tomb like he's friends with them
He want Cerberus to not even think twice and attack anyone who would enter the tomb except Lucifer himself.
But aside Lucifer, Beel is the second most close to Cerberus as he's the one that take him to walks most of the time
And when he found out that you like dogs too
Specifically Cerberus
He looked at you with obvious adoration in his eyes
Cause, finally, someone can get him
He wants to treat Cerberus like a good boy too almost just as much as you but Lucifer won't let him
But you have a plan?!
Wait, why are you starving yourself..?
That's bad...
If you just want to buy Cerberus dog food and treats you can use his money
But why do you insist that you want to buy his food yourself?
By what money? The money you got from starving yourself?
He knows he can't stop you though
So he just cooked extra portions when he's on duty and insisted that you share foods with him
So, problem number one solved
But now there's another problem
And it's you sneaking out late at night just to feed Cerberus!
Look at yourself MC!
You barely get any sleep!
He actually decided to start feeding Cerberus himself after he saw the dark circles under your eyes
But after he saw Mammon, Levi, Satan and Asmo hiding behind a big rock he already knows he's late and that you're in the tomb again
When Asmo tried to go out and confront you though
His heart dropped
Cause "What if MC thought were stalkers?!" "MC will think we're controlling!"
Though, Mammon snitching on you is something he expected
People might think that he'll die loyal and never snitch on you but he knows better than that
He knows that Mammon will put your health above everything and would snitch if needed
For him, house arrest is a light and well thought punishment
He doesn't know why you need to receive it though
He means, you did nothing wrong, you just feed and play with the dog
He thinks the dramatic meet up is cute too!
He's standing on the background looking like ^^
He likes Cerberus
He has fluffy fur and would carry him when their together
He's unbelievably large too so he's like a giant, moving bed for Belphie
And he understand why you would go crazy over Cerberus
He is indeed one of a kind considering how he has three heads
But he can't understand why you would go through such lengths just to play with the dog
Don't get him wrong, he knows that you like Cerberus and sees him as a giant puppy
But Cerberus guards their grimoire and that grimoire is very important to them
So he's also one of the people that actually prevents you from going in the tomb to play with the hell hound
Lucifer trained them to be a strict guard dog for a reason
And he knows it and it's for his own good too
Though, he knows his explanations won't stop you considering how you're starving yourself to buy him dog food and toys
And even wake up late at night just to sneak out and give it to Cerberus
He wants to protect you of course
Cerberus is still a hell hound that's above thrice your size
So he did the unthinkable and stayed up late
Wanting to spy on you
He saw you sneaking your way down the hallway and so he decided to follow you
And then he saw them
Not Cerberus
But Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo and even Beel spying on you too
He guess he underestimated them
He just joined them behind the rock though and rested on Beel's shoulder
He's more assured now since his brothers are watching over you too
But when he heard the sudden rustle made by Asmo trying to struggle to confront you
His eyes shot open and helped Satan on strangling him down
Hell, he almost turned to his demon form
You falling ill is something he's scared of, but you getting mad at him is another
And both are as bad as the other
Actually, the way he glares at Asmo as Satan covers his mouth is terrifying
He might as well just point a knife at his neck at this point
And then the next morning what woke him up is not Lucifer
But the door of their house falling down and creating a loud thud
And is followed by loud howls and whines he knows too well
He's wide awake now and is staring at the two of you, dramatically hugging each other as if Lucifer kept you away from each other for years
Mammon snitched on you?!
Oh... So you've been on an house arrest since earlier this morning and not even a day passed and Cerberus is already running after you?
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cerb-daily · 2 days
cerb doing an unreasonable amount of paperwork (how many asks do you have on standby at this point? its like that)
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day 40 - burnout
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python333 · 9 months
scary dog privileges — python333
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synopsis ur super duper scary to almost all 141 soldiers, but to price soap ghost and gaz ur just the sweetest little thing ever :3
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & gn!reader.
characters cap. price, soap, ghost, gaz.
word count 4.6k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], no usage of c/n [call sign chosen for this fic is 'Cerberus'!], might sound kind of rushed/shitty :{
note normally i try not to rush fics BUT i started this at like 12 pm and as im typing this out its 11 pm and ive only written 2285 words so im kind of rushing this so i can keep up my little posting daily thing!! this idea has also been rotting in my brain for a while, so i might make a hcs thing from it, idk, but for now its just this fic!! also, thank you everyone who gave reblogged my last fic, reblogs are the best sorta motivation for a reader and i absolutely appreciate all of them :> anyway this is all fluff + comfort no hurt and has some soft!ghost in it because hes my dad and i love him so enjoy!!
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The Private in front of you may as well have been pissing his pants with how scared he looked. His commanding officer, and one of your closest friends, Soap, had reported him to you for ‘insubordination’. He’d said, verbatim, when telling you about him, “I’d deal with him myself, but I’m too tired to,” so now you had to deal with one of his subordinates. 
You sighed through your nose as you looked down at the Private in front of you, the latter comically small compared to you, both physically and mentally. 
“Well?” You ask expectantly, raising an eyebrow at him, “Are you gonna tell me what happened?” The Private shakily nods and you can hear him gulp, “Right, yeah, so basically, it was earlier this morning and I was following orders and everything, doing what I was supposed to, then I accidentally interrupted Soap while he was giving me orders, which I didn’t mean to do, I swear, I just wasn’t thinking and it happened and I just— I didn’t mean to do it. And then later on, we were both—me and Soap—talking with a few other people who I guess were some higher ranked soldiers from different tactical operations and I accidentally interrupted some of them. It was—” “I’m sorry, hold on,” You put a finger up to silence him, to which he responds with immediate silence, letting you talk, “You don’t accidentally interrupt someone. Either you do it or you don’t. You don’t just slip up and interrupt your CO in the middle of him giving you orders. Secondly, always refer to Soap as ‘Captain MacTavish’, or ‘Captain’ if that’s somehow too hard for you, don’t act like you get to talk about him like you’re both all buddy-buddy and—” “Okay, but if you’d just let me finish—” The Private tries to interrupt you, making you draw your eyebrows together in confusion. “Excuse me?” You ask, mildly offended that he had the audacity to interrupt you, “Did you just interrupt me?” The Private stays silent for a moment, looking up at you, wide-eyed. His whole face looks even more stupid like this—like he doesn’t even know what he did. 
“I asked you a question, Private,” You remind him, leaning down a bit, tilting your head to the side questioningly, “Did you just interrupt me?”  “Right, yeah, I did, sorry about that—” He tries to apologize, “Didn’t mean to. Swear.” “Right,” You narrow your eyes at him, standing back up straight and crossing your arms, “Remember what I just said? About not accidentally interrupting people?” “Yeah, I do.” “Could you say ‘Yes, Lieutenant’ instead of that?” You ask, “This isn’t a casual conversation. This is one of your superiors telling you that you can’t blatantly disrespect your commanding officer, so act like it.” “Yes— Yes, Lieutenant,” The Private stammers, which really shouldn’t make your lips twitch at the corners but it does, and you have to fight off a smile, pursing your lips instead. 
“Like I was saying earlier,” You continue your words from earlier, “In conversations like these, when you’re not out doing an assignment, I don’t want to catch you referring to Captain MacTavish as just ‘Soap’ ever again. And you don’t want me to catch you doing that either, you understand?” “I understand, Lieutenant.” “Good, good,” You nod, before gesturing for the Private to keep giving you his side of the story, “Continue telling me what happened then.” “Right, so, after that, Captain MacTavish gave me some new orders, and I felt like I had a better idea of what to do than him because I’d thought of something that makes more sense than what he told me to do, so I told him as such, and he acted all shocked like I didn’t have a really good idea, and told me that I was to follow his orders not the ones I tried to give to myself so I told him that mine were better and—”
“Have you read the military regulations and codes of conduct? Ever?” You interrupt, making the Private shut up almost immediately and hesitantly nod his head affirmatively. “I really don’t believe you. Everything I’ve heard so far is a direct violation of it, I just—” You pause to give a small, humorless laugh, “You have me speechless here, really.” The Private watches nervously as you struggle to find the appropriate words to say, before you finally come up with, “Is there more that you need to tell me about?” “… Yeah,” The Private answers sheepishly, making you sigh through your nose and gesture for him to tell you the rest. He clears his throat before starting up again, “And then he said that he’s the commanding officer for a reason and that what he says goes so I said okay and did what he told me to do. Then after that whole thing, he told me to go to your office and tell you what I did.” Why do I have to do all his dirty work? “… Okay then,” You look up at the ceiling and try to think of what to do, before taking a deep breath and looking down at the Private, muttering, “Well, I appreciate that you didn’t go into my office without my permission, at least you know not to do that.” You clear your throat before speaking louder, “Let’s head into my office instead of just standing out here. This is probably violating some sort of code…” The Private nods and lets you unlock the door to your office that’s just a few steps away and walks in after you, being sure to close the door behind him. He automatically sits at the chair across from your desk and you sit down at your own chair behind your desk. 
“Right, okay, let’s see…” You dig around the drawers of your desk, before letting out a small ‘ah-ha!’ and pulling a corrective action assignment form out of one of the small drawers of your desk and setting it onto the top of your desk. You grab a pen from the small cup by your desk and write down the date on the form in your usual neat handwriting. 
You read a question on the form and look over at the Private, “Could you give me your full name, please?”
“John— John Williams,” The Private stammers again, making you raise an eyebrow.
“Your name is John-John Williams?”
“No, just John Williams, Lieutenant.” “M’kay,” You write down his name and fill out a few more things on the form before signing it off with your name and looking over at the Private once again, folding the paper in half as you do, “I’m gonna trust you to bring this to Soap, and tell him that it’s from me. You think you can do that?” “Yeah, of course,” John breathes out, grabbing the paper from you as you hand it to him. “Yes what?” “Yes— Yes, Lieutenant.” “There we go,” You sigh and lean back in your chair, “Go on and pass that to him. And tell him to send anyone else who’s being insubordinate to Ghost or something, anyone but me.” 
John simply nods and gets up, walking out your office door and making sure to close it behind him. You cap the pen you’d used and put it back in the cup where the rest of your writing utensils are, before yawning and leaning forward to rest your head on your desk when suddenly there’s a sharp knocking at your office door. You muffle a groan and wait a moment before calling out, “Come in!” You watch as your door slowly opens, making a creaking sound that hurts your ears a bit, and much to your annoyance, yet another Private is standing in your doorway, looking just as sheepish as the last. “Oh my f— you know what?” You stand up and take a deep breath to momentarily calm yourself, “Who sent you? Was it Soap?” “… Yes,” The Private answers, their voice shaky as they speak to you, the whole thing only making you more annoyed. “Where is he right now?” You ask, walking towards the door and opening it wider, towering over the much smaller Private in front of you. 
“The— the training facility.” You blink at the Private and you take another deep breath to calm yourself. “Yeah, no sh— ugh, you know what? Thank you. Just—” You look up at the ceiling and tell yourself not to snap at this poor rookie, and look back down at them, “Just follow me. I have to go yell at him.” 
“What?” The Private asks dumbly, their eyes widening a bit in surprise. You don’t bother to look over your shoulder and check that they’re following you, instead just walking out of your office, somehow hearing their footsteps even with the thundering stomping your boots made as you walked. 
You eventually made it to one of the training facilities, the only one that currently had anyone in them, and opened the door louder than you meant to. You walked in, the shaking Private behind you as you walked up to Soap and took several deep breaths to calm yourself, ignoring the several rookies that stared at you as you walked over to him. You could hear small whispers forming amongst Soap’s small platoon of soldiers, but ignored them as well, simply walking up to Soap, who finally noticed you. He turned to you and gave you a knowing grin, like he knew exactly why you were here. “Hey, L.t—” “Why have I had two Privates coming into my office telling me you sent them because you couldn’t do your damn job?” You question him immediately, ignoring the small gasp from the Private behind you, “Do you know how many CAA forms I have left? Three. Three forms. Because you can’t deal with your own rookies. If I wanted to be dealing with them, I would’ve let Price make me a CO. You know what I said when he asked me to be one? Fuck no. I said it for a reason.” 
“… Sae ye din’t want me tae report onyone else tae ye?” Soap asks, like the little shit he is, in a teasing tone. “Absolutely not.”
“Noted,” He nods, as if he understands, and gestures for the Private he’d sent to you to come back over to him, “I actually got yer message a minute ago from Williams. I think he almost shat himself.” 
“I’m kinda happy about that, honestly,” You mutter, “Everything he told me was like… a direct violation of the code of conduct and was just so stupid.” “I ken!” Soap agrees, “I swear, naebody reads the code ‘o conduct ony mair.” “I asked him if he did, and he said yes, but I know he’s lying,” You roll your eyes before adding on, “And you know what? I’ve only had issues with British people ever since you and Gaz started reporting people to me. I think that they’re just the issue.” 
“Jesus, I ken,” Soap mutters, “Fuckin’ Brits.” “Fuckin’ Brits.” You nod in agreement, before sighing and looking over at the rest of Soap’s platoon. You look back at him, “I also told Williams to actually refer to you as ‘Captain MacTavish’, so… there’s that.” “Guid, guid,” Soap nods, before clearing his throat and continuing,
“So did ye only come here tae yell at mae?” 
“Yeah.” You admit, making Soap laugh lightly.
“And yer done now?”
“… I guess,” You mutter, making him chuckle and pat you on the shoulder.
“Guid,” He says, looking over at his group of soldiers he’s meant to be training, “I think yer scarin’ my soldiers more than mae.”
“How can you tell?” You ask sarcastically, following his gaze to the rookies that were trying their best not to look like they were eavesdropping when they clearly were. “They don’t even know we’re talking right now.” Soap huffs out a small laugh, “Right, o’ course.” 
“I’m gonna head back to my office and take a quick nap,” You let Soap know, “So don’t send me anymore people. They’re stinking up my office, it’s ridiculous.” Soap raises an eyebrow at you questioningly, “Why don’t you just go to your sleeping quarters?” “Don’t tell me what to do.” Soap raises his hands in surrender, “Alright, then.” You huff out a tired breath and say, “So if anyone asks where I am, just let them know that.” You don’t wait for a response before you walk away from Soap and immediately hear whispers starting up again, but you ignore them as you walk out the door, sort of used to them at this point. You didn’t know why you were so scary to some of the lower-ranked soldiers (and even some of the higher-ranked ones), considering you never intentionally did anything to scare them. Sure, you were taller than most of them, and maybe just a bit quicker to lose your temper with people, but it was never that bad. 
You vividly remember Gaz and Soap when they both found out a majority of the soldiers that were apart of the 141 were afraid of you or at least intimidated by you, the two had said that they wanted you around more often, just hanging out with them, so that they wouldn’t get bothered as much by people for unnecessary things.
Scary dog privileges, you remember they’d said, laughing as they did. It’s actually where you’d gotten your call sign, Cerberus. 
It’s not that you hated it at all, in fact, you didn’t mind being a little scary if it meant people were less likely to bother you, it’s just that it makes it a hell of a lot harder to actually talk to people without them starting to stammer or shake.
It was one of the reasons you turned down being a commanding officer—you didn’t really like the thought of commanding a platoon of soldiers that cowered in your presence. Plus, it was getting really annoying, not being able to talk to another soldier that wasn’t Price, Soap, Ghost or Gaz without them looking like all they wanted to do was leave the conversation. 
You finally make it back to your office and let out a sigh of relief as you open the door and walk in, closing it behind you, not even bothering to lock it as you immediately walk over to the chair behind your desk and sit down in it.
You reach below your desk and pull out a nice, fluffy blanket and a fluffy pillow to go with it that you always kept in your office—just for times like this, when you felt like going to sleep in your office, for whatever reason.
Were you supposed to be napping at all? No. Would your superiors let you anyway because you’ve somehow managed to get emotionally adopted by both Price and Soap? Absolutely.
You move some of the papers cluttering your desk out of the way and set down your pillow, as well as wrapping yourself in the blanket, and sigh happily as you lay your head down onto the pillow. 
Just as you’re getting comfy, you hear a knock at the door. No. You don’t get up to answer it. You just sit there, head on your pillow, nice and comfy. In fact, you refuse to answer the door, because you’ve opened it for two other people already, and God knows who you’re gonna snap at once you open that door.
Another knock—you ignore that one too, knowing full well you told Soap to tell anyone who was looking for you that you were in your office but also knowing that you never said you’d open the door, you just said you’d be there. 
You bury your face into the pillow and scream into it, knowing the scream wouldn’t be too muffled with how loud it was, but doing it anyway. You then take a deep breath and call out, unenthusiastic and tired, “Come in!” 
You watch the door open and see Ghost step in, and you’re silent as you watch him close the door behind him and walk over to you, his century old shitty laptop in hand as he sits down in the chair in front of your desk and sets down said laptop.
You pay no mind to it, deciding you’d rather take a nap, and set your head back down on the pillow, pretending that you can’t feel Ghost’s eyes on you. “… Are you okay?” He asks, sounding a little concerned as he looks at you bury your head into your pillow, before his concern turns into confusion as he asks, “When did you get a pillow in here— you have a blanket, too?” 
“Mmph.” You don’t respond with actual words, even if you did they’d be muffled beyond relief by your pillow. You can’t see him but Ghost raises an eyebrow at you and his lips twitch into a small, amused smile. 
“What, you’ve just had those in here?” Ghost asks, knowing he’ll get nothing more than a muffled hum from you. 
“Mmph.” “Alright, then,” He mutters, “Keep your secrets.” “Mmph.” You feel too tired to bother responding with anything else. “I feel like you shouldn’t sleep in your office, considering you have your own sleeping quarters you can sleep in.” “… Mmph.” “That’s fair,” Ghost nods. You hear him opening his laptop and you hear it crack when it opens, the noise making you huff out a small laugh into your pillow. God, that thing is so old, it’s ridiculous.
“What’s so funny?” Ghost asks as he types in his password. You don’t say anything in response, which doesn’t shock him in the slightest.  You feel yourself start to get closer to sleep, but can’t get quite there, instead sort of just hanging right on the edge of sleep.
You quietly grumble in frustration and shift a bit in your seat, not knowing what the issue is. Ghost notices this and raises an eyebrow at you, but doesn’t do anything about it just yet, instead getting back to his work. Why’d he have to go into your office to do his work? Who knows.
You shift again in your seat and Ghost knows that he’s not gonna be able to focus if you keep shifting—why wouldn’t he just go to his own office?—around, so he sighs and picks up his laptop and drags the chair in front of your desk with him around to behind your desk where you are.
You lift your head up to try and see what he’s doing, confused, and see him putting his chair right next to yours and setting his laptop down onto the desk. 
Before you can ask anything, he gently puts a hand on the side of your head and guides it to rest on his shoulder, and—oh. This is much better, somehow. 
He seems to know that it’s that much better, too, because his eyes crinkle a bit, giving away the fact that he’s smiling. However, he stays silent, and keeps his hand on the side of your head for a moment before letting it fall down to the side of your forearm, his thumb gently rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
He opens up his laptop once again and types in his password with one hand, the typing going by significantly slower than it would’ve if he used both hands, but he decides against keeping his hand off of you, seeing as it assists in helping you go to sleep.
Are you supposed to be asleep right now? Definitely not. But like mentioned before, Price wouldn’t mind. And you’d probably laugh if Soap minded, because even if he’s a Captain, he’ll always act like a little shit. Ghost knows this too, and with this information, he figures that he might as well help you sleep, since he knows exactly how to help you sleep. 
One too many nights spent pacing in your room, which eventually woke Ghost up, which led to him helping you sleep, so that he could sleep too, You sleepily remember, He always said he was annoyed by the pacing, and that’s the only reason he helped you sleep. But now, seeing what’s happening now, makes you question that a bit. Was it his annoyance, or something else? Or am I thinking too much about this?
Cutting off your train of thought is another knock at the door, and it’s not loud enough to completely snap you out of your drowsy haze but it’s enough to make you a little more aware, and for you to readjust your head your head so that your face is practically buried in the crook of Ghost’s neck. His thumb stops rubbing against your forearm, and he glares at the door like it was the door’s fault it got knocked on. 
The knocking persists and neither of you say anything, just waiting on whoever it is on the other side to give up and go away, but whoever it is must be feeling pretty determined because even louder knocks sound at the door, making you and Ghost sigh in unison.
You both continue to stay silent, hoping that whoever was on the other side just goes away, but they don’t. You don’t hear any footsteps retreating, and the knocks keep coming.  
“Hello?” You both hear Price’s voice on the other side, “Cerberus? You in there?” “Say no,” You mutter into Ghost’s neck. He nods and clears his throat. 
“Nope!” Ghost calls out in response to Price’s question. 
“… Ghost?” Price’s surprised voice comes through, “What are you doing in there?” “Say this is your office,” You murmur, making Ghost huff out a small, amused laugh and nod again. 
“This is my office,” Ghost responds, “Why wouldn’t I be here?” “What? No,” Price’s voice becomes confused, “This is Cerberus’ office.” “No it’s not,” Ghost denies, lying straight through his teeth. You laugh quietly against his neck. “Uh… but it is?” Price argues, “It has their name on the front.” “No it doesn’t,” Ghost blatantly denies, continuing his thumb’s slow circle movements on your skin, the soothing action making you hum contently. You don’t know how, but somehow your humming is loud enough for Price to hear. Does he have his ear against the door or something?
“I can hear Cerberus in there,” Price argues again, “Don’t lie to me.” “Sorry, lamb,” Ghost apologizes to you softly, tone significantly more soft than it typically is, “I think he’s caught onto us.” “… I guess it’s fine for him to come in, then,” You mumble against his neck. He responds with a nod. 
“Come in!” Ghost calls out, and almost immediately you hear the door open and Price’s loud footsteps walking in. You can’t see him, but he opens his mouth to say something, when his eyes catch on your face buried in the crook of Ghost’s neck.
He looks questioningly at Ghost, the latter simply blinking over at Price, daring him to comment on it. 
He doesn’t, and instead closes the door behind him and walks up to the desk. 
“Cerberus?” He asks. You hum offhandedly, and he takes that as a sign to continue, “You okay?” “Mhm.” “You know you can sleep in your own sleeping quarters, right?” “Mhm.” “And you’re choosing not to?” 
“Mhm.” Price blinks at you for a moment before muttering, “Alright, then,” under his breath and turning to Ghost, “And you’re here because?” “Felt like having some company,” Ghost answers simply, watching as Price glances at his thumb rubbing circles into your forearm, and continues to watch as his eyes slowly make their way up to the way your face is buried in the crook of his neck. 
Price looks at Ghost, mouthing the words, ‘I’m telling everyone about this,’ to which Ghost mouths back, ‘Don’t you dare.’ Price grins at this and opens his mouth to say something else before there’s another knock at the door. 
“Are you always this popular?” Ghost asks you, sounding both mildly annoyed and amused. 
“Mhm.” You hum affirmatively. 
Ghost sighs and he and Price call out in unison, “Come in!” The door opens and you temporarily readjust your head so that you’re just resting your head on Ghost’s shoulder with your face facing the door, and you watch as Gaz enters the room and his neutral face turns into one of both surprise and confusion. 
“Were you lot having a party in here, or something?” He asks, closing the door behind him.
“Not originally,” Ghost deadpans, watching as Gaz walks over next to Price and leans against your desk, “What’re you here for?”
“Needed an extra corrective action form,” Gaz answers. Ghost looks down at you for permission to rummage through your desk drawers and you nod.
“Second drawer to the right,” You mumble, and Ghost opens that exact one up and pulls out a CAA form, handing it over to Gaz, who takes it with a ‘thank you’ and folds it in half, stuffing it into his back pocket.
He looks between you and Ghost questioningly, and opens his mouth to say something, before Ghost gives him the same look he did to Price, and Gaz immediately snaps his mouth shut.
“If you’re tired, Cerberus, you should go to your sleeping quarters,” Price comments, tone worried. You look over at him.
“What if someone needs me, though?” You ask, slowly blinking at him.
“Kid, I don’t think anyone would get any good help from you with the state you’re in right now,” Price says honestly, ignoring the small glare you send him. “Anyone who needs you can just refer to someone else.”
You hum neutrally and sigh before muttering, “Fine,” and tentatively take your head off of Ghost’s shoulder and unwrapping the blankets you’d wrapped around yourself earlier, bundling it into a little ball and putting it into the box under your desk, putting the pillow in there as well.
You crack your knuckles quickly and get up from your seat, quickly putting your hands on the edge of your desk to steady yourself, standing up on slightly shaky legs. “I can help you get over there,” Price offers, frowning a bit when you shake your head negatively. Ghost lets out a sigh and stands up, closing his laptop before quickly walking over to you and wrapping an arm loosely around your side, over your arm, pulling you closer to him and helping you stand up a bit straighter. Gaz observes all of this with a raised eyebrow but otherwise says nothing, instead watching with Price—who watched this with disbelief in his eyes—as Ghost walked with you to the door wordlessly, opening the door and walking out of it with you, not looking back as he closes the door behind him. “You think everyone’s gonna think Cerberus is all scary after they see them leaning on Ghost trying to get back to their sleeping quarters?” Gaz asks Price, staring at the closed door. “Somehow, yeah,” Price says after a moment, still caught up in his disbelief, “That is… the strangest thing I’ve seen all day.” “It’s only thirteen, Captain.” “I don’t think anything’s gonna top that.” “Top what?” Gaz asks, a little confused, “Seeing Ghost helping out Cerberus?” “Yeah.” Gaz huffs out a laugh and pats Price’s shoulder, “Jesus, man. I’m surprised that’s the first time you’ve seen that.” Gaz ignores Price’s confused look and walks towards the door, opening and closing it as he walks out, leaving Price dumbfounded in Cerberus’ office. “Huh?”
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Mc has to leave on short notice and the Brothers think they ran away
if anybody saw him they would think he´s incredibly angry because he thinks you just left them forever
actually he is but it very quickly turns into him locking himself into his room and just wallowing in self pity, sadness and Demonus
a very bad combo if I might add but considering it´s Lucifer what else would you expect? him talking to others how he feels? if any of those Seven could do that they wouldn´t need Mc to solve all of their problems
but no he just bottles all of his feelings up and acts like it doesn´t bother him
but it does bother him like everybody is worried if there will be a new Satan situation worried
just imagine how he will feel when he sees the note Mc left him and might I add it was just on his night stand he should have seen it days before
if any of his Brothers even think about telling Mc about this he will string them up for all of eternity
he locked himself in his room and refused to leave until Mc get´s back and explains themselves, he thinks they left him but he keeps himself in (false) denial that they will come back to him
which they will if he didn´t bury his “phone battery died, will be back in three days” note that Mc quickly left him
and now he´s being very insecure on why Mc might have left them and most importantly him
for his sake he should find the note quickly because man is he spiraling and really fast too
and before he thinks they must have gotten kidnapped and that´s why they aren´t there
nobody in this family can survive without Mc but Mammon is the one who is the most attached to them
he knew they would eventually leave him but he hoped that they wouldn´t, but it´s not like he can blame them because who would want to stay with such a yuck Otaku like him? Mc probably just got their sense back and realized that they could do so much better than him
like he said he can´t blame them he can even barely tolerate himself too
but just like his Brothers before him he did not notice the note Mc left him saying they need to do something in the Human World quickly and just for the count it was something for him too
but no they never check their surroundings and immediately start panicking if they don´t see their Human for ten seconds
do you know what happens when Satan get´s sad? first he´ll cry and if that isn´t enough he will get mad
like Devildom ending anger and it get´s even worse if he would think Mc abandoned them
everybody hopes that either something knocks him out or that all of this was nothing more than a horrible and terrifying mistake and Mc will soon be back
and if they aren´t well there is a good chance there it is no more Devildom or Satan got locked up somewhere depends on who is faster
yeah for everybodies well being it would be best if Mc comes back really really fast because Satan is unpredictable at this moment
Mc might also get in trouble though
if you truly did run away from him you better hope he never finds out because he would tear you into a million pieces and use your skeleton as a chewing toy for Cerberus
but luckily (or unluckily) he just thinks you ran away and you did leave him multiple messages on his phone so he knows you were in a hurry and didn´t run away
but because of all the messages he get´s daily he kinda forgot
which isn´t really good not only will he be locked into his room and refusing to come out but even if you were gone for just 24 hours if he thought you tried to leave him he would have tried to rip your hair out
let´s just hope when you do come back you have some kind of back up to stop him from committing murder
he´ll eat the entire House, not he´ll empty out the entire food in the House of Lamentation but he´ll try to eat the House from top to bottom
it would be good to return as soon as possible because he won´t be able to be stopped for all to long at best they can keep him distracted for one or two days
but after that when the House of Lamentation is destroyed the rest of the Devildom will get hit
and uhh it will kinda cause a massive decrees in the Devildom population
yeah now it´s kinda urgent to get back but if you do finally come back hiding for a little while would be good
just long enough to Beel to calm down otherwise he´ll eat you to
he doesn´t even think much of it when he wakes up and notices you aren´t there, it happens often enough that you get up before him and do whatever you want instead of waiting for him to wake up
but if you´re gone for longer than a day? complete panic
like so bad that he doesn´t even can fall asleep and for the Avatar of Sloth that is pretty bad
and if he starts to think you ran away better not let him see you before everything is cleared
he uhh… doesn´t really take it well that you left him or more so that he thinks you left them
yeah you´re going to need a bodyguard for a while after you get back
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turianhumanclient · 8 months
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oh wow blast from the past. can't remember exactly when this was drawn but it was found from my armed service doodle notebook so earliest is 2012-ish, when I was hyped for Mass Effect 3 and posting hard about it on cerberus daily news AND in middle of my mandatory armed service. The old OC (also featured in this blog's profile pic) being turian auxiliary, which you may spy from the exaggerated bowl collar of the armor. The character ended up exploring that non-turian citizen auxiliary side of Turian Hierarchy for years.
0 notes
cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Your work is AMAZING! I hope you're proud of yourself! 💕
I was wondering if you could write how the brothers would react to finding out you're insecure about your body/ looks? I feel like Lucifer and Beel would be so so sweet to MC 🥰
Have a wonderful rest of your day and stay safe!
Thank you!!! 🥺 Sorry for the wait friend, I nervously kept rewriting this for a while 😆♡
MC Feeling Insecure (Obey Me!)
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"The truth is...I've always been insecure about my body and how I look." You say, confiding in your favorite demon one day.
»Characters: Demon Bros
»Tags: GN Reader, Fluff/Some Humor, Bulleted Style, Levi being down bad in his weird sweet way, Satan with the rizz™️
»Notes: I use beautiful+gorgeous+darling so if that bothers you then you should probably skip this!
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"You like to give me headaches." (Affectionate)
He just thought you knew how beautiful you are, he was surprised
The avatar of pride was going to teach you a lesson, it's what he does best after all
"We'll work through it together. I'll show you what I love about you."
And show you he did; he kissed every part of you that he loved- which was everything
He would tell you how great you looked, even in front of others
He took pride in that; it comes in many forms you see
He gave you daily affirmations and was patient with you on your bad days
One day he held your face gently and made you look at him: "I've been around for centuries and have had the opportunity to see all the realms...and I'd never met someone as beautiful as you." ♡♡♡
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He got real quiet...he was mildly annoyed
Actually, he started getting a little mad
How could you not see how perfect you are!?
Fine! Tch!
He took both your hands and looked at you intensely, knowing his face was burning
"Listen here-!"
"You'rePerfection! ICantKeepMyEyesOffYou!"
Although his face was burning, he hoped in his heart that you understood how beautiful you are, it hurt him to think you thought otherwise
From then on he made an effort everyday (he hoped it helped) to tell you something he liked about you in his own Mammon way
Usually via text bc in person was too much for the tsundere sometimes
(1) New text from Mammon: Look all I'm sayin' is I know beautiful treasure when I see it, got it?
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He was not having it!
He thinks you're the most perfect thing ever!
The most precious thing to have ever graced his disgustingly bleak life!
He felt a little bad at his outburst, he didn't mean to disregard your feelings
He knows a thing or two about insecurities after all
But he just cannot have you thinking that way and wanted to help you if he can!
The demon otaku pulled out a ready made powerpoint on why you're the absolutely perfect 3D partner
"L-look... all in all...you're beautiful! And I'll do a-anything I can to help you see that!"
He made it a point to worship you every day no matter how nervous he was
Yes he started a fan club, yes everyone else joined
Even Henry and Cerberus were a part of it
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"Hm. To think, I didn't expect someone as gorgeous as you would actually give me the time of day."
Tbh he also understands insecurities with one's self
He didn't know you also suffered through the same; and he wasn't going to let you go through it alone
"For what it's worth, I think you're absolute perfection." He said placing a kiss on your forehead
Brought out some self help books and the two of you went through them together
He would leave you daily positive handwritten notes
That didn't stop him from telling you how gorgeous you are in person though
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"What!? I think you're absolutely gorgeous...Do you want to talk more about it?"
He was familiar with insecurities too, unbeknownst to...nearly everyone, so he sure as hell wasn't going to let you go through this alone!
He lent an ear and reassured you that you were so perfect and that you'll see it one day like so many others do
"Do you know how many demons and monsters we have to chase off everyday!?" "What!?" "Nevermind! But darling you are downright gorgeous down to your soul!"
Your personal hype man
Started hyping you up every morning before RAD...eventually everyone started joining in, even Lucifer
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"You're perfect the way you are?"
This big guy was confused, he didn't mean to sound rude or anything to your feelings
He just wasn't prepared for your confession
He thought you were divine; if he didn't know any better he'd think you were from the celestial realm
No matter-- he was going to help you see your beauty one way or another
He hugged you tightly, "Thank you for trusting me"
He held your hand as the two of you talked and he tried to reassure you the best he could
He covered you in kisses and, if you were okay with it, gave extra attention to the parts you hated
"You're delicious in so many ways. You're really beautiful."
Looked up ways to make you feel better and made you a jar with little daily affirmation notes ♡
Like everyone else, also told you personally everyday how beautiful you are
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"...That's dumb."
Okay, even he thought that came out a little harsher than intended...leave it to him to be blunt
"I mean, I literally dream about you and when I'm awake you're better than any dream. You're beautiful."
He hugged you in hopes of making you feel better
"Look I'm not good at these things but I'll remind you everyday how amazingly gorgeous you are, alright?"
If you happen to nap/sleep together, he will whisper sweet stuff into your ear
"I'll keep saying these things until you believe it. And continue to, even after you realize it yourself."
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