#dammit microsoft!
madame-helen · 24 days
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i keep scrolling and honestly It is getting worse
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projectcatzo · 2 years
On the one hand, I wish there was more to Burn the Witch, but on the other hand, having read more than my share of Bleach, I can say I absolutely do not want there to be more to Burn the Witch
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Bakugo: DAMMIT! My shitty computer crashed again! Sparky - come over here and zap it so I can finish that dumb essay for Aizawa!
Kamanari: Jeez I'm not your personal IT service - give it here. *Grabs Bakugo's laptop*
Bakugo: Thanks Sparky. *stretches* I'm gonna go get a snack while you do your thing.
Kamanari: Ok...Let's see if a little extra juice brings it back to life. *Zaps a small bolt of electricity at the computer's charging port*
Bakugo's Computer: *Happy little noises as it boots up*
Kamanari: Ok it it's restarting and taking you back to your most recently edited Word documents.
Kamanari: Um...the first document that was autosaved when the computer crashed is...a love note!?
Kamanari: *Waves over Kirishima excitedly from across the common room*
Kirishima: Bakugo wrote a love note!? *Pulls it from Kamanari's grasp*
Kirishima: Oh. My. God. It's about Izuku.
Kirishima and Kamanari: *Giggling like Idiots as they read the note*
Bakugo: *Re-enters the room with a protein bar*
Bakugo: What are you idiots laughing at -
Kirishima and Kamanari: NOTHING!! *Kirishima closes out the love note Microsoft Word file and closes the laptop, handing it over to Bakugo.*
Kirishima: Umm...the essay looks great so far!
Bakugo: No one asked your opinion shitty hair! *he settles back into his work*
He can never know that they know, or he will absolutely obliterate them.
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constantvariations · 1 year
I am postponing writing a very delicious scene so y’all better appreciate this ;P
Post Ep: these last 3 eps are going to be carrying so much weight but at least we might be working towards Ruby’s decaying arc
Okay, totally random thought while I was watching the OP (I always watch OPs unless they’re particularly awful. It’s a compulsion idk) but I think it’d be hella cool if the blacksmith was Alyx. Whether the real Alyx isn’t the one who made it out or she came back for whatever reason (not dying ever is appealing to some, I hear), it’d be a neat twist
I’m not into 3d animation, so I can’t say a whole lot, but are the textures supposed to be this... weird? Last episode I said Jaune’s house looked like a ps2 game and it just keeps going
“I’m late! I’m late!” Okay, that’s a decent Alice in Wonderland nod. Not overdone or wink wonked, which can be annoying to those who don’t know the joke (man, I should watch Shrek again. The first two movies are masterpieces)
Wait, was that a dammit? Jaune canonically swears now. Huh
“Right on time.” It’s obviously not a time loop so what does this mean? Did the time fruit do more than just send him back in time but gave him even more of a spotlight in Wonderland? He’s a rusted knight, he’s the white rabbit, he’s murbling like he’s the mad hatter; what next, is he gonna be Jesus?
“Hurry! People are counting on us.” Uhhh people counted on you to fight the jabberwock and y’all bailed like frightened horses. I wouldn’t count on you with my fingers, much less my life
Okay, so we’re being hit yet again with the “what are you” question, which wouldn’t be weird if it wasn’t just our protags being bombarded with it. Surely there are some critters who venture over into new areas? Or perhaps new life occurs every now and again? The repetition has been annoying for a while, but it’s venturing into just plain silly “-so that we may serve you.” What. Why. Kill me
While I do like the designs of the paper stars, I’m really not digging the vibes. Sorry stars, you will never be the plupples from the Hot Daga
“Paper pleasers” I hate that I actually like that pun
Why is the team reacting so negatively to the stars being named after them? That’s genuinely fucking sad. Yet another instance of the show zooming by actual trauma for a cheap gag
Dude has spent who know how many years without a genuine personal connection, has been spending that time exploring the area and gaining its people’s trust, AND has shared his home with these people, yet when they talk to him about anything Wonderland related, they act like he’s saying he’s going to make them into shoes or something while having the audacity to be disappointed that he doesn’t have a solid lead on getting out. These girls are deplorable
Why are RWBY so lackluster about doing literal life-saving tasks while Jaune follows a hunch? You’re Hunters, that’s your job. Quit acting like life in Wonderland is beneath you because you don’t understand it jfc
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many different visual styles in a single show before. There’s the standard 3d, the color silhouettes (solid and textured), some microsoft paint scribbles, a few 2d stills, and now this children’s book style. Feels like an identity crisis
I understand Jaune’s perception of the tree, but I really don’t like how he overrides the autonomy of the villagers. If they’re literally willing to self-mutilate in order to leave, that’s probably a sign that you should let them go
Love how Weiss’s interest in Jaune disappears the moment he shows signs of mental illness. Gives me the warm and fuzzies *smash cut to me barfing in a dumpster*
“Because I can actually protect these people!” That is definitely a response to trauma that fits well with this narrative. Let’s see how MKEK fuck it up!
Jaune kills 2 jabbers in like 0.0003 seconds. Why in the everloving fuck did y’all have to run before?
I’m just realizing this is the first fight I’ve actually paid attention to. No idea why, but every fight previous my eyes have just glazed over. But I gotta say, I think the camera is way too close to the action. There’s definitely some interesting choreography going on but it’s hard to get a grasp on where everyone is at any point, and the bland environment isn’t helping. Go watch John Wick for some pointers
Unsure as to why Ruby is a) the only one apparently traumatized to the point of nearly 180-ing her character and b) why it’s specifically Crescent Rose/combat that triggers her. MKEK know how to throw bones but they can’t dish out any real substance
Someone please give that creature a cough drop or something because I cannot understand a word this fucker says
I thought Neo’s semblance was illusions? Pretty sure it’s called Imagination, which definitely implies it’s not a physical shifting ability. So, if the jabber-Neo had taken a bite of Ruby, would that mean Neo is chomping down? Would Ruby get stabbed with semblance glass? Or did the writers forget their own rules again?
This “don’t ask me because I’m a leader” bit is really strange coming right off the several minute conversation about finding leads to getting home where not one person even looked at Ruby. Like, this was a request for supporting a platitude not a demand for a plan
“Why do I have to be the one to always pick people up?” First of all, no one asked you to, so jot that down. Second of all, bitch you have never been the sole sally sunshine, nor were you the only one helping others with emotions. Yang picked up Blake in V2, Jaune reassured YOU back in V4, Weiss talked to Yang in V5, Qrow comforted YOU in V7 and his main source of kindness was Clover (rip good boy). You’ve had your moments but don’t act like you’re the only one pulling emotional weight
Also, this voice acting is making me laugh I cannot take this seriously whatsoever
Why in the hickory dickory fuck is Blake hiding behind Yang and YANG WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE YOUR SISTER IS A FUCKING THREAT
In this scenario, it does make sense why Jaune’s the one who snaps, but holy cannoli batman I cannot stop thinking about how much better Yang would’ve been in this position, especially after the group split in V8. Sure, that conflict was contrite to begin with and its resolution unmemorable (did it even resolve? I’m not subjecting myself to V8 again), but it’d be so much spicier if the family divide grew in absence
Skipping right past Ruby’s breakdown to focus on Jaune’s. Huzzah. At least his is more interesting and grounded than hers
Genuinely impressed with Luna’s voice here. Dude should go bananas more often
I am once again asking if the team knows about Penny or if Jaune’s been keeping that juicy bit to himself. The way the camera focused on his mouth made it seem like he was about to confess, but it was a tease. I got narrative blue balls over here man, get on with it
Wasn’t it usually Yang who tried for positivity in dark times? Or did that get left at Beacon too? Blake’s supposed to be the realist, which maybe that’s what she was trying to do here but considering her track record I doubt it
And R leaves WBY behind! Please let this mean we can FINALLY focus on her shit and not cut away from it? And they better bring the cat back or Else
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kaiasky · 1 year
god fuckin dammit i clicked something on my windows machine and now it's asking me to add my Microsoft account with no way to exit
how do i lobotomize this goddamn operating system
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practicalsolutions · 2 years
Minecraft is adding centralized moderation. It's not just up to individual servers to ban, in the next update you can get banned from minecraft multilayer via Microsoft. They will have a reporting system.
Dammit. I can't even play video games without these policies of "No we actually don't trust you to run your own areas and curate your own experiences so we are going to do it for you."
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anisaanisa · 2 years
Hello darling! I’m here for the cute ask game. 💕
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Hello, my love @heynikkiyousofine 🥰😍💓
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Love it! I'm open to all the things. Comments aren't moderated, my DMs are always open and anons are always on. The only thing I tend to keep close to my chest is spoilers, and honestly, it's mostly down to "what if I changed this one point and it unravels the entire sweater?"
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Homecoming, Chapter 2: Warmth 🔥
Apart from the most recent one, I distinctly remember feeling a way about chapter 2 of Homecoming when it was written for InuKag Week 2021. I read it back somewhat recently in prep for Evermore, and I wanted to smash those stupid bowls on Inuyasha's behalf.
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
Probably not, but never say never. Writing is a hobby for me and I think I'll keep it that way, because everyone should have a hobby that they partake in purely for the joy of it, and writing is that for me. As it stands currently, I'm just having fun playing with other people's characters 😂
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
For you? Anything 😌 Here's an (unedited) snippet of the opening for a WIP called One for the Money:
Inuyasha was one typo away from throwing his keyboard across the room. It was flat, too flat, and his claws overshot nearly every key. He was good at his job, dammit, and technology was doing the most the colour him illiterate. Sending an email shouldn't require multiple proofreads in his line of work, yet every other word replacing a letter with something he didn't ask for had his blood pressure soaring.
Whoever suggested new tech for their department was a masochist; the swap from Microsoft to Mac had ruined everyone, and now, even the keyboards were revolting.
The old ones were fine, the kind that clacked under your fingers and had room to breathe for nails of a particular length, the type that weren't fucking white, so every speck of dust–   
His phone vibrated against his leg, and whoever it was had just saved him the hassle of getting Kagura to order a replacement keyboard.
He pulled his phone from his pocket, and the screen lit up with a text from Kagome. Three siren emojis were all it took for sweat to break out on his brow.
It was time.
Thank you for the asks, my love! 💓💓💓
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask Game 💌
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asklittlepip · 2 years
Dammit, Serious Rainbow’s right, that almost certainly IS Albert Cole in the post below! At first I thought it was a stylized version of Nate considering how they drew Piper next to them and by the time I realized this, it was too late; but hey, it’s still a Fallout protagonist either way! :P
You seem unable to edit Blazed posts, and go figure, I tried that function again before being able to correct this, when we spoke over Steam chat a moment ago so, uhm.. oops!
And as another addendum, it seems that the version of 76 you get from Prime is NOT the Steam version, oddly, but the Windows Store release, even though Microsoft is pushing more stuff through Valve’s platform, so keep that in mind!
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wizardlyghost · 2 years
- ooh another S.P.E.C.I.A.L. video!
- ah it’s just STRENGTH again. i guess they are on shuffle.
- fuckin. dammit. i thought i might be able to set two usbs as capture locations and alternate them so i’m not accidentally saving my screenshots to the annoyingly impregnable FORT (X)BOX, but it looks like if i’m gonna do that i gotta manually designate the new one as my capture location every time. fuck you microsoft.
- PRESTON admires me again, so i guess i was right about losing his respect by helping the BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL. glad i could walk it back.
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- where did you get that?????? put it back.
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- wait why is it illegal to disarm this TRIPWIRE? i thought this was a SUPER MUTANT place. idk what to do here, i feel like PRESTON might disapprove of illegal actions and i just got him to like me again. i guess i’ll go around?
- nevermind he just tripped it anyway. i’m not even sure it did anything.
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turtlemagnum · 7 months
y'know, as an american who thinks that the xbox line of consoles is basically worthless (since i'm a PC gamer), i'd love to just talk to a japanese xbox fan. because like, they aren't common but i know they exist. there's at least 500k people in japan who bought an xbox series x/s. i want to know what compelled them to do so, what could drive people to such lengths.
i mean like, realistically it's probably just a case of "i like (microsoft exclusive game) but i don't wanna get into PC gaming", but still. i wanna meet the die-hards, dammit
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kujo1597 · 8 months
Nnnnoooo!!! Wordpad doesn't have smart quotation marks! D: Microsoft Word is now a subscription service so I won't have it anymore so I'm stuck using Wordpad now. Writing is going to take FOREVER because I have to type in a flippin' code to get the quotation marks I want. God dammit. I love my computer to bits. But losing out on Microsoft Word sucks.
And for future me, here's the codes to type in for all your lovely quotation marks.
opening single quotealt 0145
closing single quotealt 0146
opening double quotealt 0147
closing double quotealt 0148
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asymm3 · 9 months
microsoft word telling me that some of my language might be “offensive to readers” (aka horny shit) will never not be funny
stop underlining cock every time dammit i’m not gonna use a weird euphemism
this is about the horny johnny fic. sorry it’s taking longer than expected. he’s decided he likes dirty talk far more than i planned for
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skewbforty · 11 months
Ranking gaming generations
Yes I stole this idea from This Is.
TW: Your favorite generation may be F tier. This may make you rage. If you think you can't handle is here's your out. I do not want to see pissed off replies here. I have RSD dammit.
First generation: C tier I know almost nothing about this generation. All I know is that it was the founding generation of gaming. And I know that BECAUSE IT’S THE FIRST GENERATION. So, I’m gonna place it in C purely cause I can’t figure out how much the pros of being a revolution outweighs the limitations games has at the time
Second generation: F tier This is unfair as I also know very little about this one too. And all I have to go by is the god damn controller of the Atari which for some reason locks up and becomes unmovable whenever someone with a name that begins with R touches it. Or something. Can’t rate games if I can’t play them. Something something cartridges yeah whatever stupid controller.
Third generation: B tier This is the one with the NES if you didn’t know. And also, if you didn't know… That was kinda a big deal. I’m not terribly fond of this generation but I will admit if it weren’t for this generation… I may not even be aware of what’s a huge part of my life today.
Fourth generation: C tier I initially had this in D tier, but I brought it up one ranking once I remembered that this was the Game Boy’s debut. I’ve always loved handheld gaming more than TV gaming. I could probably actually get by with a Switch lite. But I can’t bring it too much higher cause what else is there to talk about during this generation outside of the Genesis / Mega Drive?
Fifth generation: A tier Ah, here’s where I come in. The Nintendo 64, PS1 and Sega Saturn. Tho I know next to nothing about the Sega Saturn, there’s no denying that the other two were out there making history. I may have born into this generation but honestly. I wouldn’t have minded being just a bit older to allow me to immerse myself in this generation more. Sixth generation: S tier As you’ve noticed I’m really letting nostalgia doing the talking here. Like I’m not basing these off of any concrete evidence, I just rank the ones I know well higher. Typical. Anyway, this is the first of the 2 oddballs of gaming generations. And you all know how much I love weird. I had loads of fun with not only the Gamecube and GBA, but also the PS2 and its array of movement games. I forget what the camera accessory that came with it was called but that was awesome. And it definitely paved the way for…
Seventh generation: S tier The Wii, the Kinect, and that silly Wii remote knockoff by Sony. Regardless, this was truly the movement generation. Definitely the second of the 2 generational oddballs. But gosh darn did I have fun with it. I can name so many games that I played religiously on the Wii. But let’s not forget the DS, which was also a huuuuuge part of my life. So much so that I’ve got my eye on some second hand DS games even today. That’s how you know you’ve done a generation right.
Eighth generation: D tier This is the one with the Wii U, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One. Microsoft in typical Microsoft fashion was making some dumb decisions which led to the ridicule of the Xbox One. But what Sony and Nintendo wasn’t any better. The PS4, although undeniably the most popular of the 3… Was kinda underwhelming, Nintendo was in trouble after the release of the Wii U so hurried to make the Wii U U (Aka Switch) and just generally things were slowing down. Technology was no longer improving at the same rate as before so there was not much going on here. Kinda a dark era of gaming now I think about it. This is also around the time Nintendo started to get… Unpleasant. Ninth generation: A tier. I hate this generation so much. It’s the same AAA games over and over again. Companies buying other companies instead of making games, Nintendo had gone full Nintendo. Gender politics wars everywhere you looked. Games broken upon release. Price increase to 70. FPS being the pinnacle of innovation. People stopped caring and started raging. It’s no longer about having fun. It’s a mess. But Steam Deck so that makes it A tier.
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shitplanetblog · 1 year
"Anal Rail Gun" is an actual thing
Academics are shocked, shocked to discover something. That nuclear power plants, which people have been frantically trying to get rid of since the 1980s because "oooh scary", actually cause far less pollution, less CO2 production, and fewer deaths, than the "replacements". Which are usually gas turbine plants. Modern reactor designs will be safer than the old BWRs. Even environmentalists are changing their tune on nuclear power. (Meanwhile, the feds are bailing out Diablo Canyon, the most hated/feared pile of concrete in California. Fuck you, PG&E.)
Is the Free Software Foundation dying? Consider this blog post. Or this. Yet the FSF continues--partly as a personality cult for the golden showers of Richard Stallman. The blog made a good case, yet the white male incels who still dominate the open-source world screamed rage at him for his "trouble".
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A guy, fed up with deaths and misery in Vancouver caused by addictive drugs, opened a store to sell clean supplies of heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine. The very next day his arrest was loudly trumpeted by the Vancouver cops. Let me tell you a little more about the "glory" of Vancouver. Bah.
Dooce, among the most beloved/hated bloggers in internet history, finally killed herself. After 22 years of blatant public self-flagellation. And only her Karen-ish fans noticed. The perfect example of a "jack Mormon". Dollar sez her blog will be abandoned in a few years, and some spammer in Indonesia or Thailand will take it over. The internet remembers nothing.
YouTube Hell: I still wonder what happened to the British Empire. And suspect people like Mangy Dog happened to it. His pocket game console was successful (?), his tricorder was moderately successful albeit only with a few insane Trek fans. His model stargate was a massive flop, mainly because he's an obsessed perfectionist who can't live with a 2mm gap between complex 3d-printed or cast parts. His videos tend to be unwatchable whinging ordeals.
Should I complain about Gizmodo some more? Does anyone care? By all appearances, their front page is turning into titanium-plated garbage. Consider this, this, this and especially this. And, believe me or not, this was briefly the top story. Being as stupid as BuzzFeed is NOT something to brag about.
Boo hoo hoo. Boo hoo hoo hoo.
Musk was posting weird shit on one of his throwaway sock accounts. Someone on 4chan noticed, so he deleted the weird shit. Dammit.
I was wondering why Ben Edelman, current "chief economist" at Microsoft (and probably VERY well compensated for it), left Harvard. And now we know--he fought with a local Chinese restaurant over a $4 overcharge. Which led to Harvard denying him tenure. Lol.
Insane Artist Corner: Pray tell, why do incels keep talking about ass-fucking?
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mothwithteeth · 1 year
I'm going to have to pay for another goddamn month of Microsoft office so I can rework my resume again. God fucking dammit
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