#dark!august walker
The Machinist 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible bullying, misogyny, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your new boss sets his sights on you. (short!reader)
Characters: August Walker
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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Your forehead pinches and your eyes singe. Your brows dip as you focus on your tasks, your hands firm on the small cylinder as you smooth the edge. Your work is tedious and precise, but you work off muscle memory. It all comes naturally. 
You lean in as you finish off the small piece, slowly pulling it away from the spinning wheel. You hit the stop and admire your handiwork briefly and label it before putting the piece aside in its coordinated container. You keep your space as tidy as you can, as organized as possible to avoid anything missing or overlooked. 
You lean on the tall stool you never use; it’s too high and this job isn’t really made for sitting. You take off your safety glasses and pull the bandana down from over your hairline to sop up your sweat. Your shoulders are tight and sore and your lower back tugs from your half-bent posture. 
You fix your bandana and near the work table again. Your old station was too high and now this one somehow is too low. It’s like a cruel trick. 
You pull the next blueprint up on the screen, clacking on the keys to zoom. It’s simple. You’re sent the schematics and you make whatever’s needed. It is a less than exciting job but it pays the bills. 
As you put your materials out in front of you and ready the borer, the noise of the factory forms a calamitous wall around you. You’ve learned to tune it out, you hardly notice when Bill swears at his lathe or Joe and Sakir argue over one thing or another. You keep to your work. You keep to yourself. 
Before you can start your next job, you sense a shift in the air. Voices quiet, machines slow and some stop. You peer over but can’t see much from your vantage in the corner. You claimed the station even though the air flow is crap. You prefer that you’re not center among the chaos. 
You begin by shaping the steel into a flat circle, then bore a hole in the middle. You’re going to have to be careful with how thin the sheet is but any thicker and it will impinge the hinge in the blueprint. You’ll have to make that too. 
The odd lull seems to flow across the factory floor like a tide. You peer up only as the air seems to stagnate. You see a man approaching. You don’t recognise him but he’s not very much different than most men you work with; ball cap, plaid shirt, that overly macho stance. 
Unlike most factory men, he isn’t built like a noodle or with an extra pouch around his middle. He’s tall and lumbering and his shoulders broad. Across his upper lip, he sports a dark mustache, and his blue are somehow bright and dark at once. 
“Hello,” he approaches as his bold tone rolls like thunder, “machinist?” 
Your brows knot together curiously as you shut off the borer and set aside the parts. You turn to him completely, “yes.” 
“Ah,” he reaches into the bin and takes out the cylinder you just finished, “fine work. Detailed. The labeling is clever.” 
You’re wary. You’re used to the men talking down to you. It’s not that unusual but something about him is loftier than you’re used too. 
“Engineer?” You wonder. He has to be. Their degrees seem to overload their egos in a certain kind of way. 
“Supervisor,” he puts the part back in the green container, “first day. Did you not receive the notice?” 
“I did,” you assure him. You read the notice on the lunchroom wall but it didn’t matter much to you. He isn’t the first replacement to pass through the position, especially since the buyout. 
“August Walker,” he offers his large hand. 
You eye it and reach with your glove, mindless of the darkened fabric, and dully recite your name. He squeezes, in the way that men do, trying to prove their strength. You simply allow him his little display before rescinding your hand. 
“How long have you worked here?” He asks. 
You look around. You notice Bill watching and a few others trying to act like they aren’t. You know what they’re thinking. If fat needs to be trimmed, naturally it should be the girl. 
“Three years,” you answer. 
“Really? Work like this, I’d have guessed longer,” he muses, “by looking at you, though, I might have guessed you just started.” 
“Mm,” you grumble and turn back to your parts. 
“Compliment,” he says bluntly. 
“Right,” you utter. “Got work orders.” 
“So, you do,” he agrees, “but I’m your boss.” 
You hesitate and pull your hands back from the table. You face him again as he stands on the other side of the table’s arm. You step up to your side and look up at him. 
“Is there something I missed? A task I should focus on first, sir?” You ask. 
He snorts and one side of his mouth lifts up in amusement, “not much for water cooler talk, huh?” 
“With due respect, I’m on the clock.” 
"Due respect," he echoes.
His eyes flick up and down and you withhold your discomfort. It isn’t unusual. Your coworkers are more often in miserable marriages or eternally single. They all can’t help but ogle you now and again, even if you dress exactly like them. Nothing special. Not the girls at the bar or the wives they once loved. 
“Well then, maybe I’ll run into in the lunchroom and you can tell me all about yourself,” he plants his hands on the table and leans over just slightly, “I’m dying to know how someone like you ended up in a place like this.” 
You tweak a brow and cross your arms. Right. He’s one of those. Just like the rest of them. This isn’t your place, you’re an intruder. 
“I mean, why would you come here and sweat over all this dirty work when you could be put up in a kitchen, huh?” He wonders with a smirk, “but I’ve seen the men around here, none of them got the guts to put you where you belong.” 
Your chest rises and falls as a swell of anger comes over you. You know the best way to react is not to. So, you don’t. 
“Sir, I’m right at home right here,” you assure him and turn back to your station. 
You ignore him as you adjust your glasses and adjust a setting on the lather. What you wouldn’t do to put his face to the grinder. He isn’t worth the damage his thick skull would do to the wheel. 
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milknhonies · 5 months
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The Negatives of Shooting People
Chapter 3 || MasterList || Chapter 5
Chapter Summary: The ten year anniversary soiree is here for August's Lion Lounge club. And he's awfully surprised to see you, an uninvited guest...careful now....
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Gambling, Non-Con, Piss, Manipulation, Threats, Sexual Assualt, Bondage, Murder, Violence, Strangulation, Public Execution, Kidnapping, Bondage, Slight Daddy Kink, Slight Puppy Play Kink, Petnames.
Pairing: Kingpin!August Walker X F!reader
Word Count: 8k
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Author Notes: I honestly don't know how to gamble or how it works. I read a quick wiki instruction and played a game. If anyone actually knows how to play, let me know and I'll change the writing.
Inspiring Song: "Poker Face." By Lady Gaga.
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07:00pm Friday 16th August 2024, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane.
When Lloyd met you in the foyer and escorted you to the car, you noticed how his neck was tight against his bow tie. His bruised face and knuckles had lightened. He had waxed his moustache and curled the tips upward.
He whistled low and gawked at you all over. Your foot rubbed the back of your calf shyly. You were decadent in pearls and metallic shimmering from your dress.
He reminded you that your role was too find August and do whatever you could to distract him from figuring out that Lloyd, a police officer undercover had infiltrated his event.
Lloyd gave you another hundred dollars and said it was for gambling and pleasure purposes only. If August could be distracted by a drink, a game of poker, a jukebox dance even a pokie machine, that should give Lloyd plenty of time to look around for an illegal weapons auction.
You both got out of the car and found yourself escorted on his arm passed the body guard checking the invites.
You clenched a small purse under your arm tighter as you entered the massive club. It left you briefly speechless.
The floor was covered in black and gold mixed marble. The club was an old building. Probably over a century or two old. It had a huge bar and multiple show rooms. On one stage was a burlesque dancer shaking her covered nipples. In another part was a casino theme of tables and machines. And to the sides were seats, tables and booths.
Lloyd got you both to sit down and he ordered a drink. He sipped his whiskey and glanced at the stairs that spiralled up to more private rooms.
“There he is, balcony, beside the blonde.”
You tried to not be obvious when you looked over your shoulder. August was smirking with a drink in his hand, shaking hands with an old bald gentleman with beady eyes and a brief case.
As that older fellow walked away Lloyd murmured, “And that’s our cue.”
He moved out of his seat and left the whiskey behind.
You waited a few minutes. You stared at the reflection of August in the whiskey glass and bit your lip. That man was a monster. He had raped you, humiliated you and made you scared…except now you had teeth and claws to flex.
You shut your eyes and prayed to get out alive. Picking up the glass you tossed your head back and finished what Lloyd had left. Your lipstick smudged the beautiful glasswork.
You abandoned the booth and deposited the glass.
You turned back and started to glide up those stairs in your small heeled feet. You felt immaculate, confident. And you were sure…he had seen you as you ran your hand up the banister.
You slowly moved around him. He hadn’t turned to look at you yet. A blonde woman was on his other side, whispering in his ear with her seductive rose lips. She was gorgeous, legs long and slender waist. Her dress was a deep burgundy red and her gloves black. She made you look like the frumpiest woman in the club.
You leant against the railing beside them at a respectful distance. You looked over the dance floor. You recognised local representative politicians mingling, kissing, all salacious actions that the average public would be shocked to witness. A Greenie with her tongue down a Nationalists throat.
From your side you could feel his eyes. You couldn't tell if August was glaring daggers, but you knew he had seen you.
Your fingers squeezed the railing tight.
You took a deep breath in and focused not to stutter, “Fancy seeing you here.”
You managed to angle your face his way. You prayed he wouldn't look at your hands, trembling on top of the metal bar.
He looked down at his glass cup. He turned away from his golden haired friend and smirked at you. The woman attached to his side flashed you a sickly fake smile. Her eyes were full of scornful judgement.
He chuckled lightly, eyes raking up and down your body in a way to made you feel like meat in the deli section.
“Well, I do own the club Miss Y/L/N or did you not read my name on the invitation?”
You curled your toes and strained a brave smile, “Oh of course, but business is always busy with men like you…”
You looked away from him briefly, trying to compose yourself. Your hands were starting to shake while your knees felt light. You swallowed hard and returned to face his predator eyes.
“Men like me?” He purred and turned his body to lean on the railing.
You nodded slowly, trying to find a way to answer him and continue the conversation.
“Men like you,” was all you could repeat back firmly. You could feel a line of sweat crawl down the back of your neck.
He chuckled and held his empty cup to his feminine companion.
“Natalie, be a dear and fetch me some Guinness and whatever you’d like.”
Natalie winked at him and gave a girlish laugh when he smacked her backside. You wanted to scoff but at the same time you pitied her. You were scared she would be his next sexual victim. She toddled down the stairs and August slid himself closer to you on the railing. His fingers fluttered and circled around your neck. It was too public a place for him to squeeze any tighter. He couldn’t kill you out here, it was too public. His fingers softly moved over the spot where your pulse sat.
“Why are you here?” He raised his brow to you as he purred, “How did you even get in, huh? I know you didn’t get the invitation…so…have you come to take some more photos? We could have a quick interview in my office if you’d like.”
His lips were amused, but his eyes were dark and annoyed. Annoyed with you.
You shuddered, you weren’t too interested in his offering, but you had to consider how much time Lloyd needed to gain incriminating information. Lloyd didn’t know you had your phone down the front of your dress. It was risky but you wanted to catch anything if the occasion arose.
Your glanced at him, your bottom lip trembled slightly, you nuzzled his hand that started to cup your cheek.
Lightly shaking your head you said calmly, “I got your photos…the envelope…so no photos tonight…”
He chuckled and leered down your chest before leaning in closer to your face moaning, “So…what have you come for?”
You were frustrated that Lloyd really thought you’d be able to do this….this improvisation was nearly impossible when you had to face a man with a mean face. It was the tension of your chest snapping, the breath you were holding broke in a breathy sigh which was close to a gasp.
“The party,” you lied, you leant closer and let your noses touch, “Just to party.”
You laid your hand on his chest and rubbed it in large low circles. The whiskey was warm in your cheeks. You felt daring. Your heart beating strong in your ears. Do it now or you might as well drown. You squeezed your eyes shut and tightened your insides as you pushed up and kissed his mouth. His moustache scratched your top lip as you forced yourself onto him. It was a hard lip pressing peck, you felt his hot breath fan your face. The smell of his malted breath mad a hot light sing in between your legs. Your heart was thundering in your chest,
His wide cold eyes bore into your soul and he chuckled, “You make such a fucking terrible liar.”
It was like he had punched you in the gut the way the air had left your body.
“August dear, I have your drink!” the ringing of Natalie’s voice had his head turned away and letting you go. You couldn’t think, you just stood there absolutely frozen.
August collected his new refreshment, taking an impressive gulp, and you watched him lean closer to the blonde, “The accounts are settled, you can piss off now Nat.”
Her false smile faltered into a malicious smirk. She winked at you before she fled back down the stairs and greeted another gentleman in a tuxedo. You felt sick.
August leant back and cupped your waist in his awfully huge hand, “Let’s take a walk.”
He smirked feeling the shiver roll down your back. His hand squeezed your fingers as he led you down the staircase. You frantically looked out to the room and dance floor. You hoped you might see Lloyd, you might call out for him to save you.
“Ever played Roulette?” he asked setting his empty Guinness on a passing waitress tray.
You shook your head and heard him chuckle, “Of course you haven’t, good girl like you hasn’t done many things at all.”
You were slightly offended by his wording no matter how much it might’ve been true deep down.
He put his hand back to your lower back and led you to the casino rooms. There were multiple tables with different games involving cards and chips. But there was a long table surrounded by at least twenty or thirty well dressed men with their arm candy super model women. At the end was a dealer with a long metal pole. He wore a golden coloured suit. He looked serious and when his eyes caught the sight of August that cold aura disappeared. A giant smile graced his cranky appearance.
“Want to join the game sir?” he asked, “We just finished a game.”
August smiled and said, “Yes, give me ten black chips, six purple and…” he sucked his teeth, “Six yellow.”
The dealer smiled and nodded, he handed his boss, your rapist, the eftpos machine before pushing some chips towards the edge of the table you both next to.
Your eyes widened. The black chips had the number of one hundred, the purple was five hundred and the pretty yellow chips were decorate with a one and three zeros. You had a wild guess that those digits were the amount of money he was putting on the table.
To August it was nothing.
The dealer was selling other chips to the players that were from the old game wanting to buy more while August groped your hip and pressed his nose to your ear, “Lets start off easy, pick, red or black.”
You looked at the table, there were numbers between zero and thirty six. Half the numbers were covered in red, the other half in black. Your mouth felt dry. You really didn’t know what you were doing.
“Bl-“ you cleared your throat as his hand cupped your backside under the table, “Black.”
He smiled, “Now pick, do you prefer even numbers or odd?”
You looked over the red squares and noticed how half looked odd and the other half was even, you weren’t sure if this would help or set you back.
“Odd numbers,” you whispered.
His breath was hot and his eyes were trapping you where you stood. You felt embarrassed to meet his looks.
“Dealer, One hundred on Black and one hundred on Odds.”
The dealer smirked, you knew that dealer knew this wasn’t really Augusts choice.
He spun the wheel that had a metal ball tapping along inside. Round and round the crimson and black. The ball landed onto black thirty five. You held your breath.
“And now,” August purred, “You’ve just won an extra two hundred dollars pup.”
The light in your chest bloomed with excitement, the butterflies rained like a storm in your belly. You were amazed at how it was to win so quickly…but then what if it was red even that won? Or just black and even? Would you have lost it all? Half? You were tickled with curiosity to learnt this grown up game. Two new black chips along with the original were pushed back to you. August thick fingers stacked them on top of each other in a bundle.
“Lets play again, now…see those top numbers, one to twelve, thirteen to twenty four, twenty five to thirty six?” he said, gesturing to the top of the red and black chart against the green fuzzy felt of the table.
“Pick one of those three groups.”
You sucked in a breath and tried to strategize….you had more numbers in the two boxes. You didn’t want to risk less numbers more chance of losing…
“One to twelve?” you said, his large hand rubbed on your ass pressing you closer to the table edge.
“Dealer, a purple chip on the one twelve,” he said cooly not even looking at the dealer this time as he said it. You wanted to know what he was thinking as he stared right down into your skull.
“Yes sir,” said the dealer pushing the five hundred chip over the dozen number group,
“Spin hockey,” August barked and clapped his hands.
And the bowl with a ball spun. it settled on number five. The table players groaned as their games were losing. Luck of the gods must’ve been over you tonight…
“And now you’ve won an extra thousand dollars,” he hummed.
The damn game made no sense except you were happy to be winning. You didn’t expect the fear you got from being in Augusts palm mixed with the joy of winning at gambling would make you aroused and wanting.
The yellow chip was pushed to you and you daringly picked it up. It was pretty, the emboss was August Lion symbol.
“Now…see those three columns that say two to one? There’s a right, middle and left. Pick one,” he plucked the chip from your curious fingers.
“Right,” you bravely exclaim. August laughed and turned to the dealer who had gotten back to your turn, “You heard the lady, yellow on right column.”
The chip was planted and the wheel spun once more…landing on black eleven…a middle column. And just like that, a thousand dollars gone…All the warmth left your body. Now you understood a gambling drop felt worse than the gambling high. His hand snuck it’s way across your lower belly. He moved you closer into his side. His hot breath fanned over you neck.
He tutted at you, “See the risk? Got all the blood rushing, didn’t it and now you’re feeling that punch of loss?”
You slowly shook your head, agreeing. Thank fuck it wasn’t your money or the money Lloyds' had given you. So far you’d at least made August a two hundred dollars profit from the original ten thousand he bought out.
August held your hips and pressed you back into his crotch. He wasn’t hard but you could feel his warm body heat and the shape of his soft cock in his pants.
His mouth purred along the shell of your ear, “Now, Puppy, choose one number.”
He was standing behind you, trapping you against the table flushed. None of the other players took notice and if they did they didn’t care. Because maybe they didn’t know what type of monster this monster could be.
“N-nineteen,” you stuttered, choosing your age might be a safer option.
“Tell the dealer,” he whispered.
You swallowed. You felt hot and a foul arousal between your thighs. You thought about the time you played Pool with August. Your first kiss...
“Nineteen please sir,” you said to the gold suited man.
“Chip type?”
August whispered like he was telling you the dirtiest secret, “Tell him you’re all in.”
You repeat the term and made it sound like a question. You had a feeling you knew what it meant after watch movies ‘Bounty Hunter’ with Jennifer ashton and Gerald Butler. The dealer glanced at August and smirked, “All in number nineteen.”
The long metal pole came out and scooped up all your chips to the nineteen box.
When the ball began to spin inside the wheel your belly twisted and your hands desperately squeezed Augusts. You remembered there was at least ten thousand two hundred dollars on the number and you were truly risking losing all his money. You damn well knew that Lloyd didn’t give you that much and there’s be no way to pay August back.
Your eyes ran round and round the wheel, you held your breath as the metal ball landed and bounced between the numbers. You felt weak in the knees. The wheel slowed and you nearly vomited from anticipation alone managing to force your arse harshly back into August you sound and desperately buried your face into his expensive cologne soaked shirt. You worried and bit your lip hard as the clattering silver ball stopped and the wheel paused.
You could imagine the dealers face peering down into the black and red bowl of fortunes and curses, debts and dreams.
“Congratulations little lady in front row, number Nineteen, you have won three million five hundred and seven thousand dollars,” said the dealer over an excited cheering crowd.
You swore you misheard, your knees wobbled as you dared to look up at Augusts grinning face. You looked over your shoulder and true to the dealers word, that silver ball sat in the groove of red painted with the number nineteen.  All the air was drained from your lips. You could’ve fainted. You couldn’t believe it. Out of all the bad luck in your life, this felt truly unbelievable. You wished your father was here to see this. You started to smile...and then the squealing crawled out of your throat. You jumped up and down on your feet, your fingers squeezed Augusts arm tightly. The buzz inside you was wild. Your adrenaline was jumping out of adrenaline was jumping out of our throat. You knew the money wasn’t yours. It was Augusts but knowing that you’d managed to win that much by chance sent the greatest wave of euphoria.
“I won! I won! I won!” tears prickles your eyes and you cupped your mouth.
 August smiled into your cheek and chuckled softly, “Yes, you did.” His moustache scratched against your cheek, he smelt like Guinness and felt like total warmth on a cold night. His thumb rubbed beneath your arm near the space of your ribs and breast.
The dealer couldn’t give you that many chips but digitally sent a code with the prize to August as owner of the card that bought the chips in the first place.
August laughed and spun you around on your feet, he tugged you away from the roulette table towards the dance floor where a slow dance was taking place to the sombrous tones of Frank Sinatra.
“Oh my god, I did that, I can’t believe I just did that,” you muttered happily in a daze, a high. You suddenly forgot entirely everything that August had done to you in the past few weeks. You forgot your entire purpose of why you were even there. His charming face was beaming in pride.
His warm lips pecked your forehead and cheek, he repeated, “Yes, you did.”
“I mean I know it’s your money but just the thrill of just- my god,” you sucked in a new breath of air and sighed, “Thankyou for letting me experience that.”
He hummed and swayed your bodies together slowly. He could’ve picked you up and carried you away and you weren’t sure if you would’ve protested.
“My money?” he chuckled, “I can right you a cheque if you’d really like. Bank it tomorrow.”
You scoffed in disbelief, you shook your head at him, “Don’t be mean August, like you’d just give me three million dollars, be fucking for real.”
He pinched your bottom making you hiss lightly as you danced in his arms and he scolded teasingly, “Language.”
You threw your head back and giggled. You were still riding the drunk high of life.
“Welcome to bloody Australia Mister Walker,” you tapped a finger on his chest, his suit felt so smooth and expensive like silk instead of basic cotton, “Where we say all kinds of things casually; Ass, cunt, fuck, bitch, bastard and so on.”
He bent you backwards and cradled your spine as his lips pressed up into your jaw and neck, “Oh fret not, I’ll discipline it out of you. I’d rather have you speaking like a true lady who cares about her appearance.”
You scoffed again and rolled your eyes. You didn’t give a flying care in the world what he thought about a true lady. He wasn’t a true gentleman. You pushed a little away from him.
The high of life became dangerous impulsive boldness, “Why? So I can teach you that true gentleman don’t drug and rape women?”
A few heads turned at your words out of the thousands dancing and gambling around you. His jolly gaze turned black and ice. His frown was deep and displeasure greatly obvious. He looked ready to kill you...
The shudder in your chest returned. It was like a bucket of icy water dunking over your head. That glare made you sober and sheepish. You pushed away gently and smoothed your dress out.
“I...I need to pee.”
You didn’t actually, yet the fear consumed you enough, blanketing over you and you needed an escape from the danger you had willingly nosed dived into. It was the only explanation for you to flee briefly and compose yourself for more of his aggression.
His hands were tight on your wrists.
“August, I’m sorry...please let me go to the loo.”
He let you go, and muttered, “It’s upstairs, be quick, we need to talk.”
You hissed when the blood pumped back into your flesh, you felt your wrists throb in rings. Stepping backwards shakily you almost fell back into a passing waiter. It felt impossible to remove your eyes from him, to make sure he wasn’t following you.
You could feel him watching you as you kept walking to those stairs. Up the grand stairs you scurried away from him for the seconds he was distracted looking away from you, grabbing a new drink.
Just find the ladies toilet and he can’t come in right?
Your head was pounding. Breathless and flushed you didn’t look at the signs on doors. You didn’t even need the bathroom, honestly, you just needed to sit down.
Relief filled you as you looked behind. You couldn’t see August and knew he still wasn’t following you. You leant against a door and turned the handle hoping out of all these doors, this would be a toilet.
When you fell inside. You noted the room was empty…but there was also no toilet…instead there was a couch to your left and to your right a massive wall with a control panel and TVs lining the wall…on the televisions were colourful pictures moving, replaying the events of the party…they were the viewpoints of cameras…security.
You were in the security room!
With widened eyes you closed the door behind you entirely and awed at the stuff you were watching…
There wasn’t just one party going on tonight.
The screen showed the rest of the club you hadn’t had the pleasure of observing. The back stages dancers change room, the full game slot casino, a smokers room where a stripper was sucking some random man off. Your stomach twisted.
There were men sniffing coke off a woman’s thigh. Other people in another room were injecting each other with heroin.
There was a room auctioning paintings and appeared to be a business meeting. Multiple men were sitting on couches and bar stools watching while a stunning woman in the middle waving at expensive items…. Katarina Vikander. She wore a stunning green gown that hugged her body, around her neck was a thick row of diamonds, she looked like an old Hollywood actress.
You stepped closer to the screen and traced the figures of people and faces you recognised. There were even famous local politicians. Your mouth felt dry. You knew it was a simple auction but the items were familiar, they were museum pieces. There were items that morally speaking belonged to the indigenous Meanjin people. It was a inexplicable scandal.
Then there was Lloyd! He was sitting beside an older man with the bald head and beady eyes. In that man’s lap was a young woman with dark flowing hair in a very short dress, definitely young enough to be his granddaughter. yuck!
It was a room of gentlemen and their own weapons to show off. Guns and blades you were confident weren’t even allowed to be sold in Australia after the Port Arthur Massacre. There were tommy guns and automatic rifles. There were trench knives and a urban skinner daggers. Things you’d only seen in movies.
You pulled out your phone and started taking photos of the screens. They would be bad quality photos, not well enough to publish to the press but it didn’t matter, evidence was still important. August was willingly allowing this in his club and on the unlikely chance he wasn’t, it was still occurring in his club, he’d be responsible.
You thought about the amount of people these guns and knives could or had already killed. You clicked some more and quickly sat in the empty chair. There was a couch behind you, you noted the strange red splatter stains over the cushions. You took another picture. You didn’t want to consider if it was blood because that lead to the question of whose blood it was...you shuddered.
No wonder he didn’t appear as excited as you when you won the three million dollars…he probably made that in a week from profits out of these illegal auctions.
You held your breath and watched the screens further.
Soon Lloyd would bust the club. He’d call back up and the floor would go wild. Now it was a matter of waiting. Any minute now, you bet.
You took photos of the men doing drugs with the strippers and the gambling and finally the bar. You wondered how much of the alcohol would’ve been watered down to save money. It even clicked to wonder if the club even had a license to sell alcohol while the casino was open.
You were checking the photos and perched yourself on the couch when the door opened. You gasped and dropped your phone on the ground with a loud clatter.
The looming shadow entered the dark room. It was him…August…he stood inside and closed the door, away from the party, silencing the booming hustle and bustle.
“No photos tonight?” his brows lifted and a smile spread while he tutted, “Oh my sweet girl, you’re breaking daddy’s heart.”
You leant down and grabbed the phone again and shoved it into your clutch purse.
“I-I wasn’t using my c-camera…” you poorly lied.
You stood up spritely and tried to find away around him. He leant against the door, blocking your escaped. His eyes rolled from the screens back to you.
He flashed a sinister fanged smile and shook his head, “Oh no, no, I think it’s about time we chat little Miss Y/N…don’t you?”
You pouted and snarled, “Get out of my way August.”
He shook his head again and sucked his teeth, “Tell me why you really came tonight, and I will.”
You gulped. You clenched your first and said louder, “Get out of my way August or I’ll fucking scream and I’ll make a damn scene.”
He stood in silence for three solid seconds before nodding.
He moved away from the door but as you tried to pass him reaching for the doorhandle, he grabbed your waist and hauled you back. You were launched back across the floor and landed hard and sharp on the carpet. The air was knocked from your lungs and your hands lost grip of your clutch.
Gaining your bearings quickly, you shrieked and cowered. You raised your hands and shuddered. You were so sure he was going to punch and kick you, instead a soft strong hand curled over your wrist and tugged you to your knees.
“Come here,” he softly murmured, while he gently made you crawl over to the couch. On the cushions he sat before he pulled you into his thick lap. Your legs were trapped between his, while you were held on his lap.
You felt so small, so weak. His hands were warm, and strong, you were growing sore as your body overcame the shock of him throwing you back into the room. It made you feel terrified at how simply he was able to manhandle you. All those weeks without his presence had somehow made you forget how deadly and scary he could be. And despite being in his club, in a public place, he still had the upperhand and power to take what he wanted.
Your body shook as his hands touched you. He was so calm…it was unsettling and struck icily in your blood. This was the August you met that afternoon two weeks ago. This is the August that duct taped you and forced you to cum in your fathers recliner chair.
“You wearing any wires baby?” He cooed as his hand stuck down your dress top and another slipped up your thighs. You didn’t fight, but your fingers pleadingly hooked into his shirt sleeve while his hand dug around and slid around your breasts, groping your soft flesh.
His hand the groped around your thighs and lingered when cupping near your underwear. A stream of sweat trailed your face, what if he felt how wet you were in your underwear?
You shook your head and pitifully whimpered, “N-no, just the ph-phone in my bag.”
His lips pressed against your shoulder and neck before finally going to your ear, “This is what’s going to happen…” he purred, “You’re going to be my good girl and do everything I tell you, or else I’m going kill your piggy friend.”
You gasped as his fingers rubbed at your underwear covered clit.
“Yes poppet, I know about him,” he chuckled and sucked on your earlobe loudly, “He’s not very smart, coming here…his wire, he’s wearing…it’s not going to pick up anything.”
Your eyes dared to glance at the cameras, Lloyd was still on the screen, still watching the auction.
August moved his mouth to your other ear and moved your underwear aside, his finger easily slipped inside of you, tearing a whine from your lips at how wet you were.
“Has he fucked you yet?” He mocked, “Has the piggy touched what’s mine? Stuffed that dirty cock in this pretty puppy pussy?”
You choked on a rising sob, “No, now please st-stop.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks, tears August kissed away softly. You were watching the screens, Lloyd was looking around the room from the chair he was sitting in. Someone handed him a drink. You didn’t know what he was saying as he laughed at someone. You just wanted him to call back up, before you potentially were raped again.
August paused and slipped in another thick finger, “So…you thought you’d help him? Think I’d be so blind? It breaks my heart that either of you thought I was that dumb. This whole time I’ve been telling myself you weren’t a threat, just a dumb little girl…but that’s not entirely true huh? Miss picture perfect, taking photos she fucking well shouldn’t be.”
Your whimpered and wept with salty tears that stung hard. You heard him shuffle as he propped you onto one knee. A moment later, something hard and cold touched your cheek. You were certain this was your fault. You didn’t distract him enough, instead you ran off like a cowered. You sobbed and found it difficult to breathe seeing what that hard object in the corner of your eye was. If you weren’t so scared you might’ve screamed…
“Did you wear this for me baby?” He asked, rubbing your cheek with the warm tip of the gun, “Awfully pretty, awfully expensive for someone like you.”
Your eyes fell down at the dress you’d bought earlier that day. God you regretted it all now, all the excitement you felt buying it for tonight, it was all backfiring. You bought it knowing this was something he might want, it made you feel rich and sensual. It was your shield of confidence, ironic how a shield means nothing compared to a gun pressed to your head.
“Yes,” you wailed, “Please just let us go.”
“Us?” He scoffed scornfully, “And you’re telling me, you’re not fucking him.”
His fingers curled harshly and pinched your inner walls, cupping and shaking your entire cunt in his hand roughly. 
You whined and choked, “it’s- n-not his faul- fault…I’m…I’m-”
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell silent…Jesus fucking Christ. August was covered in a hot wet warmth. He grunted, slowly, he removed his two thick fingers out of your pussy and shook his hand of the wet liquid pouring out with three large wrist flicks.
Mortified, a blubbering fest left you mouth. A line of ‘’please” and “sorry” poured desperately out of you.
Your piss puddled the floor down to his shoes.
You had half expected him to throw you off or kill you in disgust. Instead, August hissed a little as the warm liquid soaked over his trousers. You flinched away. He put his gun back in his pocket.
He laughed darkly, “You are so silly huh? So goddamn innocent,” his wet head cupped your neck and clenched your jaw, “I think I’ve amused you long enough baby, I think it’s time I show you why you were put in my care.”
You fluttered your wet eyes at him, “Please just let Lloyd go,” you swallowed a gulp of air, “I’ll do whatever you want.”
You gagged at the acidic smell of your own urine on his hand burning into your nose. His tongue clicked and he wagged his other finger at you.
“You’re about to see what happens to shits who think to try and bring me and my friends down, go on sunshine, look at the TV’s.”
His hand jerked your head forward. You were forced to watch everything happening in the room where Lloyd was. Within seconds, there were two security guards dragging in a limping man over a giant square of tarp.
“This dumb piece of shit decided to double dip my profits in a club I own down in Sydney…dickhead thought to embezzle me…I don’t like when men take what’s mine…”
The struggling man had a black pillow case shoved over his head. He was pushed to his knees in front of Brandon Sullivan who held a gun he took out from the briefcase. Katarina stood away from the centre of the room and watch him with the brightest smile.
The gun from the suitcase wasn’t particularly impressive. It was a hand gun with an ivory hilt. American.
The barrel was pressed to the pillow case. Your eyes widened.
Your bottom lip fell, “Wait please no, he can’t, stop-”
It was two little light flickers from the tip of the weapon, the bag flutter backwards as the man’s brains were blown through. It wasn’t like the movies. His body just flopped and slammed down on the floor and in seconds the blue tarp was rolled up and dragged away, no time for the blood to soak into the auction room carpet.. Brandon put the gun down and clapped his hands.
Lloyd didn’t flinch…his eyes hid inside his cup.
You gagged and bent your head opening your mouth above Augusts spread knees, the floor not only covered in your urine was also granted a haul of your bile. The whiskey you finished from Lloyds cup came back up hard burning your throat.
Why wasn’t Lloyd arresting them there and then? Why didn’t he leave to call back up?
You trembled watching the detective standup and walk over to order a drink at a private bar. He was so vulnerable standing in the den. And he was wearing a wire that wasn’t even working and you couldn’t tell him. You were helpless, Lloyd was helpless.
“I could kill him right now if I wanted to…” August cooed as you sobbed with the shock of seeing a real person killed in front of your eyes on screen.
You wailed and turned your body away. Buring your face into his shoulder and begged, “Please don’t hurt him, please, dear god. I’ll do whatever you want!”
“Anything?” He sarcastically gasped.
Your whimpered, “Yes!”
He was laughing and humming while he was toying with what he’d do to you. He bounced his knee you were on forcing you to land hard on your crotch and gasping everytime your clit made contact with his thigh and knee.
When he stopped, he pinched your wet inner thigh, “Call me Daddy you piss soaked slut.”
You nodded and tried to slow your meltdown, “O-okay d-daddy, I will.”
“Are you sorry for trying to trick me, whore?” He said harshly.
Your chin shook as you choked out, “S-so sorry daddy. Please forgive me.”
He liked that with how he grunted and moaned.
“I guess I should huh? You come in here, looking for dirt, but you win me gold.”
He pushed you off his lap. You were scared and embarrassment. The feeling of the wet that ran down your legs was drying up, yet the puddle that was drying up was huge. The scent was pungent. Your legs were weak and wobbly. You stumbled and grabbed your clutch with your phone inside.
You heard him clear his throat and flinched when he stated, “We are going back to my office. I have wipes, and spare clothes.”
That would’ve sounded nice except you knew better, you knew he’d just rape you in there…and with these sketchy men in the auction room you could only imagine what else August had business in. Human trafficking on top of all these other crimes wouldn’t have entirely surprised you.
You needed to find a way to get away. Since Lloyd still hadn’t gotten the back up he promised, you knew you would need to abandon him too. Guilt filled your belly, you worried for the cop’s safety, but it came to the dilemma…would you risk this for the chance to save his life, or save yourself and pack up and run for it with the cash he had given you. The amount of money in your clutch could buy you a ticket up north all the way to Townsville. You hardly could imagine a British man like August in the sweltering heat of northern Queensland…only issue? It was a perfect place to hide a body. Sugar cane fields were burned daily up there. If you wanted to dump a body, it would be perfect and convenient…you thought about moving in the opposite direction to New South Wales. The Blue Mountains had a cult you had heard of, maybe they could hide you from him.
“Y/N,” August broke you from your thoughts, he touched your chin and matched your gaze, “Did you hear me? I’m going to clean you up, sort you out.”
You took a ragged breath in and nodded, “Y-yes da-dad-" you gulped loudly, "daddy.”
He smirked and pressed his mouth to yours, pulling back with a sigh, he murmured, “That’s a good girl.”
He placed his hand on your back and moved you forward to the entrance door.
Your fingers reached out and touched the handle. Your other hand was clenching your bag tightly. It was only a door…But the knob turned, and you were faster than him. You slammed it shut behind you when you rushed out the door. You raced and shoved people aside. You heard him rip and bang the door open. You felt his heavy feet chasing behind you.
You felt so fucked! Your heart was palpating, and your thighs were chaffing with that sour smell of your pee dress soaked. You almost slipped down the stairs but managed to get to the bottom before seeing him starting to run down from the top.
Guests were staring but who cared? The party was wild and many just giggled thinking it was a big game.
It wasn’t a game though, truly you believed now he was going to kill you and Lloyd if you didn’t get out now. You had no idea where that auction room was hidden. You could grab him and bolt. These seconds were precious, and you just needed to get out onto the street.
You got to the bar and as you ran forward, you saw the fire alarm off the side. You slammed a fist down hard and bolted for the exit. Sprinklers went off wild, the rain made the party wet and all the main lights activate blinding half of the club. The other guests became frantic hearing the chance of a fire happening. Everyone was starting to rush out of the club with you. You swore and hoped that Lloyd was going to be able to get out safely too.
There was no way you’d be able to go home tonight. You were a dead woman walking with the content of your phone and the murder you witnessed. You tried to find an uber driving past but the fear that August was behind you made you keep moving.
You kept running even as you got outside in the cold air. The sound of car horns and lights of the streets were chaotically plaguing your mind. You didn’t have a clue where you were running. You just kept going. There were roads totally dead and quiet, you ran across without pressing any walking buzzers. You needed to find safety. Your feet raced down pavement paths until they hit the soft dewy grass of the park. The parkour park was near the train lines, you could hear the rattling wheels and noisy horn of a passenger train go through, leaving it impossible to tell if someone was following you… But you heard could him, you swore you could hear his catching breath and hear those leather shoes sprinting behind you.
You squealed in the dark as your ran past an empty children’s playground. He was big and he was fast. You felt his hand in the air trying to grab you and successfully you dodged him. You rushed down a street of abandoned shops and tripped over a groove in the ground that you missed in the ground.
And that’s how this all started don’t you see? Don’t you remember?...
A rush of air sucked out from your lungs as your hands and knees collided with the gravel pavement. Your stupid kitten heel snapped and your handbag had flown a couple metres in front of you.
Your heart thudded against your ribs as you poorly attempted to catch your anxious breath.
“Dumb. Very stupid. I perceived you to be smarter than this…” his voice dripped into your burning hot ears.
He was behind you, you knew that…with his hands in his suit pockets. His expensive leather shoes crunched on the rocky path the closer he neared you.
You hissed when the chilly night air whistled against your cut up palms. Blood rose up from your skin, shining in the light of the city lamp. You flinched as his two fingers traced along your spine and pressed harshly down on the back of your neck.
With watery eyes, you watched him walk pass and collect your handbag. His lithe fingers dove inside and pulled out the phone. His lips pursed as he let it fall from his hand before crushing it under his foot.
The salty tears raced down your cheeks, gliding into your trembling mouth.
If only you could’ve screamed for help. If only there was someone in the park to see what had unfolded.
A hiccup escaped you and he softly cooed, “It’s alright now, I think it’s about time you received an education, my darling.”
You shook your head and felt the rise of bile in your throat.
“Please,” you begged with a rasp voice, “I won’t tell anyone. Let me go. I swear I won’t go to the police, just let me go!”
He tutted his tongue and wagged his finger. He crouched down, his soft hand combed into your sweat soaked hair and tugged your head up. Your eyes met his icy gaze.
Hopelessness filled you. Begging had fallen on deaf ears.
“That’s right, you won’t tell anyone…but I’m not finished with you yet.”
As a gasp lifted from your lips he chuckled, “You’re precious if you think I’m letting you go after seeing that.”
His cold palm grabbed the sides of your throat and began to choke you. As the oxygen was restricted, your little hands clawed desperately at his callous hand. Your feet flailed against the gravel. Tears raced down your face. It was impossible to scream out without any air to cry with. With every passing second, a dizzy blanket was clouding your mind and filling your eyes with black spots. His glare made your knees buckle. Exhaustion from fighting was taking over, your nails left his hands, your eyes were finding it difficult to stay open. Eventually your lashes shut, and you let your mind drown in the airless space of time....
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Unknown...Unknown...August 2024, Brisbane.
You thought he had killed you. You genuinely believed as the blood pulverised your skull, he had choked you to death.
You felt cold and hungry…the smell of hot Chinese food woke you up.
You curled up in a tight ball, hugging your naked body. Your couldn’t see anything. Your face had been blind folded. Your mouth was chewing on something long, some type of rubbery gag. And around your neck you felt a tight squeeze and the bite of a chain…a collar? Your fingers tried to pull them off but they were tied around your head and you felt the cold shape of padlock..
The carpet scuffed.
Someone was in the room, getting up from a chair. You heard a masculine breath and you trembled covering your chest and cupping your last as your curled back up in a ball.
You were laying on a soft blanket and mattress.
You whined as a warm human finger raced down your arm and the hand splayed out over your skin.
“Good morning, pet…I’m glad I was here to see you wake up,” you heard August moan.
You felt his fuzzy moustache tough the corner of your gaged lips.
You flinched and rubbed your face into the pillows above you.
The chain moved and taunted you backwards until you sat up so you could breathe.
His hand touched your inner thigh, you felt the bed tilt to his weight.
“I bet you’re hungry, I could hear your tummy growl for quite some time before you woke up.”
You felt his fingers unlock the gag and pull it down your chin.
You gasped and enjoyed the ability to breathe properly again. You were still stuck in total darkness however.
You heard a fork clinking with a bowl. You could hear August blow on the hot food and were told to open up.
Your lips parted and your tongue was touched by the greasy goodness of Chinese honey chicken.
You chewed and tore off the meat from his fork.
“Another,” he said as he fed you some more.
Your hands reached out to hold the fork yourself before you heard him casual say, “Keep those paws down, I haven’t given you permission to use them.”
Your might’ve been blindfolded but you knew he was looking at your body. You lifted your knees up to your chin and tapped your arms around your legs.
A cold bottle of water was pushed to your lips and your mouth greedily suckled it down. You knew it could be laces with drugs but your mouth was dry and you knew you were dehydrated.
You gaspingly asked as the bottle was pulled away, “Are you going to kill me?”
You didn’t want to die but it wasnt your choice. You knew this process would be quicker and easier if you allowed death to come…you would rather die than have to succumb to rape.
“No puppy…not today.”
You didn’t feel relief. Actually you felt your chest shake as you tried to hold back your crying.
Your heard him out the fork down and felt him come onto the bed. He pulled you into his arms and let you sob. He rubbed your back and hushed you gently.
It took everything in you to not fight him…you sagged into his touch and let him hold and rock you until you composed your tears.
You should fight him…if he’s going to kill you…go out with a fight.
“Would you like some more food?” He asked and you meekly nodded, “Yes please.”
He tutted and softly scolded, “That’s not how we ask now is it?”
You couldn’t see him but your fist flew up and caught him in his shoulder, “If you th-think I’m going to call you ‘daddy’…you’re fucking nuts!”
And you truly readied yourself for the beating of a lifetime…rather…his fingers moved up and unlocked your blindfold, pulling it off your head.
You winced as the bright light of day pelted your eyes…
He was sitting on the bed. A long button up shirt with rolled up sleeves and dress pants still wearing his leather shoes. His fingers pinched your chin.
“Still want to be a bad girl?”
You realised he expected an answer. And bravely your jerked your chin away.
“You can rape me, cut me, kill me...I’m not calling you fucking ‘daddy’!” You slapped his hand away and crawled to the other side of the bed feebly. You shrieked as he slapped your naked ass hard and laughed.
“That’s alright… I’ll talk to you again in a few more hours.”
He pushed you down and slapped your hands. He put the blind fold and the gag back on. He took the cup and Chinese food away….he left you…vulnerable and nude on the bed. Alone with your thoughts for the next few hours.
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 Unknown...Unknown...August 2024, Brisbane
He left you blind folded for hours right? Or was it just thirty minutes? You couldn’t tell…blind folded and gagged. You could move your arms and blindly crawl around the bed but the chain would grow taunt if you tried to climb off the mattress. You considered hanging yourself…would it have been easier to just let him find your corpse then wait to be raped?
You rolled around and felt around the covers. You were helpless and scared. For all you knew he could’ve been watching you quietly.
Your crying was muffled with the gag between your teeth. Drool dropped down your chin and dribbled to your chest. You kept wiping it up feeling revolted with yourself.
You tugged and pulled the chain, yet no freedom was granted in your attempts. You grew tired, the panic in your chest exhausted you.
Hesitantly you pulled the duvet back and wiggled yourself in between the massive pillows, you fell asleep…and it was daunting.
It didn’t help that you couldn’t tell when you drifted off to sleep and the first thing you saw was dad. He was coming home from work and you were in the lounge room flicking through the tv channels. When you saw him come through the door your were scared it was August, but seeing your dad made your heart burst with joy. Relief and peace clouded your mind.
“it was all a bad dream!” You said as you got off the couch and raced to hug your father. He was never much of a hugger, that was okay…
His hand pat your back and you sobbed, “It was so awful dad! I thought you had died, everyone said you were dead but I knew there was no way. Thank god it was just a bad drea-”
He was skinny …you hugged him tight …why did he feel so hard and sharp around his body?
“Dad, I missed you,” you licked your lips, “come on I’ll make you something to eat, why are you so thin?” You moved your head back and screamed. His work shirt was stained in blood and his skin and muscle were rotting off his body. His cheeks were hallow and the tip of his nose was gone. His eyes totally white. A slice settle on his face. He opened his mouth slowly to speak and a rotting tongue rolled out over his chin.
You kept screaming and saying “No!” Over and over again. You moved backwards and fell over on a bowl of porridge. His body fell forward on top of yours.
You couldn’t breathe from the fear. The dream went dark in shadows and it clicked that perhaps you’d woken up. But you weren’t entirely sure. You kicked your legs and curled up in a ball. You wailed and hiccupped. The gag in your mouth brought your mind back to where you were. Where you’d been trapped. You hit the mattress over and over in frustration and anger.
“Lmph ma gaoh!” let me go, you howled.
Your knees trembled and you felt nauseas. You shook your head, trying to fight the vomit that could be rising to your chest. You knew if you vomited it would go everywhere and some might stay inside your mouth or throat or up into your nose.
 You whimpered, “Peaff!” Please!
Your body tightened…you felt your bowels grow sore and your bladder tight.
Dread filled your mind with the harsh reality that if you don’t get off the bed you were going to be sitting in your own fluids. It cracked your mind….it broke your own heart…you started to scream knowing what your kidnapper wanted to hear..
“Daffy! Peaf half mah!” Daddy please help me, you bawled over and over while your legs crossed tightly and you tried to hold in your bowels. Your toes curled and your acrylic nails dug deep into the skin of your palm. You scolded yourself for letting at service woman Drew to convince getting your nails done.
It was agony, holding in for so long. Your hands cupped yourself in hopes to stop any form of self leaking.
But after the fifth or sixth begging sob…you felt his presence return. It was like he never left, you didn’t hear his feet walk over to you, you only felt his hands…he unlocked you from the chain and guided you to the guest toilet. He took off your gag and your mouth slackened. The drool that hit your feet and floor with a splat made your shoulders curl in humiliating embarrassment.
You were sat on the toilet seat. You knew he stood waiting. It made you feel worthless and disrespected, the lack of privacy as he watched you push your bladder and bowels.
And that wasnt even the worst of it.
Reaching for toilet paper to the side of you, your hands were slapped away. You heard the roll move and a quick tear. You held out your hand to take it but his hand touched your thick and you twisted away, choking on a sob….the sick fucker wouldn’t let you wipe your own body... As he wiped the piss, you grabbed his wrist and tried to tug him away from your intimates.
“I’m not a baby,” you croaked quietly. You heard him hum, “I can do it myself”
“I know you’re not a baby…I just want to remind you this body belongs to me,” he murmured as he flushed the toilet paper away and you heard his hands wash under the running water of the sink.
Your knees bounced with anxious impatience. What was he planning to do to you?
He got you to your feet and guided you back. When the tiles became carpet you guessed you were being put back onto the bed.
He locked the chain back to the collar and whispered into your temple, “Just a moment.” You felt him move away and heard him drag something heavy from under the bed. Your stomach dropped and thought the worst.
He’s grabbing power tools…he’s going to chop and stab and beat me up and then dice me up into tiny pieces, you but your lips and let your tears flow.
“Wh-what’ are you going to do to m-me?” You dared to ask the maniac millionaire.
You flinched at his echoing chuckle, “Just tie you up for now, but let’s see where that takes us? You were talking in your sleep, did you know you do that?”
Your shoulders shook and you curled. You moved back to the head of the bad and clenched the fabric tightly. You felt him dropping things on the bed. His torture tools….
“Please don’t do this,” you tried to beg, “I haven’t done anything wrong. I just want to go h-home please.”
You hated the weakness in your voice. A part of you was angry and demanding you to claw his eyes out and fight to the death. You just weren’t sure what was the right thing to do anymore. What was the least painful.
Warm fingers brushed along your shoulder, and you gasped a little too loudly, he laughed.
“Easy now, I’m just taking off the blindfold, or would you prefer I leave it on?”
Your eyes watered under the fabric, your voice broke out into a whimper, "Off please..."
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers. .
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.
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80 notes · View notes
Daddy Knows Best Masterlist
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Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: StepDad!August Walker x StepDaughter!Reader
Summary: August Walker and your father were once friends. One mission, a single decision, made them enemies. August decides he needs to get his revenge. And what better way, than to become your new Daddy? {DARK FIC}
Dividers by: @saradika
Cover Art by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Spotify Playlist is here. 
YouTube Music playlist is here.
Parts: I - II - III - IV - V (possibly on hiatus)
My Masterlist
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120 notes · View notes
littlefreya · 11 months
lol coming here as encouragement for your dark!henry fics idk why i love them sm but i think it's the way you write them so well <3
Thank you so much, my love 🖤🖤🖤 I’m happy that you enjoy them.
12 notes · View notes
soracities · 10 months
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Yusef Komunyakaa, from "The Cage Walker", Pleasure Dome: New & Collected Poems [ID in ALT]
8K notes · View notes
buckyshusband0 · 8 months
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pairing; DarkProfessor!August Walker x M!Reader
☬— nsfw content. dark themes. body worship. degrading/praising. jealous themes. mentions of past trauma. rough sex. descriptions of violence/murder. daddy kink. knife play. verbal insults.
summary; After having a first glance at you, professor August knew he wanted to make you his. The only thing stopping him was that you were a forbidden obsession. Not only an obsession, but you were his student.
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THE brightness of the sun seeped through the jet-black curtains as the morning day came to a beginning for August Walker. A slight groan escaped his lips as he pushed himself up and leaned his muscular back against the dark bed frame.
His hooded eyes looked around the bedroom as a — quiet but still audible — sigh left his mouth. His hand gestured over his beard as he got up from his bed to get ready for the day.
Once he was ready, he made his way into his jet-black car with a black hot coffee in his hand. After a 10-minute drive towards the university, August slammed his car door shut and marched his six-foot frame towards his classroom.
Attending a university when your professor is August Walker, of course, he would get all the lust-filled eyes from the girls as he walked through the halls with his slightly unbuttoned shirt and his sleeves rolled up on his muscular arms.
Why wouldn't he?
He walked around the place like he owned it. He knew he had this hold of power over everyone in the university, and he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. The girls worshipped the ground he walked upon, wanting every but of him. But he didn't care for them.
But August only cared for one person. A person who was so naive as to not even recognize the thoughtful acts he would do for him every day. Someone he would secretly protect without his knowledge.
That person was you...
His beautiful sweet angel. You looked shy when you were not with the right people, but when you were, a beautiful smile would break out on your face. As soon as he saw you enter his classroom, August lost his breath as he knew you were going to cause him problems. He was clear that you caused him to have an obsession with wanting you.
They say "love at first sight" doesn't exist, but with August, he felt that love for you blossom out of his stone-cold heart. You were like a plague, something which invaded his mind 24/7.
He couldn't stop thinking about you.. he felt compelled to have you underneath him, to feel your soft skin under his touch. To hear your sweet moans as he gave you the pleasure you most desired. August needed you...
As time goes by, the hallway that was once flooded by people begins to become empty from people going to their lectures. Your soft lips pressed against Zayn, your boyfriend as he forcefully kissed you hard. His hands went to your arms—where bruises covered—and let his mouth form into a smirk.
Zayn was your boyfriend of 2 years.
He wasn't always like this, he was once a loving man. But something inside of him switched. Something to cause you harm. You were too naïve to notice any of his wrongs.
"We're going out tonight, baby," Zayn ordered. He never asked you, just ordered. He never asked why you would cry yourself to sleep, why you would feel like something was holding you down. Your heart clenched and your eyes would cry until they couldn't no more from the way Zayn wouldn't even reassure you.
Reassurance was all you needed...
As he spoke, you nodded before walking away to enter your lecture. When you walked into the room, your professor, August Walker, was talking to a student until his words came to a stop. Without your knowledge, your presence made August happier.
One thing ran through his wretched mind the whole time he taught everyone who stayed sat the whole time, paying attention to the words that flowed out of his mouth. You...
August couldn't help himself but picture what your beautiful body would look like under his. Your sweet angelic moans would escape your lips from the pleasure that he knew you desired — That he desired. He wanted you and only you.
The sinful thoughts that would pop up in his mind caused him to stutter while he was teaching the class that you were sitting in. How could he not? Your (e/c) eyes connected with his every time he would talk, and just by making eye contact with you, his pants tightened.
August knew that he couldn't breathe without you… You were the main cause of his morning awakening. He was aware that this forbidden obsession with you would get him into trouble, yet he didn't care. He was only aware that you were going to be his.
No matter what.
✰ -- --- --- -- ✰
The terrible smell of alcohol reeked through the club.
August felt the — almost silent — wooden floor creak under his heavy feet as he entered the place. The sight of people letting their bodies lose to the music and chugging alcohol into their system made August grimace with a scowl on his face the whole time.
He walked over to the bar — which was crowded with many slouchy men— with his broad shoulders and towering stance. He gives a sharp nod to the bartender whose eyes were glued onto him, waiting for his order and hurried to get a beer at his command.
The sound of unfunny jokes could be heard being thrown around from man to man as August's blue eyes observed the crowded place. He was here for one thing only—well someone...
August knew you would be here.
That is what he loves to believe—that he wasn't stalking or following you. He wasn't, He was protecting you. Protecting you in any way from the risks that this world might pose to you. He was aware that he had to keep his beautiful angel safe from harm.
Because if something were to happen to you at the hands of someone else, they would have seen the devil himself, only God knows. August would happily cover his hands in the blood of the person who had the audacity to harm what was rightfully his with a smile on his damn face.
His hand gestured gently to his pocket to feel for the pocket knife he always carried with him just in case someone ever tried anything with you. He knew no one would try to attack him because of his threatening build and hovering height.
And then, his eyes connected to your figure.
He felt a muscle in his jaw ticks from the scene that was happening in front of him. You were—drunkenly dancing—with another student of his from another class, Zayn.
August couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. His face turned into a dark red and his knuckles turned white. The sudden sound of glass breaking caused him to step out of his trance and look down at his bloodied hand.
"Fuck." August whispers as his vision darkened at the sight of seeing the—used to be fixed—beer bottle now broken into little pieces in his hand. But, he could care less about his wound. What he really cared about was the anger that he had never felt when he watched you grind onto another man.
Another man who isn't him...
Jealousy hasn't been so clear before, but it was painted like a perfect picture on a canvas on August's face. His brows furrow when he could see Zayn forcefully pull you into a hallway where no one was in and that makes him stand up harshly.
He steps into the — lightly dimmed — hallway and hides behind a wall to observe what is happening. His nostrils flare with anger and envy coursing through his veins from the thought of you being with someone else. Someone who isn't him...
"C'mon, baby... stop being scared and let me touch you..." Zayn whispered drunkenly into your ear as his hands caressed your body. He had you pushed against the wall and even though you were drunk, you clearly didn't want this.
"Zayn, I-I don't want this." You muttered under your breath as you felt his slimy hands make their way under your shirt. You felt an uneasy feeling in your stomach from his touch.
You didn't like it.
You wanted this to stop. "Baby quit bitching and let your boyfriend fuck you," Zayn said with anger and impatience as you didn't let him touch you the way he wanted to. He could see that you were uncomfortable, but he didn't care.
Zayn always loved that feeling he had with you. The feeling of power. He had knowledge about how you're childhood was and why you're this naïve now — which is why he loves to take advantage of you. He loves having a sense of power over you.
But you were done with it.
"I said, stop!" You shout and roughly push Zayn off to get him far away as possible and march your way out of the exit with tears trying to fight their way to escape your eyes.
August's eyebrows lower as he sees you walk out and debates whether or not he should follow you, but he can't just let Zayn walk away feeling happy with himself. He couldn't let Zayn walk away freely after hurting his angel mentally and physically.
And with that, August steps out from behind the wall and marches his heavy feet towards Zayn whose brows furrow from seeing his professor. "Professor Walk-" His words are cut off when a straight punch connects to his jaw, sending him to the rough ground.
His face starts to get covered in crimson-red blood as August continues laying punch after punch onto this fuckers face for touching and disrespecting his sweet angel.
He was going to pay for what he did...
"If I ever hear you talk to y/n or touch him like that again, I will not hesitate to hurt you again. And so God help me, if I find out you were to hurt him again—" August lets out a low evil chuckle and lays another punch onto his broken rib. "I'll kill you with a smile on my face." He seethes through his teeth as he starts to stand up.
"F-Fuck you man!" Blood covers his ugly teeth and a smirk makes its way onto August face as Zayn coughed up more blood.
"Just know this, Zayn, and hear me clearly..." August reaches for the knife in his pocket and retracts it. He roughly injects the cold metal blade into Zayn's stomach and leans in toward his ear. He licked his soft pink lips before speaking.
"He's mine."
Zayn's brown eyes widen from the blood that was rushing out of his body. His skin turning pale, and his eyes fighting to stay open. His vision slowly turning black as the last thing he saw was August's dark shadow walk away from him. He was left there to die. Left alone.
✰ -- --- --- -- ✰
Darkness was all you could see.
The sound of crickets could be heard as you walked on the rough concrete with your arms crossed. The chilling breeze caused your body to shiver and bumps to grow on your skin.
Your thoughts were running wild as you walked to get back home. You couldn't believe what just happened. You actually stood up for yourself... sort of. The sudden sound of a loud honk and beaming lights came behind you and you started walking faster.
"No, no, no, no."
You whispered under your breath hoping the person in the jet-black car would just surpass you and not think to look back. That was until it stopped right by your side and the window rolled down and you felt your eyes widen from who you saw.
"Professor August?" You questioned the knowing face. Worry covered your professor's face as he observed the unsafe environment that you and he were currently in.
"y/n? What are you doing out here walking alone at this time? It's not safe." August said sternly with concern laced in his husky deep voice. You frown not wanting to tell him what happen, but he already knew. Hell.. he even dealt with the problem.
August could still see the way how your body didn't stand up straight, so he knew you were still drunk. "Get in, I'm taking you to my place." You were too drunk to even comprehend what he was really saying, so with that you got into his car and felt how soft the passenger seat was. His face was lightly lit up from the street lights and you couldn't help yourself but think how attractive August is. You feel your body grow with heat and your eyes widen slightly with the sinful forbidden thoughts that rush through your mind. 'Stop it y/n... he's your professor.' You thought to yourself as he drove to his apartment.
Now you were sitting on the end of his bed waiting for him to come back with a glass of water he said he would get. August let a gentle smile come onto his face at the thought of him taking care of you.
This is how it should be...
Him making sure you're safe, well-fed, cleaned, and loved. He needed to love on you like no one else could. He wanted to be yours as much as he wanted you to be his. He couldn't help the feeling of butterflies crawling their way into his stomach at the thought.
He brings the glass of water and lays it down gently on the desk. "Are you okay, angel?" August asked with a soft tone he would only use with you. You are so special to him and you don't even realize... Too blind to see the acts he has act upon for you to notice him.
He let out a soft breath as he looked down at you and saw an unfamiliar look in your (e/c) eyes. "Angel are you-" August's words were cut off when he felt a pair of lips connect with his. A bright pink shade reached his cheeks as you kissed him, and God did he love the feeling. The feeling of your soft lips on his...
He soon returned the passionate kiss and felt the butterflies he once felt, come rushing back in. Fuck he needed you so bad... Your tongues soon started to dance with each other—fighting for dominance. He backed away from the kiss to connect his lips to the soft skin of your body and gestured over every mark on your body.
"You're so beautiful..."
His tall muscular body leans in towards your ear, his hot breath exhaled towards your (s/c) skin which made unwanted goosebumps arrive. His next words left you to let out a soft whine escape your lips.
"I'm gonna fucking ruin you angel.."
August's words made a smile reach onto your face as you leaned back onto the silky sheets of the bed and reached your hands out for him to take. He threads his rough fingers into your soft-like ones and puts them over your head. He leans in for another kiss until you have to pull away—which causes a string of salvia to form—to catch the loss of breath.
Your body was in bliss as you felt nervous under his touch. His blue dilated eyes held nothing but lust and love. As you feel his hands gesture over your thighs, you look away but instantly feel a finger under your chin to reconnect your hungry gaze to his.
"Look me in my eyes as I fuck you, angel."
You swallow a growing lump in your throat and nod to the six-foot man's order. Without warning, you felt a soft pair of plump lips against your hole and your eyes widen from the euphoric feeling that made its way towards your stomach.
It was all happening so fast. Soft moans escape from your lips and your eyes roll to the back of your head as your toes curl. Your fingers thread through August's brown hair and you pull at it roughly which causes a muffled grunt to leave him.
The eye contact August was making was so real. His eyes filled with—nothing but lust and love— never stopped looking at you as he ate you out like you were his last meal. "Fuck, that feels so good!" You moaned out loud, not holding back any noises. Your body jolts up when you feel three fingers curl up inside of you and penetrate your hole roughly. Your cock leaking as you felt your orgasm rushing in already.
"Shit, I'm so close, keep going-" Your words were cut off when he yanks his fingers away from you to your wet tongue, leading them. As he forces you to suck on the fingers that are already within you, he inserts another finger. He moves them into scissor motions as he removes them from your lips to show how wet they have become.
"You're not gonna fucking cum till I say so, understand?" August growled out and all you could do was nod until you felt his thick cock push itself into you. Your eyes widen from the size of it and sweet moans escaped your lips.
"A-August..." You mumble a whisper as he thrusts deep inside of you over and over. You couldn't believe what was happening. This felt so... so real. August hands caressed your body, worshipping every part of it. Like the beauty you are. Your touch, your moans, your fucking sweet scent. August couldn't hold back any longer. He felt his cock twitch inside your pulsing hole—which signaled he was about to cum.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum! Cum with me, angel... cum with me like the good boy you are." He moaned out. The scratches that you caused on his back start to turn a dark shade of red and his eyes roll to the back of his head as he felt his sticky, white cum paint the inside of your walls— like a blank canvas waiting for its artist to perfect a masterpiece.
A masterpiece is what you are...
Letting out a huge sigh of relief, August pulls out of you and falls down onto the soft sheets. You fall onto his chest and lay a gentle kiss on his chest as you look up at him. His arms wrapped around you, holding you tight, as if you could disappear at any second.
He couldn't let that happen.
You were finally in his arms, exactly where he wanted you. The butterflies started to flutter once more as soon as he felt your presence next to him. You were, after all, his to hold, feed, care for, and protect—his beautiful forbidden obsession.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  
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Blind Offer Masterlist
Summary: After a leak causes you to evacuate your apartment, your landlord offers a vacant unit that’s too good to be true. (short!plus!reader; Steve Rogers, Lloyd Hansen, Bucky Barnes, August Walker)
Status: In Progress
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
76 notes · View notes
medicinal-doll · 1 year
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Pairing:Stepdad!August walker x reader
Summary:August just can't keep his hands to himself especially when it comes to his new wife's daughter.
Warnings:Dub-con/Non-con,p in v sex,assisted masturbation,Daddy kink,Dom/sub dynamic,degrading, Ddlg themes, teasing,mind-break,pet names,hint of spanking,manipulation,graphic depictions of sex/fluids
A/N: This one is a little dark so heed the warnings
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me
Smells of cheap meatloaf and roast beef soil your appetite as you're once again subjected to the cheap musings of your mother's delirious whims to appear as a capable homemaker
A smile crosses her features, distracting from the mellow putrid undertone of the meal. You gulp begrudgingly, accepting tonight as your last day on earth, as you hesitantly heap the lukewarm meatloaf onto the plastic china plate.
As you get your fill of poison, you meet eyes with your stepfather. His poker face trumps yours tenfold. The watery green beans pour onto his cheap dinnerware, and to the naked eye, he might appear content with the cooking. But as you gaze, you can see the subtle flaws of his facade: the slight furrowing of his brows, his lips pressed firmly into a tight, dull line, and the fact that he hasn't blinked since he sat down shows he shares your sentiments."
dimly lit and old worn lights give the atmosphere a yellow tinge as you feel the cotton from the torn seats torn under you.
Dingy is what one would call your dwelling but it's home nonetheless.
As the meal commences your mother decided to grace your ears with the exceedingly interesting tales of her customers from the diner.
And you might be slightly more inclined to listen and even be interested if it wasn't for the fact that she gets the same 3 regulars every time carrying on with their usual drunken shenanigans.
The low hum of the noisy air conditioner threatens to lull you to sleep you sigh trying your damnedest to appear not bored out of your mind as you twirl the fork in the stale macaroni contemplating if running away is an option for the thousandth time.
But that's when you feel something rough and clothed rub against your center
Your instincts cause you to slightly jump and close your legs at the unexpected intrusion thankfully your strange behavior goes unnoticed by your mother it looks like she's too immersed in her rant about some guy that decided to dine and dash.
The movement starts again and you try to calm yourself as it wriggles against your cotton panties.
You glance up at August as he nonchalantly scoops up a heap of meatloaf and chews it casually not giving you the time of day.
And seeing as you have two choices listen to your mother rave on about 'Homeless Pete' or indulge your step father's perverted game you choose the latter.
Steadying your breath you slowly open your legs and you swore you almost saw August crack a smirk.
The rough contact is more direct this time as he circles your entrance teasingly enough to get you worked up but not enough to truly satisfy your urges.
You glare daggers at august as you feel the sexual frustration nag at your brain and he briefly meets your eyes he stares at you coldy almost tauntingly so as if he's not blatantly prodding at you under the table.
August pops a green bean into his mouth before turning away from you engaging in your mother's conversation which he probably cares less about than you if that's even possible.
Fake laughter fills the room and you roll your eyes August notices your disdain and moves his big toe to rub up and down your clit.
You gasp lowering your head attempting to hide the creeping blush on your face from wandering eyes.
August rolls your clit in circles hastily.
As your family dinner starts coming to a close you feel your mind start to numb as you get that fuzzy feeling between your legs.
You widen your legs more shamelessly becoming addicted to the sensation.
You thought you couldn't get any more sensitive but then August slides your soaked undies to the side.
And you feel the unclothed flesh of his foot make contact with your bare clit and you swear you could pass out right then.
The rough thumb pad of his foot thumbs at your button hungrily determined to bring you to ruin before suppers over.
Your breathe starts to shudder as you can only focus on the pleasure building in your core.
"Right honey?!" Your mom beams at you for the first time since you've sat down.
You turn your flustered face in her direction but are sure not to make eye contact.
Augusts pace only quickens at you mother questioning and you feel juice from your pussy leak onto the leather of the seat.
"Y-yeah-m...mom right !"
Your mother frowns at your odd behavior "What's wrong you hot or sumthin?" She eyes you curiously.
You slowly nod your head as you feel yourself beggining to climax around Augusts foot doing your best not to look like your currently cumming your eyes out.
"Well you'll just have to go take a cold shower powers off till daddy's check comes in" she then gets up and grabs her and Augusts plate kissing him on the cheek then goes to drop them in the sink.
"Be sure to clean up, me and your dad need some alone time" she winks at him before shutting herself into the back bedroom.
You breathe out a heavy sigh still slightly spasming from the intense orgasm.you throw your head down on the kitchen table as you slowly come down from your high.
When your heart rate returns to normal you pick your head up, August being nowhere in sight. But the faint creaking of a rusty spring mattress are all the context clues you need to get up and start cleaning the kitchen after that nightmare dinner.
You almost fall on your ass when you leave your chair but regain your composure as you run the dishes under the hot water of the sink. losing yourself in its comfort and reminiscing about your latest encounter with Mr.Walker.
You're on your belly in the back bedroom and thankfully your mother is currently not occupying the space. Don't worry you made sure to move the sin stained blankets.
You're re-reading a book you "borrowed" from the local library lost in your own world when you hear your mother shout.
"I'm goin for cigarettes!!" Her scream pierces your ears as another unintentional eye roll consumes you.
It's not soon after that you feel cold rough hands brush against the meat of your flesh. you gulp nervously trying to ignore the ever increasing touches.
He got here faster than usual.it's no surprise your mothers whale noises aren't enough to satiate his hunger and as you've come to acknowledge there's only one girl who truly gets him off in all the wrong ways.
Needy caresses grip your thighs. You attempt to shrug them off by burying your head in your book but that gets more difficult to ignore as gentle touches turn into that of pure carnal lust.
August roughly massaging the fat of your butt in slow circles. each cheek being toyed by one of his big veiny hands as he pries them apart and squishes them back together. loving the feeling of opening and closing his prize.
Still you try to remain unfazed knowing that any hint of what he's doing has an effect on you will only edge him on further.
Walker places sloppy kisses along your bum lowly grunting in satisfaction. Somehow you manage to focus most of your attention on the writing and not walkers highly inappropriate advances. And all is well, that is until walker sinks his head face first in between your legs bumping his Grecian nose against your wet heat repeatedly. You squeak and shoot up taken aback by the sudden invasion.
'Walker!" You say throwing your stuffie Mr.snuggles at him.
He just chuckles at you "Didn't I say you can call me August?"
He slowly slides up next to you smelling of light cologne and aftershave you shift uncomfortably wondering why he would want to to be shackled with you and your hobo mom in a dingy trailer.
You turn away not wanting to give him the reaction he wants "She doesn't like it when I call you that Mr.Walker......." August tilts your head to face him "Well she's not here now is she" his eyes are dark and filled with salacious desires as he takes in your form with his eyes before searching yours luring you to him.
he smirks at the blush beginning to stain your cheeks brushing a light hair away from your face "It's okay bunny..." he says in a dark whisper lowering his head "there's something else I'd rather you call me anyway..."
Your noses nudge one another as he nears your face you being utterly helpless to stop hi-
"What kinda place doesn't sell fuckin cigarettes!!"
As if on instinct you both immediately tear away from one another.
"August drive me downtown this shit hole gas station ran out" your mother yells from the front of the trailer.
Walker sighs in deep sexual frustration at the unexpected interruption.Then reluctantly removing himself from his place beside you, swiping his keys from the dresser before eyeing you one last time with a tinge of something unfamiliar then leaving.
Crickets chirp obnoxiously as nightfall descends upon the shabby trailer park. Your mother's cigarette smoke fills the air as you brush your teeth preparing for bed.
"Tell me when your father gets home" she mutters as she passes the bathroom not sparing you a glance as she shuts herself in the back bedroom.
After washing up you climb the ladder onto your bed which is a small ledge that rests above the driver and passenger seat it's not much but it's yours. You make yourself comfortable before resting your head and mind stirring from the events from the day and you try to ignore the fact that most of your thoughts linger on him..... and his unsolicited affection.
Groggily your eyes begin to peer open still unadjusted to the newfound darkness you sigh deeply as you start to come to. Brain slowly regaining it's consciousness, but there's something that feels weird though. What's that feeling betwee-Ah!
You involuntary yelp at whatever just swiped over your clit. If you weren't aware before you sure are now. You desperately try to wriggle away from whatever's causing it but big strong hands pull you back to the source and you pause. You struggle at the sense of familiarity to the situation. Whimpering softly into the pillow as August's hot salivated tongue runs itself over your most intimate and sensitive parts repeatedly.
You hate yourself for your pussy clenching around nothing. And you hate your body for this betrayal too as your womb practically begs to be fertilized by his spawn. You try to keep yourself quiet and hold it all together but August spreads your delicate petals and drives his big tongue deep into your hole.
You scream into the pillow, it not doing much justice to muffle your strangled cries of pleasure. Your outburst of course only spurs August on further as he writhes his tongue deep against your walls intent to make you lose your mind. You harshly grip on to the sheets stuffies anything to channel your energy into something that's not the multiple orgasms racking through your tummy as you coat Augusts lips in the slick nectar of your shame.
After a few more torturous strokes August has mercy on your puffy pussy and let's go of your legs. You sloppily shuffle away from him, still weak and mind extra vulnerable from the intense orgasm.
You sit up sniffling giving him the angriest expression you can muster up. But in reality it's just the cutest little grumpy pout. You meet August's eyes. His face caked in darkness and mind up to no good. it's only when your eyes drift further you see it.
Red-hot and angry 8 inch dick. So hard it slaps against the skin of his belly. Precum leaks out the tip like a broken faucet. It must be so hard it hurts. His tip twitches, seemingly getting more swollen with every lap his eyes take around your plush body.
Your eyes widen, your furious facade broken as you whine out in fear "G-go away August!-"  You stutter gripping your stuffie for dear life as it's your only defense from that monster of a cock threatening to pierce your soft guts.
August tilts his head at you. Eyeing you up like prey before focusing his gaze on the stuffie that's covering your private parts. And from the slight furrowing of his brow something tells you he isn't too keen on having his view blocked. August violently drags you by your ankle pulling your body to him. You feebly attempt to push him off as he climbs on top you.
You both fight for dominance though you can see there's a clear winner. August dodges your attempts to kick and throw him off as he manhandles your body till you're on your flat stomach.
August holds your wrists firmly above your head as he starts to peel your clothes off leaving a kisses over every area he finds. You sniffle quietly trying not to choke on your sobs as you plead with the relentless demon. "August! please-" you cry as he kisses along the sides of your ribcage "don't do this... you know how I get when you fuck me!" you struggle against him but he's not budging. Panic starts to set in when he ropes a finger around your lacy pink panties.
"August no! don't- you'll ruin me!!" you push against him putting the reserves of your strength into resisting him.
True fear starts to set in as your panties are torn from your butt completely at the mercy of Augusts sadistic wills. August snakes a hand around your hip pulling your bottom up then pressing your head down with the other. Your tears stain the pillow you mutter the word "no" under your breath like a mantra. it being the only defense you have left, but when you feel August's flared tip press against your heat you whimper pathetically at your weakness.
You feel August breach your wet little pussy painfully slow and a small squeak leaves your tender lips as his grip involuntarily tightens around your waist as your pussy desperately tries to suck him in and push him out all at once you whine shamefully as August plunges his fat cock deep inside your needy hole.
"F-fuck baby you're so tight" August grunts painfully against your ear every gasp and groan of his eliciting more of your sweet slick to drench his cock. Your body on the edge of an orgasm from just the stretch alone.
"August..please-" you say barely above a whisper as your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you feel him fully sheath inside of you.His throbbing cock tip knocking against your womb.
"Fuck baby-" August breathes out sighing heavily before kissing you on the sides of your temple "you take your daddy so fucking well princess" you whimper at his words sobbing internally.
"t-take it out" you pout.
August laughs darkly "Mmn..Sorry baby not yet daddy's not done with his pussy"
"It's not you- Ah!"
August removes his hand from your head and places it on the other side of your hip he pulls his cock out before thrusting it back all the way in roughly grinding his dick into every ring of your sensitive pussy.
A silent scream overwhelms you. Your body not yet fully able to process the amount of pleasure shooting up from your core. When August picks up his pace you can't stop the whimpers and whines that leave your mouth as August uses your pussy like a fleshlight.
"Aug-Ahh!! August No! Moms gonna hear it!-" you voice your complaints to him through a series of pleasurable cries and broken moans.
Little do you know August made sure to spike your mother's nightly cocktail so she won't be hearing much of anything but you don't need to know that.
"Oh no baby what would your mommy think of you fucking her husband hmm" he teases you cruelly slapping you on your ass as you yelp out.Then bending down to your ear the low tamber of his voice only adding to the wetness leaking from your pussy.
"I don't think she would like that very much dolly" he teases.
"Knowing her daughters such a slut for her step daddy"
You shake your head no furiously trying to convince yourself more than him.
"Aw look baby you can't stop cumming around me writhing those little hips and crying trying to make me feel bad"
"You're milking me dry honey look"
August grabs you leg and hoistes it in the air your exposed pussy stuffed with his cock completely on display "No! M'not...." You shut your eyes not daring to look at where you two are connected until A rough hand grabs a hold of your jaw. August forcing your head right where he wants your attention.
"Look at it baby, look at how pretty you are wrapped around your daddy" you close your eyes and shake your head still defiant but that wavers when August starts kissing your cheek and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. it's his scent and the feel of his meaty thighs smacking against your delicate ones. the subtle tickle of his mustache every time he kisses you.
"Come on pretty girl open up for me" He says in a deceivingly sultry tone.
ever so slowly you open your eyes. And as your pupils start to dilate from the erotic sight August knows you're all his.
August's hips, balls, and cock slap up against your dripping pussy all at once in a sinful unison. You whine losing a bit of your psyche every time his dick roughly pounds into that deep spot inside you.
But it's only when you get that tickly feeling in your core do you truly start to lose yourself. "Daddy-!....please.." you whine out pathetically his cock thrusting in and out of you. It being the only thing on your mind.
"No!August!! m'gonna cum-....stop it!!" August looks down at you with glazed over eyes fully possessed by lust you watch in horror as he licks a small strip up his thumb before placing it on your sensitive swollen little clit.
"Daddy No! Don't you'll break me!!" August relentlessly fucks into your flesh pussy intent on making you cum all over him rubbing your clit in dizzying hasty circles.
"F-Fuck!!ah-Ah!Daddy!!!!" You feel a foreign liquid leak from your vagina. Drenching you and August in the mystery liquid "Oh fuck baby is that all for me" he coos
Your face is red and blushed as you nod absentmindedly.
"Aw don't be shy princess give it to daddy" He teases.
"let daddy use his perfect little pocket pussy hm"
You're in a daze looking at him, far too cock drunk to say anything but the word yes.
"Make me cum lots okay baby"
You nod once again as you bounce on his dick his thrusts turning sloppy but more aggressive. As he nears his orgasm you turn into a bundle of rambles.
"Please fuck me daddy- " knock me up please! breed my little bitch hole up...."
August stares daggers into your soul as you feel him twitch inside of you with every word that spills from your lips.
"Mmm F-Fuck daddy! don't stop I'll do anything just please don't stop- S-shit"
"Look at me-" August moans, his mind just as gone as yours is if not more.
"Tell me whose pussy it is" his commanding tone sending shivers through your body.
You give him and adorable pout "it's your pu-Ah!" He smacks your ass it leaving a red hand print.
"You know what I want to hear dolly"
I-its..daddy's.. Puss-Ah!!"
Another harsh smack.
"It's Daddy's pussy!!!"you cry out cumming on him all over again.
August grunts get low as he pushes your leg back down. Bracing you with both hands dug into your soft love handles and belly.
August thrusts into your pussy like there's not even a person attached to it. Dead set on making himself cum, coating every inch of your walls in hot spunk.
August thrusts his dick rapidly against your sensitive spot as your head drops to the pillow losing control of your limbs. The only thing left of you being that single mantra that runs in your mind and through your lips over and over as August sates himself with your broken body.
August cums in the deepest part of you. Hot milk flooding into every crevice of your sore pussy.  Heavy breathes and pants fill the space as his heartbeat slows.
Your legs are shaking.Not that you notice but August does. He scoops up your trembling form like you're made of glass. Like he's not the reason you can't form one coherent thought.
"Come here dolly it's okay I know daddy's here I got you" he coos.
You sink into his warmth, sweat glistening his chest. your mind thoroughly stirred but his scent and presence calms you.
August places the sweetest tender kiss against your lips and the rest of the world ceases to exist. All you know is that he broke you, but then cradled you like you were the only thing left in the world. whatever happens from now on doesn't matter and frankly you don't give a shit.
As long as your his.
August's special little dolly.
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ashbrat488 · 2 months
Candy - Chapter 5
Word count: 1182
Cassidy has found out someone paid her school bills for the rest of the semester... The Contractor makes himself at home inside her apartment while she's gone.
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Cassidy finally stepped up to the counter at her school office. It was time to pay for her last semester of school. Sure, she still had student loans, but it was a relief to know that she was almost done with her degree. "Hi," she smiles at the woman behind the counter, "Cassidy Turner." She pulls out her checkbook as the woman looks up her name on the computer screen.
"Ms. Turner, your school bill has been paid already."
"No..." Cassidy shakes her head, closing her checkbook to stare back at the woman. "There must be a mistake. I haven't paid my bill yet."
The woman looks at the screen once more with a sigh. "Looks like the bill was paid last week."
"Thank you," she offers to the woman, shoving her checkbook back into her purse as she stalks from the office. Joe could have paid it, but while his family was well off, he wasn't well off enough to do something like this for her. No... there was only one person that would have done this.
She pulls her phone from her purse as she stands outside the door of the office. Her suspicions are confirmed when she pulls up her student loan information to find the balance at zero. "Fucker!" She ignores the glances she obtains from a few other students as she furiously messages August. She knew she couldn't barge into his office, because Joe would wonder why she was there. And she couldn't invite him back to her place or show up at his place.
Cassidy: We need to talk. ASAP.
August: I'm sorry... who is this?
Cassidy: Don't fucking play with me.
August: Cass? Or Candy? Which one am I talking to?
Cassidy: Goddamnit Walker...
August: Watch your tone, or you'll regret it.
Cassidy huffed, hating the way his warning even through the phone elicited a gush of arousal in her panties. She rolled her eyes, typing in one last message before returning her phone back to her purse.
Cassidy: Peacock Café in one hour. You're buying me lunch.
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August laughs at his phone, going over Cassidy's last message. He knew paying off her loans would force her to reach out to him. He calls up his old friend, The Contractor, waiting for him to answer.
August rolls his eyes at the response, sighing. "She'll be out of her apartment for at least the next hour or so."
"On it," he responds, hanging up without another word.
"Okay," August scoffs, sliding his phone into his pocket as he stands up from his desk to pull on his jacket. He stops at his assistant's desk and the young girl flutters her eyelashes up at him. She was young, around the same age as Cassidy and just out of college. She was attractive; model features with long blonde hair and big blue eyes that would certainly look better looking up at him with her pink lips wrapped around his cock. But he didn't like to mix work with pleasure, despite how many times she tried to make it obvious to him she wanted more. "Cancel the rest of my meetings today. I'm going home early."
"Yes, Mr. Walker," she responds sweetly, making sure to lean forward to display her breasts to him in her blouse.
August leans on the desk with his palms flat on the desk. "What have I told you about flirting with me, Ms. Riggins?"
She blushes, straightening up in her chair at his tone. "I'm sorry, Mr. Walker..."
"Good." He winks at her, the blush now turning a bright shade of red as he chuckles, walking away.
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The Contractor steps into Cassidy's apartment, breaking in easily. August had tried to pull records of her online, but she had changed her identity when moving to DC. He wanted to know more about her and that is where The Contractor came into play. Sure, August could do what he did, but August was a public figure. The Contractor could keep a low profile much easier.
He closes the door quietly and looks around the small apartment. It was modest and neat, everything in its place. He walked to the bookshelf in the corner of the living room, planting a small camera on top that covered most of the living room and small kitchen. He moved a few little knickknacks, some porcelain owls, just the slightest out of place to see if she would notice. He grabbed one owl, keeping it in place as he completely turned it to face the inside of the shelf, laughing to himself. Small amusements.
He opened the fridge next, taking a large swig of Cassidy's almond milk before turning the carton so the label faced the back of the fridge. After looking through a few cabinets and drawers, he diagnosed her with OCD and moved on to the bedroom. The aroma of coconut and lavender filled his senses as he entered, smirking as his cock jumped slightly in his slacks.
He begins to open dresser drawers, finding a pair of pink lace panties. He brings them up to his nose, taking a whiff, slightly disappointed at the fresh laundry smell. He folded them and neatly placed them back into the drawer and closed it. There were no personal photos anywhere in the apartment. No family photos or even of friends. He made a mental note of that and moved on to the closet next.
He found the small safe on the ground, in the back of the closet behind some dresses. "Bingo," he mutters proudly to himself as he lifts it to bring it back to the bedroom to send on the edge of the bed. It doesn't take him long to crack it open. He takes photos of the documents inside, finding out her birth name was actually Catherine Faris. "Hmm..." He doesn't touch the money she has neatly stacked inside, but takes a photo of her passport before placing everything neatly back into the safe and replacing it in her closet.
He stops in the middle of the bedroom, contemplating whether to put a camera in her room or not. Part of him wanted to, but he finally sighed, shaking his head as he decided to inspect the bathroom before leaving. He opens the medicine cabinet first finding birth control pills as well as Lexapro along with a few other antidepressants. "Hmm..." He picks up the Lexapro bottle, opens it to find it half gone, and checks the date. He places it back in the cabinet, turning the label slightly to the right as he chuckles to himself, moving all the pill bottles slightly off center.
As he turns to leave the bathroom, his gaze catches on a pair of red lace panties on the top of the laundry pile in the basket. He snatches them up and brings them to his nose, savoring the sweet, musty smell as his cock jumps to full attention this time. "Mmmm, that's the stuff." He shoves them into his pocket, making sure all the lights are off before leaving the apartment just as he receives a text from August, telling him that she was on her way home.
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Chapter 6 Candy
Taglist If you want to be added or removed from my list, let me know 🫶🏻
@identity22122 , @alicedopey , @propelkingkittentten , @critfailrolll , @mrsevans90 , @carrie80reads , @thearcana-moonlight , @devotedlythoughtfulanchor
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munstysmind · 24 days
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WARNING/S: non-con, rape, loss of virginity, rough sex, rough vaginal sex, rough oral sex, rough anal sex, unprotected sex, multiple men, blood, assault, abuse, slavery, trauma, threats of forced prostitution, mentions of kidnapping/abduction, mentions of death, mentions or murder, mentions of injuries, mentions of suicide. If I’ve missed anything, please let me know.
You and you alone are responsible for what you choose to consume online.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Thank you to @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure for being my ideas gremlin, and @themaradwrites for beta-ing. This wouldn’t have been written without your help.
please let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list
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{54 BC}
Her heart pounds in her chest as she slowly walks down the hall towards the man she despises more than anything in this world.
Dominus Julius Fabius. Her owner. Her master.
She wishes she could stick him in the neck with a dagger and watch him bleed to death, just like all the men he condemns when he forces them into the arena.
He’s pure evil.
The kind of evil Orcus uses to make an example of. The God of punishment and the Underworld is going to have fun with her master when he passes into the afterlife.
She’s lost count of how long it’s been. Five years? Probably more, if she’s being honest with herself. She doesn’t even know who she is anymore.
Except her name.
To everyone around her, she’s a thing. An object meant to do as she’s told. No exceptions.
She runs her finger along the cold iron bolted around her neck, her slave collar.
Thirty coins. That’s what he paid for her. She didn’t know you could put a price on someone’s life but that’s what hers was worth, thirty whole coins.
“There you are girl” he growls as he grabs her wrist tightly and drags her towards a door at the end of the hall “I’m in a right mind to give you a lashing for making me wait”
“I’m sorry, they… they wanted to make sure everything was perfect” she mumbles, keeping her eyes on the floor to help hide her tears as she recalls the looks of pity on the faces of the women who got her ready.
She knows they know what her Master’s plans are, and she suspects the reason they took so long was to keep her from her fate for as long as they possibly could.
“I don’t care. Those fighters in there won me a lot of denarii today. You’re going to let them do whatever they want to you. All. Night” her master tells her, getting so close to her she can feel his warm, vile breath across her face.
“I… I’ve never…” she stammers, her eyes going wide as she realises what he’s saying.
“I know. I know you’ve never laid with a man before, they checked you when I brought you. That’s why I chose you” he says, a smirk spreading across his face. “Maybe I should put you in the Lupanar and whore you out after they’ve broken you in. Gods know you’d make me a fortune”
It takes everything in her not to turn and run as fast as she can as she swallows down the bile rising in her throat.
It would be pointless though, there’s guards everywhere. She wouldn’t make it to the end of the hall before they caught her. She’d be guaranteed a lashing too, a public one at that. Just like Vesta.
“I mean it girl. You’re theirs tonight. I don’t care if it hurts… in fact, I want it to. A lot” he whispers, pulling out a small dagger and cutting one of the shoulders of her dress, exposing her breast.
He runs the dagger tip over her nipple, pressing it into the sensitive bud until it breaks the skin, making her let out a small whimper of pain.
“If you resist, or put up a fight, you’ll be punished, and it’ll be much worse than what they’re going to do” he growls before pushing her into the room.
She can’t help but flinch as the large wooden door is slammed in her face, the echo of the metal latch being closed ringing in her ears.
She just stands there, staring at it as she takes shuddery breaths.
She knows what’s about to happen. What she’s about to go through. And there’s nothing she can do about it.
She’s trapped.
Locked in a room with three blood covered fighters.
Their reward for winning their master 5000 coin.
She’s their prize.
“Turn around” a deep voice commands, making her jump.
She closes her eyes, praying to the Gods that she wakes up from this nightmare as she slowly turns around.
She sees the man the voice belongs to and her breath catches in her throat as she fights back tears.
He’s the one who killed her brother.
Champion gladiator August.
“Name” he growls, slowly approaching her with a look similar to the lions in the arena before they attack.
“Am… Amina” she stammers, stumbling back against the door as he towers over her.
She can smell death on him. The twang of iron, of blood. Was it her brothers?
Her stomach churns at the thought and she wants to be sick.
“Amina” he repeats “honest, faithful. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman”
Under any other circumstance she might have smiled and thanked him for his compliment, just like she was taught, but not this time. She just can’t.
“I like to know their names before I take what I want” he tells her with a smirk.
He remembers them, every name. All the women he’s taken this way. Amina’s the latest entry on his ever growing list.
He grabs her dress and tears it off her body, letting the fabric crumple to the floor.
She instinctively tries to cover herself, but he stops her, prying her hands away from her body before grasping her breasts and squeezing.
A grin spreads across his face as he continues to grope her, pinching and rolling her nipples tightly between his fingers, making her whimper in pain.
The noise makes him let out a low growl from deep in his chest and his eyes go dark, almost black.
Before she can fully register what’s happening, he grabs her by the back of her neck and yanks her towards the small table on the other side of the room, forcing her onto her back.
He takes her legs behind the knees and pushes them open, exposing her to not only him, but the other two men in the room who are now standing behind him and looking over his shoulder.
Her stomach churns as she stares at the ceiling, her face burning with embarrassment as she tries to think of anything to distract her from the way he’s inspecting her.
She bites back a whimper as he touches her, his fingers playing with her most intimate area before spreading it open.
He lets out a satisfied hum, a smirk spreading across his face when he sees she’s intact, just like their Master promised.
“I’ve never had a pure one before” he says, to no one in particular as he pinches the small bundle of nerves above her opening, making her gasp loudly.
“They’re my favourite. Oh, the noises they make” one of the other men says excitedly, much to August’s annoyance.
“She’s mine, Lloyd” he growls, glaring at the man before turning his attention back to her, really looking at her for the first time since she entered the room.
And as much as she tries to look away, to look anywhere but the face of the man that’s about to brutalise her, she can't. Her green, terror filled eyes just stare at him, transfixed.
He’s seen her eyes, and that look, before. He knows he has. There’s something so familiar about them and it takes him a minute to place it. The man he killed in the arena a mere hours before. Her brother.
“You’ve got his eyes” he tells her before turning his gaze back between her legs.
She’s so caught up in the flood of emotions at what he just said that she doesn’t notice his finger pushing into her until it’s too late.
She lets out a loud yelp at the sudden pain between her legs, her body instinctively trying to close her legs and move away from the beast of a man in front of her.
He lets out an angry growl and yanks her up by her arm, turning her around and bending her over the table with so much force all the air leaves her lungs when her chest makes contact with the wooden surface.
“Don’t move” he growls, kicking her legs apart with his feet.
She grips the edge of the table, so tightly her fingers hurt, as tears well in her eyes. She prays the talk of his stamina is wrong, that it will be over quickly.
But it won’t.
When he’s done with her, there’s two more waiting.
And they have her all night…
The sound of his armour dropping onto the ground behind her makes her heart pound.
It’s happening.
Right now.
She squeezes her eyes shut, trying her best to relax when she feels him prod at her again, but it doesn’t matter.
He snaps his hips forward and tears into her with force, pulling a scream of pain from her that makes him grin.
In all the beatings she’s gotten over the years, she’s never felt pain like this.
It’s like a searing hot poker being forced into her over and over as she’s split in two.
The tears in her eyes escape and spill onto the table as he thrusts into her, over and over and over again. It feels like the more she cries, the harder his thrusts become.
“Best one I’ve had yet” he grunts as he lays over her, pressing her against the table with his full body weight, and starts grinding into her, moaning loudly in her ear.
He’s enjoying this, getting pleasure out of hurting her. How can he not? He’s a sadistic bastard!
Little does she know she’s not the first woman he’s forced himself into. It’s the whole reason he’s stuck fighting in that gods forsaken arena in the first place. And unless he dies there, she won’t be the last.
“You’re mine now, gonna take you like this whenever I want” he pants, making her let out a loud sob at the thought of him doing this to her over and over.
It all becomes too much and her stomach churns as bile rises in her throat, burning it as she chokes and coughs it up.
His moans start becoming louder as he ruts into her hard, his hips slamming her body into the table over and over and over.
“Oh Gods!” he roars, moaning loudly as his hips stutter then still before he thrusts into her as hard as he can, filling her with a strange warmth.
He says something to her, but she doesn’t hear a word of it, unable to hear anything except the loud ringing in her ears.
She lets out a loud whimper as he pulls out of her before kneeling and pushing her legs wider, smirking at the blood mixed with his spend dripping out of her.
He catches some with his fingers and pushes them inside her, forcing it back into her as she lies on the table, her entire body shaking and twitching from shock as she takes shallow, gasping breaths.
“My turn” the second of the men says, all but pushing August out of the way before grasping her by her hair and pulling her to her feet, making her cry out.
He pushes her to her knees, making quick work of removing his armour as she glances behind him at August drinking wine from a goblet and sees the size of him for the first time, enough to make Priapus himself blush.
She looks back at the second man, terror spreading through her yet again as she comes face to face with his member.
She can’t tell if he’s bigger, but it doesn’t matter. He’s going to defile her the same way August did without a care for her.
He hooks his finger into her mouth and forces it open before pushing himself in until she starts to gag.
He holds onto the sides of her head and starts thrusting, hitting the back of her throat with each snap of his hips.
A smirk spreads across his face as he moves one of his hands to the back of her head and forces her down onto him, deep throating her.
He holds her there, moaning at the feeling of the muscles in her throat squeezing him as she chokes.
“We can’t kill her, Lloyd” August warns as she starts scratching at his legs, trying desperately to get air.
He lets out a growl as he pulls himself out of her mouth and slaps her hard across the face before grabbing it and pulling her to her feet.
“You’re going to pay for that” he hisses, manhandling her onto the small bed in the corner of the room.
He climbs on after her, roughly pulling her hips up and slamming into her from behind.
“Gods, I’ve not taken a woman this good in years” he moans, throwing his head back and gripping her hips tightly as he thrusts hard, spurred on by her cries.
“I wonder if her other hole’s just as good?” August says with a smirk, leaning against the table he just had her bent over.
“Let’s find out” Lloyd replies, spitting on her ass. He pulls out and lines himself up with her tiny puckered hole before pushing himself into her, moaning loudly at the muscles squeezing him tightly in an attempt to force him out.
She lets out a shriek of pain, her body going rigid as she tries, and fails, to get away from the man violating her in a way she didn’t think was possible.
He lets out an evil laugh and pushes her face into the bed as he starts thrusting, going out of his way to hurt her as much as he can.
The noises leaving him as he uses her body for his pleasure are burned into her mind as she prays to the Gods to take her and put an end to the indescribable pain coursing through her body.
He looks down at where he’s thrusting in and out of her and smirks proudly at the sight of blood.
“It’s even better” he grunts to August, gripping her hips so tightly his nails break her skin.
“I’ll have to try it next” August says, slowly stroking himself as he watches Lloyd pound into the woman at their mercy over and over again, moaning to himself at the sound of her cries.
Lloyd lifts her hips higher, thrusting as hard as he can into her at the new angle, turning her cries into screams with every snap of his hip.
He lets out a long moan, throwing his head back as he cums hard, filling her with the same strange warmth August did.
“Gods, I’m doing that again” he pants as he slowly pulls himself out of her bloody back passage before slapping her ass, making her yelp as she collapses into the bed.
“You’ll get your chance. It’s your turn, Nick” August says, getting the attention of the third man standing on the other side of the room.
Until now, he’s not paid much attention to the events happening in the small room, trying to drown out her cries and think of anything other than what he wants to do to her.
It’s wrong, he knows it’s wrong, but he doesn’t care. He wants her. And it’s his turn to take her.
He slowly walks towards her, removing his armour as he does before gently turning her over and climbing into the bed.
“No more… please” she begs quietly as he spreads her legs with his knees and settles between them.
Asking for mercy is useless, she knows that. All she is to them is an object to seek pleasure from, to defile.
The only thing she can do is close her eyes and brace herself for the pain as he slowly pushes in, a long moan leaving him as he fills her.
But when he starts to move, the pain doesn't come.
She opens her eyes and stares at him, confused, and scared, by what she's feeling.
Why doesn’t it hurt?
Why is it so different?
Why does it feel… nice?
“Gods” she gasps, her eyes fluttering shut as he starts to speed up, letting out a moan that drowns out the one that slips past her lips.
She has no idea what he’s doing differently to August and Lloyd but she prays he keeps doing it because it feels good, amazing even.
Her mind races as she tries to understand what’s happening. Why does she feel bad, so embarrassed and ashamed, when what’s happening right now feels so good?
He moves his hips faster, harder. The sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room as he gropes one of her breasts before pinching her nipple hard, pulling another moan from her.
He slowly glides his hand up her chest to around her neck, squeezing the sides. The sudden restriction of air makes her panic and start clawing at his hands, making him squeeze even more.
Her eyes roll back as a weird pressure builds between her legs, making whatever he’s doing to her feel even better.
It suddenly breaks, making her moan loudly as a pleasant burning sensation washes over her, before everything goes black…
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VENERIS FILIA TAG LIST: @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure @themaradwrites @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @aussieez @identity2212 @fanfics-r-us-official @km-ffluv @ktficworld @sillyrabbit81 @juliaorplI78 @kingliam2019 @thebejeweledwatercat @red-write-hand @queenzee27 @therockandaroll
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Double Trouble
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, abduction, drugging, anal and other adult content and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You meet a strange pair of men while waiting on your friends. (plus-sized, short reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, August Walker
Note: This is for the dick(s) and nothing else.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you like I love coffee and that’s a lot and probably unhealthy. Take care. 💖
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A droplet of cranberry tinged alcohol clings at the corner of your lips. You dab it away with your knuckle and flick away the moisture. You cradle the triangular basin of the glass as you admire the spectrum of alcohols behind the bar.
You tap a nail against the glass and drop your hand. You pick up your phone and check the latest message. Nadia’s last text alleges that their uber is stuck in traffic. You weigh the honesty in that excuse. You know her and Gemma isn’t a better influence. The two of them are chronically late.
You click your tongue as the bartender comes by, eyeing your drink. You’re not that thirsty. He smiles as asks how it is. You assure it’s good and go back to your tedious wait. If there’s one thing you hate in a person, it’s the lack of consideration that comes with being late. Yet it seems that all your friends suffer from it.
There’s not much to distract yourself with. You don’t want to sit there playing Wordle like some loser. If they could maybe plan ahead past their makeup you might not be the eternal loner. 
“This seat taken?” You’re startled by the question but at first don’t realise it’s directed at you.
The stool next to yours shifts and you look over at the man who perches on it. Shit. You pinch the stem of your glass nervously and clear your throat.
“Actually, I’m waiting for someone.”
“And what idiot is leaving a girl like you waiting?” He smirks beneath the thick bristle of hair above his lip. Not exactly your type.
“My friends,” you grumble, “you’re gonna have to move–”
He ignores you and signals to the bartender with two fingers. He’s unbothered as he puts in his order for a neat whiskey, pausing to angle slightly towards you, “you need a top up, baby girl?”
You consider him. He’s tall, built well enough beneath the black turtleneck, but his taste leaves something to be desired. His hair is neat and slicked back over shaved sides, and his blues eyes sparkle mischievously above finely chiseled cheekbones.
“Baby girl?” You scoff, “uh, no,” you drag your glass closer and scope out the bar, looking for a set of seats to move to. “Thanks.”
As you turn on the seat, a hand brushes your hip and the stool at your other side scrapes on the floor. You nearly topple from the height and twist to look at the man who’s claimed sentinel to your right. You get a look at his face and the mustache that trims his lip. Is this some sort of club? Did you not pluck well enough?
“Come on, sweetie,” the other man grabs the stool beside your thigh, and spins the seat to face the bar, “finish your drink. You look like you could use the company.”
“Um, no thank you, I–”
You gape at the second man. He’s even bigger than the first. His dark hair is slightly curled and a short stubble covers his handsome cheeks and square jaw. The cleft in his chin adds to his brutish allure and the strain of his shoulders beneath his jacket makes you gulp.
You go to swipe up your phone but the first man is quicker than you. He slides it out from beneath your fingertips and holds it away from you. You reach across him and the other man tugs your other arm.
“Hey, let go,” you hiss, “what are you doing?”
“We just wanna chat, baby?” The second man hovers his other hand along your lower back, “you can’t be sitting here all alone. You never know what creep will come to bother you.”
You snort. Really?
The first man, with the lighter brown hair, hums as he accepts his drink from the bartender. The second orders scotch as he tickles along your rear. You twitch and give a desperate look to the server but they only chuckle. Wait, does he think you know these weirdos?
“‘Where are you?’” The first man reads off your phone as he drags his thumb over the screen.
You look around as you catch the second man’s hand and struggle to keep him at bay. You don’t see your Nadia or Gemma. The place isn’t that big.
“‘Sitting by the fountain’,” the man clucks and peers behind him, “I don’t see no fountain.”
“Sounds like you’re in the wrong place, baby.” The hand pushes past you and squeezes your hip, “what do you think, Hansen? She’s got a bit extra back here.”
“Bit extra all over but you know I got a type,” the other man purrs then takes a long draw from his glass, winking at your scandalized expression.
“Pretty face,” the darker haired man comments as if you’re not even there, as if you’re a slab of meat or product on a shelf. “Sweet little mouth on her–”
“Wow, wow, alright, you creepers need to go. I’m not interested.”
“We don’t see anyone else lined up,” the second man latches onto your purse, “let us buy you a drink.”
“I have a drink. And I have friends,” you grasp at your phone but the first man, Hansen, keeps it out of your reach. “They’re waiting for me.”
“Looks like you’ve been waiting on them,” the man with his hand on your hip growls, “so why don’t you leave them hanging a bit longer?”
“I’m really not interested, alright?” You feel dizzy as you bat away his hand only to have the others land on your ass. “Would you keep your hands to yourself?”
You slap behind you and barely miss the man as he chuckles. He pulls back and thumbs at your phone. You whine helplessly and lean towards him.
“Gimme my phone.”
“I’ll give you your phone when you earn it.”
“Right, you two are fucked,” you utter, “keep it. It’s not worth it.”
“Walker,” the pervert with your phone says dully, “do it.”
You yipe as you feel a prick and slap your hand down on your thigh where the flesh stings. You look down as you press your palm to the hot flesh, a radiating pulse flowing through you. The other man, Walker, quickly hides the long nose of the syringe in his hand. Oh, what the fuck?
“Don’t get too worked up, honey buns,” Hansen spreads his hand across your back, “you’ll get yourself hurt.”
“You–” You bluster out, “what did you do?”
“It’s alright,” Walker coos as he rubs your arm, “you’re just gonna have a little sleep.”
“N-no,” the panic courses through you only to be hampered by a sudden wave of fatigue. You sway and plant your hand on the bar, “no, you can’t do this.”
“You gonna stop us?” Hansen chortles as he wraps his arm around you, “‘cause no one else is gonna.”
“I…” you begin then push the hell of your hand to your head as it swells.
“It’s alright, baby,” Walker taunts as your lashes flutter, “we’ll take care of you.”
“Ah, I think she’s waking up,” the voice slithers into your ear as your eyelids slit. “Doll,” fingers snap before your face and you murmur, your head lolling as you squint in the harsh glare of light, “there she is.”
A caress on your cheek makes you wince. You groan at the pain tugging in your shoulders and the heavy weight just behind your toes. You drone as you look down at yourself, your feet held wide by a metal bar attached to thick leather cuffs that buckle around your ankles. You peer up at your hands, each arm stretched at angle with your wrists bound to chains.
What is this? Where are you? 
Your eyes snap wide and you search through the haze. The cogs in your mind grind slowly as the recollection churns through. The men, two of them, you know them. Not truly but you recognise them.
You were at the bar waiting for your friends and they approached you. Then… the needle! This can’t be happening. It’s absurd. So ridiculous that it can’t be real.
“Come on, juicy,” the man with the sleek hair cut coaxes as he cradles your chin, his eyes boring into you as he brings his other hand around the back of your skull. He holds you steady as he smirks, “keep with it. Sleep too long and that heads gonna be pounding.”
“Who… who… why?” The questions bubble over and weakly fall from your lips.
“You don’t need to worry about all that,” he winks as his eyes descend to your mouth, “you were right, Walker, she does have a pretty mouth.”
“You’re always playing with your food, Hansen,” the other man appears behind him.
“Birds of a feather,” the one before you, Hansen, brushes up your chin with his thumb. You quiver and bat your lashes at him fearfully. “Ah, look at the sweet little pussy, she’s scared.”
"Stop…" your mouth is dry and clumsy as you try to speak.
"You really should be thanking us," Hansen drags his hand up to your cheek and gives a small slap, "my partner here was generous with his dose… just enough to dull the pain, sweet cheeks."
You murmur as he lets you go. Your head slumps weakly as you hang limply from your restraints. He moves back and they face each other for a moment, communicating with just a look.
You use all your strength to lift yourself on your toes, arms shaking as you try to support your own weight. Your meagre attempt collapses and you dangle once more, groaning as it jars you from shoulder to ankle. You whimper and throw your head back.
"Please," you breathe, "why..."
"Does it really matter why?" Hansen looks back at you as stretches his neck side to side, "it's not going to change what happens next."
"Who are you?"
"See, that doesn't matter either," he grins and glances at the other man, a few inches taller and even wider. "So, who's starting, Augy?"
"Don't call me that, jackass," Walker rolls his eyes as he removes his dark brown jacket.
"Was being polite, that's all," Hansen retorts as ge rolls his shoulders.
You quiver and furl your fingers to fists. You look along your left arm, then your right. You tug on one then the other. There's no escape.
"Baby," Walker frightens you as he nears, unbuttoning his tip button as his mouth keeps a firm line, "you don't wanna panic. It'll only make this harder."
"Don't know about you, but I can't get much harder," Hansen jokes lewdly before peel his black turtleneck over his head. He flings it and smooths his hair back into place with both hands.
"Charming," the other man comments as he stares you down and his fingers continue down the front his shirt, uncovering the thick hair along his chest and stomach.
You bite down as your eyes sparkles with tears. You sniff and try to bat them away with your lashes. This can't be real.
"Go on," Hansen teases, "big boy loves crying. Turns him on, doesn't it, August?"
“Lloyd,” The man closet to you, Walker, August, whoever he is, growls in response as he strips away his shirt. You smush your lips together and plead silently with your eyes. He tilts his head as he considers you.
"Since I won the toss," Lloyd comes around and drags his hand along your side as he circles to stand behind you, "I'll take the back."
You shudder as he drags his hand over your hair and presses himself flush to you. He might be shorter than the other man but he still towers over you. He inhales your sent as he tickles his fingers down your neck.
August reaches to his belt, sliding free a short blade from a sheath there. You wince as he raises it, showing the black steel before tracing it down the strap of your dress. He hooks it beneath and snaps it easily. The other is cut just as swiftly.
You dress slouches and Lloyd snakes his arms around to guide the fabric past your chest. You tremble as your strapless bra barely clings to you. He makes quick work of it, popping the hook free so the nude cups fall away.
August grips the crumpled dress with one hand and cuts up from the hem. He slices through and whisks away the fabric. Your skin prickles at your sudden nakedness, only the soft lilac thong left to hide in.
Lloyd runs his hands down your sides and claps against your ass, kneading the flesh as he purrs. 
“Tell me you didn’t wear these for a reason,” he taunts as he pokes his finger under the elastic of your thong.
“Not… for… you…” you eke out.
“Listen, toots, every part of you is for me,” he rebuffs as he pinches your ass cruelly. 
August trails the tip of the knife down your belly and slips beneath the thong. His silence is just as troubling as Lloyd’s slimy remarks. The disparity in their characters adds to your uncertainty. Neither can be bartered with as they work methodically at their mission; you.
The thong falls apart against the blade and you whine in horror. Exposed and helpless. You shake your head as you dip it to hide your face. The shame scorches your flesh and sizzles in your veins.
August sheaths the knife again as he steps closer. He frames your tits and hums, his large thumbs caressing the rise of flesh and circling your nipples. His touch sends a shiver through your ass Lloyd continues to grope your ass. Your toes slip on the floor as they crowd you.
The man in front of you watches as he toys with you, rubbing your nipples hard as a crack forms in his veneer, a dimple of amusement sinking into his cheek. He bends his head as Lloyd’s hands drag down your thighs and you peek past your hip as he gets to his knees. What’s going on?
August takes your bud between his teeth and suckles, tweaking the other as you cry out in surprise. You push your head back as fingertips dance along the back of your thighs and follow the creases below your ass. His nose tickles along your cheek and you squeak.
“Got me a whole buffet back here,” he snarls against your skin, his lips sending ripples up your back.
He presses his palms to your ass and spreads your cheeks. You whimper as August nips at you, his tongue swirling as a pluck tugs at your core. The storm of sensation has you off balance and shaking.
Lloyd leans in and you feel his humid breath against you. You wrap your fingers around the chains that bind you as his tongue flick along your puckered ring. Your head shoots up at the peculiar feeling. He laps more intently as he pushes his face further between your cheeks, holding you still as you twitch. 
August brushes his mustaches from one tit to the other, a flutter across the skin. He teases your other nipple as he did the first, fondling you with his other hand. He trails his fingers down your torso, dancing along your stomach and pelvis eagerly.
He dips between your folds and you gasp. He searched blindly until he finds your clit, toying with it as he sucks fervently at your chest. You moan as your insides twist.
Lloyd's tongue twirls and swipes all around, prodding at your hole as he drones hungrily. He shakes his head between your cheeks, the hair along his lip adding to the ticklish sensation. You puff out, little by little, weaving a finger into a link of the chain.
August follows the previous path of his hand with his mouth. He mirrors the other man as he gets to his knees. Your legs quake as his lips graze your pelvis and he nuzzles the trimmed triangle of hair.
He reaches his tongue down to meet his fingers. You murmur as you arch your feet, a cramp thickening behind your calf. He rolls his tongue around your clit as his hand trails back towards your entrance. His other travels along the front of his pants. 
To your horror, his fingertips slicken along your cunt. He pushes back and forth across your entrance and centers his middle finger. He eases into you with the thick digit, drawing another pathetic moan from you.
Lloyd drags his tongue along your cheek and pokes around your ring. You hold your breath as he circles it and presses against your hole. He pushes until you feel yourself opening then pulls back. He repeats the act several times, each time a squeak breaks free from you.
As he eases his fingertip inside, little by little, you quiver and let out a jittery whine. He gets to his first knuckle as the pressure in your core pulses.
August slides in and out of your cunt, a steady motion as your squeeze around Lloyd’s finger. Lloyd sinks deeper and you grit your teeth at the fiery intrusion. You hiss and huff, eyes rolling back as the duel of sensations battles within you.
You hear the soft clink of a buckle and the subtle whisper of a zipper. Your lashes part as August pulls his dick through the front of his pants. He grips himself, stroking his length slowly as he drinks you in. You feel his rhythm rock against you and it floods you with another swell of heat.
Lloyd tilts his hand, fucking your ass slowly with a single finger. It’s enough to drive you mad as your toes curls and your ankles bend against the bar. You whimper as your thighs knot and your nerves bounce off each other. 
August spreads his tongue wide, swiping it up and down as he rams his knuckles into you, faster, harder. You pant through your nose as you try to fight the building thrill as it blooms from your core and stretches in tendrils up your chest. 
They find a tempo, working in tandem as they work your holes. You can’t hold back any longer as the pressure snaps and red hot pleasure burns through you. You cum with a rolling shiver, twitching uncontrollably as your voice drones out mindlessly.
Lloyd rests his cheek against your ass and chuckles. He slips his finger out, a little at a time, and smears it along your skin. He tuts as nips your quivering flesh. 
“Coulda fooled me if you told me this was a virgin ass,” he pulls his face back and spanks you.
August pulls out of your cunt and flicks two fingers along your cunt as he leans back. You watch him shove his fingers into his mouth and purr as he wiggles his dick in his other hand. Lloyd stands as he smacks your ass again, that time with two hands.
You squeal as August rises too, letting his dick bob before him as he pushes his pants down his thick thighs. You shake your head as you stare at his size. He’s so big you hurt already.
Lloyd taps his fingertips along your shoulders and kneads the muscle. He parts and cool air ripples over your back. You hear him behind you as August stays in front of you. 
August places a hand on the front of your thigh and one along the back, he brushes them down to your ankle and unlocks the cuff there. He moves across the bar and frees the other. He brings his arms behind your legs and rises, hooking his elbows under your knees as he has you hanging from your wrists.
One hand drags down your back and curls you towards him. He feels beneath you and pushes two fingers along your cunt. He spreads you as he wiggles his hips, angling until he catches his tip between his knuckles. He stretches you around him, inch by inch as you swallow down a low moan.
The air shifts behind you and a cool slickness spills along the top of your ass and leaks between your cheeks. Lloyd pushes his fingers between the flesh and rubs the oil against your hole, once more dipping inside. You groan and bite your lip as you try to withhold the delight that smothers your horror.
As August buries himself to his limit, Lloyd adds a second finger, both stretching you. Their breath creates a whirlwind, swallowing you up.
Lloyd pushes in and out, spreading his fingers wide inside of you as you cling to him. You clench tightly as you quiver uncontrollably. He slides free and steps closer. He pauses as he undoes his pants, the fabric rustling against your ass as you grip the chains tight above you.
August stills you as Lloyd lines his tip up with your hole. The bigger man lowers you onto the other, both your ass and cunt straining to take them both at once. 
Lloyd frames the back of your neck and keeps a hand on your hip as he delves deeper and deeper. August rocks into you steady, an arm hooked around you as the other snakes under your knee.
They glide into you at the same time, filling you to the brim as you tremble. You’ve never felt anything so painfully pleasant. They buck in time with each other, burying deep, and easing back out. Sharp thrusts and slow retreats.
Your head falls back against Lloyd as he ruts from behind, your hips tilt onto August. You’re lost in them completely entwined in their bodies. Before, after, all that you care about is the present and the coil winding tighter and tighter.
The orgasm tears from your throat at once. You shake between them and cum in a violent tide. But they don’t stop. They build a furious temple, battering you raw and you’re suspended helplessly at their mercy. Of which, they have little.
“You don’t think this ends when you cum, do you, sugar tits?” Lloyd breathes against your hair, “this isn’t over til your gaping and dripping.”
“Mmm, baby, don’t listen to him,” August growls as he raises his hand to your chin and lifts your head, pressing his forehead to yours, “you can keep going, can’t you?”
You know your answer doesn’t matter. Even less even than their taunts. They won’t stop and you’re not sure you want them too.
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milknhonies · 5 months
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The Negatives of Shooting People
Chapter 4 || MasterList || Chapter 6
Chapter Summary: August decides to test you with a taste of bondage which leads to a violent fit and a deadly confession...
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Non-Con, Description of Suicide & Self Harm, Trauma Dumping, Bondage, Daddy Kink, Oral Sex M!receiving, Fingering F! receiving, Child abuse, physical abuse, manipulation, subspace.
Pairing: Kingpin!August Walker X F!reader
Word Count: 8.3k
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Author Notes:
★This chapter is based off of the real life events of my father's issues with women and his eventual death. He did toxic things but at the end of the day I still love him dearly and would sacrifice so much to have him back. He was my first best friend in this world. Please be kind. He is the reason I managed to write this story in the first place as a form of narration therapy
★Okay so I might be publishing this chapter earlier than I usually would because I'm doing a lot of packing and searching for a sharehouse or live in because I cannot stand my current housemate. I also am not sure if my rostered shifts will be taking on a new schedule. So please take this early chapter and be patient until I can post the following in 2-3weeks maybe... I'm not too sure honestly. Ciao Bella 😘
Inspiring Song: "Brutal" by Olivia Rodriguez
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03:00pm Sunday 18th August 2024, Robertson, Brisbane
When the light hit your eyes you grunted and rubbed them with your fingers until they could handle the new bright light around you with the blindfold off.
You shivered staring up at him. Your eyes were still moist.
He had not changed his clothes. He was smiling softly down at you. He held something against your skin. Trailing the soft material along the goosebumps. Looking down at his mysteriously soft item you shrieked.
“No! No not the rope please stop! Not the rope!” You scooted away from him to the top corner of the bed, “Anything, tape, chain, ziptie but not the rope.”
His hand grabbed your ankle and dragged you viciously back to him. His hand pressed down hard on your chest and trapped you on the mattress.
You started screaming and hitting him. Punching his arms and kicking your legs. He slapped the rope beside your head and laid on top of you until you struggled to breathe and fight. His weight hurt so much, pressing on you arms and hips.
He shoved his forehead on top of yours. His nose nudged your cheek as you wept hard and blinked with those wet lashes.
“Please, don’t,” you whimpered, breaking back into another sob.
He exhaled and pressed his lips to your ear. His tongue was wet and breath hot. It felt ticklish and you had to fight the giggle in your throat. It came out in a horrid choking sensation. Tears peaked and fell down your face, wetting his.
“….the rope is the gentlest on the skin….” He purred heavily, “Why are you so frightened of it, huh?”
“Be-because,” you blubbered, “because my da-ad he-he-he….with rope.”
He sat up off you, letting you breathe and suck a healthy breath of air. You were frozen, laying down, too petrified to move.
August grabbed the rope again and twisted the tip with his fingers, “Is it because he hung himself?”
Your eyes widened. It was like a switch or spark or strike. Something lit the bubbling fuel of rage that had been sitting and mellowing deep in your belly.
'How dare he...'
You flung yourself forward and slapped him the hardest your body strength could manage. A loud ring of the skin bounced on the walls of his large empty home. His eyes were wide and his smile grew wider.
'How dare he!'
You felt the tsunami of anger and fury explode out of you. Your nails swiped him. You caught the skin of his neck and the back of his hand as you tried to claw out his eyes screaming from the bottom of your belly.
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Don’t say that! Don't you ever fucking say that again! You take it back! Fuck you! Fuck you!”
You tried to kill him. You pounced at him from the bed and gagged loudly as the collar and chain snagged your throat. You must’ve looked like a feral animal. Your teeth were nashing and your hands curled like claws at him as you screamed and yelled incoherently.
He grabbed your wrists and held them above your head in the air. You were no match for his strength. Your legs couldn't stretch out and try to kick him either. Your 'claws' were unable to scratch at any of him. His face wasn't smiling smugly. Instead he looked at you with confusion, perhaps pity?
You choked as your body seized, "Fu-ck you Aug-" you took in a shattering breath that burned your lungs, "Fuck you August! You piece of fucking shit!"
A part of you wanted to hear him take it back, to prove nothing very happened. Deep inside you yearned for no one to ever speak of those events because you could just pretend deep inside that it never ever happened. The shame and anger wouldn’t exist, the loss wouldn’t be as bad and permanent. You wanted to kill August for even mentioning it. He wasn’t allowed to talk about it, 'he has no right'…how did he even know? God you hated how much he probably knew about you.
'How much stalking did he do?'
He waited for you to stop screaming and waited until your sobbing had died down again. Your head pounded loudly in your ears as you let it fall and hang. Your tears dripped quietly on the bed covers.
August very slowly released your wrists. You lowered them and held them to your chest. They were sore.
You half expected August to slap you. But when you dared to look back up at him, towering above you still, he was untangling the folded rope. You gulped.
He pressed a knee onto the mattress and laid a hand on your naked chest. He barely needed to use much force, shoving you onto your back. You whimpered. Too scared to try and fight back again.
“O' my sweet, darling girl, Shhh” he cooed, his knuckles brushed the sweat beading on your face “How life has dealt you a poor hand…” he soft rolled you to lay on your front.
You felt your body relax. He rubbed your spine with the flat of his hand smoothly. You shut your eyes and hiccupped loudly.
You were tired and especially depressed. You didn't want to go to sleep but you also wanted to wake up from whatever nightmare this was. You sincerely hoped he would just kill you at that point. Why did he have to torture you like this?
August grabbed your two wrists and tugged them behind your back, sending you into a shock again feeling the line of material on your skin.
“Please no rope!”
You couldn't pull your hands back but twisted and turned pulling and making it difficult for him to tie any safe knit around your hands. He clicked his tongue and smacked your hip.
“Look at me,” he said and waited until your eyes glanced at him, flooded in glassy tears, “You’re safe, I won’t hurt you with the rope. I promise.”
“Y-your promises mean fuck all!” You hissed with wobbling lips, “You sick fuck!”
You heard him drag out a long. His thumbs rubbed the inside of your wrists.
“And I promise you’ll regret that comment, but I digress…I’m here to help you.”
“Help me?...Help me!?”
You screamed as he began to wrap the cord around your wrists again, “Stop! Get off me! No! Please!” You sobbed hard and tried to kick him but it was met with a sharp slap to your backside, “Please! I’m begging you. For the love of God, stop! No rope!” He tightened the tie around your wrists and push you totally onto your belly.
His hands wrapped your ankles tightly and started to push them up your wrists. Your face turned to the side and you squeezed your eyes shut attempting at the last second of anything that could get him to stop.
You swallowed any sense of pride you had left.
“Daddy….” You panted, “Please Daddy stop it. Please stop tying. Daddy please.”
His fingers paused and he left go of your ankles. It was a hiccup of relief that left your mouth.
“Good girl,” his hand said subbing his thumb over the back of your neck, “You’re learning.”
The air in your lungs was disappearing, you hated yourself for submitting to him like this. You tightened your lips and tensed as his breath fanned your face.
“Open your eyes,” he demanded, you obeyed.
“Look at me,” he said, you obeyed.
He had a softened expression on such a hard face. He had this Dr. Jeckle and Hyde side about him.
He would look so sweet and kind and then the next turn into this hardened angry man.
He scared you.
He pushed you to roll back in your back. Your tied arms were crushed underneath you. You were helpless and scared.
He unlocked the chain from the collar.
“Deep breath in,” he asked and laid a hand on your belly. You obeyed.
“And out.”
A breath came out sounding like a gasp and yawn and moan. You were exhausted.
“Now, you are going to not fight me, not squirm. I have kindly let you through your tantrum, now you’re going to be a good girl and lay across my lap. I want you to talk to me and if you stop talking, I’m going to spank you. Do you understand?”
You pouted, “No.”
“I don’t want you to hit me,” you whined.
He chuckled and ran his thumb gently cross your cheek, “Good, because I want you to talk.”
“About what?” you sniffled loudly.
“How did you find out. About him…your father.”
Your eyes widened and you shook you head dismissively, “No, I don’t want to talk about that.”
“You will,” August recounted.
“I won’t…you c-can’t make me!” you snapped.
Within seconds he sat on the bed and hauled your body over his lap, delivering three hard and loud spanks. As you wailed he rubbed the rising welts on your backside. The heat of your blood screamed to the top of your skin.
“You said that with a little too much confidence,” August muttered, squeezing the stinging flesh, “Let’s try that again, yes?”
“You knew he…” you choked, unable to share the gruesome truth yourself, “did that with the rope. That’s how. That's all there is to say.”
August’s hand left another scorching mark across your arse cheek. You tried to squirm, you tried to push away but his other arm tightly hugged your middle.
“Say it. How he did it,” August commanded.
You spat back with a screech in you tongue, “You already know!!!”
He spanked you again before yelling, “Say it!”
“He fucking killed himself!” You roared, “Is that what you want to hear, you arsehole!? He took a piece of rope, tied it to the ceiling fan and fucking hung himself!!!”
You swore the whole room shook along with your anguished voice.
“And why did he do it?” The billionaire asked the billionaire question.
You hissed, “Go to fucking hell August!” Another stinging wack of his palm.
You could hear the venom drop from his tongue as he grabbed the back of your neck and pinchingly pulled.
“Why did he do it!?”
“Because he fucking hated me!" You squealed in defeat, "He hated me! He couldn’t stand to look at me! I was his mistake!”
Your throat was sore and scratched. He let go of your neck.
After a few embarrassing moments of silence you could hear his voice softenly ask, “And how are you his mistake?”
He grabbed the back of your head and tugged it up, he grunted into the shell of your ear, “How? Tell me or I’ll belt your arse so raw it’ll bruise and you won't sit for a fucking week!”
When you put up more silence, you were pushed forward and could hear the clinking of his belt coming undone.
“Teen pregnancy,” you hastily blurted, wincing, hoping he wouldnt just use his belt already, “He didn’t know my mum was underage. When she had me, she left us, she left me with him. He took custody. He couldn’t find anyone to replace my mum, he hated me for it- I know he did. He got girlfriends and they didn’t last long…they didn’t want a kid so soon in their lives, so his heart was broken more than once.”
You took a gulp. Your hands behind your pack trembled. His fingers rubbed your inner thigh and pinched your backside.
“Is that the only reason he hated you?” August asked softly.
“No,” shaking your head you shuddered, “it’s not.”
“Why else?”
It hurt, god it hurt to say it…to be forced to confess the honest agony.
“Because I wasn’t a boy and even as a girl I wasn’t pretty. He never said I looked beautiful or pretty when I asked, he just looked away and shrugged...why was I so ugly?” You complained, “Why do I have to look so much like the worst parts of my parents? It’s not fair!” Your nose sniffled as your eyes began to sting hot.
Your kidnappers soft voice then asked, “What else wasn’t fair?”
“H-how he loved his wife more than me. He picked her up one day and said I needed to start calling her my mum and I couldn’t, she was only eleven years older than me, it was weird. I didn’t understand why he chose someone who was only twenty years old at the time, and why he didn’t believe me when I told him how she hurt me when he was at work….he only hit her once he walked in on her choking me…when I started to bleed from the cut on my face. She moved out and started cheating on him. God, I hate how he still loved her.”
“He saw her hurt you like that…and he still loved her? How did you know she was cheating on him?”
His fingers started to do wickedly things. The tips tickled at your labia and dip down to dance along your clit. You hissed and tightened your thighs around his hand, but it didn’t stop him rubbing and molesting you.
You talked, not wanting another spanking and know full well there was nothing to stop him trying to pleasure your cunt.
“Her boyfriends would come around asking to see her. They’d try to come in and touch me too but I’d threaten to call the police and they’d be flying out the door.”
August sighed happily as he felt your heart beat throb against your pussy. He condescendingly asked, “Your dad knew this was happening?”
You whimpered and shook your head, your cheek rubbed the duvet. Your shut your eyes and grunted as a finger prodded your hole. You knew this was sick.
“Yes! And then he tried to slit his wrists to guilt his bitch wife to come back but I called the ambulance in time and got the blood…the bleeding to…to stop….”
“That explains the scars. But that's not what killed him.”
You nodded, he was right.
“He…” you paused as August slid two fingers into your pussy and slowly pushed then in and out, your breath hitched. It was wrong what he was doing to you. And it was wrong you softly moaned.
“Dad got out of the hospital after forty eight hours.”
Your hands clenched in fists, August could see that, you grunted, “They let him fucking loose! I was so angry at him. I told him he could kill himself only after I finished highschool.”
You remembered that look on your dads face as he pouted in his recliner refusing to look you in the eye. What did you expect after you spent hours screaming at him? You were only seventeen. You had to go to school knowing your dad was in hospital and there was a chance he could die….all that blood….red was your least favourite colour for a long while. You didn’t say anything to teachers, you didn’t need to deal with the police asking questions and making things worse with child protection.
Your sighed and felt August’s fingers stop fucking you gently. They paused and pulled away. Your breath hitched as your body felt empty of his hot digits. He drew soft lines on your ass with your wetness.
You heard him warn,“….you know what happens when you grow silent or should I remind you.”
You said nothing and bared the pain of the spank. A hissed caught through your lips but you whispered.
August didn’t catch it at first and made you repeat. You felt flushed. You couldn’t believe you were actually asking him.
You weren’t crying anymore, you didn’t want to, you were angry and sad.
“August…if I call you Daddy…will you let me sit up and…hug me?”
The sound of his inhaled was like a contemplation, “I’m not sure…that’s a special privilege…why don’t you try and ask nicely?”
You opened your eyes and looked over your shoulder at him and whimpered, “Pl-please hug me Daddy.”
He slid a hand beneath your chest and held your hip as he pulled you up and turned you around. He crossed his legs on the bed and swaddled you in his arms. Your hands were still behind your back, your hot bottom stuck onto his trousers.
“C’mere sweetheart,” his voice broke you, you started to whimper and dug your face into his shoulder and cried into his warm cotton shirt.
“Daddy’s got you, all safe now.” He said as he rocked you and let you compose yourself. You pressed your cheek to his collarbone and shut your eyes.
How could a cruel man like him become soft?...
He asked and held your cheek as he rocked very slowly, “And what happened after you gave him permission to end his own life?”
'It wasn't permission, it was a last chance to plea...'
“He did as promised…he waited…and waited…and then when he said he was going to end his marriage I was actually happy for him.” Your voice trembled, “I said he was smart and told him that he…he…wait…no…that’s not right...I-”
You swallowed and squeezed your eyes opened as horror and realisation poured from your puffy mouth, “I said ‘It's about time…’ and the-then he gave me all of his cameras. And left. A few hours he came back, he told me he went to see his wife and I knew he meant he went to go sleep with her….I got so angry.”
You sighed, “I threw something at him?…a cup? A plate? It doesn’t matter. I didn’t even feel guilty for doing it…I was happy I made him sad…for the first time I fed off the glee that he felt shitty…I said he was a ‘fucking loser and a dumb ass.’ I said he shouldn’t have ever had me, should never gotten married and if he was going to keep letting himself get fucked over by his wife he should….”
You cut yourself off. You whimpered and buried your nose into August’s armpit.
Why did he have to smell so good? Why didn’t this man have terrible body odour?
You heard him tut and pulled your shoulder away from him. He cupped your jaw and ran a thumb over your bottom lip.
“What did you say?…Y/N?”
“I said…” you gasped and cried, “he should go fuck himself and stop the pity party because it was me that should be sad and suicidal, not him.”
With another suck if air you growled and glared into August’s eyes, “But…God…deep down I said in my mind that he should kill himself and make it easier for me to hate him. It’s all my fault.” Your eyes looked up to the ceiling while your face contorted.
August leg go of your face and brushed his fingers through your hair as he said soothingly, “Your thoughts didn’t kill him.”
Your naked body pressed into him. You couldn’t hold the balance for to long and leaned against him. Your nose touched his and you frustratedlg groaned, “B-but I was so mean to him…I threw a plate at him. I called him names. I bullied him and argued…I…I killed him. I know it was me.”
August kissed your cheek and slid you down back to his chest to hug you. He turned your hips out and patted your bottom softly.
You didn’t need prompting anymore from him.
“And normally every night I’d always ask him at dinner how his day was, I’d tell him I’d loved him and that I was going to bed and would see him in the morning before he’d go to work. He would get up at four am and leave at five am. He drove a truck around town, delivering to the Asian grocery stores and bars, he was their favourite delivery driver…they’d give him presents and free food all the time.”
“Yea?” August cooed, “What else? Did you wish him a goodnight?”
You mewled, “No, I didn’t. I-I was so m-mad. I told him I hated him and I said he wasn’t allowed in my room. I slammed the door so-so hard…he didn’t go to work and I felt like he was grumpy at me, his door was shut…When it was six am I made him some breakfast and I put it outside his door because he didn’t answer my knocking…”
You took a pause and swallowed to stop yourself crying, you forced a pitiful laugh from your mouth, “I was such a cunt…I remember saying something stupid like ‘’fine be a prick.” I started to clean my room and do the laundry and by nine am he still hadn’t grabbed the porridge. I got…a little frustrated -but I felt sorry for throwing the cup or plate and I knew he was upset. I went in to go wake him up or to apologise…”
You grew totally silent and August waited patiently.
You whispered into his neck, “His feet…I-I saw his feet first and you know what’s sick?” you smiled weakly.
August smiled and whispered back, “What’s sick?”
“I laughed and asked dad, ‘’how did you figure out how to float like that?” And I remember the stab of shock that jolted in me the moment it clicked…” you licked your bottom lip and shrugged, “his forehead was swollen and his eyes not fully shut. Lips a little blue… It was awful. I can’t forget that look.” You sighed and looked August in the eye, “He….he looked like he was made of wax…the moment I knew what he had done I grabbed his legs. I tried to pull him down. And when I couldn’t figure out how to get the rope off the fan I tried to use his phone to call help. His phone was flat. I tried to run to my room and grab mine but I tripped over the bowl of porridge and hit the ground hard.”
You remembered the loud this and the slippery wetness on your side. Your face cringed and you pulled your knees up in August’s lap a little more. He continued to pat your backside.
“I was screaming. I remember the pain in my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I had to crawl to my phone because it was too painful to walk. I barely remember the woman on the phone. But she tried to ask me to check his pulse and I didn’t want to go back into the room.”
You gasped, “God I didn’t but I did….I had to. And I couldn’t feel anything. I couldn’t hear his belly move or his heart beat. I remember standing for a very long time, just holding his legs trying to get him to stand up on my shoulders or, to move. He was freezing…he…I don’t know how long….but…the um…the officers came in, they…I don’t know how they got in…maybe they picked the lock. They got him down and took him out. I got mad they didn’t let me come ….one officer told me it wasn’t an ambulance so I couldn’t come…I don’t think I was able to accept that he died, not until they wrung me up a week later to tell me he was ready to be released and have a funeral set up. A part of me thought he would wake up like a miracle…like he could just do some supernatural shit…like he would come home that evening or the next morning and ask me to make him porridge. And he’d smile and say he just felt sad or something and-and that he would buy me some noodles or some sponge cakes when he went to work tomorrow...”
You angrily whined, “But he didn’t…fucking arsehole. He left me…he…died…he…hated me and chose….the easy way out…”
August rubbed your back and whispered, “Cry.”
“What?” you shuddered not understanding what he was saying.
“You’re allowed to cry. You want to cry….so cry,” he said.
Your blinked once, twice and then the damn broke entirely. You wept into his shoulder and just started to blabber, “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Pl-please don’t spank me Daddy.”
He sympathetically crooned, “O' my sweet girl, no more, you don’t have to talk about it anymore if you don’t want to, daddy has heard enough.”
After some time of more sobbing and rocking in his arms you rubbed your eyes and yawned.
“I’m so tired,” you moaned and smiled sadly at the feeling of his warm chest vibrate with a chuckle.
“I bet you are poppet, lay back” he pulled away and lifted the bed covers. He lifted you up and slid your legs inside beneath the layers. “You can have a nap,” he whispered sweetly as his fingers tugged at the knot of your bound wrists. When the came undone you curled them Infront of you and rolled onto your side facing him. He locked the chain to your collar and smiled at you. You smiled back.
Jesus…your brain felt fuzzy about that…he forced you to talk about your father and how it was your fault, he humilated you worse than when you cummed in the recliner in your apartment…and you….wanted to fucking thank the man….'what the actual fuck?'
Something made you want to accept this condesending treatment as long as he held you and cradled you and let you cry without a fear of judgement.
To this day you’ll never understand what possessed you to do it… but you could never take it back. As he started to shift away and move off the bed, your hand shot out and wrapped itself around his wrist.
“N-no, don’t leave me, please,” you begged, your eyes soaked the pillow while your wet lips trembled.
He looked down at your hand and softly sighed, he leant down to your head and kissed your temple, “I’m right here, I’m not going far, I’m going to grab you some painkillers because I know you’re going to have a headache soon.”
“N-no!” you whined.
His eyes widened before his voice hardened in a commanding grunt, “Y/N…let go of me…be a good girl…”
You didn’t….you couldn’t. Your hand squeezed tighter. He touched it with the rope and noticed how you flinched off him in seconds like the rope had magically burnt your hand.
He nodded and pursed his lips, “I promise I’ll be back in five minutes.”
He made true to the promise…he returned in four minutes and forty seconds…how did you know? Because you desperately counted ever single one until your abuser returned.
A cup in his hand and a pill in his palm. You didn’t have the guts to ask if it was a pair killer or the same drug that forced you unconcious when he first fucked you.
“Open up those pretty little lips.”
Your mouth parted, he popped the pill in and held the edge of the cup to your thirsty chapped lips, “Drink.”
You guzzled the water down and let out a relieved gasp as he set it aside on the table. “Good girl.”
As he turned, you realised he was going to the door. Leaving… “W-wait!” you called and weakly sat up.
He paused at the door. His fingers traced the metal handle, “Yes?”
“D-don’t leave me…” your sucked in a deep and demeaning breath as you pleaded to him, “D-daddy please don’t go.”
You peeled the blankets back and struggled to crawl out towards him. His blue eyes blinked. He reached up and scratches his chin, observing your pathetic state. He tilted his head.
“What do you want?”
“I…I…” You struggled to answer, your bottom lip buried beneath you teeth, you sucked hard and whispered, “I want you to stay…I want…you to cuddle me again…please.”
A smirk spread in the corner of his mouth, “And what will I get in return?”
It was wounding…the concept you had to earn his affections now…where was the free treatment from that day you first met him?
You didn’t even know what you could offer him.
“I don’t have anything…I…I have barely any money...I don't know what you've done with my purse.”
He chuckled cruelly, “You have a commodity…your body. You have a mouth…”
Your eyes widened. It clicked what he was hinting at. You were unsure if you really want to just for a hug…but after such a long couple days and confusion in your life, you would offer anything for a moment of peace.
“I’ll suck your cock…” your mouth quivered, “Please just hold me…I’m tired and I’m scared. Please!”
He looked you up and down one last time before sighing and nodding. Your hands reached out like a sad needy puppy. His fingers cupped them and guided you back to your original spot.
He moved the chain away from you both. You kneeled and shut your eyes waiting for him to just use your mouth….
“Y/N…scoot over. You can do it in the morning.”
Relief washed over your head like a cold ice bucket.
He pushed your body away as he took off his shoes and socks. He slipped beside you and dragged you to his side.
He playfully scolded you, “I spoil you rotten.” His finger tapped your nose. He kissed your forehead and watched you happily sigh.
Your eyes started to grow droopy. You knew it was the unknown drug he used on you weeks ago. You grew tired too quickly for it not to be.
As your body felt motionless and gooey you let your head roll onto his shoulder. Your mouth uncontrollably starting to drool onto him. He was smiling and stroking your head almost lovingly.
You weren’t sure if he was going to use you while you fell into your drugged sleep but you were happy to have this small peace. Even if he killed you…you were going to die at peace.
“Goodnight,” you heard and fell into the mindless nothingness.
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08:02am Monday 19th August 2024, Robertson, Brisbane
You had absolutely zero knowledge of what day it was, how long you had been with August, or where he had kept your clothes…when you woke up though, your eyes watched the ticking of his expensive looking watch. It’s handles moving slow at a time of eight am.
Your head slowly rose. Your chain reflected from the morning sunlight burning from the windows.
You held down the yawn building in your throat and glanced over your shoulder.
August was out cold.
His face was totally relaxed. His bushy eye brows however left a certain hardness to his face. His lips were slightly parted and a soft snore left through them.
He was handsome and it hurt you knowing that beautiful men could be as evil and abusive as ugly men. A beautiful man was probably more ugly because they could hide their evil better.
You gulped and tried to move carefully. You had no idea what waking up a man like him could do to you…and you remembered sincerely of the promise to suck his cock.
You had never sucked cock before...and it disgusted you to think about...
'Men pee from there, why do people even do blow jobs?...ew.'
But you promised, in exchange for this. A loving cradling in a bed with him. And as wonderful as it had felt for a brief moment, you couldn't help but resent your past promise to him.
The more time you put it off, the better.
As you moved you felt something metal press against your ass. Your fingers slowly and carefully picked at it. Lifting the small object to the light…it reflected light into your eye.
A tiny silver key…
The key….
To your chain….
You didn’t hesitate, you slowly unlocked it, trying to be as quiet as humanly possible. As the pad lock clicked open and the chain grew loose. You settle the chain careful on the pillow and away from his arm.
It was scary, the tension of moving your backside across the bed sheets. Your toes touching the carpet. Trying to move slow enough to move nothing. You pushed up and stood.
He hadn’t woken up not moved a inch. You swallowed and stood away from the bed. You stood confused and naked. You couldn't think about searching for clothes in this bedroom. You didn't know where he had stored your stolen gown. Your feet tiptoed to the open door.
You didn’t know if there was a home phone on a wall somewhere. You wondered where he had your clothes and most importantly your purse with your phone.
You recalled him stepping on your phone in the park and considered that it was probably destroyed and thrown away...August had such a fierce look about him. You shuddered and worried to see it again if he woke up soon with you missing.
You looked at the key on you and…you were desperate.
Shoving the metal in between your teeth, it slip to the back of your mouth and your eyes screamed as it swallowed and scratched the entire way down your throat.
There was no way you wanted him to chain you back to the bed. And something suggested confidently to you that the padlocks on the gag and blindfold were the same as the bed chain.
You found his room. You knew the millionaire would have a closet in his own master bedroom.
It was beside the bathroom. A walk in. Your purse was sitting on the centre island. You gasped and ran to it and dumped the contents. You found your phone and almost sobbed… the screen was shatter and it wasn't turning on.
With all the strength you mustered you kept your mouth closed and your brain calm. Your costume dress was still missing, you didn't have time to waste. You stole one of his shirts. It was hanging in a long collection, organised by shades of white, navy, grey and black.
'Definitely a psychopath. No one is this particular or maybe his housekeeper is. Does he have a housekeeper? Surely? He is rich enough.'
His shirts, trousers and blazers where either folded neatly or hanging in the open spaces after all being beautifully ironed.
You buttoned the shirt up. You couldn’t find his underwear. You found some sweat shorts and tried tightening them around your waist. His shorts that probably cut off at his knees ended at your mid calf.
God he was so fucking huge. It made you remember why he was so intimidating. His height…
You took your purse and even broken phone. Dashing out his closet and room you bolted down the hall and staircase.
You tried your best to remember where everything was, including the exit. You found the kitchen and stole a carving knife from a butcher block set.
If he or anyone wanted to fuck with you, you wanted to make it clear that there was gonna be a blood spill.
You would be okay going to jail for assault if it meant you got out of this shit alive. You just needed to run.
You got to the glass doors that led to the outdoor pool in the gardens and patio it would lead to the back yard or some sort of garage where you might find a security button to open the front gates and sprint to the nearest bus stop. Unlocking every piece you smiled as the glass easily slid open.
You felt the cold morning air hit your face and body. His clothes were light and did barely anything against the wind.
You stood onto the concrete platform and heard something shuffle around the bushes of the garden. For a moment you thought you were crazy hearing a growl…a animal growl…a dog growl…your eyes glanced to your side. Your fingers tightened around the kitchen knife.
You held your breath as you met the sight of a dog, no- no, a big fucking dog. A small bear if you might humour yourself. This dogs bottom was in the air while his head was on the floor, teeth bare and growling.
It’s massive coat was pricked up and defensive.
And when it pounced, you squealed and ran back inside, launching the glads door back closed. You heard the beast yelp as you closed the door on the tip of its nose.
It’s teeth was gnashing and biting as it barked at you through the glass.
You held up your hand to block the door from gliding open. You frantically turned the knob to lock it.
Fuck! August would wake up and find you missing if this wild animal kept barking. You felt like an idiot. Of course August would have at least one guard dog.
The moody guard dog huffed and turned around before bolting back and slamming itself onto the door.
The shock had you falling on your arse.
Or rather...into someone’s arms.
His strong muscle appendages caved around you. His hand grabbed your knife wielding hand harshly, twisting your wrist until you were forced to let it go.
The blade clattered loudly as you screamed and grunted pathetically.
August held you strong and walked backwards until he could sit on the couch with you squirming in his lap.
“Oh look at you, miss escape artist…” a whine caught in your throat as his nose shoved itself against your jaw. His voice heavily rasped, “Planning on trying to run off? O' believe you me…” he patronised, looking at his aggressive dog back at you “That would be a terrible idea…”
He slapped your inner thigh. You jumped and hissed from the sudden pain.
This morning would be one to remember for a while.
“I see you’ve met Kal!” His fingers dug into your sides. You sneered at him and grabbed at his hands, weakly pulling him off.
“You didn’t have a dog last time!” you whined as you squirmed.
He snickered and forced your legs over his hips. His hand snuck down into the stolen shorts and he kisses your neck as he rubbed at your clit.
“He was here last time, I swear but he was in his kennel that day and I wanted you all to myself.”
You sighed as his large fingers played and soothed you to a unpredictable horny mess.
There was no use fighting when he had you so caught up. You really weren’t sure if he would beat you but the memory of the recliner and the spanking in the guest bed were fresh to remind you how he could play with you if you refused or displeased him.
You wanted to get out alive. He caught you out of bed with his stolen clothes, your broken phone and a knife in hand. It wasn’t a good appearance.
He didn’t let you cum. No. He pulled his hand away before you reached the sweet completion.
Your bum felt his bone hard erection and struggled to move away from it.
“Do you know how much trouble you’re in? Answer me Y/N,” he softly pressed.
You shook your head and tried craning your neck back to kiss his prickly cheek.
“No…no I…I just…”
“Just thought you could leave without making good on your promise? You have a cock to suck… are you ready for that?”
You shook your head again and confessed strongly, “No, I don’t know how to do that….I said it because I was scared.”
He laughed again and chewed the bottom of your ear, “Oh? Then this will be exciting.”
He pulled your dazed body off and pressed you onto your knees on the carpet rug. Between his thighs, you swallowed and looked up at him. Smirking with a sadistic tilt to his head, August looked like a fallen angel.
You gagged as you watched him lift the hand that was just fucking you up to his lips. He licked and sucked each digit like they were a delicious treat. His exaggerated moans of pleasure had you rolling your eyes.
After another moment he put his hands back and jerked his chin at you.
“Well? Unzip me. Go on.”
His dogs barking made it hard for you to hear him but with your eyes following his lips and direction of eyesight you knew what he wanted out of you.
He watched with a lazy gaze as your finger tips pinched his zipper and tugged down the opening.
His flaccid dick, unprotected from any underwear greeted your sight.
With warm hands and a wish you had for any chance of forgiveness from him for trying to run out on him; you collected his cock into your palms.
It felt warm and lame for a moment before a great pulse cause you to jump and the member to flinch and twitch. His veins bobbed slightly.
You tried thinking about what girls in porn did…they always did this hugging thing with their breast. Motorboating? Tit surfing? You unbuttoned his stolen shirt in one hand while holding and squeezing his heavy cock in the other.
He was staring as you shed the silky shirt to the floor. You sat at his feet with your breasts bare. You wondered what was going through his head…he wasn’t just a lustful predator….he was a calculating business man.
That led you to ponder on if this was like a business transaction? You asked for his kindness and in exchange you had to debase yourself as his personal unpaid whore…
To make matters worse, you were unsure if catching you trying to escape would lead to some sick punishment like how he caught you in the club.
You were annoyed that if you made it out alive there was no evidence of those deals or the murder of the Melbourne Embezzler.
You were still behind in your plot of revenge and as tempting as it was just to bite his cock off with your teeth, you’d never leave this place alive…not even a chance…
You sat up a little on your knees and shuffled closer. You pulled at his cock some more until it was entirely hard in your palm.
He smirked before he mockingly asked, “Are you going to fucking suck it or am I just waiting here until you turn me off enough to lose interest?”
With widened eyes, you sheepishly stared at the pink thick sausage in your hand and cringed.
Your tongue timidly poked out and you licked at his tip. He sighed, but it was full of impatience. A strange anxiety filled you… overwhelming fear of disappointing him. You knew logically it was dumb. You didn't respect August why did you care what he actually thought of you? You just needed to get out of there alive.
Your tongue and lips spread kisses along his wide shaft before you opened your mouth as wide as you could and attempted to put him in your mouth. You looked crazy. Your teeth trying to stay wide open but your lips peeled back away from them….
August laughed at you, “Are you planning to bite my cock off with those rows of fangs?”
Eyes filled with confusion and self-conciousness fluttered up at him. His thumb rubbed along your cheek and he told you to wrap your teeth up in your lips and to stick out your tongue more.
Now it was truly humiliating…following his instructions and wagging your tongue out like some dog.
Your eyes glanced to the left where the glass doors were now empty of his fluffy beast.
His hand pushed your mouth down a little further. Your cheeks felt full with his girth along and when his head hit the bag if your throat, you loudly wretched and pulled back but found his hand forcing you back down onto him. Your spit flew out messily on his cock. Your eyes watered instantly at the irritating sensation. You felt suffocated and choked in his thick appendage.
It was confronting to have something so big being pushed back into your mouth. You gagged on just two fingers, you had no clue what you must’ve looked like with a cock a third of a way in your mouth.
He did it over and over until you scratched at his hand and he let you pulled back, falling back on your ass and rasping for breath.
You heaved and swiped your mouth and tears. You hoped you wouldn’t have to ever do that again and next time you wanted something from him you’d never promise a blow job.
“If you want to leave today, you have to do something for me…”
You were stupid…you were desperate…you asked “What?”
“Open your mouth.” He commanded.
You winced, afraid he would shove it back into your mouth…you obeyed. You didn’t expect the assault of his thick cum spraying across your face. Some dropped into your mouth as it flew. Most of it stuck in your hair and dribbled down into your eyes.
He chuckled at the sheer horror of shock written over your face covered in his pearly cum.
You were about to wipe it away until August grabbed your wrist brutally and shook his head.
“You belong to me. I own you. You aren’t going to clean this off until you get home. Do I make myself clear?”
A shuddering breath escaped you as you nodded.
He was letting you go…you couldn’t understand why he was so lenient with your freedom. You accused him of rape and yet you lived…he killed a man just for a small crime of embezzlement…
But you were graciously relieved.
You were surprised he let you put on his stolen shirt again. He pinched a nipple but he gave you back your purse and broken phone while he called someone to pick you up. A driver. Jude.
August took you out front of the house once the black vehicle arrived and slipped inside of the car with you. He leant across and buckled you in reminding you that he liked this power dynamic even through the little things. Wiping you clean, buckling your seat, feeding you...you wouldn't call it infantilism the entire way...it felt like the motive was to humiliate, not to take care of you...The entire time was filled with a stretchy and uncomfortable pull of tension.
You didn't face the rearview mirror in case Jude could see all the embarrassing white cum drying on your face and in your hair.
“I…I-” you tried to ask but fell silent and afraid. The cum was drying on your face, a perfect reminder of your place. Beneath him.
He looked at you with interest, “What’s on your mind?”
“I am…confused…why haven’t you just killed me yet? I’m disposable, and I know you already know if I go missing…no one is going to look for me…”
He didn’t take his eyes off you and you couldn’t even meet them. Your knees rose up against your chest.
His finger touched the skin beneath your chin and made you look at him.
“Because…Y/N…I am not someone to throw away my toys so easily. You are a important posession and it would be very stupid of me to waste you."
He leant in and kissed you softly, breathing against your soft lips, "You’ve got a tight cunt and a dead father to thank for that.”
That made you lunge…you slapped his face hard. The sound cracking. Everything was dead silent. Even Jude was holding his breath. You turned your body away and cowered in the door.
“Fuck you…fuck…you.” You sobbed. You didn’t like how he mentioned your dad. It made you think on how he forced such a terrible confession from you about the days that it all went down.
You expected him to hit you, to make you beg for mercy.
Only his cheek flinched as his pale flesh became a mean pink in the shape of your fingers. He sat back and nodded slowly.
He knew that was too far. He smirked..
'that selfish fucker.'
He didn’t harm you like you feared he would.
He brought you home and you half expected him to invade your space, rape you again for your outburst in the car. But no…he took you up the stairs. Unlocked the door and returned your key.
He chuckled at the sight of all your installed locks, "Here I thought Jude was pulling my leg..."
He shook his head and smiled. Before you could run inside and slam the door shut he blocked your path with his hand. He leant his head down and purred. With his other hand he fingered the leather around your throat.
And then he asked, “Mind telling me what you did with the key to the bondage gear?”
Your hand cupped your throat…you still wore the collar…fuck…
You bit your lip and shook your head, “I ugh…swallowed it…” you confessed.
His eyes slowly widened in disbelief. His laughter grew harder, “You are truly a special one my little dear, fret not I’ll have another copy made and we can take the collar off you. Or not…I mean I do love the look on your face as you wear it.”
August pulled you close and hard as he planted his mouth over yours and viciously kissed you before turning around on his toes. He waved a hand at you.
“Until next time sweetness!” he called, "Don't forget to clean your breakfast off your face!"
You sighed and felt your knees buckle. You rushed through your door and locked every deadbolt and chain across.
You rushed to the kitchen and vomited in the sink. Your face felt crusty from his cum. You hissed as some peeled from your skin.
Your eyes watered. You stumbled back to your room and struggled to charge your phone. It refused to turn on. It was fucked.
'I need to talk to someone, I need to make sure Lloyd is okay, please dear god make sure he made it out of the Lions Lounge den. Fuck you August!'
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers. .
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.
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94 notes · View notes
eartht137 · 7 months
Me and my ideas. 🤦‍♀️ Here is a small snippet from a big idea I have been working on. I work long hours, so I never have time. Please forgive my lack of fics, I haven't abandoned the other stories you've asked for continuations of, I'm still working on them. I have small little works I plan to roll out soon, so standby for that. As always, tell me what you think and keep being your unique, dark, perfect little selves. MMMMMWWWWAAHH!!😘
if you are under 18 years of course turn yo little ass back around! We do not play them games here. Mmm-hmm gone, gone outside go play.
Now, my grown folks, strap in. If you've read any of my previous works, you know what's up. This I'd deliciously dark, but it's not too bad👀👀 kinda. It's just an idea I plan to grow but I felt it was too good not to post.
Dark August Walker x plus size reader
"Come here little one." August cooed to you. You sat with your back to him as If you didn't hear him. "Kitty" He hummed. You glued your to the TV hoping he'd leave you alone. "So stubborn" he said as he pulled you up by your arms. He led you to the recliner pulled your panties aside and slammed you down on his length. You cried out at the sudden intrusion. Your lower stomach ached at the fullness.He pulled you back to relax as he found something to watch. Once he found an agreeable film, he spent the entire movie stroking your clit gently, only stopping when he felt the slightest flutter of your walls.
"Uh uh poppet. Only good girls who listen to their owners get to cum."
"You're not my owner." You said trying to sound unfazed. He chuckled and shifted his hips making you moan and pant like and whore in heat.
"Oh, really?" You quickly turned your eyes away from his. You screwed your eyes shut, trying your best to calm yourself. "Love, I can smell you, and feel you dripping like a faucet. You can lie out loud but your actions..." He said snaking his hand up your shirt to your sensitive nipples. You tried to pull away, but you weren't going anywhere. "Heavens your body is so responsive. Like, you've never had what you need. Denying yourself pleasure, when all you need to do is stop being so fucking stubborn and stop trying to control this. Until then...let's just say, you'll be a very frustrated little lady."
When you made to move away, his arm wrapped around your chubby tummy. "No, no little one. We're gonna finish our film, then, I'm going to read you a story." He said as he resituated your hips, pulling your legs apart to softly strum your clit. He only stopped when he felt the slightest flutter of your walls. You could only fight moans and sobs as he slowly pulled you to the edge, then cruelly snatched you back.
23 notes · View notes
A kept woman
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Summary: August deserves a reward for all his hard work in the cia. He was on the front lines protecting the national security of the nation, so a little waitress wasnt too much to ask for.. was it?
Warnings: obsessive behaviour, dark!August, kidnapping, spying, swearing, hints at captivity/Stockholm syndrome, hint of bdsm, dark fic.
A/n: well what can i say? I tried to make a drabble below 1000 words, lost track of the wordcount and here we are 😅😅 i hope you enjoy a little ark auggie though~
Free the typos! Not beta read so please ignore the typos.
Wordcount: 1445 (nailed it 😅😅)
It was wrong, he shouldnt do it. But he had, and couldnt deny the sense of pride and excitment he had. He was the hero, the white knight who came barreling in to the scene with his polished shoes and 200 horse power to rescue the innocent princess from her fate.
Okay maybe it wasnt that pretty, and there was a chance you didnt feel rescued yet. But you would! He just had to get you home and tie you to something and explain a few things.
August sighed as you tried to scream through your gag again and kicked out at the back of his seat. Though he bearly felt it. One, this was a Bentley;  a good quality car with sturdy padded seats. And two, noone can kick that hard with legs tied at the ankle, knee and thigh... god he hopes ou dont get rope burn, nothing would send him rabid then to see the red rope marks on your supple sking. The indents of a tight binding always made him a sexual savage, salivating at the sight of innocence bareing the twisted marks of rope.
He tried not to think about it. It'd do no good trying to calm his new kitten whilst having a raging hardon. Youd get the wrong impression and think he was going to rape you or somthing stupid. He loved you, he wouldnt hurt you; if anything you should be happy. Ecstatic even! Youd never have to work yourself to exhaustion again. Never worry about bills and rent or that disgusting lowlife youd paired up with. Youd live like a queen, august would give you a better life then anyone else. He wont hit you. He wont con you. He just wants to love you.
"Hush sweet girl, your fine, everything is going to be perfect you'll see. Im rescuing you" he uttered throwing a glance at you only to grunt, eyes locking on the plain soft looking panties that were now on display as your skirt was now tucked around your hips from you squirming. He gripped the steering wheel tighter making the leather creak.
"Oh look at you~ such a naughty little thing hmm? Is this really the time to be teasing me? When your helpless and scared?  bratty? Honestly, you cant even wait until we get home?" He spoke without thinking, smirking and releasing a low growl as he repositioned his rear veiw mirror to drink in your delectable form. Only to shudder as another muffled cry came from your lips, and you wriggled your bottom trying to coax the skirt back over yourself again. the scene made his cock swell. His need for you had become too much.
"Come now little one hush, we are almost home. Everything will be better when we are home" he offered calmly trying to ignor the raor od blood in his ears as his body began toghtening. It was takjng everything in him not to stop the car and scoop you into hos arms and just hold you for a whole. He wanted to ease your panic and sooth you. To comfort you, he never wanted you to fear him. Respect, love and obey. But never fear.
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You were the girlfriend... ex girlfriend of a low life with a growing pill habbit. Working all the hours under the sun just to feed your boyfriends habit. Not that you knew that, the scummy bastard ha been telling you the rent was going up. And up. And up. It hadnt, the boyfr;ex had been useing your hard earned money for pills.
But you being the innocent little girl you were trusted him and made sure to up your hours to provide and keep the shitty roof over your head. August had found it strange that you were at the little diner from 5am to 9pm almost everyday. He made sure to leave you bigger tips during his undercover surveillance of the phone box across the road used by the cartel that owned the seedy bar next to it.
He hadnt exactly minded sitting in the diner all day poseing as a accountant sippjng surprisingly decent coffee staring athis 'work laptop'. Especially when he'd done a background search on everyonenin the place. Youd stuck out like a sore thumb, hed expected to see bad grades, high school drop out little slapper with maybe one or two kids and a dead beat husband with a drink problem who refuses to work because of some made up injury he got ten years ago in the forces or some shit.
Instead he found a smart woman whod just had bad luck. Kicked out from her 'god fearing' purity police parents for having an iud. You had excellent grades a degree in business management; which you were pressured into by your god squad parents. But now was stuck in a dead end job, paying off student loans, keeping a roof over your head whislt trying to create a nest egg to pay for a spot on the wall of a local well to do art gallery in the city.  Thats right, his polite little waistress was an artist, a sweet little painter. To say he was surprised you wasnt an aspiring influencer was an understatement.
It was when august saw your so called lover grasping you by the hair and shaking you violently behinde the juke box where he thought no one would see. Thatthe agent had taken more nottice of you. Your whimpers of fear and tiny yelps had moved him.
He'd watched closer, observes the bruises and grazes more carefully and made small talk. He'd sneered at anyone else who aproached him. He only wanted to be served by you. As the weeks went on he couldnt stop thinking about you and your situation. He could help. He needed to help you, protect you! If only youd ask him to. He'd sweep you up and carry you off into the night like a phantom.
He was well aware of his obsession,  but he didnt care. Dreams of you by his side safe and happy. Greeting him at the door after a hards days work with a huge grin and random paint smugdges over your face whislt holding up your latest masterpiece for him to see. He wanted you, he wanted to keep you. You were to precious for him to ignore. You needed him, and he deserved you, after everything he has done for the country he deserved having a little wife waiting at home for him. And so he decided to claim his reward.
He made a studio for you, all the paints and brushes you could ever want! He cleared every single piece of art from his walls to encourage you to paint, he wanted you to fill his home with your art. And live a luxurious life of a kept woman.
August smiled as his home finally came into veiw. A large glass and dark wood monolith perched on a rocky outcrop over looking a large private lake completely claoked in twenty five acres of thick forrest. He had been particular about this place. This was off the record, his retirement plan with everything he could ever want, from gym to sauna, steam room to wine cellar, dungeon and spa, he even had a panic room and mini bunker two levels below ground built into the rock.
"Now now dont fuss, we are home love. Now lets get you settled." He preened as you cried louder when the world became dark as he pulled into the underground garage. August was quick to remote lock the garage, then without further ado he plucked you from the back seat and carried you off into the house.
It would take time before you came arohnd to him again, but once you were settled and had spent a few weeks here in your little studio and realised he will take care of everything and you had absolutely nothing to fret about youd love it. And thats when he can woo you. He estimated in around three months time youd happily follow him into the dungeon for some playtime. Untill then he will just have to be patient with you.
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littlefreya · 7 months
So I've been reading a lot of dark romance books on Kindle and that has sparked the need to read Dark Henry fics. Do you have an rec for obsesses stalker/kidnapping/Stockholm style Henry fics?
Hey gorgeous! Dark stuff is definitely my thing. I actually made a list with recs you can enjoy. :)
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dungeonpuppykai · 3 months
not really a request (not even sure i’m in the right ask box) buttttt i would love to hear any brain rot or wip scraps you wanna rant about. love when writers just info dump and i’ve been secretly lurking on your page for a bit. decided to make myself known
Hiiii! This is my first time doing this and I hope I didn't overshare but I am SO happy that you are making yourself known! Welcome to the blog, I hope to see more of you! <333
Now!! I am sharing two because why not? I've a lot more than these (maybe more than I'd like to admit 😭) but we will start with Auggie Walker and then move onto the Stevie one.
Auggie is an intimidating man and that's why I haven't written for him yet. I am so afraid I won't be able to capture him right and the idea is so good in my head I feel like I'll ruin it while translating it into a story 😭 but this idea has been living in my head rent free because it's a big fear for me!
And about the Stevie one, I've always been quite open about this and I will never shut up! I love, love, LOVE the sci-fi side of the MCU and specifically Steve's whole serum thing. It inspires me so much and I come up with something new everytime I see it! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Please do let me know what you think about them! 🩷
(also, for whatever it's worth, these are my WIPs so I request no one steal them please!)
. . .
As August received an attachment from your number, his eyebrows furrowed because you knew to send them all through email. Making a mental note to reprimand you for it later, he tapped on it within the next second. Now his head tilted to the side. 
A video. 
He had asked you for some documents which your boss knew very well weren't supposed to be in this medium.
The man tapped on it nevertheless, the sound and content inside catching him off guard as his eyebrows slightly raised. He was in disbelief. Moving the phone closer to his face and away from where he held it against his work table, August increased the brightness of the screen to make sure it was you. 
Which, you were. 
"Mr. Walker…" You panted and whined, clutching one of your breasts as your other hand hid between your legs. "Oh, Mr. Walker… I am so needy for you…" You were in the janitor's closet on this very floor, phone placed on one of the shelves next to the files you had been carrying for the meeting that had just passed along your ipad. The lighting was dim and your disheveled hair stuck to your sweaty skin. "Won't you bend me over your table and make a good girl out of me~ I-" August blinked as the screen went black before a notification popped up.
Message deleted. 
The man's head spun with the sudden influx of emotions, the sudden discomfort in his boxers getting tighter as he realised what had just happened. He smirked. 
You had not meant to send it. 
The fire that had taken over your body was dissipating and fast as you gaped at your screen. You were the stupidest person you knew. Instead of tapping on save you had chosen to share the video you were planning to watch until you orgasmed. Since your boss August Walker was your most frequently interacted with contact, it was an instant send that took you a few moments to register as you had been busy bouncing on your own fingers to orgasm. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck…" You chanted in panic as you leaned against the wall of the small room, holding a shelf for support as your own heartbeat pounded through your ears. "I am so fucking–" 
There was a knock on the door.
. . .
"Where… do you think you're going, doll?" Steve was reading the Sunday newspaper by the fireplace when he saw his young wife drag her luggage bag to the front door of their humble abode. 
"Mommy and Daddy's home." Y/n responded curtly, not turning to look at him. Because his face was still of the man she had fallen in love with and married. But she couldn't let herself surrender to it anymore. 
"Without my permission or a prior discussion?" Tilting his head to the side, the man raised an amused eyebrow at the stiff girl who started to drag the heavy bag again. 
"Won't be needing any of that anymore." Since the man didn't expect what was coming, he chuckled and furrowed his eyebrows. 
He couldn't recall doing anything against her wishes in the last 24 hours. So what was this? 
"And why do you think is that?" Y/n sighed as she ceased her struggle against the luggage bag, biting her lip and closing her eyes. 
Well, the talk would have to happen sometime. 
It was now or never.
"You are not the man I married, Steve" since she usually referred to him as hubby, this felt like an insult, almost. 
The Captain put the newspaper down against his lap now. "What silly Sunday morning shenanigan is this, doll?" He snickered before shaking his head. "I know I have been busy after everything but…" Now he patted his lap. "Come here."
"You know little wives can't tell their husbands that, baby. Haven't we been over this so many times already?" His coaxing voice had her turn her back to him. 
She was so in love with him. 
Why did he have to get the stupid serum?
"Good thing I am not your wife anymore, then." As she placed the ring on the shoe cupboard next to the door, Y/n failed to catch that he had stood up to the towering height the procedure had granted him.
He was a giant now. 
"This is not funny anymore, doll." Steve warned as he started to decrease the distance between them. 
"It's not meant to be. You're not my Steve. You're-" her words were suppressed by a gasp when she noticed he was now standing right behind her. 
"Who am I, then?" Though his eyes and tone turned darker, he was genuinely confused. 
"Captain America." It broke his heart when the girl backed up to create some distance between them. "The man I married was Brooklyn's most ambitious and brave… not America's pride. You're… practically a stranger" he sighed. 
This had occurred to him once but he had assured himself that they were stronger than that. 
"Come on, baby." Y/n flinched when he reached for her smaller hand and clasped it between both of his, kissing her fingertips. "I know it's different, and maybe even scary. But I am still me. So what if I am Captain America? Doesn't mean I am not your Steve… Can't you feel me?" He pressed his bigger body against hers. 
"That's the thing" she whispered, devastated. "I can't." Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt herself getting scared and breathless under him. "I have tried. Ever since the day you walked out of that machine, I have. But I can't." Y/n didn't know why but she found herself thinking about how helpless she was against him. "I don't recognize you without your face. I feel like I am in a stranger's arms every night. It's not the same. Every time you touch me it feels like I am betraying the love of my life." Though the rational part of Steve's brain felt both crushed and sadly fond of her devotion to that form of his that no one else had ever taken seriously, her next words completely flipped everything over inside his head. "Please. Let me go." Reason gave way to desperation.
He could never do that. 
Maybe not even in death.
"Can't do that, baby." Her tears finally spilled down at his words. She started to softly struggle, the panicked gesture breaking his heart more and more by the passing second. "Why are you punishing us for something I had to do? For you, me, all of us. Come on, we are stronger than this. You knew my ambitions, you said it yourself just now." His own eyes were glassy as he breathlessly chuckled as an effort to somehow lighten the situation, ignoring her faint pleas as she struggled to push him away. "Remember-" Steve grunted as he gathered her now assaulting hands away from his neck and chest before locking them above her head. "Remember when your father didn't approve of me because he thought I wasn't good enough for you?" A trickled tear hung off the sharp tip of his nose. "Remember the hell you raised for us? You didn't even listen to me. You kept going for us until you succeeded."
But his words fell on deaf ears; something he wasn't used to coming from her. "Steve, you're scaring me! Let me go!" A thick bile settled at the base of her throat as she tried to break free, crying a bit harder now. 
"There, you said it yourself. You said Steve!" Her obvious unwillingness to this position seemed to not faze him one bit. "Silly girl! How can you call me by my name and then say that it's not me?" 
"Because you're not my Steve!" Fear was making her chest contract as she seethed out breathlessly. 
"Come on!" One of his hands trailed down her body as he caressed and groped her tits before slipping his hand under her dress. "Not your Steve?" 
"No. Your hands are big and rough! Your body is hard! You don't even smell the same! I DON'T feel you so stop!" A twisted smile now spreads on his priorly hurt features. 
"I see…" Steve lowered his head momentarily before he sighed a little. "Then," a resolution flashed in the brilliant blue of his eyes, "I guess I just have to show you that it's still me." 
. . .
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