davidson-eric · 2 months
The dollar collapse is happening NOW!"
The Storm is coming sooner than expected. All financial systems controlled by the corrupt government will collapse.
This crash will be felt on a global level, and many currencies, especially the USD, will be worthless.
Fiat accounts, savings and retirement accounts, mortgage, e.t.c will crash down and wipe off from the system once this event happens, Quantum Financial System is the savior.!!!
Convert every money in your possession to digital gold & silver backed coins and move them into the QFS ledger for safety . There will be a Global Reset. All banks and fiat exchanges will be closed, and there will be a lot of uncertainty & confusion. Cash will be worthless and outdated, and all bank accounts will be closed and crash to zero .
All cabal public banks will be confiscated, and foreclosures will be frozen, as will all public and private dept(mortgage,loans, credit, and debit cards).
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utopicwork · 12 days
Happy pride! As some of you know I'm working on a hardware level (through LoRa primarily at the moment) decentralized internet primarily for trans women to stay connected under increasing censorship of our lives:
This month I'll be pushing hard on this, I've got hardware to test, math to learn, algorithms to write and architecture to invent.
What I'd like is if people could follow me here or bookmark the PierMesh site primarily. In addition spreading the word about this project is extremely helpful. We're also looking for people who want to help from many fields but primarily programming, translation (for UI), law (for a number of questions we have on tech law) and grant writing. You can also help by funding us, either through the links on PierMesh's site or if you want to support us in a consistent way reach out to us at [email protected].
Please help some trans women put in the work to make a better world!
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cutecipher · 2 months
For lesbian visibility week consider boosting visibility for my (Im a trans lesbian) project to bring new, simple, cheap (mostly free), decentralized internet infrastructure to trans women, other lgbt+ people, and other marginalized people at a time when our communications are being severely cracked down on and surveilled. It's called PierMesh
You can also follow me at @utopicwork for updates
Some recent updates:
Cut packet sizes 70%
Prototype of Daisy (a distributed schemaless database) implemented
End to end encryption core nailed down
I'm hoping to get properly funded soon (we're struggling to keep ourselves afloat at the moment) so if you know someone/an organization that might fund this work please let me know
If you would like to support us financially this works best:
Otherwise there are more ways to donate on the website
Oh and one more thing, if you would like to contribute to this project Ive set up a Matrix chat for that:
Edit: fixed the invite link
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unimatrix-420 · 1 year
Decentralized social networks to use instead
Instead of Facebook
Instead of Goodreads
Instead of Instagram
Instead of Reddit
Instead of Spotify
Instead of Twitter
Instead of Youtube
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cryptoairdrop101 · 6 months
Arbitrum Airdrop Check: How to Claim $ARB Tokens Free
Arbitrum Airdrop Check Eligibility 95% Guaranteed!
Table of Contents
Arbitrum Airdrop Introduction 2. What is the Arbitrum Airdrop? 3. Arbitrum Airdrop Claim : Eligibility and Process 4. Preparing for the Arbitrum Airdrop 5. Maximizing Your Benefits: Strategies for Participating in the Arbitrum Airdrop 6. Staying Updated: Arbitrum Airdrop News and Updates 7. Arbitrum Airdrop FAQs: Answering Your Burning Questions 8. Evaluating Risks: Assessing the Potential of the Arbitrum Airdrop 9. Success Stories: Real-Life Experiences with the Arbitrum Airdrop 10. Arbitrum Airdrop vs. Other Airdrops: A Comparative Analysis 11. Conclusion
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Arbitrum Airdrop Introduction
Welcome to the ultimate guide to the Arbitrum Airdrop! If you’re new to the concept, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Arbitrum Airdrop, from eligibility and the process to strategies for maximizing your benefits. Whether you’re an avid participant or just exploring new opportunities, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights to make the most of the Arbitrum Airdrop.
What is the Arbitrum Airdrop?
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Arbitrum Airdrop Claim : Eligibility and Process
Who is Eligible for the Arbitrum Airdrop?
To be eligible for the Arbitrum Airdrop, individuals typically need to meet specific criteria set by the project team. While eligibility requirements may vary, they often involve factors such as existing participation in the blockchain community, contribution to the project, or fulfilling certain engagement metrics.
The Arbitrum Airdrop Claim
Getting started with the Arbitrum Airdrop is a straightforward process. Typically, participants need to create an account on the designated platform, complete the necessary step on Dappradar Airdrop Page, and approve any additional requirements outlined by the project team. Once these steps are completed, participants can sit back and await their airdrop rewards.
Preparing for the Arbitrum Airdrop
Before diving into the Arbitrum Airdrop, it’s essential to make adequate preparations. Here are some key steps to consider:
Familiarize Yourself with the Arbitrum Ecosystem: Gain an understanding of the Arbitrum blockchain, its features, and how it differs from other platforms. This knowledge will enable you to navigate the airdrop process more effectively.
2. Secure a Compatible Wallet: Ensure you have a compatible wallet that supports Arbitrum tokens. Research different wallet options and select one that aligns with your needs and offers robust security features.
3. Keep Up with Updates: Stay informed about any updates or announcements related to the Arbitrum Airdrop. Following official social media channels, joining community forums, or signing up for newsletters can provide real-time insights.
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Maximizing Your Benefits: Strategies for Participating in the Arbitrum Airdrop
To make the most of the Arbitrum Airdrop, consider implementing the following strategies:
Engage Actively: Stay involved in the Arbitrum community by participating in discussions, contributing insights, or providing feedback. Active engagement can increase your chances of receiving higher airdrop rewards.
Refer Others: Many airdrop programs offer referral bonuses. Invite friends or acquaintances to join the Arbitrum Airdrop and earn additional rewards for each successful referral.
Participate in Airdrop Events: Keep an eye on airdrop events or campaigns organized by the Arbitrum team. These events often offer exclusive bonuses or incentives for participants, allowing you to maximize your benefits.
Research Airdrop Requirements: Thoroughly read and understand the airdrop requirements to ensure your actions align with the project’s expectations. This will help you avoid disqualifications and optimize your rewards.
Stake or Lock Tokens: Some airdrops offer additional rewards for individuals who stake or lock their tokens for a certain duration. Explore these options to potentially increase your benefits.
Staying Updated: Arbitrum Airdrop News and Updates
To stay up-to-date with the latest developments regarding the Arbitrum Airdrop, regularly check official communication channels such as:
* The Arbitrum official website * Official social media accounts (Twitter, Telegram, etc.) * Community forums and discussion boards
By staying informed, you’ll be among the first to know about any updates, changes in eligibility criteria, or new airdrop events, ensuring you don’t miss out on valuable opportunities.
Arbitrum Airdrop FAQs: Answering Your Burning Questions
Can I participate in the Arbitrum Airdrop multiple times?  * Generally, airdrops have specific limitations to prevent abuse. Most projects allow participation only once per individual to promote fairness in token distribution.
Is the Arbitrum Airdrop worth it?  * The worth of the airdrop depends on various factors, including the value of the tokens received and your personal investment goals. Assess your own circumstances and objectives to determine if the airdrop aligns with your interests.
How long do I have to hold the airdropped tokens?  * Holding periods for airdropped tokens vary from project to project. To understand the specific requirements, carefully review the airdrop guidelines provided by the Arbitrum team.
To join the arbitrum airdrop check out dapps Arbitrum Airdrop Page
Evaluating Risks: Assessing the Potential of the Arbitrum Airdrop
As with any investment or engagement opportunity, it’s crucial to assess the risks involved. Consider the following factors before participating in the Arbitrum Airdrop:
Market Volatility: Cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile, and token values may fluctuate significantly. Be prepared for potential price changes and consider your risk tolerance.
Regulatory Environment: Regulations surrounding cryptocurrencies and airdrops differ by jurisdiction. Stay updated on any legal requirements or restrictions that may impact your participation.
Trustworthiness of the Project: Conduct thorough research to evaluate the credibility and legitimacy of the Arbitrum project. Analyze the team’s background, vision, and community trust before engaging with the airdrop.
Success Stories: Real-Life Experiences with the Arbitrum Airdrop
Hearing success stories can provide valuable insights and inspiration for participants. Here are a few examples of real-life experiences with the Arbitrum Airdrop:
1. John’s Journey: John, a blockchain enthusiast, actively engaged in the Arbitrum community and referred several friends to join. His efforts resulted in a substantial airdrop reward, which he then used to further invest in other promising projects. 2. Sarah’s Strategy: Sarah meticulously researched the various airdrop requirements and optimized her actions accordingly. By participating in multiple airdrops and timely divestment, she successfully maximized her overall benefits.
Please note that success stories are unique to individual experiences, and results may vary.
Arbitrum Airdrop vs. Other Airdrops: A Comparative Analysis
Comparing the Arbitrum Airdrop with other popular airdrops can help you better understand its advantages, potential drawbacks, and how it stacks up against the competition. Here are a few key points of comparison:
1. Token Value: Compare the projected or current value of the airdropped tokens to assess the potential upside. 2. Engagement Requirements: Evaluate the level of engagement or actions required from participants. Some airdrops may demand more effort than others, so consider your available time and commitment level. 3. Overall Benefits: Analyze the comprehensive benefits offered by different airdrops, including referral programs, staking rewards, or additional token opportunities.
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of our ultimate guide to the Arbitrum Airdrop! By now, you should have a solid understanding of what the airdrop entails, how to participate, and strategies for maximizing your benefits. Remember to stay informed about updates and news, assess the potential risks, and learn from real-life success stories. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently embark on your Arbitrum Airdrop journey and unlock exclusive rewards. Happy airdropping!
*Note: The content above is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. Always do your own research and consult with professionals before making any investment decisions.*
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basedlabs · 1 year
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I'm on my L505 right now (it has Xubuntu but used to run Windows Vista) since I was using it to edit some images that I want to share and those files are stored locally.
You all know the Aperture Science "safety" posters, right? I Tumblrized them.
(singing) Apertur Science... We really should not have done that... It's evil now... Gonna kill us...
Neurotoxin, we're dead.
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disease · 12 days
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the online social world where you are in control
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This article not only examines the current problem with modern data storage techniques, but provides solutions to decentralized data storage and how to guarantee robust data durability in nearly every scenario.
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/solutions/decentralised-data-for-a-decentralised-future
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davidson-eric · 2 months
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a theoretical financial system that aims to challenge the existing banking system and address issues like corruption and manipulation in the financial sector.
It's believed that the QFS would use artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing to revolutionize financial transactions and eliminate the need for traditional systems like SWIFT.
The QFS is designed to resist encryption-breaking attempts by quantum computers, which could redefine data security in the digital world.
While direct investment in the QFS is possible, some believe that ISO 20022-compliant may play an important role in the new system.
Quantum-based technologies in finance offer benefits like enhanced computational power, advanced data analysis, increased security, portfolio optimization, and more.
QFS is the Future, Trump is Fighting for the Future and for the betterment of United States of America.
Move your funds into the QFS ledger account and be safe from the incoming bank crash. I will be here to navigate you onto your transition into the QFS ledger account
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alcrego · 2 years
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Visit it here: http://arium.xyz/spaces/visual-massage
The first 100 pieces in Web3: http://visual-massage.com/
First and only decentralized Gif Art Gallery.
300 Visual Massage pieces.
Some links: https://linktr.ee/alcrego
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Discover the essential facts and steps required to create a secure and user-friendly DEX platform. Explore top-notch security and seamless trading experiences. Join Beleaf Technologies to uncover a wealth of previously unknown information in the realm of decentralized exchange development.
Contact details :-
Whatsapp: +91 80567 86622
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Telegram: https://t.me/BeleafTech
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A New Web Layer
Experience a new web layer that prioritizes your sovereignty and protects your digital assets. A step towards a more equitable digital economy. Black Decentralized AI Token : https://bcert.io/ido
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basedlabs · 1 year
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toplesstopics · 3 months
Today's short video: "My POV as an oldbie #contentCreator on the impending US ban on Tiktok"
TROM/Peertube (the decentralized platform where I host my "patriarchy-unapproved" videos: https://videos.trom.tf/w/iEb3HJRm4DuYoqoZBYXpsW
#Youtube : https://youtu.be/UWRJeMgdwno
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4gH-SmJwhv/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Tiktok: (part one) https://www.tiktok.com/@toplesstopicstv/video/7346259506554228014 (part two) https://www.tiktok.com/@toplesstopicstv/video/7346261022711237930
Decided to pontificate on the impending ban of Tiktok in the US, while many, many other data-harvesting and spying apps, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and all the other mainstream platforms, continue to endanger and exploit everyone. Moral of the story: mainstream corporate owned platforms will ALWAYS betray you--stop giving them unilateral power over your online existence, and self-host your content on decentralized platforms like Mastodon, Peertube, amd/or your own web server, THEN link to your content on the mainstream apps. You'll rest so much easier if you're not constantly living on the knife edge of potentially getting obliterated by a couple of algorithmic ones and zeroes, designed by misogynistic, transphobic, racist, patriarchal, capitalist tech bros!!
You can see my decentralized links, as well as my other mainstream socials, at https://www.toplesstopics.org/contact
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