#did someone say WW2 au ???
wombywoo · 7 months
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retro 🪖
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sagegarnish · 2 months
【VIDEO】 Concerning Father H. Zemo & Sergeant J. B. Barnes (1943)
Did someone say priest kink?
This is an idea I've had for a winterbaron WWII Priest AU for a while, but I wasn't honestly sure what I was going to do.
The clips sort of built the story as I went, creating their own narrative with how I was limited by the available snippets. Also on AO3: ( x )
Basic story after the cut
Zemo, the new chaplain, arrives for the 107th Infantry Regiment.
He also does some medic duties, which was normal for them in WW2.
Bucky is like "Huh, he's unexpectedly young and hot".
They bond a little.
Zemo has SOME LUSTFUL THOUGHTS about him. He fantasizes constantly but dismisses it.
He resists, but one day Bucky is injured and brought to the field hospital.
Bucky is like "Am... am I dying? Are you here to do the last rites? Man, I'm not even Catholic".
And Zemo is like, "No, I'm here to take care of you."
and Bucky's like "TAKE CARE OF ME, HUH?"
Anyways, they fuck in the medical tent that night.
They begin an on-again, off-again secret relationship where Zemo is CONSTANTLY breaking it off, out of religious guilt.
Bucky usually agrees it's for the best because they don't want to get a Section 8 blue discharge (what happened to LGBTQ+ people in the army at that time) but he's also very angsty about it every time.
They both keep giving in, always come back for more.
They fool around in fields near missions, in the showers after everyone's left, while all the others are downstairs in the bar.
Anywhere they can get the time and privacy.
Finally at one point, Zemo REALLY ends it.
He's certain he's sinning far too much, and his soul will be damned, and he'll also damn Bucky's soul as well.
Zemo actually asks for a transfer to another unit, and breaks it off. Bucky is heartbroken again.
There's an attack after Zemo leaves, and Bucky believes Zemo died, and spirals.
Zemo is actually fine, and staying with another unit, and taking the time to pray and repent in the church nearby, but he's in agony.
He misses Bucky.
Bucky finds out Zemo lived. He takes off from his assignment, against orders, and travels to the church where Zemo's unit is staying.
Zemo didn't even realize Bucky thought he was dead, and is taken aback by him showing up. He had assumed that Bucky would simply get over him, and it was better this way. Bucky actually showing up throws a wrench into his own plans to move on.
Bucky gives him an emotional speech about how much he loves him. He tells Zemo not to worry about his immortal soul, but if he's so concerned, maybe he can scold him privately.
Zemo can't resist his words, and they make love in a confession booth.
Zemo gets up that night, and wanders through the church to sit alone.
Bucky gets up to confront him.
He gives Zemo a speech about how if he doesn't want God to see what he is, he can stifle that part of himself, but he'll always regret it.
(in my mind, they run away together, and the war ends and they live happily ever after)
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Was Ishmael always your favorite from day one, or did Canto 5 swing things in her direction?
So, she wasn't like, my favorite favorite day 1, but I did have a higher opinion of her compared to the rest of the cast (barring Ryoshu and Sinclair as food name oomf was making propaganda about them like a madman), her initial demeanor also gained her extra points because I generally gravitate towards characters that Actually Respect The MC/PC i won't say no to unhinged characters can we at least pretend to be civil during work hours and not treat me like a dog? It makes me sad :(
And then Canto V dropped.
Normally, this wouldn't be. That Big of a deal, if it was in literally any other position I'd just go "oh cool, so that's what happened" and moved on.
Problem: there was probably at least 20 different sleeper agents in my brain. And all of them involved Azur Lane
(Context for confused LCB moots: Azur Lane is Arknights' weirder, hornier cousin set somewhere in a WW2-adjacent period where all of your units are warships given human form known as Shipgirls (official term: KAN-SEN) and you fight against a robotic menace known as the Sirens)
(Editing Apple: putting this under cut because... oh lird. It's long.)
I had this like, entire ramble I wanted to go off on but at some point I didn't know where to take it lmao, but the basic idea is the following:
I got into Azur Lane last year because of spite and (eldritch-ish) pirates (Hello Royal Fortune!)
Got dragged into lore rabbit hole
Got convinced to read eldritch apocalypse fanfiction of Azur Lane (Whispers of Saturn)
Loved the fanfic a lot, started making Pirate shipgirl ocs based off the fic's concept (eldritch creachurr)
First iteration of Whaleship Essex created; whale-like mermaid-siren figure who has albinism and is a little Too trigger happy with whale murder
Made her look like Ishmael LCB because haha funny reference
Devs went fuckshit crazy with the anniversary event; Marco Polo was raining the wrath of God (who, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, was a false god), the god in question was fucking up the world with a weird white membrane (which, now that I think about it, kinda acted like pallidification), the french were getting back together, everything is great
I try to add the false god(s) into the lore timeline of my Azur Lane shit, cue updates happening to Whaleship Essex where she's the only survivor of her group and knows that someone else also survived but blames them for not being able to Do Something about it
New Pirate event happens
Devs stole 2 of my OCs and made them canon (hi, Hind; hi, Galley) and they also happen to be close to Whaleship Essex while they were my OCs
I work around what the Devs have given me and decide that they're in a state of kinda died-but-not-really (long story)
(Note that I came up with all this oc stuff around like. November or something.)
Overall my hype for The Sea™ and eldritch horrors have reached an all time high
Canto V releases; I learn about it while trying to make a Limbus AU for Murder Drones
I decide to check it out because. Water.
Doomed sailor yuri
"Holy fucking shit did I just predict Canto V with my OC that's completely unrelated in every way except for the fact that she looks A Lot like Ishmael???? What?????"
Present time; I have been stuck in the Limbus hole ever since (and apparently my brain has delusionally stuck itself onto our favorite ginger sailor so uh. hi fellow ishmael irls!)
Sooooo... yeah
Basically we wouldn't be here if the stars didn't align at Halloween 2022 and Manjuu + Yostar gave the AL fans someone who isn't a pirate
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blooming-violets · 3 months
Sorry this is gonna be a bit of a rant since it’s something I’ve had strong feelings about since joining the AG/TASM fanfic part of the internet, and you’ve provided me a great opportunity to talk about it.
As a trans person, I am BEGGING fanfic writers to stop writing Marauders stuff. I’ve seen so many people defend it with “separate art from the artist” but like it or not they are still supporting JKR. Separating art from the artist only really works when the artist can’t profit from it. She has done SO MUCH harm to trans people and particularly trans youth in the UK and it’s so fucking disheartening and gives me such an ick when I see TASM writers also write for Marauders because it truly comes across as “I love and support the trans community except when it comes to this because I like it.”.
Even if you ignore the transphobia and holocaust denial (YES IM SERIOUS, she’s denied parts of the holocaust at LEAST twice and she literally did it a second time the other day), the original writing is so fucking problematic. Things just off the top of my head being;
The goblins being stereotypes of Jewish people
The fucking racism with characters like Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt
The last Fantastic Beasts movie’s plot literally being trying to make WW2 and the holocaust happen
This point needs to be taken with a grain of salt since this was some bullshit Joanne said after the books came out, but werewolves in the universe being meant to represent people with aids. Which is so fucking awful considering one of the two werewolves was attacked by the other as a CHILD
The most ironic part of this is that if Andrew is truly the person he presents himself as, he would probably fucking despise being associated with HP, even if it is just a fancast. But yeah all this to say fuck JKR, fuck Marauders fans but also thank you so much Katie for that last anon answer because I genuinely don’t see that enough in this corner of the internet.
Even Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter himself, has spoken out against her and continues to loudly support the LGBTQ+ communities. When your own beloved Harry doesn't even want to stand by your side, you should know you fucked up. Sadly, she does not, and instead leans harder into her bigotry and hatred.
I've always been someone who is very loud and opinionated when I see things that I disagree with, which I know can rub some people the wrong way, but fuck it. I don't like to whisper about my issues on the sidelines, I like to confront the problem head on by being very clear about where I stand and how I feel. I'm not gonna sit around and let someone align me with JKR just because I'm writing a stupid werewolf and Peter Parker fic that exactly 5 people are reading lol. It's not even a popular fic like get out of my asks jfc. Esp when I can tell this person has not read a single sentence of my story and is completely basing their judgements on my header image of AG's face next to a wolf gif.
In this past week I have seen both a Steven Harrington werewolf au and a Daredevil werewolf au cross my dash. Do we think they're getting called out for supporting HP?? No. Because their actors weren't "fan casted" as something years ago. Fan casts don't even mean anything! There was never a movie about them. AG was never casted or played this role. It's literally nothing but a bunch of fans agreeing that they like his look for a fictional character.
Anyway, I'm also ranting back at you haha. You can rant to me anytime. I love a good rant and I agree with you 100%.
Werewolves were not created by JKR. Andrew Garfield has nothing to do with Harry Potter. Don't make make snap judgments about a person's character based on a picture you saw. Support your trans community. Don't be dick.
And, if they actually read my werewolf au, they would see that it's literally about learning to overcome your own hatred and biases of people different from you and learning to love those you were taught to hate. Crazy concept, I know! 🙄😉
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bluegekk0 · 6 months
Okay, so I have been reading through your other posts about Zote and find it kinda interesting he is younger than he actually seems. He sounds like an oldish man, he kinda looks oldish but he is maybe the same age range as Tiso or Bretta. Considering that he also has a rough backstory, he could have aged faster. It reminds me of the images of the WW2 soldier before and after the war from 1941 and 1945 and how much he aged. Did Zote simply age way quicker than he should, or is it just bad genes?
i imagine it's either bad genes, or his species just has this kind of appearance which has traits we usually associate with old people (like for example the mouth shape, or the wrinkle-like lines under the eyes). maybe a bit of both. of course, the stress of his childhood could've definitely played a part, but i'm definitely leaning towards that appearance being something common for his species
as for his voice, it's deep, yeah, though i wouldn't necessarily say it sounds like an old man. it just sounds like a regular grown man deep voice to me. i've meet some people who have voices way deeper than what you'd expect based on their age, so it could be a similar case for him. or perhaps he makes it deeper on purpose to sound more mature and experienced than he really is? would certainly fit him
i agree that he's probably in the same age range as bretta and tiso. hard to tell how old exactly since they probably age differently to humans. but i imagine him as in his early 20s
also, some character and worldbuilding ramble below because i'm in a rambling mood
ages are funky for the whole fpk family since they're a bunch of immortal beings, but i think it'd be fun to compare zote to the rest. i also want to talk a bit more about how aging would work in the au for non-immortal beings
fpk - in actual years he's about 350 years old. so by mortal standards he's very old, but compared to how long wyrms would live on average before they died to starvation/other wyrms, he's very young and inexperienced. he was one of the last few wyrms that hatched before the species was declared extinct, likely the very last generation, so in wyrm years he would be in his early 30s. definitely not an old man if you look at him from that perspective. if i were to describe him in human years, possibly for the purposes of the modern au, then he would be in his early 40s
grimm - i haven't decided what his actual age is in years, i know he's been around for a bit longer than fpk, but he's also relatively young for a god since he's from a younger generation of higher beings. perhaps around 400 for an actual number? as for how that would translate to a more human like age, he would probably be in his early 40s. but again, it's very difficult to estimate that since he's a god and not a member of any species, so there's no point of reference to use. i suppose not having a specific age makes sense for him, with how much time passed and with all the replaced bodies, he would definitely stop counting at some point. also, i like the idea of him just making it up every time he's asked how old he is
hornet - in actual years, she's close to 50 years old. but since she's immortal just like her father, and because aging works differently in the universe, it means that she's not actually this age. in human years, i imagine her as someone who's 18 or 19. very young adult, barely scratched the surface. though i love to imagine the reactions of mortals when she says how old she is, since she would be considered an old person by most of them hahaha
holly - they're older than hornet, timeline wise they'd be about 60-65 years old. as for human years, 19-20 is how i view them
lewk - at the current point in the au he's about a year and a half old, though in human years that would translate to something like 4 or 5 years old
it's all a bit over the place but that's the reality of working with beings that all stop aging at some point. compared to anyone else in dirtmouth they're definitely all very old
it's difficult to determine the age at which the mortals in the universe mature, mostly because i imagine it's different for each species. but i think in many cases it would be similar to how a lot of animals age, so they would reach maturity faster than humans do. as for the average lifespan? i don't think it's that short, in that case it would be similar to an average human lifespan, they just mature a lot faster (and so it takes them a longer time to reach "old man" age)
as for why that is. well, in nature having offspring is crucial, and so many species reach maturity relatively fast so that they can reproduce. so it makes sense that this would be the case for all the different species in the au, since they're descendants of small creatures that lived years ago among the giant extinct beasts (such as wyrms, as well as the giant insect like creatures from that one piece of concept art). but times have changed, many of them developed communities, the quality of life improved, and so i could absolutely see the average lifespan increasing drastically
now, there's a lot of suspension of disbelief here since that's not really something you see very often in nature, but for the sake of the au i like to think this is the case
so, in short. someone like zote would be considered an adult at around 8-10 years old in actual years. but since he's 20ish years old, it will be a while before he can be considered an old man. i imagine he would reach that status once he gets to 50+ years old, if he doesn't die to a wild animal or slips and falls off a cliff before then, that is. don't ask me how he managed to not get himself killed for 20 years, i have no clue either
so, ignoring differences between different species, i imagine the average lifespan for a mortal living in a safe community would be about 60, maybe 70 years old
of course this is all subject to change. there's bound to be a day where i think about this again and realize it makes no sense. but i still wanted to ramble and share some ideas i had
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funky-gobbo-art · 9 months
I wanna share finally this really cringey au I made for Mafia 3 but I think I need to start with my trans!Donovan headcanon. I know I made a big headcanon note post here a while back but some little things changed since then. I'm way more open with headcanoning John as a homosexual man, and for a bit now I've also been seeing him as a trans man as well, mostly cause THIS post was the start of some brain worms.
So, most of my main headcanons are still in place: Born in the Southwestern part of PA, a November Scorpio, has autism and also BPD, parents are Irish immigrants, has 2 older brothers. Father is a WW2 vet, oldest brother fought in the Korean War, middle brother is a baseball player. Very Catholic upbringing, both parents were devout, were working class but dad got successful in either mining or steel based production.
Big change is that I think the oldest brother should die overseas in the Korean War, but he was the favorite in the family and his death made things even more tense.
Now for the trans specific stuff:
(Disclaimer: I'm very aware how difficult it would be for a trans man in this era to do ANY of this stuff.)
Born female, deadname was "Jacqueline" but got called "Jackie" a lot, despite being raised female in the 30's-40's, he still has his nosey personality, eavesdropped a lot. Still got into technology like messing with radios and phones, which would get him in trouble a lot. Was considered a nerd with his interest in tech, politics and history.
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Had a habit of stealing his middle brothers clothes a lot, which didn't bother him, since they got along during this time.
Mom would dress him up a lot, especially for church, which John hated but had to take it for most of his childhood. Since he was socialized female, his mother would constantly make comments on his body and how he dressed himself, once he became a preteen and started highschool, she would start shaming him for even saying "Hi" to another boy.
Went to Catholic schools until he graduated. Was a hard kid to get along with but he was very smart and had great grades, even picking up of foreign languages very fast (got that USEFUL autism lol). Nuns did not like him especially in his later teens because he started openly questioning the religion and pointing on contradictions in the Bible.
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Speaking of his teens: that's when he started to think more about his gender and while he was about 16/17, he started transitioning discreetly, even at a young age he was good at making shady connections.
Since binders and sports-bras didn't exist yet, he unfortunately went through most of his teens and 20s binding with bandages, or wearing a lot of layers.
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He graduated highschool at 17 and was miraculously able to get in Princeton University, despite them not letting in female students yet. John used his dads connections and submitted an application under their noses and didn't let his parents know the finer details of it.
Since his own shady connections he was able to change up his legal documents so he can present them at the University to show them that he's a man.
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Eventually he graduated and was recruited into the C.I.A. They did not know he was a FTM transgendered man, and never found out.
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The only people that did know about his identity were, in order: the person that got him hormones and changed his documents, a friend thats a doctor that works for the C.I.A, Connor Aldridge, Robert Marshall, Jackie Grimaldi, Gary (helicopter pilot), and finally Lincoln Clay.
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Speaking of Aldridge, in John's early days in the Agency he had to work under him, and since Connor was his mentor, he started trusting him a lot during their time together in Guatemala.
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Obviously it ended really badly as seen in Stones Unturned, but this was the first time John really came out to someone officially and this shortly lead to him and Connor having a relationship behind the scenes.
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After this everything goes from my trans headcanon to my Cringe AU, so I'll wrap this up here:
Is AFAB and started fully identifying as a man in his mid-late teens.
Binded with layered clothing and bandages. Takes Testosterone injections.
Got top surgery in Vietnam from a South Vietnam allied doctor. Claimed he got ambushed in the country and needed surgery when he's asked from superiors.
Cut contact with family during Princeton years. Cannot face them these days at all.
Liked boys when he was younger which his mom didn't like, still likes men now in a way a lot of people wouldn't like. But he doesn't care lol.
Hormones still won't let him grow facial hair.
Don't worry about the things that don't make sense :)
If you have any problems with this and think I'm weird, I understand but also 👇👇👇
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Stay tuned for the Cringe AU which is gonna get a lot worse :3
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desertsandsnstarrysky · 5 months
I low key despise being in a fandom and someone treats me like absolute garbage… especially those who are newer fans who act like they own the series…
Like listen, sit down…
I been around this since the earlier years of it,
Hetalia has been around since 2006 and it got really popular in the west around about I’d say 2010-2011… it really started hitting its peek.
I personally was in the fandom (me and my best friend) back around 2011-2012… we had Facebook roleplaying accounts of our Hetalia plushies, and we had accounts on a site called Enjin where we would talk about hetalia together and carefully cruise deviantart for pictures we liked of our characters.
We also did some Hetalia stuff on Gaia. (if you guys remember this site, total props to you. I tilt my hat to you.)
We also watched the show on the iPad and sometimes through tv we’d have to find whatever videos we could at the time that were so shit quality…
But anyways…
I don’t like people policing others on the fandom, I think it’s dumb and really fucked way to restrict creative expression,
There is a difference in differentiating fictional from fact…
It is also A-okay to not know every single bit of history each nation/country has on it..
Hence why we all should discuss and talk about historical events in a calm manner and if someone doesn’t know everything about said country/nation, then educate. And don’t be a doucheball about it. (Not everyone’s a walking historian with all knowing knowledge.)
It is okay to only like certain ships and characters.
It is okay to self ship!
It is okay to make AUs/Headcanons of what you like.
And it’s okay to write sensitive/controversial topics, provided you be tasteful about it and don’t act like a horse’s ass about it.
What’s NOT OKAY:
Being racist, sexist, antisemitic by any means towards another fan or character through via the user/artist. (And what I mean by this is, if you roleplay/write as a character you know that’s gonna be in any of these categories of no-nos and you’re trying to stay in character, be mindful about it and make sure to tell beforehand, remember… DDDNE. Use your tags, set warnings. Make sure to be mindful.)
Condone inappropriate topics or glorifying them. (Self explanatory, there’s a difference in writing about ww2 than actually going out and trying to relive it, duh.) (same for terrorism, if you’re writing about terrorism, then don’t actually go out and do it! Like this is a given.)
Acting like a conceited, jealous, rude individual.(this is self explanatory, at the end of the day… you do not OWN the characters. I treat them like they are people that exist among us, even if fictional. So you don’t go and try and claim someone like some unhinged person. That’s disrespectful. Oh and, not everyone will like your OTP, so don’t shove it down people’s throats.)
Recognize and take safety precautions when engaging in sensitive/controversial subjects, and if you don’t agree with another fan and it gets you worked up or triggered, disengage and block!
Is what you should be doing when you’re in a fandom like Hetalia.
History isn’t pretty, history isn’t kind. But what parts there are, make use of it. And most importantly enjoy what you like!
You guys are essentially fangirl/boying over countries for gods sake, so understand there’s historical events that were less than favorable…
And if someone is oppressed and they are writing such topics that you 🫵 want to police, do NOT do it!
I’m Ashkenazi Jewish and if I decide to write about Ludwig (Germany)and his internal conflict about ww2 and his now girlfriend Brigitte/Malka (Israel) and their tragedies they went through it, then I will do so. I have that right! That’s highly inappropriate to shush me of how I portray my pain through fictional works, or anyone of that matter.
My grandmother said to me,
“The way to be able to confront your demons is by dissecting your pain.”
We as humans, have used artistic and creative expression to use as an outlet for emotional turmoil and pain since the very beginning days of humanity.
You should be able to do this, without being lost in fixation in between caving to taboo subjects and reality, distorting of the mind and lack of self control.
Use your art as a tool as means to cope. Use your art as an escape to a better place, use your art to destroy pain, use art as means to convey a message.
Use art as how you feel.
Just don’t let history repeat itself.
That’s it.
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soloorganaas · 2 years
Hello my love 🌎 and 📚 PLEASE 🙏🏾🙏🏾
omg yes yes
🌍 What is your dream AU?
i have so many but i got this ask twice so here is the first:
so a looooooong long ass MWPP era through first war fic. the first part of which digs deep into why and how sirius and remus got together wrt the healing they give each other but how unstable their relationship can be bc of their own many faults, unhealed traumas, the unrecognised power dif etc. i'd love to see them slowly start to work that out as well as they hit sixth and seventh year. all the while not ignoring how central james is to sirius, and also to the way his relationship with remus develops
and THEN i want to see how all this growth and development drives their decisions to join the order. what their options were, did they have doubts, what did they know about the war, where did they think it was going. then once they're in it how did this put pressure on their relationships, how did it bring out the best and worst in them
BUT. omg but. i want to see at least one (1) fucking adult intervene or even just be PART of this bc its an insane, huge, life-altering thing happening but somehow none of their parents are involved in any way. they're 18!! and that doesnt ofc mean they listen to even some of what their parents say, but i want to see that dynamic in place. the potters and james were so close. remus and his parents were close. sirius's entire family were on the other side of the war. none of them were acting in this alone
and then from this, i want to see someone older who cares about them give them even one ounce of perspective. and this goes x10000 for sirius and remus. bc the thing that hurts me the most is that they never got a chance to fully unlearn and heal from all the childhood bullshit that stopped them from ever having a stable relationship which then led to the whole betrayal tragedy in the first place. i want them to have older parents or family or guardians or anyone have some kind of insights into whats happening to them, even if only occasionally, even if they dont want to listen. but i want to see something interrupt the cycle of doom - of the idea that the could never possibly work out bc their relationship was imperfect, bc they had too much baggage, bc there was a war. i want them to be actually able to GENUINELY wrestle with those difficulties not just an inevitable miscommunication and falling apart. and maybe it still doesnt work out at all - maybe not then but later, maybe not ever - but i want to see a first war era where they are not just three kids left ENTIRELY by themselves bc theres so many reasons it doesnt need to be that way. it could actually be so much deeper if it was told just a little differently
wow that was long
📚 What’s the longest fic you’ve read in one sitting?
it was blue skies which is a star wars WW2 AU where RAF pilot poe and HRH navigator luke are paired up (with the ages adjusted obvs so its like a 10 year age gap). its set in the midst of war and its so real and gritty and all the other characters are amazing. and it is so so steeped in british-isms it literally transported me home. i sat up all night reading it drinking cups of tea. one of my fave fics of all time
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Starting off sexy af, love the music love the costuming (even tho 40s colours were not ideal) love the singing love TJ/LP/BS love everything about this ugh I am dying & I have played maybe five seconds of the episode Ugh the way they talk mmmm I remember when I first watched casablanca & then it was ages until I had the chance to see double indemnity (which actually takes place 10y before this but shush) & heck the way we start off in the middle with castle/JF doing the investigation mmmmjsfhkjhdsjfs it's just sooo good so good so good. "I'm lookin at her" hhhh their eyes meet across the bar aaaaah this is so good.
You know before they flashed forward I thought this might have just been an AU.
Love this fellow's outfit she's so new york. Is ship coming in a figure of speech? We've heard it before. Does it just mean they are coming into money or getting something good like a job promotion? JE: Well, if you can remember anything else, can you please give me a call? SRO manager: Don’t hold your breath, hot shot. *walks out* KR: I think she likes you.
Banks: [we last spoke] Two months ago, which is crazy, ‘cause there was a time we couldn’t go two hours without talking. Glad s2 rysposito aren't here bc espt would make fun of ryan for calling jenny sm. Maybe he was an entomologist. Yo stan owes someone A Lot of money
KR: Just a bunch of books about mobsters and Manhattan in the ‘40s. Castle should read them. he'd probs enjoy them & he's a speedreader too. Ooh the diary! RC: Uh, this diary in Stan’s stuff, it’s also from the ‘40s. It sounds like it belonged to a private eye. Listen to this. “Usually wives turn on the waterworks when shown pictures of their husbands stepping out, but not this dame. She wanted payback. So what’s worse, that I pitched woo with a client, or that I invoiced her for services rendered after?” espt sounds so good when he uses the term "right on" I like it RC: Um, Beckett? Can I take this home for the night? I mean, it might be the key to what Stan was looking for. KB: You just want to read it because you think it’s cool. RC: Yeah, well, that, too. KB: Okay, just so long as…you… [Castle is already walking off with it.] KB: Bring it back in the morning.
Mmm music, old diaries, this is so good. I love the transition bc I could hardly tell what with the VO & the bourbon. Joe Flynn/Rick Castle: So, I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone with a little hair of the dog that bit me. What does that mean?
Oh Martha/Florence Kennard I love! Ugh the outfit the coat the accents & vernacular mmm! The way the characters have a bit of their counterparts in them is so good. Kennard is just enough like martha & susan sullivan can play her so well
How did you know it would change your life? When are you writing this diary? Is it the evening after today or is it days later or what? After the case entirely? Picture of map of manhattan in the 40s. Oh that accent is... something. Gosh alexis is a baby how is she a married woman? hhhhh I can't say everything I love abt it "my shingle" Was her name really vera mulqueen? Was sally's maiden name sally mulqueen? *dabs her eyes* $15 in 1940 is worth $325.85 today or at the time, what 2012? $245.99 in 2012. That much a day plus expenses, hoo that's a lot Ugh the costumes, the acting, the preproduction... JF/RC: Looking at that photograph, all I could think was… Me: Hot dang? JF/RC: what a beautiful doll.
Ugh the scenes of the city jjghhjkfhghg
I KNOW THAT GUY HE IS MR SCOFFIELD I THINK, FORSHADOWING OMG Satchmo Besty Sinclair <3 ugh she sings so well. & I love this music & I love dancing but I do better with big band music I think. I would loooove to dance there. Shrapnel in my hip? From ww2? Well I love how we get to learn about So Much of the character but it is only mentioned in passing. He is such a big character but we only get these little pieces of him & it was just one mention of shrapnel but it tells us a lot about his character. She's pretty af! & you can see dempsey there in the background. gorillas lmao is that what you called your henchmen back then? You got it boss. RC/JF (V.O.): What was I thinking? This dame was trouble on two legs. I kept telling myself to look away. [A tough-looking man steps up next to Beckett/Vera.] RC/JF (V.O.): She was with Tom Dempsey, for crying out loud – the most ruthless mob boss New York has ever given birth to. [Beckett/Vera kisses Dempsey on the cheek.] Ooh his outfit! RC/JF (V.O.): Dempsey sent over two of his gorillas – an Irishman and a Cuban on loan from some Havana mob family. You can loan henchworkers? [Ryan/irishman and Esposito/cuban tough-walk over to Castle at the bar.] Esposito looks almost normal but ryan looks way out there. KR/Moxie: The boss wants to see you, boy-o. Ooh that accent tho. (my canadian ass first thought "newfie" lol but they say bo'y not bowy or they even say b'y) RC/JF: Sorry, boys. My dance card’s full. JE/Cuban: This isn’t a request, compadre. *shows his gun* That accent too They get to have fun & play other characters. But the characters are not too far off. Their ties too btw, wowie
& the music! Audio mirroring! RC/JF: The waiter? I’ll take a whiskey. The boys here can share a sloe gin fizz. LMAO Great fight scene! Going to clip that for sure! Words cannot describe how I feel about this. (noo not the kitchen! ugh the way he picks him up) & ngl that booty as he throws him into the alley? Nice.
RC, probably not what JF actually said: You should see what my face did to the other guy’s fist. Vera/KB is wearing the fur over her neck entirely. Covering up the goods. Que passando? I speak french not spanish but is that "what's going on?" like "what has passed?" Doesn't put the tapped R before the D, yeah lol. Ah finally revelas the necklace!
Woah that was kind of jarring to jump back to present day but heck yeah! RC: The Blue Butterfly. It’s a necklace. That’s why Stan Banks was killed. Why am I narrating? Because you were just imagining this guy's day while reading his narration & bc it's what hot girls do. u never talk to yourself? ig it is different from narrating...
Ok so what I know from acting is from the moment you hit the set you need to use your accent, you cannot just slip it on & off easy so filming the ryan parts & the henchone parts must have been, well, something. Gosh I can't believe we only get one audio commentary of this ep. I want more, more I say! Also I like ryan's patterned red tie & red vest but that striped shirt? The only reason it's ok is bc he is mostly covering it with the vest. It has red stripes. He has a lot of buttons on the sleeves of his jacket. American flag lapel pin today. With smth else ig. Ooh blue diamonds. I miss when blue diamonds were sexy & white diamonds were just there. RC: *passes his papers to ryan* KR: *shows it to Beckett as if castle didn't already hold em up for her to see*
RC: Turns out the Blue Butterfly disappeared sometime in the ‘40s, and rumor has it, it’s hidden somewhere in The Pennybaker Club. If he found it…a million dollar-necklace? Talk about motive for murder. By the way, Ryan, say “boy-o.” [meaning he really was imagining these people in these positions] KR: *looks up from the papers castle gave him* Boy-o. RC: “Boy-ohhh.” KR: Boy-o. RC: “Boy-o.” KR: Boy-o. RC, accented: “Boy-o.” KR: Boy—O. ??? *looks to beckett* [they go back to talking about the case & rick doesn't get nazi gold but SS officer diamonds which is the same thing. Cursed necklaces? stealing stuff from nazis? mob bosses? this is right up castle's alley.] KB: Okay, Ryan, you see if you can get a hold of the bookie. Castle and I will go back to the crime scene. KR: Okay. RC: Boy-o' KR: Boy-o RC: Boy-o' KR: Boy-O RC: Like a leprechaun. KR, with an angry "ew" face: Castle! RC: Sorry.
RC: Can you blame the guy? I mean, she was gorgeous. Castle how do you know? You are reading it not seeing it. You are imagining beckett there. I was too caught up in the story to think about the "animosity back home" they kept saying Castle is so right. Minor hidden safe, very hidden secret safe. I love how castle insists on telling the story to get to the part abt the safe. RC: Well, people didn’t waste time back in the ‘40s
Oh gosh look at her dress... lmao the transition
KB: Did you just say, “Kate”? Are you picturing the P.I. as you, and me as the gangster’s moll? RC: What? No. And I didn’t say “Kate”. I said “Fate”. “Fate’s heart quickened.” I was being poetic. (chuckles nervously) God. Anyway, as I was saying, they were just about to kiss when… Why not just read from the diary & say the PI was being poetic? Maybe she would read it & call him out tho. Or ig he was reciting from memory
Oh I love the collar on Esposito/Cuban Henchone rn! Raises his fists like that lol & then Besty/Lanie saves the day & gosh that is a good kiss. "mixed laundry" XP Betsie/Lanie almost sounds normal lol
Two Brunos? Interesting word. Well they are not here right now actually so...??? So you became the girl of a mob boss to wear his jewelry? That's it? That's the reason?
KB & me: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT'S IT? I'M NOT ONLY INTERESTED IN THE SAFE I'M ALSO INTERESTED IN THE STORY. btw I like her coat with that red scarf it's v pretty. KB: Well, why would you tell a story when you don’t know the ending? RC: If you wanted a beginning and a middle and an end, I have 27 novels you can choose from. XD
Ray Horton: Stan? And who— who killed him? KR: JE: RH: Me? Why would I kill my business partner? 10g for a diary?
RC: So, I traced the diary. Stan did his research. He purchased it from the granddaughter of Joe’s old secretary, a woman by the name of Ruth Huntsacker. Ah that's where the diary came from KB: Look, Castle, I admit that Joe and Vera’s story is fun and romantic, but whatever happened back in 1947 has nothing to do with who murdered Stan. RC: Uh… (chuckles) I’m not so sure about that. Our bookie alibied out. But ballistics came in, and we got a match. The .38 caliber revolver that killed Stan was used in an unsolved double homicide…in 1947. WOAH NOW THIS IS GOOD. This is so so sexy. Ok so vera mulqueen is her name so sally scoville probably made that mistake when meeting joe flynn on purpose.
RC: Murdered. That’s too bad. I really thought those two crazy kids were gonna make it. KB: Yeah, not exactly the ending I was hoping for. RC: I didn’t even know ballistics went back that far. Me, who watches murdoch mysteries: Oh ho ho! The man also invented blood types & fingerprints & tape & silly putty & (he didn't actually invent any of this he's a fictional character) KB: You know what? I bet you Dempsey caught the two of them trying to run away together, and he killed them. But how does Stan’s killer get Dempsey’s gun sixty years later? KR: Unless Dempsey killed Stan. He’d be, what, like 90 years old? But it’s still possible. RC: Couldn’t have been Dempsey. He died of a heart attack four months after Joe and Vera were killed. KR: Ah. RC: Still…we should dig up that 1947 police report. There could be something in there about the gun that could shed some light on Stan’s murder. KR, resigned: All right. I’ll go to the warehouse and I’ll pull up the old case files. RC: Oh, wai- oh, uh…I want to go. KR: ? *looks to becks* KB: *shrugs* KR: Uh…okay. RC: Can I drive? KR: I don’t care. RC: OwO!!! Espt always make ryan take passenger & beckett never lets castle drive so this is fun. But is it a police car or a personal one? bc castle is probs not allowed to drive if it is a police car.
Belasco is pretty for an old guy. Watercrafter lookin dude.
Someone else accessed your police files? Nice location u got here. Different place to film in. RC: Damn it, Joe. You old sap. Dizzy with a dame and got yourself cooked. KR: So, Mr Bogart, what exactly are we looking for here?
CB: Of course not. When I asked to see the alleged diary, he refused, and yet, he wanted access to all my research on The Pennybaker Club. I mean, really, the whole thing was absurd. Yeah that is kind of rude...
Esposito's hair is... interesting. Short but long enough that he brushes it & parts it.
KR: It feels like we’re looking for a needle in a haystack, except for, we can’t find the haystack. RC: Who needs a haystack when the needle is right here? Wait I just realized-- where did they get that previous photo of tom dempsey?? Wait nvm it was in castle's internet search along with the initial photo of the blue butterfly
Love the transitions "Hatchet men" lol Doyle, my nova scotian uncle has that last name. Lots of scottish & irish immigrants there obv. It's like newfoundland but less intense. Then PEI is like nova scotia #2. RC/JF: So every clover-loving Irishman worth his salt will be huddled around a radio tonight, cheering good ol’ Jimmy on. You’re gonna wait till a rousing part of the fight. Then you’re gonna excuse yourself. Whoever’s assigned to be watching you surely won’t be paying much attention. That’s when you slip right out the back door, where I’ll be waiting for you. that's way too easy. No way theyre going to let that happen But hey they are both so good looking. JF/RC: Look at me. I’m a new man. I’m a better man. I haven’t even had a drink since I met Vera, Girl it's been like a week. Then again for someone who consistently drank himself to sleep in his office, maybe this is a miracle. What if she doesn't have a sister HA I WAS RIGHT
KR, with his cheek in his hand, listening: What happens next? [btw I like his wedding ring, it's rly pretty. & also I love seeing it, he is In Love.] RC: I don’t know. That’s the end of the statement. KR: But if Sally wasn’t Vera’s sister, then who was she? [I love how castle is getting everyone invested in this story] RC: Sally set up the P.I. It’s a classic film noir twist. KR: But whhhy? RC: I don’t know. :D KR: What was Sally up to? [Ryan he only knows as much as you do! He may be a writer but you are a detective] RC: I don’t know. :D KR: Do you think she was connected to Dempsey? *takes the file* RC: I don’t know, :D but isn’t this great? KR: KR: *double take from castle to the file to castle*
YESS THE ADVENT OF WEST SIDE WALLY At least espt excuses himself before taking the call. That's the polite thing to do. Becks sharing the file with some other detective there. the little things make the show
Man has a wedding ring... WOAH TOM DEMPSEY Nice outfit! the makeup team possibly could have done a bit more to make him look related to tom dempsey not genetically identical to him imo but whatever that's just me Wait no maybe they did do enough about it I think. it's good.
So how do you know his real name was stan? Pillar in the community...? Oh guest book at betsy's funeral, that's how he figured it out. TD: No, I did not—I did not shoot him. Stan—Wait. Stan did find it? KB: Come on. You tell us. TD: I don’t know. I was not there! "was not" rather than "wasn't" I like it
Ok espt what are you wearing? Today you are wearing a dress shirt & a tie which is nice (if different from your frequent pyjama look) but grey on grey with THOSE greys does not work bud.
Ah good grammar <3 Jerry Maddox was the old bartender??? (But ik how this goes, why would he sign his name that way in the guest book?) JE: Good job, Castle. RC, like a puppy: Yeah? JE: .. Yeah.
The med guy calls him jerry too. I see. Aw she offers homemade soup <3 Beautiful blue eyes on this man, love the old music too. JM: but I was just a bartender back then What did you become later then?
Ooh interesting, he says: Of course. It was a big deal back then. Dempsey, the fella that owned the club, shot them in cold blood. So confirming the story But then when rick asks: The same year, do you remember a woman named Sally Scofield? She was a redhead. In 1947, she would’ve been about 18. JM looks really confused like he doesn't know her. Which would make sense for Jerry Maddox, but he looks overly confused bc he is JF trying not to reveal that he, well, you know.
Gina? Ooh different person narrating! Except... not really a different person narrating ; ) Drops the pretty girl for a new, younger, pretty girl. Ew. Then again she was there bc she wanted to wear his bling RC: & Sally? JM: Couple months after, uh, Vera and that P.I. got whacked, Dempsey died of a heart attack. RC: (yea I asked abt sally bro) JM: The evening of his funeral, in walks Sally, all dressed up. Ordered a whiskey neat, slammed it back, gave me a big ol’ crocodile grin, said she was free. Then she strutted on out the door, and that’s the last time I ever saw her. Interesting claim... it's a revenge story. It would be SO good from the other point of view, you're in the hold of a mobster & then he dumps your mom for the younger prettier thing & mum kills herself with pills bc this pretty girl wanted bling & your mob daddy wanted a pretty girl so you kill the pretty girl & probably kill the mobster too? That would be good except we know it didn't happen like that & it ends up a tragedy. RC: Somehow she used the P.I. to do it. JM: >:(
KR, pink shirt no tie, cute af as usual: So…West Side Wally. May I call you Wally? WSW: I prefer West Side. I LOVE HIM SM WSW: Whoa. Cagney and Lacey, [XD] you can stop right there. I wasn’t living in the club two days ago. I had already gotten bought out by the other guy. [but u leave your sleeping bag & stuff?] KR: Bought out? JE: By the other guy? yeah babes that's what he said. I love west side, he's great.
No he cannot do his show from prison b'y Oh & again he looks good he has nice style too. Bull whip. That's cool ig. lol so dramatic holding his hand as he says stan was holding the necklace Sure bestie.
Wasn't it so that she could kill vera or smth but dempsey did it for her so she ended up faking his heart attack instead & she killed the one who stole her mother's spot & the man who dumped her mom? Except wait why would maddox only see her in 1946? Maybe that's when he started idk. Do you trust what a man has to say abt shoes? Also there are many pairs of shoes, they could have both had those shoes... except then you said she'd be wearing heels. RC: Beckett, I just realizes something. KB: ? RC: "I Can't Give You Anything But Love." KB: ???? Ouh louis armstrong Satchmo! But listen maybe he played this club many times & that's why they BOTH fell in love with his music.
the fear on their faces when they get called by their old names <3 so good (sad)
He really really sounds like Castle's Joe Flynn when he says: Lady, you got it all wrong. WHOA THE MED AIDE? Huntsacker? His mom sold the diary. Her gramma was mrs kennard. He's back here after all this time. yk that's a good point. He is gently being a spy but then some other guy bullies them lol. But for how long were these two pretending to be the bartender? Frankie Benjamin Huntsacker the aide called him jerry earlier when the detectives came to talk.
"Bushwhack" lol
GASP THE BLUE BUTTERFLY Ugh the MUSIC tho! *casually touches it with his hands* How much of it was paste? Apparently the one they actually made was made of blue sapphires & they auctioned it off for charity. There are plenty of minerals that you can use in place of diamonds. Moissanite & white sapphires are both subs for diamonds. I'm sure blue sapphires can replace blue diamonds, except blue diamonds are typically not as coloured as a good quality blue sapphire.
Joe you said that any irishman worth his salt would be around the radio, not the cuban & mob boss too. I can't believe dempsey let her go but ig he was focussing on the fight. Hoo that leg The ice? Oh the bling, the diamonds Oof she just killed lenny! Yeah Sally was totally a victim! That's sooo cool they just ran away & burned the bodies & UGH THAT'S SO GOOD I'VE BEEN WANTING TO LEARN HOW TO LIGHT A MATCH ON MY THUMB FOR YEARS They probably lied tbh... You know, didn't want to get caught for a murder they did so many years ago, they did not struggle for the gun & have it accidentally go. Girl it is not up to YOU to decide. Tho I do like your decision. JF: We don't know how to thank you RC: I do Ok but here's the thing, how would they get by without the money they were going to get from this thing? Also hold on didn't this guy have a fake? The writer believes it was always a fake, castle believes it was switched out back in the 20s, Jerry & Viola (Joe & Vera) seem to think that they hid the BB but Frankie got his hands on a fake... idk I KNEW the brick would be a thing! Oh the music <3 RC/JF: Let the bastard spend the rest of his life not knowing his prized possession is right under his nose. Love <3 <3 <3 woah that dog! Tell them it was fake or tell them someone found it? The way he pulls her in like that <3 ALWAYS <3 <3 <3 How did they make it without the money from the BB tho? That's why they concocted this plan in the first place Weird ending but So Good I love it! ugh too good! Brilliant!
I am going to transcribe the audio commentary I swear.
this episode is one of my faves & I know I say that abt a lot but DANG this one was golden! So freaking good! So Freaking Good!
0 notes
miraculan-draws · 3 years
why don't you like tsoa?
1. Miller made Deidamia sexually assault someone. No where in her Mythos is she ever shown manipulating or coercing or forcing someone in this way. In fact, in a later Roman retelling, Deidamia is raped. If that information can be learned from a precursory google, I don’t really think there’s an excuse for it.
2. Deidamia and Thetis both are villainized for the sake of giving conflict to a front and center MLM couple. Almost like fanfiction.net style. (The book forces modern ideas of monogamy on an ancient romance, and it is more than likely both of these men were attracted to women, slept with women, had relationships with women. That doesn’t diminish what they have with each other.) (also Evil Mother In Law is tacky and overdone). In the most popular versions of the Iliad, Thetis is the one who keeps Patroclus’ body from rotting. She does not dislike him.
3. Patroclus “Greatest of the Myrmidons” of Opus was a god damn MACHINE on the battlefield, and he knew it. He laughed when men fell. That’s not an exaggeration that’s one of his lines. He’s compared to a “circling vulture” I believe with Sarpedon, and “screaming a horrible cry like the war god.” Book 16 of the Iliad is Patroclus charge on the wall of Troy with the Myrmidons, and I highly recommend giving it a read. He killed over 50 men, took an enemy shield, a concussion, an enemy spear and then finally Hektor’s spear for him to stay down. And then he roasts the shit out of Hektor for a long ass paragraph. Dude spent his last breaths saying “Apollo killed me not you.” And he is RIGHT!!
(This confidence is why I can’t explain away my grievances with the “unreliable narrator card.” Straight up he wouldn’t think he was weak or clumsy and therefore wouldn’t assume others thought that of him. He literally died because he got cocky and it’s important to the narrative of the Iliad as a whole that he did. Mortal men trying to put themselves on the same level and the same playing field as the gods will always be knocked down. Patroclus was killed by Apollo after charging UP the wall three times.)(with Achilles shield if I remember correctly.)
4. Making Patroclus a pacifist medic who waits anxiously for his battle-savvy partner to return home is boring. We’ve all seen that. That’s like a Straight Trope. Its like a ww2 bride. It feels like shoving a queer couple into easy to digest heterosexual boxes. We’ve seen “healer wife and warrior husband” a million times. What we HAVENT SEEN ENOUGH is two warriors as complete equals in prowess who share the battlefield and then return to share a tent and their dinner and their bed. We had that! They are murder husbands and we were robbed of that.
Some less organized thoughts: where are the dogs? Why was the fight with Achilles removed when it is some of the most important characterization for BOTH of them? Why does so much of the fan art draw them as dainty 15 year olds during the war scenes? Why were their so FEW war scenes?? Are figs and olives the only vegetation in the Mediterranean? Why did she describe lips as bees? Why did she make Achilles a flower child instead of the Big Bitch (affectionate and derogatory) he is? Why does the whole thing feel like an AncientGreek!AU of a random m/m anime pairing where the names were changed at the last minute? Where are the DOGS?? The NINE DOGS??
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hullo, a while ago you gave me permission to write a fic set in the same 'verse as your Seven and Ace modern au "mice on venus", i've been off-and-on working on something for a while but i was wondering if you have any tips on writing Ace??? i've not really written her much before 😅 (and once again have to say i adore all your writing, it's fantastic)
:D!! i'm so excited now oh my gosh. i'm glad you're writing that!!!
hm, tips on writing ace. let's see what i can do. these are mostly in the context of canonverse because that's what i usually write in, but feel free to extrapolate from these for a modern setting.
so here's some ace meta i guess. hopefully some of it makes sense, because it's going to get very very scattered.
ace is a Big Nicknamer. if she likes you, she'll give you some sort of nickname, whether that be something related to her immediate perception of you ('Professor'), some sort of diminutive/corruption of your actual name ('Narv') or just. something that only makes sense to her that you can't even begin to figure out (why did she call Mel 'Donut' in Dragonfire? that's between her and god). if she doesn't like you, she'll also probably give you a nickname, but it's far more likely to be some sort of dig at your appearance or just a real nasty insult.
a lot of writers end up portraying her as loud, angry, and ready to fight/set fire to anything at the drop of a hat. a lot of writers also tend towards the route of making her not all that smart. i'm not fond of either of these portrayals.
ace is smart. she is really smart. she may have failed chemistry by her school's standards, but she still taught herself how to make extremely functional and extremely destructive explosives from scratch, which requires an impressive grasp on chemistry. she understands flip-flop diagrams in Curse of Fenric to the extent that a WW2 scientist is impressed with her. in some branches of canon she makes it all the way through time lord training, which is almost certainly not designed for humans. ace is smart!! i wish people would stop forgetting that
ace IS ready to fight at the drop of a hat, but only when she sees injustice in the world. she grew up seeing a lot of unfairness in the world that she couldn't do anything about, and ended up channeling a lot of her anger about that into like. destructive tendencies. setting fire to a house. getting into fights. she didn't have any other way to express her anger with the world! so that's why the Explosives.
so i don't know how to articulate this properly but. that's why i try to limit the use of the Nitro-Nine in my fics to... practical, reasonable purposes? like if the doctor and ace NEED to blow up something obviously it'd be stupid to use anything else, you've got a chemistry expert on hand and everything else aside explosions are cool. but being 'the girl who blows up everything' isn't at the core of her personality. that's probably how most people in Perivale perceived her when she was at the peak of her Unhappy Teenage Years and I can't help but think she'd resent that a bit. maybe that's just me
she's good at making friends!! in the tv episodes (and some audios) she'll frequently just latch onto someone who would have otherwise existed as a completely background character, go 'we're friends now, let's go start a revolution' and it almost always works.
in dragonfire, pretty much her entire introduction is her looking at the doctor and mel despite never having seen either of them before and going 'these two seem interesting. i'm going to make friends with them!' and she DOES.
it's just occurred to me that the doctor also does the 'this person seems interesting, i'm going to be best friends with them now' thing as well and that's probably why they clicked as well as they did initially. that makes me very happy.
uhhh what else. ace has a Inbuilt Bias against traditional authority figures. she doesn't like being told what to do if she can't see a good reason for it. she'll get argumentative, snap back, maybe do the opposite of what you tell her just out of Spite
she FEELS, strongly, and kind of wears her heart on her sleeve. if she's happy, you'll know about it. if she's angry, you'll most definitely know about it. her emotions are BIG and explosive.
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chucktaylorupset · 3 years
more on the Mundane Road Trip That Escalates catws au:
- Sam is a year out of paratrooping, which sadly did not involve flying or wings.  He’s got a lot on is plate adjusting to civilian life and grieving the loss of his best buddy Riley.  He’s knocking around in Gen Eds trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life, while missing and wanting to take care of his family in Louisiana while also glad to be out of their overbearing concerned reach
- Steve grew up as a skinny disabled kid in Brooklyn with a working class single mom, who’s childcare situation consisted mostly of leaving Steve with an octogenarian WW2 veteran.  As a result, Steve grew some very Particular habits such as only being versed in pop culture circa 1940. This leads to a very specific impression when Sam meets this white boy with a starched collar and says “By golly” and has a very rigid ideas of politeness right up until someone says something bigoted, at which points he starts serving knuckles sandwiches and getting blood spatter on his very white cuffs.
- Nat is a campus cryptid.  She has the poker face of a professional cardsharp and a subtle dry sense of humor.  But the more Sam gets to know her as he’s brought in to the fold of Steve’s little group, the more he gets the impression that there’s a lot to Natasha that they Do Not Talk About.  Like how she always carries at least one knife hidden on her person, or how she reacts around large men, or how she seems to have stepped out of Russia like Athena, sprung fully formed from her own construction and Zeus’s brain, with a dance scholarship in her fist with no mention of having any parents or what her living situation is.
- Sam is undeclared but considering a major in psych.  Steve is a leftist socialist anarchist doing a frankly insane course load double majoring in political and computer science because he wants to fight all the battles and there needs to be more tech literacy to galvanize policy makers and also to maintain op sec, especially when it seems Tony Stank is going to personally deliver the death knell to privacy any day now.  Natasha is in her fifth year as a dance major, but has taken some weird and varied courses in her time leading to an unending number of tricks up her sleeve from glass blowing to hotwiring.
- The Winter Soldier was once James Buchanan Barnes, friend to the one and only Captain America, Isaiah Bradley.  But it’s been a long time since Hydra started playing with his brain and began the chain of events leading him  cratering, battered and injured, into the roof of Sam Wilson’s car and needing all the help he can have to get away from Hydra and reveal and dismantle their evil schemes once and for all.
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just-the-hiddles · 3 years
Writer’s Spotlight | myoxisbroken
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Happy hump day, peeps!  This week’s spotlight is the queen of a historical fic, AU or canon.  The maven of food porn in a fic. And the reigning champ of teasing me with smut @myoxisbroken​ !  Let’s dive in!!
The Basics
Any other names you want people to call you?
Miss Ox, myox, whatever you feel like!
How long have you been writing fic?
2 years.
What fandoms and/ships do you write?
MCU (Loki, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes), other Tom Hiddleston characters (Pine, Conrad, Sharpe, Buxton, Nicholls, Plumptre, and ever-growing), and just branching out into Pedro Pascal with The Mandalorian; I also have a few Doctor Who fics in my Masterlist (Ten/Donna Noble)
How did you get started writing fic?
I was reading a ton of Doctor Who fic and enjoying the Doctor/River Song stories. Then I rewatched DW season 4 and was so depressed about Donna's ending that I immediately watched the David Tennant/Catherine Tate version of Much Ado About Nothing. And then I started to ship the Tenth Doctor and Donna.
So I read a bunch of their fic and thought, "You know what would be awesome? If someone wrote a WW2 AU where Donna's a single mother and the Doctor is an injured fighter pilot that she takes in as a boarder." And then I started to get snippets of dialogue in my head, and ideas for scenes, and I wondered if I might be able to write a story myself. I hadn't written anything in years, but I decided to give it a try. And a few months later, I had my first story completed, a 14-chapter Doctor Who AU.
 After that, I had the writing bug and I haven't been able to stop coming up with ideas and working to put them into words!
Story Recommendations
Which of your stories are your favorite?
It is honestly so hard to choose. I'm only going to choose completed works, because I always love the WIPs I'm working on. So, let's see: You Bring Me Home is one of them, because it was so fun to just jump into a sexy vacation romp with some playful kink exploration for James Conrad (Kong: Skull Island). With Brooding Wings was my first attempt at a vampire story using multiple Tom Hiddleston characters, and I really enjoyed playing with the dynamics of different personalities and settings in that world. 
 In A Restless World Like This Is is another, because I had such a great time writing a fluffy love story for Steve Rogers and an older OFC. It started as a spite project because of someone's objections to older characters and turned into such a lovely experience. It was one of the easiest I've ever written in terms of how quickly it flowed from my brain through my fingers. I'd loved writing for Loki (An Excellent Suggestion was my first Loki story, and my first time writing smut) and for Bucky (We Are All Victims of Physics Sometimes was my first dip into capturing Bucky's quiet reserve and depth of emotion).
I honestly could go on and on about stories but would only sound more conceited.
Which story are you most proud of?
I think A Pursuit of the Heart. It was my first time writing in the Regency/Georgian era, and I did a TON of research for it. It was also my first novel-length story, and I didn't even know if I could take on something that big or write a historical romance convincingly, in a way that felt era-appropriate and true. I was so proud of the finished product.
Which of your stories do you think is the most underrated?
Let Your Heart Be Light, a Bucky/OFC story with a Christmas theme - its companion piece, Kissing The New Year In, also didn't get much traction. But I loved writing them!
Someone is new to reading your stories, which story/stories should they read first?
It depends on what actors and characters they like, really, as well as if they like smut or fluff or both. For a smutty one-shot, I'd recommend An Excellent Suggestion (which has a one-shot sequel). For a swoonier longer fic with smut, I'd recommend either You Bring Me Home or my fake relationship Steve Rogers fic The One Thing You Can't See. 
For fluff, An Unforeseen Outcome is a Loki one-shot with both fluff and a little emotional hurt/comfort. Interestingly, I've written more not-smut fluff for Loki than for any other character. I think I just want him to find connection and love and acceptance so much. 
And if you are a fan of historical romance, I'd recommend either my Thomas Sharpe AU A Compromising Situation, or if you like your fics with a healthy dose of angst, Beside Us When Beauty Brightens, my William Buxton (Return to Cranford) story about what happens after he loses Peggy.
Which Story did you do the most research for?
A Pursuit of the Heart, since it was my first one set in the Georgian era and I had a lot of catching up to do! I research for most of my stories, and definitely for my multi-chapter stories. Even if they're contemporary, I still look up resorts, locations, restaurants and local foods, things to do, etc. I can't help it. It's like I'm addicted to research.
Which Story was the easiest to write?
For a multi-chapter fic, In A Restless World Like This Is. For a one-shot, probably my Loki Christmas fluff All I Want For Christmas Is You.
The Writing Process
What is your favorite part of writing?
When a scene I've had in my head just flies out of my fingers and onto the page, and I can read it back and think, "YES! That's just how I wanted it!"
What is your least favorite part?
When my brain is too scattered and unfocused to actually allow me to do any writing.
Describe your style in 1 to 2 sentences.
Well-researched stories that use the information to make you feel like you're there and that incorporate sweetness into even the smuttiest scenario. Also, food porn, and porn porn.
Who are some of your writing idols and/or influences?
For published novels, Mary Balogh and Sabrina Jeffries are two of my favorite historical romance writers, and I think that reading them has helped to make my writing better. In terms of fic authors (some of whom are also published), @nildespirandum​ and @caffiend-queen were two of the first I read in the Tom/Loki fandom and their excellent quality and intriguing plots are an inspiration, even if I will never be able to write plots as twisty as theirs. Also, reading @yespolkadotkitty​'s stories helped me push myself to get better at setting scenes and at incorporating the various senses into stories, because she is so good at both of those things and so much else.
What programs do you use to write and/or edit?
I use Google Docs. I have also been dancing around buying Scrivener for an original novel I plan to write and shop around, so I'll be doing that soon.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Plotter, for sure. My brain would implode if I tried to pants my stories.
Do you write RPF or not?
I have a few chapters of a Tom Hiddleston RPF in draft form but haven't proceeded with it. I'd kind of like to write a Pedro Pascal RPF one-shot. I love reading RPF but feel odd about writing it for some reason.
Who is your favorite character to write and why?
Again with the tough questions! It might be Loki, because he is such a chameleon and there are so many hidden depths to him. I really want to write some multi-chapter Loki stories, because so far I have done one-shots and one 3-chapter short fic. I'd like to explore a longer character arc for him.
What do you think are your writing strengths?
Authenticity because of my research, realistically depicting emotions, and writing in a style that feels genuine to the setting and era.
What do you struggle with?
PLOT. I do think that there is plenty of room for all kinds of stories, and I like to tell stories about relationships. But I would like to get better at adding outside conflict and other types of plot to my stories.
Favorite Trope?
It's so hard to choose between There Was Only One Bed and Fake Relationship. I think those are my top two.
What is the best piece of writing advice you have heard?
Write something. Anything. Even if you think it's crap, get your first draft done, because you can always go back and rewrite something that's bad and make it better. Also, if you're stuck on your WIP, write something else - a piece of another story or one-shot, a description of something you saw, a character profile, a bit of personal journaling. Keep writing and don't let a temporary roadblock turn into a long-term one.
What would you say to a new fanfic writer starting out?
It's hard when something you wrote doesn't get a lot of attention, especially when you love it. We share stories in the hopes that other people will discover and enjoy them, but you have to at least partly do it for your own satisfaction, or it will get pretty discouraging if the likes/kudos, comments, and reblogs just don't happen.
What is a random bit of research you have not managed to work into a fic yet?
Ladies' drawers (underwear) were not commonly worn until the mid-1800s. They were thought to be gentlemen's garments and it was thus vulgar for a lady to wear them. Yes, ladies of the Georgian (incl. Regency) era were generally commando beneath their skirts, petticoats, and shifts. But that was still a lot of layers.
Any goals or WIPs you want to share?
My goal is to write an original novel (series) set during the Napoleonic Wars. My hope is to get it researched, written, and put in final draft form so that I can send query letters out before the end of 2021.
This or That
Fluff or Angst
Fluff AND Smut
Reader Insert or  OC
Canon Divergent or AU
Pepsi or Coke (Neither: Cherry Coke Zero)
Coffee or Tea (Neither: Cocoa)
Sweet AND Savory
And that is it, until next week, remember to check out the masterlist here.  And your new fav fic is just around the corner!  Until next time, toodles!
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marsalimackimmie · 3 years
Outlander Role Reversals
So I’ve been thinking recently of possible reverse!Outlander AUs and I can’t pick a favorite so here are all the different concepts I’ve come up with (most of them are kinda crack)
1. Jamie and Claire are happily married and settled, with Claire as Lady of the house at Lallybroch. Jenny is unmarried because she never met someone who could compel her to give up her freedom. Ian is a friendly but overall unremarkable man in the 20th century, who stumbles into the past by accident. He lost his leg in WW2, and when he stumbled into the 1700s he was super annoyed to find that his prosthetic did not travel with him. So now he walks using a peg he fashioned from a sturdy stick by the Dun.
He ends up at Leoch, offering his services in accounting or something— it’s hard for a one legged guy with no connections to get a job in an agricultural economy. He meets Jenny there when she’s fostering with her uncles temporarily (due to Black Jack Randall harassing her).
2. Jamie and Jenny are siblings born in the 20th century. They both get sent through to the 18th century one day and can’t make it through again immediately. They set out to Inverness to find help or figure out what to do, but two people with no money and strange clothing are not treated well in the city. They hitch a ride with a man named Ian Murray up to Broch Morda, their hometown in modern day, and along the way Jenny gets very close to him. Jamie doesn’t really approve because he knows how men in this time think of women and is also still hopeful they can find a way to return home one day.Once in Broch Morda, Ian invites them to come stay at the big house of Lallybroch with him. They ask if he’s Laird and he laughs and laughs before saying no: the Laird is a woman named Claire Beauchamp.
3. Everyone is a time traveler! Jenny and Jamie come through together last, and meet Ian. The Croft by the Dun is owned by Ian Murray, whose parents were time travelers from some era idk which. Sometimes around high holidays he stays at the Croft just in case someone comes through and needs his help. He offers to bring the siblings up to Broch Morda. The laird is an ancestor of Jenny and Jamie, which they think is neat but weird. They stay with him rather than an inn because of their out-of-time clothes.
Ian’s home only has two beds so Jamie offers to sleep on the floor so as not to put out Ian or make his sister do it (since they’re modern, maybe she just says I’m taking the bed! And laughs at him before he has a chance to be chivalrous.) The beds are separated from the area where Jamie sleeps so Jenny and Ian do some soft bonding through hallway conversations and such. Jamie isn’t concerned about Jenny’s reputation because they're from the 21st century.
For comedy, make them millennials who traveled from like 2009 or something (imagine the fashion! The hair! The cultural in-jokes no one else finds funny!) Jamie and Jenny are both interested in exploring history a bit, and they’re orphans back in modern times so there’s no hurry to travel back home. They decide to stay for a while, and without realizing start building lives in the past.
Jump ahead a couple of years: Jenny and Ian fall in love and get married. Jamie has found no significant ties to the area, and after his sister's wedding feels adrift. He needs to decide: get his own home now that Ian and Jenny are starting a family, or go back to the stones and return to the 2000s without Jenny? Jamie knows in his heart he’d never do that, but he isn’t content being a tenant in Broch Morda living with his sister and brother in law, no matter how close they all are. He considers traveling abroad, but Jenny threatens him if he leaves before the birth because obviously she’s pregnant immediately.
During Jenny’s pregnancy is when Jamie meets Claire, who is serving as Jenny’s midwife. Jamie is knocked out of the park by her. It takes more convincing for her to take his flirting seriously because he's trying to flirt in a courtly 1740~ way but keeps using 2000s moves too and it comes out awful.
At one point it’s revealed Claire is also a traveler from the 1940s who Ian helped. He actually didn’t find her at the Dun: she was in a witch trial where one of the charges was her appearing on a fairy hill out of nowhere. Ian helped her escape and sheltered her. So this whole time Jamie’s been trying to flirt like an 18th century Highlander, she’s also lowkey been dying of laughter-- but she found it endearing too! She makes a jab about ‘is that really how men of your time attract women?’ at one point. 
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sunlightdances · 4 years
Through Lines (40′s!Bucky x Reader)
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Pairing: 40s!Bucky x Nurse!Reader Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for war-typical violence and descriptions of PTSD. Summary: WW2 canon-divergent AU - Bucky lives. One of the things Bucky thinks about when he’s trapped in a foxhole and trying to stay alive is the pretty nurse from the Red Cross. Author’s Note: I re-watched Band of Brothers recently, so this popped into my head. Please excuse any inaccuracies/suspend your belief briefly - I did my best with a bit of research, but obviously some of this is OOC/not canon. I don’t own Bucky or Marvel (or the character cameo who is clearly from HBO War). Please don’t re-post anywhere without my permission!
You meet James Barnes for the first time while you’re packing a Red Cross truck in England, hair neatly curled and pinned, lips painted a fiery shade of red.
It’s easy, then, for you to flash him a smile as he removes his garrison cap, tucking it neatly into his waistband as he approaches you.
“Ma’am,” he greets, and even though you think he’s about the most handsome man you’ve ever seen, you still bristle a bit.
“It’s Lieutenant.” You say, returning to your work. You know he likely didn’t mean anything by it, but ever since you shipped out, you’ve found yourself defending your rank and training more than once.
He clears his throat. “Lieutenant,” he corrects himself, and even salutes you. It surprises you. You return his gesture. “Just wanted to see if you needed a hand.”
You falter, and smile gently at him. “I’m sorry for snapping. It’s been a long day.”
“Moving out tomorrow?”
You nod. “To France, to one of the field hospitals.” You can see the concern in his eyes, and it makes you roll yours. “We’re trained just as you are, Sergeant. The men need help.”
He puts his hands in his pockets. “They’ll be happy to see you, no doubt.” He rocks on his feet. You realize how young he is, how young you both are.
The next time the two of you see each other, it’s nowhere near as formal, or casual.
The sunshine of that day in England is a distant memory compared to this. It’s raining and the sound of shelling not far off has you gritting your teeth.
The flap of the tent flies open with a rush of noise — a familiar voice and steel blue eyes that you both hoped you’d see again, and prayed you never would. He’s with a medic, a stretcher between them.
“Here—“ you say before he even opens his mouth. “Put him here.”
The medic is rattling off information - shrapnel to the stomach and leg, given morphine.
“Sergeant Barnes,” you bark, snapping him out of his daze. “If you’re not going to help, then you need to get out of the way.”
He moves so you can get to work, but stays close, and you notice with a jolt when he takes the hand of the man you’re working on, squeezing gently.
He doesn’t make it.
You’re so frustrated you can barely speak. Every time you lose someone, it’s a burning ache that settles deep in your heart. No matter how bad off they are when they come to the hospital, you feel the guilt of not being able to do your job.
“You did everything you could.” He says next to you, outside the tent, cigarette dangling from his lips.
You don’t reply. There’s nothing to say. You won’t cry - you can’t allow yourself to cry. If you break down now, you might never get your composure back.
The shelling begins again, and a jeep pulls up nearby, someone shouting for Sergeant Barnes. You try not to notice the way his hand starts to shake as he pulls the cigarette from his mouth, throwing it to the ground and stamping it out before he goes.
“Take care of yourself,” he murmurs, and then with a weak salute, he’s gone.
Bucky Barnes is a romantic at heart. He pictured seeing you again back at some pub in England on leave, in his dress uniform, you in a red dress. When he was at his darkest point, he pictured it, and that’s why it’s so unfair that he’s seeing you again now, like this.
It’s been six months. France, and then Belgium, and then Italy, and whatever hell came after that. He’s grateful he doesn’t remember the entire thing. Azzano was like nothing he ever thought could happen to him - something from a science fiction novel.
His unit is completely gone. Every one of the men he trained with, fought with, shared a foxhole with… they’re all gone.
Steve is here now, something that should make him relieved, but all it does is add to his never-ending bad mood. His best friend, his brother, literally charging into harm’s way every chance he gets. Except now it’s not just back alley fist fights. There are bullets and fire and mortars, and Bucky doesn’t know how much more of this he can take.
It’s bad enough that they’re hot on Hydra’s trail - a shiver ripples up his spine every time he sees the insignia - but the original Nazis are still everywhere. The German army is tough, and everywhere he goes it’s pure destruction.
They’ve been called in to support another Division, and Bucky is relieved for the tasks of a new squad to take his mind off everything. Being a platoon sergeant comes natural to him, and he looks after the replacements like he did his last group. It gives him something to keep busy.
Until they get to the Ardennes.
It’s hell on earth. The trees are sawed in half by shelling every night, the shrapnel alone enough to kill someone who isn’t hit directly.
It’s colder than anything he’s ever felt, and they lose more and more of the line between them and the enemy every day.
The field hospital is barely a field hospital. It’s in a partially bombed out church, and Bucky spares a thought that he hopes to hell you aren’t here, because he can’t stomach it. Of course his instincts prove to be right.
He drives one of the medics to try to scrounge up some supplies, and when he steps inside, your voice is the first one he hears. It’s chaos in there, and he’s surprised by the number of soldiers in beds, on chairs, or just laying on the floor.
His eyes fall on you and it’s like he can finally breathe again, though his relief is replaced by worry when you meet his eyes. He barely recognizes the look on your face. He sees the recognition when you first spot him, the barely there softening of your gaze, but he doesn’t recognize the rest.
You’ve lost weight. Everyone has, but it’s stark in the way your cheekbones jut out slightly, and the way your uniform hangs on you.
“Sergeant Barnes,” you say, your voice lacking it’s usual enthusiasm. He understands. Nothing seems important anymore, nothing seems worth getting excited for. All there is, is survival.
“Lieutenant,” he says softly, giving a brief salute.
“Nurse!” A call is coming from the other side of the church, and you glance away from Bucky briefly. He wants to grab your hand, your arm, anything to keep you from heading back into the fray.
“Are you hurt?” You ask him, looking him over. He finds he’s not sure how to answer. Physically, no. But in his head? The nightmares are atrocious. The headaches-- and on top of all that, he has no idea what that Hydra scientist actually did to him.
“No,” he replies carefully. “Came to beg for any bandages and plasma you have for our medic.”
You frown. “There isn’t much. I have to see this patient, but wait here.”
He watches you go, watches the slight limp to your gait, and he finds himself clenching his fist when he hears a doctor order you around.
A few minutes later you’re back with a small box. “This is all we can spare.”
“It’ll do us good. Thank you.” He doesn’t want to leave. “What a pair we make, hey?”
You meet his eyes, untrusting. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“You need to get some rest,” he counters.
“There’s too much to do.”
He knows he has to leave. He needs to get back to his unit. He wishes this were another time, another place… that he could have met you back in Brooklyn.
“Be safe.” His voice is rough, and he hates himself for it, because he barely knows you. He doesn’t know why he feels so connected to you. You’re beautiful, of course you are, but for all he knows, you have someone back home, wherever that is.
“You too, James.”
The use of his first name floors him, not just because it’s so personal, but because he can’t remember the last time someone called him by his name.
“Barnes!” A shout from the door from an agitated soldier and another shout for you by the doctor, and you’re both pulled in separate directions.
The jeep is halfway back to the line when he hears the first shell. He forces his eyes shut and takes a deep breath to try to steady himself.
It’s not until he’s shoulder to shoulder with Steve again that he allows himself to think of you briefly before he’s forced to fight again.
Always fighting.
They move out two days later.
He’s never been so happy to get out of the woods. The high spirits of the rest of the men are contagious, and he finds himself nearly grinning ear to ear as they make their way slowly down the road, the hellish cold of the night before long forgotten in the new day’s sun.
The jeeps roll to a stop and there’s a long while before they get moving again. At some point, Steve had climbed out and headed up the line to see what the hold up was.
When he gets back, he hauls himself inside, and Bucky eyes the spot where he grips the door, the spot slightly dented by his strength. He’ll never get used to it, but in the moment he’s less worried about that, and more worried about the thing he does recognize - the crease in between Steve’s brows.
“What’s wrong.”
Steve waits. When he speaks, his voice is low. “The field hospital was bombed during the shelling.”
Bucky’s entire body goes cold. Steve seems to understand, and the two of them make their way to the front of the unit on foot. When they get to the hospital, there’s a few members of the 101st Airborne milling around, the medic from Easy picking through the rubble.
Bucky doesn’t know what to say. His knees feel weak. He wants to demand answers, wants to ask what happened, but it’s a stupid question.
He feels sick. They bombed a hospital.
“Did anyone--” Bucky starts, pausing to clear his throat, “Casualties?”
The medic meets his eyes. “A few nurses and a couple patients made it out. They’re being sent back to England.”
“Buck, we have to go.” Steve says somberly, apologetically.
Bucky doesn’t say anything. He can’t breathe.
It’ll be months before he finds out what happened to you.
You don’t sleep much, anymore.
The War is over, but in so many ways, you feel like you’re still in it. Your dreams are filled with explosions and screams, and during the day, you’re forced to pretend that everything is normal, when in reality, nothing will ever be the same.
There’s a large scar on your right arm. The limp you picked up in Bastogne lingers, and is worse when the weather is cold.
You’re trying to be “normal” but can’t understand what your purpose is. After everything you’ve seen, you can’t stand to just be content to go to parties and luncheons and listen to your mother talk about marriage. It feels so trivial.
The only person you’ve talked about the War with is your father. You don’t allow yourself to get emotional, but you make it clear to him how close you came to dying. How close to the front lines you were for months.
Your friends talk about the Red Cross nurses like the whole thing was one big party - dressing up and flirting with soldiers, bringing them coffee and enjoying a European vacation. Maybe it was that way for some, but for you and the women you served closely with, it was a nightmare.
Still, you don’t regret it. You wanted to do your part, and you did more than that.
On your way to your office job, a car backfires on the street, and you jump, stumbling slightly as instinct takes over. You feel embarrassed when you remember where you are, but then there’s a hand at your elbow and gentle eyes assessing you.
“Are you okay, miss?” He looks familiar, but you can’t place him.
“Fine, fine. Sorry, I--”
“It’s okay. It startled me too.” He says, and when you meet his gaze evenly, you recognize the look there. After a moment, you recognize the face, too.
Steve Rogers. Captain America. Your heart starts to speed up, not because you’re starstruck, but because of the possibility that he’s here too. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t thought of James Barnes since you’ve been home, wondering about him.
You’ve seen the newsreels enough to know he and the Commandos made it home, thanks to Steve saving James’ life on one of their final missions.
“Steve, we haven’t got all day, we have to--” His voice interrupts your thoughts, and when you finally see him, he’s gone pale, eyes as sharp as you remember, though there’s more shadows under his eyes than you’d like to see.
He says your name on a low exhale, but it’s a question, like he can’t believe you’re here.
“Sergeant,” you reply, a smile growing on your face, and before you can object, Steve is making some excuse about ducking into the shop you’re in front of, and then James is right in front of you.
“It’s Bucky,” he corrects you gently. “My friends call me Bucky.”
“Is that what we are?”
He’s so close you can see the smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose. “I thought you were dead.”
You’re used to lying to everyone about what happened to you; trying to make it more palatable for those who thought you just handed out coffee and raised soldiers’ spirits. It’s refreshing to be able to tell him the truth.
“I almost was. We were almost evacuated when the bomb hit. There were still patients and nurses in the church--” You stop yourself, feeling short of breath.
“You don’t have to tell me.”
You look down at your feet, feeling awkward. You don’t know what else to say. It’s suddenly dawning on you that you don’t really know him at all. Except when you look back up at him - you can see the kindness and understanding in his eyes. The connection is there too; the one that kept you thinking of each other and seeing each other again again against all odds.
“I’m glad to see you.” You tell him honestly.
The smile that slowly grows on his face is so charming. “I’m very glad to see you too, Lieutenant.”
Despite yourself, you roll your eyes, a smile of your own on your lips. “I think we can drop the formalities.”
His eyes are intense as he takes a step closer, “Let me take you to dinner.” He takes a deep breath, “This is probably too much, but you were one of the only things to get me through the last two years. I saw you once, and I was done for, sweetheart...” He trails off, shrugging.
“You think you’re pretty cute, don’t you, Sergeant?”
“He does, so please take pity on him and go to dinner with him,” Steve’s voice interrupts, “He hasn’t stopped talking about you since I met up with him in Italy.”
You look back at the dark-haired man fidgeting next to you, rolling his eyes at his friend, and for the first time since you came home, you feel like there might be something to look forward to.
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screechingpulsar · 3 years
Why I Value Tagging Over Censorship
(TW for descriptions of antisemitism, nazism, cocsa (child-on-child sexual assault), necrophilia, and torture-porn. I will mark in bold the sections where this is discussed in more detail.)
@olderthannetfic you asked to be tagged in this post, so here you go! It’s uhhh... Not a fun story! But I thought it was important to share since people tend to claim that those on the more “freedom of expression” side of things have no experience with running into explicit/problematic work as a minor, or have been groomed into believing that it’s okay to do this and that’s... not accurate.
TLDR: When an archive’s policy is that problematic or triggering content must be tagged rather than deleted, it is actually much easier to root out bigoted garbage and/or otherwise objectionable content than on a site where such content is not allowed, but also not warned for. As an example, as a child I was exposed to a truly terrible piece of work deliberately made to trigger and hurt others. Had that work been forced to use proper tags, I would have never seen it, or seen the tags and known to stay away.
The anti/pro-ship debate is exhausting to watch, tbh. I hold opinions on the issue that I’m sure people from both sides would take issue with. But one thing that I’ve seen crop up lately that rubs me the wrong way is the debate over AO3.
The argument I’ve seen from antis boils down to: AO3 hosts problematic content-- namely underage explicit fics, rape/noncon fics, incest and rpf, and has it enshrined in its policy that it’s pretty much impossible to get something deleted off the site for being morally repugnant or gross-- therefore it should not exist or instead moderate its content to remove these things. Doing this would make it safer for minors to use the site.
Funny story. As a kid, about 12 years old, maybe a bit younger, I went on a fanfic website that had a policy against hateful or offensive works, and it’s there that I was exposed to the nastiest piece of work I’ve ever seen in my life (and I’ve read HP Lovecraft /half joking).
This site was not AO3. It was FFN (fanfiction.net for those unaware). The fandom was Phineas and Ferb, a widely beloved kid’s cartoon.
I avoided AO3 because even as a 12 year old I recognized that site had Adult Content(tm) on it, and if I didn’t want to see that I shouldn’t go on there. So I didn’t.
FFN didn’t allow NC17/E-rated stuff on its site, and because of the relatively stricter moderation policy, people tended to skew their ratings up to avoid being reported. This meant my creepypasta loving ass often looked through T and M stories to find that good good horror content. Also, FFN didn’t have a smut filter of any kind, the best I could do was remove any works tagged “romance”. Which I did, because again, horror-loving child.
(TW comes into effect most prominently here)
The fic was called, “The Final Solution for Isabella”. Should I have known better from the title alone? As a Jewish descendant of a Holocaust survivor, yeah probably. Except I didn’t, because I was twelve and naive, and didn’t think that someone would be fucking sick enough to write what they did.
(I thought the title was a reference to the dynamic between Isabella and Phineas where she constantly flirts with him and he ignores her advances/is unaware of them. And that this fic would be her trying some wacky scheme to finally get him to notice. I was, of course, very wrong.)
Short version of the fic: Phineas tortures and rapes Isabella for being Jewish, then is graphically described to set her on fire and then have sex with her charred corpse.
The fic’s taken down now (I checked about 5 years ago, I don’t know how long it was up after or before I saw it), don’t go looking for it. Not that I imagine you’d want to.
It wasn’t the only or first story I’d seen that covered topics like WW2 and the Holocaust either. Again, creepypasta kid, I saw tons of nazi-experiment ghost stories. On the creepypasta wiki. Where I expected them. Where it was often made abundantly clear in advance what kind of horror I’d be dealing with.
(a rare advantage to formulaic, bad writing)
It was the first (and only) fic that genuinely traumatized me though.
I want to be clear here: this wasn’t merely dark fiction, or someone’s weird snuff. This was malicious, created to deliberately upset as many people as possible, especially Jewish fans of PnF. This was beyond even the grooming material antis talk about. There aren’t enough insults in the world to describe what this was.
(Graphic description is over.)
FFN’s moderation policy didn’t catch the most blatantly terrible and hateful thing I’ve ever seen in my life. How many other kids saw that fic, I wonder? How many little Jewish kids were exposed to that kind of vitriol while just trying to have some fun with a show they liked?
Trust me. You want people to have a place where they can put their fucked up fics and have them be well-tagged. I can go on AO3 and filter out adult content of any flavour with a couple clicks. I could have even gone on it without the age filters and just filtered out smut, but still gotten the gratuitous violence my tiny edgelord soul craved!
(Sidebar: there was another fic on FFN in the PnF fandom that my child self absolutely loved: it was about a haunted house where most of the cast ended up dying brutally and graphically. It was messed up, kinda trashy and gorey for gore’s sake, but that’s what I was looking for, and that’s what I found.
(I’m not sure if that one’s better or worse than the circus AU one I saw where Phineas literally ate people’s souls... I liked that one because it’s how I learned about Creature Feature. Probably should have just picked up Cirque du Freak, eh?)
No matter how morally reprehensible I find some of the content on AO3 to be, I will never fault them for having the tagging system they do. I would much rather see a sign that says, “WARNING: Horrible, awful, no good, very bad stuff ahead” and go somewhere else than see a sign that says, “We don’t allow the horrible, awful, no good etc. content here!” only to be smacked in the face by something I’d rather have not seen.
(Disclaimer: I’m aware that someone could just as easily not tag their shit on AO3 and have the same effect, but fun thing about AO3′s policy: if you don’t put any ratings/warnings on your work, they will automatically put the tags “Not Rated” and/or “Creator chose not to use archive warnings”. So even then, the work could be avoided if a user is, in AO3′s terms, “risk-averse”.)
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