#disco elysium custom skills
cusn0 · 3 months
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decided to make some custom skills for myself, these are psyche ones
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Obsession - finding some fixation that gives you will to live and indulging it at all costs.
Masking - adapt, transform, mimic. Camouflaging weird parts of yourself to be more likable.
Le Rèveur - imagination bordering on maladaptive daydreaming
Moral - empathy based on (in)justice and subconscious analysis of situation
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effen-draws · 1 year
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Some intellect concept paintings for the fourth chapter of the swap fic!! I originally just wanted to do some sketches for a all of swap!Kim's skills (since I've had rough drafts for them for over month now) but I got... very carried away. So yeah you get some paintings instead!
Here's a little doodle I made in between painting:
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pierogi-potwater · 2 months
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Sympathomedullary pathway
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phospadparadscha · 7 months
it’s probably definitely been mentioned before but I do think the Harry being an innocence theory becomes more interesting if we assume that the other innocences in history also had internal voices / skills.
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bruised-n-tired · 1 year
cindy the skull has me considering writing fanfic for the first time in over a year oh lord oh fuck
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couchie · 2 years
Mossie — You wake up from dreams incomprehensible and stagger into the bathroom. You open your eyes finally and stare at your reflection.
Perception (Sight) — What the fuck.
Encyclopedia [Medium: Success] — The sight you see on the mirror is the peak definition of "a rat's nest".
Mossie — Damn. Should I do something about that?
1: Leave it be. There is no hope for it. (-1 Suggestion)
2: (Interfacing [Hard]) Run a comb through that bad bitch.
3: (Savoir Faire [Impossible]) Try and tame that beast with some hair spray or something.
Mossie — Try and tame that beast with some hair spray or something.
Perception (Sight): You rummage through the cabinets. Everything is everywhere, there is some mysterious stuff making the bottles stick to the bottom, and painkillers you were looking for two days ago was apparently in here.
You look through the mess, looking for anything to do with hair, except for shampoo that is. Miraculously, you spot a bottle of mousse.
Savoir Faire [Impossible: Failure]: You put some of it on your hands and try to tackle the bush. It feels sticky on your hands. With a deep breath, you start on your hair.
Once you are finished, it looks... Well, it doesn't look as bad as before, that's for sure. It looks kind of weird, with the roots flat on your head and the rest curled somewhat.
Logic [Medium: Failure]: As you turn to leave, you don't realize that you haven't touched the back of your hair.
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louhinks · 21 days
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Custom Disco Elysium skills for my BG3 Warlock. The flavour text is lyrics from his playlist, if you know them all we will have a spring wedding
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cyclesprefectpress · 7 months
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[image description: photos of The Disco Elysium Tarot, printed letterpress in an edition of one from handset lead type and linoleum blocks. It is a complete 78-card tarot deck printed primarily with white text and illustrations on medium grey cardstock, in a custom dark grey hardcase box with a hand-marbled orange and yellow endsheet. The backs of the deck are decorated with an illustration of a sprig of may bells, and a quote from Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns: "None of this matters at all." The interpretive meaning of each card is expressed on its face with a small excerpt of the game's text. The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits of Harry's Attributes—Motorics, Psyche, Physique, Intellect—and each card in that suit is a quote from a skill under that Attribute. The Major Arcana are assigned quotes from other sources like NPC dialogue or Thought Cabinet problems & solutions. Pips for the Minors are counted with diamonds like the game's skill points; each actor or title is printed with their in-game color, but made shiny & metallic with bronzing powder.
each piece of text was set in handset lead type, assembled from individual pieces for each letter and space, and printed relief on a chandler & price clamshell press. end description.]
🎊🎊 Desert Bus for Hope starts for 2023 on nov. 11th and i have made an item this year for the craftalong that will be up for giveaway between 6am-12pm on Monday the 13th! 🎊🎊 It is a full tarot deck based on Disco Elysium and it has several pieces of my heart & soul in it but NOT my blood because i put a bandaid right on that :) donations for this and any other auctions & giveaways for Desert Bus go to Child's Play Charity.
notes: i did not make a whole new interpretive model for this deck, apologies, that was outside of my scope. it's generally compatible with a Rider-Waite model, with Motorics for Wands, Psyche for Cups, Physique for Swords, and Intellect for Disks. (full distribution of text listed by card, linked below. any spelling or transcription errors you find there, i promise i fixed them in print—that's copied from my digital mockup which was copied hastily from screenshots.)
i also do not track hours on these kinds of projects because that way lies madness, but i will say: i knew how much time it would take to print it. it was a lot but i was not worried about it, i know how to print. i was very worried about how much time it would take to absorb the sheer amount of text, and distribute it across the cards, and really get an array i believe in. i was right to worry, and i have absolutely had a few anxious nightmares about discovering the Perfect excerpt that should've gone in and i missed it, and the suit of Intellect made me want to lay on the floor a few times, but still! i believe there's many versions of a deck you could make from this game and this one is a good one.
i think the Minors fit really well with the double-edged sword of Harry's skills, their advice, their priorities. the circular way the Fool-World assignment works out makes me smile every time. The colors on The Star came out so nice. i think Justice fulfills some of my favorite things about Kim's character & purpose in the story. i worried sometimes that editing to such short clips would lose too much of the politics of the game, but of course you can't really take them out and they're especially present in the Majors—the Devil and the Hierophant, The Star and The Sun. i've wanted to design a tarot deck for years and i love this game deeply and i let this idea percolate for a few months and it never stopped making me laugh so here it is, & given a beautiful purpose :)
i also literally could not have done this without xyrilin's Disco Reader and the FAYDE On-Air Playback Experiment to navigate the dialogue and skill checks. Really couldn’t have tied the whole concept & colophon in its final bow without the Disco Reader :)) thank thank thank, they're so fun to investigate that it was honestly very difficult to focus on my task instead of veering off and exploring every branch in an extremely disorganized way.
actual printing went well honestly, very few problems! i think that means i'm getting pretty good at planning one of these monstrosities, although perhaps it also means i'm not challenging myself enough. hmm. no that's silly there's 78 ding dang cards in this thing. anyway the drop & replace formes worked well, no registration issues. mum convinced me to overprint another half a deck's worth of cards when I was printing backs & borders and of course she was right :/ there were a handful of cards that actually had better line breaks and fewer lines total in true type than in the digital mockup, so i needed all the spares I had to put those new short quotes into the appropriate border breakage. next time i will not question her.
handset in Garamond, Eden Bold, and secret Neuland.
WIP : full text card assignments
bonus photo of the kind of trash notes i always take to plan things like how many borders were printed with space for short excerpts vs long excerpts, and how many of those are majors vs. minors, because they have a slightly different frame at the bottom edge, etc.
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[image description: they are truly garbage notes, i tell you. half of it is written at angles to the other half, many numbers in the math problems are not labeled, mistakes are scribbled over. it gets me there but it doesn't look pretty. end description.]
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makomaki5 · 1 year
If you want some other game recommendations from a huge gamer that is NOT Hogwarts Legacy, I got you bc we do not support antisemitism or transphobia.
Full disclaimer: If your advocacy goes as far as for Trans and Jewish voices to fall on deaf ears about a VIDEOGAME?!? Then, you were never an ally to begin with.
But, as a videogame lover and player, I will make other recommendations for you to play if you really need a good game that will support the rights of other people and is not built on hate!
If you really want a wizard game:
Play Skyrim and Eldan Ring! Those are two great open-world/build your character/magic games that don’t center around magic but have magic nonetheless! They actually have more spells and than this stupid game centered around wizards! Plus, they both have HUGE open worlds that will take (I promise) hundreds of hours to play and explore.
Play the Witcher!!! Although I have not played it, my sister raves left and right about the Witcher 3! It’s a choice-based, super long, world-heavy game that just immerses you in both magic and spells from the get go! Although not a ton of spells, it’s a timeless game and WAY ahead of it’s time.
If you really want a choice based game:
We literally got Cyberpunk a few years ago! It has amazing features for custom characters and fun armor to mix and match. It also has a choice-based storyline and multiple endings based on the choices you make/categories of your personality you update! What’s also so great about this game is it naturally has great representation. I’ve never seen a game that has NPCs have a set sexual orientation and won’t stray from it: if you are a straight man and hit on the lesbian, she will TELL YOU she’s a lesbian. It’s very interesting and also have trans representation and her personality is not just her being trans. It’s compelling. So, play this game!!!
Another set of great choice games is the Life is Strange series! Although not open world, every choice you make impacts the ending/relationships you have with different characters. There is also GREAT LGBTQ+ rep in every game they produce. The first time I played these games, my brain chemistry changed.
The walking dead series is an AMAZING choice-based series with a lot of representation. Although not open world and depressing(lol), it is a super immersive experience and has your heart rip in half for the characters. In the last game, especially, we see a more immursive and creative fighting techniques that just made you binge the game.
Another great game (that isn’t exactly choice but has an interesting way for you to interact with the world based off the way you want to explore) is Disco Elysium. You get to choose how/why/when/where you interact with the world and people. I have literally never played a game like this and my jaw dropped when I started. I could NOT put it down. The clock ticks throughout the day so you need to be careful about what you do with the amount of time you have. EVERY relationship will unravel another part of the mystery going on throughout the game. And, it’s very intense, fun, and full of philosophical shit that just makes you excited. Plus, you can tell it was made with so much dedication and care.
Fallout 4!!!!! This game is super underrated now a days, but is it worth playing! You can customize your character and choose who you side with/who you kill/who you save/who your friend are/what clothes you wear/what weapons you weld. Like, you cannot ask for more out of this game!! And, the world is HUGE and filled with such intricaticay. I cant rave about this game enough.
Persona 5! This is one of the best games I have ever played in my life! Like Disco Elysium, you only have so much time throughout the day to complete tasks and your relationship with peers/the skills you have are gotten from that time. So, if you choose not to hang out with someone or do homework or whatever, you could not max different parts of your personality/combat techniques. Is game is also in part a choice game, where you get to choose which route you want your narrative to be. Super fun! Also, this game has super fun turn-based combat that just leaves you on your toes! It’s super fun and super immersive and super HARD. It will take you a hundred hours to play.
If you want an immersive open-world:
I already named a few up there, but I haven’t mentioned the Horizon series yet, which is just fantastic. Both games have HUGE open worlds and a great amount of representation that just comes so easy to it and feels so natural. It’s not forced or random or anything: it’s right and natural and not a HUGE deal. It also has very immersive worlds with quite a lot to do. Although Horizon Forbidden West only has about 28 hours of the main story, it took me 80 hours to complete it because that’s just how huge the world was. Plus, the lead character, Aloy, has so much depth and interesting tidbits about her that you KNOW the game was created so much love and care. Also, the face expressions are so real and beautiful, it literally brought tears to my EYES
Red Dead Redemption 2 literally has one of the greatest open-worlds of all time and y’all are gonna play that shitty wizard game 😭?? It’s SO intimate and fun. There are times where you’ll be stopped to do a side mission and, if you die, you can’t go back to do it! I can’t say enough about this game because im sure everyone has heard it already but it’s emotional, FILLED TO THE BRIM with character depth, and super goddamn fun.
We all know about Breath of the Wild, but if you haven’t played that yet and are choosing to play Hogwarts Legacy, what are you doing ??
And just other GREAT games:
All the Batman Arkham Series games are INCREDIBLE. They literally were the stepping stones to other great games and was one of the first to introduce such an interesting half-open world concept. They fighting and stealth is ridiculously fun, and I have replayed these games so many times!
The tomb raider games are FANTASTIC. Filled with puzzles, stealth, and fighting, you cannot milk out more from this game. Plus, you okay as the incredible Lara Croft, who is such an interesting character.
The Last of Us?!? Such great representation! And what great character depth! You can see the love that goes into this game and what it means for the people that create it. Although a linear game, it does not necessarily feel that way because of the amount of exploring you are forced to do. This is one of those rare games where crafting does not feel like a chore, but an immersive and anxious experience. Both games are perfect!!!
If I forgot any, repost and add them because yeah! And, if you’re still not convinced to play something else, you aren’t an ally and stop calling yourself one!
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scribblemakes · 1 year
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Here are all the skill paintings I did over the last 10 months! I included close ups of (some) of my favourites from each category. It’s been great practice and I’m excited to have it all done.
(You can get all of them up on Red Bubble (username’s Scribblemakes) and as a collage as well!)
[ID: A 6 by 4 grid showing all 24 skills from Disco Elysium as painted portraits. They’re all custom fan-paintings of them posing on black backgrounds /End ID]
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hymnism · 2 months
release the list
(i feel like i should mention these are all games ive personally played so if any of these make you go "why isn't [GAME] on here it's probably cuz i haven't played it. anyway)
(obligatory mention to hades/disco elysium/omori since they're some of my favorite games but im sure everyone already knows about them. they are lovely games and you should play them 👍)
darkest dungeon ($25) - turn based roguelike where you recruit mercenaries and send them on dungeon explorations and make sure they don't die of stress or starvation alongside the regular monster attacks. notoriously difficult. imagine bloodborne but turn based
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ftl: faster than light ($10)- real time roguelike where you control a small crew and pilot a spaceship on the run from a rebel fleet. manage power and weapons on your own ship while targeting critical systems on the enemy
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loop hero ($15)- a roguelike where your character will automatically walk in a loop while you use cards to add terrain with different effects such as spawning monsters to give you loot or increasing your healing. very unique with a beautiful pixel artstyle and banger soundtrack
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moonlighter ($20)- a roguelike rpg where you go dungeon diving and try to bring back as much loot as you can so that you can sell it in your shop
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shadows of doubt ($20)- early access. a first person sandbox detective simulator where each case is procedurally generated. randomly generates a town with npcs that all have names and addresses and relationships. put together clues from a crime scene and try to catch a killer before they strike again. work odd jobs between cases to keep yourself fed and housed
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ultrakill ($25) fast paced first person shooter with a style system ala devil may cry. you play as a robot fighting through the layers of hell. mankind is dead. blood is fuel. hell is full
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crypt of the necrodancer ($15)- a rhythm based roguelike dungeon crawler where you and your enemies are only allowed to move on beat. banger soundtrack goes without saying
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everhood ($10)- a rhythm based rpg where you play as a red doll who had their arm stolen and is trying to get it back. battles involve moving between 5 lanes to avoid enemy attacks. if you like undertale you'll like this
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spiritfarer ($30)- management and adventure game where you play as a spiritfarer who needs to care for spirits on her boat before leading them into the afterlife. incredibly charming and touching game. you will cry
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let's school ($20)- management sim where you build and manage a school and help students graduate by setting up different courses. addicting and has a very cute artstyle
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let's build a zoo ($20)- management sim where you. well where you build a zoo. a very silly game that includes a morality system where you can choose to be eco friendly and help repopulate endangered species or you can exploit your animals for their meat and produce. also has an animal splicing mechanic. haven't you ever wanted to make a giraffe with a duck head
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the wandering village ($25)- early access. a city builder with the twist that you live on the back of a giant wandering beast named onbu. you help care for onbu as he wanders though different biomes that force you to adjust your resource production as some things become unavailable (such as water in a desert)
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frostpunk ($30) a survival city builder where you build around a central core and try to prevent everyone from freezing to death in progressively colder temperatures
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monster sanctuary ($20)- a metroidvania style creature collector with a unique combo meter that will continue to build and increase your damage based on the number of "hits" you can perform (healing buffs and shields also count as hits) and each monster has different skill trees that you can upgrade and customize
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coral island ($30)- farming life sim with a unique underwater area where you can live and farm and raise aquatic plants and animals. you work to help restore the island after and oil spill ruined the surrounding ocean. i should mention that although this game is technically not in early access it is still unfinished and missing large chunks of gameplay/interactions/story. however there is still a healthy amount of content and is still a fun game as it is
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apico ($20)- a beekeeping sim where you keep bees to make and sell honey while also breeding and releasing them to help restore their numbers in the wild
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spirittea ($20)- a management and life sim where you manage a bathhouse for ghosts and help the townsfolk who think they're haunted (they're right). basically a cross between stardew valley and spirited away
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cloud meadow ($20)- early access. this is a porn game ⚠️ a farming sim where instead of regular animals you have anthro characters and you can breed them either yourself or with each other and have them help in combat or on your farm. very cute artstyle and amazing animation work
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hihi so, i made a custom disco elysium skill set for my oc William and i wrote the church shivers interaction but its him and his own world and lore
update: the Eugene version is out! it has more lore if you're interested
SHIVERS - In an apartment building complex near the borders of Voltarulia, a lone man lays in his bed, seconds earlier he was in a dreamless sleep. The wind rattles the leafs outside. He rolls in his bed and begins to dream.
YOU - ..It feels cold.
YOU - What do you mean?
YOU - How are you speaking to me?
YOU - Why speak to me?
FIGHT OR FLIGHT - Something isn't right. There has to be a reason behind this.
YOU - Why are you speaking to me?
MEMENTO MORI - You know.
YOU - But.. why now? i'm already ashes.
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Disco Elysium players: what have you chosen as signature skills? And why, if you customized. I'm curious :)
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The Emergent Causeway - I’ve been working on a Disco Elysium casefic for the last couple months, taking place in a seaside fishing village in a [made-up] northwest corner of the Revachol ZoC, right on the edge of the Pale.
The setting is a fishing village called Ifrania, near “Les Six Soleils,” an ancient, pre-settlement stone monument that might be the oldest archaeological site in Insulinde. Ifrania-du-roi was once a military resort for the Army of the Suzerain; later, it served as an auxiliary base for the Black and White Army of the Revolution; and then finally, one of the last remaining communard outposts in the years of Coalition occupation. 
And now, it is a remote place where officers Du Bois and Kitsuragi, strangers, both find themselves on leave from the RCM. When a body washes up on shore, suspicion falls on the amnesiac interloper, Harry. But Kim, for some reason, is convinced of his innocence...
Rated M for violence. WITH custom skills and color-coded game interface formatting. Link in reblog :-)
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flownwrong · 9 months
happy wincest wednesday (in advance, i'm actually thinking ahead for once)! I'm all about the crossovers this week: how do you think Sam and Dean's Disco Elysium stats work? They've obviously got a lot of points put in everywhere, what with all the hero stuff, but what do you think are their signature skills? Do they have any unique ones? Thoughts, thoughts <3
happy happy ww, z! thanks for the awesome question <3 (your previous one is still not forgotten btw!)
oh jeez! i can immediately see dean generally tending towards psych/phys, obv, and sam more confident with intellect/motorics (like lol e.g. i think it's more or less canon dean is a somewhat better shot, but that boy does Not know what composure even is, let alone savoir faire)
i do think they're fun custom builds though — sam is defoooo high up on volition scale, to the point it's my closest contender for signature, and suggestion—a deadly, borderline sociopathic combo, when you remember all that composure and rhetoric waiting in the wings. but with that much volition—he has a final say in what he is, always and ever, as demonstrated in swan song, the entirety of s9, the list is endless.
and no one can beat his endurance+pain threshold combo. we saw many try. it's just easier to hit him in a thinner spot (electrochemistry seems to be one. not much care over it, but also not much control. the rubys and lady tonis of the world see it plain as day. it won't make him open up to you, but it will work as a carrot for choice goals.)
dean, i imagine, lives life immersed in a conversation between half-light (isn't it fun to think of moc > demon dean pipeline as his natural half-light predisposition steadily getting maxed-out to the point it cancels out his psyche sensitivity?) and drama (which, in his case more of a genuine mutability + desire for connection and participation than a performative weapon. comes with the ability to see through it in others (ruby anyone?) and i'd go with it for signature.)
i believe all of this is modified by his high empathy turned endless feeling of responsibility, leaving half-light in more of a fear of abandonment+pessimism line of thought position than a deranged aggro position.
i'd also bet he's not bad on shivers (all those long drives in the impala, talking gently to the road!) and very much an esprit de corps guy when it comes to hunting teamwork, while sam is the resident encyclopedia king, not opposed to flexing the authority either.
all of this is just the usual framework where sam is immutable and dean is relatively easy to mold, but not easy to fundamentally change, whatever he might think about his own liabilities and failings, of course.
and a little of those unique skills, as a treat; i know DE fandom loves inventing those, which makes all the sense, we don't all live in harry's head, so.
i'd give dean the one called family business, haha. that would be john's voice in his head when it comes to all that hero responsibility paid for by own desires (it would have a field day with WIAWSNB dean or the pre-s6 family guy dean), hunting community (e.g. the whole bobby deal), taking in companions and friends to that end, occasionally finding himself in a mentor position later on. mostly unpleasant. always loses checks against anything sam-related.
sam, i'd go with boy king, lol. his natural ability to pick up and use supernatural skills that, when maxed out enough to mess with his volition, gave us the beauty of s4, let lucifer get hold of him to the degree he did in s7, and in later years made him suitable for trials and rowena's trust and occasional spellwork, but, from his point of view, is just kind of a nuisance, and a dangerous one at that. imagine what fun it would be to listen in on this tempting voice always suggesting he go back and flex those powers, it would be so easy to just—yeah.
(you said unique skills not cool skills!! unique fuckups are just more fun)
anyways. that's that. thanks again it was so much fun to think about!
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couchie · 1 year
[daily post limit: nope]
navigating my blog:
warning that this blog isnt accessible. i usually post things untagged and most pictures n stuff are undescribed
#funguy🍄 (anything that i post and any post that i add a significant enough amount on reblogs)
#mossarella (thirst reblogging. expect anything)
#the furies (disco elysium skills)
#resources (any post with contents i find useful. would recommend checking that tag out)
#fave (my favorites. they can be art, shitposts, anything)
#fart (short for favorite art. this one is solely for amazing awesome art. not the shitposty kind)
#my skills (tag for the custom disco elysium skillset i made)
#poll thots (me explaining my thought process of my vote in polls- usually in tags)
#tag thots (whenever i reblog smth and go wild in the tags)
#harrys stem (posts where the harry du bois is a system headcanon is fitting. it was supposed to b "harry system" but i did a typo n now its staying like this)
#mossbag (posts that uplift me, are my vibe, or i associate them with me)
#stickman enclosure (go and see urself. awesome things)
#uquiz (quizzes. mostly uquizzes but there might b others thrown in. u never kno)
#dogposting (any post that is centered around animals. usually cute or funny posts)
#text (it's where the post isn't a shitpost/fan art/etc. its for things like character analysis, interpretation, personal opinions etc. when it's not an interaction post as much as story time post. or just straight up literature excerpts)
#fandoms in law (for fandoms im not actually in but someone talked to me so much about it that i might as well be in and am interested in like i am in the fandom)
#orange slices (stories from regular people's lives)
#hellsite (the tumblr brand of cursed posts)
#hall of fame (famous posts that ive seen a million times in screenshots of screenshots in corny instagram meme accounts)
oc tags: #glitter, #sparkle, #shine, #comb, #zae, #glow, #twine, #sting, #mafia glitter, #dew, #soup, #oc tag
some self-explanatory tags: #disco elysium, #harrier du bois, #kim kitsuragi, #kimharry, #pjoverse, #undertale, #puss in boots, #death wolf (from puss in boots), #doki doki literature club
@pretty-thingz-collection (blog for art inspiration) (yeah finally changed the url💀)
@accessible-art (i'm a mod there!! :D)
@mosserie-system (system blog!!!)
@ask-stretch-the-skeleton (exactly as it sounds)
@protector-culture-is (exactly as it sounds. check the pinned post on the blog if u want a more detailed explanation)
@ask-mosserie (an ask blog for us<3)
@wraiths-in-here (blog where i'm this 🤏 close to Losing It For Real This Time)
hashtag about me
here is a post with some blinkies (warning for gifs/flashing lights/eyestrain)
here is a post with silly userboxes (undescribed)
here is a post with userboxes actually about me and not just silly jokes (undescribed)
here is a post with sad and/or possibly triggering (for various reasons) userboxes (undescribed)
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