#dissonance and confusion
emmabee14 · 1 year
if you weren't faced with a complex moral dilemma at your graduation did you really graduate?
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eddienashtonn · 1 year
there’s something so autistic about the riddler as a character. the frustration of having no one really see you, the need to prove yourself smarter and cleverer than all of them to make up for the fact that you could never fit in with them, the compulsive joy of forcing others to play by your rules, the obsession with truth and answers, the comfort of having your own space where you’re in control, the fear of inadequacy, the isolation and loneliness, the need to be acknowledged in your reality to be satisfied but never able to reach that satisfaction.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 165
Danny is rather bemused but honestly with how his life is, this might as well happen. Apparently he has seven more siblings now, and a whole second dysfunctional family. And apparently he, Ellie and Jordan are the babies of the family. So. 
Could Clockwork have mentioned that one of his variants had children before? Maybe, but this gets him out of becoming ghost king at the age of fourteen, which is a baby to the Realms anyway. 
Well, hopefully their new siblings will be fine with them… 
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beaft · 5 months
contacted the GIC yesterday to see where i'm at on the waiting list and was informed it would be approximately another four (4) years before my first appointment with a specialist. i initially got referred way back in 2020, so that's an eight year wait in total - and it'll be another year, possibly two, before i can get any kind of gender-affirming treatment or surgery on the NHS, so let's make it a round decade to be on the safe side. now tell me why every other month some trash newspaper publishes the same fucking scare-mongering article about how gender clinics are dangerous because they're "rushing" people into transitioning "before they're ready"
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fernisfat · 4 months
I’m not usually that phased by rude comments but I do have to say that it was a bit jarring to go to this most recent blog to block them and realize that their entire blog is just adult diaper fetish content? Like I’m not kink shaming but surely they of all people would understand how annoying it is to deal with people being rude about their content?? ��🏻
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kennytakoika · 2 years
Exposing a friend, he was so confused LMAO I DON’T BLAME HIM (not revealing his name but we had this convo at 12-1 am so we were both kinda braindead ngl)
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Okay so I’m a few chapters from finishing The Secret History and genuinely is this the same book I keep seeing on TikTok? Because the chasm between the actual content of the book and the way people seem to talk about it is massive
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sepyana · 28 days
I know if you dropped Juste Belmont in the middle of SCP-3008 he'd be absolutely crushing it. He'd find the exit in like 20 mins and pick up any IKEA furniture he found on his way
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persephoneflouwers · 3 months
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ruminate88 · 5 months
Understanding Cognitive Dissonance 🤔
Basically it’s having “two different opinions” of something or someone. I can openly say I have multiple opinions of my ex, Andrew. The person he showed me especially when I first met him is NOT who he actually seems to be…
The first week of talking to Andrew, he was proposing to me daily. Was saying “I love you so much cutie” and I barely knew his name!!! I had been ghosted almost 6 months prior and I had been numb. Andrew made me “feel” for the first time. He made me feel “overwhelmed” and “crazy”. There was so much fog!!! Who was this young man proposing to me and was he serious?? 🧐
He told me his name and a little bit of his story but I wasn’t truly letting him in because I was protecting my heart. He told me his age and he was so much younger than me. Plus he kept sending me selfies with all his “cows” telling me he lives on a farm and I’m not an animal person so that was a lot for me too lol Eventually because I wasn’t letting him in, he then disappeared for almost 2 weeks!! I didn’t know what happened to him and oddly “I missed him” even though I barely knew him. Then he came back, apologized to me and said “he had bad luck” weird 😳 (I now get it. His bad luck was he couldn’t get control over me!! He had to disappear so I would miss him and be more open next time he came around.)
Andrew FaceTimed me and it was amazingly awkward!!! Soooooo awkward. He’s gorgeous though and his eyes were sparkling sooo beautiful wow!!!! We literally just gazed at each other and he says to me “oh you’re really cute” *heart melted* and I was like “oh so are you” BUT we didn’t like a lot of the same stuff and his face showed it… he made me feel intimidated by his charm and looks. He did NOT appear too shy only a little bit. After our FaceTime call though, he acts soooo shy like he’s a virgin and knows very little about sex. I taught him everything I know!!! (I only knew what he was telling me. I didn’t know him at all!!)
All summer long he was sooo flirty and sending me pics, questioning sex. He would text me “good morning, cutie 😘” almost everyday BUT he wasn’t opened at all to telling me much else about himself (red flag 🚩) I tried to ask him real questions and get to know him but he was pretty much only down to be sexual.
Then my birthday came and he was soooo sweet to me!! I didn’t think he knew when my birthday was but he messaged me saying he hopes I have a great day and saying how sweet and cute he thinks I am (confusing) but never asked me out!! School started back up and he was getting his first apartment. He seemed super busy and like he was blowing me off!! I was torn at what to do. A part of me said “get out now and protect your heart” BUT the other part was like “oh but I think I’m attached and I want to pursue him” After he moved all his stuff into his apartment, a day later he contacts me and says he wants me to come see his apartment 🥴😝😳 I was worried he only wanted to “hook up” and I expressed to him my feelings were real and I needed more than that!!! Andrew said he also wanted the same and we started a relationship but then he disappeared for a week right after that!!!!!!!! It shook me up so bad and made me realize something was very wrong with him. I tried to ignore my gut feelings because He came back to me at the end of the week and apologized and told me “he loves me with all his heart and soul” and that’s super intense!!
Our relationship never got its feet off the ground though till January. The start of 2015 he was super loving, sweet and affectionate. Andrew was being the “perfect boyfriend” I thought I died and went to heaven…. Wow he made me feel so amazing and happy!!! He texted me and snap chatted me all day everyday for weeks and would just treat me like I was his entire world. (It didn’t last)
By v-day I noticed a shift with him and he was cold and distant. Some days it got worse after that and randomly some days I was “babe” again and he would randomly be so affectionate and loving again. The “hot and cold” behavior was a lot for me!!! He was inconsistent with his personality. I never knew if he was going to spend time with me or say “he’s too busy”. I also noticed certain things I did or said would upset him and make him either ignore me or make him frustrated towards me. I walked on eggshells nervous because I only wanted “the affectionate Andrew” to stay 😔🥺🥺🥺❤️‍🩹
Then when I broke up with Andrew in April, it was soooooo confusing. He didn’t even act upset or act like it was a big deal and continued to treat me with “hot and cold” behavior. Some days he would be like “oh we’re broken up I’m moved on” then OTHER DAYS it was, “oh babe I’m sorry for everything you’re so sweet and I still want to talk dirty to you I’m too weak to stay away from you” BUT then started to really gaslight me and tried to distort my reality….
Him being back and forth, hot and cold, up and down, constantly made me confused to who he ever was or what he wanted!!! His words did not match his actions but I was sooo insanely attached to him so I felt it was too difficult to walk away from him. Instead I KEPT TEXTING HIM FIRST but he always responded and engaged with me and HE WOULD BE THE ONE to turn everything sexual.
Since blocking his number, I don’t know what to think of him always or what to believe. My eyes, my heart and my brain all tell me different stories!! What truly kept me away from him all this time is the fact I had crazy anxiety when I was with him and now I don’t have any!!! Coincidence?? I think not!! I couldn’t hardly breathe when I was with him. That’s how I know his atmosphere he brings is very toxic. I still find myself saying “I don’t hate him, I care about him” but I know he broke my heart so much and I feel it deep that he doesn’t care about me ever and would only want me to be in pain. But then I think “am I being too dramatic?????”
SEE??!!!!! My brain still to this day goes back and forth on what to believe and what to think of him. That’s another good reason to just stay away from him. He has to much “mystery” and that scares me!!
”Oh my God, oh my God This feeling's just begun I'm saying things I've never said Doing things I've never done
Oh my God, oh my God When I see you I should run But I'm frozen in motion And my head tells me to stop Tells me to stop
Feeling feelings I feel about us Try to fight it but it's never enough
My heart is certain It's more than a crush 'Cause I'm frozen in motion And my head tells me to stop” 🥺❤️‍🩹
The feelings with Andrew was frozen in motion!! He made me ice cold!! ❄️ I hated myself and the whole world after we broke up. I spent a summer so dark just hearing things and seeing shadows but I was so attached I wouldn’t stop texting him and telling him my feelings!!! I felt like I begged him “for the truth” but I was never going to get it!!!
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dandelion-idk · 7 months
if there's something I find kinda weird of dissonant melody is the somewhat irrelevant agent subplot. Don't get me wrong, I find it pretty interesting, especially the whole metro stuff. But idk, it just feels like filler?? I'm sure nova had stuff planned for what to do with that plot and perhaps make it more united with the main plot, but from how it's rn it's not really noteworthy
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statementlou · 7 months
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pennielane · 9 months
guts so perfectly captures the frenzy that is Being 19
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pussy-ache · 1 year
a woman on instagram messaged me to yell at me for being transphobic, but then she decided to talk to me about my views and found that she agrees with everything i said to her. but then said that it doesn’t matter what we believe because trans women trans identified males are targeted for “being women” (i’m assuming she meant gender non conforming) so that takes precedence over her beliefs
trans activism does nothing but erode female class consciousness and furthers oppression
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rassilon-imprimatur · 2 years
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I’m sorry, but when The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar recreated Ray Cusick’s The Dead Planet Dalek City, turning it into a razor sharp recreation of offbeat claustrophobia + dread + kitschy artifice weaponized and wrought predatory, it was the best the show has ever looked. 
#like the directing isn't even that good but all the classic props being treated as seriously as we're supposed to take the Bronze#and in that city and in those hallways#with the script presenting them at their most Predatory Function Or Force We Only Perceive As Intelligent Evil#The Daleks should be this all the time that's what I'm saying#go even further the faker casings slime and twitch and molt I dunno#The Hartnell and Troughton silver/blues >>> the others.#And 12's confused and misguided glowering asshole crashes into running around in Hartnell's pants and sunglasses with a hangover#Missy looks like that and Clara's outfit is at its most 2010s Protagonist™#the visual dissonance is so aware of itself and the City never stops eating and trying to drown the costumes and vibes#12 is such a frothing contrast of angry newness and being crushed and constrained by being a love letter to the Doctor As A Whole™#and suddenly he seems so small in the solid matter of his enemies' ambition#Missy claiming they're in the middle of a mighty and terrible empire whilst in an abandoned desert and the City is a Gerry Anderson model#of dozens of Daleks#I dunno it's all so aware of itself and the weirdness is the point? The dissonance and offbeat kitsch is the point?#Daleks should look fucking fake that's my point.#Look fake and then the gore when the explode should be soaking. Wetter the better.#Daleks#The Magician's Apprentice#The Witch's Familiar#Doctor Who#Doctor Who series 12#Twelfth Doctor
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biblicalhorror · 1 year
I keep going back and forth on how I feel about Jeff and I think I've landed on finding him ultimately just very boring and not in a good way sorry
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