#do you see what i see
db2k · 15 days
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viviaj · 4 months
sliding into you, moaning how much they missed being inside you. groaning about how much they need their cock inside you.
KUROOOOO, iwaizumi, geto, tsukishima,
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b0ylik3r · 1 month
why was there a proshipper defending r*pe and age gap ships in the zadr tag
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the-simple-creature · 5 months
Headcanon: J's defect.
We know that the mansion drones (V, N and J) had defects, most likely from being "revived". For V it's obvious, her nearsightedness. For N it's harder to see but I think it may be his unnatural strength.
Now we get to J, we haven't seen anything physically abnormal about her, which is why I I don't think anything is "wrong" with her body, no, I think something is "wrong" with her mind.
Ever notice how J needs everything to be perfect? Or how she idolizes the company? How she serves Tessa so adamantly? How she RELISHES in being in control?
I believe J has OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder).
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wanderingmoonflower · 27 days
you ever think about how similar hop and kieran are. like thematically, and their stories. it's almost the same. the main difference is how they let it affect them when they were at their lowest.
hop, while he stewed in it for a while, eventually used it to let him realize that battling wasn't for him, and his care and love for pokemon suited him more to be a professor than anything else (although, i still kind of stand by my opinion that the reveal was a little abrupt. i still love hop with all my heart though)
kieran on the other hand, did a complete 180, he completely broke down and let it get to his head and twist his view of battling. he completely forgot what it was like to have fun while battling (as sort of pointed out by drayton), and instead winning became all in kieran's mind. he didn't figure out what he wanted to do about battling until the end of mochi mayhem (which was real nice, he had a lot of implied time to think about it, and i like the decisions he made)
me personally, i think they're good at making players painfully aware of the main character syndrome they have, and they're good at making you feel like a monster who wants nothing more than to give them a hug and tell them it'll be okay. game freak should keep doing this
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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Do You See What I See 
by @allwaswell16 for @faithinthefutureficfest
Harry may or may not be rescuing stray animals as an excuse to see the very hot local veterinarian.
Or an absurd pet fic inspired by the song She Is Beauty We Are World Class
Teen & Up | 2k | Louis/Harry
[Thank you to @nouies for the perfect gif!]
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kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
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DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? • sabezra parody filk by kazzy! • for sabezra life day week day one • taglist and plaintext under the cut • image id: a notebook page, which features the following song written in cursive, with a fancy sketch of mistletoe at the end
Said the Jedi boy to the Mando girl "Do you see what I see? (do you see what I see?) Right above our heads, mando girl, do you see what I see? (do you see what i see?) that you and I are under the doorframe where the life day mistletoe hangs? (where the life day mistletoe hangs?)" Said the Mando girl to the Jedi boy "Do you know what I know? (Do you know what I know?) an old life day tradition, Jedi boy do you know what I know? (do you know what I know?) tradition states, that means we have to kiss I'm pretty sure you already knew this? (I'm pretty sure you already knew this?)" Then the Mando girl leaned closer to the boy (do you see what I see?) (do you see what I see?) and leaning more towards her, the Jedi boy (do you know what I know?) (do you know what I know?) he met her lips in innocent bliss and shared their first mistletoe kiss (they shared their first mistletoe kiss.) Said the Jedi boy as he pulled away "Do you feel what I feel? (do you feel what I feel?) stirring in your heart, Mando girl, do you feel what I feel? (do you feel what I feel?) a spark, a flame, a start of something new? are you feeling the same way I do? (are you feeling the same way I do?)" Said the Mando girl to the Jedi boy "I think I know what you mean (I think I know what you mean) I think I feel the same, Jedi boy, I understand what you mean (I understand what you mean) I think I like you now a little more, but let's try it one more time to be sure (let's try it one more time to be sure)" ❤⭐💚
taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster @lucasbridger @redroverrider @light-umbra @commander-tech @sabezra-life-day-celebration {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
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thaida-quintus-amat · 1 month
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septic-skele · 1 month
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Okay, either I'm hallucinating or Tumblr is glitching out big time because I keep seeing this faint after image of Sans winking on every page I click to. When I tried to screenshot it and scrolled up and down over the screenshot, it kept moving as I scrolled so I had to take this picture of my monitor to prove to myself it was real asfjsks I think I'm being trolled or haunted
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"I'll become the monster"
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therealadothamilton · 20 days
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Lafayette... ooh lala...
Adrienne was one lucky lady!
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definitely-didnt · 1 year
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blorbo of the month award goes to: DR. HENRY EDGWARE
"HELLO DOCTOR!!! :)))" "For heaven's sake >:((("
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 7 months
Hi! 🩵
I have a short and simple request for you including our favorite super soldier: Bucky!
What is he like during mirror sex? He can be the one receiving the pleasure or giving - or both, depending on your mood 😉
This thought has been in my head for a while, and since I adore all of your writing, I’m curious to see where you’re going to take this idea!
Thanks in advance 🖤
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Thank you so much for this request sweetie! I was so excited to write something for you! Hope everyone enjoys it!
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swissmissing · 2 months
Doing genealogy, I came across some distant cousins:
Randall Rimmer and his brothers Rodney Rimmer and Richard Rimmer.
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yesnoidkiguess · 1 year
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i don’t know if anyone have said it yet but if we talking about latin james: Sebastian Chacon
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lilbeanz · 2 years
Hear me out, hear me out!!
Fabien Frankel as fancast Harry Potter:
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