#doodled between studies
nedeii · 3 months
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mimirjoo · 3 months
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he can finally read the memes on akari’s phone
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sanderscat · 1 year
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beskarfrog · 9 months
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littlecello · 4 months
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callilemon · 1 month
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This tiktok meme has been living rent-free in my head since I saw it. so, ofc I had to draw them 😭😂 (the fact I have like 10 more frames of this lmaooo)
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the-bitter-ocean · 1 month
ISAT AND REVUE STARLIGHT FANS COME GET YALL FOODDD!!! (Reference photos under the cut, major spoilers to the revue starlight movie)
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humbuns · 1 year
i crave idia shroud in his ghost marriage outfit
por favor 🤲🏽
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i never got the chance to play this event but they really popped off with their outfits so ojala lo hice bien :']
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persnickety-doodles · 2 years
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This was an idea I had marinating in the brain for a few weeks now, and I finally figured out how I wanted to draw it.
So uh, here’s a really rough wip 🥲
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emelinstriker · 3 months
mmmnnother idea too
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nedeii · 3 months
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chatonlaveur · 5 months
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POV, your imaginary friend is real and he wants to eat fish fingers and custard with you
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albino-whumpee · 1 year
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Excuse my shitty handwriting, the pen is heavy. Anyways, finally finished this set of drawings about my headcanons for traveler cause I’m a little obsessed with this stupid Gatcha.
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horiizonsstuff · 8 months
omg my lookism post got 48 notes thanks beshies <3 now uhhhhh i can explain
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i made gungoo kids one day instead of studying for tfn (theory for nursing) >:(
hopefully ill do more content with them soon 😬
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kinloch-warden · 1 year
I've been having a lot of thoughts about magic in Dragon Age:
So mages in Dragon Age seem to have spell books right? Merrill mentions that Anders has a grimoire, Flemeth has one, the mage enemies in Inquisition have them, etc. So it stands to assume that most mages have them (maybe not lifelong apostates like the Hawkes but circle mages for sure, right?)
I think these spell books are a compendium of instructions for many spells that mages CAN learn and cast, not just the ones they already know how to cast.
Like in world leveling up would just equate a mage getting time to memorize new spells so that they could cast them without needing to look at the book (aka the instructions).
I think mages can cast most spells if they have their spell book with the instructions for the casting of the spell available. Obviously some people are going to struggle with certain schools of magic even if they have instructions for it (my warden is hopeless at casting entropy spells).
And then they have a core set of spells that they know well enough that they can cast quickly and easily in things like combat or emergencies (aka the spells on they have on their hot bar from leveling up).
So mage spell books are basically their vast collection of notes from years of apprenticeship and further study as an enchanter (for circle mages) or notes on spell casting that they've figured out themselves or learned from others (for apostates and such).
I also like to imagine that spells aren't as rigid as they are in, say, d&d. Mages can essentially twist reality to their will, which I feel lends a lot of mutability to the magic use. So while there is a template for certain spells in books, everyone is going to cast the spell a little different and each casting will probably be different based on what the mage wants the spell to do.
Like how DA2's cone of cold is a wide swath of ice spikes to impale enemies vs DAO's cone of cold being a concentrated and controlled blast that freezes enemies solid. I think mages can do both of these and more depending on what they want the spell to do/ what they need it for in the moment.
So compared to d&d where a spell like fireball is always going to have a 150 ft range, 20ft radius, do 8d6 damage etc. things are a lot looser. Mages draw on the mutability of the fade and bring it into the real world to cast spells, so it makes sense that spells are inherently mutable.
So the best mages are more like sculptors rather than rules lawyers :3
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lovebirdgames · 5 days
DnD/Fantasy AU! What would the boys' races be? (Cadence would be human)
Sorry for the wait! I’M GLAD YOU ASKED because I’ve been meaning to draw this forever since I’ve been obsessed with Baldur’s Gate 3 (it basically makes up my DnD knowledge)! I had their race/classes jotted down in my notes for months. Here’s what I came up with, hope you like it!
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