#eleventh doctor
olympain · 2 days
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Let me save you!
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The Eleventh Doctor is an interesting example of an autistic coded character because he's simultaneously incredibly low masking and incredibly high masking. He doesn't try to hide that he's different in fact he embraces it. However, he's also incredibly repressed in other ways. He only wants to be seen as strange in the most palatable likeable manic pixie dream boy way possible. He is desperate to hide not only his flaws, but also his age which isn't even a flaw but alienates him from people in ways his particular brand of quirky doesn't to the same extent.
There's a fascinating scene in Amy's Choice where the dream lord, who represents his repressed insecurities, insults The Doctor, not for his moral failings like he does in the rest of the episode, but for having weird hair and clothes. Deep down Eleven is on some level insecure about not fitting in, but wants to pretend he isn't. In A Christmas Carol, he tells young Kazran that the reason bowties are cool is because he doesn't care that they aren't cool. This is Eleven trying to live up to ideal of The Doctor, someone who is always being himself and embraces his weirdness. This is an admirable ideal, but The Doctor as a person does not always live up to the ideal of The Doctor.
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Guys I think he likes chess
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utenthy · 3 days
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he is responsible of 1,000,001,000,003,214,064,242 deaths
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:3c sends you an ask for a post about 11 and gender
first of all: look at 11 enjoying being in amy's body
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the only clothing he changes is putting on a dress shirt and bowtie over top her normal shirt. rest of the outfit is unchanged.
Next: i can't skim over in his regeneration when his first thought was "i'm a girl? no!" and will acknowledge it as another facet of classic moffat sexism and in universe choose to believe the reaction was just from his. whole brain exploding from the regeneration.
otherwise: i think 11 likes to flirt with his gender. presenting as a man is a performance for him. he's amy's Raggedy Man, Madman In A Box. he likes his dress shirts and bowties and tweed. the doctor, in general, will adopt whatever gender you see them as. (for example, 13 adopts being a woman because. her companions told her she's a woman. that's it that's the whole reason she identifies as a woman)
he's a big fan of being flamboyant, she finds being seen as a woman fun and liberating and cool, just doesn't like, get the opportunity to be seen as one that often. in the second panel she's too busy being caught up in the euphoria of being a woman to keep on task.
conclusion: 11's gender (and the doctor's gender in general) is "whatever you think i am at this moment", and 11 really enjoys getting to try on different genders.
(of course the comic i'm referencing is using very cisnormative assumptions of sex = gender, because god forbid we have nice things, though they don't actually change any pronouns. even if the doctor declares she's a woman now.)
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behavior-card-top · 6 hours
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ok-trouble-no · 2 days
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hachinanakomatsu · 3 days
"Why is Matt Smith your favorite Doctor?" He's a silly guy and my wife.
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camcorderrevival · 3 days
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Swear to me. Swear to me on something that matters. Fish fingers and custard. My life in your hands, Amelia Pond.
December, Michael Miller
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caseynovaksecretgf · 20 hours
this makes me think that if the doctor were white yk if they were 11 - 12- 9- 10 even if they were 13 because at least she is white, all those racist rich kids would have accepted being saved by the doctor, without questioning anything, is the tardis bigger inside? I believe you white man.
like it makes me so sad that this is such a real episode even with slugs who are not the real monsters of this episode, the humans once again are the monsters.
because i know is obvious they all being racist but let`s think and what the doctor is thinking right now.
"maybe if i look like my counterparts i could have save them all"
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boywhoswaiting · 2 days
The beauty and nostalgia of Doctor Who from my childhood
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Ticking Love Bomb (Part Eight) || Eleventh Doctor × gn! Reader
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
Taglist: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @solitairemvp @idontevenknowwth @this-is-me-lolol @rokosbasalisk @solarbxby @thestrals-and-firewiskey @followingthefanfiction @stevenknightmarc @ahkmenrami @yellowsubiesdance @toobusymakingmyownreality @crowleythesexydemon
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Summary: Your adventure with the Doctor and the Ponds takes a harsh turn when it seems you're targeted with a potion. A love potion, specifically the type where you fall in love with whoever's eyes you met first after "drinking" it. But what if you're already in love with him?
TWS: aliens, space, references of guns, smoke, unrequited love (but not really), self sacrificial attitudes, and purely oblivious people. Also, just a touch of angst (typical of a love confession).
[[A/N: so sorry about the wait, and I finally fixed the taglist!!! My bad for those who asked to be tagged and haven't been. Thanks for reading :)))]]
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Before you could even blink, you hear the hiss of a needle prick your skin. It felt a little like heat travelling through your veins, passing through your limbs. Everything tingled for a moment before succumbing to a sort of numbness you'd kind of known by now.
Your legs were weak, or whatever they injected you with (again) was making your limbs heavy -the guiding force of the creature was the only thing that kept you standing.
In the back of your head, you could see the blur of grey passing your eyes. It was reminiscent of the walls from before, but you couldn't really see them. Not fully.
Your brain was still so fuzzy, almost in the same way with the roses, you couldn't quite notice anything around you. All you felt where the creature's hands on your shoulders, pushing you forward as your feet stumbled to match his pace.
Was he even walking? You weren't entirely sure he had feet.
"Y/N!" a voice interrupted your haze, Amy, you suddenly recognized, "-thank god, you're alive."
You slurred just a little, trying to look at her -everything was so blurry, "Amy...?"
"Are you okay?" she suddenly questioned, and you saw a blur of red beside you, "-Y/N, are you-"
"Stay away from the hostage," the creature's voice rang out through the air, "-Headmistress only requested this one."
"Hey, no," she sounded more distant -farther away, "-Rory, let me go-"
Then it all faded to quiet, the only noise being the lowest sort of rumble of the ship. It almost sounded mechanical, like maybe the engine, or some of its inner workings. You didn't really know that much about spaceships at all, other than what the Doctor had described to you. But at their core they had to be similar to a car right? They had an engine-
You almost relaxed into the noise, it was almost calming, when everything was so blurry and uncertain. You suppose that's why you immediately heard the opening of a door.
It was similar to when they opened the door that let the Doctor, Amy, and Rory out. A slow sort of hiss almost. In your delirious state, you couldn't tell if it was degrading on your ears -everything sounded so stuffy.
"Ah, here are our guests," a voice chimed, nearly melodic (you recognized it to be the voice over the intercom system). You felt a little like you were floating, as you tried languidly blinking to clear your surroundings -the Doctor was here.
Head swimming, your eyes smoothed across the room -hitching briefly on a woman with high hair and a pleasant sort of blue skin. Somehow, in your delirious mind, you saw her as pretty. Blinking, you moved further and caught the green you'd been looking for. (Even then, something in you relaxed.)
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor-
His eyes flicked up and down you a few times, taking you in -eyes holding on to the cuffs where you could see the cusps of a bruise forming underneath them (if you focused enough). Without a breath, the creature aimed the needle at your skin again -your tongue felt like cotton in your mouth.
Something in his jaw tightened.
"Doctor, don't hesitate to greet them on my behalf," she continued, rather casually, "-This is General Kilape of our fleet, I do hope the two of you get along, and well... you're much familiar with the human, aren't you?"
Doctor didn't respond to her, instead turning back to face her accusingly, "Why have you brought them into this? Is this not about me?"
"It is," the woman (who you still had no name for) clarified, "-Doctor, haven't you ever heard of something called collateral?"
His lips flattened into a straight line -sharp and deadly.
"What? Do you believe that I would just trust you?" She hummed, laughing, "-Doctor don't be silly, having them gives you two options-"
You blearily blinked, eyes detailing the stitching of his jacket and the hair at the nape of his neck. You kind of wanted the jacket, it probably smelt really good -like him. You wanted to smell like him-
"One," she echoed, eyes pointedly glaring at the doctor -before motioning for the creature (Kilape) to push you forward. Your head spun, and you felt the drag of green eyes on you -watching as everything on your body seemed to sink (it was all so heavy), "-you refuse our offer, and we kill them-"
"You wouldn't dare," he snapped back -eyes cold and something hardening in them that you had seen maybe once or twice before.
"-and use your grief, angry grief as the legends go, to our betterment, or two-"
Your eyes were getting so heavy.
She barely took a pause, "-you cooperate, and they are returned to your loving embrace. Truly, how inspiring."
The Doctor didn't say anything then, maybe deciding exactly what he wanted to. His eyes kept flicking to you, and the slight lull of your head -the way Kilape was holding you forward made your whole body feel limp. His lips fell into a frown, something softer passing through his eyes.
He loves me. It was still so hard to believe.
"Okay," his voice was quieter, less forceful, "-okay. Just give them to me, give them to me safely and I'll... I'll do as you wish."
"Wow," she tsked, tapping her fingers along her desk, "-the great Doctor, at the will of a human. You always were weak to your companions, weren't you?"
The Doctor's mouth flattened into a thin line.
"A fickle thing like love bringing him to his knees," she continued, carefully and you saw the Doctor stiffen -it made something in your stomach swirl (don't be upset, I love you, don't be upset), "-So disappointing."
You were barely awake, but you knew something was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You weren't worth the universe, but the words were stuck in your throat. It was pounding in your head, the fate of it all, and he wanted to save you.
Before you could even focus on her words, you were thrown to the ground. Cold metal stinging against your skin, you think you hit your head. It made your head rattle a little, but still somehow made you a little more aware. Pushing yourself up on your forearms, your eyes skimming along the room -almost searching.
Hearing a gentle buzz, you felt the cuffs snap off your wrists.
Hands guiding you up, you felt warmth and that familiar fuzz of books flickering through your nose. Just as he sat you up, one hand on your shoulder and the other framing your face, you blinked at him slowly. Eyes flicking along his face, taking him in, you could do that now. He loved you, and you loved him. Wow-
Before you could say anything, he pulled you to his chest and stood -your knees wobbled in place but he neatly held you up. How long did this thing last?
"They stay with me," he spoke, icy, "-If any of you touch them, or my other companions for that matter, you are most certain to see the wrath that you are so desperate to. Understood?"
The woman was unmoved, "As long as you cooperate, Timelord, no issues will arise."
You were slowly starting to blink away the fuzz in your brain -your surroundings becoming clearer and voices less stuffy. You could feel the ground beneath your feet, and the strange sort of warmth of his body against yours (alien, right). Words were on the cusp of your tongue, rejection (you can't do this, not for just me).
"I will call on you again, Doctor," she hummed (you still didn't know her name, actually), and motioned for Kilape to guide the two of you out of the room.
He dutifully did so.
The Doctor was moving you gently, carefully, like perhaps you would break. Your mind was clearing up substantially at this point, but your body hadn't had the same effect. Your legs still felt weak, and you could only really feel the scratch of his coat against your skin -it grounded you, just like the mechanical hum had done before.
"Doctor?" You questioned, tone more sturdy -less slurred.
He didn't say anything, neatly pulling you onto a bench. Or a chair, it was actually kind of weird. You weren't sure what-
The Doctor threw the thoughts out of your head, gently grabbing your wrists -bruises now on full display. His fingertips were careful and eyes tediously examining every inch; they fanned over the bruise, but not enough to hurt. Just a gentle sort of brush. (It made your heart stutter in your chest.)
"Does it hurt?" He asked, tone quiet and gentle but something a little with an edge deep under it all (maybe because you were hurt).
You pursed your lips, responding slowly, "Only when you put pressure on it. Like... Like normal bruises."
He hummed, looking over it carefully before his eyes flicked back to yours as if he was trying to judge if you were lying. He probably could, if you were. His green eyes dipped along your features (softening slightly) -examining, a little like you were a fascinating rock and a little like you might be the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
Something in your stomach swirled. God, he loves me.
"And the injections?" The Doctor quickly continued, trying to scan your skin, "-Where were they?"
"Uh, in my neck," you answered -obediently, "-somewhere close to the hinge of my jaw, I think."
He frowned a little, fingertips gently caressing your jaw -ever so careful, "Look up for me, yes?"
Your brain felt a little like it was on autopilot, but you did as asked. The Doctor seemed to pause for a moment, before gently moving your head slightly to the left -you mindlessly felt a sting, assumedly where the needles had been pressed into your skin.
His other hand moved to smooth along your skin -fingers trailing to the edge of the wound. You could feel it now, like maybe you just hadn't thought about it enough to realize it existed.
"Looks alright," he commented, before pulling your face back down to match his, "-I'd much prefer better than alright, but I suppose we're not really in a place for that, are we?"
You laughed a little, still a little dizzy from the casual closeness -especially now that you knew he loved you. God, he loves you.
"Not really," you replied, smiling just a little.
The Doctor's eyes twinkled in that familiar sort of way then, lips turning up into a grin -the kind that made your head spin. Your eyes naturally flickered along his face -just absorbing him for a spare moment.
It was almost like there wasn't any danger, like he wasn't choosing you over-
"Doctor," you spoke -suddenly more serious, "-what are you doing?"
"Well," he paused, rolling the thought around in his head -a little cheerfully, "-I'm always doing lots of things, you know that, my dearest Y/N. But, for the sake of clarity, what are we talking about in particular?"
"Doctor, I'm not..." you waited a moment, eyes falling all over his face (love, love, love), "-You're supposed to save the world. Not... not just me."
His lips fell into a frown.
"Doctor, all of this," you motioned, and maybe your eyes were burning a little bit, "-you need to stop it. It's people you're talking about, tons of people, and I'm just... I'm just me-"
"Stop, stop saying that," he interrupted you, gently bringing a hand to cradle your face -guide your eyes to his, "-'just you'? You are so much more than... than just, Y/N."
His words faltered off, and one of his hands curled a trail behind your hair -green eyes focused on you so gently that you felt a little like you might've swayed in place if you were standing.
"Human beings are extraordinary," the Doctor continued then, looking at you a little like you were something very precious, "-what you overcome, your passions, your flaws, your dreams, your hopes, and your feelings-"
You bit at your lip, eyes a little foggy.
"Humanity is quite the feat, believe me, but you? My darling Y/N-" his thumb gently brushing along your cheekbone, "-you're... you. One of kind that I'm so grateful to know in all my years-"
"Doctor," you tried to object, "-I believe you, I do. But you can't just give up."
The Doctor's eyes brushed along you.
"Those people, I don't know if you could call them people I guess," you continued, "-they're worth so much more. They're all one of a kind."
His lips pulled into a frown, but he didn't speak.
"You save people," you repeated, braving a hand forward on his face, "-don't be a prick and choose favorites."
He laughed a little then, and you realized it was a little wet -teary. It was quiet then for a moment, like he was trying to work up what he wanted to say.
"I can't lose you."
You pressed your lips together, trying to smile lightly and fight back tears. You couldn't do this if you cried, you couldn't leave him. He leaned into your hand then, connecting his own around your wrist.
You whispered out, smiling bittersweetly, "And I can't let you do this."
He frowned again.
"So, do it," you hummed, combing back his hair gently, "-save them. Even if it puts me in danger-"
"Y/N, I can't-"
"You don't have a choice," you stressed, "-I know you think you are that legend but you're not anymore. You save them, you always save them."
"What about you?" He questioned, "-Am I not supposed to save you?"
You smiled then, light and airy, ignoring the tears smoothing down your cheeks.
"Oh, Doctor," you let out a laugh, "-you already have."
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causalityparadoxes · 21 hours
Re: Dot and Bubble originally being a 11 & Amy episode. I'm convinced Ricky was originally intended to be the 11th Doctor
All his mannerisms and even dialogue feels so 11. The whole "mummies and daddies coming down" bit and lying to Lindy especially, was straight out of an 11 episode.
I wonder how the plot would have gone differently, considering 11 obviously wouldn't have died (and would've been inside finetime) but it might have not initially been a doctor lite episode anyway. The whole episode likely changed a lot from the original 11 & Amy concept.
I swear tho, thats literally the ghost of 11 right there.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 days
you know what makes me sooo ill. the fact that eleven sees amy before he regenerates. full on hallucinates her, reaches out for her, calls her name. clara is standing right there, and all he can see is amelia pond. literally drives me insane, clara thought she knew him so well, thought the doctor was hers, in a way, and there's someone else seared onto his hearts who knew him first. and in a few minutes, the first person twelve lays eyes on is going to be clara.
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