#clara oswald
tonsillessscum · 2 days
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bowtiesarecool11 · 3 days
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S08 E11: Dark Water
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audhd-nightwing · 18 hours
okay doing this again
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skeleton-squid-boy · 16 hours
ever think about twelve being so sick of losing people, especially losing people because of their belief in him as a hero, like amy. so he strips off that mask and shows how cold and calculating he is willing to be with lives and he chooses a face that shows his age and stops hiding his danger behind a charming smile or a bow tie. he does it as a kindness, so Clara knows what she's getting into. and she does. and she gets into it anyway. and it makes him even more desperate not to lose her. so he breaks all of his own rules, everything he stood for because just once he didn't want to have to lose someone. he went to the end of space and time the long way round, he beat death and he betrayed the home he spent his life searching for to try save her. for once he chose what he wanted, her, over the universe.
and after all that, all he managed to do was make it so she lost him instead.
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non-man049 · 20 hours
If post-12 Doctors stumbled onto a Clara splinter:
13: Social awkwardness raised to 11. In typical fashion she avoids answering any questions so the fam just assumes she is having a gay panic.
14: Can talk to her but when she leaves he gets visibly very moody without saying a word so Rose comforts him. When they get back to home he tells her about Clara while having a cup of tea.
15: Has a blast talking to her, chemistry is off the charts. He answers any of Ruby's questions with a very nostalgic smile on his face, although he chooses his words very carefully to not have to explain some of the very questionable things he did back then.
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dykepaldi · 1 day
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y’all know about this?????????
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vivalechat · 16 hours
Doctor Who is even more tragic when you realize that time is happening all at once, all the time, everywhere—meaning The Doctor is, at all times, experiencing some sort of loss.
There is a version of him always losing Rose, always watching his planet burn; always hurting, always alone.
It’s a loop of infinite suffering that is inescapable
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Oh don’t mind me, just thinking about 12 and how even if he can’t remember Clara, all that he learned from their volatile, combative dynamic is reflected and contrasted in the gentle encouragement and deference he showed Bill.
Like just thinking about how The Doctor never yells at Bill or presumes superiority over her (not with any earnest anyway). Compared to he and Clara who were like cats and dogs and almost competing with each other.
It’s fascinating how two companions can bring out two such different sides of the same Doctor, and how you can see his growth as a character across the two relationships.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 days
I'm getting Clara Splinter vibes from Susan Twist. Only she's probably going to be Evil Incarnate.
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leostimstuff · 11 hours
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A tweleveclara stimboard themed around the scene of 12 helping Clara fly the tardis, with hand holding and orange stims for anon!! (I’m so sorry requests r taking so long guys I am working on them I prommy)
🌟 🧡 ☀️ | 🌟 🧡 ☀️ | 🌟 🧡 ☀️
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jupitermelichios · 2 days
I've been thinking about the vibes of Dr Who as a show and also the fact that it's run for so long under so many different creative teams and has changed massively multiple times, and the ways that complicates analysing and reviewing it.
Which resulted in me asking myself: were the expectations and mental image of the show i had prior to watching it accurate to the the first arc/season/episodes I actually watched, especially in terms of tone, vibes, and what it felt like the show was trying to do. And also, how much does the answer to that question depend on where you start?
And since this is tumblr, i immediately decided to make a poll about it!
(i've gone new who only - and then lumped some doctors together by show runner as well - just because of the poll options limit and the age demographics on tumblr, but if you started on old who feel free to sound off in the comments, I'd love to hear your answers!)
For anyone who isn't sure what number their first doctor was, the actors are as follows:
9 - Christopher Eccleston
10 - David Tennant
11 - Matt Smith
12 - Peter Capaldi
13 - Jodi Whittaker
14 - Nchuti Gatwa
If you feel like giving me more details in the comments/tags/reblogs that would be great! And if you're interesting in the results, don't forget to reblog so the poll reaches a wider sample of people 🙂
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spookylecter · 10 hours
For purely scientific reasons (I'm writing a fanfic), what nicknames/pet names do you think the Doctor and Clara would use with each other?
(I mean, do they even use pet names with each other? I'm not entirely convinced, not when twelve is concerned at least, even with all the evidence to the contrary)
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claraoswalds · 6 months
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Oh, is that who I am now? Well, it was never that far from the surface, mate.
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fedzzzart · 9 months
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aaaaaah looking at them all together is so satisfying!! and i’m so proud of actually finishing this🥰
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londonclubofsherwood · 6 months
Twelfth doctor era of doctor who was incredible because it was basically just:
Clara: I can fix him (makes him worse)
Missy: I can make him worse (accidentally fixes him)
Bill: Well, I'm a lesbian and I'm going to be his friend :)
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