#new who
fanonical · 3 days
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people on this website are unbelievably misinformed.
ok repeat after me. Disney does not own Doctor Who. Disney did not buy Doctor Who. Disney has, at the moment (June 2024), some international distribution rights for Doctor Who. this means that in some territories (notably the United States) Doctor Who is being simultaneously released on Disney+ at the same time as on BBC iPlayer. that’s it!!! It does not mean everything in the show had to be approved by Disney. It does not mean that Disney has any kind of creative control over Doctor Who (and i seriously doubt they do).
you may realise that a lot of non-disney properties also release on Disney+ (especially outside of the country they were made in!). before this distribution rights deal, Doctor Who fans in the US would have to either pirate new episodes, wait for the home releases or hope that the new episodes would eventually come to whatever streaming service they are subscribed to. now there is a dedicated official way for the yank fans to watch new episodes (as they release, but on Disney+). that’s literally it! any problem you have with new episodes of Doctor Who, you have to have it with the BBC/the writers, you can’t blame Disney. i hate Disney as much as the rest of you but at least be accurate in your criticisms for christs sake. they are not changing things to be less (OR MORE) gay because of “Disney money”. good heavens
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playa-pariah · 2 days
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roll for insight
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humanstein · 1 day
Be careful where you step.
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It has to mean something.
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Doctor Who text posts: Missy edition – pt. 4
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doctorwhogirlie · 1 day
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Doctor Who - The Impossible Planet
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willowandlily · 2 days
They will not leave my brain!!!
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SPACEWIVES! Feeding us wonderful little crumbs but that is all we need. First post here btw, am a new fan to doctor who but obsessed with non-canon sapphic ships and this one. Anyways was gonna add yaz but ran out of motivation and don’t they look cute as is? :)
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rose-tyier · 2 days
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. ᴏᴜᴜ, ʀɪɢʜᴛ, ʀɪɢʜᴛ…
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oreo102 · 1 day
Not really an ask but a mutual complaint. I don't get why because 14 settled down and 15 is "healed" that we're supposed to be OK that they got to find love and happiness easily but 13 didn't.
We’re supposed to be okay with it because no one likes 13. The majority of the fandom either won’t give her a chance because of bad faith criticism or are the ones making it. I had someone tell me before I even started watching her, after I mentioned that if I were to watch Dr who, it’d be her, tell me that I wouldn’t like her because the writing was atrocious(it’s not).
13 can’t even have a relationship with the woman who she said she wants to spend eternity with (or smth of the like in legend of the sea devil), can’t kiss, can’t hold hands, can’t even hug! Yaz and 13 hug a single time unless I’m remembering wrong, which is as likely as it isn’t with how much I’ve watched her era.
But 14 gets to settle down with Donna and her family. He gets to have a tardis and his old bestie from like 1000 years ago, he gets to heal. He gets what everyone and their mom wanted 10 to get. He gets a happy ending.
And 15 gets to mention his trauma in a light tone, he doesn’t have the crushing weight of guilt every other doctor had, no, he’s healed! He gets to go on silly little adventures with his best friend who is actually super mysterious and that’s a totally good thing to hold up like a treat to a fucking mutt. They get to hug! 3 times in one episode. I remember that specifically because every time it happened I felt a pang of annoyance and pettiness.
This isn’t to say I don’t like 15. I really do like him, he’s fun and he’s really the only reason I’d continue watching the newest season. I just- can’t juggle my love and loyalty to 13(srsly I’ve had to stop myself from starting fights multiple times in the last 24 hours) with seeing him get what she never did.
I understand why they brought David tenant back. He is a great ways to get views, the majority of people really love him and I know at least my mom watched she specials especially to see him, my friend started watching Dr who bc they love him. I just wish they would’ve given 13 a happier ending. I wish they would MENTION yaz. Even if not by name. It’d be easy- really it would, have them spend some time in the tardis- have Ruby touch something and 15 be like “no touching- only one human is allowed to fly her” or smth like that (idc if that’s wrong. I don’t. Don’t comment telling me if this is wrong.)
We’re supposed to be fine with 13’s ending be bittersweet, when the doctor after her gets an almost too perfect happy ending, and 15 gets to be healed from his trauma (not how trauma works) because they don’t care. They don’t care about 13, they don’t care about yaz, they don’t care about thasmin fans, they don’t care about fans they got with her, they just don’t care. And that’s- fine. But I won’t watch his series
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gallifreyanhotfive · 2 days
Derek Jacobi as the Doctor's android husband when??
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de4thart · 2 days
This new episode overwhelmed me so much I can't develop coherent theories.
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somethingbrightly · 2 months
the problem with watching doctor who as a child is that a small part of your brain can never completely give up the idea that the doctor exists. if i saw a blue police box materialize out of thin air i would not be anywhere near surprised enough.
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robiniswriting · 6 months
david tennant, matt smith, and jodie whittaker: if doctor who calls me and im available I am so there
me: omg yes slay I love that for you
christopher eccleston and peter capaldi: there’s nothing on god’s green earth that makes me want to reprise the role of the doctor on television
me: omg yes slay I love that for you
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 7 months
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This is my pièce de résistance. I've peaked.
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doverstar · 28 days
there's such a massive history with doctor who and it hit me lately that the sensation of seeing that the companions and doctors you watched in real-time have become the past is a sensation every fan has felt for 60 years. at some point people missed jon pertwee and could remember watching him recently, even though tom baker was on tv as the doctor now and they liked him too. and nowadays we miss rose tyler and martha jones and amy pond and clara oswald and donna noble and tennant and smith and capaldi like those people missed baker when davison took the stage. like people missed ace and wondered if the show would ever come back, and then got excited and still felt it wasn't quite the same when eccleston was announced. like. it feels so recent, like just yesterday rose saw the tardis for the first time, but that was twenty years ago. feels like the doctor just made the speech in 'the rings of akhaten' and that was a decade ago. clara is gone, amy is gone. peter capaldi went from gray to white. and the show is going on and children will think of ncuti gatwa and millie gibson and huge white tardis corridors when they think of doctor who in the future. to them, david tennant is already what tom baker is to us. this story has a huge legacy. when you're watching doctor who, it ironically begins to feel like you're making history just by watching it.
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l3sbianomens · 4 months
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What can I say, sometimes inspiration strikes and I have to answer the call.
Edit: yes, I did do it chronologically on purpose! And the ordering would be different if I ordered it based on my personal feelings of gender envy LMAO
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