#dr. doom
bebx · 20 days
Reed was literally the human equivalent of that sad hamster meme here I need to squeeze him
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steveepting · 3 months
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spaceshiprocket · 9 months
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Dr. Doom by Bill Sienkiewicz
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soranatus · 1 year
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Doctor Doom & The Scarlet Witch By Raza Shahid
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gavillain · 11 months
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estobrotvpodcast · 8 months
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badguysgalore · 26 days
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This isn't about who's more powerful, who's more evil, who's more complex, who's got the better goals, or who's got the better powers. This is about who is more iconic or memorable. Every villain from Marvel is great in their own right, but these two are clearly at the top of the villain food chain. Other villains may be more powerful, more complex, or more relatable, but Magneto is the villain you could see yourself rooting for, and Doom has proven just how good he is at "pulling the strings," at least when his enormous ego doesn't get in the way. So what say you? Who is Marvel's ultimate villain?
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Jack and His Extraordinary Circle of Friends
Over the course of several years, Jack has made many friends who are all billionaires, including the likes of
Among them are the enigmatic Lex Luthor, King T'challa, the brilliant but sinister Dr. Doom, the elastic genius Mr. Fantastic, the charismatic Tony Stark, the cunning Norman Osborn, the Prince of Gotham, Bruce Wayne, and Oliver Queen.
Jack, being his irrepressible self, has unwittingly brought misfortune upon each of them, driving them to the brink of murderous anger. They share a special friendship. Instead of killing him outright, they preferred to beat him mercilessly until they had exhausted all their frustrations of all these years and all their misfortunes. It's a testament to Jack's uncanny tenacity, like a character from the Looney Toon cartoon.
Lex: It's like punching Superman, but he's not an alien!"
Tony: No, he is almost as durable as the Hulk!"
Dr. Doom: I, Dr. Doom, forbid you to have this discuss this again; start hitting him again! "
So despite their rage and violence, all his friends just beat him to the bone with no intention of permanently harming him.
In an ironic gesture of goodwill, they even offer to care for Jack's son Danny, while Jack will recovers from planned hospital visits due to their planned beatings.
Danny: Is this just happening to us? Dad pissed off a billionaire who wanted to exchange me for adoption. And I hope they talk about Jazz too, because Dani also needs a place to stay. They can protect us from Vlad."
A/N:" What does it say about Vlad when they don't even want to kill Jack because of their friendship?
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wonderful-strange · 4 months
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"Behold, dolts!" Art by Wally Wood. From Marvel comic book Astonishing Tales.
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x-gon-give-it · 5 months
I'm doing some comic book reading right now and
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"Your majesty" "sir" "My liege" Peter what the fuck 😂
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bebx · 3 months
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DoomReed crack because I love them. @vonxdoom
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comicartarchive · 1 year
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X-Men Classic 51 Cover by Steve Lightle
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spaceshiprocket · 10 months
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Dr. Doom by Bill Sienkiewicz
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soranatus · 1 year
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Dr. Doom By Raza Shahid
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cgbcomics · 8 months
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gavillain · 1 month
X-Men '97 Spoilers
Apparently controversial hot take, but I actually really like Doctor Doom's cameo in X-Men '97
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I think there's a lot of fun implications here, and the voice acting is really solid. I'm interested in seeing if they end up doing anything further with his collusion with Bastion, but if not, it's always cool to see one of my favorite villains of all time making an appearance.
But I've seen people take umbrage with Doom working with mutant hating extremists, and, y'know, literal Nazi Baron Zemo
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Because Doom would NEVER work in the same group as a Nazi, right? ... Yeah, no, that is historically not true....
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He doesn't LIKE it, but he HAS collaborated with the Red Skull in the past. It doesn't usually end particularly well, and Doom DOES genuinely hate Nazis and takes it out on Red Skull when the latter is of no further use to him...
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But Doom isn't above holding his nose while working with him and other similarly morally questionable people when he thinks he has something to gain from it.
And that's a fundamental part of Doom that you kind of HAVE to understand to "get" his character. Any sort of moral standard or code is always always ALWAYS a distant third for Doom after:
Anything that fuels his narcissistic self-aggrandizing view of himself (including proving his general superiority to everyone else)
The pragmatic and strategic moves necessary to achieve his goals.
He never (or I should say rarely/inconsistently since comics have their peaks and valleys) allows any moral views that he holds to get in the way of the prior two, quickly discarding his morality when it's inconvenient, and even his "moral code" is more about fueling his view of his own superiority than anything else.
Take his one line here in X-Men '97
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Yeah, war crimes are BAD, right Doom? ... Except for, y'know, all the times he commits them...
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But that's completely consistent with regards to Doom and his characterization. The 90's Hulk cartoon actually has a great little moment specifically ABOUT Doom and war crime activity (time stamped for your convenience):
He completely dismisses and justifies the accusations of war crimes because it doesn't fit within his narcissistic view of himself. And that's part of what makes Doom SO psychologically fascinating! For him, the ends will always justify the means, so long as the ends are advantageous to him. It certainly seems like Bastion's sentinel scheme that's unfolding has the potential to set Doom up nicely to fuel his own agenda. And if the X-Men and/or Avengers don't beat him to it, I'm sure he fully intends to do away with Bastion and Zemo once he gets everything he wants out of them. That's just who he is, and there's a LONG comic history of him doing exactly that.
Reducing him to a "mutant hater" or defining him based on his race as a Romani are both reductive. Because he's Doctor Doom before he's anything else. His race and his backstory inform his character, certainly, but Doom is much MUCH more complex than a sweeping generalization. He's a complex and nuanced person, and he's also a villain who obviously is not going to be 100% palatable to your real life world views. And I wish people would see him more clearly before trotting out the pitchforks.
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