#drarry fanfic
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2024.05 ~ Top 10 longest fics posted on AO3
1. Extraordinary Labor by Miershooptier [E, 259k]
►Set long after the Battle of Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is abruptly and unwillingly called home after spending the last twenty years living and studying abroad. It seems that there are things at Malfoy Manor which need to be put to rest, and the Ministry of Magic has determined that as the sole remaining Malfoy by blood, Draco is the only one who can do it. But curse breaking is not Draco’s area of expertise, and so the Ministry has found someone willing to help.
2. Saviour by @whumpitlikeyoumeanit [E, 204k]  *typo
►Several years post-War, Draco is found wandering, incoherent, and ill, in the aftermath of an extended bout of the Imperius curse. Harry Potter brings him into his home to protect him while the rest of the world thinks he's dead.
3. A Dark and Savage Magic by @tessacrowley [E, 124k]
►They say that the earliest spells were cast without wands, that they were bargains made with the earth. They say that the magic was theoretically limitless, equal only to the price the caster was willing to pay, strong enough to move mountains and reshape the sky. They say that omegas were pioneers of that magic, its scholars and its stewards. But that was many thousands of years ago. Ages have come and gone since the last of the druids drew breath. Their knowledge, and their power, has slipped from history to legend, from legend to myth. Omegas are now an underclass, and druids a relic of an idealized but unattainable past. Draco Malfoy, an omega himself, has a natural skill in the old magic that will do him no favors.
4. The Rehabilitation of Draco Malfoy by sayschu [E, 119k]
►Harry Potter spent the first year post-war being the hero everyone needed. Draco Malfoy was abandoned in Azkaban, where a plot to punish Death Eaters has left him more vulnerable than ever. Now they're both returning to Hogwarts, and while Harry aches for a connection, Malfoy can't bear to be touched.
5. Mute series by Wendy_Noire [T, 106k, 2 works]
►While the wizarding world were led to believe that Harry Potter was treated like a prince, the reality was much worse. It was a shock for Draco to realise the other 11 year old in Madame Malkins' wasn't simply uninterested in him, but couldn't speak. He was even more shocked to discover that this child was none other than Harry Potter, someone he had been expecting to be as cocky as Snape had told him James was, not this small, shy, mute boy. From that moment on, Draco swore to himself that he would protect the smaller of the two, even if his parents disagreed with his decision.
6. Follies of an Ornamental Hermit by @mallstars --- ART by @itsphantasmagoria​ [E, 103k]
►Potter still wasn't looking at him. Instead he faced the windows, watching the snow and the sunless sea. Behind the welcome desk, standing tall amidst the wisdom and glistening magic, Draco controlled the spheres of restless light and the flustered books, all with gentle flicks of a wand that had once served Potter without a beat of hesitation. If Potter were to look, Draco would be ready. He had a right to be here. The library was his, if only after hours.
7. Harry & The Slytherin Six by @youhavemyswordandmybow [M, 100k]
►Three things happened after the war. Hermione lost her memory. Ron didn’t handle it well, started to wear lots of black, work-out relentlessly, fix up Sirius’s motorbike and sleep around. And Harry let homeless, ex-con Slytherins move in with him until their homes and Gringotts accounts were released. Because, he's a f--ing idiot. Oh, and Andromeda made him take parental classes - in order for him to have Teddy overnight.
8. Protego Obscurial by @sightedkarma [E, 90k]
►As the Founder of Protego Maxima, the top-rated Mixed Magical Security Firm in England, Harry is a busy man. He has a policy that states he no longer takes on clients personally, as he, Ron and Hermione continue to grow the business. So when Pansy Parkinson appears in his office requesting he takes on a special case, one would think he would reject her. You would be right, if that special case didn't include a huge donation to his charity and the opportunity to work with his favorite band. But when he finds out just how familiar the men behind those masks are and how personal this case will be, he may wish he had stuck to policy.
9. An Exercise In Forgiveness by @pepperpaperpopper​ [M, 74k]
►Seven apologies in seven years. A down and out Draco is on a quest to become a better man while trying to find his moral compass. Meanwhile, Harry struggles with regret and resentment and is unable to leave the war behind. Can they find grace and forgiveness? [...]
10. The Future Is Guaranteed by iima_k [T, 40k]
►Over two years ago, Harry and Draco made big life changes: Harry moved away and Draco ended his marriage. Now pessimistic about life, a chance meeting has them learning about love, purpose, and family. For once, they begin to honestly question, what is it that they want?
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
all roads lead to you by newshapes8 [M, 14k]
At least I'm trying. by carelesspeaches [E, 17k]
An Eight-Headed Snake by Otherain [T, 30k]
Goodbye Pond by @handledwithgloves [G, 18k]
How do you spell ‘love’? You don’t spell it…you feel it. by skotini [T, 20k]
How to live with Malfoy by ProseMary [T, 16k]
Mordax Afectium by maxallover [M, 14k]
The Risk of Falling by @siobhanhazel [T, 19k]
Tastes Like Commitment by Reloumi [E, 21k]
that's the beauty of a secret (you know you're supposed to keep it) by @autisticnightfury [E, 39k]
The Third Son series by Runner3434 [E, 31k, 3 works]
Walked In and Dream Came Trued It for Ya by CheatsatUNO [G, 12k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
HD Mpreg 2024 | @harrydracompreg
Lights Camera Drarry 2024 | @lcdrarry
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Beautiful by @heartless-yama [G, 1k]
►Harry wondered again when it was he realized Draco Malfoy was beautiful.
2. I know in your head you see me instead... by Brightas_yellow [?, 4k]  *typo
►Draco was drunk in jealousy. And also, booze. But mostly jealousy. [...]
1. Something Changed by Anonymous [E, 50k]
►Draco and Harry had both decided that hooking up was almost certainly a big mistake, but it's one they're not going to be able to forget in a hurry. Now they have to live with the consequences, which include some very unhappy teenagers, and plenty of opportunity for misunderstandings. /// A getting together story about how one decision can change the path you are on, and make up for years of missed chances. ★ HD Mpreg 2024 | @harrydracompreg
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ezeva · 11 hours
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garagepaperback · 1 day
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writing process ^
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Too excited to see what y'all think.
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gryfferin-gaybies · 11 days
Draco: *walks by*
Harry: I'd hit that
Hermione: I know you don't like him Harry but violence is never the answer
Harry: right yeah violence...that's what I meant...I'd hit that with my fists
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immortalthings · 6 months
When ur on the asexual spectrum and you want to read fanfiction with fluff but have to scroll past the smut
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valushk4 · 1 month
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Animation I did for an school assigment😋 I'm really proud of this one
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garforprongs · 8 months
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my cover art for Mirror of Ecidyrue 🫶 I didn’t rlly dedicate the themes to one specific book despite the title, just wanted to have some fun.
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lyrablack1883 · 2 months
I was late (you were early)
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These was commissioned by @dodgerkedavra for her fic “I was late (you were early)”
These scenes took place in two different time, the first and second one when they were 19 and the third one when they were 29. A portrayal of a ten years story. I’m really happy with the way the colors turns out and finally drawing the auror robes I had in my head haha.
The three small part of the fic that I used to illustrate these scene was
Malfoy pulls Harry’s other hand away from his ear and places it over the buttons of his jacket, his fingers warm over Harry’s shaking ones. His chest rises and falls under Harry’s palm, and he can feel Malfoy’s heart beating even through his uniform.
One second his hand is flat on Malfoy’s chest and the next it’s a fist. One second he’s against the wall and the next he’s crumpled forwards into Malfoy’s arms.
One last stroke, and Harry leans into Draco with a contented sigh. He inhales the scent of roses and early summer heat and Draco’s soap. Birds titter in the branches nearby. Draco’s heart beats against Harry’s back. The rhythm never falters, never stops.
There’s a second part to this story which was told from Draco’s pov which is angsty as well 🥹. It was “I’ll find you again (I always do)”
Working on these reminds me again how I loved drawing with red colors. I hope these illustrations manage to brings out or at the very least showed glimpse of the emotion these two portray in dodger’s wonderful fic ;-;
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popcornhee · 10 months
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@imdamagecontrol 's drarry from her fic "i have found what you are like" hihi
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Dominion of Souls | Creature Inheritance by Drarry_240 [M, 14k]
►[...] When fate reveals that Harry is Draco's destined mate, the two are thrust into a tumultuous bond that challenges their perceptions of each other and themselves. Draco's fierce protection and Harry's newfound vulnerability create a dynamic that neither of them expected. As they navigate their complex relationship, they must confront their pasts, their desires, and the undeniable connection that binds them.
2. Harry Does Pride Night by @meggowaffle [M, 3k]
►Hermione insists Harry go clubbing with her to celebrate Pride Month. It seems Draco has the same idea and is determined to make sure Harry's first queer clubbing experience is one to remember.
3. Nightmare by chrysaetius [T, 82k]
►After the war, some of the students have returned to Hogwarts for the 8th year. Students who had their own common rooms and dormitories have been coupled as roommates due to McGonagall's excuse of 'uniting the houses'. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have started sharing a room. They try to ignore each other despite the mutual hatred. Harry has nightmares at night and he's not able to move past them. One of these nights, Draco decides he's had enough and tries to wake Harry. However, he suddenly finds himself in Harry's dream. Or rather, his nightmare.
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soliblomst · 2 months
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Harry reminding Rose about his blindness, and Rose having the sweetest reaction to it.
From: The Boy from the Piano Shop ch8
Harry and Rose is probably the relationship I enjoyed writing the most in this fic (after Draco and Harry, obviously)!
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storiestoldbytime · 11 months
The Ordeal of Being Known
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And The Rewards of Being Loved
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
My wife (ao3) has gone to war (is down) and I don't know if she'll ever return home again (the wonderful people at ao3 are working diligently to bring it back up ASAP). I don't know if I'll ever recover (I'll be fine) but I'm being very brave about it (I am NOT being brave).
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phoebe-delia · 7 months
I Have Never Been Loved Like This Before
Title from the song "Rock Me Gently" by Andy Kim. CW: very very minor injury
Scorpius will know gentle hands waking him in the morning. He will know lullabies sung low and soft in his ear. He'll have careful fingers sealing the bandage on his knees, and lips pressing a healing kiss to his injured skin. He'll wear colorful, soft clothes, have dozens of storybooks, and cuddle with plenty of stuffed animal friends to keep nightmares at bay. He'll never have a rotten Christmas or a lonely birthday. He'll want for nothing, but he'll never take it for granted.
"But most of all," Harry whispered to the pink-cheeked infant in Draco's arms, "I promise, that we will never let you know what it's like to feel unloved. "
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