#dream theory
twinktor-frankenstein · 7 months
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I hc that Ness does the same thing MatPat does when he's frustrated at a video game where he makes weird whining noises and climbs all over the place/hj
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oh-bennyboo · 7 months
ness calls mike “sugar” and mike calls ness “nesquik”
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theymademesignup08 · 4 months
Ness: I know you’ve probably been emotionally unavailable since you were twelve, and look like you’re about to die of sleep deprivation, but I would run away with you if you asked.
Mike, just trying to order a hamburger: what?
Ness: what?
Abby, coloring on the kids menu: He said he’d run away with you if you asked.
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This is a scene from "The second circle of hell" fic on ao3 btw, yall should give it a read 👀
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lukasspookas · 7 months
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dreamtheory barbie mugshots
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theflatpancakes · 6 months
If you couldn't tell from my reblogs I'm suddenly a huge Dreamtheory shipper so yk 😜
Uhhhh here are some headcanons dor Ness and Mike ig
•He went to Freddy's all the time as a kid and was really sad once it shut down, although he didn't know why it got closed
•He has a true crime podcast that he does after he gets home from work; each episode is at least an hour-an hour and a half
•One day someone requested him to cover Freddy's and he was just like "???What???? When did something happen at Freddy's?????" And that's when he figured it out
•Every episode after the Freddy's episode he mentioned it at least once, and mist episodes were just covering new stuff he found out about Freddy's and the murders/disappearances
•He has been tempted to break in just to look for evidence so many times, although he never did
•He's a horror movie fanatic
•Also a conspiracy theorist
•He unironically owns the Dream Theory book that Mike has jn the movie. He got it to investigate for an episode of his podcast but eventually just got actually into the ideas the book was talking about
•Coffee. Addict.
•Doesn't care for labels, really. He likes anybody that likes him
•Theater kid; no, not just because MatPat is a theater kid.
•Regular at Sparky's, both before and after getting the job at Freddy's
•He sometimes feels Garret pulling at his pants/shirt and is convinced he felt something, but always brushes it off
•Chugs energy drinks like there's no tomorrow
•He never got any sleep, even before he started working the night shift
•^ He also stayed up late when he was a kid/teen despite having to wake up early for school
•After the events of the first movie he quit Freddy's and went and got a job at Sparky's since it was close to his house and nearly guaranteed to not have haunted animatronics with the souls of dead kids in them!
•Always thought he was straight up until he randomly caught feelings for Ness after they started working together and seeing each other all day almost every day
Both/their relationship:
•Mike sometimes shows up in Ness' podcast
•Back on about the 2nd night of Mike's working at Freddy's, he invited Ness to come check some stuff out since he showed some great enthusiasm about Mike working there and him knowing about Ness' podcast and stuff
•Ness confessed first
•^Mike was just letting his feelings sit and shoving them down while he was in denial
•After about a month or two of being together, Mike was like, "Hey broski, so like.... you wanna move in with me and Abby????" And Ness was like "Uhm. Yeah, of course I do" so they moved in and played video games together all the time and Ness because practically a second dad to Abby even though Mike is technically her brother but whatever
•^After that, Mike was in almost every episode of Ness's podcast, and instead of just referring to Mike as his guest/coworker, he actually started referring to Mike as his boyfriend
•^So a little more about what they called each other on the podcast. Ness started calling Mike his boyfriend on there a few episodes before they moved in and the first time he said that he actually said how long they'd been together and when they moved in together he announced that on the episode that they did once Ness actually fully moved at least his recording set up into Mike's house
•So remember how I mentioned Mike was a regular at Sparky's??? So the first couple times he went he got sat in Ness' section and it was a funny coincidence so after that he started asking to be sat in Ness' section because he was funny and nice and just a cool dude to have as your server but Ness didn't know that Mike was requesting to be in his area so he thought it was just a coincidence
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diabollicallyangelic · 6 months
-Mike probably gets flustered super easily 
-They probably met at the diner and then Mike found Ness snooping around the pizzaria one night looking for clues looking for Easter eggs
-Ness is super extroverted and silly, he likes hypothesizing things and jumps around a lot he probably tells like three different stories at the same time because they all have details for ine story
-Mike is anxious and stone cold literally all of the time. No emotions are expressed but his mind is probably going 200 mph
He probably fidgets a ton and gets straight to the point with as little words as possible 
-hear me out
mike- "i tried to get the waiters attention by blinking in morse code."
abby- "why are you blinking so much?" 
mike- "i've got something in my eye"
*screen pans to ness just blushing INTENSELY*
-Mike can wake up one day and set the bowl he has for cereal down a different way and Abby will look at him and go "Oh, it's one of those days isn't it"
-They're both brain spicy but Abby is a different kind of brain spicy so she doesn't understand the Ness and Mike brain spicy But at the same time they do
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thedragonemperess · 7 months
In my very humble opinion, Ness went to school for music production and theater but when that unfortunately didn't go anywhere, he got the job at Sparky's. He has a music-focused podcast on the side, though. It's called Music Theory.
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i-give-u--stuff · 5 months
*screaming as I get dragged farther down the “Mike x Ness” rabbit hole*
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twinktor-frankenstein · 7 months
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I don't know why I did this but I had a vision okay wjhdhd
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justyoursicanon · 7 months
Haha look whos addicted to a ship with characters that never interacted ever !
Please make more securitywaiter/dreamtheory fics. Literally any, but mostly them meeting or confessing because bro am I going insane over them
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lily-drake · 2 months
Thud Thud Thud 
His footsteps were slow, deliberate.  He was in a castle he didn’t recognize, the screams of battle surrounding him.  It was a familiar scene, one that had haunted his nights since his first battle.  But this was different.  
He’d never been to this kingdom before.  The knights all looked unfamiliar to him.  Steal clashed in new, unknown rhythms.  Screams echoed off the walls.  Blood dripping across the stone, the rain carrying it across the ground like paint on a canvas.
He couldn’t stop himself from moving further and further into the castle, turning a corner up the stairs.  Though he had no idea what was happening, he felt calm.  Every step as familiar as breathing.  He was almost there, his goal was only a few steps away.
“You Monster!!!”  A man screamed, raising his sword to attack, but with one swift motion, he lifted his sword with one hand and slashed at the man’s exposed stomach, killing him in an instant.
“Hasn’t the crown prince escaped yet?!”  A voice yelled distantly.  Ah, so that’s where he needed to go.
“It’s not that simple!  The princes are too young to flee swiftly!”
Thud   Thud   Thud 
His steps echoed off the all but abandoned palace steps.  As he rounded the corner he detachedly stared down the small group of knights standing at the crown prince’s tower door.  It was sad really, a waste of life.  But he knew that these men would give up at nothing to protect their crown.  It was commendable, but as long as they stood in his way, they would need to be disposed of quickly.
They moved swiftly as one, strong in numbers and will, but not strong enough.  He made quick work of each of the knights, each body falling to the ground in mass.  But there was one soldier that caught his eye.
He’d know those eyes anywhere.  Why was she fighting him, why was she disguised as another kingdom’s royal guard—did she cut her hair—why was she trying to kill him?!  
He tried to stop himself, but he couldn’t force himself to get away.  He felt like a puppet.  
As she moved to stab at him, he blocked the blow, shattering her blade.  In her shock he moved to stab her in the eye.  
But she was pushed aside by another knight just in time.  He hated how relieved he felt to have killed a different person.  But it wasn’t the end of the battle.  He moved to strike her just as she did him in the same way she had done in their first spar.  She landed only a scratch at his cheek, but he…he had stabbed her through the heart.
NO!  NO!!!  What had he done?  …What had he done?!  
He watched as she coughed up blood, and died with his sword still implanted in her heart.  And all he could do was watch as the life left her eyes, never to return again.
Arnold sat up in a cold sweat, gasping for air.  He looked down at his hands, he wasn't wearing gloves, but he could still smell the blood in the air.  
“Rishe,” he breathed.  Where was she, had he killed her after all?!  
“Your Highness…” 
Like lightning he had turned towards the airy voice laying beside him.  Her emerald eyes were cracked open only an inch, but open they were.
He let his hand move to stroke her hair, but he pulled back before he could.  How could he even think of touching her when he had dreamed of killing her with the same hands.  A cool hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him from his thoughts.
“You had another nightmare, didn’t you,” she mumbled sleepily.  Even in the depths of slumber she had the perception of a hawk.
“It was nothing, go back to sleep,” he evaded, hoping it would be enough.  But he should have known better after all this time.
Instead of replying verbally, she sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck, her body flush against his.  “I’m sorry your highness.  Please rest easy in my arms.  I’ll protect your body and mind for as long as I am able to.”  She vowed, her voice filled with finality that he simply could not refute.
“Okay,” he agreed calmly, leaning his head against hers.  He soaked in the comforting silence, taking in the warmth of her body that meant she was still alive.  He hadn’t killed her.  It was just a dream.
Tap   Tap Tap 
He found solace in the gentle tapping of her hand against his back.  The reminder of a heartbeat, of life.  The only thing that tethered him to reality.  
Slowly, with hesitant hands, he wrapped his arms around her in return.  He would protect her, he wouldn’t let anyone touch her.  He would keep her safe, even from himself.
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May the securitywaiter shippers rejoice
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cinematic-literature · 7 months
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Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) by Emma Tammi
Book title: Dream Theory
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jt1674 · 6 days
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