#dreamwastaken imagine
lilywastaken · 1 year
CC!DreamWasTaken, CC!Sapnap, CC!GeorgeNotFound, CC!Quackity, CC!Karl Jacobs x GN!Reader.
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SUMMARY: taking care of CCs when they're sick :( <3.
WARNINGS: SFW, a few spicy moments here and there, illness, a tiny drop of angst in Karl's part!
A/N: I'm alive!! The brainrot is real for these guys so I just had to write something, even if it's a bit crap LMAO. It's my first time writing for Karl/Quack, so they might be a bit weird/stiff, apologies! Once again, requests are open!! Please don't forget to reblog/comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you for reading! <333 If you see any mistakes, do not hesitate to let me know, please!!! I wrote this quite late so there might be a few!
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"Feeling a bit better?"
You whisper softly as you open the door to your boyfriend's bedroom, noticing that he had made his way off his bed and onto his chair, legs up and pressed to his chest with his knees tucked under his chin, the bright screens of his monitors reflecting onto his sad face.
His broken whimper makes you sigh, walking over to him carefully and placing the bowl of chicken soup next to his keyboard, leaning down to press a kiss to his sweaty forehead.
"You should be resting."
You're about to lean back until Dream grabs your arm, his pointer finger coming up to tap his lips, hopeful eyes staring up at you.
"Clay. You're ill."
"Which means you're refusing to kiss your poor, suffering boyfriend?" He sighs dramatically, his voice deep yet nasally due to his stuffy nose, leaning into your touch as your hand comes up to cup his cheek.
"Are you ready to take care of me when I inevitably get sick, sweetheart?" You coo back, watching his expression morph from one of self-pity to one of dread.
"O-of course." He mumbles, hoping you don't remember how stressed he was when George had gotten sick a few weeks ago, running around the house looking for medicine in hopes that his friend wouldn't die. "Still… What if the cure to my sickness is a kiss from my beautiful partner?"
"Oh?" You play along with a smile, your hand coming up to play with his hair and run your fingers through his dirty blond curls, watching him flutter his eyes closed to enjoy your touch with a smile, half expecting him to start purring. "Well…" You sigh dramatically in defeat, leaning down so that the tips of both your noses are bumping. "I guess if it helps."
Dream makes a soft noise of excitement before you press your lips to his, his soft hand holding your head to his to slot your lips together easily.
"Now get to bed." You snap as soon as you pull back, causing him to huff and pause whatever video he had been watching.
"Fine." He grumbles like a child, lifting himself up and taking a few moments to make sure he isn't about to collapse before turning to you, letting you lead him to his mattress, onto which he immediately collapses on with a loud groan.
He situates himself under the covers and outstretches his arms to you expectantly, yet instead of your warm body he finds himself holding the bowl of soup you had brought.
You press a kiss to his forehead as he begrudgingly starts to sip on the soup, his gaze softening as he realises you're not about to leave his side.
Needless to say, the next day you were as ill as he was.
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A loud groan resounds across the house.
You try your best to ignore it, going back to scrolling through your phone and scratching behind Patches' ears.
Another groan, louder this time, finally brings your attention away from social media and back to reality, frowning at the unending dramatic groans that come from your boyfriend.
You sigh, carefully pushing Patches off and starting your trek upstairs, listening to the borderline fake sounds coming from inside the room.
"You sound like you're dying."
You comment as soon as you push open the door to his bedroom, rolling your eyes with a smile as you meet your boyfriend's gaze, his lower lip curled into a pout as he makes grabby hands at you, his bed covered in what you assume to be snotty tissues.
"I am dying, darlin'. Feels like I'm being ripped apart."
You laugh, making your way towards him and sitting on the edge of the bed, and placing your hand onto his forehead, frowning instantly at how hot he feels.
"Wait, are you actually sick?"
"Yes!" Sapnap whines, throwing his head back and slamming it accidentally onto the wooden headboard, whining at the additional pain. "You thought I was fakin'!?"
"I wouldn't put it past you." You grumbled, wiping some of the sweat on his face with your sleeve, watching him try to adjust in his bed just to be closer with you. "What hurts?"
"Everything." He sighs out, closing his eyes in pain as his head throbs.
"Everything?" You repeat, unamused, already getting up to retrieve an ice pack from downstairs, hoping to cool down the fever he seems to have caught.
"Yes, every-" his eyes snap open as soon as he feels the bed shift, whining. "No, don't leave!"
"Nick, I need to get you something for your fever!"
You struggle against Sapnap's grip as he pulls you into his lap, arms wrapped around your waist and stubble scratching against your cheek.
"No… all I need is you, darl'." He grumbles against your skin, peppering sloppy kisses onto your neck.
"You're delirious." You sigh, melting into his warmth as he pulls you under the covers, sniffling and whining with every move he makes. "You'll take some medicine later, right?"
"Mhm … yeah." He says drowsily as he starts to fall asleep right there, listening to your breathing as a means to calm himself down. "Anything for you, sweetheart."
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How can George still be asleep?
You think to yourself as you stare mindlessly into the TV, the plate of food you had been eating abandoned on the coffee table as you take note of how long it had been since you had seen your boyfriend after last night.
You know he's prone to sleeping in for long, but not this long. Especially now in Florida, where the sun rises earlier and helps him wake up at the same time as you and your roommates.
Once you give your half eaten plate to Dream, you carefully push open the door to your boyfriend's room, stopping for a few moments so your eyes get used to the darkness his room was covered in.
"George? Are you awake?"
Treading carefully so you don't trip on any loose cables or stuff that he might have tossed onto the ground, you finally reach his bed, kneeling next to him and placing your hands on the body beneath the covers and shaking softly.
You feel him turn around, meeting his gaze despite the darkness around you, watching as his pained expression turns into one of relief.
"Hi…" He mumbles, voice coarse as if he had just finished screaming for over an hour, reminding you of that one time he had lost his voice after a particularly long stream. "Time…?"
"Almost 4." Your hand comes up to push back his bangs, a shiver racking through his body as your cool touch makes contact with his atypically hot skin. "What th- do you have a fever?"
"I think." You feel his arms creep around your waist, pulling you closer with abnormal strength and placing his head onto your lap, snuggling himself into your thighs, letting out a shaky sigh at the warmth. "Tried getting up this morning and I think I passed out."
That would explain the crash Sapnap had claimed to have heard early in the morning.
"You passed out? Why didn't you call me?" You whisper back, running your fingers through his hair and massaging the back of his neck, a spot you know always gets him weak. "We could've brought you downstairs so you weren't cooped up like this."
George laughed as the image of Dream and Sapnap dragging him downstairs came to mind, but the sudden stabbing pain that attacked his lungs caused him to start coughing with a whine.
"I'd rather just stay up here with you." He started to manhandle you to lie under the covers, his hands warm on your hips as he quite basically shoved his face into your chest, trying to calm his raging headache. "We can order something later… I just want to be with you for now."
You chewed on your lower lip before your hands came up subconsciously to bury themselves in his soft locks, a whine leaving his lips as your nails started scratching at his scalp. "Fine. Just for a bit, okay? You still have to eat, we got to get you medicine, and you probably stin-"
You squeaked as he nipped on your skin in an attempt to get you to shut up, rolling your eyes at the smirk on his pretty lips before he fluttered his eyes back closed, a silent way of telling you that he was going back to sleep.
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"You're an idiot."
Your boyfriend sputters out a confused sound as he walks into the kitchen, not having expected to be instantly insulted first thing in the morning.
"Why are you half-naked!? You're sick!" You point at his feet and then his shorts with your spoon, making him groan and roll his eyes.
"It's hot!" He throws his arms up in the air as he sits down at the kitchen island, ignoring the way you frown at him. "And I'm not sick. I'm fine. It's just a cold."
"That still counts as being sick." You mumble under your breath, pushing a plate of food in his direction before pulling off your hoodie (which casually happened to be his) and handing it to him. "Put it on. I don't want you getting worse."
"...fine." He mumbles, starting to eat once it's on. "Thank you, mi vida."
Your face heats up at the casual nickname, nodding as you start on your own breakfast, too busy scrolling on your phone to notice the way your boyfriend starts squirming in his seat, sweat dripping down his forehead as he tries to focus on his food.
"You alright?" You finally realise how sick he looks despite having looked fine mere moments before, face flushed and skin sickly pale as he wipes the sweat away with his hoodies sleeves.
"Mhm. Okay." Your hand reaches over to cup his cheek, almost flinching back at how hot his skin feels. "Jesus! You're so fucking hot!"
You instantly regret what comes out of your mouth at his cocky expression, watching him m lean into your hand and sigh dreamily, eyelashes fluttering open and closed as he speaks.
"You think I'm that hot, babe?" He purrs out, despite the absolute pain that's racking through his body at the minute. "Damn, didn't expect you to be bold."
"Shut up." You pinch his cheek, forcing a high pitched cry to leave his mouth as you turn around to look through the medicine cabinet. "I meant you're literally hot, Alex."
"So you think I'm not figuratively hot?" You refrain from the urge to groan at his teasing, pulling off the cap to some medicine and dropping a pill into a glass of water.
"If you keep acting like this, you'll be less than hot to me." You snap, handing him the drink and waiting for him to down it like he usually does when it comes to ill-tasting medicine. "Go lie down, I'll make you some soup."
Before you can leave, he grabs your arm, pulling you into the space between his open legs and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"With me?" He mumbles into your hair, causing you to roll your eyes at how clingy he's become. "Come on, cielo. We can just order soup."
"But will it be as good as my soup?" You brush some of his longer strands of hair away from his eyes and trace the invisible lines between the beauty marks on his face.
"No… but I'd take cold soup any day of the week if it means having you in my arms."
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"Your nose is running."
You comment as you watch your boyfriend sluggishly make his way towards the fridge, eyes barely open and sweatpants almost falling down his waist.
He doesn't even acknowledge your words, digging through the countless cans in the fridge to pull out some orange juice, instantly downing it without a second thought.
"Sorry. You want some?" He slurs, extending his arm and offering you the carton.
"Just finish it, Karl. I'd rather not get sick."
You notice that instead of his normal sleeping shirt he has a button up on, the buttons all messed up from probably trying to do it on his own in the bathroom mirror.
"You going somewhere, baby?" You comment on his appearance, frowning as he instantly nods, throwing the carton into the bin before looking for some snacks.
"Filming with Jimmy." He casually says, as if he hadn't been battling with a fever for almost a week. "I volunteered yesterd-"
You slap your hand over his mouth, stopping him from talking and meeting his shocked gaze, feeling his hands immediately find place on your waist out of instinct at how close you are.
"You're not going anywhere, Karl. I don't want you to get worse." You comment with a frown, having half expected him to lick at your hand when you had covered his mouth, but the sad look in his eyes feels worse than how that would've. "Please. You've been in pain for almost a week, I just want you to get better."
You let go of his face, moving your hand to cup his cheek and watch him press into your touch, nodding solemnly.
"Just don't like being useless. I wanna do stuff, I want to help!" He whines, closing his eyes as if afraid of your reaction to his complaint.
"You're not useless, though. You're sick. I'm taking care of you because I love you and I want you to get better. Jimmy's your friend, he'll probably won't want you working while you're sick, either." You lean up to press a soft kiss to the corner of his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a comforting hug, his cool hands roaming your skin under your shirt. "So get back into your pyjamas and get to bed and I'll bring you some food, okay? Then we can watch a movie, whichever one you want."
He nods enthusiastically, taking his turn to cup your cheeks in his hands and pepper kisses all over, brushing your lips with his before pulling away, aware of how sick you'd get if he gave you what he had. "I love you!" He says before rushing back upstairs giddily, not even waiting for you to say it back, aware that even without saying it, you do.
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yettobedetermined7 · 10 months
Imagine playing chess with the Dreamteam
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prettytoxicrevolver · 8 months
5 and Dream
The words haunted you for days.
“What do you want?”
He had screamed those words until it felt like they had no meaning anymore and you still didn’t have an answer.
Three days later and nothing but one word.
Fear has ruled your life for a good majority of your 24 years on this planet. Fear of rejection, of losing people, of not taking chances, etc. You didn’t want fear ruling this choice. It would kill you if you did.
You’re not sure if those thoughts are the exact reason you end up on Dream’s doorstep but you were here regardless. You quickly knock on the door before you can lose your courage and rock back and forth anxiously on your feet until it swings open.
“Ask me again,” you rush out before Dream can say anything.
“What?” he asks, rubbing at his eyes to make sure you weren’t some illusion in front of him.
“Ask me again,” you repeat knowing that Dream would know what you’re talking about.
“What do you want?” He asks, straightening so his height towers and your eyes strain to meet his.
“You,” you answer breathlessly, nervously waiting for his response.
His eyes run over your features until he’s convinced it’s true and a small smile settles on his lips. He reaches forward, wrapping an arm around your waist quickly and tugging you into him, shutting the door behind you with purpose.
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cuddling dreamwastaken
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cuddling with dreamwastaken:
will definitely spoon you
patches probably will jump up on one of y’all and cuddle as well
is the definition of 🥺 face
will end videos and streams early just to cuddle you
man will talk about you ALL THE DAMN TIME
makes grabby hands towards you
hogs all the blankets
”Sweetheart, will you cuddle me please? 🥺”
more than likely will talk about upcoming plans or ideas for videos with you
his sleepy voice 😳
george and sapnap call him simp
places little kisses on your nose
butterfly kisses!!!!
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modelbus · 2 years
hey!! can you maybe write a dream x fem!reader (romantic) where the reader is australian and flys out to see dream irl for the first time (they are a faceless streamer and he doesnt know what she looks like) and is suprised to see her bc he didnt know like george and sapnap set it up!!
and it ends in cuddles and dream making fun of her accent
I’ve never written an Australian reader, but I did some research into common words/speech patterns so hopefully I didn’t mess it up too badly
Pairing: CC!Dream x fem!reader (romantic)
Day Dream
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As you exit the plane, you can't help but be startled at the Orlando airport's atmosphere. You've lived in Australia your whole life, but that didn't mean you hadn't traveled before. Just never to America.
Luckily there were signs pointing you as to where to go, so you follow those. Soon enough you've grabbed your suitcase off the baggage claim and are ready to try and find Sapnap and George. They said they were going to pick you up, but who really knows with them. Plus you were faceless, so all the responsibility fell upon you to find them.
“What the fuck is the point of having people pick you up if they can’t give you a clear direction?” You mumble to yourself, staring down at the group chat you have with them.
Wandering through the pick up area, you’re resigned to just walking until you find them. After about five minutes of lugging a heavy ass suitcase around, you finally spot a familiar face holding a whiteboard.
Sapnap hadn’t even bothered to erase George’s name from it, just crossing it out and writing yours under it like an idiot. Speaking of George, he was noticeably missing from the scene. Maybe he had stayed in the car, because he was definitely part of the reason why you took so long to find them.
“Sapnap!” You call out.
His head jerks your way, eyes going straight past you to scan the entire crowd before skeptically returning to you. As a reward for guessing you right, you give an awkward wave and speed-walk towards him.
“Hey! How are you?” You ask.
“Pretty fucking great! Hug me!” Is his enthusiastic response.
Obliging, you drop your hold on your suitcase and step in for a brief hug.
“George passed out in the backseat a minute ago.” Sapnap laughs, “so sorry about that. We have to put your suitcase in the trunk.”
“The trunk of your Tesla!”
“Eh.” He shrugs, trying to play it off as cool.
“You love your car.” You point out, following him to the back of it.
“It’s a cool car! Here, hand me it.”
After he situates it to his liking, he pauses. “Right side is passenger.”
“American. We drive on the right side of the road. George tried to get in driver first, so I thought I’d warn you.”
With a grateful smile, you nod. “Thanks.”
“I call dibs on teaching you how to drive here though.”
“Wait, you’re what?”
Sapnap laughs, heading to get into his car. You quickly hurry to the right side door, opening it and sliding in before him.
“Sapnap, you’re what?!”
“Shh, the beauty queen is sleeping.”
Glancing over your shoulder, you look at George. Just as Sapnap had said, he was dead asleep leaning against the door.
“What the fuck did you guys do?”
“We tired Dream out so he wouldn’t notice us leaving.” He admits.
“Did it work?”
“No, but that’s because George tripped over Patches.”
What the fuck went on in that house?
As he starts driving in some random direction, you settle for looking out the window at Orlando. Before long your thoughts turn to Dream and the idea of actually being with the Dream Team for a few weeks.
Despite dating Dream for the past year, you had never met in person. Hell, he had never even seen your face! But that was why Sapnap and George helped set this up. You coming all the way here was a surprise for him. No more daydreaming about meeting him. Hopefully he wouldn’t be disappointed by you.
“Where are we?” George mumbles, sitting up and looking around.
“Good morning princess.” Sapnap teases, laughing.
“Get your beauty rest?” You join in.
He jolts, eyes going wide. “What?!”
“She’s here! You’re here! And you sound- you sound Australian!”
“Woah, almost like I’m from Australia!”
“Shut up. Did I sleep through the airport?”
“Yeah, you did.” Sapnap shakes his head.
“I was tired! It’s not easy outlasting Dream!”
There’s a beat of silence before the entire car bursts into laughter at the unintentional sex joke. From that moment onwards any tensions from meeting for the first time vanish, turning back to your normal friendships. Or as normal as it gets with Sapnap and George.
“Holy shit.” You murmur when Sapnap turns into the house.
“Dream wasn’t kidding when he said he was a multi-millionaire.” Sapnap jokes.
“It’s huge, I’m still not used to it.” George adds.
“Alright.” Sapnap announces, turning the car off. “Are you ready for this?”
“I saw George’s vlog, you know. Don’t use your recycled pep talk on me.”
Although you probably could do with a pep talk, even recycled, you open your door and step out.
“At least I offer pep talks!” He yells through the closed door, before stepping out and repeating it.
“I can give pep talks!” George argues, following you two.
“Prove it then.”
“I will.”
“I’m fine without one.” You interject, looking behind you at George only to falter upon seeing his camera. “Are you recording?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Sapnap immediately says, “don’t let the gate close on you, it closes fast. Ready?”
He pauses by the door, hand on the handle with a teasing grin.
“I sat outside for like three minutes.” George shrugs.
“Ready.” You lie, preferring to rip off the bandaid than slowly peel it off.
With that, Sapnap opens the door. It creaks just a little, the floors making noise when each of you enter.
“Dream!” Sapnap yells.
“Ow.” George groans, stepping away. “You didn’t have to be so loud right next to my ear.”
“Where have you guys been?!” Dream yells back, and you jump.
Holy shit. He was real. He was somewhere in this fucking house right now. And you were about to meet him. Dream had FaceTimed you second, right after George, but being in person was just different.
“Ohhh Clay!” Sapnap yells again, ignoring George’s protests.
“What did you fuck up?!”
“Your mom!”
“Stop yelling!” George yells.
“You’re scaring Patches guys.” Dream complains, rounding a corner with Patches on his heels. She quickly vanishes at the sight of you though. “And there she goes. What-“
The abrupt silence fills the air with tension, and you meet his eyes.
“Hey.” You awkwardly say.
“YEAHH!” Sapnap cheers, breaking Dream out of his shock. “KISS!”
“Sapnap!” You and Dream exclaim in unison.
“I’m just saying what we’re all thinking here.”
“Yeah I- I’m coming in for a hug.” He says sheepishly, opening his arms and heading towards you.
Immediately, you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” He whispers.
You laughs, leaning upwards to kiss him. It’s short and sweet, and technically your first kiss, but it’s perfect.
Even Sapnap and George cheering don’t ruin it.
“How are you here?!” He exclaims, pulling apart only to wrap an arm around your waist.
“Me.” George says.
“This was my idea first!” Sapnap protests.
“But I made it happen! I literally had to message her!”
“You fell asleep at the airport!”
“How about we give me the credit because I fucking flew here from Australia?” You ask.
“Your accent.” Dream points out.
“Wow, you’re all a bunch of geniuses.”
“I mean it’s stronger in person.” He huffs, rolling his eyes in what you think is an affectionate way.
“The Australian has an Australian accent! Oh no!”
“Accent.” He mocks, smiling at you.
“Common L for you.” Sapnap sighs.
“Can I do the house tour?” George asks suddenly, looking eager.
“You barely know the house.” Dream points out.
“I know it perfectly. This way is the bathroom.”
“Wrong way.”
“I knew that, obviously.”
Dream laughs but let’s George and Sapnap lead the way in the actual direction of the bathroom.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here.” He whispers to you, a dopey smile on his face.
“Me either.” You admit. “But I’m here to stay for a little.”
He steals another quick kiss from you before looking up at the backs of George and Sapnap. “Quick, let’s catch up before they realize we aren’t paying attention.”
“Repeat that.” All you had wanted was to watch a movie with your boyfriend in person for the first time, but apparently that was too much to ask for.
“I’m not going to repeat it!”
Dream laughs, a movement you can feel because of how you’re pressed to his chest. His arms hold you to him, not allowing you to escape. Being able to cuddle is new, but very welcome.
“Oh come on, it’s cute! Say oat milk.”
“This is bullying!”
“Say it!”
“This is so fucked, how could you do this to me?”
You sigh and give in. “After.”
He laughs again, making you smile.
“Ever think that you’re the one with the weird accent?” You challenge.
“No.” With a sweet kiss to your temple, he speaks again. “Say the Cleo line?”
“Oh my God-“
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
pretty best friends {Dream}
Anon asked: hello!! i saw that requests are open (i think? if not ignore this!!) and i was wondering if u could write a cc!dream x reader where the reader is maybe a faceless streamer as well, or dream just hasn’t seen her face yet for another reason and the first time he does he like… gets all quiet or something and reader thinks it’s bc he thinks theyre ugly and then dream is like “no it’s not that! never that.” djsjsjfroeod i love ur writing tysm!! 😽😽
Summary: Sometimes it's hard to explain what popular, faceless streamers go through to anyone else, so when you find someone whose good, if chaotic, vibes match up with yours, you'll hold onto that friendship tight so long as they feel like the right person to be around. So you're delighted to find that you and Dream operate on the same wavelength. What started as an MCC team up turns into an unshakable bond that you're both hell bent on making everyone else's problem.
Need to Know: They/Them. Popular Faceless Streamer!Reader. Suggestive discussions about CGI characters.
A/N: 3472 words. is this any good? Someone let me know. Can be read as platonic ! 💖 Seriously it's 5am and I'm catching a train in 10 minutes I've been up all night writing is this good???
"Am I nervous about being on Dream's team?" In the few hours before Minecraft Championship began, your nerves had gotten the better of you, so instead of psyching yourself out, you'd gone live early on the training map, "now; no. A few days ago? God, absolutely," you admitted with a warm laugh, "but considering I was acting weird the first time I got to talk to him, and now he's still messaging me to chat, and not just about MCC things, I figure it's on him."
Despite your lack of a camera, your chat could clearly hear how wide you were smiling, already sounding fond despite the relative youth of the friendship you were discussing.
"I was running on not a lot of sleep, and like, I wanna say professional fear," you huffed with faint amusement, "because, like I wasn't starstruck because oh my god its Dream, but more like, I haven't had enough sleep and I'm talking to a man with more followers than there are people living in Australia, you know?"
[Dream: bold of you to assume I am ever well rested either 😂] flashed up in your chat for a moment for everyone to see, and though they couldn't see the surprise on your face, the silence is deafening.
"Shut up, he's here, everyone be cool," you began babbling, "Dream I swear I'm not usually this shit at To Get To The Other Side, I promise," you laughed awkwardly, right before you eat shit on the training map. Then, after a moment, you switch tactics; "also, hey Dream, call me and tell everyone that I'm not lying and we are becoming friends."
It takes a few long moments as you loiter on the training map, looking through comments, many of which were doubtful, before everyone hears the Discord call noise.
"Mods ban everyone who doubted me," you announce triumphantly before you even say hello, and everyone hears Dream's laughter echo across your stream.
"Hello to you too," he chuckles.
"Hi bestie," you play up your closeness, but still he plays along.
"Hey new bestie."
A long moment of silence follows, which you eventually break with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, you didn't need to actually call, I was just being a menace," you admitted sheepishly, starting a new game.
"What are friends for?" Dream responded with easily, and you immediately hit menu and left the server.
"Dude!" You crowed.
"Dude, what?"
"Dude, I was being a menace, you're so nice!" You sound a little muffled, as if covering your face with your hands. Again, Dream laughs, again, it's a kinder sound than you feel like you deserve considering the context.
"We were doing Smash or Pass with the CGI creatures in Spy Kids 2, which I suggested," Dream points out, putting you both on blast in an instant, "and not only were you cool with that, but we both want to smash the Spider-Monkey, so now we're friends. I don't make the rules."
"It's the objectively correct answer," you don't even hesitate before answering, mouth moving faster than your brain, and face still presumably in your hands, "look at that creature and tell me he doesn't; one, sling phenomenal dick, and two, both know and practice aftercare." As you're speaking, if only to provide context for your audience, you tab away from Minecraft to Google image search the Spy Kids 2 Spider-Monkey.
"Yeah, I read your messages, I agree on all fronts; the Spider-Monkey is a service top and would treat us right," Dream added sagely, "but what I'm saying is the fact that we had in depth discussions about our reasoning behind whether we would smash or pass these CGI creatures has forged a friendship that I refuse to back out of."
"That's why you agreed to be my friend?" Your tone was strangely fond at that revelation.
"No, I agreed to be your friend because I posted a Thumb-Thumb from the first movie in our team's chat and you answered 'smash' in all capitals three seconds after I posted it, followed by 'what that thumb do', again, all capitals -"
"I hadn't had a lot of sleep!" You cut in to defend yourself, still sounding vaguely embarrassed.
"I was impressed by your fucking conviction!" He shouts, but the bright affection in his voice keeps him from sounding too aggressive. A few seconds of silence followed, and you tabbed back to Minecraft.
"To those in chat wondering," Dream sounds more than a little amused as he broke the silence, "I hadn't asked Smash or Pass, I literally just posted a picture of the Thumb-Thumb in the group chat; they responded before I had a chance to follow up."
"I don't know what I was thinking," you mumbled, sounding all kinds of bashful.
"I want to study you," you could hear him smirking. It was easy to play up your embarrassment when your chat couldn't see you grinning, "for the record you were really quiet when we first all met in the VC, so it surprised me - in a good way, of course."
"A good way?" You asked dubiously.
"Hey, if it wasn't, I wouldn't have DMed you to follow up, I wouldn't have bothered to watch your stream to try and get to know you better, and I wouldn't have called when you asked," he points out with a strangely kind bluntness to his words. You're once again quietly, ruminating on his words as a warmth blooms in your chest.
"Okay now I am kind of starstruck," you mumble, flustered and fond, "you need me to fight someone for you I definitely will," which gets him to laugh, and begins your long, public history of being a Dream Stan on main.
After your group places 4th in MCC, you anticipate your fast-formed friendship with Dream to fade considerably. You tell yourself you don't mind, that that's what happens; you're friends now, sure, but you shouldn't expect to be especially close.
But he's still just as quick to answer you. He starts conversations. He calls you just because he's had a strange thought he wants to talk through with someone, and you're one of his first choices, so of course you start calling him in similar situations. It doesn't take long for a script to form, even if it's just between the two of you, neither live, even sometimes bleeding into your DMs; Bestie, I've had a thought. / Terrifying, continue.
While you don't interact live often anymore, you speak in private almost daily, and neither of you forgets the joke even when the other isn't around to hear it. Jokes about stanning turn to jokes about simping, made all the more amusing by neither of you knowing what the other even looks like.
While you begin to develop a solid friendship with George and Sapnap along the way, so too does Dream get to know your own housemate, an ASMR YouTuber who is kind but bemused by your burgeoning friendship with one of the biggest names on the platform. Still, she gets along well just as you do with the rest of the Dream Team.
And when your housemate moves out and you're by yourself in the little two-bedroom apartment, they make sure you never feel lonely.
While live interactions were limited, you never hesitated to defend one another, no matter the platform. Mods in your streams quickly learned that if vitriolic Dream-Antis weren't banned before they properly got your attention, you would put them on blast without a shred of mercy.
[the bit is dead. you and dream don't give a shit about each other we know this is for clout. let it go] pops up as a donation that slipped through the cracks, and you, who had been ranking notable Cyberpunk NPCs on a tier list, and had mentioned in an offhand way that you and Dream got into an argument about some of the A-Tier choices, go dead silent.
The mood drops.
"Can you please explain how?" Voice absolutely poisonous and calm, you let your mouse rest idle in the middle of the screen, "mods let them speak; can you bring up this proof that everyone knows about that insinuates that my friendship with Dream is a spiteful bit on my behalf?" And you wait.
[everyone knows. obviously. you guys aren't friends you don't ever talk]
"Obviously," you give a thin-lipped smile that no-one sees as you read a message from Dream himself, asking if you want him to call. You hit call and continue to address the troll, "not that I have anything to prove to you, or anyone," you drawled, feeling rather smug seeing that Dream had picked up, "hey bestie, sorry to interrupt your hot boy shit, but get a load of this clown," you snorted.
"You want me to ban them?" Dream asks with the kind of lazy, smug confidence that was rarely warranted in your shared discussions, but made a pleasant little shiver run down your spine every time you heard it. Chat was screaming.
"That's right, you have mod privileges on my streams, don't you?" Your tone is frankly catty, so full of smug confidence that even without a visual your audience is practically able to picture your smile.
"Yeah, you gave them to me months before we even talked about you joining the SMP -" Dream's own tone shifts as he stops matching your energy to menace you on your own stream. As anticipated, it broke you into disbelieving laughter as you shrieked for a moment.
"You're such a dick!" You laughed brightly, "I've been building up that will-they-wont-they-invite-me bit since MCC!"
"Okay, bye bestie, love you!" Dream announced cheerfully over the top of your dismay before immediately hanging up the call. While you're half-groaning, half-laughing at his sheer audacity, one of your other mods was quick to post that this is how people knew you were actually good friends, and for once your chat was in absolute agreement. At least when they weren't begging you for details on your SMP character and when you might finally join.
"I never said I accepted the invite," you tried to play coy, but it was futile, "he's so lucky he's cute."
Thankfully the overall reception to Dream's brief cameo was positive, and at least for a few days the people claiming you were a clout chaser quietened down. It's a brief reprieve but you're still glad for it.
In some ways you found it easier being faceless online; it's easier to disconnect yourself from a lot of the baseless hate. That being said, you found yourself, like many of your faceless fellow creators, to be a lightning rod for speculation and cruel potential comparisons. And more than anything, people went to horrifying lengths to try and discover your true identity behind the screen.
"Would you ever do a proper face reveal?" You hear yourself asking Dream at an hour that's arguably both too late and too early.
"I mean I want to," he admits, "I want to meet my friends and fans and make IRL content, you know?" Serious conversations were happening more and more often between you two. Maybe it's a sign of closeness, "but still the idea kind of freaks me out, like I'm losing a safety net. I love Sap and George but now that they're out there it's like they've kind of forgotten what it's like, and now my numbers are fucking astronomical, it's..." The way he signs betrays just how exhausted he was by certain aspects of his success.
"I know..." While your numbers may not be even close to Dream's, you've still got a few million subscribers of your own, and know all too well how the pressure aches. Still, you try to lighten the mood, "I'll make you my lock screen."
"What, now?" He laughs with confusion
"After your face reveal I'll make you my lock screen," you tell him with complete sincerity. You're not completely sure what reaction you're hoping for, but silence isn't it.
"I've had an idea," he muses, sounding suddenly energetic, and you don't even have time to make an intrigued noise before he's continuing, "we should meet up."
"In person?"
"Yeah, you come to me or I'll come to you," enthusiasm is spilling from him, and you hear him begin to frantically type. You, however, are far more hesitant.
"Why? What would be the point?" And at your question, the tapping of the keys goes silent.
"I wanna hang out with you?" He says a little awkwardly, almost like it's a question, "I want to see you in person? You're one of my best friends? I think it'd be funny for two of the biggest faceless streamers to do a meet-up before either of us face reveal? Take your pick," he sounds a little defensive.
"I-" you find yourself touched by the sentiment, overwhelmed at his words, "I know we are friends, and I know it's kind of something we joke about, but I always figured, you know, you had George and Sap and..." you feel your chest swell with pride, "do you really think of me as one of your best friends?"
A long silence follows.
"Do you not?" He asks, sounding a little disappointed, which has you backpedaling almost immediately.
"Of course I do, but I don't -" you hesitate before admitting, "I don't really have any other best friends. I like my housemate but ours is a convenience thing more than anything else."
"You're a different kind of best friend to Sap or George, or you know, even different to Karl or Q," he tells you after a few moments of deliberation, but at least he seems to be in better spirits, "but yeah, I still consider you one of my best friends." The typing on his end of the call has tentatively resumed.
"What kind of different?" You ask gently, and are again met with hesitation.
"There's parts of how I..." He trails off and hums thoughtfully, trying to organise his thoughts, "the way we exist online- no... I mean yes but it's not quite..." Then, carefully, "you know me," and he lets it hang in the silence between you both, and you give him the time to elaborate, heart in your throat, "you know me in a way that's very hard to describe and so much harder to find, because I feel like you know me in the nichest way, you know? Since that random-ass call the day of MCC, I was like, sure about you in a way that I'd never been about another person. Like safe - I mean," and he splutters half sentences again for a few moments, like he hadn't quite meant to admit that last part, but you're glad he did. You knew exactly what feeling he was talking about, the one that burned deep in your chest, that you knew you could never dream to find the words for.
You tell him your address.
He goes quiet.
The typing continues.
"So this is it, I'm coming to visit," suddenly he sounds nervous, and despite feeling that too, you can't help but grin.
"How soon?"
"Two days?"
"Two days!" The way you cheer in confirmation is cathartic for you both; you hear him definitely hit enter to purchase the plane ticket, and he laughs like he can't believe it's really happening. Then, as the laughter dies down, your voice turns quiet and fond, "you make me feel safe too, Dream."
"Stop," he sounds plaintive but still somehow bright, "I already kind of feel like I'm about to cry, I can't believe I get to see you so soon."
"So soon," you echo the affirmation with a smile.
To celebrate you watch and movie together, ending up falling asleep on the call. All you feel when you wake is how giddy you are knowing how soon it would be until you saw your best friend in person, finally!
He insists on taking an Uber from the airport, wants your first time seeing each other to be somewhere your voices have no chance of getting recognised, so by the time you buzz him into your building your practically sick with anticipation. Pacing with your earbuds in, something about hearing the echo of his real voice at your front door just ahead of hearing him in the call, it makes it all feel so real.
"I'm gonna hang up and knock now," his tone is so gentle, like he can tell you're freaking out more than he is right now.
"Okay, love you," you blurt out on tense instinct. He hangs up but you can hear his fond laughter the moment before he starts to knock. He doesn't even get a third knock in before you've wrenched the door open, heartbeat in your ears, absolutely clueless on what to expect -
He's real. He's a real person and he's standing in front of you and your best friend Dream has kind eyes. Around the time you register that this isn't a trick, that he's got wavy hair and he's tall and pale as all fuck, you realise that you're definitely checking him out, which somehow feels weirder when it hits you that he's actually very handsome. He had a place in your heart pretty much since you met him, but this is a welcome surprise.
"Do you wanna come in?" You asked with a little laugh, stepping to the side and gesturing him in. His expression was unreadable as he stepped past you, "it's good to see you," you tried, but once you closed the door and turned around, you couldn't help but feel self conscious.
"Come on man, this is really me, I'd rather you not do a bit, I've been cleaning but I tried to -" you dip your gaze to avoid looking at him, scouring your outfit for any stains you made have noticed, hoping his reaction was to something you could fix -
"This isn't a bit, sorry, I promise," he says in a rush, stepping forward. When you finally look back up, he's smiling at you, hand hovering like he went to touch your cheek but he's not sure he's allowed, "I cannot believe you've been this pretty behind the screen this entire time, this is so unfair, I could have bought a plane ticket months ago."
Slowly, as his words sink in, you feel yourself beginning to grin and grow flustered.
"Okay, this bit I approve of -"
"Who says it's a bit?" He crowed, stepping closer to you, cupping your face with his hand, "look at your face, this isn't a bit, you're hot! Who let you be hot?" And you know that tone, have heard that smile in his words before; the fact that this smile was behind it every time?
"No, shut up, you're not allowed to simp over me, I'm meant to be simping over you; you just finished a plane and uber ride, how are you not a hot mess? Who let you be hot?" And immediately he's turning red, basking in your compliments with a wide grin.
"We're gonna be insufferable on stream, aren't we?"
"Without a doubt," you beam, and finally you pull each other into a tight hug.
After dinner you drag a second chair into what is now your office, making sure the space was set up for you both to be comfortable. Once your computer is booting up, he pulls out his phone and instructs you to make half a heart with your hand in front of the computer. He completes the heart with his own and snaps a photo, your aesthetic set up in the background.
[am I really in @Y/N's apartment IRL for the most convoluted meet up ever or am i very good at photoshop? idk you decide] is how he captions the photo, which you immediately retweet onto your main account with a link to your Twitch.
"I ain't ever seen two pretty best friends!" You quote loudly at your chat to start your stream, immediately causing Dream to laugh, leaning over to press his forehead against your shoulder while you continued on strong, "and neither will you! Welcome to the most confusing and least provable meet up! Special guest Dream, do you wanna say hello?"
"I do," he wheezed, "I'm special guest Dream, coming to you live from Y/N's office, believe it or not!"
"I'm seeing a lot of non believers here," you mumbled with faux disappointment.
"They don't have to believe," Dream points out, far less performative than he'd been a moment ago. When he smiles at you, something eases in your chest. There's no weird tension, or uncomfortable silences, or doubt. Your best friend is by your side; the only thing that matters in this moment is him.
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simplyacerola · 2 years
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red face and drawstrings
pairing: dream x gn!reader
pronouns: you/your
event prompt: "you're jealous!" / "i'm not jealous"
warnings: slightly suggestive
word count: 575 (shorter than usual ;-;)
i apologize in advance if you don’t like dylan o’brien
masterlist! | request! | taglist form! | ko-fi!
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the room is nearly pitch black, the only light coming from the television eight feet away from the couch you’re laying on. dream wanted tonight’s movie night to be immersive, but he let you pick the movie. his reaction was unreadable when you selected the maze runner of all movies. dream couldn’t resist your bright smile when you looked at him.
dream lays behind you, between the couch cushions and your bundled body. you’re wrapped in a blanket while dream wears a hoodie, playing with the drawstrings occasionally with his free hand. his arm is draped over your body, hand reaching to yours.
what dream didn’t expect from the movie night date was your commentary. occasionally, when certain characters would appear on screen, you coyly whisper “smash” in response. as the movie progresses, dream’s reactions become more apparent. after dylan o’brien leaves the screen, you feel dream’s body relax. you turn your body to face your boyfriend (albeit awkwardly in your position). “why are you so tense? nothing serious has happened yet.”
dream plays his mood off. “it’s nothing, i’m just trying to get comfortable.”
you narrow your eyes, reading his face in the darkness. you look away briefly when you hear thomas asking yet another question, which causes dream to tense again. you playfully gasp, “you’re jealous!”
dismissively, he replies, “yeah right, you wish. i��m not jealous.” in the movie light, you can see his face growing red.
“you’re such a liar! i know you can’t lie to me.” dream pulls the drawstrings of his hood to cover his face. “dream…” you draw out the last syllables of his name, holding his hands that are clutching the strings. “i’m only messing with you, baby. you’re my boyfriend.” 
you pull the hood open to look at his face, placing the palms of your hands on his hot cheeks. “you’re the only person i’m smashing.” dream scoffs, though you can tell you boosted his ego (as if he needed it). “though, i would leave you for dylan o’brien given the chance.”
dream pushes your body off of him, sitting up on the other side of the couch. “i’m kidding!” under your breath, you say “sort of.” dream doesn’t react. “love, please.” you crawl onto dream’s lap, holding his red cheeks in your hands again, forcing him to look at you. with his face slightly squished, you smile. “i’m dating you. i love you.”
dream breathes out harshly from his nose. “more than dylan o’brien?”
you sigh dramatically and kiss him on the nose, causing him to smile. “sometimes.” you giggle devilishly.
“oh, come on.” he sets you down on the couch, head on the crumpled blanket. dream hovers over you, legs fitting between yours like a solved puzzle and hands beside your face. your expression drops at the sudden intimacy. “only i have this effect on you.” dream’s smirk reappears on his face.
you quickly glance at the tv screen. “oh, look! thomas and minho are back in the maze!” you turn your body, messing with dream and making him sigh. 
he returns to his previous position, laying behind you and holding you to his body. “way to ruin the moment.”
you lift his hand to your face, kissing the back of it. “i love you, my favorite boy.”
you can’t see it, but dream’s face is red once again. he presses a kiss to the back of your head and squeezes your hand in response.
taglist :) @nonsensicallynarnian @jschllatt @dukina
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eclipsedzs · 1 year
                𝗘𝗖𝗟𝗜𝗣𝗦𝗘𝗗 ▰▰▰▱▱▱ VOLUME ???
                ― ❛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴇᴇᴘᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ ❜ ―
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       ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ: ✓    ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ: ✘    ᴄᴏᴍꜰᴏʀᴛ: ☐    ᴇᴄᴛ: 〲
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━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗚𝗥𝗢𝗨𝗣 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡(𝗦)
━ (🔪) ☏  ━𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗟𝗔
❛ Stealing a Car? No. Stealing Mr Beasts Tesla? Yes. ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬(𝗦)
❛ 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲(𝘀?)❜ Marauders Era
   ❛Part One ❜
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━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗦𝗮𝗺 𝗚𝗼𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗵
  ❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗯𝘆 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸
 ❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝗯𝗲𝗿
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
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━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗚𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱
 ❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗪𝗮𝘀𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗻
  ❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗦𝗮𝗽𝗻𝗮𝗽
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗶𝘁𝘆
Stupid Video ✓   
-Irl Mario Cart with your boyfriend- Alex and best friend- John Smith.
𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗚𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵 ✓   
-Experience a night of drinks and dancing
𝗟𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 ✓   
-A chaotic cooking stream with your two hyper boyfriends
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗞𝗮𝗿𝗹 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗯𝘀
  𝗟𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 ✓   
-A chaotic cooking stream with your two hyper boyfriends
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗯𝘂𝗿 𝗦𝗼𝗼𝘁
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗙𝗼𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵_𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
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━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿 𝗥𝗲𝗶𝗱
   ❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
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━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗘𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝘆
   ❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗦𝘁𝘂 𝗠𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹���� 𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗺𝗶𝘀
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
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━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗦𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘂𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸
𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 ✓
- A fun party with your boyfriend and friends.
𝗠𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ✓
- Your boyfriend has made up his mind, he was going to smother you in his love.
𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝘆 ✓
- A Day in Hogwarts With Sirius Black
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿
𝗙𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ✘
- You were never his, and he was never yours
𝗣𝘂𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗗𝗼𝗴 ✓
- James likes a girl, who shows no interest in him. Though it isn’t new, and he’s still like a puppy in love.
𝗗𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗹𝗲𝘀 ✓
- Drawing on James’s hand during class
𝗙𝘂𝗰𝗸 ‘𝗲𝗺 ✓
- When boys talk about you like an object because of your beauty, James tends to get violent
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗥𝗲𝗺𝘂𝘀 𝗟𝘂𝗽𝗶𝗻
𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺𝘀 ✓ ✘ 𝗣𝗿𝘁 𝟮
- Where remus lupin freaks out when his girlfriend slips up that she knows he was..in fact..a werewolf
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘄
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗹𝘂𝘀 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
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━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗧𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗱𝗼𝗻
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝗟𝗮𝘄𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹 𝗟𝗮𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗼
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗮𝗻 -𝗢𝘂𝗮𝘁-
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗙𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘅 -𝗢𝘂𝗮𝘁-
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
━ (🔪) ☏  ━ 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱
❛ Hmm..nothing here..yet ❜
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Ⅰ.  Updates will be slow, I might not be able to get with everyone’s requests so please be patient.
Ⅱ.  I will not write or tolerate things like asking for things CC’s are uncomfortable with.
Ⅲ. Please use basic respect.
Ⅳ. If there is somone you would like a imagine about, ask. I will either add them, write about them or if i’m not comfortable about writing about them or not confident in portraying that character i will say so.
Ⅴ. If you want to be on a tag list, ask.
Ⅵ. If you want a story (Multiple Parts) Please provide details in either the asking box, comments or messaging me. (I will provide your Tag for credits of the idea)
Ⅰ. Don’t Be weird
Ⅱ. Again, don’t request things and CC will be uncomfortable with.
Ⅲ. I’m not a smut writer, i’m mostly a angst/fluff writer, i’m up to the most comfortable with spice, not full fledge smut.
Ⅳ. Have fun, don’t be rude because i’m not going to tolerate someone being rude to me, my followers or anyone who hasn’t done anything.
Ⅴ. Be safe, have fun, don’t share anything too personal. If you would like to be tagged ask. If you would like to be a regular requesting annon, give me a name or emoji you would like to be recognized with and i’ll add you to an annon list.
Ⅵ. I DO HAVE A SECOND ACCOUNT NAMED ECLIPSEDZ, so if you see this posted in there it is fine. But this account and that one should be the only one.
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© 2023 𝗘𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗽𝘀𝗲𝗱𝘇/𝗘𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗽𝘀𝗲𝗱𝘇𝘀
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ventihonklightice · 1 year
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circa a few days ago
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lilywastaken · 1 year
First of all I hope this is the request section second of all love your writings you’ve done so far <3 now to my request, I’ve been seeing way to many edits about dream in mr beast Antartica video. What if fem/reader went along with them and slept with in dream,sapnap, jimmy tent. It would be a dream x reader, friends to lovers or already a couple your choice :). Can’t wait to read more from you <3
CC! DreamWasTaken x FEM!Reader.
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SUMMARY: Spending 50 hours in Antarctica wasn't on your list of things to do this month, but neither was sharing a sleeping bag with your crush.
WARNINGS: Fluff, mentions of blood, illness (Dream's ill the whole time ☠️.), a lot of swearing!
A/N: My first request!! Thank you so much for it! <3 I chose the friends to lovers route with it, and kind of got carried away cause I love this idea (as you'll see)!! I'm actually really proud of this one, it might be my favourite piece of writing yet LMAO. Requests are still open!! Please don't forget to reblog/comment if you enjoy the post, it helps a lot!! Thank you all for the support! &lt;33
Also on ao3!
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You were used to travelling at this point.
Living with some of the biggest content creators of the year and creating content yourself meant that you were always being invited to places, whether it be conventions or get-togethers with internet friends.
And although you were well acquainted with Karl and knew who he worked for, you had never expected to be invited to be part of one of Mr Beast's survival challenges alongside your roommates and his crew, and you would've been crazy to even imagine you'd be invited to travel to Antarctica of all places.
After living for half a year in one of the warmer states in the U.S., you didn't know how you were meant to survive below 0 degrees when all you had to wear were tank tops and the occasional long sleeved shirt.
Which meant you were stuck borrowing your roommates' big chunky jackets and sweaters that they had brought alongside them for the trip.
It wasn't as if you weren't used to borrowing clothes from them, hell, you were pretty sure most of your closet consisted of Dream's clothes that were too small to fit him anymore.
But that didn't make it any less embarrassing.
"You look like a penguin."
George snorted as soon as you stumbled out of the jet's tiny bathroom, sporting one of the many jackets you were required to wear before exiting the aircraft and stepping onto Antarctica.
"Go fuck yourself." You sneered back, zipping your coat up to your chin and shoving your hands into the pockets, somehow already feeling the chill from the outside despite not having landed yet. "I'm afraid I won't be able to look as stylish as you wish me to during our stay in fucking Antarctica."
"I think you look stylish enough." Clay teased cheekily as he walked up from behind you, large hands landing on your shoulders to manoeuvre you out of his way, causing you to roll your eyes long enough to cause a headache at the cockiness he was exhibiting simply because you had chosen to wear his clothes instead of anyone else's.
"You're just saying that because it's your jacket she's wearing." Nolan commented as Karl helped him zip up the last of the many coats he was wearing, a teasing tone in his voice.
"And she looks good in it, what's the issue?" Dream didn't seem to want to back down from their back and forth, as usually happened with those. When Nolan didn't respond, the blond turned his head around and shot you a grin along with a thumbs up, his silent way of boasting after one of his so-called wins.
"You're such an idiot." You muttered under your breath as Sapnap handed you one of the many scarves that were littered across the floor, and you for one were glad that you had something to cover your face, not wanting anyone to notice the warmth that had risen to your cheeks after your small interaction with Dream.
Despite you living with him for almost a full year, he had somehow never gotten the memo about your true feelings towards him, unlike both Sapnap and George and half of the goddamn internet, who were full-on convinced that you were head over heels for the previously faceless YouTuber, and to be fair, they weren't far off.
He'd been the first one to reach out after lurking around in your streams, the first one to invite you into their server and make an effort to include you into the ongoing lore, to add you to streams with his internet friends and therefore introduce you to the people who you now considered to be your best friends.
It was inevitable, really. After countless hours spent listening to each other's voices through your speakers and being one of the first people to see his face despite his initial fear of rejection, how could you not fall in love with him? He was perfect, from the way his nose crinkled when he smiled to the countless moles adorning his body, he was perfect.
It was stupid, really, how hard you'd fallen for someone who had started out as a simple stranger on the internet who happened to also play Minecraft to one of the people you loved the most.
And you were going to make sure that he'd never know how much you truly loved him, the chances of your confession ruining the friendship you both had built too high to even consider.
"Why are you guys just standing around, we're about to land!" Jimmy came out of the cockpit, clapping his hands together and ushering everyone towards their luggage in an effort to get you to get ready quicker. "Come on! I don't want any of you catching frostbite and dying on me!"
"Wait, that's possible!?"
Despite all the layers of clothing Dream was currently sporting, he somehow managed to feel your hand wrap around his elbow, shuffling closer to his taller build as you readied to exit the aircraft.
"You okay?" He pulled his ski mask down below his lips so he could send you a reassuring smile, his juniper eyes obscured by the ski goggles that sat snuggly on his face.
"Yep. Totally okay. Totally not freaking out because we're about to spend 50 hours in the coldest place on earth. Totally fine, Clay." Your words came out of your mouth almost at the speed of light as your gloved hands fumbled with the scarf around your neck, receiving a laugh from the blond in response.
"Calm down. I doubt Jimmy will actually let us die, okay?" He moved your hands away from your face and fixed your problem himself, the smile on his lips only growing as his fingers brushed against your warming cheeks, a huge contrast to the cold air swirling outside.
"And if you do, just make sure to tell everyone to like and subscribe, okay?" A small 'oof!' left you as Chandler slammed his hands on your shoulders from behind, getting a slightly angered glare from Dream and a few giggles from the others at his action.
"Fuck you, man." You smiled, the sweet yet very brief encouragement you'd received lifting your spirits almost immediately.
But they were swiftly dampened as the doors opened, and holy fucking shit, you'd underestimated how cold it was going to be.
The sun was shining onto your small group, but not a single trace of warmth was felt on your skin, and oh god what you'd give to be back home curled underneath your bed covers holding Patches in your arms.
Jimmy didn't spare a single second to start the challenge, already heading over to the spot he'd claimed would be perfect for the makeshift camp that would be your home for the next two days.
Luckily, you'd been tasked with carrying one of the lighter pieces of luggage, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't almost busted a lung laughing whenever you saw one of the boys slip or trip and fall flat on their faces, but you did stop every time Dream stopped to cough, knowing he had caught a chill right before boarding the plane and the freezing temperatures you were being forced to travel through would likely do him no good.
After surviving a surprise blizzard and almost slipping a few times, you finally reached the spot Jimmy had marked in his mental map. You were almost ready to collapse into the soft looking snow, but of course, you were forced to put up the tents you'd be staying in, which proved even more difficult than propping up a normal tent in the woods, thanks to the never ending wind and slippy snow.
But as soon as you were allowed into the safety of the main tent, you curled into a ball in the corner and fought with your gloves to turn on your phone, which barely worked due to the cold.
"What the fuck are you trying to do with that?" Sapnap groaned as he fell to the ground in front of you, spying at the device in your hands as if he were some sort of prehistoric man and this was his first contact with fire. "You're an actual imbecile if you think there's going to be even a sliver of reception here."
You stuck your tongue out to him and moved to kick his side with your snow boots, snickering in victory as he finally moved away from you, leaving an empty spot at your side as Jimmy started to take out the strange contraptions that were required to make food in such extreme weather, but you were too tired to listen in to his explanation.
"Made you something." You visibly cringed at the sound of Dream's groggy voice before he came into view, ski mask and goggles abandoned so you could see clearly how red and runny his nose was, gloves off so he could hand you the warm packet of food he claimed to have made.
"Didn't know you were a Rudolph cosplayer.", You commented on his appearance with a sly smile, almost dropping the food as you felt him curl into your side, head falling onto your shoulder with a shaky moan of pain, clearly not amused by your attempt at a joke. "You okay?"
"No. Not okay." He whined, his warm breath hitting your neck from where his head was situated and causing goosebumps to form, your body still not used to this much proximity with him. "I feel like shit. Like… worse than shit."
You'd normally roll your eyes at such a statement, but you knew now that he was telling the truth, you'd seen the blood he coughed up the day before during your stay in Chile, and you knew that a cold could quickly turn into something way worse given the time.
You were ready to offer him help with whatever he needed, but you were cut off before you could even begin as you saw his mouth open wide from the corner of your eye.
"Feed me." He attempted to say without closing his mouth, soft eyes looking up at you through his long eyelashes with a pleasing look. "C'mon. Hungry."
You tried to ignore the head creeping up your neck as you reached into the bag with the plastic spoon to scoop up some of the now lukewarm food out and into his mouth, watching as he closed his mouth around the spoon and gulped, moaning softly at the taste.
"Holy shit that might actually be the best thing I've ever tasted." He opened his mouth again, waiting for you to shovel a bit more food into his mouth.
"Oh, so what you said about my pesto was a lie?" You said, pouting in mock sadness as you repeated your action, shoving the spoon into his mouth a bit too hard and making him choke, but before you could apologise, he shook his head, answering your previous accusation.
"Okay, second best. Your cooking skills put this delicious cold goop to shame." He joked between a few chews, nudging you slightly with his shoulder. "You know that."
"Ah, so you're comparing my food to this?" You raised the bag in question and shook it a bit to further your point, trying your best to not burst out laughing at how panicked he looked as he tried to explain himself; a frown etching onto his face as you finally broke and let out a soft giggle.
"You're making fun of me." He finally seemed to realise as you nodded in response, about to shove some snow in your face if it weren't for the spoon that was shoved into his mouth and the puppy eyes you shot in his direction.
The gulp he made was enough of a response for you.
Once the spoon you had used for Dream was well disposed of (you didn't want to risk getting ill yourself), you started eating some of the food yourself, Dream's head still snugly resting on your shoulder as he watched your every movement, making small talk every now and then and joining in on the conversations the others were having.
"Okay, it's like… almost midnight." Jimmy commented as he stared down at his watch, everyone staring back at him with the same bewildered expression, since the sun was still shining down onto your small camp. "We gotta get to bed."
"But it's still sunny outside!" Karl whined, pulling back the entrance slap to stare outside for a split moment, everyone immediately shouting at him for letting the cold in.
"And it's going to stay like that! Did the American school system fail you this badly!? Haven't you lot learnt about Antarctica? The sun is always up here!" George exclaimed in frustration, already zipping up his jacket, urging everyone else to abandon their food and do the same.
"Exactly! So let's get into our tents and try to get some rest, okay?" Jimmy encouraged, trying his best to keep everyone's morale up, picking up his sleeping bag and waiting for everyone to be ready before opening the tent.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You heard Sapnap curse as he followed his group into the tent with their sleeping bags, your own pressed to your chest for extra warmth until you reached the tent you'd be staying in, quickly making yourself at home on the right side.
"Dibs!" You didn't even try to hide the amusement in your voice as you slammed your bag and belongings onto the plastic ground, immediately starting to zip down the giant coat you'd been wearing.
"Yeah, yeah." Jimmy rolled his eyes with a smile as he and Nolan claimed the left side, leaving Dream standing at the entrance in confusion, staring at the empty spot beside your sleeping bag as if it was an abomination of nature.
His brain hadn't seemed to comprehend that he'd be sleeping next to you when you confessed you'd feel safer sleeping in the same tent as him, he had simply assumed you'd be sleeping next to Nolan or Jimmy, not him.
"You okay, dude? You're letting in all the cold." Your voice snapped him out of the daze he had been in, rapidly nodding instead of answering since he really didn't trust his voice to work right then.
Once the tent was zipped up tight, he awkwardly shuffled towards you, watching intently as you pushed your jackets off, which left you in the tight shirt all of you wore beneath the heaps of coats.
His hands shook as he undid his sleeping bag, and he wasn't sure if it was because of the cold or because of how close to you he was going to be in a few minutes.
And he didn't know why this was affecting him so much, he'd been cuddled up into your side less than an hour ago, and he wouldn't be able to count the times you'd crawled into his bed back home after a nightmare or if you were being too lazy to make the few steps that it took from his room to yours. He'd had you in his arms, hell, he'd felt the warm skin of your waist beneath his open palms that one time he helped you decorate the Christmas tree, so why was this different?
Maybe he was deluded.
That's probably right, his cold had gotten so bad that it was affecting his senses, which meant he was now super fucking awkward around you and wanted nothing more than to hide his face in the crook of your neck and feel once again your warm skin bene-
What the fuck?
What the actual fuck?
He froze in his tracks as he stopped his train of thought from going any further, his face heating up as he reviewed the thoughts about you that seemed to have infiltrated his mind.
Well…. it wasn't like he hadn't ever thought about you like that, it was sort of inevitable. You were one of his closest friends, (maybe his closest, but don't tell George that.) and yeah, maybe once in a while he had thought about kissing you, about threading his fingers through your hair and tracing every feature on your pretty face while you laid in his arms.
And… and maybe he had told himself that all those times you had come to him at night for comfort or had stayed in his arms while watching a movie, were nothing but platonic, that you would probably do the same with Sapnap or George (despite the absolute fucking jealousy he felt brewing inside of him at the thought of you lying in their arms instead of his.) and the moments you spent talking about everything and anything at the same time weren't reminiscent to all of his past relationships, because this wasn't a relationship! He was your best friend! Not some creep that was in love with the girl who trusted him the most! Nope! No way.
He nodded to himself in confirmation as he finally finished setting up his sleeping bag, flopping down onto it with an angered huff, ignoring the amused look you sent in his direction.
"You're going to sleep like that?" You questioned, poking his side teasingly, causing him to yelp and move away from your touch as if it was poison as quickly as he could, snapping his head down to look at his outfit.
His cheeks went even redder (if humanly possible) as he realised he had been this close to falling asleep in full Antarctica tactical gear, quickly shoving all of his layers off so he was in the tight shirt your two other tent-mates were also wearing.
"You're so stupid." You snorted at him with a fond smile, turning around on top of your makeshift bed to pick up your phone and some earphones you'd been smart enough to bring. "Downloaded some anime Karl recommended, you want to watch an episode before we sleep?" You offered, making sure your voice was low enough that it didn't disturb Jimmy or Nolan, who were busy talking to the cameraman; lifting an earbud in one hand and waving it around enticingly.
"Y-Yeah, why not?" He smiled back at you, awkwardly shuffling towards you and keeping his distance because he was your friend who respected your boundaries and definitely did not like you.
He sputtered out a whine as you rolled your eyes and pulled his sleeping bag flush against yours, forcing him to sit right next to you, arm to arm, leg to leg and foot to foot. He raised a shaking hand to pop in the earbud you handed to him and tried his best to focus on the screen and not on how fucking warm your skin felt against his, how cute you sounded when you let out a short snort or a low giggle, how pretty you looked from the side with the glow of your phone reflecting your features.
You, for one, were actually enjoying the show at hand (despite only having one earbud, but that didn't matter.), and not focusing on how close Dream was to you, something you were learning to do after all the times you'd spent curled into his side at his bed back home.
You hadn't really thought about how the sleeping arrangements would work back on the plane, you were more concerned about the plastic device Jimmy had shoved into your hand and tried his best to explain how it was supposed to help you use the restroom.
But now that you were given the time to breathe, you finally realised how close you'd be to him, the thought enough to make you want to shove your face into a pillow and scream into it like a schoolgirl, just like every time you ended up in his arms.
Before the episode could finish, the cameraman left after filming a bit of Jimmy and Nolan, the latter escorting him out and turning back around, his gaze flicking down to your sleeping bag.
"Ah, shit, your bag's ripped."
"What?" You let your phone fall onto your lap and leaned over your legs to grab at the end of what would've been your bed if it weren't for the giant gash that had split the bottom in half, exposing your socks to the outside. "Fuck! Jimmy!"
The man in question popped his head up from where he was lying down, surveying the damage before biting the inside of his cheek in thought, scratching his chin.
"Uh… I don't think we've got any spares. Are… Are you okay with sharing or something? I mean, you know Karl, he'll probably be up all night so you can probably take his or share…?"
Dream didn't want to admit how horrible the thought of you leaving his tent to share with Karl was and how disgusting he felt as the jealousy grew in a pit of his stomach as he kept on thinking about it.
"Uh-" You looked down at the threads hanging out of the tear, shrugging your shoulders as you silently agreed. "I mean… as long as Karl's okay with it…? I don't mind."
"Great! Here, let me hel-"
"You can just share with me."
Dream's groggy voice cut off Jimmy's enthusiastic one, causing all of the tent to snap their head into his direction, as if you had forgotten he was there.
"That's fine, right?"
"Yeah!" You cried out a bit too eager, quickly coughing and changing your tone of voice to a more mellow one. "Yeah, that's fine."
"Oookay! That's actually better. A lot of people huddle close for heat here so let's see if you help Dream with that cold of his, eh?" Jimmy nodded, slipping his sleep mask back down his face and lying down, leaving you and Dream wide awake and staring at each other, Nolan having slipped into his bag during your awkward conversation.
"Here." Dream got up and tried his best to pull the sleeping bag open to make more space, waiting patiently for you to unzip your snow boots and put on some fuzzy socks you'd manage to snag in Chile before taking the plane.
"Thanks," You mumbled quietly, awkwardly moving to a side of the bag so Dream would be able to fit in next to you. "For holding it open. And uhm, for offering. I really didn't want to leave the tent, plus, with Karl, Sapnap and George I doubt I'd get any sleep."
Dream snorted in affirmation, aware of how dangerous they were when put together, and he couldn't even imagine how powerful they'd be when contained in such a small space. It was his turn to throw off his boots (not even bothering to unzip them first), and quickly shove himself into the bag next to you in hopes of keeping the warmth his feet had previously been in.
After a bit of shifting and moving limbs, you finally got into a comfortable position, your body draped over his side to preserve warmth with an arm wrapped around you waist with the other tracing random shapes into the arm that was sprawled across his chest, something he subconsciously did every time you were in his arms in such a position.
"This is nice." He mumbled, half joking, half serious.
"Mhm." You hummed, not trusting yourself enough to form proper sentences, carefully resting your head onto his shoulder and tickling his cheek with your hair.
A few moments passed in the same position, Dream's warm hand rubbing circles onto your waist in an attempt to soothe your nerves, knowing how stressed you probably felt without having to ask. You almost melted in his touch as he moved his head to rub his nose into your hair, closing his eyes with a sigh.
"It's impossible to sleep." He finally broke the silence with the muttered sentence, making you giggle and hide your face further into his shoulder.
"Don't you have an eye mask?" You mumbled from your spot, voice muffled by his shirt, feeling him shift beneath you until his hands left you to pull what you assumed was the eye mask down to his face.
"Forgot about it." He grumbled, warm hands finding their spot back onto your body and continuing their ministrations on your skin, lulling you quickly to sleep, feeling as if your head had been stuffed with cotton, tired enough to ignore everything around you, especially the quiet confession that came from Dream's lips and the soft kiss that was pressed to your forehead, leaving it to be a secret of the night.
You were woken up rather abruptly, the tent opening and Karl's high pitched laugh coming in along with the cold air, making everyone in the tent groan in discomfort and move beneath the covers to preserve the warmth, including you two, who during the night seemed to have moved into a different position, your face pressed right into Dream's chest with his chin resting on the crown of your head, his hands cupping the pudge of your thighs as they wrapped around his waist, thumb rubbing in circles like he had done last night with your waist, quickly soothing you back to sleep.
"I'm going to kill you, Karl!" Nolan shouted from his bag as the boy rolled into the tent, Sapnap following close behind with a disposable camera, not trusting his phone enough in such a weather.
"You got it?"
Sapnap made sure the flash was off, not wanting either of you to fully wake up and ruin the moment, before snapping a few pictures of Dream and you cuddled beneath the top layer of his sleeping bag, keeping their giggles and snickers to a low before leaving the tent with a nice reminder of what had happened beneath you.
"Told you it was smart to bring a knife." Sapnap pointed to your discarded sleeping bag with a grin before fully exiting the tent, not without letting in a gust of cold wind.
That seemed to finally snap you out of your sleep, groaning softly as you wriggled in Dream's arms, stopping in your tracks as he let out an incoherent grumble and brought you closer into his arms, as if you were a simple teddy bear and not his best friend who had totally overstepped a line by actually fucking wrapping her legs around his waist as if he were your boyfriend!
"Clay." You whispered as you faced him, moving a hand to push a few of his curls out of the way of his closed eyes and observe the freckles splattered across his skin like stars in the night sky, your finger tracing the short invisible lines between all of them. "Wake up…"
"Hmng…" His hold on you tightened for a moment before returning back to normal, his way of pleading for you to give up and slip back into his arms.
"Claaayy~" you said a bit louder, pressing your finger into the tip of his nose in hopes of getting him to wake faster. "Come on, we've still got a whole day left."
"Do you think I'm actually well enough to do something?" He finally spoke, and you almost jumped at how much worse his voice sounded than last night, but that was a given due to the cold and the mix between his already muzzy voice and the deep tone his morning voice normally took. "Just stay here with me for a while…"
"But I'm well enough to do something, Clay." You mumbled, letting your arm fall by your side and attempting once again to escape his grip, smiling softly as he didn't fight this time and let you slip out easily.
You didn't make any further effort to wake him up again, giving him the luxury of sleeping in a bit longer and getting yourself ready to leave the tent, despite how warm his hold had been and how you truly wanted nothing more than to slip right into his hold and wrap your arms around him.
But you fought the urge to, exiting the warmth of your tent and rushing towards where Karl and George were building a snowman (although it wasn't much of a snowman due to Karl slipping and falling onto it every few minutes.), and offering to assist them.
Ignoring the cold and the fact you didn't have anything to decorate the so-called snowmen with, you actually had fun with them, having said goodbye to Nolan and Jimmy before they left to "claim a mountain" a few hours ago; and you were now left with four snowmen without features, so they really couldn't be called snowmen at all.
"I think it looks pretty good!" Karl hummed as he finished rolling one of the bigger parts of his snowman.
"It's just three balls of snow on top of each other, Karl." George deadpanned as he moved his goggles to see the abominations you three had made.
"I think it looks a bit like you." You stuck your tongue out at George, who returned the gesture before the both of you realised how cold it was to be doing it and quickly returned your tongues back into your mouths.
After making some food and welcoming Jimmy and Nolan back, you spent some time with Dream outside (despite how much your body was screaming at you to get somewhere warm.), and threw a few snowballs at each other, last night's events never discussed or mentioned during your conversations.
You finally realised how much time you had spent outside when Chandler announced the plane would be here in almost two hours, the fact you'd spent almost a day in the freezing snow enough to frighten you into getting frostbite.
"If my fingers fall off I want you to have them, Dream." You confessed to him as you both worked on taking down your tent, giddiness filling you at the loud laugh he let out, nodding his head with a smile beneath his ski mask.
"Yes ma'am, I'll make sure to cherish them until I die." He teased back, shoving whatever remained of the tent into a bag and wrapping some of the rope around it, letting you admire for a moment how strong he truly was before Sapnap called you over to help him with the rubbish.
You didn't have much time to talk as Jimmy hurried you all back to where you had started, where the plane was waiting in all its glory, and holy shit you couldn't wait to be back inside.
You almost tripped on the stairs from how desperate you were to get inside if it weren't for Dream's hands holding you up from behind, knowing how excited you were to get back into the warm safety of the aircraft.
You collapsed into one of the window seats with a loud dramatic exhale, closing your eyes for a moment to enjoy the warmth of the leather chairs and the exaggerated smell of the air freshener that was wafting along the main cabin.
"Fucking finally, right?" Dream laughed after shoving both your luggage into the upper compartments, knowing you'd probably be too exhausted to do it yourself after barely catching any sleep in the last 24 hours, and falling into the empty seat next to you.
"I never thought I'd say this, but…" you turned to look at him dramatically, his heart beating rapidly at your serious expression and words until you spoke. "I actually miss Florida."
He breathed out a sigh of relief along with a laugh, nodding his head in agreement as he moved his hand to wrap around yours, heart fluttering as you didn't even stop him from doing so.
"I can't wait to wear some shorts and a tank top and still be hot." You mumbled with a smile, turning your head to a side to make eye contact with him. "Although it'll probably be a bit too cold for that."
"Yeah, you never know with Floridan winters." He snorted, interlacing your fingers with his and moving to look out the window. "As long as I'm out of this coat, I'll be fine."
It was your turn to laugh, nodding your head in affirmation, and shifting on the seat to rest your head on his shoulder, much like he had done when you had first entered the tent.
Silence filled your little corner of the plane until he finally spoke, turning to you completely and making you lose the balance you previously had.
"You uh… did you hear what I said? Last… uh, last last night?"
You cocked your head to a side like a confused puppy would, shaking your head, a no.
"Uh… well… Shit I'm really going to regret this." He breathed out as a laugh, raising his free hand to pull off his ski mask and ruffle up his curls. "I… I kind of, well… kissed your forehead. And said I- I love you."
Your brain short circuited at his words, blankly staring into his eyes as if your body had stopped just so your mind could make any sense of what he was saying.
"In a non-platonic way."
"In a non-platonic way." You parroted, blinking like a fool as you watched him panic underneath your gaze.
Silence once again filled your little corner, both of your hands still intertwined and both your gazes locked together, Dream's whole body ready to give out if you didn't give him an answer soon.
"Please say somet-"
"I love you too." Your confession cut him off, his mouth hanging open with unsaid words ready to come out, looking something akin to a fish out of water gasping for air.
"O-Oh!" He breathed out, his body finally catching up to his brain as he nodded at your confession, cheeks pink from both embarrassment and illness. "Holy shit."
"Holy shit." You echoed once again, although this time you ended it with a small breathless giggle, raising your free hand to cup his cheek, stubble pricking your palm and cold skin meeting warm.
"I really want to kiss you right now." He confessed, half closed eyes searching for your gaze as his hand came up to cover yours over his cheek. "But I don't want to get you sick."
You smiled at his pout, shrugging your shoulders as you nodded down towards your fingers. "There's no way I'm not getting sick after that, Clay. It's fine. I want to kiss you too."
He nodded faster than the speed of light as you started to pull him down, pressing your lips to his for a moment that felt like eternity, and oh god, it was better than you imagined. It felt as if fireworks were going off in your head, sending shivers down your spine and lighting every nerve within you on fire, his breath against your lips as he pulled back from them almost burning your skin from how much you wanted to press them back onto his.
"Holy shit."
And by the sounds of it, you hadn't been the only one affected ridiculously by the kiss.
"Can we do that more often?" Dream basically vibrated in his seat at the prospect of being able to repeat that experience, his smile only growing when you nodded your head, a matching one pulling at your lips.
"Yes. Yes please."
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yettobedetermined7 · 2 years
Imagine going to a Sooners game with Dream and Sapnap
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prettytoxicrevolver · 6 months
Five scenario with a plot for Dream?
5. I’m shopping for Christmas decorations with my friend, but neither of us can reach the top shelf, so they asked you for help and now i’m nervous because you’re really cute
“Do we want a real tree or a fake tree?” you ask your roommate as you continue to push the red target cart around the decoration aisles.
“Fake?” she asks and you wrinkle your nose at the suggestion.
“What if we stop living together? Who gets the tree then?” you supply your questions to her and she shakes her head.
“Let’s look at ornaments,” she suggests instead.
The two of you round the aisle to the ornament section and browse both the individual ones and the aesthetically matched packaged ones.
“Ooh look at those!” you say, pointing at the mix of pink ornaments packaged together sitting on the top shelf.
“Those are so cute oh my god,” your best friend gushes.
Being the taller of the two of you, you climb onto the bottom shelf and reach up, extending your arm fully and standing on your tiptoes but still failing to even graze the top shelf. Your best friend laughs, doubling over when you try and jump to reach the box but fail even harder.
“I’m going to get help,” she says, shaking her head and walking away.
You go back to looking at the individual ornaments and it only takes a few minutes before your roommate comes back. You turn to smile at the worker when you see a random boy standing there instead.
You’re taken aback but most by the fact that he’s cute. Like, really cute.
He’s easily a foot taller than both you and your friend, shaggy dirty blonde hair falls over the brightest eyes you had ever seen and you feel yourself flush from head to toe when his eyes land on you.
“Which one is it?” the boy asks, turning his full attention towards you.
“C-cute,” you stutter out and your best friend lets out a quick laugh before slapping her hand over her mouth. The boy grins widely at you and you try your best to melt in a puddle and float away from the situation.
“Fuck I mean,” you say turning back towards the ornaments. “The pink ones on the top shelf.”
You step back and point and the boy nods, reaching up to the top shelf and snatching the box off and placing it into your cart.
“Anything else?” he asks.
“Your number for my friend?” your best friend asks and you choke on her words.
“No no,” you say, grabbing her arm and pulling her behind you before she can say anything else incredibly embarrassing. “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” he says, throwing you a wink and you smile and offer an awkward wave, more laughter sounding from behind you.
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justanormalfangirlx2 · 10 months
hey chlo
so the situationship went HORRIBLY
dm me when ur active ill tell ya
maybe spiteful break up hcs?
also ive been listening to i hope ur miserable until ur dead sooo u know what i mean :(
Spiteful breakup fics;
i can see him basically being a bitch about it and throwing your shit out the house
changing the locks on the doors
”give me the house key back, you don’t deserve to be in the house anymore”
“you’re such a bitch.”
dream + middle fingers = badass
”fuck you, i’m done”
“just get the fuck away from me.”
”you lied about everything! how am i supposed to love a lier when i’m not sure what the fuck is the truth?” (lowkey might make this into a story with this line)
alienates you from everyone else
since you broke up, nobody has reached out to you
if you try and approach him, he starts cussing you out
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Look at him go!😚
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modelbus · 1 year
hi! this is my first time requesting so i’m sorry if this is confusing — but i was wondering if i could request a (romantic) dream x female or gn reader and dream ‘catches’ the reader wearing his knit cat hat and dream just melts and becomes really fluffy and cuddly <3
His knit cat hat is adorable and I want one
Pairing: CC!Dream x Gn!Reader
His Hat
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Really, you don't even think about it until it's too late. His hat was there, you were going outside into the cold, and you just grabbed it. By the time you realize what hat it was, you're already outside. And it's just so goddamn cozy.
So, you keep it on. Just for the quick trip to the store then back. It wasn't like he'd ever find out, right? And besides, if he did catch you wearing his hat, he'd probably just tell you to get your own. Maybe ban you from taking his stuff again, but nothing extreme. As you slip off your shoes in the entryway you completely forget that you're wearing his hat. It's one of those cozy hats, light on your head. It's also slightly too big, but that just adds to the appeal.
You head into the kitchen, depositing the microwave popcorn you bought into a cabinet. Movie night was serious business and you had been tasked with snack duty for this one. Among your haul were peanut M&M's, sour gummy worms, and skittles. Only the best candies for your movie nights.
"What'd you get?" Dream asks, making you jump. You hadn't even heard him approach!
"Snacks for movie night." You answer, turning around to find him in the doorway.
He's looking slightly above you, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion before realizing you forgot to take off his hat. Shit. You knew he wouldn't be mad but getting banned from taking his clothes wasn't on your agenda for the day.
"You're wearing my cat hat." He points out.
"Sorry." You laugh nervously, taking it off and setting it on the counter. Your hair’s probably a mess because of it. "It was the first hat I grabbed."
"Don't be sorry." He immediately says, crossing the kitchen to you. "You look good in it."
Your cheeks immediately flush as he grabs the hat and situates it on your head. He's overly careful not to push it into your eyes or mess up your hair, bringing a sort of sweetness to the moment. His eyes are soft, focused on you.
"There." He hums, satisfied with him himself. “You should keep it on.”
“I should?” You ask, very confused. You thought Dream would be a little upset you stole his hat.
“Yeah. I told you it looks good on you. I like seeing you in my hat.”
He ducks his head to kiss you, hands briefly ghosting over your waist before he pulls away again. You smile at him before turning back to organizing the snacks. His arms loop around you, head settling atop yours for a moment as he watches.
"What?" You ask. He's being more touchy than usual; something has to be going on.
Dream pulls away, making you turn back to him. He doesn’t go far though, entwining his hand in yours and gently tugging you into the living room. The snacks are left abandoned as you follow him.
“Come watch football with me.” He insists.
"You'll have to explain all the rules and flags to me again." You warn him, but don't try and resist.
The second you're both on the couch he's pulling you closer to him so he can wrap an arm around your shoulders while you curl into him. You recognize one of the football teams as the Oklahoma Sooners, the one he likes. He presses a kiss to your shoulder, staring at the screen.
"They have to make it ten yards or else the ball goes to the other team." Dream quietly explains.
It's probably the fifth time you've heard him explain this exact thing, but you just keep forgetting. Football is confusing, and it's hard to pay attention when you're cuddling with him. Dream is always a welcome distraction from anything.
"You're being awfully touchy." You point out, moving to run your hand through his hair to tame the unruly curls. They're adorable but always a mess. “Not that I mind.”
He grins at you. "What can I say? You look really good in my hat."
"Maybe I'll buy one then."
Dream immediately frowns and shakes his head before his expression shifts more into a pout. The quick emotion change makes you laugh. Sometimes he can be a little dramatic, but you love him.
"You look good in my hat." He repeats, emphasizing his words.
"So I can only wear your cat hat?"
Who could've thought that stealing his hat, accident or not, would've been the second-best thing you ever did? Second only to dating him in the first place, of course.
Dream kisses you again, making you practically melt into him. Now that you've found his secret weakness, you're definitely going to be using it. The great Dream, felled by you wearing his knit cat hat.
"You missed a touchdown." You mumble against his lips, teasing.
He doesn't even look back at the TV. "Better than missing a second of you."
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