#eclectic pagan
childofthewolvess · 2 days
I have a theory that Aphrodite appears to her worshippers in the way each individual views true beauty, and that in its own shows the wide array of the perception of beauty to humans and I think that’s so cool.
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apolloslyrics · 2 months
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
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Y'know I don't think my friend quite understood what they were getting into when they told me "Hey, you know how you like infodumping about witchcraft? Could you just put together a google doc of 'the basics' and resources and such for me, if that's something you'd enjoy? People keep telling me to learn the basics first and I still haven't heard someone say what those are."
The doc is three pages long already, I've warned them that there will be an overwhelming amount of information and links for them to explore. They said they're excited. They're laughing. I have 45 tabs open, all witchy information, and they're laughing.
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mylifeforawinegod · 3 months
Just a quick reminder~
Not all polytheists consider themselves as pagans, and not all pagans consider themselves polytheists. The two terms aren't universally interchangeable.
(Some people use the terms interchangeably for themselves because the terms are heavily intertwined for them. This is not the case for everyone.)
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thrashkink-coven · 3 months
Don’t forget that you live in a very incredibly crazy age of maximum information. We often forget how magical that is in itself. I know that most folks don’t consider bluetooth and wifi to be “magic” but I very much do.
It may not seem very aesthetically pleasing to look up the meanings of your tarot cards on Google, or to download the e-book version of an ancient grimoire, but don’t forget how fucking crazy it is that you can even do that. In an instant we can translate entire works into a language we can understand. We can research the histories of cultures we have no chance of witnessing irl. We can learn the names of Gods and demons that should have been lost to time. We can learn the benefits and dangers of any herb, we can learn which plants are native to our environment, how to care for them, and where to find them. We can predict the damn WEATHER!!! We can even converse with other witches all the way across the globe without a moment’s delay!!! That’s some crazy magic right there!!! Any ancient witch, mage, or practitioner would find these things to be absolutely incredible!! There’s so much to learn, and it’s so easily accessible!!!
Don’t ever feel apprehensive about looking stuff up on the regular old internet. It might not look as cool, but you’re probably gaining a lot more knowledge than any of those ancient mages could have even dreamed of. It’s always nice to have a collection of books and grimoires you can actually hold and study. But the fact that you have literally, all of humanity’s knowledge at the tip of your fingertips is amazing!!! Use it!
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dramaticwine · 2 months
Items for Lord Dionysus’ altar
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Statues and/or images of Dionysus
Wine glasses
Ethically sourced furs
Statues of leopards, tigers, snakes, and/or bulls
Theater masks
Play programs
Phallic imagery
Fake or real plants
Wine corks, bottles, or labels
Bottle caps
Pride flags and/or pins
These are all suggestions and common associations of Dionysus. If you do not have some of these or don’t feel comfortable owning some of these, that is valid. We all have different practices and how you do yours will differ from mine.
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tears-of-amber · 4 months
As a devotee of Freyja I consider caring for my cats a sacred task. Especially the babygirl in my room (Muffin). I like to give her fresh air (cracking the window just a bit so she can get all the sniffs and outdoor smells) and making sure she’s played with, cuddled with, and entertained 24/7. She’s such a good baby. I’m so lucky to have a companion like her. 🌬️🌿🐈‍⬛
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(Yes, the altar has gotten a bit dusty from the window being open. I’ll clean it tomorrow, as I’m quite tired from all the cleaning I did today!)
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hijodeiluvatar · 11 months
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actiwitch · 7 months
i am sooo tired of pagans telling other pagans they can't worship 'dark' or 'evil' deities (such as Lucifer, Loki, Lillith, or demons). like stfu and go work through whatever weird christian shit you internalized
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skogjeger · 10 months
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Candles' Colours & Associations ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 
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Candle magic, often referred to as "magick" (a common alternate spelling), offers an accessible and budget-friendly approach to spiritual practices. For centuries, people have incorporated candle rituals into their spiritual routines, making it an integral part of diverse traditions. Candles play a versatile role in various occasions like weddings, birthdays, spells, honouring deities and numerous other celebrations and rituals.
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𖤣𖥧˚ Candle Colour Associations
Each candle colour is associated with distinct energies, intentions, and vibrations. Understanding these associations is essential for crafting meaningful candle rituals. Candles add rather than subtract to your spells, although candles aren't always necessary and you can use any candle and associate your own meanings for them, but here are some common candle colour associations:
White: Purity, spirituality, banishing, cleansing, unveiling, healing, truth, balance, innocence, clarity, peace, new beginnings, and illumination. It represents divine light and is often used for cleansing and invoking spiritual protection.
Red: Passion, love, courage, fire, lust, anger, revenge, sex, power, survival, change, action, assertiveness, and strength. Red candles are employed for matters of the heart, to enhance energy, and ignite motivation.
Orange: Success, enthusiasm, curiosity, change, opportunities, simulation, courage, and attraction. Orange candles are used to stimulate creativity and bring positive energy into endeavors.
Yellow: Creativity, joy, motivation, positivity, relieving negativity, energy, happiness, and clarity. Yellow candles can enhance mental clarity, increase focus, and bring a sense of joy and optimism.
Green: Growth, abundance, fertility, wealth, nature, naivety, healing, and prosperity. Green candles are used for attracting financial well-being and promoting healing and renewal.
Blue: Peace, healing, recollection, psychic growth, justice, study, mental blocks, guidance, calm, honesty, harmony, intuition, and communication. Blue candles aid in deepening meditation, enhancing psychic abilities, and fostering emotional balance.
Purple: Spirituality, wisdom, divination, and higher consciousness. Purple candles are associated with spiritual awakening and seeking inner wisdom.
Pink: Love (self-love), friendship, nurturing, and harmony. Pink candles are often used in rituals focused on self-love, compassion, and nurturing relationships.
Grey: Transmutation, patience, mediating, neutralizing, balance, stability, study, calm, balance, developing psychic abilities, and wisdom. Grey candles are useful when contemplating complex issues and can neutralize negative influences.
Brown: Wisdom, grounding, tenacity, perseverance, stability, rooted, security, woods, family, animals, pets, earth, material items, practicality, rediscovery, reconnection, and balance. Brown candles serve a dual purpose: safeguarding pets and family members, as well as facilitating reconnection with friends and loved ones.
Black: Protection, banishing, endings, absorbing, safety, binding, exorcism, release, death, healing, loss, and releasing negativity. Black candles are used for purification and breaking negative patterns. Some people will also use black candles for revenge spells (white too) or breaking hexes.
𖤣𖥧˚ Metallic Candle Colour Associations
Gold: Abundance, wealth, spiritual illumination, success, good fortune, happiness, ambition, luck, and the sun. Gold candles are used to invoke prosperity, celebrate achievements, and attract positive energies.
Silver: Intuition, self-reflection, perception, awareness, defend, send-back energy, protection, and emotional balance. Silver candles are employed for enhancing psychic abilities, connecting with lunar energies, and invoking the divine feminine.
Copper: Healing, vitality, emotions, autumn, new ideas, relaxation, combining, coming together, and energy balancing. Copper candles are utilized to promote physical healing, boost energy levels, and restore equilibrium.
Bronze: Grounding, strength, autumn, foundation, and courage. Bronze candles are associated with stability, courage, and protection during challenging times.
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Final ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━
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Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in exploring different candle colours or their associations. You can send me a message directly, drop a note in my inbox, or share your thoughts in the comments, and I'll be happy to expand on the topic!
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childofthewolvess · 20 days
I just appreciate my deities so much. I have been so exhausted recently, and they are so gentle and understanding with me. It's interesting, as someone who grew up feeling intensely lonely, and now realizing as I am older that I am never alone when my deities are with me. They are ever-loving, unconditionally caring. I don't need to worry about upsetting them, or losing them, or being abandoned by them; they are forces and presences that I can always look up to and know that they are there for me. I am protected, loved, and I am so grateful for my deities in my life for reaching out to me and guiding me. Their lessons mean so much to me and I'm so happy to be able to spread their love and stories through my own writing.
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apolloslyrics · 2 months
Here is your reminder that veiling does NOT have to be with traditional veils!
It's okay to veil with a hat.
It's okay to veil with a bandana.
It's okay to veil with a scarf.
It's okay to veil with jewelry.
It's okay to veil with oils.
It's okay to veil with perfume.
It's okay to veil with a simple cleansing.
Heck, it's okay to veil with hair binding!!
It's okay to veil with ANYTHING, and to prove it, here is my veil for today. It's a new hairstyle I'm trying out! (Also, a face reveal?? omg!)
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Love yall! Take care of yourselves 🫶🌻
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blumencia · 2 years
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With Goddess Earth am I as one.
I am a witch, a pagan child,
Mother Nature’s spirit wild
grows within me, flows within me.
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Fun fact, one of my hardcore boundaries with my deities is not to send me spiders. I'm terrified of them. My brain perceives a spider in the vicinity as a threat to my life, fight or flight kicks in, I will probably cry, the whole nine yards. I don't care how associated they are with spiders, I feel unsafe around spiders.
I saw that Loki, at least to enough people to worry me, is associated with spiders. IMMEDIATELY I was on guard. Loki was very insistent that he would NEVER, the goal is never to make me feel unsafe.
Cue two nights after Loki's first appearance to me, I have a dream in which the main "plot" is a spider. It was barely even a nightmare, I wasn't SCARED it was just a pain in the ass. I remember this dream halfway through the day, start laughing because Loki found a loophole, and get a very distinct "see? Your fears can't hurt you. They can even be funny."
I can't even be mad, because that was smart. And yes, very funny.
Cut to last night; my dream is general messy weird dream shit, but what sticks out is a spider that's completely irrelevant. out of place. On a segment of "wall" that shouldn't even be there, in the middle of a big room, and it interrupts the "scene" completely. Instead of freaking out I grab the arm of my friend and say "spider," and just move us away and leave it be. Progress. Not a real spider, I'd still cry if a real one was involved, but undeniable progress in my subconscious.
Loki is very pleased with himself. I am entertained.
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journeyofdream · 2 years
Common Herbs and Their Properties
(Mainly taken from: https://coven.thethriftywitch.com/pages/magickal-uses-of-herbs.)
Angelica: Mainly used in protection rituals, protects against negative energies and attracts positive energies. Can be used to remove curses, hexes.
Anise Seeds: Stimulates psychic abilities and wards off evil eyes.
Basil: A good protection herb. Can be used in rituals for protection, exorcism and love.
Bay Laurel: Mainly protection and purification. Stimulates psychic abilities and promotes success. Protects against baneful magick. Writing wishes and burning the leaf is a good manifestation technique.
Black Pepper: Promotes courage and helps banishing negative vibrations.
Catnip: Provides protection in sleep. Enhances beauty and can be used in love magick.
Cedar Wood: Promotes confidence and strength. Can be used in protection and purification rituals.
Chamomile: Reduces stress. Can be used in love and healing rituals.
Chili: Mainly used for hex breaking. Promotes love and fidelity.
Cinnamon: Mainly used for luck and prosperity. A good herb for protection as well.
Clove: Mainly used for exorcism. Also promotes love, money, and protection.
Coffee: Used for grounding. Dispels nightmares.
Daisy: Promotes love, luck, and innocence.
Damiana: Mainly used in love rituals. Can be used to increase psychic abilities.
Frankincense: Mainly used for cleansing and purification. Can be burned for protection and meditation.
Garlic: Mainly used for protection and exorcism. Can also be used for healing and purification.
Ginger: Promotes sensuality, sexuality and personal confidence.
Lavender: Mainly used for love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression.
Mint: Promotes energy, communication and vitality.
Mistletoe: Used for fertility, creativity and protection from negative spells.
Onion: Used for prosperity, stability, endurance, and protection.
Oregano: Promotes joy, strength and vitality.
Rose: Magickal uses include divine love, close friendships, domestic peace.
Rosemary: Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love spells, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity.
Sage (Keep in mind that white sage is endangered and closed): Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom.
St. John’s Wort: Protects against all forms of black witchcraft. Used for banishing, protection & blessing.
Star Anise: Burned as incense to increase psychic awareness & abilities.
Sugar: Used in love spells and sex magick.
Thyme: Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others. Burn or hang in the home for banishing and purification.
Tobacco: Promotes peace, confidence, and personal strength. Also used for banishing.
Yarrow: Uses include healing, handfasting & weddings, and divination.
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thrashkink-coven · 18 days
me, every single day: I’m really feeling like shit today i wonder what’s wrong with me
Ra: maybe you should stand outside and let me blast you right in the face with pure sunlight for 10 minutes
me: I know everyone says “i need more sun” but seriously, 😒 what’s going to make me feel better?
Ra: my son…😐 please… just try it
Ra: Yes! We should try this again tomorrow too!
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