#greek deity
alyssa-the-witch · 1 month
Offerings and their Removal
Disclosure, this may not apply to everyone! Cherry pick it if that works for you, or take none at all. Just no hate or arguments in the comments!
Definition- Offering - Something given to an entity or deity to show appreciation. This can also be something done or said to show appreciation.
~~~~~Types of Offerings~~~~~
Food- In ancient tradition, specifically Greek, the first bites of food were thrown into the fire to be sent through the gods by smoke. However, this isn't an option for many people these days. Alternative methods are favored.
Fire - The old methods are still applicable if available. If one has a bon fire or fire-place/hearth, the first bite of food can still be "smoked" , per-say.
Prayer - A small prayer can be said over food before the first bite is taken. Just a simple "Entity/spirit, please accept this offering, Blessed Be" or something similar can suffice. This, for some deities like Hestia can be done at the end too. This is more convenient for a hidden practice and for those who can't afford to waste food.
Altar- If you have an altar, or ever a small bowl, they can place the first bite of food there for the deity entity too.
Objects and Trinkets- Just like us, deities/entities love little trinkets. Whether it be a few coins you find nice to a statue or an engraved candle. Whatever it my be, it can be given to an entity with a prayer and/or on an altar in their honor.
Removables - There are some things that can be placed on altar and taken off. I like to call them removables. When placed on an altar, one could say "Entity/Deity, bless this object, with your energy and blessings." let it sit for a moment or cleanse with incense. If a clothing item, accessory, or perfume, you can take it off and use/wear it. Just remember to put it back to refresh the energy and discuss before taking it off for the first time.
Actions - There are also things that one can do in offer of a deity or entity. They can be small things, like prayers, to full-on rituals.
Prayer- This is probably the easiest in my opinion. It can be a small "Hey entity/deity, I appreciate you." on the go, or reciting a hymn or a prayer by the altar. It's incredibly diverse and can meld to any practice.
Chores - This can apply more to some deities than others, but just Keeping your room and house tidy can be done in honor of a deity. Altars specifically can be cleaned or re-arranged as an offering
Art-In ancient times, arts of every kind were offered to deities ant spirits. And it can fit most anyone's style.
Music- written specifically or just a song you think reminds you of them. Drawings/Paintings- try thing that reminds you of the deity or how you see them can be drawn or painted. Others- Pottery, Dance, Crocheting or handy crafts, or even more. All can be done in offering to a deity. Specifics - If you have done research into who you're offering to, you can offer specific things. Sleep for Hypnos, Baking bread for Hestia, Rehearsing if in the arts for Dionysus, etc. Self Care- This not a lot of people think applies, however the gas most want you to be kind to your self. whether it be a bath with oils, flower petals, and all the works to just brushing your teeth at night. All would make the gods/entities very proud of you!!
This is something a bit more difficult; You did the thing, you think it's time, now what do you do? A decent chunk of this section was taken from @khaire-traveler. Obviously, actions cannot be "removed" Once the action is complete, the offering is sent.
Food- khaire narrowed it into 4 options that I really like. Just remember, when on an alter, don't let it sit too long for health concerns (rotting, bugs, etc.)
Consume - After praying aver the food like I had mentioned before.
Bum - Also mentioned before, but can be done after sitting at an altar for awhile.
Bury- Food offerings. if safe for local wildlife, can be buried. "My logic in burying them (only if environmentally safe) is returning the offering to the earth in a sense." (khair-3) (Yes its MLA cited, AP capstone has rotted my brain) If that fits Your practice, it is a good option.
Dispose, - This, like everything else here, must be done with respect. Clarify with the entity/deity that you aren't doing so out of disrespect, rather because this is your preferred disposal style or your only option
Objects/Art Pieces- If you have this ability, talk to your entity/deity about it, clarify there is no disrespect in the removal, and give the deity some time to de-attach to it. Slowly, the energy will fade from the object when kept away from the altar. This doesn't need to a ritual, but can be if that's what you prefer
Thank you for reading! This is my first fore into the pagan-sphere, so if this is something a lot of people like, I'll continue! Blessed Be, Alyssa the Witch!
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ivettaflowerblooom · 3 months
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La Danse Triomphale de Pallas Athénée
Statue of Athena in Paris. She is also supposed to be holding a spear in her hands
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lovesonblog · 4 months
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interesting Lady Aphrodite facts!
- she is also the goddess of ports, and port towns!
- many ancient artworks of her, depicted her with traditionally male features, like beards, along with traditionally female features. she has long been associated with gender ambiguity and sexual fluidity.
- she was revered during times of politics.
- seashells are not only offered to Lady Aphrodite due to her associations with the ocean, but also due to seashells’ likeness to the biological female genitals.
- a statue of Lady Aphrodite was the first ever fully sized, fully naked, female form stone sculpture to be created. this image is a recreation of said statue, made from marble, during the roman era.
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- traditionally, Lady Aphrodite was depicted wearing clothes. it wasn’t really until the roman era that this changed, and most artworks began depicting her naked.
- julius ceasar was very fond of the roman version of Aphrodite (Venus), and a lot of roman artworks depicted her wearing armour, or armed with weapons.
- opiates were once associated with Lady Aphrodite. Many people offered her Opiates, or did Opiates in her honor. opium-burners were often found at her shrines in ancient times.
- she is also associated with lotus flowers!
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seasaltandwisdom · 4 months
good morning and happy sunday, lord apollon,
protector of the young and god of plague.
thank you for the light that shines through my window,
i call this prayer to honor you and express my admiration.
bright shining apollon, hear my words and please enjoy the offerings i give you throughout the day.
it will be as you allow it 💛
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gotstabbedbyapen · 7 months
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apolloslyrics · 2 months
Here is your reminder that veiling does NOT have to be with traditional veils!
It's okay to veil with a hat.
It's okay to veil with a bandana.
It's okay to veil with a scarf.
It's okay to veil with jewelry.
It's okay to veil with oils.
It's okay to veil with perfume.
It's okay to veil with a simple cleansing.
Heck, it's okay to veil with hair binding!!
It's okay to veil with ANYTHING, and to prove it, here is my veil for today. It's a new hairstyle I'm trying out! (Also, a face reveal?? omg!)
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Love yall! Take care of yourselves 🫶🌻
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
What Deity Is Calling You?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is about what deity/deities are calling for you as a patron. Please be respectful of other's beliefs and even if you do not believe in Greek Gods etc, remember tarot is also used for entertainment purposes. That being said do your research on these gods if you feel this resonates. These gods or goddesses are not limited to the ones in this reading. Roman gods, Egyptian gods, etc all have their versions of Greek gods. Just switch or take what resonates for you if you aren't into Greek gods.
Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
What Deity is calling you? Tarot: The Lovers, 2 of Cups, 2 of Wands, The Chariot
Deities: Athena and Aphrodite. The goddess of Love and Beauty as well as the Goddess of War and Wisdom are both calling for you pile 1. Some of you are probably trying to manifest a soulmate or want to promote more self-love and care in your daily routine. Others of you may be trying to get through school, thinking/wanting to go back to school, needing guidance, or trying to control the high emotions that are circulating you like rage, depression, manipulation, or wanting to give back karma. These things are not limited to the many different specialties that these goddesses are known for. Athena is also known for craft as well so maybe you are thinking of picking up new hobbies or being more creative. Aphrodite is also known for fertility, the fountain of youth, and pleasure (sexual love/masturbation/etc). Maybe you want to switch up your skincare routine or even begin one or some of you are probably manifesting through your sexual energy (sex magic). Either way, these two goddesses want to help you reach the goals that you have set for yourself that are within the realms of what they are known for.
Here are some links that can help with ways to worship/honor them: Aphrodite: http://tinyurl.com/mrxj58ts / http://tinyurl.com/bdhk93t5 Athena: http://tinyurl.com/3tu73wz8 / (Video) http://tinyurl.com/3fus4hbd
Why are they calling you? Athena Tarot: 3 of Pentacles, The lovers, Queen of Pentacles, and 2 of Cups. Aphrodite: 10 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, 3 of Swords, King of Swords
Aphrodite may be calling for you pile one because of two reasons you are going through heartbreak, unrequited love, or just feeling lonely. The second reason could be as mentioned before you are manifesting a soulmate. For those who are trying to get over heartbreak, unrequited love, or feelings of loneliness Aprhtodite wants to help soothe and heal your heart through self-love. She wants you to know that the love that you need right now more than ever is from yourself. Love yourself. Treat yourself and hold yourself to a higher standard than what you have been holding yourself as of lately. Maybe you are a people pleaser in relationships, too forgiving, not holding yourselves on a pedestal and putting yourselves down. She wants to show you that you are amazing, beautiful, and worthy of all the love in the world but you need to start with yourself first. Remember if you want someone to get you flowers you need to start by giving yourself those things first. Embody what you want to receive through self-love. This also goes for those who are calling in a soul mate. She wants to help you and prepare you for this love coming in for you that you are manifesting. For some of you, she wants to help you with this manifestation through self-love, and for others, she wants to help speed up this process through other means.
Athena may be calling you to help you stand further into your power. Some of you probably have been wronged by a romantic lover or even by friends recently or within the past two years. Either way, some sort of emotion that you are harboring she wants to help you release some of the feelings that you have been holding onto. Whether it's rage or other powerful emotions that are causing you anxiety and feelings of not being worthy of anything. Similar to Aphrodite she wants to help you release these emotions and baggage. How..I'm not sure as everyone who resonates with this pile is going through different things and not everyone will be given the same help. You will need to seek Athena for this information. Again you may also be dabbling or deciding about school, but for reading the tarot and only seeing what is being shown, I'm not picking up on anything school-related but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to guide you in that direction. I am just picking up on a collective energy and not individually.
What blessings will happen when working/honoring them?
Aphrodite: Woman Holding A Heart: Self Love / Broken Heart: Healing and Self-love Financial Constraints: Bringing in Abundance / Cornucopia: Bringing in Abundance of Everything You Need. Think about Catching Fire Cornucopia where the tribute received everything they needed to survive and thrive. / Fertility: Creativity, Furbabies, or Actual Kids / Good Luck, Blessings, Freedom, Lightening your Load Athena: Family, Dreams, Wellbeing, Compassion, Animals Goddess of the Moon, Envy, Blossoming Abundance, Community (Bringing in a better support system)
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Pile ll:
What Deity is calling you? Tarot: The Page of Pentacles, 5 of Swords (reversed), 10 of Swords, 6 of Swords, The Tower
Deity: Ares (Any other gods similar to Ares). Ares is all about justice, courage, bloodshed, comfort, and strength. This pile is broken up into two different situations of what you could be going through just know this is not limited as again I am picking up on a collective energy and not individual. You could be losing faith in whatever it is that you are manifesting, a project you are working on, or whatever the case is you are working on something and you are ready to give up. For others, you need courage or strength to fight a situation in which you have been too scared, timid, or wanting to keep the peace. Ares (or any similar deity) could help you harness the courage, strength, and comfort you need in knowing that it is okay to stand up for yourself no matter the situation (a boss, a friend, a family member). It's okay to go after the things you want as well as don't give up on what you want in your life. Things are happening behind the scenes that you are unaware of.
Why are they calling you? Tarot: 9 of Cups, The World, Knight of Cups, 2 of Cups, Justice, The hierophant (upright)
You may have been feeling unfulfilled with what you are doing in your life right now. Some of you are probably in school going after a major you don't want anymore, in a career field with promising rewards but you feel dead inside, or even in a relationship you feel the need to cut off. Some of you may also wonder if this is all that life is cracked up to be? Going home, work, school, sleep, eat, and repeat. Others of you may just need comfort and a push to see that the world is your oyster. Whichever is your circumstance Ares would like to help you bring the tower into your life and shake things up. He wants to help guide you to feeling more fulfilled in your life and not feeling this sense of duty because of family, societal pressures, or because you are looking for something that seems "promising." He wants to show you that there is more to life than duty and you can have it all whatever it is that you want, but you need to be sure this is the shake-up that you want. You can't ask for a change and get mad when you get fired, or your relationship breaks, etc etc.. you need to be willing to go through the fire pile ll....are you ready for that?
What blessings will happen when working/honoring them?
Good Luck, Willpower, and Spirit Guide, Peace, Reconciliation Clear Your Mind, Reflect on your priorities, and Go Wild.
Links of worship/honoring with Ares: http://tinyurl.com/knuvhhww http://tinyurl.com/3u3xdudr
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Pile lll:
What Deity is calling you? & Why are they calling you? Tarot: The Hanged Man, Strength, Justice (All Reversed), 4 of Pentacles, 2 of Swords (Upright)
Deities: Zeus & Demeter. Even though Demeter is also here alongside Zeus. Zeus is the one mostly speaking for the majority of this reading but I will include a little something about Demeter here. Zeus is all about law & order, fate, destiny, and the weather. These are just a few things about Zeus. Demeter is all about agriculture, food, fertility, and harvest. She is also thought to be about family relations specifically mother and daughter relationships as Demeter and Persephone have a particular not-so-great relationship depending on which stories you decide to believe. For whatever reason I am not getting much as to why they want to work with you. It's as if there is a block as to find out more information. Because this is a collective reading these two gods are more of a personal individual view than reading for the collective. What do I mean, I mean I'd hate to say Demeter is calling you because your relationship with family or your mother specifically is horrible when in reality it may just be you being a generational "curse" breaker but I wouldn't know because this is a general reading not private. This goes for Zeus as well I am getting this may deal with those in academics or career driven but again I am not getting much because the collective energy is everywhere. I can't seem to hone in on even one thing because there are many reasons as to why they decided to come through or call you.
What blessings will happen when working/honoring them?
Friendship, Confidence, Peace, Life Purpose, Beauty, & transformation
Links to worship/honoring these gods: Zeus: http://tinyurl.com/bdfekxva / http://tinyurl.com/4f2sfef7 http://tinyurl.com/3vekc875 / http://tinyurl.com/45fc8b99
Demeter: http://tinyurl.com/2j2u55n6 / http://tinyurl.com/2k8p2jb7 http://tinyurl.com/2mhc2af7
Remember these gods or goddesses are not limited to the ones in this reading. Roman gods, Egyptian gods, etc all have their versions of Greek gods. Just switch or take what resonates for you if you aren't into Greek gods.
I hope you enjoyed this reading. Thanks to everyone who likes, reblogs my posts, and joins my Patreon. I always appreciate you <3.
Until Next time stay blessed and be safe.
Cosmic Stargazers PAC should be up either later today or sometime tomorrow as it's a big one haha.
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vyvilha · 8 months
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sarafangirlart · 3 months
Thinking of Hephaestus’s angry speech against Ares and Aphrodite in the Odyssey
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Specifically about how he claims the Aphrodite cheated bc of his disability, now one could dismiss this as him just being dramatic and trying to rationalize why his wife would treat him this way. But at the same time… we know how violently ableist Ancient Greece was, we know how ableist the Greek gods are, not just with Hera throwing Hephaestus as a baby for being lame but also the gods laughing at him bc of his limp in Iliad book 1 (it’s not specified which gods specifically tho):
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Or Zeus straight us saying he’s disgusted by his limping (he also mentions how he’s covered in soot but he mentions the limping first) in Lucian’s Dialogue of the Gods:
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Hephaestus obviously has a lot of internalized ableism but if what he says about Aphrodite is true… then that’s just more evidence that she was the one in the wrong imo.
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crazymanicherelmao · 1 month
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POV Apollo tells Artemis something:
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luciferianchild · 2 months
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Aphrodite the love goddess✨🥀
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bb-the-witch · 6 months
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Hestia 🔥
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ivettaflowerblooom · 1 month
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I begin to sing of Pallas Athena, the glorious goddess, bright-eyed, inventive, unbending of heart, pure virgin, saviour of cities, courageous, Tritogeneia.
Homeric hympn to Athena.
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lovesonblog · 4 months
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Lady Aphrodite;
thank you for offering your love to me, and for accepting me with open arms. you have filled my heart with love and adoration. i appreciate you deeply and i am blessed to be one of your children. devotion and honour to you, Lady Aphrodite! ❤️‍🩹🫧
“it all starts and ends with love”
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seasaltandwisdom · 4 months
e offering to lady aphrodite
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oh beautiful aphrodite, i call to you
foam born, tender-hearted goddess
i pray you guide me in finding love and acceptance from myself and from others
i give you my heart to help heal and to protect
bless me with your gift of love
glorious goddess, giver of joy
take my love and appreciation with you
it will be as you allow it 🩷
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gotstabbedbyapen · 4 months
Headcanon time!
There weren't many texts recorded about Hyacinthus coming back to life or being worshipped outside of Sparta is because the Underworld deities didn't want more humans to know resurrection was an option.
Persephone: We're doing something illegal for you and your boyfriend, so you better keep it lowkey.
Apollo: Got it.
Apollo, later: *creates a nationwide festival to celebrate Hyacinthus' resurrection*
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