bluemorfedbutterfly · 1 month
What to put in your hellenic journal and why it helps
Building a kharis with gods using a religious journal is really helpful. It helped me keep my information and my thoughts related to the Gods organized. It can also help beginners if they are uncomfortable reciting hymns out loud.
What could be put inside it:
Every day write one delphic maxim and write how you interpret it or what you think about it
Make a shopping list for your altar and offerings
Compose prayers
Hymns/ prayers to your patrons and Hestia, Nyx, Helios, Hypnos
Write something as if you are conversating with the Gods.
Important information on deities
Favorite offerings, incenses, and libations of the Gods
Important Callendar events, festivals, and key info on celebration
Quotes from the most famous books of Gods that you relate to or want to remember
Instructions on composing prayers
What afterlife means in Hellenismos
What defines hubris, agos and miasma
7 pillars of Hellenismos and their meaning
Do some drawings for the Gods as a devotional act
Include your personal experiences with the divine and how it affected you
Write down the signs you saw during the week
You can also decorate it with the images of Gods
Delphic Maxims:
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tits-r-us · 7 months
When my mom goes to the store, are you going to make me suck you off like her other boyfriends? . . No, your going to bounce on my cock while I squeeze the fuck out of those tits. .
Hint: the longer the list the longer she's gone.
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doves-of-aphrodite · 20 days
a reminder that deities you work with don't hate you for not being able to do things, especially not if you're physically or mentally able to!
the gods understand that we're not perfect, that we're just fleshy meat sacks and that some of us aren't able to do things as much, and you shouldn't compare your craft to anyone else's! it's yours after all.
and if you're worried that your offerings aren't good enough, think about it like this. if a little crow came up to you and gave you a stick, you wouldn't think "what a dumb crow, why'd you give me a stick?", would you? no! you'd know that the little crow is doing his best and wanted to give you a gift. to the deities, you're that little crow, and they know you're doing your best <3
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folkandbooks · 2 months
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Offering to Persephone, celebrating her return to this world 🌷🌹 Happy Ostara!
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taxiderby · 11 months
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claypigeonpottery · 21 days
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used some more of that metallic wax on my kiln god
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not for sale
she’s got a pretty bead in her offering bowl
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elfpunk · 12 days
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Gonna do all the boys I promise :) working my way through as the muse finds me. Enjoy III and his socky socks :)
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fernandamaya · 3 months
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A vow for eternity . 21.02.2024
I am aware of the multiple interpretations of the Persephone and Hades relationship and how most of them obviously reflect the culture of their time. Personally I can't help but feel a very loving nature emanating from them, a growth despise the mistakes that get brushed off as he can do that because he's, well, him. Personally I also think Lady Persephone can be way more severe than Lord Hades and she's definitely ✨her✨, so the multiplicity of her story is in the end a vindication for female empowerment. I am by no means claiming my interpretation as truth and everyone will have different feelings about them, but yea every time I think of them I just feel love.
I had this drawing started for ages and honestly had forgotten to finish it. I want to draw them more so I'm just gonna leave this one as is and revisit my interpretation on them when I get the time again. 💖
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thereseuwu · 2 months
An offering because I ate his leche flan (sorry) ALSO, I'd like to think he styles his hair sometimes when he doesn't have anything on his to-do list!
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Have a very microscopic version of Apollo as well!
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I am SO incredibly pleased with the prayer beads that I made for Apollo, and he really likes them too ☀️
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jero-2tek · 28 days
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The public humiliation of being bound outside the temple will be nothing in comparison to what the priests have in store for him later on in the secret ceremony...
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vampire-graveyrd · 2 months
Mood board e-offering for Aphrodite 🫶
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princesmeadow · 4 months
Happy Theogamia Lord Zeus and Lady Hera!
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lovesonblog · 4 months
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Lady Aphrodite;
thank you for offering your love to me, and for accepting me with open arms. you have filled my heart with love and adoration. i appreciate you deeply and i am blessed to be one of your children. devotion and honour to you, Lady Aphrodite! ❤️‍🩹🫧
“it all starts and ends with love”
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luans-wormhole · 2 months
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offering to lady Aphrodite ❤️
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sleepomen · 8 months
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For so long, I have waited
So long that I almost became
Just a stoic statue, fit for nobody
And I don't wanna get in your way
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