#edit: ppl tagging this post with how personal and important their characters are to them as creators
kottkrig · 1 month
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
read all our tags/ratings. they r important n give u all u need 2 decide if u wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
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Mission Failed
Simon “Ghost” Riley x M!Reader x John “Soap” MacTavish
Last Edited: 17/03/2023
TW: slight angst, foul language, violence, blood, gore, gunshot wound, death mention
@denzellovehazelnuts: Hi! hope you have a good day! Can you do a poly "Ghost x male reader x Soap" (if you comfortable writing poly relationship) with slow burn, angst and fluff at the end? Where Ghost and Soap already in a relationship until the reader came into their team The two male thought the reader wasn't talkative around people but few weeks later, things change at first Ghost seems interesting in the male skill using gun and how fast he can run and Soap like the male sense of humour. Both of them thought it only a friendship type of things. Until the male save Ghost from the enemy on the battlefield and him laughing at Soap jokes. That when the two males known what happen to them, they weren't sure if M/n would comfortable in a relationship with them, so they start doing small things for him like making coffee or helping training,.. And M/n notice it, he even started to fall for the both of them. But he keep denying the things they did for him because he thought that what friend do. and M/n don't think he is ready for a new relationship, he wasn't sure he is good enough for them (the male got trauma from the previous relationships) (more angst please, I would like to suffer for a little bit) (・∀・) After a while, the three of them got into a mission together, everything went good until the male got shot. He thought he going to be de@d soon (only to find out that he only got shot at his leg) so M/n confessed how he feel about the two of them. (andddd I don't know what to do with the ending cause I'm ran out of idea. I would want to see how the treated each other when got into a relationship. Sorry about the grammar, English isn't my first language)
Word Count: 2,654
Notes: hiiii! i dont do heavy angst but i did do some u know? slow burn it is!!! srry it took so long! irl things hold me back a lot. N since u wanted slow burn, n with all that uve put (about 350 words of things i can work on/with 2 get this drawn out as a full-on fic!! yay!) i had 2 like. try n put all u wanted in there so yea! hope u enjoy!! also! i threw in some other characters like gaz n roach. hope u dont mind em being in here since this is like, a mash of cod n codmw2 (canon? what cancon?) cause i rlly do wanna put some other characters in here that i find interesting n build some sort of character/personality 4 the reader. reader deserves some cool friends-2-brothers!
At first, you hadn’t wanted to join Task Force 141. You were comfortable with your position as the quiet, but light on your feet, knife specialist. Well, that wasn’t truly your title. You were just good with knives. You weren’t too shotty with a gun either. Either weapon being in your hands meant blood was going to be shed. KorTac needed those types, especially those who could use it to get in as well as out; you also couldn’t forget about using your skills to get information. Torturing the prisoners wasn’t something you particularly liked, but you were good at it too. Combining your skills with knives and guns, it truly was hell for anyone on the opposite side of your team. You also couldn’t forget that, out of the others, you were much faster. Sure, some could still beat you at times but that didn’t mean you weren’t good. Bets had been constantly taking place with you, along with others as it was one of the few things any of you could do to pass the time in a less-than-bloody manner.
The transfer from KorTac to Task Force 141 wasn’t smooth. Horangi, or Kim Hong-jin, didn’t let you go for weeks. You were part of his team, one of his men. The leader of KorTac is what most of you saw him as. He knew many of you like the back of his hand. Not to mention, a tiger can be cruel but would never devour its cubs for no reason, well, as some say. As far as you knew, because you were all together, you were a team and therefore family. While there were others who didn’t get along, out in the field, all of you had each other’s back. Very rarely did anyone get left to perish to the enemy.
With all that in mind, it took weeks for him to let you go. More or less, Laswell was the one to convince him; that is if you call bringing each plus every person in KorTac to ruins as “convincing”. She wanted you on a team she could keep tabs on you; doubting her power and skills was out of the question. Which meant leaving KorTac to ensure that everyone else was free from possible imprisonment or death was necessary.
Fitting in wasn’t too hard considering most of the people there were from all over the place. While it’s odd for a member from another team to suddenly appear on another, it didn’t bother most of the others. Just from a glance, you could tell who was into who; as well as who exactly was in a relationship. A man by the name of Ghost including another called Soap, you knew were together. Soap flirted with almost everyone, though it was more teasing and lighthearted. With Ghost though? The flirting went up by twenty percent. His dial for teasing went up tenfold too. Meanwhile, Ghost hardly looked at anyone else, nevertheless, stare at them unless they were the Scottish man. Frankly, you didn’t mind. Who were you to judge the two? Especially when they were good at what they did.
It takes weeks before you’re comfortable enough to so much as talk to anyone 141. Gaz, or Kyle as Soap tended to call him when annoyed, is the first to so much as approach you. While the others are interested, you coming from KorTac had put them off for a bit. Gaz on the other hand treats you like a brother. He’ll throw his arm around your shoulder, dragging you around as he laughs about the past or even at your jokes. At meals, he always throws a raised eyebrow at those who look at you oddly when you’re quiet or sitting with the man. He treats you like you’re part of the team, furthermore, that truly means more than anything to you.
The man is just as bloodthirsty as you are. His stories of falling out of planes along with taking out enemies only lead to you looking up to your new teammate and brother. His tales of meeting Captain Price, past missions, a few tidbits of him being with the SAS, together with some metals he’s earned, only makes you want to pry more stories from the man; not like you don’t have to try. Simply asking about his stories leads to at least an hour-long spill of them from the guy.
And with his stories comes a few of your own. You don’t share much of them, knowing Gaz spreads them to the rest of the team with more dramatics to try to get you to interact with the others. Something you do learn about him that you always keep in mind from his stories is that his blood type is B Negative and shooting any dog, wild or not, makes him feel a bit guilty; he had to shoot one a while ago and apologised to the poor mutt after having to put it down to finish his mission.
With all that he’s shared and how the both of you see each other as brothers, it’s only fair that you let yourself talk to the others in the team. Though your words are short, along with your jokes being told quickly to distract yourself from the stressful situations, you allow yourself to slowly relax with the others. Gaz’s constant support helps you finally allow yourself to bond with your new team and family. It’s only after a mission that things change. 
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Take the left! Keep your heads down and keep movin’!” Captain Price’s voice rings out in your earpiece. Everything has gone to shit. The intel you’ve been getting was entirely a trap. You’re running through an underground tunnel, Ghost and another man named Roach is running in front of you.
Roach is a quiet man, never talking or letting out a sound, but semi-friendly. From his actions and what you’ve been told of him, he does his best to complete the missions to the tea. The few interactions you’ve had with him were silent but nice. Whether or not he’s mute has crossed your mind time and mind again but you don’t ask; you’d rather leave the man be. After all, he has become something like a friend maybe even another brother.
“Copy. We’re nearly out. Roach and [Redacted] are with me,” Ghost responds, quickening his pace. The rifle smacks against your back as you speed up to keep up with the other two men. Despite the situation, the three of you remain as calm as you can be.
“You’re bein’ tracked like a rabbit is by a hound, Ghost! Move it!” The captain’s orders are clear and the worry is read between the lines. If you three don’t get out, it’s a huge blow to 141. Not only that, but Soap loses his boyfriend, Gaz loses two of his best friends as well as brothers, you three lose your lives, and Task Force 141 loses three of its members. Dying isn’t an option here.
“We have company,” Your words are muffled by your gear but the two soldiers in front of you hear them in their own pieces.
“Fuckin’ hell-” Ghost’s sentence gets cut off by gunfire from behind. Turning around, you fire the Lachmann Sub in your possession.
“We gotta go! They’re gaining!” You clip one of the enemies in the shoulder and another is hit in the stomach. Picking up the speed, the three of you try to beat them out of the tunnel. You cover the back, hoping the two get out before you. If you get surrounded, it’s over.
Thankfully, they haven’t reached the other end of the tunnel as the three of your burst out of the exit. You grab a grenade, pull the pin and throw it in the tunnel. As soon as it leaves your hands, you’re running faster to get to Roach and Ghost before anything else can; one arm wraps around each of your teammates’ necks, dragging them down to the ground as the little metal bomb goes off. Debris flies everywhere, looking for an area to land after being shot out of its place.
With the tunnel exist now collapsed along with no more flying rock and metal, you release the men. “How copy?” Crackles through each of your earpieces. You knock your forearm into Roach’s upper arm, eyes crinkling from your smile. He gives you a grateful nod, standing. You smack Ghost’s arm as he stands, glad to have escaped the enemies for now.
“Tunnel’s collapsed. We’re good. Ready for extraction, Sir,” Blunt and straight to the point are the skull-masked man’s words.
“Good. Heli’s close by. Move to the edge of the town.” With the three of you alive, you can practically feel Captain Price’s relief.
“Copy that, Captain,” Your muffled response comes before Ghost can send in his own. He scans you from the corner of his eye but doesn’t give you a retort. You do, however, hear a small huff of air leave him. You throw your arm around Roach’s neck again, puffs of air leaving you from happiness, meanwhile, his arm comes around your back. Seems the three of you live another day.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
After that mission, Ghost tends to lurk around you more than he originally had. It didn’t help that Soap tends to tag along as well. Thankfully, he finds your jokes hilarious if the loud, boisterous laughter he lets out all the time tells you anything. His teasing ends up piling onto you as well. Before, it was light as well as spread out. Now, it’s almost like he’s talking to Ghost with all the teasing and flirting he now does with you. His boyfriend hardly seems concerned but rather encourages his behaviour. Of course, that doesn’t mean he goes easy on you when the two of your spar together. He’s dead serious when it comes to sparring; it’s only a reminder that while he does good off, he’s just as dangerous as the rest of them.
The two men seem to be fixated on wanting to help you out in training as well. More pointers plus tips are thrown your way when you practice with either of them. Sometimes, they’ll even make you coffee for those sleepless nights. Mentioning such things to Gaz and Roach only leads to your sworn brothers giving you knowing looks or a few teasing words; Gaz is the one with the teasing remarks while Roach pats your shoulder in a mocking but teasing “you poor man” way. Neither seems keen on wanting to spill the tea on why the Scottish and British men have been more affectionate.
While you enjoy their kind gestures, including their company, you’re not sure if you’re ready to admit to yourself, or them, about such feelings or relationships. On the surface, you truly do want to ask them if this is some sort of flirting schtick they have going on. Deep down though, the idea of being with anyone again makes your stomach fill with the lead. How could you enter another relationship? After the last one ended with your soon-to-be fiance’s brains splattered all over a brick wall. How can you move past that? How can you allow yourself to find someone like them? Or even better than them? The answer to that is a sigh alongside a bitter smile. The ring hiding under your tactical gloves seems to burn your skin. Truly, how can you let your first love go? After all, if you weren’t good enough to keep them alive, how can you keep these two from meeting the same gorey end?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“To think I’d find myself here… How fuckin’ funny,” You mumble. Another mission, this one just like all the others. Well, it would have been if you hadn’t been shot. The blood leaking from your leg alongside a knife wound to your side leave you in pain. Feeling weak isn’t something uncommon but neither is it constantly happening. Words are being spoken to you through your headset. You were to be the lookout but ended up being the enemy's first target.
“How copy?” Rings in your ears. Your eyes stare blankly in front of you. You feel pathetic. Too tired to talk. Too tired to get up. You just sit, popped up against a tree in the heavily wooded area. You’ve failed, failed, failed.
“C’mon, Mate, how do ya copy?” Soap’s voice is worried and winded. He and Ghost are the people you’ve been teamed up with and you’ve failed.
“[Redacted], how copy?” The next tone is Ghost’s. It sounds slightly strained.
“Mission Failed,” You croak, head tilted back and against the tree.
“Status report, Mate. Where are ya?” He’s rushing, possibly panicked now.
“Got two wounds. Gunshot to the thigh. Knife to the side. Bleeding pretty bad, Soap.” You close your eyes, sighing.
“State your location.” The Brit seems to be just as worried as his Scottish counterpart.
“Dunno. Woods. Against a tree… There’s a lot of blood. Feelin’ woozy.” When you open your eyes, your sight is blurred. You’re losing too much blood.
“Keep talkin’ to us then, yeah? You’ll make it out. We’ll get out together,” The Scot’s words, though hopeful, only make you scoff quietly.
“You know… If I get outta here… Think we can go out sometime? Bourbon and whiskey? The three of us?”
“When we get out, [Redacted]. There’s no if here,” The masked man makes it sound final like there’s no way you’ll die on them.
“Yeah… Yeah..” You don’t say anymore, everything slowly hazing away. It’s like your floating in winter with how cold you feel.
“[Redacted]? Don’t sleep! C’mon! Keep ya eyes open!” Soap’s words fade away along with everything else. All that waits is cold darkness.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“So… Think you can handle our drinking date after this?” Soap perches on the side table, messing with a lighter he took from Ghost.
“After he’s healed, Johnny. No alcohol before,” A semi-scolding is all the man gets from the brooding Ghost. You laugh slightly, jostling your wounds. You wince but wave off the concerned looks you get.
“After I’m no longer full of holes, Johnny-boy.” You take a sip of water afterwards, making Soap frown playfully.
“And to think I was gonna bring out the good shit fer ya. A shame. A damn shame.” You gently shake your head. It was a close call but Ghost got to you before you completely bled out. From what you’ve been told by Gaz, who yelled at you for an hour after you woke up from your four-day sleep, Ghost and Soap dragged you back to the helicopter. Both refused to leave your side. Captain Price ended up having to yell at the men and bribe them with a bit of alcohol to get them to even go to their own rooms. You made sure to apologize to Gaz, hugging him tightly after his blow-up. He thought he was going to lose a friend and family member so you couldn’t blame him.
Roach gave you the cold should for a while before appearing in your room with a cup of coffee. He made sure to smack the back of your head for your stupidity as well, though it was hardly rough. You grabbed the man before he could so much as bolt though when he saw you getting up to hug him. He hadn’t pushed you away though. And the captain? It felt like you were a kid again with how he pinned you with his stare. He made sure to tell you exactly how he felt, going from angry, to disappointed, to angry again. Another guy you couldn’t blame anything on. But you get to live another day at least. And you get to have that date with the two guys who were able to grab ahold of your heart after a long-time of heartache and loss.
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nattyontherun · 2 months
More On To Oblivion:
hi-ho, can't sleep so since i've posted the fic already, short as it is right now, i thought hey! lemme just do some explaining for why the fuck it's the way it is?? that way i make my job less hard with the writer-y bits!
(i can't sleep so i'm talking,,,, shhh i didn't say that)
On the Rating:
thinking of changing that, actually . next chapter, so ch3, will be more of the same - build up for the plot at large which is, ngl, a wee bit more complicated than i thought it would be in writing ch1. i don't have a hard and fast, bullet pointed skeleton for every chapter but i've got a very generalized outline of things i want happening... and the fic being rated for Teens feels lacking. no it absolutely is lacking.
would it be disingenuous to leave it at T until the plot changes up enough to warrant a level up? or should i change the rating now and leave everyone to wonder at my justification as the fic (very slowly, UGH) progresses? questions, questions and no answers in sight as yet.
the cast!
unlike in HF where we really did just have like, two MAIN main characters in shisui and sasuke, to oblivion has an ensemble cast🙏 the taggings are listed in order of both how much of the character we'll see in-fic and how much we'll focus on them. where HF was all about growth and healing with minimal outside interference, this fic is... well it has a plot🥹
in one of those oneshots i wrote after HF, there's this scene where shisui rants up a storm at sasuke about konoha, how rotten it can get yk? just, having to live in the village knowing that the truth of your family's murder has been suppressed to keep the peace - when the "peace" used to justify that extermination didn't even last more than a handful of years. this fic directly confronts that. actually, it's specifically because every single character engages in the village whether as the leader, in kks' case, or as proponents to its growth and success post-war, its kind of a necessity that everybody has an opinion about what goes on yk?
i feel like ppl who came into the fic expecting romance and fucking are gonna be disappointed by that sjshsjshshsh there's gonna be SOME of that, but very minimally, and right at the end lmao. fic subscribes to the idea that there is no room for personal growth within self and relationships in an environment in perpetual turmoil lmao
the polycule 💃
it's still happened lmaooooo, like i just get crazier about the idea the more i sit with it! though, i forgot to say in the AN, and i'm too much of a sleepy cat to go back and edit it in, but i meant to mention that kakashisasu(???!!!ship name???!!!) isn't gonna be like a right angle. like... the dots connect in all directions despite how things are playing out rn! 🙏
i will say, however, that development for each relationship on a personal, one on one level, is different between each pairing because yk, they enter the story in different stages of their lives with different agendas and opinions abt each other. kkss are halfway in love already, but kkshs probably need to fight it out for another several dozen chapters before they can even stand to look each other in the eye without wanting to kill smth and that's not even touching shsasu who haven't!! even!! met up yet!!! (gawd what did i get myself into?? lmao😭)
the timeline
woof. the timeline! WOOF! HF had the benefit of sticking incredibly close to just one stream of happenings in a very linear format,,,, to oblivion? not so much. the past, whether it's ten years ago, during the fourth war or even just prior to the fic happening is AS important to the story as the story itself, unfolding. if i decided to tell this fic in a linear fashion, a, it would be very boring and retrace too much of canon and b, it would be very LONG. like staggeringly long, enough that i'd probably tire of writing the fic long before i even reached where we are right now in the fic - there is SO MUCH yet to uncover
what i will say is that canon largely stays the same except for some staple fanons of mine, some seen in HF, and others very specifically for this AU. for the obvs staples, there's madara is final baddie and no VOTE2 so no losing arms for either of my babies - god forbid. the major deviation from HF is that i've reduced how debilitating Ssk's mental health issues (if you will) can be in presenting themselves, though we do have some of it cropping up within the fic if you're the type who reads very line by line. there's also, ofc, the fact that shisui has been ALIVE for all this time - but i'll save all the explaining for that to shisui when the time is appropriate.
but yes, it's because the past matters SO MUCH for how this fic develops that i really saw no other way to progress with it than mixing everything up. and i do mean EVERYTHING. what i will say is that there are certain periods where we can kinda cluster scenes together to form an idea of how all this shit is happening only Now.
war/between canon era: so far we only got one scene from here, from ch2
pre-tribunal, post-war - a LOT of scenes fall here, so it's broken up even further into two periods: 1. while sasuke is incarcerated post 4th war and 2. after he's left incarceration but before the tribunal (ch1 has a LOT of afterward scenes, in particular)
pre-massacre: these scenes will tend to be more kkshs focused so happy hunting for when there's more of them!
pre-trial, present day after shisui appears: this is the main storyline and will be the easiest to follow, go figure!
pre-trial, immediately post-tribunal: i've only written perhaps a scene or two(?) from this period, i don't see it cropping up as much as the others because it's only there specifically for relationship and character building. i'm squeezing a lot of post-canon pre-fic character development in to explain away why some of our faves may be acting a wee ooc, and i can't begin to explain how consequential the tribunal is, personally and politically for all of team seven oh lawd😭
i can't stress enough that i drafted much of the bedrock of this fic immediately after HF,,,, but while my intention (heh, hehe) (translate what the characters before "to oblivion" stand for, okay, its funny i swear!) remains the same as what it was then, my focus has become more... hm, exacting. sharpened.
writing is an inherently personal affair, i think. to write is to put meaning to the thoughts that swim around your head, whether that's by poetry or prose, through the guise of imagery or character work. i write fic because i like writing fic, and wanna be able to read work that satisfies me personally. i've got an itch in my brain and to oblivion has become, essentially, an outlet for my thought process. so if there's anything you find in it that speaks of a very particular kinda way of thinking, shall we say, keep poking at it. i very much am having a conversation with you.
and that's a wrap, i have a shift in seven hours and i desperately need sleep sjsjsshhsshsh
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ectoamerican · 1 year
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Name / Alias: Spooky Pronouns: he/they Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective| mutuals only | private | other (specify) Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
GENERALITIES ! Triggers people MUST tag: animal death Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow bad / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify) Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify) Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | I have to hype myself up to send one
please read my rules
please be patient with me. irl stuff can get in my way or leave me too drained to do stuff, even if i WANT to write
the basic stuff, no metagaming, godmodding, infomodding, etc
I am 100% okay with my rp partner not matching my reply length. Be it shorter or longer. (heck, if they make it longer then I'll feel better abt my next reply being longer.) HOWEVER, if I give a paragraph or two, I will expect more than one line. which is what I actually got one time.
if my rp partner goes into a thread with me assuming something about my muse even though I make it clear that my muse is canon divergent. I'm absolutely free to IM if you have questions! I'm friendly and don't bite, i promise. QwQ
when i can't figure out your blog. please, readability is the most important thing to me. which is why the most I do is small text. I will change my theme if I think even one thing is making it unreadable or even slightly harder to read. bright harsh colors as well, makes the blog a mess to read anything on.
not trimming your posts. it makes it hard to follow whats going on sometimes. even if tumblr now makes long posts auto readmore. (at least it does for me)
i do prefer that ppl tag their posts most of the time, but that's not really a requirement if it's not like for a trigger or something. it just helps me search for stuff on their blogs if i can't find it through our notes.
if the blog looks like a bot in some way
if it's a personal who has repeatedly reblogged something after being asked not to
if it's someone i've known in the past to make me uncomfortable
ooc drama between people, vague posts, bullying
minor/adult ships
very rarely, if they're spamming TOO MUCH ooc stuff, untagged or other wise, in a short amount of time. I mean like, many posts that are actually ooc not having anything to do with their character. not like aesthetic posts, headcanons, or art. I'm also not talking abt like, PSAs or updates on the mun's health/lack of energy. i get that it's your blog. but i didn't want to follow a blog that's being treated more like a personal blog.
also very rarely, if my dash is going too fast and it's clear someone isn't going to interact with me i might unfollow just to make things easier for myself to keep up with. but again, that doesn't happen very often.
if it's clear a blog has been abandoned. if they show signs of activity later tho, i may refollow. bc i know irl stuff happens, u kno.
if their muse is from a series i am uncomfortable with. (used to love HP, but i can't look at anything from it now. for example.)
if they ASK why i haven't followed them back. just feels weird, man. I will then not follow out of spite for how uncalled for that question is. nobody is owed a follow. not even me.
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novainthevoid · 1 year
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I posted 1,630 times in 2022
That's 1,495 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (5%)
1,543 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 973 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#sanders sides - 219 posts
#utmv - 173 posts
#logan sanders - 168 posts
#ink sans - 148 posts
#nova speaks - 57 posts
#janus sanders - 51 posts
#virgil sanders - 48 posts
#dream sans - 41 posts
#error sans - 40 posts
#incorrect quotes - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i see a discourse post about a blorbo and my knee jerk reaction is that one meme where the person holds another protectively
My Top Posts in 2022:
The dawning realization that Mei and her friends would be in their 30s right now.
85 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Y’all I was rewatching some sanders sides videos (most notably the puppets one) and like… have y’all noticed how Virgil and Logan check up on each other? Like the whole “only if you want to” thing is so sweet?? Like they’re acknowledging and being kind about each other’s boundaries and it’s just very sweet I love them.
101 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Listen you guys. I love space Logan. I really do. But there are also so many other nerd things he could be. A chemical engineer, for example. It’s right there! We already know how he felt about chemical engineering vs theater and like all I’m saying is just. Chemical engineer logan.
Or if that’s not your thing, other kinds of engineer Logan! Biologist logan! Chemist logan! All I’m saying is I think we limit ourselves sometimes. My boy is so versatile. He can be into so many things. None science-y things as well. Librarian logan. Author logan. Detective logan. Absolutely deranged mad scientist logan. I love him.
118 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Not to be discourse on main or anything but the school for good and evil isn’t queer baiting because Agatha and Sophie don’t get to together, it’s queer baiting because of the way they’re literally revealed to be sisters in the third fucking book after ALL the stuff they’ve been through and done for one another. Idk I’m a big proponent for strong platonic relationships but god they came across as not only queercoded but in some way queer with one another.
Edit: y’all should check out my reblog of this post for a more in-depth explanation
119 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Listen you guys… I just… I just need to talk about Logan. I need to talk about my boy…
Because I see a lot of interpretations of him that have him being kind of a dick/not caring about anyone or anything and that’s totally fine! The fun part of fandom is getting to interpret characters in tons of different ways and it makes it so much more interesting. But you guys…
Okay, so the times that I think make ppl see Logan like this come from times where he doesn’t realize how (or the extent that) his words/actions might hurt others. Like in Moving On when he’s trying to get them back to a healthier mindset and he accidentally hurts Patton’s feelings. In these situations, I think that Logan demonstrates low empathy: he has a hard time comprehending how his actions might make other people feel. It’s a pretty common trait in some neurodivergent people and though it’s pretty regularly demonized, it does not mean that someone is a bad person.
I saw a post a long time ago talking about empathy vs sympathy vs compassion and while Logan may have a hard time with empathy I think he genuinely shows a lot of compassion. Logan consistently tries to right his wrongs once he realizes that his actions hurt others: he may not realize that they would hurt beforehand, but once he does realizes he puts in the effort to fix that. He’s one of the most accepting sides and he often notes that all the sides are important parts of Thomas, including the ones that no one else seems to like. And he often puts his knowledge to use in helping others, like in ways to help with anxiety and respect of others boundaries (cough cough Virgil’s name reveal cough cough).
Anyways, tl;dr I love Logan and though he might struggle with empathizing with others, he shows a lot of acceptance and compassion towards others and clearly cares about them in his own way.
485 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vergilsfavoritebee · 1 year
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I posted 4,229 times in 2022
16 posts created (0%)
4,213 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 141 of my posts in 2022
#heartstopper - 11 posts
#charlie spring - 9 posts
#nick nelson - 9 posts
#eeaao - 8 posts
#nick and charlie - 7 posts
#heartstopper comic - 7 posts
#heartstopper tv - 7 posts
#mine - 7 posts
#heartstopper netflix - 7 posts
#so true bestie - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 99 characters
#but it’s so important for queer ppl to have other queer ppl in their lives outside of relationships
My Top Posts in 2022:
I think people crush on Nick Nelson so hard because most of Heartstopper’s audience identifies way more with Charlie. But I really hope there are people who are like, “Where’s my Charlie Spring? 🥺”
Because wishing for a person who is out and proud, supports your coming out journey, is really smart and thoughtful, has badass music taste*, and built-in amazing friends is just as valid a thing to wish for as a goofy, sporty, golden-retriever partner with heart eyes.
*you may disagree about Charlie’s taste, but I’m sorry, Charlie liking Radiohead and The Strokes matches my fantasy, sorry about it. And from the comics we know he likes Chloe Moriondo, The Vaccines, and Muse.
318 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
I made this just to gauge what people think. Is this accurate?
tumblr eras
2010: beginning of mainstream
true microblogging platform
fuckyeah! blogs
there were actual celebrities on tumblr
2012-2014: twee “tumblr girl” aesthetic and peak fandom (superwholock & homestuck)
“sides” of tumblr (i.e. “science side of tumblr, explain!” and hipster vs. fandom sides of tumblr)
I feel like viria’s and burdge’s PJO and HP art was especially big
“I like your shoelaces”
2014-2020: peak “tumblr discourse” (think Steven Universe and the rise of TERFs); kinda faded out after the kinning wars and that whole rabies thing
2015: John Green/fishingboatproceeds C*ck Monologue and end of post edits
2017-2019: peak musical theater fandom (Hamilton, Be More Chill, etc.), Voltron fandom
2018: p*rn ban and mass exit
2020: ATLA revival (fr that’s all I remember from 2020 tumblr)—jk remember November 2020? election results, Stacey Abrams, destielgate/superhell, et. al.
2021-present: collective memes that are only important on tumblr (e.g., horse plinko, it’s me i’m the ps5, slug reacts, blorbo, bug ass)
lots of general celebration of queer media (very different from early tumblr where it was all speculation and shipping)
Elon bought twitter, so kind of a new era for tumblr
also, of course, Dracula Daily
960 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
To the Nicks who will likely never see this post:
Most of the pre-existing Heartstopper fan base and certainly most of the fans on Tumblr are the Charlie Springs of the world. And for them, this show is about the possibility of healthy romance (i want to believe in romaaance) and creating a loving queer community.
But, gosh, I hope the Nick Nelsons of the world find this show. Now that Heartstopper is in the mainstream, I hope the people who have more marginalized identities, who never thought about being anything other than straight but for whom straight doesn’t feel *quite* right, those who deal with toxic masculinity/femininity and don’t feel like they have real friends, this show is for them as much as the Charlies.
And I hope the Nicks who watch this show seek out their Charlies, Taras, Darcys, Elles, Taos, Isaacs, etc. and find a community that loves them for who they are. And I hope one thing you Charlies, Taras, Darcys, Elles, Taos, Isaacs, etc. take from this show is to reach out. This show is so good at demonstrating how being yourself makes others want to be themselves, too!
Much love to the beautiful people on this hellsite:
1,143 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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[ID in alt text]
1,292 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Joe Locke Appreciation
Listen I know Kit absolutely BODIED Nick Nelson but Joe Locke also absolutely killed it.
Like his nervous giggles? His chemistry with the entire friendship group? Every interaction with Tori? And he’s already portraying Charlie’s mental illness so well and subtly. That boy is killin it.
3,174 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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peccatula · 7 months
pinned/about me📌
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» kieran, adult, he/ve, interests: projmoon, ocs, pkmn, utdr, pmmm, rpgmakers, etc. ... more info under cut
↳ art: @demonerium, project: @stones-and-birds, sketch/rambling: @fortunesgambit, ref: @asterosaponins, edits: @rosedud [wip]
i'm kieran, a 23 yr old genderfluid bi dude. i'm trans. i go by a couple other names so don't be surprised if pals call me something else. i use he/him pronouns primarily, second set changes pretty frequently. generally prefer masc terms but any are fine! though i'd prefer fem terms be used sparingly and only by other trans ppl
i love my boyfriend name of oracle. @oracle-milkman and i also love my qpp name of michelle. @winterbunz
i'm autistic and have a special interest in projmoon media (primarily my pm ocs) and pokemon, and some general media i like are hello charlotte, madoka magica, ghost trick, and undertale/deltarune. i like rarepairs. i don't like pr0ships/w/e please leave me alone if u do thank u
you'll see me post very frequently about a PM OC fan visual novel project I'm working on with my boyfriend, Stones and Birds. I especially post a lot about Kane, the main antagonist (purple hair bitch you always see around my profiles), as well as various other characters (Merrit, Lucine, Eira, et cetera...) who are incredibly important to me and very developed despite their roles in the main story being.... Minimal.... but its ok. Anyway i like my ocs, if you ever wanna send asks about them please please do!!!
favorite overall characters that are Not my own ocs are heathcliff, rodion, & gregor (lcb), netzach, hod, & chesed (lc/lor), mion sonozaki (higurashi), russell seager (end roll), yomiel & sissel (ghost trick), the holy quintet (madoka), i love a lot lot lot of characters from pokemon and other media but these are the big guys. some of them are just like me fr some of them are just my favs for other reasons
also physically disabled + mentally ill. how so is a secret (not really, i'll talk about it sometimes)
#talk tag is my talk tag. might change it soon tho idk.
more stuff on my personal carrd that will eventually be just a neocities but i dont have time for that rn
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androcola · 1 year
Idk what that other person is smoking like how are you being weird about it?? Tagging all your posts as “not ship” to remind ppl not to act up on them? Bc this is the Shipping Ppl website and ppl will take every innocuous interaction and put in a romantic context unless you tell them not to? Like sorry for being different I guess
THATS WHAT IM SAYING!!! like there's no denying that the majority of the fandom (atleast here on tumblr) are all shippers, some are freaks about it, and others are a little more normal, but I just can't ship them at all. I don't see them that way. They're like brothers to me (brotherly relationship anyway)
So like when Most of the fandom ships the monkees, I feel like the odd one out cuz I'm not interested in seeing them fuck eachother. I've never shipped in any fandom ive ever been a part of :/ it just has no appeal to me. Just like you said, sorry for being different I guess. Im aroace, have no interest in seeing my favorite characters fuck eachother. Their friendship is so much more important to me because of how close I interpret them to be without them having to fuck to be that close. Mike and micky are literally besties and I like it just like that
Edit: this isn't to shit on people who ship either. Like I've met and been friends with people who are normal about it. But I've also seen people who arw freaks about it. Literally had to block someone cuz of the incessant sex posts about them. If you ship and enjoy it I don't care. Whatever makes u happy. But dnt try to get me to like it because it'll only result in a block
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aro-culture-is · 3 years
i was wondering if there was some way to make hanahaki less problematic because i liked the idea of body horror especially with flowers for a horror fic but requited love being a cure for it and unrequited love being the cause ive realized is incredibly vilifying even with an allo target. i wanted to change it to being more a parasitic type of plant that mimics flowers that—rather than stemming from unrequited love—stems from unhealthy/unregulated obsessions and it can't be resolved by love (idk if i will give it a natural cure but so far surgery is the only way to remove the plant and medicine to help flush seeds n stuff out of the system and keep them from sprouting) but im afraid that might also be arophobic and blames the victim of the obsession and was wondering if there was anyway i could make this work or if i should just keep it at body horror with plants
[empty first paragraph in case tumblr tries to eat it]
i personally don’t really want to get into this discussion and will mute this post for myself. i’m squicked out by body horror and couldn’t read the full ask as a result. my response is guided by the last decade of editing my brother’s writing and reading fanfic.
ime, ppl trying to make “problematic” things less problematic tend to just shift problems to ableism. easy example, consider the ways in which “unhealthy/unregulated obsessions” victim blames people who have various mental health factors and neurodivergence, especially when they have little to no support systems (often due to classism, which obv tends to stem from, shocker, being underprivileged). regardless, I actually don’t think making it “unproblematic” is even the most important point:
my personal rule of thumb is that whatever you do, tag it or tw/cw at least if you intend to publish it.
if you worry about reader take away, you could consider that rather than trying to sterilize the problematic parts of it, those can be discussed in the plot. the effects of it can be shown in the worldbuilding - how are those who are most affected treated? are there advocacy groups? if yes, who do they support, and who supports them? are they actually helpful/well-intentioned? who receives the blame? how do characters of varying cultures respond? is a character portrayed as good for simply shifting the victim blaming to a new party? instead of trying to avoid problematic content, consider actually addressing it.
tldr; problematic things exist, trying to make them less so often just makes it ableist instead. if you’re worried your readers won’t know it’s problematic, then say it.
- mod kee
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skyeblue379 · 3 years
So let’s talk about the newest episode of WandVision there is of course a spoiler warning from this point on
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First let’s talk about theories disproved
So the town is made up of the citizens of westview( as far as we know ) the fact the several citizens actors such as the milkman, mailman , and “norm” were shields of agents in previous movies is a conciedence
It’s looking like Anges is a regular citizen not Agatha Harkness, who in the comics was one of the original witches of Salem, a mentor of scarlet witch who was eventually killed by her when she went crazy and almost destroyed the multiverse, but as she was not one the citizens who was identified there is still a chance but we’ll have to wait and see
Okay so let’s talk about what still up in the air theory wise and what we do know thus far
Let’s talk about Mephisto
i still believe that this is how Marvel is choosing to introduce him since he plays an important part in wandas story arch in the comics ( for those who don’t know Wanda creates the twins using a bit of his power/soul and he arranges for them to be stolen by his minion Master pandemonium who uses them as Arms to try and regain Mephisto’s stolen power ( yes you read that right the 80s were wild)
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I still believe that he is the one orchestrating everything behind the scenes but I have a new theory on who he is or at least one I have seen but I’m sure is out there cause let’s be honest I’m not that creative lol
I think during the aftermath of the snap Mephisto took advantage of the chaos to take the identity of Hayward the new leader of SWORD
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Think about he could’ve seen that there was a chance to take power in the upcoming new agency and knowing marvel they might pull an ego, he might’ve had a had in hand in Maria’s death to make sure that he got control of SWORD and to have Monica have a personal investment in this fight
If we go with this theory that explains why he seems to have vendetta to make out Wanda as the villain and dangerous and why we didn’t see the “ footage “ of Wanda stealing visions body my guess is he is trying to alienate wanda from everyone else so she’ll have no where to turn
The reason I think this isn’t entirely wanda is because while in the comics Wanda is one of the most powerful mutants in the entire multi-verse thus far in the mcu she hasn’t shown that level of power and while I would LOVE if they gave Wanda the power and recognition she deserves I don’t think that’s going to happen given The writers treatment Of the marvel women so far and if given the chance they will make the all powerful villain who manipulating the poor defenseless female who couldn’t help but fall for his evil schemes * cue southern lady hand to forehead swoon*(oh I’m going to piss off some fanboys with that one lol) but really think about it Hollywood as a whole doesn’t like bestowing the mantle of most powerful on women or POC especially in action movies which , whether or not you want to admit it , as a genre is engineered to please cisgender straight white men but that’s a whole other debate and I’m already going off enough tangents as is
I don’t think that it was wanda who left the boundary or if it was I don’t think it was entirely of her own volition I think it was a tactic to further villify Wanda in the eyes of SWORD and cementing the distrust of her by them so Hayward can weaponize SWORD against Wanda and Vision
Expanding on that based on what We’ve seen so far from the eps and the previews it’s going to end up being a battle between SWORD/ Mesphisto who is manipulating everything and everyone to make it seem like it’s Wanda controling the town against Wanda and Vision, with the help of Darcy, agent Jimmy Woo, and Monica after they begin to realize what’s happening
Moving on to Wandas role
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So I agree with Visions assement that while Wanda Wasn’t initially consciously aware of what was going on she “ woke up “ at some point is now actively manipulating her surroundings and while she doesn’t want to directly hurt anyone as evident by her protecting Monica while sending her flying through walls and the barrier which could’ve killed her but should’ve at least broken a several bones but she came out with out a scratch
We can see that she knows what she’s doing is wrong but the looks of guilt when confronted with what she is doing she is trying to make sure the citizens are living as normal as possible as seen when she mentions making sure they mow their lawns and make it to their dentist appts and she thinks by controling them she’s making it easier on them but she knows it’s wrong like for example when billy and tommy ask her to bring sparky back to life the look on her face when she tells them there are certain things you can’t mess with and Vision walking up right as she says that I’m guessing within the next couple of episodes she admit to herself that what is happening is wrong
The Twins
So far in the series we see that Billy and Tommy at least posses some of their mother’s power as seen as they can age up seemingly by will power
In the comics billy becomes Wiccan , who takes after his mother’s powers and tommy is speed who inherited his uncles super speed but we have yet to see if these powers will transfer into the show
Side note if they try and change wiccans or speeds sexualities which in the comics wiccan was canonically gay and in a long term relationship hulking, who he eventually married , and Speed who was bisexual and in a relationship with prodigy I will riot
I’m guessing that mephisto is going to take the twins leading to Wanda joining dr strange in his show traveling the multi-verse in trying to find them or some version of them since we can only assume that’s how they are introducing the introducing mutants to the mcu
Speaking of introducing mutants to the MCU
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So at the very end of the episode they get a surprise visitor- quicksilver (which several ppl saw coming ) we see that the X-mans Quicksilver arrive at the door
While I am glad that they are reintroducing Quicksilver as his early death was my biggest problem with age of ultron, we will have to wait and see how this pans out in regards to the series as a whole
When we hear the knock we are being lead to assume same as vision that it is another diversion by Wanda which we’ve seen her do several times at this point she seems as confused as he is so I don’t think he’s appeared by her powers proven by the fact when he introduces himself as her brother she’s visibly thrown and understandably confused before hugging him
My guess is that Mephisto( who in the comics also has the power to manipulate reality tho not on the scale that scarlet witch does which is why he needs her) brought him in to distract Wanda and Vision from discovering the truth
Now we can only assume that because of his appearance that other X-men and ppl from that universe will make an appearance in the mcu but to what extent we can’t be sure yet it will largely depend on what actors agree to resign on to their contracts to continue playing their characters so we can assume that Wolverine will not be making an appearance as Hugh jackman has previously stated that he will not be reprising the role but with everyone else’s we will have to wait and see
Let me know what you guys think what you agree or disagree with, further theories etc
EDIT: I apologize it’s been almost a decade since I’ve read the series of comics feature the storyline that WandaVision were based off it was pointed to me by @Hapllucigenia123 that there were a few inaccuracies in my post
the guy with the baby arms was master pandemonium who while he was working under the direction of Mephisto is not him
the twins were made purely out of fractions of Mephistos soul in the comics and he arranged them for them to be kidnapped in order to regain the power he had lost
This doesn’t change my theories much since I don’t believe they are going to have master pandemonium appear in the series because he was a middle man and the writers are going to probably have a bigger villain name to help draw in more views.( also don’t think theyre going to have anyone use the twins as arms cause I don’t see it being taken seriously in this day and age but imagine the memes if they did lol but I will go back and fix the information when I can thank you again @hapllucigenia123 who can also be found in the comments if the tags don’t work
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wazzuppy · 3 years
help me afford new clothes
hello!! this is a big masterpost for information about my blog, including DNI list, a list of my triggers and sqicks, my other blogs, and more! PLEASE read this before you follow, or if we're mutuals.
do NOT interact with me if you support or are any of the following things!
if there is an "x" next to it, i've linked something that explains why i don't support it and don't want people who do to interact with me or my blog.
if you have any questions, feel free to ask! i'm happy to elaborate <3
s*xual agere
terf/tirf/swerf/radfem/super straight
anti-anti/pro ship
if you think fiction doesnt effect reality
support pewdiepie
support the dream smp (x)
support the game grumps
against the lgbtqia+ community at all
support cringe culture
think that "blackwashing" is the same as whitewashing
against anyone using their desired pronouns, regardless of gender (example: lesbians using he/him, nonbinary people using neopronouns or binary pronouns)
fetishize mlm or wlw relationships/fujoshi/fudanshi
use slurs when you cant reclaim them
defend rapists
anti-self ship
think only lesbians can use butch/femme
think people with psychosis, schizophrenia, DID, ect are "dangerous" or "scary."
think that found family isn't a real family
bi/pan lesbian
support trump
if you're an nsfw account (i'm a minor)
if you romantically self ship with donnie (rottmnt), i'd prefer if you didn't interact. its genuinely nothing personal, its just for my own comfort.
hi!! my name is tara, but i also go by the names wazzup, fennie, duck, lolly, and minnie; please feel free to use any and all of them! i use she/her pronouns primarily, but also use they/them and squi/squish-- which pronouns i'm using at the moment will change, so check my bio every once and a while if you wanna be sure (i also have a pronouns page if you wanna check it!!) i'm 16 years old. im asexual and pan-fictoromantic (i consider myself aromantic bc im not attracted to like. actual ppl dhgjdhfj), and i am afab bigenderflux (fem & squishmallowgender). i have anxiety, depression, gerd, and adhd and autism (although i have not been officially diagnosed with adhd or autism due to a lack of resources, i am very certain i am not neurotypical). also, i use tumblr mobile!
some important tags are: "#tara says stuff", which is for when i talk about whatever is on my mind; "#vent" which is for when i make vent posts; "#stuff i made" and my old tag, "#tara makes a thing", which is for content that i create myself (such as edits, memes, ect); "#important" which is for things such as donations and carrds and urgent news. some things will also be tagged as "#thing tw" (for example: blood tw, flashing tw, bright colors tw). i also will put "#ask to tag" if i'm worried something will be upsetting but am unsure of how to tag it. so, if you'd like me to tag something, ask me and i will!! 💕
mutuals PLEASE tag posts that contain any of these as "#tara dont look" (with or without a ' sign, both are blocked). 💕
steven universe
being taken away from your parents (only applies to parents that are good to you or that you actually consider family)
my birthday (i have really bad chronophobia and gerascophbia, so it tends to be extreamely difficult for me to handle)
calling characters that show signs of neurodivergency dumb, stupid, weird, or annoying
animal death or injury, especially pets
high-pitched/shrill sounds
the x files
referring to me as ze/zir
douxie casperan (tales of arcadia), krel tarron (tales of arcadia), katsuki bakugou (my hero academia), mark beaks (ducktales), shadow the hedgehog (sonic), hatsune miku (vocaloid), and especially donnie (rottmnt) and red son (monkie kid) being shipped with anyone.
shipping the any of the triple threat (henry stickmin) together.
shipping kenning flugslys (villainous) with anyone but especially miss heed
comparing red son and donnie to each other
note: i'm critical of all of them, although some more so than others.
note #2 (electric boogaloo): if the text is in bold and italics, that means it's my current hyperfixation. if it's pink text, it's my special interest.
101 dalmatian street
ace attorney
animal crossing
big time rush (the show not the irl band hdgjhdgjhd)
crash bandicoot
darkwing duck (1991)
disney channel/disney xd sitcoms (primarily mighty med and lab rats)
ducktales (2017)
epithet erased
henry stickmin
kagerou project
kingdom hearts
legend of zelda
madoka magica
monkie kid
owl house
phineas & ferb/milo murphys law
pretty cure
sonic the hedgehog
studio ghibli
tales of arcadia
teenage mutant ninja turtles (especially rottmnt)
watcher/buzzfeed unsolved, they r the only youtubers i would ever be in a fandom for
note that some are much, much more active than others.
main: @wazzuppy
self ship blog: @blushxblush
kin blog: @madohomu-kins
editing blog: @wazzuppy-edits
kagepro blog: @lets-daze
rottmnt/tmnt blog: @donnies--jacket
monkie kid blog: @funkie-monkie
barbie/childhood blog: @disastersapphicbarbie
epithet erased blog: @mollywollydolly
milgram blog: @mahiruuu
other: @wazzuppy-reblogs
thank u for reading until the end ily 💕💗💝💞💓💘💖
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51 notes · View notes
majicmarker · 3 years
so i’ve had a lot on my mind lately — the good, the bad, the ugly, you know the drill. i’m used to the bad and the ugly, but i think (and ofc by my therapist’s rec) i need to give a little credit to the good, too. not to mention the good is largely comprised of people, and those people deserve a sports stadium wave, yk? idk shit abt sports, whatever, but i know what the wave is and it’s like the grandest gesture i can think of, SO
listen, y’all. to get real here, i hate fandom. my time spent therein has been hit-or-miss, but the misses got me hard and contributed to some major self-loathing, etc etc. we’re not gonna get into the specifics, i don’t owe that to anyone, but suffice it to say things got Rough.
but so much of it can be so, so good. and rn i want to keep on my rose-colored glasses, and the rosiest parts for me have always been @kitten1618x and @mygutsforgarters
(quite a few others, too, but i no longer have everyone’s info. and some ppl are newer friends, or relationships that have moved more slowly. i have mad love for u guys too, obvs, but ik melissa and gus irl so we know each other More and they’re who this post is rly about atm. pls know i don’t want to harsh on anyone’s feelings)
the tl;dr version of events is i met them both via fanfic. i happened upon theirs like “bitch!!!! **i** wanna do this, they’re bomb as hell” and then i made them be friends w me. they’ll tell you they wanted to be friends w me first, but that’s not important bc **i** am the one making this post, so they can both like,, suck it.
@ melissa : so bitch listen. here’s the thing abt melissa…… i found her while browsing jonsa fic back when i cared abt GOT, and she brought me back to what i loved so much abt romance when i first started, way back in junior high, what’s up. i bad a fascination w historial romantic epics for a loooooong time — those formative yrs, amirite ladies??? — but girl i could never write it so well as melissa. immediately she struck this balance between the drama you expect from historicals and the levity of a good romance, and i was just like, “hand to god this woman must be published already, surely???”
(she’s not, but that’s ridiculous so we’re gonna skip that)
(also she’s busy?? we’ve been friends for like six years and i will never know how many kids she actually has, but the point is she’s a goddamn superhero and i’m obsessed w her, MOVING ON)
i just Had to be her friend for two reasons: 1) she’s too talented, and b) i have said that abt 2 ppl my entire life and she was the first, so i was like, “AH YES MY HOLY GRAIL”
so ofc i slid into her DMs just as effectively as that one guy i had a crush on when i was sixteen and he’s still shooting me texts every valentine’s day bc of the societal pressures i guess (it is Far Less Effective these days, he’s my age and therefore too young for me, gross, but i digress), except me and melissa go way stronger.
she reminded me of why, half a lifetime ago, i started writing romance — bc it’s fun, bc i want to. bc i can do absolutely anything i want, bc who else is gonna read it but me and whoever i share it with? it was all up to me what i wanted to do with it, and i could do anything. nothing really mattered but what i wanted, and i hadn’t felt that way abt anything in such a long time — let alone abt something i used to love so much.
melissa’s writing is so beautiful, it’s everything i wanted to achieve when i was fifteen and never got around to perfecting. and i’m totally okay w that now, bc what do i need to do myself that she’s not already doing/wants to do in the future? when i found melissa’s writing i found a missing part of me — a part i’d maybe lost, maybe i gave it up, idk, but it was totally gone until i found her fics and they fucking clicked. i had to reach out bc there was a part of me that was a part of her, and she helped me find that again w/o even knowing it.
so i found melissa via GOT, and from the start she’d been trying to get me to write some bethyl. years and years, she dropped not-so-subtle hints — and by “hints,” i mean legit directives that i watch just enough TWD to write her some beth/daryl fic. real crafty, she is.
eventually the stars aligned: i was bored w the same dynamics i’d been writing for years, i wanted smthn new, i was restless, i was line editing a bethyl fic she’d written, and — again — this shit clicked. her fic made me want to explore this dynamic i’d never done before, so i watched the prerequisite episodes (no more than that tho, i super hate the show and i’m begging y’all to not @ me abt it anymore). i found smthn that i’d been missing, smthn that challenged and excited me and brought me back around to why i love romance and, more importantly, why i want to write it myself.
so as i was starting to write bethyl, i was poking around the ao3 tag to get a feel for what had been done, what hadn’t, anything i might be missing. and goddamn BAM —
@ gus : this is where u enter dramatically thru a red velvet curtain that i don’t wanna touch (Metaphorically bc you do romance better than me and i’m cool w that bc your talent simply Cannot be touched, and Literally bc i hate velvet) — i was like, “please for the love of god let her want to write contemporary romance, i need some good fckin food”
i happened upon “doo wah diddy diddy” first. ofc the summary hooked me, forget my usual hard no against pregnancy fics (i have issues w pregnancy and that’s all anybody Needs to know, back off), but This Bitch !!!!!!! has a way with words and i wanted to be friends w her straightaway. lmao too bad for her, now she’s stuck w me
gus’s fics gave me what i wanted without having to write it myself. her style is so distinctive, she hits the notes between porn and Actual Affection that is missing from uhhhh, every romance i’ve tried?? (why is everyone so intent on the sex part?? fckin chill. at best it’s unrelatable and at worst u sound like u’d rather wear someone than fuck them, check urself)
she writes w such care, she wants you to know what she’s doing here, and what she’s doing here is combining the physical and emotional needs of both characters w/o infringing on anyone’s comfortability. you root for these characters bc they simply want to be together, no strings (and if there are strings, damn, they talk abt it).
gus makes you believe in love in the modern age. like, not to sound like one of those ppl who post fckin “no one in this generation knows how to love!!!1!!11!!” memes on facebook, those are dumb, but gus’s writing made me think “yeah man, love ain’t dead, it’s just abt how we approach it.”
(if y’all haven’t guessed yet, i have some hang-ups abt relationships. i’ve goddamn earned those. but melissa and gus both brought me back to where i needed to be — in this place where, yeah, we’ve got some shit to deal with, but we all still deserve the things we want, and those things are achievable. i could not have gotten here without them, so jot that down.)
gus is Real, she’s funny, she’s unapologetic in the way she writes. ofc she has her personal hurdles, but who doesn’t?? and tbh nobody writes a sex scene like gus does. physical, realistic, but balanced w the emotional depth that makes you root for these characters bc you can Feel how much they want each other — not just sexually, but in the less-erotic aftermath of that passion. it continues to blow my mind, bc i’ve never seen anyone do what she does. i can’t even pinpoint the specifics, bc she just… Does It. and you’re reading it like “yeah bitch that’s it,” and That’s It.
it’s fckin wild.
these two — my best friends, the lights of my life, both of whom always make me crave chicken tenders at THE most inconvenient hours bc somehow we always talk abt chicken or ice cream or ultimately DQ, but they're both so hot idec — have something special.
i really, really want them both to know that: it’s not just in how they’ve treated me as a friend, but who they are as people, in their creative pursuits. i’ve never known support the way they’ve shown me; i’ve never known this much enthusiasm or investment or belief that i can do what i want with my talent. i want them to know that i feel the same way abt them and their works.
sometimes, when i look back at their writing that completely kicked my ass, i still can’t believe that they’ve become two of my best friends. it’s totally bonkers. they’re This Talented, and they wanna be friends w my spastic ass? GIRL. i’m out.
i’m not always the best at being present, at giving people what they need when they need it. but with everything that melissa and gus have given me in the past few years, i need them to know this — honey!!! i need all y’all to know this, bc i know fandom shit is hard, but you should know some of these friendships are so, so worth all that bullshit, so —
they have so much to give, so much to say, so much to offer. i could not have kept going without them. i couldn’t believe in myself without the faith they’ve given to me. i hope that i can always give that same faith right back.
and that, babes, is what real soulmates are all about.
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gluttons-a · 4 years
1 2 3 5 10 12 20 22 36 (give me the salt fam)
What would prevent you from following someone?
i pay quite a bit of attention the mun’s voice when reading rules / pages . some people just come off as extremely aggressive / controlling, and it puts me off from following sometimes !  things like : do not follow and block me immediately if you are abc-phobic and support defg-isms ; it’s irritating when i see too much ooc / photos / literally anything apart from your replies ; i will unfollow n block you if you don’t attempt to approach me within a week and DONT try to contact me asking why i unfollowed you …
i certainly don’t want to interact sexist / racist / lgbtqphobic people myself . in an ideal world,  i would also want to interact with all 100+ of my mutuals on the regular and have them approach me within a week of following me - like wouldn’t that be convenient ?? but in reality , people have their own obligations n priorities. people grow up in diff backgrounds n might not have the exact same viewpoints as u. like. idk,, it just comes off as intolerant and disrespectful.  i dont want to feel like i’m walking on eggshells whenever i log in or make a post.
Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
honestly… no !!! as long as the chara is interesting n there is quality writing i don’t mind if a blog is default tumble theme w no aesthetics or post formats at all  ( w the exception cutting posts and uniform icons ! )  as long as the blog format is consistent n readable i will give any blog a fair shot i think !!  ‘:/c
What current rp trend do you hate?
i honestly rly dislike the dashboard blog thing. i know its hypocritical of me to say this bc i also succumbed to the trend but like. but it makes things so hard to access ,  esp if i want to like, edit or add tags to an old post i have to use mass editor and can’t just edit via permalink rip  ( maybe there’s a way of doing it and im just big dumb who knows )
Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why?
i dont rly have a preference w muse gender ??? :/c  i honestly follow whoever i find interesting n like,  write w whoever wants to write w me lol .  but i do think female muses approach meph more often - idk if its bc of the distribution of female to male muses on tumble or smth ?? but this happens w so many of my muses - idk if its how i write them or how i come across as a person or smth but like . yeah. orz.
Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them?
actually nooo ???? i’ve never bought or made a commission from / for anyone in my life so .. sfkafa i am completely indifferent on this subject.
Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
ive never been in drama ?? i dont think?  i feel like i generally am quite soft spoken n genial on tumblr dash bc im . weary about projecting my views ,,,,
but well, i used to know sb who was caught up in clique drama and they would constantly badmouth abt other users to me . i didn’t know how to outright tell them i wasn’t interested in hearing it,, but yeah we kinda stopped talking after that.
Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
slightly ???  i have had ppl push ship ideas onto me real strongly . i’m not against ships but they’d come to me w a preconception of who my muse is …  esp w canon muses … its not exactly a huge deal bc i get that ppl are excited to plot n ship characters,  but like .  yeah i have.  i’m not  …  great at refusing people hskfjdfa
What would make you block someone?
idk i’ve never actually blocked anyone  ( lol asides from p.orn bots ) . unfollowing  +  steadfastly ignoring them  usually does the trick for me.  shdfksdjfa
What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
well. this is a bit controversial …. but i feel like ppl are. too sensitive abt whitewashing ?? like i understand that there’s a problem if icons are deliberately edited to lighten skin tone or if a mun straight up erases the character’s racial identity , but some ppl just use pack psds n when the icons are like. two hexes off from their orig skin tone n people accuse them of bein racist and stuff. like . yeah ok,  maybe it was a poor judgement on the mun’s part ,  but labelling them a racist is just . not cool.
like damn. there are actual people out there suffering from the impact of racism ! victims who have been denied entry n detained at borders, subjected to police brutality, denied their rights to expression n respect in the workplace ,,,,,  like open your eyes,  putting a tinted psd over a picture or wtv is NOT racism oh my god. trying to claim that this falls into the same category ultimately trivialises the issue imo .
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avenger-hawk · 5 years
Lol, I am so sick of Sasu//saku fans that portray Itachi as an uncle who would adore Salad. Like, seriously if Itachi saw how disrespectful Sara is towards Sasuke, how she doesn't appreciate him, how she judges him because apparently he didn't even become Hogake (ugghh) Itachi would be damn angry and annoyed with that brat.
(2/2) The same goes with how they portray Madara. They make him beyond OOC, shit like He would give Salad the whole world. Lol, what the hell makes them think, no, imagine such a think. By the way let me tell you I really like your blog and sorry for sounding angry but after seeing screenshots of the new episode of Bolt (i try to avoid as much as I can) with the parenting day. And how Salad called Sasuke annoying… just ughh 
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(anti post ahead. tagged as anti. not tagged as sasuke so it won’t show up in the sasuke tag. read at your own risk and don’t bitch if you do)
Thank you and don’t worry, I always sound angry and piss off some ppl in the process lol
Uncle Itachi is a fan fantasy based on the fan fantasy that Sasuke’s marrage is amazing and happy, like Sasuke being oh so jealous of his wife (or brother or whomever else, but we’re shitting on SS here so I’m gonna keep on that lane), ofc he wouldn’t support something that makes his brother suffer, especially since he thinks in a big picture kind of way so he wouldn’t even focus on the girl but on the system that made her possible in the first place. Not to mention, again, that he’s not Iruka. He doesn’t even like kids or small animals like fans portray him. I get self-indulgent fantasies but that’s what they are and how they should be recognized for. (also why tf uncle Itachi has no partner or whatever, how belittling is that))
Don’t even get me started on Madara cause wtf? Why would such a strong man who never showed attachment to random ppl who weren’t powerful or important in some way, be attached to this half breed random girl daughter or a random descendent? I mean I would have liked Madara to focus on Sasuke and their common blood much more…and Madara did aknowledge Sasuke and his eyes. He wouldn’t even notice the girl. Let’s say he’s better off dead and gone than resurrected?? and brought??? to a family?? and distant relative that he wouldn’t give a shit about.
I haven’t watched that episode or others and I don’t wanna know about it but wow. I couldn’t stand seeing Sasuke disrespected by an ungrateful brat, and it makes me laugh that when Gaiden came out fans, even Sasuke fans, were all like ‘SS is wrong but salad has no fault poor bby protect the Uchiha princess at all costs’ when to me it was always obvious that she is SS. literally. And her so called drama was ridiculous to say the least, compared to Sasuke’s. 
We shouldn’t be surprised, it’s a different show with a different lighter vibe. It’s not meant to be as tragic as N*ruto was, so characters have small silly issues like dads being embarrassing and shit. If I think about this I feel offended in Sasuke’s behalf cause he saw his dead parents’ bodies piled up, killed by his brother cause he had been blackmailed to do it to spare his life…Sasuke held his family’s memory as a sacred thing and he had this admiration and kinda fear of his father…he wouldn’t even imagine disrespecting a father. He got angry at s*kura when she complained about her parents even…it’s horrible. I don’t want to know anything about this shit.
Anyway, if I may suggest you smth from my own experience since I had this blog even when the ending came out, try not to look at the new shit. Complaining and analysing helps for a while and I did it a lot, but then I realized I wasn’t feeling better. Only when I put my anger into writing fics I felt better (for a while lol, it never really goes away) cause I gave myself explanations about that shit and changed certain things to better cope with it. Try channeling your anger into creative stuff, writing fics or drawing or making edits or just focusing on the good episodes and good stuff. Really, it helps. Personally I kept a dark vibe to explain canon and analyse certain things, but others change it completely and make it positive, whatever helps.
I unfollowed a Sasuke blog yesterday cause they posted that episode screenshots. TBH even tho it may sound unpleasant to hear and even tho I respect other ppl’s opinions as long as they don’t come bitching at me imposing them, when I see someone I thought had opinions similar to mine, come up with salad or pro stuff I’m disappointed and I lose interest in them cause our positions are too different to talk, and I hate the ending and all this too much to tolerate it lol, and since more and more fans are turning to that stuff I’m losing interest in most ppl in the fandom. 
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comicteaparty · 5 years
June 24th-June 30th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from June 24th, 2019 to June 30th, 2019.  The chat focused on Drugs & Wires by Mary Safro & Io Black.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Drugs & Wires by Mary Safro & Io Black~! (https://www.drugsandwires.fail/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until June 30th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Who do you think made the Worm and for what reason? Why does it seem to mostly be affecting Stradania and not other places? Do you think Dan’s implant can ultimately be fixed, or is he stuck forever away from VR?
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. What aspect of the world’s cyberpunk setting interests you the most and why? Alternatively, what aspect are you hoping to see explored a bit more in regards to how it affects the characters?
1) Gonna be a bit depressing when I say the bridge scene where Dan almost threw himself off it. Which I'm gonna spoiler tag the rest of this just as a suicide trigger warning precaution. I was 100% right there in the moment with him during that scene. Like I understood why he'd arrived at that conclusion, and it didn't come off as patronizing as I feel a lot of similar suicide scenes often do in comics. This is a man who even I felt really had nothing to live for, as sad as that is to say. Not that I wanted Dan to die, of course, but I get absolutely why he would. And then when he's saved, I liked that he is angry about it. Cause that is a dark reality I feel too many comics shy away from. And just all that gritty realism really hit me in the heart. 2) I don't know who made the worm and I don't think it matters all that much. Rather, I think the reason is more important, and the reason I think is to either kill VR or draw attention to Dan's shitty country. Which I kind of want to believe the latter, that this is somehow politically motivated. Or even if its the former, the idea is to get ppl more politically involved. That being said, I do think it's someone in Stradania who made it. As for Dan's implant being fixed, I don't think so. I don't think he'll be let off the hook that easy, and that he will continue to have to face his awful world for what it is, garbage and all.
3) Dan because he is the delicious epitome of a flawed protagonist. He's not mean, but between his drug problems, his crappy attitude towards most people, and so forth, he's got some real issues to work through. But that's great, cause at least that makes the few steps forward he's taken more satisfying. Since he's not getting those steps easy. He has to basically crawl through metaphorical lava to gain even 2 cm. 4) I really like the world's integration of VR and cybernetics. Like it's not on the level it's just there, but there's businesses around it, slang around it, and so forth. It's presented as this super ingrained culture thing, and that is super hard to play off. And it's just really well-done to see all the ways that those aspects bleed into their lives, whether the invention was intended to do so in that way or not.
Historical Jesus
I'm about to catch up. gimmy some time
itll be going for the rest of the week, so theres no rush.
1) My favorite scene is the basement wake. It's a cool way to introduce those side characters (especially Vlad), and we were shown how our protagonist is seen through other people's eyes.
Like, we as the readers get to see Dan's struggles first-hand, but seeing the way Dan's "friends" think of him as a mindless junkie is really eye-opening
Re-reading the wake chapter made me think of something regarding question (2). Rebel, you suggested that the worm may have been made to kill VR. Could the reverse be true instead? Vlad has this speech about how the victims of the worm are martyrs, and the rest of the cast groans... but maybe he's not so far off.(edited)
My favorite character is Lin. On the surface, she's a terrible, shady person, but she's got heart where it counts! (in a trunk with a bunch of other organs)
Though I also really like Dan, for the same reasons as Rebel. He starts off in such a terrible place, and watching him take baby steps towards improvement is... honestly, uplifting, even if he does sometimes take some big steps backward.(edited)
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Do you think Dan will manage to find Eve again? If so, how might that affect him? Further, what do you think Dan’s past history is in general with his family and others that might play a role in the story?
Historical Jesus
Is the person writing this comic Russian
cant speak for Io, but while not from Russia, Mary does speak Russian
Historical Jesus
SHe might have had family immigrate from Russia. This story just feels very Russian in the sense that everyone is down on their luck
But yeah. This story is freaking great!
Hey, Mary here! I'm a Russian from Latvia, Io's German but I usually consult him on any Russian bits we have in the comic : D thanks so much for reading, loved seeing all the replies so far!
Historical Jesus
It's you
@Cryo Do you have experience with information security or bug hunting?(edited)
I mean, you sound like you REALLY understand hacker culture(edited)
Historical Jesus
ok I finished
1: Favorite scene? Hard to tell honestly. I like them all for different reasons. It's the continuum of the story I appreciate. The fact I'm always wanting to see what happens next? 2: Who made the worm. I've noticed that people who were infected had illegal copies of software. From a cybersecurity perspective, worms only work when either (A) someone finds a vulnurability that has never before been seem or (B) people don't update their shit for whatever reason. Hence why most software schedules mandatory updates. This could just be the inevitable conclusion to using pirated or older software. 3: Favorite character: Dan. I can relate to him the most. I don't do party drugs, just psycodelics.
4: Favorite aspect of cyberpunk. Historical relevance. In our past, rulers were privileged to rule because humans believed they were "ordained by God" to rule. European philosophers then said that the right to rule belongs to those who become the height of natural selection/ The premise being that there is no god and that we are "free agents" with "free will." No one is entitled to anything unless they produce something of value. This made perfect sense when manual labor was relevant and everything had to be done by hand. This includes pen and paper math. Hence why pay is exclusively based on labor value. Enter the age of technology fucked this up. Capitalism today is STUPIDLY efficient. We WHOOPED natural selections ass. We also learned that humans can't simply "change their outlook at will." Humans are mortal and are not much different than machines. The have needs and all that pesky human stuff. Some people could argue that healthier people have more free will than others, but poverty is the inevitable conclusion to this "free will" "labor value" mindset. But people think principles are sacred and set in stone. So what we are seeing is devalued labor and everyone becoming more poor and the formation of corporate oligarchies and dependences. Cyberpunk was WAY ahead of it's time in seeing this. We need to revisit this genre because I sure as shit don't want to live under a global illuminati with hard line cultural segregation.(edited)
No, no real hacking experience here, I'm a 3d modeller by trade. We do our research when we can but our readers are a lot more technically minded than we are :p
Historical Jesus
I love 3D modeling
Attila Polyák
I'll be totally honest your work didn't really catch me at first, but I kept reading. Aaaaand dang that was a good decision. This is genuinely well made. I'm only at the end of chapter 4 but that bridge scene was great. I'm pretty sure it'll be my favourite scene but I need to read the rest first.
Historical Jesus
I have one of two options in life. Make high detailed models to sell on Gumroad or make comics. Gumroad will require constant adaptation to new software, but I already have my comic story structure fgiured out
@Attila Polyák thanks for giving us a chance! Hope you enjoy the rest ( though chapter 5 is a lot less dramatic in comparison!)
Historical Jesus
Do you have a resolution in mind or are you just making it as you go?
Yeah, we know where we're taking the story, but how it gets there can vary. Lots of the scenes we wrote years ago have to be tweaked or redone entirely to work
Historical Jesus
If the "free will" capitalist have their way, then we can expect the future to look very similar. Lots of poor people using lots of old tech. All software and hardware is closed sourced and locked down.The division between rich and poor will be larger than ever. Many of the zero days will be state sponsored much like they are now and they can use this to legally infect people and categorize them and use their own information against them if they ever become a threat to the state or the rich tech oligarchy
When I read this I got sense of creepy forcasting
More kids are playing with the Linux Kernal than smoking cigarettes so we might be ok
Historical Jesus
5: Favorite illustration? Anything that involved gif animations. That's not to say it should be overused but it was used at the right time
6a: Will Dan find Eve again? Probably. Since Cryo has a conceptual end in mind, I imagine she serves a key purpose in the plot. If they don't then it's likely that their actions will effect each other in some way.(edited)
6b: What is Dan's history with his parents? Let's look at who Dan is now. He's a poor drug addict who has had a dead end job. Yet he is not an overly angry person. Just depressed. He hangs around computer poetry people and other drug people. As a person who has experience with drugs, I noticed three types of people who do the dangerous drugs. At least in the US. They are... -People who have had repressive or needlessly strict parents. Thus overdoing drugs becomes associated with freedom and eventually a point of rebellion. But you can do too many of them. -People who are poor and need to sell them because they are poor. Naturally many of them do the drugs themselves so they naturally become addicted. -People who's parents are drug users themselves. The people who teach are schools will tell you it's that "people are trying to be cool" and it has nothing to do with that. Truth be told, they are hiding something. There is also a lot of dark racial history behind enhancing substances and the law and that can influence people's decision to take them, but I don't want to get into that because I don't want to get booted from this server.(edited)
Historical Jesus
Actually, @Cryo, would you be willing to give us a brief personal biography? Also, if you are, then can you tell us about your parents, what they did for a living, and the income situation you had growing up.(edited)
Why am I asking this? I think we can come up with more interesting answers about the comic if we know YOU as a person and how that influences your writing. I was able to infer that this story sounded Russian as fuck. Since the setting was Russian, I figured you were either from there or had family there
We can give more interesting answers that can help you come up with more interesting writing
@Historical Jesus Your questions are getting a little personal, and while I understand the logic behind them, keep in mind we're here to discuss the comic and not the creators' personal lives.
Yeah... I feel even if the creators are okay with discussing it, this stuff is best left to DM
Historical Jesus
I understand. I would like to give her the choice. If she chooses not to then I understand. Biologically speaking, I think art is meant to be personal.
(and of course, if they don't want to discuss it, no one should pressure them about it )
yeah if @Cryo wants to answer that's fine. Just for the future please keep those sorts of questions to a minimum and watch the wording on them. Cause that statement did sound overly pressure filled.
Historical Jesus
of course
I don't think we should be getting further into this territory?
Agreed. This isn't a really appropriate topic for #week_long_bookclub, @Historical Jesus and has little to do with the comic.
Historical Jesus
I understand. I'm trying to demonstrate the the relevance and the benefits of understanding the author as a person. And again, it's her choice to choose what she discloses.
And again, I get the logic. But just not appropriate for this discussion.
Historical Jesus
fair enough. I just want it to be known
I rephrased the question so it's less assertive. I apologies, I suck with social skills. Hopefully by the time she reads it, then it will be more inviting for her.
thats better wording for sure, thank you.
Historical Jesus
no problem
art was definitely designed to be personal. The reason why a lot of big budget art feels bland is because it's meant for everyone and they have to not get too deep into offending people. Because it has to make money. That requires the work of a true genius. D&W is specialized and it will attract a certain group of people. Mostly people who value anonymous culture like myself. Or so I imagine.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. Will Lin actually go through with her plan to get into politics? If so, do you believe she can actually make a difference? What obstacles do you think she might run into, and do you think Dan will be of any help to her?
(i would appreciate not having to talk about my life and anyones political beliefs neither here nor in DMs, thanks for understanding)(edited)
Historical Jesus
Historical Jesus
7: Dan, primarily because he is relatable. He would interact the way I would. Not having money sucks.
Historical Jesus
8: Will in go into politics? Probably not. She strikes me as a neroatypycal character. I could be wrong though.
@snuffysam If the worm was designed to improve VR, I really want to meet the person who decided that making ppl martyrs was the way to go. Cause that's some backwards thinking, imo at least XD
5) There's a lot of really great ones, but I'm kind of fond of the illustration of Dan puking up rainbows. It's this cool mix of gross, psychedelic, and not what I expected. It expressed a lot of mood somehow for something that's less grand than I usually pick. 6) I think Dan will find Eve again, if only cause from a technical perspective she was introduced super early on to not be important. However, I think meeting her again is just gonna make him feel bad about himself as he realizes how little his baby steps of improvement are. In regards to his family, just gonna be bold and say my theory: his dad is part of that political group that took control and really hates cyborgs and technology and all that. Thus they were probably not the most open-minded and rejected Dan in multiple ways both through emotional abuse and neglect.
7) I like seeing Dan and Troy right now. Everyone else in the comic is kind of...shitty towards Dan. Like i know Dan isn't the greatest person, but I would hate to be in the situation where I'm constantly being told I'm a junkie who won't amount to anything. Which I mean don't get me wrong, those are interesting interactions. But Troy? Troy is this new person whose only experience with Dan is kind of a nice if not high tension one. Troy comes with a fresh, no prior knowledge of Dan perspective, and I think that's really interesting and gonna be a good way to shed new light on Dan's more positive traits. 8) I think Lin will try to go through with it, but I think Lin is fighting a losing game. Short of stuffing the ballot, I don't think those she's trying to help will vote for her. Instead they'll just bitch and be complacent to the world around them. But on that same vain, Lin probably could just stuff the ballots to win. I umm...honeslty don't think Dan can help her in anyway. Dan is really busy helping himself to suck less at the moment. XD
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. What do you think Sandman and Fixer will find in regards to the Worm as the story continues, and what does the VR cafe Sandman has been hacking have to do with anything? How will Nate tie into this given he’s looking for Fixer?
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Overall, what role do you think Troy will have within the story? Additionally, how will she get out of her situation with having no ID, money, or much in the way of people she knows?
Historical Jesus
9: The art against the web design literally looks like something we would see at Def Con
10: I image he has a lead. After all his motivation is revenge
11: it’s strength is that it's good at making people empathize with characters even if you can't relate to them
12: I don't think Troy will get out of her situation. If she comes back to the states empty handed she will be fired. It might be in her best interest to get wrapped up in finding the worm programmer
Typically speaking large scale worms are state sponsored but it's not clear how far this thing actually spreads.
9) My favorite details so far have been the small things in the background. Like the random graffiti on the walls, the cracks and dilapidation of the buildings, all the small do-dads in Lin's place. Like none of that needs to be there to create a complete background, but it adds so much character to the setting and each character. So I really appreciate the extra mile taken for that. 10) I think Sandman and Fixer are gonna find that some corporation or someone high up on some food chain made it on purpose. As for the VR cafe? Honestly, I think it's a red herring and Sandman is making an excuse to target them just cause he hates them. As for Nate, I think Nate is gonna join the investigation team but also kind of serve as a negotiator between Fixer and Dan. Cause I don't think those two will get along without help.
11) I think this comic's strengths are a) the setting both visually and story wise, as it's a really strong and vivid setting. then b) Dan. It is very, very hard to write a character like Dan. There are so many things he does that could immediately make him unlikeable, what between the drugs, self destruction, and general assholeness to some of the ppl around him. but yet he is likeable. you do want to see him succeed and not suffer. yet you also still can acknowledge hes unreliable. its a great dynamic that lesser writing could not pull off. 12) I think Troy is gonna be their viewport into the corporate world. Which I think will play a role since there is a themeing here about evil corporations. Plus, she at least knows some stuff better than they do, as she already showed off at the VR cafe. But getting out of it? Nope. Shes stuck and probably gonna make another panicked call to Dan at some point. And Dan will be an angel and help again.
I'm going to go out on a limb here. Not only will Lin go through with running for office, she'll win. And she won't even have to stuff the ballot that much. But... I'm not sure her fight will be over there. After all, there's more than just one corrupt person in the country. I agree with you on the investigation into the Worm, @RebelVampire . I think someone up the corporate ladder is responsible. With that said, I don't think Sandman is targeting the VR cafe for nothing. I think he's trying to draw more attention to their security flaws for... some reason. I guess to get more people involved in investigating? I doubt he foresaw Troy showing up and offering to upgrade the cafe's machines though, so I that probably isn't part of his plan. I think a major part of Dan's character arc going forward will be accepting that he doesn't need Eve. Like, accepting that he doesn't need her help to get better, and that he's the only one he needs to prove his progress to.
Dan's character writing is absolutely my favorite part of this comic. In a weaker comic, I would absolutely hate how a self-destructive character like Dan is portrayed. Like, often characters with addiction/other mental health problems in fiction come off as unlikeable, or too cartoonish, or too depressingly stagnant (at least, from what I've seen in other works of fiction). But Drugs & Wires strikes a great balance where character progression isn't always linear, and isn't always positive, but it's there, and that fluidity makes you want to root for him more each chapter.
Attila Polyák
Now that I finally read all of it... 1, The bridge scene at the end of chapter 4, that was really done. 2, Dan's implant... I'm pretty sure it can be fixed, but I have doubts if Dan will ever have the resources to have it fixed. As a matter of fact I feel like he'll never have the money or influence to have it fixed and the way it is he can't really replace it either, so... He's probably stuck without VR. 3, Lin! She's awesome! 4, Probably the grey market implant dealers, even though that's kinda bog standard cyberpunk stuff. :) 6, Yes, they will probably meet again. And yes, I do feel like we'll need to see more of Dan't past history especially about how he got involved in... well in everything that's his current life. 7, Nagy, as surreally odd, is a great addition to Dan. Like at times I thought his absurdity would actually help Dan. 8, Ofc she will, you don't forge that much "voter trust" for nothing. And Dan, tho probably seemingly unwillingly, will likely help her one way or another.
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Do you think Dan will ever be able to kick his drug habit, or will he continue to fall back into it forever? How will this affect his relationships? Further, how will his habits shape his future role in the story?
13) I'm looking forward to getting more info about the worm. Cause right now I dont feel any more knowledgeable than I did at the start, and I'm itching to see Sandman, Fixer, or Dan to somehow get a bigger clue to what's going on. 14) I think both will apply. In that Dan will kick the habit eventually but will always be at risk because addiction is not really something you just completely cure. It's a battle he'll have for his entire life, even if he learns to manage it. As for for his relationships, I don't think it'll have much affect, tbh. Maybe things with Lin will improve, maybe Eve. But everyone else is kind of a jerk who already writes him off. Dan is in need of a fresh start somewhere far away.
Historical Jesus
13: Same here. I would like to know more about the worm. I hope that Cyro puts a cool technical characteristic into the worms behavior so that creates interesting and unique challenges for the characters 14: Statistically speaking most people do not kick their drug habit's. Especially not in the position he is in. Based on the story's cultural nature, I doubt the ending will be happy. But I am sure it will be interesting
Thanks so much for picking and reading our comic this week! I've had a great time reading all the replies, especially since we don't hear from new readers often, and it's gonna come in handy when we get back into writing more stuff for the comic.
I had a great time reading it, Cryo!
Just wanted to add my own thanks to everybody who took the time to read and comment this past week. As a writer, it’s always incredibly valuable to get a sense of what people are taking away from your work, as well as where they think it’s headed.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Drugs & Wires this week! Please also give a special thank you to Mary Safro & Io Black for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Drugs & Wires, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://www.drugsandwires.fail/
Drugs & Wires’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/drugsandwires
Drugs & Wires’ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/Cryodraws
Drugs & Wires’ Merch: https://www.hellovoid.online/
Safro’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/marysafroart
Io Black’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/b_iologic
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sunieepo · 5 years
mgs for that salty ask list
thanks for sending me an ask!! :^D i’m. Going To Do Em All. it’s a Doozy.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? S/olimiller, im just not a big fan of it romantically, i also dont really get how anyone can be attracted to or interested in the romantic escapades of Volgin, and i hate anything het EDIT: I FORGOT ABOUT BB/BOSS I HATE THAT SHIP SO MUCH
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? V/Quiet although i guess that isnt hugely popular since it’s het..? i guess S/olimiller too? i see em as having more of a parental relationship personally
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? probably? i’ve def muted ppl but i cant rly remember who i’ve unfollowed
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? post-TPP bb/kaz is a big no for me, i love pre-TPP bb/kaz a lot ofc tho! i just rly dont see kaz being able to love bb after. tpp, also s/olimiller which i already mentioned not liking and bb/boss
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? nope! i dont like letting fandom ruin things for me i find that. Weak
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? hmm… honestly no? maybe solid snake/raiden bc im v neutral to raiden as a character but when i see ppl post of them it’s kinda valid i think! and also it’s not that i hated this ship but i just didn’t realize it was a thing- paz/quiet!
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? post-TPP bb/kaz
Have you received anon hate? What about? not mgs related!
Most disliked character(s)? Why? volgin, hes just gross. also, johnny s/asaki and r/osemary. i spite johnny for marrying meryl who is clearly a huge lesbian and r/osemary just kinda skeeves me out for being manipulative
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? NAOMI HUNTER is a complex and interesting character who was treated poorly by a misogynist and shitty narrative in mgs4. her character in mgs1 is legitimately fascinating and i love, love love her ending monologue!! she’s an interesting woman and all yall are just misogynists esp the ppl who hate her “just bc she gets in the way of gay”!! :^(
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? PEACE WALKER.. its an important and good game and the entire thing with the Boss AI is sooooooo powerful and i just. [inhales] oh my gosh. also it introduces paz and kaz… the Peace Duo… the Meaning of my Life. also i guess MGSV:TPP as a whole is very important to me personally but i do get why people don’t like it
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? KAZHIRA MILLER IS NOT BB’S BATTERED BOTTOM and V is either a bottom or a service top
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? idk ppl complain the fandom is too discourse-y or w/e but it’s a normal amount, idk most fandoms is same, while certain media certainly attract certain types of people, in the end all types of people can do wild, inappropriate things, just like there are some ppl who are great and fun to be around. u just need to find the right friend group! this is true for every fandom and it’s not exclusive to mgs
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? n/a
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? n/a
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… i would have changed p much Everything with the last third of mgsv:tpp but we all know this already. also i would use my giant brain to prevent MGS4 from happening and also Destroy the gray fox retcon in MG:PO
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? yes. please stop caring what other people think
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? horny on main. which to be fair the game series itself… is horny on main. im not saying u cant be horny on main but damn either warn for it in ur bio or tag it Blease,
What is the purest ship in the fandom? ota/sune!
What are your thoughts on crack ships? none, i dont usually gravitate towards them much unless they’re f/f like paz/quiet
Popular character you hate? raiden- i dont hate him, im just intensely neutral towards him
Unpopular character you love? naomi hunter
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? yes. it is subversive, interesting, and shows the potential of video games as a storytelling medium. in particular i would rec mgs1, 2, and 3.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? I WOULD PROBABLY CHANGE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE END OF MGSV:TPP AND ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISH MGS4 AS A CONCLUSION OF DAVESNAKE’S CHARACTER ARC. the end of mgs1 completes davesnake’s growth perfectly and he does NOT need to keep fighting after that and i hate that he keeps getting dragged into shit lol
Most shippable character? davesnake… he goes well with so many ppl… otacon… gray fox… raiden… he’s just a good egg
Least shippable character? volgin.
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