#educational science
ghlawstudent · 6 months
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I took a class this semester from the faculty of educational sciences (out of curiousity). I actually quite like it. But this book is horrible to work with hahah... It's just very different and vague, but it is what it is.
🎧 Accident - Woodz
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demi-raven · 1 year
As an educator, I adore Duolingo, but I also see its limitations and corruptions. For example:
"Well done completing this level! Here's a reward of 5 'gems'!" No, my reward was the dopamine I got from learning something new. You're trying to stimulate my outer motivation instead of my inner motivation, and I don't like it.
"You ran out of hearts! Are you sure you want to exit this lesson? All the progress of the lesson will be lost." Hahaha no, you can't remove the knowledge I already put in my brain. I will gladly take a break and redo this lesson later for better retention.
"Why not upgrade to Super Duolingo? Users who upgrade are 4.2 times more likely to finish their course!" That statistic may be accurate for the wrong reasons. Learners who decide to pay may be more motivated than the average user to commit in the first place. They may also be less likely to drop out because of sunk cost. There's no actual evidence that paying will give me better tools to learn besides removing ads and wait times. You would need blind studies with a control group to prove it.
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Last preparations before my old greek exam
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sarahmackattack · 9 months
I'm a squid biologist on a mission
To bring squid facts to you. To your friends. To your neighbors. To some random dude named Brad who you've never met.
How? The Squid Facts Project. It's a street art campaign and hotline that texts folks squid facts!
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Only snag in this hair-brained plan is that texting people is kiiinda expensive. So! I teamed up with Philly artist Corey Danks to sell shirts to keep the hotline running. Every one of those shirt dollars helps deliver squid facts to people.
Like, over 70,000 people over the last year!!! Isn't that wild?
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So anyway. Get a shirt. They're cool, *and* they keep people learning about squid. It's a beautiful thing.
Also, the backs have the squid facts hotline on them so by wearing these you're helping people learn about squid too.
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If you can't buy one, give us a reblog. I run a small science education nonprofit called Skype a Scientist, we're scrappy but trying so hard!!
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courtingwonder · 10 months
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Guide For The Geological Time Periods In Order
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bogleech · 9 days
The REAL economic stability scale:
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The typical quality level of around a dollar's worth of fake bugs from when I was a baby in the 80s 😄
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A dollar fifty at dollar tree in 2024 😔
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catchymemes · 16 days
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disease · 4 months
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gael-garcia · 6 months
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“My journey has been very free. I’ve been able to work in different parts of the world and on projects that don’t necessarily obey a typical journey of a person that wants to be famous or work in film. I want young actors to know you don’t have to follow a set line to have a career. Sometimes the line is drawn for actors from the English language. But in my case I can reinvent myself all the time.” — Gael García Bernal (Total Film, 07/2021)
Also: Uruguay (El ojo en la nuca, 2001), Sweden & Thailand (Mammoth 2010), Canada (Blindness 2008, Zoom 2015), Brazil (El pasado 2007, Zoom 2015), Serbia (Zalet), Germany (Herzog's Salt&Fire 2016), Cuba (Wasp Network, 2019), Dominican Republic (Old, 2021)
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reality-detective · 16 days
Periodic table of elements explained 👆
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Everything we have been taught is a lie. 🤔
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Okay, look, I've been in college for two years and my Biology professor has pretty significantly rooted this educational science game called Labster into her course.
I was not expecting to be playing Portal all day for school.
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Yeah, this is a full, 360 sci-fi free roam lab environment that you can pretty much do whatever you want in. You know those cruddy flash game experiments you used to do in middle school? Those are a thing of the past.
And check this: the entire lab is being run by this super cool AI droid named Dr. One
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She floats around and directs you around the lab depending on the lesson you're taking and sounds eerily similar to GLaDOS. It turns out that Dr. One also has a lore page and that she was created originally for "unethical purposes."
Also, this environment is extremely detailed and even runs shaders and ambient occlusion in your web browser.
That's pretty nuts, considering the only time we ever see these things are built into genuine video games, not a web browser lab. It runs incredibly smoothly on my GTX 1050.
This is insanely impressive and I actually enjoyed my homework today. 10/10, would play this in my free time.
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I've finished my presentation this Monday and I'm really glad that it's over!
Afterwards I was busy with my job in school, that's why I've decided to share a little of it on here
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bugthebard · 2 years
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Dunlop, J. A., Anderson, L. I., Kerp, H., & Hass, H. (2003). Preserved organs of Devonian harvestmen. Nature, 425(6961), 916–916. https://doi.org/10.1038/425916a  
Machado, G., & Raimundo, R. L. G. (2001). Parental investment and the evolution of subsocial behaviour in harvestmen (Arachnida Opiliones). Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 13(2), 133–150. https://doi.org/10.1080/08927014.2001.9522780
Martens, J. (1993). Further cases of paternal care in Opiliones (Arachnida). Tropical Zoology, 6(1), 97–107. https://doi.org/10.1080/03946975.1993.10539212
Mora, G. (1990). Paternal care in a neotropical harvestman, Zygopachylus albomarginis (Arachnida, Opiliones: Gonyleptidae). Animal Behaviour, 39, 582-593.
Nazareth, T. M., & Machado, G. (2009). Reproductive behavior of Chavesincola inexpectabilis (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae) with description of a new and independently evolved case of paternal care in harvestmen. Journal of Arachnology, 37(2), 127–134. https://doi.org/10.1636/ST08-32.1
Shear, W. (2009). Harvestmen: Opiliones—Which include daddy-long-legs—Are as exotic as they are familiar. American Scientist, 97(6), 468-475.
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biologist4ever · 3 months
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loktauri · 3 months
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Tma au where nothing is wrong ever and Jon gets to pet as many cats as he likes
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