Youve written the " edward will cheat on Bella" meta, so according to your answer re: does edward believe in soulmates? You said, " This is why he believes Bella is his one true love and the only one he's capable of loving and ever will in his existence. " So, if Meta Edward fell in love with another human, (I know it won`t happen in canon), but how would this change Edward? Falling in love with someone else?
Edward will cheat on Bella.
Edward believes in soulmates.
Shockingly, these are not mutually exclusive.
Edward believes in soulmates which means that if he finds himself no longer interested in Bella: something has gone wrong. She was supposed to be a comet in his life, blinding him to everything else. He could not live without her brief, ephemeral, existence because he would be blind in a world of darkness. There is no Edward without Bella. At least, that's how it should be, how he wants it to be.
However, what he gets at Breaking Dawn is not what he wants, and he'll find himself having to readjust the narrative as well as what's happened to make sense of this change. Clearly, Bella's the one who has changed, not him, she lost something upon becoming a vampire, and he will justify whatever he does from that point forward in one way or another. Perhaps new person is his soulmate and Bella never was! And he's never known what love was until now.
Or perhaps he's not in love, because he was in love with Bella, and he's not cheating, he's not even fascinated, he just needs to talk to this woman and obsess over how wonderful she is. Or else there's a new romantic narrative he can spin to fit the situation, one that may or may not absolve him of responsibility, but helps shape him into a person he wants to be, in a story that's exciting, while taking these actions.
Edward is a master of double think craft even in Midnight Sun and even more than that of thinking of himself and his life as part of a romantic tragic narrative.
So, would he change after falling in love with another/believing himself in love with another/finding himself attracted to another? Yes and no. This is an Edward post series, who got his happy ending, and yet things are still falling apart and that will change him fundamentally. Bella was supposed to be the answer and if he finds that answer's not satisfying, that's going to leave a mark. That he finds himself interested in someone else is even worse as it was supposed to only ever be Bella.
He will have to find a way to make sense of all of this to himself that will mean changing from who he once was and thought he was.
However, I don't think he'd be in love with this new person either. It's not that Edward's incapable of love, just that he's not in a good headspace to do so, and that what immediately grabs his attention is not something he necessarily 'loves' but more what he thinks he does and what he thinks he wants.
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therealvinelle · 7 months
we know that if Bella was a vampire, there’s no way Edward would’ve gone for her. if she was a hybrid, do you think Edward would’ve been tempted or no?
Bella as a hybrid post. She wouldn't be in Forks meeting Edward.
If she did somehow meet Edward, the perfect storm that happened in canon wouldn't be replicated.
Per canon, Edward took no notice of Bella's appearance, thinking her plain (no other guy seems to agree on this, by all accounts Bella is an attractive woman, girl next door, just not super hot like Rosalie), and the personality he found so ensnaring was one Bella's gift made possible for him to project onto her, and the blood is what made him obsessed. Post.
More importantly, the humanity that Edward finds so precious in Bella is just that, humanity. It's the fragility of someone who is one tap of Edward's finger against her skull away from death at any given moment, the potential she has for an idealized future he can imagine for her, and the thing he used to be before becoming a vampire.
Hybrid Bella is a very beautiful woman, and she would have warmth and a heartbeat, but that warmth would be too warm for a human and the heartbeat inhumanly fast. There would be no mistaking her for a human girl, superpowered and in no way frail, she would be immortal and without future the same as the Cullens, and she would smell too inhuman for her blood to be appealing to Edward.
Perhaps he would like her, and I'm sure he'd appreciate her appearance as she looks much softer and human than any of vampire ever will while being just as beautiful, but I don't see him taking any interest in her. If she were to start fancying him, he'd withdraw the same as he does with Tanya.
... As it is, I imagine her gift would have him frustrated with her, because he relies on that gift far more than he'll admit.
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ginwhitlock · 1 year
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“where does that leave us?”
“I believe it’s called an impasse.”
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zzinvolterra · 2 years
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louisetaylor · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Twilight Series - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Edward Cullen/Bella Swan, Alice Cullen/Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale, Edward Cullen and Alice Cullen Characters: Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, Bella Swan, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen Additional Tags: F Marry Kill, telepathic Edward, Cullen siblings being siblings, Eavesdropping, listeners never hear any good of themselves, unless they do, Seinfeld (TV) References, Comedy, sex is mentioned as a concept but that's it, Marriage, Murder, Carlisle is not present but he is hot, Sarcastic Jasper Hale, Emmett is a himbo, Edward Cullen is Not Gay, Edward loves Bella, No Beta We Live Like Men Summary:
In Midnight Sun, Edward eavesdrops on Bella by reading the thoughts of the girls who sit with her. Creepy, you say? Well, who wouldn't spy on their crush given this golden opportunity? Edward overhears a game of F, Marry, Kill...with the Cullen boys as the subject. Who will win Bella's heart, and who will lose his life?
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misandriste · 21 days
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peneloise + gazing longingly at each other
BRIDGERTON, season 3 part 1
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panlight · 27 days
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battlescas · 5 months
Esme and Carlisle just standing there like “What the fuck did he just call her”
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momokarp · 5 months
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That Cullen kid is being weird with your daughter
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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southpauz · 3 months
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POV: You're Bella and you sat next to Edward in biology class
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I know that this couldn't had happened in canon, but:
What if Tanya and Edward had sex before Edwaed meet Bella? (Meaby it was a one night stand and Edward was curious how sex feels like. Long story short they had sex! )
How would Bella feel when she finds out? Would Edward even want Tanya at his wedding with Bella?
It would be Edward's greatest shame.
He would view it as a moment of weakness/impulse/inferiority where he felt the need to know what it is to be a man, even if he wasn't in love with Tanya or married to her, and now he went and lost his virginity in an experience that ultimately meant nothing to either of them.
Edward would be very haunted by this having happened.
And he would be terrified of Bella ever finding out.
It'd be one thing for him to have a prior love (also bad) but the fact that he didn't love Tanya and just... did it anyways is not something he'd want Bella knowing and he'd be terrified that she'd lose interest or think less of him because of it.
As it is, Bella wouldn't be surprised/think less of him, but she'd be terrified of what it means for her. She's not Edward's first, she never will be, he had sex with a very experienced, beautiful, woman who adores him and if Tanya wasn't good enough how could Bella possibly be?
They would both live in terror of this fact and Bella would be terrified on her wedding night and afterwards of "... was it not as good?" which is hard for Edward to say "yes" when the first time he severely bruised her (which is kind of what happened in canon except not as bad).
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therealvinelle · 3 months
If Bella went off the vegetarian diet and told Edward to do the same, would he?
No he would not.
Kindness and self-sacrifice is chief among the he traits he likes in Bella, for her to say "Nevermind: I will kill people by the hundreds for my own pleasure" to all of that would break the relationship and send him plummeting into a crisis of how he must somehow be the cause of this total loss of goodness in her.
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nerdby · 10 months
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pedro-pascal · 5 months
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EDWARD CULLEN + red flags 🚩
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queertwilight · 1 year
as someone who has moved to a smaller city (30K people in total) for grad school, i would like to say twilight is wrong. the smaller the population the more people know you. i went to a cafe twice and they already know my order. 1000% everyone in forks knows the cullens are vampires and are just too entertained by how bad they are at acting normal to break it to them
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