eeveeas123 · 2 months
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You’d think level would be a common thing because Pokémon have levels themselves…
I found this funny! Salvatore is very nice about it but it’s clear he doesn’t understand😂
Arven: “I want to be as accomplished as my friends so they can truly rely on me!🥺”
Salvatore: “Oh, you mean gaming!😊”
(No shame to anyone who’s work includes gaming, it’s not all easy, I know💛)
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dgiacomo · 1 month
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I said this online recently. I think I want to hear how Giacomo feels about this💖
[I'm going to answer this as a Munday ask for a few reasons.
Firstly... Giacomo (in this comic at least) has a warped view on weight (specifically inward facing, regarding his own) due to having been bullied for it relentlessly in the past, so his feelings won't particularly come from a healthy place at this point in the comic...
I'm a writer and artist, so I tell a story. I'll portray all sides basically for the story... I personally don't actually agree with people like José who go around pushing their ideals on others. I think people are entitled to their opinion, but if it's not hurting anybody, they should leave others alone...
If your weight isn't causing you medical harm then you shouldn't be pressured to change if you're content how you are. In fact, it seems medical science is discovering new things lately... I listen to a science podcast called the Infinite Monkey Cage and they had an episode on new information that apparently new studies are showing that exercise doesn't effect weight at all, only fitness and muscle tone. I'm also seeing articles that doctors/scientists are apparently finding that light exercise is actually more healthy than extreme gym exercise or something along those lines for health and longevity. Unfortunately, it can take a long time for society to catch up with new ideas when the old ideas are so heavily pushed... but I'm already seeing doctors embracing new findings regarding things like BMI so... I'm hopeful.
But all that aside, I'm still just a random, small-time artist on the internet, not a medical professional... A blog/comic on the internet can't make your decisions for you and in some cases shouldn't be advising things either way, especially when it deals with others relationships... if you're concerned about the way somebody is treating you, you need to reach out to a trusted person in your life, preferably somebody like a therapist you see or maybe a trusted doctor!]
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c0stiffen · 1 month
Something I made about ✨Arven✨
Oh, I thought this was a question or something about Blind Arven. But it's nice that someone sent me a post about Arven!
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eeveeas123 · 6 months
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eeveeas123 · 2 months
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Not even close to all the games I have (Some are digital) but I thought an updated photo would be cool!
L to R: Pokémon Black, Pokémon White 2, Pokémon Sword, Harvest Moon A New Beginning, Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns, Story of Seasons Trio of Towns, Harvest Moon DS Cute, Pokémon Y, Pokémon X, Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, Pokémon Ultra Moon & Pokémon Ultra Sun
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eeveeas123 · 1 month
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My 2 mini headcanons
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eeveeas123 · 26 days
🕊️I know this might be controversial but if someone says to me that they’re this gender, this sexuality or otherwise this identity, I’d probably ask them “Okay, what does that label mean to YOU?”
Why? Because the details of someone’s identity can actually be different from person to person, even while using the same label, and who would know any more about a person than themselves?
I understand that some people haven’t figured themselves and their identity out yet or would rather not talk about it, that’s fine! I just think it’s usually better to see what it means to the person first before you look it up on a browser
In conclusion: Nobody could EVER choose your true identity for you and they shouldn’t! Just know that people like me accept you for who you are🥰 (I’m a cisgender, female, she/her, lesbian btw)
Feel free to ask questions!😘
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eeveeas123 · 27 days
What Kieran probably drew when he was upset and acting different:
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Lacey: “Drayton, look at this drawing Kieran did”
Drayton: *Not paying attention* “Oooh, let’s put this beautiful drawing on our fridge!”
Lacey: “Look at it!”
Drayton: “Oh my Arceus! Burn it! Send it to hell! Get it away!”
(Seriously, I think of this multiple times in the Indigo Disk)
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eeveeas123 · 2 months
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(More characters in the above and below links)
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eeveeas123 · 6 months
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Okay… Is this implying that Atticus has a ✨crush✨on Eri?
I wish I knew…
(This mini story was amazingly awesome btw😁)
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eeveeas123 · 1 month
😡Things I Think Are Stupid😡 1. Racism. You can’t tell anything truly important just by someone’s skin colour: Their kindness, honesty, intelligence, etc. because everyone is different regardless. You should never choose to ignore or hurt someone just because of skin colour. It’s heartbreaking 2. 2SLGBTQI Hating. If someone were to see a ciswoman dating a cisman, a surprising amount of people wouldn’t even care how healthy the relationship is, just because they’re in an opposite sex relationship. They’d be more comfortable having somebody with a toxic partner than someone of the same gender who they love! Love is beautiful and people shouldn’t feel bad for being with the right person. People also shouldn’t feel guilty for being transgender either, everyone needs to live their lives while being the person they were meant to be. And stop trying to “Cure” asexuals, they’re not broken! That’s just who they are 3. Disability discrimination. As an autistic person who needs many supports, I think it’s unfair that people like me can’t get help either because of financial difficulties or lack of urgency. Service dogs are needed by quite a few people but waiting lists as well as high costs ($25,000 or even more) can make things harder. Support in school is greatly needed, experienced/responsible educators are important! Also, just because a child or adult is disabled, it doesn’t mean they’re a “Waste of resources”. They’re people! People who have fun, people who care about others, people who could make you smile and even change the world! Overall, be respectful, kind, keep an open mind and heart🥰As always: Questions are welcome!
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eeveeas123 · 3 months
Some people might ask me if my autism service dog (Eevee) has alerted to other people either at home or in public. The answer is yes, though she’s focused on me, there’s the odd time where a kid starts crying or someone else is showing more obvious anxiety signs. I do tell her to “leave it” in public (And like a proper service dog, she does!) but at home, she tries the same strategies she uses on my anxiety, on the person (Licking, snuggling, etc.). Eevee is really sweet! Actually some time ago, she turned her head to a child who started crying, then she looked at me as if she was trying to ask me “What do I do? Do you want me to help them?” She stayed in place and left the kid because I told her to
Dogs are outstanding for the many roles they take on and we should always love them for that!🐾❤️
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eeveeas123 · 3 months
(Carmine was looking after her little brother, Kieran, when he was a baby)
Carmine: “Now, remember, don’t sleep on your stomach, or is it your back? Can never remember… Whichever is the comfortable one, don’t do that”
(Adult students are talking about how humans have it different than most Pokémon)
Random Uva Student #1: “Seriously, some Pokémon just fight and eat, roll around in their own filth and mate!”
Random Uva student #2: “Where can I sign up?”
N (Miles away): “Someone, somewhere is insulting my friends…”
(😂I love Simpsons references, although N’s line was not in the original conversation)
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eeveeas123 · 2 months
I’ve been wondering about what Kieran meant when he said “I sound different than others in the academy because I was raised in Kitakami” (Or whatever he says exactly)
Dialect or accent? He doesn’t speak too different than most people in Unova (I think)
Also, it’s hard to believe nobody sounds like him (Apparently) in a huge school like Blueberry Academy, it’s in a Pokémon region largely based on areas in the United States, which has lots of people with accents and stuff similar to that because of people coming from other countries
Just a thought but it’s interesting…🤔
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eeveeas123 · 1 month
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My head hurts from all this time space stuff😂
Anyway, Professor Turo! (I guess)
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eeveeas123 · 2 months
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Okay, my all time favourite Pokémon anime episode was “Holy Matrimony” it included:
An arranged marriage for James of Team Rocket
The arranged bride being crazy controlling and having a whip (“Let the taming begin” is one actual line!)
Bad, lousy parenting from James’ mother and father (They pretended to be dead to lure him into get his inheritance, then dismissing his feelings about his “Partner”)
And my personal favourite: A heroic rescue from a dog Pokémon! (Growlie is truly a good boy! He got James away from that horrific scene)
It’s just so weird! I love it!
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