#either i have a great point in my head i just can’t express it right or i have OUGHDGDHHD in my head and i need to make that useful…….
butchdonne · 7 months
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what studying literature feels like
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shotoh · 1 year
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— in which they slowly find themselves enamored by the natural charms of their interviewer
feat. itoshi rin, nagi seishiro, itoshi sae
cw + tw. nothing much just fluff, fem!reader, interviewer/reporter!reader, aged-up!characters, characters are professional athletes and continue playing in their teams from the neo egoist league (except sae)
notes. first time posting blue lock so apologies if anyone’s ooc, either way i might make a follow-up of this (that might be more uh ya know) and/or add characters
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the sound that follows the harsh slam of his locker is a frustrating sigh that has been simmering in rin’s chest since the end of today’s match. the match in which he had lost—and at the hands of isagi’s team which makes the defeat all the more bitter and disgusting on his tongue. it didn’t help that during the game, he was butting heads with his supposed teammate, shidou. once the coach had decided to sub the eccentric player in, their styles began mixing like oil and water. as a result, their win was swooped up from under them.
pxg has been called to host a post-sport interview to review the match with reporters, but rin couldn’t care less to participate. instead, he’s the very last person to leave the locker rooms. his duffle bag is slung over his shoulder, steps ambling down the hallway.
whether he wins or loses, rin never bothers to attend these post-game interviews. he doesn’t need to sit there and have brash reporters shoot the same questions at him, expecting him to “thank his coach and teammates,” “praise his opponents for a great game today,” and say he’ll “continue to work hard to win next time.” gross. he’d rather be caught dead than have any of those words leave his mouth.
as rin navigates through the hallways of the stadium, he’s hoping to be done with the day and think over the turn of events on his own. but when he rounds the corner, he crosses eyes with someone so obviously lost in the facility—a mistake which punishes him as you immediately approach him with doe, bewildered eyes.
“sorry, i don’t mean to bother you, but i was wondering where the conference for pxg was being held,” you ask. a pad of notes are cradled in your arms, pen clipped to the breast pocket of your blazer. it’s clear you’re another reporter.
before he can point you in the right direction to get you out of his hair, you squint. you’re taking a long, hard look at him until your face suddenly glows. “wait, you’re itoshi rin, the striker for pxg!” you practically blurt. with the volume of your voice, rin’s instincts take hold, and he’s pulling you away from the open space of the hallway.
“quiet. you want everyone to hear?” rin chastises.
“whoops. i got a little excited! i-i’ve been wanting to interview pxg’s top player and well…” you could say the opportunity presented itself, but rin makes it clear he’s not interested.
“if you’re here just to hear me mope over my loss, then go home,” the striker affirms to what he thinks will be the last of this exchange until you tug on the sleeve of his jersey before he starts walking away. turning his head back to glance at you, his brow quirks.
“no, of course not! i thought it was incredible how you were able to keep control of the ball from your opponents and even score the first two points of the game all by yourself!” you exclaim, face lifting as it’s teeming with admiration. surprisingly, he can’t help but be a bit amused by the determined expression etched over the perplexed look that was originally on your features.
you swipe your pen hanging off your pocket, prompting it open with a click of your thumb. “and i’m sure a lot of your fans would love to hear from you!”
the athlete cocks his head. “you’re acting like a fan yourself, miss reporter.”
you blink in surprise. the enthusiasm in your words tones down, but you fail to mask it completely. “what? no, i’m just here to get the exclusive on the best athletes of our country!” if your plan is to butter him up to get a word out of him, it may almost work. you send him another fawning look as if to say “can you blame me though?” and that stirs a low chuckle from his throat.
his face lowers until it’s slightly more leveled with your own, and from this angle, you’re amazed to find you can distinguish every distinct eyelash on his pretty face. and you’re even more enamored by the intense color of his teal eyes. at the proximity, however, your face bathes in the heat of the blood rushing to your cheeks. thankfully, the striker breaks eye contact in favor of taking the notepad from your arms, along with your pen which he uses to scribble something down.
“tell you what,” he says as he continues writing, “come to the next pxg match and i’ll give you an exclusive interview, right after i score at least four goals and decimate the other team.”
his declaration leaves you in awe, and your fascination persists when he hands your pen and pad back for you to see a ten digit number, followed by call my manager written next to it.
back when he was in school, nagi was never great at first impressions. and apparently that’s still the case even later on in his career as a professional striker.
he doesn’t even notice you enter the room as he’s preoccupied with tapping the controls for the first person shooter on his phone. as such, he’s woefully unprepared to hear the reluctant, but soft voice that vies for his attention.
“um, excuse me. if you don’t mind, i’d like to get started with the interview.”
taking a slow glimpse above his screen, he sees the refreshing sight of you—his interviewer—sitting across from him in your neat attire and a clipboard on your lap. surprised by the modest smile that greets him, he automatically straightens up and casts his phone to the side.
it’s a big contrast to what he was expecting. usually, scruffy men who claim they’re adept and knowledgeable in the sport would be shoving their mics in his face. when in reality those people are just washed up high school coaches or analysts who act all high and mighty by asking a bunch of nonsense questions. saying this and that about how they would have done it differently had they been in the game instead of him. regardless, they’re such a pain and nagi would rather be napping in his cloud mattress than go through another talk session with those wannabes. however, his encounter with you just might break this boring streak.
he rubs the back of his head sheepishly, playing off the crass first impression. “right. start whenever you want.”
once he gives you the go ahead, you flip through a few pages to your questions.
as time goes on, the sentiment nagi initially held about how the interview might have been a pain and a waste of his time in his already packed schedule begins to sway. throughout the inquiries, he finds himself fixated on you. like the flattering nude color touched up on your plush lips. or how you have a habit of playing with strands of your hair when contemplating on what question to ask next. or the cute laugh you let out that was pleasant to his ears when he gave a much more aloof answer than you were expecting.
well, he can’t change the fact that he doesn’t need to think much when it comes to football. that’s just how naturally talented he is—the sport is second nature to him. honestly, he’s a bit bummed out that he can’t give a competent interviewer like you better responses.
what catches the snowy haired striker slightly off-guard is your next topic of questions about his e-sport endorsements. he wasn’t expecting you to delve into his hobbies. most interviews always glossed over that area in favor of asking something along the lines of “what was going through your head when you made that winning goal,” to which he could only say he was too caught up in the moment to really convey the feelings into words.
but with this opportunity, nagi goes on a mild tangent about the new first person shooter he’s been playing. even if his tone sounds indifferent on the surface, you don’t miss the hidden enthusiasm under the brighter twinkle of his eyes. you giggle which makes nagi pause.
“did i say something weird?” he asks back. you swear you detect a tonal whine in his voice, another endearing trait you didn’t know a 190 cm striker could possess.
“no.. just find it cute how much you can talk about your favorite games like that.”
nagi can’t tell whether the grin on your pretty lips is there to tease him or that you find his boyish charms endearing. either way, his cheeks puff and that only serves to make him more adorable in your eyes.
“well don’t let me stop you! i’d like to hear more about what things interest you other than soccer.” the look on your face fascinates him. you’re not even looking at your clipboard anymore, but right at him. it’s the tell-tale sign of someone who genuinely wants to know him not as the star player of manshine city, but just as regular nagi seishiro. he’s not used to that sort of treatment and as a result, he can’t meet your eyes, not realizing he flushes a lovely shade of pink that reaches the tips of his ears.
nagi pouts, glancing down at his phone that’s been laying near his thigh, untouched for a record of what must be ages, but that honestly doesn’t feel long enough to him. “no fair… you’re just teasing me…” he murmurs, but his fingers are already itching to ask his manager if he can extend the interview to spend more time with you.
the first opportunity you get to interview the itoshi sae is unconventional, to say the least.
“excuse me! please let me through–!”
“miss, you can’t be here– hey!”
the setting is chaotic, to the point where sae can make out the commotion in the background as he’s walking toward his rest area with his manager and bodyguard following beside him. when he glimpses at what all the fuss is about, he witnesses security personnel wrangle with a stray reporter.
spotting the reddish haired athlete, you find an opportunity to call out to him. “itoshi sae, please, may i have a word with you?”
to your dismay, security persistently blocks your view of the midfielder. despite being obstructed by a pair of burly men almost twice your size, you give them more of a struggle as you thrash around, even reprimanding them to “keep their hands to themselves if they know what’s good for them.” sae can’t help but be amused. a part of him finds your efforts admirable—watching you scrunch up your uniform and crease your notes at just a chance to speak with him.
“mister itoshi is far too busy to entertain any more of you today. please make your way to the exit–”
“it’s fine,” sae interjects to everyone’s surprise—mostly to the utter astonishment of you and his manager. the latter’s eyes widen scrupulously before he cups his hand next to the pro athlete’s ear.
“sir, i believe we’ll be running late to your next scheduled event if you decide to do a last minute interview,” the manager warns warily. “besides, haven’t you talked to enough of the media today? i mean look at her, she doesn’t even seem worth your time–”
“push everything back thirty minutes if you have to.”
his manager gawks. “but..?!”
one side-eye of sae’s piercing ocean eyes is enough for the man to retract his statement and mumble his apologies. that said and done, the security guards withdraw to let you through. you’re astonished by how much the situation can flip with the cooperation of a renown professional.
sae’s staff lead you into his spacious break room, preparing a set of chairs and leaving glasses of water on the coffee table before you start. having already taken his seat, he watches you run your hands through the wrinkled material of your blouse and pencil skirt. after finally fixing your stray hairs in place, you sit in front of him in all your pristine as if the whole conflict from earlier never happened. he wants to give you another point for professionalism.
“once again, thank you so much for granting me the opportunity to speak to you today,” you beam, mocking his manager hovering in the background with your unbeknownst-to-sae sly little smile.
sae grins, charmed. you arrange your notes one last time before moving onto your questions.
during the interview, sae comes to know your professionalism isn’t merely for show. you’ve done your research, analyzed his plays—his techniques, and as a result, ask him the most intriguing inquiries he’s sure no reporters asked him before. and he’s had his fair share of interviews throughout his developing career as a child prodigy. it’s evident you weren’t planning to waste his time and he’s appreciative of that fact.
there’s also an air of zeal you possess that allures him. he can’t exactly pinpoint what it is. your ingenuity? your liveliness? either way, he can’t imagine this to be his last interaction with you, and he makes sure that won’t be the case.
at just a simple snap of his finger, his manager is at his side. you have to hold in a snicker at how the man scurries over to the midfielder like a dog.
the two exchange a few words you don’t catch, only deciphering the dumbfounded look on the manager’s face which clashes with the stoic expression on sae’s. whatever the conversation was about, the former knows it’s a losing battle. at his loss, he pulls out a lanyard from the compartment attached to his clipboard. he gives it to sae, who takes it and leans across the space between you two to place it in your awaiting hands, as if you already knew from the manager’s defeated mannerisms that it was meant to be yours.
“this is..?” you begin inquiring as you eye the card on the lanyard methodically.
sae beats you to your discovery of that answer. “an exclusive press pass, which you can use to reach out to me again following any matches i’ve played in.”
mouth hanging open, you switch back and forth between the pass and sae’s marine eyes which don’t hold a shred of doubt.
he puts it simply.
“i’d like to continue this interview with you again.”
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copyright 2023 shotoh, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated anywhere else so please do not repost this or share my content on tiktok.
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Pregnant with Patrick’s Daughter (Challengers)
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Description: Y/N is pregnant with Patrick’s baby but she’s with Art.
Word Count:986
Request: "Maybe something with a pregnant reader and like Patrick’s the dad. It could be fluff or angst, idk I’m just curious to see how the dynamic between Patrick and like his child would be lol!”
Author’s note: I added a twist in it. Hope you like it!
Y/N looked down at the pregnancy test in shock. Her and Patrick used protection or did they? She honestly couldn’t remember but this was bad news. She was with Art and fucking Patrick. Though she knows that it’s not Art’s kid because he’s been too busy with Tennis to even fuck her. Art would know that the kid wasn’t his, especially if the kid looks like Patrick. Truth be told, Y/N loved Patrick and she also loved Art. It was hard for her to choose between them when they both wanted her as well. She looked at the engagement ring that was placed on her finger. She twirled it and played with it as she thought of what she was going to do. 
Art was practicing for his match today so Y/N called Patrick. The two weren’t friends anymore which made the situation worse. He thought she wanted to have sex again so he kissed her hard as soon as she opened the door. She pushed him back and he gave her a confused look. “We need to talk.” She said, he nodded and followed her to the kitchen. “Take a seat.” She demanded. “Ohh I love it when you get all dominant with me.” He smirked. She gave him a look and his smirk dropped. “Listen I don’t know what to do about this or why I'm even telling you at this point but I’m pregnant.” His jaw drops at her words, “And it’s yours because Art and I haven’t had sex in awhile.” He got up from the chair and pulled her in for a hug. “That’s great. I’m gonna be a dad.” He whispered. She pulled away from the hug, “Patrick, I’m with Art. He’s not gonna be happy about this.” Patrick didn’t really care. He hated Art for taking Y/N from him. That pathetic bastard got everything he wanted. “Well he’s not gonna wanna be with you since you’re carrying another man’s baby. My baby to be exact.” She glared at him. Of course he’d be happy about this. He hated Art. 
“What?” Art screeched as he stood up from the couch. It didn’t make sense why Patrick was here but now it did. “Art, I’m sorry this isn’t how I wanted you to find out.” She tells him. Patrick had a proud smirk on his face. “Found out what? That you’re fucking my ex best friend and having his baby?” Y/N looked at him with a guilty expression. She really did feel bad. “Art it’s hard for me.” She said with tears in her eyes. “You’re crying? You’re fucking my ex best friend and you’re crying?” He yelled. “Art, I love you both.” Patrick didn’t know that she loved him, nor did Art. “What?” Patrick whispered at her confession. “I love you both and I know that you guys hate each other but I can’t live without you guys.” She said, tears still streaming down her face. Patrick stood up and looked at Art who looked so broken at the news. Y/N’s eyes flickered between the two of them. “Art, please say something.” She begged her fiance. He shook his head and laughed. Both, Y/N and Patrick looked confused. “Get the fuck out!” He told them. “Art, please-” “Get the fuck out!” He screamed at her. 
She laid in Patrick’s bed with tears streaming down her face. Her belly bigger and full with Patrick’s baby. It’s been 6 months since Art kicked her out. He hadn’t spoken to either of them, not that she thought he would. He had the right to be upset with her. She cheated on him and got pregnant. But it still hurt her a lot, she loved them both and it was selfish that she felt sad because she had Patrick. But she wanted both. The front door opened and she quickly wiped her tears. Patrick made his way to the bedroom to see Y/N and her tummy full of his baby. He smiled at the sight. She saw him enter the bedroom and smiled at him. He came and collapsed on the bed next to her. He turned towards her and stared at her stomach. “I can’t wait til she’s born.” He said and placed his hand on her tummy. She smiled and agreed with him. She placed her hand on his and the baby kicked. They both gasped and looked at each other. This was the first time they baby kicked for Patrick. Tears started forming in his eyes as he smiled. “I finally felt her kick.” Y/N nodded and ran her fingers through his hair. 
Y/N watched as Patrick gave their 4 year old daughter a racket. She chuckled as their daughter kept dropping it but everytime Patrick gave her it again. He was so patient with her and so sweet. It made Y/N’s heart melt. She giggled as their daughter almost hit Patrick with the racket. He looked at his wife and smiled at her. She got up from her seat and walked over to them. “Try not to kill daddy, sweetheart.” She joked. Their 4 year old giggled and gave the racket to Y/N. Y/N took it and melted when she ran into Patrick’s arms. Patrick smiled and hugged her back. Y/N felt happiness in her life, ever since their daughter was born. She didn’t think of Art anymore, unless she saw him on the news. He was a pro tennis player like Patrick and he married Tashi Duncan. She was happy for him, truly. “Hey uh I guess now would be the time to tell you that I’m playing in the challengers and Art will be there.” Her smile dropped at his name. She had a bad feeling about this and almost told him not to go. But she would be by his side with their daughter to support him. She wouldn’t let Art being there ruin this for them.
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Neteyam's First Rut: Special Episode I
This takes place between ‘The Heat Within’ & ‘A Synchronous Fever’ in the ‘Neteyam’s First Rut’ series.
Neteyam's mate's POV of 'Inextinguishable'.
Read Special Episodes: Part II (Twin Flame) & Part III (Ashes) - links are also below.
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Main Characters: Neteyam Sully (20) x Avatar Omatikaya Reader y/n (19) [will be referred to as Neteyam’s mate or n/m]
Supporting Characters: Lo’ak Sully (19) x Na’vi Omatikaya Reader y/n (19) [will be referred to as Lo’aks mate or l/m]
Warnings: extreme nsfw, heavy smut, heat cycle, dom neteyam, lil bit of fluff, profanity, usage of ‘slut’, marking
Word Count: 6k
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: This is Neteyam x Reader’s POV of ‘Inextinguishable’. Enjoy ♡
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“Oh shit.” You gasp, grabbing Neteyam by the arm. “Neteyam... isn’t that Lo’ak’s mate?” you point, unable to look away from the curled-up figure on the ground.
Neteyam quickly turns around, hearing the fear in your voice.
“What? Where?” he scans the forest in a hurry, finally seeing her lifeless body on the soft flora. “Shit. It is.”
The strong scent of lionberry and mossy wood wafts past you both. For you, the scent is almost calming, if you could wear it like a perfume, you would. But it clearly had a different effect on Neteyam, as you watch your mate rush over to her, scooping her up in his arms and carry her back to his banshee. For a minute you feel something new, something Neteyam has never made you feel before – jealous. 
It was silly; she was clearly not herself. But you had only seen Neteyam act like that for you, act so protective. Granted, it’s what you would have told him to do had he not done it himself. Shrugging it off, you climb up on his ikran, seating yourself behind her, supporting her limp body with yours.
“She is in heat, isn’t she Nete?” you ask him, smelling her scent grow stronger.
“Definitely.” He states through gritted teeth.
It even sounds like he’s restraining himself in some way. As if he’s trying not to pounce on her right here, right now. Your heart feels like it’s caving in, being crushed under the pressure of the weight of his single word, ‘definitely’. You look down, to see her flushed cheeks, the beads of sweat dripping down her chest... the arousal of her body.
You can’t deny it, her scent is enticing – addictive, even. Her wet hair plasters itself against your chest as she leans back into you, snuggling into your bosom. Watching her rub her face into your breast makes your heart thump, hard. Surprised by your own body’s reaction to her carnal state, you look at Neteyam, wondering if he feels the same way.
He must feel the same, right? If not... worse.
Slipping under the trance of her heat, your breath becomes raggedly, and loud. You were practically panting, feeling her feverish body warm yours up, too. It’s all too overwhelming – the warmth of her body, the sweat coating your chest in a layer of sheen, her erotic expression... the little, sweet noises escaping her flushed lips – her scent.
It makes you... tense. To the point where even Neteyam notices.
“Are you alright, my love?” he asks, holding his breath.
The choked-up voice brings you back to reality in an instant. You see his hand reach behind him, searching for your thigh, almost brushing against hers instead. Moving your hand from her waist, you grab his hand and rest it on your clammy thigh.
“Yes. Just... hurry.” You pant lightly. “She - she doesn’t look too great.”
She really didn’t, but the truth is that you’re not feeling all that great either.
“I know. I know. We are almost there.” He reassures you, squeezing your thigh before letting go.
Neteyam carries her quickly to the tent, placing her gently on the woven mat. You both look down at her body, glistening from sweat, as she shakes her head from side to side. Her little whimpers are turning into lengthy groans the more time passes. Neteyam is visibly uncomfortable, shielding his nose with his forearm and backing up to the door.
“What is it? Are her pheromones too much for you? Too arousing?” you spit, letting the jealousy overcome you.
He grits his teeth and tightens his brows. “What? Y/n. No.” he snaps at you. “...they are making me sick.” He confesses, backing up even more. “I cannot stay here. I am going to call for Lo’ak.”
As bad as it sounds, you feel better knowing that he feels sick rather than hot and bothered by your sister-in-law.
“Sorry. I – I think she is affecting me, too.” You babble, feeling lightheaded.
“Sorry, ma’ yawne [beloved]. I must go.” He grimaces, walking swiftly out the door.
Left alone with her, you scan her body thoroughly. She’s drenched in sweat, yet shivering violently as if she were cold. Sympathizing with her, you sweep back the stands hair stuck to her forehead and wipe her down with a wet cloth.
Is this what I look like when I’m in heat, too?
You know the cloth is useless and that only Lo’ak could provide any sort of relief for her, but it’s all you could do for her. She’s practically writhing in pain, mumbling under her breath, yearning for her mate. You know the feeling all too well, you could really empathize with her. It feels as if you’re going through it too, just by watching her curl into a foetal position.
It must be burning... there, now. You pity her, staring at her clutching her womb.
Feeling woozy, you mirror her movements, wrapping your hand around your abdomen, too.
“I know what you are feeling. It is not nice. But do not fret...” you ring out the cloth, “...Neteyam has called for your mate.” You whisper, wiping down the back of her neck. “He will fix you right up... okay?” you ask, not really expecting an answer.
“Mmm... mhm.” She moans between pants, leaning into your touches as she backs herself up onto you.
You let out a breathy chuckle, smiling down at her. “Not me, silly. I can’t do much for you. So, sorry about that...” you glance at her tail, coiling around your leg. “Hang in there... Lo’ak is almost here, I am sure of it.” You pat her thigh before dipping the cloth back into the water.  
“Lo’ak. Where are you? Why did you leave her alone?” Neteyam shouts, holding the button on his throat microphone.
“What? What do you mean? I was with her an hour ago, bro.” Lo’ak shouts back.
Neteyam doesn’t answer, as he breathes through a wave of nausea, swallowing the saliva that pools in his mouth.
“Bro?” Lo’ak repeats.
“Come quick. She doesn’t look good.” Neteyam states quickly. “She is with my mate... I had to leave the room. Her pheromones are making me nauseous.” he takes a deep breath, hearing nothing but silence.
“Lo’ak.” Neteyam spits.
“Just. Shut up. I’m almost there.” Lo’ak growls.
Just as he said – Lo’ak lands with a loud thump.
Neteyam watches his brother dismount his ikran, embodying that of a very pissed off thanator. He braces for impact, feeling too queasy to properly defend himself from his brother’s uncontrollable temper.
“Lo’ak. Calm, brother.” Neteyam snaps, staggering from the wooziness.
Fortunately for Neteyam, the faint moan of his mate pierces the air, causing the thanator to lock onto a new target. Lo’ak pushes past Neteyam, shoving him out the way. Neteyam sits down and puts his head between his legs, hoping it’ll ease up the light-headedness.
Lo’ak opens the door, making you jump in your skin. You watch as he’s overpowered by his mate’s pheromones, covering his face with his hand as he makes his way into the room. He rushes over and kneels before his mate, who’s now under a sheeting, drenched with her sweat. He lifts his head briefly to give you a quick nod – as if to say, thank you. You shoot him a smile, before getting up to leave the tent to join your mate.
“Ma’ teyam?” you call for him, not seeing him in your direct line of sight.
“Down here.” He mutters, head still between his legs.
You gasp from hearing his voice, still on edge from l/m's heat. Looking at your feet, you see Neteyam sitting down on a branch next to the tent.
 “Oh, my baby. Is it that bad?” you ask, feeling sorry for him.
“Mmmn. Feel like ‘m gonna be sick.” He pants, drooling from the excess saliva flooding his mouth.
The sight is like stones in your heart.
“Alright, alright. You’re okay. I am here now, Nete.” You hum as you seat yourself next to him and rub circles into his back. “Take a deep breath with me.” You breathe with him, holding his braids out the way.
It seems to be a thing where you care for others, today.
Not that you minded it, you were a healer in training anyways. But you couldn’t deny your own uneasiness. Your own wooziness.
The scent of lionberry and mossy wood completely inundates you and Neteyam as Lo’ak walks past with his mate in his arms. Before you know it, Neteyam is dry heaving, trying his best not to throw up.
“Okay, okay. We gotta’ go.” you insist, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “Come on. Up we go, Nete.” You grunt, struggling to stand up with this dead weight on your shoulder.
Although you didn’t have the strongest frame, your legs feel significantly weaker. You put it off to this entire ordeal. Snaking your hand around his waist, you pull him up with you, supporting him as you walk towards your shared tent. He really wasn’t carrying much of his weight, or at least that’s how it felt.
“Walk with me, ma’ teyam.” You huff, feeling his braids swing against your face as he makes feeble tempts to walk to the tent. “Almost there. Just a few more steps.”
He groans, squeezing his eyes shut as another wave of nausea washes over him, stopping him in his tracks. You hold your position, supporting him on your wobbly legs whilst he catches his breath.
“Sorry, y/n.” he groans between raggedy breaths.
“For what? Being sick?” you laugh, “Don’t be.”
“No. For earlier... I hurt your feelings, didn’t I?” he looks up at you through his knitted brows, with big glossy eyes.
His eyes always made you fold in two, and he knew it. You brush it off, rolling your eyes and shaking your head slightly.
“Psh. Nah. I have no idea what you are talking about.” You smile, nudging him towards your shared hammock.
“I am serious, I can tell. You are my mate, after all.” He huffs, walking through the doors of your tent.
“Shh. It’s fine, my love.” You mutter, lowering him on the floor. “Who knew a little pheromone would make a big man like you crumble.” You giggle, lightening the mood.
Neteyam pulls you towards him, causing you to fall into his warm chest. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, snuzzling into you as he takes a deep breath, inhaling your sweet scent.
“Yours do.” He hums, rubbing his face against your supple skin. “I crumble monthly... for you.” he glances up at you before moving up to your collarbone.
Maybe it was the jealousy you felt earlier, or perhaps it was Lo’ak’s mates overpowering scent, but Neteyam’s innocent touches are sending shivers down your spine. It feels so good – so right. You can’t help but melt into him, rubbing your cheek against his braids, also inhaling his natural scent.
“Thank you, my beloved.” He smiles into your collarbone, sliding his hands up your waist.
“For?” you moan, feeling dizzy.
“Your pheromones. They are making me feel better.” He mumbles into your chest, feeling an immense amount of relief.
The woozy feeling is too intense to ignore anymore. It’s starting to affect your hearing, making Neteyam’s voice into a low echo.
“Hmm?” you hum, not quite understanding what he’s babbling on about.
“When did you learn how to control your pheromones?” He asks, kissing the fleshiness of your breasts.
“I – I don’t know what you are saying.” You moan softly, pushing your chest against him. “I mean... what you’re talking about.” You swallow your spit, struggling with your words. “Nete. I don’t feel so well.” you confess, now seeing two of him kissing your chest.
He looks up at you, seeing your dazed expression. His eyes bulge at the sight, knowing he’s seen this look on your face before – like two weeks ago to be exact.
“Can her heat make me sick, too?” you whisper, although it comes out more as a soft whimper.
“My love... did you not get your heat this month already?” he questions you, already knowing the answer.
“Mmmn, were you not there my nete?” you moan softly, mounting your mate.
He watches as you crawl on top on him, sitting on his pelvis as you wiggle around to find a more comfortable position. Using the back of his hand, he feels your forehead. Sure enough, you're burning up.
“You feel hot, like you have a fever.” He whispers, dropping his hand back down to your waist.
“Mhm... mhm. Feels that way. Think I’m sick, like you.” you hum, your head collapsing into his neck.
“I do not think so, sweetheart.” He chuckles huskily, sliding his hands up to your breasts and kneading them gently.
“I think you are in heat, my little one.”
Pulling back, you look down at him with heavy eyes. “W-what?” you breathe.
“Mhm.” He hums, bucking his hips into you suddenly. “I can smell it.” He looks down at your pelvises rubbing against one another – sticky from your slick.
“I can feel it.” He growls, snapping his gaze back up to yours.
For a moment, you think about how Lo’ak's mate must be feeling. Is it like how you feel now? Or is more intense? You think back to the banshee ride to hometree, about how her hot body nuzzled into yours, heating you up too... how her little mewls and moans filled your ears – how her scent put you on edge.
“Did you like her scent?” you ask breathlessly, trying to recall how it smelled.
Neteyam looks up at you dumbfounded, to be met with your intoxicated expression.
“Yep. You are definitely in heat if you are asking such a question.” He laughs at the fact that you’ve already forgotten what the last hour has been like for him.
Trailing your body with his eyes, he takes in the sight of your sweaty skin, your stiff nipples poking through your top... your flushed cheeks – your lustful facial expression. It dawns on him that you’re reminiscing about Lo’ak’s mate in heat. Now he’s the one who’s jealous.
What better a thing to cause him to succumb his territorial urges?
“Why? Did you?” he breathes, bucking his hips once more – even harder.
You bite your tongue, afraid to admit your true feelings to your mate. That, yes, you were aroused by another woman’s pheromones. They excited you, just like they put you in heat.
“Hmm?” Neteyam lets out a throaty growl, sliding his hands to your hips to squeeze them harshly. “Did you?!” he thrusts into you, making your tender breasts bounce.
“Ugh! F-fuck...maybe.” you confess through strained whimpers, grinding into the hard imprint under his loincloth.
This riles Neteyam up. The thought of you being all hot and bothered by another person, another woman, in heat at that... makes him – horny.
He didn’t quite understand it, he was confused, even. Just a second ago he was jealous, and ready to fuck the sense back into you. But now? The mere thought of the flesh between your legs dampening due to her scent... drives him feral.
“Yeah? And now I have to clean up this mess...” he growls, shoving his hand between your slick covered legs. “...such a fucking slut.” He mumbles, pushing your loincloth to the side and ramming two digits deep inside your slippery cunt.
Under the trance of your heat, Neteyam surrenders to his animalistic urges, ripping the flimsy cloth that covers your breast off your chest with his free hand. He takes your nipple into his mouth in a hurry, nipping at it with his teeth. You yelp out, feeling pleasure from his rough fingering and from the pain in your breast, causing him to pop off your nipple.
“T-take this off me, Nete.” You moan, tugging at the band of your loincloth as you grind even harder into his fingers.
“I want you to beg for it. Beg for me” he demands, hooking his fingers right into your sweet spot.
“Oh! Oh Neteyam!” you cry out, feeling your eyes well up with tears from how good his fingers feel. “Please... I want you inside me!”
“Fuck. Why am I even stretching you?” he hisses, yanking his fingers out of your cunt. “You don’t even fucking need it.”
He raises his hand in front of his face, pulling apart his fingers to reveal thick strings of slick connecting them together. Hurriedly taking his fingers into his mouth, he sucks your sweet, sweet slick clean off his digits, swallowing it hungrily.
Without wasting another second, he rips your loincloth into two, completely deeming it unwearable. He throws the torn, raggedy cloth to the side, gripping you by your hips and forcibly rubbing your hot slit against his loincloth.
His eager movements make you whine loudly, as you make poor attempts to take his covered cock inside of you – desperate for your release. The itchiness inside your womb is unbearable and too deep for just his fingers to scratch. You just want to ram his entire length inside you and grind your hips into his pelvis to satiate the itch.
“Good Eywa. Look at you...” he grunts, “... trying to fuck me through my loincloth.” He lets loose a breathy laugh, watching you actually get the tip in.
“Please... it’s so itchy. Neteyam! I need it. ‘ts burning... Please. P-please!” you beg loudly, shoving your hips down onto him.
“Always talking about your itch, huh? Always so needy...” he hums, ripping his own into two before throwing it into the pile of torn up rubbish.
His cock springs up, slapping against your cunt, making you jolt from the sudden raw touch.
“I – I, oh! Nete. Ugh... just... ngh! do it...” you sob needily, feeling the heat of your body take over.
It feels like your head is spinning, as the room moves rapidly around you, burring your vision completely. Your raggedy breaths turn into heavy pants, silently begging your mate to hurry. You can’t see properly, much less form a rational thought, or say a proper sentence.
“I said...” he digs his nails into your hips, “... I want to hear you beg for me, little one.” He growls, sliding your hips up and down against his shaft, coating it with your thick slick.
The stiffness of his cock rubbing against your clit is like pure bliss, like you could cum from just this. You’re so focused on the feeling that you can’t even hear the echo of his voice anymore. Picking up the pace with your hips, you rock back and forth, rubbing your hot, sticky clit against his member.
“Beg!” he shouts, bringing you back to reality.
“Fuck! Please!” you sob, tears now streaming down your face. “...please, baby. I’m losing it. I need you.” you quiet down into whimper.
Feeling sorry for you, he squeezes your hips and lifts you high enough for him to position his cockhead right at the entrance of your hole. He lingers there, taking a second to look into your watery, drunk eyes.
“Mawey, my good girl. I’m going to sort you out, now.” he moans, shoving your hips down onto his cock, watching his entire length disappear into your tight, wet cunt.
“Oh, fuck! Yes, yes, yes!” you scream, finally scratching the itch with his cock, rolling your hips around in circles.
“I know. I know, baby.” He hums, allowing you to use him however you see fit.
Neteyam knows exactly how to deal with you - how to calm you, even without his knot, although that’s what you need the most. He’d withhold it from you, until you were a sobbing mess on your knees begging for it.
It usually meant your heat would be longer – more drawn out, but that’s okay because you had your mate with you. He has the stamina to keep up with you, unlike Lo’ak. He worried for his brother and tried to give him a few lessons some time ago in preparation for his mate’s heat, but he didn’t seem very interested.
‘The main thing is to start slow, or you’ll burn up with her.’ His own voice echoes in his head.
He sets a lazy rhythm, pushing his cock as deep as it can go inside you, before pulling out half way and stuffing you all over again. His languid thrusts were enough to keep the emptiness at bay, and deep enough to scratch that maddening itch.
Barely enough.
Your heat’s been induced by another na’vi’s pheromones, jumping starting it a week earlier to sync with hers. It just so happens that this is her first heat – the most intense, hottest heat. It feels like you’re first heat, all over again. The infernal blaze that flickers deep in your chest grows bigger, menacing – insatiable.
“Mmnh! No... ‘tis not enough! Deeper, deeper!” you beg.
You lift your legs to squat on his pelvis, hoping the position will open you up more so that you can drill his hot cock deeper inside of you. Neteyam watches you in shock – brows raised, eyes bulging out his head, lips slightly parted.
You’re panting heavily, grabbing onto his face to pull him into yours as your rest your forehead on his. You search his eyes as you struggle to ram his cock deeper inside, thanks to your shaky legs.
He's astounded by your lewd, insistent body language. He’d only see you act this way so early in your heat when it was your first – when you used him like your own personal fuck toy. You needed leverage, something to hold onto so you could shove more of him inside you.
Wrapping your dainty fingers around his throat, you hold on tightly while you slam your hips into his. The sound of skin smacking against skin and the squelching noises of your cunt permeate the air.
They become louder than your moans, which are toning down into little whimpers as you near your first climax of the day. Your noses brush against one another whilst you pant tiny, sweet mewls into each other’s mouths.
You start to babble, not aware of what you’re saying.
“I love... *slam* this *slam* cock. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Your whisper, your eyes pooling with tears.
“Shit, y/n. Why is your heat so intense?” he lets out a choked whisper, searching your eyes for some trace of you left. "Who knew a little pheromone could make a girl like you crumble?" he laughs.
“I – I don’t know. Just. Shut up. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.” You chant, tears now rolling down your cheeks.
“Woman. You need to slow down. I am going to cum in you... shit.” he breathes into your mouth, pulling back his pelvis slightly.
“Stop. Don't move Nete. I'm almost there.” You chase his pelvis with yours. “More... more, please, more.” You beg quietly, so, so close to cumming.
“Shh... shh, ease up, y/n.” he pleads with you, pushing away your hips.
“Don’t... ngh. Don’t push me away, I’m almost there, teyam!” your soft moans become louder.
“F-fuck. Me too. Ugh - good eywa, you need to... ngh... fucking slow down.” Neteyam whimpers underneath you, dipping his head back as he tries to resist filling you up already.
“...and you need to shove more of this cock inside me!” you cry out, feeling the swell of your sweet spot.
Frustrated with your demanding, whiney behaviour, he decides to put you in your place. You feel his hand snake up your back, grabbing a fist full of your hair and pull you backwards, ripping your hands off his throat.
“Stop – fuck. Stop talking like that!” he raises his voice, on the verge of releasing his essence inside you.
His firm grip has you even more aroused – your body submitting even more to his rough touches. “Just like that! Oh, Eywa. Mark me, already!” you shout, flinging your head back to make space for his teeth.
“Yeah? That’s what you fucking want? Fuck.” he shouts, “Such a needy little thing you are.” He pounces on you, knocking the wind out of you as your back hits the floor.
Grabbing you by your leg, he swings it over to the other side, flipping you on your stomach – cock still deep inside you.
“You wanna be fucked? Hmm? You want my big fucking cock? Yes?” he growls, pinning your head to the ground whilst he shoves his cock even deeper inside you, piercing your bruised cervix with his tip.
“Ohh! Oh f-fuck! Yes Neteyam!” You sob loudly, finally being tamed by his touch. “Mark me... please!” you squeal, backing yourself onto him.
“Quiet.” He growls, giving you a hard thrust.
He crouches over you, panting hot breaths onto your neck, tempted to actually sink his teeth into you.
“One more whiney noise out this filthy mouth of yours and see what fucking happens.” He moves his hand from your head to your face, plunging two fingers into your mouth.
“Make me fucking cum!” You squeal, biting his fingers and spreading your legs even wider, feeling the knots in your muscles unwind.
“Sst!” he hisses, yanking his fingers out your mouth. “Fuck. You earned this, you little slut.”
He holds your hands behind your back by your wrists with one hand, and bites down on your shoulder, hard, locking his jaw onto you as you thrash around.
You feel his fangs pierce through your skin, as you writhe underneath your mate who is now pushing his growing knot at the entrance of your cunt. The pressure is immense – it’s like ecstasy, flooding your empty womb. The itch is being scratched and it feels so good.
“Cumming!” you let loose a hoarse scream, flinging your head back as your entire body shudders under his grip.
He doesn’t let up, he just sinks his teeth even deeper into you, sucking lightly as he holds his position inside you – pinning you down with his bite and grip.
He’s grunting and groaning into your shoulder, closing his eyes to savour the feeling of your pussy pulsating feverishly around his cock, trying to milk its essence directly into your womb. He waits patiently for you to come down from your high, tricking your body into thinking it’s been knotted by staying deep inside your cunt.
As the heat subsides, and the emptiness is filled, you calm down from your high and start to feel the new burning sensation in your shoulder. Your little pants turn into whimpers, feeling the pain radiate down your back. He unlatches from your shoulder and licks the wound with his warm tongue.
“Better, my love?” he pants heavily, still deep inside of you.
“Mhm...” you hum, wincing from the pain in your shoulder.
“I know your little ‘itchy’ sensation is gonna come back the second I pull out of you.” He whispers breathlessly in your ear, moving quickly to lick your wound once more.
Neteyam feels your shaky legs give out underneath you, making you sprawl out flat on the woven mat. He follows your every movement, ensuring to stay inside of you until he catches his breath enough to go another round – he hasn’t gotten his fill yet, after all. Giving you a few more minutes of relief, he slowly pulls out of your cunt, making you whine in the process.
“Ready for round two, ma’ munxta [mate]?” he growls deeply in your ear.
Just like he said, the itchiness comes flooding back in, filling up the deepest parts of your womb. You can’t help but groan from the sensation, frustrated that it’s back so soon.
Pulling out of your gaping hole, he looks down to see a thick rope of your slick connecting you to his throbbing, swollen cock. He yanks you back up onto all fours, smacking your ass as if to say ‘stay put’ while he drops to his knees to shove his nose into your cunt, deeply inhaling your sweet scent.
“Fuck. Everything about you is so... delicious.” He moans, lapping up the juices that drip slowly down your thighs.
The days blend as they pass, all consisting of the same things – fucking, cumming, cleaning, sleeping, eating, drinking. The cycle repeats, hour after hour, day after day – night after night. You were insatiable, riding and grinding against his numb cock when he just couldn’t take anymore. In a lot of the moments, he just let you take the lead – but he never allowed you to take his knot. He wouldn’t let a repeat of your first heat happen again.
Neteyam is lying down flat on the mat, completely covered in your pussy juices. He’s panting, unable to take a full breath anymore. His body aches, muscles inflamed and throbbing from carrying you around the tent because you refused to let him pull out.
You cling to your mate, desperate and delirious from the intensity of your heat. It’s still so hot, you wish you could step out of your skin. Not even tsaheylu was helping you.
“Nete...” you look down at your mate through blurry vision, “ah...haah... ha... I can’t take... this anymore.” you sob, tears running down your cheeks.
“Oh, y/n. I’m so sorry... I do not understand why it is lasting so long” his voice cracks, “... but it’s almost over, my love.” He clears his throat, caressing your shaky thighs. “How about we take a break and drink something?” he suggests hopefully, needing a break himself.
You shake your head side to side, struggling to support your sweaty body with your trembling hands on his stomach. The sweat that drips from your forehead pools into the dips of his stomach, mixing with his to form a small puddle. At least your double vision is gone now, and you can hear him clearly.
“Why? Why don’t you just knot me and put me out my misery?” you cry quietly, rocking your hips into him once more.
Neteyam sighs loudly, letting his head drop back into the mat. He stares up at the roof of your tent garnering the energy to repeat himself for the tenth time. He knows you’re not feeling like yourself – that you’re completely out of it.
“My love.” He looks back down at your sticky pelvises, “I cannot. As much as I want to... we cannot. And as the only sane one here... I must be firm with you.” he drops his head back on the mat, still feeling winded.
“Neteyam.” Lo’ak’s shaky, hoarse voice chimes in through his earpiece. “...I can’t keep up with her. There’s no food or water left, and this is lasting way longer than I thought it would. I need your help, brother.”
Finally, a light in the haziness of this torturous three day long heat. Neteyam presses the button on his throat microphone, and lets loose a breathless chuckle, finding this whole ordeal amusing.
“The great Lo’ak! I tried to warn you, start slow or you will burn out.” He smiles to himself, unable to follow his own advice. “...And, uh – I can’t help you.” you grind against his swollen cock, trying to drill it even deeper into you. “...Mmn. I’m tied up myself.” Neteyam looks up into your inebriated eyes. “Thanks to your mate, mine went into heat early. Ask Kiri.” He huffs between heavy pants.
“Kiri? No, bro. You know she’s not going to help me out.” Lo’ak croaks, feeling lightheaded. “Please... Just bring your mate with you.” he begs.
“No, I cannot. She is in heat, are you not hearing?” he responds, using his thumb to rub circles into your sore clit. “Lo’ak - fuck. She’s finally calming down now... if I bring her around your mate’s pheromones, she’s going to milk me dry.” Neteyam curses.
“I don’t care bro, let ‘em at each other. I don’t mind. Please.” Lo’ak begs, out of breath. “Please. I think I’m gonna pass out again... just come.”
Pass out? Shit. I might too. But again? Neteyam thinks.
“Pass out? Again?” he swallows his spit, watching you bite back a moan.
“Bro, you don’t understand. This woman is feral. I don’t even know how many times I’ve knotted her at this point. Please.” Lo’ak pleads desperately with his older brother.
Yes, I do understand. Good Eywa.
“Baby bro. You... you knotted her? I thought I warned you not to.”
 Neteyam covers your mouth, feeling your cunt heat up again as your walls clench around his cock. He takes his finger off the button.
“Fuck, baby. Gonna cum for me again? You better hold it, pretty girl.” Neteyam warns you.
You nod quickly, grunting into his hand as you struggle to withhold your moans. He rewards you with a quick pat on your thigh before he presses the button once more.
“You think I have any say in what’s going on? This woman is using me like a sex toy. All sensation is just gone for me at this point. You don’t understand.” Lo’ak argues, on the verge of tears.
“Agh. I do underst – you know what. Forget it.” He gives up, realizing his brother is also out of it. “Even if I could manage to fly there now, your mate’s pheromones make me sick.”
“Not with your mate in heat too. Hers will keep you calm, just come bro. Hurry... S-she’s pushing me out of her again, hurry... please.” he sobs hysterically.
“Pushing you out of her?” he laughs breathily, watching your hips grind against his.
You hold on to his wrist cups your mouth, picking up the speed of your hips. He looks up at you and sees your eyebrows pinch together – the face you always make before cumming.
“Alright, alright. I need to go. I’ll let you know if I can come.” Neteyam responds quickly, taking his finger off the button.
“Speaking of coming...” he takes his hand off your mouth, “...you can cum for me, now.” he insists, gripping your hips and rocking into you.
“Oh. Neteyam! 'm cumming!” you gasp for air, letting the knots in your stomach unravel as you squirt all over your mate once more.
“Jeez, y/n. I do not understand how you keep making so much cum...” he looks at the mess you made on him before looking back up at you. “Feeling better now, sweetheart?”
You collapse into him, putting all your weight on him as you nuzzle into his chest, inhaling his scent. The itch was insatiable, no matter how many times you came on him, the itch would come right back as soon as he pulled out of you.
“’m sorry Nete...” you pant “...still so itchy... so hot.” You sob quietly into his chest.
“Mawey, my love. You’re okay. It is almost over.” He hums in your ear, drawing circles into your back. “How do you feel about us going to help Lo’ak?”
“Mhm. Mhm.” You moan, closing your eyes.
“Alright, try and sleep, baby. I’ll page Kiri.” He whispers, kissing you on your forehead as he repositions you.
“No! I – I wanna help her, teyam.” You babble, not knowing what you’re saying anymore.  
“Oh? Her? I thought we were helping Lo’ak, not his mate.” he chuckles, sitting up and wrapping your legs around his waist. “Let us go, ma’ yawne.”
Neteyam lifts you up, still inside of you, and wraps a sheet around the two of you. He calls for his ikran, who lands not too far from the tent. The walk of shame there wasn’t too bad, as most na’vi were in their tents by this time.
Only a couple na'vi saw you, and quickly turned their heads when they realized what was going on - especially seeing you two bonded. You cling to your mate, legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he mounted his ikran.
“Sorry, my sweatheart.” He apologizes, breaking tsaheylu with you so that he can bond with his banshee.
You whine at the sensation, now feeling the full intensity of your heat. Clinging even tighter onto him, you nuzzle your face into the nook of his neck, inhaling deeply. You sleep on the way there, and wake up to the sweet, sweet scent of lionberry and mossy wood...
Note: Damn y’all. I did not plan for it to be this long, but here we are, lol. As much as I wanted him to knot her, I remembered that in ‘a synchronous fever’ he said “...and somehow, I have been able to restrain myself from knotting you during your heats.” So, I had to stay true to the story line. Sorry the end was sort of abrupt, I’m hella burnt out, I won’t lie. But I will be doing another part to this – if that’s what you guys want. But I think I’m going to take a day or two to reset! I feel like I’m rewriting the same thing repeatedly (r.e. descriptive words/phrases/nicknames/etc.)
Lo'ak's POV: Inextinguishable
Part II: Twin Flame
Part III: Ashes [aftercare]
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allur1ngs · 6 months
funny thought I had: hyo asking reader for dating advice and reader being like “lose the sunglasses” yk cause hyo has pretty eyes and her being like “but I can’t they’re basically a part of me” and “they make me look cool” “dont girls like that sort of thing??”💀 imagine bada overhearing and telling hyo not to get any funny ideas and to focus on her work 😭 — @aericrys
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“What, in your opinion, makes a woman attractive?” Hyo asks you.
You pause. You're currently standing on a ladder, about to reach for another book to read from the Lee mansion’s private and extensive library. “Where’s this coming from?”
Hyo sighs, moving to lean against the ceiling-tall bookshelf behind her. “Promise you won’t make fun of me?”
“Oh come on Hyo, do I seem like the type of friend to do that?”
Hyo cranes her neck up so she makes eye contact with you, quirking her eyebrow with an unamused expression.
“Okay, maybe I am…” you laugh lightheartedly. “But I promise I won’t this time.”
“And you won’t tell the girls or the Boss either,” Hyo adds.
“I won’t, I promise.”
Your bodyguard lets out a dramatic sigh. “I was thinking about getting back into dating–”
“No, way! Really?” You say excitedly, while grabbing the book you wanted.
“Yeah,” Hyo nods. “So I downloaded this dating app–”
“Oh Hyo…” you wince, closing your eyes and shaking your head. “A dating app?”
“What? I thought that’s what people normally do these days,” she says.
“A lot of young people do use dating apps, yes, but mostly for hookups,” you climb up the ladder more, locating another book from your list. “It’s kind of a mixed bag if you want a serious relationship to come from it.”
“Well, I already downloaded it and made a profile,” Hyo huffs. “But all the women I keep matching with suddenly stop messaging me back.”
“Can I see the pictures you have on your profile?” You look down to see Hyo nod, then slowly climb down from the tall ladder, multiple books still cradled in the crook of your arm.
Hyo pulls out her phone, opens the dating app, then shows you her profile.
The pictures aren’t terrible, but they aren’t great either. Although Hyo’s very good at taking photos for other people, it’s clear she hasn’t figured out her angles very well. She has a few taken at slightly awkward angles, but she also looks pretty good in them. You suppose it’s the advantage of being a more masculine woman–you can look good without even trying. And with Hyo already having naturally attractive features, she has a leg up.
“Okay, I already see a massive problem Hyo.” You look over at her, a frown settling on your lips. “You look like you’re scared of the camera in all your pictures.”
“What?” Hyo takes back her phone, squinting at her screen. “No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.” You point at a picture where she’s half smiling, half deadpanning, making an odd combination for an expression. “You look terrified.”
“I’m not–”
“But honestly, you could have gotten away with it if you just did one thing.” You cut her off.
“Take off your sunglasses!” You exclaim, pointing at the black-tinted shades placed on top of her nose bridge.
“What? No!” Hyo says back, her pitch rising. “I can’t, they’re a part of my look.”
“Your look,” you gesture to her figure, “screams ‘I work for a mafia boss, and you should be scared of me!’”
“No, the sunglasses make me look cool,” Hyo argues back, shaking her head. “Wait… they make me look cool, right?”
“Yes Hyo, they can make you look cool, but coupled with the way you dress and your deadpan attitude, it makes you seem cold through text,” you state. “Taking off your sunglasses will show a more human part of you. Besides, you have nice eyes, you shouldn’t hide them.”
“I don’t know…” Hyo trails off, touching the frames of her sunglasses. She shakes her head, “Okay, then tell me what else I can do to make myself more attractive to women.”
“Quite the interesting question to be asking my fiancée, Hyo.” Bada’s voice suddenly echoes through the library, her tall frame standing right next to the door. She has her arms crossed over her chest, and one eyebrow raised upward as she stares your bodyguard down.
“Bada!” You smile widely at her.
“Hello,” she says, a natural and soft smile finding her lips easily as she approaches you. “I took a break and wanted to see you.”
“I’m glad you’re here.” You glance over at Hyo, who’s frozen still in her spot. “We were just talking about–”
“It’s alright, I heard everything.” Bada interrupts you.
“Oh…” You trail off, then nudge Hyo in an attempt at breaking her out of her stupor.
“All I can say is that women like it when you show them a more vulnerable side of yourself.” Your fiancée stops right in front of you and takes the heavy books you’re carrying out of your arms, holding them like their combined weight is nothing.
You shake your arms, having not even realized that they had begun to ache under the weight of the multiple books you’d been carrying. “Thank you.” You say, latching onto Bada’s unoccupied arm.
“You’re welcome, honey,” she says softly, before glancing at Hyo (who is still rooted in her spot), with mild annoyance. “Next time, instead of asking my fiancée for dating advice, do your job and help her carry her books, Hyo.”
Your bodyguard finally springs to life, nodding rapidly. “Yes, Boss.”
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Hi I have a request I’d like to make ^_^
Can you write something where Aemond is a bit shy when he cums, so he’s always burying his face against her neck, but this time reader really wants to see his expressions when he climaxes so she’s on top for the first time. He’s a little taken aback but he can’t deny the view is great. When he almost gets to climaxing he’s like “w-wait! I’m close..!” And she just grabs his jaw, making forced eye contact and proceeds to ride him even harder until he cums.
I LOVE it when people reach out off of anon. Very brave. Much courage.
ANYWAY, your wish is my command. Pls enjoy.
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Warnings: As if this needs any. You know there will be smut. NSFW. 18+ Word count: ~1k
Aemond had always been a generous and attentive lover. Despite not having much in the way of sexual experience prior to your marriage, he was a perfectionist and eager to learn. He had spent hours poring over every tome that the Red Keep’s library had to offer on the act of pleasure, and plentiful practice had meant there was never a day that you were left wanting physically.
It had taken a while to convince him to remove his eyepatch in front of you. His claim of “I have no desire to frighten you, my love.” had made your heart ache. He was clearly self conscious of his disfigurement, but you were desperate to see all of him. The night that he had finally relented and allowed you to lift it from his face had been a tender moment for you both. You had pressed gentle kisses to his scar and reassured him that you loved all of him, he didn’t need to hide any parts of himself from you.
Despite this, one of those frustrating factors for you in your marriage to the One-Eyed Prince was that during the act of love he would always hide his face from you at the point of climax. Either by burying his face in the crook of your neck if you lay below him or throwing his head back if he took you from behind. You knew it was fuelled by his insecurity regarding his eye and it bothered you that there was still an element of discomfort for him in your relationship. You were determined to fix it.
You’d tried to outsmart him one morning, sliding down the bed to take him into your mouth, watching his face carefully as you’d bobbed your head back and forth along his thick length. However, as he’d reached the apex of his pleasure, he’d turned his head away into the pillows, leaving you with a mouthful of his spend and an overbearing sense of exasperation.
A week later the two of you lay together in your marital bed, each of you on your side, facing each other. The ever increasing passion of your kisses and the way Aemond’s hands roam the curves of your body make it explicitly clear where things are headed. An idea strikes you.
Hooking a leg over Aemond’s hip, you roll him onto his back, sitting astride his hips.
A slight raise of his eyebrow, that would have been imperceptible to anyone else, lets you know that your actions have shocked your husband and you grin down at him.
“What are you doing, dōna ābrazȳrys?” He asks curiously. Sweet wife.
“Just trying something different, my dragon.” You purr back.
His right eye watches with keen interest as you reach between your bodies, positioning his hardened cock at your entrance before sinking down slowly.
You gasp at the stretch of him and the unexplored depth and angle. This is a new position for both of you, but it is not an unwelcome sensation. From the sharp inhale through his nose that Aemond takes as he grits his teeth, you can tell that he’s enjoying it too.
Gingerly, you begin to grind your hips back and forth against his. Unsure of what you are doing, your lack of experience causes you to hesitate, so you are grateful when Aemond grasps your hips and helps your movements along as he thrusts up into you.
His right eye drinks in the sight of you appreciatively as you ride him. From the contorted expression of pleasure on your face, to the bounce of your breasts and the roll of your hips against his. “Vok.” He whispers, as you move above him. Perfect.
His praise instills you with renewed confidence and you move your hips faster, harder, until Aemond’s grip on you tightens, his breathing becoming ragged. The familiar tensing of his abdominal muscles and pulsating of him inside of you are all you need to feel to know he is close to his end. You smirk down at him.
Panic washes over his features as he attempts to turn his face away. “No, no, I’m close!” He groans.
“I know.” You breathe out, taking his chin between your thumb and forefinger to turn him back towards you. “I will look upon your face as you fill me.”
You continue to ride Aemond. The beginnings of his protestations die on his lips as his release takes hold. Your lips part, eyes wide with both wonder and enjoyment as you take in the sight of his pleasure drunk features as he pumps you full of his seed. 
His brow is furrowed. The blue iris of his right eye is no longer visible from the dilation of his pupil. The bridge of his nose is scrunched ever so slightly, distorting the positioning of the scar that runs along the left side of his face. His mouth hangs agape as an almost feral sounding grunt escapes him.
You have never seen anything quite so beautiful as your husband in the throes of ecstasy. You cannot quite believe that this is what he has been hiding from you all this time. Your own pleasure is long forgotten to you as you gaze adoringly down at him.
Suddenly he pushes you off of him with a force that causes you to collapse onto your own side of the bed.
“I’m sorry you saw that.” He mutters, turning away from you, clearly distressed.
You reach out a tentative hand, stroking his shoulder. “Aemond, we’ve spoken about this…”
He sighs. “I know, ñuha jorrāelagon, but it is one thing for you to flatter me during idle conversation. It is another entirely for my disfigurement to rob you of your pleasure.” My love.
You pull him gently onto his back, looking down at him with concern. “What do you mean?”
“You saw my face when I…when I- and you didn’t peak.”
Your features soften as you chuckle slightly. “Aemond, you were so breathtaking to me in that moment, that I quite forgot that that was the intention.”
Aemond eyes you suspiciously. “Really?”
You nod. “Aemond, my words to you are not just flattery. I mean it when I say I think you are perfect. Please never hide your face from me again.”
He appears to consider this for a moment before speaking. “Okay, dōna ābrazȳrys. But you must allow me one exception.”
“And what is that?”
Aemond smirks wickedly at you as he lowers himself on the bed. “My face will be hidden when it is between your thighs. No wife of mine will go to sleep unsatisfied.”
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jhuzen · 1 year
Will there be a part 2 of the "Attention" fic?
infidelity [gn/m.reader]
the answer to that is a solid yes AND a big apology for taking a hundred years to post this. this ask has been in my inbox for freaking months. and it’s mostly because i have been remaking this fic until i got the most satisfying fic LMAO. i’m sorry for taking so long 😭 i hope this is compensation enough. btw this part 2 to this! but honestly, you don’t have to read it lmao.
𖦹 crack taken seriously, hsr mention but this is mostly genshin, this is just a fic of me making fun of cheaters aka you, highly based on that one tweet of the “welcome home, cheater” one, pushing my grand overseer reader agenda like in my early fics teehee <3, sagau, sahsr au
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“I should probably go back…”
Jing Yuan begged to differ. The general himself had his reservations about your sudden eagerness to depart. After all, you were a good company — one that amused him to the core and even kept him awake for the better part of the day. You are an interesting being to him after all — much after learning from the exuberant girl from the famed Astral Express suddenly emphasizing your importance when they left you under his supervision.
You, in much simpler words, are adorable in the Luofo general’s eyes. With eagerness and curiosity melding in those gaze of yours that could leave anyone transfixed — wanting and desperate.
You truly live up to the title as the grand overseer across worlds. You were the sole beholder of their sentience, despite the fact that right now, you’re barely aware of your status and your circumstance, it was more than enough for anyone go cherish your presence. How could they not? It was a blessing to see you descend from where you were, behind the great barrier that they all could only stare at when they looked to you for guidance.
Alas, that mattered little, not when you were beside the amused general and his coy smile, fingers raking through your hair; reminiscent of the pattern when he would do the same thing to Mimi when you visited his abode to meet the furry beauty that was his pet.
Quite frankly, you weren’t all too sure if this was something you were used to, being treated like an animal companion, with even the way Jing Yuan’s hand would suddenly roam behind your very human ears, scratching behind out of habit.
The only thing missing was him giving your food to you in a bowl, actually, and you’d be no different than Mimi at that point. Wait. No. You were sure Jing Yuan’s lion also ate out of a golden encrusted plate when you saw his hired caretakers come and feed Mimi.
“Bark for me, won’t you?” The general teased with a purr and it was more than enough for you to pull the plug at your willing compliance.
You removed his hand from your head and only shot him a subtle glare, “That’s a request I can’t honor even if my life depended on it.” You sighed, “I should get going now though, General… I made a promise to help our conductor in sweeping the floors. Apparently Caelus tracked some dirt inside when he decided to lug some trash.”
“Must you really? You’re the grand overseer, no? I believe such a title deserves a limitless freedom in doing whatever it is that they wish,” he coaxed in a suave tone, quick to win anyone over. And honestly, that sounds nice. But you’ve never seen Pom-Pom look so stressed when you saw an unwilling March and Dan Heng drag some trash either wrapped in gold bags or regular black ones inside the express when they came back from Belobog.
You somehow regretted leaving first — but even you had urgent matters to attend to at that moment.
“Ah—!” The lax Jing Yuan jolted at your sudden outburst.
“…Anything troubling you, Grand Overseer?”
“T-Teyvat! I completely forgot…!” Your eyes were blown wide as the panic settled within you. You had promised Nahida you would make it to the Interdarshan championship. She was so excited when she communed with you just days ago, completely elated that even your beloved Wanderer would participate as a representative in a Darshan.
Albeit confused by your sudden squawking, Jing Yuan understood and only watched you pace around while you lamented what sounds to be a rehearsed apology that you will no doubt tell to someone you hold precious.
“How envious, to receive an apology from you even sounds like a great honor.” Jing Yuan teased with a chuckle. “Well then, off you go now. Don’t be away for too long. I rather enjoy our time together.”
“O-Oh, yes, of course… I truly apologize for cutting our time together short. Do give my regards to Fu Xuan and Yanqing if they drop by. I have to go and talk to the crew and also bid my goodbye for now.” You bowed before turning away, briskly walking your way towards the door outside of the general’s office, only to bump into Welt and March.
“Oh! There you are! Ya ready to go shopping?” March held an exuberant energy as she asked, clasping your hand in hers tightly with an excited gleam flashing through her eyes.
Welt, however, was far more observant than March, “Judging from that look in your eyes… you have some affairs you’ve forgotten to tend to, Your Benevolence. Would I be correct in my judgment?”
“It’d be a miracle for you to be wrong at this point,” you laughed amidst your panic. “But yes, unfortunately. March, I hope you don’t mind a little bit of postponement… I have somewhere to be urgently.”
March’s bottom lip stuck out into pleading pout, “But you promised!”
“March, let’s not force them. It is as they say — an urgent affair.” Welt only looked at you with a small nod and an encouraging smile, “Don’t be too worried. I’ll let Himeko and Dan Heng know of your absence. Just be safe.”
“I will definitely come back and visit.” Your smile and reassurance was enough to quell March’s disappointment and Welt’s initial concern. “Please tell Caelus not to track more dirt inside. It’ll only serve to frustrate Pom-Pom further.”
“It’s a useless attempt, but for you, I’ll try,” March winked as she waved to you with Welt.
With a nod to the two of them, you were off to Teyvat — lucky that you have little need for the Star Rail in the first place to travel. Otherwise, it would most certainly take you the entire conceivable time just before you could even come back to one of the many worlds that you oversaw and to a fault, even took care of from afar.
You stepped into the familiar grassy fields of Sumeru’s rainforest, looking up to see that the city isn’t too far off. There was a gentle breeze that blew by, almost like a kiss from a certain archon, but you paid little heed to it. You normally always took your time to appreciate the sights in Teyvat, finding its vast lands and many biomes incredibly fantastical in sight. But even that couldn’t keep you from the fact that you’ve broken several promises that you willingly made to some residents here.
You can only imagine the disappointment in everyone’s faces once you’ve admitted to the fact that… other people may have swept your attention away in the first place — hence your sudden absence.
You owed your first apology to Nahida. She is after all, one of your far more favored archons around, treating her like your own, definitely something that would make Rukkhadevata proud among every other archon out there. And then there’s also a matter of apologizing to your dear Aether, you made another promise to him that you would spend your time with him in Sumeru’s far end by the Realm of Farakhkert to meet the infamous Sorush and the majestic race of the Pari (you once made a claim that Aranara’s are superior, and your endeared traveler was reluctant in protesting to your words it seems).
Now that you thought about it — you were sure you made quite a lot of promises to the residents of Teyvat. A lot of commitments were hammered into your special sanctuary that Aether had built for and with you inside his teapot.
Commitments that you’ve forgotten in favor of space travels with a couple of trailblazers.
Onlookers turned to your direction, completely flabbergasted at your casual appearance. What were you doing in Sumeru city (not that they were ungrateful for your gracious presence) — but it was as if you were solely taking a stroll on your own. Where are your entourage? Was the Acting Grand Sage even informed of your arrival? What about the archons that always accompanied you? Where is Buer?
Best of all, why does your face contort into an expression of what seems to be utter guilt?
You hiked your way to the Sanctuary of Surasthana, refusing any help offered to you by the guards that were courteous enough. You were prepared to face Nahida’s crestfallen look — prepared to start indulging her wishes to make up for the tomfoolery you engaged in. The corners of your mouth trembled as it itched to finally spill out the plethora of apologies that you’ve prepared.
“Oh. So you exist after all.”
Only for your well-rehearsed (by the last minute) apologies to fall apart when the Wanderer’s voice rang from above. You looked up to see him perched on one of the ledges just above the door of Nahida’s residence. He was stationed like a watchful hawk — and he was, constantly on the prowl for anyone suspicious daring to come up to the sanctuary.
Suddenly, a memory of you promising him to go fishing by the coasts of Sumeru had you wincing. And with the way the puppet’s mouth turned up in a smug smirk showed that he was aware of an engagement you swore you’d do with him.
“Ah… I hear you go by Hat guy now?” You tilted your head, giving him a reluctant smile.
“Spare me the meaningless prying. Where have you been?” His eyes narrowed, suspicious and a tad bitter at your absence and incompetence in attending a tiny little leisure that you yourself insisted he join you on. Who the hell even creates plans first and suddenly flakes out? The Wanderer has never felt more betrayed, quite frankly.
You suddenly looked like a guilty spouse that came from a messy affair, with the way you shifted your footing and how you averted your gaze quick. The Wanderer was intolerant of such a behavior however when he finally came down from his little high up spot to face you with no escape. He will summon a void and trap you in it halfway if you so much as make an attempt to escape.
“I’ve been… away…”
“Were you now?” His scrutinizing gaze only served to intimidate you further when he came up close, his nimble fingers tracing against your clothing. “Whose is this?”
And before you, he held a familiar long strand of white hair — possibly acquired when the general of Luofo decided to frolic around with you, coaxing (or coercing, more like) you to give him a much deserved head massage for his hard work (though in truth, he barely did anything that day).
“…A cat.” Technically not a lie. Jing Yuan does exhibit certain behaviors that you can classify as a behavior that a feline has.
“Is it now?” His voice went an octave higher — clearly mocking you if his churlish grin wasn’t enough of a sign about his suspicions of you and your… agendas prior to your unprompted visit in Teyvat.
A terse silence engulfed you and your Wanderer before he flicked away the hair and dragged you inside Nahida’s sanctuary.
“She was disappointed that you were absent the entire Interdarshan event thing. Where in the abyss were you?” The puppet hissed, his grip on your wrist tightening. Somehow you found it far more comforting compared to the times where people would treat you like some fragile object that could break at any second.
What’s not comforting however, were his words. You couldn’t bear the thought of letting Nahida down, and now you’re faced with that very thought becoming a reality that you now have to get through just for the sake of your sanity.
You smiled a little despite seeing the Dendro Archon’s back turned while she minded her own business. There was always something comforting when wasting your hours away inside the sanctuary. Just having to teach Nahida from your old world knowledge about people, and to an extent even teaching the Wanderer with your wisdom that rarely pops out (according to him, with full intent to insult you). It’s not as daring as the time Venti decided to fling you up and catch you or Ei’s insistence on you eating your tenth dango during your walks.
For now however, you had one goal in mind — and that is to make amends with your favored archon and puppet.
Teyvat altogether created an unspoken rule to never ever doubt you — the Grand Overseer. You have a position that transcends even farther than the Primordial One, your eyes that gaze on many universes and worlds. You are the one that took care of the blooming life in each planet that teemed with it, thriving under your guidance.
There was a collective decision among all gods and mortals alike to never doubt your endeavors, much less your love for them. You care a lot about them, and based solely on your constant descent towards their world, it seems as though above all other worlds, you favored them. They were the proof of your benevolence, granting the residents your presence while you walked among them.
Right. That was the case that everyone agreed upon.
However, there was an underlying layer of unease. Heaven forbid may it be doubt; they could never! But perhaps… a tiny bit of uncertainty in the layer of cautiousness as the residents watched you with adoration.
It first started with the wrong names.
When Albedo, Sucrose, and Timaeus wholeheartedly welcomed your help when you visited Dragonspine with Klee. Jean was far too busy with her work and while she wished to, could not have time to bask in your presence after the announcement of your sudden arrival. In turn, you only assured her and relieved her of her added duty in watching over Klee.
Klee was the one to visit big brother Albedo, to surprise him that you were finally back. And you complied. Dragonspine is an extension of Mondstadt, and you had plans to check up on every single resident of the nation.
Suffice to say, you were quickly hooked up in a chair, pulse detectors attached to your temples while you watched Klee doodle away on the floor. For a respected overseer, you certainly were a people pleaser, letting Albedo scan you out of his own volition (Sucrose was fussing the entire time, she didn’t want you to be hurt in the process, after all!).
“Look Grand Overseer! This is you and me and Dodoco!” Your vision was quickly filled with a flurry of bright colors on paper, one that was filled with an abundant amount of red and the other with the colors of your clothing.
“Ah! So it is! Good job, Hook!”
Everyone in silence soon tore themselves away from their work, looking at you with evident confusion.
Klee blinked, tilting her head as she looked just as lost and surprised as the other three researchers in the mountain, “Hook? That’s not how you say Klee…”
Your heart hammered against your ribcage and tried to save it with a cough, “D-Did I now? Ah, my bad… I meant to say was that you… did a great job! It immediately hooked me in!” It was a half-baked excuse — hell, call it a raw excuse even and everyone aside from Klee caught on as the explosive child beamed with pride, just happy that you loved her heartfelt creation.
Albedo eyed you in suspicion before returning to his work.
Then there was your misplaced reminiscence.
In your defense however, Snezhnaya does feel like Belobog. Sometimes… most definitely not because of the fact that both places are constantly subjected in a thick layer of snow.
The Tsaritsa was all but cruel to you. She loved you like any other archon out there and always basked in your presence — even keeping you for herself a week or two longer, leaving the next nation in your rotation of visitation completely restless at your tardiness. However in her gentle kindness was a terrifying beast that laid dormant.
Only then did you catch a glimpse of it on the morning that you and her spent on your appointed room in the palace, both you and the Cryo Archon siting on the balcony while you sipped on a hot beverage, enjoying the mountainous coated in freshly fallen snow.
You sat your cup down and blew on your hands. The Tsaritsa laughed at your actions, pleased that you can truly feel the love she embodied through the cold winds of her icy nation.
“Cold enough for you, Grand Overseer?” She jested with a light tone.
“…Yep…” your teeth lightly chattered. “…T-This place is a lot c-colder than Belobog, I’ll tell you that… B-But not more than Jarilo-VI as a whole…”
All of a sudden, you could feel the creeping coldness from beside you and looked to where the archon sat, her striking eyes looking at you with curiosity… with a smidge of coldness behind them.
“Pardon? Not colder than where?”
Her tone was pressed despite her sweet adoring smile. She took pride in her sovereign kingdom of cryo. It was all for you, to feel the comforting cold after you spent your last stay with Murata in Natlan. This was her giving you love, and suddenly, it wasn’t enough?
The better part of your mind decided to feign ignorance. And you lived to see another day.
And then the sudden secrecy.
By all means, of all people, Zhongli indulged in your stories the most. Whenever you visited Liyue, you were almost always found beside him if Ningguang wasn’t asking for your presence or if you weren’t getting coerced into another drinking competition with Beidou and her crew. And in this case, you were preoccupied with a little something while you accompanied Zhongli in his usual spot.
He listened earnestly to the storyteller while you busied yourself writing a little something on a parchment you had acquired from the Wangsheng parlor when you fetched Zhongli for his break.
And ever so slightly, he’d find himself glancing at your hunched over form, while you stewed in your little activity. He didn’t particularly mind the lack of conversation from you. Having you beside him was more than enough, actually. But it wouldn’t hurt for you to have him be just as engaged in your little agenda, would it?
The former archon peered at your work, only to be faced with scripts that were oddly reminiscent of Liyue’s characters. Albeit there were significant changes that made the language still all too different from his nation.
“…Might you be translating ancient texts, Grand Overseer?” He inquired and was met by a suspicious jolt from you.
It was a text Dan Heng gave you before to practice the language used in the Xianzhou fleet. Only now did you have time to do his little practices upon your descent. You had plans to check up on everyone as soon as you were done in Teyvat, and perhaps impressing Yanqing with your language prowess was a good party trick (and eventually not get bullied into eating something spicy because of your ignorance).
“Ah! N-No—! I— yes. No.”
Zhongli tilted his head and you were quick to recall your flubbed answer, shoving away the parchment into your little pocket. There was a frantic look in your eyes and Zhongli was concerned, naturally.
You used to be so willing in divulging everything to him in exchange for his stories, with the both of you managing to talk from dusk to dawn without fail with him needing little to no sleep and the time dilation that your body couldn’t seem to adjust to. You weren’t afraid to share what you were preoccupied with, and even often let him experience new things from your own world.
So why are you keeping secrets now?
But perhaps, the breaking point was your standoffish nature.
Aether has always cherished his raw connection with you and was proud to wear his closeness to your divinity, not because of infamy, but because of how incredibly special you treat him. While, certainly, you have made the people of Teyvat special on your visits, but what sets him apart from the rest is your adamant expression of affection towards him. For some reason, he was favored alone, not as a part of a collective unlike Venti and his people, or Zhongli and his. He alone was yours to indulge, even more behind closed doors in his teapot realm.
However… something was off after your abrupt visit.
Something had changed when you came home.
You were far more distracted, occupied with that tiny device you always held in your hand. Suddenly, Paimon wasn’t the loudest one in the teapot mansion with the incessant beeping that your phone made. It never did that before, it was always tucked away somewhere, sometimes even letting him place it in his inventory if there was little time to go back into the teapot.
He had always deemed your mode of communication useless. Especially on your travels. It was always so silent, like a useless artifact that you keep on you.
But suddenly it was teeming with life, buzzing endlessly that could drive any man with weak resistance into the threshold of insanity. You’d often pick it up and grant the little device a heavenly smile and proceed to be on it for hours upon hours.
It was a heartbreaking time for him.
It was heartbreaking whenever he would peer at your device, only for you to keep him in the dark as you made some lame excuse.
It was heartbreaking whenever he could no longer recognize your words when you talked about your own anecdotes, throwing name after name at him while he listened intently.
And oh was it heartbreaking when you called him by the name of someone else.
“[Name], have you seen my earring?” He took pride in his informality with you showing your comfortability and familiarity with the renowned traveler.
“Over on the table, Cae— ther… Caether… Aether.”
Not so much with that tiny slip.
Yes. Perhaps that was it. And all the preceding reasons.
Perhaps it was why you sat like a condemned criminal in the court of Focalors, as every archon looked at you with scrutiny and skepticism in their eyes. Only sweet Nahida looked at you in concern. Ah, your poor child. You’d rather her look away than experience the possible punishment you were about to receive.
“Grand Overseer, make no mistake, this is a trial born from the accumulated concerns of us all. This is a trial born… from our love.” The hydro archon’s voice bellowed through the courts. She normally wasn’t one to personally try the defendants, however you were a special circumstance.
You always were.
…Sure doesn’t feel like it…
“M-May I at least know what my charges are…?”
“Infidelity, Grand Overseer.” Ei answered for the collective. “I can only hope you are not found guilty.”
You grimaced. You’re quite glad that this was a private trial, with only the archons, retired or otherwise, gazing at you. Make no mistake however — this was an intimidating position to be in. You may be the Grand Overseer, but you’re quite sure the only thing keeping you alive is their thinly veiled fanaticism and adoration for you. Otherwise, you would have been incinerated long ago.
It might have been your luck. But it was something you would wholeheartedly thank as the moment Focalors slammed her gavel down, the horrifying screech of something you can only classify as a hideous ally pulled you out of your impending doom.
The alarm on your phone rang incessantly, a glaring reminder of your subpar and mundane reality, waking you up from a dream that you could barely remember.
You shot up, only realizing you fell asleep in front of your own computer. You looked up to see your game open, with your beloved traveler gazing down at you with a disappointed frown on his face.
You chalked it up to your awful sleep and rubbed your eyes, closing the game and migrating to the other, where your in-game phone was filled to the brim with messages.
Smothering a yawn in your hand, you can only shake your head.
“My games have been really weird lately. I should probably leave them alone for now. Maybe have fun with Elysia and the girls.” You muttered to yourself but not before powering your computer down.
Truly, your utter cluelessness is bound to drive everyone insane.
Fret not however, they will make it work. They will let you know of their sentience. They will make sure that you are aware of how much they admire you.
It’s only a matter of time until then.
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chaos-is-beautifvl · 7 months
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 (𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨) 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲…
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: steve harrington x fem!reader, possible eddie munson x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you have a secret. that secret has been shared with only two people - your diary and your best friend, just not the one it’s about. but what happens when your secret isn’t so secret anymore?
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠: wheeler!reader, angst, so much drama, special appearance: eddie, we do not like carol or tommy in this fic, possibly unrequited love (sorry y’all)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.3k (4343)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 💌: requested by anon a few months back. the request originally asked for byers!reader but i saw nancy and thought they asked for wheeler!reader. i had written 3000 words exactly, and the thought of changing it gave me serious writer’s block. nevertheless, here it is. very plot heavy bc i wanted to show reader and steve’s relationship. enjoy!
p.s. check out my writing here and my other steve story: dancing’s not a crime here
Being a Wheeler is a heck of a job. 
As the second oldest of four children, you don’t know whether to consider yourself the middle child or the outcast. You’ll go with the latter. After all, much to your mother’s chagrin, those are the types of people you spend most of your time with.
The only exception is the one and only Steve Harrington. It’s a miracle the two of you even became friends. But all thanks to your chemistry teacher, who thought the two of you would be a perfect pair, or at least, she only paired you two together because Steve was goofing around, and you were adamant about working alone.
Either way, since then, you and Steve have become best buds. Such an unlikely pair turned heads and brought about glares and eye rolls. But, being who you are and given that your best friend is Eddie Munson, the looks and whispers don’t phase you.
Your life is going well. Your grades are improving - you only get the occasional B, which is great because now your mom is off your case. You’re closer to your little brother, which is a feat because he and his friends are rowdy. And you have two incredible best friends who annoy the crap out of you. Other than that, you have no issues.
Actually, you do have an issue. Your issue is currently climbing through your bedroom window.
You lazily watch as Steve clambers into your room. His movements are clumsy and all over the place. If your record player played a quieter track, he’d give himself away.
Once he rights himself, he gives you a wide grin, and you make a point to blink at him, a silent communication of ‘what the hell’?
Steve heads over to your vanity, one that has papers and books haphazardly scattered across it. He bends down to check out his hair, shaping it together as if the tons of Farrah Fawcett hairspray he uses isn’t damn near gluing the strands together.
“Hello to you too, Harrington. What a joy it is to see you tonight.” Your tone is about as dry as burnt toast, prompting Steve to look at your unamused expression through the mirror.
“You’re pissed…” The way he tests the words indicates that he isn’t sure why you’re looking at him the way you are. You huff, nodding in response.
“Why are you even here?”
“Uh…” Steve finally turns away from the mirror to properly look at you. While you seem pissed off, he’s known you long enough to know it’s something else. “What, can’t see my favorite girl?”
“No, Steve, you can’t because you’re always here for Nancy!”
His mouth falls open at your words, making you regret airing your grievances. That’s until he smiles all lopsided-like, and your heart betrays you by beating a little faster than it should.
“You jealous or something?”
Your eye twitches, and you sigh as you fall back on your bed. “You’re awful, you know?” You hear a laugh, and your heart pitter-patters again, betraying you. “And I’m not ‘jealous or something’.” You make your voice octaves deeper to mimic him. “I’m just annoyed.”
The bed dips when Steve joins you. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m sorry.” You don’t look convinced, and he nudges you. “I’m serious. I might be dating your sister, but you’re still my favorite Wheeler.”
“Whatever. I still don’t believe you. But go before Nancy has a fit.”
“Fine, fine. Rush me, why don’t you?” He hovers by your door, listening to ensure the coast is clear. Before he heads out, he winks at you, giving one of his signature charming grins. “See you later, Wheeler.”
You can’t stop a grin of your own from emerging as you raise a hand as if you’re going to wave. Instead, you flip the bird, “Get out, Harrington.”
Once he leaves, you grab a pillow, burying your face inside to scream. Of all people, why do you have a crush on him? That’s a question answered when you pull out your diary, writing down the feelings you’ll never confess.
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Though Steve hadn’t said he’d spend more time with you, he did make an effort. He even went as far as joining you and your friends instead of his own for lunch.
You’re having a conversation with Steve when someone calls him over. Annoyance tugs at you, but before Steve goes, he makes a point to salute you. The simple gesture makes you smile like a schoolgirl, and Eddie quickly calls you out.
“This is sickening to watch.” The brunet pretends to vomit, covering his eyes like a distressed maiden.
Your smile quickly wipes away as you roll your eyes, tossing a grape at Eddie, who somehow manages to catch it in his mouth - the lucky bastard.
“Don’t get mad at me because you’re in love with-” Before he can finish his sentence, you slap your hands over his mouth, shushing. 
“-Be quiet!”
Eddie peels your hands off him, rolling his lips to prevent his laughter from escaping. “I wasn’t going to say you know who’s name. No need to attack me.”
“Yet, for some reason, I don’t believe you.”
Eddie starts chuckling at your tone, and you swat at him, laughter bubbling in your chest. “Stop laughing, you ass.”
From afar, Steve watches the two of you laugh. He’s trying to figure out why his chest feels tight when Carol waves her hand to get his attention.
He directs his gaze to the ginger, who smacks her gum loudly. “What is up with you and those Wheelers? First, you’re friends with one. And now, you’re dating one.”
Tommy chimes in, “Yeah, man. Still can’t believe your friends with that freak.”
Steve isn’t able to defend himself when Carol interrupts. “Tommy’s right, Steve. Nancy was already a stretch, but that freak-” She smacks her gum again, nodding her head over to you. “-she’s a basketcase.”
Now, Steve is used to his friends and their judgmental ways. And, though he has a long way to go, he can acknowledge that he’s changed from the ignorant guy who picked on anyone who wasn’t cool enough. Part of - no - a good majority of that change is thanks to one person - you. So, hearing his assholes of friends calling you a freak and making it seem like being around you is hell on Earth riles him up all the wrong ways.
“Shut the hell up.” Steve scoffs, crossing his arms. He looks over at you, and you’re gesticulating as you recount a story to your friends. Steve’s reminded of how amazing you are as they smile and laugh.
“You assholes don’t even know the first thing about her. She’s the best damn person I’ve ever met, and she’s leagues better than both of you without feeling the need to tear down everybody else that breathes.”
Steve turns back to Tommy and Carol, his harsh glare rivaling their shocked expressions. All Carol can do is slowly chew her gum, looking around as if waiting for someone to snap Steve back to his old self.
“You know what? I don’t have time for this. You can plan the goddamn party on your own.” With that, Steve walks away before he says something extreme and heads back to your table.
“I don’t know about you, Tommy,” Carol blows a bubble with her gum, “But I really don’t like her.”
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You’re by your locker, sifting through your notebooks and chatting with Eddie, when Steve joins you. Being as keen as you are, the odd look Steve gives Eddie doesn’t go unnoticed. You have half a mind to comment, but Steve speaks before you can.
“You’re coming to the party, right?” Steve asks as he leans against the lockers next to yours.
You roll your eyes in annoyance. There’s a party every day, it seems. You shut your locker before turning to Steve. “How about no?”
“Aw, c’mon, it’ll be a total drag without you there, you know?” Steve lays the charm on thick as he sports a heart-clenching grin. But you’ve learned not to act on those lovey-dovey feelings to protect your sanity.
“If it’ll be such a drag, how about you don’t go…?” Eddie offers, reminding you of how awesome a friend he is. He’s always there to pull you out of situations you don’t want to find yourself. And going to a party with Steve, and undoubtedly his horrendous friends, is not your cup of tea.
“Funny, Munson. Don’t think I was talking to your ass.” Steve’s counter catches you and Eddie off guard, and you throw a ‘what the hell’ look at Steve. You know that Steve is still Steve and has some unsatisfactory traits lingering. But him being unnecessarily rude to Eddie is something you’re not okay with.
“Okay, look…” Steve sighs, which has you raising an eyebrow, awaiting his response. “That was messed up, sorry, dude. I was going to ask if you both wanted to come.” 
Eddie brushes it off with a wave, “Don’t sweat it, man. I get it. But we’ll have to get back to you on this one. Y’know, parties aren’t really our scene.”
You agree with Eddie’s statement with a nod. Steve, however, has difficulty not rolling his eyes at Eddie’s use of we. What, did he not think you could answer on your own? And why the hell is he always getting in his way? But most important, why does it piss Steve off so much?
While Steve ponders, he misses the call of his friends. He only reacts when he sees Eddie stumble towards you. He whips his head around to see Tommy and Carol snickering.
“Watch where you’re going, you damn freak,” Tommy sneers, and some jerks in the back laugh along.
Your books fall out of your arms as you prevent Eddie from becoming too familiar with the ground. “You good, Eds?” He nods, allowing you to help him back on steady footing.
You glare at Tommy, who laughs like a fucking hyena. You’re about to rip him a new one when Steve steps in, much to your and everyone else’s surprise.
“Jesus, Tommy… You have to be such a dick all the time?” Steve pointedly asks as he bends down on one knee to pick up your fallen books. It’s a simple act - a fine gentleman courteous enough to help a distressed maiden. But, you don’t know, something about how Steve gathers your things, handing them to you with that oh-so-apologetic expression, makes that simple act not so simple. 
A singular strand of hair loses its hold and flutters down to frame his face, and, like an idiot, all you can form is, “Thanks…” You hear Eddie snort quietly beside you, and as you take your books from Steve’s outreached hands, you make sure to jab the brunet in the side with your elbow.
“Always with the fucking Wheelers…” Carol sighs, popping a bubble of her gum. Like birds migrating, their small group of goons disperses in pursuit of more havoc. You’re grateful for two reasons. 1. They’ll leave you and Eddie alone. 2. Most importantly, you’re sure it’s plain as day how flustered Steve’s actions made you.
You’re about to give Carol and Tommy a piece of your mind when the bell rings for a second time. You curse, haphazardly shoving your books into your backpack.
One more tardy, and Mrs. Nelson might make do on her promise to slap you and Eddie in Saturday detention. That was just something neither of you could afford. You grab Eddie’s hand, and in your haste, you miss the disgruntled look on Steve’s face.
You two run down the hall, and just as you reach the corner, you turn around and lift your hand to wave bye to Steve. “See you never, Harrington!”
The corner of his mouth upturns when your wave turns into flipping the bird. “Oh, and fuck you, Tommy and Carol!”
The two scoff behind Steve, who only smiles, shaking his head. “Gotta love those Wheelers.”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It’s Friday night, also the day of the party. Now, you’ve made all reservations to stay at home in the comfort and safety of your room. You’re all set to do just that until Steve comes to pick up Nancy. Ever since your mom caught him sneaking through your bedroom window to see your sister, he’s made more effort to appear at the front door. For good reason - Karen Wheeler might be head of PTA and bakes cookies, but she’s one woman you don’t want to be on the wrong side of.
You’re rifling through the pantry when Holly runs to you. She tugs at your pants legs until you turn around to see her with a piece of paper. You eye it warily until she aggressively thrusts her hand out, pointing to the front door before running off.
The crumbled piece of paper reads: “PARTY? Yes or yes?”
You snicker, pocketing the note as you gather your snacks and head for the stairs. On your way, you spot Nancy gracefully gliding down and almost envy her because you always trip over a step. 
Nancy stops you before you can ascend. “Oh, are you staying home again?” The ‘again’ is an ongoing joke with your family since you’re affectionately dubbed a hermit.
“She’s not,” Steve answers as he joins the two of you, and your eye twitches a bit when he swings an arm around her shoulders. “She’s coming to the party.”
Your face furrows as you pretend to think. “Hmm, you know, I don’t think I ever agreed to that. By the way, Harrington, you didn’t give me an option for no way in hell.”
Steve groans, “C’monnn, it’ll be a blast.” You almost let the thought of him being cute as he pouts linger in your mind but instead push it away.
You yawn tiredly, tucking your snacks under one arm as you cover your mouth. Blinking slowly, you squint before sighing in acquiescence. “This isn’t a yes, but I’ll consider it.”
You can see that Steve is fighting the urge to persuade you more, and the way he settles for a cool nod makes you bite back a grin. You wave goodbye to him and Nancy as you trek back to your bedroom.
You’ve nearly reached the top when Steve calls your name from the open front door. You turn around to see a cheeky grin. “Don’t forget Munson’s invited, too. See you there.”
You find it hilarious how sure he is that you’ll show up. There is absolutely no chance in hell you would go to the party. No chance at all-
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The music from the party sends vibrations throughout Eddie’s van, and you’re suddenly regretting coming. You turn to Eddie with an unsure look and almost laugh at his mirrored expression.
“Twenty minutes tops.” Eddie frowns as a couple runs in front of the van, cackling as they head for a cluster of trees further back. It’s so obvious what they’re up to.
“Ten.” You can’t fathom spending more time here, and you haven’t even made it inside yet.
Eddie nods in agreement, moving to get out before he stops to turn to you. He pokes you with a finger to get your attention. “Hey, you feeling okay?”
You furrow your brows, sighing. “I don’t know. Something feels off…”
“Maybe it’s the fact that we’re here… at this party… which, can I just add, is totally not our scene?” Eddie suggests, making you frown slightly.
“I don’t know. Today has been a bit weird. I was looking for something earlier and couldn’t find it, and then I had to see Steve and Nancy being, well, a couple. And, get this, I stumbled down the stairs when you came to pick me up.” You sigh again. “Maybe this was a bad idea…” you mumble, looking out the window to see someone vomiting on the lawn. Your nose crinkles, and you quickly avert your gaze to Eddie before you get sick, too.
“Well, how about this?” Eddie grins, trying to prompt one of your own. “We show face, talk to that guy - the unnamed one you have a major hard-on for. Then we make our grand escape, and guess what?” You look at him amused and respond with a hum. “We head back to my place and spend the rest of the night watching awesome movies and listening to super cool music. Sound good?”
You hate that Eddie knows you so well. With an affectionate eye roll, you breathe in and out. “Sounds good. Let’s go, Munster.”
The party is in full swing inside. It seemed the outside partying was just a warmup for what you two would face. Some acquaintances greet you and Eddie, sending waves and raising their drinks. It’s almost comical because it makes you feel like you’re one of the “cool” kids.
Somehow, you and Eddie find yourselves in the thicket; the music’s bass rumbles through you, and you see far too much bumping and grinding for your liking. You look around for the only reason you attended this shit show and come up short. However, you see Carol, who has an annoyingly cocky grin as she passes you, whispering something to Tommy, who snickers. 
You’re about to comment on it to Eddie when someone calls your name. You look around until you see Steve heading towards you.
“Heyyy, you made it!” His enthusiasm brings about a simpering grin of your own. Steve pulls you in for a hug, throwing his arm around your shoulder, and you have to tell your heart to stop doing somersaults.
“Yeah, I did.” You smile up at him and almost laugh at his dopey expression. You’re not sure why he’s looking like that, but you attribute it to drinking. After all, is Steve Harrington really at a party if he doesn’t down an entire keg in seconds?
“You look really pretty, you know?” His words make you swallow harshly, knowing that his drunk words are kryptonite to your sober, hopeless, lovesick little heart. 
You can feel the heat emanating from your cheeks, and you’re sure that if he continues staring at you with that look you can’t quite name in his eyes, you’ll be a walking heat advisory. You gently jab at his shoulder, dismissing him with a wave of your hands and a roll of your eyes. “Sure, sure. Let the alcohol talk.”
“It’s not the-” Steve doesn’t finish his sentence when Nancy joins your little party, nuzzling up to him. The sight makes your heart clench in a not-so-pleasant way, and you smile briefly to show good camaraderie, but deep down, you hate yourself for feeling this way.
Nancy greets Eddie, and you silently curse yourself for forgetting he was there. Knowing that he witnessed the entire interaction, you chuckle, sure he’ll find some way to tease you about it later.
You spend the next few minutes talking with Steve and Nancy, who soon enough become engrossed with each other. The whispers and drunken laughter they share make your eye twitch, which catches Eddie’s attention.
“You know, it’s getting pretty late, so I think we’re going to head out,” Eddie says, forcing a convincing yawn. 
“Nooo,” Steve groans, unwrapping his arm from Nancy to place his hand on your shoulder. “You can’t go just yet. Stay. Please.” His bottom lip juts out just a bit as he pouts, begging you to stay with those big brown eyes, and a tiny part of you screams just how kissable he looks.
Instead of succumbing to that deep-down desire, you smile, tilting your head to look at him. “Sorry, Harrington. It appears you’ve exceeded your time limit.” You pat his hand, squeezing it gently before removing it. You swear you can feel his fingers curl around your palm, but he steps back in defeat before you can discern.
“It was fun talking with you guys, though. Who knows, maybe we’ll come to another par-”
You begin stepping away from him when a screech makes you and everyone else stop in their place. You turn to the source to find Tommy and Carol - of course, it’s them - standing atop a table with a microphone. 
You have half a mind to leave, but for some reason, you feel compelled to stay.
“Hi, everyone! Hope you’re all having a fantastic time!” Carol starts, her words slurred and voice oh so annoying. Cheers erupt from the crowd, but she’s quick to quieten them with a hand in the air. “I have a little special announcement for one of our esteemed guests…” 
She pauses dramatically, a mischievous look on her face. You’re not the only one who notices. Eddie leans down to whisper, “I think we should go.” You agree, feeling uneasy, but just when you turn to go, you hear your name.
Suddenly, everyone’s eyes are on you, Steve and Nancy included. You stare at Carol warily, wondering where she’s going with this.
“You see, little miss weirdo over there has a big fat crush on her best friend. But Steve is too busy fucking little miss perfect to give her the time of day.” Muttering and snickers and gasps of surprise sound around you as your heartbeat quickens. Tommy pulls your diary from his jacket, flipping it open to an earmarked page.
“‘Dear diary… I can’t believe I have a crush on Steve Harrington! I hate him and his perfect hair and charming smile and-’” Tommy pauses his reading to smirk. “Here’s the best part.” He pitches his voice annoyingly high, “‘I think I might just be in love with him, but of course, he has to be dating my sister, of all people.’”
If the humiliation doesn’t break you, seeing Steve and Nancy’s expressions as you slowly turn to them does. Nancy looks betrayed, and there’s a hint of anger in her eyes. You don’t blame her; you felt the same when you discovered she was dating Steve. Speaking of which, he looks confused; his brows pinch together, and his mouth is agape. 
You open your mouth, but no words come out. What can you say? You don’t know. But you know that standing there while everyone looks at you isn’t helping you. Before you can register it, you’re running out of the house, pushing past everything in your way.
You don’t hear or see Steve marching right up to the table. “You’re real pricks, you know that?” He asks, snatching your diary from Tommy’s hands, sending him stumbling and falling off the table on his butt. Laughter erupts when Tommy falls. “Fucking assholes,” Steve sneers as he heads outside to look for you.
Eddie unlocks the van, and you’re about to hop in, ready to ditch this shit show, when someone grabs your wrist. You turn around to find Steve. He offers your diary to you. The thought of snatching it away crosses your mind before you remind yourself that although Steve begged to come along to the party, this whole shitshow wasn’t his fault.
So, instead, you gingerly take it from him, tucking it tight under your arm as if someone might come to steal it again. Then it’s tense - despite the cool night air sprinkling goosebumps along your exposed skin, the air feels unbearably thick, and you find yourself harshly swallowing the lump in your throat. 
Steve is the one to break the silence. 
“You never told me.” Those four words made you scoff bitterly, not at him but at the entire situation. 
“You never asked,” is your retort. 
Steve casts his gaze down to the ground, nodding solemnly. It’s another few seconds before he opens his mouth again. “I always thought it was Munson.” His confession shocks you. Is that why he’d always been so cross with Eddie?
“Well, now you know.” It’s unbearable standing here, trying to talk through this shitty situation. With a breath, you say, “I should go, Steve. No point in me hanging around.”
Steve falters, reaching an arm out to stop you from moving. “You can’t just walk away. We should talk-”
“Talk about what, Steve?” You pull your arm away from his grasp, fully turning to face him. “About how awful of a person I am. About how I fell in love with my best friend, and he chose my sister?” As you speak, frustrated tears fill your eyes, and Steve feels his heart break a little more. “Did you ever…” You breathe deeply, steeling yourself. “Did you… have you ever felt anything for me…?”
Steve’s mouth opens and closes like a fish, and had this been a different situation, you might have poked fun at him for looking like such a goofball. He finds it hard to meet your eyes, and though he never says a word, you already have your answer.
You scrunch your nose, blinking away the tears. You’ve already humiliated yourself enough tonight, and you won’t be adding crying to the list.
It’s then that you can hear music booming from inside the house - the rest of the partygoers continuing without a care, like some girl’s life didn’t just get flipped upside down and all around. You spot Nancy lingering near the entrance. She has this unreadable expression, but she’s not as angry as before. She looks sad, and that makes you feel even worse.
You tear your gaze away before looking at Steve, tears threatening to fall, and with a bittersweet smile, you say, “Tell Nancy I’m sorry for me, please. Goodbye, Steve.”
With those parting words, you quickly hop in Eddie’s van, and he knows to drive away without you even saying anything. You look out the rearview mirror to see Steve standing there, watching you leave.
Later that night, when you’re donning some of Eddie’s clothes, and he’s attempting to cheer you up, you pull out your diary one last time and write:
Dear (not so) secret diary,
Life is shit
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baileypie-writes · 5 months
Hiii! I love your Velvet and Veneer writings, especially the ones with a younger sibling! Could you possibly do one with a 15-16 sibling who they’ve not seen in a long time due to their career, but once they do they realize the sibling is one of their musical techno rivals?
A/N ~ Sure! Hope you enjoy!
~Unknown Sibling Rivalry~
Velvet and Veneer + Musician!Younger Sibling!Reader
Random: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Familial
Synopsis: When Velvet and Veneer got to see you for the first time in a while, they were not expecting to also meet their rival.
Warnings: Rivalry, minor swearing
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Oh gosh. How were you gonna tell them?
You’re the younger sibling of the famous pop stars, Velvet and Veneer. You always looked up to them, ever since you were a kid. So, you decided to make your own music, just like them.
You thought your techno songs wouldn’t get noticed, but to your surprise, your latest few songs were always on the top spots on the charts. Either behind or in front of your siblings’s.
At first, you were excited to share the news with them, but it became clear that they saw you as a rival. You planned on hiding it from them, but as you were on your way to visit them, you realized that might be more difficult than expected.
Their house was… big. Way bigger than you expected. You knew they were rich, but damn.
Velvet and Veneer led you to the living room. The TV was on, and was playing a channel about trending music.
“Once again, (your music alias)’s new song is at the top of the charts! And Velvet and Veneer’s song is right behind them!” The reported stated.
Velvet scoffed. “Again? Really? Their music isn’t even that good…” You felt your heart crack, but kept your neutral expression up.
“Oh c’mon Velvet, I know you listen to their stuff all the time. Their music is pretty good. I mean, they are our rival after all.” Veneer said. You couldn’t help but smile.
“What’s so funny (name)?” Velvet asked.
“Nothing, I just can’t believe that you like my stuff.”
You slapped your hand over your mouth. You turned towards the twins slowly, hoping that they somehow didn’t hear what you just said. There expressions proved that your prayers were not answered. Their eyes were wide, unblinking. And their mouths hung open.
“I’m sorry… what?” Velvet finally spoke after a good seven seconds.
“Hehehe… surprise?” You gave a subtle jazz hands movement, hoping to lighten the mood.
“You’re (your music alias)?!” Veneer said, pointing to the TV, which was discussing your success. You just nodded, cringing. The twins looked at each other in disbelief, then back at you. Then Veneer’s expression changed to one of pure excitement.
“No way! That’s so cool! I had no idea you were so talented! Great job (name)!” He caged his arm around your head, and gave you a noogie. You laughed, trying to wiggle out of his chokehold. But then, his knuckles stopped the painful grinding on your head, and he let out a dramatic gasp.
“Wait a minute. That means that you’ve been stealing our number one spot! How could you!” He puts his hand over his heart, acting way more offended than he actually was.
“Yeah! How could you do that?” Velvet chimed in. She seemed more genuinely upset, but still quite a bit proud.
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry guys. I really didn’t expect my music to get so much attention. It just sorta happened.” You stared down at your shoes, as if you were being scolded by your parents.
Velvet huffed. “Well, I guess we’re gonna have to do better next time.” Veneer nodded at her statement.
You looked back up at them. “Next time?”
“Yeah, you’re our rival, aren’t you? So that means we have to do everything we can to beat you!” Velvet said, giving your shoulder a playful jab.
You laughed. “Well good luck. You’re gonna need it, because I’m planning on continuing my winning streak!”
The twins smirked at each other, before caging you in both their arms, and giving your head more noogies.
And thus sparked the start of a colorful sibling rivalry.
161 notes · View notes
chloe-skywalker · 7 months
Better Man - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader ! Stark
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 1, 037
Summary: Before the battle against the white walkers Jaime has a long time coming conversation with Y/n.
Authors Note: I honestly wrote this as I was watching the show and this was the first Game of Thrones imagine I wrote (its not the first to be posted). I honestly don’t know where I planned this to take place so I put it towards the end of the series. 
P.s - I didn’t watch the show as it was premiering live but I watched it for the first time in October 2022 and I finished it in 2 weeks. I loved it, great show. I was sad that each season only had 10 episodes or less.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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“You're quite the knife thrower, Lady Stark.” Jaime stated as he strutted over to her. They weren’t that far outside the walls of Winterfell, but they were alone.
“And I hear you're quite the swordsman, Ser Jaime.” Y/n replied picking up another knife, he had startled her when he spoke. It had been dead silent before he spoke, but she didn’t show that he had startled her.
Jaime nodded with a cocky smirk. “My reputation precedes me.”
“I would hope not all of it.” Y/n said looking at him, noticing his expression fall at her words. “Well, people don’t have the nicest things to say about you, your personality or your family.”
Jaime squinted his eyes before nodding, but he decided to lighten the mood with his answer. “Personality? I presumed I didn’t have one.”
He to had heard the rumors that she spoke of so he knew what she meant with her words.
Y/n laughed at his response, at least he could joke about it. Then again he was use to insults by now, wasn’t he?
“As for my family, I’m not my father or siblings.” He spoke again, approaching her step by step. Once he was right in front of her he leaned in and spoke seductively. “How about you make up your own mind about me?”
The two of them always seemed to flirt in each other's company, but it could never go far and they never had the time to really get to know each other either.
“I’d love to, but we never seem to have the time now do we?” Y/n decided to tease him, even though it did hold truth. When had they ever had the time? For yours it was one thing after another.
“I would make the time-” Jaime went to answer but she cut him off before he could finish.
“I don’t think your sister would appreciate that.” Y/n gave him a sad smug expression.
“Cersei doesn’t control me.” He growled lowly.
“But doesn’t she?” Y/n raised her eyebrows at his reply. She knows what she’s seen with her own eyes, he can’t argue that.
Jaime shook his head and pointed out. “Not since the war of the five kings.”
Y/n tilted her head recounting the time a few years ago he recalled. Was this really suppose to help his case? “You mean since my brother took you prisoner and my mother broke you free?”
As much as Jaime could agree hearing her tone that it wasn’t the best thing he could’ve brought up. But it did play to his point so he stated. “I spent over a year away from her and the rest of my family. That’s quite a lot of time to contemplate.”
Y/n would admit that he was away from his family who she believed was the reason for his bad traits and actions were beneficial for the man in front of her. She could see the changes in him by just looking at him. Because she truly looked at him. She looked past his exterior and looked at the man inside.
“I can see it in your eyes.” Y/n nodded in agreement with his statement. Which shocked and puzzled Jaime. “You are a changed man. You're not the man I first met in Winterfell. You're better. You are a better man now.”
Jaime looked down, having a hard time believing her words. No one ever believed in him as much as the woman in front of him and she barely knew him. “I don’t know about that.”
Y/n could see how much he doubted himself, and that saddened her. But it didn’t shock her, the Lannisters did not seem to be an encouraging family.
“But I do.” Y/n stated, the tone she used compelled Jaime to look into her eyes. She stated her belief in him so strongly and without a doubt, it made his heart clench. But in a good, emotional way. “I do. But even with that said as long as Cersei has a hold over you, there will never be a chance for us.”
If she was honest Y/n wanted him to chase them. Give them the chance to be together that they both so obviously wanted. But he had to make the decision himself, she couldn’t for him.
Y/n gave him a sad smile before moving around him to walk back to Winterfell, having stelfed the knives back on her belt the only thing she was leaving behind was a charming Lannister that didn’t seem to know what he wanted in life.
“Say the words.” Jaime spoke before she could get to far, turning on his feet and facing her.
“What?” Y/n stopped and turned towards him confused at his random choice of words.
Jaime took her confusion as his opening, he walked over to her, his face all serious. Shocking Y/n with the words that came out of his mouth. “Say the words and I’ll stay. Say the words and I’m yours. Only yours, forever.”
“And what words would that be exactly?” Y/n questioned nervously, she wanted to believe he was serious. But that depended on what words he meant.
Jaime wrapped his handless arm around her waist and leaned his forehead against hers.Gently running his other hand, the only hand he had left that was flesh and bone across her cheek. “You know the words.” He whispered, hoping she knew. If she felt the same as him she’ll know he thought.
Y/n felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Looking up into his pleading eyes she said the words that they have wanted to say for years to each other. “I love you.”
Jaime smiled, relieved that she did truly feel the same. Jaime pulled her into a sweet passionate kiss that should’ve happened years ago. There was nowhere he’d rather be. As their kiss continued Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the kiss just as much as him. Pulling back so they could both get air, Jaime smiled genuinely happy for the first time in years. “I love you too.”
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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planetxiao · 1 year
sleepover with the bllk boys!! bonus points for my baby raichi <3 xoxo also don’t worry about being rusty with non-hcs, it happens to the best of us baby ❤️‍🩹
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𖤐 bachira meguru ; raichi jingo ; itoshi rin x reader
⟢ fluff, headcanons // what a sleepover with the blue lock boys is like <3
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Bachira is ecstatic when you agree to stay the night! He loves spending time with you, especially being able to cuddle you through the long hours of the night. So, Bachira is pretty much down to do anything as long as it means doing it with you.
You have the great idea of doing face masks together, to which Bachira eagerly obliges and waits for you to pull out the face masks from your bag. You tie his bangs back, kissing his forehead, before applying the pineapple scented face mask. He insists on doing yours in return, and you let him, giggling at his enthusiasm. He smeared the cool mask across your face, a content smile playing on his lips. You can’t help the adoration that seeps into your gaze as he continues. When he finishes, he gives a quick peck to your lips and hums, “All done.”
After the masks had dried and you both had taken them off, you could feel exhaustion start to spread through your body. Bachira ushers you into bed with him, quick to situate you both comfortably; by that, i mean he drapes most of his body over you, with his head resting on your chest and arms wrapped around your waist. Together, you just aimlessly scroll through your for you page on Tik Tok, laughing quietly and yearning for the delicious food that comes across your screen. Soon enough, Bachira’s chuckles are replaced with small snores, and you take a second to admire how peaceful he looks as he sleeps. You leave a small kiss on the crown of his head, finding yourself also drifting off within the comforting warmth of his hold.
Sleepovers with Raichi either go exactly how you’d expect them to or the exact opposite of what you’re prepared for. Your boyfriend is quite the character, so it’s best to expect the unexpected. That being said, his nighttime routine is actually completely tame (the unexpected). Your night starts with cooking dinner together, which ends up being Raichi doing most of the work because he’s a picky eater, but also a really good cook.
After you both finish your meals, you follow Raichi into the bathroom where you do your skincare routines. Raichi even has the headband with the cat ears on top, and he hands you a matching one (that he will never admit he bought for you specifically). He glances at you in the mirror as you both clean your faces, these small gazes not going unnoticed by you. While you rub the cleanser into your cheeks, he gives a little huff, “You’re not doing it right.” He gently moves your face to look at him with a finger hooked under your chin and begins ‘fixing’ what you were doing. His ministrations are soft compared to his grumbles, and with him this close, you find it hard not to stare at his cute focused expression. After some seconds of this, Raichi pulls his hands away. “There,” he mumbles. You can feel your cheeks burning a bit while you wash the suds away and dry your face. As you finish up, Raichi ruffles your hair and leaves the bathroom, hiding the scarlet that tints his skin.
Raichi makes a lot of room for you on the bed while waiting for you to settle in, though you still choose to cuddle into his chest. You watch as he sifts through different movies on the TV, putting on one that you know he doesn’t care for but you love. The way your lips tug upwards is instant as warmth spreads in your chest. You glance up at him with an amorous glint in your irises, just admiring how sweet your boyfriend was underneath his gruff exterior. He catches your stare and meets it with one of his own, eyebrows furrowing as he asks, “What?” You plant a kiss on his lips before commenting, “You’re just a big softie, huh, Raichi Jingo?” He turns his head away from you, though you still manage to catch his reddening cheeks as he mutters, “Shut up.”
Rin is so nonchalant about you staying over. He offers it up as if it’s obvious that you’d be staying the night, which you find rather amusing. You also find it kind of cute that sometimes he just assumes that you’re staying rather than asking (it’s because he wants to spend more time with you but he won’t actually say that out loud). So, these nights tend to be more spur of the moment things.
Rin offers to put on a movie, which you agree to and promptly forget the main genre of movie he consumes: horror. He is a rather big horror movie connoisseur, you noticed, as evident in the myriad titles of DVDs written in bloody font that sit on his shelf. He picks one out before turning to you and holding it up, a silent way of asking ‘this one okay?’ You nod, not knowing you’d live to regret that decision later. It’s as if the movie had taken every horror aspect and packed it into two hours. Two dreadful hours of watching between the slits of your fingers and hiding your face in Rin’s shoulder. Rin was unaffected throughout the entire film, but that was to be expected, you suppose.
Unsurprisingly, you find it quite hard to fall asleep. Rin had already fallen asleep facing away from you, leaving you to think about the scenes alone. You’re able to find some form of solace by scooting closer to him and resting your head against his back, just being close to him bringing you comfort. However, your movements happen to stir Rin from his sleep, and he turns his head a bit to groggily ask what you’re doing. You tense up, knowing you’ve been caught, but take it as an opportunity to ask him for something. “I can’t sleep because of the movie, could you… hold me until I fall asleep?” He rasps out a comment about you being a big baby before rolling onto his back for you. You don’t waste time resting your head on his chest while his arms hesitantly wrap around you. Being in his arms immediately takes a great weight off of your chest, enough to make your eyelids heavy and drowsiness spread throughout your body. As you finally drift off, Rin’s hold on you tightens ever so slightly. He’s relieved you’re able to fall asleep; now, you can’t see how flushed he is.
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note: raichi’s part might be ooc but that’s okay ++ these turned out longer than i had anticipated but i hope you enjoy them nana!! <3 i’m so sorry these took so long to get out! and thank you for the kind words 💗
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monoclesnapple · 20 days
Intermediate Shenanigans
Bungo Stray Dogs Chuuya Nakahara & Gender Neutral Reader + Osamu Dazai & Reader + Odasaku X Reader Summary: Headcanons about taking care of middle schooler Dazai and Chuuya and dating Oda Beginning Note: Shoutout to all the class clowns/funny people, they're great inspiration for scenarios. @kiwibeanv helped with the stories of said funnies. Word Count: 2629 (Fluff/Crack)
First off, you're their parent figure and they live with you. All comfy with you and they trust you a lot. Now to move on to their stupidity.
Immaturity at its finest.
It’s constant arguing, pointing fingers, and the like.
They’re always fighting for your attention, pushing against each other so your hand can pet them.
You’re sitting on the couch, watching TV, when Dazai runs into the living room and jumps to the spot next to you. Since you’re leaning against the armrest, there’s only one seat next to you.
Dazai pushes himself under your arm and hugs your waist as he sighs contentedly. You idly rub his arm for a few minutes before Chuuya comes in with an annoyed expression.
“Oi, StinkZai, do your history homework before you go do whatever.”
Dazai whined and buried himself deeper into your side. “I’ll do it later! I’m tired right now.” He closed his eyes.
“Dazai, you need to do your assignments before you eventually forget and never get them done,” you told him. He let out a groan at that, “Why can’t Chuuya do it? Isn’t he supposed to listen to me since I’m smarter?”
“You’re not smarter than me! Even a shrimp can do better than you!” Chuuya sped to the two of you and pulled on Dazai until the latter fell to the floor.
“Ow!- That’s my spot!” The brunette rubbed his arm. Chuuya had stolen his spot in your arms now and smirked at the other.
“Maybe you should’ve done your homework first, you idiot!” He blew a raspberry and rested his head on your shoulder.
You sighed, “If you two continue to fight, I’m simply going to go to my room and relax without either of you.”
They both froze and looked at you then at each other. Despite their inability to cooperate without trouble, they agreed on the fact that your presence was probably the most important thing they want. They begrudgingly decided to keep quiet, moving so Chuuya can sit on one of your knees while Dazai reclaimed his initial place.
Eventually, they get their emo phases. One day, Dazai just randomly started wearing bandages over his eye, saying that he looks better.
“Why are you wasting bandages?” “Because I look so cool and a lot of girls come up to me and say I look nice! I know that so many people have a crush on me, especially when I’m like this!” “Just wait til they find out that this stupid mackerel is actually a bad person and a major turn off!” “Chuuya, don’t say that, please.”
And Chuuya had a Sonic phase. He thought the hedgehog was so cool, he wanted to be like him in as many ways he can.
He then found out about Conker’s Bad Fur Day and asked you if he could get it. You thought it’d be a wholesome game for kids, but when you looked at the plot and ratings, you didn’t buy it for him. He was sad, but got over it.
And then he came across Devil May Cry and decided to watch the gameplay and cutscenes because you might not buy it for him (you may consider, but it still has some scenes that you’re skeptical about.)
Nero from DMC4 is so cool despite the excessive “Kyrie!” throughout the game, Chuuya wants to dress like him. And dye his hair white.
Every time he loves a character, he wants to dye his hair their own hair color, but you never let him because why should he ruin his lovely hair? (He may or may not ask to dye his hair just so you can compliment him.)
Hot Topic is their favorite store because it has so many aesthetics and they love the style of the apparel.
They start simping for characters and reading fanfics. You know what they’re reading because they use the family/shared device and don’t delete the history. Why are there so many lemons? What do they mean? (Unless you’re a fanfic reader yourself)
They kinda know what sex is, they have a faint idea, but they’re probably wrong on a few things.
Hence, Dazai is excited for sex ed! Wooo! His head is smacked by Chuuya because the latter is embarrassed that he just yelled that out and now kids are looking at them.
When they’re learning about it, Dazai’s snickering at the pictures. But not the childbirth, what the actual fuck did they just watch? 
Oh boy, now they’re the cringe and immature kids who laugh at everything that can vaguely be related to sex.
Anyways, now to the scenario that was the whole reason for this
You were sitting on the couch, Dazai and Chuuya on the floor and you’re petting their heads. You check your phone, keeping a hand on Chuuya’s head and caressing it. He’s smiling with his eyes closed in bliss. Oh, how he loves this affection.
Until Dazai pushes and climbs on him to be the receiver of your pets. He smiles innocently when you glance over, but smirks at Chuuya, who shoves him as well and takes his spot back.
This continues to go on and you’re about to say something, but then the door is unlocked and opened. Dazai excitedly turns to see Oda coming in. He runs over and hugs the man while Chuuya sets himself in your lap.
After greeting Dazai, Oda is carrying him and walks to you and Chuuya, pressing a kiss to your head and ruffling Chuuya’s hair.    
You're in a relationship with Oda, and Dazai loves it.
His two favorite people together, who he might call his parents? How blessed he is!
He doesn’t know who he prefers, so the two of you are equal in his eyes. But when it comes to physical affection, he might go to Oda since Chuuya’s all over you and Dazai’s too tired to do anything. Also, he doesn’t see Oda as often as he does you.
Chuuya thinks Oda is great, but he’s not as close to him as Dazai is. If he had to choose between you or Oda, he’d honestly choose you.
Oda loves coming home to find you three waiting for him on the couch. It warms his heart that he is wanted and loved.
Either he comes home to you all cooking dinner, sleeping in a pile on the floor, playing games (board games or video) , or watching TV.
He still takes care of his adopted children at the curry shop, but he also enjoys the company of Dazai and Chuuya
Sometimes, he would bring those five kids to your house so they can play with Dazai and Chuuya. Everyone has fun, it’s like a party. (Sneaking kisses in the kitchen as everyone else plays video games on the TV)
Oda is a gentleman, whenever you two go out, he always opens the door for you, pulls out your seat, and kisses your hand when you both meet and bid goodbye to each other.
If Dazai ever sees you and Oda share a kiss, he’s cheering in his mind. Whereas Chuuya just brushes it off with an unnoticeable upwards twitch of his lips and an eye roll.
Once, you spotted Oda talking to Dazai outside under the moonlight. You knew the former was telling the teen about the right thing to do. Dazai had expressed his want of being involved in some well known group.
He hinted a little about maybe being a detective or even following Oda’s footsteps of going to the mafia. You really didn’t want him to go with the second option, but at least he’d have Oda to guide him if he’s even alive at that time
Thus, he’s told to prioritize other people’s happiness over his own. It’s tough, but it’s for the better of everyone.
He also says the same to Chuuya, but he goes into more detail with Dazai. You mainly handle Chuu with the lectures since he’s more likely to take your words to heart.
Chuuya has great friends in school, they seem like a lovely bunch, and you trust them. You’ve met them before and they were very nice.
Dazai doesn’t have as many, but you can tell he’s not really clicking with them like Chuuya is with his own. When his mood seems to lower, you go to him when he’s alone and you two cuddle. You can faintly pick up the sound of sniffles and feel your clothing moisten. After the session, you two don’t mention it because you know Dazai doesn’t want to remember that.
With any trauma, you take them to therapy. If it’s affecting either kid negatively, they need to talk about it. Initially, they talk to you, but they go see a professional of that doesn’t work.
Academically, the two of them are good. Dazai’s grades are always A’s even if he procrastinates or doesn’t seem to get his work done.
Chuuya usually gets B’s, but his PE is the best with an A+. He signs up for any sports the school offers if he’s interested.
Dazai’s lowest grade is PE, around a C because he’s not athletic like Chuuya.
Both Dazai and Chuuya have the same PE class and teacher, but their participation and effort are the opposite.
“Okay, everyone needs to do fifteen seconds of push-ups and fifteen sit-ups, let’s go! Get started!” The teacher instructed. They were walking around their class in the gym, ensuring everyone was doing what they were told.
They noticed a student lying face down next to the wall and when they walked by, they pointed at him and asked, “Who is that?”
Chuuya heard their inquiry and answered, “Dazai.”
The teacher was silent for a second before focusing back on the other students, “Let’s go! You should be on the next exercise now!”
Whenever there’s a fundraiser, they’re begging you to please donate so they can get a prize.
“Pleeeaaassseee? You can get a refrigerator stuffed with $200! Or even an iPad!” Dazai’s giving you the puppy eye(s) [depends if he’s bandaged his eye or not] and Chuuya is hugging you and kissing your cheek. “We love you so much, can you pretty please with a cherry on top donate? We’ll pay you back!” (They don’t make money, nor do they have an allowance.)
When it comes to projects, Dazai always waits until the last minute.
“Hey, can we go to the store and buy supplies? I have a project.” He whispered to you.
“Huh...?” You were woken up by him at whatever the time was, so you rubbed your eyes and sat up. Oda was still asleep beside you, a peaceful expression on his face. You kept your voice to not disturb him, “What?” When you checked the time, it was 2 am.
“I need some things for my science project,” Dazai was just standing by your bed, with big eyes, looking as though he had thrown up.
“When’s it due?”
“Tomorrow.” You frowned at that.
“Sorry bud, can’t help you. It’s too late, why aren’t you in bed?”
“I had to work on my project and other assignments,” he shifted in his spot and awkwardly averted his eyes. “I only need two things, glitter markers and a poster board.”
You stared at him tiredly, before sighing. “What happened to the ones I bought at the beginning of school?”
“I lost them.”
You blinked, unmoving. “And you can’t borrow Chuuya’s?”
He shook his head, saying they weren’t what he needed. At last, you moved the covers off your body and made your way to the closet. “Fine, go get ready. You should be thankful I’m even entertaining this idea.”
Dazai silently cheered and sped to his room. Why were you so lenient with these children? They’re gonna be spoiled.
His project was claiming that potatoes can power up devices. A stupid as it sounds, he somehow makes it convincing until it’s actually tested and obviously it doesn’t work. But he still gets a passing grade for the effort.
During one of their classes, Chuuya asked to go to the bathroom and ten minutes later when the teacher was about to ask about his location, he comes back with a lunch tray.
“Where’d you get that?” “I look like a sixth grader.”
He just munched away as everyone stared at him confused before they got back to the lesson.
Another time, the teacher left the room for a few minutes. Since Dazai wondered what their coffee tasted like, he waltzed over to the desk and took a sip and immediately spat it out.
“Ugh! It tastes like shit!” When the teacher came back, the whole class silently agreed to stay quiet and not tell on him.
When it was around Halloween and everyone could wear a costume, Dazai wore a squirrel suit. He brought an acorn prop and clipped it to the front of his pants. When walking up to the stage for the best costume contest, he hit the acorn with his legs, playing with it, until it accidently hit his balls and he crouched to the floor in pain. Of course, the guys winced at it, but it was pretty funny. Someone, Chuuya probably, yelled out, “He busted a nut!”
More nonsense, pantsing sometimes occurred. And Chuuya was the unfortunate target for Dazai. He had snuck up behind the former, and yanked down his pants. Regrettably, Dazai’s fingers also caught onto the waistband of the undergarments and when it came down, he got a face full of balls.
He was so traumatized despite being the one to commit the act.
Food fights can also happen. While Chuuya was peacefully eating his lunch, Dazai threw a tomato slice at him and the fruit made a satisfying splat! on Chuuya’s cheek.
He also tried to throw cheese, but he missed and it landed in the hair of someone who was just walking by. (And somehow did not get in trouble).
For presentations, Chuuya had to do an audio recording, and Dazai just sneezed at the beginning of it, He recorded another but when uploading the audio files, he accidently clicked the sneeze one. Presentation day was funny, but Chuuya didn’t necessarily like it.
If they had online school, Chuuya would be talking to the camera before a ball smack his face. He falls out of frame, and Dazai is just seen running in the background.
There are also interviews or random school news done by the student council. They hate having to work with Dazai and Chuuya together because they always argue. The one time the video went right was when Chuuya had a voice crack.
Rallies also happen, and students would have to cheer as loud as they can for their team. Chuuya and Dazai are the loudest, but they also suffer from voice cracks. After the rally, they lose their voice for about a day.
Rocketry is an elective, and there’s a weird Russian kid named Fyodor. Both the boys don’t really like him. Since he’s associated with rats (Kids call him Rat), they wanted to get a rat plushie. They asked you if you could get them a rat plushie. You decided to buy it for them, not knowing why they actually wanted it.
They taped the plush to the rocket, put more power into it, and they launched it into the air. When it blasted off, they looked at Fyodor with threatening stares.
Occasionally, you and Oda would volunteer to help with some school activities. The first time both of you arrived, so many students had a crush on either of you. They’d go to Chuuya/Dazai and whisper “That’s your parent?”
Oda’s a dilf and you’re also a milf/dilf.
What a happy family you lot are.
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the-himawari · 15 days
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [SR] A Body That Captures Your Gaze (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Masumi: … (This isn’t right either… I can’t find a magazine that I can use as reference. I’m going to head home.)
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Tsumugi: Oh my. Masumi-kun?
Masumi: Tsumugi?
Tsumugi: I don't bump into you in places like this very often. Were you looking for something?
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Masumi: Yeah. But I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I’m going home.
Tsumugi: I see. Same here. How about we head home together then?
Tsumugi: By the way, I heard from Tasuku that you’re also going to be showing off your muscles in an upcoming magazine photoshoot. Is that right?
Masumi: Apparently. I’m not sure how much we’re going to show, but for me, I heard it’s going to be my abs.
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Tsumugi: Oh, really? If I recall correctly, you’ve also been working on your muscles, haven’t you?
Masumi: Yeah. I asked Tasuku to come up with some muscle training regiments for me.
Tsumugi: But you weren’t working out this hard before, were you? Why did you decide to start?
Masumi: This all started after I heard about the time Director and Citron went to a body building competition together. She looked happy when she described how Citron participated and won the special judge’s award.
Tsumugi: Fufu. So the reason was Director after all.
Masumi: Of course it was. Otherwise, there’s no point going out of my way to ask for training menus to work on my muscles.
Tsumugi: That sounds like Masumi-kun, alright. Have you bulked up quite a bit from your workouts?
Masumi: It’s going. Sometimes I work on a hard regiment and sometimes not.
Tsumugi: I suppose I’ll be able to see the results of your efforts in the magazine that's coming out. I’m looking forward to it.
Tsumugi: We’re home.
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Izumi: Ah, these photos of Muku-kun are great! He has a certain allure, doesn’t he?
Masumi: ! Director’s voice…
*runs off*
Tsumugi: Ah, Masumi-kun. Wait for me!
Kazunari: They're legit such a bomb photos!
Omi: I agree. These poses were Muku’s suggestions.
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Masumi: What are you talking about?
Tsumugi: Are those photos?
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Kazunari: Ah, if it isn’t Massu and Tsumutsumu!
Izumi: Welcome back!
Masumi: I’m home.
Izumi: We were just selecting which bromide of Muku-kun to sell this time.
Kazunari: Lookie, isn’t this one to die for? Mukkun’s pose is killing it!
Tsumugi: You’re right. He looks cool with his sharp expression too.
Masumi: You just mentioned that Muku's pictures look alluring… Do you like these types of poses or something?
Izumi: Well, there’s no doubt I thought he looked charming. But I wouldn’t say that I specifically like the poses themselves. Both Muku-kun’s poses and expressions in his photos fit the concept perfectly. That’s what's great about them.
Masumi: (The concept…) I got it.
*runs off*
Izumi: Huh!? Masumi-kun? What do you mean you got it…!?
Muku: Umm, so you have something to ask me… Ah! Could it be that you want to talk about love!?
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Masumi: No, not today. That’s not what this is about.
Muku: Ah, okay then…
Masumi: I’m going to be showing my abs in an upcoming magazine photoshoot. But… considering the concept, I probably shouldn’t just show them off. I think it’d be better if I looked more alluring. So if you have any books that might be helpful for those kinds of poses, let me know.
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Muku: Eh!? You’re asking me about that? I think it would be better to ask Azu-nee to teach you things like that though…
Masumi: I’m asking you. Director looked at your bromides and said they were “alluring”.
Muku: Director-san said that…? Alright, understood. In that case, please leave it to me!
Masumi: Yeah. Thanks.
| next
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
♡ first class let down - j.p ♡
requested by anon :) 🤍
adhd!james potter x gn!reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, arguing
patience is a virtue, but everyone makes mistakes
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arguing with james hurt something deep inside your skin. like a stain that physically ached. he looked so forlorn you wanted to give up and let your point go, but then the glowing splint of anger would light within you once more.
you hadn’t been together all that long, so you hadn’t fought very much. it was still unprecedented territory and you had no default solution. you weren’t sure if you ever would.
usually, he was a stubborn man. he would fold his arms and have little regrets. he’d roll his eyes. he’d sigh, and groan, until the two of you got to the bottom of it. he didn’t typically shirk the responsibility, but he didn’t go down with it easily either.
this was different.
james potter was moping.
he was moping to quidditch practice, moping to the great hall, moping to class, and moping to bed. it’d been two days since you'd spoken, and you hated it, but some darker part of you was fractionally satisfied he felt your loss.
the fight had sparked because of his recklessness, his tendency to act first and think never. the fear that one day he'd cross the shifting line and you'd never see him again. it had stemmed from worry, not true irritation, and that threw the whole tone off. he lashed out, you reacted.
dark half-moons had taken up residence under james’ eyes when you found him half asleep beneath a tree by the black lake. he was hazy enough to not recognize you instantly, but conscious enough to detect someone was there.
“hello?” he grunted.
“hey.” you kept your voice carefully measured, tone flat, but he knew you instantly, shooting up and shielding his wide eyes from the bright light of winter sun.
“...hi,” he shuffled over on the robe he'd spread across the grass for you to sit, face falling when you squeezed right onto the edge and no further.
there was a thick beat of silence, then you both opened your mouths to speak at the same time. despite your remaining stress, a small smile couldn’t avoid your lips. james’ face held a similar expression, briefly, as his head dropped back for a second, then rolled round to the side. you could see how exhausted he was.
without thinking, you frowned, “james...”
“don’t call me that, please. you said you weren’t angry.” he pleaded, and you nodded.
“i’m not, baby. but i am worried. this is what i mean, you just... you don't take care of yourself properly at the best of times, and when we fight it’s worse. remus told me you aren’t sleeping.”
he sniffed, “i can’t. i can’t relax.”
it was true. even now, his fingers were tapping a quick, silent rhythm into his thigh.
“okay. we’ll come back to that later. but i still mean what i said, before, about this... lack of care you have for your life. i... i’ve tried to be good to you, and come to the infirmary when you fall off things, and carry around plasters for when you get hurt doing little things. there’s always water and food in my bag for you. i don’t mind, james, i really don’t, but i don’t like it when you take it for granted.”
a slight chill hung in the air. he noticed the goosebumps crawling up your arms and wordlessly offered you his jumper with his eyes trained determinedly on the ground. you took it, shrugged it on, and leant back against the tree.
you continued speaking, “i lost my patience the other day and wouldn’t let you talk, i’m sorry for that.”
james waited for a ‘but’. it didn’t come.
tentatively, he bridged the gap between you two with his pinky finger extended in an offer you accepted. your two fingers linked, he answered you.
“i’m sorry for saying i didn’t need you. i do. i guess... i guess that scared me. i’ve always appreciated everything you do for me, at least i thought i have, but maybe i haven’t. maybe i haven’t cos... these last days have been like hell. i miss you. i still miss you. i was an idiot. i’m so sorry.”
while apologizing, he didn’t look at you. he was scared of what he was going to see in your eyes. another person who got tired of his stupidity that he couldn’t seem to shake. another person who realised he was a first class let down.
but if he went looking, he wouldn’t find that.
“i love you.”
it meant everything to him, then. not just the sentiment of it’s original meaning, but forgiveness, acceptance, your own apology. rolled into three words he realised he’d been taking for granted.
it may have been the first time you’d said those words, but he felt their truth under his skin.
he reached over to grab the pen from your pocket, letting go of your finger and picking up your hand to rest on his leg.
softly pushing the biro onto your skin, he wrote ‘i love you’.
james pushed his glasses properly onto his face and dropped the pen to his side. you made a mental note to pick it up before you two returned to the castle.
“can i kiss you?” a new level of vulnerability bled into his voice, one you hadn’t been privy to before. a layer of confidence had dropped, for a moment.
you pushed his thick, brunette curls back from his face, “yeah, please.”
the confidence came back. his lips were on yours in an instant, slightly chapped but soft too, somehow.
bracing himself on the other side of your body with a hand on the ground, he was suspended above you, your back pressed into the tree bark.
the air grew colder as your mouths moved against each other, but not even a blizzard would have moved your arms from his shoulder blades.
“i love you.” he whispered.
@anordinarymuse @ell0ra-br3kk3r @kingshitonly
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staygoldwriting · 1 year
💝 Take a Chance on Me
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and our Steve Harrington is once again unlucky in love, but an unusual invitation might be just what he needs!
Word count: ~1.5k
Warnings: all fluff!
A/N: Here is a Steve Valentine’s Day fic to go with Eddie’s Candy Grams that I wrote way back when! I adore Valentine’s Day (despite being perpetually single lol), so this might be one of many depending on what you guys think! As always, please show love and support ❤️✨
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“I’m sorry, man, but again, we do not have an extra copy of Weird Science,” Steve groaned.
“But come on, Steve! I need Kelly LeBrock. I’m gonna be all alone on Valentine’s Day!” the teenager complained.
“You and me both, kid, alright? At least you’re young,” Steve said bitterly. 
“You need Kelly LeBrock?” he asked with a blank expression.
“No!” Steve snapped, “I’m all alone on Valentine’s Day too! So believe me, I get it, it sucks!”
“But… you’re Steve Harrington,” the teenager said quietly, making Steve sigh heavily.
“Times change, man. Here, take this, it’s Kelly too,” he said, handing him a tape of The Woman in Red. 
“Thanks, Steve. I hope you find someone this Valentine’s Day,” the teenager said with a feeble smile. 
“Me too, thanks,” Steve smiled back. “Enjoy Kelly.”
“Poor Steve Harrington, a king dethroned,” Robin joked as she came out of the back room.
“Hey, last time I checked, you didn’t have a date either,” Steve pointed out.
“I have extenuating circumstances for my perpetual singleness,” Robin said. “You, however, need to get yourself out there.”
“And how exactly am I supposed to do that?” Steve asked. “I spend all my time here with you, I can’t get into college, I can’t play basketball like I used to anymore cuz-”
“Oh, enough making excuses!” Robin snapped. 
“Excuses for what?” Dustin asked as he entered the store.
“Little Mr. Lovesick is trying to list the reasons why he’s unlucky in love. Spoiler alert--he’s in denial,” Robin said, smirking at Steve.
“Why don’t you come to the Valentine’s Day dance at the high school?” Dustin offered.
“What? Henderson, you do realize I graduated years ago, right?” Steve asked.
“I mean as a chaperone,” Dustin said. “You know, get your groove on a bit,” he grinned, swaying his hips.
“Never do that again,” Steve said firmly.
“Agreed,” Robin said.
“But seriously, think about it, you might have fun!” Dustin said.
“I don’t want to watch a bunch of kids like you have a better chance at love than me,” Steve said, shaking his head. 
“Well, you never know. Maybe you’ll hit it off with one of the chaperones,” Dustin sang, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Sure, because all I want for Valentine’s Day is to share a slow dance with Mrs. Click,” Steve scoffed, making Dustin frown.
“Fine. You can spend the night being the cool chaperone, maybe dance a little and have some fun, or you can wallow in pathetic self-pity,” Dustin said bluntly.
“Self-pity, thank you,” Steve said with a sarcastic smile. “Now, why’d you come in here?”
“Do you have Weird Science?”
“Get out!” Steve yelled, making Dustin throw his hands up, backing out of the store. He looked back at Robin, who was smirking.
“What?” Steve asked impatiently.
“Dustin might have a point,” she shrugged, stacking some movies. “Maybe if you go back to the origins of your powers, you’ll get them back,” she said, trying to hide a giggle.
“Very funny,” Steve said humorlessly. “Let’s just get back to work.”
Steve tapped anxiously on his steering will, sucking his teeth. He looked out of his window and sighed.
“I cannot believe I’m doing this. Alright.”
Steve opened his car door, slamming it behind him. He smoothed out his pants and made sure his shirt was tucked, then walked to the door, knocking a couple times.
“You came!” said a happy voice.
“Yeah, I came, Henderson,” Steve said bitterly, but trying to hide the happiness Dustin’s excitement brought him.
“This is gonna be great!”  Dustin squealed. “I won’t need that ride after all, Mom!”
“Yeah, yeah, come on, let's get going,” Steve groaned, “unless you've somehow got a date.”
“In fact I do! Suzie-Poo had a break in her school, so she’s here for the weekend,” Dustin said triumphantly.
“Of course she is,” Steve muttered. “Okay, where is she, assuming she’s real?”
“She’s very real, thank you,” Dustin replied impatiently, “she’s just fixing her hair.”
“Alright, well, we have to be there in twenty minutes,” Steve said, checking his watch.
“Ready!” Suzie exclaimed, emerging in a puffy mint green dress. “Dusty-Bun, who is this?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips. 
“I’m Steve, Steve Harrington,” Steve said, holding his hand out for Suzie to shake.
“Wow, I didn’t really believe Dusty-Bun when he said he was friends with you,” Suzie gasped, “I thought he made you up to feel better about himself.”
“I don’t blame you,” Steve chuckled.
“You’re really cute!” Suzie blushed, not letting go of Steve’s hand. 
“Excuse me!” Dustin exclaimed, making Suzie snap out of her trance.
“Sorry, Dusty-Bun! Let’s go. I call shotgun,” she said, smirking at Steve. 
“This is gonna be a long night,” Steve sighed.
“Alright, here we are. Go crazy,” Steve sighed, smiling weakly at Dustin and Suzie.
“Save me a dance?” Suzie asked.
“Sure,” Steve nodded. 
“I don’t think chaperones can dance with students,” Dustin said quickly. 
“You danced with Nancy!” Steve pointed out.
“That’s besides the point, I was young and alone, not mature and happily dating,” Dustin replied, glaring at Suzie.
“Perhaps another time, Stevie-Boo,” Suzie sighed, then grabbed Dustin’s hand, taking him to the dancefloor.
“Ah, young love.”
Steve turned around to see who said that, and his eyes fell on you. He grinned in disbelief as you smiled wide, your eyes crinkling.
“Hey, Steve,” you said sweetly.
“Y/N!” Steve breathed. “Oh my gosh, I-how long has it been?”
“Not since graduation,” you replied. “You look good, Steve.”
“Thanks, so do you,” Steve said, blushing. “How has college been?”
“It’s been good, but tiring! I’m doing more of an internship this semester, so I took a small break to come back home,” you explained. 
“Wow, that’s so great,” Steve said. “You were always so smart, I really admire that about you.”
“Well, I wish I had your charisma! It would make life a whole lot easier for me,” you blushed.
“You’re kind,” Steve said. “So, what made you chaperone for this dance?” he asked, chuckling a bit.
“Oh, I ran into an old teacher and she guilted me into it,” you laughed. “How about you?”
“Henderson,” he smiled.
“Ah, I see. You two are close, huh?”
“Yeah, we’ve been through a lot. The kid’s a lot smarter than I give him credit for,” Steve admitted.
“Well, he seems to be a genius if he thought to bring you here,” you said, blushing a bit. Steve glanced at you, looking away quickly and blushing.
“Do you-wanna dance?” Steve asked timidly. 
“I’d love to,” you replied. “Where’s the rule that chaperones can’t have fun?”
“Couldn’t agree more,” Steve said as he extended his hand. You took it gently as he guided you to the middle of the dancefloor. 
Steve held you softly around your waist as you held on to his shoulders. You smiled up at him as the music played, suddenly losing all sense of why you were there. Seeing Steve after so many years stirred up old feelings. You two weren’t close, but you considered him a friend, and when he dated Nancy, you felt crushed. You never told him, but you hated the way their relationship almost erased your own. Drumming up some courage, you took a deep breath.
“Can I tell you something?” you asked, your heart beating fast.
“Of course,” Steve replied.
“I had a massive crush on you in high school,” you admitted. “And I was going to ask you out, but you asked Nancy Wheeler first, so I lost my chance.”
“Wait, really?” he asked, gasping.
“Yeah, really,” you smiled.
“I had a crush on you too,” Steve said. “I was gonna ask you out, but I didn’t think you’d have me.”
“Of course I would’ve had you, look at you!” you said, bolder than intended. 
“Again, you’re too kind,” Steve chuckled. “I was a jerk, and you were nothing but nice to me. I didn’t deserve you.”
“And how about now?” you asked, leaning closer to him. Steve looked at you intently, breathing heavily. Your eyes fluttered closed as he leaned in too, kissing you softly on the lips.
“I think I’ve got a chance now.”
“I think so too,” you said, leaning in to kiss him again.
“WOO! Go Harrington!” Dustin cheered from across the gym, making you and Steve break your kiss. Steve shot a dirty look at him, but you laughed.
“Always ruining the moment,” Steve shook his head, chuckling.
“He means well I’m sure,” you smiled, “But we should probably try this outside of our old high school gym,” you joked.
“Well, I am seeing a whole lot of chaperones,” Steve said, raising his eyebrows.
“Agreed, plenty to look over all these kids,” you pointed out.
“Indeed,” Steve nodded nonchalantly.
“Hey, Steve?” you asked, making him look at you. “Is it too late to ask you to be my Valentine?”
“Definitely not,” Steve smiled. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve.”
@tillkummer @mlle-ayka @sonicthehedgedoggo @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @aphex2winn @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @hollandcomics @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @srapalestina @babyghouly @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle—fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka
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blumeblooms · 6 months
- > speak up ! || three - didn’t your parents tell you stealing is wrong?
toge inumaki x reader
“You! You’re the one who stole flowers the other day!” You point accusatory with a huff at the white haired male as you recall the encounter. The audacity of these people!
The flower boys eyes widen as you point at him, furrowing his eyebrows as he shakes his head no. Crossing his arms in an X motion.
“What do you mean no? I literally saw you!” You say annoyed, and slightly confused. Oh so now he’s trying to lie to you? Seriously??
“Bonito flakes!” What? Did you hear that right? You know it’s been a long morning but… are you really that out of it?
“Uhm.. what? Can you speak up and say that again?” You say looking at the male equally confused as he stares at you with furrowed brows. And possibly a frown, you can’t really tell since his face is covered.
“Oh my god. Speak up? Speak now? TAYLOR SWIFT?” Another voice says. And as you turn your head you realize it’s the panda, or furry…? Whichever, you’re even more confused as who you assume Maki is yells at the panda to shut up.
“What? No i said speak up not speak now! Anyways back to you! You do know you have to pay for those right?? Didn’t your parents tell you stealing is wrong??” You say annoyed. To be fair, you probably were overreacting, and embarrassing yourself by making a bad first impression. But hey, it’s been a long, long morning, and the stress was catching up to you.
“Fish Flakes!” He says he huffs and rolls his eyes. Okay. So you definitely weren’t hearing things. What??
You can practically feel the confused stares of the other classmates burning into the side of your head, but for now you’re just trying to figure out what the hell is going on. You watch as the flower boy- or apparently now ingredients boy writes something down on paper before shoving it towards you. You squint as you go to read it
“Gojo told you to..? He said the sign said free?” You read aloud as you furrow your eyebrows, thinking about the sign the shop had. “Oh my god. He’s so stupid. The sign said FREED not free! As in we freed the plants from their terrible environment, oh my god.” You say as you rub your temples. How has Gojo become such an obstacle in your life and it’s only been an hour??
Oh. Well, ingredients boy didn’t know. So maybe you should apologize… But then again you weren’t technically wrong either? You were just doing your job, and confronting the thief- but would it be weird if you didn’t?? Ugh this was so confus-
“Ahem. You two can stop, whatever weird tension you have can wait.” Maki speaks up, rolling her eyes as we awkwardly stand there.
“Awhh Maki, Gojo told us to be nice to her. It’s nice to meet you Y/n ! I’m Panda, that’s Maki, and the boy you were just arguing with is Inumaki! Great introductions! Oh, and incase you’re wondering, Toge here has a cursed speech technique, so he only talks in rice ball ingredients.” Panda says as he claps his hands- Paws? Enthusiastically. You still don’t know if he’s a furry or not. Oh, wait. You told flower boy- Inumaki- to speak up, and he can’t even do that! Oh god, this was mortifying. You could feel your face heating up, you had to say something. You look over to Inumaki to see he’s already looking at you, the same awkward expression.
“Kelp..” He says with a weak wave. You hesitantly, wave back slightly with an awkward small smile.
“Okay. We can do whatever stupid introductions Gojo wants us to do later. He’s not here to make us train so i’m leaving” Maki says as she abruptly gets up and leaves. Panda tells us to meet up here exactly two hours later. Leaving no time to be left alone with Inumaki, you scurry out the room, heading quickly to your dorm.
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- > gotta love the meet uglys 💓
- > THE AWKWARDNESSSSS they’ll get better guys i swear
• summary - in where you meet a nice lady in a flower shop you volunteer at, just to find out you can defeat curses when you thought you were just hallucinating. you transfer to jujutsu high, and you see a guy with his face covered who tried to steal flowers the other day! you confront him and he stays silent, so you tell him to speak up, only for him to say … onigiri ingredients? whether you just quit or go on with this new lifestyle- well, that’s for fate to decide.
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