#ejzah fanfiction
ejzah · 15 days
A/N: Celebrating (mourning?) one year of our little show ending.
To Date Nights
Deeks wandered out onto the patio, finding Kensi curled up on the loveseat under the setting sun. He leaned over the back, pressing a kiss to her neck. Sighing, Kensi tipped her head back, catching his lips with a quick little move.
“Hi.” She grinned up at him and smoothed her thumb over his bottom lip.
“Hi. You want a beer?” he asked. He held out a pair of Modelos, rounding the loveseat to slide in next to Kensi.
“I already pumped, so definitely,” Kensi said with a grateful smile. Deeks popped the top off, handed it over, and kept the other for himself.
He spent a minute just staring out at the reddish hues of the sun. They’d put the twins to bed 20 minutes ago, then he’d cleaned up from dinner. It had been a long day; good, but long and exhausting as most days were.
With another sigh, this one content and a little sleepy, Kensi slid over a few more inches, tucking her arm through his and resting her head on his shoulder.
“You know, today is exactly one year since we found out,” Deeks murmured, twining his fingers through hers. He drew a small circle in the center of her palm.
“Mm, found out what?”
“That you were pregnant.”
“Oh my god, has it really been that long?” Kensi gasped, suddenly sounding more awake. Deeks chuckled at the mild shock in her voice.
“It’s ok, we’ve been busy.” He shook his head slightly, turning to meet her gaze. “It’s crazy how much has changed since then. We got two more kids, new jobs—”
“A few more grays,” Kensi teased, gently tugging at a stray curl.
“Hey now!”
“Oh you know I like it. Especially since you grew your hair back out.”
“Still crazy for the fluffy hair,” he teased back.
“Always. Even when you’re 90 and completely gray.”
“Aw, I love you too.”
Kensi snorted, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth, and Deeks joined in. They giggled for a couple minutes—the result of nearly six months with twins and general contentment.
Eventually, they settled down again. It was nearly dark by now, twilight bringing a romantic air with it.
“Hey, does this count as a date night?” he asked, mostly as a joke. Kensi shrugged.
“We have drinks, we’re together, and technically there aren’t any kids in sight, so I’d say yes,” she decided. She tucked herself a little closer. “You know what happened last year when we had our first date night,” she reminded him suggestively.
“Yeah, we made Donut and Croissant.”
He lowered his eyebrows and Kensi answered by raising one of hers. “Are you saying we should try for a round two?” he asked slowly.
“Maybe not with the same results just yet, but there’s no harm in practicing,” Kensi said. “You know, so we don’t get rusty.”
“Yeah, no, definitely. We want to stay nice and limber and lubricated,” he agreed.
“You are so ridiculous,” Kensi murmured against his mouth. “To practice.”
“To date nights,” he added as Kensi climbed into his arms.
A/N: The show may be over, but Densi will live on if I have anything to do with it.
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densi-mber · 6 months
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He Plays the Violin
If someone had told 20 year old Marty Deeks that one day he would be sitting on the couch with his girlfriend, watching a rebroadcast of a symphony, he would have scoffed. Yet here he sat, happily doing just that. It had taken a little coaxing to convince Kensi, but now she seemed enthralled by the performance.
During a particularly lively version of Rhapsody in Blue, Kensi nudged his shoulder with her elbow. “You know, something you’ve never shown me—?”
“Can’t be much at this point,” Deeks interrupted, speaking over the music. “I’m pretty sure I’ve shown you everything I’ve got.” He winked at Kensi, just in case she didn’t get the innuendo.
“Yes, it’s very impressive,” Kensi said, pausing to give him a once over. “That’s not what I’m talking about though. It’s something more skill-based.”
“Oh, I’ve got all kinds of skills.” Deeks grinned at Kensi’s groan.
“Deeks, stop it.”
Shifting to face her, he adopted a serious expression. “Sorry, go on.”
Inhaling shallowing, Kensi pressed her palms together. He couldn’t imagine what was about to say.
“Remember when you mentioned taking violin lessons?” she asked.
“Yeeees. Why?”
“Well, this concert reminded me that you’ve never played for me.”
“Baby, please?”
“I’m not that good,” Deeks protested, even as Kensi looked at him pleadingly. “I haven’t had a lesson in years.”
“But you’ve played since then, right?”
“Yeah,” he admitted reluctantly. Smoothing her hand up through his hair, Kensi cupped one of his cheeks.
“Hey, I won’t push it anymore if you really don’t want to, but I would really love to hear you play,” she said, which was remarkably convincing.
“Fine.” Sighing, Deeks pushed himself off the couch, heading for his bedroom. He felt Kensi’s eyes on him the entire way.
Even though he didn’t play regularly, he still kept his violin in good condition and stored it along with some other fragile items in his closet. When he came out a few minutes later with the violin tucked under his arm and the bow in his other hand, Kensi sat up, clapping her hands together in delight.
Deeks gave her a wry look, tucking a leg under him as he sat down. He plucked a couple strings, lowering his head in concentration. He spent a several minutes tuning the strings, adjusting the little knobs on either side. When he was reasonably satisfied with the sound, he turned to face Kensi again, and found her watching him.
“To reiterate, it’s been a few years since I even touched this, so listen at your own risk,” he warned Kensi one final time, tucking the violin under his chin, and bringing the bow up.
He chose a piece he’d taught himself in high school. The first few drags of the bow across the strings were a little rough, but he quickly fell into the rhythm, relaxing as motor memory took over. He closed his eyes, leaning into the emotion of the music, letting certain notes swell while other were softer and more subtle.
He played the final note, drawing the bow back slowly to end, and opened his eyes again. Kensi stared back at him, her lips slightly parted, her expression stunned.
“Sorry, guess I got a little caught up in the music,” he said, feeling oddly embarrassed. “My teacher always complained about that. Didn’t remember the audience.”
“No, Deeks, that was—that was beautiful,” Kensi quickly assured him. “I’ve never heard that song before.”
“It’s called “Ashokan Farewell”.
“It’s beautiful.” She leaned forward suddenly, cupping his face as she kissed him fervently. Deeks moved the violin out of crushing range. When Kensi pulled back, there was a fiery gleam in her eyes. “That was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen,” she told him, fingers slowly, but sure,y moving down his chest.
“Yeah, Mrs. Kayler definitely never said that,” he joked, a little breathless with Kensi’s unexpected response.
Sliding off the couch, Kensi took his hand, tugging him with her. Deeks started to set the violin to the side, but she shook her head.
“No, bring it with,” she said, guiding him back towards his bedroom.
A/N: “Ashokan Farewell” is a piece written by Jay Ungar and featured in several of Ken Burns’ documentaries.
Title taken from the song of the same name from the musical “1776”.
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wanna-be-bold · 2 years
Just got this notification from @ejzah and I'm ao excited to read it!!!
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ejzah · 3 months
A/N: Happy 5th Anniversary to Kensi and Deeks! I can’t believe five years ago we were wondering if it would ever happen. We’ve got a little bit of fluff, domestic Densi, babies, Rosa, and of course, romance.
This story ignores the fact that Sam is now in Hawaii.
Here’s to Five and Many More
When Rosa first met Sam Hanna and G. Callen (it would be a couple months before she heard what the G stood for thanks to Sam’s teasing), she thought they seemed nice, but fairly intimidating. She never imagined that they’d ever consider her their honorary niece, or that she’d feel comfortable to have them over for dinner.
Even more surprising was that they both accepted and didn’t seem fazed when they found out Kensi and Marty wouldn’t be in attendance.
“Have you ever considered opening your own restaurant?” Callen questioned after his first bite of chicken stew.
Rosa dipped her head at the compliment, shrugging. “Thank you. I’m glad you like it. But I think I’ll keep cooking as a hobby for now.” She shifted her weight. “And thank you for coming last minute.”
“Hey, I’ll never say no to a good meal, but something tells me that you didn’t invite us over just to sample your cooking,” Sam observed.
“You’re right, I didn’t,” Rosa admitted, brushing her hair back. “I was wondering if you could help me with something.”
Callen paused with a pepper halfway to his mouth and Sam’s face instantly shifted into something darker.
“Who is he and what did he do?”
“Uncle Sam, it’s nothing like that,” Rosa assured him quickly before he could find some poor and unsuspecting boy. “Steven is still wonderful. It’s not something bad.”
“Ok, but if that changes, I’m a text away, and have no problem lightly abusing my power to make arrests.”
By now, Rosa was fairly used to such offers, so she took it in stride. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.” Folding her hands together, she breathed in once, not sure why she felt so nervous. “So, Marty and Kensi’s fifth anniversary is coming soon and I want to plan something special for them,” she explained.
“Yeah, March 17th.” Callen nodded.
“Yes. It’s four weeks away.”
“I want to plan something special for them. It’s been a really exciting year, but also so much has changed, and I know it hasn’t all been easy,” Rosa continued. “Maybe a nice dinner out or even a couple days away. Although I don’t know if Kensi and Marty will want to leave the twins overnight.”
“Hm, it would take some planning to pull off, but it’s possible,” Sam mused.
And don’t worry, I’ve saved some money from my job. All I need is help with the actual scheduling and execution,” Rosa assured him.
“Kid, we’re not making you pay for anything,” Callen interrupted with a roll of his eyes. “Kensi and Deeks would kill us if they found out we let you spend all your money on them.”
“I can afford it,” Rosa said stubbornly, pride getting the better of her.
“But you don’t have to. That money is supposed to be for your needs. Like tuition, and books, and ice cream during finals week ,” Sam told her gently.
Rosa smiled reluctantly at the last part. “Ok. I’m chipping in though since it was my idea.”
“Always so stubborn.”
“Well, it’s a Deeks-Blye trait,” Rosa explained with a self-deprecating shrug. Then more added more earnestly. “Thank you for helping me.”
“Anytime kid.”
“Babe, have you seen my breast pump?” Kensi asked, rushing from their bedroom.
“Uh, it’s in the hallway bathroom,” Deeks told her without looking up from wrangling Sophia into a clean onesie. He finished and tucked her under his arm.
Kensi hurried out of the room, coming back with pump and a couple fo bottles.
“Alright, you’re all clean, how about some tummy time?” Sophia made a sighing sound at Deeks’ suggestion, palming at his nose. When he had her settled on her stomach in the middle of a blanket with some toys, he grabbed Caleb.
Roughly three months in, they’d found a rhythm to caring for the twins. It was an exhausting and completely insane rhythm, but it worked for the most part.
“Now we have two clean babies,” Deeks announced, setting Caleb next to his sister. “Which should last anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and a half.”
Kensi laughed wryly from the couch, head flopped back on the cushion as the pump whirred quietly.
“Did Rosa say if she’ll be home for dinner?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Ok, I’m going to start some chicken and broccoli. Maybe potatoes if I’m feeling ambitious,” Deeks replied. Crouching briefly, he tickled each of the twin’s tummies. “Now don’t get into any trouble while I’m out of the room.”
Rosa arrived shortly before six with a loaf of crusty bread and a chocolate cake in hand. Deeks accepted both, grateful to have something to round their dinner out.
“¿Cómo están mis hermosos hermanitos y hermanitas?” she asked the twins, getting down on the blanket with them. They cooed happily, Caleb lifting his head higher in excitement. “Mira lo fuerte que eres.”
“I swear Sophia almost rolled onto her side this morning,” Deeks said, responding to the one-sided conversation.
“Isn’t that really early?” Rosa asked.
“It is,” Kensi confirmed. “It’s exciting, but I’m not quite sure I’m ready for them to be mobile yet.”
“Eh, it figures given their mom’s a ninja assassin.” Deeks winked at Kensi, who rolled her eyes.
“And their dad excels at any sport that involves ice or water.”
They held each other’s gaze for several seconds, Kensi’s eyes darkening, until Rosa pointedly cleared her throat.
“Do I need to leave the room?”
“No, no we’re good. Uh, dinner will be ready in five minutes,” he said, moving back into the kitchen. Rosa followed him. “How was your day?”
“It was ok. Do you need any help?”
“Nah, I’m good.”
Leaning against the counter, Rosa watched him put everything on the stovetop and begin dishing out servings.
“My literature class and ethics are always interesting. But I’m regretting taking history more every day.”
“Still unreasonably boring and complicated?” Deeks guessed.
“Yes.” She groaned and rubbed her hands over her face. “I never want to hear about 15th century kings again.”
“Ooh yeah, that’s not fun.” He winced in sympathy. “If you want any help studying, I’m always here. I might ask for payment in the form of baby-holding, but I’m always happy to help or just commiserate.”
Rosa giggled, her entire face brightening. “Thanks, Marty.”
“Any day, Rosalita. You wanna grab the last plate and bread?”
They set everything on the table while Kensi settled the twins in their car seats. Generally one of their toys kept them busy long enough for a quick dinner.
“Before we eat, I have something for both of you,” Rosa spoke up, pulling a gift out of her bag. “Happy Anniversary.”
“Oh, thank you, Rosa.” Kensi took the package, which was about dinner plate sized and based on the way her hands dipped, heavier than anticipated. She started peeling at the tape holding the paper together. Whatever it was, Deeks knew it would be creative; he’d learned very quickly that Rosa gifted from the heart and usually with her artistic side in mind.
“I know it’s not for a couple more days, but I wanted to give it to you early. I hope you like it.”
“Oh my god, this is gorgeous,” Kensi gasped as she let the wrapping paper fall away. She ran her fingers over the smooth mahogany stained wood. Across the front surface two raccoons with their noses pressed together were engraved in the very middle, set against a backdrop of trees.
“I know it might be kind of silly—”
“No, it’s perfect,” Deeks interrupted, glancing up from the gift. He held out an arm, pulling her into his side. Kensi wrapped her free arm around Rosa too. “Thanks you so much.”
“It’s really beautiful.”
“Actually, it’s not your only gift. Did you have any specific plans for your anniversary?”
“Uh, dinner here, and then falling asleep to Titanic?” Deeks suggested. He did have a gift for Kensi, but the last few months had taught them that planning for outings were best left flexible and without too much expectation.
“Why, did you have something else in mind?” Kensi asked.
Rosa folded her hands together, looking unusually timid. “Uncle Callen and Sam and I might have orchestrated a little surprise. We made reservations for you at your favorite sushi restaurant and then booked an Air BnB nearby for two days.”
“Rosa…” Kensi shook her head, and Rosa hurried to explain,
“You don’t have to stay overnight if you don’t want to be away from Caleb and Sophia that long, but I thought it would be nice for you to get away for a little bit.”
Deeks pressed his lips together, feeling the prick of tears building behind his eyes, overwhelmed by Rosa’s love for them.
“Rosa, that is so incredibly generous of you,” Kensi said, hugging her again.
“You deserve a break,” Rosa said simply, as if it wasn’t a big deal. Her excitement growing, she dove back into her backpack, and came back with a large envelope. “This has all the plans and reservations. If you do decide to go, Sam and I will take turns watching Sophia and Caleb.”
“That’s asking an awful lot of you.”
“You didn’t ask me to do anything,” she pointed out. “I’m offering, and I want to.”
“Man, we sure are lucky. Thank you,” Deeks murmured, pressing a kiss to Rosa’s forehead.
“Like you said, any time.”
“That was phenomenal,” Kensi sighed, dropping onto the bed in the master bedroom of their Air BnB with a graceless flop. She’d forgotten what it was like to enjoy a meal without any interruptions, to hold a conversation that didn’t involve at least one break for a diaper change or feeding. Of course she missed Caleb and Sophia, but she couldn’t deny the reprieve was nice. “But I might die.”
She looked up at Deeks, who had come in more slowly with their few bags. He grinned, tugging the first couple buttons of his shirt open. For once, he’d dressed up, choosing a deep blue shirt that matched her dress. He looked amazing, but she knew he was probably dying to get into something more casual.
“I’m saying nothing,” he said, though his smug grin pretty much said it for him.
“I know, I know. I shouldn’t have had that last spicy California. It was just too good.” Sighing, she rolled onto her side, patting the spot next to her, and held out her hand invitingly. “Come join me.”
“I should put our stuff away while I’m up.” He didn’t sound too certain about it though.
“You don’t always have to be so responsible,” Kensi teased. “C’mon, it’ll wait for a few minutes.”
Giving in, Deeks dropped the shirt he’d just pulled out of his suitcase, and slid onto the mattress next to her. He let out a contented groan as he sank into the thick quilt.
“Just a few minutes,” he repeated. They were both asleep in thirty seconds.
Kensi woke up with her nose buried in Deeks’ chest, arms loosely wrapped around her back. Untangling her arms, she stretched them above her head, her spine cracking as she arched her back. She felt better rested than she had in months.
“So much for just a few minutes,” Deeks muttered, eyes still closed.
“I think that was the best nap I’ve ever had,” Kensi said. She studied Deeks’ features, brushing back the pieces of hair that had grown more unruly in sleep. He leaned into her touch, one corner of his mouth lifting when she trailed her fingers down his cheeks and neck.
Scooting closer, Kensi pressed her lips to the warm tan skin left exposed by his open shirt. His hand tightened on her back, pulling her that much closer.
“Mm. I’m suddenly wide awake,” he drawled. Kensi pulled back enough to see his eyes were now open and slightly hazed with desire rather than sleep. He cupped the back of her neck, gently guiding her mouth to his.
They’d barely had any times to themselves, let alone the energy to consider sex since the twins were born, but suddenly the desire came back in full force.
Kensi dropped her hands to the front of his shirt, fingers scrabbling over the buttons and to tug the material free from his pants.
“Woah, and here I thought I got lucky with the nap.” Deeks gasped in between kisses.
“Oh, you’re about to get a whole lot more lucky,” Kensi promised, not caring how cheesy it sounded. She rolled Deeks onto his back, crawling up the length of his body, and then settling across his thighs. Hovering over him, she stared down at his flushed face, loving everything about him. “Happy Anniversary, baby.”
Deeks pulled her back to him, and they spent the next few hours making a very enjoyable anniversary.
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ejzah · 3 months
Hi! How are you? I'm so glad to see you're still writing for LA. I'm a big fan of your fics. And as I was randomly thiking about Densi, I was thinking we never got to see Kensi ask Callen and Sam to walk her down the aisle. I was wondering if you could write it? Especially Callen/Kensi because I love their friendship. Thanks again for taking the time to write wonderful stories! :)
A/N: Dear anon, so sorry for the delay (my constant anthem). Thank you for your kind words and continued support!
Going to the Chapel
“No, no, I don’t actually have the wedding date yet, I’m it trying to get an idea of how much catering for between one hundred and two hundred people would be. Um, I’m not sure about that,” Kensi said, tugging on her bottom lip as the caterer on the other end of the line continued to ask questions she didn’t have the answers to. “Right. I suppose I should figure that out first. Yes. Thank you so much for your time.”
She hung up, rubbing her temples. There was another hour of her life gone with no results to show for it.
“I take it wedding planning is going well,” Callen commented from beside her. His sarcastic delivery made her crack the tiniest hint of a smile. She’d almost forgotten he and Sam were in the bullpen with her.
“At this point, I’m beginning to think Deeks was right and we should have just eloped. Would have been so much easier. And less stressful.”
“I remember when Michelle and I got married. We had a tiny ceremony and reception and it still took a couple months to plan. Trying to accommodate relatives was probably the hardest part,” Sam shared knowingly.
“Oh my god, yes!” Kensi groaned. “I love Roberta, but she has so many opinions, and even though my mom is less vocal about it, I know she has just as many. Deeks spent two hours convincing his mom that we did not need crystal centerpieces to give all the guests or beef prime rib.”
“Well, we’re here to support you guys however we can,” Sam offered. “Especially if it means we get this wedding on the road.
“I will help with everything but folding napkins,” Callen specified, nodding significantly when Sam gave him an odd look.
“Actually,” Kensi hesitated. She’d been debating the whole walking down the aisle issue for months. Did she ask her mom or walk alone? Just skip it altogether?
“There is something I wanted to ask you,” she finished before she could lose the nerve again. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to though.”
“Why, is it something weird?” Callen asked. “I also draw the line at helping pick out lingerie.”
“Oh my god, no. I swear you get ten times worse when Deeks isn’t around,” Kensi said, making a face. “No, I was wondering if you and Sam would consider walking me down the aisle.”
“You want us to give you away?” Sam said, sounding surprised.
“I like to look at it more like being transported to the next stage of my life.”
“Wow, wedding planning really has screwed with your brain.
Kensi jabbed her elbow in Callen’s direction, and he moved to the side, chuckling.
“I’m serious. I was going to ask Granger before he passed.” She paused, blinking away the sudden tears in her eyes. When she spoke again, her voice betrayed a slight shakiness. “You know, since he knew my dad and he turned out to be a pretty good mentor.”
“Granger would have hated that,” Callen predicted.
“Yeah, but he wouldn’t have let anyone else do it. The man had a soft spot for sure,” Sam added. He nodded to Kensi, his expression compassionate. “I’m sorry Don couldn’t be here to walk you down that aisle.”
“I think he would be happy to know it’s two of the best men in my life,” Kensi told them honestly.
“Well, after that I don’t think we can say no,” Callen said softly.
“Definitely not.”
Kensi stood to give each of them a hug, lingering a moment in Sam’s comforting strength. “Thank you.”
“We show up for family. But “two of the best”?” Sam pointed out, feigning offense. “Not the best.”
“Only because you’ll be leading me to the very best man in my life,” Kensi said.
“Smitten,” Callen sighed, shaking his head.
“Yep, she stood no chance against the curly blonde hair and blue eyes,” Sam lamented.
Kensi just rolled her eyes, secretly enjoying their teasing.
A/N: I hope that was ok. It’s very rare for me to write a fic that doesn’t include even a tiny bit of Deeks.
Thanks for the prompt!
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ejzah · 1 month
A/N: A sweet late night moment between Kensi and Rosa.
I’ll Love You For a Thousand Years
Rosa sleepily wandered into the kitchen, an empty glass in one hand. She was almost at the fridge before she noticed a shadowed figure bent over the counter.
“Shhh!” Kensi spun around, pressing her finger to her lips.
Rosa stretched to see beyond Kensi, catching sight of what looked like a jar of peanut butter and one of the baby monitors, which emitted a low murmur of voices. “Why are you listening to Marty on the baby monitor at 2 in the morning?” she hissed back.
“I woke up really hungry so I came in here to get a snack and heard Deeks talking to the twins,” Kensi explained, gesturing to the monitor.
“That’s a little strange,”; Rosa commented.
“No, listen.” Turning the volume up, Kensi motioned for Rosa to come closer. It came in on Marty mid-sentence, saying something about tacos.
One of the babies fussed—Rosa thought it sounded like Caleb—and Marty made a soothing sound.
“Hey kiddo, it’s all better. You’re changed, sissy’s changed, and now we’re going to have some milk,” he assured the two month old. There was sound of rustling and Marty groaned, then sighed. “There we go. So, were did I leave off? Oh yes, how mommy and I met.
“So there we were in this gym, both pretending to be people were weren’t. Your mom will say she didn’t trust me, found my annoying, and everything, but I have it on good authority that she had a thing for my hair. I still remember what she was wearing that day.”
He trailed off, the slightly static sound of the speaker the only sound in the room.
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Rosa whispered.
“Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I just listen to Deeks talk to them,” Kensi admitted. “He tells them about our past, or stories.”
Marty started singing softly, voice low and slightly raspy as sang a now familiar John Denver song. Rosa smiled as he sang about leaves bowing down. When he finished, she wiped a tear from under her eye.
“Daddy loves you. For a thousand years,” Marty said in the softest of whispers.
“I could listen to that all night long,” Kensi murmured, sounding simultaneously teary-eyed and adoring.
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ejzah · 3 days
A/N: I’m finally back with this story again! I’m hoping that I can get it wrapped up before July, but no promises.
In Miss Blye’s Class, Part 32
Despite the specter of Monica hanging over them, they had a good night. Caleb contributed significantly to keeping the mood light. He was delighted to have uninterrupted time with Kensi and made use of the opportunity. After dinner, he showed Kensi all his new books, as promised, even reading two all by himself.
Kensi seemed just as excited by his reading as Deeks, even though she got to seem him practice his skills every day. He’d come to love these moments of quiet simplicity. There wasn’t any pressure on any of them to be anything but themselves.
He watched Kensi help Caleb decode a difficult word, and he glanced up, seeking Deeks’ gaze, his approval with a wide grin. Deeks grinned back, reaching over to smooth an unruly curl down. It instantly sprung back up. Just like it always did.
“That’s one of the biggest, hardest words I’ve ever read!” Caleb exclaimed.
“I know, kiddo. I’m so proud of how hard you’ve worked on your reading,” Deeks said wholeheartedly.
“Me too,” Kensi agreed. “You’ve made so much progress these last few months.”
This alone was enough to convince that he needed to have a serious conversation with Monica. Up to this point, he’d held back for Caleb’s sake, and maybe because despite it all, he still felt some tiny bit of compassion for her. All that had gotten him was Monica pushing as many boundaries as she could.
He was done. He wouldn’t put his relationship with Kensi in jeopardy. Not anymore.
They spent another half an hour playing and talking before it was Caleb’s bedtime. Kensi decided to leave then, and he briefly imagined a time when she’d stay for a bedtime story and the good nights. He didn’t let his imagination drift too far with that daydream, but it was on his mind as he kissed Kensi goodbye at the door, lingering for a few extra seconds even though they’d both said their goodbyes already.
Once Kensi left, he ran the normal nighttime routine with Caleb: bath, teeth brushing, talking over the day, before a final book—this time read by Deeks. He made sure Caleb was fully asleep before he crept out and headed for the patio, pulling up Monica’s number on his phone.
“Hello, Marty. I did not expect to hear from you so soon,” she answered after a couple rings. “Did you miss me?”
“No. Monica, we need to talk,” he said, not taking the bait. She chucked, her voice fading for a second as though she’d turned away from the phone.
“I’m sorry, but I’m a little…occupied tonight.”
“I don’t care. After the last week, you can deal with some inconvenience. Now, we can either talk now or meet here.”
He could almost feel her debating the consequences of blowing him off for whatever plans she may or may not have. After several seconds, she sighed dramatically, the sound loud in his ear.
“Alright. I’ll be over in half an hour.”
Deeks was waiting in the driveway, leaning against his truck, when Monica pulled up to the curb in a black car. He didn’t want to chance Caleb hearing the conversation they were about to have if he happened to wake up.
Monica raised an eyebrow at his position as she approached, but didn’t comment. Uncrossing his legs, Deeks straightened, meeting her at the halfway point.
“This is cozy,” she joked, mimicking his posture. “So, what is so important that you pulled me away from what promises to be a very nice date?”
“Did you question Kensi about our relationship?” he asked bluntly. Monica didn’t show any sign of guilt or embarrassment, her expression blanking for a second before she laughed throatily.
“Oh, so the teacher went and tattled. I was 50/50 on which way she’d go. You know, she’s spunky. I like that—”
“On my god, Monica, stop. This isn’t a game. What were you thinking asking Kensi’s those questions?”
She shrugged flippantly. “Like I told her, I’m just looking out for you. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“That is not your job or your business. How many times do I have to tell you that you no longer have a say in my personal life before you get it? That ended when you divorced me,” Deeks reminded her.
“That may be true, but she’s also in Caleb’s life. And I’m still his mother,” she shot back, taunting him. “I still have a say in his life. Especially when it comes to such big changes.”
“No, you don’t. Not anymore. You’re the one who terminated your parental rights. If you want visitations we can get lawyers to work out an agreement, but this cannot go on. You don’t get to walk back in whenever you want and make demands. I won’t let you do this to us anymore.”
“I thought we didn’t need a contract,” Monica said, reminding him of his own words from a time when he was younger and far more naive.
“I thought so too, until you started interfering in our lives. It’s not fair to either Caleb or me to have you just showing up without warning and expect us to drop everything.”
“A mother should be allowed to see her son.”
That pushed him over the edge. He’d tried to remain polite and in control, but everything that he’s kept back since she left came pouring out.
“Oh don’t give me that crap, Monica. You abandoned him. That’s what it’s called when you leave a child without any warning or way of contacting you,” he snapped, inhaling deeply to regain even a tiny bit of control. He didn’t need the neighbors hearing the entire conversation. “Look, I have tried so hard to move on and not be bitter about any of this.”
He drew his hand through the air to encompass the last five years. “I know people change, sometimes what they thought they wanted doesn’t make them happy anymore, and-and I accept that, but the way you left destroyed both of us when you left. Monica, you didn’t even give me any warning. It took me so long to begin trusting another person, for Caleb to stop asking when you were coming home, and now that we’ve finally found peace and happiness, you come in like some kind of wrecking ball.”
Monica shifted from one foot to the other, and opened her mouth like she was about to defend herself, but he cut her off with a shake of his head.
“I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you’re going to come up with. You’ve manipulated our son, questioned my girlfriend, and violated my privacy.” He shook his head, licking his bottom lip. “There’s, uh, there’s no excuse for any of that. I wouldn’t believe it anyway at this point.”
Her face fell slightly at the last part, but he refuses to feel any guilt. She shifted from one foot to the other, looking down with her lips pursed, then lifted her chin.
“So, what exactly do you want if it’s not an apology?” she asked.
“We agree to put parameters on your visitation and parental rights,” he responded. “I’m going to get a lawyer. I suggest you do to.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect my family.” He let that hang in the night air for a few seconds, then nodded. “Have a good rest of your night, Monica.” He didn’t wait for a reply, heading for the front door again.
A/N: I know this is a little heavier and dramatic than most of this story. I hope that’s ok. Monica’s just one of those people who doesn’t know when to stop.
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ejzah · 4 months
A/N: Once again, a tiny idea morphed into a much longer than intended fic. Enjoy the angst!
Kensi had learned after Deeks was tortured by Sidorov that in addition to withdrawing from everyone around him when he was in a state of distress, he forgot to take care of himself as well. It had taken her a while to pick up on the pattern, but now, especially after living together for three years, she knew all the signs. He tended not to eat often enough, his meticulous cleaning schedule became disrupted, and he either barely moved at all, or spent hours exhausting his body in an attempt to quiet his mind.
So one week in the middle of summer when Kensi noticed the counters hadn’t been wiped down in a few days, and the laundry hamper was nearing capacity—something that never occurred since they moved in together—she took note. It wasn’t a cause for massive alarm, but enough that she decided to keep a close eye on Deeks. They’d just come off a horrific case that lasted over three weeks and had them all running on fumes.
Maybe he just needed the time to recuperate, she reasoned. She’d certainly been on edge and snapped at everyone more than usual, including Deeks, who had the misfortune of spending their few hours away from work with her.
On Tuesday, they had a fairly slow day, the latter part of which they spent cleaning out in-boxes and catching up on the procedures that got overlooked during intense cases. It gave them a much needed opportunity to bond and unwind.
Inevitably, Sam and Callen ended up in argument over who had actually taken down their most recent criminal.
“Nope, I definitely reached him before you did,” Callen insisted in that tone that meant he was just arguing for the joy of watching Sam grow more irritated. Kensi dipped her head to conceal a smile.
“Are you kidding me? You weren’t even close. He’d still be on the run if we left it to you,” Sam objected, shaking his head in exasperation.
“I don’t know, Sam, Deeks is the one who distracted him,” Kensi pointed out. She waited expectantly for Deeks to jump in with his own comment, but none came.
Kensi realized he’d been quiet through most of the teasing and banter, when normally he’d be egging Sam right alongside Callen. His body was turned slightly away, gaze focused in the direction of the back wall. She wondered if he saw anything at all.
The silence grew long enough for it grow slightly awkward, and Kensi hastily added, “I’m just saying it’s a group effort.”
“Yeah, you can keep your “group effort”, Sam made air quotes around the last two words. “I’m the one who tackled him, and that’s all that matters.” He jabbed a button on his laptop keyboard. “And I’m outta here. Don’t even think of calling me before 6 tomorrow morning.”
Callen left shortly after Sam, followed by Eric and Nell, who seemed in a hurry.
“You want to grab tacos on the way home?” she asked once she finished her own paperwork, leaning across the front of Deeks’ desk. “I’ll buy.” She let her tone drop flirtatiously, shimmying her shoulders.
“Uh, I’m really behind on my LAPD paperwork,” Deeks answered without looking up. “I think I’m going to stay a little bit later.”
“This is the first night we’ve gotten out before 7 in weeks.”
Finally looking up, Deeks sighed heavily, swiping his hair out of his eyes with a careless hand. Even in the dim light, she could tell his eyes were bloodshot.
“I know. LAPD will get on my case if I wait any longer though. I’ll just be a couple hours, ok?” He gave her a pleading, regretful look, that Kensi was powerless to ignore.
“Ok.” She leaned closer, tipping his chin a little higher to kiss him. “Don’t be too long,” she said.
“I won’t,” Deeks promised, returning her kiss with a brush of his lips. “Love you.”
It was a full four hours later when Kensi heard the front quietly open and shut. She’d tried not to wait up, even going to bed, but too many thoughts and worries circled through her brain to get anywhere close to sleep. She tracked Deeks’ movement through the house; he stopped in the kitchen, got a glass of water, checked on Monty in the living room, then finally headed to their room.
Kensi rolled over onto her side when he walked in, knowing there wasn’t any point in pretending to sleep. Deeks stood by the closet, taking off his shoes.
“Hey,” she murmured. He stilled at the sound of her voice, shoulders caving for a second before he turned around.
“Hey. Sorry.”
She didn’t know if he was apologizing for possibly waking her. Or coming home late.
“It’s ok.” Holding out her hand, she waited until he was within reaching distance, and pushed herself up enough to slide her hand around his neck. He let her pull him down, releasing a slightly pained noise. Kensi slid her fingers up into his hair, finding the strands damp.
She didn’t call him on it, just holding him tighter when their lips parted. She felt the tension in his shoulders and back, so tight it seemed he might snap at any moment.
“Come to bed,” she told him, pulling back the covers. When Deeks slid in beside her, she curled around him, hoping took some comfort in her touch.
Kensi’s worry skyrocketed as she watched Deeks withdraw more every day. This time around, he tended towards movement, which meant he either woke up early (assuming he’d slept at all) or stayed after work to work out. At the same time, his appetite seemed to have disappeared.
She tried to combat it all by bringing him a donut in the morning or cajoling him into bed and doing her best to soothe him to sleep. It wasn’t enough, but she was hesitant to push too hard.
“Hey, I brought you some soup,” she said one evening as she came back from a food run. Deeks had very noticeably not requested anything.
“I’m not hungry,” he said, not even pausing considering the bucket she plunked down in front of him.
“Baby, you didn’t eat breakfast this morning. It’s after six. You need to have something.”
“No,” Kensi interrupted sharply, forgetting her decision to remain quietly supportive, to say nothing. “You are tired, you’re not eating, you’re not talking, and I am done letting you fade right in front of me.”
His head sank forward for a moment, and he rubbed his hands over his face, emitting the deepest of sighs. When he looked up again, the shadows in his eyes were even darker, and Kensi’s heart clenched painfully for him.
“I’m just struggling a little right now. I’ll get over it,” he insisted dully. “I always do.”
“You don’t have to do it alone though. You have me,” Kensi reminded him, moving around his desk to crouch in front of him. She grabbed his hands, clasping them between hers. “Let me help you.”
“I want to…” he shook his head, tilting his head back with a sorrowful expression. “It just feels like everything terrible feeling is amplified by a hundred and anything good is dampened.” He smiled sadly. “Only thing that helps sometimes is when you’re holding me at night.”
“I’ll do anything you need, anything. But please don’t push me away. I can’t bear that.”
“I’ll try.” He nodded, eyes damp. Kensi drew his forehead to her shoulder, weaving her fingers into his hair.
“And eat your soup.”
That got a weak out laugh out of him. Drawing back, he grabbed the tub across his desk, popping the lid off.
Kensi knew that one meal wouldn’t magically fix everything, but as he slowly worked his way through the soup, it was a step the right direction.
Under the table, Deeks reached for her hand, squeezing it tightly.
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ejzah · 2 months
A/N: Here we come to the end of yet another story. Thanks once again for for your support and love for this story.
The Other Shoe, Epilogue
One Year Later
Deeks moved around the kitchen, dicing some onions, stirring a pan of chicken, grabbing a couple of cloves of onion. He’d gotten home from work 45 minutes ago, and started in on dinner, knowing Kensi would be back later than him.
In the last year, a lot had changed. For one, he could walk down the beach, even run, without feeling like he’d collapse. He’d recovered from his transplant surgery better than could be expected. Although he had returned to most of his previous activities pre kidney failure, he had officially resigned as an investigator upon receiving his medical clearance.
Now, he supervised a team of NCIS lawyers and assisted with modifying agency procedures and guidelines as needed. Much like his job as liaison, he had a feeling that the position had been designed specifically for him. It was hardly what Deeks had expected for himself, but he found he enjoyed most of the work.
A timer on his phone beeped and he absentmindedly turned it off, grabbing the medication sorter off the counter, and popping the contents in his mouth along with a swallow of water. Humming a John Denver song under his breath, he continued cooking. He heard the front door open and close, and called out,
“I’m in the kitchen!”
Deeks looked over his shoulder as Kensi walked in, barefoot and in a tank top and jeans.
“Hey, welcome home, Lady Bird of my Heart.”
“Hey. Ooh, what’s for dinner?”
He grinned at her eagerness, nodding to the pan of peppers and onions. “Fajitas and semi-authentic rice. How was work today,?”
“Good. I taught a baby agent how to disassemble an incendiary device hidden inside a truck,” Kensi told him excitedly. Deeks turned around completely, his eyebrows high enough to touch his bangs.
“You what now?”
“It was a simulation,” she clarified quickly. Deeks visibly relaxed.
“Could have led with that, baby.” He left the stove to wrap his arms around her, and kissed her temple. Kensi tipped his chin down to kiss him more firmly on the mouth.
“Sorry. I just got excited,” she explained. “As much as I don’t miss the danger, I do miss the adrenaline rush that comes with fieldwork.”
That was another big change; shortly after Deeks settled into his new position, Kensi decided resign as well. Kilbride hadn’t been pleased to lose two of his team within months of each other, but ended up recommending Kensi for a supervisory position as well. She now trained incoming agents fresh out of FLETC to prepare them for their first real field experiences.
“I know you do,” Deeks said softly. He also knew his health crisis had played some part in her decision to step down. Thought Kensi insisted it was for many reasons.
“How about you? How was your day?” Kensi asked, reaching over his shoulder to sneak a piece of chicken.
“The new edits to the handbook were accepted. Finally got the definition and duties for an NCIS investigator clarifies more thoroughly.”
“That’s been bugging you for years! Congratulations.” Kensi kissed him again, as though he’d performed some impressive feat.
“I mean, it’s not nearly as exciting as yours,” he pointed out.
“Hey, don’t downplay your efforts. Because of you, future investigators won’t have to wonder about their scope of duty. Of course, it also means they won’t be able to use it to their benefit like you did.”
“True. It was fun to mess with you guys.”
“Yes, I know,” Kensi said dryly. She slid a hand up into his hair, leaning into him. He felt the gentle rounding of her stomach pressed against him, and he brushed his fingers over it.
“And how’s Baby Deeks-Blye today?” he asked.
“Happy and hungry.”
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” He grinned again, squeezing Kensi against him. “Does baby want salsa tonight?”
“Definitely,” Kensi responded immediately. She slid out of his arms, heading for the cabinets. “I’ll set the table.”
Deeks watched her for a few moments, overwhelmed by the simple delight of it all. Last year, he thought he might die, and here he was healthy, happier than ever, a baby on the way.
Yeah, a lot had changed. He’d always be on medication, he had to watch his diet to a degree, and his days chasing bad guys were gone forever, but he found it didn’t matter as much as he thought it would.
In the end, he was just happy for a second chance.
A/N: Sorry for the slightly cheesy ending. Hope you enjoyed this final bit of lightness after all the dark and angst.
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ejzah · 1 day
Can you write a fanfic about what if the team discovered Deeks was a cop before his and Sam's jail scene. Like what if Kensi and Deeks actually fought in the house, but during that exact moment, Beale finds out and drops the bomb on Kensi and Deeks and that leads to a whole new story. I hope you'll please consider it.
A/N: Oh, Anon, I am so sorry that this has been sitting in my inbox for so long. I changed a few little things to fit the scenario. I’m not sure if this was intended to lead to a multi-chap fic, but for now I’ll leave it at this scene.
A Different Path
Kensi had never met anyone as infuriating as Jason Wyler in her life. From the moment he’d walked over from a punching bag in the MMA gym, he’d questioned her, smirked her, and generally made a nuisance of himself. At the moment, he was impeding her ability to gather evidence. She almost hoped he turned out to be involved in Zuna’s death so she could have the pleasure of arresting him.
“Or maybe you found what you were looking for before I got here,” he was saying, not playing into Kensi’s attempt to flirt. “Maybe you found some cash. Maybe you should empty those pockets.” He stared her down, not moving any closer, and she didn’t know if it was the intensity of his blue eyes or the implicit threat, but she felt a shiver move up her spine.
“Don’t touch me,” she warned, discreetly reaching for her gun tucked in her waistband.
“Then show me you didn’t take anything from of mine or Zuna’s.” He tilted his head to the side, challenging her just a hint of a smirk playing at his lips, though his eyes remained tight and wary. She resisted the urge to move back.
“Or I could punch you in the face,” she offered from between her teeth, not quite managing the light tone she’d intended. He fully grinned at that.
“You can try,” he drawled. Kensi tensed, caught between kicking him somewhere that would be sure to shut him up or pulling her gun on him.
Her phone buzzing insistently in her pocket, and after a moment of consideration she answered, keeping an eye on Jason Wyler the entire time. He had moved back ever so slightly, still close, in her space.
“Let me guess, that’s another boyfriend you sent dirty pictures to,” Wyler said, tilting his head to the side in a way that made her want to snap back at him. She didn’t know how he could joke and stare her down at the same time.
“It’s my boss. Beale, this isn’t a good time,” she hissed as she held the phone to her ear. She was a little surprised that Wyler expected her explanation or her answering at all.
“Kensi, are you with Jason Wyler?” Eric asked, a note of tension in his voice that had her reaching for her gun again. Wyler watched her just as warily, his hand creeping behind his back too.
“Yes,” she responded shortly.
“Ok, we were right, he’s not actually Jason Wyler.” She gripped the butt of her gun at Eric’s confirmation. “He’s an LAPD detective.”
“Wait, can you repeat that?” She must have heard Eric wrong. There was no way the sketchy guy in front of her was a cop.
“He’s an LAPD Detective named Marty Deeks. Hetty wants you to stand down immediately,” Eric repeated, emphasizing the last part.
“Got it, thanks,” she said distractedly, hanging up.
“That wasn’t your boss, was it?” Wyler—Deeks asked.
“No, and you’re not Jason Wyler. You’re an LAPD Detective.” His mouth dropped open slightly at her answer, then faster than she had thought possible, he had his gun aimed directly at her.
“Wait, stand down detective,” she said slowly. Raising her hands above her waist, she resisted the instinct to attack. “I’m a federal agent with NCIS.” She expected the usual question about the agency, but instead recognition crossed his face, and he relaxed every so slightly.
“Let me see your badge,” he requested, and Kensi retrieved her wallet from her other back pocket. He took it with his free hand, eyes roving over her picture and the accompanying information for several seconds.
Despite her annoyance at the situation, she couldn’t help but approve of his caution. It would be stupid to take her at her word.
Apparently satisfied, he snapped the wallet closed, and handed it back. “Special Agent Kensi Blye. I knew you didn’t look like one of Danny’s girls. Sorry about almost shooting you.”
“Well, I almost kicked you, so I’d say we’re even.”
He snorted at that, his mouth quirking up in a half smirk.
“So, Kensi Blye, care to tell me why you’re screwing up my undercover operation?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve been under for months.”
“That’s impressive. Unfortunately, my team has been tasked with investigating Daniel Zuna’s death,” Kensi explained. “I’m afraid that’s going to take priority over whatever you’re involved in.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Deeks said confidently. “Come on, my boss is going to wanna talk to your boss.”
God, he was infuriating. Kensi had to fight against the inexplicable desire to smile as he headed for the door. She could tell he was going to be trouble.
A/N: I hope this was ok and not too different from canon events.
Thanks for the prompt!
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ejzah · 3 months
A/N: A random little fic where Kensi first recognizes she might feel more for Deeks than just friendship.
Missed Chances
“Well, you should come over and I’ll show you sometime.”
“Does that include a hands-on demonstration?”
Kensi stills in the tunnel as Deeks chuckles, a touch of surprise in his voice, in response to Agent Lesley Brown’s question.
“There will be a portion,” he responds, and Kensi thinks there’s a hint of flirtation to the words. Frowning, she slowly walks the rest of the way to the bullpen.
Deeks is casually perched on the edge of his desk, Agent Brown in front of him. The small blonde woman’s chest nearly brushes Deeks, her legs between either of his, and one hand resting on his right forearm.
Deeks and she had certainly found themselves in far more compromising positions over the years. Little touches, caresses, hugs, had all become commonplace for them. Yes somehow this seems so much worse.
As Kensi watches, Lesley reaches up and brushes a curl off Deeks’ temple. Something about the gesture, so simple yet intimate, makes Kensi’s heart clench with unexpected pain. She presses her fist to her chest, stunned by the intensity of her reaction.
Before Kensi has a chance to figure out what the hell is going on, Deeks shifts from behind Lesley, his lips quirking with a smile.
“Kensi! Hey, I didn’t see you come in,” he says, hopping off the desk.
“Hey. I’m surprised to see you here before 9 AM, Deeks,” Kensi replies, hoping she doesn’t sound as shaky as she feels. Moving over to her desk, she keeps her back turned as she sets her bag down, giving her the time to adjust her expression.
When she turns around again, Lesley is right at Deeks’ side again. Like they’re an established pair.
“I had a few questions about yesterday’s case,” Lesley explains with a fond, knowing smile in Deeks’ direction. She touches his forearm. Just a brief brush of her fingers. “Deeks was kind enough to come in early and help me out.”
“Yes, he’s very giving,” Kensi observes dryly. The space between Deeks’ eyes furrows, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Then somehow we got on hobbies, and Deeks mentioned how much he likes to surf. I think I’ve almost convinced him to give me a lesson this Saturday before I leave you guys,” Lesley continues without a hint of cattiness or possessiveness. Which would make it so much easier to hate her. She’s just too nice.
“I told you, I haven’t actually taught in years,” Deeks warns hers. Nodding to Kensi, he adds, “You wanna come with?”
She stares back at him. Is he joking? Making fun of her? Or worse, taking pity. Because there’s no way on earth she wants to accompanying him on a date disguised as a surfing outing.
“I already know how to surf. Besides, I already have plans.”
“Oh, that’s a shame.” This time, Lesley doesn’t sound all that disappointed.
“Ok, well, you know there’s always a spare board for you if you change your mind,” Deeks says.
“Thanks.” Kensi makes a show of getting out her laptop, logging on, and getting to work, though in reality, a blank expense report fills the screen.
After a couple minutes, Deeks and Lesley go back to chatting. She watches how comfortable they are with each other, the way Lesley gently shoves at his arm or leans in like he’s sharing something private. Deeks’ unbridled laughs at whatever Lesley has to say. The ache in her chest return, sharper and heavier than before.
It shouldn’t matter who Deeks flirts with or goes on surfing dates with. They’re just partners. Somehow that reminder doesn’t quell the ache.
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ejzah · 3 months
A/N: Just a little ficlet to continue the final scene of “Citadel”.
I Don’t Need You to Cook or Clean
“Marty, will you run out and get me a loaf of French bread for me?” Roberta requested, busy stirring pots and checking the foil rimmed baking dish in the oven. They’d all had a chance to grab a drink and settle in a bit.
Roberta had already made several vaguely inappropriate comments that had Kensi snorting into her wine. The first couple made Deeks groan quietly, but when he saw Kensi’s response, he seemed to realize that she wasn’t about to storm out.
“Uh, sure, mama. I’ll be back soon,” Deeks answered. As he grabbed his keys again, he shot Kensi a questioning look (Are you ok with me leaving you alone here?) Kensi offered him a reassuring smile. She could handle 15 minutes with his mom.
She still felt a little nervous, but meeting Deeks’ mom, especially as a complete surprise, had been far less awkward and painful that she would have anticipated. Maybe it helped that she didn’t have a chance to build the moment up in her head.
“Thanks, kiddo!”
“No problem. Just don’t tell any embarrassing stories while I’m gone,” Deeks called over his shoulder.
“Yeah, no promises there!” Roberta called back with a chuckle. She shook her head, almost speaking to herself. “How I raised such a little prude I’ll never know.”
Kensi doubted anyone had ever described Deeks that way before.
She watched Roberta bustle around the kitchen, managing multiple dishes at once. Suddenly, a hint of guilt and self-consciousness running through her as she remembered her knee-jerk response to Roberta’s question about cooking.
“You know, when I said I didn’t like cooking, I wasn’t thinking. I’d be happy to help,” Kensi said, unable to stop a nervous laugh. Deeks would call it a cackle. “Honestly, it probably wouldn’t hurt to learn a few things.”
“What are you talking about? I appreciate the honesty.” Roberta made a face, pausing to look up from the open oven.
“Well, I just want you to know that I care about Deeks. Marty. I don’t want to give the impression I’m taking advantage of him or anything.”
Roberta stood, staring at Kensi for a full, very uncomfortable, ten seconds. Then she pulled off her oven mitts, tossing them to the side.
“The moment I saw you, I knew you cared about my son. Hell, I knew it the first time he mentioned you,” Roberta told her. “Never even crossed my mind to think you weren’t treating him right.”
“Really?” Kensi asked uncertainly.
“Absolutely.” Her face took on a slowly melancholy look. “He hasn’t always had a lot of happiness in his life. It’s good to know he has you now.”
Kensi didn’t know what to say to that, and Roberta seemed to realize it. She squeezed both Kensi’s shoulders, her smile reassuring.
“Now, I gotta come up with a story to tell you before Martin gets back,” Roberta said, effectively switching the subject.
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ejzah · 1 month
Collateral Damage, Part 8
Since they were in the middle of nowhere, and Kensi wasn’t in immediate danger, Deeks had driven her to the closest hospital rather than wait for an ambulance. The entire ride over, Deeks he’d felt a conflicting mixture of relief and fear. He trusted Kensi’s assessment of her health, yet wouldn’t feel easy until both she and the twins were checked out.
Of course, first they’d had to wait for backup to take possession of the man Deeks incapacitated.
Now, they waited once again to be seen by a doctor. The fact that Kensi was pregnant and had a head wound had pushed her first in line for a CT scan, but not to the head of the line. Once she was finished with the scan, a nurse gave Kensi an ice pack, and deposited them in a cubicle.
That had been 45 minutes ago.
Since Kensi seemed reluctant to be apart, Deeks had kicked off his shoes, and lain down, letting her use him as a human pillow. Kensi hadn’t complained once—of course she hadn’t—but Deeks could tell she was uncomfortable. At the very least, they had a full bed.
He felt Kensi relax a little more, her hands going slack on his chest. “Hey baby, you gotta stay awake,” he told her softly.
“I’m so tired,” she murmured, head pillowed on his arm.
“I know, but we need to find out how bad your concussion is before you can. I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s ok. You’re always—” she paused to yawn hugely. “Always looking out for me.”
“Mm. That’s kind of my job,” he said, rubbing her back just as her stomach made a noise. “You hungry?”
“Kind of. Also a little nauseous. But the thought of hospital food or whatever they have in the vending machines isn’t appealing.”
“I could sneak out and find you some ice cream or a possible,” he offered, and Kensi chuckled sleepily.
“My hero. I don’t want you to get kicked out.”
“I’ll be careful.”
Before he could act on that plan, there was a knock on the wall outside the cubicle, and a doctor entered, rolling an ultrasound machine along with her. Deeks hastily, slid out of the bed, taking one of the chairs off to the side.
“Hi, I’m Doctor McCormick. I understand you were in a work related incident,” the doctor said, and Kensi nodded.
Any exhaustion and calm disappeared in an instance as Kensi sat up, her fingers twining together.
“I was knocked out. I think I have a mild concussion, but I’m more concerned about my pregnancy. I’m approximately thirteen weeks along with twins,” she explained.
“Right, that’s what I see in your chart.” The doctor took the rolling stool and faced Kensi, her expression compassionate. “Are you experiencing any abdominal pain, bleeding, or other unusual symptoms?”
“No. I’m nauseous, but that’s been off and on for a few weeks. Not to mention the concussion.”
“Ok, well that’s good. I’m going to do an ultrasound just to confirm,” she said, prepping the machine. Kensi’s face fell, and the doctor hurried to reassure her. “This is just precautionary. I don’t want you to worry for without reason.”
Kensi reached for Deeks’ hand, squeezing tightly as Dr. McCormick pressed the ultrasound wand to her abdomen. Despite the doctor’s assurances, he could feel Kensi’s anxiety mounting. The pulse in her wrist fluttered rapidly under his thumb, her shoulders tensed and drawn towards her ears.
“Hey, it’s ok,” Deeks whispered in her ear, rubbing small circles into her skin.
“Ok, I see Baby A and Baby B,” Dr. McCormick interrupted gently, pressing the wand firmly over Kensi’s skin. “They both appear healthy, the placentas look good, and I don’t see any internal damage.” She shifted the wand and a soft whooshing filled the room. “And we have two strong heartbeats.”
“Oh thank god,” Kensi gasped, pressing her free hand against her mouth and collapsing into Deeks. He let out a relieved sound of his own, kissing the side of her head.
The doctor smiled kindly at them, cleaning up the equipment. “We’re going to run a few more tests to be sure, but assuming your CT scan is clear, I think you should be able to go home tonight. I’ll be back in a little while to answer any questions.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Deeks said fervently.
“Of course. Congratulations.”
“We’re ok,” Kensi repeated, almost like she didn’t believe it.
“Yeah, you are.” Deeks climbed back up on the bed, and Kensi immediately flung her arms around him.
“I was really scared out there,” she admitted, her lower lip trembling slightly. “It’s not just me anymore.” Her hand dropped to her stomach, and Deeks covered it. “I keep telling myself that I can keep going for a little bit longer, but this was so awful.”
“Me too. I was terrified every second you were missing. I might have gone a little crazy on one of the guys back at the house,” he said.
Kensi’s lip quirked slightly, and she reached over with her other hand to clumsily rub his knee. “I would expect nothing less.” She pressed a kiss to his arm, shifting upwards so she could lay her head on his chest.
At another time, he would have mentioned leaving. How they’d talked about getting out before they ran out of luck and today proved his point. Instead, he stayed silent. He was just happy to be together, everyone in one piece.
“I think I need a break after this,” Kensi murmured several minutes later, her face smashed against Deeks’ chest. “A long break.”
“I could use a vacation,” he agreed. “How long are we talking?”
Kensi shrugged. “A few weeks. Maybe months. We’ll see how long my vacation days last.” Her grip tightened on him, and when she spoke again, her voice shook slightly. “I want to enjoy my time with you and the babies without worrying.”
“That sounds amazing.” He swallowed thickly. “I love you, Kens.”
“I love you too.” Tilting her head back, she kissed him, then settled back against his chest with a tired sigh.
A/N: I hope you enjoy the hurt/comfort and angst.
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ejzah · 3 months
Truth or Dare
“Truth or Dare?” Deeks asked, looking out the passenger window as he spoke. With an overnight surveillance shift, they’d exhausted most other forms of entertainment and resorted to middle school party games.
“Dare,” Kensi said immediately, just as she had the last three times after Deeks asked her to share her most embarrassing moment on a date.
“Ok. I dare you to clean out the middle compartment out. It’s filthy.”
“That’s a terrible dare,” Kensi scoffed.
“Yeah, well, I’m limited by our current circumstances,” Deeks answered, flashing Kensi a smirk. “And I figured we’re sticking with G-rated dares still.”
“Yes.” She rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll clean it tomorrow. Your turn. Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” He’d alternated between each answer, and in the process Kensi had learned that he once helped Ray write a final paper so he wouldn’t flunk.
She mulled over possible questions, wondering if it would be wrong to take advantage of the light-hearted activity to pose a serious and far more personal one. After a few more seconds, she shifted to face Deeks. He still was focused on the window.
“You’ve told me that you’ve never lived more than two miles from where you grew up, said your dad told you he hated you one Thanksgiving, and that you shot him when you were eleven. Which directly conflicts with your Thanksgiving story. So, which one is true?” she asked, watching as Deeks stilled completely.
“Wow, that’s quite a shift from petty shoplifting,” he drawled, turning to look at her. Kensi lifted her chin, not backing down just yet. She supposed he could always refuse to answer, but she hoped he wouldn’t.
“The two miles bit was a way to connect with a kid who we needed to help us. The rest…” he sighed and dragged his hands through his hair. “You’re right, I did not see my dad any Thanksgiving in the last 20 years, because he’s been in jail. He did tell me that he hated me, but I was 9.” He flicked an uncertain look at her, and Kensi tried not to let her expression change. “The rest is all true.”
“You never said exactly what happened,” she prompted before she could stop herself.
Deeks turned to face the window again.
“My dad was beating my mom like he always did. Then he grabbed a gun. Threaten to kill both of us,” Deeks said in an oddly wooden voice. “I think he was shocked I actually shot him. I think you can fill in the rest of the details.”
The car was absolutely silent in the wake of his response, and Kensi felt suddenly chilled and a little sick even though she’d instigated the whole conversation.
“I’m sorry,” she started to say, but Deeks just shook his head.
“It’s ok. It was a long time ago. Time heals right?”
Kensi didn’t respond, just stared at the back of his head, a darkened silhouette. Some things no amount of time could heal, she thought.
A/N: I figure Deeks told Kensi the full story once they got together.
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ejzah · 5 months
A/N: Once again, thanks to @mashmaiden for reminding me that today is Deeks’ birthday. I swear I just don’t have a brain anymore. In any case, happy 45th birthday to Martin Atticus Deeks.
The Best Birthday
“Shhh, you’re going to wake him up.”
“I’m being as quiet as I can. Can you grab the syrup?”
“Let me put the flowers down first.”
Deeks cracked one eye open, first registering the twins cradled in either arm. He vaguely recalled going to change them last night in a haze of sleep. He turned his head to the side where Kensi and Rosa were still whispering, bent over something on the side table. He heard the distinctive click of a lighter.
“Don’t get wax on the—”
“Do I wanna know what’s going on over there,” Deeks croaked, not bothering to lift his head. Kensi and Rosa spun around simultaneously, Rosa hurrying to block his view of the table.
“Baby, you’re supposed to be sleeping still,” Kensi lamented, moving over to the bed and leaning to kiss him.
“And you’re supposed to be taking it easy,” he reminded her. “Cause of these gremlins.” He lifted his shoulders in the direction of the oblivious twins.
“I think I can handle carrying a lighter upstairs,” she countered as Rosa stepped forward with a tray, laden with an omelet, fruit, coffee, and thick pancakes topped with lit candles.
“Happy Birthday, Marty,” Rosa wished him, waving her hand over the spread with a flourish.
He shifted himself higher against the pillows while keeping Caleb and Sophia cradled in his arms. “This is amazing, but I didn’t expect anything this year with everything going on.”
“It’s a very important day,” Kensi said with a fond smile. “One that I’m never, ever going to miss again. She kissed him again, sliding onto the bed next to him, and reached to take Sophia.
“Hey, I can still eat and hold them at the same time,” he protested, scooping both babies a little tighter on his chest.
“I know, but you don’t have to. I promise I’ll give them back as soon as you’re done.”
Kensi scooped up Caleb and Sophia, settling beside him, and Rosa set the tray over his lap.
Deeks gingerly blew out the candle stuck in the center of the pancake stack, putting it to the side. He was about to dig in when Rosa crawled up next to him. Something about that, maybe combined with the lack of sleep, made his heart squeeze with sudden affection, and the odd urge to cry.
“What’s wrong? Did we forget something?” Kensi asked, making Deeks realize he’d been sitting there with an empty fork for a while. He glanced between Rosa, the twins, and finally Kensi. His family.
“No. No, this is absolutely perfect,” he assured her, brushing a couple tears back. “Thank you, baby.”
“Happy Birthday, Deeks. We love you.”
A/N: I just love writing Deeks as the happiest dad.
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ejzah · 2 months
A/N: Superhero cookies start tonight for my younger nephew’s birthday, so you get a little random fic today. Takes place shortly after Nell’s arrival in season 2.
Through Another’s Eyes
“Deeks seems nice.”
“Huh?” Kensi looked up from the pile of personal belongings she and Nell were sorting through. It took her a moment to focus and register Nell’s observation enough to respond. She followed Nell’s gaze to across the room where Deeks paced as he talked—liaised—with someone from LAPD. “Nice? Yeah, I guess so,” Kensi said, shrugging.
“Why do you say it like that?” Nell asked, sounding surprised.
“I don’t know. It’s just not a word I would normally associate with him.”
“Really? So far he’s been really friendly and helpful. He jumped my car the other day. Did you know he surfs?”
Nell had been a fixture for approximately three weeks now, and had mostly settled. She supposed she should have expected that Deeks would attempt to charm Nell.
“Everyone surfs here. It’s LA,” Kensi commented dismissively.
“Yeah, but he’s good. I looked him up, and he won a few smaller competitions when he was younger,” Nell shared.
Now that was news to Kensi. He’d spent enough time describing the perfect wave and his favorite surfing spots that she would have expected any awards to come up too. Frequently.
“He’s cute too,” Nell admitted in a lowered voice. Her cheeks had just a hint of a blush, yet she didn’t look all that embarrassed. Kensi felt a twinge of unease that Nell had been checking out her new partner.
“Oh lord, you like him too,” Kensi groaned. At Nell’s raised eyebrow, she explained. “Wherever he goes, a trail of business cards and sharpie numbers follow him.”
“That makes sense. He’s got that whole easy going, surfer guy look going for him. The blue eyes, the blonde hair, and when he smiles? Best feeling in the world,” Nell gushed.
“He’s also loud, annoying, and full of himself,” Kensi added to the list. And loyal and protective, her mind supplied unhelpfully.
“Yeah, but aren’t most of us in this field a little egotistical? It kind of comes with the territory. We have to project that we’re the best to instill confidence.”
“Oh, he’s confident all right.”
Deeks turned their way at that moment, running his hand through his unruly curls in obvious frustration. He flashed them a quick smile, then immediately returned to talking a mile a minute.
“If you like him so much, why don’t you ask him out?” Kensi found herself saying. She immediately regretted the question.
“I would, but somehow I don’t see anything romantic working between us,” Nell said, flashing Kensi a speculative look. “For now I’m happy to admire from afar and become good friends.”
Kensi found herself oddly, and worryingly relieved by that. She snuck another glance at Deeks. Clearly they’d been spending too much time together. That was definitely the answer. Nothing else.
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