ejzah · 13 hours
Suggested by @mashmaiden to continue the Houseguest Drabble Series. It’s quite long.
Deeks: This is getting ridiculous.
Kensi, in a soothing tone: I know, baby, but it won’t be that much longer.
Deeks, not soothed at all: Really? Cause it already feels like it’s been forever. Look, you know I love Anna and Callen, and at any other time, I’d probably love to have them here, but I we have no room, it’s been two days, and the twins are starting to babble in Russian.
Kensi, putting a hand on his arm: Sweetie, calm down. I don’t think babies can learn another language in 48 hours.
Deeks: Callen is very determined. *he takes a deep breath and rub s his hands over his face* I’m sorry. I’m just tired and need some caffeine. Donut and Croissant were feeling extra social last night.
Kensi, grimacing: I know. I heard you get up a lot. Let’s go see if there’s any coffee left.
They find Callen, Anna, and Rosa in the kitchen.
Anna: Good morning. Thank you again for letting us stay another night.
Kensi: You’re welcome. I hope the twins didn’t wake you up too much.
Anna: I brought ear plugs.
Callen, pouring them each a coffee: And you know I don’t sleep much.
Deeks, nodding: So
any updates.
Callen: Arkady’s not answering my texts.
Deeks, in exasperation: Alright, that’s it.
Kensi: What are you doing?
Deeks, halfway out of the kitchen: Taking care of this once and for all. *then on reconsideration, he grabs a bottle of alcohol on the way out*
Deeks: Arkady! Open the door.
The door pops open a crack and a sliver of Arkady’s face appears.
Arkady: Deeks, what are you doing here?
Deeks, shouldering his way in: Here, I brought you a housewarming gift.
Arkady, quirking an eyebrow at the wine: This is not my house.
Deeks: Exactly. Where are Yuliana and my mom?
Arkady: They are in back. I believe they mentioned something about lunch. Though I have not been considered in a plans.
Deeks, heading for the back door: Wonderful.
He finds Roberta and Yuliana happily chatting and relaxing on lawn chairs.
Yuliana, instantly wary when she sees him: Berta, who is this?
Roberta, sitting forward: It’s my my son, Martin. Marty, what’s going on? Is something wrong?
Deeks, holding up a hand: No, mama. Nothing’s wrong. Well, assuming you consider seven people sharing one bathroom not wrong. Did you notice the homeowners of this home are missing in action?
Roberta, shrugging: Hey, I didn’t make them leave.
Deeks: No, you just made them extremely uncomfortable with your fighting and death threats via sewing needle.
Arkady, from behind Deeks: Yes, they fight like—like shrews. Or yapping dogs, nipping at the defenseless.
Yuliana, stands up and instantly begins berating him in Russian.
Arkady, to Deeks after retorting in Russian: See, this is reason we did not marry.
Roberta, hand on her hip: Excuse me, what did you call me?
Deeks, whistling sharply: Alright, that is enough! In two sentences or less, explain your top grievance with this man. *he gestures to Arkady and then Yuliana* You go first.
Yuliana, haughtily: Arkady told me he had been tasked with a very important job for US government two weeks before our wedding. I never saw him again. And he took my engagement ring with him.
Deeks: Not a good look, man.
Yuliana, warming up now: He also lies! All the times with the lies and the stories. He told me—
Deeks, interrupting: On any other day, I would love to pull up a chair and listen, but right now I’m on a tight schedule. So, if you wouldn’t mind. Mom?
Robert: Well, I suppose it’s not that bad, but last week he never showed up for our weekly dinner at my house. *she glares at Arkady and he cowers a little* I’m also not a big fan of some of the things I heard about you from your ex. I’ve dated jerks before, Ari.
Deeks, nodding: Ok, so now we have the grievances. What type of reparations do you think are necessary for you both to get over this Russian scoundrel and vacate the premises?
Yuliana glances at Roberta and they shrug a couple of times before nodding.
Yuliana: A sincere apology would suffice. Otherwise, I will never leave.
Arkady: Apologize? For what? I have done nothing! Ok, perhaps I tell a few lies. But these are nothing.
Deeks, leaning close to him: Arkady, you either apologize to these ladies with the best of your con-man abilities or I will have you arrested for trespassing on private property.
Arkady: You are not agent anymore.
Deeks: You forget I’m friends with your son-in-law, Sam Hanna, and several other law enforcement agents who would happily put you behind bars.
Arkady: You would not dare. *Deeks raises an eyebrow and Arkady puts on a contrite expression* Yuliana, my former love, I am deeply sorry for abandoning you on our wedding day. I don’t deserve your love. Roberta, my dear, my feisty woman—
Deeks: Speed it up.
Arkady: Roberta, I promise to never treat you so poorly again. Will you forgive me?
Roberta: What do you think, Yuliana? Should we forgive this pathetic man?
Yuliana: It was satisfying to see him grovel. Why not? Roberta, do you have plans?
Deeks, as they wander off, making plans to go shopping: Oh, thank god. Maybe I can finally get some sleep.
Arkady: But first you just drive me home since I ride here with your mother.
Deeks, talking to himself: A jury would accept a plea of insanity.
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ejzah · 18 hours
100+ cookies baked. Now to choose the best looking ones.
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ejzah · 21 hours
Can you write a fanfic about what if the team discovered Deeks was a cop before his and Sam's jail scene. Like what if Kensi and Deeks actually fought in the house, but during that exact moment, Beale finds out and drops the bomb on Kensi and Deeks and that leads to a whole new story. I hope you'll please consider it.
A/N: Oh, Anon, I am so sorry that this has been sitting in my inbox for so long. I changed a few little things to fit the scenario. I’m not sure if this was intended to lead to a multi-chap fic, but for now I’ll leave it at this scene.
A Different Path
Kensi had never met anyone as infuriating as Jason Wyler in her life. From the moment he’d walked over from a punching bag in the MMA gym, he’d questioned her, smirked her, and generally made a nuisance of himself. At the moment, he was impeding her ability to gather evidence. She almost hoped he turned out to be involved in Zuna’s death so she could have the pleasure of arresting him.
“Or maybe you found what you were looking for before I got here,” he was saying, not playing into Kensi’s attempt to flirt. “Maybe you found some cash. Maybe you should empty those pockets.” He stared her down, not moving any closer, and she didn’t know if it was the intensity of his blue eyes or the implicit threat, but she felt a shiver move up her spine.
“Don’t touch me,” she warned, discreetly reaching for her gun tucked in her waistband.
“Then show me you didn’t take anything from of mine or Zuna’s.” He tilted his head to the side, challenging her just a hint of a smirk playing at his lips, though his eyes remained tight and wary. She resisted the urge to move back.
“Or I could punch you in the face,” she offered from between her teeth, not quite managing the light tone she’d intended. He fully grinned at that.
“You can try,” he drawled. Kensi tensed, caught between kicking him somewhere that would be sure to shut him up or pulling her gun on him.
Her phone buzzing insistently in her pocket, and after a moment of consideration she answered, keeping an eye on Jason Wyler the entire time. He had moved back ever so slightly, still close, in her space.
“Let me guess, that’s another boyfriend you sent dirty pictures to,” Wyler said, tilting his head to the side in a way that made her want to snap back at him. She didn’t know how he could joke and stare her down at the same time.
“It’s my boss. Beale, this isn’t a good time,” she hissed as she held the phone to her ear. She was a little surprised that Wyler expected her explanation or her answering at all.
“Kensi, are you with Jason Wyler?” Eric asked, a note of tension in his voice that had her reaching for her gun again. Wyler watched her just as warily, his hand creeping behind his back too.
“Yes,” she responded shortly.
“Ok, we were right, he’s not actually Jason Wyler.” She gripped the butt of her gun at Eric’s confirmation. “He’s an LAPD detective.”
“Wait, can you repeat that?” She must have heard Eric wrong. There was no way the sketchy guy in front of her was a cop.
“He’s an LAPD Detective named Marty Deeks. Hetty wants you to stand down immediately,” Eric repeated, emphasizing the last part.
“Got it, thanks,” she said distractedly, hanging up.
“That wasn’t your boss, was it?” Wyler—Deeks asked.
“No, and you’re not Jason Wyler. You’re an LAPD Detective.” His mouth dropped open slightly at her answer, then faster than she had thought possible, he had his gun aimed directly at her.
“Wait, stand down detective,” she said slowly. Raising her hands above her waist, she resisted the instinct to attack. “I’m a federal agent with NCIS.” She expected the usual question about the agency, but instead recognition crossed his face, and he relaxed every so slightly.
“Let me see your badge,” he requested, and Kensi retrieved her wallet from her other back pocket. He took it with his free hand, eyes roving over her picture and the accompanying information for several seconds.
Despite her annoyance at the situation, she couldn’t help but approve of his caution. It would be stupid to take her at her word.
Apparently satisfied, he snapped the wallet closed, and handed it back. “Special Agent Kensi Blye. I knew you didn’t look like one of Danny’s girls. Sorry about almost shooting you.”
“Well, I almost kicked you, so I’d say we’re even.”
He snorted at that, his mouth quirking up in a half smirk.
“So, Kensi Blye, care to tell me why you’re screwing up my undercover operation?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve been under for months.”
“That’s impressive. Unfortunately, my team has been tasked with investigating Daniel Zuna’s death,” Kensi explained. “I’m afraid that’s going to take priority over whatever you’re involved in.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Deeks said confidently. “Come on, my boss is going to wanna talk to your boss.”
God, he was infuriating. Kensi had to fight against the inexplicable desire to smile as he headed for the door. She could tell he was going to be trouble.
A/N: I hope this was ok and not too different from canon events.
Thanks for the prompt!
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ejzah · 21 hours
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ejzah · 1 day
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ejzah · 2 days
Please put any negative/positive experiences in the tags if you’d like.
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ejzah · 2 days
Can you write a fanfic about what if the team discovered Deeks was a cop before his and Sam's jail scene. Like what if Kensi and Deeks actually fought in the house, but during that exact moment, Beale finds out and drops the bomb on Kensi and Deeks and that leads to a whole new story. I hope you'll please consider it.
A/N: Oh, Anon, I am so sorry that this has been sitting in my inbox for so long. I changed a few little things to fit the scenario. I’m not sure if this was intended to lead to a multi-chap fic, but for now I’ll leave it at this scene.
A Different Path
Kensi had never met anyone as infuriating as Jason Wyler in her life. From the moment he’d walked over from a punching bag in the MMA gym, he’d questioned her, smirked her, and generally made a nuisance of himself. At the moment, he was impeding her ability to gather evidence. She almost hoped he turned out to be involved in Zuna’s death so she could have the pleasure of arresting him.
“Or maybe you found what you were looking for before I got here,” he was saying, not playing into Kensi’s attempt to flirt. “Maybe you found some cash. Maybe you should empty those pockets.” He stared her down, not moving any closer, and she didn’t know if it was the intensity of his blue eyes or the implicit threat, but she felt a shiver move up her spine.
“Don’t touch me,” she warned, discreetly reaching for her gun tucked in her waistband.
“Then show me you didn’t take anything from of mine or Zuna’s.” He tilted his head to the side, challenging her just a hint of a smirk playing at his lips, though his eyes remained tight and wary. She resisted the urge to move back.
“Or I could punch you in the face,” she offered from between her teeth, not quite managing the light tone she’d intended. He fully grinned at that.
“You can try,” he drawled. Kensi tensed, caught between kicking him somewhere that would be sure to shut him up or pulling her gun on him.
Her phone buzzing insistently in her pocket, and after a moment of consideration she answered, keeping an eye on Jason Wyler the entire time. He had moved back ever so slightly, still close, in her space.
“Let me guess, that’s another boyfriend you sent dirty pictures to,” Wyler said, tilting his head to the side in a way that made her want to snap back at him. She didn’t know how he could joke and stare her down at the same time.
“It’s my boss. Beale, this isn’t a good time,” she hissed as she held the phone to her ear. She was a little surprised that Wyler expected her explanation or her answering at all.
“Kensi, are you with Jason Wyler?” Eric asked, a note of tension in his voice that had her reaching for her gun again. Wyler watched her just as warily, his hand creeping behind his back too.
“Yes,” she responded shortly.
“Ok, we were right, he’s not actually Jason Wyler.” She gripped the butt of her gun at Eric’s confirmation. “He’s an LAPD detective.”
“Wait, can you repeat that?” She must have heard Eric wrong. There was no way the sketchy guy in front of her was a cop.
“He’s an LAPD Detective named Marty Deeks. Hetty wants you to stand down immediately,” Eric repeated, emphasizing the last part.
“Got it, thanks,” she said distractedly, hanging up.
“That wasn’t your boss, was it?” Wyler—Deeks asked.
“No, and you’re not Jason Wyler. You’re an LAPD Detective.” His mouth dropped open slightly at her answer, then faster than she had thought possible, he had his gun aimed directly at her.
“Wait, stand down detective,” she said slowly. Raising her hands above her waist, she resisted the instinct to attack. “I’m a federal agent with NCIS.” She expected the usual question about the agency, but instead recognition crossed his face, and he relaxed every so slightly.
“Let me see your badge,” he requested, and Kensi retrieved her wallet from her other back pocket. He took it with his free hand, eyes roving over her picture and the accompanying information for several seconds.
Despite her annoyance at the situation, she couldn’t help but approve of his caution. It would be stupid to take her at her word.
Apparently satisfied, he snapped the wallet closed, and handed it back. “Special Agent Kensi Blye. I knew you didn’t look like one of Danny’s girls. Sorry about almost shooting you.”
“Well, I almost kicked you, so I’d say we’re even.”
He snorted at that, his mouth quirking up in a half smirk.
“So, Kensi Blye, care to tell me why you’re screwing up my undercover operation?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve been under for months.”
“That’s impressive. Unfortunately, my team has been tasked with investigating Daniel Zuna’s death,” Kensi explained. “I’m afraid that’s going to take priority over whatever you’re involved in.”
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Deeks said confidently. “Come on, my boss is going to wanna talk to your boss.”
God, he was infuriating. Kensi had to fight against the inexplicable desire to smile as he headed for the door. She could tell he was going to be trouble.
A/N: I hope this was ok and not too different from canon events.
Thanks for the prompt!
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ejzah · 3 days
A/N: It can never be said that I don’t run with an idea. Do we think Kensi and Deeks have successfully rid their house of Russians?
Deeks, genially: Anna, so good to see you. I take it your here to retrieve your long lost husband. Don’t worry, we’ve kept him fed and watered.
Anna, smiling: Hey, Deeks. Actually, I was wondering if I could come in.
Deeks, resigned: Of course. Welcome, the more the merrier. *then just under his breath* What’s seven people in a 2-bedroom house? We can just get bunk beds.
Kensi, standing to greet her: Anna, hey, how are you?
Anna, pausing to say tweak each of the twins’ cheeks: Ah. I’ve been better. I think I might be more stressed than leading up to our wedding.
Callen, rising to kiss her: I thought you said things were calming down between your dad, Yuliana, and Roberta.
Deeks: The world’s most dangerous and disturbing love triangle.
Rosa, chuckles: I don’t know about that. You haven’t heard Roberta’s story with the two electricians.
Kensi, wryly: Fantastic.
Deeks: Anyway, getting back on track. What’s going on? Is Arkady dead? Do we need to send in the CIA or call a Russian ambassador?
Anna, cracking a thin smile: No, fortunately there was no bloodshed as of when I left. However, Yuliana began sharing some of my father’s more colorful behavior and your mother *she nods to Deeks* joined in. The switch was remarkable and a little unnerving.
Callen: And you just left them?
Anna, shrugging: What else was I supposed to do? It got very awkward after a while. When I left, Yuliana was sharing a bottle of wine with Roberta while Arkady tried to defend himself.
Kensi: So, there’s a small chance that they might reach an accordance soon?
Deeks, snorting: Are you kidding? You know my mom, Kens. She will happily talk about every minuscule mistake Arkady has ever made for as long as Yuliana will listen. It looks like we’re in for the long haul.
Anna: We can get a hotel, right Callen? It’s not a big deal.
Kensi: No, no, no. You can stay here. We’ll figure out something.
Rosa: So
 sleepover in the den?
Callen, happily: I’ll make some popcorn.
Deeks, pursing his lips as he puts his his arm around Kensi: Kensalina, I fear we have just unofficially adopted two Russians.
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ejzah · 3 days
I have very shaky balance and don’t know how to stop reliably. Off to watch some YouTube tutorials.
As most you have probably figured out at this point, I tend to do similar things day to day. I don’t like change, surprises, or putting myself out there. Occasionally though, I can be quite impulsive and randomly decide to but roller skates. Even though I have never roller skated before in my life.
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ejzah · 3 days
As most you have probably figured out at this point, I tend to do similar things day to day. I don’t like change, surprises, or putting myself out there. Occasionally though, I can be quite impulsive and randomly decide to but roller skates. Even though I have never roller skated before in my life.
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ejzah · 3 days
Please reblog, I'm curious
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ejzah · 3 days
A/N: I’m finally back with this story again! I’m hoping that I can get it wrapped up before July, but no promises.
In Miss Blye’s Class, Part 32
Despite the specter of Monica hanging over them, they had a good night. Caleb contributed significantly to keeping the mood light. He was delighted to have uninterrupted time with Kensi and made use of the opportunity. After dinner, he showed Kensi all his new books, as promised, even reading two all by himself.
Kensi seemed just as excited by his reading as Deeks, even though she got to seem him practice his skills every day. He’d come to love these moments of quiet simplicity. There wasn’t any pressure on any of them to be anything but themselves.
He watched Kensi help Caleb decode a difficult word, and he glanced up, seeking Deeks’ gaze, his approval with a wide grin. Deeks grinned back, reaching over to smooth an unruly curl down. It instantly sprung back up. Just like it always did.
“That’s one of the biggest, hardest words I’ve ever read!” Caleb exclaimed.
“I know, kiddo. I’m so proud of how hard you’ve worked on your reading,” Deeks said wholeheartedly.
“Me too,” Kensi agreed. “You’ve made so much progress these last few months.”
This alone was enough to convince that he needed to have a serious conversation with Monica. Up to this point, he’d held back for Caleb’s sake, and maybe because despite it all, he still felt some tiny bit of compassion for her. All that had gotten him was Monica pushing as many boundaries as she could.
He was done. He wouldn’t put his relationship with Kensi in jeopardy. Not anymore.
They spent another half an hour playing and talking before it was Caleb’s bedtime. Kensi decided to leave then, and he briefly imagined a time when she’d stay for a bedtime story and the good nights. He didn’t let his imagination drift too far with that daydream, but it was on his mind as he kissed Kensi goodbye at the door, lingering for a few extra seconds even though they’d both said their goodbyes already.
Once Kensi left, he ran the normal nighttime routine with Caleb: bath, teeth brushing, talking over the day, before a final book—this time read by Deeks. He made sure Caleb was fully asleep before he crept out and headed for the patio, pulling up Monica’s number on his phone.
“Hello, Marty. I did not expect to hear from you so soon,” she answered after a couple rings. “Did you miss me?”
“No. Monica, we need to talk,” he said, not taking the bait. She chucked, her voice fading for a second as though she’d turned away from the phone.
“I’m sorry, but I’m a little
occupied tonight.”
“I don’t care. After the last week, you can deal with some inconvenience. Now, we can either talk now or meet here.”
He could almost feel her debating the consequences of blowing him off for whatever plans she may or may not have. After several seconds, she sighed dramatically, the sound loud in his ear.
“Alright. I’ll be over in half an hour.”
Deeks was waiting in the driveway, leaning against his truck, when Monica pulled up to the curb in a black car. He didn’t want to chance Caleb hearing the conversation they were about to have if he happened to wake up.
Monica raised an eyebrow at his position as she approached, but didn’t comment. Uncrossing his legs, Deeks straightened, meeting her at the halfway point.
“This is cozy,” she joked, mimicking his posture. “So, what is so important that you pulled me away from what promises to be a very nice date?”
“Did you question Kensi about our relationship?” he asked bluntly. Monica didn’t show any sign of guilt or embarrassment, her expression blanking for a second before she laughed throatily.
“Oh, so the teacher went and tattled. I was 50/50 on which way she’d go. You know, she’s spunky. I like that—”
“On my god, Monica, stop. This isn’t a game. What were you thinking asking Kensi’s those questions?”
She shrugged flippantly. “Like I told her, I’m just looking out for you. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“That is not your job or your business. How many times do I have to tell you that you no longer have a say in my personal life before you get it? That ended when you divorced me,” Deeks reminded her.
“That may be true, but she’s also in Caleb’s life. And I’m still his mother,” she shot back, taunting him. “I still have a say in his life. Especially when it comes to such big changes.”
“No, you don’t. Not anymore. You’re the one who terminated your parental rights. If you want visitations we can get lawyers to work out an agreement, but this cannot go on. You don’t get to walk back in whenever you want and make demands. I won’t let you do this to us anymore.”
“I thought we didn’t need a contract,” Monica said, reminding him of his own words from a time when he was younger and far more naive.
“I thought so too, until you started interfering in our lives. It’s not fair to either Caleb or me to have you just showing up without warning and expect us to drop everything.”
“A mother should be allowed to see her son.”
That pushed him over the edge. He’d tried to remain polite and in control, but everything that he’s kept back since she left came pouring out.
“Oh don’t give me that crap, Monica. You abandoned him. That’s what it’s called when you leave a child without any warning or way of contacting you,” he snapped, inhaling deeply to regain even a tiny bit of control. He didn’t need the neighbors hearing the entire conversation. “Look, I have tried so hard to move on and not be bitter about any of this.”
He drew his hand through the air to encompass the last five years. “I know people change, sometimes what they thought they wanted doesn’t make them happy anymore, and-and I accept that, but the way you left destroyed both of us when you left. Monica, you didn’t even give me any warning. It took me so long to begin trusting another person, for Caleb to stop asking when you were coming home, and now that we’ve finally found peace and happiness, you come in like some kind of wrecking ball.”
Monica shifted from one foot to the other, and opened her mouth like she was about to defend herself, but he cut her off with a shake of his head.
“I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you’re going to come up with. You’ve manipulated our son, questioned my girlfriend, and violated my privacy.” He shook his head, licking his bottom lip. “There’s, uh, there’s no excuse for any of that. I wouldn’t believe it anyway at this point.”
Her face fell slightly at the last part, but he refuses to feel any guilt. She shifted from one foot to the other, looking down with her lips pursed, then lifted her chin.
“So, what exactly do you want if it’s not an apology?” she asked.
“We agree to put parameters on your visitation and parental rights,” he responded. “I’m going to get a lawyer. I suggest you do to.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect my family.” He let that hang in the night air for a few seconds, then nodded. “Have a good rest of your night, Monica.” He didn’t wait for a reply, heading for the front door again.
A/N: I know this is a little heavier and dramatic than most of this story. I hope that’s ok. Monica’s just one of those people who doesn’t know when to stop.
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ejzah · 4 days
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ejzah · 4 days
A/N: I’m finally back with this story again! I’m hoping that I can get it wrapped up before July, but no promises.
In Miss Blye’s Class, Part 32
Despite the specter of Monica hanging over them, they had a good night. Caleb contributed significantly to keeping the mood light. He was delighted to have uninterrupted time with Kensi and made use of the opportunity. After dinner, he showed Kensi all his new books, as promised, even reading two all by himself.
Kensi seemed just as excited by his reading as Deeks, even though she got to seem him practice his skills every day. He’d come to love these moments of quiet simplicity. There wasn’t any pressure on any of them to be anything but themselves.
He watched Kensi help Caleb decode a difficult word, and he glanced up, seeking Deeks’ gaze, his approval with a wide grin. Deeks grinned back, reaching over to smooth an unruly curl down. It instantly sprung back up. Just like it always did.
“That’s one of the biggest, hardest words I’ve ever read!” Caleb exclaimed.
“I know, kiddo. I’m so proud of how hard you’ve worked on your reading,” Deeks said wholeheartedly.
“Me too,” Kensi agreed. “You’ve made so much progress these last few months.”
This alone was enough to convince that he needed to have a serious conversation with Monica. Up to this point, he’d held back for Caleb’s sake, and maybe because despite it all, he still felt some tiny bit of compassion for her. All that had gotten him was Monica pushing as many boundaries as she could.
He was done. He wouldn’t put his relationship with Kensi in jeopardy. Not anymore.
They spent another half an hour playing and talking before it was Caleb’s bedtime. Kensi decided to leave then, and he briefly imagined a time when she’d stay for a bedtime story and the good nights. He didn’t let his imagination drift too far with that daydream, but it was on his mind as he kissed Kensi goodbye at the door, lingering for a few extra seconds even though they’d both said their goodbyes already.
Once Kensi left, he ran the normal nighttime routine with Caleb: bath, teeth brushing, talking over the day, before a final book—this time read by Deeks. He made sure Caleb was fully asleep before he crept out and headed for the patio, pulling up Monica’s number on his phone.
“Hello, Marty. I did not expect to hear from you so soon,” she answered after a couple rings. “Did you miss me?”
“No. Monica, we need to talk,” he said, not taking the bait. She chucked, her voice fading for a second as though she’d turned away from the phone.
“I’m sorry, but I’m a little
occupied tonight.”
“I don’t care. After the last week, you can deal with some inconvenience. Now, we can either talk now or meet here.”
He could almost feel her debating the consequences of blowing him off for whatever plans she may or may not have. After several seconds, she sighed dramatically, the sound loud in his ear.
“Alright. I’ll be over in half an hour.”
Deeks was waiting in the driveway, leaning against his truck, when Monica pulled up to the curb in a black car. He didn’t want to chance Caleb hearing the conversation they were about to have if he happened to wake up.
Monica raised an eyebrow at his position as she approached, but didn’t comment. Uncrossing his legs, Deeks straightened, meeting her at the halfway point.
“This is cozy,” she joked, mimicking his posture. “So, what is so important that you pulled me away from what promises to be a very nice date?”
“Did you question Kensi about our relationship?” he asked bluntly. Monica didn’t show any sign of guilt or embarrassment, her expression blanking for a second before she laughed throatily.
“Oh, so the teacher went and tattled. I was 50/50 on which way she’d go. You know, she’s spunky. I like that—”
“On my god, Monica, stop. This isn’t a game. What were you thinking asking Kensi’s those questions?”
She shrugged flippantly. “Like I told her, I’m just looking out for you. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“That is not your job or your business. How many times do I have to tell you that you no longer have a say in my personal life before you get it? That ended when you divorced me,” Deeks reminded her.
“That may be true, but she’s also in Caleb’s life. And I’m still his mother,” she shot back, taunting him. “I still have a say in his life. Especially when it comes to such big changes.”
“No, you don’t. Not anymore. You’re the one who terminated your parental rights. If you want visitations we can get lawyers to work out an agreement, but this cannot go on. You don’t get to walk back in whenever you want and make demands. I won’t let you do this to us anymore.”
“I thought we didn’t need a contract,” Monica said, reminding him of his own words from a time when he was younger and far more naive.
“I thought so too, until you started interfering in our lives. It’s not fair to either Caleb or me to have you just showing up without warning and expect us to drop everything.”
“A mother should be allowed to see her son.”
That pushed him over the edge. He’d tried to remain polite and in control, but everything that he’s kept back since she left came pouring out.
“Oh don’t give me that crap, Monica. You abandoned him. That’s what it’s called when you leave a child without any warning or way of contacting you,” he snapped, inhaling deeply to regain even a tiny bit of control. He didn’t need the neighbors hearing the entire conversation. “Look, I have tried so hard to move on and not be bitter about any of this.”
He drew his hand through the air to encompass the last five years. “I know people change, sometimes what they thought they wanted doesn’t make them happy anymore, and-and I accept that, but the way you left destroyed both of us when you left. Monica, you didn’t even give me any warning. It took me so long to begin trusting another person, for Caleb to stop asking when you were coming home, and now that we’ve finally found peace and happiness, you come in like some kind of wrecking ball.”
Monica shifted from one foot to the other, and opened her mouth like she was about to defend herself, but he cut her off with a shake of his head.
“I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you’re going to come up with. You’ve manipulated our son, questioned my girlfriend, and violated my privacy.” He shook his head, licking his bottom lip. “There’s, uh, there’s no excuse for any of that. I wouldn’t believe it anyway at this point.”
Her face fell slightly at the last part, but he refuses to feel any guilt. She shifted from one foot to the other, looking down with her lips pursed, then lifted her chin.
“So, what exactly do you want if it’s not an apology?” she asked.
“We agree to put parameters on your visitation and parental rights,” he responded. “I’m going to get a lawyer. I suggest you do to.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect my family.” He let that hang in the night air for a few seconds, then nodded. “Have a good rest of your night, Monica.” He didn’t wait for a reply, heading for the front door again.
A/N: I know this is a little heavier and dramatic than most of this story. I hope that’s ok. Monica’s just one of those people who doesn’t know when to stop.
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ejzah · 4 days
My older nephew is now able to read books like “Elephant and Piggie” and the like with a little support and reads any words he sees around him. He also scored really well on both his reading and math assessments. In a couple years, he’s probably going to be better at math than I am.
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ejzah · 5 days
A/N: This will just continue indefinitely.
Kensi, Deeks, Callen, Rosa, and the twins are around the table for dinner.
Rosa, passing around a bowl of green beans: So, Callen, you never mentioned how you and Anna met.
Callen, glancing to Kensi and Deeks: Uh, it’s a little complicated.
Rosa: More complicated than meeting while you’re both undercover for different agencies and believe the other to be a criminal?
Callen, after an extended pause: Um, maybe not.
Deeks, with a wry smirk: Rosa’s pretty resilient when it comes to this stuff.
Kensi, feeding Caleb some mashed potato: Just if you could leave out Arkady’s more inventive crimes for now.
Callen: That leaves approximately two stories I can tell.
Deeks, nodding: And they’ll still probably involve multiple crimes. *he pauses to give Sophia a spoonful of purĂ©ed carrots* What about your lovely bride? Any updates on the standoff?
Callen: Last I heard, Yuliana was making a verbal list of all Arkady’s transgressions while they were together. It could take a while.
Kensi: I guess we better fix up the couch.
Rosa: He can have my room. As long as you don’t mind flowers. I pain a lot.
Callen: That’s really generous of you, but I’ve slept on worse than a couch many times before.
Deeks: By choice. *the doorbell rings and he gives Sophia a mock severe look* Hey, don’t eat all my potatoes while I’m gone. *she giggles*
Deeks, looking through the window: Ah, speak of the devil. Kens, Callen, it’s Anna. At this point, we might as well just invite the entire Arkady clan over and call it a day.
Kensi, sighing: I’ll get the vodka and more blankets.
A/N: Somehow it felt kind of weird for Rosa to call Callen “uncle”. Shall I continue with this series?
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ejzah · 6 days
A/N: Just a fluffy little Densi fic. Set in season 7.
You’re My Everything
“You’re a falling star, you’re the getaway car. You’re the line in the sand when I get too far,” Deeks sang quietly under his breath as he wiped down counters.
He didn’t realize he had an audience until Kensi spoke. “That’s pretty.” Looking up to where she leaned in the doorway, and flashed her a grin.
“You talking about my freshly ruffled locks?” he joked, earring an eye roll.
Pushing off the wall, she joined him at the counter, moving into his space.
“No, the song. What’s it called?”
“Everything” by Michael BublĂ©. I’m sorry, he’s not from a boyband.”
Kensi playfully swatted at his arm, and he dodged it with a chuckle. “I know who Michael BublĂ© is,” she insisted. “I just don’t know that song.”
He lived for these moments when they just got to be carefree. It made everything else worthwhile. With that in mind, he wound his arms around Kensi’s waist, tugging her towards him.
She came easily, falling into his chest with a little smile that showed she wasn’t really irritated with him.
“It makes me think of you,” he murmured, explaining when Kensi frowned. “The lyrics to the song. You’re my falling star and you reign me back in when I get a little crazy.”
“Oh, what other words remind you of me?” she asked, looping her arms around his neck.
“And you play it coy, but it’s kind of cute, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do,” Deeks sang. He lightly tugged on Kensi’s hand, and after the briefest hesitation, she let him guide her towards the middle of the kitchen.
He kept their body’s pressed close as they swayed in small circles while he continued to sing. Kensi’s eyes never left his, her expression turning softer and even a little dreamy.
Pushing her out from him, Deeks spun her in a circle. “You’re every line, your every word,” he paused, and dipped her, holding it for an extra second until he finished. “You’re my everything.”
When they straightened up, Kensi curled her fingers in his hair, tugging his mouth to her for a deep kiss.
“You’re my everything, too,” she whispered against the corner of his mouth.
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