#el byers
upsidedog · 9 months
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Second time's the charm
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livsmessydoodles · 1 year
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the tinie
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ikarakie · 1 year
one day in california someone asks el if her and will are twins and she just fucking explodes. she loves the idea. yes, absolutely she and will are twins, what a fantastic concept, thank you. she announces that night at dinner: "me and will are twins now." and instead of trying to explain that's just... not how it works, the byers' are all like: "yeah, okay. cool."
it does, however, confuse the party and hopper when the byers' move back to hawkins. because suddenly el is looping her arm with will's and claiming 'twin telepathy' or that she gets dibs on will with any team based game because 'we are twins, you are not allowed to seperate us.'
(will loves it too. acts like it's always been this way, looking at their friends with fake confusion and asking: what? how did you forget about me having a whole twin sister? gosh, guys, do you really pay attention to us that little? you move away for one year and suddenly people forget such basic info about you... meanwhile el just nods along and tells them off as well.)
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artsyna · 1 month
Mileven breakup forshadowing since episode fucking one of season 4
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Like the flowers that Mike got you??
Okay I'm bot crazy i swear, but listen.
Spring flowers = Mike
soo it would be...
"At first, I missed Mike." (SEASON 5 FORSHADOWINGG YES)
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h3arts4byler · 9 days
Why do some Milevens think that Byler fans hate Eleven??
Like no, she’s my baby <3
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shreya11111 · 2 years
how can anyone hate her
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and how can anyone hate him
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frog4278 · 2 years
Even MORE useless Stranger Things headcanons with @dawg3i and some stolen from TikTok thank you
Steve and Robin cannot spell restaurant. They will spend hours trying to figure it out. Do NOT make them spell receipt
Mike is terrified by butterflies. HE HATES THEM!!!!
Steve puts his shoes on the wrong feet sometimes and he never notices
Modern Stranger Things AU where Holly likes to watch Miraculous Ladybug and Mike hates it because the main villain Hawkmoth literally is themed after a butterfly and uses butterflies to attack people
Nancy pulls up a picture of that one Spongebob episode with the butterfly (yk the image) and chases Mike around with it
He's screaming crying throwing up
All Lucas has is a pollen allergy and a girly sneeze against the world
Eddie is terrified of dogs. Even if it's tinniest dog in the world Eddie will still call it bloodthirsty and out to get him
Erica has chased Eddie with the intent to kill on multiple occasions
Robin has no idea how to swim and if she was left alone she would drown in three feet of water. Steve tries to teach her how to swim and it never works.
Steve Harrington caught teaching a graduated band kid how to swim in a crowded ass pool in the middle of July
Robin: Steve you gotta go. It’s too deep. I’m drowning. Save yourself
Steve: Rob it’s 3ft deep
At the end of the day Steve gives up and gets her those arm floaties
But imagine how scary that would be for Robin at Lover's Lake
The feeling of losing all the air in your lungs and your body slowly going into panic mode because oh God you can't breathe you can't breathe
and then she feels a hand grab her arm and pull her into the Upside Down and it’s Nancy
Anyways Robin and Steve pretending to be siblings when someone’s like “So… how long have y’all been together ;)" is fucking gold. They don’t hold back. They get offended. They ruin friendships.
"We just ended a relationship"
"points at a bickering couple theirs"
Steve can't play any instrument if he touches it it will fall apart
Eddie will NEVER live to the day he lets Steve touch his guitar
Steve touches it and it blows up like a pipebomb
Jonathan is a cryptid. Will goes into the kitchen at 3 AM for a glass of water and finds Jonathan hunched over a bag of shredded cheese with nothing but the open fridge light illuminating his face
Sometimes Will joins him
El is just concerned
Then she goes back to befriending the wolf spider in their house
Nancy plays tennis and is very competitive about it
Robin bites string cheese
Steve still counts on his fingers
Will has drank from his paint water cup on accident several times
Max chews her nails
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goonflower · 7 months
fuck it *headcanons stranger things characters as autistic*
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(it runs in the byers and wheeler families bc i SAID SO)
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strawberrybyers · 1 month
when karen goes missing in s5. when nancy and mike discover they’re related to the creels in the process of trying to find their mom. when el discovers henry is her dad because the lab secretly impregnated terry. therefore all of this putting another nail in mikeven’s coffin 😌
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something that really bothers me is that i NEVER see anyone treat s3 el the way we treat s3 mike. yes, mike was wrong for leaving dustin and being late to his meetup with his friends and we should acknowledge that. but we never talk about how el did the same thing. she left dustin too, and seemed pretty happy about it. she didn't care about her friends either but no one ever seems to talk about it
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upsidedog · 10 months
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senior prom, 89'
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crysta1ized · 2 years
no, cuz you don’t understand
i wanted to see will & el being wholesome siblings, helping each other out, doing cute stuff together, spending time doing whatever- they were each other’s only rock in cali!!! why couldn’t see them being the best sibling duo!!!
i really wanted to see them close like noah & millie are </3
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ikarakie · 1 year
will and el would totally have an ongoing joke like:
will: i won! i got the boy! [gesturing at mike]
el: no, i won! i got rid of the boy! objectively better!
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one thing i absolutely adore about el is that any time she sees a picture of a woman, she always says that the woman’s pretty like almost immediately(like nancy, billys mom, the elf in the dnd book etc),like thats so sweet. shes so cute i love her
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trobeds · 2 years
when max goes blind she teaches herself to recognize lucas and el within split seconds of feeling their hands. lucas's are big and rough and always gentle when they hold her and el's hands are small and warm and grip hers in a way that makes her feel like she'll never let go. and max never wants to let go of them either, because in the pitch black, she only feels safe knowing they're by her side - and they are by her side. they always will be.
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flaringgoosebumps · 2 years
I actually love the idea of El ending up without a romantic relationship. It would say that family is enough, platonic bonds are enough and you can be a bad ass without having a partner of any gender by your side. That it's not weird or awful to be alone, that it doesn't make anyone less amazing if they are alone. That platonic bonds are fullfilling and enough for someone's happiness.
because people really do keep trying to push women into this idea of you must find someone, breed, carry on, and raise your kids to do the same. Life is about way more than that and I really hope the duffers give her all of the love she deserves and not limit her to the ideas that society forces women into.
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