#emmett cullen x plus size!reader
plussizefantasia · 7 months
Ancient Races
Flufftober Day 28: Witches
Emmett Cullen x witch!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
AN: I think I've said this a lot but this is one of my favorites that I've written for Flufftober. Emmett has got to be my favorite himbo and the fact that he's a vampire really only makes it better.
I'm still looking for more requests for when I come back if you have any ideas please let me know. Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated. See y'all tomorrow.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Magic has been running through your family’s veins for centuries. Generation after generation of bright young witches who had powers beyond the scope of the rest of humanity. You were taught by your mother, and she hers and so on and so on. When you were five, your father got a job as the deputy sheriff in the small town of Forks Washington. Your mother didn’t argue and so within the month, you were in a new house.
Thinking about it now, you were sure that there had to be some kind of destiny out there, a deity of fate that pulled the strings of existence. There had to be some magnificent tapestry where all the threads of life were woven together just so as to create a beautiful picture. There was no other explanation for how things seemed to work out.
You met Emmet on his first day back at Forks High, this would be his fourth time going to this high school but it had been close to fifty years since he last stepped through their doors. The building looked different but not by much. You were walking into the building, with your arms full of books, looking like the textbook definition of a nerd. Emmett had been walking backward, not really watching where he was going and talking to Edward and Jasper. The two of you had collided. Your books fell to the ground, but you were pulled into his large chest. And thus, the best friendship you had ever had began.
There was only one problem, you couldn’t tell him about anything about your magical abilities. At first, it wasn’t a very big deal you weren’t spending a whole lot of time together and he was easily persuaded into meeting on days when you didn’t have lessons with your mother. As the two of you got closer though, it became more and more difficult to hide. 
When you turned 17, you started having a bit more difficulty controlling your magic. It tended to burst out of you when you were feeling strong emotions, especially anger. You didn’t have a huge temper but it was known to flare occasionally. You got good at lying. And every time you lied to Emmett your heart broke a little bit more. 
It had gotten to the point where you no longer cared about the rules of secrecy or the laws that your kind was bound by. You just wanted him back, you wanted to be yourself with Emmett because if you were being completely honest with yourself, he was no longer just your best friend. You were in love with him, and the thought of losing him because you had to keep hiding things was heartbreaking.
You had no idea that Emmett was feeling the very same way. When he had bumped into you that fateful day three years ago, his eternal existence shifted. You became the center of his world. He craved being near you, having you in his sight, and hearing your heartbeat. Knowing that you were safe and happy became his only goal. He tried so hard to let you take the pace, holding himself back from fully unleashing his feelings on you. But deep down he knew that he wouldn’t be able to last forever. So here he was, begging Carlsie for advice on how to tell you. He didn’t want to enter into a relationship with you that was shadowed by secrets.
If he was going to have you, he would have you being himself, with everything out in the open. 
“Carlisle, I’m telling you. She’s everything to me. I cannot move on without her in my life. She needs to know everything.”
“Son, I know that you think that but-”
“No. Carlisle, she's my mate I know it.”
“Okay. I believe you. If you’re going to tell her you’ll need to make sure that she stays calm. I know that you love her, but humans are unpredictable. We cannot risk getting exposed.”
“I know. She’ll take it well I know she will.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Carlisle asked. Pulling his adopted son into his arms for a brief but strong hug. Emmett didn’t need any more convincing than that, he hopped in his car and immediately made his way over to your house. 
You were upstairs in your room pacing a hole into your carpet trying to think of ways you could tell the boy you loved that you not only wanted to spend the rest of your life with him but that you were also a witch with emotionally charged powers who was going to live much longer than the average human. Your pacing was interrupted by several loud and fast knocks on your front door. 
You raced down the staircase to see who was at the door and when it swung open you were met with the sight of an extremely flustered Emmett Cullen.
“Em, what are you doing here?” 
“Can I come in?” He asked instead of answering you.
“Of course,” you stepped aside and he pished past you, “What’s going on Em? You’re kind of freaking me out.”
“I have something really important to tell you and I need you to not panic.” 
“Saying that is not going to make me not panic.” You deadpanned. “But I also have something important to tell you so maybe we can take turns?” You suggested. Grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the large couch that took up a majority of the floor in your living room.
“Take turns, yeah.” He muttered to himself. The two of you were sitting close, things touching and staring at each other. Waiting for the other one to make the first move.
“Okay, here goes nothing. I’m, I’m a witch.” Your eyes bounced between your lap where your hands were folded, Emmett’s face to gauge his reaction, and the clock on the wall to count the seconds of silence that ensued.
Finally, “Oh thank god.” Emmett breathed out. 
“What?” You were buffering. What did he say? 
“No, I. That makes sharing my things a whole lot easier.”
“I’m sorry, Emmett how does me telling you that I belong to an ancient race of magic-wielding women make whatever you have to share easier.”
“Because I’m trying to tell you that I’m also a part of an ancient race. Except my race is immortal creatures of the night that feast on human blood.”
You broke into a series of giggles.
“Go figures. The first boy I fall in love with and he’s a vampire.”
“You love me?”
You froze. You definitely did not mean to just blurt that out, let alone in the middle of a self-deprecating moment of sarcasm. 
“Well, if we’re sharing…” You trailed off.
“I love you too.” Emmett’s smile was so wide you were actually convinced that his face would start to split in half. “Is it weird to say that I’m really relieved right now?” He asked
“Depends on why you’re relieved I think.”
“I was convinced that when I told you you’d never want to see me again. But now I know that isn’t going to happen and I’m just so happy.”
“I’m happy too, Em. I was so tired of keeping secrets from you. It hurt when I lied to you and I thought it was just because you were my best friend but it was so much more than that.”
“C’mere” Emmett grabbed you by the waist and hauled you onto his lap. “You were made for me. I’m never going to let you go.” He whispered into the small space between your faces. You pushed forward and gently placed your lips onto his. Pulling away way too soon for either of your liking. You moved your head to rest on his shoulder, your face pressed against his neck.
“We’ll have forever.”
“Forever sounds good to me.” 
You laughed softly once more and pressed a kiss lightly to the skin of his neck. Forever sounded pretty good to you too.
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edward cullen
jasper hale
emmett cullen
carlisle cullen
charlie swan
jacob black
rosalie hale
alice cullen
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americancowgirl19 · 2 years
Twilight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Queen - Part Two - Volturi Kings x Female Swan Reader
Nobody to Somebody - Volturi Guard x Female Reader
Prince of Hell - Demetri Volturi x Male Reader
So Much More - Part Two - Part Three -  Riley Biers x Plus Sized Female Reader - Message me if you want me to write male reader rewrites.
Puppet Master - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
To The End Of Days - Caius Volturi x Human Gender Neutral Reader
Victory - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
Proud - Riley Biers x Human Plus Sized Female Reader
Husband of Mine - Carlisle x male vampire reader
Who You Were, Are, and Will Be - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Attempts - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Vengeance - Demetri x Female Reader x Felix
Polar Opposites - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Kidnapped - Riley Biers x Female Reader
Friends - Platonic Edward Cullen x Gender Neutral Reader
The Paranoia of a Nomad - Emmett Cullen x Male Reader
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plus-size-reader · 2 years
A Toast
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Emmett Cullen x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2350 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Emmett orchestrating a whole thing (with help, of course) so that he can propose to you
Alice had always had a gift.
She was very initiative and she cared greatly for the people she loved, often obsessing over making sure that they were as happy as they could be.
It could be a bit much sometimes, but everyone allowed it because they knew just how big her heart was, and that her excitement was coming from a place of love.
Still, considering everything, Emmett should have known better.
When he asked for help proposing to you, he hadn’t been expecting her to go quite as far as she did. Nevertheless, he was standing in a suit, overlooking one of the biggest meals he’d ever seen in his life.
It was definitely overkill.
“She’s going to know something’s up” he warned, just imagining the look on your face when you saw all this.
Even for an Alice party, this was extreme.
There were candles lining the railing along the back porch and floral centerpieces in the middle of the table. It couldn’t have been more obvious that this wasn’t just a dinner party between their family.
Something special was happening, and you would take notice immediately, he knew it.
Not that the woman in question batted an eye at his worries.
It was perfect, and you were going to love it.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Tonight is going to be perfect” Alice assured, not paying Emmett any mind as she set out their nicest dining sets, the china clattering lightly as she set it down.
She’d see it, and by the end of the night, she was confident that her brother would be thanking her for all this work.
It was everything an engagement should be, she had made sure of that.
“If you say so” Emmett sighed finally, deciding to trust her against his better judgment. If nothing else, this beat his idea of proposing to you at the top of a roller-coaster, just before it dropped.
Besides, now that he was going to pick you up, there wasn’t much that he could change.
He just had to hope tonight went as well as Alice thought it would.
Emmett’s only job now was to keep his cool, which shouldn’t be impossible. There was no reason you would suspect anything right off the bat anyway.
While it was a little odd, it didn’t surprise you that Alice was throwing another party.
The Cullen’s lived extravagantly, and while that meant different things for every member of the family, for her, it meant near constant dinner parties and always looking for an excuse to throw them.
It may not have been everyone's idea of a good time, but no one had the heart to tell her no. It wasn’t like they really had a reason to reign her in, especially this time.
If Alice wanted to have a party, there would be a party.
What you didn’t expect was for her to require everyone to dress in black tie, something you didn’t have much experience in.
Especially not for dinner at  your vampire boyfriend's house.
So, you guessed and put together the best possible outfit you could given what was in your closet, and considering what it could have been, it wasn’t the worst.
At least, that was what you thought until you opened your door to find Emmett standing there in a full tuxedo, with a goofy grin on his face and a small bouquet of hand picked flowers at his side.
You definitely didn’t have anything that was quite that glamorous.
“Oh wow, a suit?” you hummed, admiring just how put together and fancy he looked for a moment. Never in your life had you imagined what Emmett would look like in an outfit like that.
Most of the time, it was sweatshirts and baggy shorts, and sometimes you forgot how much things like that could change.
Not that you minded.
It was a nice surprise to see him all dressed up for once.
“Yeah, it was Alice’s idea” he allowed, a soft shrug telling you that the man you loved had no real say in the matter, which almost made it more endearing.
Everyone was playing along for her themed dinner party, and it would be a lie to say that you weren’t at least a little excited. Even if it hadn’t been your idea, it definitely was a good time once you got into it.
It just took a little time to get used to how committed to this stuff she was.
“Well, now I feel like I’m underdressed,” you sighed, looking down at the dress you’d chosen. It wasn’t ill fitting or frumpy by any means but it wasn’t a gown or anything either.
At this point, it might be more fitting if you put on the dress you wore to prom.
“You look great, don’t worry” Emmett assured, taking your hand in his own and leading you out of the house before you could even consider going back up to change.
Tonight was about you and just because you didn’t know that yet wasn’t an excuse to let you feel bad about yourself.
You were perfect, no matter what you wore.
“I’m pretty sure you said that last time we had this conversation” you countered, recalling that afternoon you spent with him at the house, wearing one of his now vintage hoodies and a pair of basketball shorts.
There wasn’t a speck of makeup in sight and you didn’t bother to do your hair, and still, he insisted you were stunning. Though, you always argued that he was too biased to be able to make that claim.
“And I was right then too” Emmett grinned, helping you up into the passenger side of his truck before climbing in on his own, the cab rocking a bit as he settled in for the night ahead.
One thing was for sure.
Nothing was going to be the same after tonight.
The house was decked out to the nines, more than you’d ever seen it and you were impressed.
Alice had really outdone herself this time.
“This is beautiful” you commented, more for yourself than anything else, though it definitely made Emmett feel better to know that you did like it.
Not that he could guarantee you'd feel the same once you found out it was all for you.
“Wait until you see the food” he prepared you, knowing that since you were the only one who actually ate out of the entire brood, it was definitely going to knock you off of your feet.
It was a lot, but you deserved it.
As nervous as he was for tonight, he had to make it special. After all, this was the only proposal he was ever going to get and he wanted to make it count.
You did as he said, curiosity getting the best of you. In all the time you’d known the Cullen’s, you’d learned not to expect anything because they always went above and beyond for everything.
No occasion was too small, or too minimal, especially not after Alice got her hands on it. Even a simple birthday would become the biggest bash she’d ever thrown, just because she could.
…and whatever had gotten into her today, it was even bigger than a birthday.
That much you could tell.
In any case, before long, you found yourself sitting in front of a huge plate of every delicacy you could imagine, all piled high just for you.
It had been so long since any of them ate a real meal, sometimes you wondered if they forgot just how much food could fit into a human stomach before it threatened to burst at the seams.
“This is great, it really is, but what is this about? Is it some kind of holiday?” you asked, finally coming to the conclusion that this must have been in celebration of some kind of vampire holiday you weren’t aware of.
As far as you knew, it wasn’t but it was always possible it had slipped your mind.
With so many laws and rules, it would have been impossible for you to keep up with everything that they had going on in that world.
“Not quite, my dear. Emmett, would you like to take the floor?” Carlisle started, figuring they had put you through more than enough suspense, while knowing perfectly well that his son would avoid this forever if he could.
As much as he loved you, the idea of this whole thing going south had a hold on him that he couldn’t have been prepared for if he tried.
It was a feeling Carlisle had felt himself, all those years ago, and the same feeling everyone felt when contemplating asking such a question.
“Yeah, sure” the other man sighed, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before standing, resting his weight against the railing opposite the table, facing both you and his entire family.
He could do this.
Carlisle was married, Edward was married, there was no reason he couldn’t be married.
“Umm, I’d like to propose a toast” Emmett spoke, an odd energy surrounding him that you’d never seen in your life.
He almost seemed nervous, and you couldn’t place why.
In all the time you’d known Emmett, he’d never once faltered in what he believed or who he wanted to be. He may have been a bit of a dork sometimes and it was no secret that he had a quick temper, but he was who he was.
One hundred percent.
You just weren’t aware that there was any part of him that was capable of being nervous or anxious at all.
Until now.
You smiled at him gently when he caught your eye, trying to be as reassuring as you knew how to be given the strange circumstances, hoping that would help.
In all honesty, you were just confused, finding yourself looking around you at the rest of his family, just trying to get some clue as to if they’d caught on to it. Of course, no one looked at you.
They were all too poised on the scene in front of them, waiting for this moment in silent anticipation with the exception of Alice.
The cheery brunette sat at the far end of the deck  with Jasper, a grin so large on her lips that you almost feared it would tear her face in half.
Still, that wasn’t enough to clue you in to what was happening.
You had no idea.
“You all know the bombshell I’ve been calling my girlfriend,” he started, pointing you out in a way that was almost amusing, or at least, it would have been if you weren’t completely in the dark.
It was becoming more and more obvious that something was going on but for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out what it was.
Not that you had to wonder very long.
Emmett has been waiting to do this since he first met you and it was no secret that patience wasn’t one of his strong suits. He just wanted to ask you what he wanted to ask you and call you his already.
As great as it was to have a girlfriend, he was more than ready to call you something else now.
“She puts up with me no matter what stupid stuff I drag her into and she’s quite literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life. This one’s for you baby!” He grinned, earning a cheer from his surrounding family.
Family that was just waiting for Emmett to get to the best part of this whole thing.
Timidly, you took a sip from your glass, trying not to make direct eye contact with anyone or anything, feeling that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach that he always made you feel.
You just loved him so much, and as awkward as it was for him to announce that to his entire family, you would have been daft to pretend that they didn’t already know.
He only talked about you every hour of the day, more so when you weren’t around.
If nothing else, marrying you would give them some solace from his constant worrying and obsessing over you.
Naturally, you expected that to be all. You figured he’d taken the opportunity to make a romantic gesture and that he’d return to his seat beside you but he didn’t move.
Instead, Emmett continued standing there, looking at you as if you’d personally hung the moon and stars above his head with that smile on his face.
“There’s one more thing, and it’s kind of important” he hummed, closing the distance between the two of you slowly until he was standing at your side again, the entire Cullen clan looking on happily.
In their family, marriage was such a personal thing and something that bound you not only to your partner but to their entire family.
It was only right they shared this with Emmett and with you.
“What is going on?” you asked him, in as quiet a tone as you could manage, not that whispering accomplished much in a room full of vampires.
Now, you were starting to feel like everyone knew what was going on except you, and you were worried.
Knowing Emmett, he could have been leading up to anything.
In response, the male only winked, mouthing gingerly for you to trust him before finally dropping down to one knee in front of you.
That was what this was.
You didn’t know what to say at first, trying to comprehend this whole thing through the lens of a proposal, all the while Emmett was in the middle of proposing to you.
“What do you think? You wanna be my wife?” he decided, finding the words ‘will you marry me’ too formal for his mouth.
It wasn’t who he was and considering you loved him exactly as he was, you didn’t mind.
In fact, you were glad because you did want to be his wife, for as long as he would have you.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
Emmett Cullen: Name “ABC” Headcanons: Plus Size Reader
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Emmett Cullen Name Headcanons
E: Envelope
He gives you love letters every day. Since the day he laid his eyes on you.   You didn't know they were from him to begin with but eventually you connected the dots.
M: Mountains
Plenty of spur of the moment cabin getaways.  He loves to just grab you on a Friday and get away for the weekend.  
M: Man
He is the best man you know.  Without a doubt, one of the purest, most loving creatures you've ever had the pleasure of knowing.
E: Earth
So many forest picnics.   Like so many.  He doesn't eat but it gives Esme a chance to cook and you enjoy it while watching Emmett be the wild man that he is.  
T: Trails
So many hikes which really translates to piggy back rides while he runs loose in the woods , lol.
T: Time
Quality time is everything for the both of you.  Yes Emmett is always done for something fun but he's also cool with just watching t.v.  As long as it's with you he really doesn't care.
D: Down For Anything
He is always ready to go.  "Emmett, let's go for a ride."  "Sure, babe."  "Emmett, go with me to the store."  "Ok, babe." "Emmett, let's go fishing."  "You got it, babe."  Like he's down for anything.
A: Adventures
Your dates always end up being an adventure.  It may start out as dinner and a movie or a picnic in the woods but before you know it you're in another state going to a local thing.  It's some of the best times.
L: Living On A Prayer
Ok, so ya'll are seasoned singers of the car radio.   Bon Jovi seems to be a favorite and ya'll are ridiculously loud. To the point where people stare at ya'll.
E: Energy
He can bring you up when you're down.
M: Mellow
He can mellow you out when you're wild.
C: Cliff Diving
He never holds you back from adventure.  He just goes with to make sure you're always safe.
C: Camping
For Emmett there is nothing like seeing you under the stars.  
A: Adrenaline
Emmett is a huge adrenaline junkie and he's damn near indestructible.... so he's pretty much down for anything.  
R: Ride
So much mudding in the jeep, lol.
T: Travel
Plenty of weekend travel trips.  Especially if ya'll can get there in a day.  He just swings by and grabs you.  You'll get a text like, "Babe, pack a bag we're going to this festival a state over.  It's gonna be awesome."
Y: Youth
So Emmett may be way older than you but he's so young at heart.  He's never quite lost that childlike joy.
C: Cuddles
Cuddle bug to the max.  Like if you're ok with PDA he's all over it.  You usually don't get too far from him.
U: Unfazed
He's chill most of the time and not much gets to him.  Unless someone comes at you.  Then it's like dealing with a grizzly bear.  Oddly enough.
L: Laugh
The BEST booming laugh.  It was always makes you smile.
L: Lesson
You are always learning from him.  When you lose your cool over something so stupid he really brings you back to reality.
E: Endearing
He's always calling you endearing pet names.   There's no limit.  From baby to squishy buns.
N: Neck
You kiss this man's neck and it's game over.  You ain't gonna be seen for a while lol.
Hello, darlings! I hope you enjoyed this little piece! I wanted to put a new spin on the ABC Headcanons and instead do it with the letters of the character's name!  So I hope you enjoyed!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666 @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@alanlizzingtonshore@buriednurbckyrd@disneymarina @tubbypeachwriting
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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twilightsagasworld · 4 years
Riley Biers x Plus-size Reader
Part 3
Part 2 ; Part 1
word count: 2371
Requested by @fyeahtaylorp​
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“Carlisle, let me get this straight, Aro, one of the most dangerous vampires in the world,a maniac who has an obsession with power, recruited Riley Biers into his coven, and now Riley’s sent to what? Check up on my Daughter?!”
Bella was going off on poor Carlisle, but I didn’t blame her, I heard stories of the Volturi and the things they’ve done to people, and recently I’ve heard of the almost brawl between the Olympic coven and said Volturi, and how things had almost gotten messy if Alice and Jasper didn’t show up with the other hybrid in time. I hated to think about such terrible things, I never did like fighting of any kind, I tried to avoid it at all costs, I like to think of it as a type of self-preservation, but not completely.
A loud crash rang throughout the room. Great. Bella broke one of Esme’s vases. Edward promptly escorted Bella from the living room. Everyone else stood around awkwardly for a moment while Esme quickly cleaned the mess. Carlisle cleared his throat but Alice let out a small gasp and stared off into nothing. I was a bit on edge, I felt useless and weird to just stand in the living room waiting for nothing, so I plopped down onto a couch and twiddled my thumbs, “Alice” Jasper’s soft voice was almost inaudible as he whispered her name, his hand was on her waist where he caressed it gently. “It’s Riley..he left Italy”, who is Riley? I hadn’t heard anything about him, was he a friend of theirs? No, not if I was going off of Bella’s reaction, Carlisle then asked when he’d be here, “Tomorrow morning, just as the sun starts rising...But that’s all” she leaned more into Jasper, is Riley dangerous? A threat? I feel so confused. Rosalie’s voice sounded mocking when she spoke, “He’s just another one of the Volturi’s dirty dogs, why doesn’t Aro just come here himself?”, good point, Carlisle gave her an apprehensive look, “You know why Rosalie, Aro probably doesn’t think it’s necessary to come himself, he won’t waste his time with such things”, Rosalie scoffed, rolling her eyes, “Yeah right, he seemed pretty interested last time, but that’s not my business”, I knew Carlisle was trying to keep calm, “Last time was a totally different story, I believe you do remember” he didn’t wait for her to say something else, “Now, I think we should all try to relax a bit before tomorrow, go out, enjoy yourselves” with that said, he and Esme left through the balcony’s exit, probably to go hunting. Rosalie went her own way while Jasper and Emmett raced each other outside, most likely for a bear wrestling match again, and Alice, she bounced her way over to me, taking her place on the couch beside me. I raised a curious brow in her direction, “You’re awfully springy Alice”. She smiled, leaning in closer to me, she swept the room with her eyes before whispering, “I saw something else (y/n)”, oh, why would Alice be sharing this with me? She seemed to know what I was thinking, “It’s about you” “Me?” “Let me finish” I pouted, fine, Alice gripped my hands gently, her smile widening, “Do you know what a mate is?”, I nodded, Esme had told me not long after I was turned, “Well, your mate just so happens to be Riley...Isn’t it great!”.
“What” I didn’t believe my ears, I frowned , “Alice are you sure? Riley? RIley is my mate?”, she just simply nodded, “But don’t worry, he won’t hurt you (y/n), I’ve-” “Seen it, yeah, great, just great, my mate, who I know nothing about, just so happens to be working for a bunch of sicko vampire overlords who have a creepy obsession with Bella!  Oh how wonderful” my head slumped into my hands and I wish I could sigh, my heart would be pounding if it could. I felt Alice rub my back, “Hey, it’s going to work out just fine, you’ll see, but for now” she got up, “I have clothes to re-arrange” and she was gone, I stared after her, she’s just going to leave it there? I get nothing else? No other explanation? Great, yeah, I’m screwed. As much as I wanted to be happy, I couldn’t bring myself to embrace it, Edwardo and Bella are going to rip me a new one, and I didn’t even want to imagine Rosalie’s reaction. I hope everything turns out okay tomorrow. I really do.
Morning couldn’t have come any slower, I spent the whole night sitting on the couch, wandering about everything, no doubt Edward already knew what I knew, but he hadn’t said anything yet, I hope he doesn’t. At least not to Bella.
Everyone gathered around outside, it was very misty and no human would be able to see even 10 feet in front of them. Bella held Renesmee protectively behind herself, the scent of wet dog invaded my senses and I pulled my mouth into a sneer, I was familiar with this wolf’s scent, his name was Jacob, he came around nearly every day to spend time with Renesmee and I could see her smile when she noticed him. Jacob was in his wolf form and stood beside Bella, on her other side was Edward. Alice’s voice broke the silence in the air, “He’s here” , and there, not even 15 feet from me, appeared Riley. I took in Riley’s appearance, he was very attractive, lean but built, like Jasper. He looked wet, did he swim here? From Italy? 
“Long time no see, Riley” Edward said, he seemed slightly uncomfortable, Bella looked like she was about to attack at any moment and I just stood beside Emmett shuffling my feet. Riley shrugged, his eyes swept over us, lingering on me for a moment, I felt a tug in my mind, I wanted to be near him, Riley’s face scrunched up in confusion for a moment, he must’ve felt it too, but he shook his head before speaking, “I won’t say I’m happy about it Cullen, but you know why I’m here, where’s the girl” , Jacob stepped forward with a snarl and a loud hiss was shot at him, everyone’s heads turned to me, and I knew that sound was created by me, “Sorry, I don’t know what happened” I said it so soft, it would’ve been missed by any human ears. Emmett let out a whistle but Rosalie shot him a look which shut him up, Carlisle stepped forward and gained everyone’s attention, I felt stupid and embarrassed, “It’s alright (y/n), I’ll explain later,but for now, Bella, if you please” Carlisle held out his hand to Renesmee, and Bella grudgingly stepped out of the way to let her daughter pass, Riley caught my eye for a second before he turned his gaze to Renesmee, he walked forward, not at all bothered by Jacob’s low growl, and he knelt down in front of her, he looked her over, she was a head taller than him now, “How much longer before she’s fully mature?”, Bella answered, “Three years”, Renesmee looked about fifteen , Riley nodded, “Her diet so far? How has her hunger and thirst been?”, “She feeds more on animals than human food, she’s had no problems switching between the two and her thirst is under control” another nod from Riley. I watched Renesmee closely,  she seemed perfectly comfortable with Riley, I wonder why. 
I think everyone found it weird when she all of a sudden placed her hand on RIley’s cheek, Riley flinched back, causing Jacob to become aggrivated and step forward, this caused me step forward as well, “Back off dog” I let out a growl, even in his wolf form I could notice the sudden taken aback look, “Jacob, (y/n), back off and calm down” Carlisle turned to Riley who was watching me, I huffed and did as I was told, but kept my eyes on Jacob, “Riley, don’t worry, it’s how Renesmee communicates, through physical touch”, Riley gave a slow cautious move forward again, “...Alright...”, Renesmee gave him a small smile before placing her hand on his cheek, Riley froze the instant her hand made contact with his skin, she must be talking to him, or showing him her memories, I don’t know how her abilities work honestly, I don’t think I ever will.  
The tension in the air seemed to fade slightly when Renesmee pulled her hand away and Riley stood up and...Laughed? What? Bella shot forward and pinned Riley to a tree by his neck, “What’s so funny?!” Riley never got a chance to answer because I tackled Bella to the ground the next instant, “Don’t..Touch..him” I don’t know what came over me, was it the pull form earlier? Or was it because Riley is supposed to be my mate? I felt a wave of calm wash over me and two pairs of arms pull me up and away from Bella, I looked at Jasper, who was holding my right arm, he nodded his head, “Easy there” , i looked to my left to see Emmett who gave me a knowing smirk, I scoffed, “Go eat shi-” “”That’s enough, I believe we can discuss this inside, if you would” Carlisle motioned for Riley to follow him into the house, Edward had helped Bella up and they were already inside as well as Alice, Rosalie and Esme. Emmett told Jasper to head on in while he talked to me. Emmett crossed his arms, wiggling his eyebrows, “So, you found yourself a mate” I nodded, Emmett let out a laugh and ruffled my hair, “That’s awesome (y/n)!” I brushed his hands away, “No, Emmett! Bella’s going to rip me a new one!” Emmett shrugged, “Nah, she’ll get over it, she has to eventually” Emmett pulled me inside, I wish I was as carefree as him.
Inside, Carlisle was already explaining some things to Riley, I held my distance and chose to sit on the kitchen counter instead, everyone was scattered between the living area and the kitchen. “...We’ll give you some privacy, but don’t try anything”. Riley appeared in the kitchen. It was only the two of us now. Yay. Neither of us said a word, we just stared at each other, we were both probably taking everything in from what happened inside. It was I who broke the sience, “So,uhm, Riley...You swam here?” Riley raised a brow, “Yeah, I guess, it’s the fastest way here from Italy” I nodded biting my lip, “So...(y/n)...You liking the weather?”, I chuckled, “You’re asking me about the weather?” , Riley offered a small smile, “Yeah, I guess I am”, I shake my head and look out the large window before looking back at him, “I prefer the cold rainy days above the heat, of course I can’t really be affected by it either way now, but you catch my drift...” I hope., Riley took a tentative step forward and I hopped off the counter, we were two feet apart now, Riley stood a head taller than me, “How did you end up with the Volturi? If you don’t mind me asking”, he explained that after the battle with Victoria and the newborn Army, Edward had spared his life and Riley spent one year in hiding from anyone, but the Volturi had discovered his scent and had tracked him down, at first they were going to kill him, but Aro was intrigued by his ability to sense whether someone was lying to him, so he asked Riley to join his coven in Italy, and now, a month later, here he was, in the house of his newfly found mate and running errands for the Volturi.
It was long since past noon and the sky was darkening, Riley and I had gotton on great after the initial awkwardness faded, and turns out we had a lot in common.  Riley had asked me what it was with the whole golden eye thing and I explained to him that it was as a result of the animal diet we were all on, Riley found it interesting since all he’s known was human blood, but I offered to take him out hunting later that night, and then he could experience it himself, he agreed and we talked some more. I learnt that he was turned at nineteen and he was manipulated by Victoria to create a newborn army, but recently he’s been taking his vampire life easy, he didn’t hate anyone, but he did really miss his parents, and he knows he can’t visit them because they think he’s dead and Aro would kill them. In turn I shared my story with him, and he was pleased to know I was only a year younger than him, well, used to be a year younger in human terms anyway. We were generally just really enjoying the other’s company and we never left the each other’s side at all. 
But the next morning Riley had to leave, I felt dour, I just met my mate, and now he was already being taken away from me. It seemed unfair, but I didn’t let it show on my face, but that didn’t keep Edward fro reading my thoughts and shooting me glares which I kindly returned, he’s such a stupid shiny volvo owner. 
It wasn’t raining today, which was great since it wouldn’t be intensifying the stench that was Jacob Black, he was in his human form today. I had apologised to him last night about almost attacking him and he was fine with it, I hadn’t apologised to Bella yet though. 
Everyone was once again outside, Carlisle had written a note for Riley to give to Aro, it was details about Renesmee. Bella and Edward didn’t really say much, but Bella did say sorry to Riley for basically strangling him which he accepted. I hugged him, we were the perfect fit for each other. “Goodbye for now Riley, I hope we see each other soon”,Riley held up his hand and stuck out his pinky while he smirked, “Pinky promise” I grinned, interlocking our pinky fingers, “Pinky promise” 
And then he was gone. 
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to be written!
mini series!
to be written!
to be written!
to be written!
head canons!
to be written!
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Worth Dying For
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Emmett Cullen x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2007 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Emmett falls in love with a member of the Uley pack, even though the two shouldn’t have any contact at all. 
Historically Emmett didn’t have the most tolerance for werewolves.
He thought what most people thought, he thought that the two species had no reason or chance at being anything more than enemies but that changed rather quickly when you two met.
For whatever reason, he didn’t have the same urge to challenge you like the others.
There was just something about you.
He couldn’t put his finger on it. Luckily for him though, you seemed to share the same confused opinion of him, which led to a very complicated romance.
The two of you frequently broke the treaty to see each other in secret. It was more than dangerous, but neither of you had much of a choice in the matter.
After all, it was like you’d thought before. Vampires and werewolves were very different creatures and you had nothing in common, except for the fact that you both navigated completely off of instinct.
You couldn’t help but do what felt right and being with Emmett felt right, even if every thought you had told you to get as far away from him as humanly possible.
It wasn’t up to you, clearly.
You both knew the consequences for breaking the treaty, and what could happen if either of you families found out about this, but here you were, crossing the slippery stones of the river under the cover of the night.
“You better be careful, wouldn’t want to fall” you heard finally, that cocky tone evident in his voice even in a whisper.
All you could do was sigh in reply. He had a point. It would be hard to explain coming home all wet, but it would be harder to explain why you’d been out there in the first place.
Still, you weren’t going to let him know that, so you only shrugged. “I think I got it handled”
You didn’t, not really.
In fact, you had been so preoccupied now knowing he was watching you, making his snide comments about everything you were doing that you didn’t realize that the rock in front of you was covered in algae.
As soon as you step down on it, resting all your weight on one wobbly foot, you did just as he’d warned you about, falling into the river.
Initially you had been worried about the cold water and having to explain your damp clothes but you hadn’t actually thought it was going to happen. As it would turn out, there was more than that at stake.
You crawled out of the lake on the Cullen’s side of the barrier, taking the hand Emmett had offered you to catch your bearings but before you could, he stopped you.
“You’re bleeding”
There was a cautiousness in his voice as he helped up onto the grass, though it wasn’t because he was worried about him. More than anything, he was just worried for you.
After all, he only knew that you were bleeding but he didn’t know how bad the damage was or what had happened when you came down on the riverbed. Not that he took much time at all to wonder before he tore at the pant leg of your jeans, ruining them.
“Emmett! What are you doing?” you asked, swatting away at his hand, taking a look at the damage.
He had completely shredded the fabric all the way up to your knee, which was now freely bleeding around the curve of your kneecap. The damage wasn’t too bad but now you’d have to explain how you ruined your pants.
This was just getting more and more complicated as the minutes ticked by.
“There’s rocks and gravel stuck in the cut. Carlisle can get it out” he explained, immediately standing from his crouched position at your side, not even noticing that he was talking crazy.
What he was suggesting could start a war.
“We can’t do that! I’ll be fine” you tried, not even attempting to stand to your feet. You knew that if you did, he would know just how badly it hurt, and that would make this all worse.
For now, you would just have to sit tight and wait for that stinging pain to die down.
“It isn’t fine Y/N. Just trust me” he urged. Had he been thinking clearly he may not have suggested it, but right now, all he could think about was taking you to have that looked at.
There was all kinds of scum and bacteria down there and your body wouldn’t heal itself nearly as effectively as his would. It would just make him feel a lot better if Carlisle told him it would be alright.
As soon as Emmett heard it from him, he would lay off but not a minute before.
“You really aren’t going to let this go, are you?” you asked, knowing for a fact that he wouldn’t. If there was one thing Emmett was more than anything else, it was stubborn.
...And unfortunately he was also immortal.
That meant that if you didn’t do as he asked right now, you knew that you’d be hearing about it for the next hundred years.
“Fine, but if we die, it’s your fault” you grumbled, securing your arms around his neck to let him pick you up from the dirt. If he had been anyone else, you would have panicked slightly over your weight but not with Emmett.
Not only did he have superhuman vampire strength but even if he didn’t, you were sure that he’d be able to handle you. All things considered, he wasn’t some frail, lanky thing.
“We aren’t going to die. You need to just trust me for once” he scoffed, that grin on his face that forced you to roll your eyes. He really believed that, you could tell, but you weren't so sure.
After all, this was his family you were talking about. He wasn’t the outside breaking the treaty on the wrong side of the stream. The only thing that saved it was that you knew he did have something to lose in all this.
He wouldn’t have even suggested it if he didn’t think it would be okay and as much as you hated it, you just had to trust that he knew what he was doing.
It wasn’t until you neared the Cullen house that Emmett really noticed a change in you. Your heart was hammering against your rib cage with nerves and he swore that you would break his skin with how tightly you were holding him.
It was strange for him to see you like that.
Usually between the two of you, all you ever did was throw jokes and teasing jabs his ways, arms folded across your chest and a roll of your eyes. He didn’t think he’d ever actually seen you afraid.
“Hey, relax. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I promise” he promised, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. It wasn’t really something he could promise, but it would be a lie to say it didn’t make you feel better.
Emmett didn’t even bother to knock as he entered the house, immediately attracting the attention of the rest of his family, who had been waiting for him to come home.
They weren’t sure what he was doing but that fell away pretty quickly when they saw you.
“What are you doing? She can’t be here” Rosalie spoke first, unafraid to insert her opinion when no one else could. Though, everyone else paid her no mind as Carlisle emerged.
The first thing he took notice of was the blood, now mostly dried around the edge of your wound, and the various stones and things peppering the open cut.
Something had happened out there, and while you being here was a problem they would have to deal with, his first instinct was to take care of that. He couldn’t help it.
Carlisle had been a doctor since before that was a term frequently used and it was in his nature to help people, no matter who or what they were.
“Come with me, we’ll talk about this after” he decided finally, beckoning Emmett alongside him to his office, making it clear that this conversation was far from over but had been moved to the back burner.
At least as far as the rest of the Cullens were concerned.  
Though, it was a whole different story as soon as the three of you were alone behind closed doors. You expected the third degree almost immediately, even wondering if Carlisle would make Emmett leave the room.
...But he didn't
Instead, he instructed Emmett to set you down on his desk so he could get a better look at the cut. “How did this happen?” he wondered, naturally assuming that the two of you would tell him the truth.
By coming here, you had already outed your biggest secret so anything else would pale in comparison to whatever it was you had been doing out there in the woods.
“It was my fault” Emmett started, knowing that he would be far more lenient with the pair of you if he shouldered the blame and honestly, it wasn’t a stretch.
You had been trying to convince Emmett that meeting up like that was too dangerous but he couldn’t help it. The idea of not being able to see you was too much for him, and he didn’t even entertain it as an option.
“We’ve been meeting out there, by the river” you piped up, hoping that would better explain how it had happened. There was no point in hiding it now.
Whatever consequences there were, they were coming for the pair of you no matter what happened now. Keeping it a secret wasn’t going to change that and if Carlisle was going to kill you, he wouldn’t be bothering with bandages.
There was no emotion at all on Carlisle's face as he spoke, not to you or Emmett singularly, his attention completely on the task at hand. He could have guessed, of course, but he didn’t want to devalue what you two had.
He knew better than anyone that love could be complicated and as difficult and dangerous as it could have been, he didn’t presume to know just what you shared.
It would be much simpler to hear it from your own lips. After all, if he was going to face a literal war for this little rondeavu, he had to know what he was fighting for.
Clearly Emmett was willing to fight for whatever it was you two had, and that was enough for Carlisle to be on board, not that he was going to admit that now.
“I love her” Emmett allowed, his words filling the small space almost immediately. He had never told you that to your face but if there was ever a time to admit it, it was now.
You were in shock, rightfully so, over what he’d just admitted but more than anything, you were just trying to juggle everything you were feeling right now.
Part of you wanted to tell Emmett that you loved him too, but the other part was too concerned with the perilous situation that you were currently in to process something so intimate.
You did love him, of course you did, but it just wasn’t the right time to have that conversation.
“And is that something you’re willing to die for? Surely you must have thought about what you were risking by doing this” Carlisle questioned then, shocking you both.
He wasn’t pulling any punches in that department but he couldn’t be. This was a serious situation and it didn’t just affect the two of you. This was going to change both your lives and the lives of both your families.
...But again, Emmett didn’t even hesitate.
It didn’t matter what he had to do, or who it affected as long as you two could be together and that he knew you were safe. To Emmett, you were worth dying for.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Emmett Cullen x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1415 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: You and Emmett have been in a long term relationship but when the Cullens have to leave, he doesn’t explain. When they come back, you won’t talk to him because he left you. 
You and Emmett had been together for much longer than any of the other couples that you knew. 
It was something that you were proud of and often liked to remind people just because you could. Because you really were happy and you loved the big lugg. 
However, those feelings were never meant to last forever…
No matter how much you hoped that they would. 
It was only a matter of time before something horrible happened that brought your entire happy place came crashing down and apparently, that time was today. 
You had called, texted, and called again but you couldn’t get ahold of Emmett or any of the Cullen’s. At first, you assumed that maybe they’d gone on an impromptu camping trip or they had to visit family in Italy or Alaska, but that was only for the first few days. 
It wasn’t like Emmett to not answer your calls. 
After those first few days of course, you really started to worry. You weren’t sure if they had gotten into an accident, or maybe swallowed up by a volcano. You had no idea...and that was the worst part. 
Your mind was running wild, and it was going to kill you if you didn’t figure it out soon. 
The final piece of the puzzle came when you finally realized that Bella hadn’t been at school either and took it upon yourself to visit her house. 
The doorbell chimed throughout the entirety of the Swan house once, and then again before Charlie finally opened the door. He hadn’t been expecting company but as soon as he saw that it was you, he smiled. 
“Hello Y/N, what can I do for you?” he hummed, Bella hadn’t had any visitors as of late but he wasn’t going to argue. If anything, a little bit of company would do her good.
She had been so down since Edward left, that he was really starting to worry about her. Seeing a friend may have been just what the doctor ordered. 
“Hi Mr. Swan, is Bella home?” you questioned, hoping that she could help you figure out what was going on. There was a good chance that if anyone was going to know what the Cullen’s were doing, it was here. 
You just had to hope that if Emmett wasn't’ talking to you, maybe Edward had filled her in. 
...And unfortunately, he had. 
You spent the next few hours getting the inside scoop about the fact that the Cullen’s had to leave Forks again and they were probably never coming back-at least not in your lifetimes. 
It broke your heart to know that apparently the years that you two had been together meant nothing. At least, that was what you thought it meant. 
Would it have killed Emmett to pick up a phone and give you a call? You couldn’t believe it. 
How could he just leave you without so much as a word? Why wouldn’t he have told you that they thought they were moving? There were just so many unanswered questions, which left you with nothing but anger. 
You wanted to hate him for leaving you, for breaking your heart, but more than anything you knew that you still missed him. 
You missed him more than you were willing to admit. 
...But with every day that passed without him, you found it easier and easier to ignore the ache in your heart without him by your side. 
It still hurt, more than anything else you’d ever experienced, but if you meant so little to him, then it shouldn’t have been hard to move on. 
You told yourself that every single day, and eventually you felt better. 
Though, as the universe often did, it found a way to bring it all back up right around the time you started getting better. Right when you felt like you could be normal again, you got a phone call. 
It was from an unknown number, and curiosity forced you to answer it. As soon as the voice on the other line filled your ears though, you found yourself wishing that you never did. 
It was Emmett. 
You didn’t want to believe it, but you would have known that voice anywhere. You had only been replaying it in your head for months since he’d left and you could have never mistaken it. 
However, rather than speak to him. Rather than say any of the things you had been practicing, you hung up before you could even take a breath. 
You had been thinking about what you would say to him every hour of every day but when the time came, you couldn’t do it. 
It was like all the closure you had built up in that time had dissolved in a second and now you were back to being just as angry as you had been that day at Bella’s house. 
Why would he even call you? What did he have to say to you that he couldn't have said before leaving? It didn’t matter. 
As far as you were concerned, if Emmett had something to say, he could tell someone who cared. 
When Emmett did call, you assumed that it was from whatever town they had moved to. You never thought that you would see him in Forks again, but you had been wrong. 
At first, you thought that maybe you were having a stroke, or maybe hallucinating but Emmett was sitting across the cafeteria. 
Not only that, but the rest of the Cullen’s were there as well. 
You could hardly believe it. 
Not only are they not far away at all, but Emmett hadn’t even come to see you when he got home. You couldn’t believe it but in some ways, you were glad. 
You weren’t sure if you had anything to say to Emmett after everything you’d been through. In fact, a little distance could be good after all this. 
It was better than your heart breaking all over again. 
Still, you knew that it was only a matter of time before he decided to approach you. Emmett had already been wracking his brain on how to apologize to you, you just didn’t know it yet. 
So far, he hadn’t come up with anything that would even remotely make up for what he’d done...but he missed you too bad to put it off any longer. 
If Emmett didn’t get this figured out soon, he would drive himself insane. 
He should have thought about it, or played through how the conversation would go at least, but he didn’t. Instead, Emmett stood from the cafeteria table and walked over to you before he could stop himself. 
It was almost muscle memory at this point, and for a second, Emmett actually forgot that you were upset with him. He felt like it was just another Tuesday, and you would run into his arms…
But that wasn’t going to happen. 
Rather, you kept your eyes forward as he sat, choosing to ignore his presence all together. It was much easier than trying to figure out what you wanted to say. 
There just weren’t words to express the way you felt, not after everything. 
The tone in Emmett’s voice was slight, like he was frightened and it caught you off guard. You had never heard that from him and you were never sure that you would. 
However, you still kept your eyes down. 
You had done your fair share of crying and wondering why, so it was only fair that he had to deal with that a little bit. He had to know that it wasn’t okay. 
He had to understand what you had felt. 
“Are you really not gonna talk to me? I’m back” he huffed, forcing a smile onto his face even though he really wasn’t feeling it. This wasn’t the welcome he’d been expecting, even if he had left. 
He thought you’d be excited that he was back. 
Not that you weren’t. 
Of course you were but you were having a hard time getting over how much it hurt to be without him. How could he just go without saying anything? 
You didn’t understand. 
“I can see that” you hummed, taking a sip of your milk without so much as a care. You had made yourself numb as far as Emmett was concerned. 
...And it was becoming clear that he was going to have to work at getting that feeling back before anything was back to normal. 
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americancowgirl19 · 3 years
Summary: You get into the school of your dreams and decide to celebrate it with your family and boyfriend
Warnings: smut, fluff, 
Reader: Plus Size Female Human Reader
Pairings: Riley Biers x Female Cullen Reader
Word Count: 986
A/n: This is a request by @fyeahtaylorp​ : Hi so I just found out I got into graduate school so could you please do a human Cullen plus size female reader who just found out she got into graduate school so she goes out to celebrate and gets drunk and we get oosseive and protective mate Riley and he’s proud of her. And it have smut in it please. 😊... I’m sorry this came out so short, but I hope you like it!
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“Are you having a good time, beautiful?” Riley whispers, holding you close to his chest. Your head nestles into his shoulder. Soft music is playing in the background giving the pair of you a gentle tempo to sway too.
Your head buzzes and your body feels like it’s floating. It feels as if Riley is the only one keeping you tethered to Earth.
Today had been the perfect day. You had been accepted into your dream school. Alice had foreseen it, of course, and already had the party planned by the time you opened the acceptance envelope (or email depending on how your school does things). You didn’t have many human friends, therefore, you just celebrated with your family and boyfriend.
Carlisle and Esme had been there in the beginning before leaving a few hours later in order to give the party an unsupervised feeling. Edward and Bella left a while after them to attend to Renesmee. You don’t exactly remember Alice and Jasper leaving, they just kind of disappeared at some point. A couple of minutes ago Rose and Emmett left leaving you with Riley.
“Will you come with me?” You ask, lifting your head from his shoulder. Your school wasn’t exactly within driving distance of Forks, Washington. You’ve lived with the Cullens all your life and despite the fact that moving away would be nerve-racking, you didn’t want to do it without Riley.
“Sweetheart, you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried,” Riley smirks, holding you even tighter to his chest. “You honestly thought I’d let you go to school and have those boys looking at you thinking they have a chance?” He tilts his head. His hands slide down from your hips to around the backside of your thighs.
You gasp, your arms wrapping around his neck as he picks you from the ground. He smirks at the flutter in your heartbeat and begins to carry you toward the bedroom. He doesn’t speed you there, he takes his time. He keeps his eyes connected with yours the whole way loving how shy yet turned on you were acting.
Your teeth nibble at your bottom lip while you struggle to keep eye contact. You hold Riley tighter. There wasn’t much space between the two of you but you wanted to be closer.
“I’m so proud of you, baby girl,” Riley whispers, gently laying you on the bed. You and Riley enjoyed mixing things up in the bedroom. Some days it would be quick and heavy or slow yet intense. Tonight felt like a more gentle and loving night. Riley wanted to worship and praise you because he truly is very proud and happy to have such a beautiful and smart mate.
His hands glide over your body, removing pieces of clothing. Every time a new patch of bare skin was shown, Riley peppered the area with light kisses and sweet love bites. 
By the time you were completely bare to him, you had grown tired of just laying there. You pushed Riley onto his back and straddled his hips. A second later, your lips were meeting his. Riley smirks through the kiss as your hands sloppily try to unbutton his shirt.
After a couple of giggles and another long kiss you finally finish taking off his shirt. He flips you onto your back and finishes undressing himself. You grin watching him hungrily. He puts on a little show for you causing your smile to widen.
“Come here, handsome, and give me a kiss,” Riley appears in front of you within a second, his lips reclaiming yours before your mind can catch up. 
“My beautiful, smart girl,” Riley whispers, kissing along your neck. You release a shaky breath as his hand grazes the inside of your thigh. You whimper when his fingers brush your pussy lips teasingly. 
“Riley,” You whine impatiently. He smirks against your collarbone and presses a gentle kiss on your skin. You breathe in sharply as he pushes two finger inside you, instantly going to massage the roof of your cunt.
“I won’t make you beg tonight, pretty girl. No matter how sexy you look while doing it,” Riley flirts. Your eyes glance down wanting to watch him. He kisses and nips at your stomach. Your cheeks blush as a few insecure thoughts cross your mind when the hand that isn’t buried in your pussy traces the curves along your sides. 
The thoughts don’t last. It isn’t because your insecurities were washed away it was simply because you began to loose the ability to think. Riley had this ability to just captivate everything about you.
When he pushed into it, it felt like the first time he had done so. He stretched you to the brim. Your mouth drops and your back arches. His pace is slow but merciless. You claw at his back desperate to eliminate the space between you.
“My beautiful mate,” He whispers in your ear, picking up the pace.
His name falls from your lips like a desperate prayer. A desperate dirty prayer. He does everything he knows will bring you close but not over the edge. He tweaks your nipples, rubs your clit, and holds your throat just enough for you to become a little light headed. 
When he’s done playing with you, his hips shift just enough to hit a special spot. You cry out as you feel the dam begin to break. Like a snap, you entire body convulses. He continues to go in and out of you, drawing out your orgasm before picking up the pace once more to chase his own release. 
By the time he’s cumming inside of you, your pussy is clenching around his cock as your second orgasm hits you. You wince and whimper when he pulls out of your sensitive cunt. He whispers soft praises and cleans you up.
“I love you,” Riley whispers. “And I’m so proud,” 
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Edward Cullen x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1432 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Spending the night with Edward, and having breakfast with his family in the morning
Having you over to the Cullen household sounded sacrilegious to Edward, a man who had yet to move past the social graces of the early twentieth century.
Still, when you showed up, drenched to the bone from the rain, he wasn’t going to turn you away. As soon as you entered the house, Edward knew about it.
He couldn’t help it. Ever since you and Edward met, he was fine tuned to you, in all senses and with you this close, it was only a matter of moments before you showed up.
He could hear your thoughts as you raced up the hill, holding your jacket over your head to shield from the rain. It wasn’t working out very well, from the sounds of it.
In any case though, Edward made his way down the stairs, reaching the first floor just in time to find Esme opening the door for you.
It must have been raining harder than he initially thought. You were soaked.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, not all together hostile, though it could have come across that to a stranger looking in. If anything though, he was only upset you wouldn’t have called him for a ride.
You didn’t even call before coming over here, and anything could have happened to you since leaving your house. Perhaps it was a bit of an overreaction but he couldn’t help it.
He knew what was out there.
You smiled at Esme in thanks as she took your wet jacket from your shoulders, before leaving to hang it up. Once she’d gone, you turned your attention to Edward, still standing there just as he’d been before.
“I wanted to come see if you wanted to catch a movie, but then my car broke down and I didn’t have cell reception up here so I had to walk” you shrugged, looking back on the last few hours of hell casually now.
From where you were standing, safely in the Cullen house, it was easy to just put it all behind you. Though, when you had been out there in the dense woods, all alone, you weren’t nearly as calm.
“Come on. You have to get changed, we can worry about your car in the morning” Edward urged then, not wanting to risk you catching something in those wet clothes.
...And you weren’t going to pass up that offer.
You took a hot shower, gave Edward your wet clothes to be dried, and then ended up just putting one of Emmett’s huge hoodies. It swallowed your frame in the most wonderful way, even at your size and it was beyond comfortable.
Something that you made sure to inform Edward of when you plopped down in his bed, disturbing the way it had been perfectly made.
He didn’t use it, but that didn’t mean it had to stay that way forever. After all, you had just walked several miles through the forest, and you weren’t going to stand all night.
The male stood there in the doorway for a moment, just surveying the sight of you laying there in his bed, and tried to keep himself calm.
To Edward, it felt like a breech of your privacy, or some affront to your honor and he didn’t want to overstep. Really, you wondered if he would have left entirely if you didn’t stop him.
“What’s wrong? Is it cause I messed up the bed? I’m sorry-” you started, only to have him stop you before you could get up. If he thought having you in the house was an offense, having you in his bedroom was something else entirely.
If he had a soul, perhaps it would have been damned for even thinking about you in the way he was. In any case though, he didn’t so there was nothing to worry about.
“It’s okay, you stay. Perhaps it would be better though if I slept in the guest room, as to not make you uncomfortable” he offered, pretty sure his heart would have burst if it hadn’t atrophied completely.
“You could stay here, if you wanted. I trust you Edward, and I swear I won’t tell the church” you grinned, making it obvious that you were teasing him.
All in good fun of course, but you weren’t going to make him do anything either. You knew well enough that he wouldn’t lay a hand on you before marriage, as he’d said before, but you were talking about cuddles.
Cuddling never damned anyone’s immortal soul, did it? He gave thought to it for a moment or two. Edward knew that no one in the house would care, and that Rose and Emmett frequently did much more in the confines of their own room.
Right now, the only person keeping him from crawling in beside you was him, and he didn’t have much of a reason for that.
It just felt wrong in every fiber of his being, and his mother was surely rolling in her grave. Even still, Edward couldn’t say that he was regretting his decision to lay down beside you.
He had just been brought up to feel like he should.
“You’re sure this is okay?” he clarifies, snuggling up to you almost immediately, though he sounded unsure. This, in and of itself, was innocent and he liked it.
It was the staying overnight with a girl in his room that he wasn’t sure about.
“I think so, are you alright with it? I could always bunk in with Alice if you want” you offered, knowing that if he wasn’t ready for something like this, that was perfectly fine too.
You knew that Edward loved you, and something like not wanting to sleep over together wasn’t going to change that. Besides, it became a lot more complicated with a vampire.
You sometimes had to remind yourself that Edward was raised in a completely different era, and did things differently still.
“It’s okay! It’s okay” he assured, his grip tightening around your shoulders to keep you from leaving his side. As strange as it was to be here with you, with the sun setting, he wasn’t going to let it go now.
You were stuck here until that same sun forced you both up out of bed, and you were fine with that.
The next morning, you woke up in cold sheets, only kept warm by your own body heat and you half expected to turn over to find the bed empty. Though, pleasantly, you found Edward still there, reading some novel he’d probably read ten times before.
“Fifteen, actually” he joked, shocking you momentarily before you realized he had been listening to your deepest thoughts. “Be careful, you never know what I could be thinking about” you teased, tucking your limbs fully into Emmett’s hoodie.
“I think I’ll take my chances. Now, come on, I’ve a surprise for you” he urged, not even bothering to give you a little bit of time to make yourself presentable.
Esme had come in this morning and asked if he wanted to do something nice for you, and of course, Edward had agreed. He always jumped at the opportunity to spoil you.
The smell hit you as soon as you exited Edward’s bedroom, the smell of bacon and pancakes on the griddle, filling you with a childlike glee. It made you so happy.
...But the food wasn’t the main reason for that.
What meant more to you than anything was the fact that all the Cullen’s would go out of their way to take care of you when they didn’t have to.
It was sweet.
“Wow, you guys must really want me to stick around” you grinned, knowing fully that it wasn’t going to show even a bit of your real gratitude.
It was a joke, something you’d said before in the presence of all the Cullen clan, but for some reason, it rang even more true this morning. It wasn’t a lie, whether they wanted to admit it or not.
Really, they weren’t even sure if it was something you or Edward were aware of but the rest of the Cullen’s certainly were. You and Edward had a connection you just couldn’t hide, and they liked that. Even Rosalie had to comment on how much less moody he was since you’d gotten here.
For the first time in a really long time, he seemed genuinely happy and last night had only solidified that for them.
Edward would have never done something like that with someone he didn’t intend on spending the rest of eternity with.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
All that Matters
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Alice Cullen x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1197 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Alice going a little bit overboard when planning your wedding, she gets stressed that it's not going to be perfect 
You didn’t even technically ask Alice to marry you.
The two of you had been together for so long that it just became kind of an afterthought. Not to mention that said marriage would have been rather taboo until a few decades ago.
Still, you knew that when Edward and Bella decided to get hitched with both families involved, that was going to change.
Alice had always been a sucker for romance and that wasn’t a secret. However, even you didn’t realize quite how far that reached until that day.
She had this sparkle in her eyes from the moment she started the day, bustling all night with ideas and plans. She knew when everything was arriving, where it needed to go and why. There could be no stone left unturned where she was concerned.
Everything had to be perfect.
...and it was, of course.
The woman you loved blessed everything she touched, and it didn’t shock you that in taking over control of the wedding, it was marvelous.
What did shock you though was when she turned to you at the reception and asked why the two of you hadn’t done this yet.
“Why didn’t we ever have a wedding like this?” She’d asked, her hand holding yours tightly. You were only half listening to Bella’s mother’s speech, tuning it out completely when she spoke.
It was a fair question, all things considered. After all, after decades together, a wedding would be the logical next step. You just hadn’t thought about it, if you were being completely honest.
When you had been alive, really alive, a wedding would have never been an option for you.
“We’re gay Ally” you whispered back, a teasing smile on your lips. Even in the sixties, when you still had a beating heart, you never would have been able to have a wife.
At least, not legally.
It was a joke, of course, but the brunette scoffed lightly anyway. That wasn’t stopping either of you now, and that was what mattered.
Really, you were just shocked that Alice really wanted to get married. You knew that she loved you, but taking that additional step was something else entirely.
It made your stomach do flips, even all this time later.
“I’m being serious. I want to get married, with flowers and wedding cake, and all of this” she gushed, eyeing the beautiful decor that littered the backyard.
It looked incredible and she had a point. The two of you were clearly going to be together for quite some time but there was no reason not to have a wedding.
“Are you asking me to marry you right now, Ally?” you hummed, though you knew she meant it. In truth, you wanted to marry her just as much. All you had to do now was go through with it and that wasn’t going to take much time at all. That was one of the best things about being immortal.
You had nothing better to do than spend time together and throw parties, or at least, that’s what Emmett always said.
If Alice had it her way, your wedding would be the most elaborate, memorable event to ever go down in the Cullen family history.
...And Alice always got her way.
The two of you had only just agreed to get hitched a few weeks ago, with Bella and Edward now gone on their honeymoon. However, you wouldn’t have thought so with how much Alice had gotten done.
She had been incessantly planning for days, making phone calls to caterers and bakeries all over Forks.
Really, it would have surprised you if the entire thing wasn’t ready to go by the weekend. Still, you had to wait until Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen got back.
You didn’t really see the need to get it done so quickly, but you knew Alice well enough to know that she was just too excited to wait.
What you didn’t anticipate was the toll all the none stop planning and stress would take on poor Alice. For someone who didn’t need sleep, or any kind of rest, she needed a break.
The poor thing had been going nonstop for too long.
She plopped down on your shared mattress dramatically, using it as a crutch for her stress as you finished up your shower. Even by the time you came out into the room, she was still sitting there, face down in the sheets.
“What’s wrong, babydoll?” you hummed, gently brushing her hair to one side of her head, giving you just enough of a view of her face.
It was clear she’d overworked herself, and that she was under a lot of stress but you didn’t understand why she was doing that to herself.
Your wedding didn’t have to be some high stress event.
“I want it to be perfect, I want everything to be just like I always wanted but there’s just so much” she sighed, the explanation itself seeming to overwhelm her.
You couldn’t blame her.
Alice had done the same thing for your wedding as she’d done for Edward and Bella. She wanted to take care of every little detail so no one else had to worry.
What she had neglected to think of was the fact that she couldn’t enjoy her wedding if she didn’t let someone help her. She didn’t have to do it all on her own.
“Sweetheart, why didn’t you just tell me it was too much at once? I would love to help you” you offered, wishing if nothing else that you’d thought to suggest that sooner.
It wasn’t like you’d done nothing to contribute but she’d definitely taken the most of it.
“All that mattered is that we’re finally gonna get married. I’m sure the wedding will be perfect” you assured, after only earning a groan from the smaller woman.
She didn’t sound convinced in the slightest.
From where she was sitting, you two were only going to be able to have 1 wedding in all your lives and she needed it to be wonderful.
All those beautiful things she’d fallen in love with while planning for Bella had to come together for your own wedding too. She had to make it happen.
...But no one said she had to make it happen alone.
You were her partner, and you loved her more than anything else in all the world. To you, that seemed like the most important thing.
“Come on, trust me. We could get married in a diner and I’d be just as happy as ever. I promise it’s going to be everything you’ve ever wanted-”
“I’ll make sure of it” you assured, finally coming face to face with her as she sat up, giving you a tired smile.
It wasn’t shocking to you that she gave so much of herself all the time, as she always did. However, it was about time she learned that she wasn’t alone in this.
As long as you were by her side, she’d never have to do anything alone. That was the deal, and had been since you met.
As long as you were together, nothing else mattered to you.
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plus-size-reader · 6 years
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Jasper Whitlock x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1328 words
Warnings:Reader is anxious af
Summary: Jasper and Reader are engaged but the party planning takes a bit more out on the reader than she thought originally. 
Edward and Bella's extravagant wedding was made to look simple when compared to your own wedding to Jasper or at least it would in theory. 
You weren't married yet but the plans for the event were in full swing. Jasper had been nagging you for days about getting enough sleep and making sure to eat but those things skipped your mind. 
Instead you were far too focused on what flowers would look the nicest in which glass vase or which cake would be best for an audience of vamps who couldn't care less. 
You couldn't help it, you had dreamed about your wedding all your life and with it so close, you were anything but relaxed.
Even now, all you were doing was looking through the guest list, the paper held tightly in your fingers. 
Jasper stood a foot away with his lean body braced against the door frame, taking in the sight of you. Your left leg was folded under body as you slouched further over the table, your right leg was bouncing nervously against the floor and your plush bottom lip was forever locked between your teeth. 
All of these small little quirks told the man that you were both stressed and immensely focused, something that Jasper just couldn't let stand.
You were so focused in fact that you didn't even hear him enter until his muscular arms were wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 
You leaned into him just a bit but didn't take your eyes off of the task at hand. The wedding was only a few days away and there was still so much to be done.
 Alice had taken the brunt of the weight for Bella's wedding and she had helped a lot throughout the process but you were a tad bit of a control freak so you wanted to handle most of it yourself.
"Why aren't you asleep?" Jasper wondered, his voice radiating like silk through your ears, the tickle of his hot breath against your face sending a chill down your spine. 
You knew you had been sitting at the table for quite a while but you weren't exactly sure how long until now, it had been four hours since you had moved, stood or stretched out from this position. "I just want everything to be perfect" you shrug, frowning down at the paper in front of you. 
You couldn't figure out how to seat all the guests, you had to have your family there as well as all of the Cullen's but you wanted to have enough room for your friends too.
The added stress due to the whole vampire thing seemed consequential at this point but you wanted to make sure you would be without accident on your big day. 
If being a normal bride was enough to make some women bridezilla then adding vampires couldn't have been good for your mental state. "It will be perfect, you and I will be together" he assures, taking in your scent, you smelled like orange blossom and lilac-Alice must have taken you shopping again. 
Your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of his ice cold touch as he ran his hands over your arms, you knew what he was trying to do but you didn't have time for his games.
"Jasper, either help me or knock it off-I don't know where to sit Rose, I can't put her anywhere near Bella but I can't put her here either" you frown, pointing your pen down on the paper to the box near where your family would be sitting. 
This was only the first issue, you hadn't even moved on to food or cocktails or catering. "I think we can worry about that later, come to bed Darling" he urges, but before you could once again wave him off, he pulled you to your feet with his chest still held to your back. 
The familiar pout on your lips drew a chuckle from the man "I can't J! There's still so much to do" you frown, but even you had to admit how tired you were.
 "Whatever we have to do, we can do it together-but not right now" he whispers, picking you up in his arms as if you weighed absolutely nothing.
Once he had successfully carried you all the way to your shared room, which now had a large, fluffy bed set up in the middle of it-he plopped you down and went to work searching through your drawers to find anything you could wear to bed. Eventually though, he gave up his seemingly endless searching and settled for a long shirt of his own, which he tossed to you over his shoulder. 
You should have known what Jasper was planning but you couldn’t have cared less, so you pulled the shirt on and snuggled up so far into the fortress of blankets that all the was peaking out where your eyes above the sheets. 
Your fiancé chuckled at the view, you always got goofy when you were tired, something he had seen first hand a million times over.
“So” he started, sitting down beside you on the bed, as carefully as he could as to not jostle you too much. “I was looking over your notes, doing a bit of light reading” he explains, shrugging his shoulders as if it was to be expected. 
He had only leafed through them quickly but it was possible that he’d seen something you had been overlooking in that time, so you urged him to continue. "And I think-if we sit Rose here, at this table with just Emmett, she should be able to keep to herself pretty well" he grinned, tossing his arm around your plush, warm form, pulling you into his much colder body. 
It had taken you some time to get used to the sheer temperature difference but now it was a welcome change "That could actually work" you allowed, leaning into him more, focusing your tired eyes on the page in front of you.
As it would turn out, not that you would ever admit it to Jasper, he was a lot better of a party planner than you would have thought and he took a lot of the stress off of you. 
It wasn't that you weren't sure of his abilities at first but Jasper wasn't the wedding planner type so you couldn't have known until now. "This is amazing Jazz" you coo, clapping  your hands as you looked at all the things he had gotten done just since you went to bed. 
He had been working through the night, which meant that you woke up to the Cullen's backyard buzzing with people, all setting up benches and lights. 
"I do my best" he chimes, giving you a light bow in the way he always did when he was feeling particularly confederate.
If this was Jasper's best, then it was no wonder it was the most incredible thing you had seen in your entire life, he had done it all in a few hours. 
"I told you it would all be taken care of" he reminds, pressing a cold but gentle kiss to your forehead in the most comforting way he could.
All the was left to do was walk down the isle and he had been waiting to do that since he first laid eyes on you. 
All Jasper could have ever hoped to want for a wedding was you and him along with your family but the big white wedding was your dream and he was determined to do anything he could to make that a reality. 
"You only get the I told you so because I love you" you smirk, it wasn't at all a secret and you didn't want it to be. 
If anyone in the world ever needed to know that who you loved, they would no longer have to look any farther than your left hand for confirmation.
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