#encanto fanfiction
carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
heyyy hello hello,
so I thought of a really cute ideaaa and I have been hooked on it since.
so you know how camilo always goes for seconds for food?, But like- what if he goes for seconds for kisses tooooo
like after you gave him a smooch he like- follows you till u give him another one?
"second smooches"
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— Camilo is known to always have seconds for food but when you come around he's always asking for second smooches
— fluff
— gender-neutral reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.
— none
— hiiiii omg i'm sorry if this request was hella late but i hope you like itttt
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Whenever there was a celebration or fiesta being held in Encanto, the Madrigals were often invited. Mostly it's because they're one of the most powerful families in the entire town but instead, it's because they were incredibly lovely and good company. The Madrigals are known to be extremely bubbly and kindhearted so there wouldn't be a reason why someone would not invite them in the first place.
However, there is one particular member of the Madrigals that would consistently remain in everyone's memory. Aside from the eye-catching yellow ruana that he's often wearing and his dashingly charming presence and looks, the Madrigal is famously known to have a huge appetite. Especially during events that offered a ton of food.
Enter Camilo Madrigal, the second child of Pepa and Félix Madrigal, and one of Alma Madrigal's beloved grandchildren. Gifted with shapeshifting, Camilo wasn't easy to miss in Encanto. He's always helping around town whether it would be assisting townsfolk or playing with the children, he'd always have a helping hand. The locals found the boy extremely cheerful and endearing, Camilo frequently put on a dramatic show with his shapeshifting abilities. His family remarked that he was a natural-born performer.
Being a natural-born performer came with many perks, one of which was having a line of suitors and admirers. It was no denying that Camilo struck the hearts of many in Encanto, one could possibly find it hard not to fall for the Madrigal. Although despite having a hundred others waiting in line, Camilo only fell for one person.
It was one of the Madrigals' fiesta, of course, everyone was welcome to attend. There was music blaring and people dancing, others were talking, and the remaining went to get a bite to eat. Camilo was in the last category. His tía Julieta made sure to cook more than needed for people who had strong appetites like him. As he happily loaded his plate with seconds of food while his mouth watered, he happened to catch someone walking by.
And for the first time, Camilo stopped drooling over the food to look who it was.
It happened so quickly. His eyes meet [Eye Color] ones, his jaw went slack, and the beating of his heart went miles per second. It was you walking by with a generous amount of food on your plate, but he didn't pay attention to it. He was distracted by the way you were giving him a toothy smile.
"Coming back for seconds or should I say thirds?"
You mused at him. Camilo gulped, his face felt so tingly and warm but he knew what this feeling was. He chuckled and ran a hand on the nape of his neck.
"Being everyone's favorite performer sure does make me hungry"
"I figured. I'm [Name] [Surname] by the way"
"Camilo Madrigal"
Camilo confidently went in to grab your hand and kiss it. All of a sudden, he shapeshifts into you as if it would impress you. With a laugh, you grabbed his hand.
"Everyone knows the shapeshifter but I'm dying to know who he is beyond it"
"Then be my guest, amor"
It was that fateful fiesta that the two of you fell for each other. Camilo felt lucky to have met someone who appreciated him for him and not just his shapeshifting gift. After a couple of dates and dinner with both of your families, you and Camilo became official.
You and he became the constant talk of the town, both negative and positive. Not that it bothered you, all it mattered was that you were in love with Camilo. And Camilo cared less what the locals would say about you and him, he only focused on you.
The Madrigals have discovered something new about the shapeshifter after he started dating you. Not only does he go for seconds with food but with kisses from you. Dolores was the first to see it. Her brother was giggling with his lover after they gave him a kiss.
"Can I have another kiss, mi amor?"
He asked and you leaned in to give him another, he was giggling all over that it made Dolores roll her eyes and hide a chuckle. Mirabel also witnessed the act, she practically saw you and Camilo making out two times. Safe to say she almost gagged. Lastly, Bruno happened to walk in Camilo begging for second smooches in the kitchen.
"¡Por favor mi querida! Just one kiss"
"Mayber later, Camilo. Oh, hi Bruno"
"...Uh, I'll just head out and clean my rats"
Camilo was obviously the PDA type and you love him enough to grant his wishes for second kisses but you have the modesty to hold back, especially when there are a lot of people present.
On this particular day, Camilo was busy with his chores so he hadn't made any time to see you. But after diligently finishing all of his duties, he literally sprinted to your house to see you. The moment he knocked on the door and you opened it, he threw himself into your arms.
"¡Te he echado tanto de menos, [Name]!"
"It's been only hours but it feels like you're seeing me after a century"
"It felt like it"
You only laughed at your boyfriend's dramatic antics as you invited him inside. The two of you hang out in your room, talking and cuddling. Camilo was busy telling you random stories about his day as you contentedly listened to him blabbering. After that, Camilo started giving you that look. He was giving you puppy dog eyes and a pout.
"Yes, my darling?"
Camilo giggled and puckered his lips and you knew what he wants. You shake your head and lean in to give him a small kiss on the lips. His mood bursts with energy after you kissed him. Suddenly, your parents call for you downstairs and you had to pause the cuddling session. Camilo followed you down the stairs as you were instructed to do some quick chores. The shapeshifter followed you around the house like a lost puppy until he gave you that look again.
"Not now, Camilo"
"Later, after I finish my chores"
The boy didn't quit following you all over the place nor dropping that pouty look. As you finished your chores, Camilo excitedly bounced over to you with gleaming eyes. You put your hand on your hip and shook your head.
"You really won't stop until you get second smooches?"
"Never. I'll follow you to the end of the world if it means I get my second smooches"
"Ay, you're so stubborn, Camilo"
With that, you grant him his second smooches and he literally jumps all over the place, honestly, you wouldn't get tired of giving him a second round of kissing if it means seeing him this happy and adorable.
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-died-inside ...join here
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magicalmadrigals · 5 months
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Guess who has fallen in love with her again and decided to come back from the dead 👋 I wanna start writing for Encanto again so bad but I’m not sure if anyone is still here! If you are and would be interested then let me know! ♥️
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immabethehero · 1 month
How Well Do You Know Alma Madrigal?!
A/N: A lil Mother's Day fluff, Encanto style!!!
Mother’s Day has been nothing but loving bliss in La Casa Madrigal. That in itself is making Alma nervous. Bruno, her youngest child and biggest mama’s boy ever, has not given her a gift yet. It’s nearing the end of dinner and not once has he given her a brand new book, or flowers or even new jewelry that she’ll never wear (she might this year though).
Not that she’s expecting much from him, considering that only a year ago he was hiding in the walls of his own house. Still, he’s always gone out of his way to give his mamá a nice gift to show her how much he loved her… and also to one-up his sisters. When the triplets were children, they used to make a game out of Mother’s Day. Every gift was especially bought or made in order to impress her, and to win the award of best Mother’s Day gift that year.
The intensity and the competition lessened as they got older, and as Alma and Bruno’s relationship became more strained. However, even with the tension between the two, Bruno always ensured his mother had a lovely Mother’s Day gift. So how is this year any different?
Come to think of it, Mirabel hasn’t given Alma a gift either, or rather, any gift relating to a series of very specific questions she had asked Alma the other day. Her favorite colour, what holiday did she and Pedro meet, when she puts her slippers on, how she takes her tea, etc. Alma had no idea what that was about, but she answered all of Mirabel’s questions willingly, even one that was supposed to be “a secret”.
As dinner comes to an end, Bruno stands up and taps his glass, catching the family’s attention. Alma gulps.
Bruno clears his throat. “As you know, today is Mother’s Day, and you know what that means. Presents for our glorious mamás.” He gestures to his sisters and Alma. Alma raises an eyebrow.
“So to celebrate my own wonderful mamá, I have created a wonderful new game show! Everyone come to the living room, please!” Bruno dashes out of the room, Mirabel hot on his trails. The rest of the family exclaim in excitement and confusion. Mirabel suddenly runs back in, wearing a comically large pink bow tie around her neck and a top hat the same colour of Alma’s dress. She walks over to her grandmother and holds out a hand.
“¿Nosatras iremos?” she asks. Alma laughs and takes her hand, allowing the girl to guide her to the living room, where a huge painting has been set up, bearing the words “¿Qué Tan Bien Conoces a Alma Madrigal?” Bruno holds his arms out, beaming.
Alma bursts out laughing. Bruno had mentioned once before how in the future, people will partake in “game shows”, where questions are asked and the right answers are rewarded. This explains Mirabel’s questions.
Bruno glows with excitement as he guides Julieta and Pepa to three coloured wooden podiums, each painted in their signature colour, before taking his place at his own green box.
Mirabel guides Alma into her comfy armchair while the rest of the family gets settled in their own seats. Once the family is settled in, Isabela sprouts a large flower shaped like a sphere.
Mirabel takes it and asks, “Who’s ready to play our favourite game?”
She and the family yell out, “‘¿Qué Tan Bien Conoces a Alma Madrigal?’!”
“Welcome one and all! I’m your host, Mirabel Madrigal!” Mirabel continues. “In this game, three contestants will answer questions regarding their mother, and the winner who knows her best will be crowned this year’s favourite child!
“I’ll ask a series of questions related to Abuela, and if you know the answer, tap your toucan and say it loud and clear! Right answers will get you 10 points each, and wrong answers will subtract 10. If any question stumps you, you may ask one audience participant to help you. Good luck!”
Bruno, Pepa and Julieta raise their hands, ready to tap their toucans at the first question. All three wear the same look of determination, the kind that Alma used to see when they were kids. Dios mio, she’s missed watching them play like this.
A rat pushes a box of cards towards Mirabel. She picks one up and says, “OK, first question: What holiday did Abuela and Abuelo meet at?”
Julieta taps her toucan, who squawks. Mirabel turns to her. “Julieta?”
“¡Día De Las Velitas!” Julieta says.
“That is correct!” Mirabel says. In the audience, Agustín and his daughters cheer loudly.
“Next question: what time does Alma put on her purple slippers?”
Bruno’s toucan squawks. “4:30 pm!”
Mirabel winces. “That is incorrect, sorry, Tío. Anyone else want to try?” Bruno’s confident smile fades.
Pepa’s toucan squawks. “4:35 pm!”
“Tía Pepa is right! Ten points for Pepa!” Pepa’s family cheers.
“Ha! I told you so, Bruno! You didn’t believe me!” Pepa teases. Bruno playfully sticks his tongue out at her.
“Give me a break, I was in the walls for ten years! Things might have changed!”
“That specific schedule never changed, Bruno. Are you going to keep using that excuse for every question you get wrong?”
“If it makes you mad, then yes.”
“NEXT QUESTION!” Mirabel yells. “How does Alma take her tea?”
The next hour is pure joy for Alma. She laughs at her children’s antics as they answer each question, quips between triplets and shouts from the audience making it all the more fascinating.
“I told you she likes the blue ones more, Pepa! Who’s the dumb one now?!”
“Mamá, what do you mean you didn’t like the soup I gave you when you were sick?! I thought you loved that flavour!”
“Tío Bruno, it was the butterfly earrings that Manolo the Fourth rescued from the sink! Manolo the Fourteenth just told me!”
“I WAS RIGHT?! I was just guessing!”
30 questions later, the triplets are tied. The family sits at the edge of their seats as Mirabel takes the last question out of the envelope.
“This final question will determine the true winner and favourite child,” Mirabel warns. “This last question is worth 1000 points. Contestants, are you ready?”
A chorus of “yes” rings through. Mirabel takes a card out of her dress pocket. The triplets lean forward, hoping to ring in first.
“What is Alma’s favourite hair clip?”
Ah yes, the trick question. Alma had come up with it herself, given that she never wore hair clips any more. But surely one of the kids remembers the pretty bird-and-branch beaded hair clip she used to wear during church and fiestas. Then again, they were eight when she last wore it.
“Is it shaped like a candle?” Bruno guesses, half-jokingly. Mirabel shakes her head.
“Does it have a butterfly on it?” Julieta asks.
“Surprisingly, no,” Mirabel says.
“Was it a gift from Papá?” Pepa questions.
“Actually, my sister gave it to me,” Alma says. “It was a birthday present.”
Silence follows. Alma purses her lips in frustration. How do none of the kids remember?!
Mirabel nervously turns to the audience. “What about you guys? Do any of you know?”
Agustín and Félix both look confused. They’ve never seen Alma with anything in her hair other than the ribbon used to hold her bun.
“Is this a trick question? I mean, I’ve never seen you wear anything other than your usual bun and a sunhat,” Félix finally says.
Alma can’t believe it. Surely Isabela, who she has told many stories of her youth to, would remember? Has Alma passed it down to her already? Alms turns to her.
Isabela wears the same stumped expression as her mother.
“Have I not told any of you about my favourite clip?” Alma asks. “I still have it upstairs! I can bring it down and show you.”
Mirabel raises her hand. “I know about it. I can get it-”
“Yes, I told you for this game, but-”
“You were showing me some of the stuff in your room while I helped you clean it out,” Mirabel continues. “I was around four at the time? I still remember it being in the first drawer of your bedside table.”
Now that Alma does not remember. Still, she thanks Mirabel and lets her run upstairs to grab it.
Soon enough, Mirabel returns with the bird-and-branch hair clip, still as pretty and as new as the day Alma received it.
“That’s your favourite hair clip?!” Bruno exclaims. “Huh. I don’t remember ever seeing that.”
Murmurs of agreement ring through the crowd. Alma shrinks in her seat. How much of her life had she hidden away from the family?
Sensing his mother’s embarrassment, Bruno clears his throat. “Um, well, in that case! Mirabel Madrigal, as the winner of this year’s Mother’s Day game, you win the privilege of presenting Mamá with my real Mother’s Day gift!”
Mirabel’s jaw drops. “Wait, what?! Tío Bruno, are you sure you want-”
“To do this? Yeah!” Bruno says. He whistles, and Casita rolls in a large box with the biggest green bow known to Alma sitting on top.
“Or Casita can do that,” Bruno says. He nudges it towards Alma, bouncing on his toes. “Go on, open it up!”
Alma laughs at his excitement as Mirabel unties the ribbon and opens the box. She and Bruno lift the present out…
“Oh my!”
Bruno has painted a beautiful picture of the family at a beach, sitting under trees as they enjoy a lovely picnic. Alma is seated in the center, a lovely smile on her face.
“Earlier in the month I had a vision of all of us finding a beach outside of the Encanto,” Bruno explains. “I decided to turn the tablet into a painting! It was a beautiful vision, the best I’ve had in a while.”
“I asked the animals the best route to get to the beach! They can lead us!” Antonio adds.
“So what do you say? Tomorrow we have our first ever beach day?” Bruno asks, eyes sparkling. Behind him, Julieta and Pepa glance at each other in mock disappointment, knowing they’ve lost this year’s Mother’s Day competition.
Alma laughs. “Of course. Gracias, Brunito.”
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 9 months
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“I was thinking,” Alma said. “It’s about time we update the mural. We still need to include you and Tonito.”
Goodness, Bruno had completely forgotten about the mural. He’d need to add himself and Antonio; he certainly needed to update Isabela’s appearance. Honestly, with everything that had happened he just hadn’t thought about it. But as soon as she said it, an old idea came back to him.
“About that,” he said. “I was wondering…Could I add Papá too?”
For a terrible moment, he thought Alma was about to cry. Indeed, her eyes watered and her lip trembled…But she took his hand and nodded.
“Sí,” his mamá said softly. “That’s a lovely idea.”
In which there's loose ends to tie up. Senora Rojas continues to heal and the Madrigals continue to find their way. Dolores has a confession to make.
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glendybluebird · 2 years
💙Queen of Healing💙
✨Queen Julieta and King Agustín✨
This is a fantasy AU "Encanto Empire"
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💙Queen of the Healing💙
Each Madrigal has their own title.
Pepa - Queen of the Skies
Julieta - Queen of Healing
Bruno - King of Time.
Madrigal children: Coming Soon after Bruno
As mentioned, Encanto is an empire, ruled by the Empress, Alma Madrigal.
Each of her children had their own title as King and Queens, and has their own palace.
The Madrigal triplets may have their own palaces, but each are connected by structure and magic.
The Empire includes a lot of other  kingdoms from other royal families, who unlike the Madrigals, practice witchcraft.
The Miracle will be the one to choose which among the Madrigal children will inherit the Empress' throne.
It's a complicated AU that has a lot of details and etc.
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dragoneyes618 · 7 months
I'm looking for a fanfiction I read a while ago and can't find again. It was an AU where the Madrigals get their gifts at birth. Somehow the candle showed them what the gift was, I think. Then when Mirabel was born and had no gift they all panicked and decided to get rid of her (in a "she's making the miracle weak and we don't know what to do with her" way, not a "abandon her somewhere" way, of course), so Bruno took her and left. Mirabel grew up thinking Bruno was her father and didn't know the truth until he told her. Bruno and Mirabel were living in a village somewhere that suffered occasional raids; there was one part where Mirabel hid under the floorboards while soldiers or bandits ransacked the house. Bruno earned a living as a fortune teller.
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waitingonavision · 4 months
Encanto Ficlet: The Belly Shirt (Part I)
@empty-cryptid and I collaborated on a storyyy!!! Mine is part one (*rises from the writing grave*), and Ash's is part two! :D Enjoy~ The fic is up on AO3!
Pepa jumps in her seat, nearly losing her place in her novel, when something soft plops down on the table.
“Look what I found!”
A beaming Bruno is standing there, hands on his hips. Now, Pepa knows he knows that interrupting her while she’s engrossed in a book is a choice. But despite that, despite her glower and the shift in the room’s climate, he continues to grin at her.
“Look, Peps!” He points excitedly. “Recognize it?”
The middle triplet rolls her eyes. Above them, clouds waver and begin to break apart. She’ll humor him this time. Turning her full attention to the heap of whatever-it-is he’s dropped in front of her, she sputters a laugh the instant she registers the thing’s ugly shade of green.
“Dios mio, how—where did you even find this?” She asks, picking it up.
It’s a shirt. One that Bruno had commissioned the town tailor for when he was sixteen and caught up in a fit of rebellion. Truly the most horrendous hue, with a bizarre pattern to boot, the button-up became the bane of Alma’s sensibilities, albeit briefly: It vanished after Bruno had bullishly worn it for two days straight. The triplets whispered amongst themselves that their mamá must have cut it to shreds, burned the scraps, and scattered the ashes to the wind.
In response to his sister’s present question, though, Bruno just shrugs. “Idaknow. Heh, does it matter? The Shirt lives! —Oo-ooh, can I?”
Pepa hands him The Shirt, arching a brow when he slings it over his shoulder and starts to undo the buttons on the top he’s wearing. “What’re you doing?”
“M’gonna put it on!” He says, torso now bare between the open shirt halves. Pepa lightly snorts.
“It’s not going to fit, Brunito.”
Bruno frowns, almost a pout. Alright, so he’s (thankfully!) filled out since he was a scrawny teen, but it can’t be that much. What’s more, like everything else he’s tended to wear, The Shirt was made oversized! He pats the flesh on his middle and clicks his tongue.
“That’s where you’re mistaken, Peps. It’s gonna fit fine! I’ll show you… oh, an-and then we can show Juli!.”
“It won’t fit,” Pepa repeats, sprawling back in her chair.
“Will too!”
Wispy little cirrus clouds spring into being above them. “Ridiculo.”
“You’re ridiculous!” Bruno retorts, whipping off his top.
“Not. Gonna. Fit.”
With that, he pulls his arms through the sleeves of the garish old shirt and begins working his way down the row of buttons. After three decades plus change, the garment looks fitted rather than loose across his shoulders and chest. The gentle slope of his upper belly presses against the fabric without overstraining it.
Bruno is smiling like he’s totally got this. But— oh. The next button is the one closest to his navel… which is where most of the recovery weight has stuck thus far: rounding out the lower half of his tummy and thickening his hips into a sweet store of fat that tends to puff over the waistbands of his trousers. Pepa can practically see the cogs turning in her triplet brother’s head. His long fingers falter, and he steals a glance at her.
She smirks, eyes flicking from his face to his exposed belly and back again. “Mmhmm. Can’t button the rest, can you?”
“Nope —uh, I mean, yes. But no, ‘cause this is…. um. The fashion,” Bruno says. “F-from the fuuuture,” he adds in a spooky voice, wiggling his fingers, just as Pepa lunges toward him.
“Well.” poke “Aren’t you lucky—“ pokepoke poke “—that the fashion—“ poke pokepoke “—is letting chubby bellies—“ pokepoke pokepokepoke “—hang out!” pokepokepokepokepoke
“Ny-ahahaha haha—¡buh-basta!” Bruno squawks, escaping his sister’s rapid-fire barrage with one final twist and hands splayed across his squishy muffin top. “Fine. ¡Mira!”
Tugging again at the old shirt, he tries to close it over the fullest part of his tummy… but fails, just barely, to get the two sides to meet. Under Pepa’s amused eye, he draws a small breath, holds in his belly enough to push the button through its hole. He does the same with the next button before relaxing his middle for the last one.
“Tada!” He declares. Pepa can’t help but smile at her younger brother’s spirit of triumph. Even when they can both plainly see how The Shirt has to bunch around the doughy roll that shapes his lower belly, and how it gaps between the buttons above and below his navel.
It’s here that she prods, telling him, “Yes, you look perfectly presentable.”
Bruno bats her hand away. “Pfft. —Ah, h-hey, I guess now we can go show Juli.” Then, looking down at himself, he gives a soft chuckle. “She’s gonna love this…”
The siblings link arms and make their way through the kitchen to their sister’s room, into which Pepa gusts first, announcing “the miraculous return of The Shirt!”
From her seat at her writing desk Julieta sets down the pen she’s holding and blinks at her sister. “¿Qué? A shirt?”
“The Shirt, Juli!” Bruno says, shuffling into the room backwards so that he can do a proper reveal of the front of his outfit.
The eldest triplet’s eyes widen. “Ay, that shirt!” Whatever utterance might have followed that initial note of disbelief dies on Julieta’s lips—because Bruno is twirling around, and her gaze locks onto his little puff of belly the second it comes into view.
“Eh?” Bruno angles his hands like brackets on either side of his waist. “Whaddya think?” He and Pepa ask together.
“I told him it wouldn’t fit,” Pepa gloats, needlessly pointing out the snuggest buttons and the diamond of pudge on display. A radiant smile spreads across Julieta’s face. Padding over to her siblings, she loops an arm around Bruno’s gently rounded side.
“¡La pancita de Brunito, mi encanto!” She squeezes him, eliciting a squeak. “Ay, the last time we saw this shirt, it was wearing you. But now...”
The three of them exchange grins.
“…now it’s The Belly Shirt!”
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theweirdartust · 1 year
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PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY ART… but feel free to reblog!!
Chapter 2, Part 1
I am BACK!! Tumblr killed the quality 😭 So sorry this took so long to get out I have been extremely busy and procrastinated a lot lol and for those who are confused this is suppose to be a flash back
Comic by me
Fanfic by @rainymoonbows
Chapter 1 END:
Chapter 2 POSTER;
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aeshnalacrymosa · 8 months
“That was a wonderful story.”
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Inspired from "Like Fog Dissolving in the Sunrise" by @riathedreamer
Daytime version:
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Mirabel is wearing 1960 fashion because she is 25 in the story.
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spooky-spextre-arts · 27 days
(Happy Birthday, Antonio) WIP #1
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(Mostly fluff with a teeny tiny dash of hurt/comfort sprinkled)
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kittypatria54 · 2 years
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incorrect quote from @carlosfruitsnacks story: “who’s that girl?”:
Townperson: *to Y/n’s Older Sister* Oh, you must have younger sister! 😇
S/N: Yes, I do..! 😇 *look at Y/n* 😈
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Abuela Alma: it must be nice to have two daughters and a son! 😇
Y/n’s dad: what?
Y/n’s mom: pardon..?
Y/n: *embarrassed facepalms*
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magicalmadrigals · 5 months
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I wanna do a collection of one shots about the Madrigal kids and their parents when they were all little - inspired by my hc that Isabela got herself tangled up in her vines CONSTANTLY when she was little because I need that in my life.
If any of you guys have any suggestions for chapters - like for any of the kiddos and their gifts or just funny moments within the family, let me know. I would be happy to do them :)
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
"ma belle evangeline"
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— Camilo for a long time is bending backward just so you can notice his advances, you're very oblivious. It wasn't easy especially when everyone wanted you because of your beauty. How will he get you to realize his love for you?
— mild angst to fluff
— female reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me.
— none
— a request from anon, i hope you like it <3
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The sky appears so clear making way for the sunlight to seep from above, showering down on such beauty that graced on land. Every gaze shifted, attentions were stolen, and people all fixated on the prettiest girl known in town.
"Ah, there she goes"
They sighed full of adoration. Her eyes were glimmering, and her skin glowed under the sunlight as her hair swept along the soft breeze. When she goes to wave politely at the townsfolk, they all clutched their chests. After all, having noticed such beauty felt like an honor in Encanto. One can agree so much thanks to being exposed to her beloved presence.
Camilo Madrigal can admit he's relatively popular in town. Having the gift of shapeshifting and a personality as bright as the sun can prove it so. But Camilo barely stood a chance against the town's beauty because he too was enamored by her. Being her best friend caused it.
"Hi, Camilo!"
You greet him with a beaming smile, and immediately, Camilo's knees grow weak. He sends you a toothy grin and tried not to faint by your beauty. 
"What's up, [Name]?"
Camilo replied. You happily chuckled and went to gently grab him by the arm, you pulled him close to you, in a friendly way. He merely flinches at the sudden contact and the eyes landing on him. The locals of Encanto began talking in hushed voices while pointing at you and Camilo. However, you were oblivious to it.
"I was thinking about trying this new stall in town. I heard they sell fantastic pies and I wanna try it with you"
"Oh, sure!"
A delighted smile graces your lips as you hurriedly lead Camilo with you. The shapeshifter could barely let out a protest, when it came to you, he couldn't bother to complain. Your friendship began with the Madrigal when your parents set you up as playmates, since then, you two were inseparable. You grew alongside each other, even if things became difficult, Camilo and you stayed together.
As friends, only
Camilo thought to himself and looked away to frown. It wasn't like he was displeased with his friendship with you, if anything, he treasured it so much. The only problem he had with being friends with you is that he wanted more.
Camilo was in love with you, the prettiest girl in Encanto.
Some might say he's lucky enough to be your best friend, but to be your lover? It sounds like a dream out of grasp. Camilo may be clever, charming, and talented, but he found it hard to stand against your hundreds of admirers. Though he can understand why everyone is so attracted by you. Not only you were beautiful, but you were also kindhearted. You were an angel incarnate on earth.
"Camilo? Are you okay, amigo?"
You tilted your head at him. The shapeshifter puts on a big smile and nodded his head, he goes to ruffle your hair and earn a laugh from you.
"¡Por supuesto, mi amiga! Now, what do you wanna do next?"
Your eyes light up as you start blabbering about the things you wanted to do with him today. Camilo was contented with seeing you happy with him even if it's only meant to be friendly, but it doesn't stop him from making some moves.
Camilo reaches to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear when you talk, you brushed it off with a smile. He goes to wipe the crumbs on the corner of your lips when you're eating, you only thanked him. The shapeshifter subtly grabs your hand and intertwined it with his, you let out a tiny laugh. The Madrigal gives you a bundle of fresh flowers and desserts, you give him the most beautiful expression known to man and took his gifts.
"Awww, thanks, mi amigo"
Mi amigo. My friend
You called him that several times now and he just had to pretend it didn't deliver a sting to his chest. Camilo had to fake that your heedlessness to his advances doesn't affect him at all. The shapeshifter was stuck on the sidelines as he watched several people make an attempt to woo you, so far, nobody has succeeded, to his relief. But he feared that one day, somebody's going to sweep you off your feet and take you away, that's why he's so eager to make you fall in love with him.
The Madrigal trudged home after a day of hanging out with you, a pout was visible on his lips as he entered the casita. His family was aware of his crush on you, sometimes they offered him advice but mostly teased him. Mirabel Madrigal greeted her cousin who was slouching in his room.
"No luck today, primo?"
"Nada, prima. It's just the same"
"Well, have you tried..."
"Mira, I've tried everything at this point! I tried giving her gifts, taking her out to places, and she doesn't even realize it"
Camilo exclaimed, he threw his hands in the air and buried them in his hair, he lets out a groan and stumbled onto his bed. Mirabel sighed.
"I guess you should try being more straightforward"
"Was me gawking at her whenever she comes around and solely giving her all my attention every day straightforward enough?"
"Primo, it's time you need to confess"
The shapeshifter sprung up from his bed. Confess? But how? Camilo doesn't even know where to start. He's petrified imagining you rejecting his confession if possible, a confession might ruin his friendship with you. He bites his nails.
"I...I can't"
"Ay dios mio. You've been in love with [Name] for ages! Plus, it's tiring to see you keep failing on your advances"
"You don't get it, prima! What if...what if she rejects me and it ends up breaking our friendship?"
Camilo's voice wavered, Mirabel exhaled and goes to give him a soft pat on the back. The thought of losing you scared every fiber of his being, he couldn't stand it, it would break him. But then again, he's so sick of "being the best friend of the pretty person".
"You'll never know, Camilo. What if she's hiding feelings from you too"
Mirabel told him. He looked her in the eye, finally making up his mind. Camilo lets out a sharp inhale. It was now or never.
"I...I'll do it"
"Don't worry, if she ends up rejecting you, I won't tell Isa and the others"
"I highly doubt it"
The two shared a laugh. Camilo was going to do it, he's going to confess his feelings to you. All he needs is to muster enough courage and a hundred prayers and maybe things will be alright.
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Things weren't going according to what Camilo has anticipated. It seemed like the world was against him because when he was prepared to confess, he didn't expect the literal line of your admirers confessing their love to you. Camilo felt underprepared after seeing their professions. They gave you gifts, recited you poems and some even sang a serenade for you. The shapeshifter felt hopeless because you were smiling the entire time.
There was no way he'd get a chance with you when there are others who seemed more worthy than him to be your lover. Camilo felt like shit, and with that, he decided to ditch. You were too busy being adored by others to notice him anyway. The Madrigal distanced himself from everyone during the day, his family can tell things weren't well.
Camilo sat at the edge of a river, the moon in the sky was as bright as ever. He frowned and threw pebbles towards the water, watching it skip until it sunk down. He accepts that he'd be hopelessly in love with you and forever remain in the friend zone. He'd rather have that than lose everything. Why does love have to be complicated?
The shapeshifter screamed at the sudden voice, he turns to see you giggling at his reaction. Emotions fill him, joy, downcast, frustration. Your beauty distracts him again in a trance that you had to snap your fingers in front of his face.
"What are you doing here, mi amigo?"
"I haven't seen you all day, I'm starting to believe you're avoiding me"
You said. Camilo can sense the worry in your tone, he grabs the nearest pebble and threw it across the water.
"Hey [Name], remember that book we used to read when we were kids?"
"Oh, you mean the story about a firefly being in love with a star?"
"Heh, yeah"
Camilo softly chuckled at the small memory he had with you as children. Somewhat now he can relate to a firefly falling in love with a star. He's like a firefly longing to be with the brightest star in the night sky.
"It was adorable, I remember you singing that little song from the story"
"You mean "ma belle Evangeline"?"
"Look how she lights up the sky. Ma Belle Evangeline. So far above me yet I know her heart belongs to only me"
You sang softly to him. Camilo was surprised you still remember the song, he smiles at this. He looks at you sitting next to him under the moonlight, suddenly, hope fills him.
"Je t'adore, Je t'aime..."
"Wow, Camilo! Since when do you know how to speak french?"
"Since when I began falling for you"
He replied. Quickly, you go silent, it was unusual for you to have nothing to say. Camilo grew nervous the longer you stayed quiet. Your breath wavered.
"You...you have feelings for me, Camilo?"
"Yeah, for a very long time now. I've been obvious with it yet you act so oblivious"
Camilo's voice goes high-pitched but quiet, you can tell he's tense. You pursed your lips, not knowing what to say. The shapeshifter finally meets you in the eye.
"[Name], you're the brightest star I've ever met, you're...you're ma belle Evangeline. And I understand if you don't feel the same but I can't take it being only your friend"
"Camilo, I..."
"I know I don't stand a chance against your fantastic admirers. I tried everything I could for you but it seemed like I wasn't meant for you"
"Camilo, look at me"
You said. Camilo stops rambling and faced you, your soft hand cupped his cheek and you grant him a large smile with glistering orbs.
"Do you even know why I haven't said yes to any of those admirers?"
"Ay, Camilito. It's because I'm only interested in you, tonto"
The Madrigal froze by your words, shock was evident in his face. It felt too good to be real, his jaw drops to the floor and you laughed at the sight.
"Wait...are you for real?"
"Oh my god, yes! I may not notice your advances but I do have feelings for you too, Camilo"
All of a sudden, you were swept off of your feet. You chuckled when Camilo spins you around in his arms, his shapeshifting goes berserk, changing from various people. You lovingly brought your hand to his cheek and he returns back to himself. Camilo was smiling like an idiot now knowing his feelings were reciprocated.
"I love you, my star"
"Awww, I love you too, mi amor"
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @the-arctic-monkeys , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort0616 ...join here
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 9 months
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Isabela needed to be perfect. Everyone in the family did, really; they were the amazing Madrigals, so blessed, so helpful and strong. But she was the eldest, the shining example to her sisters, her cousins, to everyone in her age group.
Señorita Perfecta Isabela. Sweet, angelic, perfect Isabela. The flower princess.
And now Mirabel. The little shining star. Warm, loving, happy Mirabel.
Isabela didn’t want to see her sister’s smile disappear. 
Of course she’d help her. What else could she do?
Perfect, perfect, perfect. Everything has to be perfect. Abuela is happy. The family is happy. The village is happy. Mirabel is happy.
Isabela will make sure it stays that way. Of course she'll help her little sister. What else could she do?
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Encantober 2023 Day 31: Sunrise
One of Felix and Agustin's favorite things to do was wake up right before the sun came up to watch the sunrise. It was a tradition they had since they moved into the Madrigal home. Sometimes, Bruno would join in after waking up earlier than usual and they'd stay until Julieta wakes up to cook breakfast for the family.
One day Felix, Agustin, and Bruno watched the sunrise together, Julieta noticed them and walked closer to them. She sat next to her husband and the men jumped when they noticed her. Julieta then leaned her head on Agustin's shoulder.
"How are you boys doing?" she asked.
"We're doing alright. What made you decide to watch the sunrise with us?" Agustin replied.
"I've been noticing you three watching the sunrise together for several years and wanted to join, but I didn't want to disrupt your guys' moment. I decided to do it now because I wanted to enjoy the sunrise with you too."
Agustin put his arm around his wife as the four of them admired the blue and orange sky together. With all the years of watching from a distance, getting to watch it up close hit Julieta differently.
"Is Pepa still asleep?" Felix asked.
"Si, I didn't want to wake her up because I know she's going to kill me if I do."
Right on cue, Pepa walks through Casita's front door to see her sister, brother, husband, and brother-in-law sitting together. She sat down next to Felix and put her head on his shoulder. Felix jumped when he felt something on his shoulder and looked over to see Pepa.
"Pepi! We were just talking about you. We thought you were asleep," he mentioned.
"I was, but I had to go to the bathroom and I noticed you weren't in bed next to me. I looked all over the house for you and found you four out here," Pepa explained.
"Mi vida, I just want you to know that this was mine and Gus's time and Bruno decided to join us, so it became our guys time. Julieta just decided to do this with us today. And I'm happy you're joining us now."
Pepa hugged her husband and Felix put his arm around her. "You know I don't mind your guys' time."
The five of them laid down in the front yard and witnessed the sky as the orange slowly turned into more blue. They held hands together as they scooted over to make a circle.
"How does it feel to join us, hermanas?" Bruno asked.
"It feels amazing. I want to do this more often," Julieta responded.
"Can we do this every morning?" Pepa asked.
"We could, but we usually do it once a week so we don't tire ourselves out too much. But I'll tell you what. Next time we do this, we'll wake you up and we can watch the sunrise together," Felix explained.
"I'll wake you up too when we do it again," Agustin added.
Julieta and Pepa smiled as they both gave their husbands the biggest hug they could. There was nothing in the world they would trade this moment for, even if they were going to be a little bit tired in the morning because Alma usually wanted everyone out the door for their morning chores before then o'clock. But at least Pepa, Felix, Bruno, and Agustin could catch up on sleep before the children woke up and Julieta was finished cooking breakfast.
"Do you know what this reminds me of?" Julieta said to break the silence.
"What?" Agustin asked.
"That time when the five of us were watching the sun set after dinner and looking back on our friendship and relationship throughout the years."
"It does! And that moment makes me think of when we first met and became friends and how our relationships budded all those years, and how our love has gotten stronger over time," Pepa explained.
"As much as I love having my guy time, I love this even more because I get to share this time with my sisters," Bruno said.
"Would you love to have it more often with us?" Julieta asked.
"I would love that more than anything in the world."
"Even if your rats wanted to join us?" Pepa asked.
"Oh, I've brought some of them out a couple of times. They weren't too much of fans of being woken up this early just to watch the sun rise."
Julieta and Pepa laughed and hugged their brother together. While most of the village gave him strange looks their whole lives, Julieta and Pepa would not have wanted him any other way.
Julieta, Agistin, Pepa, Felix, and Bruno continued talking and laughing through the dawn until their children peeked through the window of the front door to see their parents and uncle sitting in the front yard, talking and laughing together. The six of them opened Casita's front door and slowly walked up to them.
"Mami? We thought you would be cooking breakfast right now," Mirabel said as she tapped her mother's shoulder.
The adults jumped and looked behind them, to see their children standing in a row. They then looked at the sun to see that the oranges in the sky were turning into more blues. It must already be seven o'clock if all six children were awake.
"Lo siento, ninos, we just found your father's and tio watching the sun rise and we wanted to join them," Julieta explained.
"We'll be doing this a little more often though," Pepa added.
"Well, we are starting to get hungry, and we didn't see you in the kitchen, tia. We were just worried," Camilo explained.
The adults got up from the ground and walked into Casita with their children. They all walked into the kitchen together so they all could talk a little bit more while Julieta cooked breakfast. The adults simultaneously thought that one day, they could include the children in their sunset watching. Not only would they appreciate it, but it could be a great bonding session for all of them. Needless to say, it was the most memorable time of the day.
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glendybluebird · 2 years
👑⚔️💙Warrior Princess Luisa💙⚔️👑
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🐦Giving her a full body armour is tempting but I opt to give her only a few armour pieces since she's already super strong. I made sure that her design really fits her title as the warrior Princess. Spanish translation: La princesa Luisa es la segunda hija de la reina Julieta y el rey Agustín. Con el don de una gran fuerza, se la coloca en la posición de ser la única protectora de Encanto. Siempre en primera línea en tiempos de crisis, incluso siendo una niña pequeña, y ahora como una mujer admirable y general carismática. Aunque no se espera que sea la próxima emperatriz, se espera que sea la mejor educada y responsable de todos los herederos, tomando solo las mejores y más completas decisiones. Sabio como un alma vieja, tranquilo como las aguas mansas y poderoso como las grandes montañas.
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