#essay books
dbguidebook · 28 days
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Darling Bonnie's Book Club: Sex & The City By Candace Bushnell. #Societythings
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secrets of farming (1863) - john w. large
"yeowch augh taking damage ough eurgh"
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cemeterything · 3 months
"i wish i could exfoliate my brain" you can. by reading things that challenge you.
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sapphia · 6 months
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congrats on hbomberguy for getting the internet's highest queer honour
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soracities · 4 months
"As an educator, I don’t just want you to feel what I feel. I don’t want you to consider me correct because I said it beautifully. I want to sharpen your critical thinking skills and your world-making capacities. I absolutely do not leave emotion out of that! Emotions are as central as the written, verbal, numeric, social, ecological knowledges we are able to gain to navigate this world and the next. I am just… extra cognizant of how much I can lead viewers to feel with me without further thought. The videos of mine that go most viral are ones where I show the most emotion, whatever that emotion is: hopeful, cheery, despondent, grieved, furious, combative. We love emotion. We live such isolated, stifled lives.
The challenge of reading is to navigate the narrative without the overtures of overt feelings. There is no face to latch onto, no music that sways you. Words on a page especially cannot compete with screen-time. They’re not meant to. The boredom opens up space in your mindscape to your own thoughts, opinions, and feelings."
—Ismatu Gwendolyn, "you've been traumatized into hating reading (and it makes you easier to oppress)", from Threadings on Substack
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lucidloving · 4 months
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@heavensghost // Erin Moran, "940 Main Street" // Jason Schneiderman, "Little Red Riding Wolf" // @mah_hirano on tw // Adrienne Rich, "Planetarium" // Richard Siken, Editor's Pages: Black Telephone // Molly McCully Brown, Places I've Taken my Body: Essays // @loputyn // Mason O'Hern, "You Are Not Just Anything" // Friedrich Nietzsche, Good and Evil
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egophiliac · 5 months
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I've had a beast of a cold for the last few days, but I wanted to get this out before the new year! while I've sort of made my peace with my first take on Lilia's UM poster, I really wanted to do a version with the new context that chapter 6 gave us. because. c'mon.
(don't worry, Lilia can carry ALL HIS KIDS AT ONCE)
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counting-stars-gayly · 5 months
Book: "I don't know what my mom will do. I just know I'll fight next to you." "Why?" "Because you're my friend, Seaweed Brain."
Show: "You've done more for me in the past few days than my dad's done for me in my entire life. If I have to stick with someone, I—" "Careful. I think you were about to call me your friend."
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joytri · 1 month
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kitchen-light · 4 months
Regretfully, I had to leave all my books behind. I couldn’t bear to make the choice between my beloveds, so I left them all.   Give them back. Give us back our beds. Give us back our offices. And give us back our books.
Nabil S., from "It Was All Songs: A Letter From Gaza" translated from the Arabic by Sarah Aziza, published in Mizna on February 12th, 2024. You can read the entire essay here.
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longreads · 3 months
“The most important part of my job is to make the library a safe space. One where kids burst through the door and go running with glee to the children’s area so they can say hello to whoever is at the desk. One where a patron can have a full metal meltdown about the state of the world and still be given resources to find housing, a shower, a meal. One where someone can come in blasted high for years and then return the next day sober and clean, ensconcing themselves in the safety of the books to stay that way.”
Lisa Bubert’s Instagram bio reads "Public librarian who has seen some 💩," and her latest piece makes clear just how much “some” is. When so much of our society has seemingly turned its back on its neediest members, public libraries have never been more important. To read “Safety Net,” head to Longreads.
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imbiactually-28 · 6 months
as someone who has taken a few greek myth/history courses in university, i just want to say that i’m so happy that they took the kleos route in the new pjo show.
in all the myths, with achilles’ and heracles’ being the most prominent, kleos/eternal glory drives why they do what they do. they want to be recognized by others for their feats for as long as possible
without spoiling, with clarisse, luke, annabeth, grover, and percy’s story lines it really makes sense cause they’re all trying to find their own kleos
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protect your family from lead in your home (2020) - united states environmental protection agency
"im so full of lead paint yum"
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communistkenobi · 2 years
I was reading an essay about trans identity earlier and the author forwarded an interesting argument, which was that cis-heterosexuality is deeply unnatural. it can’t be anything but unnatural, because if it wasn’t it wouldn’t need to be so violently imposed on everyone and reinforced to you your entire life. which means humanity existed prior to that imposition - that there is a state of existential transsexuality, or rather pre-sexuality (used in this instance to refer both to gender and sexuality), where human beings are fully capable of existing in the world without the imposition of cis-heterosexuality. trans people are just sitting up and taking note of this imposition. so the real question is not “why are you transgender?”, the question is “why are so many of you not transgender?”
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luthienne · 6 months
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Don’t Look Away, by Selma Dabbagh as featured in the London Review of Books
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I love you lost media I love you video essays I love you iceberg chart videos I love you archive sites I love you old web I love you media leaks I love you reference book section I love you obscure and strange history I love you Wikipedia
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