#evan peters fluff
evanchantingpeters · 7 months
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All my feminism goes out the window when I lay eyes on this man... Uff😬
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kai-anderson-whore · 6 months
The summoning (jmp x tate Langdon x reader smut)
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Summary: you had always been fascinated with serial killers and true crime, one day you decided to try and summon your two favourite killers
Warnings: smut, three way, oral (tate receiving), p in v sex, doggy style 😏, summoning a ghost, ouija board,
Word count: 1,3k (another short one it was supposed to be longer)
A/n: this is a request by @villains-are-hot, thank you for the request and once again I apologise that it was very rushed at the end and I took ages to post this 😊
For as long as you could remember you had a unhealthy obsession with true crime/ serial killers. Some may say it's far from normal, it was frightening. You knew stories of cases watched all the documentaries and more.
Some people say it's the type of obsession you hear killers having before they kill. You didn't care it was a interest that you were so passionate about. You preferred learning about serial killers, how their mind works, what drove them to do it. The ones you liked learning about the most was Tate Langdon who got shot dead in his bedroom after shooting up his school one day in 1994. And the other was James Patrick march a well known serial killer from the 1920s to the early 1930s. Legend has it they both still reside in their place of death.
You didn't know if that was true or not, you visited the hotel that James Patrick march resides in but nothing, you couldn't exactly go to the murder house since people live there. It intrigued you deeply, the thought it could be true or not.
You didn't know what you were doing when the idea popped into your head, you thought it won't work but it was worth a go. Now researching things to do, how to summon ghosts, some where a bit far fetched others seemed fake but you were willing nonetheless. Finding a method writing down everything that had to be done.
You sat in front of the oujia board your fingers delicately on the triangle piece. You took deep breaths trying to stay calm circling the board three times before saying "James Patrick march and Tate Langdon I invite you to this space" waiting a few seconds you felt eerily quiet and cold.
"Is there anyone here?" You asked the board, you felt something pushing the triangle to yes, you gasped in shock now feeling nervous but your fingers still remain on the piece. "How many sprits are here?" You then asked feeling uneasy slightly regretting your decision. The piece moved to the number 2 you didn't know if it was you or if it was actually two spirits here but you slowly asked your next question "w-who are you?".
The board moved to around spelling out two initials JMP and TL you gasped removing your hands from the board standing up. Completely forgetting to say goodbye. You immediately grabbed the board putting it away "what the fuck, it's probably me doing it it's got to be" you whispered to yourself.
"Not quite dear" a voice chimed making you yelp in fright. "What the fuck!?" You turned around seeing two guys there awfully familiar to you, they looked identical like discrete descent, "w-who are you?" You asked in fear.
"I'm James Patrick march and this is-" "Tate Langdon" they said, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion "you're both dead no this can't be true." You couldn't believe what you were seeing they looked exactly like the killers you knew so much about. "How are you here?" You asked a thousand questions running around your head.
"Well you summoned us" Tate chuckled pointing to the ouija board. That's when you realised "shit I forgot to say goodbye" mentally cursing yourself, "it's quite alright dear, but I must ask how did you manage to get us free?" James asked.
"Dude she used the ouaji board to get us out" Tate said like James was dumb. "That's fascinating" James eyes light up "I don't know how we could ever thank you" James added. Tate's eyes on you like you’re his prey, swallowing a lump in your throat as his steps grew closer to you from behind. "I've got an idea" Tate's breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine. "Y-you don't need to thank me" your voice was above whisper unsure what they mean.
"Well boy enlighten us with your idea" James's velvety voice made you shiver more. You couldn't deny they were both very attractive despite their tendency to killing. "Well she's pretty isn't she? Don't you agree?" Tate smirked his hands running down the soft skin of your arms. "I do agree with you she is quite remarkable" James agreed beckoning his steps closer to you.
You didn't know if your body was filled with fear or anticipation maybe both. Closing your eyes feeling their breaths breeze across your features. James colds fingertips grazing gracefully along your bare arms bringing goosebumps to their wake. "I think we shall reward her for setting us free from our eternal resistances" James smirked his pencil moustache raising up.
"I was thinking the same" Tate chuckled with a devilish smirk, you didn't know what to feel scared? Or turned on? Maybe both. Feeling their cold hands on you but you didn't protest instead you let out a small sigh tugging on your shirt removing it from your body your head felt like it was spinning feeling their lips on your neck. You felt yourself being guided to your bed. Seeing Tate now above you with a mischievous smirk on his face.
You didn't know where James was until Tate pull away from you, seeing James now in his briefs flipping you over on your hands and knee. You whimpered in anticipation for what's to come feeling James's cold fingers hooking into your underwear peeling the fabric of your underwear off you and into the floor. Tate in front of you his impressive length in-front of you, holding yourself on one hand stroking him, earning a low groan erupted from his mouth. You felt cold fingertips teasing your folds collecting your arousal bringing it to your clit circling it in slow torturous motions.
A small gasp left your lips, your body automatically responding to James's touch "that's it dear" he says huskily, Tate still knelt infront of you his eager length desperate for attention. You took Tate's cock in your hand stroking him kitten licking the tip making him buck his hips into your touch more. You took Tate in your mouth swirling your tongue along the tip, gasping as you felt James enter your heat.
James thrusted into you slowly you moaned against Tate's length. A low groan rumbled from his throat his hips bucked further in your throat. James thrusts grew more faster and harder, tears forming in your eyes. "Fuck" Tate hissed his hips essentially fucking your throat.
"You feel wonderful darling" James hissed his grip on your hips tight, nails digging into your skin only adding to your pleasure. "Fuck" you moaned feeling Tate twitch in your mouth signalling you that he was close. You kept your movements along Tate's cock till he releases into the back of your throat, swallowing every drop. James kept his movements thrusting harshly into you you felt close to the edge "I'm so close" you moaned. Tate was watching you and James with a smirk, his skin flustered. James didn’t stop his movements hitting that spot guaranteed to make you see stars.
With a few more harsh deep thrusts, your body trembles, back arching releasing over James’s length trigging his own release deep inside you. His thrusts became sloppy till they came to a halt. Trying to catch your breath “that was something else” you chuckled. James and tate shared a wicked smile between them, “oh we’re don’t done, we’re only getting started” Tate’s voice make a shiver run down your spine waiting on what’s to come.
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her-favorite · 1 year
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Luke Cooper x F!Reader
Summary: You and Luke always tried to convince yourselves that you hated each other, but once you both come to your senses.. things heat up..
Warnings: SMUT!!
a/n: the office is and has been one of my fav shows so I'm really happy to be able to write about it 🤭, i made luke really sweet to the reader bc I can
wc: 3938
"You think they did it?" Meredith took another bite of her sandwich, looking over at you and Luke by the shelves in the annex. Everyone sat in the break room, eating their lunch.
Angela scoffed at the question, rolling her eyes and picking at her salad. There were many hums across the room.
"Totally! Do you see the way he looks at her butt?"
"Kevin!" They all groan, looking away from the man. He threw his hands up, ready to defend himself.
"They totally have. I mean, have you seen the way they look at each other?" Phyllis ignores the man next to her, looking back at you two.
"The way who looks at who?" Michael walks in, putting his hands in his pockets. He had a smile on his face, ready to hear the drama.
"No one!" Pam quickly declines, shaking her head and looking back down at her food. She always knew that you had to stop Michael before he could start.
"If one of you doesn't tell me, I will start screaming." He threatens, giving a look to everyone.
"Y/N and Luke." Phyllis answers fast, not wanting to deal with her managers ridiculous antics. All of the employees sighed once they saw Michael's face light up. "Michael please don't.."
"I hired them! Matchmaker!" He points his thumbs to himself, smiling wide and looking at the camera.
"Michael, they're not together. It's just gossip." Pam tries to explain, looking at her husband to try and back her up.
"Yeah, it's just talk." Jim agrees, nodding his head.
Michael turns his head around, looking at the two together. They stood close together, the personal space rule being broken. You both were looking through files, occasionally talking or mumbling something none of the others could hear.
"Look at them, though! They're in kissing distance!" He pointed at them, many of the others hissing at him to put his finger away because of how obvious it was. He quickly shushed them, rolling his eyes.
"Michael, just please don't make this a big deal."
"Hey, Y/N." You jumped slightly as you heard your bosses voice beside your ear. You looked to your right, Michael Scott's face staring back at you.
"Yes, Michael?" You sighed, leaning back in your chair. Your desk was out in the main area, but near the back. There had been an extra desk by Creed (despite the crazy amount of protest by you and the others) and Michael decided that it was fine for you since no one was there. Thankfully, Creed was always too busy by writing down his thoughts on Google Docs and eating mung beans to pay enough attention to you.
"So," He dragged out the vowel, moving up to lean against your desk. He looked at the camera, his lips puckered then back at you. You took a quick glance at the camera lens as well, confused about what this whole situation was about.
"You and Luke, huh?" He smirked, nudging his shoulder forward into the air. You furrowed your eyebrows, crossing your arms against your chest.
"What about me and Luke?" You ask, genuinely confused on what he was questioning. He sighed, sitting up slightly.
"You know.." He looked at the wall, trying to think of the right words. "You two are together." He said, more as a statement than a question.
"What?" You laughed. "No. No, definitely not." You shook your head, chuckles escaping your lips. You sat up, leaning forward on your elbows that rested on your arm chairs.
"Wha.. What?" He freezes, staring at you.
"Did you think that we were.. a thing?" Your face showed your honesty, your eyes wandering around the rest of the room. The others that worked in the room were watching your conversation, only some looking away when you made eye contact with them. "You guys thought that I would date him?" You get up from your chair, looking around.
"I mean.. we see the way you guys look at each other." Phyllis defends, playing with her pen. "That's how Bob and I looked at each other before we were together." She smiled, looking at Stanley who rolled his eyes.
"What? We hate each other. Don't you see how annoying he is? He can't even do his job!" Your arms were  accentuating your disbelief.
"Hey! That's my nephew!" Michael pointed at you, but stood back a little when he mumbled, "Yeah.. I guess you're right. But, hey!" His voice lowered again.
"She is right, Michael. Luke hasn't done anything we've asked of him." Dwight gets up and walks behind him. "Every time we ask him to send something to a client or the post office, he says he'll do it later and we end up finding it in the trunk of his car. Which is way too slow, by the way." He looks at the camera, his hands on his hips. "You want a fast car if you're going to try and catch an animal. The tactic is.."
"Dwight. Dwight!" Michael waves him off, watching you walk off into the kitchen. "Great job, Dwight!"
"You were the one that interrogated her!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up to his sides.
"Why don't we just leave it alone? Let them just work?" Jim suggests, leaning back in his chair and pointing at them with the pen that was in his hand.
Michael scoffed and Dwight made the same sound right after his boss did.
"Yeah, right, Jim. Let two assistants live their own lives and do their own work." He put his hands on his hips and made a face at the camera.
"Yes, do that." Jim mumbled to the camera, shaking his head and looking back at the paper on his desk.
"Hey, Y/N/N." Luke walked into the kitchen through the annex door, smirking at you.
"Don't call me that." You reply sharply, pouring your water into the white mug on the counter.
It was true that you hated Luke Cooper.. at least that was what you told yourself. You weren't as new as him, having been here for around a year. You've gotten used to Michael's antics and the crazy stuff that goes down at the office, but you weren't expecting a new addition any time soon. Especially when you found out it was your bosses nephew.
You should've known that he was going to be trouble.
"Why not, Y/N/N?" He came up beside you, resting his frame against the counter that you were facing towards. His irritating smirk overtook your mind, aggravating you even more.
"What do you want, Luke? Don't you have a job to do?" You gave him a look and walked around him to put the pitcher away and back into the fridge. Before you could make your way back, you stood in front if Luke who took your mug in his hands.
"Nope. But thanks for the drink, babe!" He smiles at you and sends you a wink, taking a sip of your water and walking back into the annex.
You stood still for a moment, before letting out an annoyed groan and running your hands through your hair. You walked fast towards the door that lead outside, your pace showing your irritation.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Pam called out, but you were already out the door.
Dwight looked towards the camera, "Lovers quarrel."
"Luke? Wha.. Why do people keep asking me about him?" You ask the camera crew, standing outside. The sun was shining right in tour eyes, your hand trying to cover the brightness. You sigh, looking around to make sure no one was around to talk to the camera.
"He gets on my last nerve. He was hired just because Michael wanted to see his nephew for the first time in 15 years. We didn't need another person." You shook your head. "I was doing all the work before, but now that there's two of us, both of us should be splitting it up; I shouldn't being doing the work for two people." You held up your fingers, thrusting them towards the camera lens, making sure they knew how mad you were.
"Y/N? She's fine, I guess." Luke sat at his chair in the annex, leaning back and letting his hands link together lazily in front of him.
"She says that you purposely annoy her."
Luke laughs, throwing his head back. "Of course she says that. She also says she hates me, but we all know that's not true. She only says that because I don't do any work. And get the coffee orders wrong... And steal a lot of her stuff." He pauses for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.
"But, I mean, yeah, she's fine, I guess."
You let out a heavy exhale as you sat at the little table in the kitchen, picking at your food. You had a book to your right, but it was long forgotten once you started to zone out.
"Hey, Y/N!" You look up once you hear Pams cheery voice. You smile at her, watching her pour some coffee for herself.
"Hey, Pam." You end up shutting the book completely as she walks over and sits near you. "What's up?" You pick up a grape with your fork and eat it.
"Uh, I wanted to apologize for everyone in the office. I know everyone's been acting weird around you and Luke, it's ridiculous." She starts to explain.
"It is! I don't understand what's going on? Why does everyone think we're together?" You ask on rapid fire, desperately trying to figure out what was happening around the office. Your eyes showed your confusion, Pam could see and sense it.
"You know how much this office loves drama," she sends a look your way, you nodding in agreement. "And I'm sorry you had to be the main subject of it. If it makes you feel any better, Jim and I totally believe you, so you have two of us on your side." She consoles, sending a soft smile your way. Your mood brightens a little, sending one back.
As soon as you opened your mouth to thank her, the door squeaked open again. "Oh, hey!" Michaels voice echoed off the walls of the small room. The both of you sighed, deciding to look away from the man and down at the table or at each other. "Girls talk! What're we talking about?" He quickly walks over and sits across from you with a wide smile on his face. The camera followed right after him (without the knowledge of you, it was recording the whole other conversation with Pam as well).
"Michael.." Pam started, but he cut her off.
"Come on, tell me!" He put his hands down on the table. "Oh, I know." He sends a smirk to the camera then at you. "This is about you and my nephew!" You sigh at his words, debating your next move. "Okay, listen, since you are dating a Scott relative, I need to give you the run down, young lady." He tries to sound series, but ends up laughing and glancing at the camera again. "You are definitely Luke's type. I mean, I can only imagine the sex-"
"Michael." Pam cuts him off, watching you walk away and out of the room.
"What? I didn't say anything?" He defends himself, now watching Pam walk out as well.
"Guess they aren't getting any."
"Luke, can I talk to you?" Michael asks, putting his hands on his hips. Luke was standing by your desk, clearly bothering you. You had a certain look on your face, showing your indignation.
He looks over at his uncle, taking a quick glance at you before getting up and grudgingly walking towards him. Michael leaned out of the way and his open palm pointing towards his office. Luke gives him a glare, but walks in and lazily takes a seat in the chair across from the desk.
"So, my dear nephew," Michael sits down in his chair, fixing his tie so it didn't sit on his desk. He folds his arms on the dark wood. He stares at him for a while with a smile on his face, taking quick looks at the camera.
"What?" Luke snaps, his patience running thin. If he was being honest, he would rather be annoying you by your desk then be talking to his uncle.
"So.. I heard from the grapevine that you and little ol' Y/N were together." He says, tapping his fingers on the desk.
"What? We're not together. Who told you that?" He shook his head, sitting up slightly. He did hear about all the talk around the office, but he pretended he didn't. He wasn't really sure how to react to it. He never thought of you in a way more than a frenemy. He always knew you were beautiful as soon as he walked through the office door, but he never told you that. He didn't really think much of his feelings towards you, any time he saw you he knew that he had to bother you some way. Maybe it was just his instinct, but maybe it was because it was his only way of trying to talk to you.
"I, well, uh.." Michael smacked his lips, looking off into the distance, grimacing. He rested his hand on his lips, trying to think of something.
"I am a master at improv. I've took it for years, I know what I'm doing." Michael sassed at the camera."
"Well.. Luke! Wait!" He stood up from his chair as he watched his nephew walk out of the room. Ever the drama queen, Luke ran into the annex, going straight for the break room. He groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. He say down at one of the empty chairs, putting his head in his hands.
Did he have feelings for you? The more he thought about it the more scared he got. He annoyed you because he never truly knew how to talk to you. He didn't have a problem giving people attitude, everyone knew that. But something about you made him nervous. There was no way you could like him back now.
"You okay?" His head shot up from his hands, looking at you. You stood there, leaning against the doorframe. Your question was genuine, something that surprised Luke.
"Uh, yeah. Just a little.. confused?" He tried to explain, but couldn't find the right words. He watched you walk over to him, pulling out the chair across from him and sitting down. The camera outside of the room zoomed in and out from both of you.
You let out a long sigh. "I know that we never really got off on the wrong foot. I guess I was just upset that Michael thought that I wasn't very good at my job since he had to hire another assistant to do the same job as me." You rung your hands together, a nervous habit Luke seemed to pick up on. "If I'm being honest.. I'm sorry that I treated you like that. I never meant to be rude to you, especially with the fact you're my bosses nephew." You both let out a light chuckle. You took another deep breath, "But I never really thought of you in another way than the man that was hired by his uncle." You admitted. "I never meant to cause you any harm, truly. But I never had such strong feelings for someone before." You confessed, looking at your hands, avoiding his stare. "I always tried to convince myself that I hated you, but it was never really true. At least not until now. I know you can be a pain in the ass since you never do your job," You both laugh again, making eyes contact. "But if I don't tell you now, then I probably never will." You go to leave, but you felt his hand on yours, stopping you.
Luke looked at your eyes, noticing all of the emotions in them. "I never considered it until now. I mean, I knew you were pretty, but the thought of us never crossed my mind before today. And I've realized how happy it makes me. And I know I'm an asshole and I'm mean, but I never meant to hurt you if I did. If I'm being honest with you, you mean more to me than any of these asshats in this office." You let out a chuckle, squeezing his hand.
"Can I do something stupid?"
"Depends what you mean."
Luke leaned across the table, cupping your cheek with his hand. He hesitated for a moment, before pressing his lips against yours. You didn't waste a second to kiss back, your hand reaching back to cup the back of his head and tug at his curls.
Once you break away for air, you're both smiling. It was almost as if you were knew what you wanted as you both got up from your seats and connecting your lips again. He took your hips in his hands leading you out of the room and pushing you into an empty closet. He slammed the door behind you, never taking his lips off of yours. His tongue swiped over your bottom lip, your mouth immediately granting him access.
"You're so beautiful." Luke whispered against your lips, making you smile. He pressed his lips against yours again, fumbling for the hem of your shirt. You broke apart and lifted your arms up to help him take it off. He threw it on the floor, leaning down to kiss your neck. His hair tickled you, but his cold hands on your body made you shiver. His hand cupped your bra covered breast, kneading the skin. You quietly moaned, arching your back in his hand. He sucked on the skin, biting and licking at it to leave a deep mark.
"Luke," You breathe out, your hands trying to work on his belt and the buttons on his shirt. He undid his tie, his lips hovering over yours. You helped him throw his shirt on the floor, both of your lips only ever breaking apart to take in an inhale of air.
It wasn't exactly necessary to rid both of yourself of your clothing, but you both needed it. Neither of you could deny it.
You helped him out of his pants and vice versa. His fingers grazed over your panties, stimulating your clit through the damp fabric. He pulled them down, bringing his fingers back and groaning. "You're so fucking wet." His voice sounded deeper in your ear, making you shiver. Your hands braced yourself on his shoulders, occasionally digging your nails into his soft skin.
He pushed a finger inside you, your head leaning against the wall behind you and your mouth opening in pleasure. He added another finger, curling them and letting out a strangled breath every time you moaned.
When he pulled away, you sounded in protest, but quickly shut your mouth when you felt his tip against you, scared to be too loud.
Once he pushed inside, you both groaned, your nails carving crescent moons into his shoulders. His beautiful brown eyes pierced into yours, your left hand moving up to brush into the nape of his hair. He leaned down to kiss you, quickly adding his tongue. His groan was muffled by your lips when you tugged at his curls.
His hand reached down to grab your thigh and hooking it around his hip. It have him a better angle, thrusting harder inside you, pace becoming faster as you both felt knots form in your stomachs.
"God, Y/N. You feel so- fuck- good." He whimpered against your lips, both of your chests heaving together. You felt his hand move up your body, squeezing your boob. His thumb and forefinger twisted your nipple, your mouth opening in a silent plea. Your body erupts in chills when his cold hand moved down your body again to press against your clit.
"Fuck- Luke!" You moan, your mouth not being able to stop your sounds. He groaned again, your name rolling off his tongue. His nails scratched into the skin on your thigh, knowing it would leave marks. "I'm gonna cum." You almost want to scream it, your back arching, basking in the amount of pleasure you were feeling.
"Me too. Cum for me Y/N." His thumb pressed harder on your clit, rubbing rougher circles. You clenched, the knot inside you breaking. You came with a shout, your hand immediately reaching up to cup your mouth to silence it.
Luke came shortly after with another groan of your name, his face hiding in your neck. His nose rubbed against the newly formed hickey on your skin. You both breathed heavily, your chests touching while you tried to catch your breath.
"I really like you, Luke." You whisper, the hand that was still in his hair was twisting his curls with your fingers. "I don't want this to be a passing thing." You confess, looking at the closet wall.
You felt him move, looking up at him. He had a smile on his face, leaning down to kiss you. "I really like you too. I'd also really like it if you would let me take you out on a date." He mumbled, his thumbs rubbing your cheekbones. You both smiled wide, your kiss telling him you accepted.
Once you both were done, you put your clothes back on and you tried to fix your hair with the help of Luke's compliments. Luke didn't even try to hide anything, his already wrinkly shirt even worse than usual, as well as his unbrushed hair.
He opened the door, letting you walk out in front of him. He closed the door behind him, smacking your ass, then walking away with a smirk. He sent you a wink, opening the door to the kitchen, knowing you'd have to follow him out to your desk either way.
Your face felt hot as you followed his steps, watching him pour a drink in his mug. He leaned his back against the counter, one hand resting on the hard surface. He watched you from behind the mug, noticing the way you freeze when you look out the window of the door that leads out into the main office.
Everyone stood outside of the door, looking into the small room. Kevin and Meredith had a smirk on his face, Angela the opposite, others with suggestive expressions.
"Good luck out there, babe." He teased, slapping your ass again, which you quickly glared at him for. He sent another wink your way, before going back into the annex to sit at his desk.
You looked back at the door, taking a deep breath trying to compose yourself. You knew that you were about to be bombarded with questions and statements.
You took quick steps towards it, twisting the doorknob, attempting to move the door open, the others moving out of the way. You headed straight for your desk, taking a seat and picking up your pen and looking between your computer and the papers.
"I called it!"
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marchsfreakshow · 8 months
Innocent Touch {Kyle Spencer x Reader}
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Lil drabble
Kyle and you are now in a relationship, much to the dismay of Zoe and Madison, but they keep their distance. Kyle has a bad memory, so you comfort him, and let him know it's alright to feel that way.
I recommend listening to "We'll Never Have Sex" while reading. It inspired me to write this.
Your perspective
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
"They did what to him?" I sat there, mouth agape as Queenie told me what happened to Kyle when Zoe and Madison first brought him back.
"Yeah. Honestly, I'm glad you came along. You taught Kyle way better than they did."
"I can hear you, you know?" Madison grumbled, walking past us. I innocently sipped my coffee, like I did not gossip about her at all. When Queenie was about to talk again, a buzz went off on my phone.
| Angel Boy ❤️ |
- Cuddle? Worry.
| Me |
- of course angel. I'll be right up with some food x ❤️
"Kyle okay?"
"He's a bit worried about something, I'll be back." I quickly picked up the coffee mug, and a bag of sweets next to me, and jogged up the stairs into my own room. Kyle was curled up in the bed, silently sobbing and hiding his face. I put everything down, then lay by him, gently pulling one of his hands away.
"I'm here my sweet boy. Shh shh, what's wrong?" I held him close, and he eventually wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling into my neck.
"Mem...memory." Kyle stopped sobbing but I could tell he wanted to cry.
"Oh, my angel. It's alright. No one will ever hurt you like that. Ever again."
I kept Kyle in my arms for a while, cuddling him close, and letting him cry, sob, or whatever he felt like he was feeling.
The evening turned to night quickly, and Kyle was asleep. I kissed his forehead, but he woke up in a panic. "No...no! Go away..!"
"Kyle! Sweets, it's me..it's Y/N. It's me." He was scrambled in the corner of the bed, I stayed on the bed but on the other side, crossing my legs. He looked like a lost, scared puppy, unable to find control in the chaos. He looked up at me again, a scared wonder in his eyes. All I wanted to do was hold him and praise him for being so brave. My scared, sweet boy. I opened my arms, and let him decide what to do.
He slowly crawled into my arms and snuggled back into me. "I'm sorry my darling...can you tell me where I can touch you?"
"Cuddles only. Maybe kiss."
"Of course. Let's watch Adventure Time for a bit yeah?" Kyle nodded and we adjusted ourselves, so he was laying on top of me, with the laptop on his own lap. "I love you Kyle, I'll do whatever so you're comfortable."
"I love you...so much."
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spookievan · 9 months
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wannabe mrs.walker <3
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ang3lik · 1 year
Can you do ultraviolence Tate Langdon please 🖤
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ WHO? WHERE? WHEN? WHY?
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ahs masterlist. ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ tate langdon x implied!fem!reader
he’s so nosy and is always fiddling around with your stuff, so if you don’t want it accidentally broken or lost you better hide it good.
his handwriting is terrible like it’s so scrawny and you can barely read it, so it’d be nice if you taught him to write neater!
his sweaters are stuffed in your drawers at all times, they’re not just for him, he leaves them there so you can wear them too. he usually leaves one at the end of your bed or hanging over a chair in your room if he wants you to wear it.
he’s so annoying sometimes and while bother you at all times, if you’re laying down together he’s blowing your hair in your face to annoy you and laughing to himself, if you’re doing homework he’s throwing those paper spit ball things at you because he’s gross.
he’s actually a really good artist despite his awful handwriting, he draws portraits or objects around your room sometimes.
he will masturbate at any time he’s horny, like seriously if he’s horny say next to you whilst you’re doing homework he will not hesitate to just start jerking off.
he’s a perv and will watch you in the shower or getting changed.
if you’re really stressed from school or throughout the week, he’s very happy to eat you out and relieve your stress.
canon mommy kink. there’s not point trying to argue when this boy gets subby he definitely calls you mommy. he gets very subby if he’s feeling down or tired, he just wants you to take care of him. (he also definitely calls you mama or mamas as a regular pet name.)
he loves feeling you scratch up his back, he loves the sting and burn and blood streaks when your nails break his skin. if you have a polaroid camera he asks you to take a picture of his back afterwards he just finds it so hot.
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gibson-g1rl · 1 year
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Liked by mssarahcatharinepaulson and 1 841 214 others
yourusername left my phone for 5 minutes and this is what I come back to 🤓
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yourbestfriend girl answer my msgs 🙄
evanpetersfan oh to be y/n 💔
evanpetersupdates pls tell him to get instagram again 🙏🙏
evanistheloml_01 y/n is so lucky 😪
y/nupdates bae dump him and get wit me😋🙏
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Liked by evanpetersfan and 14 726 others
evanpetersupdates evan and y/n spotted at an ice rink today!
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evanpetersfan I LOVE THEM SO MUCH OMG
mrspeters she’s not even that pretty 😒
y/n_l/n_updates girl don’t even
y/nismywife you don’t even post yourself so shut up
tatelangdon_defender ugh they’re so cute ☹️💔
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Liked by yourusername and 1 298 407 others
evanpeters ❤️
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yourusername ily 💋💋
evanpetersupdates HE’S BACK???
evanpetersfan WHAT??
mrspeters OMG HI EVAN
evanpetersfan the first picture he posts coming back and it’s basically just a pic of y/n 😭😭❤️❤️
mssarahcatharinepaulson you two 🩷🩷
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Liked by evanpeters and 1 951 576 others
yourusername 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
View all 2 369 comments
evanpeters love you baby
yourusername love you more stink 💋
evanpetersfan evan’s comments 🥹🥹
evanpeters 😍😍
y/nfan @ evanpeters count your mf days 😒
y/nistheloml mom and dad
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Liked by yourusername and 1 476 345 others
evanpeters 🤣
View all 7 245 comments
yourusername I thought you deleted this picture 😨??
evanpetersfan she’s so pretty 💔
evanpeters the prettiest
evanpetersfan OMG??
yourusername DELETE THIS 😭😭
evanpeters you look beautiful shush
y/n_l/n_ismywife I’m gonna be sick 💔
evanpetersismyhusband post yourself evan!!
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Liked by alexconsani and 1 673 448 others
yourusername 🧸
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alexconsani I took this btw
yourusername thanks mawma 💋
evanpeters I had to carry her into the house too
yourusername 😨 liar
evanpetersfan evan looks so good wtf
yourusername real
yourusername @ evanpeters
kaiandersons_manwhich if you look closely you can see me hanging in the back 🫠
evanpeters_loml that should be me 😒💔
y/n_updates well it isn’t!
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taglist @v-love @yes-divine-ruler @laynna-mcknight @dewberryobssesed @demxnicprxncess @hxney-lemcn @champ1onsgirl @kitwalkersgfff @soaringcloud @lollipopd @stilespeters @fand0mh03
let me know if you’d like to be added/removed from/to my taglist
this is my first social media au so go easy on me 😚
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
see ya soon pookies 💋🥀
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babygorewhore · 9 months
Act of Contrition
James Patrick March x Virgin! Reader.
Inspired by a post by @ahsjpm
On Halloween night, you’re alone as James is participating in Devils night. As a Christian, you’re often modest and found in prayer. But James habits inspire you to engage in your deepest fantasies.
WARNINGS! Porn with little plot. Virgin! Reader. Violence! Murder! Oral! Male and female recieving! Bondage! Light degrading! Dom! Reader. Sub! James. Brief PnV! Use of religion disrespectfully lol.
Your fingers were locked together as your nostrils inhaled the warm meal in front of you. Your prayers typically were kept short during dinner time, as you were eager to dive in but tonight you needed the strength. It was Halloween. You opened your eyes, resisting the urge to scratch at your lash line. You didn’t want to ruin your makeup.
“You still pray? Honey, you’re sleeping with a ghost. If there’s a God, I think he forgot about this place.” Sally taunted you.
Your partner, James Patrick March wasn’t with you tonight. Opting you to sit at one of the tables in the main lobby of the Cortez. The spirits of this building kept you company whenever James was away and they were the only company he somewhat trusted with you. Tonight was the infamous Devils night along with the celebration of the holiday.
You hadn’t been with James very long. Sally was incorrect on your intimate status with him but you didn’t dare correct her. James explained that the ghosts of past murderers dined with him on this occasion and frankly, you were too afraid to participate.
He chastised you only briefly before he understood. It was something you cherished about him. He tried his best to accommodate your apprehensions. You toyed with the fork after you took a bite. You almost ordered a alcohol beverage but often you and James would enjoy a night cap.
You dressed up. It was primarily a joke since your modest dressing drew criticism from others. Knee high fishnet stockings up your thicker thighs, wider than a majority of women. A black hip length coat, a low cut white shirt that accentuated your full breasts. A wide black cross in the center. Your hair was styled last minute. Your makeup was dark and sultry as you gingerly tried to eat without smudging your lipstick.
Your high heels clicked together as you shifted in your chair.
“Sally, be easy on the girl. Let her enjoy her faith in peace.” Liz interjected but you knew she was joking. They sat adjacent to you. You didn’t blame them for mocking your beliefs given their current states as ghosts but James never ridiculed you.
Before sleeping, you lowered yourself to your knees and prayed for the safety of yourself and your family. The first night when James saw you, you expected him to laugh but instead, he gave you a warm smile and said, “I’ll give you a moment of privacy, my dear.”
A sensation of tugging brought your attention back to the present. You looked up, Sally was toying with the chain of your wrap around cross bracelet. Her dark lipstick was smudged from drinking but she gave you a quick smile anyway. She pulled out her phone, her lifeline. “Do you mind?”
You were camera shy by nature but Sally had few pleasures. You nodded. “Yes. Do you want to take a picture of my bracelet or my whole costume?”
“Your whole outfit. Everyone will want to see a slutty nun.” You huffed but obliged.
You modeled for her and she finally broke out into a pleased grin. She stepped away from you, typing away and you smooth your shirt. You weren’t hungry anymore, too preoccupied with James activity. Could you do it? Bypass your fears and join him? You missed him and his affectionate gestures.
You straightened your shoulders with a resolution. “Don’t worry about your plate, I’ll get it.” Your head snapped towards Liz’s direction. As if she was reading your mind.
You could do this. You could be brave. James wouldn’t let anyone hurt you. And you could run quickly if you needed.
The hallways felt closed in, daunting like a countdown as you trailed toward James room. You quieted your breathing to somehow conceal your vulnerability. With the dimmed lights, it was difficult to keep steady in your heels as you narrowed in towards his door. Your hand wrapped around the handle, a quiet noise of scraping came as your bracelet scratched the gold.
Pushing the door, you blinked as the brighter light peeked at you as you stepped inside.
You opened your mouth to greet James but you froze. Several other men were at the table but they weren’t sitting. Instead, they stood and started cheering. Wildly clapping and chanting, “Ten commandments killer!” Your hand went to your mouth.
James held a man by his hair with one hand and his other continuously rammed his long blade all over his torso. His knife plunged deep and with purpose. Your teeth chattered as he yanked it free and slit it across his throat. Blood coated his hands, danced on his normally immaculate suit and even splattered on his face. His smile was wicked and he started to laugh. Proudly and heartily from his chest.
“James,” You whispered in fear. It wasn’t loud enough to be heard but somehow another presence caught his attention and he met your terrorized stare.
James smile immediately dropped and he released his victim. “Darling-“ He tried to speak in a alarmingly gentle tone in contrast to his animalistic action.
You spun around on your heels and ran out. You didn’t take off your shoes so you couldn’t sprint but the surrounding rooms blurred together. Across the hallway was a balcony and you cling to the rails. Your fingers tighten around the white bars and you pant. He slaughtered again. Brutally. Your bravery was misplaced. You should have stayed downstairs.
But this small moment of terror could never erase your feelings for him.
You closed the bedroom door behind you after an hour passed. You pressed your back against the wood. You needed the time to think. Consider how to approach James with your feelings. You prayed. Begged God to give you clarity and strength. Sitting on the bed, you contemplated taking off your costume, Halloween was nearly over now. You weren’t in the mood to go out and celebrate. You didn’t want to be without him.
But he lied to you. He promised he wouldn’t hurt anyone again.
He needs to endure the consequences.
Standing, you intended to go the bathroom and wash off your makeup when a voice caught your attention.
“Y/n, my love.” James’s eyes were glazed over with regret as you faced him.
He engulfed your hands and pulled you close to him. His lips pressed against your neck with urgency, “Darling, you weren’t supposed to see this. I know you disapprove.” You stepped away from him and set your mouth.
“James. I just wanted to be with you tonight. But you insist on traditions. Of course I want to honor this but to walk in on such a thing, it’s madness.” You went to step away from him but he rushed around. Gripping your shoulders.
“My dear, I can’t be in ill standing with you. Tell me what I can do. Tell me how to earn your forgiveness.” You shook your head, crossing your arms but something…tightened in you. At the account of his pleas.
James Patrick March wasn’t one to ask for forgiveness. He didn’t show remorse. And he never showed a shred of submission. Being a partner to a ghost wasn’t morally clear according to Christianity. You couldn’t hold him to the same standards as a human. In his past, he was a killer. Despite his promises that he grew tired of murder, you couldn’t remove the gleeful grin across his face as he slashed a man’s throat from your mind.
James enjoyed the applause. It seemed to drive him. Attention. Praise. Devotion. You always knew once you gave into him, that he would pry every ounce of worship from you.
You would offer it. Without a single thought of resistance.
He lowered himself down, fingers ghosting over your clothes as he settled on his knees before you. His wide palms cupped your thighs and his black gaze torturously raked over your stockings. “You look irresistible, my little mouse. Powerful. Whatever you want, I’ll do it. I am your slave, y/n. Take me however you wish.”
Your bracelet covered hand cupped his cheek, stroking his skin with your thumb. A darkness clouded you, deep and hungry urges clawed inside you like a disease. You couldn’t resist anymore. He willing to abide every command.
Fuck it.
“James, you need to cleanse your conscience. Confess to me. Tell me how wrong it was.” You lifted your chin and his brows raised. A sign of hope.
“This is a religious practice, yes? Do you want me to pray, my love? I will for you.”
“Tell me how bad you were. How could you disobey me?” Your voice was lower, husky and it caused him to shiver.
“I shouldn’t have. I-I don’t want you to be cross with me. My only desire is to see you happy. Perhaps I became too carried away. Determined to gain the respect of my fellow man.”
“You wanted their attention. You enjoyed that man bleeding in front of you. Oh, James. That’s so sad…how pathetic could you be?” His hands clung to your hips.
“Yes, pathetic-“ You clutched his chin in your hand, hard enough that his eyes widened.
“Beg. Beg God for forgiveness. If you really meant what you said about making me happy.”
He was resisting inwardly, you knew that. But you counted on his love for you to override it. He tilted his head down and started whispering.
“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you-“ You stepped out of his embrace and you released him.
“I said pray to God, James. That’s not correct.” James stumbled and tried to grab your arm.
“I’m doing what you asked.”
“I am your God.”
The silence echoed after your direction but James appeared to be stunned. His breathing was heavier as he slowly scanned your heels, legs, stomach and now your breasts. “Darling, if you make me scream your name, would that count as praying?” He asked with a growing smirk.
You beckoned him with a finger. “Crawl to me, James. Show me how repentant you are.” He was fast to oblige. His large hands held his weight as he moved and he settled on the back of his calves when he reached you.
James touched his palms together, staring up at you. “Please forgive me, y/n. I beg you. I promise I’ll listen. I promise I will never disobey you. And I promise I will get on my knees everyday if you allow me to touch you.”
Your mouth curved in a satisfied smile. “Was that so hard? But I’m afraid this is just the beginning. I want you to go to the bed.”
He practically jumped to his feet and prowled to the bed. You trailed after him, flicking the cross between your fingers as a thrill ignited in your bones. It was obscene to use Gods name in vain like this. To pretend you were the highest power. But it was too delicious to see such a dark man beg and not give into your temptation. You would just have to go to church more often after tonight.
You took ahold of his suspenders and yanked him close. Chest to chest. “You’ll do anything?” You proposed.
“Of course, kitten. I could never disobey my God.”
You smashed your lips against his, not giving a shit about your lipstick. Your arms encircled his broad shoulders and his hands captured your middle, hips and then they cupped your ass. He moaned as you bit his lower lip and pulled. His tongue swept your mouth and you met it with your own. He lifted you by your thighs, his strength evident by the way he made your curvy body feel weightless.
He fell back on the bed and you straddled him. James ripped away from the kiss, red product smeared on his mouth. He latched onto your skirt, hiking it over your thighs and his fingers brushed against the growing wet spot of your underwear. You swallowed and shook your head. Normally, you were too insecure to entertain this. A part of you wanted to run away and hide. But you pushed back those thoughts and wildly took off your underwear.
As if reading your mind, James assisted in sliding you higher until you were above his face. Tearing off your jacket, James shoved you down, his tongue licking a stripe. You nearly screamed at the foreign contact. He circled your clit before laying his tongue flat. Your hands braced on his chest as you rolled your pelvis against the pace of his mouth. His lips suckled your clit and he gently let his teeth give it a tug.
He moaned, a pretty sound that you needed more of. “Fuck,” he said in-between lapping your pussy. He didn’t swear often so you knew this was a special occasion. You continued humping his face as a rush of heat flushed your face and your entrance tightened. You were close.
He started to shift, “I need you underneath me. I need to feel you cum while I’m fucking you.”
You maneuvered yourself down enough so he could talk as you gripped his jaw. “Good boys take what I give them. If you’re not, I’ll have to walk away-“ you didn’t finish as James jerked you back into place. Getting the point.
He dipped his tongue inside before it resumed working over the sensitive bud in the center and you stilled as you reached your peak. You shook as you chased your high. You moved off of his face and his chin was wet but he didn’t wipe it off. “Darling, you are ravishing. I could spend an eternity between your legs if you allowed me.”
A lightening burst of bravery surged you onto your own knees. Your heels giving you a modest boost as you practically ripped off James trousers and threw them across the room. Pausing, your eyes took in his raised dick in the confines of his boxers. He supported himself on his elbows as you licked your lips.
“If you behave yourself, then maybe I’ll let you fuck me. Don’t cum unless I say you can.”
You pulled down his underwear, feeling the heat rise from him as his swollen, heavy cock hung as it leaked precum. You were intimidated by his size but you refused to let him see fear.
Sticking out your tongue, you licked his tip before going along the side. James grunted as you wrapped your hand around the base, taking it into your mouth. He shuddered as you bobbed your head up and down as you went further, pumping him at the same time.
“That’s-thats not fair, mouse-“ He whispered harshly and you tried not to smirk.
He started thrusted into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat but you breathed through your nose to keep from gagging. Hollowing your cheeks, you sucked faster and he clenched his fists.
“Y/n, please. I’m going to cum-this is-“ You shook your head causing James’s head to jerk back.
A creamy liquid shot down in your mouth and you removed yourself. He chanted your name and God as you watched with a quirked eyebrow.
James lifted up, “Y/n. Surely you know that I was never going to win that game. Please, allow me to take you. I promise I will-“
“Another promise, James? I meant what I said. Now, I’m going to have to punish you.” Standing, you grabbed his belt and wrestled his arms down, pinning his wrists together. You bound them tightly and gently smacked his face. “You’re not allowed to touch me. If you break free, I’ll leave you here. Do you understand?”
James moved his head in a short nod.
“Do you understand, James? Is that anyway to answer me?” You taunted.
“Yes, I understand.” He ground through his teeth. You knew the submission was killing him
You balanced on your knees before grabbing his dick. You lined it up with your pussy and sank down. James whimpered, actually whimpered and you groaned from pleasure. And a small stretch of pain. You felt full but the hilt of his pelvis hit your clit.
You rocked your hips, your eyes fighting to stay open from James meeting your pace. His hands, despite being tied, attempted to touch you.
“James. I told you to keep your hands down.” You scolded with a half serious tone. James was looking at you with fuck me eyes as you used him.
You lifted off him, taking your discarded coat and wiping your inner thighs.
“Darling, I’m sorry. No, please. Please allow me to make you finish. My pet, I don’t know what’s gotten ahold of me. I don’t know why I can’t seem to listen-“
“Who said I was done with you?” You questioned and his mouth fell. You had reached for his cane. Holding it across your body, you unsheathed the hidden knife. It was still covered in blood. Half naked, you still had your heels on.
“James. I suggest you start praying again.”
Taglist. @icannot3 @ifeeltoofuckingmuch @alittlesil @scene-and-dandylover @quickandsilvers @randodummy @evanptrss @hyperharlz @howtobesasha
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lanawintersenthusiast · 6 months
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urcatslitterbox · 5 months
Kai Anderson x Gn!bunny!reader blurb
It’s my birthday so have this blurb that I wrote literally a year ago
- 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: smut
-𝗰𝘄: smut, praise, degrading, daddy kink, choking, unprotected sex (be safe!!), begging, *lmk if I missed anything!!*
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“Thats it baby bounce on daddy’s cock” he groaned into your ear making a shiver run down your spine. You whimpered as you tried your best to keep a steady pace but it became difficult as your legs began to tire. “Is that all you got? Thought my little bunny could hop for longer” Kai laughed as he tugged on your tail making you moan and squirm. “Mm p-please daddy I-ah I can’t” you cried as you stopped bouncing. Kai groaned at the loss of friction and flipped you over before pounding into you ruthlessly. “Such a stupid bunny couldn’t even ride my cock properly” he all but growled as he gripped your neck, slamming his cock even harder. The lack of oxygen making your head go fuzzy before he let go only to tug at your sensitive ears. You moaned as he started to nip at your ear, travelling down your neck. The sensations became to much for you making you moan louder, you were sure Winter could hear you but you didn’t care it felt to good. “Fuck gonna cum please” you cried, making kai slow his thrust much to your dismay. “You wanna cum? Beg for it like the pathetic pet your are” he demanded. “P-please daddy I’ve been so good please let me cum please I need it so bad” you begged pulling at his hair to entice him into giving you what you so desperately needed. He picked up his thrust again hitting deeper than before. “Go on then cum on my fucking cock” that’s all it took, you let go around him moaning loudly. “Such a pretty bunny coming undone on my cock” he whispered and after a few more thrust he came inside you riding out his high before pulling out and watching his cum leak out of your abused hole.
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evanchantingpeters · 6 months
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Evan wearing his baseball cap backwards gives me a smack-my-ass-like-a-drum reaction 🥵 Anyone?
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Temptations (Kit Walker x nun fem reader) smut
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Requested by @mrsmarch64 thank you so much for this request sorry it took so long to write 🥰
Summary: reader is one of the sisters at the asylum and has the hots for kit which leads to something else
Warnings: smut, kit being accused of crimes, asylum, sex, oral reader receiving, virgin reader, Christianity, religion, getting caught, punishment, solitary confinement
Taglist: @spill-the-t @iluwmycats @lili-tate @evanpeterswifeyy868 @jademunson @evanpetersfansblog @howtobesasha @lustforeverrrr @fand0mh03
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
Working in the asylum was hard you didn't like the hard punishment the patients get expecially one person in particular kit walker. You knew from the get go he was innocent you saw it in his eyes when you would have discussions as part of his treatment.
As the months grew you began to have feelings for kit, he didn't know until he caught you giving him lingering glances in which he gave you a smirk in return. You knew you shouldn't feel such feelings towards anyone the feelings of lust, desire, neediness. But that all changed when kit came along.
You and kit were in the kitchen he was helping you make bread for the local bakery. You were kneeding the dough whilst kit was cleaning up some of the dishes that you weren't using anymore. "You know sister y/l/n I still don't get why your the only one of the nuns and workers that is nice to me why" kit's voice broke the lingering silence between you both.
You were caught off guard you stopped kneeding the dough you breath hitched in your throat. You didn't know how to approach this or what to say, "well I could tell you were innocent from the moment I saw you kit I saw it in your eyes and in your time spent here you never laid a finger on anyone only spoke your innocence and truth".
Kit watched you closely noticing you haven't moved from your spot your eyes focused on the dough in front of you. "Sister your the only one who believes me here I can't thank you enough" kit whispered you hadn't realised he was right behind you, "you don't have to thank me" you whispered back the heat rising through your body.
You knew you shouldn't feel this way you made a vow to God you knew it was wrong to even feel this way. You felt kit's hands on your arms his mouth closer to your ear feeling his hot breath on your neck the scent of his last cigarette still lingering almost bringing you to your knees.
"But I want to sister, I saw the way you look at me it's definitely not how the lady of the cloth should look at someone" he chuckled his hands rubbing your arms your breath hitched feeling like shocks of electricity through your body.
"Kit we can't what if we get caught and plus I'm a woman of God we simply can't it's a sin" you whimperd feeling his erection against your back making your mind cloud with lust. You wanted to desperately just let him take you then and there but you had it drummed in your head that it was sinful and in this places eyes it was probably the worst thing to to give in to your sexual desires to a patient.
"I mean with the things that happen in here I think this is the last of anyone's problems sister" his breath tingling on your skin sending shivers down your spine but you knew it was right plus you couldn't fight it anymore you wanted him and he wanted you. You turned around now pinned against kit and the counter. Kit's arms on the counter shielding you in a devilish smirk on his lips his eyes scanning you like prey making you weak at the knees.
His eyes bored into your nervous ones, you could see the lust in them how they darkened as he thought about all the unholy things he wanted to do with you right now. You swallowed a lump in your throat trying to speak but before you could even get a word out kit crashes his lips on yours. Filled with hunger and passion your eyes wide open in shock before slowly closing them responding to the kiss.
You hands on the back of his neck holding him close the worry of you not being a good kisser in the back of your mind. Kit's hands on your hip pulling you closer till his erection poked your thigh, he pulled away from your lips traveling to your neck sucking and slightly biting on the exposed skin. "God I want you so bad" he groaned you couldn't help but let out a small moan a sound that never left your lips before turning your cheeks a flush pink shade as kit continues his work on your neck.
Your hands pressed against his chest as his own went to the back of your thighs guiding you on the counter your uniform bunching up revealing your bare legs to him. His lips pressing up your leg till his head was under your dress placing a kiss on your clothed clit an audible gasp leaving your lips. Your skin burning with desire while kit's fingers hooked your underwear peeling them off your legs and onto the floor.
"You ready sister y/n?" He asked looking up at you through his long lashes the sight made you even more wetter. You nodded your head unable to let the words leave your lips. "I'm going to need you to use your words sister" kit softly chuckled a small smirk tugging on his lips seeing the effect he had on you already. "Yes kit please" you whimperd pushing your thighs together desperate for some sort of friction.
Kit slotted himself between your legs kneeling down placing his lips on each of your thighs one last time before pressing a sloppy kiss on your clit. A loud gasp leaving your lips, your head pulled back, jaw slack the feeling overwhelming yet so good. Kit kitten licked your clit stimulating you hearing the sounds of your moans fill his ears.
"You know sister your gonna have to keep quiet" he teased yet warned.
All you did was nod trying to keep your mouth shut in fear you would get caught. Kit continues his work on your throbbing heat the pleasure unbearable for you since this was the very first time you did anything of this sort. Kit then darted his tongue in your entrance his nose brushed over your clit adding a whole new pleasure to the mix. You had to put your hand over your mouth to block out the moans leaving your lips "Oh god" you moaned against your own hand as you felt yourself close to the edge.
Kit never missed a beat bringing you to your first orgasm keeping your hand secured on your mouth tears brimming your eyes completely overwhelmed of the feeling of euphoria. Kit went back to licking you through your high your legs slightly shaking from overstimulation. Licking up your arousal kit pulled away from your heat standing straight licking his lips. You went to jump off the counter to return the favour but kit stopped you before you could even get off.
"What you doing?" He asked his brows furrowed, "returning the favour" you said feeling slightly embarrassed kit smiled shaking his head. "Nah you don't need to worry about that this is about you right now I want to make you feel good" he stated kissing your lips again letting you taste yourself on his tongue. freeing his painful erection kit lined up with your entrance you took a deep breath squeezing your eyes preparing yourself for what's coming next.
You felt the pain as he slowly pushed into you. "I'm gonna need you to relax I know it hurts but I promise it will go away" he reassured you peppering your face with his lips distracting you from the pain. Before you knew it he bottomed out staying still letting you adjust to the foreign feeling. Kit stretched your walls perfectly as you told him to move once the pain turned into pleasure.
Thrusting into your wet pussy, your hand holding him close by the neck your breathing was heavy the sweat building up as he thrusted into you with a passionate pace. The thought of getting caught and the fact you gave yourself to god left your mind all that occupied it was kit and the way he made you feel.
"Your so beautiful" he whispered against your lips making you want those plump lips on yours.
"Kiss me" you said kit smiled before giving in to your need for his lips. Kissing you with the amount of passion his hips gave into you. It felt more than a quick fuck meaningful if you will. Kit swallowing your moans feeling that knot form one more time until.
"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!"  A voice startling you both heads snapping to the person who caught you. Your heart dropped seeing sister jude standing there in horror kit pulled out of you quickly fixing yourself dreading what's to come next.
"Sister jude I'm so sorry" you pleaded making your way over to her. "My office NOW you too Mr walker" she said coldly your heads hung low following your boss into her office for your punishment.
Standing behind the chair sister jude sat on her own eyeing you both up clearly thinking about the punishment you both will receive. "You sister y/n I expected more from you not to give into the temptations of the devil" the disappointment oozing in her tone. "I'm sorry sister jude I know I shouldn't have but I'm only human I just wanted to see what it would be like just once" you whimperd the tears brimming your eyes.
"No sister jude it's all my fault I came onto her please don't punish her" kit pleaded with jude who scoffed at you both. "You are both equally as guilty" you couldn't even hear anything anymore everything else was a blur all you remembered was the backs of your  legs stinging and you were sent to your room as well as kit you were also punishment in some sort of solitary confinement in your room for a week.
All you could think about is kit and the whole kitchen situation late at night. You missed him already you wondered if he regrets it since it got him into trouble but you wouldn't find that out till you were out of punishment.
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her-favorite · 1 year
Reader giving Kyle a bath like the scene with him and Misty. Except the reader eventually calms him down and comforts him. (that scene made me so broken hearted) 😭
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(Post-Death) Kyle Spencer x F!Reader
Summary: Reader giving Kyle a bath like the scene with him and Misty. Except the reader eventually calms him down and comforts him.
Warnings: just fluff! not proofread
a/n: this scene hurts my heart and im so excited to make it more happy 😭 also before i get any comments or anything about the stutters, i wouldnt add them if i didn’t have to but yk Kyle still has trouble speaking so i wanted to make sure you could see it
You sat in bed, looking over different books to help you learn more history and spells. Your eyes scanned each and every word, taking in every syllable. Before you could dive any deeper, you heard the doorknob to your left squeak.
Your head moved towards the sound, watching it open slowly. You immediately knew who it was once you saw the bright blonde curls. A smile formed as you saw his fragile frame walk towards you.
“Hey, Kyle.” You try and start a conversation with him, curious as to why he needed you. Before you could move your books, he laid his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your body. The pressure of his weight against yours overpowered you as you both fell back against the pillows. You chuckled, reaching up to comb your hand through his hair.
His curls were more knotty than usual. He winced every time your finger got caught on one. “Sweetheart, when was the last time you had a bath?” You questioned, leaning down to press your nose into his hair. He definitely needed washed.
His voice was muffled, but you managed to make out a slight, “I dunno.” You sighed, rubbing your hand over his hair again. You started to sit up, Kyle quickly protesting. His hold got tighter and his whines got louder.
“I know, Ky,” You try and soothe him, finally being able to sit up correctly. Kyle laid there, pouting up at you. “Come on, baby.” You gently grab his arms, trying to pull him up towards you. He groans, not cooperating at all. You sigh, your shoulders dropping. “Please, Ky.” You whisper, looking back and forth between his eyes. He frowned, but obliged, moving up to stand in front of you.
You take his hand and lead him over to the connected bathroom. Once you leave his hand, you walk over to the bathtub, switching the faucet on. You let the warm water fill up the empty space, your hand floating around the water to make sure it wasn’t too hot.
Kyle stood there, watching you. No matter what you did, Kyle was always entranced with you. He loved the way you moved, the you talked, anything. As long as he was near you, he felt safe. As long as he was near you, he didn’t care what happened. All he needed was you.
“Kyle, baby,” your voice broke him out of his trance, eyes blinking fast to regain his sight. “Wanna get in?” You stood up, shaking your hand to try and get the water off. He shook his head fast, wrapping his arms around himself. “What’s wrong?” Your eyebrows scrunch in concern, walking over to him.
“B.. bad.” He pointed at the white silicon tub, backing away from it slowly. You reach out for him, resting your hands on his arms gently.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you, okay? You’re always safe with me.” You reassure him, your eyes sad with worry. He takes a breath, but nods and starts to unbutton his shirt.. well, tried.
You reached out to help him, his hands falling to his sides, letting you do all the work for him. You laugh, helping him with the rest. His lips curve up in a smile when he hears you.
Once you were done and he stepped out of his jeans and boxers, he slowly walked towards the tub. He was hesitant, looking back and forth from the water to you. You communicated through your eyes, nodding towards him that it was okay. You even moved your hand out so he could hold onto it incase he fell or got scared.
As soon as he sat down in it and got settled in, he started to calm himself. His shoulders were less tense and he unclenched his tight jaw. But as soon as he saw you reach forward with a sponge and some soap, he backed away as much as he could in the water.
“No! N.. No!” He yelled, his sudden movements making the water splash around and hit the floor.
“Hey, hey,” you quickly set the things down and put your hands up so he could see you didn’t have anything. His hands were curled up against his chest, his fists tight together. “Kyle, angel, it’s okay. It’s just me, alright? Everything’s okay.” Your hands shake in fear and worry of your boyfriend being scared of you.
His eyes open slowly, looking you over to make sure you didn’t have anything. He let out a breath, his whole body shaking. Tears welled in both of your eyes, carefully letting your hands rest on the ends of the tub. He looked at them, then up at you. His eyes were filled with fright, but mixed with sorrow.
“I.. I’m sorry..” He looked down, his knees coming up to press against his chest. His hands covering his face, feeling so vulnerable crying in front of his lover.
“No, baby,” Your frown deepens as you see your boyfriend bash himself for something he can’t control. “Ky,” You hesitantly reach forward to put your hands on his wrists. He flinches at first, but quickly calming down when he knows it’s you and not someone else. “Sweetheart, I’m not going to hurt you. I could never hurt you.” Once he gave you sign it was okay, you extended your hand up to brush through his now damp curls.
“I know.. It’s.. I..” He huffs loudly, annoyed about how he can’t keep firm sentences without messing up or stuttering.
“Take your time.” You soothed, pressing a kiss against the crown of his head. His eyes closed in delight, his head subconsciously leaning towards you.
“I get.. s-scared.” He tried to explain, looking off i to the distance to try and collect the words he knows. “Last.. bath.. bad.” He shook his head, looking down at his knees as he swirled the water in the tub around with his hand.
You sighed, a tear spilling over its edge. You wiped it away fast before Kyle could see it. You pressed one more kiss to his forehead before leaning back and resting your hands back on the rim of the tub.
“Do you want to do it?” You asked, wondering how you were going to get him to bathe. He shook his head, though, tearing his eyes away from the water to make eye contact with you.
Those beautiful brown eyes. They showed hurt, they showed confusion, but the love in them was so overpowering, you thought that they might explode. You knew Kyle trusted you, more than anyone. But he still has his scary moments where he’s reminded about stuff that happened to him that he didn’t want. You were the only person to always be there for him, to care for him, to love him. No matter the time of day, no matter the situation, Kyle was right by yourself, following you like a lost puppy. (Not that you were ever mad about that).
“I want.. you.” He pointed his finger at you, accentuating his words. You smile, carefully picking up the soap again. You gave him a look that asked all of the questions in itself. He nodded, never looking away from your eyes.
You leaned forward, still hesitant, but running the soap down his arms and shoulders. You rubbed it in, feeling your boyfriend’s shoulders relax. He hummed at the feeling of you massaging his skin. He giggled when he felt you poke him, his arms curling around himself. You laughed with him, your happiness restored once you saw him smile again.
Once you’re finished washing his hair and cleaning the soap off his body, you drain the tub and grab a towel for him. Though he protests as he watches the water leave the tub. He looked up at you with a pout that almost made you fill up the tub again just so he can get what he wanted.
You smile at him, though, wrapping the white towel around his shoulders. You help him up and out of the tub, making sure he doesn’t slip and fall. He shivers at the cold air, leaning down and shoving his head into your neck. Goosebumps rise on your skin as you feel the water from his hair fall onto your skin.
You help him dry off, grabbing his warm pajamas that were on the rack. They had just been washed and dried so they were nice and warm for Kyle.
You helped him put them on, Kyle’s body still shaking. You knew he was exaggerating it a little because of the huge smile on his face. He just wanted to feel your touch. You always made him feel safe.
“You did so good, Ky.” You whisper as you cup his face on your hands. He basically whines at the praise, leaning down again to press his face into your neck. He wraps his arms tight around your body, resting most of his body weight against yours. You stumble slightly, your arms circling around his shoulders. You laugh, his little mumbles ticking your skin.
“Come on, baby, why don’t we lay down. We can head to bed.” You suggest. He hums into your neck, your mind knowing he was agreeing to your request.
You tried your best on walking backwards towards your bed with the blonde still using you as a pillow. Once you reach the end of the bed post, you stop. Kyle grumbles, but moves away. He quickly jumps on the bed and gets under the covers. His hands reach out for you, that adorable pout coming back on his face.
And how could you say no to that?
You laid down next to him, his head immediately resting on your chest. He nuzzled his face into your skin, his arms around your torso. You pressed kissed against his head, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
“I love you, Kyle. I would never hurt you, baby.” Your eyes start to feel heavy as time passes, all of his weight still heavy against your body.
“I.. love you m-more.. Y/N.”
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marchsfreakshow · 9 months
Reading This And That {Kyle Spencer x Reader}
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Drabble :3
You're reading a small novella before bed, and Kyle cuddles up to you, wanting to use the book as a tool for reading.
General Frankenkyle being adorable nonsense since he deserves some respect in this household<3
Your Perspective.
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
The dreary night loomed through the windows as my book was lit by a small, warm white light by my side. A simple little book I could read in an evening or so. It was a Christmas themed one I'll admit, but I was still happy reading it. The Christmas part of it was barely mentioned, so it didn't feel totally wrong reading it a few months before December 25th. I was distracted by it, so I didn't hear Kyle come in until he laid ontop of me. "Hi angel, what's wrong?"
"Arg.. Argument. Madison."
"Who did she argue with..?"
"Nan." You looked annoyed at the open door, and closed it quickly, so neither Nan or Madison came in. Kyle turned around, and moved under the duvet before running his finger over a paragraph, trying to read it. "Clara... clearly, clearly can't tell..." He stopped himself, unable to continue. As I held the book, I clapped and kisses his cheek.
"Well done Kyle. Wanna try and continue? I can read the rest if you don't want to." I asked, patting his head a bit.
Quickly, Kyle nodded, putting his finger back on where he stopped. "She's, she's making Charlie...un.. uncomfort.."
"Uncomfortable." I whispered slowly, taking it one syllable at a time.
"un.. comfort..able."
"that's it."
Kyle grinned and carried on reading the paragraph to his liking. It just melted me, but I felt proud of him. He was still learning to speak full sentences, and small books worked like that. "Want to read this book in its whole?"
"Can ask.. Cordelia.."
"To get a whole book for you? Okay...Well remember this book okay?" I closed the book, putting the bookmark on the page we just read. "This Winter."
"pictures." Kyle mentioned, opening it up again, and flipping through to find he different illustrations. He stared at every single one, admiring how the author drew them. Every picture of the family, sharing a Christmas that wasn't perfect. Almost like ours. Kyle didn't mind though, I let him look at the pictures as I slowly started to fall asleep. "Love...love you. Sleep."
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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spookievan · 1 year
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high school sweetheart <3
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drowningyoursorrow · 9 months
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tate langdon x gn! reader
You reminisce about your lover, the days that you spent together during your years of being high school sweethearts. And on how it ended so quickly and so suddenly. You've grown older and as soon as you did, you left where the both of you resided immediately, the remembrance of him pained you. In hopes for one last connection, you buy his childhood home, which was now abandoned. Slowly you started to feel as if you see him everywhere, maybe it was your imagination.
!!!: kissing? violence (guns, shooting, death, etc.) & minor mentions of drugs W/C: 3.5k
TATE LANGDON was his name, at first in the beginning, before the two of you first met you thought of him as sort of odd. He didn't really fit in, almost as if he didn't want to in a way. He had the looks, god he had the looks, short blonde hair and his dark eyes that made you still. You never really interacted with groups and sort of did your own thing, just minding your own business. Occasionally, you'd encounter Tate, you decided to only interact with him when it's really necessary.
You never really judged him, you just didn't want to partake in any social cliques and didn't have any friends really. Tate seemed to sense this, and it furthered his sudden interest in you, although you two weren't entirely similar. He felt a bond with you, you didn't feel it or didn't acknowledge it at first, and that was fine with him. He would study you from afar and felt as if you didn't belong with anybody here but him, but he was far too scared to interact with you. You felt the same, but you believed that he was constantly judging you whenever his brown orbs locked with yours.
Soon the two of you would look for each other in the rows of people crowding the long hallways. Forming a silent connection with one another, and slowly you would begin to openly communicate with each other. Just small hi's and hello's, yet both of you wanted to say more but never knew how to say it. Tate was smart, but that didn't seem to be his main catching point. No, it was the shy smiles he would give you once you two would sit together in the cafeteria.
It was how he would talk about how high school was just boring as ever and that the only two people that matter. Were you two. You were perfect in his eyes, everything that he's ever dreamed of, you didn't fit in, and you didn't want to. Just like him. It was almost as if you two were meant to be together, but you didn't realize it as quickly as he did.
And he was gladly willing to wait, I mean the two of you weren't even dating yet, so who was he to tell? Your relationship together did grow, eventually spending more time and time together. You always hung out at your place, him never wanting to be at his and finding comfort in your room. He loved everything about it, he loved everything about you, he loved everything you did and said. He was so infatuated with you.
As you were with him, it wasn't because he was different, it was because he simply was himself. He always sought safety with you, and you gladly provided that solitude for him. Tate was truly the most beautiful person that your eyes could ever lay on, his boyish charm drawing you in. He always made sure that you felt comfortable and swore to do everything to protect you from those judging eyes. It didn't matter to either of you on how you appeared to the rest of the world, only mattering to each other.
Eventually, both of you wanted more, but Tate was too in his head about it, so you decided to make the first move. He finally let you come to his house, but only when his mother wasn't home. You remember how he would cry to you about his troubles and worries with her, you despised the woman deeply. You remember him telling you about how his dad left, not really wanting to talk about it. And you never pushed.
You traced the items in his room, observing every corner and every object that you could come into contact with. He only watched you do so, basking in your presence, content with you being in his closure. Eventually, you seated yourself at the end of his bed, him crawling to lay beside you. Resting his head on your lap and placed your hands in his hair. You brushed through his golden locks and felt him ease into you, as he stared at you with those eyes.
You felt your chest tighten and butterflies fill your stomach, the feeling was new, so you turned away from him. Furthermore, you placed your hands on your side and closed your eyes, releasing a profound sigh. You hated that he looked at you--as if he was in love with you because you… you wanted him to. He quickly sat up and stared up at you, worry taking over his features, overthinking the situation. You felt him tense up beside you, knowing it was his insecurities taking over.
Opening your eyes, you looked at him and just gave a smile, it was enough to ease him but not enough to calm him. You thought for a moment, finally deciding to let your feelings take over. Lifting his palm, you placed it over your face and lightly kissed the end of his fingertips. Tate didn't know what to do, he only stared in awe as you let his hand cradle the side of your face. You stared ahead for a moment as Tate observed your features, wanting to know what you were thinking; what you'd do next.
He didn't expect tears to fall from your eyes as you trembled just beneath him, he perked up and held you more steadily. He was more concerned now and yet even though you were crying, he didn't see any hint of sadness on your features. Only disappointment, which he thought was far worse. Instead, he let you sob into his shoulder and grip onto him as if he was going to leave you any second. He could only whisper words of affirmations into your shoulder as tears also escaped him, the image of seeing you cry made him ache.
You both held onto each other, letting everything out that the two of you bottled and hid away from one another. Only then did you look at him in the eyes, wiping away the tears that slid down his face mournfully. And let the words escape you, "I think I love you." He stilled underneath you, a mix of emotions taking over his features, he was scared to do or say anything. In case you tried to change your mind, you took his quietness the wrong way and retreated away from him.
This made Tate scared, so he quickly, without thinking, reached over to you and kissed you. He kissed you as if you two were dying in each other's arms, and this was the last moment the both of you shared together. It was messy and horrible, but the feeling the both of you shared made up for all of it. You two belonged with each other. You both just rested your foreheads together, childish giggles escaping the both of you as you smiled.
It was like the both of you just received candy for the first time, it was like you two achieved the world together. You two only stayed there for a moment before laying back down together in each other's embrace. Oh, how you wish you could stay at this moment forever together, just with each other. Eventually you two had to depart, but instead of being sullen, you both looked forward to what is to come. Tate was over the moon that night, finally achieving the person of his dreams, he replayed the moment you two shared over and over again; before he eventually fell asleep.
The days and months passed by, and it was all wonderful, the time you two would share together. All the new things that you could finally do with one another, the dates were remarkable. You never thought you could love someone like you loved Tate, and he never thought he can love someone like you again. The ache that he always felt was eventually filled with you and you only, he made you feel like you really did matter. You two were just love sick fools, and it was the best thing in the world.
The years moved forward and everything began to change, and so did the both of you, for the better and for the worse. You decided to focus more with your studies, which meant less time for Tate, and he didn't enjoy it. Not one bit, he would try to reason with you, but he just wouldn't listen, he didn't understand. He didn't care about school, he just cared about you, and that was the problem. He brushed off on how difficult it was for you in school, it was easy for him because of his natural intelligence.
Every time he told you that you'd be fine, you felt as if he was condescending you because it was all just so easy for him. He couldn't understand you, and you began to not be able to understand him. Fights began to become frequent, and you couldn't take it anymore, you loved him, you really did, but you needed to focus on yourself. Before you could focus on him, and he didn't get that concept, so asking for a break wasn't easy. It was hard for the both of you, but Tate handled it worse than you did.
You sat him down in his room and stood before him, Tate suspected what this was about, yet he couldn't come to terms with it. So when your tone shifted to more serious, and you avoided eye contact with him, he denied everything you said. He wouldn't listen and began to sob hysterically and breaking everything he could reach, he couldn't accept it, he didn't want to. Tate wasn't listening to you, so you just decided to leave, you couldn't handle this. He fell to his knees and grabbed onto you, breaking down as he clung onto your legs.
He eventually let you go, and you turned away from his cries, this was only for a moment, you'll be back. But did he know that? You haven't heard from him ever since that day, he stopped showing up to the school. And he didn't reply to your calls and messages, maybe you shouldn't have done this. You began to regret your decision.
After a month or so he reappeared again, a black coat adorning his frame as he strutted past you, almost as if you weren't there. His expression was off, and he seemed out of it, usually he was, but not like this. It was unsettling. You brushed it off, just glad that he was finally back. You headed off to the library to study, since it was quieter there and you could relax peacefully.
You were settled into a corner of the room before you heard a loud noise, you looked around and everyone seemed just surprised as you were. Before it was heard again and screaming from the distance, it finally clicked. Those were gunshots. Everyone in the library began to panic, and the teacher tried to barricade the doorways as everyone hid in separate areas. You quickly rushed under two desks and enclosed in between chairs as silence took place. Then there it was, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the library, you were terrified.
What scared you more was if Tate was hurt, he was always quick, so you hoped for the best. You hoped for his safety. Then you heard crashing and banging, you shook and held in your cries. Then there it was, they got in. You could only hold your breath as you heard the steps circle around the room.
And before you knew it, you heard mumbling, then a frantic voice and then a bang. You couldn't believe this, you didn't want to, you heard more yelling and pleads and just held your head in between your arms. You didn't want to die, not like this, you still wanted to reconcile with Tate. You still wanted to be with him. Through your fingers, you could see the corpses, but you couldn't see the perpetrator.
Fear took through you as you suddenly realized that they were standing before you, peering through the chairs. And you felt your heart stop, there stood the boy you loved for years. His once beautiful and soul driven eyes staring downward at you, lifeless. You stilled, and you felt tears cascade down your face as a pained expression took place. All you could do was shake and mouth a silent, why?
His expression didn't change, and the gun still was held within his grip as he took in your features. You only cowered beneath him and closed your eyes, sorrowfully content with dying by the hands of your beloved. But the more you waited, there was nothing, eventually you opened your eyes and no longer stood Tate. He was gone. You soon heard the wailing of sirens and the cries of students and teachers, you only laid frozen.
Why hadn't he shot you?
Years have passed, and the question still played in your mind, the guilt hasn't subsided. Why were you the surviving victim? Eventually you did grow from it and as soon as you turned 18 you left L.A, you stayed in a different city for a while before you returned. You didn't want to keep running away, you needed to confront it, yet it was still difficult. You stood in front of the house before you, it's much older now but still looked the same as before.
It was his house, you thought if you bought the place it would bring comfort to you. But it only felt unsettling when you stepped inside, you heard what happened to him right after the shooting. Being gunned down, before you couldn't even think about, but now it just leaves a bitter taste at the tip of your tongue. Exploring the house and the rooms, you felt as if you were already being watched, ever corner you turned. Ghostly eyes following your figure.
You've heard of deaths correlated with this house yet for some reason you weren't so scared about dying here. You eventually brushed away the thought and settled with staying in a different room, not wanting to sleep in his. That was the only difficult part in being in the house, so to distract yourself you got a job. You were gone most of the time, this time you decided you needed a few drinks with your coworkers. Eventually, you came stumbling home in a drunken state and laid in which room was the closest.
You felt the sheets beneath you as you tried to make sense of where you were, realization hit you as you gathered your senses. It was his room. Everything seemed to be the same beside minor differences, someone else must've lived here before. You could imagine his faint smell and basked in it for just a moment, you peered up as it felt like someone was staring down at you. There he was looking down at you, he held a confused expression, you shrieked and curled away from him.
Holding your head as you tried to recollect yourself, just telling your imagination to go away. It was silent, then he was gone. Were you hallucinating? Unsure of what to make up of what just happened, you just silently cried as you buried yourself into the bed. You missed him terribly, although you shouldn't, you cried yourself to sleep that night.
A ghost watched over you, he could only really stare from afar, afraid to scare you like he did before. Oh, how he wanted to hold you once more, he's spent so long without you, and he finally had you again. He couldn't ruin this, your absence broke him deeply and still hadn't fully moved on from you. He tried to with someone new, violet, but he knew in his core that he wouldn't love anybody like you. It ended as soon as it began, and now he had you again.
You awoke abruptly, the sun radiating through the room's window, were you dreaming last night? Brushing it off, you stumbled out of bed and went back into your room. Ever since then, every night when you would return home, there he stood, looking down at you. You could never make out what type of expression he was making, but it always felt mournful, you were too scared to reach out back to him. But as the months passed by, you stopped trying to hide and push away the remembrance of him.
One particular night when he would appear once more, just to check up on you, too scared to do anything more or less. You reached toward him this time, instead of telling him to go way, and held him gently as you observed his features. He avoided your gaze but let himself melt into your touch, he missed this. Even if this was just your imagination, you loved every second of it, he looked the same as he did before. "I've dreamed of this," was all you said as you held him a little longer, before eventually pulling away.
This felt torturous to the both of you, and you knew you shouldn't do this to yourself, he was only your imagination. So you let go, you pushed him away as you closed your eyes, and he could only stare down at you. He wanted to hold you like he used to, but he knew better, time will tell. Eventually he did show up more around different areas of the house, and you just took it as you slowly becoming crazy. Because he never spoke to you, only stared and let you do what you wanted while he was in your presence.
You didn't mind going insane, only if you could see and feel him a bit more, maybe then it wouldn't be so bad. This time you stared at his dark irises, taking in his form, he hasn't changed, just as you remembered him. "You know, I couldn't bare to say your name after what you did. I was too scared, I felt too guilty to even utter the first letter." Silence overtook you as his expression shifted into remorse, you didn't take notice, instead you continued.
Turning away from him, your throat began to feel dry as you stared forward, not wanting to look at him anymore. You buried your face into the palms of your hands as tears slowly began to take over. "Why'd you do it? Why would you do that? Was it because of me? Did I push you too far? Why would you leave me alive? Why...?" You didn't expect an answer, and you didn't get one, sobs raked through you as you clung onto yourself. What you didn't suspect was him to envelop you into a hug, something familiar.
You let him hold you, a strange feeling taking over you, he was physically there yet he felt so cold. "Why can't you be real?" Was all you muttered before you pushed him away from you and headed out the front door, needing some air. He tried to say something, but his words were caught in his throat as he watched you leave, time will tell entered his mind once more. You came home late that night, only to discover he was where you left him, patiently waiting for your return.
You only gave him a short glance before heading back to your room, letting your thoughts consume you. Staring upward at the ceiling before, you felt a dip in the mattress beside you. He was curled next to you but kept his distance on the bed, not wanting to bother you. He just wanted to be near you. You thought for a moment, slipping your arms around him and pulled him closer to your frame.
Holding him like you used to, a content sigh escaped his lips, relishing in the sentimental feeling. He missed this more than anything, you just holding him and comforting him, it was all he needed. You shakily kissed his forehead and let yourself cherish this moment, you really wished this was real. But you knew he would be gone by morning, and you would go busy yourself once more. "I love you."
The words unconsciously slipped through your lips as sleep took over, and you held him closer. He didn't say anything, he wanted to, but he knew if we were to he would have to answer questions he didn't want to answer. Sure, he was selfish for acting like he couldn't speak to you, but eventually he was going to have to. So, he was going to enjoy this as long as he could, and maybe he will come clean about his whole being dead thing. Just above a whisper, he hid into your arms for more closure, "I love you too."
He hoped you wouldn't have heard his confession, but you had, and a small smile formed on your lips. You would take all the drugs in the world just to keep seeing him and being near him. He was all you ever really did want in this godforsaken world, it was a blessing and a curse. Because in the end all you two ever wanted in the world was each other, one way or another you both were going to achieve it. What you didn't know was that maybe Tate Langdon wasn't just your imagination.
- I am back from writer's block, hope this was a sufficient apology - Frank Ocean is my soul honestly - Briefly proofread (skimmed) - Maybe a part two if I'm feelin it
Hope you enjoyed and if you have any requests or questions please dm!
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