#even though shen qingqiu would be happy to see him
stiltonbasket · 4 months
I was today years old when I found out about the Binghe cameo in MDZS...
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torchstelechos · 1 year
I do think its really important to remember that SY was suppose to be the villain character but its only because of his kindness and newly gained life that he didn’t end as one. In the very beginning of the story we learn that Peerless Cucumber Bro often left comments on how SJ didn’t get his dues and needed to be punished more, and only after he transmigrated did he acknowledge how awful of a death SJ had. He also made point to explain that he only read the book for LBH, which he noted to enjoy his decisive actions and deft ability to kill. Markedly, he liked his brutality and personality over the erotica that the majority of PIDW fans enjoyed. Peerless Cucumber Bro is someone who loves action and the ability to cut right to the chase, something that he does not do and most likely has difficulty with in his world.
Speaking of, it is something to note that Peerless Cucumber bro is rich. He had head chefs, he could pay for a 6k+ chapter book of erotica in 20 days, he noted that he could not understand SJs envy and ambition for power since he lives well, and he even noted to himself that his family was well off. He is incredibly wealthy, and it shows. Which is important to note because he, not once, showed any guilt or remorse on dying and leaving his family behind. Yes, he sometimes refers to people as being similar to his family but he never showed any pain for losing that life like he did when he lost LBH. This is important because I genuinely think SY was depressed and self destructive to himself, which goes against popular HC that he was chronically/terminally ill (I do like this HC and like how its portrayed in fanfiction). It would explain how he ended up dying all alone by himself, and how blase he was to his own life and death.
SQQ is a self destructive force who ended up dying three times, and didn’t feel anything about death itself. He was worried about others and the effect it had on them, but for himself it was up and on again like it never happened. He does not care for his health, had self isolated as SY to the point he died alone, and has a horrible self esteem to the point that he continuously agrees when other people put him down and often calls himself the villain. Even though we have seen the evidence of someone who is always being thrust into new situations and awful plots, he calls himself lazy and easy going. He hides his thoughts and feelings behind his fan and has a remarkably thin face. At the very base of his actions and his thoughts, he is self destructive, powerful, and smart. This is the set up for a villain.
However, when shown the actual people in front of him and forced to act as SJ did towards LBH and his disciples, he flinches from it. He notes that it happening in front of him was different. His entire self soothing comedy monologue went quiet when he had to enforce the Endless Abyss scene, and grieved for the childish innocence he killed from one of his favourite people. SY was set up to be the villain and obviously thinks of himself as one, but can not act as one. If he had the choice LBH would have been his sticky sweet white lotus disciple for as long as LBH wished to be.
His kindness, as seen in the book, is what turned him from being “the scumbag villain” to the protagonist we see in the novels. Which, yes, he is a protagonist! He even has the protag halo that LBH has and its very funny in the meta way for SQQ not to realize this, but thats for another post. But he loves his disciples, he loves his peak lord siblings, he loves his Binghe, he loves his new life, and he is kind. That is what kept him from being the villain he sees himself as, his kindness and love for others. Whether that be romantic, platonic, or familial, he loves the people he has met and he treats them kindly. That is why it is important to remember that he was set up as the villain by everything in the story we do not see, but what we do see is him continuously changing the story to fit a new genre that lets as many people as he can save live. Sorry sorry, I just think about SY being set up as a villain so much. It changes a lot of views I have on the series when I remember the duality of SYs story and character development.
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captainkirkk · 8 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
The Hunt for Red Emrys by darkbluedark
King Arthur sets out to keep his promise to the spirit of the Druid boy by repealing his father's ban on magic. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, for reasons including but not limited to the following:
(1) He can't change the law until he understands magic better, but no sorcerer is willing to explain magic to him until he changes the law;
(2) The sorcerers all have some strange obsession with Merlin, which is awakening all sorts of feelings in Arthur that he really doesn't fancy examining too closely;
(3) He is starting to feel like the butt of some Druid-population-wide inside joke involving the mysterious phenomenon called Emrys; and
(4) Oh yeah, Morgana is still trying to kill him.
Thus he embarks on a journey of discovery, diplomacy, accountability, and self-improvement, and maybe even falls in love along the way.
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun
Kalego-sensei is...dead? by IcyPheonix
The Misfits come to school one day to discover that they have, a substitute teacher. They decide that this can only mean one thing; Kalego-sensei, has died.
He hasn't but that's not gonna stop them from pretending he has of course.
The Moon's Beloved Shadow by mofumofu
Shen Qingqiu is a man who hides his twin brother from the world with the ferocity of a phoenix-eyed mother crane.
Shen Yuan is a helpless transmigrator who wishes Airplane-bro had given even a single bit of backstory for this side character he's inhabiting!
Luo Binghe isn't doomed to face the Endless Abyss, but he is forced to confront something infinitely more frustrating: an overly protective brother.
Natsume Yuujinchou
What Colors Do You See In This Monochrome World by mermorgie.
Natori's voice brought him back to the present. "You alright there, Natsume?" The look the exorcist was giving him was warm and a tad concerned. Natsume gave him a small, but earnest smile. "I'm fine, Natori-san. Just a bit nervous." This was the truth. He had no idea why the head of the Matoba Clan invited him this time, but he was sure that the man was up to no good.
Or: Natsume gets invited to an exorcist meeting. He is not too happy about it, but at least the view is great.
Harry Potter
Three's Family by darkbluedark
It’s May 1979 and the Order has just apprehended a pair of mysterious wizards who look remarkably like a Potter and a Malfoy. Naturally, James Potter and Sirius Black are called in to identify the strangely familiar strangers and determine their backgrounds and loyalties.
(This would be a lot easier if their captives weren’t convinced everyone they talk to is dead. It would also be easier if they didn’t spend half their bloody time bickering.)
“Just ask them questions only they would know the answer to,” Malfoy suggests.
“There’s not a single thing that I know about either of them from the first war that any old Death Eater couldn’t find out.”
“How is that possible?” Malfoy huffs. “He’s your father!”
“Am I or am I not famously an orphan?” Potter snarls.
Once More Unto The Boggart by darkbluedark
Professor Lupin let out his breath very slowly. “So this is why you think you’ve been struggling to make progress with the Patronus charm? Because a part of you wants to let the dementor close, in a way, in order to hear your parents?”
Harry nodded again, though more guiltily this time. “I want to let the boggart out, just once, and, er, not cast the charm."
Those Who Have Seen by darkbluedark
Only those who have seen death can see thestrals.
It turns out, thestrals look different for those who have seen Death.
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violetdisasterzone · 2 years
Luo Binghe & Selflessness
There's a great post by @/jayktoralldaylong talking about how all the love interests in MXTX's novels prioritize the safety and well-being of the MCs rather than prioritizing - or even expecting - their love being returned. And image my surprise when the first reply I see is "Except Binghe. That bitch will sleep with your corpse," with others agreeing and calling him the "worst MXTX character" in the tags. I am yet again asking, did we read the same book? Luo Binghe is just as single-mindedly devoted to Shen Qingqiu as any of the others. Evidence of this is found at every turn during the main plot of Scum Villain: the plot during which he was actively possessed by a sentient evil sword. A sword which in a different timeline - a timeline without Shen Yuan - almost single-handedly turned Luo Bingge into a tyrant. He is under this influence for a majority of volumes 2 and 3 (of the Eng. transl.), which is also when he is accused of being "crazy" or "pushy" in regards to Shen Qingqiu.
Since the reply that inspired this post discussed the 5 years in which Shen Qingqiu was dead, that's what I'll address first. When Shen Qingqiu self-destructs, Luo Binghe is caught extremely off guard. It's easy, I think, to forget or disregard just how awful and confusing the entire novel's events have been for Binghe so far. Accepted to Qing Jing and subsequently horrifically abused for 4 years; a sudden, drastic, unexplained change in Shen Qingqiu and a blissful 3 years of peace; pushed into hell and utterly betrayed in an act of what appears to be very out of character hypocrisy. And when he returns (now in possession of the aforementioned sentient evil sword), he stays away from Cang Qiong and becomes a respectable cultivator in his own right, so that maybe, maybe Shen Qingqiu would accept him once again. And then he runs into Shen Qingqiu enjoying the company of someone who looks exactly like him; yet Shen Qingqiu runs from him, acting as though Binghe is the one who is dangerous, who is going to hurt him. Of course, Shen Qingqiu is justified in his fear, based on his own perceptions of the situation. But Luo Binghe does not know this.
Immediately following Shen Qingqiu's destruction is one of the only times we get a firsthand glimpse into Luo Binghe's perspective. This line is from the moments after he catches Shen Qingqiu's body: "Didn't Shizun hate his blood more than anything? Wasn't he unwilling to even be near him, to associate with him at all?" In the following pages is when he learns, for the first time that "Shizun too was...utterly heartbroken" during his time in the Abyss. When the chapter ends, Luo Binghe is still in utter shock, wiping the blood from Shen Qingqiu's face and trying, uselessly, to explain that he was just angry, that he just wanted to make him happy. We don't see the part of the scene where Luo Binghe leaves with the body, but it is not hard to infer that, in his complete state of denial and shock, his mind recently saved from an agonizing deviation, he was unwilling to part from his Shizun.
During the five years of Shen Qingqiu's absence, Luo Binghe kept his body in as perfect a state as possible. As we see in the Deep Dream extra, Luo Binghe brings Mu Qingfang (who he seems to respect, however minimally) to Huan Hua Pavilion some time after the events of Hua Yue City (which we know because Mu Qingfang expects Shen Qingqiu's body to "have long since festered and decayed"). We, as Shen Qingqiu, then get a glimpse into what Luo Binghe does with the body: he cooks countless meals that will go uneaten, and he transfers qi to prevent that decay. Skin to skin contact is the most direct way to transfer qi, as supported in many other scenes, including the flashback scene in this same extra. This type of qi transfer can also be carried out while sleeping, as evidenced in the Bing-mei vs. Bing-ge extra, providing a regulated stream of spiritual energy for an entire night. As Mu Qingfang said earlier, this uses up "an enormous amount of spiritual power" and is only enough to keep his body protected "for a single day" without reversing everything. Luo Binghe is immensely powerful, but even protagonists are not built to drain themselves every night for 5 years, while also fighting off Xin Mo, running Huan Hua, controlling the demon realm, and NOT giving up on everything. When Shen Qingqiu is thought to be dead in the minutes after Maigu Ridge, Luo Binge "almost tried to follow" him. And yet, when he believed there was even a chance he might return, he held on "for almost two thousand more of these days and nights."
The only other time we see Luo Binghe's interactions with the corpse is when Shen Qingqiu, undiscovered in the plant body, witnesses Liu Qingge's infiltration. In this, it is said that "Luo Binghe was unwilling to harm the corpse, so he could only release it." It's worth mentioning that, if Liu Qingge had managed to take the body back to Cang Qiong - or, what sequence is initiated when he does - it will be given burial rights, it will decay, and Shen Qingqiu will never again have a possibility of inhabiting it. Luo Binghe cannot let this happen; it's not merely about possession or attachment. And yet, he would sooner allow this possibility that allowing even the potential of harm to come to him.
When all is said and done, after Luo Binghe has been broken out of Xin Mo's control and Shen Qingqiu does not die - the first thing he does is return him to Cang Qiong Mountain. When Shen Qingqiu suggests that they leave, together, Luo Binghe is "dumbfounded." He fully expected to be left, for Shen Qingqiu to be unwilling. He would have done anything for Shen Qingqiu and expected nothing in return.
At his core, even under influence and in emotional turmoil, Luo Binghe's love is unfalteringly selfless. There are so many examples of this, both in the main plot and in the post-canon extras, but I think this post is long enough already. Suffice it to say that nothing is more important that Shen Qingqiu to Luo Binghe - least of all himself.
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joys-of-everyday · 10 months
Even though he'd always revered Shen Qingqiu, he had no illusions about how his master treated and looked at him.
At 14, after two years of abuse, Luo Binghe still reveres Shen Qingqiu. He knows Shen Qingqiu (Shen Jiu) hated him, and he still looks up at him.
He thinks he's done something wrong.
Saying nothing about whether Binghe had Shizun-fever in every universe (I do think what Luo Binghe fell in love with was Shen Yuan's kindness and support)(I say this whilst consuming Bingjiu fics like a starving man). But if nothing else, there was an admiration that soured.
Bingmei deals with this by thinking he's magically proven himself to Shen Qingqiu and rationalising that all the past suffering was training to make himself stronger. But he's plagued with the thought that this favour could be lost equally fast.
Bingge deals with this by running in the opposite direction. He pivots 180 to regard SQQ as detestable scum. He is not the problem, he tells himself. SQQ is. But this conviction is shaken when he sees a universe where SQQ is nice to him.
On the topic of a SY reveal... sure SY revealing his identity would make Bingmei happy because SY never hated him, never wanted to hurt him, and is as obsessed with him from the start as Bingmei is with SY. But more than that...
SY isn't the godlike figure who descended from above to pick him up from the dirt. SY isn't the person he spent two years desperately trying to please, not the figure his admiration had (initially) been directed towards. Maybe there, there would be a sense of loss.
Maybe Bingmei knew from the start that SY wasn't SJ because of how differently they are. But also, maybe he wondered whether he really had just offended his Shizun somehow the first time round. That his good treatment is conditional on how he acts.
He learns SY isn't the Shizun who had him strung up and whipped, or locked him in a woodshed. SY is the Shizun who gave him medicine and smiled to him in a carriage.
SY's love was never condition. SJ's hate was never deserved. There was nothing wrong with him, right from the start.
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jacksonlywife · 7 months
Just A Bite 
(SVSSS Characters React to their S/O bite their neck)
TW: A tiny bit Suggestive
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Shen Qingqiu:
The Qing Peak lord, Shen Qingqiu. He is known for his ruthless attitude against his disciples and people he despises. He does all that with elegance in his structure. A beauty who can hurt if needed. 
You had managed to shoot an arrow through his heart and get his love. A surprise really. Many people at Qing Peak prayed for your safety, worried that you may get hurt by him. Surprisingly he was kind and didn't say more than needed while with you. That made you fall harder. 
It was a regular day and you decided to visit Shen Qingqiu in his room. You dragged your feet in and got his attention.
“Dear? Is there something you need?” He said with a modest tone putting down a book he was reading. Then an idea to tease him got into your head. It probably had consequences but you couldn't help it. You flopped behind him confusing him and then bit his neck.
“Eek!” Shen Qingqiu flushed and covered the part you bit. “W-what was that?” He said blushing like hell dumbfounded.
“Felt like teasing that pretty face of yours.” You smirked.
Shen Qingqiu was a crimson colour shaking and touching the part you bit.
“I’ll get you back. Mark my words.” 
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Luo Binghe:
Luo Binghe. A strong being feared by all. At his young age being neglected made him become one of the strongest. Incredibly handsome as well. 
You had fallen in love with him. At first you thought of just being one of those people falling in love with someone you’d never get. Since he was so handsome and could choose anyone. Though that changed when he reciprocated your feelings.
Now all you see when you guys hang out is an affectionate puppy dog begging for attention. Adorable indeed.
Today you decided to do something that’d probably make him go red. You wanted to tease him. You saw him training sweating profusely and knew this was the best chance to go ahead and do it while he was distracted.
You bit his neck playfully wrapping your arms around his waist making him flinch in surprise.
“H-huh?” He says flustered as he sees you.
“Aw, just wanted to make you flush.” You say smirking. Now you waited for his reaction to become even more redder but you felt strong arms pin you against the wall and saw Luo Binghe open his mouth.
“My turn.”
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Liu Qingge:
The loyal, arrogant, and strong man found in a cave by Shen Qingqiu, injured. He’s known for being hot-blooded and despising people who are weak. You could tell millions you were in a relationship with him and probably only eight would believe you.
This man just seems incapable to date as some say. Though you clearly deny that because you've seen his other sides.
He is hot-tempered, yes but that's because he sees smiling and happiness as a weakness. If you catch him smiling he’ll probably glare at you and blush. It's cute.
Today you felt like teasing him. You caught your partner sleeping under a tree, sitting up with his arms crossed like he was ready for anything.
You snuck to him and crouched down trying not to make noise. He probably already sensed your presence but doesn’t mind it because you're his beloved. Then all of a sudden. You bite his neck.
He goes absolutely shook and just stares as the situation finally hits him.
“D-did you just.” His eyebrows furrow in irritation but a blush crept on his cheeks and ears.
“Yes I did.” You smiled.
“The hell.?” He mumbles, rubbing the part you bit. “You're so incredibly weird.” He flushes deeper and all of a sudden grabs your face with one hand with a strong grip and kisses your lips roughly.
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circus-complex · 9 days
Complex String, Winding and Choking
Rating: General
Relationships: Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu/Yue Qingyuan
Tags: Angst, Red String of Fate, Heartbreak, Yue Qingyuan is soulmates with Shen Jiu but not Shen Yuan, i marked it as 79 but you will NOT be getting that
Yue Qingyuan has known Xiao-Jiu is his soulmate since he was nine. In the depths of night, staring at the stars, he realized how he felt. A red knot glowed to life on his ring finger. He marveled at the intricacy of the tie, unable to remove it, but not wanting to. He followed the string with his eyes, leading him to a hand he knew well. One of the few that had never harmed him. Xiao-Jiu. On his hand a simple red bow was tied around his pointer finger.
Yue Qingyuan always hoped Shen Jiu would love him. When Shen Qingqiu wakes up after a qi deviation, he realizes. Shen Qingqiu never will.
Based on my post here
Also on AO3
Full work under the cut
Yue Qingyuan has known Xiao-Jiu is his soulmate since he was nine.
In the depths of night, staring at the stars, he realized how he felt. A red knot glowed to life on his ring finger. He marveled at the intricacy of the tie, unable to remove it, but not wanting to. He followed the string with his eyes, leading him to a hand he knew well. One of the few that had never harmed him. Xiao-Jiu. On his hand a simple red bow was tied around his pointer finger.
Ah, this is what the older kids talked about. I thought it happens when you’re an adult though…
Yue Qingyuan was excited to ask Xiao-Jiu if he saw the string the next morning.
“Xiao-Jiu! Don’t you see!” Yue Qingyuan held his ring finger up.
“See what?” Xiao-Jiu stared quizzingly at him. He rolled his eyes. “I think you should start sleeping longer, you’re starting to hallucinate.”
Yue Qingyuan was disappointed. Whatever! Even if his Xiao-Jiu didn’t see now, it didn't mean he wouldn’t later!
Even as Xiao-Jiu hit him, berated him, left him. He followed the red string between them.
And even when Xiao-Jiu was gone, taken from him. The string remained. Xiao-Jiu never seemed to have noticed it. He had never made a comment on it.
He couldn’t follow the string back to Xiao-Jiu, it had turned into a knot with no end once he was taken. And Yue Qingyuan had done his best to figure out what it was.
The string was a “string of fate”, and connected soulmates. Everyone had them, but not everyone ended up seeing their own. Some had no string, some had multiple, but most had one. It would only reveal itself when someone realizes they are in love with their fated. And if one were to tell their soulmate about it, without them already knowing, it would break.
There were three kinds of knots - simple, complex, and tangled. A simple knot meant the person hadn’t discovered their love yet. A complex knot is what most people saw, it meant they knew of their love. And a tangled knot meant the other would never love them, and remain unrequited. They could either be dead, too far away, or so deeply in love with another they would never love you.
Yue Qingyuan could only pray Xiao-Jiu would return. But the knot remained intricate, not a tangled mess.
And he did. Xiao-Jiu - No, Shen Qingqiu - Found him again. And yet, he still did not know. The knot remained a simple bow.
Yue Qingyuan did his best to drop hints. He was doing everything but confessing his love.
“Qingqiu-shidi! Would you like to have tea with me this afternoon?”
“Qingqiu-shidi! Do you need help killing that bug?”
“Qingqiu-shidi! I got you a new fan!”
Despite all of this, Shen Qingqiu was resistant. He rarely took Yue Qingyuan up on his offers, no matter how simple they were. He took every gift with a mild expression, every compliment with an insult, every smile with a scowl.
Yue Qingyuan was just happy Xiao-Jiu didn’t hate him.
Yue Qingyuan had bought a new fan for Shen Qingqiu. It was a pale green, the color he always liked. The leaves of the fan had small flowers drawn onto them. Engraved on guard was 执子之手,与子偕老 (Zhí zǐ zhī shǒu, yǔ zǐ xiélǎo). Hold hands with you, grow old with you. This wasn’t telling him, right? It was just…a very large hint.
“Qingqiu-shidi! While I was out, I saw this, it reminds me of you,” Yue Qingyuan held the fan out.
Shen Qingqiu glanced from the fan to Yue Qingyuan. Was it a trick of some sort? No, Yue Qingyuan would never do that to him. He took the fan from Yue Qingyuan’s hands after a moment.
He didn’t seem to notice the writing on the guard at first. He opened the fan, admiring the flowers. Only when he snapped it shut did he notice the writing. His expression softened before hardening once again.
“Ah. Thank you,” Shen Qingqiu gave him a curt bow before turning away again.
“Qingqiu-shidi? Are you ok? You had a qi deviation,” Yue Qingyuan asked. He’d been by Shen Qingqiu’s bedside for two days, he didn’t want to miss him waking up.
Yue Qingyuan reached out towards Shen Qingqiu.
The thread. It was no longer a knot.
It was a mess of string.
A mess that seemed to wrap around his fingers. Up his arm.
Crawling, reaching.
Reaching for his neck. It wound around his flesh, setting into his skin. It burns, burns, burns.
Oh dear god, it hurts so bad.
A strand wrapped around his stomach, forming a knot deep in his core. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to leave. Run into Xiao-Jiu’s arms. Yet, that would never happen. He would be pushed away. Spat on. Maybe Shen Qingqiu knew what Yue Qingyuan was doing. Maybe he wasn’t oblivious, just purposefully ignoring the hints. Trying not to hurt Yue Qingyuan, until now.
His heart shattered. Yet, that wretched string held it in place. It held the fragments in place, if only to force his heart to keep beating, to make his lungs breathe, to keep him in this life.
Yet pieces dislodged themselves, tearing up his insides. His lungs were sliced open, unable to take in air.
His bones felt like lead. His joints were stone. His blood froze. And yet, his heart was like a puppet on that maddening string.
Yue Qingyuan had spent his entire life following the red string. Never once did he doubt Xiao-Jiu would love him. Sure, he wasn’t sure how long it would take, but he never thought it wouldn’t. But it had been a pointless chase.
Like a horse chasing a carrot. He would run, and run, but never once will he catch what he wants.
“Eh?! Zhangmen-shixiong?!”
He thought that the string was just an object. A thread that would lead him to his soulmate. He controlled how it was used.
But now, this string puppeteered him. It forced his mouth open. Forced air in his lungs. Forced his heart to just. keep. beating.
“I apologize, Shen-shidi. Are you feeling alright?”
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miixz · 1 year
Been re-reading SVSSS to write fanfic and I've noticed something....
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I think SQQ has a type?? Which is obviously LBH, but like, I think he specifically likes strong, but lovable guys.
Had the thought when I was reading LQG's introduction to the story and SQQ is just bgrvfcesxd
Male readers always fervently admired strong characters. Even though Liu Qingge never officially debuted on page, he hadn’t lacked for fans, and Shen Yuan had been especially fascinated with him. In his headcanon, Liu Qingge had been a sharp and manly man, powerful and magnificent. A war god, right?! Shen Qingqiu looked down at that face, as beautiful as a fine woman’s, and his dreams shattered and died. The fantasies he’d always held, destroyed. How could the invincible Bai Zhan Peak Lord look like his spiritual antithesis? This was clearly the face of a charming young master who arranged flowers and plucked farewell willow branches! With this appearance, you’ve totally betrayed the headcanons of your martial prowess fanatics!
He sees LQG and he's like: what a pretty boy (filled with disappointment).
And throughout the story he does say he admired Bing-ge for all his power and being a badass and whatnot, but he's also all "I wish my Binghe would stay this sweet and adorable and innocent forever."
So he's very happy that Binghe does stay like that in the end. He might poke fun of him for being a little crybaby, but he very much wanted this.
Instead of letting Luo Binghe become that pitch-black basket case of a young man who made destroying the world his personal mission, it’d be better if he could stay this delicate little white lotus forever. Shen Qingqiu absolutely wouldn’t have minded keeping this iteration of Luo Binghe by his side and taking care of him for a lifetime.
I see you and your lies SQQ. 👀
Anyhow, LBH is the strongest and cutest guy around, so obviously he's the only man for SQQ.
But if he must ever find anyone else hot, or have had some other crush hidden in his closet, I'd guess they'd also be like that.
Y'all can thank @ladypfenix for encouraging me to share this very important character analysis.
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sun-and-moon-mushroom · 4 months
Day 20: Truth Serum
AO3 link
(Since I already did something that could fit this prompt on Day 7, I figured I’d continue it here)
Luo Binghe had felt the need to know, after meeting that other version of Shen Qingqiu, who had married his other self — what was different between their worlds? Was there something he could have done in his own to get the same happy ending? Or was this other version of Shen Qingqiu just fundamentally different from his own?
So, he’d found a way back into that other world, and started to investigate. It wasn’t long until his other self found him — it wasn’t like he was really trying too hard — and when he did, Luo Binghe had questions for him. That was when he got his first clue that there was something more to the other Shen Qingqiu than just a qi deviation and some memory loss — his other self knew things about him, things he couldn’t have learnt from the short time he spent in Luo Binghe’s world, things he claimed that Shen Qingqiu had told him. That was when he started to wonder — were the two of them, his Shen Qingqiu, and the nicer, softer version… really different people?
He could see how it could happen — how a Shen Qingqiu thrown back in time after his own death might change his behaviour, although why he wouldn’t just kill his other self remained a mystery — but he didn’t have any proof. He had a way to get it though — the other version of himself, who’d been there as he’d pieced his theory together. He’d seen the fear in his eyes, that the man he married might not be who he thought he was, might have been lying to him the entire time. So, he proposed a solution — use a truth serum on Shen Qingqiu, and if things were really as his other self believed them to be, he would leave their world behind and never return again.
He stayed there, watching from behind a door as his other self served his husband the laced tea. The words that came next were just what he had expected — Shen Qingqiu confirmed that he had replaced the original of this timeline, that he had feared the Luo Binghe of this world and had been kind to him to prevent it… but something was wrong, he could tell that something was wrong, Shen Qingqiu becoming paler with each question. Was the other Luo Binghe using his blood parasites to hurt him? Would he really turn on the man he claimed to love so easily?
No, it seemed that the other Luo Binghe had noticed his pain as well, rushing to ask his last two questions, not even realising how they might contradict — he asked if Shen Qingqiu loved him, and then asked if it was all a lie. A foolish decision, and one that was proven so as Shen Qingqiu began bleeding to the mouth, only able to utter a single ‘yes’ before his body slumped to the floor. Luo Binghe had his answer now he supposed, for why this Shen Qingqiu had not simply killed his counterpart as a child — there was something around him, a subtle presence Luo Binghe had been unable to sense until it began to act, one that seemed to restrict his actions and control his words. Was it a price he paid for coming back in time? None of that mattered to Luo Binghe now — he had what he came for.
Turning away from the tearful form of his other self, still holding Shen Qingqiu’s body and crying into it, he drew Xin Mo and prepared to leave that world. He was sure that the other him would try to bring Shen Qingqiu back, perhaps using something like the Holy Mausoleum, but he would be unsuccessful. Shen Qingqiu’s soul was not of this world after all, and would not remain there once the ties to its body were broken. He followed the soul as Xin Mo cut through the wall between worlds only to see something surprising — rather than his own world, Shen Qingqiu’s soul fled to a distant one, far from where Luo Binghe’s occasional wanderings through other worlds had brought him.
Following the soul into this new world, he was almost immediately overwhelmed, as he found himself stepping into a city like nothing he had ever seen before. Towers of stone and glass stretched up into the sky around him, as a cacophony of sounds and lights assaulted him, and he almost choked on the foulness of the air. This world… was this the world that Shen Qingqiu had originally come from?
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tcfactory · 1 month
Okay smartass how would you fix Bingqiu if you had your way?
If you actually want to know you could do to be less of a rude little shit about it, anon, but all right.
This is not about 'fixing' anything. Bingqiu is a wildly popular ship and a lot of people enjoy the exact kind of delusional insanity these two have about each other and that's honestly great. Love it for them. Not my cup of tea though.
I think the easiest and fastest way to make them sort their shit out and maybe put them in a position where I might actually be interested in what's going on with them is to take the protagonist halo away. Maybe the System short circuits, maybe it just gets automatically turned off after the extras, don't know don't care.
A lot of Shen Qingqiu's self delusions are fueled by his unshakeable belief that Luo Binghe, being The Protagonist, is Perfectly Fine the way he is. Binghe is the Protagonist, so when there are no character development or obligatory angst events going on he is happy and healthy and a slightly charred good boy and Shen Qingqiu is The Happy Wife who dotes on his hubby and Everything Is Right In The World. Endless honeymoon with their responsibilities only coming to bother them every once in a while. And it makes it way too easy for Binghe to cover up that he's still hurt, still unstable and still insecure by what went down because Shen Qingqiu is willing to take him at face value when he presents his insecurities as just being shameless neediness for his husband. Of course he happily indulges Binghe! But that isn't really helping with the core of the problem now, does it?
Like, Binghe takes steps towards ensuring Shen Qingqiu's mental wellbeing even at the cost of his own as soon as Maigu Ridge is over when he takes him back to the sect. Shen Qingqiu tries too, in his own way (the entire segment in the tombs is all about him putting himself in very real danger for Binghe's sake) but at the same time, this is a guy who completely missed the writing on the wall that Bingge was deeply unhappy in PIDW. As long as he can hold onto his internal picture that The Protagonist Suffered A Lot But He Is Fine Now I don't think he can really offer the right kind of emotional support for Binghe to actually heal from what happened to him and move on to a healthier frame of mind.
If you take the protagonist halo away, then first of all Binghe can, you know, suck a little. Or a lot, actually. The world not making excuses for him and him being a little defanged would be good for him. He gets really nothing he actually wants from being the protagonist - Shen Qingqiu will love him anyway. Mobei-jun will still stick around to back him up and help him out, because he's still Shang Qinghua's favorite fictional son and Qinghua is happy to see Binghe happy, just, you know, somewhere way over there where he can't get jealous tsundere over Cucumber bro and maybe murder him about it. Sha Hualing is still going to be his buddy because he's her best source of human trivia and the writing inspiration for her girlfriend. Not having to be demon emperor and getting more time to spend with his husband would be a relief.
But he would have to be more aware of other people because he's not above them anymore. Maybe even forced to make a few new friends to get by. And his mask will fail and Shen Qingqiu will have to see him for what he is: just Luo Binghe, still hurt and still confused half demon, who loves him very much, but can't make sense of him and is afraid that he will be left behind or pushed away without explanation again and that's kinda Shen Qingqiu's own damn fault.
And Shen Qingqiu can't hold onto his delusions about The Protagonist. He can't willfully ignore that things are not fine with Binghe because he's not the Protagonist anymore and the world only allows that special privilege for the Protagonist. Binghe is just a guy now and he has so many heart demons he needs help with. His trauma from the abyss or Xin Mo can't be brushed off with 'oh that's just part of his blackening he's fine now' anymore. And it might need a little bit of adjusting to internalize that these problems have always been here just below the surface, but Shen Qingqiu genuinely loves Binghe and would want to help him become happier and more stable in any way he can.
Binghe becoming part of the world in a way that's one person among many - building a support network! maybe befriending new demons or actually getting to know and making up with the QJ disciples or finding common ground with LQG and becoming sparring buddies - rather than a protagonist in a sea of NPCs is a lot more interesting to me than whatever he has going on at the end of canon. And Shen Qingqiu can be there with him on that journey, because he already started unlearning the sense of unreality the System conditioned into him, but he still has a long way to go.
#i feel like a lot of very real hurt and mental scarring Binghe suffered just get brushed aside as 'oh it's just part of his blackening'#like the aftereffects of Xin Mo alone would deserve a mention but Binghe Has The Love Of His Life Now So Everything Is Fine#also I think people really undersell how hard SQQ can delude himself when he tries#he already had practice in it convincing himself that he's absolutely het and not even a little gay at all#but then the System really fucked up how he sees the world#made him see things structured completely around the arc of a harem and then romance protagonist#and neither of those frameworks ALLOW him to see how mentally scarred LBH is by everything#like he would occasionally get a moment of 'oh LBH might actually need more friends he looks lonely hanging out with just me and NYY'#but then his idiot reader brain reasserts itself and he convinces himself that it's FINE because the protagonist can't be maladjusted#I joke a lot that Binghe is a red flag and that's Shen Yuan's favorite color#but it's more a case of “you say that it's a red flag but I won't see it because the narrative can't allow it to be red”#Shen Yuan's attachment to the source material and the roles he constructs based on it are actively harming both of them#and I don't feel like it really makes things better that by the end he moved himself from the role of the Villain to the role of the Wife#they are still roles that impact how he interacts with reality n still constrict how well he's able to understand or be understood by Bingh#tl;dr.: Shen Yuan needs to become less of a delulu millennial trashfire bc it's holding both of them back from healing#anyway these are my unfiltered Bingqiu thoughts take it or leave it
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teufelsabbiss · 5 months
Story-idea: Yue Qingyuan turns into a demon
Tianlang-Jun/Yue Qingyuan
Variation on the idea that humans can turn into demons when their heart demons get too strong.
A while after Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe married, Shen Qingqiu visits the sect again. Unfortunately, right at this time either someone brought back an artifact from a mission that reveals the original Shen Qingqiu was replaced by another soul or a seer is present who spills the information. This is obviously not good. After more questioning of either artifact or seer, the other peak-lords learn that Shen Yuan was unwittingly and unwillingly forced to live Shen Qingqiu's life.
And Yue Qingyuan finally breaks.
He's not angry at Shen Yuan, since he neither planned nor wanted this to happen and did a lot of good. But the sadness and despair Yue Qingyuan feels knowing Shen Jiu is gone and actually hated him to the end is too much. He already suffered through several traumatic, heartbreaking events and this time he stops trying to get a hold of himself. Despite the efforts of his fellow peak lords, his heart demons overwhelm him and he turns into a powerful demon. Even Xuan Su twists into a terrifying new shape.
Shen Yuan is convinced this means Yue Qingyuan will go on to attack and inflict horrible revenge fueled violence worthy of the PIDW protagonist on him and so obviously tries to bolt. He's not getting far, though. Big misunderstandings ensue yet again, because Yue Qingyuan very much demands his blood. But to Shen Yuan's eventual utter bafflement and relieve, Yue Qingyuan has no intention of killing or maiming him. He just wants a blood sample so that he can search for Shen Jiu's soul. Shen Yuan urges him that, if he does find the original goods, he absolutely has to explain to Shen Jiu why he couldn't save him from the Qiu's, because he's sure this would fix things between them.
Against everyone's protests, Yue Qingyuan declares he resigns his position in Cang Qiong. Then he leaves to find Shen Jiu.
His search leads him into the demon realm, where he by chance meets Tianlang-Jun, who is as nosy curious as usual. After hearing what happened, he offers to help. After all, this is highly interesting and, while Yue Qingyuan is truly strong, he knows next to nothing about the demon realm. They get along surprisingly well.
It doesn't take too long to find Shen Jiu. He reincarnated as a demon. (Depending on how long reincarnating takes and how much time has passed between the story events and now, I think he could be around 10 years at most.) Shen Jiu is yet again alone and struggling to survive. He does remember his past life, which helped him quite a bit, but his situation is still rather bad. Seeing Yue Qingyuan in demon form is a great shock to him.
Shen Yuan was right, though, knowing what really happened is mending things between them. It's a very tearful reunion. Yue Qingyuan finally has his little brother back.
Tianlang-Jun is happy to be around them. Two former humans with ample knowledge of human customs and art, now perfectly fine living in the demon realm where no one will dare oppose them having contact - what's not to love about this?
Tianlang-Jun and Yue Qingyuan get together after a while. Tianlang-Jun is not exactly a capable adoptive father. Good thing that Yue Qingyuan has that covered all the better and Shen Jiu doesn't really need it from anyone else anyway.
(Maybe they also find a demonic equivalent to the Sun-and-Moon-Dew-mushroom or another MacGuffin, so that Tianlang-Jun eventually doesn't have a problem with his demonic qi deteriorating his body if he isn't careful anymore.)
Imagine Shen Yuan accidentally stumbling over them after a few years and learning they are a weird, happy little family now. That reaction could be hilarious.
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zykamiliah · 1 year
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think SJ would have ever been happy as a Peak Lord. The only reason he took the job was because of YQY and he thought he’d be able to protect himself better as someone of high status. He never had the right kind of mind or attitude for teaching and never had the social skills to get along with his peers. He’d have been much happier as a wandering cultivator but that wasn’t where YQY was so even then he’d have never been fully satisfied.
oh my god sorry for the late reply
i also think that sj got attached to having status and power because he knows that powerful people can get away with anything, since he knows what that's like thanks to Qiu Jianluo. He definitely didn't want to be on the receiving end of all that power and influence. I think that, even if he wasn't a good teacher, if he had able to deal with his inner demons (literally and metaphorically) he wouldn't have had so much trouble living in CQM. But he hated men to the point of being unable to sleep next to his peers, and when he became a peak lord he turned paranoid, thinking people wanted to undermine him and usurp his place, was envious of anyone with more potential or power than him. and like, not all of that was yqy's "fault", since we see in the qijiu extra's opening scene what he was like as a 12 years old. i love the parallels between qijiu as kids and qijiu as peak lords because the latter is basically a reenactment of their childhood dynamics: sj fighting with others, yqy the protector who always tried to smooth things over and let sj get away with anything, etc. then his dynamic with lbh and nyy is a reenactment of his life with the qius, this time with him as the one abusing his power. it sort of feels like there's something inescapable about their fates, and it goes to show how much work sj needs to achieve a modicum of peace, though of course if he was sure of yqy's love for him that would be a great start.
sorry for rambling. back on topic. why did sj became a peak lord?
“If I said that I wasn’t doing well at Qing Jing Peak, what would you do?” Shen Qingqiu asked, slow and measured. “Would you help me enter Qiong Ding Peak, just as you recommended me for Qing Jing?”
Yue Qingyuan gave it some thought, then said solemnly, “If that’s what you wanted.”
“Clearly I don’t want that,” Shen Qingqiu said with a resolute humph. “I want to be head disciple. Would you be willing to give me your position? Let me become the sect leader?” he asked, forceful and lofty. “For better or worse, Qing Jing Peak ranks second among the Twelve Peaks. I’d rather wait to succeed this one.”
it's clear he wants power and influence, and if he'd had the chance he would have gone for the sect leader post. can you imagine that??
In the past, Qiu Jianluo had forced Shen Jiu to learn how to read and write. Shen Jiu had been unwilling to learn, had detested it to the point of madness, yet now it was only through his abilities in reading and studying—through being smarter than his peers—that he’d been able to earn the Qing Jing Peak Lord’s favor. To make it even more laughable, of the thousands of possible names in this world, the peak lord had just happened to name him “Qingqiu.”
But no matter how laughable, no matter how it made him gnash his teeth, Shen Qingqiu still wanted that name, for this name represented that from now onward, a shining new life was his.
sj is ambitious. that's why i think he' wouldn't be happy with living like a common person. he also likes luxury so i guess he'd detest the life of a wandering cultivator because it would to much like living in the streets, where he spent most of his childhood. he likes quiet and staying inside. he liked the security of being at the top.
so i don't think it would be impossible for him to have a life more suited to him, that wasn't such a consequence of his traumas and how he copes with them, but like i said, it would take a lot of work and healing.
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hiroshiii13 · 1 year
Deity Qinghua x Human Mobei Jun (with a little Bingqiu)
“Help me rule and become a powerful king”
Qinghua looked at the fragile and battered human at his feet. He could hear the shallow breaths, could smell the pungent smell of his blood-soaked robes and see his broken bones; this human won’t last through the night. But in contrast to his body that welcomed death, his blue eyes held on in defiance. He had an unwavering will to live and within those eyes, this human regarded him as his lifeline.
“Okay.” Qinghua put the reverb on and said in his most cryptic voice, “a life for a life, the price to pay is steep, think, dear human if your heart’s desire--“
“I’ll do it.”
*scratch disk sound*
“??!” Qinghua was over the moon! How naive! Others who have summoned him were all stingy, they read the terms and conditions and haggled with him into submission. It was such a long process but this guy doesn’t even want to know what he’s trading?
“Are you sure you don’t want to go through the fine print?” Qinghua scratched his head. Sure he wanted the merits but this felt like a highway robbery, he wasn’t THAT cold-hearted.
“I am bleeding to death.” 😐
And thus, the little deity helped the mortal, Mobei Jun, regain his strength and conquer the throne. He taught him everything there is to know; about strategies in war and debate, diplomacy, about keeping his court in control and his subjects happy. With Qinghua by the ruler’s side, the northern kingdom experienced a golden age. 
The people lived in harmony, no famine nor corruption affected his rule. All was well; EXCEPT QINGHUA HIMSELF. This deity was worked like a dog doing administrative work. “Wuwuwu” he was a face-con swindled into forging a contract without a set expiration date. Rookie mistake but what was he supposed to do?! The beautiful man held his hand and told him to “help me rule” while on death’s door! Kyaaaa! It was romantic~
Anyway, it’s finished. All he had to do now was work himself to the bone until the man was satisfied, so he could earn his end of the bargain and finally unbind their contract. 
He was fine. 
It was okay. 
Until he remembered Shen Qingqiu, deity of fertility, would probably throw merits at him like spare change.
Qinghua clenched his fists and with newly-found determination thought what else the man needed.
☑️ Loyal and honest lackeys
☑️ Intel re: other states and countries
☑️ Favorable public opinion
Wife? YES WIFE!!! Mobei Jun needed a spouse to make his rule absolute, not to mention his need for heirs! The little deity fiercely studied the art of romance and started collating information about possible spouses fit for a king. 
He started with small touches, he’d graze the back of his hands, then it turned to massaging his shoulders after long court sessions and now he helped the king don his robes daily. The man was so touch-averse and prickly at the start. Now he would even initiate h*nd h*lding even though he still looked stone-faced all the time. Ding! Success! Laozi is the best in the world!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Then, he started praising the man more. Communication is a two-way street, Qinghua had to lead by example.
“My King your hair crown looks good on you.”
“Dawang is wise! But this one suggests…”
“Mobei Jun is fierce yet just. Reliable and unparalleled by all!”
The taller man who was usually fair would turn an exquisite shade of pink under his declarations. Shang Qinghua thought it was cute seeing him squirm until the man learned how to counterattack. 
“Qinghua looks beautiful, but I’d like it if… you only wore this in front of me.”
“I trust your judgement the most.”
“Only ask and it shall be done.” 
Sometimes they’d whisper in each other’s ear as if they were the only ones in the room, and yes they’d playfully banter during official court sessions but that just means Mobei Jun can now communicate his needs better with his future wife! This was the most important agenda! 
The whole court: ???
Envoys bringing princesses to present: ???
The Mobei Clan: ???
Finally, this deity was soooo dedicated that he would dress up in MBJ’s colors and go on practice dates with him.  So what if he took hours to chose an outift that showed his best assets? And what could be done if they wanted run and hide in the royal gardens, giggling and sharing Mobei Jun’s hand-pulled noodles? 
It was all for training! Until Mobei Jun suddenly pulled out a ring and he started crying saying “yes!” until he was incoherent. He could have kept his professional air... except Mobei Jun’s tongue was in his mouth and the last of his garments were holding for dear life by the end of the night.
“You forget, this one is charitable and pure of heart. When I granted your wish I needed a life for a life.” SQH teased as he looked at his husband.
“Qinghua, baobei, I dedicate my life only to y—“ 
“Stop!!” SQH put his hand on the other’s mouth only to be met with kisses. He was suffering from too much success. This king turned out to be so  cringy affectionate. 
“Anyway, I wasn’t taking your life. I meant to take your first born.”
“You wanted my first born.” Mobei Jun touched his little wife’s stomach and looked at him with shining eyes, “We will do what Qinghua wants.”
And that’s when the little deity raised his white flag in earnest. He could never win against his husband.
It has been 3 months since Luo Binghe received a book of possible wives from Mobei Jun; a gift from his consort. Shen Qingqiu, deity of fertility, has been roaming the world with his new contractee in search of a suitable spouse, but none of them passed LBH’s screening. 
Ning Yingying
Sha Hualing
Liu Mingyan
Liu Qingge (?)
There are more people on the list but everyday the deity loses a bit of hope. He tries not to dwell on Junshang’s hot and appraising stares directed at him. He consoled himself that the other was very straight™️. 
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darlingpwease · 11 months
Shang Qinghua, who created you as his little pet, you know, like an 'eye candy', in which he guiltily indulges himself; something like a "moral pet" for Luo Binghe, who must die to add drama and blood, as well as more reasons to find solace in the arms of wives, even if he actually "drags you away" in his notes (and adding a huge number of small details and traits to make you a well-developed character, even to the point that sometimes he sat until midnight, figuring out how to develop you better, even if he obviously shouldn't be so keen on a minor character), because he gets too attached to you, because you practically become his charming little thing that he wants to pick up and shamelessly spoil, and maybe take you as an example for the hero of his new novel...
... His feelings are so confused when he sees Shen Qingqiu, the villain of the novel, monopolizing and courting you, his precious cabbage, because it feels so wrong; even if he made you cute, it doesn't mean that this guy should be so clingy to you? what the hell? why is Shen Qingqiu trying to eat his eye candy so shamelessly?? why is he interested in you at all???
When he realizes that it's SHEN YUAN — wow, the same guy who said he was 'interested in the plot' even though his avatar was art with you! — Shang Qinghua does not know whether he is embarrassed or outraged, feeling like a father whose precious beloved child is being kidnapped to someone else's house as a spouse, and the adoration with which SHEN YUAN looks at you only makes him even more angry. He didn't give you his blessing — hey, if he knew, he would have made you a disciple of Anding Peak or made Shang Qinghua your father figure! He is against such a relationship! You are his little, precious cabbage, on the development of which he spent nights instead of other things, because he was too passionate, you can't just become this guy's spouse! You...
Do you even have filial piety?!
... SHEN YUAN, stop looking so happy being the dual partner of his precious child!
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symphonyofsilence · 1 month
Fanfics ideas, cause you love MXTX works. MDZS characters will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with characters from TGCF & SVSSS ? Please pick at least 3 characters from each series. Hope my questions are not confusing.....
Nie Huaisang would have been a big fan of Liu Mingiyan and Liu Mingyian would have appreciated NHS's collection of... educational books so she could write more exciting and diverse Smuts. Shang Qinghua would have found his way in and NHS & he would definitely get along very well. Shi Qingxuan & NHS would get along like a house on fire. (Though SQX would not get a word of what was said among NHS, LMY, & SQH he would enjoy the vibes & be happy to be there) And WWX naturally would belong to this group and bring JC with him. I don't know, maybe SQX, much like how happy he was to find a Ming-Xiong, and mess with General Nanyang would have been happy to meet Jiang Cheng, whether Jiang-Xiong felt the same or not? Or maybe not? Like... he apparently hadn't tried to make friends with Fengqing so maybe he wouldn't try to make friends with JC either (even if he did I think it wouldn't have been an especially deep relationship between them. It would be more like NHS's and JC's) WWX, SQX, and SQH would drag in LWJ, HX, & Mobei-Jun with them. Those three would absolutely say nothing and make no friends. Mobei-Jun (despite WWX and SQX's many attempts) and LWJ (despite SQX's many attempts) would stare in a dead inside way and He Xuan would eat. (Shen Qingqiu would have loved to join them but Liu Mingiyan would turn strangely quiet against NHS's questions when SQQ was around, so...)
I'd love to see Xue Yang, Qi Rong, and Sha Hualing interact! I believe They would get along very well. I'd love to see them take care of Guzi together, too! (Guzi would end up taking care of them.)
(Then Sha Hualing and Xuan Ji would inevitably cross paths and have a nice girl in-bathroom talk wherein Sha Hualing would try to knock some sense into Xuan Ji and tell her to know your worth, girl and it would result in Xuan Ji going you know what?! Maybe you're right maybe I SHOULD let go. To which Sha Hualing would answer WHAT?! NO WAY! KICK HIS A$$!!)
One lotus root pork soup from Jiang Yanli would work wonders for Shen Jiu (who needs an older sister). And I think JYL, since she apparently likes to surround herself with tsunderes would be fond of him, too. Shen Jiu might have crossed paths with fellow street rat A-Qing. The hissing cats would bond and form the deepest, and strongest frenemy relationship and stick together. Then Shen Jiu would inevitably end up meeting Xiao Xingchen. This group would fix him. Before breaking him even worse because of the whole...you know,... Yi City Arc. Then he'd be adopted by Yushi Huang or Baoshan Senren. Maybe Yushi Huang could promote A-Qing to godhood. their combination with Pei Su, Ban Yue, and Pei Ming could have been interesting.
Teenage Mu Qing-gege would also probably know A-Qing, Shen Jiu, and Yue Qinguuan. and occasionally give them food and keep an eye on them. This combo-minus YQY- might have also occasionally bitched about others with each other. (So the god adopting Shen Jiu and promoting A-Qing to godhood could be MQ, too)
Jiang Yanli would flourish if she could join Yushi Huang and have a peaceful positive maternal figure who cherished her talents and calm demeanor. JYL, Ban Yue, and Pei Xu would have helped each other. she would also enjoy interacting with SQX, and Xie Lian. and SQX would like her very much. She might have also had a soft spot for Mu Qing and looked out for him and what he didn't say.
Wei Wuxian and Hua Cheng would get into passive-aggressive rivalry in talent, sass, fashion, batshit theories and ideals, and sass. they would greatly enjoy their rivalry though. Maybe through Hua Cheng, WWX would meet He Xuan, too, and enjoy annoying him. He might form a very forced, very one-sided friendship with He Xuan, Which after a while of WWX imposing himself on him, HX might or might not come to miss in WWX's absence.
Ling Wen and Jin Guangyao would have a pleasant talk over tea about how incompetent everyone else is and how they have to do everything around here. Then slowly, they'd be joined by Yin Yu, Zhuzhi-lang, and Shang Qinghua. And then This talk would then turn into a union.
Wen Qing and Mu Qing would meet each other while healing others and they'd start to be mean judgemental bitches together. They have kind hearts. They save everyone's lives, but they also shoot death glares at everyone & bitch about everyone while doing it.
Wen Qing might have also befriended Ling Wen. She might have been recruited by Qi Qinqi.
Lan Xichen, Yue Qingyuan, Yushi Huang, and Xie Lian could drink tea together and have a pleasant conversation without an actual word that would lead to any personal knowledge about them being exchanged. Though any two combinations of this group could have a vague and not very revealing but definitely insightful conversation with each other.
I know Liu Qingge, Jiang Cheng, and Mu Qing are a popular combo of hissing cats. But these 3 could stay together in one room for centuries and do not utter a word to each other or make any other attempt at human connection. Xie Lian though, a certified bitch- specialist might want to befriend Jiang Cheng, Shen Jiu, and Liu Qingge.
Literally anyone could befriend Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan, obviously) . Especially the cloud recesses trio, especially Jiang Cheng. Jin Zixuan would have benefitted greatly from befriending SQQ. (Or maybe not. Who knows.)
Xie Lian and Xiao Xingchen would have a very pleasant short chat. A-qing and Xue Yang would also love the other Daozhang. This would result in A-Qing wanting to protect the Daozhang from mean strangers and Xue Yang wanting to torment Daozhang as a sign of his gratitude for his exemplary manners towards Xue Yang. Luckily XL wouldn't stick around this long.
The Juniors would look up to Liu Qingge and would love to be his disciples. (Especially JL who feels life LQG kinda has a similar attitude to his Jiujiu and reminds him of his jiujiu) they would get into- hopefully- friendly rivalries with Shen Qingqiu's disciples, especially Ning Yingying and Ming Fan. In time those two would join the Junior group as well.
Jin Ling would follow Feng Xin around because AN ARCHERY GOD! And since the juniors stick together, so would the three others. And since Fengqing are always together, the two southern gods would acquire a band of ducklings.
Qi Qingqi would immediately recruit Mianmian. Pei Ming would try to hit on Qi Qingqi and immediately realize his mistake. They'd eventually befriend each other and Qi Qingqi would gain a place among The Three Tumors. That would lead to Qi Qingqi meeting Ban Yue and recruiting her, too.
After Ling Wen recruited Jin Guangyao as a god to help her do paperwork, JGY would find a solid place for himself in The Three Tumors, too.
(Mostly SVSSS/TGCF interactions:
Tianlang-Jun, with his interest in polyamorous dramas, would follow 3Zun dramas intensely. Pei Ming would get curious about what he's observing like a soap opera and join him in watching that trashfire. they'd have a great time eating popcorn and doing commentaries together, and then Tianlang-Jun would pull an uno-reverse on Pei Ming by giving him advice on how to court Yushi Huang.
Jian Lan has big maternal instincts, and Luo Binghe is above all, a baby. So Jian Lan would become LBH's new ghost mama and Shen Qingqiu would get along splendidly with his new ghost mother-in-law.)
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Honestly, pretty much as soon as Liu Qingge made his decision during the initial confrontation? It was all over for Shen Jiu. True be it that Liu Qingge didn’t quite know what to make of things at first, and he sorta hoped that Shen Jiu would make an effort on his own after the initial offer of support? Well, he sort of gets that wish. Not quite in the way he’d wanted but damn if he’s letting that stop him.
Because the one thing Liu Qingge is very good at socially is being blunt. Something Yue Qingyuan has thus far somewhat failed with. Not that he hasn’t explained things to the best of his ability, but that’s precisely the problem! So, Shen Jiu later corrals Shang Qinghua (who suspiciously knows far too much) & Liu Qingge to Discuss™ Shen Qingqiu & other such happenings while he was away.
He’d really rather leave the relationship part of that mess alone, but he has. >:| Other Questions. And would like alternative perspectives, and no he can’t just ask Shen Qingqiu.
--but this leads into my response to that last tag. :3c
There are at least four people who are willing to support him existing, because Shen Jiu’s gonna find out that Shang Qinghua also counts! Not quite as enthusiastically as Yue Qingyuan or Liu-Shidi, but-! Shang Qinghua’s response to inquiry is that like? He never really hated Shen Jiu before either, so... Look, compared to a lotta other things he was going through at the time, Shen Jiu didn’t even place on his top ten list of People To Be Worried About.
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Luo Binghe is torn, I think. He’s very happy that Liu Qingge is spending time with someone else. Unhappy that it’s Shen Jiu, whom he dislikes. Then Indifferent because Luo Binghe didn’t much like Liu Qingge to begin with. Yet, Unhappy again, because shizun does & is feeling rather bittersweet about the entire affair (happy for them, still concerned that his relationship with his dear shidi has been irreconcilably altered. Which is technically true, but only technically! Like everyone else, it’s more a matter of navigating the fact that Shen Qingqiu is actually someone else now?).
This is far too complicated for Binghe.
--on a somewhat related note, Binghe was a bit put-out that Shen Qingqiu admitted to being happy to see Shen Jiu, because hello??? Husband?? Why are you happy to see the man who made him miserable? He doesn’t understand & Shen Qingqiu has the damnedest time trying to explain, but he does manage to relay that he is Definitely Unhappy with that part. It’s just.. yknow.
Shen Qingqiu spent some time living with the fact that he’d involuntarily killed a man & taken his place-- a man that was important to his Shixiong. And that Sucked, because... well, he could tell. And, no matter how much he’d come to care for Yue Qingyuan, there was nothing he could do to remedy things.
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Though I’m not sure how this would come up, I feel like asdfgh Somehow this is the least surprising thing he’s learned about Shen Qingqiu so far. After all, he’s married to Binghe, so being attracted to men is... a given?
--what would be more surprising is Liu Qingge's opinion of Shen Qingqiu. Because it’s Very Positive & it’s not impossible to determine that he is, perhaps, a bit Jealous Of and/or Irritated With the whole BingQiu situation. Though, for better or worse, they could definitely bond over being mutually mistrustful of Binghe. Oops.
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He’s a very good shidi! And I honestly think that Liu Qingge still calls Shen Jiu “Shixiong” when there aren’t other disciples around. Or perhaps even sometimes when there are... >>;; deciding not to react to his mistake / correct himself, causing the both sets of disciples to look at them Very Oddly. Like it’s odd enough that Liu Qingge has singled out This One Disciple already, but calling him Shixiong, too........
On the other hand, I imagine it galls Shen Jiu somewhat when he’s forced to call him & the other Peak Lords “Shishu” -- in the same way that he’s hesitant to call Yue Qingyuan his Shizun. Thankfully, there’s a work-around for Yue Qingyuan, being sect leader n all. It’s perfectly appropriate to just call him that. >u<
But yeah!! There are, in fact, people who Like & Want You Around, sir. Maybe it’s complicated, messy, and even uncomfortable at times? Still true. Gonna have to learn how to accept that...
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