#evidence that your dream may work out but also someone you deeply care about in the process… marcille my Beloved
ruporas · 2 months
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dragon meat, you, and me
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mysadcorner · 2 years
good night🌙! Hope you're well🤎! I recently read your writings and really enjoyed it☺💌💞! (I don't know if you order, but I'll try anyway) You can make a Damian x male Reader where they, the batfamily, the justice league and the titans are in a kind of meeting and OUT OF NOTHING a portal opened where they were and the oldest male reader came out of there and only then came the Damian (Damian from League of Assassins pls, i love him in the many cases🤪🤓🧨) and everyone finds out that they both got married in the future because of the male reader's gold ring and the way Damian reached him and held the reader's face in his hands staring at him softly and relieved that nothing bad had happened🥺😧💗(ps: everyone gradually realized that Damian and the male reader had a relationship more than friendship, it's so funny and shocking how some find out about them from the future and pay attention to a teenage male reader all blushing and stuttering nervously lol. The reader is a loving person, very kind fluffy polite adorable intelligent shy docile, and Damian is very passionate about him even if he doesn't show it. Imagine their reaction to their promising future LOL😘🙈💌)
Damian Wayne x Male!Reader Headcanons
(Specific to request)
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Requests open -
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• Damian and everyone else would be quite surprised at the situation (no matter how much they had all been through) and it would cause quite a lot of confusion at first. Especially for Damian, to see someone he cares about so deeply but not be open about how he feels he may find the situation very exposing to begin with, but after careful consideration, he’s filled with relief as to how things evidently turn out in the future.
• He’d try to maintain a hard exterior as best as he possible could, but on the inside he does feel a genuine warmth. He isn’t quite sure how people would react at first, so he immediately put up his defences just in case for both you and him; however, this doesn’t last long as he open up more to how he’s feeling and his ability to show that to others becomes easier.
• Everyone may be quiet about it at first, not wanting to cause Damian to go off on them - because we all know he can do serious damage, especially when his emotions are high (although he’d never let them show). But after he starts to open up about the whole situation itself, everyone would quickly gather than the circumstances were a good thing to be talking about so that everyone can gather how things ended up that way.
• Lots of questions begin to be asked, especially by Damian. He’s curious as to how things play out in the future, but he doesn’t want to spoil or ruin things at the same time. He also knows that him being aware of certain events might change things drastically so he tries his best to steer clear of such things. Because of this, most of your time gets spent on elaborating on certain things and how you managed to come back to the best of your ability (which comes to the intrigue of pretty much everyone).
• After finding out about the two of you, Damian finds it much easier to open up to the current you about himself as he knows it’s safe for him to do so - and that you won’t end up pushing him away. The fact that you both share the same feelings for each other is extremely reassuring; however, he isn’t used to such things. As a result, Damian begins to push himself into a relationship with you (not in a forcing way though, just passionate about you) regardless of how shy and quiet you may be at the time.
• After finding out about things from you, Damian finds out the little things about you from yourself (future self). This may cause you to be a blushing mess at the time due to things being exposed that not even you knew you liked yet but in the end it comes to both of your benefit. Damian gets to figure out what you enjoy doing the most and you both get to have quality time together which enhances your bond together a lot quicker than working through trial and error would have.
• When he sees that the two of you have grown to love each other so much to the point you actually become married his heart feels like it’s melting. He can’t help but hold you in his arms and cup your face die to the complete unexpectedness of the whole situation. Never in his life had he ever thought such a bond would be possible for him as he’s so used to keeping people at a distance (even those he’s “close” to) so essentially you become more than he could ever ask for. You’re almost like a dream.
• Overall, everyone finds the situation and knowledge of future events extremely sweet and lovely. They are extremely proud of Damian and you for being able to confide in each other and become the balance that you each needed - and they all already knew how well you were for one another (so it wasn’t much of a surprise when thought about). You both complement each other’s personalities perfectly and bring out the best in one another, and because of this, no one could possible ask for anything better to come from your relationship.
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cutenimi · 2 years
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𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬
p. miya atsumu x f!reader. fluff. cw. swearing, food mentions, sideship!sunaosa. happy new year !! wc. 1.1k
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Well, maybe it wasn't a problem, per se, but he needed to work through it nonetheless, or he would probably die.
Well, that was another exaggeration, but here's the problem.
He's just so deeply in love with you.
Most wouldn't see that as a problem. Oh, Atsumu, you do have such a sweet and caring girlfriend. You must love her, right?
Of course he loved his girlfriend, what kind of a fucking question was that? You'd known each other since the alphabet was a foreign concept, and he would do his best to know you just as well even when the stars had long blinked from existence. Hopefully.
Yeah, see, that was the problem.
You'd only been dating for around a year, but you were not only the most beautiful person in his life, but also that whom he gave the most love to, pouring his entire heart and soul into your relationship.
Atsumu loved you. So, so much.
The love shot through his heart in the early hours of the morning when sleep evaded him and he couldn't help but wonder if you were pleasantly dreaming just then. The love enveloped him when he saw your smile, heard your laugh, felt your lips on his own. The love flowed from him every second that he was so blessed to spend with you.
See? Fuck.
Atsumu wasn't even a poetic kind of guy – he saved that for his brother and Suna with their sappy love story – but you made him want to write a million rhyming words no matter how overly sentimental they may be.
"Tsumu? Tsumu?"
He nearly shrieked when he felt a hand tugging on his shirt, relaxing when he realised it was just you.
Wait – it was you. Who he was just thinking about.
"Y/N!" he tried to grin, attempting to ignore the nervous crack in his voice as he rubbed the back of his neck, fully aware that his face was probably strawberry-red by now. "You're here!"
He'd been waiting by the massive crowd gathered by the beach and harbour for no more than ten minutes, having asked you to see the New Year's fireworks with him.
"Sorry I'm late," you smiled nervously, trying not to blush at just how damn attractive he looked. Atsumu could seriously pull off anything, including the grey hoodie (you often borrowed that particular item) and jeans he was currently sporting.
"Don't be," he breathed, eyes sweeping you.
Ah, shit. She looks really hot.
You hoped the heat in your cheeks was just from the stuffiness of the crowd around you, though you knew that Miya Atsumu checking you out was enough to make anyone flush. Including, apparently, his girlfriend.
"Should we go find a spot to watch?" you asked as someone bumped shoulders with you rather aggressively. "I think we're in more danger drowning here than in the ocean."
He laughed, loudly and enthusiastically, in that infectious, cute way of his that brought a smile to your lips every time. "Good idea, babe. Don't want you getting crushed by the other couples, do we?"
You giggled and shook your head, accepting his warm hand and letting him lead you through the crowd, making a pathway with his wide shoulders. Checking your phone, you noted that you had five minutes until the fireworks went off.
Five minutes until the New Year.
Five minutes until the moment you'd been waiting for for an entire month.
Atsumu finally decided on a spot above the beach, near its very edge, with a far thinner crowd for what was still an exceptional view, with two minutes to go until the fireworks.
You shivered with excitement, still holding his hand in yours and eagerly watching the boats that drifted out in the water.
"Are you cold?" he asked, evidently having noticed your motion.
Before you could say no, a strong wind gusted through, goosebumps rising along your sleeveless arms, and you gave in and nodded. With that infuriating yet damnably attractive smirk that was so typical of him, Atsumu shedded his hoodie and pulled it over your head, chuckling as the hood fell over your face and nearly masked you entirely.
You threw it backwards with a scowl that quickly dissolved into laughter at the amusement on his face, pulling the sleeves down to cover your hands. "Thank you, Tsumu."
"No problem," he said. "You look super cute in my clothes anyway."
Caught between joking indignation and flustered flattery, you half-heartedly smacked his arm, leaning in to rest against him and comfortably sighing as he slung an arm around you.
"A new year, huh?" you mused, checking your phone again. 11:59pm. "Like a fresh start."
"I could definitely use one of those," Atsumu agreed, looking up at the sky, glittering with stars. "But there's only one thing I don't want wiped clean."
"Oh, yeah? What's that?"
"This time last year, I wasn't dating you."
And just like that, the glow in your face returned, so heated it could've been the explosion of one of the yet unreleased fireworks, because the love-filled honesty of his words was so beautifully raw.
"I don't want to get a fresh start on that note, either," you heard yourself saying as if in a dream. "Because I really love you, Miya Atsumu."
His heart stuttered in his chest as he turned to look at you properly, one hand stroking along your cheek. "And I'm really, really in love with you, Y/N."
The crowd around you began to shout, direction aimed at the beach. "Ten! Nine! Eight!"
You grinned, moving closer to him, the distance between you so minimal his own hoodie was pressed against his chest. "To new beginnings, then."
"Seven! Six! Five!"
"To new beginnings," he repeated, now cupping your face with both hands.
"Four! Three! Two!"
You leaned inwards, so close that you could pick out every reflection of twinkling light in his eyes, hands resting on his neck where the dyed blond strands of his hair tickled your fingers, so close-
Atsumu connected his mouth to yours almost forcefully, lips trying to convey all his love for you in a single physical motion, and for that one eternal moment, surrounded by cheers and other happy couples and the fireworks exploding through the air, everything was absolutely perfect.
But then again.
Every moment with Atsumu was perfect.
Because although he was so deeply in love with you – you felt the exact same way about him.
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© cutenimi 2022. all works and content are intelluctual property of this blog. do not plagiarise or translate on tumblr or elsewhere.
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cancerjupiter · 4 years
astrology notes: mars (pt. 2)
mars in libra
the mars principle describes how you set about getting what you need for yourself and shows how you define yourself. libra is about you in relation to others and gaining self-knowledge by using others as a mirror. these two opposing principles do not combine comfortably. how can you define yourself or decide what you want effectively if you consider the other person's needs before your own? 
the person with mars in libra attributes enormous importance to what the 'other' wants, and often gives away their energy and sexual needs. they don’t know what they want until they discovered what the other person wants. if you ask them what they want to do, they will most likely answer by asking what you want to do. this makes decision-making virtually impossible because they cannot focus in on what they want, but are always looking for answers from the outside, drawing in others to help them decide. because of this difficulty in knowing what they want, they are very ambivalent and give out double messages all the time. if they make a definite statement, they will immediately qualify it, so that what they really want becomes blurred and open to doubt.
in their sexual relationships, mars in libra like to observe the social niceties - venusian touches such as romantic notes, thank-you letters, and cards sent to continue the connection. romantic and charming, they know what pleases and often show a flattering interest in their partner's life and emotional well-being. they always ask the right questions and respond appropriately, which can be very seductive. enjoying repartee and flirtation, people with mars in libra may flirt for ever without ever getting round to doing anything. they enjoy creating the right setting - a romantic meal with soft lights and sweet music. 
sometimes there is a perfect atmosphere for sex, with the promise and the innuendo there, but the sex itself may never materialize. this is because Libra feels much more comfortable with the flirting stage than with the disturbing intimacy of sex. people with mars here like to start contacts, forge links and hold relationships together, but they also like to keep at a distance and avoid intense involvement, often using niceness and politeness as a barrier to intimacy. however, the urge to establish a sexual relationship is a driving force for people with mars in libra, so that even if there is not much actual sex involved, they need to feel they have an actual sexual partner, and will put a great deal of effort into pleasing their partner and holding the relationship together. 
mars in scorpio
mars is in dignity in scorpio; and someone with this placement is likely to have a quietly powerful and unobtrusively charismatic presence, backed up by an inner strength and sense of purpose. these people will have a certainty in their manner that conveys that they are not people to be toyed with. this is the most assertive and potentially ruthless of the water signs. 
this sounds a promising placement for passionate sex, and mars in scorpio people are passionate as fuc. however, with relationships they are often so intense and sex is often such a traumatic arena that they may never actually do it, though they can spend a lot of time anguishing over it. their sexual contacts are likely to be intensely emotional. they may have such immense feelings invested in sex that they shrink when they are attracted to someone, and all spontaneous responses fail; things just stop flowing. for a mars in scorpio, sex is all or nothing; they feel it as life and death - which can throw them into dreadful crisis and inner turmoil. sex is indeed intimately connected to life and death; and they will feel closer to this truth than anyone else. 
this placement makes for a depth of emotional honesty and integrity that you do not find with mars in the other water signs, but it can also produce the most agonized expression. once a relationship becomes established, someone with mars in scorpio will not be afraid of commitment. these people will offer and demand absolute loyalty, and will stand by their partners through thick and thin. they will also be the most possessive of all the water signs, and are vulnerable to feelings of sexual jealousy. this is because their feelings become so deeply engaged in their sexual relationships. with such an emotional investment, they have a great deal to lose. there is nothing lukewarm about them. these people will want to own their sexual partner; anyone not wanting to be possessed might find their intensity too much. 
mars in sagittarius
people with this placement have huge expectations of sex. believing it to be a path to self-knowledge, many are looking for sex to give meaning to life, and they may elevate it to the status of a religious belief. this can lead to restless promiscuity as they search for the spiritual enlightenment they crave. they can make a religion out of their own need for sexual freedom in order to pursue such illusive goal. on the surface, they appear to be happy and easy-going; but underneath there may be emptiness, despair, and a sense of having been cheated, as life constantly cannot match up to expectations. this provokes an endless search for the deep sexual healing that they believe could soothe this inner pain. 
as with all fire signs, but most intensely with sagittarius, there is a propensity to feel limited by the body, which holds them down when they want to be all spirit; and this can lead to a total rejection of the physical. this manifestation of mars can show someone who despises sex and aspires to devote themselves to the concerns of the mind and spirit, therefore renouncing sex completely. 
on a more ordinary everyday level, most people with mars in sagittarius do not live in such an extreme way, but they do all need to sex to bring meaning to life, together with a powerful belief in personal freedom. there is a common desire for sex to enrich their lives spiritually and offer a gateway to personal development. they are stimulated by differences and challenge, and so are often attracted to those who come from unique backgrounds who can give them a new perspective and widen their horizons. the impulsive nature of sag people means that they often jump too quickly into close relationships and then immediately feel restricted, so that often they have no sooner started a relationship than they have dreams of leaving. there is a tendency to run away from difficult situations rather than face up to the consequences of their own actions. they often find it hard to accept responsibility for what happens, believing that they have acted with the best of intentions and that therefore it must be the other person's fault. 
in order to enjoy sex, these people need to act spontaneously. within a relationship that offers this, they are very enthusiastic sexual partners, uninhibited and keen to experiment. they need the stimulation of variety, and tend to become bored if sex is too predictable. the person with mars in sag will want to get a lot of fun out of their relationships, and will enjoy going out to the cinema, concerts, and other activities with their partner. these people are also likely to enjoy their partners taking part in sporting activities with them, so that a shared morning run or a tough game of tennis could be quite fun! 
people with mars in this sign can make their partners feel fantastic. they have a warm enthusiasm which they give out freely; if they want you, they really show it. generous-spirited and optimistic, they expect to be desired, and so act in an open, confident way. if they are rebuffed, they will just try again or turn their attention elsewhere. they can, however, be rather careless with other people's feelings, acting first and think later, which can be very painful to those who are more sensitive. they find it hard to focus on the here and now or empathize with other people, as their gaze is firmly fixed on the distant future. they prefer to ignore difficulties, and that includes people's hurt feelings. rather than grapple with present problems, they will concentrate on their visions for the future and chase their dreams. for someone who shares these dreams, it can be an exciting road to travel. 
mars in capricorn
someone with this mars is likely to have an air of authority, and an innate sense of dignity and of deserving (not sure if that’s the right word tho). these people give a powerful impression of self-control and conduct themselves with good manners. they may seem quietly distinguished (and are often called mysterious). all the earth signs exercise self-control, caution and reserve, but these traits are most in evidence in someone with mars in capricorn. this could be because they feel their dignity is constantly at stake, which is arguably something that matters a great deal to them. they may restrict their lives in order to maintain control over it. 
when starting sexual relationships, someone with this placement will take considerable care not to make inappropriate moves. a rejection would be a loss of dignity. yet these people have a powerful sex drive and powerful needs for physical contact, so when sexually involved and certain of their partner they can be very bit as ardent as mars in taurus. people with mars in cap may be painstakingly slow in establishing contact, but once they have, they want the rewards for their efforts. they will take a sexual relationship seriously and expect it to last. 
like mars in virgo, they can go through long periods when, if not in a relationship, they remain celibate. for mars in capricorn, these may be rather austere times, when they bury themselves in their work or productive activities and swutch off their sexual needs (my friend with this placement says she’s not crazy about masturbating, but to each his own ofc). this is their way of surviving. when they do have a partner, they will let go of some of their control and have a powerful sensuality. 
people with mars in capricorn will be ambitious, and might choose a sexual partner who helps them get on in life or who enhances their status. they may choose someone who opens doors that might otherwise remain closed, or who has money. this is not as calculated as it sounds, for they may literally get turned on by money or authority. alternatively, a mars in capricorn person may start up in business with their lover. the dividing line between business partnerships and sexual relationships can easily blur. this is an ideal placement for a working sexual relationship.
mars in aquarius
this mars placement causes some impulsiveness and abruptness in manner or speech. they may do things quickly and unexpectedly, either because they make up their minds quickly or because they don’t fully realise the consequences of their actions. they often sum up facts or opinions and comes to a conclusion very quickly (the type of person to read the headline but not the article). they always seem ready for anything; mars in aqua often knows what to do in an emergency and how to stay level-headed through it. they speak readily and are incisive debaters, forcible and determined. their opinions are fixed and not easily changed from outside (aquarius is fixed after all); but when they do change, it often happens so suddenly and abruptly as if to surprise everyone. 
the often alienate their friends because of their actions, easily suffering from opposition and hostility. this position is not favourable for social niceties, associations, companies or firms, as they don’t see the need to nice for the hell of it. however, they’re somewhat ambitious and aspiring, original and independent in thought, too much so to associate on an equal footing with others for any length of time; such relationships are usually broken either through their ambition or love of independence. sometimes they seem to be democrats, but there is a good love of autocracy in them; they love leading and guiding others. 
mars in pisces
they’re the most romantic and tricky placement of the water signs. this is someone who is extremely sensitive to romantic gestures in love, and able to tune in to their loved ones on the subtlest levels. these people can make the most attentive lovers, who seduce and overwhelm their loved ones with flattery and attention. and yet, just as the object of their affections succumbs, they may be on their way, ever elusive pisces, to the next lover. their effusive gestures of affection can be in some ways impersonal (and superficial in retrospect). with a mars in pisces suitor, you are never sure whether you are the real thing or just a sounding board on which they’re practising - the idealized love object of the moment. these psople may want to keep their illusion intact more than they want a partner. plus they may enjoy the seduction process more than an actual relationship. they may be in love with the concept of being in love. if you are 'the real thing' for them, then your relationship will be infused with romance and mystery. these people will need intrigue to keep them involved, and will themselves regularly inject such ingredients into the relationship to keep the romance alive. they may read too much fanfiction for their own good (lol sorry, Bea). 
there is a deep yearning for an oneness with their partner; a total merging, which they are likely to satisfy through sexual contact. for them, sex may be a spiritual experience. it may be an union with something far greater than their partner and themselves that they seek, whether or not they are conscious of it. for someone with mars in pisces, there will be a conscious awareness of this spiritual dimension. the practice of meditation symbolically represents their orientation. someone with such an orientation could, if not in a relationship, spend long periods celibate. paradoxically, they can also be the most promiscuous, with no sense of sexual boundaries, and wanting everyone that they feel attracted to. it really depends on their level of consciousness. this is the most passive of the Water signs, and perhaps the one with the greatest diversity of expression.
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littlepadika · 3 years
hi angel 🥰 i’m just in the middle of rereading calling home !!!! i was just wondering, could you ever do a one shot of like sweet pea calming frankie during the middle of the night if he has like an anxiety attack or nightmare? i love the dynamic between those 2 and would love to see how sweet pea calms frankie 🥺
Hi bb sorry this took me a hot minute to get to. First off... i'm thrilled you are re reading my series! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PTSD, anxiety, comfort, fluff
AN: This is early in their relationship. Probably right after chapter 5. Therapy also referred to in this drabble
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source: @uuuhshiny
You blinked up at the ceiling, sleep momentarily thinning. You heard low muttering beside you.
"Frankie?" You turned reaching over to his side of the bed. He was shaking and sweaty under your hand. "Frankie!" You sat up, this time going to the other side of the bed to flick on the bedside lamp. The dim yellow light revealed Frankie twitching and muttering incoherently. Sweat clung to his forehead. His mouth was pursed in between a frown and snarl. His jaw was clenched tight. His whole body was stiff as a board. He was deep in a nightmare. You heard him say something like "no no".
You had been over this scenario with Frankie. He advised you not to touch him when he was having nightmares in case he acted on instinct and accidentally hurt you. But now that it was real, you couldn't just watch him endure a nightmare like this.
"Hey... hey..." You stoked his arm with your fingers lightly. He jerked away from your touch with a grunt. When he turned his head you saw that there were tears in the corner of his eyes. "Oh, Frankie... Wake up please. Come on, baby. Please wake up." You just continued to slowly stroke his arm, his chest, eventually making your way up to his face. He seemed to be calming down.
Then he abruptly sat up, scooting away from you reflexively.
"Wha-What's..." He looked around the room and then trailed off when he saw you watching him, concern evident on your face. He wiped his wet eyes.
"Nightmare." You explained though you were sure he already knew.
"Did I hurt you?" He immediately asked, looking away in shame. His humiliation mixed toxically with his adrenaline and fear from the dream.
"No. You didn't hurt me." You answered quickly, pushing yourself up, but you resisted hugging him for fear he was still overstimulated. You offered your water bottle to him. "Do-do you want to talk about it?"
Frankie shook his head, looking down at his sweaty self. "It's the usual dream. The helicopter crash." He shuddered, trying to pull himself into the present and away from his distorted memory. He took a couple sips of water and then handed the bottle back to you. Mentally he did the exercises he had practiced. Name one thing you see: Sweet pea. Name one thing you hear: A passing car. Name one thing you feel: Soft sheets. Where are you? Home. Home. Home.
You waited patiently through all of this, giving Frankie space to speak when he was ready. He took a few deep ragged breaths, his fists clenched on the bed below you. Too scared to touch you yet. He worried that he may have scared you off. That now you would have seen that all of his demons were real.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, sweet pea." His gruff voice was dripping with guilt. You frowned, not in frustration at him but at the stigma that led him to feel so terrible about dreams he could not control.
"Frankie...you didn't bother me." You couldn't resist laying a hand over his bare stomach feeling him relax at your touch. "I'm glad I woke up. I want to comfort you."
He sniffed, new tears in his eyes. He was still looking away from you. You understood. It was such a vulnerable state for anyone, let alone someone who had endured as much rejection as Frankie had.
"Can I hold you? Is that okay?" You feel your own voice shake with emotion. Your power and your love was limited with him not in your arms. As much as you knew your voice could move mountains, you needed to console him with more than words.
"Yes. please." Frankie exhaled finally looking at you, his brown eyes misty and wanting. You wasted no time climbing over his legs and pulling his face into your neck. His arms linked around your back, holding you close.
His skin, that earlier vibrated like it was trying to break apart, settled under your touch. Solidifying enough so he could finally sense each part of his body. Hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and so on. He mentally listed each one as it related to you. Your hands on his head. Your chest on his chest. Your breath on his neck.
"I have you." You promised, knowing the words would help ground him. "I have you. I'm not going anywhere. Just be here with me."
"I'm so tired of this." He whispered into your warm embrace. "I just want to be better."
"I know." You sat back cupping his face in your hands, rubbing your thumb over that patch of grey in his beard.
"I was doing so well." He continued to beat himself up. He had been so pleased to have gone nearly a month without any nightmares or PTSD. He tried to think of something that could have triggered him but yesterday was a normal Thursday. He didn't drink. He didn't have a stressful customer at work. He had sex. He showered. Sometimes there was no trigger and that was the most unsettling type of episode.
Frankie ducked his head, resting his forehead in between your breasts. He wished he could crawl inside you and away from his thoughts. His PTSD made him nauseous and too hyper to sleep. He was both hyper-focused and dazed at the same time. Every nightmare always felt like an omen that things were going to get bad again. He was going to start craving and then eventually relapse.
You rubbed his back in slow circles trying to coax him into a more normal breathing rate. A minute passed, the only sounds were Frankie's rough breathing and your slower one.
"What else do you need?" You asked gently.
"Can you- can you light the candle please?" He requested in a muffled voice.
"Sure." You smiled, reaching over to his side of the bed and pulling out the lighter. Your candle, already well used, was soon flickering brightly. The floral scent you and Frankie loved, filled your brain making sleep slowly start to edge its way in. You could feel his breathing slow. "That better?"
"Mmhmm." He grumbled. Something about the scent grounded him to this chapter in his life; the one with you in it. He wasn't that lonely guy anymore. He wasn't in a war zone. He had everything he could ever dream of right in his arms... and yet... this still happened. "I'm sorry, sweet pea."
"What for?" You tousled his hair affectionally.
"For-for being messed up."
"Frankie..." You nudged his head up so you could kiss him deeply. You let him take the lead, pressing him tongue into your mouth and pulling you tighter against his chest. At your quiet moan he pulled back letting you finish your thought. You didn't care how many times you had to say it, touch it, kiss it into reality: Frankie was perfect the way he was.
"You aren't messed up." You murmured, holding his eyes with your earnest gaze. "You're strong. You're resilient and brave. I love you because of that. You're like... a phoenix. You rise from the ashes." Then you giggled. "Sorry I just thought of a hybrid between a catfish and a Phoenix."
"Ha." He laughed shakily, tightening his arms around you. "A fish on fire. Sounds about right."
"Or a bird with whiskers." You snorted.
He kissed you again, relishing your little giggles against his lips. You laced your hands with his.
"I'm here to remind you to be kind to yourself. Remember how far you've come. I'm so proud of you, Frankie."
Once again he reflected on how lucky he was to have you in the flesh. Your empathy amazed him. It had from day one but his awe grew monumentally tonight. You weren't scared. You saw all of his brokenness for what it was and you only loved him harder. He had to trust your vision of him when his own internal compass failed.
"You tired, little pea?" He chuckled when you yawned cutely, after trying to hold it in.
"No." You told a small lie, just to keep him from trying to put your needs first. You weren't going to sleep until you knew he felt safe. "How are you feeling? Be honest, please."
Frankie searched his body with another deep breath. "Better. I'm just really amped up from the adrenaline. But go back to sleep, little pea. I'll read or something.”
"Mmm read to me?" You asked holding back another yawn.
"Sure." He chuckled. You rolled off of him pulling the covers back over you both. Frankie grabbed his copy of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. You latched onto him like a koala bear and hung onto his deep voice. Frankie appreciated the weight of your arm on his stomach and head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat below your ear slowing.
Frankie paused his quiet oration to peer down at your relaxed face and fluttering eye lids. "I love you, sweet pea."
"mmm love you too." You breathed in reply.
For the first time, Frankie was able to go back to sleep after his nightmare.
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Permanent Taglist @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy @dindjarinneedsahug @anaaaispunk @headinthestarz @beskarprincessjenny @nicolethered @takochansugoi @heythere-mel @petersunderoos96 @theherothesavior @disasterhann @deadhumourist @dihra-vesa @liviiii98
Frankie Morales Taglist: , @evildxad @a-skov @pasckles @goddessofsprings
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stopeatingwhales · 3 years
vinyl searching (pt. 2) x graham coxon
here’s the second part, hope you guys like it! there’s something about 1999 graham that i just love so much, and i know he was struggling during this time so i wanted to write about caring for him because he clearly needed it during this time. 
Pairing: 1999! graham coxon x reader
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 3.166
part one
Requested by anon x
Me and Graham decided on meeting in a small bar on the same road, a couple hours later in the evening. Once my shift was over, I had scurred off to my little flat in order to put together an outfit that was appropriate. I didn’t want to wear something that was too overtly sexual - hell, I wouldn’t even have the courage to be able to wear something like that - so I decided upon wearing an oversized t-shirt and baggy jeans. Very 90s. However, me meeting up with Graham was probably going to be more for him than it was for me - although I was so happy that me and him finally were able to take our ‘friendship’ somewhere outside of the small record shop that he sees all my life in, it was very evident that he was in need of someone to be there for him. Now, understanding his demeanor and overall attitude to things from the multiple times that we had conversated, I had hoped to be the one that he needed. Although there was many time I could’ve attempted such a gathering previously, you never know when would be the right moment to chip in and attempt to portray the care that you have stored internally for that significant person, and how they would react to that. For Graham it was a much more awkward situation; the only times of our communication were technically only professional, from a worker providing help and service to a customer. That was how esoteric we were to one another - practically known strangers. If I had come across Graham in a supermarket and he had noticed me, chances are that we wouldn’t interact, the only communication we would be able to branch out to one another being a simple ‘Oh hi! You alright?’. You had to build a sort of relationship with someone over a period of time in order to be able to do something like I did, and that is minusing the amount of nerves you'd have, as well as the courage you’d have to give yourself.
After I had finished with my constant worrying about how this meet-up was going to turn out, I left the house to go to the bar. The walk there felt as if I had been repeating the same events that had occurred during the day, just at a different moment in time. Hardly anybody was in the streets, which was quite ordinary at this hour of day, though it always seemed as if nobody left their homes. As I walked past countless convenience stores, hairdressers and fast-food places, which proved to show there was residency above them from the brick wall built on top, contrasted against windows placed as an outlook to life, very ironically used as to convey that nobody was ever leaving their homes, it proved to me just how mundane and repetitive life had become. The distance apart between each sheet of glass to the one adjacent to it being monochrome. Constant. Unchanging. Almost how all of our lives have been built to follow a system of continuous, resolute living, perpetually ignoring how it forces our lives, that have so much undermined potential, to be wasted, to the point we are simply dependent on enjoying life as we admire it. From a window in our bedroom, to which it becomes boring - as all you are ‘admiring’ is the same sight, every single time. And though this way of living may not be satisfactory, or enjoyable in the slightest, protesting against it would not do anything. Strikes from work would not do anything; you still need to live, and to live you need to earn money, money earned from working. It’s a ceaseless cycle which destroys the mere idea of a dream, aspiration, or motivation to carry on. In turn, what is received is the attractiveness of sadness, distress, and melancholy. You cannot shame those for being addicted to something harmful; if there is no point created for their lives except to be a little pawn on the chessboard of this planet, to take a risk and rebel against it is all you can do - though it would only put you in a situation which can cause more harm than good to yourself.
Once I had arrived at the bar, I decided to wait by the entrance so there would not cause confusion for Graham as to whether I was inside the building or not. I had noticed the skies begin to significantly darken in their calming shades of blue, instigating the advent of the evening to commence, however it was not dark enough to see sparkles in the empyrean yet. Though it was beautiful to stare at the single-coloured canvas, questioning the mere idea as to how it had formed such a shade of peace, but also existentially questioning how things come to be. Nevertheless, my admiration for the skies was quickly interrupted. “Hi y/n.”
Shifting my head into alignment with his, I had been greeted by the sight of Graham, facial expression clearly evident of nervousness, though it was attempted to be masked from a small smile curving on the corner of his lip. I noticed he was still in the same clothing as he had been in our previous encounter at the record shop earlier in the day, which caused a grin to paint itself on my facial expression. “Hi Graham,” I chriped, connecting eyes with him for a second, widening my smile that was already plastered on my face. “Let’s go inside.”
Inside the bar was nothing much I hadn’t expected; smoke surrounding the atmosphere from cigarettes, and due to the time being early, the place wasn’t as crowded, but you’d assume it to be from the clouds of smoke that welcomed you once you pushed the door open - you could hardly see the lengthy oak wood table separating you from the myriad amount of drinks that could be supplied to you by a simple asking. Ushering over to the nearest booth available, me and Graham sat opposite each other. The booths were always much more comfortable to sit and relax in, the cushioning of the sofa was almost that of a pillow; it was so cozy it was hard not to fall asleep on them. It was a much better choice of seating rather than the tall timber stools attached to the bar. I never found it appealing to sit there and have a chat with someone; it felt as if my privacy had been snatched away with ears surrounding every place my eyes could land upon. It's a much more peaceful atmosphere in a booth, which I had assumed would be a preferable place for Graham, shown from his quiet demeanour. His quietness was something that engaged me so deeply into him as a person - he wasn’t the type to rush to the bar, get drunk, and go off with the first person he had seen, who he hadn’t properly connected with or perhaps spoken to at all. He was much more down to earth, potentially from the amount of fame he had gained over the past couple years; it makes those yearn for silence, and in turn changes their perspectives and outlooks on simple things like outings with friends, for some may avoid them at all costs out of anxiety and fear of being noticed. You’d think that’s the absolute of their desires, being famous, stealing the hearts of so many, but it becomes so much more than that. The press picking out every ‘flaw’ you have or things that you do, the crowds of youngsters dying to get an autograph as if their lives depend on it, the paparazzi perpetually flicking their cameras only because you trotted on the same street to go to the same shop that every normal person goes to… The amount of eyes constantly on you gets overwhelming. I empathised with those who turned to drugs and alcohol to escape horrible feelings like these. Just like Graham.
“Do you want me to get you anything?” I asked Graham sweetly, my smile still on my face.
“Yeah sure, I’ll have a beer.” He responded, our eyes glued to one another's which made me notice the eyebags that had drooped onto the top of his cheeks; it was very evident that he had attempted to nap before meeting me, which made my heart swell out of pity for him - it was obvious he was struggling to even sleep these days.
I nodded before heading to the bar and ordering our drinks. Waiting for our drinks at the bar gave me time to think over everything that was currently happening. It felt as if my entire day had vanished to this one moment where I had unexpectedly landed myself ordering beverages at a bar with the one and only Graham Coxon. It was a wonder to think about how he was feeling at this current moment. He didn't seem as if he was doing well at the moment, he always seemed so exhausted, and his social skills had become very poor over a couple of weeks. It went from him being very calm and candid in our short encounters, slyly recommending each other music with subtle hints of our liking toward each other, to him forming a much more apparent stutter in comparison to the one he already had, as well as being unable to connect eyes with me for a interminable period of time - it was evident that things were progressively getting worse for him, though I wasn’t going to force him into speaking about anything. I just wanted him to be aware that he had at least a friend there for him, potentially that being the girl that he would always see at his local record store.
Walking over back to the booth, I handed him his pint of beer. “Thank you,” he mustered, almost instantly taking a sip from it before noticing the drink I had bought for myself. “Orange juice?”
I laughed slightly at his shocked reaction as I lit myself a cigarette and took a hit from it, him definitely not expecting that of all drinks. “I don’t really like to drink, it never makes me feel that good.”
“But you smoke?” He questioned, a confused expression plastered on his face, paired with a grin.
“Smoking helps with stress, alcohol makes you drunk and gives you hangovers which simply ruin your day,” I answered back, taking a sip from my drink. “Also orange juice is literally the best juice, alcohol tastes like shit you know.”
A small chuckle escaped out of Graham’s throat, causing my eyes to land back onto him again. I gained the perception that he felt somewhat better about actually speaking with someone, which made me feel so touched and taken aback; I had genuinely felt my heart skip a beat out of sadness and yearning for him. He genuinely deserved better than what was going on with him mentally and physically, and the fact that he couldn’t even celebrate the release of his band’s 6th album was paining - he couldn’t attend a lot of the sessions, not out of detest towards any of his band members, but because he mentally couldn’t bring himself to. He was isolating himself without realising, or he may have realised, but couldn’t do anything to stop it. “I must agree on that… But orange juice is too sweet,” He replied, scoffing. “It’s definitely not that much better than a pint of beer, love.”
Shaking my head out of offense towards his last remark, I inhaled my cigarette once again before exposing the smoke from my lungs. Diverting my stare to the ashtray in the middle of the booth, I examined the built-up ash on the tip from the roll of tobacco crumble off from a single flick of the wrapped up paper. “Anyways, how are you?” I asked him, simultaneously offering him a cigarette whilst doing so to avoid any awkwardness.
After taking a cigarette from the packet I owned, then lighting it, he answered. “I’m alright. What about you?”
“Apart from being offended by you saying orange juice is gross, I’m alright too,” I joked, earning another laugh from Graham. “You seem tired.”
Sighing slightly, I watched him scan the room before answering. “Yeah, I am. What gave that away?”
“Your eye bags, you look like you haven’t slept,” I responded, hoping that what was leaving my mouth wouldn’t come across as offensive in any way. “Not in a rude way, though.”
“In all honesty, I haven’t really been able to sleep recently. Not a clue why.” He replied, taking a hit from his cigarette before copying my actions from earlier and erasing the gathered dust onto the ashtray.
“Oh, I understand that,” I said, taking a long drag of the cancer stick before replying. “Same thing happens to me when I’m stressed.”
As the night went on, we spoke about all sorts of things, trying to get to know one another much more as we were so intrigued by each other’s presence. Over time, he opened up much more, his poise changing from being a quiet, dismal, bereaved person, isolated from society, to one that seemed as if he was enjoying himself by hanging out with a friend. Seeing a beam constantly illustrated on his face made me realise this outing meant more than just ‘meeting a friend’. It was leaving the house for the first time in ages, to simply have a good time with someone. He was gentrifying the bare human emotions that he had forgotten were calloused out of anger inside himself. The atmosphere is much different when we’re separated by the till in the record store, the only conversations we could tend to have surrounding music or the weather that day. I felt so much more connected to Graham in this given moment, and knowing that he was gaining pleasure from this made me feel so much happier. Finally, he seemed content, relaxed, and much more aware of his surroundings, not caught up entirely by his mind and the evilness that he would be manipulated by. It was as if from this simple meet-up, he had realised that there was so much more to life than staying at home, pent up with his own thoughts; to his dismay. And though it can be extremely difficult to overcome the hurdles of not believing everything your brain implements to your mind, the important part was that he was making progress. By merely speaking with another person, about topics completely contrasting the negativity resident in his brain, it takes his mind off of things, and would allow the realisation that he is able to overcome these struggles, with the right support.
We hadn’t realised just how long we had been conversing for, until the room began pouring with young adults ready to enjoy a night with their friends. A quick glance at the clock gave the hour away; it was nearing midnight. The time was hardly wasted, we had both created a friendship and connection with one another which bloomed like roses during the spring seasons. Absolutely beautiful. I knew that what we had formed with each other would last for at least a significant amount of time, and I definitely hoped that it would. “Let’s get going, it’s getting a bit crowded right now.” I said, getting up from my seat - Graham nodding along and following me out.
There was a distinctive change in temperature inside the bar in comparison to the streets. The breeze was more prominent, with the skies now pitch black accompanied with the twinkle of the stars and the picturesque glow of the moon. We both began walking to the end of the street, having no idea what was about to occur, going along with it as if there was nothing else in the world except us two, as if it was just ours, and that nothing else mattered at all. This shared moment between us was the only thing able to plague our minds, for everything else that crossed our minds seemed to be insignificant, with no importance to our lives from here on, no matter how much it had afflicted our minds from apprehension hours prior to this moment. Oh, the vulnerable silence shared between us. How much importance it held towards aiding our minds, providing a certain mental clarity that was simply unheard of, as if a certain point of synchronicity in time was exposed between us, forming it as though, as banal as life is day-to-day was always, there was euphoria. Subconsciously, we were both communicating with each other in a sort of telepathy that was so rare in newly flourished relationships like ours. It was as if I had always been close with Graham, as if he was always a cogent figure in my life, that today was only just another catch-up session after not being able to talk with one another for a significant period of time. We both enjoyed ourselves, and there was no need to say anything about it. It felt as though if one of us spoke, it would erase all the memories of the occasion shared in the bar previously. Nothing could explain the elation my body was feeling at this time; from life seeming so meaningless and dull, experiencing something like this amount of joy came as such a shock to my body - it felt as if I had been drugged with so much alcohol that I was witnessing junctures that were only fragments of my imagination.
Stopping our slow pace at the end of the road, I turned my body to face Graham’s, him copying the same actions as me. Briefly, I stared lovingly into his eyes, a smile perched on my lips, him reciprocating with a beam, purely out of content, not mannerisms. Turning my head to stare at his hands, which awkwardly embraced one another, I mustered enough courage to form an embrace with both my palms - him slightly taken aback at first, to which he quickly went along with the moment. His hands were soft, delicate, and held warmth interlocked with mine. We simply stood there, hands laced together, inhaling the brisk air whilst slow waves of air gushed between us. Nothing could get more perfect than this. It was evident that between us, it was definitely more than a simple friendship, and it was obvious that both participants were not objecting against such passion to be compromised into something more. The action of holding his hand gave the notion that he was not alone in everything that he was undergoing; it was there for reassurance, as if it was me indirectly saying, I know you’re struggling, you don’t have to tell me, and I can tell you seem lonely, but I’m here for you. And I won’t ever leave, or let go.  
“See you soon, Graham.”
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Sia's debut movie “Music” is severely ableist and contributes to harmful stereotypes of autistic people. The Golden Globes must rescind its two nominations for “Best Musical/Comedy Picture” and “Best Musical/Comedy Actress: Kate Hudson”, and the entertainment industry must promise to actively work towards inclusion and better disability representation.
Sia has claimed the movie is a “love letter to the autism community”, however, the music segments are filled with strobing lights, colors, loud sounds, and quick camera movements, which is very overstimulating. About 1 in 4 autistic people have epilepsy, so the movie can cause seizures and is also very uncomfortable for those without it. Despite making the movie “for” autistic people, Sia has made it in such a way that a majority of us will be unable to watch it.
Secondly, actual autistic people were ignored in the casting process when Sia cast neurotypical Maddie Ziegler to play the autistic character, “Music” because she "can't do a project without” her. That is not a valid reason to create a movie about autistic people without including autistic people in it. How does one act autistic, you may ask. If we look at Ziegler's portrayal, the answer is by stereotypically mimicking autistic people the exact same way autistic people have been bullied and mocked their entire lives. It also enforces the idea that autistic people are not good enough and that their autism is better portrayed by someone with no concept of what it is to be autistic. To make things even worse, Ziegler learned how to “act autistic” by watching videos of autistic children having meltdowns uploaded to YouTube by their parents without their consent. Autistic Sophie Buck asks in her article on Dazed, "why autistic people [are] shamed for being themselves, but a neurotypical actor gets rewarded for inaccurately and reductively assuming an autistic identity?".
“Music” is also used as a prop to advance the other characters' stories and lives. Not once are her feelings and thoughts expressed or even sought out. What about the trauma from watching her grandmother passing? What does she think of suddenly having her estranged sister take care of her? Does she want Ebo to move in, the grown man who restrains her? As non-speaking Niko Boskovic says in his essay: “I think there are two points which stuck out to me. First, that there is a caricature of autistics which relies on depicting us as headphone-wearing, gaping innocents who are symbols of purity there to remind us of selfless sacrifice.” And “Second, the assumption that we have no dreams or hopes for the future of our own, and that the life experiences of everyone around us, i.e. those without disabilities, are central and more important than our own dream for the future.” In the movie, "Music" is gifted an AAC device to help her communicate, but it only seems to be able to say “I’m happy” or “I’m sad”. AACs usually have thousands of unique words programmed. It highly underestimates the intellectual capabilities of autistic people. Non-speaking does not mean incapable.
Positional Asphyxia. That is how 13-years-old autistic Max Benson died in 2018 when he was physically restrained by staff at Guiding Hands School. Max was held in a prone restraint for an extended period of time and was forced to urinate and vomit on himself before becoming unresponsive. It is far from the only case of positional asphyxiation in autistic people being restrained during a meltdown. Sia’s decision to include this inhumane treatment is a testament to her ignorance and complete disregard for the safety and needs of autistic people. Despite claiming her movie to be a “love letter to caregivers and to the autism community”, she is actually telling the autistic community that she doesn’t care about them. The fact that “Music” has been nominated for two Golden Globes awards illustrates the complete disregard the entire entertainment industry has for inclusivity and minority representation. It will only use autism as inspiration porn to make neurotypicals feel good about their supposed “superiority”.
Sia’s handling of the comments by disability activists so far has been insensitive, irresponsible, and invalidating. When faced with justified critique, Sia decided to personally attack members of the community e.g. when she replied: “maybe you’re just a bad actor” to one autistic individual who expressed their ability and willingness to act in her movie. Furthermore, Sia claims to have researched autism for years, but the fact that she collaborated with Autism Speaks, easily identified as a eugenics-promoting hate group, is a testament to the severity of her lies. She refused to apologize and only did so after receiving the nominations out of fear of a boycott, which is exactly what we urge all of you to do. She did announce that she is removing the restraint scenes, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was nominated before Sia made this decision. The damage has already been done. Update: the restraint scenes have NOT been removed and there are no warnings in the movie.
In light of this damning evidence, we call on the Golden Globes to rescind its nomination in both categories. We also call upon the entertainment industry to create a more inclusive workspace that will allow autistic people to become part of the industry. We are already seeing more inclusion of minorities, but disability inclusion is non-existent, which is deeply immoral and concerning. When representing autistic people, listen to actual autistic people, not just social workers, parents and organisations. We are the only ones who knows what is best for us and what it is like to be us. We also call upon other members of the industry–such as actors, producers, writers, and musicians–to call out the movie and its enablers, and to show support to the autistic community and its wishes. We call on HanWay Films and Vertical Entertainment to immediately stop the distribution of “Music”, and on any streaming platforms planning to show it. We call on the actors to apologize and distance themselves from the movie. Your silence is louder than you think. Lastly, we call on YOU to sign this petition, to share it, to demand justice, to be an ally of autistic people, and to listen to the autistic community. Let’s make history together!
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
Growing Pains | TFW
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Request:  Hey! Can I please request a platonic x reader with team free will 2.0? The reader gets turned back to a toddler by a witch and they try to ask Rowena for help but, the spell lasts for a week and it's just plain chaotic. The reader is extremely clumsy and hungry but knows a few words like "Hungry" and "Thirsty". The rest is up to you 😊. Thanks in advance!
A/N: It is a little different from the request, so I hope you don’t mind, also it’s not great. And I’m terribly sorry for the wait, I hope you can understand why xxx
Walking around the lab, you screwed your face up at the mess. It was like toddler’s had been let loose in the room, there was glass broken upon the floor, paper thrown out of the shredder, and worst of all, no one to condemn for the death of the scientist.
Sighing, you shut your eyes, leaning back into one of the counters. “So, the guy that was killed had like a dozen or so kids and we can’t find a single one of them, or the mother?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as Cas circled the room once more, seeing if he could find anything that your human eyes had missed. But alas, there was no ultimatum, nothing that could direct the pair of you to answers.
“That sounds about right.” Dean’s gruff voice came from the doorway, stepping on shards of glass as he came closer to the two of you. “Although at this time, I am calling shots on the mom being the killer.”
“We don’t even know if this is up our alley Dean.” You sighed, opening your eyes and looking at the older hunter. “Did you get anything from the co-workers?” 
“Not a peep.” His tone was almost too cheerful, especially considering the circumstances. The group of you were nowhere near completing this case, and all he could think about was the burger joint around the corner. You were close enough to it, that you would give in and accompany him. “Who’s hungry?”
“After the sight of the guts strung in the ceiling fan,” you looked up to emphasise your point, “I think I may have lost what appetite that I had left.”
“Bad luck. You snooze, you lose.” With that he left the room, presumably heading off to stuff his face. It was impossible not to roll your eyes at his childish behaviour, although in all fairness, you should have been used to it by now. However your dear angel friend remained with you. 
“We should meet with Sam and Jack, and see if they have found anything in the house.” Castiel spoke, confused by the lack of evidence in this death. There was nothing that could have helped, even the majority of the man’s body was gone.
“Why would someone have that many children?” It was a rhetorical question, but just the thought of your body going through it’s natural process that many times made you shiver.
“To repopulate.” Cas put simply, although that was a straightforward fact. But that was not what you had meant, admittedly you had a soft spot for kids, even missed being one sometimes.
“I know, but doesn’t that seem sort of strange to you?” Your mind was spinning with all sorts of possibilities, of what could and couldn’t be going on. Unless, well... “It could be like some sort of supernatural litter, or they’re breeding test subjects. Is there even any record of them having that many children?”
Your conclusions made your friend frown, and he pointed his finger up, unintentionally pointing to the tendril of flesh that was hanging from the fan above.
“We should check the records.” And with that he grabbed your bag from just outside of the room, pulling your laptop from out of it. Just then, your phone began ringing. It was Sam, and so you answered.
“Hey, you find anything?” There was silence on the other end, until you heard the shrill sound of what you supposed to be a child.
“Was that Jack or -” 
“Hey!” The nephilim retorted. You could already picture the child like frown on his face, but before either of you could bicker about your comparison, the Winchester on call spoke first.
“She left one of her kids, and we found hex bags.” He breathed, relieved that this did in fact involve what you all were guessing to be a witch, yet also frustrated about how messy this all was. “But the thing is, this son of hers was closed in the basement, and the only thing down there for him to eat down there was a man’s leg...”
“We should get that tested, it could be the father.” You said, trying to think about this case adjoined with all of its new revelations. “So, what is her goal here, she’s trying to turn her own children into cannibals?”
“That’s how the ‘myth’ of the wendigo started in human folklore.” Jack commented, before he frowned. Him and Sam both let out shouts, making you fear for the pair. 
“She doesn’t have any children, nor did he.” Cas spoke, the content on the screen disarranging this entire predicament further. “What just happened Sam?”
His breathing could still be heard from the other end of the line. It seemed like he was in shock of some sort.
“You’ve got that right, Cas.” He breathed, referring to the fact that she had no spawn. “And I suspect the others are like him. He’s just turned into a grown man, we’re going to attempt to get an answer to who he is. Be careful if you encounter Mrs Fletcher, both of you.”
So, now you had a presumed answer on how Mr Fletcher had died, you had to tell Dean. Quickly, you and Cas left the scene, looking for the elder Winchester, remembering to take any of your items with you.
“Thankyou.” You nodded, doing all of the talking to any police whilst Cas held your phone at an arm’s length. “Got any clues on where our witch works?” You asked him.
Sam replied soon, making the matter of reaching Dean that more prominant. “West Street, not far from where you are. At the burger joint, Paula’s.”
When you and Castiel arrived, Dean Winchester was nowhere to be found. That fact had you deeply concerned, more so than you would usually be on a hunt. This presumed witch was targeting adults, and not only did he and the majority of you fit the agenda, but you didn’t want to know what would happen if you ended up disturbing her crosshairs.
There was no one inside, excluding yourself and the angel. It was eerie, almost too quiet to be owned by a witch. Scratch that, definitely too quiet.
“Behind the counter.” You nodded towards the door, taking the lead first, lightly pushing it. The bell atop of it jingled, making you blink hazily, before all turned to a deep gaze of pixels.
Castiel walked closer to you, tapping your forehead, but to no avail was your state resolved. Instead, you felt the need to collapse and keep your eyes contained behind their lids. And so you gave into that feeling, only hearing the voices of Sam and Jack before it was over.
When you awoke, you were in your bed in the bunker, but it felt much larger than it ever had before. There was so much room to move upon the mattress, the duvet even felt bigger.
As you looked down at your hands, you realised they had shrunk significantly. For all you were aware, this could all have been a very lucid dream, but you doubted that. As a hunter, the strange things were never false, they were real.
Attempting to leave your bed, you dropped your legs over the side, although they were now incapable of touching the floor. Instead of landing upright, you fell, causing a thud against the floor.
The sound had obviously rendered, and it removed all thoughts that were rattling around in your mind. Memories flashed before your eyes, sending a haze of dizziness to your shrunken body, until they all left, making you aloof in your own adult room.
Dean rushed out of his own reside as he heard the thud. He had followed the witch around the back and shanked her, but there had been a second plan up her long black sleeves. And he should have known, as he walked into your room, only to find a little girl with a strong resemblance to you.
This was her charade when alive, and the issue still stuck even now even when she was dead. Dean rubbed his face, feeling the muscles that were tensing beneath the skin. And now they were left with the outcome that they and you had tried to resolve.
Looking down at your youthful silhouette reminded Dean as to exactly why he hated witches so much. They were deceitful and cruel, and unfortunately so much more. “Sam!” He called out in a hurry, cradling your small, whining body in his arms.
You tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but your once fellow hunter would not allow you to do so. There was no logic turning in the cogs of your mind, instead, you were much rather shy to someone that you were viewing as a stranger.
In a flash, Sam was at the threshold of your door, looking in as it was ajar. He saw Dean with a kid, and there was only one explanation for it. They had been hustled whilst the witch turned in her grave...
Cas examined a book in the war room, whilst Jack followed his actions. Sam was on the phone with Rowena, asking, some would see it as begging, the witch to come and fix you up. And thus, Dean was left with you, whilst he nursed a beer in his opposite hand.
You tried to reach the glass bottle, but Dean jerked it away from your grasp. “No.” He warned you, having continuously done so before when you were too lazy to fetch your own from the fridge. But that didn’t stop you, instead it humoured you, making you laugh at the perceived game.
“Stop it.” He spoke again, making Jack laugh at your stubbornness which clearly hadn’t changed. For once, it was nice for him not to be the youngest in the room, even though technically he still wasn’t. But all got distracted when Sam huffed a sigh of relief over the phone.
“Okay, great. Me and Dean will meet you there.” And then he hung up.
Rather than being in Dean’s arms once again, you had been traded to Sam’s as the eldest drove Baby to the destination that Rowena had proposed. “Thirsty.” You mumbled, a gurgle following your very short sentence.
Sam looked at Dean, who only shrugged. He was unsure of what to do, they couldn’t stop at a gas station, otherwise they would miss their meeting with Rowena, and as they knew far too well, she was a tricky one to get a hold of.
“No you’re not.” Dean told you, trying to convince your mind otherwise to its actual thoughts. For the moment of which you were silent, he thought it may have worked, however the peace was not eternal, for you spoke again.
“Hungry.” You managed to speak next, making Dean huff from exhaustion. He thought of your need for a drink, and then it clicked, he tipped his head back at Sam.
“There’s a beer in the back.” It possibly could have rolled under his seat, these roads to the witch were bumpy. Sam gasped at the statement, placing his hand on your back as he bounced you and kept you distracted from your desires.
“Please tell me that you’re not serious.” At this point, Sam would not be surprised with his brother. Quite clearly, as much as the man adored kids, he was getting quite fed up with you in this state. It was day in, day out and yet the effects still hadn’t worn themselves out.
“She’s technically of legal drinking age.” He shrugged, remembering all of the times that you would steal his beer from the fridge, or even sometimes his hands.
“Technically,” the younger of the two pried, glaring at his brother, “currently she isn’t,”
“We’re here anyway.” Dean cut the conversation short, putting the car in park. For the first time in his life, the hunter and legacy was eager to see Rowena. Never did he think that day would ever come, but somehow your obliviousness had landed you all here, and he hated it.
Sam got out of the car, carrying you to a bench that Dean had decided to park his own rear on. There was a nice breeze whipping his hair before his face, and this younger you mirrored the reaction the elder one would have had.
You laughed, watching the swarm of locks cover his face, and move to the other side, with the swiftest and slightest motions as the direction switched itself up. 
Footsteps, clearly heels, could be heard clicking their way over. It was isolated in this park, presumably the redhead’s doing as she came into view with an amused grin stretching her chin.
“Well, if I was not already quite acquainted with the pair of you, I would presume the two of you were fathers to dear little (Y/N).” Rowena bent forward, ignoring the glares she received from the men, ogling at your youthful expressions. “Are you sure that you don’t want to keep her like this? She is quite adorable when she hasn’t got the brains to work with my son when the two of you dimwits think it fits into your narrative. Or hold a gun to the back of my neck and blackmail me with my own security.”
“Definitely.” Was Dean’s instant response. He could not do another day with baby you, he’d start going grey, or his eyes would turn black all of a sudden from pent up rage.
“Yes, Rowena.” Sam answered, bowing his head, as your fingers decided to thread themselves through his hair.
“Shame.” She pouted briefly, before waving her hand, and then you were, dazed, but sat in Sam’s lap, full size. As soon as you came to, your eyes widened at the position you were in, and you were quick to launch yourself out of it. He however sat there stunned. “Told you we should have called her earlier.” Sam said, still feeling awkward from your exchange, and Dean only grunted in a reply.
Dean knew for sure though, you had been a pain in the ass. If it ever happened again, he would just leave you with Jack and Cas.
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kekoma · 4 years
— hinata as your boyfriend.
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for the simps who like this life size orange. hope you enjoy.
me oh my, he’s sweet like apple pie.
hands down one of the sweetest people to have as your boyfriend.
however i do wanna put out, there’s no doubt... hinata is inexperienced when it comes to dating.
you’re most likely his first official girlfriend.
reason i say official is because he may have dated a few times (literally 2, maybe 3 times) back in middle school, but would you really consider them a relationship when they ended fairly quick?
AND we all know the only thing on this boy’s mind is... volleyball.
so dating in general was never a true thought in his mind until you came around.
most definitely asked noya, tanaka and coach ukai about the feeling he’s experiencing when you two weren’t together yet.
probably won’t ask for advice on how to approach you since his personality naturally draws you towards him and he’s able to take care of the rest. 
really don’t think he’ll be a huge stuttering mess around you but hinata will probably blush and trip up on his words just a bit.
besides the whole crushing stage, boyfriend hinata is a truly a ball of sunshine.
constantly loves to compliment you whenever he gets a chance.
“you look beautiful~”
“hm? you tell me that everyday silly.”
“well yeah! i want you to know that you’re always gorgeous to me.”
will never let you be insecure about your looks.
literally finds you beautiful no matter what. you could literally wake up with your hair all over the place, somewhat puffy face and etc.— dude is already in dream land thinking about how cute you are.
don’t try arguing with me about this because it’s true. i refuse to be WRONG.
definitely the type of boyfriend who checks up on you. 
and i’m not talking about the occasional, every few months; “hey, how are you feeling?”
shoyo CHECKS UP on you. every few weeks, he’ll ask about how you’re feeling, what you’re doing and etc.
he deeply cares about you and always wants to make sure you’re doing perfectly fine along with the fact, he wants to make sure the relationship isn’t causing any tolls on you as well.
it’s not like hinata causes any issues within the relationship since he tends to avoid inflicting any stress on you but he just wants to make sure you’re still satisfied with your relationship.
or seeing if anything he has done made you feel some type of but you just didn’t bring up. 
which brings us to the fact... arguments between you two are very rare.
he doesn’t like fighting with you nor does he like seeing you upset over something he did that wasn’t on purpose.
but if you two do end up fighting then he’s going to take time to reflect on the issue at hand, talk it out with you, apologize and mentally keep a note of the mistake that was made that day.
besides that and going back to the checking up part, if you’re ever having a bad day then be prepared for your supportive boyfriend to use those motivational words of his to get you back up and running.
and don’t think about hiding it either because he going to figure it out regardless.
hinata doesn’t ONLY observe volleyball and rivals, he studies you too since he refuses to be the kind of boyfriend who’s blind to emotional signs that you aren’t okay.
but if you’re the kind of person who isn’t interested in hearing him talk and want to be left alone then he understands.
won’t leave you alone though but he’s going to end up comforting you physically (if you allow him to) and wait until you’re ready to tell him what happened so he can proceed to uplift your spirts again.
most likely... you have better scores than him when it comes to school so be prepared to help him out.
he might complain just a bit yet he won’t pass up the opportunity to have you as his tutor and spend more time with you.
remembers some of the information you’ve taught him, promoting him to do better in school.
yet beware when it comes to study dates. shoyo may be listening sometimes but his eyes won’t hesitate to drift off, admiring and studying everything on your face rather than the information.
definitely the type who likes to FaceTime often if you aren’t able to come see him/he isn’t able to see you.
and yes. falling asleep on ft is apart of his package deal. just don’t think about hanging up because the end call sound will wake him up quicker than anything.
useless he had a tiring practice then go for it— he won’t even notice.
he can be a bit smothering but if you’re someone who isn’t into all that then tell him.
he’ll cut down on it and give you more space.
heh don’t be shocked when he asks you to set for him.
“come on babe~ just a few! it won’t be long. i promise.”
“you said that the last time and we spent roughly 12 hours doing the same thing.”
“what if i offer to buy us ice cream after.”
“only if i get to eat some of yours too...”
“deal! now come on.”
“you’re lucky i love you.”
pda freak.
let me say it again. PDA FREAK.
not even gonna separate them (public and private) because he carries the same energy in both departments.
not ashamed if the team gets on him for it because at least he has a girlfriend who he can touch and love on.
plus his love language is through physical touches anyways.
so be prepared for those smooches at random times, hand holding, cuddles and all that good stuff.
side fact: not pda but you’ve met his little sister and mom— they both you. it’s to the point, they’ll ask if you’re coming over and constantly ask him how you’re doing.
you’re already the apart of the family and there’s no escaping. (although why would you.)
probably been waiting for this one but shoyo always invites you to his games along with practices.
get extremely excited when he spots you in the crowd too. almost to the point you start to become concerned for his checks from all that smiling.
loves when you give him compliments and assurance that the relationship is perfect.
something about your praises gives him a boost, also makes him feel like satisfied that his efforts of keeping you happy is working.
there’s no need for you to ask him do to the same because hinata is a simp.
he’s leveled from the simp card to the CEO of simps.
can’t change my mind about this. no no non. 
hinata the ceo of simps and you’re number one simp at that.
it’s evident in the way he talks about you to his friends/teammates, the way he texts you and even with the way he looks at you.
he truly only has eyes for you too btw.
vv loyal and he just can’t see him being happy with anyone else but you anyways.
now nicknames.
of course the typical ones, babe and baby, are in there but he also likes to call you; cutie, lovely, his star and sunshine. 
mainly it’s just a lot of cutesy nicknames and he’s always testing out new ones to see if you like them as well. 
as for dates.
there’s no specific energy to them. meaning they’re not constantly energetic or super super chill.
shoyo is the kind of boyfriend who wants to try every and any kind of date.
sticking to one concept is just boring to him and he doesn’t want you to get bored either which is why he’s tries new things.
even going as far to create his own such as making a scavenger hunt that lead to you both to a rooftop that has it’s own mini garden and lights all set up with food on the table.
dudes creative when it comes to dates (and again, no arguing with me about this because i firmly believe he goes all out for you... even if he’s inexperienced— still giving it his all so it’s memo for the both of you.)
could literally go on and on about this lovely life sized orange but i’ll end it here.
dating hinata is worth it and each waking moment with him could never be regretful.
we stan and love boyfriend hinata over here.
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© all content belongs to kekoma 2020. do not repost, modify or translate.
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averytinyelephant · 3 years
sing our love from the rooftops
Author’s note: This is my response for @tog-valentine-exchange! This response is for @jill-8-7 (who’s art is amazing, go check it out!!) and their artwork. I’m sorry for this being a little late, but hopefully the fic’s good enough to make up for it! My first go at a songfic, but I feel pretty good about how it turned out! Listen to Love Someone by Lukas Graham here. (Also, this can sortof (?) be read as a peek into (epilogue actually, haha) to my fic for Vih and Eevee’s Honey Lavender AU which... has turned out to be quite a monster, so apologies to both of you for taking so long to finish it! I really hope that it’ll blow you away once I’ve finished!!) Fandom: Tower of God (Read the Webtoon here!) Pairing: Khun Aguero Agnis/The Twenty-Fifth Baam Word Count: 2,633
Summary: Khun may be new to relationships, but he knows missing Valentine’s Day with his partner for work is a really shitty thing to do. So he’s planning on making up for it with a surprise that’s sure to sweep Baam right off his feet. Everything’s laid out perfectly, but Baam manages to beat him to the punch anyway.
Khun taps his foot impatiently and checks his watch. Half an hour to go, he thinks to himself. This damn meeting is dragging on like molasses, even though he’s already worked out an arrangement with Shibisu so he can get out of this one earlier.
It’s not that he doesn’t like his job: quite the opposite really, this business is something he’s poured years into building from the ground up. It’s quite simple, even if there are some days that are a little too reminiscent of a childhood he’d rather not think about, and much of it comes with practiced ease now.
No, it’s not that at all, it’s just that his whole life was turned upside down almost two years ago now by a certain man with the brightest golden eyes, and he finds himself looking forward to frivolous, overly sentimental things like Valentine’s Day despite himself. He knows that this meeting is important (there was a reason that he resorted to scheduling it today of all days, after all) and that he has a surprise planned out for his partner to make up for not being able to spend today with him.
Just half an hour more and I’ll be on my way to see him, Khun reasons, trying to force himself to pay attention to this meeting, when they’re interrupted by a knock on the door.
They enter briefly, and it’s a member of security, “Mr. Khun, I need to speak to you privately for just a minute.”
She tells him that someone’s requesting his presence from the ground floor, claiming to be his partner and that they’re incredibly persistent. Khun feels like his eyebrows might be touching his hairline right now and he’s about to dismiss her, that’s impossible, he wants to say, and it wouldn’t be a lie but she goes on to say, “He says his name is Jue Viole Grace.”
And that’s — Khun feels his world stop for a moment. This… this could be a real problem: he’d not even told his closest friends about Baam and had gone to great lengths to make sure their relationship remained private, something untouched by this messy life of constant competition, how could anyone know?
Despite the turmoil in his head, Khun manages to answer, “Thank you very much, though I’ll deal with this personally,” and walks back into the conference room to excuse himself briefly before making his way to the attached balcony. If he remembers right (which he always does), his car is parked on this side of the building and should be readily visible from this balcony. If the imposter wants his attention, he’d either be there or near his car, and there’s no harm in checking from here first, especially since they mostly likely wish him harm.
Peering over the balcony, Khun sees he was right, they’re just by his car and — he has no idea how he knows this, the figure’s much too small from all the way up here to see properly but it just clicks in his head with a terrifyingly overwhelming certainty that this is Baam, he’s staring right at the real thing, Baam’s right here looking up at him and waving excitedly, that’s impossible, how —
His phone’s ringing — no, Baam’s calling him. When he answers, he can’t even mask his shock when he asks, “Baam? How the hell—”
“Sorry to pull you out of work Khun!” he chirps back, not sounding the least bit sorry, “I wanted to surprise you for Valentine’s Day!”
What the fuck.
“But, Baam, you’re supposed to be — You told me you have a gig tonight at Endorsi’s place, it’d be crowded as all hell, and you flew across the country to see me?”
“Yup!” And Baam’s unpacking his guitar.
Wait. He’s unpacking his guitar.
“Are you crazy? You’re going to serenade me right here and now?”
“Oh, great, I was wondering how to explain this. It’s kinda awkward, y’know, I tried phrasing it a few different ways and none of them really clicked. I’m glad I don’t have to—”
“You can’t be serious, I swear, Baam, one of these days—”
“Put your headphones in! You’ll be able to hear me a little more clearly.”
Khun grumbles a bit to himself as he does, determined to express his indignation despite his shock, and Baam only laughs at him.
“Okay, they’re in. You’re so on, by the way.”
Baam just huffs and puts his phone in his pocket, and Khun doesn’t even need to look at his face to know he’s understood.
He waits patiently as Baam tunes the guitar and meets him with a challenging lilt to his voice as he asks, “Can you hear me okay?”
“Loud and clear.”
As Baam plays the first few notes, Khun can’t see his face from where he’s standing at the balcony’s edge, but he’s seen Baam play so many times he already knows how serenely focused his eyes are, the relaxed and confident set of his shoulders, the involuntary quirk of his lips as he loses himself in playing. He never gets tired of seeing it, and he wishes he could see it again right now. He thinks he’s already heard this song before, its opening is familiar but he can’t hope to place it right now, but he’s reminded again when Baam starts to sing that it doesn’t matter, this version — Baam’s voice, even tinny and distorted through the phone’s mic, a little muffled by the fabric of his shirt pocket — will be more beautiful than any original he’s heard.
There are days, I wake up and I pinch myself You're with me, not someone else
“Who else would there be but you?” He means it sarcastically, to poke fun at his choice of song in this game they’ve played for years now, but it comes out horribly dopey and fond instead and Khun suddenly feels his cheeks burn. Baam’s late for a chord for a fraction of a second anyway, so it’s not an entire failure.
And I’m scared, yeah, I'm still scared, that it's all a dream
“A damn good dream, I’d say,” Khun manages in the haughtiest tone he can muster at the moment and that gets Baam’s voice to crack a little with suppressed giggles, but his playing’s still flawless as always.
'Cause you still look perfect as days go by
“Please, that’s a given.”
Even the worst ones, you make me smile I'd stop the world if it gave us time
Khun’s about to say something snarky again despite how deeply the sentiment resonated with him, but the way Baam’s voice swells at the chorus tears away his pretense.
'Cause when you love someone, you open up your heart When you love someone, you make room If you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose 'em You’ve probably never loved someone like I do When you say You love the way I make you feel Everything becomes so real Don't be scared, no, don't be scared 'Cause you're all I need
(Privately, Khun admits defeat this time, because he doesn’t think he could muster a witty comment, a sufficiently steady voice, or even the will to compete right now despite all his pride.)
And you still look perfect as days go by Even the worst ones, you make me smile I'd stop the world if it gave us time 'Cause when you love someone, you open up your heart When you love someone, you make room If you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose 'em You’ve probably never loved someone like I do All my life I thought it'd be hard to find the one 'til I found you And I find it bittersweet 'Cause you gave me something to lose
Khun feels himself straighten before he registers commanding himself to do so, because that’s it — that’s what Baam’s trying to tell him. For a split second, he’s taken back two years and three hours before, a conversation asking about Baam how he chose songs to learn, a light voice on a hot desert breeze saying “there’s always one bit, a whole verse or a few words, one bit of the song that tells you plainly what they’re trying to say.”
He doesn’t know how he knows, there’s no evidence to suggest such, but Khun feels it like a punch to the solar plexus: this is that part. This is what Baam’s been trying to say, what he’s telling him now: It’s you, it’s you, it’s always been you. When we met the first time, my heart remembered the shape of yours from somewhere our eyes have never seen; we’ll never be favored by the stars but I’ll fight each day for us; everything beautiful reminds me of you because I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you more than I can ever show you in ten thousand lifetimes, so I’ll love you every day of this one and hope you understand.
But when you love someone, you open up your heart When you love someone, you make room If you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose 'em You’ve probably never loved someone like I do
When Baam finishes, he looks up at Khun, and he doesn’t even need to see his face to know he looks shy and sheepish like the reality of the situation’s finally hit him and Khun — Khun can hardly even speak. He’s certain he looks like a complete moron, gaping mouth and openly flabbergasted, but he can’t even bring himself to care. Before he knows it, his feet are carrying him away from the balcony and back into the still-busy conference room. He thinks Shibisu’s trying to speak with him and he’s distantly aware of Baam calling out to him in his headphones, and fuck, this is so fucking stupid, Khun’s never this impulsive —
He rushes out the door anyway, making a beeline for the elevator (he briefly considers the stairs when he passes by them on the way and has to focus to turn his brain on momentarily and think of how many damn stories there are in the building to decide against it) and slams the button for the ground floor. He can hardly stand still as it goes down, tapping his foot and checking his watch and oh, Baam’s disconnected the call, and his hands are shaking (absently, the rational part of his mind thinks it’s amusing how closely what he’s experiencing now resembles a panic attack) and fuck, this is still so goddamn stupid, and fucking finally, the elevator’s stopped at the ground floor. Before the doors even open all the way, he’s gone, sprinting through the front door and around the side of the building to where he parked this morning and he sees Baam, zipping up his guitar case and he looks ethereal now that he can see him up close —
And Khun feels the last of his sanity snap in two as he just grabs Baam by the collar and kisses him so hard he can feel the way Baam yelps in surprise in each of his teeth. His lungs are burning and his heart’s pounding in his throat, already winded from running so fast, but he still can’t bring himself to care.
Baam’s the one to break the kiss, breathy and concerned, “Aguero? What are you…?”
And damn, Khun realizes he has to give him answers.
Say something! “You’re fucking ridiculous.” Not that.
Baam looks more than a little offended. That’s… appropriate.
“Absolutely and totally impossible, I fucking hate you so, so much,” Khun knows he’s rambling nonsense, but Baam’s gotten him choked up and unable to even comprehend what he’s feeling right now, much less express it in words, so he just kisses him again and hopes he understands.
He breaks the kiss again (he doesn’t get it, obviously, because he’s not making any sense) and replies, “You’re telling me two very different things here, Aguero.”
Wait. What?
Khun forces his brain back online through sheer willpower and really, properly looks at Baam, and — this bastard’s smiling of all things right now, he looks like he’s about to burst out laughing any moment now. “You’re the worst. You know that?”
And he does burst out laughing, and it sounds like a million bells chiming in the most euphonious orchestra in the most irritating way possible. “I hate you so much — I have a ticket for a flight for LA in two hours and a rental car waiting for me, I made arrangements to work remotely for the next week to make up for today, I was going to — stop laughing at me!” He means it seriously, but he’s so giddy right now, he’s certain he’s grinning wide like a fool.
Baam exaggeratedly wipes tears from his eyes and wheezes out, “You scared me! I thought you were mad at me—”
“I am mad at you! You ruined my surprise!”
And Baam’s laughing again and Khun can’t figure out if he wants to kick him or kiss him again, but he redeems himself (just a bit) when he says, “I’m sorry! I’ll help you get a refund on that plane ticket if you want.”
“That’s not what I care about here, Baam!” That only makes Baam laugh harder, and okay, Khun has to admit, this entire situation is frankly ridiculous, and he starts laughing with him before he can catch himself.
After a few moments, Khun manages to collect himself enough to retort, “I’m definitely doing something else to make up for it.”
Baam looks at him curiously as Khun pulls his keys from his pocket with a flourish. “You mean right now?” he asks incredulously, “But what about your —”
And, well. Khun’s definitely not about to admit Baam made him forget about work entirely. But he’s saved from having to think of a decent cover because as if on cue, Khun’s phone starts ringing with a call from Shibisu.
“Khun? What the hell’s going on, you just disappeared, is that —”
“Shibisu, wait, listen.” At this point, Khun knows Shibisu well enough to know that if he doesn’t cut him off now, he’ll never stop asking questions. “I need you to manage the rest of it. You’ll be fine, it’s just a little earlier from when I had to take off anyway—”
“Yeah, I know, but, Khun, what’s actually going on? Don’t tell me—”
Khun just looks Baam in the eye and winks at him when he answers, “I’ve got something a lot more important to tend to.” Baam flushes bright red but beams at him anyway and Khun barely tamps down the urge to coo at how cute his partner is.
The other line’s silent, but it seems like Shibisu gets it because he sighs, dramatic and long-suffering, before muttering, “I really should’ve taken Hatz up on that bet, he’d owe me money right now.” Khun’s grips the phone a little tighter in irritation, but he makes a note to reward him somehow for not taking the bet before Shibisu continues. “Yeah, I’ll take care of it. But you owe me the presentation in two weeks and one hell of an explanation.”
Khun doesn’t even think before he answers, “Deal.” He still hates cashing out his end of a bargain first, being indebted to someone rather than having others owe him, but when Baam beams at him as he pockets his phone again, Khun thinks it’s really not all that bad.
“Come on, lover boy,” Khun teases as he spins his keys once and unlocks his car, “you showed me LA last time, it’s your turn to see New York City.”
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
What are your opinions on shadouge, silvaze, and tailream? I personally ship all of them.
I usually ship canon couples, meaning the company has chosen to make a romantically charged dynamic between one or more characters.
In this case, I believe Silvaze is the closest to having evidence from SEGA that they do intend to hint a little more towards romance but not by much. So I do support that, though I don’t think the two will ever be what they were in 06. I do believe, however, that they feel the residual lingerings of their past partnership continually, leaving for a tragic ending... (common in children’s video game media due to the ‘Star Rule’ of characters unable to be together.)
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Blaze literally says, “But... I’ve always sort of liked that about you.” And in japanese, THAT’S GROUNDS FOR A CONFESSION PEOPLE! (though I believe the japanese script is slightly different. It still holds some weight towards this.)
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It’s actively hinted at how well they work together due to their ‘erased’ timeline where they were so close. And there’s the hint that Sonic Channel art gives of them being the ‘separated lovers’ in mythology.
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Also, matching outfits of this concept on ‘Sonic Speed Battle’.
This weird hinting of ‘missing/pining’ for the other is just--grips chest--AWgh. So heart warming but so tragic!
As for Shadouge, it was originally hinted at that Shadow would rival Sonic with Amy, but this was quickly scrapped and instead, Shadow and Rouge formed some unlikely teaming up and they expanded upon that relationship. Rouge actively goes out of her way to hint towards liking Knuckles romantically, but deeply cares about Shadow and his well-being. It’s clear she may like him too, but all evidence suggests she’s really just his only true friend, but then SEGA stated they don’t actually hang out much due to Shadow’s solitary lifestyle. In otherwords, her caring about him is out of loving sympathy, and though Shadow respects her, doesn’t let her influence him. So, it’s another tragic thing where Rouge’s care seems one-sided, but we’re all aware that Shadow would help Rouge and Rouge would help Shadow, whether he acted like he didn’t care or not, we all know he’s a good guy deep down inside XD
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Rouge is often shown to have deep feeling for others, mostly through Knuckles and Shadow, so this makes sense that she’d mourn for Shadow more actively, and Sonic--being highly observant of others needs--would sense that Rouge’s sorrow is sincere. It would make sense to give her that last article of him.
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Character placement in any media is important, this shows that they are close, probably the only true friend he has that cares about him actively. As for romantic, I often state it thusly, “She’s got her arms around both men, waiting for one of them to step up and make the first move...” but in all honesty, it’s canon that Rouge likes Knuckles, and is supportive of Shadow. (She should be his close friend, what the heck, SEGA. So he acts like he doesn’t reciprocate her worrying about him, so what? He’d still actively save/protect/be there for her if she needed him to be! That’s close enough for this edgy dude to consider them partners!)
As for Tailream, sorry to break any hearts, although I think it’s nice and don’t mind it much, I know that it’s actually canon for Bakkun to like Cream.
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Rouge finds a locket in Sonic X that reveals his crush on Cream. Cream is also shown many times with Tails, but it looks as though each of those activities is ‘play’ like with young children, but not so much with any romantic intention within the cinema placement I before mentioned. It would fit within Cream’s character to admire Tails just like she would “Mr. Sonic” as heroes who have continually saved her and the world. 
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How is this scene
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Really all that different from him making a sandcastle with Cheese?
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This scene is useful, because it shows Tails trying to comfort her in the way you would a small child, and sets up his view of Cream as a friend and little girl. Amy is often depicted the same way when it comes to comforting Cream like this, and showing friendship with Tails as well. Meaning, they both give Cream the same treatment, Tails is not ‘favoring’ Cream in any way.
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There are clear differences in ‘proximity placement’ when you examine this and scenes with, let’s say, Cosmo and Tails in how they’re ‘next to each other’ verses the others.
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Everything on screen is a choice made by the specific people of the animation and show. Nothing but animation errors are “accidents”.
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Even Vector’s day-dream.... is a way to hint that others are noticing Tails’s feelings for her.
In canon, Cream is far too young to love anybody, and Tails is shown to canonically like Cosmo, who is closer to him too.
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Cream is a little girl, maybe with age, she would turn towards Tails in affection, but for now, Tails seems to be kind to her but not really interested in a romantic pursuit. I think as they grow up further together, something could spark, but I’m not sure. It’s got no clear evidence that SEGA was leaning towards that.
We must also notice that Cosmo only existed in the anime, even if Cream wasn’t always featured in every game, she is canon to the game world too. I would just argue that maybe Tails doesn’t have a love interest within the game’s canon universe? He’s young too, you know XD Sonic is speculated to have been 11 when he first met 8 year old Amy. So Tails still has one more year before he meets his fated lover, eh? XD (I’m just kidding, but it’s funny to say XD)
It’s also canon that Cream uses her polite innocents to manipulate others like Sonic uses his charm and cool, good, dashing looks to manipulate Amy XD
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Clearly, he milks it.
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He’s such a bad example for Cream, lol
I remember he was shown with bubbles and such which is common in anime to reveal his ‘trying to charm her’ but again, I think I’ve made my points XD
I still think with time, Cream and Tails could become a future ship, but Cream is only actually in Sonic X mostly, and there aren’t many ‘signs’ of Tailcream in games cause they never really interact all that much.
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However, the argument does stand that they are placed around each other quite often. So maybe one day when they’re older~<3
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But you could also counter and say... that they aren’t always placed next to each other in this manner, so open-mindedness and accepting if someone likes them together still has some merit, so let people ship what they like ;)b
When you think about it though... who else would you logically place with Tails then? Sonic and Amy are taken, Knuckles and Rouge, so... who? Cream makes sense if you’re trying to pair Tails with someone, you know?
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teaplease1717 · 3 years
Cheer for Me
Title: Cheer for Me
Chapter: 2 of 3
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Yaoyorozu Momo
Rating: E
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29947014/chapters/74220609
Kudos to @flourchildwrites for betaing.
It was like Kaminari had shocked him. Electricity sizzled down Shouto’s spine and every thought in his head scattered as her lips moved slowly against his.
Her mouth was soft, and she kissed him as Shouto had always imagined. With a groan, his eyes closed as she ran her tongue along his lips and slid it inside his mouth with a soft noise. His body quivered.
This wasn’t real.
She pressed closer. Her hands curled into his jacket.
This was a hallucination. And yet, even knowing it was fake, Shouto didn’t want the illusion to stop.
His fingers twitched, and Shouto found that his hands were already around her bare waist, pressing against the small of her back, arching her closer. His tongue slid against hers as his hand lowered to the thin waistband of her skirt before skimming down the fabric to firmly cup her ass.
It was soft with just the right amount of firmness, and Shouto couldn’t help imagining what it would feel like slapping against him as he took Yaoyorozu from behind.
Tightening his grip, Shouto rolled his hips into hers experimentally. Yaoyorozu pulled back slightly with a breathy gasp, and Shouto dragged her closer.
Everything felt fuzzy. He could barely think. Yaoyorozu’s body was warm and felt so right molded against his. And Shouto’s cock was already hard and aching for her.
Kissing the side of his mouth, Yaoyorozu followed his jaw line planting slow open-mouth kisses up towards his ear. Shouto shuddered as a flood of heat shot through him, and she nuzzled the thin patch of skin underneath his ear before nipping him.
Shouto groaned low in his throat, and he realized he didn't want to stop this. He wanted to touch and be touched by Yaoyorozu, more than anything.
‘They call themselves “Heroes” and keep fooling everyone! The only ones these “heroes” protect are themselves! With all that ugliness inside, they use you people to give them protection! Approval! Admiration!’
Dabi's words cut through his foggy lust-induced mind.
Shouto froze. That’s right; this warmth that Yaoyorozu was offering wasn’t something he was allowed to wish for, even in a dream. If he wanted to be a true hero, he needed to be better than this.
The thought sobered him, and he caught her hands as they slid up to circle his neck.
“We can't.”
Slowly, Yaoyorozu pulled back to stare up at him. Her eyes were dark, and her chest was heaving as she looked at him in confusion. “Todoroki-san?”
Shouto gritted his teeth, and he pulled her hands away. “We need to stop. A hero wouldn't do something like this.”
Yaoyorozu blinked. “What-What do you mean?” she asked shakily. Her expression wavered.
Shouto inhaled deeply through his nose to steady himself. “I can't become a hero if I give in to these desires.”
At those words, something flashed across Yaoyorozu’s face, and her dark onyx eyes widened. “But you are a hero already!”
His stomach twisted. He wanted to take her face into his hands and kiss her senseless but stopped himself.
“No,” Shouto said firmly, looking away. He hesitated a moment. A tight lump had wedged itself in the back of his throat, and he swallowed thickly. “I’m not. Not a true hero at least. There is still too much of my old man’s teaching in me. I'm still too selfish and let my emotions control me.” He swallowed and forced the next words out. “This illusion is evidence of that. A true hero wouldn't have a dream of their friend this way.”
Yaoyorozu was silent a moment.
“But there are plenty of heroes with lovers or families. Are you saying they aren't respectable heroes?” Yaoyorozu asked finally, pulling her hands out of his and stepping back.
Reluctantly, he let her go as he looked back at her.
“No, but I need to be better than them.” Shouto pressed his lips into a hard line. “Since I was made for the sole purpose of becoming a hero, I have to work harder and be better than anyone. I need to be perfect.”
Yaoyorozu opened her mouth and then closed it. Her lips twitched, but she swallowed whatever she was going to say and dropped her gaze to stare down at her shoes.
“To defeat your brother?” she asked softly after a few seconds.
Shouto nodded. “They call themselves ‘heroes’ and keep fooling everyone. With all that ugliness inside, the only ones these ‘heroes’ protect are themselves.”
“Those were Dabi’s words?”
Her head jerked, and she looked sharply at him, her eyes flashing. “But Dabi isn’t right! You shouldn’t let him influence you,” she said, her voice rising as she pressed a hand to her chest.  
Shouto shook his head. “Dabi may be crazy, but not everything he said is wrong. And unless I am able to achieve those goals, I don’t know if I can defeat him.”
“That’s why we’ll work together. You don’t have to do this alone.” Her eyes searched his face, her expression pleading.
Shouto curled his hands into fists. “No.” It felt like one of Mineta's purple balls had wedged itself into his mouth, making it hard to speak. “There’s a reason top heroes—All Might, Hawks, Best Jeanist—are single.”
“Just because they are single doesn’t mean you have to be,” she said. “You aren’t them. It’s your life, isn’t it?” Her body quivered before him.
His heart clenched at her words. They were so similar to what Midoriya had said to him at the last sports festival.
Shouto swallowed over a dry mouth and shook his head slowly. “True heroes need to stand alone. If we let our emotions control us we only hurt those people we want to protect. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing you suffer because of me.”
“But,” Yaoyorozu wavered, her eyes growing glassy, “isn't that my decision to make?”
Shouto’s breath caught in his throat.
Yaoyorozu continued, taking a step closer. “I don’t understand. You say heroes need to stand alone and that if I get close to you, I’ll suffer. But what about my feelings? Is having people who care for you truly that wrong?”
“That’s not it.” His voice was thick. “I want to be with you. More than anything I want to be with you and the rest of the class. But this is my cross to bear. Otherwise, I’ll just bring misfortune onto everyone more than I’ve already have.” His fists tightened until his knuckles were white.
He didn’t know where these thoughts had arisen from but, somewhere in the depths of his subconscious, Shouto realized he believed them. Someone like him—someone created to be the perfect “hero”—didn’t get love. Didn’t deserve it. No matter how much he wanted it.
This was for the best. Forcing himself to realize this now, in this hallucination, was just saving himself from future unnecessary hopes and desires.
“Is that truly what you think?” Her voice snapped Shouto out of his thoughts, and he looked up. She was staring at him pointedly. “That you can’t have love because you feel responsible for your brother?”
It felt like someone had hollowed out a hole in his heart as he stared down at her. Shouto inhaled unsteadily. “Love. Relationships. Those kinds of things are for other people. Heroes need to be better-”
“You’re wrong, Todoroki-san.” Her voice cut through the air in that steely, unwavering quality of conviction.
“Wrong?” he echoed, eyes widening at the look of anger and heartbreak written across her face, as if it were her that wasn’t allowed to be loved and not him.
Yaoyorozu straightened her shoulders. “Dabi’s manipulating you into believing that the only way you’ll defeat him is if you’re alone. But, if you let him do that, all you’ll end up doing is hurting yourself.”
Her gaze was intent as she met his eyes, and she pressed her hand to her chest. “I’ve been watching you for a long time, Todoroki-san. More than anyone, I’ve been watching your progression, and I know what kind of person you are. You’re kind, and despite your stoic demeanor, there is a lot to you. But, because I’ve been watching, I can also tell that those emotions you’re trying to suppress in order to meet this unrealistic vision of a ‘hero’ are slowly becoming too much for you to handle. Eventually—eventually they’ll overflow, and at that point it may be too late. All you’ll be left with is regret.”
“Yaoyorozu…” Shouto whispered.
Biting her lip, she swallowed and dragged in a deep breath, composing herself. Then, in a softer voice, continued. “Someday, you’ll see. But, until then, will you let me take some of your burden?” Yaoyorozu searched his face. The heartbreak of a moment ago was gone, and her expression was collected. But her eyes–
The way she looked at him—a mixture of longing and hope—was enough to take Shouto’s breath away. And the thought of moving away never even crossed Shouto’s mind as she stepped closer.
“If it’s in here, in this dream world, it should be okay, right?”
Slowly, as if to give him the chance to pull away, she reached up to the metal zipper of his gym jacket and pulled it down. Shouto’s body trembled as she slid her hands underneath. The heat of her palms transferred through his undershirt as she pushed his jacket aside and rested her hands over his chest.
Yaoyorozu leaned in and kissed the space over his heart. Shouto inhaled sharply.
“Please.” She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. Shouto’s heart pounded as fast as if he had fought a nomu. She pushed up on her toes.
"Even if it's a dream..." Her lips hovered over his mouth. “...let me be your motivation. Let me love you.”
Yaoyorozu closed her eyes and touched her lips to his for the second time that day.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
Question, which ship do you personally find the most cannon, ZoLu, ZoSan or ZoLaw? To expand on the question which ship for you has the most potential to possibly become cannon, I personally love all the ships, but I was wondering your thoughts on it? Ps reallyyyy love your AO3 works especially the ZoLaw! And the headcanon about them being trained by Rayleigh in the Modern AU!!!
Short Answer:
Zoro x Luffy is obviously the ship that makes the most sense and has the most examples you can point to in the canon while saying, "see that, that is love."
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Long Answer No One Cares About:
This question awoke something dark inside of me, and I apologize for the overly long answer.
So, here's the thing: I don't really like 99% of "crack" ships which I would personally define as characters who have never met, whose personalities clash with one another's, and who share no common traits or grounds on which they might potentially relate to one another. Pretty much, if you have to invent a secret, noncanon background that totally changes a character's personality so that they can hook up with another character, I'm probably not going to ship it. Though, hey, if that's your thing you fly that flag high and proud. Shippers should support other shippers, regardless of cargo.
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Buuuut.... At the same time, I also do not give a fuck about my ships being canon. Not only because, hey, it's my imagination and I'll do what I want with it, thank you very much, but also being a canon ship doesn't mean shit. Just because a creator decided two characters should hook up doesn't mean that it's logical or sound or feasible or healthy or somehow more "correct" than other pairings. In fact, what it usually means is that one character is a man, the other is a woman, and they are both attractive. Which, you know, is a pretty bullshit reason to start a relationship. If you've ever gone out with someone solely because they're attractive and the opposite gender of yourself than either:
Congratulations on what I hope was some truly amazing sex
So sorry about that awkward sexual encounter
You likely have first hand experience on how unstable and unsustainable such relationships can be.
So being a canon ship does not necessarily give you a pass in my books. For starters, most of my ship's be gay as fuck, and as someone who grow up without a lot of gay representation in media, I have learned not to expect anything despite how OBVIOUSLY DEEPLY CONNECTED characters might be.
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[Side Note: And, yes, it's mostly male characters, because throughout the history of entertainment culture the vast majority was created by people men who had total faith in their ability to write realistic female characters despite all evidence pointing to the fact that they never once talked to an actual real life woman. I mean, how hard could it be? All women have basically the same personalty traits (boobs) and everyone knows female are monolithic group whose sole purpose in life is finding the most protagonistic male out there and immediately become his love interest. Which is why I just don't even bother with folks who look down on fans of slash/yaoi/gay ass ships because in a frankly sad amount of media, these pairings often make more practical sense as well as being more appealing to those of us who want romantic relationships based on personality, shared interests, or just between two well developed characters rather than one fully realized character and one cardboard cut out of Generic Attractive Female Person.]
When female characters are written as stereotypes whose defining characteristics is "she's a girl!" then of course the male characters with fully realized personalities and complex characterization will appeal to most people, including those of us who prefers their romantic pairings to have an actual foundation outside of "penis + vagina = love" it makes sense to ship the male characters who we get to see build a relationship, share common interests/traits/goals, and just generally ) So I have accepted that canon couples often mean nothing, because when it comes to romance so many creators are stuck in some heteronormative mindset where they totally forget all the work they've done building the character and defining their personality and sticking them with the first person they meet that has tits.
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Basically, I am an English major whose end game is to be a college professor. And I am all about Death Of The Author, but also Show Me Your Workings. I don't need a relationship to be canon, what I need is for there to be a reason behind it. Preferably one that is deeper than "Tarzan love Jane because man loves woman" or "but they're both so pretty!!!!"
Taking all that into account, Zoro and Luffy were my first ship for a reason. There are so many little moments between the two you can point at as proof of their devotion and love (romantic or platonic, however you prefer to see it) for one another. I don't just mean the way Zoro took all Luffy's pain. I'm talking about how Luffy will always say things like, "I hope Zoro and the others are okay" or "When we get there I want to have huge feast with Zoro and the others". How often do you designate one of your friends over all the rest, naming them apart from the group? Personally, I either name everyone or no one, the exception being if one of them is someone I'm dating and therefore actually in a separate category from my other friends.
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It's the way Zoro has all this nonverbal dialogue with Luffy which allows him to implicitly trust in whatever mad scheme Luffy has cooked up. When more rational people (Nami and Usopp) object out if, you know, sanity, Zoro can always tell when Luffy's plans are just silly gun, when he's throwing out his first thought just to say something, and when he's statement is made with full, unyielding conviction. And Zoro believes in Luffy enough that, when his captain has that level of assuredness, Zoro has no reason to doubt in him. Zoro is a man of actions - while oaths and promises are important, they only meant anything if you always follow through with actions. Luffy never fails to turn his promises into deeds, and so in a way they speak the same language. They understand one another on a deeper level.
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And again, it's small things. The way Luffy can get even post-time skip Zoro to smile, or how Luffy will offer to share his lunch with Zoro, the way at the coliseum in Dressrosa, Zoro gets upset about Luffy not informing him there was a fight and Luffy actually apologizing. They have all these little moments to show how deeply connected they are, how much they understand one another, and more importantly how much faith they have in one another so even when one of them might not fully understand the other's reasoning, they never fail to support one another or know the other will pull through.
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In my opinion, that is the bases of a strong relationship. That support and understanding; the sense that even if one of them may fail (and almost get chopped in half as a result) or fuck up (see Luffy. Just... Luffy) that it doesn't lessen the other one's believe in them. If anything, they know these set backs mean the other will fight twice as hard to come back even stronger.
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I could literally list a thousand moments when they have each other's backs, when the whole crew doubts one of the except for the other, when they offer support even if it's unpopular or seems crazy. And yet they still have little fights, they aren't "made for one another" the way shallow love interests often are, but when it comes to the important moments they trust one another implicitly and show unwavering acceptance without the other having to validate or explain their reasoning. Luffy trusts Zoro with the crew's life, the most important thing in Luffy's world, and Zoro... Well in many ways Luffy has become the most important thing in his world. You see it the moment Zoro kowtows in front of Mihawk - the man Zoro has sworn to defeat and who is at the center of Zoro's life goal - all because Luffy needs him to be stronger; for the crew, to achieve Luffy's dream.
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Mihawk even thinks to himaelf, who is the man you are willing to set aside your pride for, because he knows men like Zoro and the only reason they would ask such a favour from a rival is out of loyalty to someone.
So, yeah, not that it matters, but I'm terms of canon, Mihawk basically says, "this kid is in love, only someone in love would be so willing to set aside their dreams and goals for those of someone else."
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mbti-notes · 4 years
I've been looking back at my romance life and I think there's a pattern of being attracted to narcissists? In your experience, what's the fastest way to tell that someone is a narcissist? I really don't want to love someone like that again. It's so hurtful to me. - ESFJ
There are degrees of narcissism and two distinct subtypes of narcissism (that are currently known and agreed upon). Narcissism is personality dysfunction, which means that anyone with a personality can display some narcissistic tendencies at times, with the most severe or extreme cases being labeled as a personality disorder. To avoid confusion, I usually use terms like self-centered or egotistical to describe milder cases. You haven't provided any detail as to the degree or type of narcissism that you're used to dealing with. In other words, I don't know exactly what you mean when you call someone a "narcissist", so I’m not clear about the traits/qualities that you are wanting to identify in people.
The details matter because laypeople tend to confuse narcissism and psychopathy when describing socially problematic behavior. While the two have some overlap in surface features, they are not the same in underlying psychology. Psychopaths lack empathy largely due to neurological deficits in emotional functioning, which makes it difficult for them to understand why manipulating, deceiving, or exploiting people is wrong, so moral development is severely hampered as a result. Narcissists don't lack empathy in the same way as psychopaths, rather, they fail to develop empathy due to being utterly consumed by their own emotional problems. It’s not yet clear whether narcissists also have their own unique neurological impairments. It may be that the emotional problems have some neurological component that incidentally interferes with normal empathy development. Narcissists suffer from self-esteem, self-image, hypersensitivity, and/or shame issues, and their extreme self-focus makes it difficult if not impossible for them to really see others. Narcissists, at heart, want to be admired in order to keep their illusory self-concept intact, so they generally only manipulate, lie, or exploit as necessary to feel better about themselves (i.e. not necessarily because they are ruthless or sadistic).
There are several aspects of your type that might make you prone to this pattern of attraction. These are things to be aware of and work on for your personal growth and well-being:
1) Taking initial impressions at face value: How do you know if this is a problem? You often get surprised by and/or confused about people acting in ways that you really don't expect. Healthy EFs tend to be naturally trusting and give people the benefit of the doubt. This is an admirable quality that facilitates quick relationship progress. However, this quality can also be used against you because it makes you slow to detect the warning signs that someone is not what they first presented to you. When someone puts on a false face to gain your trust, it's hard to suss out the truth of who they are. This makes it necessary to wait until their true face starts to come through in more obvious ways. If there is concrete evidence of troubling or suspicious behavior, don't dismiss it. For example, narcissists tend to be unreasonably pushy or deeply insecure, so they only really care about getting you to fulfill their needs or prop them up. Be skeptical for a time and collect more facts about them. People are complicated, especially when they have suffered psychological damage that produced the narcissism. What you first see is not always what you get, so allow enough time for the whole truth to reveal itself. In ESFJs, this caution, patience, and attentiveness is achieved with proper Si development.
2) People pleasing: How do you know if this is a problem? You often feel as though you give more than you get in return from your relationships. Healthy Fs tend to be kind and willing to go above and beyond to help. It's a virtue. However, this can be used against you when your help is not properly appreciated and even exploited by people who don't care about your well-being. It makes you feel good to be helpful, so it's easy for someone to draw you in by making you feel like they really need you (reflect on whether you have a savior complex). Remember that YOU have needs and desires too, and if someone loves you, they should be more than willing to reciprocate your gestures of care, support, and helpfulness. One of the biggest warning signs that a relationship is bad for you? The other person doesn't care about your needs and only knows to take from you. If they're manipulative, they might claim to repay your kindness "one day" but, somehow, that day never seems to come or what they "give" you is always something inconsequential to them, an empty gesture to placate you. Healthy relationships must have a sense of equality - being in it together, working together, sacrificing together, etc. If you don't feel that, it should give you pause. In ESFJs, discontent is felt through Si, so you must be in touch with it and listen to it.
3) Fantasizing: How do you know if this is a problem? You spend a lot of mental time and energy reminding yourself of people's "redeeming" qualities and/or their "potential" (to become who you know they can be), not realizing that you're consistently downplaying their negative qualities and the many times that they've failed to be what you hoped they would be. Healthy EFs tend to be romantics because they really enjoy all those positive feelings of courtship and being in love. Once you've "fallen" into those feelings, you are heavily invested in the relationship's success, and you're no longer objective about the other person, since all you see when you look at them are your own romantic hopes and dreams. Love is one of the great gifts of being human. But it's important to know the difference between love and fantasy. Love isn't about finding the perfect soulmate and getting lost in them. Love is about two people learning to come together in a way that is complementary and beneficial to both parties. It can be hard work to really get to know someone, to bridge the differences, to connect. But you won't be doing that hard work if you're more interested in taking up residence at la la land. In ESFJs, this means avoiding misuse of Ne.
You ask for the "fastest" way to tell if someone is a narcissist? At the end of the day, a narcissist only hears what they want to hear and they never really hear you. Therefore, 1) always speak the uncomfortable truths out loud, and 2) always make sure that your needs and desires are equally elevated in the relationship. Then see what happens.
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sunritual · 3 years
Robots don’t need to be sentient to destroy us.
Navy mock neck long sleeves big orange and little white stripe on tube cage sides
A veritcal line stretch waistband
Cross cross and straps back
Square high neck
Scarlet polka dots around can light blue text and beach image as front
Blue stroke red inside square, blue triangle rainbow with eye and funky font
Y either know a particular topic or not , but it’s hard to pin down intelligence on one category
Cream background , ice cream pink script name kinda bev hills hotel script looking ish
Move your mouth in a differ way
Supersonic vibrating butt cleaner
Half magenta half red violet a blue teacup in the center with white floral frills thick serif font
Pink background am orange flower in a vase white present ribbon n red as a table
An app that familiarizes people with science - through experimental learning ― hands on experiences that make it seem less top down and authoritarian , and more like a set of steps that we take, things that anyone can do to get closer with nature and the world
A social media philosophy app - teaches what others said and gives people a chance to express their views , postulate, argue, etc gadfly? How would be avoid a shit show, how can we make social media more humanitarian. how can we care about people while also expressing deeply held ideas , how can we encourage users to examine their deeply held ideas without alienating them. How can we discourage hatred and abuse and groupthink with design? How do we slow people down and encourage them to recognize the human behind the screen. Street epistemology? Socratic dialogue?
Socrates - asking questions. Breaking it down to bits. Deeply understanding their argument. Asking about different possibilities and circumstances. Take vast assumptions and show scenarios that make go against them.
Build fact checking into apps
Narrative self vs experiential
Walks you through steps of the sciefitifc method and encourages you to explain how you feel each step actually helped you- then walks you through a scientist doing the same for their reasarch
Republicans only want to be free in the specific ways that benefit corporations
Are Christians more willing to support the death pen early because they already believe in the cruel and overstepping punishment of hell?
Where did the idea come from that you need to remain impartial when trying to persuade
The idea that there is someone in a similar but different dwelling, hearing similar but different sounds and feeling similar but different feelings is wild
We synthesize sets of traits, and particular actions in a super biased culturally constructed way
With the way we see things as humans- we categorize things into groups that aren’t really reaaal ― paratheletic groups
I just want the people and jobs that benefit society
Connection to nietzsches Dionysian art and eckheart tolle/Taoism
No matter your personality, there is probably a part of the world that you would fit in with naturally.
An ordinary girl is selected as one of the representatives of earth in the first meeting of various alien species after one advanced planet discovered and United 10. Confused as to why she was chosen, she goes on her journey meeting
Wha ba Bada da da da da dada he’s a wha ba ba dadada as a matter of fact it’s not my fault if you came up here thinking that you would win
Wanting to break boundaries and rules for the sake those who are hurt by the rules
You are imagining the best case scenario of the life you want to have and experience Ming the reality of the life you so have.
Yes her drips cosmetics line to students i. Class
Chez it people can goldfish people
Your personality flows where a system needs it to go to maintain balance
Ah you fucking saw a tik Tok about that didn’t you
Coincidence and intention are two sides of a tapestry, my lord. You may find one more agreeable to look at, but you cannot say one is true and the other is false.””
Clay busts with abstract art and philosophical musings (throws up)
Do a sketch a day
What if someone ran for president as an impression of a famous person
Full stemmed flowers, wiggly text creeping behind
Balloons of various sizes and cooors holding people and things
Kelly green cream hot pink black
Green outline one pink air brush cream background black marks
Emdr applebees , bat mitzvah toasts Amitals bat mitzvah , Fiona - i like her better just kidding ,
We tend to learn words by synonyms and not definitions
A bully who takes a kids lunch money everyday all through out high school and secretly puts it in a Roth IRA and presents it to them at graduation
Set up drum set
When it comes to something we have no knowledge of or evidence or proof being certain is the most illogical thing you can be
Getting a degree in philosophy is the not going to college of going to college
It ain’t what they call you it’s what you answer to
You don’t just get to jump from bright moment to bright moment - part of the job is the frustrating ones and the climb to get to be actually good. It’s gonna be bad in the beginning but it’s a measure of how dedicated you are to your craft. Frustration is the process.
You have to decide whit shit sandwjicj you prefer - everything is gonna suck some of the time but if you pick your dream you’ll have those bright moments and at least that shit sammie will be worth it - the bad parts of job you have no interest in don’t add up to anything. If you love what you do you will accept the downsides.
People are like tape. Going through the world collecting bits and pieces of things but none of those things are really them . We can identi ft with them and create with them but we can also escape from them.
I wonder what all these people think about being alive
Curiosity makes everything play. It invites exploration. It makes me see opportunities everywhere makes everything new
Bias to action. Try things. Get your hands dirty, fail Fortean and find what works. Remaining nimble and constantly rethinking
Reframe the problem. Step back, re-examine the problem, examine biases and be open to new solutions
Clay matches clay fire
The differences and similarities between us
Looking back, historical events seem bound to happen, but a few small events could’ve stopped them. Thinking diffently.
“They became revolutionaries despite themselves”
Artists way workbook design
I’m at Eton having to walk around to quell the feeling of being so exited about the future and my possibilities and so sure of success and beauty and magic and love and adventure. I’m going to make beautiful pictures I’m going. To tear down the status quo I’m going g to make people feel like they have on antigravity. I’m so a part of it i made it. I’m a muse I’m it omg I’m so exited - listening to John Denver
Joy is just a thing that he was raised on love is just a way to live and die.
The only thing that made Abe Lincoln Abe Lincoln (tm) was doing what Abe Lincoln (tm) did. The actions that he took made him a hero in history. There was nothing i ate in him that made his great, his actions did. Whatever help inate qualities may have gave him in terms of doing the actions that made him what he was could be negated by pma and doing the damn work to get yourself to where you need to be. Believing it so makes you inclined to take the actions that improve your skills and get to to the point where you can do the things it takes to be who you want to be.
Little vases
I feel like we’ve become addicted to finding things wrong with what people say. Silence the critic. It’s fine. Most people have the best intentions. It’s not that serious. The group you are offended for likely aren’t mad anyway. There is way more you can do - they don’t care about picking the right term
I wanted a very simple menu that could maximize customization options in The shortest amount of time possible for a very fast paced food truck. The system allows the customers to design their own grilled cheese sandwich but ideally would save time by not requiring each guest to decide which cheese and which bread from a long line of choices.
I feel I’m so afraid of being dunning Krueger that i tell myself i am terrible at everything no matter what i actually think about my abilities. You can just say your a beginner you don’t have to say you suck. Plus thinking you suck doesn’t make you any better, honestly worse. You don’t have to rate your abilities just focus on the future, make sure your doing baby steps and make sure they are the right baby steps
Chives ward off insects
Loving thebsunlightttttyt!!
I don’t think music is really something that needs to be critiqued for me ― it’s more about feeling it’s about magic and truth and light or darkness. Getting whatever needs to be out out. it all serves a purpose and is for an audience , if your not in that audience then there’s no need to comment
I have to is weird backwards idea that it’s Nobel to be like you know what I’m not good at this imma bow out. But that is so wrong you have to struggle through it. Pike how i feel like my thoughts are more concise then my writing. There’s no glory in not trying to improve that. You have to awkawardly write until you can beautifully write.
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aria-i-adagio · 3 years
5,10, 14,20 please!
Gracias! I’m guessing this is from the OTP asks and for Anders/Hawke. Hope it is.
10) What scares them about entering a relationship?
Anders, of course, is convinced that being with him will likely get Hawke killed. Or that Hawke will decide that he’s a monster who is unworthy of being loved.
Adrian gets intensely attached to people. (Anxious attachment style.) He’s deeply afraid of getting into a relationship only to lose another person he loves.
14) What makes them feel loved? Would they build up the courage to ask for it?
Good news. They’re both idiots, but they’re both touch-starved idiots. Asking for it probably isn’t a problem.
Adrian is also very much a “I found this thing I thought you’d like/made me think of you, here is it. Do you like it? Please like it.” kind of guy.
20) When would they say “I love you?” Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
With Anders canonical default endearment being ‘my love’, there’s plenty of evidence that he’d also be fairly free with the “I love you.” Adrian tends to be a bit more reserved. Be that as it may, Adrian said it first.
5) How do they consciously realize that they like the other character? Does it take them a while?
I guess the question is like versus *like*.
I tend to go with the idea that no matter what romance route is played that Anders has at least some romantic interest in Hawke from Act 1. But after Karl’s death, I think there’s a combination of both not being ready and believing that he’s too dangerous for anyone to be in a relationship with him.
Adrian was interested in Anders from very early on. Oddly attractive man with a ‘sexy, tortured look’ develops into honest admiration of the fact that Anders is one of the few people in Kirkwall who’s actually interested in doing something good. But he’s A) used to playing his cards close to his chest (as while Ferelden may not particularly care about same-sex relationships, there does seem to be something of an expectation that they shouldn’t get in the way of children, Leandra has definitely messed with his head, etc.), and B) he’s a small, somewhat insecure ball of anxiety who’s afraid of rejection. He also very good at repressing things, so for most of Act 1, he’s in denial of being interested beyond a “yep, that one’s handsome.”
However, have a show rather than tell. (SFW fic below. Unedited.)
Hawke has determined that he does not like the Deep Roads. And he hates Bartrand. Who the fuck does that? Leaves their brother to die over a chunk of stone, or whatever that idol was made of?
You let your brother die. You left him.
That was different. I couldn’t protect him. I tried, I swear.
Bethany sneaks up on him from behind and loops her arm through his. She leans her head on his shoulder. “Carver was already dead, ‘Dri.”
He knows that she can’t actually read minds, but sometimes he wonders whether she picked the skill up somewhere. Or maybe it’s a little sister thing. He stops walking and tilts his head to the side, touching his cheek to her hair. “I should have -”
“If any of us could have, we would have.” Bethany pats the other side of his face. “Look about, is this a decently safe place?”
The Deep Roads do require a qualifier for the word safe. Adrian lifts his head and glances around. Ahead, there’s a bridge over a chasm. If it’s sturdy enough, it will give them good lines of sight and walls on two sides. “Ahead will do.”
“Thanks, ‘Dri.” Bethany lets go of his arm and jogs ahead to where Varric and Anders are walking together, both with their weapons in hand, reasoning that if Anders could sense darkspawn, Varric might be able to take them down with Bianca before they got too close. Or thin them out. “Hey. Think it’s night yet?”
“You’re the only Sunshine I see. What’s your opinion?”
“That I’m tired.”
Varric looks around and shrugs. “Then it’s night. Might as well make camp.”
Hawke keeps watch well after they've eaten a sad and meager (who knows how long they'll be searching for an exit now?) meal of hard bread. Bethany told him that he didn't need to; the glyphs she and Anders had set on either end of the bridge would last far past the time Varric's little clockwork watch was set to come. But he couldn't talk himself into following her advice. Darkspawn had killed Carver. They were not going to take Bethany from him.
He isn't the only one still awake. Anders had laid out his bedroll as close to the fire as he could, and he huddles close to the glow of the embers. He’d panicked when Bartrand swung the door closed on in, and once it became clear that neither Varric nore Hawke would be able to pick the locking mechanism, cast multiple spells at the door before giving up on the idea of breaking through it by force. The mage had been quiet since, not even Varric had been able to draw him out.
"You alright?"
Anders lifts his face. There are always dark circles around his eyes, but they look worse in the low light of the fire. "I hate the Deep Roads."
"You could have said no." Hawke asked him to come because he had experience with the Deep Roads, and Darkspawn, and according to what was said of the Grey Wardens would be able to sense them ahead of time. "I would have understood."
Anders smiles grimly. "They're worse without a cat."
"You should try to sleep."
"You should too. Those glyphs I set were designed by a Warden mage. They're strong. This spot is as safe as it's going to get."
"Good to know." Hawke lies down, unsure whether he'll sleep, or just rest his eyes and listen for trouble. "Hey, Anders -"
"Thanks for coming with me."
"Well, I'm here now."
It might have been an hour, it might have been two, and Hawke might have fallen asleep, or he might have been awake the whole time, but his eyes snap open the moment he hears something other than the crackling of coals. A low, distressed groan and panicked, incoherent mumbling. Hawke opens his eyes. There’s just enough of a glow left in the few embers to see Anders rolling over fitfully, flinging his arm out, nearly managing to catch his fingers in what’s left of the fire. His other arm falls over his mouth, muffling what might have been a scream if allowed to escape.
Hawke tosses off his blanket and crawls across the pavers to him. As he pulls Anders outstretched arm back from the fire, the mage’s eyes snap open and he bolts upright with a gasp, forehead knocking against Hawke’s chin.
“Hey there. You were dreaming.”
“I can hear them.” Anders curls forward, draws his long legs against his chest, and wraps his arms around his knees. “I can still hear it.”
"Hear what? The darkspawn?"
Anders doesn't respond with words, he just goes limp and slumps to the side. Adrian catches him and lets him lean his head against his shoulder. He's perfectly still for a minute, then awkwardly runs his hand through the mage's hair, not entirely sure Anders is awake enough to know where he is, much less who's holding him.
"Take a few deep breaths, okay?" Adrian wraps his other arm around Anders' and pats his shoulder. His joke about Anders 'sexy, tortured look' didn't seem quite as funny at the moment. "Nothing has tripped the glyphs you set. We're okay."
Anders' breathing calms, at least a little. "It's so dark. I can't do this again. I can't."
"I'd build back up the fire for you, but there's no fuel left." Varric had carefully gathered a certain dry fungus from the walls of the cages as they walked. It was the only combustible material available. "Do you hear them more, in the dark?"
"Or I hear nothing in the dark. Not a sound, not a word. I'm alone in it again, and..." The pitch and volume of his voice begins to rise and on instinct, Adrian hugs him tightly. Maker, the poor man is miserable. Hawke never would have asked him to come if he had only known.
Anders shudders and hiccups. "I can't be alone in the dark."
"I'm here." What happened to Anders that made the dark so terrifying? The Deep Roads themselves weren't always dark. Parts were. Other parts were lit by the glow of some sort of marvelous dwarven lamps that still worked after centuries. This wasn't one of those areas, and the lower the embers grow, the more Anders trembles. Without really noticing it, Adrian begins to rub his back and whisper in his ear, the way he sometimes had when one or the other of the twins woke with a childhood nightmare.
He doesn't know Anders well. It's maybe been three or four months since he sought him out to get the maps of the Deep Roads. He's good to know though - a good man. Bethany agrees. And Varric had taken the mage under his wing; Hawke knew the dwarf was paying off the Carta to leave the Darktown clinic alone.
Anders is also handsome in his own way, devilishly funny, and flirtatious, despite the very sad look he gets in his eyes if someone mentions the word Tranquil. 'I hadn't seen him in years,' Anders said, the one time Adrian got him to talk. 'But you know how it is, with first loves.'
Adrian does not actually know how it is with first loves. What relationships he had in Lothering weren't love affairs, just temporary flings with a presumed end date. A Ferelden freeholder needs a wife, needs children to help him work the land. It's just the way of things. No sense in getting too attached.
Like he's getting attached to this mage who hides years of sadness underneath dry humor. Anders has put himself back together a few times already, and right now, the cracks are showing.
"Lay back down. I'll stay with you."
It takes a few more shivers and hiccups before Anders does stretch his long limbs back out. Adrian intends to just sit next to him, maybe keep their fingers together, but Anders pulls at his arm until he lies down beside him on the narrow bedroll, on his side with his head cushioned on his folded arm. Adrian hesitantly strokes Anders' hair, and when that earns him a soft sigh, loops his free arm around the other man and snuggles a bit closer.
After all, it's not just dark in the Deep Roads, it's damn chilly as well. That’s what he tells himself.
When Varric’s little mechanical clock chimes a fake morning, Hawke still curled up around Anders, and Bethany is smirking at him.
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