#fanfic inspiration
quick-otp-prompts · 9 hours
Imagine your OTP
Person A: “What the hell did I ever do to you, huh?”
Person B: “Let’s make something very clear. I don’t dislike you. I loathe you.”
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dysfunctionalcreature · 4 months
wait wait wait wait, imagine Vox tracking Alastor down to flirt with/fight him one day, and Alastor is busy hanging with Rosie when Vox finds him. And Vox starts going off, trying to provoke Alastor, so Alastor turns to Rosie and this convo happens:
Alastor: "Ough he's so annoying, he just won't leave me alone. I don't know who he thinks he is! He isn't even half as evil as me, why is he wanting to fight?? He's pathetic."
Rosie, with her amazing gaydar: "Awwe, don't be too hard on him Alastor, I'm sure he's trying his best, you know, courting can be tricky here in hell."
Alastor, oblivious aroace™: "What??"
Rosie, clarifying: "I mean, he's clearly just lovesick. I think it's kinda sweet actually-"
Alastor: "HE'S WHAT???!"
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droptheprompt · 10 months
Height difference - Dialogue
"Can you stop putting everything on the top shelves?!"
"It's not my fault you're vertically challenged." "What did you just say?"
"You do realise I'm in the best position to punch you in the guts, right?"
"You're like a kitten, small and cute." "Say that again and I'll kill you."
"You're the only one who can fit in there."
"Hey, skyscraper, you're blocking my sun."
"I'll kick your shins if you don't immediately lean down."
"I'm not sleeping in your bed, it hurts when my legs dangle over the edge, you know?"
"Why don't you like my hugs?" "Because you always almost suffocate me! Stop squishing me like a plushie and then we can talk."
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kaos-al-escribir · 1 year
Prompt #12
"Look who we have here if it is my second-worst enemy."
"Second? Who's the first?"
"Me, of course. I dedicate a lot of time hating myself. I deserve to be in my top one."
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stereklyrics · 1 year
Stiles & Derek are dating, but they're a bit discreet when the pack is around, so the pack doesn't notice they're dating... Until they're having a meet and Stiles is "late", so Erica asks "Okay, where's Stiles?" and then Derek just shrugs and says "Oh, he arrived and was tired as fuck, so I told him to go take a nap. I'll fill him in later, we can go on without him 'cause no one is going to wake him up." The pack is confused, but they just go ahead.
A bit later when they're done with the boring part of the meeting Stiles comes downstairs and just casually kisses Derek and then turns to the pack "What did I miss?" the pack is shocked and Isaac says "You just kissed Derek." and Stiles replies "Well, yeah... It happens when you're dating someone." and the pack is like "DATING?????!!!!!" while Stiles & Derek are just like "Yeah, we thought you guys knew...? But anyways, let's just order food and watch something. "
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AU where Danny Phantom is a punk or goth and keeps on trying to tell his parents that he’s half ghost but they keep saying it’s a phase.
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luk4-luk1 · 1 month
*Ensemble comes*
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solsays · 5 months
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they are so precious to me
Here’s the fic this lil doodle is based off of, by @yourfauxentropy on ao3 (go read it it is fucking adorable and they’re a great writer)
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Harry and Draco have been secretly dating since 4th year and they manage to hide it pretty well, so well that not even his friends know they're in a relationship.
By the end of 5th year Harry and Draco have this huge argument, Draco knows that Voldemort will probably want to recruit him to the Death Eaters as a punishment for Lucius' failure so he tells Harry he wants to let that happen so he can be a spy to Harry and Harry, who has just lost Sirius, is not happy about it at all, Harry refuses to let Draco do it, Harry refuses to risk his boyfriend's life for something like this. But Draco manages to convince Harry to let him do it, Draco tells Harry that it's the best if Harry has his own spy so he can get unfiltered information. Harry still isn't happy about it, but after Draco did an unbreakable vow to run straight up to Harry if he felt he was uncovered or if Draco just feels like his life is in way too much danger, Harry ended up agreeing with Draco that it would be nice to have his own spy in the Death Eaters.
6th year comes around and Draco is a bit distraught by the task Voldemort gave him, so he tells Harry everything and shows Harry that Voldemort really did mark him, which he wasn't expecting Voldemort would do. Harry just gently presses a kiss close to the mark, 'cause he's afraid he's gonna accidentally activate the mark if he touches it, and then pulls Draco closer and kisses him and tells Draco he's gonna help him to fix the vanishing cabinet so Draco doesn't have to do it all alone. Harry really couldn't keep his eyes out of his boyfriend, he knew Draco was worried with his mother and with everything so Harry was really watching Draco like a hawk to make sure Draco was eating and sleeping. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Dean, Seamus and basically all of the Gryffindors thought Harry was obsessed with and/or stalking Draco, and Harry was just like "No! I'm not stalking him!" and Hermione was like "So you admit you're obsessed then?" and Harry really didn't deny that he's obsessed, Draco is his boyfriend! Of course he's obsessed with his own boyfriend! But he couldn't tell Hermione that, so he just shrugged and moved on with the conversation. During all of this, Harry also insisted that Draco learns the Patronus, 'cause it's useful.
While Harry is with Hermione and Ron hunting Horcruxes, Draco is between Hogwarts and the Malfoy Manor. Draco sends Harry his patronus with information. Harry just smiles everytime he sees Draco's patronus, even though it usually brings bad news.
The battle of Hogwarts happens. Harry saves Draco from the Fiendfyre and Harry just can't control himself anymore and ends up pulling Draco closer and kissing him when they're out of the fire. Hermione and Ron are shocked when Draco actually just lets Harry kiss him and even kisses back. So when Harry finally kills Voldemort, he keeps ignoring everyone around him and keeps looking for Draco, Hermione pops up on Harry's side and points to a direction and says she saw Draco in there. Harry thanks her and runs to Draco, who he finds all alone outside the castle just staring at it and Harry just wraps his arms around Draco's waist and kisses Draco's cheek, Draco turns around after that and kisses Harry properly in the lips and then blurts out a "Marry me" and Harry is shocked so he doesn't answer immediately so Draco just starts trailing off about how scared he was when he saw Harry in Hagrids arms and how relieved he was when he noticed Harry was alive and how all of this just made him realize how short life can be and how he wants to spend the rest of his with Harry. Harry kissed Draco before he could say something else and said yes.
Harry testified for Draco, saying that Draco was his spy since the beginning, that Draco was never a real Death Eater and it was all part of their plan.
Harry and Draco's wedding happens just a week before they go back to Hogwarts for the "8th" year.
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ktredshoes · 2 months
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A playlist in tribute to the B-17 crew of Just a-Snappin'
Let me know if the link doesn't work.
Thanks and smooches to @shoshiwrites and @precious-little-scoundrel for kibitizing and enabling!
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asakenajustexistshere · 2 months
🤍 i need a ff jing yuan x reader, where reader is a galaxy ranger or she just liked to travel and this fan fiction is built on stories she was telling him while he was listening to her and they're actually were gossiping, spilling the tea. like he's her friend, he didn't knew those people but he was interested by her thoughts about it, what she did or other characters. it's more like about gossiping.
and then they're realised that they're interested in each other, especially how he was looking at her and noticed how opened she was towards him. omg i want to read sth like that soooo much if this fic exists i want to kiss the author haha. or if someone wanna write it, let's go! but credit me that i am author and i WOULD LIKE TO READ ITTTTT.
ty. 🫶🏻🌷
p.s. cause GOD DAMN do u remember he likes stories about galaxy rangers?? and how he asked trailblazer to tell him stories about her journey when she would come to the xianzhou??
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quick-otp-prompts · 16 days
Imagine your OTP
Person A: “What would your last words be?”
Person B: “I don’t know. Something about you I suppose.”
Person A: “That’s cheesy.”
Person B: “Yeha, but you like cheesy.”
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dysfunctionalcreature · 3 months
my kevandreil centered aftg headcanons in no particular order:
(disclaimer I have not reread the books in a while so my memory of canon is a little foggy)
Kevin has an (undiagnosed) severe anxiety disorder
Kevin scratches and picks at the skin of his hands (in particular his left hand) when he's anxious
Andrew will headbutt Neil and Kevin to show affection, and depending on Andrew's mood the headbutts will range from oh so very very gentle, to nearly migraine causing
Neil will hold Kevin's hands when he's stressed to stop him from picking at his skin
Andrew likes to pull Kevin down and cup his cheeks (in particular the cheek with the tattoo) and just stare at him
When they all share a bed and spoon, Andrew is the big spoon, Kevin is in the middle, and Neil is the little spoon
When Andrew is wanting to be affectionate but not that physical he will just hold onto the fronts of Neil's or Kevin's shirt
Andrew and Kevin have bonded over the similar traumas that they have acquired from foster care and The Nest
Neil and Kevin have bonded over they're shared traumas in The Nest
Kevin has weekly calls (in french) with Jean once he's with the Trojans, sometimes Neil will join the call for a bit to say hi to Jean
Kevin can and will do the most adorable and tragic pouts (big watery green eyes, bottom lip trembling) whenever he doesn't get what he wants, and sometimes that even works to convince Andrew to do something "boring"
Andrew and Neil are both very supportive of Kevin getting sober once he decides he wants to and they help him as much as they can
Andrew and Neil time: sitting on the roof together smoking. Neil and Kevin time: watching and analyzing and obsessing over exy games together. Andrew and Kevin time: just resting together in silence while Andrew holds onto Kevin
Andrew will often let Kevin lay his head in his lap, especially when Kevin's very stressed/upset about something
Kevin has extreme separation anxiety with Andrew
Neil and Andrew like watching true crime shows together, sometimes Kevin will sit with them but if he does he'll tune out to the show and read one of his nerdy books
Andrew will often pet Kevin's hair when he's resting his head in Andrew's lap
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droptheprompt · 1 year
Jealousy prompts and dialogue please!
Sure thing :)
"Why are you getting so jealous of them?" "Because they are clearly all over you, that's why."
"I'll bite their head off if they look at you again like this."
"They're almost undressing you with their eyes!"
"You are going out with them again, aren't you."
"You prefer to spend time with C, I can see it."
"Does my promise mean so little to you?" "Of course not. It's not you who I'm wary of."
"I hope they are making you happy."
"You look like you want to explode their head." "I'm trying."
"Who are they?" "A friend." "A friend wouldn't do this kind of shit."
"You are jealous." "Am not!" "You are. And a terrible liar on top of that."
"And what am I supposed to think when I see you two like this?!"
A getting increasingly angry about the way C is always touching B -- A's partner.
B has abandonment issues because of their upbringing. They trust A with their whole heart, but the more time A spends with C, B is getting increasingly scared they'll be left alone again.
A is upset with B. To get back at them, they agree with C to play a game to make B jealous. However, the whole play takes a turn for worse when instead of jealousy, B reacts with defeat.
B just met their old friend/first love C again after long years. While A, who is currently dating B, is trying to be as understanding and supportive of the rekindled friendship, they can't not notice the way C is slowly sneaking in between them and B.
B suffers from occasional attacks of insecurity because of their family history and has a hard time dealing with seeing how happy A looks with one of their coworkers.
A tends to speak a lot about one of their friends lately, bringing them up on every possible occasion. B, their partner, is getting progressively unwell every time they just about hear C's name.
I hope those helped :)
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im-1hater · 4 months
The original was made Nov. 25 2023 and I remade this piece on Jan. 25 2024. Either I was feeling lazy that day or I had some major improvements the last few months
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The ass versions
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Not so ass version 🙏🏽
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Me after changing Cody and Noah’s designs for the 454th time
Link to the fic
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sarahowritesostucky · 5 months
Modern Stucky and Howlies AU
The Fic:
What if when Steve came out of the ice, all the Howlies were still alive and living together in one retirement old folk's home? And Steve, having no connections with anybody in the modern world, spent tons of his free time visiting them and playing poker, sneaking them liquor, and just generally creating a headache for the semi-amused retirement home staff?
And Bucky is the care worker who grows to have a crush on Steve.
(**Bonus points if you name the Nursing Home "Shady Acres Care Home" , like where Loki stuck his father in Thor: Ragnarok)
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