#father vox
bon3zzzka · 4 months
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I cant stop thinking about them 😔
Had to redraw them to this silly funny post
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 month
Hiii! Can I request headcanons on what vox would be like as a father of a teen daughter? I feel like he'd be great to gossip with and would tell her to slap any boy that hits on her
Vox absolutely fucking would do this, and he is that type of girl dad to loudly brag that his Princess is cuter than every other father’s! Vox be like: ‘You wish your daughter was as cute as mine’
Vox- Baby Laptop
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Vox is extremely doting and loving but extremely protective. Like, he has cameras and drones following you, his fourteen year old human life and demon life daughter, around all the time. You can’t leave the tower without him knowing and he won’t condone you walking around Hell without ALL his bodyguards escorting you
Vox is a bragger. He brags and he flexes what he has so when it comes to you, he is one-upping every known mother and father in the Pride Ring and flaunting his precious babygirl with no hesitation. You’re beautiful and Hell deserves to bask in your presence… according to Vox
Remember, your dad is the technology Overlord. The one in charge of every device in this city, so of course, he is kept to date with everything and he always gives you the latest models his slaves team create. He spoils you since it’s a symbol of his love
Vox is basically your best gossip buddy and no matter how busy he is, he’ll make time to talk to you. Call him, he’ll answer and whilst he works, he’ll listen to you and he remembers it. He has a good open ear and a good sense of ‘fuck you all’ so he’ll get rather into your gossip pieces and consider asking Velvette to spread them through her social media influence
Vox is more than capable of getting sweet, soft and emotive with you. He always proclaims to you, with his whole heart, that he puts you out because he’s proud of you and adores you and he wants you to have everything when back on Earth, he could barely give you anything
Yes. Vox loves you MORE than he likes messing with Valentino so if Valentino dares to hit you, your father is bolting across the room at mach speeds to make his on-and-off boyfriend regret putting his hands on you. You’re his spoiled little princess and nobody touches you! You’re too valuable!
Vox has a picture of you in his wallet and in his suit pocket. So, whilst he is working tirelessly throughout the days and hasn’t seen you in a while. He’ll pick either photograph out and admire it. Both are direct recreations of photographs he owned when both of you were humans
Like Carmilla Carmine with her two daughters, Vox likes to have you occasionally work for him and occasionally means occasionally. Vox only cares that you’re happy so if you want to spend all day everyday in your big fancy room in his tower free of stress, he lets it!
However. Vox, of course, teaches you important life skills. He didn’t get a chance to when both of you were humans on Earth so he is now. Every night, he teaches you to cook recipes, he teaches you to do basic chores, he teaches you how to balance any money you earn
Vox almost views you as the cute babygirl he had back on Earth. The little five year old that was so happy to see him come home after so long of working so hard as a TV salesman in the late 1940s. The little girl who needed him to go to sleep at night, the precious darling who claimed she’d grow up and become a saleswoman too!
Vox does baby you and he doesn’t regret it. He coodles, he snuggles, he baby talks, he coos. He does all of it because he loves you dearly, you’re the single thing that drove him to become a Overlord, you’re the single thing that motivated him to become one of the strongest Overlords in Hell, you’re the single thing that even brought him to work with technology
Vox had always taught you; ‘if a boy or a girl hits on you, slap them’ and that became your norm. You come home, Vox asks what happened and you tell him. He is always happy to hear that you don’t let anybody bother you
The only criticism or advice Vox will take for his products is you so when you say something doesn’t work or needs improvement. He takes it and throws it as his workers so they can fix up what you said. He doesn’t care what his clients think, he cares what his own flesh and blood thinks
Vox loves how you have his TV head and even gets you to wear a matching outfit with him as a cute father-daughter joke. He likes it, it’s adorable. You look like such a badass business lady! He is that type of dad that will embarrass you with how much he loves you
Talking about a father-daughter situation, Vox has the weekends booked all for you. Two father-daughter days out so you two go to the shops, get drinks, gossip more, talk shit about Alastor, go egg the Hazbin Hotel, get some shopping then go to visit the Vees to chat then pick up a movie suggestion to go watch a movie together! Vox loves these days since he is truly himself with you
Vox legit has you in his contacts as the following; ‘My precious darling princess’
“Darling, Princess. It’s time to wake up, we’re going out together! Yes. To the movies and to the shops. I heard that old timey prick is in a Hotel so let’s go egg it once we’re done, ‘kay? Great, I’ll be waiting for you, pumpkin”
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static-quo · 4 months
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Not certain these clergy can do anything about cleansing my sins- ówò
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asmodeus-682 · 4 months
Lil' things bc yes
Alastor: Rosie, could I please have some of your fries?
Rosie: oh of course Al, could I have a bite of your burger?
Alastor: no
Vox: some friend you are, won't even share your food with her
Alastor: *glares at Vox* it has avocado on it. She's allergic to avocado. Are you so jealous of our friendship you want Rosie to die?
Rosie, meeting the hotel gang: don't worry, I don't bite!
Alastor from across the room: yes she does!
Rosie: well I won't bite you lot
Husk: you better not
Zestial, wrapping bandages on Alastor's arm: and what did thou learn today?
Alastor: not to piss Rosie off when she's hungry
Zestial: and why is that?
Alastor: she bites
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
*record scratch*
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Yup, that’s me, watching my future wife fall to the ground dead from a trap I set off. I bet you’re wondering how I got into this situation. Well, my life’s a little crazy, but it all began when my family was murdered in a political coup and I made a pact to create the first gun with a smoke demon...
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mintaikcorpse · 1 month
Part 2 of the "I analyze Tumblr sexymen so people understand what people see in them" shitpost collection, with Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel!
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Part 1, part 3
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sleepream · 3 months
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at the 7th hour of our group call in discord we came up with her. radiostatic lovechild. THIS IS /J PLS IM SORRY SHES SO CURSED
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heavenlyraindrops · 9 days
♱Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~Chapter Sixteen♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Chapter Sixteen Warnings: profanity Visit the first tag on this post to see all other chapters.
♱ In which the purest soul in Heaven falls from grace… for the Devil. ♱
[Chapter Sixteen]
Lute’s heel dug sharply into your back. Another surge of hot blood bubbled up in your throat. Lute wrenched her spear from your wing, a trickle of gold tracing the air as she pulled it up. Your wing twitched in agony. 
She grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you up. “I should just kill you right now,” she spat. “Save Hell-“ a jerk of the spear towards the glowing rift- “From being graced with your presence.” She released you roughly and you stumbled forwards. 
You whirled around, eyes shakily fixed on the glint of her blade as she brought it up in the air, aiming for where your wings met your back. You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the searing blow.
Something clattered onto the floor.
You opened your eyes a crack. The spear lay on the floor at Lute’s feet. Her hands were curled into fists, back rigid.
With tears streaming down her face.
“Lute?” You choked out. She flinched back, then grabbed you by the collar, heaving you close.
“You fucking bitch,” she spat. “I loved him.” She was crying like she’d never cried before. Worse than when she was sitting on your couch. Her shoulders racked with sobs, face red. “He was the closest, the truest friend I’d ever had.” 
Your gut wrenched with pain and misery. 
She shook you a little. “And you. You and I.” Her eyes clouded even further. “I love you too, [name]. I loved you. I was going to love you.” She loosened her hold, fingers going slack. “Do you realize how much I liked you? Everything you did for me…” more tears bubbled up and over, streaking down her cheeks. “But you just had to fuck it up.” 
You grabbed her wrist, fingernails digging into her pale skin as your heart pounded against your ribcage, as if it was begging to be let out. “You don’t have to do this,” you said shakily. Her fingers unfurled, letting go of you. You stumbled back. The portal whirled and shook behind you like an awakened beast. 
“You didn’t have to fuck Lucifer either, did you?” She seethed. “Don’t you see, [name]? It’s not my fault, it’s yours. You’ve brought this on all of us. Me.” Another tear slipped down her face. 
You were curling over the toilet bowl, nausea swirling on your gut. Adam was dead. He was never coming back. 
Sera smiled at you approvingly, believing you unconditionally and all the lies that spilled from your lips. She’d thought she was looking at the purest soul in all of Creation. Her smile morphed into a disappointed, patronizing scowl as you fell to the ground. 
Emily tackled you to the ground in a hug, worried to death. “Adam said you went missing.” She screamed at you, voice burning with betrayal. “Tell me you didn’t know.” She then screamed at Sera, begging her to spare you. “It’s just love. Why are you punishing her for being in love?”
Why are they punishing me for being in love?  
Lute’s head whipped back.
Your hand smarted with pain. A trickle of blood dripped over her lips, down her chin.
“You need to stop fucking blaming me for this, Lute,” you seethed, the venom in your voice dripping onto her, burning her. She recoiled. “Me and Lucifer weren’t some fling, some random fuck. I love him.”
She slowly licked the blood from her lips. “Does he love you?”
A seed of doubt made your body stutter to a standstill. “Of course he does.” 
Lute wiped her mouth, and the blood smeared. “Fuck you, [name]. I hope he doesn’t. I hope you realize what a fucking mistake you’ve made.”
Another blow of pain landed in your chest, where her foot planted and knocked you back. She grabbed you by the collar. The edges of the portal swirled even closer now, burning you with the promise of a fall from grace as you teetered back, the only thing holding you being Lute.
“I ought to cut off your wings and leave you for the hellspawn, for them to rip you apart.” She snarled. But then her face softened. “But I won’t.”
Your eyes shot open in surprise. “Wha-“
She let go.
The last thing you saw was Lute’s miserable face glaring at you through the portal, and the red sky as you fell.  
You twitched. 
Every part of you was aching. Your ribs, your head. You groaned, stirring. A stab of pain jabbed at your shoulder blades. White feathers lay scattered around you. You picked yourself up, trying to ignore the agony and blood dried and dark, crusting the tip of your wing. 
The hell-baked pavement seared underfoot. It burnt your palms as you pushed yourself up. You looked up.  
Everything was red. 
The buildings, the sky. The people. Sinners roamed the streets, their demonic forms unfamiliar to what you were used to, that being soft white feathers and shiny new buildings. Not this crumbling hellscape.
You clutched your arms, looking around frantically as sinners stopped to look at your curiously. They advanced.
“An angel?”
“It’s a fallen angel.”
Hungry eyes glowed at you from the crowd.
“You think I can-“
You tuned the voice out before it could list the atrocities its owner would have liked to commit to you, focusing on another.
“Poor thing.”
Could sinners have a heart?
Your mind rushed and swirled like a raging river of panic as you looked up. A huge tower loomed above you, encasing you in its shadow. The large doors at the bottom, in front of you, clanged open.
What you could only describe as a tall, hideous, bald creature slunk out, smoke curling between it’s lips, a large gun in it’s hands.
“The fuck’s all this?” It grumbled. Then it’s red hot eyes settled on you, and it’s eyebrows shot up as it’s gaze roved down your body. 
That thing has definitely molested something in it’s lifetime. It’s state was violating, penetrating. You wrapped your wings around you like a shield. 
Your wings.
Lute hadn’t cut of your wings.
The shock had barely registered by the time before the ugly creature flicked its head, and two sinners came and gripped your arms. Your mind flashed back to the exorcists as they dropped you on the cold floor of the Seraphim’s office. 
You struck out. “Let go of me,” you hissed, clawing at their wrists. But you were too weak. The crowd burst into commotion. 
“Why the fuck do you get her?” A harsh voice shouted from the crowd. 
A shot rang out. The sinner who had spoken out crumpled to the ground. 
The creature pushed it’s gun back under it’s arm. Another demon stepped out through the doors, and you were so dazed that you didn’t even care that he had a TV for a head. He reached up with a clawed hand for the creature’s shoulder.
“Val,” he said, smile and voice strained, “What the fuck is going on.”
And then his eyes landed on you. 
You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but suddenly a hand with a cloth closed over your mouth. You inhaled, and your brain grew fuzzy. You tried to pull away but your limbs wouldn’t move.
You crumpled to your knees, as the world faded to black. And the last thing you saw was the creature, grinning with malice, and the TV, errors flashing on his face from shock.
The darkness closed in. 
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dragmy · 4 months
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Cooking :3
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sleepynart · 4 months
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Random Hazbin hotel?? I can't say that I'm a fan, but.. why not? While the first attempts at drawing them
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I have a weakness for "robots" and Sir Pentious and Lucifer are so silly (/pos
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colourstreakgryffin · 2 months
Hi I was the one who requested the Furina-like reader and i wanted to clear up that:
Alastor and Vox are still archenemies they just have something new to fight over (basically just like petty divorced exes fighting over custody)
Since I just realized that sinners can't have kids in hell i'll make that reader was a teenager who died young
Also I'm so sorry my req was alot for you I tend to get away with asks sometimes 😭
Haha! All good, hun! Tbh. I really do like this idea. They are like petty divorced exes most of the time and now, they’ll be petty divorced sour exes that love their precious daughter too much to let one another become favourite parent— only chose female since Furina’s female, sorry!
Alastor and Vox- Climbing the Ladder
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The Overlord of Technology and the Overlord of Radio are genuine archenemies, rivals, they cannot stand one another and their mutual hatred even extends to their own personal relationships… but their love is targeted to the same object or person, this situation inbetween them gets all the more dangerous
You, a cute hydro-sea animal-styled young teenage sinner, didn’t just catch the fatherly love of just Alastor but of Vox as well… somehow and now. They begin fighting on sight and arguing and berating one another nonstop to try knock each other down so you don’t like one over the other
Yes. Alastor and Vox openly tug on you and argue loudly but eventually, Charlie makes them agree on a… ‘co-parenting’ deal. Alastor has you in the Hotel one week then Vox has you in the Vees Tower the next week. They are basically like fathers with joint custody and they hate it
Because they hate each other far too much to be civil and everytime they have to meet up to share you sound. Both are holding back the desire to murder each other and devoid all attention onto you. Otherwise, the tension inbetween them is so thick, you can cut it with a knife
Both of them are the type of surrogate father to shower and pamper their daughter so she’ll like them over the other parent. Vox showers you in gifts and gives you specific technological devices so he can keep his eyes on you, whilst Alastor showers you in affection and keeps your attention on him with all his cool tricks and nicknacks
Alastor tries to make you dislike technology but Vox tries to make you rely on technology, and their contrasting efforts to have you love them like your father makes their already tense relationship even worse
Both Alastor and Vox can recognise your love for the theatre so Alastor uses his own theatre speciality to teach you to dance and sing and perform and Vox arranges a whole drama class for you. Both attend any big drama performances you happen to join in and whilst Vox is recording it to treasure, Alastor can’t take his eyes off his precious babygirl
Will these two ever not fight with each other? The only time they willingly get along is when you’re ever threatened or being harassed or bullied or anything. Then, they push aside their differences and their deep disdain for each other to protect you and coddle you
Alastor and Vox do not like the whole ‘co-parenting arrangement’ they agreed on. They don’t want to share you at all, they both want you as their own surrogate daughter. Vox is pissed since he is worried he may seem like the lesser father and Alastor is annoyed that he is trying to take his daughter away
Your kind, laid-back, down-to-earth, chill girl demeanour is kinda hard to get around for both Overlords. Alastor is dapper, sophisticated whilst Vox is a bit prickly and arrogant. Neither are good with handling you do both are equally supportive and listen to you
Alastor and Vox are both equally protective over you. You’re so selfless and self-sacrificing for your friends that you’re willing to jump into danger for them. Luckily, you have two very powerful Overlords as your backups and willing to tear apart your enemies to make sure you’re safe
Your dads, Alastor and Vox are both working to shake out your very assuming and judgmental mannerisms. Those are unfitting for a lady like you. Alastor teaches you to be a prim proper lady and Vox teaches you to be a bad bitch of high class
At the end of the day though, both of them love like you’re their daughter so they’ll always consider you the most and they’ll do anything for you, even try their best to get along and tolerate one another. If it means you’ll be happy and you’ll get to live your afterlife, that’s all that matters
“My dear. As much as I love you, this flamboyance and imprudence is below you. You’re a beautiful lady of the highest class, you must show that. Come with me, may we go shopping together, a day out, princess”
“Leitora, I get it! The bravado and dramatic flare is definitely unique but I wish for you to drop now. You’re becoming bratty and no daughter of mine is a diva, I’ll show you what I mean. Let’s go for a walk around the tower, honeypot”
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
So does carmilla 'adopt' vaggie in accidental overlord?
Mmmm, sure why not, vaggie is getting adopted by every overlord one way or another
Husk is her dad, or uncle, at this point, he taught her about being an overlord and stuff. Carmilla has basically adopted her since helping her unlock her fallen form/full demon form, Zestial is like her....grandpa? And Rosie is her aunt, Alastor is her crazy uncle she tolerates at Thanksgiving because they both hate the Vs
And of course Odette and Clara are where older sisters who annoy her to no end. Velvette can be the annoying cousin, and Vox is an annoying uncle, maybe entitled instead of annoying works better...
.....Great now I made the overlords a weird fucked up little family(well i suppose only the oens aorudn vaggie-)....who all hate the Vs/that side of the family tho some are more vocal than others
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aro-in-danyl · 3 months
Alastor's Father
WARNING: period-typical racism, WW1, race-based murder
I see a lot of fics where Alastor's dad is a piece of shit and abusive, but I'd love to see one where Al's dad actually loves and cares for his family but was taken from them when Alastor was too young to remember much about him.
Maybe he died as a soldier in WW1 or made it back to the US only to be killed some other way. If he was black, then those odds go way up unfortunately.
We don't know much about Al's parents but if it's still canon that he's creole, then that means at least one of his parents has black ancestry. A lot of the fics I've seen give him a black mom/white dad, but I think it would be interesting if both his parents were mixed too.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is if Al's dad was killed when he was still little, then they wouldn't recognize each other in hell now would they?
Al's dad sure does love his family, but everyone else can fuck off. And ooh boi did he earn his place in hell trying to protect them, not that heaven cared about his motives.
The second he finds out Alastor the Radio Demon is his baby boy? Hell hath no fury like a protective parent. He doesn't give a flying fuck about the atrocities Alastor has caused, that's his baby and no one is going to hurt him while he's not double-dead.
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nat1nonsense · 1 year
Happy “Lady Vex’ahlia, baroness of the third house of Whitestone and grand mistress of the Grey Hunt” day to those who celebrate <3
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rubra-wav · 3 months
SFW Vox x Reader head anon request where the reader was his nibling on Earth but he died when they were very little. They ended up very lost and numb due to the death and found the only time they felt anything was in a fight so they became a bouncer, which is actually what led to them dying at 28. Reader doesn't realize who Voc is until they hear him speak.
Vox x Former relative reader headcanons
A/N This is a very hyperspecific request, so I hope you understand I've made it a little more general. 🙏
General plotline and idea is kept tho - bit vaguer, however.
Reader was his favourite relative btw, if this man saw just some random family member come up to him I think he'd just swat them away faster than light ngl.
Cw: Sfw, platonic obv 💀, gn reader
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- When you showed up before Vox, he didn't recognise you at all either. He'd died when you were young, and when demons die they don't exactly come back looking 'normal'.
- So when you show up before him after seeking him to speak for several weeks - sending letters to meet him in person like your life depended upon it, claiming you had something very important to discuss with him, he doesn't recognise the sinner who clearly died while enthralled in extreme violence before him.
- When the people who escort you into the room leave, leaving you two alone at his request, Vox's first instinct is to interrogate you.
- He immediately assumed you had some sort of blackmail on him and were trying to play games to extort money from him or something.
- But, when you're lunging forward at him to wrap your arms around him while calling him an extremely specific nickname he hadn't heard in decades, he's at a complete loss in disbelief.
- When his initial shock wears off and he realises who you were to him, he doesn't know how to react properly and sends you away, saying he needed a bit to think and he'll contact you again.
- The conflict between his past self that he was when he knew you, as compared to the self he is now, has him absolutely reeling.
- It wasn't exactly foreign for him to come across people who knew him from his shows when alive, but not somebody who had actually known him as a family member - much less one who still thought highly of him after everything he'd done to end up there.
- When he finally calms the hell down, he tells you not to tell anybody you two are related for your own safety (and his own image), and that he will help provide whatever you need.
- He'd be distant as all hell from you, but would still want you to be safe. Both of these are due to him having a particular soft spot for you even now.
- Would probably consciously make an effort to try be an asshole to make you not want to see him- then feel kinda bad when you still want to see him and obviously still very much love him. 💀
- Even if you want to spend time around him really bad, he'd probably not give in most times.
- if he does spend time with you though down the line, he's just screaming inside the whole time because he actually gives a fuck in the same way he did back in his life and that's terrifying to him after living in hell. You don't get to his standing with caring about many people.
- Would be super paranoid during the whole thing as well about someone somehow finding out (especially the Vees because he'd never hear the end of it and if Val ever tried to flirt with you he'd probably go apeshit despite his on and off thing with him. )
- If anyone ever saw you were a soft spot to him, that would instantly make you a target. And, because it bruises his ego to know he still gives this much of a fuck about a relative who he hadn't seen in decades.
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Writing this made me realise just how funny Vox would be as one of those bitter adoptive father figures who didnt sign up for this shit but just very begrudgingly love their 'child' and fucking hate themselves over it. 💀
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coinsundercouches · 3 months
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like father like daughter
you come at me and my daughter ?! don’t forget, you’re in my house biiiii xox
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