#feel free to share
my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Hi everyone,
Since Halloween is coming up, I thought I would share a helpful post put together by the one and only Neurodivergent Lou 🙂
This can be applied to ADHD too since they also experience similar situations.
Neurodivergence & Halloween
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cowboy-in-training · 20 days
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Rainy Day Dialogue Prompts 🌧
By: @the-bad-batch-baroness
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"We should order in."
"Come here. Let's get you out of those wet clothes."
"Does the thunder scare you?"
"I can hold your umbrella for you."
"You're soaked!"
"I'll toss your pajamas in the dryer to warm them up."
"Do you need a towel?"
"Strip. You're gonna catch a cold."
"Did you feel that?" "Feel what?" "It's starting to rain."
"I think it's going to rain."
"I am wet, and I am tired."
"There's water in my shoes."
"Do you want me to start you a shower or a bath?"
"Would you like to stand under my umbrella?"
"This towel is so soft."
"I am soaked down to my underwear."
"This umbrella is too small for the both of us."
"I can't find my rain boots."
"I don't like being wet."
"I love the sound of the rain."
"Can we stay here for a while? I want to listen to the rain."
"I don't want to go out. It's raining."
"That's the third time you've sneezed."
"Let me warm you up."
"I really want to kiss you." "Now? In the rain?"
"No one will hear us since it's raining."
"What happened to you?" "I slipped in the rain."
"I feel like a drowned rat." "You look like one too."
"Don't you dare jump in that puddle and get me wet!"
"You look so cute in that rain jacket."
"Can we stay in bed today?"
"The roof is leaking again."
"If you shiver any harder, you'll vibrate right off of the chair."
"Let's play in the rain!"
"Dance with me in the rain."
"Please let me in. It's pouring!"
"I hate thunderstorms." "Don't worry. I'll protect you."
"I'll race you back home!"
"Do you want my wet handkerchief to dry your wet face?"
"So much for our picnic."
"The rain is so relaxing."
"I'll put the kettle on."
"My hair is soaked!" "You still look beautiful."
"I made you a mug of tea."
"Is this tree taken?" "I think it's big enough for the both of us."
"What's the matter?" "I ran out of books to read."
"Will it ever stop raining?"
"Did you know that rainy day cuddles are two times more effective than sunny day cuddles?"
"Can you moan a little louder? I can't hear you over the rain."
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 19 days
Just some thoughts on the new Steam trailers and promo stuff.
I just watched the Steam trailer announcement for the KH series...and they made it really het/S*kai focused. It's very gen/friendship focused as well, but they seriously somehow were even able to make the DDD section of the trailer very not gay and just very gen/friendship based.
Here is the Steam Announcement Video:
The two short KH is on Steam trailers on Utada's YT page are more for promoting the re-recordings of Hikari and Simple & Clean, but they are fairly het/S*kai and general friendship focused as well. Though, Hikari's promo works better with they lyrics, timing, and lyrical meanings than Simple & Clean.
(More under the Read More due to length).
Here are the two promos to compare. First, Hikari:
In this version we have the lyrics break down like this:
どんな時だって (donna toki datte) - No matter when it is
From KH1 Sora to Sora in Castle Oblivion, just before battling Marluxia (who's in the background) from the KH2 OP
ずっと二人で (zutto futari de) - We'll always be together
From Axel in the DDD OP to the Time Station shattering around Ven from the BBS OP
どんな時だって (donna toki datte) - No matter when it is
From Aqua holding a frozen Ven and looking up at the blue "Kingdom Heart" in the sky (BBS OP) to the Back Cover stuff
側にいるから (soba in iru kara) - I'll always be by your side
From YX looking at the night sky out the window (KH3 OP) to Sora & Kairi sitting together from the KH3 ending
君という光が (kimi to iu hikari ga...) - The light known as "you"....
This last bit starts as the titles that are going to be released on Steam start to appear on the screen (there are spinning heart shapes that appear over the image, and those turn into the titles), which turns to a plain black screen and info on the release dates, games, etc.
The Simple & Clean take on this promo is definitely a bit more awkward timing and lyrics-wise. It doesn't work as well, though, both promos don't really highlight the bond between Sora and Riku like at all, but highlight the bond between Sora and Kairi, along with just gen friendships in general (which I like and don't mind).
Here is the Simple & Clean Re-recording + Steam promo:
I don't know. Obviously, they are focusing on the whole series as a whole, which makes sense and the more gen focused stuff for nearly all the characters makes sense and I like and appreciate that. But, it just feels weird to see/have so little of Riku and have the video end with the S*kai stuff, since that relationship is just so underexplored, underdeveloped, and often times just straight up ignored in a lot of the games/Sora's overall journey.
Also, while I'm a fan of Soriku, I don't really care for a number of the big theories out there that exist (some of which, like the whole aitsu thing, has been debunked, and I just find the whole "Sora forgot about Riku" theory to be a theory more so created to cope with the reality that the series is trying to push S*kai more now...even if there are a lot of issues with that from a writing perspective). IDK, but when I see stuff like this...when I played KH3...they all just kind of worked as reminders to keep my expectations in check. I might just be too burned by past media experiences, but a large part of me still believes that the closest we might ever get to canon Soriku is a realization and confirmation on Riku's part that he loves Sora, but S*kai still ends up happening because of "I want my lover to be happy" type trope stuff.
At the very least, I'm happy that we got largely gen and friendship based trailers and promos with all of this, instead of all of the imagery being like "potential het couples" type stuff, lol. But yeah, this is probably an overreaction, but KH3 is a game that really killed my love for the franchise and makes me very hesitant, skeptical, and cynical of KH4 along with the franchise going forward in general. So these promos just don't help at all with that.
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cryptidorchid · 18 days
I’ve seen a lot of people call out Scott’s lack of care for Jimmy’s life in Third Life. (Usually, this is part of their explanation for why they think flower husbands is toxic) And I think these points are interesting but kind of miss that the lack of care is reciprocated by Jimmy.
In Scott’s case, the moments I see pointed out the most are the two times Scott treated Jimmy dying like it was a spectator sport. Like when Jimmy got attacked by the enderman or Jimmy played the Tango’s lava minigame and Scott was like “I’m just here to see if Jimmy dies” and when he told Grian that “once our husbands die, we can be free.” 
I will play devil’s advocate for a moment here and say that in all of these moments, regardless of what Scott was saying about it, he took action to try to keep Jimmy alive. In the first two instances mentioned, he gave Jimmy advice to help him survive and in the last one with Grian, he suggested Jimmy should stay in the bunker so he could be safer. But I will admit that Scott acts very apathetic about Jimmy dying.
In Jimmy’s case, he’s less verbally apathetic but his actions seem strange for someone who should want Scott to stay alive. Like that time where Grian and Scar let their enderman free to attack Scott and Jimmy scolded Scott for killing the enderman because it upset Grian and Scar. And even when Scott was being attacked, Jimmy’s response was just yelling that he wasn’t the one who looked at the enderman and then watching as Scott gets attacked. And there was that time when they found the enchanting table outside of Renchanting and Jimmy (correctly) guessed that it might be a trap so he told Scott to mine it.  For the second one, Jimmy says it’s because he’s just died so he doesn’t want to die again which would be fair, except neither of them have any motivation to mine the enchanting table in the first place, so the reasonable response would be “it might be a trap so neither of us should mine it”
Which made it really weird when the Dogwarts confrontation happened and suddenly, they’re all protective over each other. Suddenly, they’re like “Jimmy, don’t go near the scary red name!” and “Scott, what if they sacrifice you on their altar?” 
What? Where did this come from? At least in Scott’s case, I can guess it was because Jimmy’s now a red name so if Jimmy dies, it’s permanent. I don’t know what was up with Jimmy in that moment.
And, as far as them continuing to be protective after that? On Scott’s end, he was pretty consistent and explicit about wanting to keep Jimmy safe after that (except for him being weirdly happy about the idea of being a widow, don’t know what was up with that). 
On Jimmy’s end, after this, as far as I can tell, he went back to using Scott’s green life as an excuse to ask Scott to take risks. He finds a cake unexpectedly in his house, thinks it might be a trap, and asks Scott to eat it and tell him if anything bad happens. When they're in a fight with Dogwarts, Jimmy tells Scott that he should "get in there" because he’s a green name. Honestly, I don’t think these are that bad because Jimmy was on red and Scott was on green, but it is a big difference from him burning the Dogwarts banner over just the possibility that they might try to kill Scott (and it implies that Jimmy sees Scott's life as disposable which while pragmatic, is not very kind). Anyway, my main point is that I can’t remember Jimmy ever really being worried about Scott’s life outside of the one moment with Dogwarts.
In conclusion, neither of them seemed to be super concerned about the other one dying (Scott said it. Jimmy acted like it) until Jimmy went to red. Which I think mostly had to do with the fact that they both knew the other had more lives to spare. They really lived their lives like “me and my husband who couldn't care less if I live or die.” My dysfunctional faves.
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rys-boys · 2 months
Being transmasc is like: (for me at least)
Oh, this brings me joy to hear my name
Oh, this brings me joy to shave my hair
Oh, this brings me joy to wear a masc fit
Oh, this brings me joy to be referred to as one of the guys
Oh, this brings me joy to get that head nod men do to each other when passing one another
Oh, this brings me joy to see more hair grow on my body
Oh, this brings me joy to smile in the mirror and actually see me look back
Oh, this brings me joy to take my T
Oh, this brings me joy to ...
For me being trans is finding the joy in my existence one step at a time, one joy at a time
Focusing on the dysphoria I experience only brings me discomfort
The joy though that is exciting makes me want to get up each day and live actually live
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eclipse-song · 10 months
Grandma's pastry recipe
This is the pastry recipe my family's used for decades. My grandma's pies are my absolute favourite :]
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This should make enough to split off into 4-5 rounds of pastry that can easily be frozen and later defrosted/rolled out to approximately fill the bottom of a 9" pie plate:
-5 cups of All Purpose Flour
-2 TBSP of Brown Sugar
-2 TSP Salt
[sift these ingredients together]
Once sifted add:
-1/2 lbs of Shortening
-1/2 lbs of UNSALTED butter OR lard (whichever you prefer)
[Add to flour and blend it together with a pastry blender or other utensils to mash it in. Try to avoid using your hands as much as possible as heat is bad for pastry dough and you want to keep it as cool as possible so your body heat doesn't warm it up]
When blended ADD:
-2 whole eggs
-2 TBSP of white vinegar
-Add cold water to one cup measure (EDIT: Essentially what this refers to is adding the 2 eggs and 2 TBSP of vinegar to the same cup and THEN adding cold water until it reaches 1 Cup. This may be more liquid than you want so you can try to reduce the water if you do not want your pastry to be so wet.)
Do not overmix. When all ingredients are incorporated divide into 4-5 rounds and chill.
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pegglefan69 · 2 years
In light of Dr. Gallagher’s malpractice, if you live in northern new england please consider Plastic & Hand Surgical Associates of Maine for top surgery. Me & my friend have both had good experiences there & another friend is getting his done with them next month.
Will be able to give more info around January or February as we've all had different surgeons & the two people in my household who are post-op are small fat, but they have no BMI limit & all of us have had fantastic experiences with everybody there & we all recommend them. Most importantly re: the Gallagher situation, they use drains for all of their patients when doing transmasc top surgery.
Their website (specifically the top surgery section) is here! They do surgery for both transfemmes & transmascs but I only personally have experience with the transmasculine side of things.
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palfriendpatine66 · 3 months
Thoughts on Fan Convention Culture
(And maybe a call to action)
I would like to share with all y’all a letter I am sending to the organizers of the fan convention I personally attended with some of my thoughts and suggestions.
Agree? Want to do something? Contact the organizers of the convention nearest you send this exact letter: feel free to use this exact letter or use it as a jumping off point for your own.
Dear [fan convention organizer]
I’m reaching out as a concerned fan about an important issue surrounding fan conventions and expos that needs to be addressed.
Many fans such as myself feel that the hosts of these events need to be doing more to make them a safe experience for everyone involved. We love our celebrities and creators and want the opportunity to meet them at these events, but it is more important to us that they are treated with respect. Their attendance, much like the continued patronage of fans at conventions and expos, is a privilege: not a right. If there is a continued culture around conventions of treating the talent as a commodity to be consumed, all parties will inevitably stop participating in these events which have been an important part of fandom community for so long.
How does your organization plan to address increasing instances of inappropriate interactions during photo ops and meet and greets? Lax enforcement around this has lead to an unsafe atmosphere for all those involved from event staff to celebrity guests to the fans attending.
Here are some suggestions of actions that event hosts can take to be a leader among others in the industry to in creating a more respectful and enjoyable atmosphere for all:
- Signage around photo and autograph areas, similar to what is currently being used at some events regarding obtaining consent before photographing cosplayers, reminding attendees that nonconsensual touching is not permitted and that agreeing to a photo is not consent to touch
- Social media postings and event newsletters prior to events containing “fandom etiquette” such as:
Respecting the personal space of others
Obtaining consent before photographs
Obtaining specific consent before any touching while posing for photos
Respect language during interactions
Waiting in lines without losing your minds
How to efficiently move through entry and security
Have clearly marked lines and waiting spaces for panels and events, adequately staffed, to prevent crowd surging and competition to access event space. Turn attendees away from lining up before a designated time prior to events.
- A pop up notification of “dos and don’ts” or “know before you go” with basic expectations listed that fans must agree to before purchasing event tickets such as photo ops, autographs, or panels. As well as:
- A reminder included in all event announcement/update/reminder emails stating “with your purchase you have agreed to the following”
These expectations might include reminders of appropriate behavior during interactions and meet and greets, what is or is not allowed to be brought into the space, what is and is not allowed to be photographed or recorded, or other venue specific information.
Taking these actions and ensuring they consistently implemented will increase participants’ satisfaction with their experience and ensure continued attendance at fandom events. My hope is that fandom events like the ones you are partnered with can become a more positive space and continue thrive as an important part of fandom experience and community.
Sincerely ,
A concerned fan
Contact Info:
- Indiana Comic Con
- Many fandom conventions across the US are run by FanExpo: their general contact email is: [email protected]
Each city’s expo has their own customer service contact information for their event - consider reaching out to them directly (ex Philadelphia FanExpo and Boston FanExpo are coming up soon)
In addition: fan photos are typically run by a separate organization. It’s really important to express these sentiments to these companies as well; it’s their staff in charge of the photo ops and present for the photos.
Indiana Comic Con was paired with Celeb Photo Ops contact them here
FanExpo is typically paired with Epic Photo Ops, their general contact email is [email protected]
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6hellish6rebuke6 · 4 months
Recently uploaded this edit of mine, where I tried to make Raphael lip-sync his own Theme Song.
Was a lot of work, but fun to do. Feel free to check it out and leave a comment or like.
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Hope you enjoy!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
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Vroom vroom!
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cowboy-in-training · 9 months
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completely nuts
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digitalsymbiote · 7 months
do you have any tips to aliviate the pain of a soul meant to be part of a machine that is stuck in a body of flesh and bone?
I don't have much, unfortunately. The things that have been most helpful to me have been indulging in my plurality and my nonhumanity. Viewing myself and my headmate as the pilot and mech of our body, and engaging in the connection that way.
I also view my gender and identity as robotic/synthetic/etc. I use Ze/zir pronouns, and I've crafted a lot of my identity around that. I make deliberate fashion choices with that goal in mind and try to shape the way I present myself around that.
It's not easy, but I think the key here is intentionality. If this is something you want to be? then be that thing, ON PURPOSE. do the things that you can to shape your body and identity towards that goal.
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theharrowing · 5 months
be honest.
i'm just trying to see something.
although this is specific to my readers, feel free to share so that the sample size is bigger.
also there’s no reason why i put “male” and not “cis male.” and no non-cis female option outside of non-binary. i just noticed it several hours later and idk. there are lots of unique experiences that could weigh in more heavily here and i didn’t mean to exclude anyone. my writing so far is all afab readers from mostly my own perspective and i made this in the heat of feeling really shitty about my own fic engagement ratios which may be why i wasn’t as inclusive with my options.
(personal note for my fics/readers) i have just noticed that my non-binary/agender (afab) fics don't do as well, which is bonkers because the only main difference is pronoun and sometimes neutral terms for genitals. but for my fics, because i am non-binary afab that writes from my own experiences, and i also mix in feminine terms for genitals. so.................like..............it can still represent cis women. that's all. that's my rant.
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jeffy-reblogz · 1 year
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Pridemind pt. 1/???
For all the gay freaks that like Hivemind (it's me I'm the gay freaks)
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moonilit · 2 months
Shouta handwriting analysis
This been in my drafts for forever so i hope you enjoy?. I thought I could try analyzing these characters handwriting since they get unique signatures lol
Disclaimer: This is just for fun, by a hobbyist, not an expert. HEAVY assumptions were made here as I only have one word for each, again this is just for fun  
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The first thing I can notice is the loops in their signature, typically loops indicate imagination, and where the loop occur is the type of imagination, you can see huge loops in Joshua’s signature under the baseline indicating practical imagination, with middle loops which for realistic imagination, he is not very abstract, but would bring practical thoughts into reality, Jote on the other hand does not have big loops in her writing so she is not naturally an imaginative person 
Both have a more vertical upstroke (55 - 90 degrees) which is an Objective detachment: does not readily react to immediate circumstances or not influenced by inner feelings, impartial, action based more on reason than emotion, indifferent to the emotional content of situation and feelings (with Joshua final two letters leaning to the right, which can show a bit of impulsiveness but only at the end) 
Jote final stroke is probably the fadingfinal: indecisive, vacillate, does not bring matters to a conclusion (couldn’t tell him her feelings), Joshua, however, ends with a heavy downward/forward middle area which is bluntness, brings matters to a conclusion and thrust it upon others (do you really need an example …)
Im treating her J stroke as a T stroke here (because they don’t have a stroke for t in their written language) and her stroke is 3/4 way her J: having reasonable expectation of herself, clearly knowing what weight on her shoulders (Joshua’s safety and health)
Joshua makes an Initial straight upper area down stroke to baseline (J): Direct, operate efficiently and only with fundamentals, the hard angle he makes with the J could also mean Temper: prone to verging on anger over a considerable injustice or in action
Jote on the other hand seems to do an Initial wavy upper area down stroke to baseline which you see in humorous people, provoking amusement from the contrast between reality and assumed values, she has a tiny loop on in her upper stroke which means Henothesim, meticulously distinguishes one faith and excludes other beliefs, suggestible to religious obsession
The space lines in cursive writing can tell you how they connect to people, they both show a garland shape, which is for nurturing and desire for help, they both can be empathetic with others and connect to them emotionally 
Jote writes a plain middle O circle which is Sincere, honest, free from falseness in approach to life, and lacks deceit, while Joshua makes an open top middle O circle which is Communicative, readily conveys information or feelings, talkative 
For line or stroke quality, Jote shows little pressure variation above average pressure, this is Emotional intensity, slightly active, expends little available energy, while Joshua shows Much pressure variation above average pressure which is also emotional intensity but very active and expends ALL available energy 
The baseline is not very clear here but I can see Joshua telt his signature slightly upward, which means Optimism or the desire for a routine (very unclear) 
Lower loops only show in Joshua's writing (sadly), he has a straight lower backward down stroke, Restraining determination overly careful in completing a job, places extra burdens before completing a job 
Finally, the Underline in his signature can mean Fulfilled with particular ideas and thinking, Having a confident and healthy ego.
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