#raphael the cambion
oriixxc · 21 hours
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recoloring it with hades art style
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bitethedevil · 3 days
Okay, you know the idea of tieflings having the "fuck me tail"? Well, what if Raphael did that in front of Tav without realizing it at the time and someone like Korrilla and/or Haarlep alerts the cambion that he had essentially been sporting a boner during the whole conversation with his favorite misadventure (if Raphael is unsure if Tav is aware of what the lifted tail meant, then even better)?
(AN: I get a LOT of asks about bathing and Raphael's reaction to seeing Tav naked, so I added those things into this one as well. Tav is Raphael's warlock. Loved this prompt btw anon. Thank you <3)
Tails (Raphael x Warlock!Tav)
Slight NSFW
“Do you care to explain why you are bleeding on my expensive Halruaan carpet when all I asked of you were to speak to Lord Caldwell?” Raphael said with a sneer as he studied her bloodied body. “If you are this incompetent at following orders, you will go back to dealing with clients in the Lower City again.”
“I can explain,” she wheezed. “And I did get him to sign, by the way.”
She was barely standing. Her clothes were bloodied, and she was holding a hand over a rather large gash on her stomach.
She handed him the contract. There were a few bloodspots on it, but it had the signature of Lord Caldwell as he had requested. He looked it over and it seemed to calm some of his anger, though he still seemed annoyed that she had not followed his orders.
Raphael groaned and started walking. He beckoned her to follow.
He led her to the boudoir. Haarlep was lounging on some of the pillows that laid on the floor near the pool, smoking from a hookah. They looked up at her with a sinful smile and lazily waved at her.
Raphael tugged on Tav's shirt before passing her.
“Strip,” he commanded.
Haarlep’s eyes lit up and looked hungrily at her before adjusting themself amongst the pillows to enjoy the show. Raphael kicked Haarlep’s leg in passing and gestured towards the other end of the room where the bed was.
“Leave us,” he said to Haarlep.
“Oh, she doesn’t mind if I stay and watch,” Haarlep said and looked from Raphael to her with an exaggerated pout. “Do you, mouse?”
Tav looked at the both of them with a confused expression, as she clung to one of the pillars around the restoration pool to not fall over.
“I’m not taking off my clothes,” Tav said.
“Your clothes are in tatters, and you look as if you are on the verge of fainting,” Raphael said and gestured to the water of the pool. “You will get in or I will throw you in.”
“Can’t I just keep my clothes on?” Tav whined. “I don’t want to get naked in front of you.”
“Oh please,” he said with annoyance in his voice. “The novelty of seeing a naked body somewhat fades after you have been alive for thousands of years. I could not be less interested in what you keep under there. Get in.”
She sighed and started taking off her clothes. Haarlep was quiet and hoped that Raphael had forgotten about them. They devoured her with their eyes while she took off her clothes.
Tav slipped into the pool and the water's restorative powers quickly worked its magic on her. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the pools edge for a moment as all the pain finally left her body.
Haarlep discreetly let one of their legs drop into to the water and started slipping their harness off. Before they could even make the move to slip out of the little clothes they were wearing to join her in the pool, Raphael’s hand was around their neck. Haarlep made a slight choked yelp as they were lifted to their feet and given a push towards the other end of the room.
“I said leave,” Raphael growled at them before turning his attention back to Tav. “A report, if you would be so kind, mouse.”
Tav opened her eyes again and sat up more. She noticed that Haarlep had not left them, but had instead simply taken a seat behind Raphael where they were out of view from her annoyed patron.
“Right,” she said and began washing off all the dirt and blood off her naked body with a sponge.
She began explaining herself to him: How Lord Caldwell had gotten pissed at her after she had not reciprocated his flirtatious advances after he had signed, as he apparently must have thought that him signing meant that he was free to feel her up and do as he please. How Lord Caldwell had called on his guards after she had, accidentally, of course, punched him in the face. How she had barely escaped with her life.
She wasn’t looking at Raphael as she was explaining. She kept her eyes down and kept focusing on washing herself, avoiding the wrath that would no doubt be in her patron’s eyes as she told him how she had escalated the situation by using violence.
She had only dared to look up at him briefly every now and again. She saw that he was leaning up against a pillar close to the pool, watching her as she explained.
Surprisingly, he did not have much to say other than a few sounds of affirmation that he had heard what she was saying, which made her even more nervous.
Suddenly she heard an odd noise. A high-pitched muffled sound that made her look up for a moment. It came from Haarlep. It looked as if they were near pissing themselves with laughter as they kept a hand over their mouth to contain the sounds. It wasn’t directed at her though, but rather something going on behind Raphael it seemed.
“So yeah…that’s…that’s it,” she looked up at Raphael, fully expecting to see him pissed off.
He quickly averted his gaze from her body and back up to her eyes, as it looked like he had been staring. He cleared his throat and made a sharp turn with his body. She could have sworn she saw a bulge in his pants before he did so. When he turned, she noticed that his tail was in a weird, almost heart-shaped position as well, which made her raise an eyebrow.
“Good,” Raphael said quickly. “Dismissed.”
Raphael snapped his fingers once and she was out of the pool, fully dressed. Another snap and she was sent back to where she was before she was whisked away to his house.
Haarlep started audibly laughing now that she had left.
“The novelty of seeing a naked body somewhat fades after you have been alive for thousands of years,” Haarlep mocked in Raphael’s voice and with his mannerisms.
Raphael glared at Haarlep.
“Oh, what a gift,” Haarlep said with tears in their eyes. “She really is something, your little mouse. To make you wag with both tails like that.”
Haarlep burst out into another laughing fit. Raphael’s eyes widened at their words, and he instantly became hyperaware of the position of his tail.
No, Raphael thought with horror, and a frown fell over his face at the embarrassing realization. It was a loss of control, and it was completely unlike him to forget himself like that. What was he? A hormonal boy who had barely grown into their immortality?
His eyes narrowed at Haarlep who was still filling the room with their high-pitched laughter. He was still painfully hard despite their taunting, and he had just the thing for shutting them up.
“Yes, please Haarlep, laugh while you still have vocal cords and a tongue to do so,” he threatened and pointed on the floor in front of his feet before undoing his pants. “On your knees, now.”
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𝐎𝐡, 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 ♡
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oappleofmyeye · 1 day
Raphael 110% would take advantage of your voice kink.
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littleplasticrat · 2 days
WIP Whenever
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Got tagged by @g0dspeeed. Thank you, fellow digital painter!
In turn, I will tag @omgkalyppso, @void-singer, @orangekittyenergy, @theycallmeratt
SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT (no pressure)
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alwachart · 1 day
All my stuff will go on Cara too from now on, with no fandom separation like Tumblr "requires"
I'm still very much obsessed with Raphael, no intention to stop drawing his face any time soon so don't worry about that
Join this new community if you're interested in art rather than memes and drama
I can't wait to see it grow!
💖 dropping a WIP of Raphael's face to catch your attention 💖
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dark-and-kawaii · 2 days
As much as i love raphael, i really just need Haarlep and mephistopheles to destroy me and mock me. Love your darker fics involving the two 🖤 didn’t know I had a noncon kink until I read your stuff 🫣.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Mephistopheles' New Pet ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
♡ Dark Content
⋆˙⟡Summary: Haarlep has their way with you in Raphael’sbody, mocking yours and the Devil’s love you once had. Little did you know, Haarlep was simply warming you up for Mephistopheles.
⋆˙⟡Pairings: Mephistopheles x F!Reader/Tav x Haarlep
♡ Notes: I got you my lovely anon!! Hope this scratches your kink even more xoxo loving this love for Mephistopheles & Haarlep!!!
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Haarlep forcefully grabbed you by the hair, causing your back to arch uncontrollably as their cock- no what they were using as theirs… repeatedly entered and exited your well used sex. “Such an obedient little pup,” Haarlep cruelly taunted, mocking the pet name Raphael had given you.
You clenched your teeth, mustering the strength to retort, “Fuck you, Haarlep!”
They feigned disappointment, “Awh, that’s not very nice of you, pup.” their sharp teeth peek from their wide grin as they gripped your hair with more might, their nails digging into your scalp. With a forceful motion, Haarlep shoved your face into the icy floor, their other hand firmly on the back of your neck.
You whimpered as Haarlep continued to thrust into you while using Raphael’s form, your inner thighs stinging from the relentless abuse, your pussy raw and inflamed. Haarlep found great pleasure in your discomfort, knowing that with Raphael dead, you were now completely at their mercy. Though Haarlep had to admit, doing this to you in his body was a bit in ill taste... However they couldn't deny what Mephistopheles asked for. 
“Come now mouse, there’s no reason to cry! I am him! All of him! Can’t you feel it, it’s still his cock kissing your womb, throbbing, begging for release! For you to take all his seed and conceive a devilish spawn!” Haarelp laughs, “bahaha!” 
“H-Haarlep- Please! I’m beg-begging you!” You cried out as Haarlep snapped their hips again, “N’~ Please!! R-Raphael! Please stop talking about hi- *hicup*!!” 
A sob caught in your throat, Haarlep’s words cutting deeper than the physical pain. The sharpness of being taken without preparation, the coldness of your knees on the floor, your wrists bruised and lacerated from the enchanted chains wrapped around them… The sting from Haarlep’s teeth in your flesh, their claws mercilessly tugging- digging at your hair and scalp. Your tears fell faster as their pace quickened, the agony becoming unbearable.
The hand holding your neck down grabs your face, and they lean down further to bury their nose in the crook of your neck. Haarlep’s hot breath tickling your skin as their nose presses against you, inhaling your scent with a sick hunger. Their slick tongue gliding along the surface of your sweat drenched skin, leaving a trail of wetness in its wake. 
A guttural groan escapes Haarlep's throat as they withdraw their mouth, “Don't stop now, my little pet," they continue to taunt, their voice filled with sadistic delight, “Be a good thing and keep begging for me, beg like the obedient puppy you are.”
You had no strength left to fight, no will to escape. Your tears stained the ground, your breath hot and labored, your body yearning for water, for Raphael to wisk you away... Slowly, you were withering away, your spirit broken, your hope shattered. You knew Haarlep and that bastard arch devil would keep you alive, you’d have to endure looking at Raphael’s shell for the rest of your remaining life… 
Haarlep was on the brink of finishing yet again, their eyes closing at the feel of your forced wetness, your body naturally reacting. You might not like what’s happening, but your body is surely enjoying the feel of “Raphael’s” cock, despite it not being truly his. You could feel yourself convulse and tighten around them, signaling your impending release. “There’s no need to hide it, give yourself to me, enjoy the pleasures I have to offer.”
The incubus fed off what little pleasure your body was experiencing. After all, it was what incubi did best. 
Whimpering, you whispered Raphael's name one last time, “Raphael…” hoping that somehow he would come to your rescue. Enraged that his incubus was violating his most treasured possession. But it was futile. He was gone, and nothing mattered anymore.
All you could do was pray to whichever god would listen. Closing your eyes, you begged for this nightmare to end, hoping that when you opened your eyes, Raphael would be by your side once more reading you his favorite poems. But no god seemed to be listening, for when you opened your eyes and turned your head slightly, Haarlep was still looming over you. Your eyes widened in terror as you saw behind them, there stood Mephistopheles. The very Arch Devil who had forced you into this hellish torment as soon as he finished consuming his own son…
Mephistopheles stared at you with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. He reveled in the sight of your brokenness, the despair etched across your face fueling his malevolence. Haarlep, sensing Mephistopheles’s presence, paused their assault, allowing you a brief moment of respite.
“Ah, my dear, you thought you could escape my grasp, didn't you?” Mephistopheles sneered, “But you see, my little plaything, there is no escape from me. Not after you were the cause of my own son's death!” 
Despite how you felt moments ago, your body had regained its control, its anger. How dare he! How dare he accuses you, “You fucking-!” You hissed. 
All it took were the words that released from his mouth and Haarlep's pause that allowed you a moment to gather your scattered thoughts and channel the wyvern inside you, “I had nothing to do with Raphael's death!” You continued, your body no longer trembling from pain or fear but from pure wrath, “You're the one who orchestrated this twisted game, using your son and I as pawns in your sick plan!” A crazed laugh escaping you, “And look! You still don’t have the crown back in your possession!! Only a foolish mortal that fell in love with your son and a lowly incubus!”
Mephistopheles' presence casted a dark shadow over the room. “You thought Raphael could save you, didn't you? Thought he would stand back up on his two feet and cradled you in his arms.” he taunted, “But Raphael is gone, my dear. I gave him a chance, a gift to ascend and he failed even at that. He couldn't protect himself, just as he couldn't protect you.” Mephistopheles chuckled, “I see all, I know all, and I enjoyed watching your love for my son grow, enjoyed watching as you helped him try to gain the crown. I could hardly contain myself when the opportunity arose to tear you two apart.”
He moved closer, his shadow engulfing you. His mere presence made your blood run cold. You had no choice but to stare into his fiery, red eyes, which glowed with a mixture of hatred and desire. Your heart was pounding so loudly that you could barely hear the words he spoke next.
“It is time for you to recognize your new master, little mouse.”
Haarlep chuckled and resumed thrusting, this time at an even more brutal pace. The pain was so intense that you could no longer think, your body going numb as your consciousness began to fade. At least you’d finally be able to rest as they did what they wished… or so you thought. That was until Mephistophele knelt down behind you, his clawed hands grasping the sides of your head.
As soon as you felt his touch, a strange sensation surged through your entire body. It was as if you were being pulled into his mind, his very soul. You could see him standing before you, a dark and twisted version of Raphael. And that’s when he snapped his hips forward, his thick, devilish cock stretching your once tight little asshole. You could feel every inch of him, the way his cock dragged against your walls, the way his shaft throbbed inside you.
“You're mine now, pet,” he growled, his voice dripping with lust, “Mine forever."
Your body began to shake uncontrollably, your pussy convulsing around Haarlep. Mephistopheles groaned, his grip on your head tightening, “By the hells, you really are quite exquisite.” The sharp ridges scraped the inside of your anus, “it’s no wonder why my son kept you all to himself.”
Your orgasm came violently, your pussy squirting and pulsating as both fiends used your holes. You felt so drained, perhaps that was because of Haarlep draining your very soul, or maybe it was from the anguish you felt… You just came all over Haarlep and Raphael’s father… You betrayed the devil you loved most, the devil who would never return.
You truly did belong to Mephistopheles now… You knew this was just the start of it all, knew that soon you’d be bearing him children. Knew that he would parade you around on a chain like some sort of pet, and use you however he wanted. This was your fate, and there was nothing you could do about it.
Mephistopheles released your head, and you fell limp atop of Haarlep. Tears streamed down your cheeks, but your body had no energy left to sob. The archdevil stood, his cock still lodged deep inside your ass, and stroked your hair gently. “You're going to make a fine breeder, little mouse,” he whispered, “I can’t wait for my son to see you swollen with his own fathers children.”
Your eyes widened, a new wave of fear coursing through you. Raphael was alive… And y-you were about to become his father's breeder.
Haarlep grinned at your sudden realization, and thrust into you once more. They savored the look of horror on your face, knowing that you had just discovered that your beloved devil was not dead after all.
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cherriesandsulphur · 3 hours
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silkandsulphur · 11 hours
Happy pride ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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I keep seeing people bringing up Raphael’s line about Mol and are coming out with (in my opinion) a little bit of extreme takes.
“What a lovely specimen she is a blushing Apple begging to be plucked”
Firstly, this is just gross and predatory behaviour regarding Mol, just not in the way people are claiming.
He calls her a blushing apple and what he means by this is that she stands out - he sees potential in her and he’s planning on plucking that and exploiting it to his own whims. Of course blushing seems to have its own connotations but in relation to the apple analogy it makes sense. The sentence in itself is very disgusting and gross, but not because it gives of “pedo” vibes, it’s because he’s being predatory but not in any sexual way, there’s nothing sexual about it, literally nothing.
It’s gross because that’s what devils do, they prey on the weak, sick, elderly and children, the most vulnerable in a society because they’re easy prey (in their minds, etc) he’s also may be planning on grooming her presumably into a future position that would serve him later on (like what Korilla does now), yet might I add there’s nothing sexual about it.
People also bring up Gortash as an example but theres also nothing to add with that either. Gortash was abused by Nubaldin (who is an employee of Raphael’s), who says it himself that he would beat Gortash until he was sobbing, there is no mention of Raphael partaking in this let alone any other sorts of abuse (tho he’s not innocent here either, negligent in the very least)
Also, when looking at Gortash’s design it’s clear he holds some sort of admiration for Raphael, he copies his outfit somewhat with the devil’s accessories and such, which would be strange if any abuse by Raphael happened.
Raphael is a devil and if we even look at his father, who in canon, takes good aligned children/babies and eats then perhaps the leap to something just as sinister isn’t too crazy to come to. Yet, at the same time there is no evidence of this whatsoever other than vibes which is a weak argument in the first place.
His line about Mol is purposely made to be uncomfortable and weird, Karlach even comments on it being such.
“please let me smack this creep”
The line is supposed to show how predatory and deplorable he is, but where I think people are getting confused is that they think him being predatory automatically means he is a pedo, which just isn’t the case. No where else in the game is it stated he has an affinity for specifically children and especially not in that way.
Karlach I think even says more about it after the conversation on how she sees mol going down the same route she did, as in someone taking advantage of their naïveté but not sexually, just that they’re going to use them to their own ends and fuck them over in the long run, I think if Karlach thought he was being sexual about it she would’ve been a bit more pissed or comment about it at the very least (more than just calling him a creep lol)
Like I know I might be crazy for this comparison but this feels like when ppl were saying William Afton is a pedo, on the basis of him being (literally) predatory around kids and vibes - you can be predatory and not a pedo, the two aren’t synonymous.
I also think it’s kinda disingenuous to push away criticism by saying you’re only defending Raphael bc ur attracted to him etc, I can like his character and still think he’s a shitty disgusting person, as well as having critical thoughts on that matter, especially since I love my girl hope (justice for hope fr) and I will most likely always kill Raphael in my playthroughs too since he’s such a lil freak anyway.
I really think it’s just a total lack of media literacy, just because these characters are preying on kids weaknesses/vulnerabilities (luring them into selling their souls or grooming them to work for you in the future) does not equate to them being pedophiles. Is it gross and deplorable behaviour? YES, that was the point, but does that mean they’re pedophiles? NO.
The line is gross, it’s supposed to be, and I understand if someone’s first thought might be is he a yknow, but to stick with that and to boldly claim he’s something that there isn’t any evidence for is wild to me. Call him a predator, a groomer, murderer, a literal devil, all things he literally is lol.
Look maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m being wild, I’m not trying to defend him, he’s disgusting and literally evil lol, yet I still think it’s a misjudgement of his character, since there’s other evil characters in game but that doesn’t mean you can just add every evil thing a person can be into them, like minthara, even Gortash, orin or ketheric or whatever, they have their limits, (tho orin is probably the one with the fewest limitations lol) but if you’re going to call anyone a pedo have it be Mizora, least she grooms Wyll and follows through with disgusting touching (everytime she’s licking him in the promotion, EW, tho that’s not in game so debatable)
I get that with such a clearly and obviously disgusting line that that might be the conclusion people will automatically come to but at the same time I just ask that you do some more thinking on the matter, like sure he’s just a lil pixel dude but at the same time it’s a bit worrying to see how quick people will confidently jump and claim he’s a pedophile.
Anyway, media literacy is dead and we’ve killed it.
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nikjima · 3 days
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Continuing to work on fixing the collar stretching for Such a Tease (before and after shots). Only downside is now that the collar doesn't move with his head, his ruffles sometimes clip through his chin. 😔 I either gotta accept it as a necessary evil, or move the whole collar down further. It's much more pronounced when he's talking to shorter races.
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eurydia · 19 hours
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House of Roses, inspired by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema’s masterpiece, The Roses of Heliogabalus
details, notes, progress
I’m excited to finally share this with you 🌈 happy pride month! though I like to think every month is pride month here 💜🖤
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Alma-Tadema’s painting is one of my favorites and I wanted to do my next master-inspired work on it. I notice rose petals appear around these two a lot so I made the connection.
He was known to be a perfectionist, and painted from life with extreme accuracy. To stay true to the original, I also drew each rose and rose petal by hand. I started about two months ago and worked on it between other projects (if you’re waiting on me, I haven’t forgotten about you. thank you so much for your patience 🙏💜).
There’s no fast way to check on PS, but I think it this took around 70+ hrs.
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bitethedevil · 1 day
it’s honestly so fucked that I just woke up one day like “oh that devil guy from bg3 is kinda hot. I would kinda like to [redacted] his [redacted]” and now, months later, I have a blog dedicated to him, written at least a whole ass book worth of fan fiction of him, written countless of theories and analyses on him, I have a folder on my pc with just pics of him, I think about him constantly.
hello? help?
like what happened? where am I and when am I?
did I sell my soul to him for real? what is the right of withdrawal period on that sort of thing?
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atrueneutral · 3 days
"I should be writing other things lmao." Mmmm... I don't know, I think those other things waited for a good cause (a.k.a. I'm trying to say thank you for writing it)
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pengychan · 18 hours
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Family gatherings in Cania must be to die for.
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oniishi · 1 day
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