#feelbokkie writes
feelbokkie · 1 month
Texts with Dad!SKZ after their kids cut their own hair
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: fluff and crack (mostly crack)
pov: 1st/2nd person (depends on how you read it)
description: the kids (literal) got ahold of some scissors and decided to give themselves makeovers.
pairing: dad!skz x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, mention of food/eating
screenshot count: 30
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
방 찬 (Bang Chan)
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이 민 호 (Lee Know)
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서 창 빈 (Changbin)
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황 현 진 (Hyunjin)
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한 지 성 (Han)
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이 용 복 (Felix)
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김 승 민 (Seungmin)
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양 정 인 (I.N)
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kangaracha · 2 months
CATSKIN for @feelbokkie
prompt felix + twisted fairytale (catskin)
TW for blood, minor character death, mentions of sexual assault, medieval type violence
word count 4444
When first you meet, it is like two stars colliding - like the sun and the moon dancing around each other in the sky, and love at first sight is a dream for foolish, insipid children and you know that to be true, but...
Maybe in this moment, you forget. Maybe you see his face, warm against the cold ice of the cape that falls over his shoulder, or maybe you watch the soft curve of his mouth as he laughs at something his brother says, standing so subtly apart from the crowd that no one notices they are there. Maybe your eyes meet across the room, sun-warmed brown to striking blue, and time stills and the dance stops and your heart thinks that here and now, nothing else could matter but the taste of his name on your tongue and knowing what his hand would feel like in yours.
But this isn't real. The ballroom is crowded, and he is a familiar face you have never met, and you are a stranger with the moon draped over your shoulders for the night. The band strikes up a dance, a lively rhythm that swings fast and slow, and you are swept into the rush of the current, your feet moving in a pattern that they know from heart. Your hands are still stained with coal; you take every suitor's hand palm-down, hiding the black stains that won't quite scrub from already-dark skin, and you waltz without meaning until pale, slender fingers take yours and hold them tight, tugging you from the dance before you can be passed on to the next partner in line.
"Wha-" you begin, and then you look up into the eyes you've dreamed of for days and months and years and forget what you were going to say at all.
"Sorry," he says, and drops your hand with all the haste you'd expect someone like him to once he looked close enough to see the lie shivering beneath your skin. "I just wanted to know your name, before I lost you in the crowd."
Love at first sight is a story mothers tell to put their children to sleep at night, and you have lost all your senses because in that moment, your mouth opens as if to answer him.
"There you are," a voice says behind you, too sweet to be any you know; and an arm loops through yours, and here is Hyunjin suddenly, jewels dripping from his brow and a fire burning in the back of his eye where only you know what it is for. "It's so like you to wander off. Come on; our friends are looking for us."
"Before you go-" says the mouth you'd seen laughing from across the hall, the prince it belongs to reaching out a hand - but you are already gone sliding away through the crowd that fills his ballroom from wall to wall with more dazzling finery than you've ever seen in your life.
"That was close," Hyunjin breathes in your ear, and there is the voice that you recognise, liquid fire and undertones of dark shadow. "You're supposed to avoid him, you know."
"I know," you mutter and allow yourself to be swept away, all thoughts of love and the sun and the electric feeling that had jumped from his hand to yours swept to the side.
The king likes the ballroom to be full and the people to be colourful, and he likes the crowd to be lively.
The wine flows freely for the last day of the summer, the lords and ladies stripped of their cautious humours and careful tongues. Their laughter is raucous as you slip out into the garden, the sun pulled over your shoulders in lengths of fine silk that cut away the cold wind that bites at your exposed skin. Already, the trees have begun to turn and the grass is wet with the season's rain; you stand in the centre of an autumn scene and watch the leaves flutter and fall, the light of the lanterns glittering from your skirts and the swirl of beading across your breast, woven from the finest gold.
"It's you," says the man beneath the tree; and when he steps out into the light, dressed again in pure white, you forget to pretend that you hadn't seen him, or that you'd simply come out here to breathe in air that wasn't stifled by the laughs of a thousand other people. "I was looking for you, you know."
"Were you?" you ask with the curve of a smile, your tongue loosened by the quiet of the cooling night and the seclusion of the garden. "Or could you just not find someone to dance with?"
You'd seen him earlier, standing at the edge of that floor. Gently turning away the hands of countless maidens in gowns that dripped in jewels under the guise of speaking to his brothers, searching the crowd with his eyes at every moment he thought that eyes weren't watching him. The guilty smile that plays on his face says that he knows exactly what you are thinking of; the step that he takes within your reach says that he isn't going to hide it. "Maybe I was waiting for the right person," he says, and then his cheeks turn pink in embarrassment, his eyes sliding momentarily away from yours.
"You'll waste your entire night if you think like that," you tell him lightly, and then you glance over your shoulder at the doors to the ballroom - to give him a moment to himself, you tell yourself, and pretend that it wasn't because you thought you felt the creep of Hyunjin's watchful gaze over the back of your neck. There is no one at the door though, no one watching through the backs that are turned to the glass. Only he can see you here, the sun standing in the middle of the night's darkness.
"I never got to ask your name the last time I saw you," he says; and with a start that jolts up your spine like electricity, you turn back to him. 
"I never got to ask yours either," you say, in lieu of the answer that you cannot give him. Never mind the danger of him recognising you too closely after this night - if he mentioned to Hyunjin the name of a girl he'd met in the garden, if Hyunjin knew what you were doing between the tasks you'd been given...
"Everyone knows mine," he scoffs; not because he thinks so highly of himself, but in the reluctant acceptance of someone who had never known a moment of privacy. "You can't have come to the woodlands knowing so little."
"And what if I didn't?" you question, playing along on this string of a conversation rather than letting him turn it back around to the question he'd really tried to ask. "What if I'd simply come here to enjoy the night, and seen a man across the room that I thought I'd like to know?"
His smile grows wider, his eyes softening. You like the way that smile looks on him. "Then I'd tell you my name is Felix," he tells you. "And I'd probably ask you to dance before we met like this, out here in the garden where no one is looking. And it probably wouldn't be such a scandal if we were seen either."
"That doesn't sound like as much fun though," you say. "Isn't it much more interesting to meet like this, than to have it all planned out?"
"Are you someone that likes trouble?" he asks, head tilted to the side in question; and the words seem cautious, probing, but he draws in closer again anyway, enough that his hand can brush yours in the folds of your dress.
"Maybe I am," you tease, your heart fluttering and jumping around in your chest like a nervous rabbit. "Aren't you?"
"I think I could be," he says, and his hand brushing your chin is followed by his lips brushing yours; and it is only a question, a stepping across boundaries that promises to rescind immediately if you push him away, but love at first sight is a dream and you think maybe, in another life, you might have been a terribly indulgent dreamer.
You kiss him with all the certainty that had driven you to this point, this garden and this night and this man, and his lips are soft and he smiles too much, and his hands are hesitant to wander, but you've already tried hot, heady passion and men who take what they want. Soft is new, and questioning sends a shiver down your spine, and you think this is a better man. 
And then you stop because you remember, but you play it off as the toll of the bell startling you from a daydream. "I have to go," you say, which is true, and then, "I hope you find someone to dance with tonight," which is not.
"Will I see you again?" he asks; and it's notable, you think, that he doesn't reach out of try to stop you. That he accepts on face value that you are telling the truth and that, even though his eyes say they want you to stay, his mouth would be rude to ask.
"Maybe," you say, the word drawn out like honey dripping long and slow from your tongue. "If you have another ball."
He laughs, his eyes squeezing closed with the pain of it. When they open again, you make sure you are gone from his sight.
You're pretty sure you dropped something like your heart there in the courtyard, but you don't dare to go and get it back. Not yet.
You're cutting through fine hallways of tapestry and stone from the garden, your basket filled with vegetables and your face streaked in dirt. You aren't supposed to be here - a scullery maid shhould be in the dark spaces between the walls, scurrying up and down steep and spiralling stairs, but you're late and the cook is a stone-faced woman with a tongue made for lashing, and you hadn't thought-
The prince stops to look at you, confusion furrowing in his brow as he stares at your face. Recognition; except that today you are hiding under the brown of the dirt and the mantle of wild fur, cobbled together from the backs of many animals but none so fine as te ermine that lines his coat. 
Your heart sinks even as it pounds in alarm at the thought of him finding out what you are and where you've come from. It is a disaster if it happens, surely, but at the same time - maybe you'd tricked yourself into thinking that he remembered you the same way you did him. Or maybe he had tricked you, with the way he'd so quietly given you his name in the garden, the earnesty with which he'd nearly asked you to stay.
"Your highness?" Hyunjin asks at his shoulder, dressed all in his own princely regalia, and Felix turns away. And for a moment you hate Hyunjin, as you slip to the side of the hall where your feet should be, out of the way; because how could he be so beautiful, and so detached and so true to his beliefs that he could play the prince, and you are so suited to fur and treachery that you stand here a maid?
"Sorry," Felix says, to Hyunjin and not to you, and pretends to move on. You can see his eyes flick back again as he leaves though, trying one last time to see past the furs and the dirt, to place where he has seen you before.
You can see Hyunjin's too, piercing when they look directly at you. Warning, that you are overcomplicating things. That this is all about to be a mess, and you are no longer prepared for it. 
Your ire rises again. You know what has to happen, and what he will do to facilitate it, and you know your own roll. You know it all has to end. Who is he, to think you can't carry through on a promise? Who is he to doubt you?
The final coat is made of feathers plucked from the birds of the sea cliffs, tawny brown and ochre and cream. Hidden in the tunnels of the castle, Hyunjin tucks a sprig of samphire into the curl of your hair, picked from the edge of the world before you had left and wrapped carefully in paper made for preserving these kinds of things. A piece of home, brushing up against your ear every time you turn; a signal to those that you have let in the back door that you are a friend, in case you are caught in the havoc.
"What happened to your hands?" he asks as he steps back to look at you, his own lifting your wrists so that he can see the black marks on your fingers.
"There was grease on the gate lock, to stop it sticking," you reply. "It doesn't wash off like blood does."
He drops your hands just as fast as he'd picked them up, his eyes scanning the feathers again. As if it was this coat that you'd worn when you'd taken a knife to the man at the gate, as if he would find evidence of the blood on your hands smeared across the vanes if he only turns you this way and that. Silly of him, really - the edge of the fur coat was the one that bared the stains. The fur was made for the work of the hands. The feathers were only sent as a signal, a draw of the eyes, dropping in the path of your feet as you walk towards the ballroom.
"Stay away from the prince," Hyunjin warns you, his attention turning in the direction of his own path to the party. "He's looking for a particular girl that he saw last time. He'll have eyes everywhere."
"Not on the ground though," you answer, shaking out the coat and watching a feather of mottled brown drift to the floor. You ignore the way that your stomach dips at the mention of a girl. You neglect to mention that the girl he's looking for might be you, and the rouge brushed across your cheeks and the glitter of gold on your eyelids will only draw his eyes. 
You should have worn the dirt and hidden in the shadows, but that's not how they had prophesised it. The witches had whispered of a feather coat and a dress made of the sun and a moonlight shawl, and you'd been the one foolish enough to wear them, and no one in those rooms had been able to resist the magic of them, least of all the prince.
"Time to go," Hyunjin says as the bell tolls seven, and with one last look between you, you turn your seperate ways. 
You don't know where his heart resides, but you know that yours is in your throat. You hope that he survives the night. You hope that whatever he came here for is worth what it is going to cost.
At the moment the ballroom bursts open, the black soldiers streaming in from every entrance, you are looking at the prince.
You hadn't meant to. You had taken Hyunjin's advice, as much as it grated at you to do it, and you had avoided him, skirting around the edges of the room while he searched in all the wrong places for you, dropping your feathers where the feathers wanted to fall and hiding in crowds of garish colour that sniffed and sneered at your coat of soft brown; but even though you don't wear the sun or the moon, you still orbit around him and him around you when you are in this room, and to stay away from him was-
Impossible, in the moment when you turn and there he is, right on your tail like the hunters following the birds to their nests in the cliffs, willing to jump from the rocks just to collect the eggs that might hide below. Except that he wasn't here to steal from you, or to catch you in his hands and tame you - he only thinks that you are beautiful, or that he could love you if only you gave him a chance.
And then the feathers ruffle and shift in the breeze, and the doors open, and the room fills with the men of the sea, axes and knives glinting in their hands and white teeth snarling within their faces.
Eerie silence falls as the room stutters to a halt, the shiny, red-faced aristocrats turning to stare at the army that have entered their sanctuary. The first one falls by the main entrance, his wine arcing through the air as he tumbles to the ground under the sharp blade of an axe; and then they scream, and they move in every direction, and in the maelstrom of silk and chiffon and eyes of horror you lose sight of the prince.
Slipping across the room is like fighting upstream against a raging river, ducking between bodies and around blades that don't have time to see the samphire behind your ear. You fade away into the one hallway you hadn't marked with a feather, disappearing into the black of the walls and the twisting tunnel down to the kitchens where just moments ago maids had scurried out to deliver the feast, and your heart breaks at the red-suited body that tumbles in on your heels, the eyes of a man in armour of beaten iron that take in your feathers and your face and turn away, back to the bloodbath, but you can't go back. You can't save him. 
And then a gutteral cry echoes down the tunnel, and a body blocks the light that flickers from its entrance, and there he is, your prince. His eyes are scared and his mouth open as he gasps for breath, the little knife he'd used on your countryman held in a white-knuckle grip in front of him as if he thinks he might need it again at any time. Blood splatters the front of his snow-white coat, tarnishing the pearls and sinking into every fibre of the cotton and wool that holds it together.
"It's you," he gasps between breaths, the words reverberating from the stone walls. "I found you."
"You-" you begin to say, but the words are lost in the storm of thoughts that cloud your mind, the race of scenarios that you can imagine coming from this unfateful meeting, this turn in the story that was never anticipated. Every step has been told to you up until now - the coats, and the feathers, and the rush of men into the ballroom that leads to the fall of a kingdom - but no one said a word about this. About him, the prince, the hands that now cup your heart to their chest, and the knives at his back as he stands there, just one step shallow of safety.
You think too much about what has happened and what could happen next, but you don't think at all when you reach out and grab him, dragging him down the tunnel and into the darkness, where only sporadic lanterns burn to guide the way. Around this corner and then that, down a staircase so steep that countless girls have broken their necks tripping on its uneven stones, into the warmth and light of the kitchen, where the smell of the pig roasting over the fire fills the air and the stack of pots waiting for you to wash them later in the night teeters towards the ceiling, stacked in one corner by several pairs of careless hands.
No one is here. They'd timed it deliberately for the arrival of the feast, when the attendants of the ball would all reconvene from the corners of the palace to the ballroom to fill their already ample stomachs. Incidentally, this meant that the kitchen staff were all in attendance too, arranging dishes under the watchful eye of the cook, which meant that when you tried to hide a prince in the kitchen-
"Wait," he says, dragging back against your hold on his arm. "Wait, I know a way out of the castle. I can take you where it's-"
"No," you cut across him before he can finish, and you tug at him again, dragging him step by step towards the maid's quarters. "They're in the hidden tunnels too. There's no way out."
He's so surprised that he forgets to resist you, his body going slack with his jaw and his feet following you across the room. "How do you know that?" he asks.
You don't dare to look back at him as you enter the room you share with the other girls, as you open the little chest-of-drawers that holds everything you brought with you (but not everything you own) and you pull out the clothes you wear day-to-day - grey trousers and a cream shirt slowly staining brown, and the coat of a thousand furs, its edges stained with fresh blood. "Put these on," you order him, shoving them into his arms without looking him in the eye, and then you turn your back.
"I wouldn't punish you for pretending to be from the court," he says to your back as he changes, the white jacket thrown to the dusty floor and then his shirt and breeches. "Or for knowing whatever you know. You saved my life." His boots are too nice to be a servant's, but yours won't fit him; you reach for Alice's old pair while he is busy, set neatly at the foot of her bed, and hand them to him when he is done, picking up the clothes he has discarded instead.
You saved my life too, you should say of the man he had killed, to keep up the illusion, but the lie seems wan in the face of the truth you are going to have to admit to him by the end of the night. You stalk past him instead, headed to the fire with the truth and the lies still sitting sour on your tongue.
The shirt and pants burn easily, the leather of the boots slow to sink between the logs that fuel the flame. You hesitate a moment before throwing the coat in after them, eyeing its precious pearls and hand-woven patterns of leaves and swirls. A silver brooch pinned to the lapel catches your eye; your thumb runs over it, feeling the careful details its maker has pressed together and the chips of diamond that embed its surface.
"That was my mother's," Felix says behind you, a certain grief hidden in the stiffness of his voice. "But you can burn it if you have to."
"I don't have to," you reply, and you work it free of the fabric with delicate and practised fingers. The coat feeds the flame; the brooch pins onto your dress, just above your heart.
 "Pretend to be a servant," you say as you turn to look at him. Your hands reach out to fix his coat, to smear the soot from the fireplace into his golden curls and down his cheeks. "I can't keep you alive if you're a prince, but if you're just a boy from the kitchens-"
His hands catch yours as they slip from his face, the ash that clings to your skin staining his as he grips them tight. "Who are you?" he questions. "What have you done?"
Tight-lipped, ashen-faced, you look up into his eyes - pale blue to forest brown, liar to honest truth. "I'm the feathercoat," you say, as if he will understand the words of a fable that people only whisper over the sea cliffs and the raging storms of the ocean. "I'm the one that brings the woodlands to their knees. I'm-"
Your voice chokes in your throat, your fingers growing numb from the force of his grip on your hands. There's a knife still tucked into his waistband - there's a knife behind him, stuck by its tip into the surface of the cutting board. You only have your feathers, and the excuses that stack up in the back of your throat; that the witches told us it would be so, or your land is the only gift my father will accept in place of a marriage to that man, or haven't you seen the way your father encroaches on our cliffs? Haven't you seen the way your farms destroy our hills and valleys and pollute our river? But those are all reasons that blame someone else, and you are the one that stands here, and the grease from the gate stains your fingers, not theirs-
"I loved you," he says, and he lets go of you like he has been burned. "I saw you across the room, and I thought no one could be so beautiful, and you can't even tell me the truth when-"
A shout echoes down the hall you'd escaped from, the rattle of armour and the thunder of heavy boots against the floor. "Wait," you say to him, a hand suspended in the air between you. You're afraid to touch him, when he could reach for that knife - when he deserves to see your blood run, for what you have done - but you can't let him run to his death all the same. "Wait until we live, and then I'll tell you, and then you can kill me. But wait. Take my hand and wait."
He hesitates, his eyes wary like he doesn't believe you, but the man on the stairs shouts again, calling for someone to follow him, and the fear shoots right into his heart and his hand slides into yours, his pulse fast but his fingers cold. 
"I don't want to kill you," he says, like a promise you can't believe he will keep. "Just keep me alive, and when the sun comes up, tell me everything. Please. I don't have any reason to kill you if everyone here is already dead."
"I will," you reply, and this is a promise that will be kept, whether or not he reaches for the knife when the light of the dawn comes. "I love you too, you know. I didn't mean to hurt you."
And yet, you have. And yet, the guilt and the feathers eat you alive.
@amyyscorner @kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @keepswingin @rylea08 @puppysmileseungmin @thatonedemigodfromseoul
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yoonrimin · 10 months
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yoon recommends
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@feelbokkie >>>> don't let me love you
pairing: felix x fem!reader / chan x reader
summary: with the upcoming wedding of her cousin and her ex, y/n is in desperate need of a date for the wedding that will show the happy couple that she moved on
genre: smau, fake dating, crack, angst, fluff
status: completed
feelbokkie also has a lot of other content for stray kids that i really enjoy, i think that i read all her materialist so go and check her blog out!
@milkandhyunnie >>>> this boy is bad news
pairing: hyunjin x reader
genre: angst, smut, smau, college au, enemies to lovers
status: ongoing
summary: as an aspiring journalist, you are the news editor for the uni chronicles; the campus newspaper, popular for delivering breaking news at the drop of a hat and providing detailed articles about the various happenings around your university. you think you’ve covered every story there was to cover before you’re tasked with producing an in-depth editorial on a student whose name is on everyone’s lips—hwang hyunjin.
we love a good enemies to lovers in this blog! and the character development????? off the charts
@sluttywonwoo >>>> instead of you
pairing: best friend’s brother!lee minho x f!reader ft. han jisung
status: ongoing
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
series warnings: swearing, drug + alcohol use/mentions, menstruation mentions, angst, eventual smut
one of the best minho fanfics fr
btw you're going to see a lot of Kaili in my recs ;)
@skzonthebrain >>>> GO LIVE bangchan
pairing: chan x fem!reader
genre: smau, university au, established friendships, strangers to friends to lovers
status: ongoing
summary: you're crushing on the local JYP Campus Radio Host, Chan, but then again who isn't? You've always admired him from a far, thinking just like any other popular guy, he wouldn't give you the time of day. After a sudden encounter with Chan one day in the campus coffee shop 'Lifeline', everything changes."
>>>> If only you new
pairing: Chan x reader (gender not mentioned)
genre: one shot, established best friends with chan, angst, pining, fluff
summary: your ex cheated on you. you are heartbroken, have been crying for days and the worst of it all, you're now sick with the flu. thankfully Chan will always be there to look after you. is there a reason he cares so much?"
content warning: mentions of cheating, reader is cheated on, mentions of betrayal, character gets sick and pretty depressed.
>>>> what the heart wants
pairing: chan x reader
genre: one shot, nonidol!au, fluff, emotional, first confessions, best friends to lovers, established friendship with Minho and his fiance, established friendship with chan
summary: you have healed from the pain your ex caused and your close friend helps you realise you're ready to love again. will Chan still feel the same way after all this time?"
content warnings: mentions of being cheated on, emotional but happy emotional, mentions of pregnancy (not y/n), opening your heart to love after betrayal, nothing but fluff really.
i find all of the works of Ven pretty well written, is one of those writers that leaves you feeling the passion that she puts on her writing. i love them.
@kkami-writes >>>> waiting for us
pairing. ot8 x fem!reader
genre: soulmate!au, college!au, social media!au + written parts, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut(?)
status: ongoing
summary: at age 16 you either get your soul mark (in the form of your soulmates name somewhere on your body) or you become a blank, someone who doesn't have a soulmate. you've long lost any semblance of hope or comfort in the magic of soulmates, despite the fact that you have 8 of them.
content warning: swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendos, skz should be in horny jail, potential smut (MDNI), domestic abuse, sexual assault, implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal tendencies/thoughts, male x male relationships (skz are soulmates), polyamory, kms/kys jokes, mentions of homophobia + transphobia, lots of written parts, more to be added.
one of my recent lectures that i've been enjoying a looot. i truly recommend it.
@mazeinthemiroh >>>> all her materialist
i love their work, her reactions are really really good and well written. one of my comfort blogs tbh
that's why all her stray kids materialist is here, just so you can see and read it with your own eyes
@straylightdream >>>> 8.13
pairing: lee know × fem!reader
genre: one shot
summary: after a nightmare wakes you up your husband comforts you.
this made me cry its so good and fluffy omg
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p.d: in the future new blogs are going to be added, these are my more recent and current obsessions of the month if am being honest. but they're here because of the history and the writers are doing a really really good job with their works which is highly appreciated.
♡♡ if you're one of the creators tagged here i wanna say thank you for your hard work and that i truly admire your talent and skills that give us those beautiful stories ♡♡
p.d. 2: i apologize if there are any mistakes, english is not my first language, if you find any please let me know so i can get better!
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xoxo, yoon's out!
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midyiderit · 2 months
Stray Kids Fic Recomendations: Part 2
Part 2 because I ran out of room to tag on Part 1, and I need to make sure everyone is tagged. This part is still being added to.
Fluff ☁️
Angst ⛈️
Mature 🌹
Smut 🔥
Comfort 🫂
Reverse Comfort 🔁🫂
Idol 🎤
Strangers 💛
Best Friends 🩵
Strangers to Lovers 🧡
Friends to Lovers 💜
Enemies to Lovers 💚
Exs to Lovers ❤️‍🩹
Established Relationship ❤️
Lovers to Exs 💔
⛈️🫂 Breaking Up and Getting Back Together With Them (Hyung Part 1) (Maknae Part 1) (Hyung Part 2) (Maknae Part 2) (Hyunjin, Han, & I.N. Part 3) by @dazed--xx 💔❤️‍🩹
☁️ Silly Things They Do As Boyfriends by @hwajin ❤️
🔥 What "Non-Con" Scenes They Would Do With You by @chvnmax ❤️
Fake Texts
🌹 They Ask You to Stain Them With Your Lipstick by @daaawnnn ❤️
☁️ They Find Out From Another Member You Fainted (Hyung Line) (Maknae Line) by @giddyfatherchris ❤️
☁️ "What If I Told You I Was Pregnant?" by @sunboki ❤️
🌹 They Accidentally Send You a Nude by @bluejutdae 💜
🎤☁️ You Write a Love Song About Them (Hyung Line) (Maknae Line) by @giddyfatherchris ❤️
⛈️ They Miss You When You're Broken Up by @charmerchannie ❤️‍🩹
☁️ They Think You're Pregnant (And it Turns Out You Are) by @feelbokkie ❤️
Individual Members
Bang Chan
☁️ Chan Saves You From a Bad Date by @bluejutdae 💜
Lee Know (Minho)
☁️🌹 Random Boyfriend Texts by @thefantasyden ❤️
🔥 Punishment by @brainddeadd ❤️
Seo Changbin
Yang Jeongin (I.N.)
☁️ Changbin Finds Out You're Single by @f9clementine 💜
☁️ Changbin Pays You Back by @imagine-a-life-like-this 💚
☁️🫂 I.N. Saves You From a Bad Date by @bluejutdae 💜
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chlodavids · 9 months
Fic Recs
💬 Social Media Au
💔 Angst
🔥 Smut/ mature
☀️ Fluff
💌 Text messages
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Bang Chan
Unprofessional by @exxxtraoddinary 🔥(blog deactivated)
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
Seven by @thiswasneverthat
LTNS by @phenomenalgirl9
Lee Know
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
Too hot to handle by @seospicybin 🔥
Seo Changbin
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
Seo Tiny by @astraysimp ☀️
Hwang Hyunjin
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
It's a scream baby by @mixtape-racha
astringent by @kiestrokes 🔥
only fools fall for you - @hyunjinspark 💬
Art teacher!Hyunjin by @samiiy20
Encore by @baby-yongbok 🔥
An S-Class Connection by @mysweethannie 🔥
just look at me | smau by @ppiri-bahng 💬
Ship by @phenomenalgirl9 ☀️
Han Jisung
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
Escort by @jonespicy 💬
Let’s Fall in Love, IRL by @feelbokkie 💬
Lee Felix
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
It's a scream baby by @mixtape-racha
Too hot to handle by @seospicybin
Before you fall by @whatsk-poppinhomies
Before you choose by @whatsk-poppinhomies
Hufflepuff boy by @kkami-writes 🔥
Tangled Hearts @chansdoll
Kim Seungmin
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
Little Mister by @astraysimp ☀️
Yang Jeongin
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
Masterlist by @feelbokkie
Masterlist by @hyunedew
SKZ!9TH MEMBER AU by @skz-streamer
Masterlist by @kkami-writes
Connected by @sky-yuna
Texting Bf!Skz | JealousBoyCore✨|💌🔥☀️
pt. 1 pt.2 by @skzfairyyyf8te
Forbidden (a SKZ Family Secret) by
*⑅୨୧*sharing is caring
minsung x reader x ot8 partner sharing - @skzms
FAN by @prettiestboyev 💬
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amyyscorner · 8 months
List of stuff to write for @amyysfics
Smau series based on bbokamyy lore
Fem!rock-singer!reader x han (req by moonie)
Skz eye mb
Skz mb once we get more cb pics
Series (drabbles) - insecurities
Smau - drunk
Smau - where ur eyes @
Smau - wrong movie
Smau - sensitive periods
Smau - sleep drunk
Secret drabble Addition for a @feelbokkie fic
Anything y'all want first based on only this info? (The feelbokkie drabble will take a while and the smau based on bbokamyy lore needs more background work first)
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binniesbabe · 9 months
Livy's Rec Fic Masterlist
♡key - fluff [f] | angst [a] | mature [m] |suggestive [s]
Stray Kids
"Run, little lamb. Run." [m] pairing: lee minho x fem!reader @seo--changbin
if i leave, which i must do [f,a,s] pairing: han jisung x female!reader @skzhua
style, 1989— musician from next door [f,m] ✰pairing — musician!jisung x f. reader @starlostseungmin
off limits (h.h) [f,s] pairing: hyunjin x reader @yxngbxkkie
user [a] pairing: kim seungmin x reader @writing-my-life-away
steamy [m,f] pairing: felix x trader @sky-yuna
in which u beg chris for round 2 [m]╰┈➤ bang chan x f. reader @faeryacha
forgive me for what i haven’t done [a,f] pairing: felix x fem!reader @rachalixie
Hide and Seek ~SCB [m] PAIRING: Changbin x Fem!Reader @dreamescapeswriting
Bottling up [a] pairing: idolminho x gn reader @bonobonoyaatheart
Into The Chaos- Bang Chan [f] pairing: idolbang chan x reader @kpopimaginings
The Fan Meeting [f,m,a] Pairing: Idol!Han Jisung x afab reader @dontaskmemybias
Photobooth [f] pairing: kim seungmin x reader @astraystayyh
Anger Management [f,a,m] Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Han Jisung/Han x Fem Reader @2chopsticks2eyes
Dance For Us [m] pairings: Lee Minho x Fem Reader|Lee Felix x Fem Reader| Hwang Hyunjin x Fem Reader|Lee Felix x Hwang Hyunjin @2chopsticks2eyes
“Hyung Will Teach You” [m] PAIRINGS: Bang Chan x Fem!Reader x I.N @seo--changbin
TO HOT TO HANDLE MASTERLIST [m,f] synopsis: You and skz members become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle @seospicybin
instead of you (masterlist) [a,m] ongoing pairing: best friend’s brother!lee minho x f!reader ft. han jisung @sluttywonwoo
it’s a bad idea right? -hjs [a,f,s] ongoing  pairing: jisung x fem!reader. @cosmic-railwayxo
「𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚗」 · masterlist [a,m] ongoing ※ Bang Chan x afab reader @exxxtraoddinary
Make Love, Not Porn|Masterlist [m] ongoing barista!hyunjin x cam girl!reader @charmercharm3r
Hello Stranger|Masterlist [f,a,m] PAIRING: minho ft. hyunjin x fem!reader @tasteleeknow
Blue Side of The Sky Masterlist [f,a,m] —pairing: lee know x f. reader @hyunfilms
Ephemeral Love | Masterlist [f,a] pairing: Seungmin x reader @feelbokkie
Love on The Court | l.mh [m] jock leeknow x nerd female reader @etherealinowrites
Too Hot To Handle [s,m] pairing: lee felix x reader @seospicybin
Hot Bitch Summer [s,m,f] fratboy!stray kids x reader @hyunsvngs
Devils Advocate [s,m] pairing. ot8 x fem!demon!reader @kkami-writes
Never Have I Ever [s,m] pairing(s); everyone x everyone (stray kids x reader) @hyungszn
Oddinary House [horror] pairing: stray kids x reader (separate) A girl gets an invitation to come and visit the Oddinary House, located at the other end of town. Despite her hesitation, one night she heads there, only to be trapped in the abandoned mansion with a bunch of monsters. @jinnie-ret
Wanting to go to the Barbie movie with Stray Kids [f] pairing: ot8 x reader @channie-143
When you’re both competing at ISAC [f] pairing: idolskz x idolreader @feelbokkie
texts with stray kids- when you send their pictures as reactions (hyung line) [f] pairing: ot8 x reader @hyunribbon
Tomorrow x Together
i can't swim, idiot ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ choi beomgyu [f,m] pairing: choi beomgyu x fem!reader @beom-pyu
Hey Emo Boy! [f,m] bassist!Beomgyu x fem! reader @koqabear
Take it! [a,m,f] chaebol!Beomgyu,chaebol!Taehyun! x fem!reader @koqabear
-always [a,m,f] — starring. childhood bestfriend!jake x fem!reader @wonlovie
Other Groups
the best man. (m.l) [m,f] pairing: mark lee x reader @mrkis
Dive Into You (Masterlist) [m] completed pairing: brothers Jeno/Haechan x female reader @neopuppy
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myseungsunglove · 5 months
In search of!!
Today, Jan. 3rd, is my birthday. 🥳🤭
I’m looking for some bday fics to read so if you know of any, send em my way. You can dm me or drop em in my ask box.
I might write one myself by the end of the night, we will see.
You know me. I love my Seungie, Hannie, Channie, and Lee Know but a birthday with Changbin, Hyunjin, Innie, or Felix sounds really nice too.
Thanks in advance for helping a girl out!
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Tagging a few homies who might know of something! @seungmoonandstars @seungminheart @jl-micasea-fics @hyunsvngs @astraystayyh @rachalixie @tasteleeknow @tasteracha @skzms @feelbokkie @hanjibug @gimmeurtmi @lix-ables @charmercharm3r @cbini @blossomwritesthings @maximumkillshot
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 10 months
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HOOLY GUACAMOLE!! 2K!!!! I can't thank you all enough for being here and sticking with me through everything. My spontaneous breaks, my break downs, my rant posts, and most of all... Thank you all for reading my fics!!
@inniejeonginnie : the first dates headcanon was honestly the cutest damn thing I've ever read, and I wish I could reread it just to feel that fuzzy feeling I felt when reading all the members headcanons one more time for the first time. You put every single one of my exes to shame with your words and I thank you because I realize now my standards should have been higher and now they are. We all deserve the first dates that you wrote. Thank you so much, I love you <3
@telesvng : Your text posts are *chefs kiss* just amazing and perfect and I wait for them to pop up on my main page when I open tumblr. I'm so glad that I came across one of your posts and started following you because you're amazing. Thank you for posting, I love you <3
@feelbokkie : Thank you for feeding my delusions. Thank you for writing. Thank you for your contributions to my imagination. I usually read your text posts before bed because it further feeds into my dream delusions... So thank you!!! Thank you so much for being an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more of your work. I love you <3
(yes I end almost every thank you with an I love you -platonically obviously- but everyone deserves to be told that they're loved, and that they're appreciated. So thank you all again, and I love you <3)
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feelbokkie · 12 days
Texts from bf!Chan while you’re at another idol’s concert
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: crack
pov: 1st/2nd person (depends on how you view it)
description: Chan is stuck at practice but is still making time to watch the NCT Dream concert with you even from a far…. It’ll be okay right?
pairing: bf!chan x reader
warnings: none
screenshot count: 17
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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Buy me a coffee?
Permanent Taglist (closed)
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyysfics @berryblog @jaydebow @junebug032 @boiohboii
@heistheavatar @lieslab @rainbae-anon @k-cock @hamburgers101
@mrswolfiechan @soulboundauthor @weird-bookworm @thisisnotjacinta @seungmyynie
@halesandy @kpopsstuffs @honeydew93 @beebee18 @stay278
@jaiuneamesolitaiire @babrieeee @brain-empty-only-draken @tenmii @blueforte
@jihanlovic @felixglow  @nuronhe @soonyoungblr @phtogravi
@jiisungllvr @puppyminnnie
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kangaracha · 29 days
thank you for 1k followers
i've been around and writing for like. near on fifteen years (a check to ff.net says 17 years holy hell) in so many fandoms but this one is the only one where people have really taken notice and stopped to read, so thank you stay. you're the real g's. i hope you'll stay with me if i sidepass into some original fiction too.
and of course thankyou to the mutuals, the inner circle @keepswingin, @rainfallingfromthesky, @kokinu09, who do all my proofreading and editing, read and reread the same part three times when i'm feeling insecure, suffer through spoilers i can't help but tell someone, sit and play rubber duck to every plot hole, and still leave a comment for every chapter. i hope you never leave because i don't actually know how to produce anything without you.
and the bokkie corner. what did we call it. the corner place? the cafe au. @feelbokkie, @tfshouldidohere, @amyyscorner, @ashitshowforalot, @puppysmileseungmin, @hyuuukais, @kkami-writes. we have fun, don't we? thanks for reblogging my fics and letting me bully you, if you ever dump me i truly will never forget you but don't do that, i like it here.
okay bye. thanks. bye.
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starlostastronaut · 5 months
moony!! 3, 12 and 27 for the ask game ❤️‍🩹
hiii mars! thank you for the ask ❤️‍🩹
3) favourite line/scene you wrote
okay this one is kinda hard, because i literally just mass produced fics in december and there's a lot of faves. but i'll try to pick out the best ones haha
for scenes it's the kiss scene from day 21 - zero gravity and minho taking care of reader's injury in day 16 - your sword and shield. for just lines, it would be these two:
He got too used to the fact that, in his life, you were a constant. You never left, not even after a few particularly nasty fights. In the end, you were there. Everywhere. Always. So being away from you made him realize just how much he missed you.
from day 11 - night we met
Dating Hyunjin felt like a dream come true. He was attentive and affectionate, but he gave you your space. He was the perfect textbook boyfriend, until he wasn't.
from day 14 - the same heart
12) favourite character to write about
i will never get tired of writing chris, but i found out that i actually really like writing seungmin and hyunjin. at first i was scared to write hyunjin because i wasn't sure how to correctly portray him, but it turned out to be fun! and seungmin is my baby, of course i like writing him haha
27) favourite fanfic author of the year
i have to say @skzonthebrain since her fics pretty much got me into the whole kpop fanfics thing. but also you mars, @feelbokkie @maknaeswrld and @sunboki ❤️‍🩹
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stayconnecteed · 5 months
Following the ask game, I'd love to here your thoughts for; 1, 14 and 25! 💕
hii dear anon!! okay, so...
( 01. favourite fic you wrote this year )
i have to say that it has to be chan's hot chocolate, from my i wanna be yours series, along with jisung's love of a lifetime. the first one because i love barista chan, and i really enjoyed writing some fluffy college au. the second one cause i'm obsessed with what may called "darkly whimsical fantasy" so expect that kind of content in the future kajhdkajsh
( 14. a fic you didn't expect to write )
probs love of a lifetime, because it wasn't on my wips and/or plans to write it, my moot cubbs tagged me on some thoughts about that han vcr for the dome tour. but also no mourners, no funerals. never in my life would i have thought on share my silly fic od six of crows re written as a minsung x oc series (plus binchanlix x oc side story). shout out to @skzms and @lyramundana for all the pirate au thoughts hehe
( 25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone to read )
WELL this is the stuff. i love giving feedback, and i already have a 5 star tag with my favs here if you want to take a look, but i'll share the ones i really really really love, yeah? (i'll divide the +18 and other ones, so you can read freely if you're a minor)
☆ fics for over 18 readers:
· on my mind (han jisung) by @staytheword (lit the first fic i read here and one of my top5 ones) · wereroomies universe by @therhythmafterthesummer (i recommend you to read every single fic, it's just the best of the best you'll read on skz werewolf au) · scene stealers by @cb97percent · OFC SHARING IS CARING BY @skzms !!!!!! by minsung obsessed awakening akjsdhkjsdha (and her producer chris fic that made me go brrrr) · my lovely @j-0ne25 red light's and levanter · and literally all @subskz 's fics are amazing too
☆ fics for under 18 too
· @feelbokkie 's one last dance (careful with this one) and don't let me love you ーher smaus are the best. · invisible thread by @astraystayyh (both part 1 and 2) · my baby @starlostastronaut 's day 5 of her moony's countdown to christmas (which i highly recommend) · paint you blue by @ksmins !!
i got carried away ajsdhakjsd i'm sorry!! hope that helps <33
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ashitshowforalot · 8 months
Hi! So I've seen you're close with a lot of fic blogs and read a lot of fics, i was wondering if you could recommend some good stories or one shots or series for stray kids or just blogs in general? I need something to read when I'm cozied up! :") thank you!
hi anon!!! i’m so sorry it took me so long to respond i didn’t really get settled into my dorm until now. i do t really have specific links but i do have quite a few blogs to recommend (i’m not gonna tag bc i don’t want to just pop up in someone’s notifs out of no where)
of course i have to start with my mutuals (and my love first and foremost)
@/ hyuuukais (💙🤎🩷)
@/ amyyfics ( really good oneshot/scenario texts like i’ve wanted to cry bc of how cute or heartwarming they were)
@/liknws (ghost ily)
@/ kkami-writes (does have smut/suggestive but i make exceptions bc i love the way they write sm)
@/kangaracha  (roo has an upcoming fic i belive so im exited for that)
and then of course the one and only @/feelbokkie (allie specializes in angst but there’s some tooth rottingly fluffy moments/ scenario texts)
now for my non moots:
@/hyunestrella who moved blogs so there’s a lot of back logged content on @/luvrhyune
@/hyunedew who i love
@/ milkandhyunnie
sorry this is so unorganized and long i’ve never done this before but i appreciate you so much for asking :)
edit: i can’t help but feel like i’ve missed someone so when i find them i’ll ad them in the comments
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amyyscorner · 9 months
So as someone who has experienced @feelbokkie writing ch16 LIVE, I do not understand how she is able to put out two chapters after one another, when realistically she takes like 2 weeks for one part of a chapter.
Actual insane person I'm telling y'all
Also anyone mad yet about constantly seeing me on her account?
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syrena-del-mar · 10 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
Tagged by @shouldiusemyname - It's been ages since I've done one of these tag games, so thanks for adding me into the fun!
I use the brackets to talk way too much, be warned.
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings [Currently have 5-6 on my ears... probably going to self-pierce some more in a couple of months] // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair [I've dyed it most colors you can think of and used to self-bleach... now I usually just dye it different shades of brown, but I miss having dark red] // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup [I used to post music-inspired makeup looks pre-pandemic oops]// I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas [I'm more of an adidas or converse type of person]// I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport [Tennis and Krav Maga... does that count as a sport?]// I can play an instrument [I was a trained pianist for about 15 years and a trained drummer for about 10 years... though I haven't touched any of my instruments in about 4/5 years...] // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe [certain staple foods, not just on a whim though] // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami// I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year [Do law books count?] // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks [Only back to the homeland] // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years [I count them in one hand] // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (CA tends to have blended winters and autumns so yes... I am that crazy person that decorates as if I'm in some weird neighborhood competition for the holidays)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend [I am more of the dad friend... I'll always be here for you but I'm not always the easiest to contact] // I live by a certain quote ("It's not an end but an and") // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities [Not as an adult, but as a teen I'm pretty sure I was VP or Pres of about 6/7 clubs, I swear I burnt out early] // I enjoy Mexican food [Specifically Yucatecan/Southern Mexican dishes, which is hard to find in the states] // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs [I own 7!]
Now onto tagging! Sorry if any of you have already done these. @sunshinechay @a-slut-for-vegaspete @feelbokkie-main @nodtnutthasid @saturnskyline @elfenphoenix and anyone else that feels like they want to join in.
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