propertyofwicked · 1 month
lando discovers his bestfriends little sister is a virgin, and will stop at no lengths to change that (and ruin her for anyone else)
warnings: smut!! MDNI!! virgin reader, fewtrell!sister, mostly soft smut with a small innocence kink
✧ it's officially assignment szn and ur girl is STRESSED. my posts wont be as frequent for a while but i am currently creating a backlog of things to post! ✧
masterlist the playlist
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“ok, y/n - truth or dare?” ria asked the girl from across the circle they sat in on the floor of max’s living room.
being so close in age to her older brother, y/n fewtrell fit in well with his friendship group, often preferring to hang out with them over her own friends. a few others were dotted around the house, P and a couple girls using the kitchen. they were all due to head to a club soon, only using max’s house to pre drink as he lived closest.
“truth,” she responded, giggling slightly as the alcohol began to turn her tipsy - not drunk, just jolly she had told max when he last checked on her.
“where is the weirdest place you’ve had sex?” ria asked, giggling to herself at the rest of the group laughed, turning to face y/n for her answer. she went silent, heat rising her face gradually. her eyes scanned the group, everyone staring expectantly at her - only max avoided her gaze, looking at his phone to queue songs to the playlist.
“i- uh, well i guess i…haven’t?” she replied, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole. she didn’t know why she was so embarrassed - she was 19, almost 20, and it seemed that everyone around her was coupled up, or at least active in that department. and, it hadn’t been through lack of trying, every man she had almost been with had found out and used it to get to who she was related to - and subsequently, lando - or gave her the ick before they got the chance to.
“what do you mean you haven’t?!” niran had laughed out, he hadn’t meant to laugh, he just couldn’t believe it.
“i ju-”
“ok can we stop quizzing my little sister on her sex life? please,” max interrupted, y/n sighing out a breath of relief when they finally moved to the next person. her eyes scouted across the group of people, glad to see them all distracted and no longer giving her the sympathy eyes over her pathetic excuse of a love life.
in her embarrassment, however, y/n missed the way lando’s eyes had darted to look at her when she had answered, missing the way they darkened slightly at the revelation. he shook the thoughts plaguing his mind away, focusing on keeping his face neutral as he watched the blush rising her cheeks.
she didn’t miss the way his eyes followed her as she snuck out the room, however. she’d hope no one would notice her sneaking into the kitchen, smiling at P before swiping a bottle of something and heading to the garden, legs landing gracefully to sit on a step.
this was not the first time she had dwelled on this, but this time, she could at least comfort the blow of her overactive brain by drinking - or so she thought. as not a moment after she’d removed the cap, the bottle was being snatched from her hands and closely inspected by a man towering above her crouched body.
“this smells like ass, y/n - are you sure you wanna drink it?” lando asked her, lowering himself to sit on the step next to her. the sky was darkening, stars filling the vast blackness.
“yes im sure, thanks dad,” she mocked him, arms reaching over to snatch the bottle from him, but once again, he moved his arm out, stretching the bottle further from her reach.
“nuh uh!” lando said, shaking his head, “only when you tell me why you intend on drinking what im sure is the finest bottle of… £3.99 vodka - jesus, £3.99?”
“sorry mister ‘owns-2-mclarens-and-a-lambo’,” she replied, leaning further into his side in a desperate bid to get the bottle back - she wasn’t even sure she wanted to drink it anymore, she just wanted something to fiddle with when lando eventually forced her to talk to him.
“didn’t answer my question, darlin’” he told her, placing the bottle besides him as he removed one of his threaded bracelets, placing it in her exposed palm.
oh he knew her a little too well.
“i jus- no it’s so stupid,” she conceded, the bracelet twisting around her fingers. she stared directly at it, refusing to meet lando’s intense gaze.
“bet it’s not,” he told her, moving an arm to wrap around her when he felt the chill air brush his own skin.
“you know what’s worse than having to announce to your friends that you’re a lonely little virgin that no one wants? being the lonely little virgin. it’s so fucking embarrassing - i’m 19, hell i’m nearly 20 and when everyone around you has someone in their life, it’s so hard not to feel so behind in your own life, to feel completely unlovable, to constantly feel like there’s something wrong with you,” she breathed out, still refusing to make eye contact with the man besides her.
lando took in a deep breath, choosing his next words so carefully. his hand reached up to her chin, turning her face to look up at his.
“y/n, you are not unlovable, you’re not falling behind in life and there is certainly nothing wrong with you,” he told her, his tone harsh in attempt to knock some sense into her. she shook her head at him in disbelief, his hand dropping back to his side.
“see, i really want to believe you but the evidence isn’t really stacking up in support of your argument. if that was true, i probably wouldn’t be sat in my brother’s back garden throwing myself a pity party.”
“i think your brother might’ve had a part to play in this, if im honest y/n,” lando said, slipping up slightly. she paused at his words, before her head shot round to look at him again.
“what? what do you mean max has something do with the fact no one wants me?”
“it’s not that no one wants you, y/n,” he sighed at her again before giving in, realising he’d already said too much to stop now, “it’s just that max has a bad habit of… threatening anyone who even mentions you in that way?” he added, his tone making it sound like he wasn’t even sure himself.
“threatening them?” she repeated, anger beginning to bubble up in her stomach.
“he’s only actually hit 2 of them - hell even ive had a close call with his fist a few times,” lando laughed, before realising what he’d indirectly admitted to. luckily, neither of them had time to dwell on it before the man in question popped his head round the door.
“what are you two losers doing out here?” he joked, before sensing some tension being thrown his way, “whatever, we’re leaving in a minute if you wanna get ready?”
“no thanks,” y/n told him, pushing herself up and beginning to walk past him.
“huh?” max replied, confused.
“i said, no thanks. wouldn’t wanna risk you punching anyone who shows the slightest interest in me,” she added, arms crossed over her chest as she glared at him. she turned quickly on her heel, walking off, ignoring the group as she trailed up to the spare bedroom.
the two boys shared a look between them, lando’s face holding that of apology whilst max’s was gradually moving to infuriated.
“what did you tell her?” max asked him, jaw clenching slightly.
“i didn’t mean to,” lando replied, throwing his arms out slightly as he stood up, “i just thought she ought to know that the reason boys don’t go for her is not because she is completely unlovable.”
“she said that?” max asked, startled slightly at the comment, “she thought she was unlovable?”
lando said nothing, throwing a simple nod at him before brushing past him and making his way to the front door.
y/n laid in her bed, her mind racing through the conversation with lando, like a record on repeat. she’d heard the rest of them leave the house almost an hour ago, leaving her to lay with her own thoughts once more.
there was nothing wrong with her, max just threatened anyone who came too close to her.
max had punched 2 guys who had tried to get with her.
max had tried to punch lando - wait, why had he tried to punch lando?
the sound of the front door opening, then quickly shutting again drew her from her thoughts, a natural panic spreading through her veins.
“hello?” she called out, confused as to who could be walking in the house right now. there was no response for a moment, the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs filled the silence.
“it’s just me, baby,” a voice called out, the childhood nickname letting her know it was lando approaching her bedroom. the name used to be max and lando’s attempt to tease the girl, calling her a baby when she cried after dropping her ice cream. that was when she was 7, but 13 years later, the nickname still stuck. somewhere along the line, the name had turned from mimicking to a term of endearment, blurring the lines of their friendship every time he called out to her.
“oh thank god, i thought you were a murderer,” she joked, her breathing easing as his head poked around the door, eyes meeting hers.
“you thought i was a murderer and chose to shout ‘hello’? brave, or stupid?” lando joked back.
“never let them know your next move,” y/n replied with a shrug, before noticing the way one of lando’s hands remained hidden behind the door, “whatcha got there?” she asked him, the way one would ask a dog who had something they shouldn’t.
“depends, are you gonna be nice to me?” he shot back.
“me? im always nice to you, lan,” an innocent smile built on her face.
“tell that to the scar on my back.”
“tell the scar on your back to get over it, it was 10 years ago,” she snorted as he moved further into the door frame.
“no ice cream for you then,” lando replied, smirking at her as he shrugged.
“you got ice cream?” she asked, eyes widening at him.
“thought you might wanna watch a film and forget about tonight with a flurry.”
“gimme,” y/n said, making grabby hands that would’ve been embarrassing had she not already had the worst night of her life.
“nuh uh, not until you’re nice to m-”
“oh get over here you drama queen,” she groaned at him, patting the spot next to her on the bed. lando would never say no to her, giving in so easily as he climbed under the blanket, an arm falling naturally behind her head as he did.
he began fiddling with the tv remote, scrolling through netflix for something to watch. y/n leant further into his embrace, her head settling lightly on his chest as she looked up at him.
“lan - why didn’t you stay at the club?” she asked quietly, fighting the urge to fiddle with her fingers, nervous at the thought of insinuating that he’d want to spend his evening with her instead.
“clubs are only good when you’re drunk,” lando replied with a shrug, eyes still focused on the tv, “id rather just be the designated driver and still be able to get up for training in the morning.”
his eyes flitted down at her quickly, glad she’d returned her gaze to the screen as if he’d seen her wide eyes staring up at him, lando doubted he’d be able to control himself. what she’d revealed earlier still flew around his brain as he fought desperately to shake away any thoughts of taking her innocence, ruining her for anyone else. god, he felt like a creep.
the two fell into a comfortable silence, both of them appearing to focus on the film playing in front of them. lando’s hand remained tightly around her waist, his hand moving beneath her shirt slightly for his fingers to trace circles into her skin. her head remained on his chest, each breath taking in the lingering smell of his aftershave.
“lan?” she broke the silence again, looking up at him once again.
“yes, baby?” he replied, eyes never straying from the screen.
“what did you mean earlier when you said max had even tried to punch you?”
his head shot down to look at her, feeling himself crumble slightly as her eyes stared widely up at him, her tired voice drawing him further into the trap. he could lie, tell her it was a misunderstanding. or he could tell her the truth, and pray it didn’t destroy his entire friendship with the fewtrell siblings.
“when you told me i wasn’t unlovable earlier, you really meant…” she asked, filling in for his silence. she trailed off at the end of her sentence, unwilling to get her hopes up.
“yeah.. so about that,” he said, trying to regain his confidence. she hit at his chest lightly, pushing herself to sit up and look at his face clearer than ever.
“how long?” she asked him with unwavering eye contact.
“longer than i want to admit,” lando replied, smiling at her awkwardly, “and i understand if you don’t fe-”
“kiss me.”
“you heard me,” she told him before joining their lips apprehensively. it started off slow, both testing the waters before falling into a steady pace. his tongue swiped her bottom lip softly, deepening the kiss as his hand raised to hold her jaw. she stifled a moan, embarrassed at the way her body was reacting to the slightest touch.
“don’t get shy on me now, baby,” he told her, hands dropping to her waist, “come ‘ere.”
lando’s hands settled on her hips, fingers gripping at them slightly to guide her onto his lap. as she settled into the new position, he kissed her again, gentle in the way he pulled her in closer, his free hand disappearing under her shirt to draw circles into her skin once more. her hips instinctively rolled into his at the feeling, and he gripped at her skin harder, a small groan escaping his mouth.
“fuck, keep that up and i won’t be able to stop,” he warned her as she rolled her hips again. his head dropped to her jaw, pressing soft kisses along the skin.
“what if i don’t want this to stop?” she asked him, causing him to pause, looking up at her softly.
“are you sure?” he asking, checking her face for any sign of hesitancy. she nodded at him before speaking.
“there’s no one i trust more.”
with her reassurance, lando flipped the top of them over, trailing kisses down her neck as he hovered above her.
“we’ll go slow,” he told her as he pulled at her t-shirt, tugging the fabric up her torso, “wanted this for so long. gonna take my time with you,” he mumbled, pressing soft kisses to the skin of her stomach. her back arched into him slightly, helping him remove her top fully. y/n felt exposed, more so than usual. had it not been for lando’s large hands snaking up to grab at her breasts, she would’ve used her own to shield her nudity.
“so gorgeous,” he mumbled again, before dipping his head to take one of her nipples in his mouth, tongue flicking at it, his fingers tugged at the other. he pushed himself back up, re joining their lips in a sweet kiss.
“gonna make you feel good, alright?” he asked her, watching the way her head nodded at him, “yeah? need you to use your words from now on baby.”
“think you should take your top off now,” she told him, her confidence returning slightly, “seems a bit unfair,” she added, jokingly pointing at her own exposed chest.
“so it is,” he agreed, sitting back on his knees as his hands gripped the bottom of his own t-shirt, lifting it over his head. the material landed on the floor, but y/n couldn’t care less - she was much more focused on the way his muscles looked, a combination of his tan and the soft fairy lights illuminating his features in a way that had her stomach rolling for him.
“oi! my eyes are up here,” he joked, settling himself between her legs. lando’s hands trailed up the exposed skin of her thighs, dragging his fingers slowly. her hips jutted up slightly at the sensation, a satisfied smirking fighting its way onto lando’s face.
“this ok?” he asked her, hands toying with the waistband of her shorts.
“yeah,” she breathed out, anticipation beginning to get the better of her as he began pulling the material away from her heat.
“tell me to stop and i’ll stop,” lando told her, discarding her shorts with his top, before adjusting his gaze to her, “just relax f’me. breathe,” he added, noticing the way her chest had frozen, breath caught in her throat. a finger ran through her folds softly, her hips rolling slightly at the sudden feeling of his rough finger pad circling her clit. his movements stopped for a moment as he moved back up her body, kissing her softly as he gathered her slick along his fingers.
“so wet for me,” he told her, kissing at her jaw, “gonna get you ready for me, ok?”
“please, lan,” she begged, panting slightly as his fingers circled her heat again, pressing into her slightly. it’s not like she hadn’t done this before on herself, which was potentially her downfall the moment he pressed a finger into her, the stretch unexpected. lando’s face pressed into her neck, kissing a trail along the skin as he pumped his finger a few times. he could hear every noise she made for him so clearly, drawing him to push a second finger into her, feeling the way her walls clamped around him.
“im ready, lan, please just fuck me,” she begged him, panting in between her words. he could’ve passed out her words, blood rushing from his brain and straight to his cock. his body pushed back up, standing quickly to remove the rest of his clothes. her hands halted him as they reached out and grabbed at the waist band of his joggers, pulling them down slowly as the pressure of his cock strained against the tight material. he helped her remove them fully, her spare hand adding difficulty as she palmed him through his boxers.
“fuck, angel,” he groaned, careful not to overwhelm her as she pulled at his boxers, tugging them down as she had his joggers. however they soon established his noises were not as overwhelming as the size of his cock - her eyes widening as she came face to face with it, her finger running down the thick vein that travelled his length.
“like what you see?” he joked in attempt to ease her nerves.
“how-? is that gonna fit?” she stuttered, gaze travelling down to her stomach as if she were trying to size herself up.
“im sure we’ll make it work,” he replied, hand reaching to her chin, forcing her to look back up at him, “remember, we can stop whenever.”
she nodded at him, before reaching up, looping her arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss. he used the leverage to lay her back down, hovering over her once again as he rested on his forearm. without breaking the kiss, he reached down, guiding his cock through her folds a few times before settling the tip at her entrance.
“you sure?” lando checked again, searching her face for any last minute apprehension.
“are you sure?” she retorted, her smile illuminated by the moons glow, “can’t imagine fucking a virgin is high on your bucket list.”
“you’d be surprised,” he responded, mumbling slightly, his cock throbbed in his hand. he began lowering his hips, pushing into her slowly, low grunts falling from his lips as he disappeared further inside her.
“breathe baby, breathe for me,” he told her, feeling the way her body had tensed, her chest stilling as she inhaled deeply, “feel so good.”
lando waited a moment, watching the way her face softened, his necklace dangling dangerously around her lips. he started moving at a gentle pace, careful to listen to her responses.
“feels good,” she told him, eyes looking into his.
“yeah? ‘my the first person to make you feel good?” he asked, baiting her slightly.
“yes, fuck lan. only you.”
he close to lost it, his brain short circuiting at her words. he began to move faster in her, relishing in the way she moaned his name, her walls contracting around his cock. his hand reached between the two of them, fingers flicking at her clit before drawing pressured circles around her heat.
“faster, lan, please,” y/n begged him, her hand raising to tug at his curls.
“gonna ruin you for anyone else, angel,” he grunted, hips snapping into hers at a brutal pace, his eyes focused on the way her breasts moved in unison with his thrusts.
lando felt his high coming quicker than he could ever remember, feeling the way her grip on his bicep tightened and her breathing became more sporadic letting him know she was close too.
“you wanna cum with me?” he asked her, his tone soft whilst his pace remained rough, his fingers beginning to trace his own name on her clit. it gave him a sense of ownership over her, an invisible trace of him that would linger on her sensitivity forever - and she loved it, whining at the feeling of his skin on hers.
“please, fuck. wanna cum,” she told him, eyes shutting as her head rolled back. lando’s head dropped to her exposed neck, his teeth nipping at the skin before he titled his head further, mouth landing on the flesh of her breast. he’d quickly realised that leaving visible mark on his best friends little sister was potentially not the smartest idea, choosing to nip at the skin of her tit, mouth sucking the flesh into his lips as he did. his raised himself up again, admiring the way blood ran to the surface of her skin, only imagining the way she’d look when a bruise formed on the spot.
“only me?” he asked her, hand moving to grip her jaw, dark eyes locking with hers.
“only you,” she replied in a breathless moan.
“good girl,” he said, feeling the way her hips rolled up into his, heat running through her entire body as her climax washed over her. y/n shook around him lightly, her stomach spasming as she rode out her high, but lando couldn’t stop and admire the view. he pulled out quickly, feeling his own high rising in his cock, both of their eyes glued on the way his cock shot out ropes of cum that landed on her stomach.
“so….” she started, trying to fill the somewhat awkward tension in the room.
“we are so doing that again,” he said with a chuckle and he moved to locate his joggers on the floor.
“oh absolutely,” she replied, laughing with him as the fear of him leaving her washed away, though her eyebrow quirked up at him as he shuffled to the door.
“just grabbing a cloth. gotta get you cleaned up so we can finish the film,” he added with a smile.
minutes later, they were both sat back in the bed, her legs thrown over his lap as one hand grazed the skin of his back lightly, lando’s hand running up and down her thigh in a similar fashion. they sat in a comfortable silence, knowing that eventually they would need to discuss the future of this, the future of them, but for now lando relished in the way her hand continuously stroked at the same spot on his back. the same spot - he internally questioned.
“watcha doing?” he finally asked, curious to her supposed fixation on his left shoulder blade.
“apologising to the scar on your back?” she retorted, circling back to their earlier conversation.
“never apologise for anything ever again,” he mumbled into her hair, before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“what if i murdered your entire family?” she piped up.
“i support women’s rights and their wrongs.”
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
The Drivers - Part 1
Series Title : Younger Sister (TBC)
Summary: Being Lando Norris' sister made it surprising that it was one of your only visits to the paddock. Ollie made sure to introduce you to all the drivers and show you about.
Pairing/s: Oliver Bearman x Norris!Reader, Lando Norris x Sister!reader , Grid x Norris!Reader
Word Count : 1.2k
Series Masterlist
Oliver Bearman Masterlist
Lando Norris Masterlist
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It wasn’t exactly hard being Lando’s sister, especially when you hardly went to races. Silverstone just never matched up with when you could take holidays from your part time job and the break from school but now you were close to finishing high school and had left your part time job to travel with Lando -with him paying for literally everything because what else should brother’s do?- 
The last couple of days of school and you finally decided it was time for you to change your phone wallpaper back to your favourite picture of yourself and Lando. When Lando got moved into F1, you changed your phone wallpaper back to a less obvious picture of yourself and Lando, so you didn’t get people wanting to be your friend just because of Lando. 
Now you were at the first race you had been to in a long while -Silverstone- sat in the Mclaren garage just wanting to annoy Lando as a little sister should do but he was interviewing and you didn’t want to be in front of the camera. That’s when you saw Max walk past the garage alone. Max was basically a brother he’d been about since as long as you could remember. 
“Max” you called before jumping on his back 
“Missing LN, are we?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Lan left me in the garage alone” you pouted, and he chuckled 
“What are you going to do when you’re the only one with him?” He asked, starting to walk again. 
“Where are you going?” You asked him, resting your head on his shoulder 
“Going to find your brother to return his property” He joked, and you slapped his arm. Max laughed as he walked to the media pen, stopping next to Lando and dropping you onto the floor 
“Your property, I believe” Max tapped your head before walking away
“Lan I’m bored” You whine, and his PR manager laughed 
“You didn’t bring anything to keep her entertained?” His PR manager asked 
“I thought she’d find some random F2 driver’s girlfriend to talk to, but obviously not” I pouted, shoving him away 
“I don’t know if they’re just random people or girlfriends and family” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“Fair point, I guess. Come on I’ll introduce you to Ollie he’s over there” You nodded, following behind him as he walked away, gripping onto his wrist 
“Y/N no one’s gonna kidnap you” He laughed, and you gripped his wrist tighter
“But it’s so busy, and I don’t know where I’m going” You whine as he comes to a sudden stop, causing you to bump into his back. 
“Ollie” the older sibling smiled at the younger boy, who was just happily sipping on his drink
“Oh hey Lando. Y/N” He smiled, looking up 
“Hey” You smiled back at him
“You already know Ollie?” Lando questioned, and you nodded
“I’ve not been avoiding Formula racing all together or living under a rock” You shrugged
“And he knows you?” Lando looked between the two of you.
“Ollie follows me on instagram. I became quite the popular girl at school” You giggle thinking back to prom when you were being questioned on how you were now followed by not only Lando but Oliver Bearman. What Lando didn’t need to know is that you two were secretly texting and had plans to go for ice cream after his sprint race while Lando was doing whatever practice. 
“Okay well bye. I’ll see you in an hour” Lando walked away, and that’s when it became awkward 
“You’ve definitely not been to a race in a while” Ollie chuckled, taking your smaller hand in his larger hand and moving you out of the media pen.
“They’re scary. There’s always so many people here, and I never know who I’m allowed to be talking to” you pouted 
“Come on I’ll introduce you to the drivers, some of them anyway” Ollie led you back into the paddock and in between all the different motorhomes starting with Ferrari as he was meant to be in there anyway.
“We’ll start with Ferrari because at least if you get lost, you can’t miss the bright red” He grinned, leading you inside and over to a couple of people talking. Charles and Carlos. You obviously knew who the drivers were. They just didn’t know who you were. 
“Done with your interviews?” Charles asked, and Ollie nodded
“Yeah, I finished those. Now I’m showing Y/N about the place” He smiled as both the Ferrari drivers looked at you. 
“Girlfriend?” Carlos asked, and Ollie shook his head as you laughed 
“Lando’s sister. I don’t know how I ended up with her” Ollie replied, and you looked up at him slightly offended
“Lando’s sister?” Charles repeated, and you nodded 
“Lando has another sister?” Carlos asked. 
“We didn’t meet while you were teammates. I was still quite busy with school. It’s been my first race for a while. I don’t know many people here” you replied as he nodded slowly 
“You look like Lando, to be honest” Charles tilted his head 
“It’s the curls” You shrugged as Ollie took your hand again 
“Next garage” He cheered, pulling you out. You gave a polite wave to the Ferrari drivers as Ollie pulled you to the Red Bull garage. You knew Max. When you stayed with Lando during holidays or lockdown, he would stream with Max. 
“Hey Y/N” Max smiled, wrapping you in a hug
“Finally! A familiar face” You hummed hugging him back 
“What happened to me introducing you to everyone?” Ollie asked, and you smiled, turning to look at him as you pulled back from the hug 
“Max and Lando are like best friends. Lando has a thing about people called Max” You joked as Max Fewtrell walked up behind you
“What about us Max’s?” He asked, causing you to jump and let out a scream 
“Bog off Max” you replied 
“Ohh not the Tracy Beaker line” He joked, and you rolled your eyes. Both Lando and Max still had a thing about you swearing, not like you were legally an adult, so you resorted to saying ‘Bog off’
“Are you lost? Do I need to carry you back to Lando”? He asked, and you shook your head
“Ollie is showing me about and introducing me to different people” You smiled, and he nodded, ruffling your hair 
“Well P is lost, so I’m gonna go find her. Be safe” Max walked off as Checo joined 
“Ah Checo this is Lando’s youngest sister Y/N” The Dutch man introduced you, and you smiled at Checo 
“Nice to meet you” you hummed, looking at Ollie for help. Checo and Lando weren’t exactly the best of friends. 
Ollie continued to introduce you to different drivers until it was time for him to return you to Lando - that was Lando’s words - so now you were following Ollie back to the Mclaren garage. He stopped outside, and you smiled at him 
“Thank you for showing me about” You thanked him, and he nodded
“Are we still up for ice cream tomorrow?” He asked, and you nodded 
“We are. But you’re coming to me. I still don’t know where I’m going” you replied 
“Then I’ll meet you outside here?” You smiled with a nod as Lando walked out the garage 
“Home time” He cheered, and you laughed, waving bye to Ollie as Lando walked you out of the paddock as he talked to Oscar. 
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vroomvro0mferrari · 5 days
LN4 | Kiss and Make Up
Summary: You used to get along with your brother’s best friend, but at some point, it all changed. Lando’s rude comments frustrate you to no end, and your brother is fed up with your complaints. Max only sees one solution: you need to make up.
Lando Norris x Fewtrell!Reader (enemies to lovers)
WC: 5.0K
Warnings: cursing?
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You heard the keys jiggle in the door, followed by the creaking sound of it opening, and your brother stomping through the hallway of your parental home. You finally have some time off from school after the insane amount of deadlines and exams that filled your last couple of weeks and decided to visit your family. You like studying and university, but it’s nice to come home and be taken care of instead of doing everything on your own. However, you’re still in charge of dinner tonight. You can never make it back home without being forced to make your famous lasagne at least once and tonight’s the night your family will be blessed with your famed, home-made dish. 
Max smiled when he saw you standing in the kitchen, chopping up the veggies for tonight. Although he’d never tell you directly, he had missed you. Max still lived close to your parents whereas you had moved further away for school. It made it difficult to see each other regularly, especially since Max had started Quadrant with Lando and didn’t make the effort to visit you anymore. Seeing you in person had become a rare occurrence, something that would only happen in his parents’ house.
Max put his hands on your shoulders as he leaned forward to watch what you were doing. “Hey sis, are you making lasagne?” He said with a smile.
“Hello Y/N, I’ve missed you. How are you doing? – I’m doing well, Max. Thank you for asking.” You mumbled as you continued to cut vegetables for dinner.
You couldn’t see it with your back towards your brother, but he smiled at your antics. “Hello my dear sister, I haven’t seen you in such a long time. I do wonder how you’re doing.”
You turned around and smiled when he pulled you into a hug. “It’s your own fault. You never come to visit me, but I’m doing well now that the exams are over,” you tell him with a chuckle.
Max decided to ignore your complaint, instead redirecting the conversation to what you were busying yourself with. “So, lasagne?”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, Max. I’m making lasagne for dinner.” 
He silently cheered at your response. A cheeky smile made its way onto his face when he asked, “Is there enough for one more?”
“Depends… Who’s it for? P?” You said, looking back over your shoulder to meet his eyes as you cut up more veggies.
“Does it matter who I invited? You won’t let anyone else eat your lasagne?” He said with a laugh, but you knew the question was serious. He knew you didn’t particularly get along with some of his friends – actually, one of his friends, Lando. To say your relationship with Lando isn’t great would be an understatement. Max didn’t know why exactly you didn’t get along, you’ve never indulged him, but the dislike is clearly noticeable and has been going on for ages. Max had tried to improve the relationship in the past, but nothing had worked, only making it worse. He doesn’t understand why Lando, specifically; you don’t seem to have any issues with his other friends. 
You looked at Max pointedly; he was asking for something he already knew. Of course, you’d let people other than P eat your lasagne. There’s only one person that you wouldn’t allow.
Max sighed at your seriousness, “Yes, I’ve invited P,” he told you.
You smiled triumphantly, “Good! I’ve missed her; more than you, actually,” you said with a snort.
Max rolled his eyes at your comment. “I should never have introduced you two. You’re suspiciously close,” he mumbled as he shook his head, leaving the kitchen.
You grinned at his comment and continued to prepare dinner. You carefully cut the veggies, made the sauce and built the lasagne before you covered it with cheese. After you finally put it in the oven, you went to your room to freshen up. Of course, you cannot cut tomatoes without getting juice on your shirt, so clean clothes are a necessity. You quickly changed your shirt, reapplied your deodorant, and fixed up your hair before you heard the door opening, footsteps and voices following soon after. You smiled as you walked down the stairs, excited to see Pietra after months. You walked into the room, ready to hug your brother’s girlfriend, only to see his boyfriend making himself comfortable on the couch.
Your smile dropped from your face in an instant, and you narrowed your eyes at him. “Lando,” you said in a low voice. What on earth was he doing here? Your brother told you he’d invited his girlfriend, your friend; was she not here yet? Lando must’ve come to pick something up, right? He wouldn’t visit around this time unless he came to pick something up… Or come for dinner… Judging by how comfortable he had made himself on the couch, you doubt it’s the former.
“Y/N! How are you?” Lando said, getting up from the couch to properly greet you. You scoffed and folded your arms as he moved closer.
“What are you doing here?” 
“Nice to see you too,” Lando said with a smirk.
“I hope you’re not here for dinner,” you continue.
“I am here for dinner, actually. Max invited me.”
You shifted your eyes over to Max in anger. He’d told you P would be coming over, not Lando. The little bitch. 
“I take it P’s not coming, then?” It was evident in your voice that you were upset.
Max looked at you with apologetic eyes, like a child being scolded, as he avoided your gaze. At the lack of response, you turned your attention back to Lando.
“There isn’t enough food for all of us, and even if there was, it probably wouldn’t match your fancy diet anyway. Go buy a salad or something,” you told him, rolling your eyes.
Lando couldn’t help but smile at your response. “Such hostility,” he said, his hand resting on his chest in fake hurt, and a teasing grin on his face that made you want to slap it off.
You gritted your teeth at the teasing – God, this man frustrated you to no end, and he was enjoying it, too. 
“Fuck off, Lando. You’re not welcome here,” you said before walking away.
Lando was about to follow you into the dining room, unable to resist teasing you further, but Max stopped him. “Come on, man. Don’t provoke her. She’s already annoyed, especially because I lied to her.” 
You paced the dining room in an attempt to calm yourself down while the lasagne cooked in the oven. You grabbed the plates from the cabinet and started setting the table. You'd cooled off until you realised you’d have to set a place for Lando. You frowned as you stared at the last plate. Why couldn’t Lando just leave you alone? He should know not to bother you, you’d shown him before how petty you could be when he frustrated you, so why did he have to try again and again? Should you act like the bigger person, get over yourself and set the table for Lando, or should you 'forget' about Lando and set only four places? Your parents would be upset for sure, but the urge to retaliate is so strong. You stood still for at least a minute as you weighed your options. 
A smile crept its way on your face when you spotted the kids’ table in the corner of the dining room. Usually, it’s only used for big family events, when your much younger cousins come to visit. They don’t properly fit at the adult table and have their own tiny table in the corner of the room. A normal-sized human wouldn’t properly fit on one of the seats, but then again, Lando’s short, right? Besides, if he acts like a child, then he can sit at the children’s table. You grab the children’s cutlery and plate from the cabinet and set a special place for Lando. You can barely keep your laughter back at the thought of Lando sitting at the small table in a chair that’s way too tiny for him.
When you heard the timer beep, you tried to neutralise your expression. You placed the lasagne on the kitchen table before calling your family (and Lando) for dinner. Your parents were, unsurprisingly, the first to join you at the table. The boys, naturally, were still finishing up the game they started before dinner was finished. Your parents were already seated and provided with drinks before the boys came walking in. Although your parents hadn’t noticed the table in the corner or the missing chair, your brother noticed straight away.
He looked at you disappointedly as he said, “Y/N, did you seriously not set a place for Lando?”
“No, I did. It’s right over there,” you said, pointing to the kids’ table.
The boys looked in the direction you were pointing, and Max started laughing immediately. Meanwhile, Lando was shocked at how blunt you were being. So far, every retaliation you’d ever taken wasn’t that obvious. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and disappointment as he stared at the table – did you really dislike him that much?
“Where’s the other chair?” Max asked, still chuckling as he stood at the empty spot by the table.
You didn’t look up when you responded, “I don’t know,” shrugging your shoulders as you casually continued to divide the lasagne.
Lando sighed as he tried the chair, his knees pointing out above the table. Max only laughed louder at the image, and your dad couldn’t resist chuckling either while Lando pouted.
“I can’t eat like this.” 
“Then don’t. I told you you’re not welcome.” 
“Y/N!” Your mum scolded you before turning to Lando. “You’re always welcome here, darling. Ignore her,” she said, smiling sweetly at him.
You rolled your eyes.
“Where did you put the chair?” She questioned you.
You sighed, “They’re just in the pantry,” you admitted.
Your mum stood up and grabbed the chair for Lando who was still sitting in the tiny seat, while Max took pictures to post on his story, laughing. Lando smiled thankfully when she came back with the chair and grabbed a normal plate to serve him a generous portion of your homemade lasagne.
You couldn’t help but glare at Lando when he took his first bite. He was undeserving of the food into which you had put so much effort and love. You couldn’t even enjoy your own portion with the boy sitting across from you, although it tasted great. But Lando couldn't enjoy it either with the glares you kept sending him. Your resentment made him uncomfortable, and if he didn’t know any better, he’d be afraid that you’d poisoned his dinner. That was not your style though; he knew exactly how you liked to take your revenge. After all, he had experienced your wrath many times, and he had to admit you were very creative in creating your retaliations. He could never be entirely sure, or proof that you were the cause, but everything about the weird situations he’d been in the past years screamed your name.
There was one time that he’d gotten tens of phone calls every day for a week about a missing key. Even now, he gets occasionally gets calls about a key that was found. It seems quite innocent, but Lando’s phone was blowing up the entire week at the most inconvenient times: while he was in important meetings, when he was spending time with friends, even when he was streaming. Another time, Lando’s Netflix was completely messed up. All the recommendations on his home screen were for kids’ TV and romcoms. This, too, seems innocent enough, but after he had watched Netflix together with Daniel Ricciardo, and his homepage was filled with Cocomelon, The Kissing Booth, Riverdale and other films and series of the same genre, he had to hear about it for years to come. Some other time, Lando’s clothes mysteriously fell apart after only a few hours of wearing them after he’d stayed the night at Max's place at the same time as you. He didn't know how, but he was sure you had something to do with that too.
Although your reactions were very petty and often childish, Lando did admire your perseverance, resourcefulness and creativity. If he wasn’t always the victim of your crimes, he would have loved them, and perhaps even encouraged them, because, let’s be honest, it’s impressive if you can make someone’s clothes fall apart when you’re not even near them.
Lando didn’t really understand why he was always your victim, though. When you were younger, you’d gotten along fine, but as you’d gotten older you’d become meaner to him. He didn't know where things went wrong, and whether it was his fault or you just decided you were done with him. You used to tease each other, yes, but that was always mutual and lighthearted. Neither of you minded the comments that were made because you both knew it was all in good fun. At some point, you just started doing things like these, and Lando still doesn't know what initiated it.
You know exactly when it started, though. Everything was fine until Max and Lando hit puberty. Suddenly, they were ‘too cool’ to hang out with you, and you were excluded from all of their activities. The teasing didn’t really feel like teasing anymore, but rather mean comments that hurt you. Lando never caught onto your change in perception; he thought you still saw it as teasing. But the comments became more rude over time, and it felt like the boys who were your friends once, were now making fun of you.
Like when you were invited to apply for Honours College at your university. You were extremely proud that your grades in your regular courses were good enough to be admitted, and that you’d been invited to apply. But Lando just called you a nerd and laughed before continuing to talk about his own achievements, as if what you’d done was nothing important or impressive.
It wouldn’t have mattered much if it were any other friend of your brother, but Lando was important. You’d known him for about ten years, and he was basically a part of your family. What didn’t help either was that you had developed a small crush on him over the years. By the time he turned twenty, he’d gone through a glow-up. He finally learned how to deal with his curly hair and his face had matured to that of a handsome man. You were attracted to him, but his ugly personality distracted from his looks – most of the time.
Nevertheless, you wanted to impress Lando; to make him like you so he would stop with the off-handed comments. Though you weren’t necessarily good at sports or karting like he was, you excelled academically. You thought by showing your intelligence, you could gain his respect. Unknowingly, it made Lando feel dumb. He’d never even finished secondary school, and you were taking on extra classes in university without any troubles. He reacted differently than he would have liked to, but he thought you’d understand it was a joke.
Another time, you organised a last-minute surprise party for your brother. You had made sure there were decorations, music, food, and most importantly, drinks. You were happy with what you had managed to do in the time available, but your mood significantly worsened when Lando jokingly said you could have put in a little more effort. He was smiling when he said it, but it felt like he was making fun of you; of the amount of effort you had put in to make sure everything was organized as perfectly as possible. Despite his intention to tease, it didn't feel that way to you.
The comment that you believe triggered your best revenge was on Pietra’s birthday. She celebrated her birthday at Max’s apartment, and of course, you’d come to visit and celebrate with her. A few months before her birthday she’d shown you a top she really liked when she was online shopping, but the colour wasn’t right. So, for her birthday, you decided to crochet the top in her favourite colour. It was a bold choice because you didn’t have much experience crocheting, nevertheless, you tried. If she didn’t like it, you would just buy it from the store after all, or get her something else. You thought it looked pretty good, especially for your first try. Regardless, there were some mistakes and uneven shapes.
Pietra was completely surprised and elated with the present, especially when you told her you made it yourself. She knew how much time and effort it probably cost you to make it, but Lando didn't consider that when he commented on the piece.
“You made it yourself? Maybe you should practice a little more, huh?” He said, laughing, before handing it back to P.
You felt the smile drop from your face at the hurtful remark, but Lando was oblivious to the fact he hurt your feelings. Max turned to Lando in shock, while Pietra assured you that she loved the top, and couldn’t wait to wear it. You plastered a smile on your face, but it was obvious (to anyone but Lando) that it was fake. That night, after drinking your feelings away, you tore the seams in Lando’s clothes. Not every single one, but enough so it would fall apart after too much exertion; the punishment should fit the crime.
The anticipatory pleasure at the thought of Lando’s clothes tearing at an inconvenient moment was enough to satisfy you. When you heard about what happened a few days later from Max, you could barely keep your laugh back.
More recently, you had gone clubbing with your brother and his friends. It was an unusual event because your brother didn’t want to see you flirting or dancing with random boys in the club, but this time it was different. He knew you’d been stressed from school, and he’d rather you let loose when he’s there than when he’s not there to keep an eye on you. 
You were dancing with your brother and his friends when a cute boy came up to you, asking if he could buy you a drink. You said yes, of course. You would never refuse a free drink, especially in good, handsome, company, and you wanted to get over your small crush on Lando. You don’t know why or how, but he always seemed ten times hotter at the club, and you needed to get away from him. The longer you stayed near him, the more his pretty face and well-dressed body seemed to distract you from his unattractive personality, and that couldn’t happen. 
You followed the man to the bar and ordered a drink as he flirted with you. His attention was completely focused on you, but you kept getting distracted by the feeling of eyes on your back. It wasn’t until you were dancing in the middle of the large crowd that the feeling faded. You felt free without the supervision of your brother, and without Lando to distract you.
The man pulled your back closer to him, and you let him. You swayed from side to side with your arms in the air while he kissed his way down your neck. It didn’t feel right, but that didn’t matter; it was good enough. You liked the feeling of his lips on your neck and felt yourself get lost in the moment until suddenly there was a tug on your arm.
Your eyes opened in shock as you felt yourself get pulled away. The man you were dancing with didn’t seem to mind much and moved on with another girl standing nearby as you stared at Lando confused and disoriented.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You asked him as you struggled to pull your arm from his firm grip.
“I’m taking you back to the group, you need to be more careful,” he explained.
You scoffed, “What? I was perfectly safe! Let me go!”
“Were you? He seemed untrustworthy,” Lando continued as he pulled you through the club.
“I was just having fun! God, you’re so annoying!” You say with a huff before walking back to your brother.
Lando watched you as you walked away. He didn't want you to dance with that man, or any man for that matter, even though he would never admit it. However, you had misunderstood his intentions. To you it seemed like he was interrupting your fun, cockblocking if you will, and it frustrated you to no end. 
For days to come, you complained to your brother about what happened, insisting that it was none of Lando’s business and he should’ve left you alone. However, your brother grew tired of your complaints really quickly and couldn’t deal with your issues anymore. You’re ongoing dispute with Lando had dragged on for too long and it needed to be resolved, soon, before he went insane. During your next fight, Max would force the two of you to repair your relationship, whether you wanted to or not, because he simply couldn’t take it any longer.
It didn’t take long until your next fight. You were looking at pictures of Lando and Max on Instagram from when they went golfing a few days back when you spotted something. In one of the pictures, Lando was taking a photo with a camera, a camera which he had seemingly ‘borrowed’ from you without your knowledge. 
The second you saw him enter your parents’ house, you targeted him.
“You stole my camera?”
“Hello to you, too, Y/N,” he responded with a grin.
You rolled your eyes.
“Where is it, Lando,” you continued, stepping closer to him.
“I gave it to Max. He was supposed to give it back. He hasn’t yet?” 
“No, he hasn’t. And you shouldn’t have taken it in the first place.”
Your gaze shifted to Max, who walked in behind Lando.
“Where is it, Max?” 
“In my room somewhere, I think.”
“Can you go grab it? Please?”
The words you said were much kinder than the way you said them. Max sighed before walking up the stairs to his room, you and Lando in tow. He looked around the room, getting on his knees to look under the bed.
“You put my camera under your bed?” You asked angrily.
“I’m not sure if I did, that’s why I’m looking, Y/N.”
Max thought this was the absolute worst. He had gotten himself pulled into one of your arguments again, and now he was being yelled at by you when it wasn’t his fault to begin with. He sighed before getting up. 
“I’ll just go grab my phone for the flashlight,” he said before leaving the room.
You merely nodded in response as you continued to look around the room in search of your camera when you heard the door close, the lock falling in place.
“Max? Did you just lock the door?”
Lando lifted his head from his place on the floor, where he was looking under the dresser, at your insinuation. He quickly changed his position to sit up, staring at the door with you.
“Yes, I have. The two of you need to make up. I won’t let you out until you get along. I can’t handle the two of you fighting anymore. It’s really fucking annoying,” he said through the door.
You looked at Lando in shock, to find him already staring back at you.
“Max, you can’t do this! What the fuck is wrong with you! Let us out!” You yelled as you knocked on the door.
When he didn’t react, you hit the door again, “Max!”
You looked at Lando at the lack of response, “Do something!” You said, but he merely looked at you.
“What am I supposed to do? Knocking the door won’t help. I actually think it might be a good idea for us to talk everything out.”
You looked at Lando in shock. “Are you serious?”
He shrugged while he stared at you, and you shook your head in response.
“I’m not doing this,” you said, pacing around the room while Lando followed you with his eyes as he sat on your brother’s bed, an amused smile on his face.
“I’m leaving,” you said, opening the window.
“What are you doing?” Lando asks, quickly getting up from the bed.
“I’m leaving,” you repeated, sitting on the window sill, throwing one leg outside.
“What have I done to you to make you this angry? I can’t believe you’d rather fall out of a window than talk to me,” Lando frowned.
You let out a choked laugh, mouth open in shock. “Are you serious? You don’t know what you’ve done?” You said as you sat on the window sill, one leg outside the window, the other still on the floor.
“Yes. Please tell me, because I’ve obviously missed a lot if you’re willing to climb out of a window. By the way, stop climbing out of the window!” Lando said, all but running to prevent you from dangling your other leg out of the window too. It was already halfway there, leaving you in a very uncomfortable position when Lando grabbed your leg.
“You’re going to hurt yourself, Y/N!” 
“No, I’m not,” you grunted out as you tried to kick him away. You leaned away from him, losing your grip on the windowsill at the exertion. Lando could barely catch you before you fell out of the window. 
“Fuck, Y/N! I told you to get away from the window!” He yelled as he pulled you away from it and back into the room before quickly closing the window. He stood in front of it as if he was trying to block your way from the window, trying to block your escape.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Don’t be such a baby, I’m fine.” 
“Only because I was holding your leg.”
“If you weren’t holding my leg I wouldn’t have fallen in the first place.” You stepped closer to him, huffing in defiance. 
Lando sighed, but he didn’t respond. He kept silent while he stared at you, challenging you as you crept closer without breaking eye contact. The tension in the room was palpable, and it only increased the longer you stared at each other. Your breath was shallow from the adrenaline of your near-fall, and your glare was met with a look of annoyance. Lando’s hands hung limply by his sides, the complete opposite of a mere moment ago when he grabbed you with such urgency.
"Why do you always have to make things so difficult?" Lando's voice was low, strained with frustration.
"Me?" you shot back, your voice rising. "You're the one who's always so demeaning, so... so infuriating!"
"Infuriating?" Lando repeated, scoffing. "Coming from the girl who sabotages my Netflix and sets up kiddie tables for me?"
"You deserved it," you retorted, folding your arms and looking down. "You always mock me and belittle everything I do, every achievement, every effort… Do you have any idea how much that hurts?"
Lando’s confidence faltered at your confession. His eyes softened, and he took a small step closer, stroking your arm softly. "I never meant to hurt you, Y/N. I thought... I thought we were just joking around, teasing. I didn't realise-"
"Didn't realise what?" you interrupted, eyes brimming with tears. "That your words actually affect me? That I care what you think?"
Lando's hand reached out, tentatively brushing a strand of hair from your face. The touch was gentle, almost adoring, and it sent a shiver down your spine. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I didn't know."
You closed your eyes, breathing out through your nose as you let the apology sink in. When you opened them again, the regret you saw in his eyes made you believe him. But it was the love and adoration in his gaze that convinced you.
"Lando..." you began, but your voice caught in your throat.
Before you could finish, Lando closed the distance between you, his hands cupping your face. His eyes searched yours for any sign of hesitation, but all he found was longing. Slowly, almost apprehensively, he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in an uncertain kiss.
Your initial surprise was quickly replaced by the warmth spreading through your body. Almost automatically, your hands found their way to his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. The kiss deepened, filled with your pent-up frustration and unspoken feelings. Your hands slid up Lando's neck and you ran your hands through his hair, pulling on it softly. The sensation of Lando's hands on your body, and his lips against yours felt right, making everything else fade away.
When you finally pulled apart, both of you were breathing heavily. Lando’s forehead rested against yours, his eyes searching yours for any sign of regret. You could see the uncertainty in his gaze, and you were certain your eyes showed the same.
“What… what just happened?” you whispered, your voice shaky.
Lando sighed, running a hand through his hair, which was now slightly tousled from your fingers. “I don’t know. But it felt… right.”
You swallowed, trying to make sense of all of the emotions running wild inside you. “We can’t just pretend this didn’t happen, Lando.”
“I don’t want to,” he says firmly, his eyes locking onto yours. 
You laughed softly at the situation, leaning forward to rest your head against his shoulder. Lando wrapped his arms around you straight away. 
“This is not what I expected to happen,” you whispered.
Lando chuckled softly. “Me neither, but it’s not so bad, is it?” 
You snuggled into his neck, sighing contently once you were comfortable. No, it wasn't bad at all.
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formulafics · 8 months
Scenario: in which max fewtrells sister, reader, starts dating his best friend lando… (request)
Pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
A/N: i loved making this sm bc i love max fewtrell. i’m amazed at how fast i’ve been getting these requests done I HOPE YOU ENJOY
requests open for smau’s (see pinned for more info)
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, team_quadrent, riabish, maxfewtrell, and 126,242 others
yn_fewtrell the brothers best friend in question 🤭
view all 4,289 comments
landonorris guys who is that?
norrisnation HELP she is so unserious
⤷ lancestrolllllleeee don’t act shocked, she and lando have been flirting for so long now 😭
maxfewtrell again, blasphemy. i’m in shock.
⤷ yn_fewtrell hey google what does blasphemy mean
⤷ maxfewtrell you would google that
riabish waiting patiently for the dating announcement 👀
⤷ yn_fewtrell as long as max doesn’t murder me or lando it MIGHT happen.
⤷ imissthetwitchquartet WHAT DOES RHIS MEAN?
landolover if they’re dating idk what i’m gonna do
⤷ landolegoland I KNOW 😭 love that for them though
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liked by landonorris, lando.jpg, maxfewtrell, riabish, mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 234,659 others
yn_fewtrell and my man, thank you to my man. @/landonorris 🤭 and he and max are still friends to any concerned citizens!!
landonorris ily 💚
⤷ yn_fewtrell I LOVE YOU MORE
liked by yn_fewtrell
norrisnation just fell to my knees in the middle of walmart
⤷ leclercsworld screamed involuntarily 😻
maxfewtrell correction: lando and i are not friends. never have been!
⤷ landonorris ouch 💔
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all feedback is appreciated! reminder that my requests are open for smau’s! 🫶🏻
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lnfours · 9 months
invisible string | l.n
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-> summary: who knew sleepless nights would be so beneficial. fewtrell!reader bc we love brothers best friend here :)
-> warnings: fluff, language, lando being the absolute loml.
-> wc: 1.9k
masterlist | listen | send me asks about lando !
lando norris and max fewtrell had been attached by the hip since anyone could remember. best friends through literally everything. and if someone would look directly behind them, they’d see you always following behind.
you didn’t mind always trailing behind them when you were younger, and it gave the boys someone to compete against besides themselves whenever you’d go karting or join them in games.
but as you grew older, the ganging up turned into protection. from threatening to beat up ex boyfriends to actually doing so, somewhere along the line, max had made it clear to his best friend that you were off limits. in fact, no one in the friend group was allowed to even think about it.
however, everything max had told him seemed to go in through lando’s ear and out the other. he wasn’t exactly sure when he had finally stopped seeing you as ‘just his best friend's little sister’, but the inevitable happened nonetheless.
on the other hand, you had always had feelings for lando. you’d always suppress them to keep them hidden from your overprotective brother, knowing the minute you tried you’d be shot down. even the pages in your diary when you were 8 were filled about how you thought lando ‘had the prettiest eyes’, and ‘too good of eyelashes for a boy’.
and the pining just got worse last week when he had found you knocking on his bedroom door at 1:30 in the morning. you hadn’t been able to sleep, and it was evident as you tiredly smiled at him in the doorway. he wasn’t sure how you knew he was still awake, but he assumed it was the soft glow shining from the crack at the bottom of the door.
it wasn’t. you had heard the low volume of the tv in his room, his soft chuckles making their way through the paper thin walls. he hadn’t been able to sleep either, and when he wasn’t able to sleep, he’d always watch a movie.
his heart got caught in his throat as he took in your appearance, the old mclaren sweatshirt he had let you borrow ages ago hugging your frame, plaid pajama pants he swore were max’s. you looked tired. so so tired. meeting your eyes with a soft smile and sympathetic eyes, he spoke, “you okay, y/n?”
you shook your head, your eyelids slowly blinking, “i can’t sleep. i don’t know what it is, but i haven’t been able to sleep for more than 4 hours the past few nights.”
he frowned, opening the door wider for you to come in. he nodded in the direction of his bed, “me either. wanna join for the rest of the movie til you feel tired enough to go to bed?”
you nodded, stepping into the room as he closed the door behind you. you climbed into his bed, him shuffling in next to you as you were swallowed by the soft duvet, your head meeting the plush pillow behind you.
“what’re we watching?” you asked, your voice soft as he unpaused the movie.
“something on netflix, i don’t know. actings so bad it makes me laugh.”
you smiled over at him, “let’s see if it’s bad enough to put us to sleep.”
this continued for a couple weeks, you either knocking on his door or sending him a text to ask if he was still awake. he had even found himself staying up to make sure he heard your text or knocks, desperately wanting you to come climb into his bed or fall asleep next to you.
and just like any other night, last night he padded across the wooden floors in the apartment quietly after getting your usual ‘are you awake?’ text. he knocked softly on the door before pushing it open and slipping inside your room, noticing the lack of the fairy lights twinkling on the walls, the only source of light coming from the tv that hung on the wall.
you let him climb into your bed, smiling softly as you rolled onto your side to face him, “hi.”
he smiled back, “hi.”
you let out a huff, “i’m starting to think maybe i should run to the store tomorrow and get some melatonin. ”
“or, hear me out,” he smirked tiredly, “you can put that pretty little head to rest at night like normal people do.”
“oh, so you think my head is pretty?”
he let out a boyish giggle, “only if you think mine is.”
you laughed softly, letting your eyes lock with his. you weren’t sure when you scooted so close to him, but he found himself wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you even closer. you placed your leg over his hip, his other hand tracing circles on the soft skin on your thighs. he hummed contently as your face nuzzled into his chest. you found yourself listening to the fast pace of his heartbeat.
over the past couple weeks, you two had found yourself in this position more and more. it was like the more you’d climb into each other’s beds, the more he’d have the confidence to pull you so close to him that there were no gaps for air between you two. you weren’t complaining, of course, but because everything about it was so new and with him, it made you a tiny bit nervous.
you listened to the movie in the background, basking in the smell embedded in his hoodie. he smelled like his cologne, the laundry detergent everyone used, and a soft mix of your perfume. the floral scent pulled at your heart strings as you realized it was the hoodie he had tugged over your head the night before, right after you had complained about the fact he kept his room so cold.
the fact that he didn’t discard the hoodie immediately into the hamper after last night, but instead he put it on, made your heart squeeze. you wondered if he had put it on to bask in the smell of you, but you'd never know the answer because you were too embarrassed to ask.
he did.
“so,” you started, knowing he was still awake, the two of you just basking in the comfortable silence that fell over you, “ready to get back to racing?”
“yes and no,” he said, his thumb switching directions on the skin of your thigh, making stars now, “i like being home, but i also love racing, y’know, so i’m excited. but not excited to leave everyone.”
your fingers traveled underneath the red cloth of his hoodie, reaching his lower abdomen as you felt his breathing hitch softly in his chest. you drug your fingertips against his soft skin, “yeah, i get you,” you said into his chest, “gonna miss max more than me, i get it.”
he chuckled softly, “mhm, whatever you want to believe.”
however, it sent him over the edge when you moved your head to look up at him. his blue/green eyes met your tired ones, a soft and playful smile on your lips, “what?”
humming back at you as he softly raised his eyebrows, “hmm?”
you shook your head, a playful smile on your lips, “don’t do that. what did you say, lan?”
he cleared his throat nervously, cheeks daring to turn a light shade of pink, “i’m going to miss you the most out of everyone, y/n.”
you were silent as he let out a soft puff of air, his eyes scanning over your face like he was trying to memorize it. you smiled softly, his eyes lingering on your lips before meeting yours again.
“lando,” your voice was soft, hands moving from under his sweatshirt to cup his cheeks. he leaned into your touch, quietly sighing out of relief at the feeling he had been waiting so long for, “i…”
you trailed off, nerves getting the best of you. he was so close, his minty breath fanning over your face. everything about it was making you so nervous you swore you were about to go into cardiac arrest. his voice broke the silence, “i know.”
you looked at him with furrowed brows, “you know what?”
“i know you like me,” he smiled, his eyes meeting with yours again, “i’ve known ever since max and i snuck into your room when we were eight and i read your diary.”
you gasped, laughing as you slapped his chest, “you fucks!”
he smiled, “i was the only one who read it, but it was nice to know the girl i thought was cute liked me back.”
“do you still think she’s cute?”
“no,” he smiled softly. you felt your heart drop, you couldn’t tell if he was being serious or kidding, until he continued, “i think she’s the most gorgeous woman i’ve ever seen in my life.”
you smiled, his thumb pressing against your cheek as his hand cupped your face, his fingers meeting the hairs at the back of your ear. you weren’t sure who leaned in first, but the gap closed rather quickly as he pulled your neck down to his level.
you kissed him back with the same amount of passion and love as he put into it. his arm that was around your waist moved to the other side of your head, his body fully hovering over you as he held himself up. you let him slot between your legs, letting his tongue slip inside of your mouth.
you panted as he broke the kiss hesitantly, his lips finding the soft spot underneath your earlobe on your neck. you let out a soft whimper, your arms wrapping around his neck.
“lando,” the sound of you saying his name breathlessly was like music to his ears, “baby.”
and so was that pet name. fuck he was so done for.
his hands trailed up your oversized t-shirt, hands finding your tummy as he desperately wanted to touch your skin again. you smiled into the kiss as you heard a soft giggle escape his throat when your hands had found the ticklish spots on his sides.
“are you ticklish?” you grinned, breaking the kiss to take a breath. he sent you a tight lipped smile before giving you a warning look.
“don’t even-”
you didn’t listen to what else he had said, your fingers digging into his sides. he laughed, desperately trying not to wake up your housemates as he tried to get you to quit it.
however, when he flipped the both of you so you were in his lap and his hands found your ticklish spots with ease, you knew it was game over. he had won.
“lando,” you breathed, a giggle following in pursuit, “stop!”
“sorry, baby,” he said, “can’t hear you.”
it was the next morning, lando was still asleep in your bed, the hood of his sweatshirt pulled over his fluff of curls, a blanket wrapped around his waist as he faced you. you had woken up a couple minutes ago, your eyes wandering over to the sleeping boy next to you. he looked at peace, his eyelashes kissing his skin, cheek squished against the pillow.
you didn’t mean to stir him out of his sleep when you snuggled in closer, but he hummed happily as he threw an arm around your waist, you nuzzling into his chest.
he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, resting his head on yours as you both dozed back off to sleep. a sleep so deep that neither of you had heard the door to the apartment shut, or hear someone knocking on your bedroom door.
it was ethan and niran who found you first. the both of them sharing a look as they stood in the doorway.
“well, it’s about time,” ethan joked, niran smirking down at the couple.
“yeah, just wait for max to find out about this.”
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starkwlkr · 10 months
Heyy I love your workk!! can u do a lando x reader where they are streaming with max and he just teases lando for being a simp and its just really fluffy🫶🏼🫶🏼
crafting table | lando norris
request #2: Hi, could you please write a lando Norris x Fewtrell!reader thank you. I love your writing 💕
what if we kissed by the crafting table?👉🏼👈🏼 short fic but it’s still fluff <3
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If you asked Max life was now that his best friend and his sister were dating, he would scream into a pillow. Well, that’s a bit dramatic, but who cares? They were being too in love in front of him and he felt like he was always third wheeling.
Today wasn’t any different. He was streaming with Lando and Y/n in his room and so far, the couple were busy fighting with pillows in the background while Max talked to his chat.
“Stop, i literally just asked you what you wanted to make our son!” Y/n hit Lando with her pillow.
“And I said his name doesn’t matter! You can name him sock and I wouldn’t care.” Lando tried to take away her pillow, but she kept fighting back.
“The chat is witnessing a live divorce.” Max turned his chair and faced the couple.
“Sock? That’s the best you can come up with?” Y/n dropped her pillow and went back to Max’s bed to continue building her minecraft house on her Nintendo Switch.
“It’s a minecraft dog!”
“Don’t know if I should record and let them kill each other or intervene,” Max told his chat. “I’ll give it a few minutes actually. If anything happens, you are all witnesses.”
Lando laid next to his girlfriend and watched as she built her house. He would occasionally place a kiss on her cheek and give his opinion on stuff like what kind of block would be great to make a house or how much he loved their virtual dog he had named sock.
“Someone just asked if Y/n were to break up with Lando, would I still talk to him?” Max faced the couple.
“They’re crazy if they think she’s going to get rid of me. I’m staying. She’s going to have to put a restraining order on me, but please don’t I very much enjoy your company.” Lando spoke to his girlfriend, who was still too busy building her house.
“Romance is not dead, ladies and gentlemen. You two are gross.” Max went back to face his computer.
“What if we kissed by the crafting table?” Max heard Y/n whisper to Lando.
“What the fuck?”
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landograndprix · 11 months
where your heart truly lies ✾ l.n
❧ in which you and lando are not together, right?
❧ a/n – no real ending because I actually wanted to make this into a mini lando series but I'm not sure yet 🤪
next part
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liked by riabish, landonorris and 19,101 others
y/nusername roadtrippin' + maximilian 💫
tagged: riabish, yourbestfrienduser, maxfewtrell
view all 272 comments
lnfourrr lmao the y/n making a fool of max saga continues
ynloveee girls trip? new vlog soon? 👀
fewtrelllando since when is max a girl? 💀
yourbestfrienduser max has a serve case of FOMO, little bit obsessed with us if we have to be completely honest.
fewtrelllando just one if the girls 💅
riabish had so much fun ❤️
landonn4 can I join next time? I'm willing to pay a lot of money..
maxfewtrell you know what, I can't stand you..
y/nusername ❤️❤️❤️❤️
yourbestfrienduser you've never looked better babes.
landonorris mate you look amazing.
charlos_16 I need this friendship 😭
landonorris you could've picked me up along the way.
y/nusername we could but we didn't.
landonorris you're lucky you're cute.
papayaarmy flirting on the main?
landoscar lando get a grip, what about your actual girlfriend 🤡
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y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfrienduser and 21,893 others
y/nusername @.yourbestfrienduser burfday weekend 🍸 ft. bradley fewtrell
tagged: landonorris, yourbestfrienduser, maxfewtrell
view all 289 comments
landoscar4 happy burfday @.yourbestfrienduser 🥰
yourbestfrienduser thanks for the weekend, lovers 💞
y/nusername ❤️
landonorris ❤️
maxfewtrell ❤️
carlandooo lovers?! How do I get in this group,I need to be y'alls friend, let me in pls 😭
y/nslandoo happy burfday gremlin #4 💗
charles_lec so did anyone check up on lando's gf?
chilisainz she doesn't even follow y/n, I doubt she's seeing this 💀
landofourr why do y'all feel the need to involve lando's gf in everything y/n does?
charles_lec because It's wrong lmao, lando should let his gf go if he's so in love with y/n??
norriizzoscar me reading these comments realising y/n is in fact NOT landos girlfriend 🙃
quadrantfewtrell where do I apply to join the group?
maxfewtrell you've got to be kidding me..
y/nusername absolutely not
landonorris you're looking cute mate
yourbestfrienduser you're looking fine af, stop complaining man
maxyn happy birthday muppet!
y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by 279 others
y/norriss 'just friends' my ass 😂
view all 122 comments
lnfourlando is that y/n? 😭
y/nnorriss yeah
lnfourlando where'd you get this pictures from?
y/nnorriss my sister she worked for mclaren this weekend and the other one max accidentally posted on his stories but already deleted it
mclando lando I luv you but you better have dumped your gf 😭
suziee00 now fucking way lmao what???
norpias I know I've been joking about them getting together but I'm feeling sad for his gf now 😭
fewtrelllando am I the only one who's not surprised?
lanmax about damn time..
charles_26 someone please check up on his actual girlfriend, this is sad :(
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jujusdiary · 27 days
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pairing- lando norris x child hood best friend fem fewtrell!reader warning- mentions of trauma, abusive relationship, use of "kiddo" as a nickname from max to reader (idk if that's a warning lol) and use of y/n (ew ew ew sorry) genre- mutual pining, brother's best-friend, hella angst, fluff, fluff, and uhm, oh yeah- fluff. summary- after years of being apart, lando reunites with his childhood best-friend, but it's not what everyone is chalking it up to be. reminders of a past argument float up, and the reason for your absence all these years start to become more and more apparent. word count- 4.659k -- this fic was also not proofread lol bc i have no one willing to proofread these yet, so pls lmk if anyone would be interested 😽 also requests are still open and tysm for the love on my oscar post!!! Any text in orange is past/memory scenes soz if it gets confusing : )
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · keep reading !! · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–
You stare off into the distance, your eyes glossy. The paddock stands like a bad memory before your eyes, and you try hard not to reminisce on the last time you stepped past that gate.
"You don't have to go in, you know that, right? You can see Lando some other time." Your brother, Max, says as he places his hand over yours. The car feels so much smaller now, as you sit there with him, the pass heavy in your hands.
"No, no. I have to go see him, i-i promised." You mutter to yourself, gulping down the fear in your throat. Last time you were here, it was over three years ago. You had been accompanied by your boyfriend at the time, Jonah, with his hand wound up around your arm tightly, fingertips digging into our flesh. You swear you can feel his fingers digging into you again, the bruises he left on your body aching all over again-
"Jonah can't hurt you, kiddo. He's far away, he can't reach you." Max reassures you, but you still have to swallow the bile in your throat as you climb out of the car and start to walk towards the paddock and the Mclaren hospitality, your legs shaky as all the memories come rushing back.
"you embarassed me, on live television !" His hand coming down to collide with your cheek. You whine in pain as your body jolts back, your arms and chest covered in bruises, your cheek stinging in pain.
"I-I'm sorry i didn't mean to ! I was just trying to congratulate Lando-" You say, shaking as you tried to back away from him. Jonah wasn't usually an angry man. He used to be sweet and tender towards you, always anxious whenever you would even so much graze your knee. But then he got angry over little things, like when you would knock things over or when you spoke a little too loud.
"Instead, you embarassed me and now everyone thinks my girlfriend is a whore !" You tried to squirm away from him, to hide somewhere and grab a phone to call someone-anyone- to help you. But his hand wrapped around your ankle and yanked you back towards him, blood sprouting on your cracked open skull as it hit the table.
"Be quiet."
"Yo. Y/n ?" You were snapped back to reality, Max's hand on your back, the younger aussie driver standing before you, already in his suit. "You okay ?" You gulp heavily, meeting Oscar's confused brown eyes.
"Y-yeah. I'm good." You reply, eyes scanning the crowds around you nervously.
"O-kay..? Anyways, Lando is looking for you." He says, clearing his throat and offering you a soft smile, before walking off. Max looks down at you.
"Are you sure you're alright ? You're looking pale. It's okay if you're scared, i know Lando and you didn't leave things on great terms." He mutters. The worry for his little sister is obvious on Max's face. Lando, Max and You have been friends since the karting days, when you were there to cheer on Max and secretly crush on his best-friend. But Lando had always acted like a brother to you, so you had always assumed those feelings were one sided. So when Lando finally made it to F1 and he started asking you to come to races and acting a bit more flirtatious towards you, it angered you because you had felt alne in your feelings for years and now he wanted to act like this ? It angered you to the point of going and getting a boyfriend. Jonah. Lando and you had gotten into a fight last time you had come to the paddock. It didn't end well. That was over three years ago, at Silverstone in 2021.
"Max, mate !" The voice makes your body go rigid.
"Lando !" Max breaks away from you, envelopping his arms around the boy, patting his back. The slightest of his curly brown hair is peeking out from underneath his papaya cap, his race suit tied around his waist as he clutches unto his water bottle. His cheeks are sunkissed underneath the chinese sun, still high off of his p1 quali. His sink is tan, his eyes shimmering with excitement.
"P1, mate, congrats ! That was amazing, that was." Max congratulates, smiling at him.
"Hah, thank you ! I got scared for a second there, but i was glad when my lap was re-instated, lad, i thought it was over-" His eyes find you, and the shimmer seems to die down. You fiddle with your shirt, the mclaren logo scratchy on your chest.
"Y/n." Your names comes tumbling past his lips like a chant too long apart from him, and it's like the breath has been knocked out of your chest.
"Hi, Lan." You answer, although your voice feels to low for him to hear you. He breaks away from your brother, his eyes drinking you in, a gulp passing past his adam's apple. An awkward silence hangs between the two of you, and it makes your heart hurt as you remember how he'd greeted you last time he'd seen you.
"Lan !" You ran into his arms, letting him fling you around as he groaned, picking you up.
"Ah, there you are ! Been wonderin' where you'd gone." He'd muttered into the skin of your neck, his breath warm. His touch was welcome on your bruised body, the heavy sweater creating unnecessary heat on that day. His arms were tight around you. This was the one race this season Jonah had not joined you. But the bruise around your neck was still obvious when Lando placed you down and his eyes fluttered down.
"Darling.." His hand moved your hair away from your neck softly, frowning. His touch was featherlight on your bruise, and you jerked away from him with a flinch. "Did he do this ? Did Jonah do this to you ?" His eyes were dark. You shook your head, trying to break away from him but his grip on your waist was steadfast.
"Don't lie to me." He whispered.
"He didn't mean to." You'd mumbled, and his face fell.
"He hurt you ?" You shook your head, trying to protest, but before you could, he was ushered away to his car.
"You look.. well." He mutters, scratching the back of his neck. Max looks between the two of you. It must be odd, seeing you standing so far from each other. Usually, his hands wouldn't be off you for more than three seconds- Lando craved your touch, it grounded him. Seeing his stand so far felt foreign to Max. He pats Lando's back again.
"Alright well.. I'm going to go find P.. I'll leave you two to it." He says before walking off, shaking his head. You stare at him in silence, your chest heaving.
"How have you been ?" He asks, taking a step closer to you. His eyes are scanning your skin, looking for any trace of a bruise. The thought hits you like a truck- he doesn't know you and Jonah broke up.
"I've been okay." You answer, your voice feeling strained in your throat. He nods, pursing his lips.
"How's Jonah ?" You gulp down the bile in your throat, scratching your eyebrow. The venom in his voice is evident- your past argument clearly still salt in an open wound.
"Uh- convicted. 5 years." His jaw pops open. "Did Max not tell you ?" He shakes his head, gulping.
"No, uh, he didn't."
"After Silverstone, i... I got it together. I called the cops. He was found guilty and.. i haven't seen him since." His eyes flutter as he nods softly, his lips parting.
"What are you doing later tonight ?"
"Nothing. Probably stay in, if i'm honest." You said, laughing as you stared at Lando as he dried off his sweaty hair after his p4 finish, the towel heavy on his neck.
"Go out with me." He said, turning to look at you. You wanted to say yes, you really did. But you knew Jonah would be furious if he found out you had stepped a foot outside without him.
"I would love to, Lan, but i-i shouldn't." You muttered, but he shook his head, tutting.
"Wasn't a question. You and me, we're going out before your muppet of a brother shows up tomorrow and ruins out fun, alright ?" he said, smiling broadly at you. You scratched at your stomach, the hidden bruise on your ribs bothering you as yo sat uncomfortably on the chair, but you couldn't say anything was bothering you or Lando would be all over you.
"I'm serious, Lan, i don't think i should-"
"Nonsense. We're going to have fun."
You stared at him , your feet aching from being stood up so long.
"Should we go sit somewhere ?" Lando asks, his eyes happier than before. You nod.
"Sure." You follow him inside the McLaren hospitality, your hands shaky as you enter the place you haven't seen in three years. Everyone greets you with smiles and handshakes galore, and it makes you feel like you've been greeted home. It still feels weird that he hasn't hugged you yet, and you try not to let that bother you when you sit down on the couch in his driver's room, the door closing behind him. He turns to face you.
"I've missed you, y'know ?" He says, his voice soft as he leans against the door, his eyes looking up. "I didn't think i'd see you again after that night.. After Max told me you'd gone." He says, clearing his throat. You glance down at your hands, fiddling with the skin around your fingers.
"I didn't think i'd come back, to be honest." He looks at you, and his gaze softens.
"I'm sorry, for what i said." He says, licking his lips. You finally look up at him, and the look in his eyes makes you want to sob. "Everytime i think about it.. It makes me want to be sick. The way i treated you-"
"We don't have to talk about that." You say, begging to get away from that subject.
"But i want to apologise to you." He says, sitting next to you. "I didn't mean it. Any of it."
The music was loud, and Lando was leaning next to you at the bar. You were laughing along to something he had said, when your phone had started to ring in your pocket. Its was Jonah. Somehow he had found out you were out, and he was fuming. You were crying in a corner, hiding from Lando, from whom you had excused yourself from to answer the call. Your shoulders we shaking, your dress hiking up to your knees to reveal the bruises peppered on your thighs, the sweater you had slung over to hide the spagetti straps revealing the bruises on your collarbones was now too heavy to bear, making you sweat as you tried your best to control your breathing- yet every breath you took made your ribs ache ache and wince. You tore your sweater off, fanning at your face, relishing in the privacy to no longer hide underneath layers.
"Darling ? Are you in here ?" You tensed up at his voice. You wiped the runny mascara off your cheeks, forgetting you had taken your sweater off. Lando turned the corner, and his jaw almost dropped when he saw you.
"Jesus, Y/n. What has he been doing to you ?" You frowned, before looking down at yourself, the music from the club outside still thrumming on the floor. Your eyes went wide as he took a step closer to you grabbing your arm softly and looking at the bruises peppered on your body. You shook your head, new tears forming in your eyes.
"N-No, i'm just clumsy, I walked into a wall and i bumped into a few tables. You know how i am, Lan, it's nothing-" He shook his head, cutting you off.
"Don't lie to me, darling. I'm sick and tired of you being scared of doing things that you think he would see as out of line. You've changed, Y/n. You're not the same anymore, you're too preoccupied with what he thinks of you, of what he wants you to do." You frowned at his words. It was obvious he was drunk, his words were slurred, but he had had enough. Lando had loved you for years, not that the believed you loved him back, and the second he got into f1, Max had given him the green flag to go ahead and make a move, having placed a heavy hands off for most of your life. But his relentless moves onto you just seemed to anger you, and he didn't seem to understand why- so it's safe to say he was confused when Jonah appeared at the paddock with you, out of the blue. He tried to play it off, to act happy for you because you were happy and that was all that mattered to him. But when he saw you start to be more scared every time anyone lifted their hand or arm, or how you wore heavy and covered clothing even on the hottest of days- he knew something was wrong. Especially when you stopped hugging him before races, especially when Jonah was around, he was convinced something was wrong.
"You're not yourself anymore - You're scared of everything, you're nervous, you look like you don't want to be around me, and you're always doing whatever fucking Jonah wants you to do. Im sick of it. I'm sick of it, i'm tired of seeing you upset all the time." You gulped down tears, and Lando knew he was saying the wrong things. He couldn't tell if he was being rude, the alcohol too heavy in his veins, fogging up his brain.
"Why are you acting like this ?" You mumbled, shaking your head. His words were hitting you, deep. You knew he was drunk, but aren't drunk words simply sober thoughts ?
So Lando really thought you were a push over and you were just giving in to Jonah ?
Letting yourself get hit ?
"Because i love you, goddammit ! I've loved you since we were kids but i couldn't do anything about it because of your brother, but then when he gave me the green light, I was going to go for you- But then you brought fucking Jonah !" His words knocked the air straight out of your chest. He loved you ?
" And i knew he was off- I knew something was wrong with him. The second i saw you act weird, especially to me, i knew something was wrong and now i know !" He yelled, pointing at your bruises. "He's been hurting you, y/n, and you've been hiding it ! God, you should've told me ! All i want is to protect you, darling."
"Lan, you're being mean.."
"Mean ? Mean ?! I'm trying to help you because he's obviously not a good guy but you're too scared to do anything about it, so you've stayed with him for three years !"
"You don't think i know that ? You don't think i've tried to get away ?I have, Lan ! Ive tried to tell you and Max, anyone, but i knew you would act like this and i was scared of what you would do ! What do you think this entire weekend was about ? I was trying to have one good moment before i went back there and ended things with him and filed a restraining order against him !" He tensed up as you yelled back at him, tears streaming down your face. "You think telling me that i've been letting him do these things to me is going to make me fall for you ?"
His face fell, and he suddenly realised that he had made a big, big mistake.
"No, Y/n, that's not what i-"
"Well it's not. And to think i came here all this way for you, putting my ass on the line because who knows the things he will do to me when i get back." You screamed, your throat yelling at you with every raise in. your tone, your voice cracking.
"Then stay. Don't go back, stay with me." He begged. He could tell you wanted to, but his earlier words were still stinging your heart. You shook your head and slipped your sweater back on. You pushed past him, but he gripped your arm.
"No, please, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to yell." His eyes were pleading. "You know that's not what i meant. Please, love, i'm not in my right mind- Just stay until morning and i'll explain it t you when my head isn't moving at three thousand thoughts a minute- Please." You could tell he was drunk. But you still felt sick just looking at him.
"Well it's too late now isn't it ?" You mumbled, before breaking free and running off.
You were on a plane out of the country before Max's had even landed.
"Not any of it ? Wow, okay." You ask, feeling that same prickly feeling in your throat as you did that night.
"Well i meant one part." He says, looking down at you. " I do love you."
"Lando, can we not do this, please ?" He shakes his head.
"But i want to. I don't like knowing you're mad at me-" You stand up, shaking your head, sniffling.
"I didn't come here to hear a half assed apology, Lan. I came here to support you because you're my friend and i missed you, for some reason. But if you're just going to toy with me again, and remind me of things i'd rather forget, then i can't do this." You say.
The thought of anyone genuinely loving you feels suffocating after Jonah.
It makes you sick to even think of being in such a vulnerable state again.
"I promise, i'm not-"
"I'll see you at dinner." You mutter, your chest heaving up and down in panic. He frowns as you move past him and leave his room storming out into the sun to find Max, your mind reeling.
Dinner is not going to be enjoyable.
The dress is uncomfortable against your ribs, gulping heavily. The car is quiet, Pietra sitting beside you, Max in the front passenger seat near Lando. You try to avoid his eyes darting over to you at every red light, but it's getting painstakingly hard when his breathing gets heavier each time you look down to avoid his gaze. Pietra is scrolling mindlessly on her phone, her head resting on your shoulder as the car trudges past the streets. The restaurant Lando pulls into is fancy, with a valet at the door who takes the car off of his hands as you climb out. Pietra grabs your hand, talking happily about something as max softly touches your shoulder to make sure you're alright.
It feels weird- Wearing a dress and not having to cover a bruise.
You blink hurriedly and let Pietra drag you into the restaurant behind Lando and your brother, leading you to the table. She sits down beside you, Max sitting down infront of her, leaving Lando to sit down infront of you. You gulp and cats your eyes down, trying to include yourself in the conversation happening between your brother and his girlfriend, but it's all batting eyelashes and hand holding. Lando;'s foot nudges your calf. Your eyes snap over.
"Can we please talk-"
"Hi ! What can i get you tonight ?" Lando looks up at the sudden interruption. It's a young waiter, a large smile on his face.
"Uh, we haven't looked at the menu's yet-"
"Oh that's fine, would you like anything to drink ?" Lando's jaw tenses.
"No, it's fine we'll let you know when we're ready-"
"Well, i can offer you some specials ! We have cocktails with free refills, a wine cave that has been critically acclaimed for it's diversity-" Lando's fist comes smashing against the table. You flinch, the suddenness of it all making you jump. Max even looked over at the commotion, his brows knotted in confusion. Lando didn't get angry- at least not that angry. And he did, he'd be more likely to stay angry in silence until he' s calmed down enough to rationally discuss why he was angered in the first place.
"For fucks sake, can you give us a minute !" The young boy stammers, gulping heavily.
"Y-yes, sir. Sorry, sir." The boy backs away, his hands shaking. Like how your hands shook as you dialed 9-1-1 from the hidden safety of your bathtub, bleeding from five different areas, Jonah having left to "clear his head" after beating you to a pulp.
Your eyes are wide in fear, your stomach churning with bile. Max seems to notice and he nods at Pietra, who places her hand over yours tentatively, your eyes trained on Lando, who is staring at you aswell.
"Y/n-" The second her hand touches yours, your body goes into fight or flight mode. You shove her off, leaping to your feet, your chest heaving, your chair groaning loudly on the floor. Everyone in the vicinity has turned to look at you. Max's eyes are wide, knowing the reason for your sudden change. You feel cornered, like every eye pouring into you is Jonah's- taunting you, promising to hurt you. Your eyes dart to Lando, who is staring up at you with worry in his eyes. You shake your head, a whimper forcing it's way out of your lips before running off, your heels clicking on the floor as whispers follow you.
"Y/n !" You hear Lando call, but you're already pushing open the door of the bathroom and locking it behind you after checking no one else was in the stalls. The second you're in privacy, tears start flowing down your cheeks, your hands clawing at your chest to get some sort of air into your lungs, the only thing keeping you up being the iron grip your free hand has on the small porcelain sink.
"Okay.. okay, breathe, Y/n. Jonah is far- He can't hurt you. He can't. He can't." You tell yourself through the rapid fire tears coursing down your face, making it hard for you to see or breathe.
"Darling ? Are you in here ?"
Deja vu hits you so hard you almost stumble backwards.
"I'm sorry, love, i didn't mean to yell."
There it is again.
"Will you please open the door ?"
His voice is so soft, so comforting, you don't even think. The lock comes clicking open and before you know it you're wrapped up into his arms, pushing you back into the bathroom, his voice muffled into your hair as he holds you close, apologising profusely. His hand is pinned to your waist, the other buried in your hair as your hands come to squeeze around his torso, his lips kissing your temple.
"Fuck, i'm sorry. I'm so sorry. God, i'm so sorry, Y/n." He breathes, gently rocking you back and forth. You nod against his chest, relishing in his touch. This is the first time in three years he's held you close.
"I'm sorry about the fight, i had no idea how bad it was, y/n." he pulls away, cupping your cheeks to make you look at him. "I never should've said any of those things. God, you're so strong for even thinking of getting out, my love. He never deserved you, and you never deserved to be treated that way, even less for me to be a dick about it because i was drunk and hung up over you." he peppers kisses all over your face. "And i'm so sorry for yelling just now, really i am, I just felt so bad because you wouldn't even look at me, and i got carried away and-" he stops himself when he realises he's rambling. "I'm sorry." He says, his tone stern. He brushes a strand away from your face, your hands resting on his torso as he stays cupping your cheeks.
"If I could take back that entire fight, I would. Please.. Don't ever leave me again." he begs, his voice cracking as his own tears fill his eyes. "It's been hell without you, Y/n. And knowing it was my fault you stayed away just makes it worse." He says. You lick your lips, and you look up at him through tear-soaked eyelashes.
"You promise you love me ?" Your voice is wobbly. The thought of hearing him say those words again makes you sick yet excited.
"Baby.. I've loved you since we were six. Of course i love you - i'll never stop loving you. And i can love you how you deserve to be.. if you let me." He says, his eyes scanning your face. He awaits for your answer, cleafly impatient. He chuckles softly.
"i really don't mean to push, y/n, but you're killing me here-"
You cut him off, reaching up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips, your hands finding the soft yet gelled tips of his curls, digging your fingers through them like how you used to fantasise when you were teenagers. His hands grab your waist possessively, pushing you up against the door, settling his knee n between your thighs to keep you up as he focuses on cupping your cheeks and kissing you long and hard, as much as he can, relishing in this moment. A soft whine is pulled from your lips as his hand softly settles around your neck, tilting your face up to get easier access, your smaller frame fitting into his tall one with ease. After a while, he finally pulls away to let you breathe, his hands strong on your hips, your own buried in his hair.
"Fuckin' hell." He pants, his forehead resting against yours. You nod, your eyes shut closed. Secretly, you're scared to open your eyes, because you think he might disappear if you look at him for too long.
"Does this mean you forgive me ?" He asks against your neck, his breath hot on your nape, his lips trailing your jaw. You slap at his chest as you laugh, your eyes opening. He laughs, shaking his head as he kisses along your jaw and collarbones.
"Yes, it means i forgive you, you muppet." You laugh, burying your face in his chest as he kisses your temple.
"God it feels so good to hold you." he mutters, his voice groggy. He cutches you tighter, kissing your nose. You scrunch it up, smiling.
"Y/n ? You in here babe ? Max is really worried, and -" The door comes flying open and Pietra stumbles in, taking in the scene before her- you and lando, both of your lips swollen, Lando's smeared with lipgloss, his curls a mess, his head buried in your neck. You try to shove him off, scared at the sudden exposure of his affection. A sudden jolt of fear courses through your body. God, if Jonah saw you and Lando so close, he would kill you- But then it hits you. Jonah actually can't hurt you.
"Hi, P." Lando smiles lazily as he kisses your forehead and pulls you in, refusing to let you go. Pietra smiles broadly.
"Oh. My. God. Max is going to flip !" She says, laughing. She runs off, ready to go tell Max as Lando finally breaks away from you and slips his hand in yours. He looks up at you, wiping the fallen tears off your tears and kisses your knuckles.
"Mine ?" He whispers. You smile, rolling your eyes.
"Yours." You reply. He smiles, tugging you along to the main room, where the restaurant seems to have continue past your earlier outburst. Max's eyes almost bulge out of his head when he notices your hands intertwined, and for the first time in a while..
It feels good to be vulnerable.
It feels good to be loved.
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ameliablakesblog · 6 months
Forbidden Fruit
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Lando Norris x Fewtrell!Femreader
The only way she could describe him was like forbidden fruit.
He was her brother’s best friend. Having a crush on him was forbidden.
Forbidden yet desiring.
Being close to your brother meant spending time with him. Everyone knew him as Lando Norris, the famous formula one driver. But to you he was just Norris. And you were Belle to him. Known for your love for reading and Disney films. At first, the nickname aggravated you, now years down the line and many heartstrings pulled you crave that nickname to fall from his lips.
You were sat in the corner of the streaming room, hidden from the camera. It’s not like you don’t show yourself on screen, but you were too engrossed in your book to partake in their stream.
Max and Lando were sat chatting with each other on the stream. Multiple giggles and swear words filtered through the room and everything felt cosy and comfortable. Just how you like it.
You were midway through one of the most hooking chapters of your book when you heard Lando warning the chat. You ignored him blissfully, continuing to read on but when you heard your brother clear his throat and say the words “What the fuck are they saying?” That’s when you looked up.
It appears the comfortable atmosphere had long gone, now feeling tense and anxiety inducing. Lando was looking down at the desk, his jumper pulled up to his chin and he almost looked in pain. Max however, looked downright furious.
“Chat what the fuck are you on about? Why do I keep seeing questions about my sister and Lando?”
You could feel your heart dropping. What were they saying? Maxes head turned towards you; his eyebrows drawn in confusion. You mouth ‘what is going on’ but he just turns away to look at Lando instead- who continues to stare at the desk.
“I’m confused… chat there is nothing going on with my sister and Lando, why do you guys keep saying that?”
You watch Lando lift his head to look at you and God. The air left your lungs at the emotions running through his eyes. You tried to read his face, see what was going on in his mind but there were too many emotions to filter.
“You guys are chatting shit! My sister does not fancy Lando. User8479 you need to get your facts straight pal”
Max continues to deny the claims from the chat, almost laughing at them now. It makes your heart hurt, does he really think the thought of you and Lando together laughable?
But then it was like Lando let his emotions fade, you draw your eyebrows together and tilt your head questioning his gaze. It was clear his PR façade was on however when he looked away from you and towards the screen.
“You guys are all muppets, there is no way I’d fancy her- Belle is like a sister to me”.
You felt tears well in your eyes at Lando’s statement while him and Max continued to laugh at the comments. You looked down at your book, but it was pointless- the words blurred by your tears.
The forbidden fruit you craved had poisoned your heart.
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natailiatulls07 · 6 months
part two to lemon sherbets!! it was so so cute!!
Lemon Sherbet Pt.2
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Mafia!Lando Norris x female!reader
Summary - He did it, Lando Norris did it. He managed to get her to marry him
Warning - swearing, Mafia??
A/n - This is also inspired by a scene from Legend (2015) &lt;3
Lando had her. With much fight, Lando managed to be vulnerable for Y/n. He showed his gentle side, he always did. And in amongst Landos chaotic and dangerous lifestyle, the gangster proposed.
Today, a bright and colourful spring day, was the eagerly anticipated wedding day. Close family, friends and gangsters gathered in the small church. All dressed in the requested colourful dress code, but one.
The mother of the bride, M/n L/n was dressed head to toe in black. It was like she was attending a funeral. Sticking out like a sore thumb.
A black McLaren pulled into the small car park, Lando Norris emerging in a smart and slick suit. His usual.
Whispers were heard. Everyone immediately noticing the infamous gangster. “Look it’s Lando…”
The curly hair gangsters eyes flickered around, well aware of his surroundings. Until his eyes stopped, stopped on the mother of the bride. The only person dressed in black.
Max Fewtrell, his bestfriend, immediately walked up to Lando when he saw how his face turned to a scowl. “All right, all right”
Eyebrows frowned, Lando just stared at M/n who stared back. “She’s wearing black” He only wanted today to be perfect for Y/n and her own mother was ruining that.
“Yeah, I know I know…” All Max was doing to calm down his bestfriend, not wanting to cause a scene. “She read it wrong, hasn’t she? She thought it was a fucking funeral”
Max had grown to like his bestfriends lover, was very friendly. “Wearing black, that fucking bitch” Lando muttered, fighting off his ongoing anger.
“Don’t drive yourself mad” Lando turned from his bestfriend to look at M/n again. Still staring down at him, she had unimpressed look.
Never did she want this relationship. Always telling Y/n that he would just use her for her beauty.
Max muttered. “Wait until you see the daughter” He knew how Y/n calmed Lando down. “She looks unbelievable in white…” And he was hoping this would do just that.
The guests and the Mafia boss gathered in the chapel. Lando and Max stood at the alter, looking down the aisle. “What do you see in her?”
Lando took a deep breath, he saw everything in this women. “Well, I see…” The lad paused. “I see me self, yeah, I see…”
In that moment Max knew his bestfriend, the once shell of a man, had a heart and Y/n had full control of it. “I see what I could be. You know?” Lando continued, he had a nervous facial expression.
“If I weren’t scared”
Max stifled a laugh, his bestmate was never scared. Y/n really had an effect on Lando, so much effect. “You’re not scared of anything”
Turning for a second, Lando looked at Max. “Yeah” Their faces holding knowing grins. Both well aware of the womens effect on him.
Just outside, Y/n and Leo had just arrived in the wedding car. She was dressed in her chosen dress, flowers in hand and vail pulled down over her face.
They climbed the stairs to the doors of the chapel, where their mother stood still looking unimpressed. In a hushed whisper, Y/n spoke. “What’s she doing?”
Leo annoyed at his mother for trying to ruin the day. “Well you know what she’s gonna be saying” He knew how much their mother hated this relationship but Leo just wanted his little sister to be happy. “So just take it easy, deep breaths”
The pair had reached the top of the stairs, now face to face with M/n. “Why you not inside yet?”
Without a beat M/n spoke. “Are you sure you wanna go through with this?” Leo tried to interrupt and quieten her but Y/n stopped him.
“It’s all right, Leo…” She inhaled a deep breath before turning back to their mother. “I love him”
M/n’s eyes were piecing. “Love” There was a pause. “Do you even know what love is?”
Looking down, Y/n replied quickly. “I know it’s not an answer to anything. But love is a witness, Lando sees me” She was so used to being berated and criticised by her mother that to Y/n, Lando made her feel free and loved. “And I see him”
She shook her head. “And who are you to refuse that?”
Leaning down slightly, M/n spoke again. This time harsh and bitter. “I’m your mother.” And with that, she walked off into the chapel.
The two siblings watched their mother walking in, silence filled the air around them until. “Wow…” Leo broke the silence.
Y/n turned to look other at her brother. “What?” Confused evident.
“Nothing it’s just…” He paused and Y/n could swear that she saw tears welling up in his eyes. “You really love him, because you would never talk to mum like that…”
It was safe to say that Leo was baffled. Y/n never once spoke back to her mother, but now she had that confidence to. All because of Lando.
It was the same for Lando. He was becoming softer, just for her. More gentle and sympathetic. There was a small difference in each, but everyone could see it as clear as day.
“Let’s get you married then!”
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propertyofwicked · 1 month
warnings: smut throughout!! MDNI!! unprotected sex, little bit of jealous!lando
snippets of lando and his girls sex life throughout the years of their relationship! <3 (can be read as a fewtrell!reader but it's not discussed)
masterlist the playlist
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the first time -
y/n remembered her first time with lando like it was yesterday. the two of them, freshly 19 and still friends at the time, found themselves cuddled up on the sofa in his and max’s shared house. their friends slept dotted around the house, many of them drunk and sleeping in the first place their body stumbled into.
there’d always been a sense of something more between the two, friends from a young age, attached at the hip. they were close, too close for friends, max would tell him constantly - raising his eyebrows every time he caught them wrapped up in each other on the couch, or when they entwined their hands at any given opportunity. everyone around them had given up trying to push the two together, hoping they would come to their senses soon.
their first time happened so naturally, it was quite sweet actually. her head resting on his shoulder, as they sat together, her eyes staring wide up at his face. it was that moment he decided to go for it, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips. he half expected her to push him off, but found himself pleasantly surprised when she kissed him back, escalating the kiss till she was straddling his lap.
“not here,” she remembered him whispering in her ear, pulling her up from his lap as he lead the two of them to his room. the two of them resuming there position on his bed, lando resting his back on the headboard, palms covering her waist as she hovered over his cock.
“-wait!” she panicked slightly, “i don’t know how to-”
“it’s ok, you’re fine. just breathe, ill guide you. go slow, yeah?” he reassured her. in the heat of the moment he had forgotten this was her first time with anyone, let alone him, and yet she’d decided to get on top.
y/n remembered lowering down on him, his grip on her hips allowing him to fill her slowly. lando distinctly remembered her shy moans, the way she tried to stay quiet, aware of the amount of people in the house.
“fuck me, angel. so tight,” he’d said, grunting slightly as she got lower, fighting to keep his hips still whilst she grew accustomed to the stretch, “last bit angel, you can take it.”
“there’s more?” she’d replied, panting slightly as he chuckled at her, “i can’t d-”
she remembered the way their eyes locked as he jutted his hips up into her, filling her whole. he remembered the way her mouth gaped open, and the way her head rolled back as his hands slowly rocked her hips over his length.
lando was gentle with her, kissing her softly throughout, his moans and praises merging together as she grew more confident, falling into a steady rhythm on top of him.
“i love you,” he’d grunted as his hands ran over her skin, trying to remember everything about her - the way she felt, the way she sounded, the way she clenched around his cock when she got closer. she reciprocated his sentiment, neither of them shocked at the revelation.
“you owe me a tenner,” max had said to niran the next day, after he’d found the two of them passed out in lando’s bed, smiling to himself.
getting caught -
the two of them gained more confidence with their sex life the following years. lando knew exactly what she needed, and how to make her fold for him. max had described the two as rabbits, going at it like no one’s business, laughing to himself as the trio constructed a new bedframe - the last one meeting its unfortunate ending when lando had taken out his stress on his girl. her legs had been over his shoulders when they heard a snap! and felt the mattress dipping into the broken slat. the paint on the headboard had long been chipped from the constant banging into the wall behind, and one of the legs was coming lose.
it had been mid-season, the two of them finding themselves in his drivers room after an unfortunate race. y/n had tried consoling him, but being comforting and supportive was not working at the time. he’d come round eventually and talk to her but for now, he had her pressed against the wall, her cheek pushed up against it. her skirt had simply been tugged up around her hips, panties to the side as he pushed into her from behind, roughly thrusting as he muttered curses under his breath. his hand was about to snake around her waist to toy with her clit when the door flung open.
“land- OH SHIT!” a voice had called out before dissolving into giggles, followed by the door slamming shut again. the shocked face of daniel ricciardo, followed by his distinct laugh, was something y/n was sure would never leave her brain. the interruption hadn’t bothered lando, the two of them were both covered enough for daniel to have seen too much, and so he took it in his stride, bringing them both to a finish soon after.
it had taken a while for y/n to look daniel in the eyes again without wanting to drop dead on the spot, her boyfriend simply smirked at the memory.
club, cameras, cars -
lando’s body was pressed up against hers, packed together in the busy club, their bodies moving in time with the beat. his hands stayed firmly on her waist, telling her it was so she wouldn’t get lost in the crowd, but realistically it had been his way of keeping her close to him. close enough that he could drop his head to hers, joining their lips together in a deep kiss. her tongue dragged along his bottom lip, before her teeth nipped at him, pulling away slowly to catch her breath. his hips grinding into hers, her hands running through his curls.
she was obsessed with him, his unbuttoned shirt, the way his necklace peaked through - she was feral for him.
he looked up momentarily, glad to meet max’s eyes, who directed him to the corner where a man similar in age was filming the interaction between the couple. he leant down to her ear again, so that she could hear him over the loud bass.
“someone filming us,” he told her, feeling her body tense slightly, “you wanna get out of here?”
she’d nodded at him. being filmed by anyone and everyone was nothing new for her, although she wished people would have some concept of privacy. it was somewhat infuriating, but she guessed that was the price she paid for loving the man in front of her. his eyes had softened at her, noticing her anxiety - she didn’t get anxious when people captured them driving around, or just living their normal lives. she did however when such intimate moments were filmed and posted on twitter for the world to see. people had strong opinions - strong opinions that they shared online all whilst hiding their own identities.
they walked next to each other, his hand clutching hers protectively as they said goodbye to max. a few cameras flashed as they walked towards lando’s car, the odd fan approaching him to sign something - they assumed someone had leaked where they were. it was these interactions she didn’t mind, the ones that didn’t make her feel like her whole life was being dissected by the media.
“’m glad max pointed him out,” he started as they climbed into the car, “don’t want to imagine how far i would’ve gone if he hadn’t.”
“you would’ve fucked me in the middle of a club?” she spluttered out, turning to stare at him as he pulled onto the main road.
“i’d fuck you anywhere, angel,” he replied with a shrug.
“you are the pr teams worst nightmare,” she joked, shaking her head at him again.
“hey!” he defended, “since when did loving my girlfriend become a crime?”
“it’s not,” she conceded, smirking to herself at her next statement, “the real crime is the fact you’re not pulling into that lay-by right now.”
“i- wha-,” he stuttered, taken aback at her boldness, “here? right now?”
“why not? there’s no one around.”
he didn’t bother indicating, pulling the car into the side lane, and hurrying to turn the lights off. his free hand adjusted the seat, rolling it back as far as it went before reaching over to grab the woman besides him. she clambered over the centre console, landing not-so graciously on his lap.
the whole interaction was messy and lacking in any decorum. his cock was deep inside her, stretching her out as he thrusted up into her. with every bounce her knees hit the side of the door or the centre console, sure to bring bruises to the skin from the sheer impact. she leant forwards into him, his hands trailing under her dress to squeeze at her breasts.
“baby, lean back a bit,” he had told her, desperate to see her face.
“lan, if i lean any further back im gonna hit the horn,” she said, still adjusting herself to lean up.
“you can hit my horn,” he retorted, giggling to himself at the childish joke.
“don’t make jokes when you’re inside me,” she begged, sighing at the man in front of her.
the counter -
y/n had remembered their move to monaco fondly, lando had been living there for a few months before she made the move herself. she recalled the heartfelt goodbye with her family and friends, her entire life packed into boxes and a suitcase as she moved to a country she’d never even visited. the move felt right, especially after 3 years together - 2 months of long distance was hard enough, neither of them could imagine spending anymore time apart. she’d set herself up as a small time content creator, working closely within quadrant to build up a sufficient income to support herself in between races. lando’s fans loved the snippets of domestic lando, but they also appreciated her wicked sense of humour and her biased insight on the world of motorsport.
once she’d settled into life at the new flat, traces of her personality dotted around, the woman found herself on facetime to her mum giving her a virtual tour.
lando had been out of the flat, spending his morning training, returning home sweaty but overjoyed to hear the sounds of his girlfriends voice travelling through their home. taking the opportunity to sneak up on her, he crept around the hallway, moving quietly towards the kitchen.
“praying my B in french GCSE is gonna come in hand- AH!” y/n yelped, almost dropping her phone as lando pounced on her shoulders, shouting boo! as he did. the older woman on the phone laughed as her daughters face went from startled to glaring at the boy behind her.
“i better leave you two be,” her mum had told them, smiling at the camera and waving slightly to the couple. the shock of her youngest child announcing that she was moving to a different country was wearing off gradually - the happiness of her daughter being with someone she’d secretly rooted for their entire childhood taking over.
“bye mum!” “bye y/m/n!”
y/n had placed the phone beside her, leaning back to rest on the counter. lando had fallen into her embrace, hands wrapping around her waist as he pressed kisses across her entire face. she leant into the kiss, joining their lips together in what had started so innocently. in what had started as such a wholesome day, talking to her mum about the new flat and spending time with the man she loved, quickly turned into something much more.
he’d soon noticed how the counter perfectly lined up with her waist, smirking into her lips as they kissed, before his hands twisted her waist, turning her by the hip until she was pressed up against the marble. her back arching as he bent her over, grinding her ass into him as she did. he’d tugged at her jeans, pulling them down her legs slowly, her lace panties following soon after. he’d allowed her a moment to step out of them, kicking her clothes across the kitchen floor, before kicking her feet further apart. his strong hand gripped her hip, stabilising her frame as he guided his cock through her folds, covering it in her slick before pushing himself into her fully. she moaned out for him, her hands searching for anything to grip onto for support, settling on wrapping around the coffee machine.
the counter pushed on her lower stomach, the pressure sending waves through her body as she tightened around him. he grunted at the feeling, his fingers finding their way to her clit, falling into a natural rhythm as he always did. lando knew her body like it was his own, he could map every bump, every scar, every freckle that adorned her skin. he knew where she needed him, and how.
“im gonna cum,” she’d whimpered pathetically, embarrassed at how quickly she fell apart for him.
“already?” he asked cockily, his hand landing harshly on her ass. lando took her moment of shock to run his hand up her back, his fingers settling at the base of her hair. he gripped at the roots, tugging her entire body back into his, her face settling next to his. he could hear the way she panted, the way his name tumbled from her lips like a mantra.
“always take me so well,” he moaned in her ear, exhaling as he did. the feeling of his breath hitting the skin of her neck sent her over the edge. she fell forwards, legs shaking beneath him.
lando’s hands moved back to her hips, holding her up so that she wouldn’t fall as he pushed her into the counter again. he thrusted into her for a minute more, his pace growing sloppier as he reached his own climax. y/n whined at him, overstimulated and sore - her noises short circuited his brain, and soon after he was filling her up, his cum leaking from the sides as he rode out his own high.
they panted together, lando pulling his cock out as they fought to catch their breath.
“how did we manage to fuck in the kitchen before our actual bedroom?” she chuckled, moving to grab her discarded clothes and shuffling towards the bathroom.
“never gonna be able to cook in here without thinking about this,” he replied with a shake of his head, as he followed her out of the room with a final glance at the counter. the coffee machine now skewed, water puddled around it from where she’d knocked the tank.
“lando norris? cooking? that’ll be the day the world spontaneously combusts,” she teased.
jealousy -
y/n had accompanied lando and max to the motogp event, finding herself in a deep conversation with someone she had hung around with during the karting days. she hadn’t expected to see him there, pleasantly surprised to catch up with an old friend who’d she’d spent a lot of time with growing up. she honestly saw no harm in it, lando and max had disappeared to film content of the day, so she saw no issue in speaking to him rather than sit alone, twiddling her fingers.
lando, however, was fuming not happy. he trusted his girlfriend in any situation, it was other men he didn’t trust, especially when he walked up to find y/n laughing loudly with a man he vaguely recognised.
“y/n, we’re leaving now,” lando told her, clenching his fists at his sides rather than taking her hand.
“oh- ok,” she replied, a little startled at his tone, “bye sam! was lovely seeing you!” she said to the man, turning on her heel to catch up with her boyfriend.
“lovely to see you!” lando mocked childishly when she rejoined his side, “yeah bet he thought it was lovely to see you.”
“what is your problem?” she asked, stopping short of the car, arms crossed over her chest.
“what’s my problem? you. him. the way he looked at you?”
“are you serious?” she asked, taken aback, “he’s an old friend lando. grow up.”
“grow up?” he repeated, “you don’t see me laughing like that with old friends.”
“whatever you do with old friends is not my problem, i trust you to make the right decision. but clearly, you don’t trust me,” she responded, marching past him and climbing in the back of max’s car.
the two barely spoke for days, the silence made worse by the fact they were stuck together in max’s spare room. y/n spent her days with P, lando with max - the other couple desperately trying to speak sense into the two of them, knowing just how stubborn they both could be.
y/n finally believed their spat was over when he settled between her legs, eating at her like a man starved. she was stubborn, but never too stubborn to pass up the chance of his tongue on her heat. his hands gripped at her thighs, his grip leaving bruises on her skin. lando’s tongue swirled around her clit before sucking at her harshly. she was so close, hands gripping at anything - his hair, the bedsheets, his hands. but then she felt nothing, only cold air against her desperate heat as lando pushed himself away and stood up to move across the room.
she sat up on her arms, staring at him in complete disbelief.
“what the fuck lando?”
“you know what you need to do if you wanna cum,” he’d told her, dark eyes staring back at her. he wanted an apology, she wasn’t going to apologise. she’d done nothing wrong.
“good idea, lan. ill see if sam’s free,” she shot back, leaning forward to grab her phone from the bedside table.
that had been her mistake. potentially too brave in the moment, y/n genuinely didn’t know if she regretted even alluding to messaging the man causing the couples squabble.
“i didn’t mean it!” she’d moaned out, feeling his hand slap against the skin of her ass harshly, the feeling sending shots of pleasure back to her core, before he rolled her onto her back once more. he freed his cock quickly, roughly thrusting into her with no warning.
“’m sor- m’sorry,” she said again, her legs pulled harshly over his shoulders as he fucked into her. he wasn’t even mad anymore, yet he rammed into her as if to teach her a lesson, as if he was literally fucking the attitude out of her. she moaned out loudly at the feeling, lando’s grunts like music to her ears.
“you gonna behave now?” he asked her, pace remaining relentless.
“i wi- will,” she choked out, “i promise.”
“good girl, that’s more like it,” he said, satisfied with her remorse as his fingers returned to her clit.
she came hard and fast around him, the tightening of her walls bringing him to his own climax. he pulled out slowly, rolling to lay next to her as their chests heaved in unison.
“you know i do trust you, right?” he asked, finally willing to talk to her about the argument.
“i know. i just wish you’d show it, rather than getting angry when i speak to any man.”
“im sorry,” lando apologised, pulling her into his side and pressing a kiss to her head, “im trying my best, m’trying not to let jealousy get the better of me.”
“thank you,” she offered him, “and ill try not to provoke you. even if it does result in the best sex of my life.”
he chuckled lightly, his breathing finally stable. but no quiet moment between the two would ever stay quiet for long.
“im glad you guys made up and that, but next time can you not be so loud?” max shouted through the door, making the couple blush as they realised they’d forgotten that he was home, “oh, and you’re cleaning those sheets.”
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Dinner - Part Two
Series Title : Younger Sister
Summary: Lando takes you out to dinner with some of the other drivers and he picks up on your nervous habit.
Pairing/s: Oliver Bearman x Norris!Reader, Lando Norris x Sister!reader , Grid x Norris!Reader
Warning/s : Mentions of anxiety and food
Word Count : 1.5k
Series Masterlist
Oliver Bearman Masterlist
Lando Norris Masterlist
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Lando had convinced you to go out to dinner with him and some of the other drivers that he was close with. Which just happened to be most of them. Lando was now walking around the hotel room, waiting for you to finish getting ready.
“Y/N can we please leave?” He whined, throwing his phone on his bed again 
“Wait a second. I can’t get this earring in” Lando rolled his eyes, throwing himself back on the bed, obviously bored of waiting. 
“Okay we can go now” You smiled 
“About fucking time. Let’s go” He got up walking out of the hotel room. You followed behind him trying to keep up with him and his stupidly large steps.
“Lando please slow down” you whined, and he stopped walking in front of the elevator, pressing the button.
“Or just walk faster” He shrugged, and you shoved him. 
“Lando please. I don’t want us to do this thing again” you whispered, stepping into the elevator as it arrived. Lando looked over at you 
“Y/N I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that” Lando wrapped his arms around you tightly. 
“You owe me dessert” you muttered, and he chuckled as the doors to the elevator opened again, and you walked out with Lando’s arms still around your shoulder. Lando unlocked his car, and you got into the passenger seat. You and Lando sang along to whatever song came on the radio, your little disagreement long forgotten.
Getting out of the car, Lando walked in front of you into the restaurant, playing with your fingers. You bumped into his back when he stopped at the welcome table. Lando rested his hand on your shoulder as he led you over to the table where there were at least twelve drivers and some girlfriends. 
Lando sat down, and you sat down next to him. Lando instantly joined in on a conversation and picked up the menu. Pierre’s girlfriend Francisca introduced herself to you as she sat next to you. She gently rubbed your arm with a smile 
“I promise the more you’re around these people, the less intimidating they get. Have you seen anything you want to eat?” She smiled politely, and only now had you realised that you hadn’t even looked at the menu since you got here. Obviously, you looked before you left the hotel room
“I haven’t looked at the menu yet” you replied, and she nodded 
“The spaghetti is really nice if you’re looking for suggestions” She smiled, and you picked up the menu, looking at it. Lando caught your eye as the waitress took everyones drink orders
“Are you planning on going to university?” Charles asked from the other side of the table
“Not just now. I want to follow Lando around the world for a little bit. School is fun but travelling sounds like more fun” You smiled, and he nodded
“I think you’ll love travelling” He smiled. The waitress came back with your drinks and took the food orders. Only ordering a main and dessert, both of which where you go to meals wherever you go to eat. 
“No starter?” Lando asked, and you shook your head 
“There’s nothing safe” you muttered, and he nodded, rubbing your arm. Lando knew exactly what you meant. There was nothing on the menu that tasted the exact same wherever you ate, and most of it you had never tried before. Lando joined back in with conversations with other drivers as you took the time to look around the restaurant, taking in the decorations. 
The lights were dim, which made it quite relaxing. There were plants dotted around the restaurant that looked fake, but they ranged from succulents to pretty flowers. On the table there was little lanterns with some fake tea lights inside and in the middle of all the tables that were pushed together ,a bouquet of flowers, they were fake but beautiful with flowers like roses, carnations, eucalyptus and gypsophila all in a colour scheme that matched the restaurant. 
“So Y/N any fun childhood stories of Lando?” Pierre asked, and you nodded 
“He once sent me to the hospital” you shrugged, catching Lando rolling his eyes. Max laughed, already knowing the story because it actually happened during lockdown while Lando was gaming with both Max’s and some of Quadrant. 
“That’s not a childhood story” Lando exclaimed 
“I was still a child when it happened!” You replied, turning to look at him 
“Not a childhood story” 
“You were twenty. I was like fifteen. Childhood” You argued back
“Okay. What happened, though?” Carlos asked, now interested in whatever had happened. 
“Go on then. You brought it up” Lando pushed, and you rolled your eyes 
“So during lockdown well, it was kinda just after lockdown while you lot were waiting for racing to start again. Lando was gaming and I went in with some snacks for him and to annoy him but he wasn’t happy that I disturbed his game so he pushed me and I fell because I have no balance and I fell into his glass cabinet” You explained and Lando pushed your arm 
“You make it sound so dramatic” He rolled his eyes
“You cut my arm open! It was dramatic. Glass and your stupid helmets aren’t soft to land on” The dutchman on the other side of the table was still laughing as was George Russell who had actually been one person to ask if you were okay after Lando sent you flying. Now, you all laughed about the story. 
“Any other stories?” Alex asked, and you nodded 
“There’s many. Not enough time to tell them all” You were thankful that the food showed up and being high performance athletes they all instantly started eating their starters. 
Ollie, who was at the end of the table next to Liam Lawson, both looked like they had been dragged here by their team members. They were both driving in Free Practice one which is why you assumed they were there. Ollie and Liam were in their own conversation, much like most of the drivers around the table. You didn’t feel like you knew anyone enough to join in on the conversations. 
Lando soon brought you in on the conversation between him, Oscar, and Lily, but you now had to sit and try and figure out what they were talking about. Ah, being at school while connected to F1. Lily explained her experience of random people asking her for her autograph. 
“Any experience like that Y/N?” Lily asked, and you shook your head 
“I actually hid everything about Lando up until graduation when he showed up at it. When he got into F1, I changed my phone wallpaper to a subtle picture of the two of us. Blocked Lando’s main from my instagram following until like the last week of school. I did everything to hide it. Not because I’m embarrassed or anything, just I’m a lot more introverted than Lando” Lily nodded in understanding 
“It’s not easy. I bet everyone freaked out at graduation” She chuckled, and you nodded
“Our sixth form group chat really blew up when everyone spotted him just sitting there. At first no one knew who he was there for until he got a bit too excited when my name was called then the group chat blew up even more especially with the girls who just wanted to date him. The fans were too shocked to do anything” You laughed
“Then Ollie followed me, so the sixth form group chat blew up even more to the point I had to mute it” Ollie looked up as you said his name, and you smiled over 
“I follow you as well” Oscar added, and you nodded 
“Yeah but one you’ve got a girlfriend and two you’re still kinda new to the sport” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“Fair enough” He shrugged as the main meals arrived. You started to eat yours but soon realised that it wasn’t as good as you thought it would be or maybe that was just the nerves of eating in front of so many new people. Lando’s arm rested on the back of your chair as he rubbed your shoulder. You turned to look at him, and he gave you a soft smile 
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly, nudging his head towards your plate 
“Just not too hungry” you replied, and he nodded. 
Soon, you were back in the hotel laying on your bed as Lando sat on your bed 
“Are you sure everything's okay? You don’t have to travel with me” Lando turned to look at you 
“I think it was just anxiety. I don’t know anyone too well yet” you replied, and he nodded 
“Okay well I promise I’ll help you get to know everyone. I think Ollie seemed happy to help you meet everyone” He smiled, and you looked down 
“Yeah, I’m sure he would probably” You smiled, and he nodded, moving back to his own bed. You went back to texting Ollie secretly
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alocon · 4 months
Incredibly Irresistible [4] - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
written by alocon
Summary: Despite all hope, Lando never lost his feelings for his best friend's twin sister. However, he still hadn't acted on it. Well, that was until the party, which led you two into a long-term secret relationship
Warnings and Tropes: Fluff, part 4
[Part One Here] [Part Two Here] [Part Three Here] [Masterlist]
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Irresistible - LN4 x Fem!Reader
After the night that Max found out, you realised that there wasn't really anyone else who you worried about finding out so you decided to be a lot less secret about it, especially in the family scene. Being invited to a family dinner was the perfect opportunity to tell people who you are dating, you decided. When you got the call from your mother, you asked.
“Oh wait I do have a question,” you had said when she asked if there was anything else you wanted to know. It was common knowledge that you could bring your partners to dinner, seeing as Max brought P often.
“Alright, sweetheart, what is it?” Your mother responded, curious as you never usually had any questions.
You looked at Lando who was sat on the bed with you, nervously playing with your hand. You had told him about your family dinners before, and he said that he would, of course, be interested in coming if the opportunity was there. “I've been in a relationship with someone for about a year and a half. Would I be able to bring him?”
“Absolutely, you can. A year and a half, darling, why didn't you say anything before?”
“You know what Max gets like, right? How he's very overprotective.” She hummed in agreement for you to continue. “Well, he'd get like that… but maybe a little worse than usual.”
Lando giggled, whispering under his breath “mhm, a little.”
You chuckled before hearing your mother excitedly say “is that Lando? Can I say hi to him?” You watched as Lando quickly leant over to take the phone from your hand as you passed it to him, beginning to talk to your mother.
“Yes, Mrs. Fewtrell. I'm great thank you, how are you?... I have met her boyfriend, he's very nice. Quite an attractive man too if I do say so myself.” You could only hear one side of the conversation but you rolled your eyes at the cockiness as he winked at you. “I'd like to think so, yes. From what I've seen, he really is in love with your daughter.” He grinned at you, blowing you a kiss. “Ah, I'm not sure if I'll be able to attend the dinner, I'll have to check, but I'm pretty sure I might be having dinner with my girlfriend's family that day. Yes ma'am. Well I'm sure you'll see me soon, don't worry. I miss you too. Goodbye.”
He passed the phone back to you, grinning ear to ear.
So that's how you ended up sat in your UK house, getting ready for family dinner with your boyfriend, who was definitely freaking out about making a good impression despite knowing that your entire family absolutely adored him.
“Yes but what if I mess up or they're disappointed that you're dating me or-” you cut him off with a kiss, getting slightly fed up with his waffling. He kissed back and you felt him relax slightly in your embrace.
Pulling away from the kiss, you placed your forehead to his. “Lan, try your best not to worry. You know they already like you.”
He nodded softly. “I know I know. I just don't want them to react how Max did.”
“Well, let's hope they don't. Ready to go?” He said yes, grabbing his phone and keys.
The drive was silent, Lando having been overthrowing quietly, which was evident by the way his index finger tapped against your knee as his hand ranted on your thigh whilst he drove. You placed your hand on top of his and he smiled gratefully as he finished parking.
Turning to you, he smiled softly, the nerves still very evident in his face. “I really hope this goes well.”
“Don't worry. They love you already.”
“Not as much as you do, I hope,” he said with a chuckle.
You rolled your eyes as you both started walking up the driveway towards the door. “Who knows. Maybe that's why Max was so pissed.” You heard the oh so familiar giggle leave his lips as you knocked on the door. 
It didn't take your mother long to open the door. “Hi sweetie, I've missed you!” She instantly hugged you and then pulled away, looking at Lando. “Lando? I thought you couldn't come. And Where's your boyfriend? Did you two split up?”
Lando spoke up before you could. “Actually, I remember saying that I was having dinner with my girlfriend's family…”
“Exactly. So why are you?” She paused mid sentence, looking between the two and gasping. “Oh my god. Wait. You two are together?” You nodded, Lando grabbing your hand nervously before a squeal could be heard and you were both pulled into a hug. “Come on in, you two.”
You walked into the house and to the dining room, seeing Lando look a lot calmer as people's eyes lit up once they saw him. Well, except Max. Max was avoiding your gaze for now. You greeted P with a hug and everyone except her and Max seemed a little surprised at the two of you being together. Your older brother, Sam, made a joke about not having to threaten your boyfriend, at least, because he had been around long enough to know the threats. That made Lando relax the most.
“So,” your dad said, looking between the two of you as you sat together on one side of the table together. “How long has this been going on?”
“Since July 2023.”
“A year and a half?” Your older brother said, looking at you. You nodded. “Why didn't you tell us?”
“Because I knew that if it got back to Max through someone who wasn't us, he wouldn't be happy. I mean he wasn't happy anyway but what can you do?”
“I would be happier if you weren't sleeping with my best friend.”
“I didn't complain that you started dating P.”
“Right, let's not. Max, remember what I said about being on your best behaviour, yes?” Max nodded in response to your mother as she turned her attention to another topic that wasn't Max's distaste. “Why did you decide to tell us now?”
“Max found out and we realised it was better to be honest. I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys. We hadn't even told my family until yesterday, to be honest. We had dinner with them and that's how they found out.”
“No problem. I think we're all just glad it finally happened. It took longer than me and your mother thought, that's for sure.”
You looked at your boyfriend, and then back to your parents. “What do you mean?”
“Oh please.” Your dad chuckled softly. “You two have been head over heels for one another since you were like 13. Especially Lando.”
Lando coughed slightly, looking away from your gaze which shot straight towards him. “13?”
“Yeah,” your mother was next to speak up. “It was like, you know how some girls have crushes on their best friend's older brothers? It was like that but Max's older sister instead.”
“She is barely older.” Max finally spoke up in the conversation.
“Still older. 3 hours is 3 hours.”
“Anyways. I'm pretty sure that boy fell in love with you the first time he met you. I remember overhearing him asking a bunch of questions about you when I walked past his door.”
You laughed. “I think I was the same about him, to be honest.”
Lando looked at you, seeing your eyes already on him. “Really?” You nodded, causing him to grin, almost slightly shyly as he squeezed your hand. 
“I honestly never thought I'd see this day. Mum, Dad, Max, I believe you owe me £20.”
You looked at Sam, shock on your face. “You made a bet on us?”
“We did,” your dad responded. “Max's vote was never so I think he might be a little biassed.”
 Your family ended up loving the fact that Lando and you were together, just as you had suspected. Once you both offered to wash up together, Lando had made a comment about you being right. You talked about how glad you were that Max didn't make any snarky comments about you two, as was expected when you first turned up. That didn't, by any means, mean that he had gotten over his anger, though. He actively avoided your gazes and was being a little petty, as always. You swore quietly at Lando as he flicked more water in your direction. You flicked some back. “Behave, you.”
He walked closer to you, playing his chin on your forehead, arms wrapping around you. “Where's the fun in that?”
You dried your hands, turning around to hug him back. You felt his hand playing with your hair. “I love you. I always will.”
You smiled into his chest at his words. Pulling away from the hug, you looked into his eyes. “I love you too. Always.” You leant up to press a kiss to his cheek before pushing a towel into his hand. “Get to drying, you're distracting me.”
“Yes ma'am. On it,” He responded, moving away and grabbing a plate to dry up.
From the doorway, your mum stepped away, leaning against the doorway for a moment whilst she watched you two act so domestically with one another - almost as if you had been together for years. Messing about, talking, actually getting stuff done, being sweet. She headed back to the living room, shutting the door as she sat down. The was quiet until your dad spoke up. “I'm happy they are together.”
“I'm not,” Max replied, rolling his eyes in frustration at them.
“Max. Why do you have such an issue with them?” Your dad asked, putting his drink back on the coffee table.
“Because he's my best friend and she's my sister. I know what he's like and he doesn't stay in relationships for longer than a year usually. Plus it's weird, he's meant to be my friend!” Max looked surprised that his mother and father seemed so happy with it.
“They've been in love for years, Max. Anyone can see it. Don't you think they would've been together a lot longer if they didn't worry what you would think?” Max stayed silent at the words of your mother. “Seriously. Despite being older than you, your sister looks up to you. She sees all three of you as some of the closest people in her lives. Plus, you met P through your sister anyway. So you really can't complain because it's kind of hypocritical, Max. She loves P and loves that you guys are together, as do all of us, so seriously, you need to realise that Lando will treat her well and you need to respect it.”
Max sighed. He looked at his family. “Do you all really like them together?” Everyone agreed, including P. “Really?” He asked his girlfriend.
“Yes, Max. You should've seen how worked up she got when you tried to make Lando choose between you and her.”
“You did what?” Sam asked, now looking at his younger brother with a sense of disappointment.
When the two of you left later that day, after spending some time with your family, you spent the evening watching films and talking about the past couple of days. Not only did your family really like Lando, his family also absolutely adored him. You had spent an hour sat talking with his sister about horse riding, you had spent some time with his mother whilst she taught you how to knit, you had spent some time throughout the previous day with each member of his family, including his niece.
The pair of you sat on the sofa, your head on his shoulder as you watched Cars together for what felt like the thousandth time over the past few years you had lived together. “Do you have any objection to us making our relationship public knowledge?” He asked as you watched.
“In what way?”
“In a sense of people knowing about us, but not knowing every detail or anything, just knowing that we're in a relationship. I want to be able to hold your hand when we are out in public and to be able to hug and kiss you and stuff after races, you know?” He looked at you, placing his forehead gently against yours and bringing his hand up to hold your face. “If you don't want to, we don't have to.”
“I'm happy to make it public knowledge. You don't understand how much I've had to hold back on kissing you whenever you've got a podium.”
He laughed, getting out his phone. “Maybe I should just hard launch us on my Instagram.”
“If you do, I will too.”
He grinned, opening his gallery to a whole album of photos just of you and the pair of you together. “Deal.”
Hozier - Work Song
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liked by youruser and others
landonorris: I'm only me when I'm with you ❤
tagged: youruser
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youruser: I love you ❤
landonorris: I love you more ❤❤
user: TO HOZIER?
user2: When I tell you I screamed!! youruser: user2 same-
oscarpiastri: 2nd cutest McLaren couple
landonorris: cutest McLaren couple**
alex_albon: I believe this is what the kids nowadays call a "hard launch"
landonorris: "kids nowadays" makes you sound old youruser: He is,, another double date soon?? lilymhe: Yes, message the group chat we will plan something! x
user2: Did not have "Lando in a relationship with his best friend's twin sister" on my bingo card.
carlossainz55: Finally done something about the massive crush you had on her since you were 13, I see?
landonorris: I told you that in confidence. charles_leclerc: Mate it was kind of obvious. maxverstappen1: You looked at her with heart eyes whenever you were in the same general vicinity as her
Taylor Swift - Lover
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liked by landonorris and others
youruser: ❤❤
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-comments limited-
landonorris: I love you so much ❤
youruser: I love you❤
lilymhe: Cuteeeee
youruser: ❤
riabish: So unexpected but so cute
youruser: Thank you! x
pietra.pilao: Adorable 💕
youruser: xx
maxfewtrell: Message me please.
youruser: 👍
-The End-
-Word Count: 2,143 (not including social medias-
Hi all! Hope you're well, here's another part of the Lando series!! Hope you enjoyed, have a good day. There will likely only be one more part of this!! Alocon
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formulafics · 8 months
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requests: closed temporarily
please let me know if any links do not work <3
note one sorted by alphabetical order
note two if a name is not listed, it means there are no works for that driver yet!
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MAKE YOU MINE | in which working as a williams reserve driver brings you closer to your best friend, and not just platonically.
MRS. ALL AMERICAN | logan sargeants sister and alex albon are met with backlash when they start dating.
IF YOU CANT BEAT ‘EM, JOIN ‘EM | after years of your flag being mixed up with your boyfriends, you decide to ‘take’ more than just his flag.
SHES KINDA HOT | george russel has a crush on his pr manager. what does he do to show that? drive her absolutely insane! and what do fans do when a video of him grinning while she scolds him comes out? ship the two of course!
DO I WANNA KNOW? | in which an unexpected series of events, starting with a leaked picture of yn and jenson sharing a hotel room (and bed), leads them from rivals to lovers.
MINI…ER LANDO | a two part series in which lando and his wife reveal her pregnancy to the world and are met with (mostly) open arms. (part two) (part three)
BROTHERS BEST FRIEND | max fewtrell’s sister takes quite the liking to his best mate, and it makes for an entertaining series of events.
LOOKING OUT FOR YOU | lando starts to realize that his girlfriend’s bad races aren’t just jet lag.
THE WINNER TAKES ALL | in which lando norris is tired of fans thinking he and yn are just friends, and decides to do something about it.
JUST MY TYPE | you and lando aren’t the rivals everyone makes you out to be, and it shows when you move to mclaren. (male!reader)
THIS YOUR MAN? | in which the whole grid, but especially a particular duo, loves to tease you and your boyfriend.
LONG WAY HOME | while visiting his girlfriend, logan soft launches their relationship, catching everyone off guard.
MR. ALL AMERICAN | in which verstappen!reader isn’t as sneaky with logan as she thinks she is.
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS | the sweet chaos of dating max verstappen while your brother is daniel ricciardo - the best of both worlds, right?
NEW DESIRE | you and max are childhood friends. despite claiming a platonic relationship, or rather not claiming a romantic relationship, fans are convinced there’s more to what you have.
ADORE YOU | in which the grids sweetheart and mercedes rookie adores oscar, even when he’s awkward.
OSCAROO AND BABY CHRONICLES | it’s race weekend in qatar, and baby piastri is attending her first race!
SO CLOSE, YET SO FAR | your best friend is arthur leclerc, and his best friend is oscar piastri. you’d think that’s grounds for being close with oscar, but here you are, age 22, and you aren’t even sure you could call him a friend. what you do know, though, is that you have a ridiculous crush on him, one that you’re struggling to hide.
THE OTHER WOMAN | lando norris is in love with his best friend, but she has her eyes set on a particular aussie.
THE JPG CHRONICLES | a series in which mclaren’s reserve driver, a grid and fan favorite, opens a jpg account and somehow her posts are a surprise, but should have been expected considering her fun persona. that being said, a slip up in her comment section about a supposed “boyfriend” makes the fandom wonder who that “boyfriend” is. (link will be added shortly)
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lnfours · 6 months
false god | l.n
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summary: we might just get away with it.
warnings: based off of ‘false god’ by taylor swift, brothers best friend!lando, fewtrell!reader, mutual pining, sexual themes, this stupidly hot outfit bc he always looks good in black. also this is kind of trash but i really wanted to get something out for you guys 😩
masterlist | listen | ask box
the rain was pattering hard against the window in your room, but it was simply background noise as you played music softly from your computer. you hummed quietly to the song playing, your pencil scratching against the notepad before the soft ping let you know you had gotten a text.
you still awake?
you grabbed your phone, unlocking it and typing back.
yea, why? can’t sleep?
a couple of seconds later your phone lit up again, a new message from him appearing on your lockscreen.
yea, still jet lagged.
wanna watch a movie or something? max and p went on a date and left me all alone 😩
you chuckled, typing back a response.
pretty sure that’s the point of a date 🤔
but sure, doors open
he disliked the first message, which made you chuckle before you heard footsteps echo down the hallway. your door creaked open, the brunette joining you on your bed as you closed your notebook. you pushed the things to the side, tossing him the tv remote.
“your pick this time.”
“i thought i picked last time?” he said, hand resting behind his head as the other grabbed the remote. you looked over at him now, the black shirt hugging his muscles perfectly, the black jeans showing off his thighs and the red backwards hat was about to send you into cardiac arrest.
it was a bad idea to look over at him, especially when the crush you’ve had on him had only worsened over the past day or so, just like it did every time he was here.
“mm, no,” you said, “i picked that scary movie last time, remember?”
“oh yeah, the only reason you picked it was because of that hot dude.”
you scoffed, “no!”
he sent you a smirk, “yeah, okay,”
you rolled your eyes and motioned to the tv, “just pick a movie, i’m gonna go make some popcorn. want anything?”
he twisted his lips in thought while you stood up. his eyes traveled over your figure as you put the stuff on your desk, the thin pajama shorts hugging your curves, the oversized hoodie falling down a little bit to return back to the tops of your thighs, you just looked so good to him right now. you always do, but right now especially.
he was quick to look away from your body, eyes meeting yours as you spun around, “just a water, please.”
you nodded, exiting the room and he let go of the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. he wasn’t sure when it had happened, but every time he saw you recently, his chest got tight. he wasn’t supposed to feel this way about his best friends sister, she was off limits. especially to him.
he was lost in thought until the microwave beeping in the kitchen echoed and pulled him out of it, reminding himself that he still had to pick a movie. he scrolled through netflix, settling on one he had seen before but knew you’d like.
you handed him his water, which he thanked you for before you plopped down on the bed. you put the popcorn in the middle of you two before starting the movie.
at some point the popcorn had been moved to the floor, the two of you getting closer and closer without really realizing until his finger bumped against your pinky. you sucked in a shaky breath, waiting to see if he would move it. he did the same, looking down to see if you were going to pull away.
when you didn’t, he made the next move and wrapped his pinky around yours. you didn’t want to make it obvious that you weren’t looking at the movie, but you really wanted to glance over at him.
he did it for you, though, turning and looking at you before bringing a hand up to your jaw, turning your head to look at him. you almost folded, right then and there. your heart beating out of your chest and everything was happening so quickly.
but when you met his soft eyes, glowing in the light of the small lamp you had kept on and the light from the tv, all the nerves washed away, “lando,”
his voice was quiet as he softly pulled away, “sorry, i.. uh, i don’t know-“
you shook your head, grabbing his hand and putting it back on your cheek, “no, it’s okay.”
he nodded, eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips quickly, having a mental debate with himself on wether or not he should take it a step further.
you took matters into your own hands, though. readjusting as you got closer. he watched you intently, his eyes locked on every move, the movie on the tv long forgotten about as the two of you breathed out. his green eyes were piercing right into yours. he leaned in a little closer, pressing his forehead against yours.
“i shouldn’t want to,” he breathed softly, “but i really want to kiss you.”
your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, “maybe you should.”
“it would ruin everything,”
“not if he doesn’t find out.” you were inches apart now, his hands on your hips as you hovered over him. your heart felt like it was going to bust through your rib cage and it was all you could hear as the room fell silent.
it didn’t last long as his voice broke through the tension, “fuck it.”
he nudged your nose with his, meeting your lips in a kiss that sent tingles down your spine. you kissed him back, letting his hands grip you a little tighter as his tongue licked against your bottom lip.
the kiss carried on for a while, neither one of you wanting to pull away when he rolled the both of you over so now he was the one hovering over your frame. his necklace dangled above your chest, lips moving from yours as they peppered kisses against the base of your throat.
“fuck,” he mumbled against your skin, “‘ve wanted this for so long.”
you hummed back, fingers running through the curls on the back of his neck, breathing out a soft, “me too.”
you brought one hand down his spine, gripping at the hem of his shirt as you tugged it up, revealing the soft skin of his back. he understood what you were saying with your movements, pulling the material over his head and tossing it to the floor.
once he turned back to you, it was your turn to have his hands ride up the sweatshirt you were wearing, his fingers soft against your skin. you giggled when he accidentally moved over your ribs, a smirk spreading across his face.
“you’re still ticklish there?”
you nodded, “unfortunately.”
“good to know,” he was definitely going to keep that in mind.
his lips met yours again as he kissed you sweetly, which turned hungry in a matter of a few minutes as he helped you out of the sweatshirt.
however, the sound of the front door closing made the two of you jump apart, lando pausing his movements as he froze above you.
“we’re back!”
“shit,” you mumbled, the footsteps nearing your door as the two of you separated. you pulled the first article of clothing you could find over your head.
“just hide in here till he goes away.” you mumbled, shoving lando towards the closet. he chuckled, but opened the door anyway.
“i like being your little secret,” he teased, “we should do this more often.”
you rolled your eyes, “shut up!”
you closed the door before he could speak again, flopping back on the bed before your bedroom door opened. you looked towards your brother, a soft smile on your face as he held up the container for you.
“brought you back dinner.”
“thanks, you can just put it on the desk.”
he nodded, walking into your room before eyeing you down, “you alright? your hairs a mess and you look frazzled.”
you nodded, smoothing your hair over with your palms, “‘m good, just woke up from a nap.”
he nodded, now his eyes falling to the shirt you were wearing, “is that lando’s shirt?”
you nearly choked, but looked down at the material you had thrown on. sure enough, it was the shirt lando had thrown on the floor a mere ten minutes before your brother rudely interrupted.
“huh, guess so,” you tried to play it cool, “guess it got mixed up in my laundry. just kinda grabbed it earlier.”
he nodded, sending you a look which made it look like he wasn’t totally buying what you were saying, “okay..” you licked your lips nervously, “p and i are gonna watch a movie, you can join if you want.”
you nodded, “yeah, i’ll think about it.”
“oh, is lando home?” max asked, “i had something to ask him.”
he spun on his heels, turning towards the door, but you cut him off before he could investigate himself, “nah, i think he went out.”
your brother nodded, “damn, alright. just let me know if you wanna watch the movie.”
you nodded, “i will, thanks.”
he closed the door behind him on the way out, lando soon opening the closet door quietly to leave the closet. you smirked when his eyes met yours, the two of you breaking out into quiet laughter as he joined you back on the bed.
“you div! you took my shirt instead of your hoodie?”
you laughed softly, “i’m sorry! i grabbed the first thing i could find.”
he smiled, hovering back over you, “you look better in it, anyway.”
“you know where it looks even better?” your arms were slung around his neck now.
“where?” his smile was still on his face.
“the floor,”
he laughed softly, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, “mind reminding me?”
you hummed, “i guess i could show you.”
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f1goat · 8 months
his teammate + lando norris x part one
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In which you find yourself getting closer to your brothers new teammate who's a dick.
lando norris x fem!verstappen (sister) + cursewords + eventually smutty i wrote this before, but i'm rewriting it because i missed somethings. you can comment if you want to be added to a taglist :) thanks for reading!
masterlist x playlist
You remember that one afternoon where your brother Max Verstappen first heard about his new teammate. The whole afternoon was filled up with angry phone calls, many curse words, frustrations and even angrier glances at everyone who had the tiniest part in this decision. You didn’t really get it at first. Max always wanted a teammate who could challenge him on the race track. He didn’t like the last seasons where he had no competition from his own teammate. So what was the problem? It’s safe to say it didn’t took you long before you understood Max his reaction. After you googled his new teammate for a bit, you were quick to find out that the new RedBull driver is trouble. Trouble with a capital T. Maybe even with every letter in capitals. 
Lando Norris is the kind of driver that doesn’t care about anything else then driving. He’s not like Lewis Hamilton who’s putting effort in all kind of good deeds for society. He’s not like Yuki Tsunoda who helped cleaning after the flood in Imola. He’s not like Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc who always seem to be with each other in their spare time. He’s not like your brother who always tries to maintain a good relationship with everyone on the grid. Lando Norris doesn’t care about things like that. 
After a bit of searching around, you were quick to find out that Lando Norris only cares about a few things. He cares about girls. No wait, that isn’t the way you need to say this. He doesn’t care about girls and their feelings. He cares about sex. He’s always seen with a different girl, who is gone within a couple hours. He also cares about himself. Maybe a bit too much even. Everyone who talked with you about Lando Norris told you that he’s egocentrically. He cares about his own needs, but doesn’t think about others. 
The most surprising thing about what he cares, is actually a person. It took you a lot of digging, but you found someone Lando Norris actually seems to care about. Someone called Max Fewtrell. They seem to be friends. You found out a bit more about them. It seems that his friend Max is going online often to stream, sometimes Lando shows up for a bit in a stream. You even found some edits on YouTube from streams that were a couple years back. Lando seemed a lot more open on those streams.
Your brother has spend a long time being known as the villain of formula one, but it’s safe to say that Lando Norris took that title from him. He’s known for the dirtiest tricks on and off track. He’s an arrogant ass. Media don’t know a lot about him. His socials are done by media workers from RedBull. He doesn’t post anything himself. It seems like he has walls as high as the Mount Everest all around him.
After all your research about your brothers new teammate, you can safely say that you understand your brothers reaction. Lando Norris seems to be an awful person. You didn’t formally meet him yet, but now when the first race is happening it can’t be long before you do. Max is already complaining about him since he joined the team. You have heard countless complains about the British driver. 
It’s a shame, really. They seemed like a potential match for a great friendship. Your brother is well liked by many of the other drivers and by many fans. He has friends all around the world and always wants to do everything for them. At first you thought it would be Max who could get Lando out of his shell. But apparently they aren’t a great match.
“He doesn’t even care about the team.” “He’s awful.” “He can’t even greet me when I walk into a room.” “You should have seen him, he doesn’t give a fuck.” “He doesn’t want to do media activities.” 
You can dream about his complains. But you get it. So every time your brother is complaining, you listen to him and tell him that he’s right. Lando Norris is an asshole.
Some frustrated sounds around you wake you up from your thoughts. With all this thinking, you almost forgot about the race. It’s the first race of the season. You’re quick to look at the screen in front of you. What is happening? What is causing everyone around you to seem frustrated. When you look at the screen, you notice it directly. There are two cars of the track. Two drivers who are going down in the ranks with a three small letters next to them. DNF. When they replay the accident, you see what everyone around you already saw. Max and Lando pushed each other of the track. 
What an idiots.
Who’s fault was it? You’re tempted to say that Lando is the one to blame, but you don’t know. It seems like a racing incident in which both drivers took too much space from each other. It almost seems like your brother and Lando are testing each other. Who’s the first one to back out? Apparently neither of them. They would rather crash. Idiots. 
You notice that Lando is the first one to arrive back at the motorhome. This race week you barely saw Lando. You have only seen him from a distance. Of course you have seen photographs and even TikTok edits from him before. But you never saw him up close. So you can’t help yourself and stare a bit at him. The angry look on his face is hard to miss. It’s a shame. You have seen enough pictures in which you couldn’t deny that you found him nice looking. Beautiful even. You don’t like anything about the boy, but you can’t deny his good looks. You like the way his curls seem to have a mind of their own. You like the way he always seems to be dressed in a hoodie. Something about him breathes calmness. At least, normally. With the way he’s looking right know, there’s no calmness to be found anywhere close to him. Although, he does look a bit hot like this. Maybe you can scrap that a bit part. He looks hot.
Sometimes you try to remind yourself that you don’t actually know Lando. You’re judging him by words of the media, fans and others. What if it’s all an act to safe himself and his friends from the cruelty of the media and some fans? For all you really know, he’s actually a nice person. When you look at Lando, you are quick to throw that thought away. You truly believe that he isn’t a nice person in secret. He seems coldhearted and closed off to everyone. His attitude and looks from now tell you enough. 
“What the fuck was that Norris?” 
It’s Christian Horner who disrupts your thinking session. You have seen Christian angry plenty of times, but that was always at people from other teams. Mainly at Toto Wolff now you think about it. It’s long ago that you have seen him this angry with a driver of his own team. You start to fear for his reaction to Max.
“I told you to keep it clean!” Christian continues to shout at Lando when he doesn’t get a reply fast enough. 
“Tell that to your other driver,” Lando replies angrily, “He crashed into me. The fucker.”
You can actually hear the frustration in Lando his voice. You don’t like it. They both crashed into each other. This was not your brothers fault. 
“I don’t care what you have planned for this afternoon, but you can scrap all of those plans. Max, you and me are going to talk until you both can race as normal people with each other,” Christian states. 
“Oh fuck off,” Lando says angrily. You notice the way his voice is starting to raise in volume. “We will fight it out on track like actual race drivers,” he continues.
“Like you did today? That would be a great season if you both crashed into each other every race. Don’t you think so?” Christian asks sarcastically. You notice that he wants to continue talking, but Lando is already walking away. He storms off to his drivers room. 
Just in time. Your brother is also walking in right now. Christian is quick to notice Max. He’s even quicker to start shouting at him as well. It’s the same things as he told Lando before. You’re not in the mood for another screaming match. You know your brother well enough to realize that this is going to last for a while. Max is full with frustrations about Lando and those will probably come all out now. You decide to walk away from all the screaming. You can spend some time in Max his drivers room until everyone is calmed down. 
You wander around for a bit. Every new season they change the RedBull motorhome, so the first weeks you’re always lost. Apparently they didn’t use name holders this year. Which room was your brothers again? At the end of the hallway you notice a familiar image. You’re sure that his drivers room is here. There is only one question, which room is his? There are two doors. You guess that if you chose the wrong door, you will find Lando. You sigh and take the guess to open one of the two doors.
“Fuck off.”
Of course. You have enough luck to chose the wrong door. You barely dare to look into the room. Lando is staring at you with an angry glance. You should be nervous about that, but you’re a bit distracted when you notice that Lando isn’t wearing a shirt. Fuck. 
“Shit, sorry,” you quickly mutter, “I thought..”
You can’t finish your sentence. Lando is quick to interrupt you. 
“You thought what? That you could come here to talk about me how I fucked up your brothers race? Get fucking lost,” Lando sneers to you.
You don’t know how to react for a couple seconds. Is this actually happening? What did Lando just say? How can he be blaming you for all those things, when you didn’t even say anything like that. What a dick. 
“Are you fucking deaf? Go away,” Lando continues to say to you. “I don’t care about you or your brother or what happened, so don’t try to make me.”
You start to get angry as well in the mean time. Who does he think he is to talk to you like this? Where’s the respect? He is even worse then you already thought. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask him annoyed.
“You’re in my fucking room.”
“I’m not. I’m standing in the fucking doorway because I thought this was Max his room,” you argue.
“Then why are you still here?”
“Because I wanted to apologize for storming in like this, but never mind that.”
“Save the fucking bullshit princess,” Lando sneers at you again. 
“Don’t,” you grunt. 
“Don’t do what?” Lando asks.
“Don’t call me that and stop acting like such a dick,” you sigh annoyed.
“It’s not an act princess, it’s just the way I fucking am,” Lando states.
“That doesn’t work for someone like you.”
“Someone like me? What the fuck do you mean with that?” Lando asks you angrily.
“Do you have to say fuck in every sentence?” You ask annoyed. 
Lando steps closer to you. He seems to be waiting for some sort of explanation. As if you know what you meant with your earlier sentence. You’re mad and aren’t thinking at the moment. You almost take a step back, but you stop yourself from doing so. You don’t want him to know that he’s intimidating you. He is intimidating you, you should be stepping backwards but instead you keep staring at him. You look at the frustrated glance in his eyes. 
“I meant someone like you who’s clearly an arrogant dick and doesn’t have anyone around him. It seems like everyone is done with you and your act. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who thinks he’s better then them. Maybe your dick attitude and your small dick make some girls happy, but we both know those girls are only with you for your name,” you improvise to annoy Lando further.
Lando lets out a low chuckle. “You think that I have a small dick?” He asks you. 
“That’s the part you remember?” You ask annoyed, “I though arrogant, no friends or girls who are using you would have more impact.” 
“I don’t have a small dick princess,” Lando states confidently. 
“Great to fucking know!” You reply annoyed, “Maybe you can start acting like it.” You don’t wait for another reply from Lando. “I just wanted to say sorry for entering the wrong room, but forget it. I’ll gladly leave you alone Lando.” 
With those words you turn away from Lando and are quick to walk towards the other door. Your brothers actual drivers room. You feel Lando his eyes burning on your body. When you’re in Max his drivers room, you’re still annoyed by Lando. How can someone be like that? You only tried to apologize. Lando is plain rude and incredibly annoying. What a dick. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max sighs, “I have spend hours in that little office of Christian and Norris still won’t say sorry about anything! I even apologized for going a bit to wide on track, but he doesn’t say anything.” 
“How further?” You ask your brother, “I can’t imagine that the team is going to drop him. So you have to find some way to work together with him, right?”
“I don’t even want to think about that,” Max states.
You doubt about telling Max about your own encounter with Lando. It won’t be good for his already angry feelings towards Lando. But it would be nice to talk about it with him. After a bit of doubting you decide to tell Max a few things about it. Maybe you can leave the worst stuff behind. You know it isn’t the best plan to tell him, but you’re in the mood to vent about it. And who’s better to vent to then someone who also hates Lando? 
It doesn’t take long before Max is even more angry then before. You told him about your encounter with Lando, but you left behind some details. Like what you said exactly or what he said exactly. You just told Max what happened. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max tells you. 
You nod as a form of agreement. 
“I don’t like asking you things like this, but please stay away from him,” Max asks, “You can’t trust him and I know for sure that he’s already planning to use you to annoy me even more.” 
“I get it Max,” you say, “I’ll try to stay away from him.”
“Thanks,” Max sighs. He seems a bit more relaxed now. “I hope this doesn’t last too long, I’ll try to be friendly with him.” 
You slowly nod. “You do realize that if you become friendly with him, he’ll probably see me more also?” You ask Max.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Max says, “Just keep watching out around him. Don’t trust him. I have heard enough stories about girls who did trust him and that didn’t end nicely for everyone of them.”
“I’ll keep my distance,” you promise Max.
“Come on, let’s go out,” Max says suddenly, “I’m in the mood for some alcohol and fun after that awful race.”
You smile. Max doesn’t want to go out a lot, but you do always like it. You tell him enthusiastic that you’ll make yourself ready as fast as you can. You search in your suitcase for a cute outfit and are quick to find a nice dress. You put it on and look in the mirror for a bit. The dress is a bit on the short side, but it fits nicely. You like the way white looks on you. Quickly you continue to search for matching shoes and a bag. After that you redo your make up for a bit. It doesn’t take you too long before you’re ready to go. 
This is a great idea. Dancing and drinking will make the both of you forget about the frustrating day. Full with enthusiasm you walk with Max towards the taxi he called. 
part two
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