#fine line and to a great extent walls but fine line possibly more so
melodyofthevoid · 2 years
“Just breathe through it. It gets easier.”
Slipping up now wasn’t an option. Not when she was so close. Not when they were just at her heels. Making a name for herself was great and all for garnering help, driving off monsters just with her appearance. 
It also made word of her location spread that much faster. And all the magic and sword skills in the world didn’t matter when at any moment a bounty hunter could strike. Followed by any number of glory chasers. 
Which made the fact she’d just sustained what could charitably be called a “small gash” on her leg something of a problem. 
Copper welled in her mouth as she grit her teeth, searching desperately for a cave- an outcropping- somewhere she could hide for the night so far from civilization. Time wasn’t her friend, hadn’t been for a while now. She’d steal whatever she could get though. 
The fortunes smiled upon her briefly with a cave system, not too far up the side of a rocky hill, and not too obvious from the road below. Somewhere to dress her wounds. Maybe get some rest before making the trek somewhere with more resources. She’d be alright. For now at least. 
Of course, sitting down proved trickier than planned, and the throbbing sensation in her leg distracted from her attempt to make as small a fire as possible. Light was easily hidden with magic, that she’d learned. 
The warmth was nice, against the cold of the outside. If only her blood wasn’t also so warm against her leg. A constant drip that needed dealing with. 
Unclasping the armor lessened the little pressure there was on the wound, and the small puddle below her calf soon grew, expanding outwards. Now that Helena could see it, the extent of it, she gagged, unable to look or look away from the crimson tear. Shining and wet in the light of the small fire that drew ever lengthening shadows across the walls. 
It was too much- too much- despite having gored and slashed her way through creatures and beasts alike, pain and gore made her woozy, her trembling hands unable to get close enough to the seeping blood to clean it, let alone set it. Helena’s head swam, her breath labored. A cut on the leg, such a stupid way to go. Infection or blood loss or a swift arrow to the throat. A lovely array of options.
Gods, she wished her Nessa was here. 
Helena let out a pitiful laugh, dying in the silence of the cave. She was the stronger of the two of them. By now, were she in Helena’s boots, she’d have fought her way across the entire continent, found the diadem, and raised an army. And here she was in a cave, too frightened to look at a wound. 
Even more than that, she missed her gentle touch, even as she lovingly teased Helena in her weaker moments. Her weak constitution landing her fevered and bedridden more winters than most. Putting her in the hands of a more than capable, if snarky, nurse. 
It’d gotten particularly bad 4 years ago, a Colhuan pestilence breaching the walls of the capital and laying waste to the whole city, Helena included. She’d told Nessa to stay away to keep herself safe but it’d… well. Between the aches, the fever, the vomiting, and the blurred lines between reality and dream, Helena was afraid. Nessa did her best to assuage that fear, not that her sickness addled brain comprehended it all that well. 
“‘m sorry Nes- I don’t- ’s too much. Hurts. It hurts.“ 
The room spun and blurred, her body shaking with chills.
“I know Hel, I know. Just breathe through it,” the words came through a haze as a damp cloth dabbed at her feverish forehead, “It’ll get easier. Focus on just that, and you’ll be alright. I promise.” 
“You sure,” she’d slurred back, “pinky swear?” 
“Pinky swear.” 
Helena held onto that memory, forcibly exhaling, then inhaling slowly. If her attempts hitched, well that was between her and the stones. She kept at it as she opened her eyes again and grabbed the roll of fabric and her small canteen of water. 
“Breathe through it. Just- just keep breathing-“ 
Shit that water was cold. But it was fine, it was fine. 
Wrap the leg (pretend it was someone else’s don’t think about it) nice and tight, but not too tight. 
Eat some of the dried beef and cheeses to keep up strength, keep breathing. 
Nessa wouldn't go unremembered or unavenged. This wouldn't be Helena's end.
She refused.
It was in that moment Helena remembered, through the strange mix of clarity and pain, that she'd used her magic to hide her fire. Maybe, if she tried...
In a flare of silver, the bleeding stopped. The wound still open, and hurting somewhat, but nowhere near as badly. It was a start.
She pulled out a blanket from her bag and doused the fire, curling inwards to rest. It still wasn't optimal, she wanted to be much farther along than this, but it was better than bleeding.
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mooncakeboxes · 2 years
The possibilities are endless.
Next time you&clear plastic box packaging39;re planning a game, find yourself a box! Product packaging function to the overall direction of play with economic development, increased demand for packaging products, corrugated boxes not only protect the goods from the cost savings, ease of storage and transportation, which will help measure the functional role, but also to play a beautification products, guide consumption, improve the added value value-added role, requiring that their results demonstrate the charm and packaging, promotion of modity sales.HidingOne of the best games in the world is 'hide and seek'. In addition, in practice often encounter this situation, namely: number of corrugated box is a three-color printing machine, can not achieve the normal four-color printing, watermark corrugated therefore in the process of color, often three-color to four-color # reproduction of manuscripts.
As Flexo ink through the transfer roller, roller lines determines the level of ink transfer printing of fine size and extent. Today, corrugated paper production line is also accelerating upgrading to high-speed, high efficiency, wide, low power, closed pollution-free, puter-controlled, multi-direction. In a color in both halftone images, but also on the ground, and are more visually prominent, the color separation when the normal to this color into halftone version version and field plate, respectively, to facilitate the printing operation. Production equipment to the high grade trends of international developmentCorrugated box industry not only relies on the development of national economy to promote, but also rely on technology and equipment level.
With the modity market developments Carton Packing quantity year by year. Any kind of box is good for this as they can use archive boxes inside for seats for example or maybe bubble wrap as pretend water from the tap.So in the design process when considering the overall number of colors, do not overlook this feature flexo in color separation. Corrugated box industry in developed countries have already phased out the single and single machines replaced by the linked production line, corrugated paper processing industry in China is also the direction of development and inevitable trend. At present, China's corrugated boxes, cardboard and other paper packaging products output has ranked highest in the world.. The possibilities are endless. At the same time, it is also a very good packaging materials, paper and wood can to paper on behalf of the plastic, thus increasing emphasis on environmental protection has bee widely accepted today, with good prospects for development.helenprinting. Cardboard boxes are great for hiding in as they are soft and spacious and it doesn't matter too much if they get damaged.
Halftone version of the general lines to use high-roller, so that the screen printing clear; the field version of the roller with a low number of lines to achieve the color saturation. Building a HouseAnother fun use for boxes is to make them into play houses. Kids can draw on the walls of their cardboard house, create new windows and build extensions easily without any extra cost involved. For parents this is a much better and cheaper option than building a wooden or buying a plastic house as a cardboard house can be thrown away and replaced if it gets old or damaged.For more related information.
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Real Estate Future In Dubai
The advantages of a gated local area, whether for individual use or as a venture, isn’t restricted to its tranquil climate, yet in addition to the drawn out benefits of such a choice. For the last 10 years, land in Real Estate future in Dubai has seen the ascent of gated local area projects especially as they give occupants a feeling of selectiveness notwithstanding numerous different advantages.
Wellbeing And Security
Life in a gated local area has turned into an individual heaven for some whose fantasy is to live in a quiet setting, in the core of nature lap yet not excessively far from the city. Families with kids and the old generally pick to buy a condo or manor in a gated local area due to the high security such private buildings offer, because of rigorously controlled passageways whether for people on foot, bikes, vehicles, or guests, using hello tech cameras and a 24/7security group. Polished fences or walls additionally keep untouchables from intruding in the complex, guaranteeing that occupants have a solid sense of security, particularly those with kids.
Tumblr media
Security is the second standards for deciding to live in a gated local area. With tight security frameworks set up, intruders can’t enter the area. Also, occupants have the watchfulness to confine guests. Without a doubt, just endorsed visitors are permitted to enter the gated complex, which profoundly upgrades occupants’ feeling of safety and protection.
Productive Venture
Land overall is and will continuously be a productive venture choice. It’s a given that with land in Dubai taking off so quickly, property venture is quite possibly of the greatest advantage. According to a speculation point of view, gated networks are unquestionably a shrewd choice as the vast majority of them are based on the edges of the city in premium regions that are tremendously valued by top of the line properties purchasers. They likewise show superb form quality and give immaculate upkeep a large number of years. Moreover, as various homes locally are really focused on, the expense of upkeep will be less contrasted with an independent home external the complex. It is notable that homes in gated networks are more costly because of the security and selectiveness factor they give. Be that as it may, by buying a home in a gated local area, one can guarantee a decent profit from speculation while selling the property or putting it available for lease, because of its top notch area and the offices it gives, particularly in the event that it is bought from a confided in designer.
A Feeling Of Local Area Living
While deciding to live in a gated local area, individuals ordinarily hope to associate with neighbors Real Estate future in Dubai who partake in a comparable societal position, which provides occupants with a remunerating feeling of eliteness, notwithstanding prevalent conveniences open inside a protected, encased space. Public activity can be very brilliant as individuals in gated networks praise each event and party with energy, permitting occupants to get to realize their neighbors better and connect with each other. Additionally, with every one of the roads got, kids can play outside, wander around uninhibitedly, make companions, and partake in the most awesome aspect of their young life.
A Lot Of Sporting Offices
The target of living in a gated local area is to benefit oneself of the upsides of fine living easily. A very much fabricated gated local area by and large flaunts wide extent of sporting exercises for its inhabitants to appreciate. From the broad scope of sports offices, for example, wellness focuses, ball/tennis courts, pools, to extensive green fields that are great for calm strolls or a run day or night, one can completely savor life in a gated local area. Other helpful offices inside the premises incorporate clubhouses, grocery stores, eateries, bistros, scaled down theaters, malls, facilities, and indoor/open air jungle gyms among others. These conveniences guarantee inhabitants never need to sit around idly voyaging further for unwinding and satisfaction toward the finish of drawn out day. Concerning kids, there is compelling reason need to search for outside scenes to have birthday gatherings or other family occasions as most gated networks are furnished with settings for any event.
Whether you’re hoping to buy a home in a gated local area for your family, or just for speculation, our Property Managers are devoted to assisting you through each step of your land with traveling. Begin today with Dubai properties!
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lhrry · 2 years
it's the way harry's house is already becoming a comfort album for me, like the album i can play and it's like a sonic blanket, a soundscape i feel at home in, the album i can play when i'm home alone and want to dance around and be myself, the album i sing along to all the time, the album i can play in the car, the album i've cried to, the album that's going to colour this entire period of my life, the album that feels so personal and full of love that harry poured into making it, the album that really does feel like home for me right now, the album that i love more and more with each listen, i-
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lillywillow · 3 years
Birthday Wishes
Summary: Bucky wants to plan the best party ever for his young daughter
 Word Count: 2430
 Square Filled: Free Space
 Pairings: Singledad!Bucky x Female Reader/ Steve x Peggy
 Warnings: None really
 Written for @star-spangled-bingo
Ever since the mother to Bucky’s daughter passed away when she was a baby, he had been totally devoted to her and every year on her birthday, he went all out trying to make it the best one ever.
 About a month ago, Tony’s daughter Morgan had a mermaid themed party; complete with a woman dressed as a mermaid. Bucky’s daughter Rebecca had totally raved about it and with her own birthday coming up, he made a note to take one of the business cards with him.
 The moment Bucky walked into the building, he was in awe. The front of the store was full of costumes, dolls, plushies, pirate treasure chests, fairy wings and wands... every kind of fantasy item a child could possibly want and a lot of it looked handmade. Out the back, he could hear squealing and laughter. A party in progress, perhaps?
 “Good afternoon, welcome to Childhood Dreams. How may I help you?” the receptionist asked.
 “Hi. I’m looking to book a party? It’s for my daughter...”
 “I see. Well, before booking a party, you’ll need to make an appointment with Y/N. She likes to customise her parties to the client. She’s currently doing a performance but if you’re happy to wait, she’ll be done soon...”
 “I can wait...”
 “Great. Follow me please...”
 Bucky followed the receptionist into the back. There was a pirate party taking place with all the children dressed up as pirates. There were props and decorations keeping in tone with the theme and an incredible cake. On the stage up the front was the same woman who had played the part of the mermaid at Morgan’s party, this time she was a pirate, enacting a mighty swordfight with another actor. She really put her all into the performance.
 Bucky watched her for a moment before the receptionist pulled him along and guided him to an office along the side. The inside of the office was just as cheerful and childlike as the rest of the place. The desk was lined with small trinkets. Along the walls were various photographs of the woman in different costumes. A princess, a fairy, a friendly witch... there was a costume for every occasion. Bucky was in the middle of admiring them when the door opened and the subject from the photos stepped in.
 “You must be the gentleman wanting a party,” she smiled, taking off her hat and eye patch before sitting at her desk and encouraging him to take a seat. “I’m Y/N.”
 “Yes, that’s right. My name is Bucky and I’m looking to do a birthday party for my daughter Rebecca,” he said, getting his phone out to show her a picture.
 Y/N smiled at the photo of the little girl who was dressed as a princess.
 “Tell me about Rebecca. I take it she’s a princess fan?”
 Bucky’s face lit up as he spoke about his little girl. Everything that she loved about princesses and fairytales, down to her favourite colours, animals and mythical creatures.
 “I’m probably rambling now...”
 “No, no, I think it’s sweet to see a father so dedicated to his daughter. Let me show you a few of our packages,” she smiled.
 Y/N logged into her tablet to show him a few of the princess themed parties they offered. Bucky looked through the options before deciding on a fantasy type one with princesses, wizards and all things in that vein.
 “Will you be having the party here or elsewhere?”
 “I think home would be best... unless... here would be better? I don’t know...”
 “Some children feel more comfortable on home base and some like going out. It’s really up to you. My job is to give your child the best possible experience...”
 Bucky nodded slowly and thought.
 “She might like a party in her own backyard...”
 “That’s totally fine. I’ll need to visit ahead of time just so I can work on a setup. Now, will you be providing your own cake? If not, I can recommend an excellent bakery.”
 “A family friend agreed to make the cake,” Bucky replied.
 Y/N nodded and jotted down a few notes.
 “What about food?”
 “Yes, we’ll be making our own food too.”
 Y/N nodded again and wrote down a few more notes. After agreeing on a price, a date and time to meet, his address and the date of the party, Bucky started heading out the door.
 “One more thing...”
 Bucky turned to look at her.
 “I like to ask our clients how they found out about our business...”
 “A while ago, you threw a mermaid party for a friend of mine’s daughter. Rebecca couldn’t stop talking about it for days after that...”
 Y/N smiled fondly.
 “I see... well, I guess I’ll see you when I come to do my inspection. Goodbye, Bucky.”
 As Bucky left the office, he could feel his heart fluttering like it hadn’t done in a long time. Ever since his wife’s passing, Bucky hadn’t even looked at another woman. Well, he had looked but he had always been so busy taking care of Rebecca, he didn’t really have time to be pursuing women. Sure on occasion, he would go on a blind date now and then and Steve would babysit but that would be the extent of it. Bucky thought for sure his dating life was over but talking to Y/N just now... it gave him a lot of hope.
 Time went by and eventually the day arrived when you went to meet Bucky at his place. Bucky greeted you at the door with a smile and ushered you inside. Smiling, you looked around the place. Pictures of Bucky’s life lined the walls and shelves. Photos of him with friends but most of them were of his little girl. One thing you noticed was the lack of pictures of the girl’s mother. There were a few of her before having the child but not many after.
 “So, um... what do you need to see?”
 “You mentioned a backyard?” you said, referring back to the interview you had a few days ago.
 Bucky nodded and showed you the way. First, you scoped out the best place to conduct your performance then took out your measuring tape to size up the props you might need. As you worked, Bucky could see the gears turning in your head.
 “Do you go out to different locations a lot?” Bucky asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
 “Not a lot but it’s always fun when we do.”
 “How long have you been in business?”
 “It’s taken me about ten years to get it off the ground. It’s only been gaining popularity in the last year or so...”
 “Wait, so you own Childhood Dreams?”
 “Sure do. You see, I always believed childhood should be about fun and games before going onto the drudgery of adulthood. And I help out local business in the process. Most of the items available for purchase were made by local artists. I’m always willing to lend a hand when they need it. That’s why I ask about food. There’s a small bakery a few blocks from the building we’re located who does the most beautiful cakes...”
 You suddenly were interrupted by something brushing up against your leg. Looking down, you saw the most adorable white cat.
 “Why, hello there. Aren’t you a cutie?” you cooed, bending down to pat the snowy feline.
 “This is Alpine. Rebecca is just crazy about her. She’s been a really big help ever since...” Bucky paused, feeling a lump in his throat and tears well up in his eyes.
 Alpine trotted over to him and purred as he picked her up.
 “Sorry. It’s just... ever since my wife passed when Rebecca was a baby; I’ve wanted to give her the best life possible. I try to give equal amounts of time between her so she can look up to me and work so she has the best things in life...”
 You went over and gave him a hug.
 “You’re a good man, Bucky. I’ve been in this business long enough to tell the devoted parents from the off-standers. Just by spending a few minutes with you, I already know that you love your daughter and think the world of her. Just make sure you spend a few moments taking care of yourself, okay? It doesn’t have to be much, just enough so you feel good too.”
 Bucky gave you a soft smile, knowing that you were right. Everyone had told him as such but sometimes, it’s harder to take advice from the people closest to you.
 “Can I get you anything to drink?” he offered.
 “Actually, I should get going. I’ve got a children’s charity event I need to get ready for. It’s been really nice seeing you again, Bucky. I guess the next time I see you will be for your daughter’s party.”
 “See you then,” Bucky smiled.
 He couldn’t wait for the party.
 Finally, the day of Rebecca’s birthday arrived. Bucky had spent the night before busily transforming his humble home into a castle fit for a princess. He wanted everything to be perfect for his little girl’s special day, buying the most glittery, ruffled princess dress for her to wear, complete with a sparkly tiara. Bucky himself hired a prince costume and even managed to obtain a kitty sized dragon costume for Alpine.
 Bucky spent the morning cooking, starting with a plate of pancakes for breakfast before moving onto the finishing touches on the food for the party. He had most of it prepared already but some of it needed heating.
 The first to arrive was Wanda with her twin boys who were both in costume. The boys instantly ran over to play with Rebecca while Wanda was left holding the cake she had made along with her purse and the present she had bought. Bucky rushed over to help her with the items and after exchanging greetings and pleasantries, she showed his the cake.
 It was everything Bucky could have ever hoped for and more. The cake was purple with ice cream cones decorated like castle turrets, topped with little princess and unicorn figurines and the words ‘Happy Birthday, Rebecca’ written in icing along with the age she was turning. Little pink flowers were piped along the sides.
 “Thank you so much, Wanda. Becca’s just going to love it.”
 “You’re welcome,” she smiled, giving him a hug.
 Soon after Wanda’s arrival was Steve and Peggy with their child followed by Tony, Pepper and Morgan, Sam with his kid and it wasn’t long before all the party guests had arrived. The adults all mingled while the children played together happily. Right on time, Y/N arrived with her scene partner in full costume. She was wearing a knight costume while her partner (whom she introduced as Phil) was dressed as an ‘evil’ wizard. Bucky settled the kids in front of the makeshift stage and let the performance begin.
 Y/N started by introducing herself as a knight dedicated to Princess Rebecca.
 “That’s me!” Rebecca squealed in delight, jumping to her feet and clapping.
 Y/N knelt down to be level with her, crossing her right arm over her chest in a salute.
 “I vow to protect you from the evils of the kingdom.”
 Suddenly, Phil jumped out of his hiding place.
 “Mwa-ha-ha! I am an evil wizard and I am here to change all the cakes into broccoli!”
 Bucky thought he was laying it on a little thick but there was a wave of horrified gasps from the kids.
 “Not so fast, evil wizard! We will defeat you! Kids, if I’m going to beat him, I’m going to need your help...”
 Y/N and Phil made an amazing pair. While Y/N encouraged the children and even a few of the parents to join in, Phil played off their reactions until he was ‘defeated’.
 “You win! I will change my evil ways and use my powers for good!” he dramatically cried.
 The children all cheered and clapped. The two actors took a bow and started to pack up as Bucky announced it was time for cake. The kids all raced over to where the cake was being brought out.
 “Would you two like to stay for cake?” Bucky offered.
 Phil looked at Y/N for permission, a hopeful glint in his eye.
 “Sure. We have some time before our next appointment,” she smiled. Phil gave a big, childlike grin.
 Once everyone had sung Happy Birthday to Rebecca and she had blown out the candles, the cake was served out. Steve approached Bucky.
 “Hey, man. How are you doing?”
 “A bit tired but seeing the smile on that little girl’s face makes it all worth it,” he softly sighed.
 Steve followed Bucky’s gaze to where Rebecca was talking animatedly to Y/N. He could tell the smile on her face was genuine and not just for show. This was a person who loved their job and loved children.
 “Is that the same Y/N you’ve been going on about all week?”
 “I haven’t been talking about her that much...”
 Steve gave him an incredulous look.
 “You know, it’s okay to like her. Why don’t you ask her out?”
 “What about Rebecca?”
 “Peggy and I can look after her while you go out on date. You deserve to be happy too...”
 Bucky thought about it for a while and headed over to Y/N and Rebecca.
 “Daddy, daddy! Y/N was the mermaid at Morgan’s party! She’s magical...” Rebecca was absolutely smitten with the woman.
 “I see... Can I talk Y/N alone for a minute? Then you can open presents,” he smiled.
 Rebecca giggled and hugged his leg before running off to play with her friends.
 “She’s a darling,” Y/N warmly smiled.
 “She is... Listen, Y/N... I was wondering... if you’re not busy tomorrow night... if maybe you’d like to have dinner with me...”
 “Like a date?”
 Bucky’s face flushed.
 “I mean, if you want it to be...”
 Y/N kissed his cheek.
 “I’d like that. How about 7:00 at the restaurant around the from the Childhood Dreams building. They do an amazing meal...”
 “Sounds perfect,” he smiled.
 This was one the best days of Bucky’s life. Not only did he pull off the perfect party for his daughter but he took a step back into the dating world with an incredible woman who somehow stole his heart.
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lovetorn · 3 years
all for the game [dream]
Exy player!Dream x Reader
summary: dream runs into trouble when the florida falcons play the edgar allan ravens.
w/c: 3.4k+ :D
warnings: violence, blood, swearing, ha typical exy shit
a/n: an au based on my favourite book trilogy, all for the game. idea by 🍀 anon <3 i wrote this for my own enjoyment AHHAHAAH. if u don’t understand the rules etc of exy, it’s basically hockey, soccer and lacrosse meshed together, but if u have any questions, send me an ask!
Exy is a bastard sport, an evolved sort of lacrosse with the violence of ice hockey. Dream loves every aspect of it. It is vastly different from the usual college football, and it certainly gives you more bruises. Maybe a little too many more bruises. Played in a stadium, on a soccer-sized basketball court with plexiglass to protect the crowd, it brings Dream immense joy.
Scooping the ball into the net of his racket, Dream looks at the wall before he uses his body to launch the ball towards it. The ball is quick to bounce back and plop into Dream’s net. He adjusts his grip on the stick and tilts his head, deciding where his next shot should be.
“Dream?” The dirty blonde turns around and sees you push through the plexiglass door that leads onto the court. “Hey!”
Dream smiles from under his helmet. “Hi, Y/n!” You don't play Exy, choosing to watch your best friend from the sidelines instead. He grips the grate of his helmet and slides his head out of it, his hair sticking up in every direction. “What are you doing here?”
You throw your arms up. “Coming to see you practice the great sport that is Exy,” You laugh before spinning around and looking up at the highest seats of the stadium. “Haven’t broken a bone yet, I assume?” This made Dream laugh.
“No, not yet. Saving that for the game against the Ravens.”
Dream’s determination for Exy scared you a little bit—it was almost like he wanted to get hurt. “Easy, tiger. We all know what happened last time we played them. Never again, please,” You shake your head, walking closer to him. The last time the Florida Falcons played the West Virginia Edgar Allan Ravens, Dream got a concussion so bad he couldn’t walk for a few days. You had sworn they would pay for their damage, but Dream went against you.
Dream rolls his eyes, lightheartedly. “That’s the way the game goes, Y/n. No way you can stop it,” he said that back then, too. You throw him a glare before taking the racket out of his hand to gain his full attention.
“Just, please be careful.” You practically beg. Dream’s eyebrows raise slightly, surprised. He didn’t see that coming.
“Yeah, always,” He follows your eyes as they trace the scar that runs from his temple to the middle of his forehead. You sigh and pass his racket back to him.
The dark purple Edgar Allan Ravens bus pulls into the Falcon’s home stadium car park that Friday night. Fans from all over the state and West Virginia crowd the entrances and surprisingly, there are a lot more supporters in purple and black than green and white.
Dream looks down at his forest green Exy uniform and smooths out his jersey. He rolls his neck in a circle to release the building tension. A hand clamps down on his shoulder as Dream slips his hands into his green and white gloves.
“You’re gonna be fine, dude. We all are,” Sapnap says, although Dream can hear the waver in his voice. Dream shakes his head and Sapnap inhales sharply.
“Nah, we won’t be.”
Sapnap slides his hand off of Dream’s shoulder and turns around, probably going to the bathroom to calm his crippling trepidation. The locker room is silent as the team moves around, changing and preparing themselves for the game ahead. Dream tries not to think about the team on the other side of the stadium, who are most likely already warming up despite the game starting in an hour.
Dream opens his locker and fumbles around for his phone. He needs to know that you’re here. Opening his messages, he’s frozen from the notifications coming through.
I hope your little friend prayed for you last night.
You got lucky with that concussion. Take this as a warning.
Dream’s fingertips trail up to hover above the scar on his forehead. He clenches his fist and throws his phone back into the locker, not flinching when the dark green metal dents. Dream leans his head against his forearm that rests on the locker.
“Dream! Dude, calm down,” A voice calls from across the room. Footsteps come up behind him and Dream has to stop the tears collecting on his waterline. “It’ll be fine, Coach said he might put you on for one half.”
George’s comments do nothing to soothe Dream’s anxiety. Dream has told nobody about the threats he’s been getting for a few days leading up to this game. If he told you, he wouldn’t even be here. You.
Dream ducks down to find his phone. George furrows his eyebrows as he watches. “Wha—?”
Grasping his phone, Dream then stalks out of the locker room. He walks down the hallway towards the inner court, presses your phone number on his now-smashed phone, and brings it to his ear. Pick up, pick up. “Dream?”
The sound of your voice makes Dream exhale deeply. “Where are you?” He asks desperately.
Dream can hear the crowd chattering through the phone as he scans over the stadium trying to find you.
“Uh, section 4, row 38, where I am every home game. Why? Is everything okay?” The worry in your voice is evident and it fails to calm Dream down like he thought it would. And when he sees waves of purple instead of green, his anxiety grows.
“I—Y/n. I need to see you, I don’t—I can’t,” Dream screws his eyes shut and tries to breathe through his nose slowly.
“Dream, I’m coming. I can see you in the inner court. Stay there.”
Y/n hangs up after that and Dream looks at his phone.
Scared? A text says from an unknown number.
Dream presses his tongue into the inside of his cheek and blinks a few times. A knock on the plexiglass behind him startles Dream. He turns and sees you smiling. He lifts his hand in a small wave and you do the same, laughing at him. At least he has a way to take his mind off of the shit with the Ravens.
A bell signals the start of the line-up announcements and Dream throws his thumb over his shoulder. You nod, understandingly, and blow him a kiss. Dream smiles shyly, his cheeks growing pink before he turns to leave.
You make your way back up to your seat, your legs bouncing in anticipation as the Ravens walk on the court one by one while the announcer calls the line-up. Once the Ravens are in a line on the halfway line, the Falcons are announced.
Since teams are co-ed, the variances in heights differ greatly. The Ravens are much taller than a majority of the Falcons, which gives them an advantage, to an extent. Dream had told you that being shorter allows you to move around the court with more agility, but being 6’2’’, Dream chose to be a striker instead of a dealer or a backliner.
“Number 2, Dream Tucker.”
At the sound of your best friend’s name, you stand and cheer, earning a few dirty looks from Ravens fans. As the remainder of the team is announced, you grow more nervous than you thought possible. A warning buzzer sounds and both teams go back to their benches.
“Alright, guys, this is our biggest game of the season, again. The last game against these idiots wasn’t ideal, but don’t let that deter you from doing your best tonight. That goes for you too, Dream," Coach looks towards Dream and he nods. Dream draws his bottom lip between his teeth from under his helmet and looks down at the ground. Sapnap’s hand slaps Dream's back in support and then the rest of the team is in agreement.
At his teammates’ words, Dream huffs. He can do this. The starting team goes onto the court, the doors closing behind them with a thump and then the scrape of a lock.
Dream sits on the bench next to Punz and Liliana. They hear the buzzer go off again and then watch as Sapnap flicks the ball into the air and slams it with his racket. There’s a distinctive crack as both teams race off their lines to find their preferred place on the court along with the players they need to mark. Three bodies crash into each other and the ball pops out on the other side, rolling silently.
At the sight of violence, the stadium roars. A Ravens backliner throws the ball and it hits the plexiglass in front of Dream who jumps in surprise. The ball is picked up off the floor by another Ravens player. He throws it to a girl who is running across the court and it lands perfectly into her net. Dream sees Tegan bodyslam the girl into the wall, the glass shuddering under their weight and Sapnap throws his hand up in a thumbs-up at Tegan, who smiles under her helmet.
The ball sails high in the air and players push and shove each other under it. As it comes down, George gets pushed to the floor, skidding to a stop a few feet away. The Ravens striker looks George dead in the eye and smirks as he catches the ball. He then tosses it powerfully towards the home court goal and the Falcons' goalie, Gabby, hits it up the court and away from herself. Dream, Punz and Liliana cheer from their spots on the subs bench.
“Nice one, Gabs! Falcons down the court!” Coach yells through the plexiglass.
Dream wears a smile when he turns back to look at you. You grin back, give him a thumbs-up, and nod. That’s when Dream knows he’s ready.
But, ten minutes into the game, the Ravens break the Falcons defensive line. The ball slips through the gap between Gabby’s torso and racket and lands in the back of the net, the siren above the goal going red and blaring a high-pitched sound. The Ravens don’t hug or cheer and return to their places on the court. Their fans, however, throw insults and middle fingers up at the Falcons while screaming and hollering.
“Fuck’s sake,” Dream mumbles. Punz slaps his pair of gloves against the bench and Liliana shakes her head.
The game went on like this for the rest of the half—the Ravens scoring 6 more goals, the Falcons scoring none. At half-time, Sapnap throws his helmet on the floor of the locker room.
“I fucking hate these guys,” He curses, pacing around the room. Coach sits on a chair, his elbows on his knees.
“We all do, but complaining about it isn’t going to help us win,’ Dream says. “Coach put me on.”
Coach looks at Dream for a moment. The tension in the room is thick and Dream knows he’s pushing his luck by asking. Nonetheless, Coach sighs before nodding stiffly.
“Dream goes on for Peter, Punz on for Drew, Liliana on for Tegan.”
And so it’s decided. Dream’s thumbs fly across his screen as he texts you. You pull your phone out of your pocket at the sound of your text tone and see the message. I’m on.
You smirk softly at it and message him back before you tuck your phone back into your pocket. The warning buzzer sounds and then both teams are back on the court: the Ravens with a whole new line-up and the Falcons with their three new subs.
Dream’s heart pounds in his chest, sending shuddery heat through every inch of his body. He holds his breath in anticipation for the serve, and then it starts. The Ravens are clearly a lot more experienced than the Falcons, but that doesn’t stop the team in green from giving everything they’ve got.
The ball hits the far wall and comes soaring back, thanks to the Ravens goalie. Dream jumps to catch it before it can fly over his head and it lands safely in the soft net of his striker racket. He looks around for opponents and takes 7 steps of his allowed 10, and passes it to George who is open further down the court. George catches the ball, then twists and passes the ball across to Punz. His mark collides with him a moment later and George goes sliding, his arm out with his racket to help him balance. Punz runs down the court, stops, then throws the ball to Liliana. His mark slams his racket down violently on Punz’s in retaliation. The backliner shakes his head in annoyance and continues running.
Dream is already near the goal by the time it gets to him again. He gets the ball and only has two steps to aim and shoot before a Ravens player crashes into him. Dream hits the ground so hard, he rolls. But, the crowd holds their breath as they watch the ball sail past the goalie and into the back of the net. The siren glows red and all Dream can hear is his ears ringing. Sapnap runs up to Dream and helps him up, congratulating him in the process. Dream looks around confused before realising he scored a goal. The entire team rushes towards him, cheering and laughing.
“Good job, Dream! Let’s do that again!” Coach yells. Dream’s surprised he can hear him over the crowd.
The game starts again with Falcons serve. The Falcons’ are fired up and back in the game, even if it is 6-1. And as soon as George throws Dream the ball, he dodges his mark and flies up the court, unguarded and ready to score again. The Ravens’ goalie isn’t prepared for Dream’s throw and misses the ball as it’s thrown at him, making the score 6-2. The crowd gets impossibly louder and Dream looks up into the sea of people to spot you. The smile on your face gives Dream newfound confidence and then everybody is back at their starting positions.
The Ravens are angry, there’s no doubt about that. Sapnap gives the striker a boyish smirk and a snide comment, which Dream can’t hear. He guesses it pisses them off because the second the ball is thrown from the Ravens dealer, the striker goes straight for Sapnap. The younger boy is thrown against the wall of the court and continues to spit insults at the Ravens player, despite his situation.
“Sapnap! Get out of there, bro!” Punz yells, collecting the ball from the ground and throwing it back to Gabby to hit up the court. Sapnap laughs and shakes his head, his lips still moving. Dream sees, out of the corner of his eye, the Ravens player drawing his fist back before punching Sapnap in the nose. The Falcons fans in the crowd start booing at the unnecessary violence and the referees unlock the doors to intervene. Dream meets Sapnap’s eye and raises his eyebrows when he sees Sapnap laughing, blood dripping into his mouth and coating his teeth. The referees pull the Ravens striker off of Sapnap and give him a red card for throwing the first punch. The Ravens fans boo and start swearing at the referees, but their cries are drowned out by the sound of the home crowd.
Due to the incident, the teams are to go back to their positions to start the serve again. Now that the Ravens are down a player, Dream knows the ways to get around them, especially when Sapnap is unguarded.
“Dream!” Sapnap calls when Dream catches the ball. He spins around a little too quickly, loses his balance slightly but throws the ball anyway. As he watches it fly across the court, Dream feels his entire body get crushed against the wall of the court. His head rebounds off the wall from the impact. There’s a heavy weight that pushes him into it more and he can’t breathe. Dream flails his arms, drops his racket, and attempts to push the Ravens player off of him. There’s no doubt that Dream hit his head again. He knows he did. A helmet can only do so much.
Dream can only hear ringing in his ears as he feels the Raven get pulled off—and it isn't the same ringing he heard when he scored the Falcons first goal. He tries to scramble to his feet before he crumples to the ground. Dream blinks a few times, disorientated, but still fails to gain a conscious mind. His eyes start to close when he feels his helmet being tugged off and then someone’s slapping his cheeks. “Stay awake, Dream.”
Dream can barely hear the sound of someone slamming their fists against the plexiglass behind him and then the person in front of him nods. He thinks it’s Sapnap. “Come on, bro, it’s only a few steps and then you can lie down.”
Dream’s head lols to the side, eyes half-open and a lazy grin on his mouth. “Sappy,” he slurs. Sapnap lets out a laugh for the first time since his best friend got knocked out and smiles at him.
“Yeah, dude, it’s me. We’re gonna get you fixed up, okay?” Dream nods before he closes his eyes. “No, no, Coach!” The world fades out around him and Dream falls unconscious.
The light is so bright above him. Dream closes his eyes again after he opens them and groans softly. The sound is almost too quiet for you to hear, but you do. And when you do, you lift your head from where you were resting on the edge of his bed. The chair you are sitting in is uncomfortable, so when you stand up, your muscles ache. “Hey, baby, how do you feel?”
If Dream was fully conscious, he would have blushed immensely at the sound of the pet name, but for the moment, he feels like he’s in a dream. His mouth is dry and he struggles to keep his eyes open for longer than 3 seconds. “You don’t have to talk, it’s okay.”
Dream feels pressure on his hand and moves his head slightly to see that your fingers are wrapped around his. You hear him murmur something, and lean down.
“Hi,” He whispers. You furrow your eyebrows at his greeting and look him in the eyes.
“That’s all I get? Hi?” You let out a breathy laugh and use your other hand to brush his hair away from his forehead. But, Dream can’t feel you on his skin. He hesitantly lifts his other hand to touch his forehead and feels a bandage.
“Surprise! Another scar,” You joke. Although, Dream can hear the edge to your words. Your smile disappears from your lips and then you sigh. Your eyes scan over Dream’s face, noting the dull green of his eyes and the pale of his skin. “Oh, Dream. I was so worried about you.”
Dream opens his eyes from when they had fallen closed again and sees the silent tears dripping down your cheeks. “It’s okay, I’m here, I’m fine,” His voice is scratchy and the sound of the word ‘fine’ does not sound fine. You smile sadly at him, then huff, wiping at your face.
“I almost forgot…” You trail off, rounding the bed to the other side to pick up a bowl and a cotton ball. You sit on the edge of the bed and dip the cotton into the antiseptic. You turn Dream’s head slowly to get a better look at the cut on his cheek. You drag the medicine over the gash and watch as Dream doesn’t flinch.
Once you are done, you place both of the things on the side table of the medical bay in the Falcons home stadium and look at Dream. He gives you a lazy smile and his fingers twitch against yours. “Thank you.”
You nod, eyes wide. “Of course, you know I’ll always be here to clean you up.”
Dream can feel his skin heating up. You get a concerned look on your face when you see the rise in pink on his cheeks. “Oh my god, are you heating up? Do you have a fever?”
He wants to laugh so badly. “Y/n, I’m okay. It’s not a fever. I’m blushing,” Dream says bashfully.
You realise why and then grow embarrassed. “Oh.”
The air isn’t tense, but there’s something there and you want to stick around to find out what it is.
Feedback is always appreciated xx
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theresnosinlondon · 3 years
Don’t Do It For Me - h.s. (part 3)
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The one where Harry is a friend in need and - can they still be called complications? (1.5k)
I don't even know anymore - is this a short story now? A series of one-shots? All I know is that there will be a part 4.
Part 2
So, you thought you could be back in London and not tell me?
Men can be quite simple creatures sometimes, they really can. I had mostly taken a break from my phone whilst I was away. I favoured taking a camera out and about and kept my phone safe and hidden in my bag. I have gotten notifications of reactions or replies to my Instagram stories but ignored all of them in favour of absorbing the benefits of being away from London, the UK and work.
I had stepped foot back in Heathrow only five hours prior to the text - he really did have eyes everywhere. How he did it was beyond me. A man with a schedule that was so tight it almost overlapped. He has expressed before how the busier he was, the more productive he felt which, was all good and well, until the bags under his eyes were so heavy and sunken that he looked one meeting away from dropping.
I could sympathise - the idea of work being an escape from your life-questioning thoughts is quite appealing when you have a career that resembles your dreams as closely as possible. Throwing myself into a project that gives me freedom of creativity, interactions with interesting characters and puts me behind a camera has a therapeutic effect on my mind. The same must happen for him.
As much of a golden boy and all-around loved guy he was, he certainly had his fatal flaws, one of which was his lack of ability in the prioritising area. He absolutely adores his family and friends, but present the fella with an interesting project and he gets tunnel vision and that is all he can think about. He doesn't just hide behind his job - he becomes his job.
I wasn't aware I had to go through passport control with you too, H. Heathrow was a traumatic enough experience for my little brain. But yeah! Back on British soil!
His call came pretty soon after my text was read - one greeting led to a quick “you need to tell me everything about home” and “I’ll grab some food and come over so we can catch up!” and next thing I knew, I was opening my front door and was greeted with a happy, cheesy face. A one-armed hug and a flick to my chin led him to squeeze past me and towards the living room.
He, as a person, baffled me. The way he so effortlessly made himself at home and started unpacking the food, all the while rambling about the restaurant being skimpy with veggies in their dishes, but the spices blend makes up for it - so he just orders extra greens. Such a boring opinion that still made me smile fondly at his drawled nonsense.
“So! How much did you miss me?” his exaggerated smile was flashed at me. “Must’ve been torture being away from me for such a long time.”
“Barely made it through,” I played along. “The scenery did make up for it, though.”
“Upstaged by a gorgeous view,” he tutted with faux disapproval. “Seriously though, when can I see your pictures?”
“And here I was, thinking you were here to catch up with your dearest friend.” I scoffed with a slight roll of my eyes. He glanced my way, pausing with a spring roll mid-air and just raised his eyebrows, giving me a smug look. He brought the roll to his mouth, maintaining eye contact whilst he crunched his way through a bite.
“And here I was, thinking you would jump my bones the second I walked through your door.” His scoff was playful and the quirk of his lips was an easy hint at his joking mood.
All I could do was smile at him - that man, with his rights and wrongs, with his wit, his cheekiness, his looks, his talent, his moments that warrant wide eyes and a question of “what in the actual hell?”, his soft demeanour contrasted with his “climbing the walls” bouts of uncontainable energy, the plethora of conversations we can carry, his face, his hands, his neck. That man right there, I did want to jump his bones.
“So,” I tried to think of how to word the question I was dying to ask. “How’s Jess?”
“Hm,” He rested his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes, interlocking his fingers on his tummy. “Spoke to her the day you left.”
I stayed silent for a moment, waiting for him to elaborate but, ever the tease he was, he kept the momentum going and smiled slightly. “And?”
“And,” He purposefully prolonged the sound, only to spit out the rest of the sentence quickly. “We talked about taking a break to figure things out.”
I have never been known to have a strong poker face but I could usually mask my emotions and reactions to a certain extent - this time I think he could hear my eyes rolling.
“Well, that’s different, isn’t it?” My sentence was heavily accentuated by sarcasm.
“I know you don’t believe in breaks,” He sounded bored and done with the direction the conversation was taking. “And neither do I.” He chose that moment to lull his head to the side and make eye contact with me.
I pursed my lips to the side, feeling the want to wrap myself around him dwindle with each word said out loud. I should’ve seen it coming - he said he was ready to end a seemingly perfect relationship just after he strayed from his path. The fact that I even believed him was quite an insult to my own intelligence.
“I..” Words seemed to fail me in that exact instant, “don’t even know what to say, if I’m being honest.”
“Not much for you to say when that conversation ended with us breaking up.” His monotonous tone was quite disorienting, giving the weight of the words he spoke.
“Huh?”, was all I could come up with.
He heaved a heavy sigh, shuffling on the couch and sitting up straight. “I told you, I didn’t see it working with Jess anymore - I wasn’t going to mess her around any more than I already did.” His pressed lips and frowned eyebrows gave him a gloom look. “I had known, from the moment I met with her to talk, that it was going to end with us breaking up.”
I just kept staring at his profile, not really knowing if it was my place to comfort him or not. The bottom line was, he was my friend before we slept together, we cared for each other and we comforted each other when needed.
I reached out and tugged him by the arm, causing him to lean towards me sideways, with no resistance whatsoever, and his head to fall to my chest. To my surprise, he was quite malleable in my hands and fell into the embrace as if he was expecting it to happen. One arm around his shoulders and the other hand pushing his hair back, so I could kiss the top of his head - he let me cuddle him and let his weight fall onto me.
“I’m sorry, H,” I mumbled against his hair, “I know it’s a decision that you made, but I also know that it hurts all the same.”
“Mh,” he adjusted and held me around the waist, “it’s never easy to go through a breakup, I feel like shit. But you know what?”
I hummed, letting him speak.
“She took it on the chin and called me out on my bullshit,” his chuckle could be felt on my stomach. “When I used the work excuse, she straight up told me to ‘stop fucking around and just get on with it’.”
“Mh, you do like when a partner can put you in your place.”
“Equally as much as I like to put them in their place.” His comment was accompanied by a quick glance up towards me and a squeeze to my middle.
“Alright,” My fingers buried through his strands and gave a tug at his hair. “Let me be a supportive friend and a great host and make you a cuppa.”
“I don’t need your lousy tea,” he mumbled, snuggling his face in my chest, “do you have any nice wine?”
“So that’s why you wanted to come over! Steal all the wine I brought from home?”
“I mean, kind of.” He shrugged and laughed, refusing to let me go. “Seeing your face is also a plus.”
And that is how we ended up with a glass of fine Italian wine each, nibbling on some Chinese food and the pictures I took on my holiday mirrored to my TV. He ooh’d and aah’d at every peak of greenery and blue skies and bright sun he saw, all the while teasing and making jokes to keep the morale up.
His head on my shoulder and his fingers playing with mine were clearly innocent touches - innocent touches that escalated when he turned his face and buried it in my neck when his fingers left mine and took a hold of my nape, when his mouth travelled to my jaw, my cheek. It only took me a split second to sigh at my stupidity and then turn my face, meeting his lips with mine.
And, I suppose he was right - I did end up jumping his bones.
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Sea, do you think Louis will ever get un-blacklisted? Bc I do think that if what he puts out is great(that I have no doubt of tbh, he always surpasses my expectations), if fans are satisfied with tour(which is mostly sold out so I mean, that’s gotta mean something to the industry people), and if he plays the game to clean up his ‘stained’ rep, it is possible IMO. Maybe. Idk.
I also think he’s probably gonna need to take care of himself(cough stop freaking smoking cough) and maybe clean up his - laddy tracksuit I don’t wear fashionable things-image a bit to get on peoples good side more? Bc even though I love my Louis who has no fashion sense and is 100% real, most young women(and even men, I suppose) don’t. And since it’s at least a large part the target demographic, doing that would probably help. What do u think?
Well, the thing is that he’s a kind, charming, funny person with 36 million followers on Twitter. It doesn’t make any sense for the GP to hate him to the extent that he gets zero radio play — lots of musicians smoke and drink, aren’t as well known, with music that’s not as polished, and still chart on radio.
I think that Sony has tried its hardest for Walls to get bad numbers. Remember when Amazon and Google Play pre-orders were all cancelled three days before Walls’ debut. The Walls mv was not accessible for several hours in the US on the day of release— therefore decreasing the opportunity for streaming numbers in the first 24 hours. Of the singles, only We Made It and Walls were available on AllAccess for US radio stations to play (and TOU at its debut). DLIBYH was released in a singles version so sales and streams do not count toward album certification. There is just too much coincidence.
We might think, well, that’s just Syco. Maybe it was running out of money and going bust anyway— Sony wouldn’t bother to promote an album from a dying company.
But even so, Sony already owned 75% of Syco as of 2015. That’s the point. Sony had the control of finances— they could control Louis’ career at Syco. Sony controlled Little Mix’s career at Syco and their last album is gold certified in the UK.
I think the objective with giving Louis bad numbers on his debut album, bad to average reviews, negatively comparing him with Harry (from way before album release), and a bad image was to kill his career before it starts— to obliterate him. The objective wasn’t to make Louis a “smaller” artist than Harry; it was to destroy him, mind and spirit. Louis already had personal tragedy to deal with, and the label must already have known that he didn’t have the highest confidence. They wanted him to give up.
Hence, when Fine Line promo and numbers were laid on top of Walls’, the objective was to humiliate Walls. Harry played the big Jingle Balls, Louis played the free openers. In 2019-20, one of Louis’ announcements and appearances (and singles releases) was overshadowed by Harry’s. Lights Up was released to great fanfare; the name of Walls was leaked in the same weekend in Australia’s Girlfriend magazine. Photoshoots and covers in Rolling Stone and Vogue for Harry, Cosmo for Louis. 6 billions streams for FL, not even 600 million for Walls, and so on. But we see that it was never a fair contest; Harry started the 100 yard dash at the 75 yd line.
However, depending on how tour goes, Louis’ career will slowly turn around, and the reason is money. Besides Harry, Louis has the opportunity to be the ex-1D member to generate the highest revenue from tour, and it’s a big number. Of course it’s not 1D numbers, but I would guess it’s easily bigger than 90% of artists. Money equals power and access. A big tour generates interest, attention. It gives Louis access to producers, labels, and songwriters. And depending on how BMG plays it, it could generate a big radio hit. The amount of money generated by this kind of tour gives access to mass media, legitimate outlets. Also, it generates an appetite in the fandom— new fans who missed out on tour, because tickets were sold so long ago and they had no way to buy them— are itching to get tickets for next tour. If LTWT2022 goes well, next tour will sell bigger and better. Success will be self-perpetuating.
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nyxerebus · 3 years
Boring Bar - Modern Levi x Female Reader
“Why are we here again?” The raven-haired man asked his friend. “You need to get out more Levi, So this is me dragging you out” Erwin smiled back. Levi just scoffed at him and looked around the bar.
“Hange and some others are coming soon”.
Huh!? “Shitty glasses and her shitty friends are also coming?” Erwin chuckled and nodded. Levi’s mood became even more shittier. If that was possible. They both drank in silenced for a while. Both ordering the same glass of whisky, Erwin on the rocks, Levi with a twist. The music was typical bar music, boring. Some people were dancing over at the dancefloor. Half the booths were filled, but Erwin and Levi were the only two sitting at the bar. “So, how have you been?” Erwin asked. He knew the answer. Not good. Levi and Petra had broken up a month ago, and he was still hung up on it. The breakup was really messy. Levi had caught her cheating on him with her co-worker. The biggest cliché in the world. “You know”, Erwin expected something more, but that was the only thing he got from Levi. “Okay, talking about it clearly isn’t something you want, but do you know what you need?” Levi raised his eyebrows at the blond. “A rebound!”
“A rebound?” Levi repeated. “You need a quick one night stand to get over her and move on, it will clear up your head. I promise” Levi looked at the man with a questionable look, but didn’t push further. They both fell into a silence, Levi still processing his words - was a rebound all he needed?
The glorious silence between the long-time friends was cut short when the bell at the door rang. “Leviiii! Erwinnnn!” Hange’s voice boomed over the bar. Her and Mike and Nanaba walked over to them and hugged Erwin, (Hange tried to give Levi a hug, but ended up with a elbow in the ribs).
A comfortable conversation fell between the four adults. Even though Levi gave them a hard time for dragging him out, he loved just sitting on the side-line and listening to the conversations. It was comforting. “Oh! I forgot to tell you guys” Hange exclaimed. “What’s up four eyes”.
“An old friend of mine is coming over and staying with me the next week! She’s going to meet us here, you guys fine with her hanging out with us?”.
“Of course! Where do you know her from?” Nanaba asked.
“We were dorm roommates back in my collage days!”. Hange smiled. “She is really nice, so you better treat her nice!” She threatened, even though she wasn’t that threatening.
The bell over the door rang again. “She’s here!” Hange waved over a (your height) woman. Hange hugged her and lifted the poor girl up from the ground, her legs kicking in the air. “So good to see you again!” Hange squealed and danced around, still holding the girl up. “Hange, let the poor girl down” Nanaba looked a bit concerned by her mad scientist friends action. Hange, reluctant, let the girl down and introduced her to her friends.
“This is (Y/N) (L/N)! My long-time friend form collage!” The group greeted her and Erwin moved over a bar stool she could sit on, moved it next to Levi. He sent the raven man a smug look. Damn eyebrow freak.
“So, (Y/N), what did you study?” They asked her many questions about her life. They learned that she studied History, (was still studying, but balancing school with working in a flower shop with her brother), she had two cats and her favourite book was Pride and Prejudice. Hange was clearly proud of her friend and showed her of to no extent. Levi noticed the girl, (Y/N) was looking very nervous and would often blush and wiggle in her seat when Hange went on about her life.
What was he thinking? He couldn’t develop a thing for Hange’s friend, she was clearly very protective of her and would no doubt rip his dick of if he tried to get with (Y/N). “So, (Y/N), got a boyfriend” This time it was Nanaba that asked. This made Levi perk up, for some reason the idea that she had a boyfriend made his chest tighten.
What was wrong with him? He felt more jealous at the possibility that a woman he had just met had a boyfriend, than when he caught his girlfriend of 9 months in bed with another man.
“No, its just me and my cats at the moment” She rubbed the back of her neck. Levi realised a breath of relief, no one noticed. Well, no one except Erwin, who grinned into his drink.
The conversation drifted away from (Y/N) life to more mundane things. Work, family and what not. To be honest, Levi was only paying attention if (Y/N) was speaking. But sadly, the evening turned into the night. And everyone was suddenly reminded that they had work tomorrow.
“It was great meeting you all! Hope we can meet another time!” (Y/N) smiled at them. “Of course! Maybe for lunch?” Nanaba questioned. They agreed to meet for lunch one day, and split up. But luckily for Levi, he and Hange lived on the same street. So the three of them walked together to the building the two ladies lived at. Hange wouldn’t stop talking about her latest experiments.
Levi tried a few times to ask (Y/N) some questions, but they either came out as insults or as interrupted by Hange. Usually he was smooth with woman, never having to struggle cause most flocked towards him. But when he had to impress her, he became suddenly shy and nervous.
Snap out of it Ackerman! But before he could snap out of it, the stood outside Hanges apartment. “Looks like were parting ways here Clean freak! See ya tomorrow!” And with that they disappeared behind the entrenced to the building. Levi stood on the street for a couple of minutes, thinking over the night. He cursed at himself for not growing a pair and asking her out. He went to bed angry with himself.
The next week past with everyday just the same like the last. Levi would meet you and Hange at 8 am and walk to your respective jobs. Everyone would meet for lunch (sometimes Erwin, Nanaba and Mike couldn’t make it, but Levi would always make it). And everyday, Levi became more and more enchanted with (Y/N).
“I don’t know what to do!” Levi groaned and threw his head back against the coach back. He and Erwin and Mike was chilling at Levi’s apartment. “Sounds like love to me” Erwin replied with his cheeky grinned. Oh, how Levi wanted to smack the grin of off his face.
“How? I have only known her for one week!”
“Love at first sight” Mike spoke up. “That doesn’t exist asshole” Levi grumbled out, chugging back his drink. “I don’t know man, Mike might be on to something”.
Levi was driving home when he saw it. ‘Mushrooms and Flowers’, the flower shop (Y/N) worked at. His body reacted before his mind could stop it. And before he knew it his car was parked in front of it and he was halfway between his car and the shop.
A bell rang when he entered the small shop. It was cozy, fairy lights hanging from the celling and the walls were covered in flowers, and by the counter there was a mushrooms display. “Levi!” A familiar voice called from him. “So good to see you” She walked over to him. “How can I help you?”
He was silent. The cold, stoic, gives zero shits Levi Ackerman, was fucking silent.
The hells wrong with you?! Speak!
“I need some flowers” Yeah, idiot why else would you be here?! “You came to the right place! What is the occasion?”
Oh god? Was he going to get flowers for a girlfriend? Of course, he had a girl, a man that gorgeous always have an equally beautiful woman by his side. You cannot compete!
(Y/N) was equally nervous as Levi. The same pang of jealousy raced through her at the thought of him with another woman. “A girl” was all Levi muttered out. Sadness filled (Y/N), but she bit her tears back. Not wanting him to know about her feelings for him. The same feelings that had kept her up at night and made her heart race in a way it never had.
“Well, we have some beautiful roses in many colours! What’s her favourite” (Y/N) tried not to sound disgusted by the mentioned of another woman.
Levi thought back to when (Y/N) mentioned what her favourite colour was. “Orange”.
Good taste, (Y/N) thought. “Well, these are my favourite. They have a nice deep orange colour and gets pretty red at the tips of the flower leaves”. (Y/N) pointed at the flower in the rose’s aisle. Levi agreed that it was beautiful and didn’t hesitate to say: “I’ll take it”.
His apartment smelled of roses. On his kitchen island, four rose bouquets of the orange flowers sat. He had gotten all they had in the store. He was opening a new bottle of whiskey. Not knowing what to do. The glass he filled was quickly swallowed and he filled another.
“I blew it!” He shouldn’t have said it was for a girl. What if she thought it was serious and stopped talking to him? What if she found out that he lied about having a girl and though he was a creep?
A million bad thoughts raced through his head, until he finally decided. He was going to do something about it. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the alcohol. But a new wave of courage waved through him and he grabbed the flowers and his keys. He knew Hange had a meeting at work, so (Y/N) was home alone.
The walk over was quick. But not quick enough. When he reached the apartment door, the courage washed of and he realized what was going to happened. He was going to confess and she was going to reject him. Why would she not? She has probably heard about his insults and how cold he is from Hange. Why would someone as cheerful as her want someone as dickish like him?
No, he couldn’t do it. He left the building.
(Y/N) heard someone moving around outside the door. She looked out the peep hole and saw no one, but something on the ground caught her eye. The flowers Levi had bought from her. All four bouquets. Wasn’t these flowers for a girl? After a minute of looking at the flowers with pure confusion, it clicked.
She was the girl.
Without thinking she ran after him. Only in her sleeping shorts and tank top, and her slippers, she ran down the stairs and out to the street. After looking around, she caught him walking away.
He turned around and was met with her body colliding into him. She was out of breath after running down all the stairs after him. “The hell you doing out here brat!”
He looked down at her hands and saw the flowers. He rubbed his hand down his face and sighed deeply. Here comes the rejection.
“Was I the girl?” He looked down at her. Risking it all, he nodded. “Yeah, yeah you are”. Time stood still. The people around them didn’t matter, the rain that was starting to pour down didn’t matter, only them. He looked in her eyes, looking for an answer, but when she pulled him down too meet his lips, he got it. Even though it took a moment for him to realize this was actually happening, when he snapped out of it he kissed her back.
It was like something out of a movie. The rain was pouring down. He was bending her back down a bit and leaning down with her. One hand was behind her back, stabilizing her and the other was on her jaw, holding her close. Her hands were wrapped around his neck. He broke the kiss when he felt her shivering against him. Suddenly he was reminded that they were out on a busy street, it was almost midnight, and she wasn’t wearing clothes fit for the rain, or just being outside in the cold.
“Let’s go inside, yeah?” She nodded her hand. As they walked back to her apartment hand in hand, Levi thanked the gods that Erwin had dragged him out to that boring bar.
A/N: Hope you like it! I'm not too happy with the ending, its a bit rushed but i am writing this at 2 am, sooo hehe. Might write a part 2! Take care :)
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Rubble (platonic! avengers x reader)
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Okay so this was a request by @breadgenie892​ who I want to thank since tHiS iS mY fiRsT rEqUeSt oMgEEE but also I’m sorry in advance if this isn’t what u were expecting 
word count: 1714
warnings: blood, mission gone wrong, talks of being trapped in a small space, injuries, and yeahhh
       “Stupid comms,” Y/N huffed, tearing out her earpiece and throwing it to the ground when all she could hear from it was static. She didn’t expect the mission to go the way it did, but there she was, under a collapsed piece of concrete, barely even giving her space to move.
       Then again, where the hell could she go? Her foot was trapped under a piece of scaffolding, the flat metal nearly cutting through the material of her boot…HER BOOT!
       She remembered the trick she pulled on Natasha before she left for her mission. She struggled to reach into the holster of her boot, but she struggled to move with all the cuts and bruises all oover her body. Finally, she managed to reach into her calf pocket to pull out Natasha’s phone.
       By some miracle, the phone didn’t crack! She wracked her brain in an attempt to remember the spy’s password. Her brain zoned into the one and only day Nat told her the password.
       “C’mon Y/N, you’re a spy! You can do this,” she mumbled to herself as she typed every character in Nat’s password until finally the screen changed into that of her homescreen!
       She shuffled to go to the messages app and went to the Avengers groupchat to make her final statement to them. A call for help with the undertones of goodbye.
       “Hey, it’s y/n. I was sent on a mission earlier, as you know, but things went to shit. A building collapsed on me and I’m trapped under everything,” Y/N paused, trying to figure out what to tell them next.
       “I’m sorry I won’t make it for our team dinner later, or ever at this point. At least I don’t have to eat Wanda’s attempts at cooking,” the h/c-haired girl chuckled as a tear rolled down her cheek, clearing a path through the dust and ash on her face. She really didn’t want to say goodbye but she knew she had to.
       “Please, don’t blame yourselves for this. There was no way for you to know anyways, right? My years as an avenger were the best years of my life and even though we’ve been through a lot, I’d never trade those years for anything. Before I began working as an Avenger, I didn’t bother making friends at S.H.I.E.L.D. I saw them all as temporary people I’d only be working with occasionally,” Y/N admitted as tears began flowing freely from her eyes. You could hear her gasping for air as she sobbed. Y/N wasn’t the type to cry. Not in front of anyone. It would’ve hurt the team when they heard her words.
       “You guys were the first group of people I was able to connect with and I’m grateful for that. I love you guys so much, in case I forgot to tell you that recently,” Y/N smiled, reminiscing on her times with her friends.
       “I’m sorry this had to happen. Please tell Nat I’m sorry for stealing her phone,” she chuckled before pressing send on the screen.
       After ending the recording, she just sat there, sobbing freely as she ignored the pain that overtook her body with every ragged breath she took.
       Meanwhile, at the tower, Wanda rushed out her bedroom to let everyone know what she just heard as her mascara ran down her pale cheek, leaving everyone confused.
       “Wanda? What happened?” Nat rushed to her side, helping the girl to the couch.
       “It’s Y/N. Her mission went wrong and s-she sent something to the groupchat,” Wanda sobbed into Natasha’s hair as she handed her phone over. Nat knew it must have been important so she linked the phone to the speaker.
       Everyone was now paying attention to the recording that began playing, instantly recognizing the pain in their teammate’s voice. They had no clue of what went down in her mission, making them regret not bothering to go with her all because the e/c-eyed girl promised them she would be able to handle the mission without their help.
       Everyone grew restless with every word that left Y/N’s mouth, her soft sobs tearing holes into their hearts. They wanted to be there for her, and reassure her that everything would be fine but even they weren’t sure about that.
       By the time the recording ended, everyone was pacing, struggling to express how they felt with the situation. They were all searching their brains for a way to help Y/N but from the sounds of her sobs, even the optimistic girl figured it was the end for her. Tony, ever the genius, did the next best thing they could…
       “F.R.I.D.A.Y, put Nick Fury on the line,” he demanded as the A.I responded with a simple beep before the line began to ring.
       “Stark, what the hell do you need from me?” Fury demanded, sounding about as stressed as the Avengers were feeling.
       “Y/N. What happened to her mission?” Tony demanded, hearing an audible huff of frustration from the other line.
       “Our bomb diffusing team weren’t able to diffuse all the bombs on time and they were told to evacuate everyone. Y/N insisted on following through with the mission which was to gather intel. Before she could get out, the building collapsed on her. We can’t even tell if she’s alive anymore,” Fury spoke with honestly, his last words leaving a bitter taste in the Avengers’ mouths. Were they going to presume her dead before they called? Were they going to stop looking for her?
       “Well, she’s alive, Fury,” Steve huffed, growing impatient with the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
       “We sent a search and rescue team in the rubble, but even they’re beginning to lose hope in finding Agent L/N,” Fury admitted.
       “Bullshit! Y/N is alive somewhere under all that rubble. It was your people that put her in this situation and it better be your people that get her out or there’ll be consequences,” Bucky snarled, his metal fist connecting with a nearby wall, shattering the concrete.
       “You know what, Fury? We’re coming over there. We will find our Y/N. Avengers, suit up,” Steve snarled before walking into his room to change into his suit.
       The avengers got suited up so quickly, it may have been a new record for them. Finding Y/N was their priority and they sure as hell would be damned if they didn’t.
       They all gathered in the Quinjet as they flew to the location of Y/N’s mission, their hearts beating in their chests as they waited anxiously to arrive.
       Their hearts nearly broke when they saw the state the “building” was in. Everything was in ruin and thinking about the fact that somewhere, under there, Y/N was counting every second near her death broke them.
       “Split up. We need to cover as much surface area as possible. If there are any signs of Y/N being anywhere, call everyone immediately. It’s crucial we get her out from under all this ASAP. We don’t know the extent of her injuries and the sooner they’re treated, the better,” Steve commanded before immediately running off into the rubble in search of Y/N.
       The search was grueling. Their muscles were sore from carrying bits and pieces of concrete away from where they were in hopes of finding her, their throats went sore from screaming out her name, their faces were covered in dust from the rubble.
       They spent hours and their bodies nearly gave out before Rhodey heard a rhythmic tapping near his location accompanied by the sound of dry sobs. His find cleared up with his newfound strength, he ran while yelling into his comms. They found Y/N!
       “Y/N! Are you down there?” he yelled into a gap between two large pieces of concrete. He heard the sobs halt before he heard shuffling beneath the concrete.
       “Rhodey? Is that you? Fuck, help me, please!” Y/N yelled with her voice hoarse from all the sobbing.
       “She’s here!” Rhodey yelled out as he tried pulling the large piece of rubble off her, but even with his War Machine suit, he only found the concrete budging a little.
       When everyone else saw what their suited friend was attempting to do, they all rushed to his aid to push it away from Y/N. When they freed her from the confining bits of concrete, she tried pulling herself out to engulf them all in a hug, only flinching when she realized her whole foot was still under the sharp scaffolding.
       “She’s stuck!” Bucky pointed out, immediately trying to slowly clear away everything weighing on her leg.
       He frowned when he realized the last thing he needed to pull out, the small piece of scaffolding, was cutting into her flesh and pulling it away could have made everything worse.
       “We’re going to have to cut this away. We can’t take it out or else she’ll lose more blood,” Bucky stated, motioning to the piece of metal.
       “On it,” Tony huffed with determination before using a minute laser to cut into the metal, closely avoiding contact with Y/N’s skin.
       When she realized she was finally free, Y/N tried to stand, but failed when her muscles gave out from lack of use. Steve and Wanda rushed to her side to help her into the Quinjet. There, they set her onto a medical bed as she tried her best to keep from falling asleep, knowing it could have been dangerous.
       When they got back to the tower, they immediately began treatment for all her injuries. She spent 14 days in a medical-induced coma and there was always an avenger by her side at every second of the day. None of them wanted her to be alone when she woke up and they sure as hell didn’t want her alone ever again.
TAGLIST: @sxphiiwrld​ @the-romanian-is-bae​ (i’m tagging u cuz I loved how you said this would turn out great :))
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writing-with-olive · 3 years
The Stonewall Riots of 1969
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1) Current State of Being (it was not good, fam, not good)
To set the scene, we’re in the late sixties. We’ve won the second World War, and suddenly everyone’s dealing with the fact that the patriotic frenzy America has been whipped into isn’t really having the same purpose it used to. Thing is, everyone’s still really heated along the basic lines of DEATH TO COMMUNISM AND ALSO COMMUNISTS. During the war, this was helpful. It created a sense of unity. But once the war was over, attention turned inward.
At this time, there was also research that queer people were "sex perverts" and a government report even came out saying
"The lack of emotional stability which is found in most sex perverts and the weakness of their moral fiber, makes them susceptible to the blandishments of the foreign espionage agent [...] the pervert is easy prey to the blackmailer.
This same report also cited a case of a gay man "who's homosexuality was used by the Russians [who were communist] to recruit him as a double agent before world war 1." Basically, the overall gist was that gay people were believed to either be communists now, or they would become communists because their brains were weaker.
Alrighty, but why were they easy prey? First, when it came to communism, they were just as susceptible as anyone else, but after steep laws against queer people were passed, blackmail became pretty real.
So... yeah, let's talk about a couple laws that were in place in the late sixties, shall we?
For the crime of sleeping with a consenting partner in the privacy of your own home you could face anything from:
A light fine
Five, ten or twenty years in prison
A life sentence
Electrical shock therapy
In addition, to target trans people, police had also dug out a law from the nineteenth century that was originally passed to supress angry tenant farmers who would don disguises and demonstrate against their landlords (law found in subsection 4 of section 240.35 of the New York Penal Code). The law stated that individuals could not wear more than three items of clothing that did not match their assigned gender at birth.If an officer thought you were breaking this law, they could arrest you and take you to a bathroom or similarly private location and have an officer who matched your presented gender either do a strip search or pat you down there to see if things matched.
Things got especially bad when New York realized they’d have to “clean up the place” in preperation for hosting the World Fair. In part, this meant a heavy crackdown on the gay community, and by extention, gay bars.
2) The Genovese Crime Family and Stonewall
At around this time, the Mob was starting to notice that gay bars were an excelent source of profit - since the prohibition era (1920-1933), limited access bars and speakeasies had popped up everywhere and since the gay community already couldn’t be themselves on the streets, they retreated to these more sheltered locations.
Three mafia members decided to open a gay bar because ohhh boy could you rake in some serious profit. Combined, the three of them put up $3500 to “renovate” the Stonewall Inn (which had gone through itterations of being a straight nightclub, straight bar, and gay restaurant in a sort of irregular cycle). 
Renovations included building a stage to dance on, painting the walls black, and getting a jukebox. No running water, no fire exit, just the bare minimum. It certainly wasn’t legal.
When they opened (as a bottle club to get around pesky liquor laws), the bouncer would look through a little slat in the door and if you had a codeword or looked sufficiently gay, he’d let you in. You then had to sign up to be a part of the club (about a dollar) and write your name down on a sheet of paper. Of course, no one wrote down their real names. 
The liquor in question was stolen, to begin with, and then heavily watered down with... questionably clean water, and then sold at about three times the original price in half-cleaned glasses (glasses were dunked in a bucket and then reused). Since none of the patrons really had high expectations anyway, they went with it. Needless to say, however, Stonewall was not a particularly nice place to be.
With all the money the trio raked in, a cut had to go to the Mafia man who controlled the district, and another cut went to paying of the notoriously corrupt 6th Precinct, to avoid getting the whole place shut down. 
Because they were payed off, the police would only conduct their mandated raids early in the night before things got going, and on weekdays - this was when there weren’t a ton of people there, and it was easy to make it look like nothing was amiss.
3) The Raid (this is where shit gets real)
First of all, the thing is - no one knows why it happened. It just.... did.
On June 28th, 1969, at about 2am, the night was in full swing. The bar was crammed full of people dancing and drinking. The air was stuffy as usual and quite dark. 
Then the bright flourescent lights come on - the signal that there was a raid and to seperate and to look less gay. The police came through, and called that they were making arrests. Everyone needed to line up against the wall and have their ID’s ready. Of course this was an issue, because just about everyone was legally not supposed to be at stonewall. 
As the police began taking people outside, a crowd was going - raids at this time were... unusual to say the least. Some of the queens went into the back of the police cars without much of a fight - obviously they were terrified, but it didn’t look like there was much they could do.
One of them, however, and no one knows who for sure, was having none of this. Though Marsha Johnson and Sylvia Rivera have both been suggested as the starter of the riot, both have denied it, saying it was someone else. Storme DeLarverie, however, has both accepted and denied it was her. In an interview where she confirmed herself as the starter, she described her reaction, saying:
“The cop said ‘Move f****t’, thinking that I was a gay guy. I said, ‘I will not! And, don’t you dare touch me.’ With that, the cop shoved me and I instinctively punched him right in the face. He bled! He was then dropping to the ground - not me!”
She then turned to the crowd and yelled “why don’t you all do something?”
This was when things transformed. Objects started to fly. It was like someone had just punched a hole through the dam holding back the collective anger of the queer community.
A lot of the queer street kids, homeless, desperate, and with nothing to lose, were at the forefront of the fight, throwing anything from stones to pennies to bottles. Here’s the thing: no one really liked Stonewall - it wasn’t particularly nice or inviting or anything like that, but it was THEIRS and they were going to fight like hell for it.
Those being pulled out of the Inn started fighting back too - throwing what they could, kicking, punching, pushing back against the police. Marsha Johnson, a woman some have referred to as “basically a lesbian superhero” even climbed a telephone pole and threw an unidentified heavy object at a police car, shattering the window. 
It was chaos and the crowd was still building. The flying objects didn’t stop, and it wasn’t like anyone had great aim - they were just as likely to hit a fellow protester - but there was a sense of comraderie and it made the police nervous. They were calling for reinforcements, but none were coming.
Finally, one of the police chiefs decided they had to retreat into Stonewall. They grabbed a few people as hostages and dissapeared inside, and barricaded the door. The inside of the Stonewall Inn was a wreck. The jukebox had been smashed. Same with the stage, the bathroom mirrors, and the cash register. Broken furniture was strewn on the floor.
Outside, the rioters had yanked a parking meter out of the ground and were trying to bash their way through the door, using it like a battering ram. Each thud made the officers even more nervous, and the captain, realizing things could turn from bad to horrific and deadly commanded his officers not to shoot unless he shot first. He went up to each one, commanding them individually by name, saying that if they shot without his direct sayso, they would be spend the rest of their police careers with only the worst possible jobs. To their credit, no one shot.
Outside, reinforcements finally arrived, armed in full riot gear - helmets, plastic shields, those club/baton things. They came forward in a full on phalanx. Then it started getting really ugly. People ended up lying on the sidewalk with blood coming from their heads or injured in other ways. The crowd started falling back, step by step. Finally, many of them ran.
But not to flee. Instead, they went all the way around the block and came up behind the reinforcement officers. Surprised that there was a new attack coming from behind, it was the police that began to loose the ground, and were forced to retreat back, back, back.
It was into the late, late hours of the night when the riots finally died down to nothing, the last of the crowd finally dispersed, exhausted.
4) The Next Day (aka a giant middle finger to the cops)
The shattered glass sparkled in the morning light the next day - a tribute to what had gone down the night before. 
That night, the crowds around stonewall were huge. And it wasn’t just the queer community - the anti-war protesters and Black Panthers had joined in, standing against the even larger ranks of officers. The night before was a tipping point, but if momentum was to keep going, there needed to be sustained effort.
Inside, the Inn was back to normal. The Mafia had repaired the stage, gotten a new cash register, and even replaced the jukebox. It was if the efforts of the police had never even happened. Throughout the night, the queer community went in and out as though everything were totally normal - as if the police didn’t matter.
The riots were even worse than the night before, but the police couldn’t gain any ground.
Despite what was happening and the triumphs of the queer community, the press was a little less enthusiastic, aiming to diminish what had happened, taking the viewpoint of the police, or claiming the riots happened because of a celebrity’s death, and not the decades upon decades of oppression.
5) The Impact (how we got to today)
A year later, a lot of the Stonewall participants gathered to commemorate the movement. There were now several activism groups that had grown since the riots, but there needed a way to keep it growing - keep the flame from dying out.
One woman proposed that they have a march like the Civil Rights movement and Anti-war protesters were having. As soon as the question filled the space, there was unanimous consensus. Yes - they were to march.
It was terrifying. One member remembered fearing that only ten or so people would show up - that it was only going to make them into a laughingstock and nothing more. Indeed, many people had shown up with popcorn to “watch the f*gs” - it was seen almost as a show or performance. 
But the moment was anything but. When the member looked back, in apprehension, what he saw wasn’t ten or the anticipated couple hundred people. No more than two thousand people had joined the parade. And not just the queer community - straight New Yorkers were there too. It was a moment of solidarity, and a demand for justice.
Every year since, there have been pride marches around the country, memorium to the community, and to the fight we’ve been fighting for a very long time, and to the patrons of Stonewall Inn who finally decided enough was enough.
6) Sources (because apparently trusting an unsourced tumblr posts is seen as an academic no-no)
(all in MLA because I just copy/pasted them from my research notes and also MLA feels official and all that)
Yardley, William. "Stormy DeLarverie, Early Leader in the Gay Rights Movement, Dies at 93." The New York Times, 29 May 2014, www.nytimes.com/2014/05/30/nyregion/storme-delarverie-early-leader-in-the-gay-rights-movement-dies-at-93.html?_r=0. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
Brown, Dalvin. "Marsha P. Johnson: Transgender Hero of Stonewall Riots Finally Gets Her Due." USA Today, 27 Mar. 2019, www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2019/03/27/black-history-marsha-johnson-and-stonewall-riots/2353538002/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
Burey, Jodi-Ann. "'It Wasn't No Damn Riot': Celebrating Stonewall Uprising Activist Storme DeLarverie." The Riveter, Feb. 2017, theriveter.co/voice/it-wasnt-no-damn-riot-celebrating-stonewall-uprising-activist-storme-delarverie/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
Carter, David. Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution. 2nd ed., New York, St. Martin's Griffin, 2010.
Duberman, Martin B. Stonewall. New York, Plume, 1993.
Edsall, Nicholas C. Toward Stonewall: Homosexuality and Society in the Modern Western World. Charlottesville [Va.], U of Virginia P, 2003.
Kristi K. "Something like a Super Lesbian: Storme DeLarverie (In Memoriam)." The K Word, edited by Kristi K, 28 May 2014, thekword.com/2014/05/28/something-like-a-super-lesbian-storme-delarverie-in-memoriam/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
---. "Something like a Super Lesbian: Storme DeLarverie (In Memoriam)." The K Word, edited by Kristi K, 28 May 2014, thekword.com/2014/05/28/something-like-a-super-lesbian-storme-delarverie-in-memoriam/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
"The Stonewall You Know Is a Myth. And That's O.K. | NYT Celebrating Pride." YouTube, uploaded by The New York Times, 31 May 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jnzOMxb14. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
(not in mla sorry) - PBS’s Stonewall Uprising (documentary)
tagging: @veryunoriginal and @doggo038 because yall seemed pretty interested. Also my usual taglist: @candlemouse @bookdragonfanish @book-limerence​
If you want to be added/removed from any of my taglists, let me know! taglists found pinned to the top of my blog :D
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hellonoblesky · 3 years
Happy Saturday it’s past 2am here’s Harbinger Angst. Because I’m up late and I’m havinggg thoughts.
So here’s my hcs about the Harbingers reacting to/dealing with the news of Signora‘s death :)
(CW For like. Mental breakdowns and guilt and general emotional instability because no one is having a good time here. Oh also cussing, anddd some familial angst in Childe’s bit? Also I am so sorry about any misspellings n whatever it is. Very late and I already have two other posts in my drafts collecting dust that are also HCs so.)
So if you don’t follow my art blog or haven’t seen my Harbinger hcs (which are under the process of some change with new info being released and whatnot), you don’t know this but I HC Dot and Signora to be like sorta just evil siblings
Now because death is such a commodity in Dot’s uh… specific line of work, he doesn’t register that Signora is dead until like two days after he hears the news
He picked up the phone (rotary perhaps?) to go call up Signora‘a office to see if she has any good gossip and then stopped halfway through dialing because it hit him that she’s never going to be there to pick up the phone on the other end. Ever.
He usually listens to music when he’s working but with the absence of Signora ranting he has to take up listening to the radio on top of the music
Problem is: the radio doesn’t have the same charm and cadence to it that Signora’s rants did, because normal people are boring and it’s going to drive Dot up the walls if he has to listen to one more commercial or one more anxious ramble about how cool and great the Fatui are from some stupid radio host trying not to overstep the Tasritsa’s favor like she listens to some boring ass radio station in her spare time!!!
HE HATES IT. But is forced to make do because if he shows weakness he will be torn apart (or so he thinks)
So this leads to him locking himself away in his office even more than he already did
Because he was already intrigued by the traveller after their actions in Mond and their victory against Childe, but them beating Signora in a duel before the Shogun? Oh now that kickstarted a whole new line of study
Especially because his only coping mechanisms are Be Destructive and Dive So Far Into Work You Don’t Think so within about three days he has a comprehensive analysis of everything he can possibly get his hands on regarding the Traveler (without interacting with other people) and is about to pass out because he hasn’t slept
Oh and the funeral was absolute hell for him.
Mainly because while he was barely conscious he agreed to play violin at the service and then promptly passed out and forgot about it so he woke up and was hit with the consequences of his own actions in the form of sheet notes
He endured, obviously, he’s not going to back down from playing something at the funeral of one of the few interesting people in the organization, that’s what tools and cowards do and this might be the Fatui but if he’d survived the wrath of dead gods he would make it through this
Went right back to locking himself away after that though
He actually got bad enough that the other Harbingers took notice of his state and MADE him come out of his labs and eat (mainly at demand of the Tsaritsa because she just lost the Crimson Witch as an asset, she wants the rest of her Harbingers in good health god dammit, the Traveler is becoming a genuine threat)
Broke down at dinner a week after the funeral
Swears that if any of the other Harbingers bring it up ever ever again he will kill their bodies and keep their consciousnesses trapped in a machine that he controls forevermore
Really he’s just glad that no one immediately pounced on one of his few shows of weakness
Maybe he’ll risk it again if it means he can cry it out for another hour but he wouldn’t dare say that out loud, won’t even finish the thought
But you know what he will do?
What he does best, of course
Look at an oddity in the world (in this case the traveller) and seek to pick it apart until he can put it back together without looking and still have it work
The only way he can actually get through his grieving is by finding something to take the edge off
And it just so happens that the traveller is a perfect candidate
By no means has he ever liked Signora, in regards to personality or method, but her death still hit him
He had to travel back to Snezhnaya for the funeral, and it did absolutely cheer him up to see his family again and get to spoil them all silly, but with a mind whirling with thoughts it was genuinely hard for him to keep a smile up
Mainly thoughts about battle, because that’s really the only way he can interpret the world at this point
Like he keeps thinking about weather the Traveler was holding back with him, or if they had gained the strength to fight off yet another Fatui plot just in the month or so since Liyue? And if they had gained strength, how had they done it so fast? If they’d been holding back against him had he not shown himself to be a fighter worthy of their strength? Had Signora even faced the Traveler‘s full strength?
Overall his head is much too full of too many things, and it wears him out to the point that he ends up sleeping in late enough for his family to actually worry because usually he’s up before dawn training and they don’t see him until the afternoon
But he’s back on track as soon as he can, because the training helps him think, and once he can resolve most of his thoughts (or repress them so they don’t bother him too often) he’s absolutely alright and fine and ready to go! Totally. Fine. It’s fine.
The thoughts were very much There during the funeral, especially as the first harbinger read a (somewhat summarized version) of Signora’s life to the assembly of Fatui
(Oh and Pierro didn’t really care weather or not Signor wanted people to know her life after she died because she was dead now what was she going to do??)
The reveal that Signora had been fighting for the Fatui because her lover had been killed by the actions of the Anemo Archon, and she desired nothing more than to see him again… it got to Childe. It got to Childe more than he’d like to admit
Because suddenly the woman who he had always known as the embodiment of frostbite and frozen barbed wire fencing had someone she had cared about, genuinely cared about, to the point where she had become the Mondstadt legend, the Crimson Witch herself
And she had lost that lover to the actions of a fool of a God
He swore silently to himself that when the Tsaritsa‘s future came to pass he would make a little monument for Signora. Nothing big, probably a plaque on a nice stone where Mondstadt would have been before the Tsaritsa’s success, but a monument nonetheless
This promise was a spur of the moment thing, and later he would be like “Man she was a jerk, lost love or not why did I promise her that?“ but he doesn’t go back on promises
Besides, actually watching Dottore break down in a grief and sleep-depravation induced haze was also something that got to him because of course the two people he happened to simply Hate The Most in the organization were close that makes perfect sense but also wow it is weird to see Dottore cry and it feels Wrong because after murdering and tormenting so many people… Signora is gone and he breaks then??? What the fuck
Avoids most of the Harbingers after that, just heads home to Morepesok to spoil his siblings silly before going back to Liyue
Oh and his siblings can tell something is up, Teucer especially because when his brilliant big brother, the greatest toy salesman in all of Snezhnaya, is suddenly struggling to keep a smile even though they’re at home… he notices
Childe’s other siblings are all avoiding the subject, they heard about the death of Signora and all, they just assume the organization is going through it tight now and frankly most of them are a little afraid of him weather they‘ll admit it or not
Not Teucer though, he’s confused just because he still has grasped how Snezhnaya works yet, so he goes ahead and asks anyway
Childe just says he’s sad because he has to leave again so soon! And he hasn’t even been able to take Teucer fishing this time, isn’t that sad?
Teucer can tell that he’s lying
But Teucer is also beginning to sense the danger that lies behind Childe’s eyes, so for the first time? He doesn’t push it or say that they could go fishing now if they hurry
Just a grin and a “Next time!! Promise?” Makes it all better and he doesn’t have to think about why his big brother feels unnerving to look at sometimes
Childe is oblivious to Teucer’s growing awareness
He heads back to Liyue and makes himself focus on work
Now he didn’t particularly like Signora either, and didn’t really care about her life’s story, because blah blah blah we get it lady you lost someone, we all did, cry about it or whatever
But he does feel… he feels guilty for leaving her to face the Shogun
He had the Gnosis, he had finished Signora’s mission for her without even meaning to, and he had thought it would be funny to just let her face the Shogun without knowing that
To some extent, it’s his fault she’s dead
And it’s not the fact that she died because he didn’t go get her that weighs on him, it’s that he left her to the Shogun of all things
I don’t know if puppets like Scara can feel things like people and such do, but considering how the Shogun expressed frustration and stress when Ei disabled the majority of her functions, I’m going to assume they can
And because of the meddling of ‘some eccentric scientists’ his emotions are probably toned down a tad but he can still feel guilt all the same
And leaving Signora to the Shogun makes him feel guilty because he and the Shogun are essentially kin
Disowned and disavowed kin, but you know
He may have been able to easily counter the Shogun, or even help Signora prevail in her duel, but he. Ran. Off.
He happens to think that that was very cowardly of him
It causes a spike in his aggression which everyone unfortunately has to notice every time he walks by because the sheer static electricity that snaps in the air when he’s in the room now? Haha. Ouchie
Fun fact: he has no idea how to cope with guilt
He channels ALL of it into SHEER RAGE
Ever seen a couple hundred year old man go absolutely apeshit in the Harbinger‘s shared training arena? Well now you have!! It’s not a pretty sight!!
He’s crying and can’t tell why, which fuels his anger, which fuels stress as a fun side effect which just makes more tears and now he has to snap someone in half because he needs it to stop he hates it here he hates it here he hates it here
And in the beginning the guilt wasn’t even that severe for him, it was just so immensely magnified by his lack of coping skills that he very nearly broke himself down
He tried going to Dottore to get it disabled but Dottore had his doors all locked so Scara couldn’t even get a word through to him
Oh and the funeral was fine with him he just left early because he didn’t want to deal with looking people in the eye at the time because, again, his lack of coping skills with guilt magnified the whole feeling so it was almost unbearable
It’s a lot of fighting and breaking things before he’s able to resign himself to some semblance of how he was
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breynekai-tfc · 3 years
A scene from a longer project called “The Ice King”.  It takes place after “Great One” in my oneshot collection, “Our Son, the Halfa”.  
The story so far:  Maddie has discovered that Danny has ice powers but that's the extent of her knowledge. In this scene, Maddie and Danny have been captured by Walker and are in the middle of breaking out of his prison...
Read on FF.net or continue reading below.
The alarm was a low, continuous wail, like a ghoul moaning through a loudspeaker. At first, Maddie was certain it was about their escape. She grabbed the door's handle – forgetting that she could have run straight through the door – flung it open, and sprinted down the hallway, one hand wrapped around her son's wrist and dragging him along.
The halls were empty. The cells were empty. There was not a ghost in sight. After a few seconds of running, Maddie and Danny both slowed down and came to a stop.
"Where is everyone?" she murmured. "The other prisoners? The guards?"
"Uh, cafeteria? Out in the yard? Does it matter?" He sounded worried; obviously it did matter. "We need to find the Speeder and get out of here." This time it was Danny who snatched Maddie's wrist, and he led her down the hallways at a steady jog.
They turned several corners and stuck their heads, literally, through several promising doors along the way but found nothing and no one.
"He'll have put it with the other Real World contraband," said Danny as they moved, "if only we could find where that is. We just need to make it to the main hall…"
"I thought you've been here before?"
"Yeah, once!" said Danny, poking his head through another door, taking it out again, and shaking it. Negative. "I'm actually not in the habit of getting arrested, thank you. Besides, it would help if I knew where we even are right now. This place is a freaking maze!"
Upon realizing that Danny had no idea of their direction, Maddie started keeping a map in her head. It wouldn't do them any good to be running around in circles.
She was becoming increasingly anxious about the guards, or lack thereof. She tried to remember – had there been guards in their cell block before they broke through the bars? The angle had been bad; it had been impossible to see.
A few more minutes of fruitless searching brought them to the largest hallway yet, possibly the heart of the prison.
"Finally!" Danny exclaimed. "I know where we are – that way's the gate, that way's Walker's office-"
"Shh!" said Maddie.
Her son's eyes widened and he clamped his mouth shut. It didn't take him long to hear it, too. Somewhere nearby was the distinctive sound of a large, unruly crowd and ectoblasts. Lots of ectoblasts.
They looked at each other. Danny seemed to have the same question in his mind as was in hers. Should we check it out or steer clear?
"We need to find the Speeder," Maddie said firmly. "Whatever's happening, we don't have any weapons, and we're not prepared to deal with it."
Danny hesitated and finally nodded. "You're right." His hands twitched, and briefly Maddie watched her son clench and unclench his fists.
She placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled reassuringly at him. "We'll be fine. We're going to make it out of here."
He nodded. "Yeah. I know." His gaze lingered on the hallway from which the sound was echoing. "I just hope whatever's happening isn't happening where I think it's happening… Because the room we need is on the other side of that."
"Where is that?"
He grimaced. "The cafeteria."
Danny continued warily toward one end of the hall, footsteps calculated and silent. Maddie followed at his side. Every step brought them closer to sounds of mayhem. Gradually, they began to hear Walker's booming voice, the exact words muffled under shouting, thuds, crashes and explosions.
Soon they were approaching two purple double-doors with a character that was distinctly 'institutional meal hall'. The sounds were almost deafening, and shadows mixed with flashes of green and blue light through the window panes on the doors.
"Great," Danny groaned.
"Isn't there another way around?"
"Not exactly. This part of the prison is on a cliff. The only thing outside the cafeteria walls is a plummet into the abyss."
"Why is the Real World Objects room on the other side of the cafeteria in the first place?" Maddie couldn't help but wonder aloud.
"Heard it used to be a gymnasium. Only place big enough to keep all that junk, I guess."
A second later, something slammed into and through the double doors. Maddie pulled Danny aside in time for the shape to fly past them and skid against the floor down the hall. The doors quickly swung shut again, cutting them off from the mayhem on the other side.
The ghost that had been thrown through the doors groaned and rose to its feet, giving Maddie a clear view of the monster. She was surprised to recognize it; then again, it's hard to forget an eight-foot-tall wolfman. The last time they had met, this particular ghost had been working with Phantom to attack Amity Park's mayor, Mr. Montez. Disoriented, the ghost shook its head, snorting, its black fur standing on end.
"Wulf?" gasped Danny. Instinctively, like a soccer mom in a minivan, Maddie put an arm across her son's chest.
"This is a powerful and extremely dangerous ghost, Danny."
What Danny did next completely shocked her. He grabbed her arm, simultaneously throwing it aside and ducking underneath it, to run straight for the ghost.
"No," said Danny over his shoulder, "he's a friend!"
"Danny!" Armed with nothing but her fists and her wits, Maddie Fenton ran after him.
The ghost noticed Danny, who was completely dwarfed by the giant beast, and grinned. "Danny!" it growled, before grabbing the boy and pulling Danny tightly against its chest. "Friend!"
This was unpleasantly similar to their meeting with Frostbite the day before. Did her son have a penchant for befriending ghosts that looked like Bigfoot's cousins?
"Oof!" Danny squirmed out of the wolfman's arms, and his prison shirt was almost pulled over his head in the process. Patting down his clothes, he grinned blatantly at the monster. "Good to see you, too, big guy. What are you doing here?"
"Walker," growled the ghost. Its snout curled in a snarl.
"How do you keep getting arrested? We talked about this!"
The wolfman looked positively repentant as it lowered its head. It mumbled "Sorry" and some other words in a foreign language.
A crash reverberated in the cafeteria behind them. "More importantly," said Danny, and he jerked a thumb behind him. "What's going on in there?"
The ghost proceeded to give an explanation in that second language, accented by a wide array of hand gestures. Danny listened, nodding, and his expression grew concerned. When the ghost had finished talking, Danny translated for his mom: "According to Wulf, there have been natural portals opening around the prison all week. Not very many prisoners have escaped, but Walker didn't want to take chances. He ordered his guards to stick to the remaining prisoners like glue. So, when a portal opened in the cafeteria today in the middle of lunch, all the guards and all the prisoners were there, and, well… this happened. Prisoners are trying to escape, and the guards are blasting them to bits." Frowning, he turned back to the ghost called 'Wulf'. "You haven't been opening these portals, have you?"
"No!" said the ghost, waving his hands. "No me!" Pointing to his neck, where there was a thick electronic band, he added, "Collar!"
"Wulf," said Danny, "my mom and I need to get to the other side of the cafeteria – to the Real World Objects room. Think you can help us out?"
The wolf monster grinned menacingly, flexing his arms. Glowing claws like blades sprouted from his fingertips. Bloodlust made his green eyes glow brighter. "Wulf help friend. Like to fight Walker goons, too."
"Awesome," said Danny, patting the ghost on one of his bulging, furry arms. Looking at his mom, he added, "Wulf is one of the good guys."
"We're going to have a long talk about this later, young man."
"Later!" said Wulf. "Now is fight!" On his own cue, the giant wolfman lumbered forward and burst back through the doors.
Maddie traded looks with Danny, and they both ran after him.
The cafeteria – if it could still be called such – was in total disarray. At the opposite end of the room, clustered around the edges of a portal in the floor that was at least ten feet in diameter, a battle was raging. Identical ghosts in riot gear with shields and batons were defending the hole against several dozen ghosts of all shapes, sizes, and species. A few were familiar to Maddie, such as Technus and Ember, but most were new faces. These prisoner ghosts were fighting a war on two fronts, because on their other side, the one nearest to Maddie and her son, there was another line of guards headed by the ghost warden himself. Most of the cafeteria furniture had been overturned, incinerated, or adapted into creative weaponry. Lumps of food, or possibly some ghosts' spilled guts, were splattered over the floor, walls, and ceiling.
Wulf's bulk shielded them from sight, although Maddie and Danny were both short enough to duck under his arms to get a good view. He pointed across the room, at a door, and turned to Danny. "There. Room."
The door was precisely on the other side of the portal.
"You've got to be kidding me," said Danny.
"No. No is joke."
"It's an expression," breathed the boy weakly. "How are we…?"
Maddie frowned, squinting thoughtfully at the scene. "We don't need to go through the door. If we make it to the opposite wall, we can phase through it, correct? We just need to skirt the edges."
"Great. We still have to get through a seven-layer ghost dip. Great." At his mom's incredulous expression, he said, "Food jokes. Cafeteria. Couldn't help it."
"Wulf," said Maddie. The ghost seemed a little shocked to be addressed by her. "You keep Walker busy while we make our way to the wall."
Wulf looked at Danny, expectant. "Uh, yeah," said Danny. "Do what she said."
"Kun plezuro," growled Wulf. Then he roared and tackled the warden like a giant, hairy linebacker, sending several smaller guards flying in the process.
"Let's go!" Maddie yelled. She scooped up a couple of broken table legs, tossed one to her son, and darted to the right-hand side of the mob.
A guard immediately intercepted her. Unfortunately, several of the guards had turned at the sound of Walker being attacked, and they were ready to head off the escaping humans. Maddie swung her improvised weapon right into one ghost's head, and the whole thing disintegrated in a cloud of mist.
The others weren't so easy. Before she had completed her swing, another was bearing down on her with its baton, and sidestepping the attack, her back slammed into another's shield. The ghost with the baton raised its club for another hit, so Maddie ducked and tumbled out to the side, landing in a crouch. The two ghosts were surprisingly slow; she had a free shot at the shield-wielder's head, and threw her table leg, sharp-end first.
Like its companion, it vanished into smoke.
But Maddie's weapon was gone.
Danny suddenly appeared at her back, sparring with another guard, exchanging blow for blow. Maddie, who had failed for years to teach her son any lessons in combat, was both impressed and bewildered. She didn't have time to think much more about it, not then.
"Be careful about their batons!" Danny shouted. "They don't just hit, they also shoot-"
Her son was blasted away by a bolt of hot green ectoplasm.
"Danny!" Maddie yelled. It was her mistake to let her attention drop. Her last opponent had aimed his baton, and the next second he fired.
Maddie slammed into the surface of an overturned table. She and the table both skidded back a few feet, and her head knocked against the surface, causing stars to dance in her vision. On her left side, her shirt smoked, smoldering with green fire; the skin underneath was scorched black, and a nasty smell filled her nose.
Danny appeared crouching next to her. "Mom!" he said. His clothes were also smoking, but otherwise, he seemed unharmed, to Maddie's relief.
Four guards were flying toward them, already taking aim. "Danny," she said, nodding her head toward them.
Danny spun and straightened. He stepped forward until he stood at the end of Maddie's feet and adopted a wide stance.
"Alright," he said. Goosebumps rose on Maddie's skin. Danny's voice was completely level, but there was an edge to it, a menace, that she had never expected to hear in her son. "Which one of you hurt my mom?" He looked at them, waiting for an answer. The other ghosts faltered, but not for long.
"No one's gonna fess up? Well then." Danny cracked his knuckles, and spread his hands to either side. "I'll have to beat up all of you."
The temperature plummeted, an icy wind blasting outward with Danny at its center. Danny's whole body began to glow white, and blue energy gathered in his hands while the floor under his feet frosted over. Maddie watched as the frost slithered toward the ghostly prison guards, who only realized what was under them when it was too late. Three of them started to advance, one tried to flee, and Danny ripped his hands upward. Shards of ice splintered out of the floor. Two of the ghosts were frozen solid on the spot, while the other two were ripped into smoky shreds.
The fighting in the room stopped, all eyes turned toward them. Then Technus's nasally voice cried, "It is the ghost boy! The battle is ours!" All of the prisoners cried out and began to fight more ferociously. Several of the guards were knocked backward into the portal, and a few prisoners poured along after them.
Danny turned toward Maddie, who immediately paled. His eyes glowed solid cold blue; she could not see his pupils, his irises, the whites of his eyes. Frost still danced at his fingertips.
For one horrible second, Maddie wanted to run away from him. Her fingers wanted a gun so she could shoot him.
Snowdrift's words returned to her: You obviously don't know what your son is capable of.
He frowned down at her, expression changing from severe to puzzled. Then a massive white shape loomed up behind him, and he was forced to turn and face Walker.
Wulf sprinted to Danny's side. He no longer seemed so huge.
"I should have known," growled the warden, his voice echoing even above the sounds of battle. "Who else would have the gall to start a prison riot in my cafeteria? No one but a lawless, disrespectful, impudent punk like you."
"Look, I get you're still sore about the last time. But I swear, Walker, I didn't do this."
Walker's eyes narrowed. "How did you get out of your cell?"
"Yeah, I'd ask for your money back," Danny retorted. "Ghost-proof, human-proof, but apparently not ice-proof."
The warden's expression was murderous, which was a neat trick for a skull face. The entire cafeteria seemed to darken around him.
Danny shifted slightly, and a wall of ice sprang up in front of Wulf, Maddie, and him just in time to deflect a massive ectoblast from the warden.
"Wulf," Danny said hurriedly. "Get my mom to the Specter Speeder. Now!"
The wolfman nodded before leaping toward Maddie, scooping her into its arms, and bolting away across the room, easily jumping over and on top of heads as he moved. The guards, the few who were left, were too preoccupied with the escapees to do anything. Danny disappeared from Maddie's sight until all she could see was a writhing crowd of ghosts and Walker's towering back.
She knew she should protest. She was afraid, though, that Wulf would actually turn around and go back.
They neared the wall, and Maddie wondered how Wulf planned on getting through it, if ghosts couldn't use intangibility in the Ghost Zone.
It wasn't a problem. With one set of his fearsome claws, he ripped a hole right through the cement bricks.
They landed among the rubble of their entrance and piles upon piles of human junk. There were items anywhere from rubber bath ducks to piano fortes, all covered in a hefty layer of softly glowing dust. Near the door, like they had been dumped there to save time, were the Specter Speeder, Maddie's weapons, and all of their clothes.
Gingerly, Wulf placed Maddie on her feet next to the Speeder. The ghost bent down and looked into her eyes; it took all of Maddie's nerve not to flinch. "Vi estas lia panjo?"
She shook her head. "I don't understand."
Wulf worked his jaw, then said, "You… Danny… mom?"
"Yes," Maddie breathed, still thinking about his eyes, the power that had radiated from him.
The ghostly wolfman engulfed Maddie in his arms, squeezing her tight against him. Her wound screamed, but she didn't dare protest. When Wulf released her, he held her by her shoulders and said, "Good son. Thank you."
Wulf looked back through the hole, glanced at her, and leaped away, stirring the ectoplasmic dust in his wake.
A victorious cheer erupted in the next room, followed soon by Walker's furious cry of "No!" Then all was quiet.
"I'm going to kill you, ghost boy," said Walker, his voice echoing through the room. There was a flash of green, and the floor buckled under an explosion.
Fear clenched Maddie's heart, but a fear different to the one she felt earlier. It was only relieved when the light from the other room changed to blue, and her son's voice called out, "I'd like to see you try!"
Maddie opened the door of the Speeder and threw all of their belongings into the backseat before climbing onto the driver's bench. A glance in the glove box confirmed that Walker had not found the Infi-Map; she slammed the box shut again and fired up the engines.
Despite having designed and built the vehicle with her husband, it was her first time to drive it. The Speeder rose unevenly into the air, and when she urged it forward, first went too slowly and at once shot ahead. It was only due to Maddie remembering, at the last second, that the wall wasn't really solid that saved her from crashing full-speed into it.
She emerged into the next room, and yanked back on the controls to bring the Speeder to a mid-air stop. The scene was havoc. In the middle of the room, a Walker that was twenty-feet tall, shimmering into green smoke at his edges, was stooped over, firing blasts and throwing punches at the ground. Under him, using blasts of frosty wind to propel himself over pathways of ice, her son was simultaneously dodging the attacks and shooting ice at the warden's legs. Maddie realized that Walker's feet were now frozen to the floor. Wulf was darting around the edges of the battle, slashing Walker at times and at others throwing sharp debris into the warden's face.
The natural portal sparkled green. There were no ghosts around it, only helmets, shields, and batons scattered about its edges.
Walker roared. Green fire exploded around his shoulders.
"It looks like someone lost their cool!" said Danny. He slid sideways to avoid another blast of ectofire and unleashed a volley of ice. "I can help with that!"
Banter? Why did that seem…?
Maddie shook her head. They needed to get out of there. Maddie threw the Speeder forward and pulled up at the edges of the battle, opening the passenger-side door and yelling, "Get in!"
Danny glanced at her over his shoulder and then threw a barrage of ice shards at the Warden's face – they weren't necessarily destructive, but the sharp ice made Walker jerk backward and throw up his hands to shield his eyes. It was enough of a distraction. Danny had time to sprint for the vehicle and throw himself through the open door.
He landed heavily on his side. "Go!"
"What about your friend?"
"He'll be fine!" said Danny. As if the wolfman could hear them, he turned and grinned, briefly and fiercely, before leaping at Walker's throat with his extended claws.
Maddie nodded, and the Specter Speeder rocketed across the room. Danny scrambled to sit up, but when he was able to see through the windshield, he yelled.
"Where are you-?!"
"Nearest exit," said Maddie, and they dove through the natural portal in the floor.
“The Ice King” is a wip I started writing back in 2016/2017.  There are about 50,000 words so far, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever finish it.  I’m still in love with the concept, however, and will probably post more scenes from it in the future.  
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
how to be a heartbreaker: rule two - rafe cameron
Rafe Cameron’s privileged upbringing has let him get away with far too much, for far too long. Between his tormenting of the pogues, running his mouth without consequence, and arrogant attitude, it’s time someone knocked him down a peg. Breaking his bones didn’t work, but maybe you can break his heart.
co-authored with my love, freya @rekrappeter
pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader, unrequited!JJ x reader
warnings: angst, starting a relationship under false pretences, drinking and drug use
word count: 5.2k (sorry not sorry there’s a lot of plot here my dudes)
a/n: here’s rule two, let us now what you think!! low key we finished writing this badboy this morning (freya’s evening lol)
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“Okay, that seems relatively easy…” you hummed, your elbows rested on your knees as you held onto every word JJ spoke. An underlying unsureness hung over your voice, and judging the expressions on Kiara and Pope’s face, you knew you weren’t alone in thinking that this wouldn’t work. John B backed everything that JJ said up with an example, somethings made sense but the majority of what they brought up was lightyears away from real life. They were living in their own fantasy world.
“And that’s just rule one,” JJ announced, causing you to cover a groan with a fake cough, “It’s almost the most important rule, you have to make a good impression. You need to be seductive, sexy-”
Kie interrupted JJ, “What’s the most important rule?”
“Rule number five,” he smirked.
If you weren’t confused beforehand, you definitely were now. “Which is?”
“We’ll get to that one later, be patient.” You huffed at JJ’s dismissal.
Pope stood up from the couch, stretching his arms above his head. “Are you actually going to take part in this?” His eyes were focused on you, ignoring JJ’s arguments.
You shrugged your shoulders, feeling the heavy stare of your friends on you. “What do I have to lose?” JJ praised you for your answer, earning a glare from Pope but that didn’t shut him up. “Pope, it’ll be exciting. It’ll be something for us all to do together and focus on.”
“We’re not the ones that are going to have to be alone with Rafe Cameron,” your friend muttered, you gave him a soft smile, appreciating how caring he was towards you. Despite always being associated with JJ and being his best friend, you and Pope had a relationship like none of the other pogues. He wasn’t just one of your closest friends, you would classify him as a ‘brother from another mother’. He cared immensely about you, and you cared for him just as much. You both pushed each other to thrive and be the best possible version of you, he had your back through thick and thin.
He was also the only one that knew about your hidden feelings towards JJ. He picked up on them one night, when you were giggling at a stupid joke the blonde had said and how the carefree and outgoing version of you disappeared when you noticed JJ getting intimate with some random girl later on that night. But he promised to keep it a secret, and so he did, he constantly supported you and let you rant and rave about it whenever you needed to. He was a breath of fresh air.
“Rafe Cameron never did anything to me personally, he leaves me alone when y’all aren’t with me,” you said, leaning back on the couch.
“Can we stop calling him Rafe Cameron? We only know one Rafe,” Kie chuckled, running her fingers through her tangled dark hair.
“Can we move on please? It’s getting late,” JJ informed the group, everyone’s attention leaving you and turning to the tall boy.
“You’d make a great teacher, JJ,” you hummed, your heart jumping at the smirk he sent you.
“Rule number two: have fun, but be the first to run.”
Three days pass by since you spoke to Rafe at the boneyard and if it weren’t for JJ pestering you every chance he got about it, you wouldn’t have noticed how many days went by. But your best friend was adamant on putting this plan into motion quickly, you tried to argue with him that you didn’t want to come across as desperate but he wouldn’t listen. The ending events of that night were history; you woke up the next morning and JJ acted like nothing happened, treating you how he usually would.
There was no point in arguing with him or holding a grudge, it was something you were used to at this stage in your friendship. JJ Maybank never did know how to express his feelings properly, unless it was with his fist. When you fought, he would mutter a quick apology and move on from it, never dwelling on the aftermath his words or actions made you feel. You pushed those feelings to the back of your mind, putting a smile on your face and moving on. It’s what you were best at.
A quick knock on the changing room door interrupted your thoughts, rolling your eyes as JJ opened the door anyways, not even waiting for you to answer. “Please tell me what’s the point in knocking?” you snapped playfully, buttoning up your white blouse, ignoring the flushed feeling you felt when his eyes lingered on your exposed breast.
JJ shrugged, throwing his bowtie at you and leaning against the wall, he waited patiently for you to finish getting ready. He was dressed similarly to you; your work outfits clashing except instead of the black, tight skirt you were wearing, his legs were covered with crinkled slacks. You were the one that managed to get JJ a job at the island club, your boss was reluctant to hire a known thief but you pleaded and begged, promising to keep him in line. So far, JJ has behaved himself, only missing one or two shifts.
When you finished getting ready, ensuring that your makeup was touched up and your hair was neat, you picked JJ’s bowtie off the floor and gestured to him to come over to you. You lifted it over his head, ignoring the butterflies that swarmed your stomach when he stepped into your personal space and placed his hands on your hips. “Tell me why I took this extra shift,” you cried, trying to separate your mind from your body.
JJ’s blue eyes scanned your face and you avoided looking into them, your focus solely on your fingers trying the material around his neck. “Because we need the money, plus you love working shifts with me.” JJ grinned exposing his slightly crooked teeth.
You pucker your lips, pretending to be deep in thought, “You’re right, I do need the money.”
JJ swatted your hands away from him, turning to look in the floor length mirror in the female changing room. You couldn’t help but look at your figures next to one another, you suited each other. JJ’s eyes connected with yours through the mirror, “I also peeked at the guest list, we’ll be able to work on the plan tonight.”
“Rafe will be here?” you asked.
“Rafe and his goons, so if I’m missing for more than ten minutes, come look for me.” He winked, running his fingers through his blonde locks to try tame it to some extent.
“JJ,” you sighed, reaching for his arm but he took a step back, out of your reach.
“I’m kidding,” he chuckled, but the smile on his face didn’t reach his eyes, “I’ll be fine, I can handle myself.”
“But it’s always three on one, and it never works in your benefit.”
This time JJ did smile, his blue eyes twinkling and he stepped closer to you, placing his hands on either of your shoulders. “But we have a secret weapon this time around, they’re not going to see this coming, y/n.” JJ referring to you as his secret weapon sent an unwanted chill through your skin, making you look away from his intense eyes. “Come on, let’s get the party started.”
Precariously balancing four whiskey neat on a flimsy tray while also balancing on your unsteady feet strapped into four inch heels was not an easy feat. It was even more difficult when coupled with the harassment you received as a pogue in kook territory. The only thing that kept the polite smile on your face as you suffered through backhanded compliment after backhanded compliment was the knowledge that a sweet payday was waiting for you at the end of the shift. You hated the Island Club and every stupid, perfect, spoiled person in it, but you made more in one shift than you did your other two jobs combined.
The spoiled Island Club member you hated the most though, hands down, was Rafe Cameron. Despite never targeting you personally, you couldn’t forgive the numerous times your boys had suffered at the hands of Rafe and his cronies. Unfortunately, you also found him attractive, discreetly staring at the way his golf shirt accentuated the muscles in his arms, and the way his tight pants accentuated his ass, every time you passed by. Some baser instinct within you had you considering what it would be like to squeeze his ass, and the distracting, intrusive thought made you miss the step leading to the greens. Your heart fell into your throat as you felt yourself lose your balance, your other hand rising to attempt to steady the tray but it was hopeless as you started to tumble to the ground. As you braced for impact, the tray was lifted from your arms and a steadying hand on your waist kept you from eating dirt.
Your heart pounding in your chest, you looked up to thank your rescuer, the words dying on your lips before you could utter them as Rafe Cameron himself stood there staring back at you. For a moment you were lost in his blue orbs, every intrusive thought you had washing over you until his mouth opened and he spoke, “You alright there?”
Staring at him for a moment longer, you blinked twice and shook your head in confirmation, “Yeah, thanks for that.” You smoothed down the front of your shirt, Rafe’s eyes following the movement of your hands, before you reached for your tray again, “Sorry, duty calls.”
As you went to move past him, heart pounding in your throat, he called out, “Wait,”. You spun around to stare at him, confusion in your eyes. He scanned the crowd for a split second, his eyes landing on your figure again. “Do you maybe want to get out of here?”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes, “I’m working Rafe, I can’t just ‘get out of here’. I really need this job.”
Rafe closed the gap between your bodies, leaving just inches keeping you apart. He reached for the tray in your grasp, taking it and turning his back to you. “Hey, you,” he called to someone dressed in the exact same clothes as you, “Take this to table number…” He glanced over his shoulder at you, waiting for you to finish his sentence.
“Five,” you mumbled, shrugging your shoulders and shooting an apologetic smile to your colleague.
“Perfect, now you’re free,” Rafe smirked, dismissing the girl.
“No, Rafe, now I’m not free. I have other tables to serve.”
Rafe exhaled loudly, his chest heaving, “Look, y/n, I know people, I can keep you out of trouble.”
“Yeah, and how do you propose to do that?”
Rafe sent you a cheeky grin, spreading his arms out wide as if he was going to hug you but his thumbs turned inwards, pointing to themselves, “I’m a Cameron.”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you thought over his words. The Camerons did practically own the club, and the stupid outfit you were wearing was beginning to feel tight and uncomfortable. Not to mention, it was exactly the kind of opportunity that JJ had been hounding you to take in order to further the plan. Plus, the little voice in your head whispered, maybe taking off with Rafe would stir up some reaction from JJ, maybe the one you’ve been searching for.
Looking up at him, you shrugged with one shoulder and replied, “alright.”
“Alright?” He asked, a little shocked as he clearly expected to have to fight you a little harder. Truthfully, he wouldn’t have been able to convince you at all if it wasn’t for the plan. Despite your intrusive thoughts, and boy were they intrusive, you didn’t have a particular want or need to spend any time alone with the privileged kook.
“Alright,” you repeated, “What’s the plan?”
“Get out of that stupid waiter get up, and I’ll tell you,” he laughed, causing you to glare at him. He wasn’t wrong though, the outfit was stupid and you hated wearing it, but dresscode was dresscode. You quickly snuck back inside and changed back into your short little jean shorts and top, quickly running past JJ’s confused facial expression. You returned to Rafe, satisfied when you saw the way his eyes trailed your body taking in the change of clothes.
“Have you ever been to a driving range?” He smirked when you looked at him like he had suddenly grown a second head.
“Do I look like the type of person who goes to a driving range?” You asked drily, causing his smirk to widen. He grabbed your hand and all but dragged you to another part of the club, where an out of use driving range sat.
“Are we going to get in trouble for using this?” You asked nervously, all thoughts of Camerons and bets aside you did actually need this job.
“Don’t you trust me?” He asked, rolling his eyes when you gave him a look that screamed ‘hell no’, “Okay well, trust me this once, we’re fine.”
Your eyes land on the golf bag with his initials embroidered on the front and you look at him confusedly, “Did you plan this?”
“Did I plan on sneaking away to use the driving range? Yes. Did I plan on you joining me? No, never in my wildest dreams would I think that you would be here right now with me.” He admits.
Remembering the bet, you smile flirtatiously at him and remark, “So you have wild dreams about me?”
His split second hesitation before rolling his eyes and telling you off has you wondering what role you played when you starred in his dreams. Gulping, you turn back toward him and clear your throat, “So we’re here to what exactly? Hit balls around all day, real fun.” you state sarcastically.
“You can go back to your shitty bowtie and silver tray if you want,” he offered back sassily, causing you to bite your lip. JJ would be pissed if you let this opportunity go to waste. But little did you know, JJ was going to be pissed either way
“Alright, let’s hit some balls I guess,” you replied back half-heartedly and motioning to the golf bag, “I don’t even know what each of these clubs are for,”
“Watch and learn,” Rafe smirked, running his hands through his perfectly slicked back hair, allowing for some hairs to become loose. He reached for the largest club in the bag, ripping the glove off and stepping up to the box. He placed a ball on the standing tee, doing his rituals before swinging and belting the ball nearly two hundred yards.
“Am I supposed to be impressed?” You asked, a single eyebrow raised.
“Here, you give it a go then,” Rafe replied, handing you the driver. You gladly accepted, an aura of confidence washing over you as you recited exactly what he did, he placed the ball on the tee for you and stepped back, allowing you to prep.
You felt his stare on your ass as you lined up the club to take a swing, causing you to pause your motions and glare at him over your shoulder. “Stop staring at my ass, Cameron.”
“Caught you staring at mine first, babe.” He smirked, and you felt the colour drain from your face at the knowledge that you got caught.
Swallowing nervously, you quipped back, “Yeah well I was just wondering why you bought your pants a size too small, thought they were going to split at the seams.”
He threw his head back and laughed, genuinely laughed, the sound booming around you. You couldn’t help but join in, soft giggles mixing with the timbre of his voice. As his laughter faded, he stared at you intensely, calling your bluff, “that’s not why you were staring, and we both know it.”
Coughing slightly to hide your reaction, you turned back toward the little ball on the tee and took a swing, missing by a long shot. “Shit, that’s harder than it looks,” you admit, having wrongly assumed golf to be a simple game of hitting balls with sticks.
Rafe chuckles shaking his head at your poor stature, and you suddenly feel a presence behind you, jumping slightly as his hands rest on your forearms. “Trick is to keep your eyes on the ball, okay?” he hums into your ear, the sensation running down your spine. You nod, swallowing back the lump in your throat, eyes focusing on the ball. He places his arms on your wrist, bringing your arms up, “now keep your front arm straight, tilt your wrist, like this,” he gestures the club up, “and then just swing, keep that arm straight,” he reminds you.
You glance over your shoulder, your orbs connecting with his blue ones that were glistening under the afternoon sun, you offer a small smile and feel yourself getting lost in them, “eyes on the ball,” he reminded you, smirking.
“Is this just a way to get close to my ass?” you retaliate, sucking in your bottom lip to hide the smirk that wanted to erupt on your face.
“This is just me helping a shit golfer,” he replied, stepping back and out of your swinging range. “Try again,” he urged you. He watched you take another shot, cringing when you miss it again. “Keep your eyes on the ball, front arm straight,” he repeated.
“Okay, okay, I got this,” you mumbled mostly to yourself but Rafe nodded at you, hyping you up silently. You focused on the little white ball, following the steps that Rafe told you before swinging the club and successfully hitting the ball, you watched it bounce along the grass about fifty yards in front of you. “Yes!” You cheered, grinning at Rafe.
Rafe placed another ball on the tee, urging you to go again and you did, each swing getting better and each time the ball went further. “But how come it isn’t coming off the ground like yours?” You pouted, leaning on the club and looking at him.
“Come back to me when you’ve been playing golf for ten years,” he smirked, taking the driver off you and replaced it with a five iron. You watched him hit ball after ball, and you wouldn’t admit it but you were impressed, especially at his back muscles that flexed with every shot he took. You made small talk in between the shots, filling the silences which surprisingly weren’t awkward, you expected them to be uncomfortable and that you’d be pulling blood out of a stone to find something in common but the conversation flowed easily.
It was your turn to take a swing again, and you decided you weren’t going to walk away from the driving range without hitting it at least one hundred yards. You reached for the driver again, stepping up to the tee with a face of determination. “See you, you are going through the air this time,” you muttered to the ball, Rafe had to bite on his bottom lip to stop from tumbling over with laughter. You grasped the handle tight, swinging the club with all the strength you had in you and the sound of the ball hitting the face of the club echoed around the empty driving range.
You watched open-mouthed as the ball soared across the air, pass the fifty marker, pass the one hundred marker and landed midway, bouncing until it halted just by the two hundred yard marker. You gasped, dropping the club, and tossing yourself into Rafe’s arms in your excitement. He grunted softly, clearly not expecting it, stumbling back slightly as his hands gripped your hips. “I did it!” you cheered, “I fuckin’ did it!”
Rafe doesn’t protest with having you in his arms, he matches your excitement but he notices the thrill vanish from your eyes as you scramble out of his grasp, “sorry about that,” you mumble, hiding the embarrassment.
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” he mumbles back, and you think you see a flash of disappointment behind his blue eyes but it’s gone as quick as it arrived.
“Uhm, anyway,” you wrack your brain for something to say to ease the awkwardness that had come between you for the first time that afternoon, an image of the chalkboard that JJ brought into the chateau living room crosses your mind, making you remember rule number two, “I better actually head back,” you mumbled.
“So soon?” Rafe can’t stop the words from slipping past his lips, and he cringes inwardly at sounding so desperate wanting you to stay. He doesn’t even know where this sudden interest for you came from, of course he knew who you were and he had spoken to you during some events, but he never paid little mind to you until last week. When he and Kelce were joking about drunk one night, you came up in conversation.
Kelce spoke vulgarly about you, painting pictures in Rafe’s mind and it was like after that night, he saw you everywhere he went. He paid more attention to you, he resisted the urge to go and talk to you in the street, and when he caught you staring at him at the boneyard, he made the decision to approach you. It wasn’t like him to turn to a pogue of all people, but there was something about you that drew him in.
“I had fun today, but like I’m sure you should be getting back to the event, your dad’s probably looking for you,” you said, leaning against the railing that separates the tee boxes.  
“Nah, as long as Sarah’s around, he doesn’t have a lot to do with me,” He pauses seeing your face fall the slightest bit, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno, like that,” he shrugs, running a hand through his hair again.
“Okay, sorry” you reply defensively, not sure what his problem is, “I won’t look at you at all then.”
He laughs at that, a smirk gracing his face once again, “Sure, I’d like to see you try. You can’t help but look.”
You scoff, “Oh yeah, I just can’t help myself. Oh my god, Rafe Cameron you’re sooo hot,”
“Relax, babe, you don’t have to throw yourself at me,” He laughed.
“Shut up!” You gasp, pushing yourself off the railing, stalking over to him and smacking his hard chest.
“Wait,” he muttered, grasping at your wrist, stopping you from stepping away from him. His tongue runs across his bottom lip and you hated yourself for allowing your eyes to follow the pink tip. You looked up to his eyes, watching the smirk flicker across his face. The rule flashes through your mind again, and you know you should be running, but... something about the look in his eye as he leans in has you locked in place waiting for his mouth to meet yours. His hand comes up to cup your face, and you suck in a breath, holding it as his thumb gently brushes under your eye before he pulls away from you entirely. “Eyelash,” he mutters quietly and you feel your heart reactivate again.
“R-right,” you stutter, moving to step back from him. Maybe this was a bad idea agreeing with this stupid plan that JJ and John B claimed they put so much thought into it, maybe they underestimated the effect that Rafe would have on you. You most definitely did.
Something else was still bothering you, though. “I have to ask,” you took in a deep breath, suddenly nervous of what you were asking, especially considering the fact that you were just about to let Rafe Cameron kiss you, “Why take an interest in me now?”
“Why have you suddenly taken an interest in me?” Rafe countered, causing you to gulp. “Two weeks ago you wouldn’t take a second glance at me.”
Glancing up at Rafe, you plastered a cunning smile on your lips and shrugged your shoulder, “I asked you first.”
“We’re not in kindergarten, y/n, those rules don’t apply here.”
“Who said I wasn’t taking a second glance when you weren’t looking.”
“I knew you liked my ass,”
You roll your eyes, “Well it’s not your humble personality. Now answer my question.”
“Thought it would piss Maybank off,” he shrugs nonchalantly, but you can tell he’s trying to appear that way. Besides, JJ isn’t even here right now and you tell him so. He just shrugs again.
“What don’t you want to tell me?” You asked, hoping you weren’t projecting your own nerves.
Rafe sucked in a deep breath, running his hand over his face as if he was trying to make you forget about everything, but when your eyes gave him a pointed look, he let all walls crash around him. “Honestly, y/n, I don’t know why. I-I just see you on the beach, you’re always laughing, always smiling, nothing ever seems to bother you and it’s what I need. I need someone to make me feel happy again, make me feel alive.”
You listened intently to his words, holding onto every gasp of breath he realised, the aching in your heart making your palms sweat. “A-and that person is me?” your voice was merely a whisper, your mouth gaping open at the honesty in Rafe Cameron’s voice.
“I don’t know if it is, but what I do know is that I had a good time today, and wouldn’t be opposed to doing it again,”
Your heart aches in your chest for someone you once considered an enemy. He wasn’t a friend now, but something had changed in the dynamic somewhere between him saving you from an embarrassing fall and showing you the right way to swing a golf club. You couldn’t help but think to yourself that Rafe Cameron might not actually be that bad, and you might have actually enjoyed yourself this afternoon. Against all odds, spending the afternoon ditching not only your shift and JJ in order to ‘hit balls around’ as you so eloquently put it earlier had been a lot more fun than you gave Rafe credit for.
Your nose scrunches up as you consider your thoughts, what is wrong with you? He is the enemy. One afternoon where he’s not being a complete dick and you forget the bruised and battered state of your best friends only a few days ago? The vulgar words that dripped so easily from his mouth like venom, where he had treated you like some possession to be won, all for the sake of getting a rise out of JJ?
Biting your lip and swallowing, you tell him briefly, “I have to go,” before fleeing back to the club. You hear him calling out to you from behind, but you keep your head down and make the trip back, trying to slip into the Club undetected.
“And where have you been?” JJ is standing on the other side of the door you’ve just successfully snuck through. You gasp, hand flying up to cover your now fast beating heart.
“Jesus, J. You scared the shit out of me,” you harshly whisper, “I was with Rafe working on your big plan.”
“You could have warned me, I had to cover for you!” JJ snapped. “Rafe said he would handle it,” you tell him.
Rolling his eyes and throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation, he turns on you, “Oh Rafe said?”
“Yes, Rafe said,” you repeat, “What’s crawled up your ass, I’m working on your stupid plan.”
You couldn’t help but feel angry towards your best friend, and you weren’t sure if it was because he was getting annoyed with you or if it was what Rafe had disclosed to you previously, but there was definitely an underlying feeling of frustration.
“What’s crawled up my ass is you left me hanging, we’re meant to be in this together.”
“No, JJ, I’m the one doing it all. You came up with some rules, I’m the one that’s putting my feelings on the line,” you snapped, watching his face contort to confusion.
“Your feelings? What feelings?” He’s taken aback by your words, head jutting as if you had just slapped him across the face.
“You know what, it doesn’t even matter. I’ll keep playing this stupid game for you, but don’t come and attack me just because you had to wash a few extra dishes.” Frustration seeps from your voice, unsure of why exactly he’s coming at you sideways. This was his plan, and you’re just doing your part to make it happen. At least, that’s what you told yourself this afternoon with Rafe had been for.
“I-I wasn’t attacking you, y/n, I was worried about you,” his voice softened, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the way his bottom lip jutted out, he knew you had a weakness for his puppy dog face. But with the simmering of frustration and anger growing within you, you wouldn’t back down right now.
“Well it didn’t feel like that.” You tell him harshly, hoping you’re properly conveying the swirling mix of negative emotions you’re currently experiencing.
Truthfully, JJ isn’t mad about washing a few extra dishes. He batted his eyelashes at your coworker who was more than happy to take on his dishwashing duties. He was mad that you weren’t keeping him in the loop, the two of you told each other everything. Well, everything except your feelings for him. He knew you found him attractive, and he honestly did love you with his whole heart. It just probably wasn’t the way you really wanted him to. JJ was mad because the girl he thought he had on lock, the one that would always be there waiting for him, just told him that her feelings were on the line for a plan to take down his most hated adversary.
JJ sighed, pushing away all his bravado and looking intently at you, “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, I’m sorry I make you feel a lot of things, but please just keep me in the loop, I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“JJ, I feel like we’re going around in circles at this point, and if I’m being honest, the only person hurting me right now is you,” you ignored the painful look on JJ’s face and continue, “Every evening you have to apologise for something, whether it’s something you say or something you do, we argue, we make up and then it happens again-”
“It’s not every evening,” you groan at his interruption, throwing your hands in the air.
“If you’re not ready to have a serious conversation, I’m not ready to continue speaking with you.” You tell him harshly and push past him, ignoring his weak attempts to get you to stop.
“Wait, you’re still coming over to John B’s tonight, right?” he asks, and you turn and glare at him over your shoulder.
Maybe Pope was right, this was a bad, bad idea and you had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
Tag list:
htbah taglist (link to add yourself to the google form on the series masterlist!): 
@solllaris @drewswannabegirl @starrystarkey93 @httpstarkey @sweetlysilent @drewstarkey @dontjinx-it @ultranikilove @spencereidbasis @meaganjm @starlightstarkey @thortheestallion @jiaraendgame @idocarealot-not @tempestuousjj @pink-meringues @dpaccione @arianabrashierstuff @softstarkey @loveylangdon @xenagzb @teenwaywardasgardian @prejudic3 @nxsmss @canibeoneofthepogues @nqbmf @outerbanksbro @obx-direction-sos @digniteas @annedub @colorful-queen-of-the-roses @yesp0ny @loveniallandharryonedirection @fantasticpsychicfanfish @girls-breaking-hearts @beautyandthebleh @casper17 @parkershoco @unfortunatekiwitrash @loverofmineluke @slutforjjmaybank @skiesofthesketchy @sugarcoatedcalum @amorisxx​
(the rest of the taglist will be in a reblog to hopefully not piss tumblr off this time!!)
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stories-by-rie · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Heart of Silver
In the present, still in the dead granny’s house, Evelyn and Ariel search the cellar for clues and slowly start to understand the curse better.
words: 2614 || masterlist
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The air in the cellar was strangely musky. From all the dust and cobwebs, it was clear that the old granny hadn’t gone down into the cellar for any longer than she had avoided going upstairs. It was hard to breathe, probably due to mold growing on the walls, mold they couldn’t see because none of the lamps were working.
    “This feels like a deliberate attack on my person. That old lady knew I was going to end up here with the uneasiness that creeps over me in the darkness. Disgusting.” Ariel had flipped their phone open but it was only a little light to help them see. Evelyn had turned on the flash-light on her phone, but the battery icon was blinking red already, so it was only of little help for the time being.
    No new notifications.
    With the sparse light of their phones, even combined, it was hard to make anything out in the cramped place. Whatever use the four rooms must have had, they all seemed to be storerooms now. It was impossible to make out every single detail, but the amount of Easter rabbit decorations was concerning, to say the least.
    “Maybe she was really into bunnies. I, personally, would never judge anyone for what they collect.” Ariel put their hand down on a pink rabbit with fake feathers on its neck.
    “As you shouldn’t,” Evelyn replied at the thought of the amount of- well, everything in their flat.
    It wasn’t just tasteless holiday decoration, though. From the little that was recognizable, they could find dysfunctional vacuum cleaners, stacks of old garden magazines and old workout gear.
    “Was that granny ripped?” Ariel asked at the sight of an old ergometer.
    “She was a granny!” Evelyn said and shook her head, both as an answer and as a general reaction to Ariel.
    “Old people can work-out too, Evelyn! Oh, look! A cursed mirror!” they exclaimed and jumped into a corner where a big wall mirror hung. Evelyn could hardly follow their words, least of all their movements in the dark space. 
    So she just reacted and yelled, “Don’t touch it!” -- idiotically, of course. Because Ariel was a curse broker and knew not to touch cursed objects, and also they weren’t a child and Evelyn not their mother. For some reason, despite those three facts, Ariel still touched it.
    “No worries, no worries. This one only activates on full moons. You can see it on the symbol in the corner, see?” They held their phone so that Evelyn could just make out some lines that had to be the symbol Ariel had spoken about. She didn’t understand them, it was not her forte after all, and she was too pumped on stress and anxiety to really care.
    “Yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m a bit on edge and-”
    “No need to apologize. Thank you, for looking out for me,” Ariel replied with their soft voice that felt so much more stern than any other. Evelyn couldn’t help but believe them. She smiled, forced but in a way that would have been honest, had her emotional state allowed her as much.
    Ariel’s eyes widened. First horror, then understanding, and then excitement ran over their face, leaving them with a crooked grin.
    “What-” As Evelyn turned around, the white light of her flash-light hit a high figure, a dusty blanket covering it completely. The fabric’s folds gave the hint of a human statue, enough to let Evelyn’s blood run cold. For some reason, she didn’t have to uncover it to know what was beneath it. In the end, it was Ariel who clenched their fist around a drape, hesitating despite their obvious curiosity. With a flick of their hand, the fabric slid off the statue, their lights letting the heavy dust shimmer in the darkness; then reflecting off the silver boy in front of them.
    In contrast to the pictures Evelyn had seen in Ariel’s books, this boy looked nearly calm. Maybe there was some sadness in his eyes that could not compare with the smile on his lips. He looked nearly peaceful.
    “That would explain why she seemed so invested in curses and the supernatural,” Evelyn whispered, not trusting her own voice to speak louder. “I think it might be the ghost I saw in the study before.”
“Seems very likely, I agree,” Ariel said.
 It was hard to bring the chaos in her head to a stop, to grasp a single thought. When she was eventually successful, the only thing she could fathom was the feeling of hope. If this kid had looked content in his death, then maybe it would not hurt after all. If it wasn’t as painful as previous pictures had made it look, then maybe she would manage that part.
    “This child got hit by it quite young. All this time the fork was the curse medium and they did nothing about it? This case never made it to the books, I really wonder why?” Ariel mumbled and as they stepped closer to look at the kid better, Evelyn’s phone battery gave a last warning sound and then died in her hands.
    Ariel gave a huffed sigh of annoyance and held up their old phone closer, even if the light was multiple times worse, not to say completely useless.
    “Maybe it was her son? If she had told the authorities about it, his body would have been taken away, no? With such a high ranking curse, it would have.”
    “No one is allowed to take a cursed body away, even if it’s a high-ranking curse,” Ariel corrected, and then, quieter, added, “Though, of course, just because authorities aren’t allowed doesn’t mean that they don’t do it.”
    “Mother could not bear to part with me,” a thin voice behind them said and as they turned around, the boy from before stood right in front of them again.
    His next words were hard to hear over the loudly pounding heart in Evelyn’s chest, “No curse-broker wanted to take my case, they said it would be hopeless. There were more urgent ones.”
    In the near total darkness, his shape looked much more solid than most ghosts Evelyn had seen before, the faint shimmer of death old, the ash to his feet already thick. Probably subconsciously, Ariel stepped a bit closer to her, took their glasses off.
    “Do you know how to break the curse?” Evelyn had the mind to ask, not that it was really her decision, but at least the question was put out there. Yet, the ghost did not answer.
    “My mother tried so hard to save me. But the curse moved too quickly. I was gone within three days.”
    Evelyn could not gasp or cry. She just stared at the teenager, the hollow thing that was left of him, and listened to the words that promised her doom, to the constant trickle of the ash at his feet. Only distantly, she heard Ariel typing on their phone furiously.
    “What cursed you?” Ariel then asked, looking up from behind their phone.
    “I wish I would have had a few more days. Maybe one day would have made a difference.”
    “Have you gained insight of the curse through your death?” Ariel pressed again while Evelyn could only stare at the flimsy figure.
    “I think I will go soon. Mother has been gone for so many days now. I am all alone.”
    “Why aren’t you answering my questions? What’s wrong with you?” Ariel did not yell, Evelyn was certain they never did. But at this moment they seemed as close to it as possible. Still, the ghost looked completely out of it, staring between their heads at his own silver statue.
    “I am very tired. I think I really want to go now.”
    “It’s fine. You can rest now,” Evelyn said with nearly no voice at all, and carefully put her fingers down to his forehead. A human touch, to remind him of death. Under it, he crumbled. In a matter of seconds, all that was left of him was ghostly ash (not real ash at all), that seemingly fell through the ground – or perhaps became one with it. Soon, she might find out as well.
    “What the fuck, Evelyn?” There was even more anger in Ariel’s voice now, “This was our one chance to get answers to save your life and you just sent him off? He might have said something useful! Now we’re back at nothing!”
    Only then, Evelyn truly realized the extent of her actions. Sorry, however, she was not. 
    “You know that there was no information about the curse we could have gotten from him. He was already way too far gone, I have seen it often enough. If you had continued questioning him, then all we would have achieved is to torture him in this loneliness. It might have driven him even more insane, nothing else.”
    There was just another curse for an answer, and then they turned around and stalked out of the cellar, as well as that was possible. Some items toppled down their stacks, and just as clumsily, Evelyn followed. It was not until they returned to the ground floor, that Ariel stopped.
    “I really dislike darkness. I can’t see when it is completely dark,” they said, as if they needed some sort of explanation to walk out on Evelyn after such a disaster.
    “It’s fine. There was nothing more we could have found down there.”
    “How late is it?” Ariel asked, only to check on their own phone. “Nearly two am,” they muttered and then looked around the floor to the entry door.
    “We can go if you don’t need to look around any further,” Evelyn suggested. Even if the prospect of leaving alone made her anxious. If there were any clues to a cure, wouldn’t it be here? Shouldn’t they stay until they found something – or at least searched everything until they could be certain that there was nothing to be found? If the boy had died within three days, then she only had two more days to live as well. Could a curse even be dealt with so quickly? Even if it was Ariel who worked on it. Really, the best would be if she just would get her affairs in order and-
    She reached for her phone, forgetting that it had died. There wouldn’t be anything new anyway.
    “Well, we still haven’t found out what caused the noises before. Not that I have a great desire to do so. But even if we don’t keep looking for it, we should stay a bit longer.” Ariel turned to her with a look that was impossible for Evelyn to read. It could not be a good look. She wanted to ask about the implications, but her breath came too fast and too shallow to really form words in her mouth. “That’s the point where we tackle more drastic measures. I do have some nolly-powder with me, so if you happen to have some face masks, we could give in and try the powder search to find the medium’s traces?” The longer they talked and stared at Evelyn, though, the more the furrow between their eyebrows increased. “Evelyn? Are you o-” They stopped short.
    Evelyn wanted to reply that she was not really that okay, that it got hard to breathe and, if she really listened to her own body, that she felt like the silver was weighing her down so much that taking another step seemed just impossible.
    But what she eventually said was, “I have face-masks in my car.”
    Ariel eyed her with a suspicious look, but whatever they were thinking did not make it out of their mouth, so Evelyn decided to ignore it.
    Rain dripped down, even if just lightly now, and it still coated Evelyn’s skin in a thin veil. If she turned into a silver statue outside, rain would probably make louder dripping sounds on her body. In winter, the snow and rain would drape her in a layer of ice. Like a true piece of art. 
    With shaking fingers, she got the face-masks out of the glove compartment and walked back inside where Ariel was working on plastic bags with their powders. For a while they worked in silence. She handed them a mask, put her own on too and watched as Ariel committed to the chemistry before them in ways that simply were beyond her. For all the caffeine they ingested at most random times, they had incredibly steady hands. With those steady hands they kept at it until a dark red light glowed up for a few seconds.
    “So, in the worst case, which also might be the best case, this powder will tell us for once and all what the curse medium is. Except for about seven percent of the cases where nolly-powder doesn’t work, then we will be absolutely fucked.”
    “Let’s just do this,” Evelyn muttered and gave them a nod.
    With a sigh they filled the powder in their hands and then simply threw it up into the air. As if out of nowhere, wind twirled it through the whole floor, let the particles dance in their search for something to hold on to. It could have barely been a minute. Short enough for Evelyn to hold her breath and wait with tension in her shoulders.
    Then, all at once, the powder turned, nearly grew in its ferocity, and shot straight at her. Before it could wrap around her completely, though, Ariel gave a sharp order that cut right through it. At once, it dropped down to the ground, mingled with the dust of time and ghosts.
    “Are you okay?” they yelled once they reached her, a hand reaching out for her arm before they thought better of it.
    Evelyn was shaken by sneezes and didn’t even manage a gesture.
    “This horrid sneezing. I am so sorry. It’s really so pesky. People are working on a better powder if that helps? Let’s get you out of here, okay? I will fix you a cup of tea to rinse most of it out-” A sneeze broke them off, and a single touch made them freeze. Evelyn followed their gaze down to where they had reached out for her hand, and only found silver.
    To her great dismay, time did not stand still. Even if she stared at it so still as if a statue already, she could clearly follow the silver spreading. Along with it, her heartbeat increased as panic kicked in. Evelyn looked up as Ariel’s hand travelled up her arm where she could still feel their skin and warmth.
    “I can only imagine how it feels. But I do know that it is not yet too late. Let me fix you.”
    Tears came hot in her eyes, her throat aching once she spoke, “Please. Help me? I really don’t want to die yet.”
    Ariel smirked and pointed towards the door. They sneezed a few times. “Of course I will! I’m really looking forward to being the greatest curse-broker of this century. Nonsense! The greatest curse-broker to have ever been and ever will be. You’ll see how quickly you’ll be rid of this curse. But first I will make you drink copious amounts of nettle tea to- oh shit. I am out of nettle tea.” They sneezed.
    “I have nettle tea at home,” Evelyn pushed out between multiple sneezes.
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    “That’s good. Then your place first. But I am driving.” Ariel held out their hand for the key, and considering how weak Evelyn was in her knees, the matter left no room for protest.
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Infiltration AU. Is Salem gonna play hero to impress Ruby? Or will she sabotage the huntresses-in-training?
Xanthic pulled out her scroll and started running through a few of the cameras near the dust shop in Vale. “I’ve tapped into a few of the cameras around, which means we can see where Blake went and hopefully find her quickly.” 
Ruby smiled a bit, feeling a bit better. “That’ll be great. The last thing I want is for my team to fall apart before we can really become a team.” 
Salem sighed in displeasure, a bit miffed that her plan was already starting to fall apart. She needed to get Ruby alone, not have her team start helping the girl out. But, then again, if she could play the hero that Ruby wanted to see in a huntress… 
“If the technology fails to find her, I might have another way to do so.” 
Ruby looked over at Salem, curious as to what the girl was offering. “What do you mean?” 
“My… semblance… allows me to track people down,” Salem lied. It felt unnatural to say those words, but since this brand of humanity had no magic to help them, she had to start using their own lingo. Not that they’d ever really know what magic was if it bit them in the ass. Even those four girls that Ozma shared his magic with could never dream of using it to its full extent. “It’ll take a bit of time and I’ll need one of her possessions, but the tracking is flawless and will lead us straight to her.” 
Xanthic looked at Salem with a little disdain, not exactly happy at being shown up. “Saph, thanks for the offer, but I’m sure Ruby would rather a professional help her out.” She quickly sat her scroll down and pulled out one of the gloves her father and mentor taught her how to make, connecting it to her scroll and pulling out multiple camera views. “This isnt the first time I’ve had to track someone down and more than likely wont be the last. We’ll find Blake before you’ll ever be needed.” 
Salem rolled her eyes a bit as she watched Xanthic. As true as it was that technology could be helpful, a lot of it felt primitive to what she could do. Not that she could actually do much if she wanted to keep her cover from being blown. She at least needed to stay hidden long enough to find the vault so her piece could move in and swipe the relic right from under Ozma’s nose. “If you say so. It all seems unreliable to me.” 
Xanthic ignored Salem, just focusing on her work. She methodically started moving the camera views around, giving her as much clarity as she could. She smiled as she watched the recording of Blake move along the rooftops towards the industrial quarter. “Here we are. Found her.” 
Ruby looked over Xanthic’s shoulder, smiling a bit. “I cant believe you found her that quick.” 
“Well, it’s not quite that simple yet. Unfortunately, we’re about an hour behind her already, which means she might not be there anymore.” 
“But it’s a start, right?” 
“That it is.” Xanthic snapped her fingers, lining up all the camera views before shutting down her scroll. “Which means once we get there, we can start checking out the scene and maybe find out where she went next. Most of that area is cameraless, so I wont be able to have my eyes in the sky for that.” 
Salem smirked a bit. “Well, sounds like you might end up being useless after all.” 
Xanthic glared at Salem, not particularly happy about everything that she was saying. “Shut it Saph. I will put you in your place.” 
Salem felt amused by Xanthic’s threat, slowly moving closer to her and whispering in her ear. “I’d love to see you try.” 
Xanthic hesitated as she heard the calmness in Salem’s voice, not even remotely phased by the threat. Everything about Sapphire started seeming off to her. The way she seemed calm around grimm. The way she seemed to know more about others and how they’d act. It was almost as if she wasnt entirely human. 
Salem started walking out the door, turning to smile at her team and Ruby. “So, are we going then?” 
Sitri shook her head and started pulling out her books to study. “Unlike the rest of you, I need to study for class. You all go ahead. Maybe with a little peace and quiet I can get something done.” 
Aurora smiled and started following after Salem. “Sure, I see no reason why not. And maybe if there are a few White Fang around, we can show them just what kind of mistake they’re making.” 
Salem turned her gaze to Ruby, her real target of all of this. “And you, my dear? You’ll want to come and find your friend, right?” 
Ruby nodded and rushed past using her semblance. “I’ll meet you there!” 
Salem smiled as she watched the girl run off. The longer she lived, the easier this second round of humanity seemed to be manipulated. All it took was a few promises here and there and she could bend their will at her fingers. 
Aurora ran up the sides of a few buildings on the way to the industrial quarter, getting herself a view of the city and trying to spot anyone moving around. It was one of the few times she felt free. No gravity to bind her to its rules. Just the wind in her hair and the complete freedom of doing whatever she pleased. 
Xanthic followed behind Aurora, keeping tabs on the camera she was holding. This was one of the few times where Aurora’s talents came in plenty of use. Even without any street cameras around, at least she could count on Aurora to give her the eyes she needed. She quickly tapped the com-piece in her ear. “Think you can get me a clear shot of the area? I think I can pinpoint a few places she could be hiding.” 
“You can count on me!” 
Salem sighed as she watched Aurora rush off ahead, using a combination of lighting and gravity dust to move faster and higher. Once again, her efforts to get Ruby alone were eluding her. There had to be another way… 
Ruby pulled out her scroll and tried to call Blake for the third time on the search, no longer paying attention to her surroundings. “Come on Blake, please answer-” It didnt take long for her to run into what felt like a metal wall, falling over and dropping her scroll. 
Ruby sat up, hesitating when she saw a red-haired girl flat on her back. “O-oh, sorry, I didnt mean to run into you like.” Ruby got up and offered her hand to the girl.
The girl slowly got up, smiling at Ruby. “It’s fine. I should’ve paid a bit more attention to where I was going. I’m… a bit lost.” 
Xanthic watched the girl, suddenly feeling unsure about her, while Salem hesitated on trying to get a read on her. 
Ruby smiled at her. “Where were you heading? Sapphire, Xanthic, and I are heading to the industrial quarter to find a friend of mine.” 
“Maybe I could help you find her. My name is Penny. And yours?” 
“Ruby.” Ruby started to relax a bit as she talked to Penny. The girl seemed off, but in the same off kind of way that she was when trying to talk to others. “Another pair of eyes would definitely be useful.” 
Xanthic slowly pulled out her scroll, hesitating as it pointed out a new access point in the area. “Huh, that cant be right…” 
Salem looked over to Xanthic. “What’s that?” 
“Its that girl. There’s… something off about her. I’ll tell you more when I can figure it out.” 
Salem nodded a bit, keeping an eye on Penny and seeing how close she had gotten to Ruby so quick. It was almost as if the two were practically made for each other. Which didnt bode well for her. She had to find a way to separate them. “I have a thought. Why dont we split up while we search? We can cover a bit more ground that way.” 
Xanthic nodded in agreement. “That doesnt sound like a bad plan. I’ll go with-” 
Ruby quickly took Penny’s hand and started darting off. “Penny and I will take the north section. We’ll make our way east and meet up with you guys there!” 
Salem frowned a bit as she watched Ruby run off with Penny, starting to get irritated on how hard it was to get close to a single girl. Almost as if the gods themselves were just toying with her. 
Xanthic smirked a bit as she messed with her scroll. “I knew it! Penny’s not human!” 
Salem hesitated for a moment. “What do you mean she’s not human?” 
“Besides the camera on Aurora and our scrolls, which I’ve already tapped into, there arent any access points… except for one. And it’s coming from Penny.” 
“So, you could tap into her and see what she sees then?” 
“Its possible, but… I’ve never seen anything like her before. Even most Atlas tech is simple but Penny… she’s on a different level.” 
Salem nodded, taking everything she was told into consideration. As inferior as this humanity was, every now and again they seemed to surprise her. And this was no exception. “Try to hack into her.” 
Xanthic looked at Salem a bit curiously. “Why? Even if I do, all she’d do is give me another pair of eyes to look through.” 
Salem started walking off, heading to the south of the quarter. “I want to see if it can be done. And if so, it’ll confirm something for me about you.” 
“And what would that confirm?” 
“Who taught you to use your technology like that. And if it’s who I think it is, then we have a lot to discuss later.” 
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