#flawed characters
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“You weren’t perfect, old man...but at least you tried.”
 — Hisirdoux Casperan, from "Wizards" (2020)
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sasukesgucciflops · 3 months
smth that makes me laugh ab the rdr fandom is that they’ll hate John for being flawed (absent father moment) but turn around and be in love w Arthur even tho he did the exact same thing. I love both of those characters sm but u bitches need to keep ur mouth shut and open ur eyes n ears instead. that’s the point of being a flawed character they r gna have flaws but bc u decide to cherry pick what to hate and what not to hate it lands u on a double standard. how interesting
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mejcinta · 4 months
There was nothing good or romantic about what happened between these two in this scene. And it is sad that not even the producers and directors will admit it, elevating Rhaenyra as being in the right for exploring her sexuality and applauding themselves for applying ‘the female gaze’. This was abuse in every sense of the word, with Rhaenyra partially aware/ fully aware of what she was doing and not caring about the effect of her actions on her subject (Criston).
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Petition for me to marry Nesta and Chaol
I'm not sorry for loving the characters everyone hates. They're the most interesting anyway. I don't want your flat characters.
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blood-of-zeus-fan · 10 days
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this is a Hera appreciation post
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stelly38 · 3 months
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thenixkat · 1 year
was also reminded about those bitching posts that go ‘yall say you want complex flawed characters/shows/whatever and then bitch when you get one’ and its like. Yeah, we want complex flawed characters/shows/etc the one you’re defending just happens to be shit.
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rosieofcorona · 4 months
*swatting you with a newspaper every time you sanitize a canonically flawed character*
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starcrossedsonnets · 4 months
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Blue Valentine (2010) dir. by Derek Cianfrance
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Oh man, I saw someone say that this character from a show I'm currently into, a villain who won't be undergoing a redemption arc anytime soon, "does not deserve therapy." It's just as annoying as saying that characters "do not deserve redemption."
I know the guy I'm talking about is a bastard, but he clearly has issues which require therapy.
*Sigh* I hope people refrain from bringing up therapy like that in their fandom takes.
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jimforce · 9 months
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whatsnewalycat · 1 year
Do you have any advice for writing flawed, imperfect characters? How do you manage writing them without making them totally unsympathetic? (Big question I know but you’re just so good at it)
Oooooo I love this question.
My really unhelpful superpower is the ability to empathize with pretty much anyone. I was listening to this Brené Brown Ted Talk (The Power of Vulnerability) and she said this thing like “Everybody has a story that will bring you to your knees.” And I think that’s true. People are complicated and almost everyone is sympathetic in their own way.
When I come up with characters, really, a big piece of them are constructed from people whose stories I’ve been lucky enough to hear. I think about people I love or have loved, including myself, and those people’s idiosyncrasies, flaws, stories, backgrounds, redeeming qualities, etc, and pull inspiration from them. You kind of have to mold together a character who contains enough substance and mess to feel like a real person. To me, it’s more important for a character to be real than likable.
Another really important piece of the imperfect character is letting them fuck up. I know as writers, we grow attached to our characters and don’t want to cause them pain… but how the fuck else does growth happen, you know? How else are they gonna figure out what needs to change?
Make them do the stupid thing they promised they wouldn’t do, or give into an impulse, or start a petty argument. Then make them learn from it and convey the emotions they’re going through. Fuck, maybe they make the same mistake again and again until the lesson sticks or they suffer the consequences, because that’s what humans do. Growth isn’t linear. That saying “kill your darlings” - do that, and keep them grounded in the honesty of your storytelling.
Ok I’ll be done babbling about this now, sorry for the long rant. I hope that is helpful and/or makes sense 💖💖
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Heroes, Villains, and Blorbos
Being a fan of both Snape and the Marauders is fun, in that -- okay that's a lie, it's not fun really. So few people I know actually like both sides. Most people I know pick a side and stick with it. 
Why is that? I figure it's one, or both, of two things. One: each side attracts a certain sort of person that will naturally disdain the other side. Two: by loving one, you must hate their enemies. 
Love makes us blind, though, doesn't it? We defend our faves to the bitter end. That's a bit harder to manage when what I love about all of these characters are...well...their faults. 
The Marauders
Their story is quite admirable, isn't it? It's fun! Four very close, loyal friends. Friends who go to great lengths for one another, and go on grand adventures together. 
At the helm: two privileged boys. James and Sirius were born with pure blood and wealth. James, the only son of two older parents. Sirius, the heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Both handsome and charming. Both big, bold personalities.
Then Remus, of course. Their quiet, patient, studious housemate turned friend. And Peter, accused of gravitating to those bigger and stronger than himself. But that's a bit unfair, I think. Peter had something to offer; something that drew him to, and kept him with the Marauders. 
You have the full range in the Marauders. The "too cool for school" Sirius. James, the Quidditch star (and eventual Head Boy!) Remus the responsible prefect. Peter, the sweetheart (he did seem rather sweet in those earlier days.) 
More than that: they were highly intelligent and skilled. They deduced Remus' secret. They sneaked out and explored. They created the Marauder's Map! Not only a feat of magic, but requiring knowledge of cartography and knowledge of the grounds! They cared for their friend enough to become Animagi -- advanced magic they were self-taught in and accomplished without anyone being the wiser for it! 
Competency is sexy, okay? Of course people are drawn to the Marauders! 
There is so much good in them. Their capacity for friendship and loyalty. How driven they are by their values. All they worked for just to help Remus through full moons. James opening his home to Sirius when he needed to escape his family. They kept each other's secrets. They relied on one another. 
It was this sense of goodness, I think, that drove them to such heinous acts. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. 
Sirius, disillusioned by his family, standing against all they stood for. James, of the Main Character Syndrome, and a desire to play hero. They were all sorted into Gryffindor, sharing values of bravery and chivalry. They would go on to join the Order of the Phoenix and fight in the war effort right after graduating. Setting aside Peter (with his unknown background and motivations; not knowing when or why he turned on his friends), they all had a sense of their morals and a willingness to abide by them. They all had a sense of right and wrong.
But think: for all of their goodness, they were troublemakers and lawbreakers. They were above the rules. Due to ego and entitlement in some ways (especially for our privileged James and Sirius), but also a sense of righteousness. They were young boys chasing adventure and playing hero. They were unregistered Animagi, remember: but for a good cause! 
They were also bullies. 
For a good cause, of course! Snievellus deserved it. A strange, intense boy. A Slytherin. For knowing more curses in his first year than most seventh years. (For knowing; not using.) For existing. 
"They were just kids"; it's not an excuse, but a place to begin to understand. They were young. They were ignorant and immature. People also fear what they don't understand. This is why people who are "different" are so often "othered" and mistreated. 
A hostile first interaction, on all sides, and they painted Severus as a "villain." And it's up to heroes to bring down villains, isn't it? 
One hostile, first meeting and James tried to trip Severus. One interaction and he was already resorting to physical harm. And the trend would continue. Public humiliation, sexual assault, and a near death experience. Four wizards routinely targeting and tormenting one. 
They were arrogant, cruel, and judgmental (primarily James and Sirius), or passive and enabling (more Remus and Peter.) 
Their behavior was reprehensible and inexcusable.
The Half-Blood Prince
Of course, Severus Snape was no angel himself. 
Like the Marauders, Severus was intelligent, skilled, and accomplished. Unlike them, Severus wasn't privileged. He was a half-blood. He was raised in poverty; raised in neglect and abuse. He wasn't blessed with good looks or charm. He was bitter, odd, obsessive. 
He was a wizard trapped in a dingy, Muggle town, raised by a magic-hating Muggle of a father. Petunia called him "that awful Snape boy."
Lily was the first spot of brightness in his life. His first connection to magic, and kindness. When it was time for them to attend Hogwarts, life was meant to improve. He was going to be with Lily; he was going to escape. 
Instead Severus walked out of one trauma, and right into another.
Separated from his best friend. Targeted from day one. Overlooked in favor for his more likeable and attractive peers. He was brilliant, and dedicated, and ambitious. He worked hard. He did great things. He improved potions and invented spells.
Control and power would appeal to people like Severus. People who have never had either. People who have been crushed beneath the boots of people in control, and in power. 
When he nearly walked into his death, there was no real consequences for his attackers. And he was forced into silence. 
Of course Severus was bitter. And of course he was tempted.
Severus went down the wrong path. And he befriended the wrong people. He invented a heinous curse. He used a slur against his best friend. There is no excuse for Severus. No reason to forgive his sins. But we can understand them, can't we? We can understand what might drive a person to such extremes, such horrors.
Changed Men
These were young people growing up in the time of war. And the moment they were able, they chose their sides. 
Peter is the most interesting case to explore. What drove him to betraying his friends? When did he decide this? Was he always a rat? Or did time in his friends' shadows twist him? Was it a big event that turned him?
Sirius would lose his best friend and be falsely imprisoned. He managed to escape the inescapable Azkaban, driven by the need to protect Harry. He opened his home to the Order. He was open to doing more; he felt compelled to offer more than anyone would take. Sirius was troubled, of course, traumatized not only by loss of loved ones, but the loss of his freedom. Exposed to Dementors for years and years. He never had the chance to really grow up. But he remained strong, and dedicated. He remained clever, and strong, and willing to fight. 
Remus faced many hardships through his life. He lost all of his friends in one fell swoop. The love and support he'd been blessed with, now gone. Trudging through life in a world that judged and feared him. He kept going with grace and compassion, in spite of all he endured. He was patient and wise. He was a supportive teacher. He was also careless, and put many lives at risk by not taking his potion. He nearly abandoned his wife and unborn child. Remus was a great, but imperfect man. 
James learned and grew bit by bit. He matured. He put in the effort to be a better person. He saved Severus' life. He pranked and bullied less often. He became Head Boy. He saw enough growth to earn that title, despite his troubled past, and despite not making prefect. He saw enough growth that Lily saw him in a new light. And at the tender age of twenty-one he lost his life to protect his wife and son. 
Severus had the biggest task of all. He (likely) committed atrocities as a Death Eater. But when he realized how wrong he had been, he was strong enough to change. Too few people own up to their mistakes and are willing to change. Severus had to face how truly horrendous his choices had been. He had to change his whole belief system. And, again, so young, he put his life at risk by entering Dumbledore's service and turning spy on Voldemort. He remained in a job he hated for years and years. And when Voldemort returned, Severus returned to his terrible duty. Was he a nice man? No. But he was brave. He was strong. He worked hard to atone for his mistakes. He was forever haunted by the horrors of his life. And he died, unappreciated and unrecognized for all he had done. 
None of them were perfect. All of them had potential. 
So much of their promise died in the war. They were all so damn young, and so deeply impacted. They all made grave mistakes. They all achieved great feats. 
But what draws me to them all above all else is the horrible humanity of them. All of their virtues, and especially all of their flaws. 
Additional Reading
Flaws in Fiction: Character Edition
Flaws in Fiction: Appearance Edition
The Astrology of James Potter
The Astrology of Sirius Black
The Astrology of Remus Lupin
The Astrology of Peter Pettigrew
The Astrology of Severus Snape
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mejcinta · 4 months
Why Rhaenyra should NOT be queen
I like how more and more people are realizing and acknowledging Rhaenyra’s flaws and unsuitability to rule despite of the show pushing the narrative that she will make a good queen.
Realistically speaking neither she nor Aegon have been well prepared to rule, thanks to Viserys. We see many more people exhibiting the qualities of a good ruler, like Rhaenys (who is what Rhaenyra should be more like, if she was serious) and Daeron, and maybe Jace (with the exception of his bastardy).
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angel-fic-recs · 2 years
expulsion from paradise - 6LilBussy9
Hwang Hyunjin x Seo Changbin (Changjin)
Side Bang Chan x Lee Felix (Chanlix)
Side Han Jisung x Lee Minho (Minsung)
Rated : E
Wordcount : 54k (multi-chaptered)
Genre : Crime & Mystery | College AU
WARNING : GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH (not any of the boys ; it's the victim of the murder).
Description : “stared at the fire. He witnessed it chew at the red, blue, green, purple clumps of skin that had been left” In the weeks after helping commit murder, Hyunjin starts to wonder what exactly it was that pushed his friends over the edge.
Angel's review : This is the Dark Academia fanfiction you never knew you needed. The moment I started reading this, I got hooked really badly. I wanted to know what was happening, how did the crime happen, how did the boys got away from it. Hyunjin is unhinged, sassy, cruel at times, and a REALLY big idiot. All the characters are flawed and it functions perfectly for the story. The setting, the characterization, the plot....Top Tier ! And book 2 & 3 are really good as well. To me, this is the perfect crime & mystery story to read for the summer !
Link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/25467808
Book 2 (revelation ; Chanlix-centric ; read the tags !) : https://archiveofourown.org/works/30553962
Book 3 (paradise lost ; Minsung-centric ; read the tags !) : https://archiveofourown.org/works/33964108
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Well the newest season of ‘The Bear’ released! And ofc I’m a fan of the arcs set up for all our characters and seeing them pay off in different positive or negative ways. Tina’s development from last season building into her thriving at culinary school and becoming one of the blocks to hold the restaurant intact. Marcus flying over seas to gain new skills and brainstorm his dessert ideas to return with new confidence and wonderful plates. Ofc, the all star girl, Sydney absolutely killing it this season with taking charge with planning of the menu and keeping things moving in the restaurant’s development. Which flows into her taking on the pressure in the last episode and pushing through an almost disastrous first service. And her relationship with her Dad was so sweet and seeing him try to support her the best he could despite his concerns was wonderful.
Now, with most of the positives laid out… those negatives. Well, I knew from the first instant that it showed Marcus being anxious about leaving his mother to travel, that something utterly sad was gonna happen. His care for her was palpable and his anxiety was very relatable. When everything had picked up in the other plot’s lines and his mother wasn’t mentioned as much, I had nearly forgotten but that last frame of his phone lighting up hurts. I know we are gonna see the heartbreak and grief that comes with his loss, and I’m wondering if Nat or Carmy will be able to support him at least some due to their own recent loss. Next season will most likely have Syd being a pillar of support and relatability for him, due to her grief of her mother. Thus, on to head strong and doubt-filled Sydney, she’s got to be my favorite character from the whole cast that I enjoy. Her Dad being nervous for her throughout the season was almost hard to watch as he attempted to be supportive while also pressing her about her decisions, added on by Syd constantly seeing different restaurants that closed. The intense anxiety and burden of running The Bear as the sou chef really shows in the later half of episode 10. Her mind repeatedly playing the tickets and her stomach upending itself in the alley was gut wrenching as I could feel her panic. Both arcs with Marcus and Sydney were completed so well as they were formed over the season, but damn am I not concerned for both of them in the future. (I want them all to be happy, but I guess this makes fans invested. I am very invested.)
Remember grief repressing and anxiety riddled Carmy from season 1? Well I can’t say he gets a arc I completely enjoyed, but the writers found a way for the audience to get pissed at him for sure. Digging himself into his own downfall was very… I don’t know how to put it… Relatable? Satisfying? Depressing? It made my heart twist when I heard him claim that he doesn’t need amusement, telling the fridge door how he rejects any resemblance of happiness. Despite him neglecting his responsibilities and his commitment to the restaurant and Sydney, I can sympathize with Carmy’s juggling act of being pulled in two directions. That being said, the dialogue and visual reminders for him to call the fridge guy paid off almost hilariously as it blow up in his face. For the first few seconds, I had burst into laughter at the absurdity and suddenness as it cut into the flow of the scene in the fast paced kitchen. But after that, the amusement definitely just nosedived into concern and sadness as Carmy frantically bashed his fists into the door yelling. Ofc, his first relationship, someone from his past that he attached himself to so much, was gonna end in ruins by his own hands. Just like the fridge handle snapping off. From my perspective, the writers set Claire up as a personification of his past. It was brought up repeatedly how she remembered or knew something about the past or his family, being the very loud topic brought up in the flashback episode, one of Carmy’s main scenes. The panic attack weaving images of screaming family members and old pictures of her made it clear that she is associated with his painful and tragic upbringing, surrounded by adults with their own issues that violently conflict and clash with one another. Mikey’s silent suffering after carmy gifted him his sketch of their restaurant made me want to cry.
Mikey is gone, and Carmy forced himself to go back to Chicago to desperately fumble The Beef into a half way functional sandwich shop. Then, right at the end of season 2 second episode, it has Claire appearing as a blast from the past. That fact that it’s brought up how he’s “always” had a crush on her is interesting, other characters tell us this, but when Carmy himself is faced with the choice to invite her into his chaotic life - he chooses to give her a fake number. This being his first real relationship and lacking role models for healthy positive relationships could play into his hesitancy to call her his girlfriend. In the early half of of the last episode, there is a moment where the camera lays out the situation between Claire and calling the fridge guy, appropriate that he doesn’t even have the proper name, and then he chooses to do neither - redirecting to help Marcus with something. During the first service, Richie presses him to go talk to Claire, and in the context of moving forward or returning to someone of the past, Carmy refuses the first time. He focuses all his effort into the restaurant’s success, and denies looking back - visiting a distraction. If Claire is a version of the past, last season Carmy was clinging to the past as his grief ran through his heart and pulled him back to The Beef. Then, the temptation to return to something familiar, to fall into a routine and not move forward is hard for anyone. The Bear is his and the restaurant’s way of moving forward and making something better than it ever was before. But Carmy gets caught on someone of the past, someone who reminds him of a time his brother was still alive. When cooking with his brother was a place to laugh and smile wide as the sun shined on their faces. (S1 flashbacks of Mikey, Richie, and Carmy.) In the end, Carmy is left literally self isolated, his first relationship shoot through, and on horrid terms with Richie, all because he could not delegate time revisiting the past and stepping forward. He fell between the cracks.
I love this show and it’s flawed characters, I loved the arcs for everyone. I haven’t even brought up Richie’s development, my dude whooped that Big Black Dog’s ass this season!
(Depression: 0, Richie: 100)
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