#follow your dreams
a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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spiritualseeker777 · 10 months
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vmaccarena · 3 months
When I first watched One Piece when i was a teen it was inspiring. It was about dreams and being able to achieve everything you wanted, if you only tried hard enough. And that was exactly what i needed back then, being able to dream and thinking i could conquer the world.
And then i stopped watching because life caught up to me and I was faced with the truth that i wouldn't be able to achieve everything i wanted, maybe not even my biggest dream. Much later (now) I gave it a second chance.
And when I watch it now, it about something different for me. Of course they're still all chasing their dreams. But it's more than that.
It's not (only) about becoming king of the pirates. It's about frindship and sticking to the people you trust the most.
It's not about becoming the greatest swordsman. It's about being loyal and keeping your word.
It's not about mapping all of the seas. It's about freedom an being able to make your own decisions.
It's not about becoming a great worrior of the seas. It's about being brave and doing what's important to you, even if you're afraid.
It's not about finding the All Blue. It's about caring for each other and found family.
It's not about finding the ultimate cure. It's about valueing live in each and every form.
It's not about saving your country. It's about taking responsibility for those who were entrusted to you and to not tolerate injustice .
It's not about finding the lost history. It's about truth and how knowledge never should be kept away.
It's not about having build the ship of the pirateking. It's about following in the steps of the people before you, honoring their legacy and building a meanigful life.
It's not about finding your old friend. It's about reliability and keeping a promise made, come what may.
In my opinion this is why it was no problem at all für Luffy to die there and then in Logue Town, it did not matter, that he would die or wouldn't reach his dream, because on every step, he did exactly what was important for him and was guided by his values.
And this is what made it inspiring a second time to me, this was what I needed at this point in my life. It's not about achieving your "dream" or a goal. That may be nice, but whats after? It's about living true to yourself and following your values - that compass - wholeheartedly. And truth be told, you will never be finished, but isn't that what makes it so beautiful?
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hum-tittle · 1 month
Next time you're feeling unaccomplished for your age, just remember until you're over 36, you've spent most of your life as a child.
Until 50, you've spent less than half your life with a fully developed brain.
It's okay to take your time
It's okay to restart
It's okay to change
Life milestones don't have age limits
You're doing amazing going at your pace.
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melissasdreams · 1 year
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I’m sick of reading stories in the media about ‘trans issues’ and stories about whether claims of gender dysphoria are genuine, or whether it’s some sort of fad exploiting vulnerable adolescents, etc. The truth is gender dysphoria is real, and no it’s not a made up “thing”. Some people are born with genitalia inconsistent with their internal identity of self, and it causes misery and anguish beyond belief.
Why the fuck do we as transpeople put up with this? And why should we have to justify our feelings and beliefs to anyone?? If we decide ourselves we were brought up in the wrong gender and we want to change it, what right does anyone else have to question that??? I’m sick of us being required to somehow justify our existence. We’re human beings. No different to anyone else. So if I want to grow breasts, wear a dress and fuck men that’s my business and no one else’s’!
Gay men decided long ago they weren’t going to be social pariahs. We need to do the same!
#live your truth #be valid #fuckwhatotherpeoplethink
Love, Melissa xox 💖❤️⭐️👗🌸
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motocrunch · 3 months
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In the memory of our ride today. A ride, a breath of fresh air for my soul
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grawly · 8 months
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thequietrabbit · 9 months
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The world needs your light. | limited edition 001 available to purchase on Etsy
Hi friends. It's been a (very!) long time. Are you still here?
This project has been running for more than ten years. Wow. I love you, thank you for being here, and I hope to see you more often.
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alyjojo · 9 months
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August 🎺 2023 PAC - Follow Your Dreams
Pile 1 - Orange 🍊
The Dream: Knight of Cups 🥂
The House: 5th
Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 🔥 Virgo & the entire generation of Pluto Scorpio (Millennials)
18 Start
You must start from where you are, examine your situation, and take a chance.
45 Collaboration
Creative people can be inspired by sharing and stimulating creativity in others.
Great Adventure
“Take a risk; venture forward.”
What can you do right now to prepare?
Two stories here, one is for those that either want a lover to come back, or want to find their true soulmate. The other is for the musicians or entertainment people that want to make it big.
And the advice is the same. RISK looking like a fool. Be obvious! Put yourself out there! 5 Pentacles shows you’ve faced rejection before, you’ve probably tried to follow this advice before, whether regarding this or something else. Rejection is just redirection, it’s not that you’re bad or wrong, that this isn’t your path or you can’t have what you want, it’s just that particular company / gig / person isn’t the one that it’s going to happen with, or the *what* needs readjustment. Same energy, different target! For those wanting to reunite with an ex, same target, different strategy / behavior. The signs could be a hint of who they are, or who you are. There is very heavy fire 🔥 and that’s what you’re needing to embody, if you don’t already possess it. Fire does not sit around and pine over things. They want it, they go get it 💯 And they make it look easy, because they tend to be more impulsive and *thinking about it* or planning can be an afterthought. Just do it.
Sagittarius being highlighted specifically can be the person, you, or the energy you need. They are a very laid back sign when it comes to details, demands, and expectations, but so much fun and always keeping a sense of humor about things. They’re not emotional, they just want to have a good time, and often impulsively just decide to do something they think would bring them a lot of joy. If it doesn’t work out, that’s okay shit happens. We still had fun, and aren’t going to linger in any disappointment. Onto the next thing tomorrow, the path is always open to head down a new lane, there is no “stuck”. Keeping an optimistic and positive attitude, seeing yourself as a winner regardless of circumstance, and eventually you’ll get there.
You need this attitude, because you’re so focused on the negative and what could go wrong, that you stop yourself before you even start! Fear is blocking an entrepreneurial spirit, the fire inside you to motivate and inspire your next big move! Kindly get out of your own way, hype yourself up like the bad bitch (m/f) you know you are, and go get what you want, despite any criticism or rejections from others, trust that you will intuitively know the difference between ✨constructive✨ and useless 🗑️ criticism. Opinions are like assholes 🧡
Star of Fame 🌟 on Knight of Cups is something big, and romantic. For the love it could be going above and beyond, making it clear and obvious you’re interested, doing special things that really catch the attention of others. For music, love would be your area of focus, to get the attention you’re seeking. If you love things, be open about those things and you can find others that love them too! Speaking kindness and life into others, love songs, kind actions towards others will always be celebrated by all people. If you want romance, SAY so! Be that, in order to attract it back towards you.
Treble Clef 🎼 on Great Adventure is music, hobbies, concerts, whatever makes you feel excited and alive, do more of that. Take more risks with things you’ve maybe never done before but have thought about or would love to try. You’re the only one stopping you here.
Sagittarius ♐️ on Start is what I said about Sagittarius already, and could be very specific depending on you & your story. Think positive. Sure it might not work, but it could, or it could give you an even better idea that DOES. It’s a whole process, don’t fear failure before you start, just fear giving up or losing motivation, and keep things handy to perk you back up if and when you feel like you’re going to. This is a sign that does whatever tf they want, and unapologetically so, others will either meet you on your level or watch you walk towards what does 💯
Tree of Life 🌳 & Dead Tree 🍂 on Strength literally shows you killing your chances before they even have a chance to bloom or go full circle. The beginning and the end, and you may have already gone through a whole cycle of something you fear repeating, that’s why you hold back. But it only burdens you further because it keeps you in Hermit energy. Wands do not belong in Hermit energy for more than a short period, they have got to be social or they go bananas 🍌 If you’re looking for love, take amazing pictures and create a profile on some site. Tell your friends to set you up - with Collaboration. FLIRT, and be open to having a good time, even if they’re not “it” - Sag energy. Even if it’s getting someone back, if that’s the thing weighing on your heart and you picked this, then you’ve got a real shot, but you’ve got to show up, make moves, and impress. Be romantic, be sexy, be confident, show off. Be YOU, authentically, confidently. I don’t think this would come out, and you wouldn’t have picked it, if you were really doomed to failure. But you have to try, or keep trying! Listen to those around you too, the positive people, collaboration & 3 Cups can show well meaning and helpful friends around you that can help you get to where you want to go. They make you feel good. Only spend time with people that make you feel good!
Pile 2 - Gold 🏆
The Dream: Progress
The House: 3rd
Signs: Heavy Pisces, Gemini, Virgo & Sagittarius, Jupiter/placements in Aquarius
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events.
18 Start
You must start from where you are, examine your situation, and take a chance.
61 Happy Accident
Fortunate accidents can act as guides to edit and be open to where you should go next.
36 Generosity
You can afford to be generous with the gift of your time and attention.
What can you do right now to prepare?
I don’t see a specific dream, you JUST want to know if there will be some progress where you are! For most of you it’s probably career related, and for others it can be friends, coworkers, contacts in your life that just do not help you out as much as you wish they would. Knight of Pentacles shows you as on your grind, every day, without fail. You may have already put quite a lot of time into a job or project, and this reading is saying more time is needed. Not “no” just “not right now”. For some it’s due to the current Jupiter transit in Taurus, which seems to be the star of your reading. The sign pulled was Jupiter Aquarius, you could have this, lucky people in your life could, or this is showing that your “luck” is squared right now in some way, and things are changing in the background that will inevitably work in your favor. But might not seem that way at first.
Once Jupiter moves into Gemini in a year (05/24/2024), it’s feeling like that’s when things can really start moving in the direction you want them to, at least for this pile. You want cooperation, and you want your ideas to be heard, to feel valued and appreciated for all the work and effort you put into something. I see a Tower ahead, if it hasn’t already happened, every card connected to this Tower is happy and fortunate for you. Again, you may not feel that way at first. There are a lot of worries and anxiety you’re carrying needlessly, much of this feels out of your control. It’s possible you will/need to decide to leave some things behind. Uncooperative people, fake “friends”, even ideas of yours that aren’t going to stay exactly as they are. You’re in a cycle of big change, and you feel like things aren’t moving, but they are.
It could be your career is in a cycle of big change, they may be cleaning house and getting rid of people you’ve been manifesting OUT of your life, and way. If you lose a job, I see you finding a better one. If you lose friends, I see you finding better ones, more aligned to your path. 3rd House can refer to siblings, neighbors, people around your neighborhood you see from time to time, casual connections, even people from early childhood or school days. This feels very positive and like the sort of people you should involve yourself in or around more often, they could be beneficial to you, or end up being great friends of yours. A “Happy Accident” will be the beginning of a beautiful new beginning for you, and in the meantime, know that you’re stuck temporarily with the Limits, that your continuous grinding loyalty is still required with Knight of Pentacles, and that it’s out of your control for now, but for your highest good - Wheel of Fortune. Watching Clouds ☁️ in the meantime, wear earbuds, work on your inner self, find people that make you feel good and have some great conversations that really stick with you - 3rd House, and tune out the negative people or those that get on your nerves. Yes, there will be progress.
Guitar 🎸 on Watching Clouds is connecting with music or hobbies to pass any free time and make you feel connected to yourself. These can refer to relaxation techniques as well, music can be one, the card has a hammock, books, and a cup of tea. Yes you’re working hard, but you should also be enjoying yourself as much as possible. It’s not like you’re being cursed, it feels more like you’re being gifted with this transition period. Get inspired by feeling good and use that to really think & dream about what you’d like to see happen.
Clover 🍀 on Wheel of Fortune is a repeated message that the things that will be changing are for your highest good. I don’t see lottery wins, but by all means Happy Accident with this are probably all I would need 😆 Buy some tickets. If things make you worry or stress, have faith that everything is going to work out for the best. And relax. You’re on the lucky side of the changes that are coming.
Fractal Leaf 🍃 on Ace of Cups shows many different elements of growth to these changes that will turn out to be a new beginning for you. This can be a lover, a hobby, a new dream (or several), good connections with newer people coming into your life. It’s new and it’s positive, but there are several different shocking or changing factors that get this to happen in the first place. When you do things, put your heart into them, or do things that you feel a deeper connection to, talk to people that love the same things as you do.
Starfish ⭐️ on 9 Swords tells you to calm your fears, worries, sleepless nights, constant anxiety. You need healing and regeneration, this can be watching videos on your similar situation from others who have been through it, going to counseling, seeking advice from people close to you that understand you. It really feels like you’re looking for your tribe, along with some career success you’re hoping to have as well. The message is not to worry, and focus on healing the thoughts and triggers that cause you to worry in the first place.
Peace ☮️ on Happy Accident & Generosity is beautiful energy, taking things as they come and seeing the higher purpose to everything if you can. Being kind, loving, peaceful in your attitude & outlook, and generous to others is what will likely win a lot more people over to your side, especially those ruled by the 3rd House. Your local waitress, trash man, cashier, next door neighbor, siblings and possible in-laws or nieces & nephews. Anyone you communicate with. The more you give, the more you’ll get in the long term.
Pile 3 - Indigo 🌌
The Dream: Page of Wands
The House: 6th House
Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Venus in Cancer
4 Recycle
Learn from the past and apply it to creating your vision of the future.
24 Partnership
Once you have decided to walk your path in partnership, you must put the relationship first.
44 Transformation
Allow the energy of fear to be transformed by love, creativity, and compassion.
31 Communication
The clarity, interactivity, and timing of communications is critical.
What can you do right now to prepare?
You have some heavy family dynamics that you haven’t healed from, nor have they, and your dream according to this - is a message that you receive (not send). Yet I get the feeling that even if you received one, you wouldn’t be receptive to it. The signs here show up as signs that can have a hard time setting firm boundaries with loved ones, you have experienced feeling fully responsible for someone else and being taken advantage of. Or perhaps you’ve done this to someone else.
Some of these wounds could be healed, and some of them are too far gone. Recycle is you needing to determine what is what. If someone has abused you or been cruel to you, then you owe them nothing & same for anyone else. 6th House being the House of Service shows you feel like you have to “serve” those close to you, work for them, dote on them, no. Nor do they. Only if you want to, and if others abuse this kindness, it ends 💯 There is clearly some unfinished business here, that either you wish someone would come forward and discuss, or you want to send a long message with all of your feelings inside…and just don’t, or haven’t. You’re afraid of feeling guilty, or indebted to someone else, afraid of feeling used or manipulated, and your fears work overdrive when it comes to this situation. Especially if you are somehow at fault. Does everyone hate you? Do they think you don’t care? If you talked to them, could it change?
For the last question, I get a clear yes.
Only if you want to. For the relationships that are worth saving, Recycle, Transformation, and Communication all show 4444 together, which is stability, home, security, feeling safe. Positive and stable relationships. Partnership rounds it out, as something you know you should do, and also something you fear…being stuck or trapped to a situation you don’t want to be in due to “loyalty” or family. Some of you will be like “absolutely not” regarding healing and transforming these connections, you know you best. This being the dream though, if you resist it, why do you want it?
The advice on either side is to decisively choose to free yourself and heal your heart. Speaking your mind and feelings to those that need to hear it, whether it’s “I miss you” or a “fk you for hurting me”, whatever you keep locked up tight and refuse to actually express. Whether healing the connection or not, this conversation you want to have will heal YOU. I don’t see you being unkind though, even if you were hurt, and 3 Swords rev shows you were, and have healed. You’ve kept yourself trapped in your head in an emotional prison of wounds you don’t speak about, that have hurt your relationships, whether deserved or not. So speak your truth. Some can heal and change, some aren’t as bad as you fear they are, and some just need to hear it because you’ve never told them. If others are receptive, transformation is inevitable, and if they’re not, now you know, but either way this can be laid to rest.
Crown 👑 on Mystic Healer is your gift, it’s likely for most of you that on your own journey of healing you could heal others that surround you, those in your family, your friends, anyone that spends time with you. If you haven’t already spiritually ascended, you’re heading in that direction, where you fully understand the inner workings of everyone in your life and how it flows (or doesn’t) with you, plus how to help others take steps towards doing this for themselves. Especially with 6th House, you really are a helper, and a healer, for other people, it’s something you feel you “owe” to others, society, and yourself too. Some of that energy could be used towards the home and family for this pile.
Rocking Horse 🐴 on 10 Cups indicates children, connected to avoidance, lying, sneaking, cheating and deceiving. Could be your own children, some in your family, friend group, traumas from childhood, childhood friends and companions. It can be so many things, you’ll have to apply this to your story however it fits. Some of you may be avoiding having/wanting kids due to family trauma and wanting to end your bloodline, feeling you’re cursed or something. I really don’t get that being true, but it’s these sorts of thoughts and feelings that need to be brought to light & discussed. Some of you have childhood wounds to heal. Some of you may have walked away from children or had others walk away from you as a child…deep wounds are indicated.
Regrowth 🌳 on The World rev looks dead, just like The World looks done, but neither actually are. The tree is growing leaves, slowly, and The World is reversed, waiting on something to fully close this cycle for good. It comes in the form of a message to someone you either really want to talk to, know you need to, or can’t rest until you finally do.
Hamsa Hand 🪬 (down) on Transformation talks about blessings, gifts, abundance, wonderful things coming your way. The universe wants to give you positive transformations and healing, you have nothing…irrational to fear. Again if you know a person is no good and your gut says NO, listen. Most stories I get here aren’t tragic, and can be healed with some honest communication, accountability, and vulnerability. It all feels very positive. If this person is evil then the closure needs to come from yourself, still maybe sending a message, or talking with others that have gone through this same experience.
Locked Heart 🔒 on 8 Swords rev is you releasing yourself from a self imposed prison that you’ve held yourself in who knows how long. If you can’t forgive and change the relationship with a person, okay. Forgive yourself, speak it out loud to whoever needs to hear it. For some, you may keep painful secrets from a partner or family members. Release those too! Open up to those that love you and nothing bad will come from that, only support and understanding. You have to choose to heal though, you can’t avoid it anymore. Once you do, who you are will completely transform into a more self assured, confident, happy & healed person. For some, a “homecoming” is in store. For everyone, all you want the most is to release this feeling of guilt, avoidance, not speaking your truth and hiding your pain - which will take a conscious effort, and courage.
For a very small portion of you, this is a relationship you just want to end, and leave, but you feel guilty about it, or like you owe them your time, loyalty, all of you. Or there is some aspect that keeps you unhappy and you need to address this. You could have kids together, or one of you does and there is a bond there regardless. Again some can heal, with communication & opening up about how you really feel, and some just want to finally let it go and feel free again. Speak your desires into life, or your pain into awareness, attempting telepathy often leads to wrong assumptions, fear winning, foggy understandings & confusion. Is it intuition or is it just projection of my own fears? Moon energy 😵‍💫 If your behaviors, fears, accusations, etc. match the energy in your 7th House, then it’s possible you’re a part of the problem and that’s what you’ve avoided facing, not speaking your truth to resist hearing the truth of others as well. 7th House is who we attract and what we project (our shadow 😈 side) and everyone has a side. Again, if abuse is involved, fk their side, no one gets to defend having abused you and no one deserves to be abused, you only owe yourself an apology for beating yourself up about it 💜 But that’s not everyone here, it’s a mixed bunch in this pile, some just want to do the right thing, some are wrong, some have never gotten clarity and have built walls for nothing, and some have been wronged.
Pile 4 - Blue 💠
The Dream: 10 Pentacles
The House:
Story 1: 9th
Story 2: 10th
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, North Node & placements in Leo
Story 1:
64 Actualization
You will achieve your full potential by virtue of your creativity and your honest pursuit of truth.
30 Capable
You can deal successfully with whatever challenges and circumstances arise.
“A fresh new way of living emerges.”
Story 2:
54 Visualize
When we develop out abilities to visualize, we can manifest maximum influence on our experience of reality.
50 Sacred Space
Use beautiful art, music, and creativity of all kinds to put you into a sacred space.
62 Delay
Confront the natural tendency to delay the finishing of a creative endeavor.
Protected By Angels
“You are cherished by the angels.”
What can you do right now to prepare?
Two clear stories here that are night 🌙 and day ☀️ but both represented by 10 Pentacles, the solid family or business foundation on which we stand, what most of us are working towards, ideally.
Story 1: You are very religious or spiritual, your beliefs run deep. I don’t see a Hierophant to show them being super conservative or not, that may vary between you all. But there has been some element of “sin” in your family, either a specific person or this could be a generational trauma of some kind that is just too eerie to be a coincidence. It probably relates to things of a sexual nature, addictions, known issues & Devil related topics, and either judging these things yourself or being judged for them. I’m getting the message that if you’re a true believer, it’s not your job to judge. Give it to God, or whatever you believe in, and on your side, forgive this person for whatever it is you’re holding against them. It can be as simple as a crop top, a flirty text, or a teen pregnancy scare & the abortion/birth control debate, it could be an extremely religious background, ideals, goals, that you want your family to be a part of, or absolutely do NOT. But there is Judgment being cast where it’s not your place to cast it, it’s your place to forgive, support, and “stay in your lane”. Or break free from it altogether, if you’re the one that is being judged by people that don’t get to do that.
Whatever this is, it’s not about you anymore, it’s about the legacy you’re leaving behind for the rest of your family. Your values, your beliefs, you want to protect them and also want to stand solid & strong in your personal morals. It’s got a righteous ring to it, for some, others are genuinely the more volunteer/helper of the community sort of people. Those dealing with addictions and other problems like that. You want to heal your family lineage and teach them the “right” way to be, whether your kids, spouse, siblings, parents even. There is a fine line there. You are best to lead by example and allow others to follow, be patient & forgiving, not pushy. Your oracle cards show you as a fierce warrior of truth & spiritual values. Always be careful to only judge yourself, and everything else here is beautiful and positive for you. If healing family wounds is your goal, you have more than enough ability to do so, for some of you that’s your true calling in life, and you already know that. Transformation is a beautiful energy, and with N Node Leo, whatever work you’re putting into spirituality, a church perhaps, rehabilitation, social work, you name it, it’s going to receive a lot of positive attention. You can’t get better energy for what you want to do. But you can’t immerse yourself in a community if you’re on a pedestal looking down on them, that’s what this whole message is saying. Some won’t choose your way, and you have no control over that, but you can love them anyway. Jesus didn’t feast with the wealthy & righteous. How is such a conservatively religious sort of message coming out on this blog, like I get it and it’s useful & true, but I’m just lost. Not all of you are religious, or some of you were raised that way and reject it, but still act like this towards others. Or you may be dealing with people like this and need to spread the message. There is no one way, no one direction is the right direction, everyone has different paths, values, talents, interests, beliefs, etc. It’s safer to assume most of them are right if they all have the same basic idea right, just don’t be a shitty person 😁
Story 2: You want to start your own business, re-open an old family one, or reimagine an old idea of the family’s. Possibly keeping one going, but I see this more for the ones with an idea and little else so far. You want to create something lasting and beautiful that you can pass down through the generations. But you’re only at 2 Wands, the early planning stages, and Delay shows you as easily distracted, talking yourself out of things, procrastination, and a lack of faith you needn’t have. You have Protected By Angels, which is funny because story 1 is all about religion, and you have the angels 😇 That’s because they already know they have them. You don’t. But…you do 🩵
All of the energy here shows you having amazing visualization skills but you really have to put time into mediation and creating what you want to have inside of your head first. Your manifestation abilities may be very powerful and you don’t even realize it. You want success, your family to share in your success, enough money to handle the bills and some for vacations and stuff too, it’s your dream. You have all of the tools to create exactly what you want, the only things you need is 1. A plan. 2. Money, for supplies, a workspace, etc. 3. Research 💯 and 4. Execution. Queen of Pentacles shows you’ve got this, because she’s got this, running a business or the financial ties to her world (10 Pentacles) are what she does best. You could be a single parent that wants to work for themselves and spend more time at home with your kids. Once you have everything picked out, decided, saved up for, and ready to go…North Node Leo is destined for success, attention, fame on some level is likely - even a local level, positive recognition from others and a great, well-known reputation for something everyone wants, that you do best. It’s something you will have to work for, but it all starts inside of your own head.
Story 1:
Alice 🐇 on 9th House could be showing children specifically as your target audience, maybe instilling spiritual or moral values into them, you could be a teacher or family psychologist of some kind, or that’s the goal. This could also include fairy tales. I gotta throw out there, with Moulin Rouge too and this heavy sense of moral JUSTICE, you could be concerned about things regarding child abuse, and that’s being shown by the author of this particular story. Idk for sure, but we’ve all heard he’s suspicious. Being a protector of children could be a high level priority for you, and bless you for that. Or with Transformation, you may take things like fairy tales and modernize them in some way. Could be 1000 things but that’s what I got from this. If your children do not believe what you believe or do what you want them to do…they have their own path. Same for you with your own parents. Some of you need to get in touch with your own inner child, there’s a lot of learning that needs to happen here, whether it’s regarding control, spirituality, right vs. wrong or old vs. modern, maybe a combination of all of these things. From what I’ve gathered in these readings, everyone is going to experience the path that is for them, regardless of what others think or believe about it. So you decide to help, or hurt, the inevitable.
Moulin Rouge 💋 on Judgement is difficult, because Temperance is having patience and understanding with those that are very different from you. You could be easily triggered by things like sex workers, models, drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers, etc etc. The religiously righteous of you have to toe the fine line of what’s best for you, giving with a pure heart, and battling the deeply ingrained judgement that you want to pass out, or have to experience. Constantly having to keep yourself in check and also not being too soft that you don’t have boundaries. Some of you are reformed addicts etc., have a past, and want to turn things around, some of you have been “saved” by whichever God etc., and now want to spread the word & help others. Again some of you are advocates for children or protective of them being put in these situations, and bless you for that 💯🙏
Sword 🗡 on Capable is similar to Ace of Swords, which is absolute truth, honesty, fairness, and decisively making the best choices for you, your purpose, your message or whatever you’re needing to do. It’s separating “the point” from the extras of a situation. It’s the same sword of Justice that cuts off what is not necessary or conducive for the purpose or outcome you need/desire. The meaning behind this whole story is wholesome, and yet you’re fierce. 10 Pentacles could show you working with families as a counselor with the goal to keep them whole. Kids are here more than once. For some, it’s your inner child. Or your own children. Some of you may have been victims of painful experience, and only want to make life better for your own children, breaking generational curses and any trauma you had experienced, so you & life can be better for them. Setting the example of what family should be. Some of you may be projecting fear onto children and unknowingly causing unnecessary fear & damage, or even manifesting your own fears into reality, if that’s something you’re constantly focused on. Thoughts become things. Kids rebel. Open honest conversations are needed to bring clarity on all sides.
Story 2:
Spider & Web 🕷 on The Magician is a beautiful message of being able to spin the reality you desire in whatever way you want it to be, the same message of The Magician, but in case you missed it the first time. You can create your reality, and there is nothing stopping you but you, that I can see. If you feel like you can’t, this is saying you’re wrong, with love.
Dragonfly 🪷 on Sacred Space shows a transformation being necessary, and it’s directly connected to delays. If you spend most of your time in crowded spaces, around chaos or constant playing phones, tvs, computers, chatty people, it’s not good for what you’re trying to do here. You’re easily distracted, and part of you uses that as an excuse. This says you need to create (or transform) a space that is entirely for your creative manifestation ideas and thinking. A thinking spot. Like Winnie the Pooh 🍯 but with a vibe that’s soft, tranquil, and mimics what you want for this bigger idea, your space should get you into this mindset of what you want because it also is a part of what you want, but a smaller part. Vision boards could be very useful for you.
Axe 🪓 on Delay mirrors the Dragonfly, you have to recognize the things that distract you, whether it’s phone calls or loud tvs or social media etc., and figure out how to work around those things or get away from them entirely. It’s like you can’t even think, and you don’t make yourself. You need the equivalent of a man cave, except a whatever, “a tranquil sanctuary of Italian music” if a restaurant like that is what you’re going for. Something that inspires you to immediately imagine your idea, and make you ready to get started on a regular basis. An office. A nook. It’s a priority.
Pile 5 - Pink 🎀
The Dream: King of Wands
The House: 11th
Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra & Saturn in Taurus
Story 1:
80 Go Deeper
Expressing the deeper meanings in life, while staying attuned for childlike wonder, is at the heart of all great art.
2 Push
Don’t feel inadequate; forget how to quit. Push on, no matter how things look.
Uncovering Treasure
“Beneath the surface lies great bounty.”
Story 2:
19 Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
57 Worry
Worry is attachment to a particular outcome and the fear that it will not come to pass.
Unknown Territory
“You are exactly where you need to be.”
What can you do right now to prepare?
You’ve chosen the pile that wants a sexy, confident, amazing lover that leaves you speechless (or out of breath) and makes all of your dreams come true. They’re your best friend, lover, confidant, they want to marry you and spend the rest of your lives together. Masculine & Feminine energies both dominate, Mars signs and Venus signs are both the focus here, no matter where you fall gender wise you want a lover, THE person of your dreams. In your head, they’re incredibly attractive and possess more Mars/Aries qualities, very forward & direct, confident, flirty, commanding & dominant, they make the first move, they get attention from everyone in the room because they’re a larger than life sort of personality - for half. The other half are dark, mysterious, watch you from across the room with a deep & almost obsessive stare, immediately infatuated with ONLY you. Scorpio. That HEAT 🔥 passion, smoldering, lusty, “love at first sight” kind of feeling. But also, one that lasts 💯 I’m getting more Venus energy from you.
Here is where the story splits - half of you feel like you know this person already, you’re story 1. The other half are waiting to finally meet them and it’s killing you like come ON already, you’re story 2.
Story 1:
You’re madly infatuated with someone in your world, 11th House shows they could be a friend right now, or you’ve only recently started dating, you could have met them through friends, networking, social media/online, or dating apps. The chemistry is on fire, and you want things to go to the next level. They’re acting like they’re at a 3, casual and friendly, not pushing too hard or going too fast, and you’re at a TEN BABY 💍 Put a ring on it, give me babies, I got an appointment to look at a nice area rug for our living room. Chop chop. I feel for most this is all NEW, and you crazy 😆, but for some of you it’s been enough time (years) to where this energy makes more sense. They’re everything you’ve ever wanted, imagined, hoped for. Even more than that. You’ve probably never been so stuck on someone like this. So what’s the problem?
The waiting is killing you, this whole dating game dance, you’re dying for this person to direct, lead, “pleaaaase tell me what you want” sort of energy. What you can do to help this along right now, is be very clear…strategic, but clear, about how much you’re into them. What are your goals, what are theirs? What inspires you, and them? What are they hoping for this relationship, are they just living in the now or do they have hopes for longer term love? Communication is everything, I’m getting the more you let them know how crazy about them you are, the more they’ll reciprocate, if this is the right one for you. Opal on The Emperor can show a dominant sort of person yes, and also they’re kind of shy! Or weird with opening up. They can ask you if you want a drink, or tacos for dinner, but in heart matters, it’s your turn to take the lead. You both have to take turns being the aggressor and the more receptive & vulnerable, it’s a balance, that’s what Mars & Venus are showing here, not gender or even signs really. Maybe. Saturn Taurus, if not a literal placement of someone, is showing a need to be patient and give things/people the time they need to naturally unmask themselves, open up, dig deeper, commit, feel things, etc. You’re being encouraged to act on your feelings, open the door, start asking the right questions and be transparent about how you feel and what you want…no pressure though. Balance. You feel like you’ve found some treasure, you have, and the more you learn the crazier about them you are or will be 🩷 But what do they want? Get answers. Unless you just met them last week.
Story 2:
This smoldery sexy partner is what you’re dreaming of day in and day out, you’re manifesting them like crazy, obsessively, and it’s not showing up for you like you’ve asked for. You’ve waited and waited for someone to approach you, ask you out, where is this dream lover, you’ve done all of the manifestation work and it’s like it hasn’t worked for you. You’re losing patience or starting to believe maybe this isn’t in the cards for you - with the Worry card here. All of your Oracle cards show that this person you dream of isn’t coming, because *that* person isn’t actually compatible with who you are! It’s what you want, but you don’t yet know what you NEED. If this person walked into the bar tonight and was very forward & direct, or silent and stalkerish, be honest, you’d probably get creep vibes or some red flags signaling (helpppp!). In your head, in movies, it’s great, it’s hot. In reality, this doesn’t seem like the right person for you. You’re in the middle of a big shift, realizing who you really are, and what you really want, and that’s the advice here.
You want something long lasting, possibly a “friends first” sort of connection. This could also be hinting that the person you’re looking for is or will be a friend first. With Unknown Territory & Worry, I get your “dreams” or standards actually being kind of a problem, you may have a laundry list of qualities that aren’t feasible or don’t actually work for you. Some of your standards may be unreachable, or even unlikely for the sort of person you’d actually be happy with. Whoever the right one is, I get that they don’t match anything you’re thinking of, and they’re nothing like whatever you’ve experienced before. Clearly that’s a good thing, because what didn’t work - didn’t work for a reason, they’ll be your person. While you’re working on growing and changing, maturing yourself and going after the things you want & enjoy, you’ll find this person eventually, many signs point to friends. You could meet them through a friend, a gathering with your own friends, definitely something social with 11th House & 3 Cups. But that list you’ve got of what they look like (smoldery), how they make you feel (lust), all of that forces you into a role that complements that type, and that’s not who you are. Stalkery fkery. “Bad boys/girls”. They’re bad for a reason, probably in jail right now 😆 In your case it’s like you’re chasing a venus/mars dynamic but really it’s an intelligent & funny sign that loves to chat that’s more your style. Not necessarily, but I’m definitely picking up more of a Mercury ruled sort of person, that would be Gem/Vir in placements or risings. They’re not smoldery, they’re chatty, straightforward, honest, transparent, and super friendly. Like you? If you go for tattoos, maybe they’re more simple & straightedge, if you’re more long hair & grunge, they could be neat & simple, if you’re more bougie & expensive, they could be more shell necklaces, organics and locs. Be more willing to try new experiences & see what happens. Again with Saturn Taurus, same as the first story, things taking some necessary time is what’s going to drive you bonkers, or you/they could have this placement. This position would also nod towards having a narrow lane of vision that needs to expand because it only works against you. If you have a “type” it hasn’t worked before so…maybe it’s time to let that go 💘
Courageous ♈️ and Scorpio ♏️ on King of Wands is describing “the dominant male” or the “powerful vixen” in your typical movie style archetypes. Make sure your reality matches your ideals, it’s not just lust, and you’re not just projecting fantasies onto someone that isn’t actually how you may be seeing them. That’s why time & getting to know them is necessary. You definitely want someone that makes the first move, but you also have to be open to who does that. Some of you just need to say that to your person, and others of you can’t pretend to know how that’s going to show up for you. Likely unexpected.
Opal 💗 on The Emperor shows the Aries/Libra opposition, yin & yang, masculine and feminine, chaser & chased. There is no one story here, everyone wants something different. The Venus signs are softer, more receptive, “the chased”, ruled by love, friendship, dating, etc. The Empress. The Mars signs take initiative, are more aggressive, chase what they want (prefer to), typically more dominant & powerful personalities. These two being together can show balance is needed, not wanting one more than the other, and also accepting that these roles will need to flip back and forth sometimes. No one can stay in their masculine action or feminine receptivity every second, it’s necessary that both of you can instinctively shift into the other role too. Or it can become a more toxic energy, like for masculine, you don’t want a total aggressive meathead that can’t show emotions at all right? Or for feminine, one that expects you to initiate, plan, act on everything and they just accept or don’t make any moves ever? No, it’s needing a balance of both. Knowing which energies you tend to be more comfortable in, and what you need in another person to balance out your own personality, plus what they want too. It can come in an unexpected package that don’t have anything to do with these planets. If you are comfortable with one energy, this can be saying do the opposite and see what happens. And if you have a person, what is their own energy, you’ll have to balance with them or speak the need for them to do the same with you 💯
Spider & Web 🕷 on Ace of Swords is manifesting exactly what you want, having the tools to do so by using communication, ideas, the truth, being upfront and honest about who you are and what you want. For Story 1 it’s opening up to this person, for Story 2 it’s clarity about yourself that’s needed.
Starfish ⭐️ and Treble Clef 🎼 on Ace of Cups show music, hobbies, and following your passions in life and doing activities involving those things are what will lead you to healing any past wounds you still carry, and any fears you may have. You could meet your person through doing some of these things, especially where friends are involved, or if you know them already, getting them around your friends would be a good idea. Like parents, friends know who you are and can vibe accurately with your new date a few times, they’ll always tell you the truth you may not see. So long as you agree.
Rose 🌹 on 6 Pentacles is beautiful growth in yourself and your relationships with equal give and take. No one person is doing more, giving more, receiving more, it’s an equal exchange of energies. Today my person is planning everything and working hard for me to enjoy them, tomorrow I’m cleaning & detailing our cars because they don’t like to, etc. They asked me out last time and I didn’t respond, let me ask them this time. Doing life together & making each others lives easier and a happier, being open and honest about what you want and how you feel = happiness. When your person is sick, you step up, romance is a two way street.
Pile 6 - Purple 🔮
The Dream: The Fool
The House: 8th
Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer & Scorpio
3 Share
To help you make progress, it’s a good idea to share what you have and what you care about.
39 Direction
Switch gears, reboot, and try a new and different direction.
10 Wish Granted
Believe in your abilities as a Magic Maker manifest your wishes; they will soon be your reality.
13 Innovation
Have fun and experiment, inventing something that surprises and has never existed before.
What can you do right now to prepare?
This pile is pretty vague, but 9/10 people choosing this pile probably hate their job more than anything else - specifically. You’d all love to pick up the phone, call in, tell them to fk off and you’re never coming back GOOD DAY. Biiiitch 😆 You won’t of course, you’re too responsible for all that, and that’s the issue.
The dream itself is taking very fast, impulsive action, just waking up and deciding you’d rather do anything else but go back to this same place yet again to do the same shit yet again, to just be not appreciated and overly burdened. The only part I’m seeing you not being able to do, is the impulsive part, which you already know. But that is the dream. King of Pentacles describes you, you’re the career oriented, business running, every I is dotted and T is crossed kind of financial planner personality, it’s a wonderful thing and your biggest burden. You may be the type to act guilty if you take “you time”, vacations, sick days, overworking yourself to death…for what? There is no reward for that. Money sure, but it won’t matter if you’re dead because you can’t be bothered to take lunch breaks, nourish yourself, needed vacations and time off to just live. Everyone knows it’s the charming yes men that can’t math actually get the promotions 😁 Not the ones willing to die on the same hill they came in on. Which is part of your advice here, with Libra.
That isn’t shade @ Libra, everyone knows they’re charming & persuasive, Share with their charm is showing you needing to embody that energy a little more. Be chatty, friendly, seek to make a friend out of everyone, and always get your own personal bugs (ideas/desires) in everyone’s ear. Libra knows it takes cooperation and networking to move up the ladder, and it often works for them. People help them, because they like them. Your energy comes up more as Capricorn, regardless of actual signs. “I don’t deserve nice things and I’ll slave until I die to earn them.” Balance 🙏 That personality can be taken advantage of a lot, because they know you’ll always show up, and they can slack off. Why would people try harder or move you up, if you’ll willingly run the whole show as just Cashier #5, no no, you’re good where you are. Forever 🫠
The advice can be a couple things. If you have the money, take a vacation. You need a break. It can be that simple, save up some money and just do it. Then when you come back refreshed, make yourself a whole new person while alone, daydream yourself into a reality where you are in a position that’s valued, respected, and well paid. It starts with valuing yourself. Get inspired. Meditate. Then when you come back, start speaking up and charming everyone around you until you get word of a new position. They don’t tell you the “shmoozing” is silent in “promotion”. But that’s who always gets promoted, and you’ve got it, so use it.
Others of you are really entrepreneurs at heart, and your desire could actually be starting your own business, which I see very positive things for. Not impulsively 💯 But by perfecting an idea, putting in the time and work, saving up the money, networking, getting it all going in whichever ways this applies. You want it to be fast, but it won’t be fast. If it was, you’d be fast and broke, and you don’t want really that. Don’t just quit tomorrow, but start prioritizing honing these skills and crafts, whatever is your idea. There’s a whole period of trial and error, and making changes you maybe didn’t even see the first time around. If your own business is the dream, I see it having enormous potential to grow into something long lasting. Or this can be a hobby, a side hustle, an investment, any number of things but financial rewards are possible with it.
Your advice is to spend a lot more time on your own, making the necessary space and prioritizing yourself, so you have the time you need to really get clear on what you want, what it should look like, how you can schedule that in, how will it benefit you and what does it require of you? Getting feedback, with Share, is also a good idea, which doesn’t mean spill your ideas to the world but looking for other people who have done this already - tell their stories. Get inspired, network, make friends & contacts in this world you want to jump into. Then by the time you actually make moves, you’ll have more confidence, knowledge, helpful suggestions and good business sense.
If your family is what is demanding so much of your time and energy, you could need a separate space for “you stuff”. Your own thoughts, your break from chaos, everyone should have a space and you deserve one too, your family can learn that when you are in this space, leave you alone for awhile. Running isn’t the answer here, prioritizing yourself is, and this Fool can relate to you setting necessary boundaries in your life with people who think they are owed all of your time, your attention, your money, no. I don’t see kids, but in the case you have them plz don’t leave them alone to burn the house down - obviously. Within reason, you can set aside time for yourself and others have to honor it just like you would for them. If you work at home, then a workspace dedicated to you & work, and respecting these boundaries is required with you. Many people throw their weight around with their demands, expectations, preferences, yada yada ok sure. You get to have some too. Everyone does 💜 We work around & respect those boundaries and desires when we care about someone, it’s not hard. It’s more you realizing you need it. For work, they are exchanging your life for pay. Give them what they pay for, no more, and make your expectations of reward or higher status clear…in a friendly way.
Capricorn ♑️ on The Fool is a total contradiction, jumping headfirst into something unknown with the sign that crosses every T and financially budgets the plan with very little leeway in order to achieve maximum return on their investment, yeah we don’t do foolish or impulsive things here. Probably why you want to be like that, it’s unheard of. This is really saying risks are fine to take, you’re too calculated & practical to jump into shark infested waters, so even more than most you’re actually fine and shouldn’t hold yourself back so much. Do your research sure, get reviews, find the most cost effective option, all great, and then JUMP.
Charming ♎️ on Share seems to be qualities you do possess that you ought to highlight more. You’re friendly, sociable, like getting feedback from other people, and you have a way with others that make them feel special and genuinely cared about. In turn, that makes them want to help you, talk to you, be your friend. It’s like you have this quality but you don’t turn it on, unless you have to. Choose to, consciously, on purpose.
Happy Cloud ⛅️ on Wish Granted is a daydreamy energy, manifesting the thing you want into your life by having the necessary time to really dig deep and figure out what that is. You’re going to have a dream come true, this card shows it as being a definite thing.
Dragonfly 🪷 on The Hermit is metamorphosis, change, evolution, a spiritual awakening for some being The Hermit. The more you know yourself, your talents, and what you need, the more authentic and successful your next move will be. You know you best, never question that or take “Share” so literal that you’re malleable to others’ input you may not actually agree with. Be friendly, and also yourself. You may do your best work alone and also are a social creature, both wolves need feeding.
Comb 👱‍♀️ on Innovation could talk about experimenting with your look, the look of a business, the physical characteristics of things. This could be a nod towards an idea you have, something you need, or generally something that would revitalize your spirit and make you feel inspired to change/transform yourself now from how you’ve been before. 8th House is intense energy, there will be a necessary ending, but it feels more about what you will & wont accept, and what you want & don’t. Make the outside things look like your inside ideal.
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a-path-by-the-moon · 4 months
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spiritualseeker777 · 10 months
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gentlelimerence · 1 month
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“Date someone who is interested in you. I don't mean someone who thinks you're cute or funny. I mean someone who wants to know every insignificant detail about you. Someone who wants to read every word you write. Someone who wants to hear every note of your favourite song, or watch every scene of your favourite movie. Someone who wants to find every scar on your body, and learn where they came from. Someone who wants to know your favourite brand of toothpaste, and which quotes resonate deep inside your bones when you hear them. There is a difference between attraction and interest. Find the person who wants to learn every aspect of who you are.”
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thisischeri · 8 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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melissasdreams · 3 months
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To all my fellow trans-sisters out there … Never forget to Live Your Truth. You will always be so much HAPPIER AND MORE FULFILLED AS A WOMAN. Be brave. It will be worth it! #live your truth #melissasdreams
Love, Melissa ⭐️🌸💖⭐️🌸💖
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motocrunch · 3 months
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go-sbrankos · 4 months
I dream one dream
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