#forgive me kino
asterlizard · 6 months
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I wanna be with you My best friend
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kinos-fortress-2 · 7 months
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this is what the mind of someone insane looks like
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yuikomorii · 5 months
// Ok I didn’t want to go this far but at this point, you guys are hating on Ayato just for clout and it shows. It’s okay not to like a character but straight up spreading misinformation about him is not okay. If you lack reading comprehension, just admit it.
What makes Ayato’s past so sad isn’t only the fact that Cordelia was mean towards him. She mentally and physically abused him, yet what genuinely hurt Ayato the most was the way Cordelia treated ALL the triplets. A part of him didn’t even want to kill her, given that he CRIED in the MB flashbacks because, despite being a huge abuser, he STILL felt sympathy even for someone like her. No matter how horrible Cordelia was, Ayato still wished for Karlheinz to reciprocate her feelings only to finally see her happy.
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Don't even get me started on the Adam curse. He was practically used as bait and abandoned to death by his own brothers, but he still hoped for their safety after escaping. That curse literally destroyed his entire life because its purpose was to make the person who ate the fig drown in despair and go insane. That's why he was sooo obsessed with Yui's blood. Heck, he's cursed in routes other than his own, as he goes insane in Ruki's MB one, to the point that his brothers had to lock him inside the dungeon. In addition, in his MB Vampire Ending, he falls into a coma because he refuses to hurt Yui and keep drinking her blood.
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Other than that, Laito was the one who made him believe that he wasn’t special, hence he adopted the “I will never make someone special again” mentality. He also wanted to kill him when he was younger (no hate towards any of his brothers though). Kanato was the only one who never did something bad to him, considering that when Ayato was a child, Reiji called him the disappointment of the family after failing a test.
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Ayato did twisted stuff too; no character is a saint, but he always tries his best to fix things. Even when not dating Yui, he’s capable of showing compassion, support and a desire to improve his relationship with his brothers BY HIMSELF. Check this analysis for example.
Other than that, despite every time being hurt when trying to show kindness, he still became a very selfless guy who’d sacrifice himself for anyone at any given time. What makes this even more admirable is that according to Karlheinz, he’s literally the only one who actually VALUES his life. This guy who loves life would risk it all for Yui, even when not dating, or for any of his brothers.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations and tournesolia on Tumblr
On top of that, he's incredibly empathic?? He forgives everybody, no matter what they do to him, and seeks to maintain good relations with them. In Kino's LE route, for example, he tortures and burns Ayato, but Ayato is the first person to recognize him as his brother because he wanted Kino to feel that he, too, belonged to a family.
Last but not least, nobody silences Karlheinz as good as him. He was also the only one who connected the dots by himself about his dad being the root of all evil (Laito too but that was after the letter), including being the only one who didn’t want to kill him only because he didn’t want to fall into his plan. Check this post.
Oh and, Ayato is actually really big; it’s not that only his fans make him that way! This post basically proves that he’s the IT boy of otome games and I should also mention that he’s the character that sells the most in Japan and China! Just look what Japanese fans think of him. ;)
You can dislike him as much as you want but nobody can deny how brave and pure-hearted he is. He’s the definition of from zero to hero.
As I mentioned earlier, it's fine to dislike him, but don't become obsessed with it, lol. At the end of the day, he's merely a fictional character with endearing characteristics and the male lead. It's really not that deep. Besides, it's embarrassing when the hate comes from Yui stans because she definitely wouldn't be happy of any of you talking about her man in that way.
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gagad · 8 months
Your top 5 fav dl boys skip kino cuz we know he is 1 and yuri too!!
Girl, why didn't you allow me to express my feelings towards Kino and Yuri ha?🗿 Look, if you see  someone running towards you with a knife, you should know that it is ME, not someone else lol
1 Ayato 🥺🥺
Oh sure, who doesn't love him?  He's kind and funny, You can't imagine how much I love him, Some say he's selfish. Guys, you don't know anything about Ayato. He's the cutest. Look at him. He forgave his mother after everything ,Do you believe that?  And in young blood they left him alone fighting ,ayato was on the brink of death he  always ready to die for his family and yui wow i hope  he was  my friend ilymybitch
2 Yuma
Of course, of course, I love Yuma, he's my favorite Mukami😔, how can I not love him when he's hot as hell, after all I love him because he's always ready to help others and how he took care of lilAzusa😭😫 when they were young, his memories with Shu and Luck was the best thing in DL,I love u ma bigboy.
3 Reiji
Now it's time to talk about daddy 😈, guys Reiji  may seem evil and Mean, but he is definitely the best big brother for me, look at him he takes care of his family while as he said "I can go if I want" but he stays and takes charge of his crazy family how can he handle the triplets  ?  I know that what he did to Shu and Yuma was bad, even worse, but he also has a wonderful side🗿 He reminds me of my sister ilove u daddy 😃😘.
4 Shu
Well, guys, I used to love Shu, but after Youngblood, I don’t know, I felt that my feelings towards him changed (I know, you will say that Reiji did worse and that Kino is the embodiment of evil in DL), but to me that was unexpected. It was more like betrayal. He left Ayato alone. You will say  It's a plan but HELL NAH, its really something different from him ,oh I remember one time he told Yuma that he was the one who burned  his village of course he didn't lol that was the kindest thing he did, , he's kind I think most of the fans love him for that you know like quite and handsome anyway ily my sleeping beauty .
(I know you said boys, but I liked to choose Yui I'm dumb I know it)
Yui is my babygirl, I hope she was my girlfriend, I'm serious I want to marry her💗💗, Yui is the cutest girl I've ever met in my life 😫 💗 The most amazing, the cutest, pure bitch, the way she treats diaboys when she does that and "gives me her calm reaction"  I really want to eat her 😭😭😫 She's the cutest in all DL She makes all the girls lesbians 😔🔪 Oh my god she always forgives others when they hurt her, but my favorite is when she loses her mind 😈and tries to kill them🔪😔 I reallyfuckin love u my princess.
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kin0th · 1 year
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✝ Priest Kino Headcanons ✝
i had to. look at him. cw: religion (christianity) not taken very seriously. but also kino being too bluntly honest about it
"I have connections, you know? I could make your irredeemably corrupted soul go to Heaven. You can refuse, of course, the guy downstairs is fun too!"
Priest Kino can be a walking Blasphemy.
But also too charismatic and honest.
Could be a cult leader.
Nothing says he is or isn't one.
"Religion is a joke and you all have no sense of humor".
Spreads the gospel as if he was there.
He acts like he was Jesus' bestie.
Calls him J. Christ.
Blames you for bullying and killing him even though he was such a cool guy.
More like guilt trips you about it.
"He was so fun at parties, you didn't have to worry about alcohol or snacks. All you had to do was to not sin, but noooo, and now you want forgiveness!? You have no shame."
Gatekeeps holy water.
Says "God... is among us" unironically.
Actually read the Bible once.
Projects too much on the guy whose father abandoned and was bullied by locals to the breaking point (death) when he only wanted to make friends.
Now he's vengeful on his behalf.
But he also found plot holes in the narrative and will tell everyone about it.
If he can confuse you about your own beliefs, even better.
"Is the Devil really that bad if he punishes the bad guys?"
He seems to be in a grey area with both sides.
In his words, he's friends with both.
But he might as well be working and betraying both at the same time. No one knows.
He'd tell you that God is just angry and Satan has fun hobbies.
Not telling you which ones. You should find out yourself.
He offers you tips and tricks on how to go to Heaven if you join his cu— church.
Otherwise, you can have fun with the other guy. He knows what he's doing, Kino affirms.
Sometimes he sounds like he's offering you a great deal.
"If you join me you'll have one sin a month free of charge. I won't tell any of the two! It'd be our secret. And! The least you sin, the more sins you'll have to spend!"
Despite being on Jesus' side, it's not clear where he wants you to go to.
Although if misery falls upon you, it was most likely his doing. He judges your sins first and foremost.
If you sin, you're disgusting and you deserve it.
If your sin isn't too bad, you're just not sinning right.
All in all, Kino just uses the excuse that the Bible is full of contradictions to do what he wants.
"You think asking for forgiveness will redeem you? Ha! If only it was that easy... We wouldn't need jails, or Heaven, or Hell. How about you stop using your words and start acting like you're really sorry?"
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wonolic · 10 months
My opinion on Mukami's Face Claim ! (⁠。⁠ ŏ⁠ ﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
A/N: here's the Mukami's version of my post about the sakamaki's face claim, pt.1 and pt.2 here for y'all. Again, it's just my opinion, if you don't agree, feel free to comment and share your opinion with me.
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︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ . . . .
𝘳𝘶𝘬𝘪 ⤸
Alex (can be found by searching Rekthman Olga).
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The first pic of Alex is not actually him (I think it's another person or it's Alex but a bit edited), but I think it matched Ruki more so I left it like that.
His stare in the third pic makes me feel... things. I don't even like Ruki, I'm a cat lover and I won't forgive him, lol, but I think Ruki is one of the coolest characters in DL.
Thought about putting Chase Hudson as Ruki's face claim, but I don't think Chase's facial features were better than Alex's for Ruki.
Just like Reiji, Ruki's FC has the serious expression, but in Ruki's case, I think he has the stare that can make you feel inferior, just like a livestock.
𝘬𝘰𝘶 ⤸
George Pomogisebe.
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This one was difficult for me because I had to stop and think if a white man could become a J-Idol because I'm a Kpoper and Korea is a pain in the ass when it comes to foreigners as K-Idols.
I think his soft features are what make him remember me of Kou, together with the innocent eyes.. perfect for the two faced fake vampire boy.
For me, this one, like Subaru's and Laito's face claim, is one of the best I could find. The visualization would be better if he had blue eyes, but I can perfectly see him as Kou.
Babygirl coded just like Shu, I hate Kou in Subaru MB route but I want to 💋 him now.
𝘺𝘶𝘮𝘢 ⤸
Malcom Lindberg.
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Don't ask me why, but I think Yuma's FC matches Shu's FC, I love those big bro besties.
Like Kou, the visualization would be easier if he had brown eyes and a bit more tanned skin, but, I think y'all understand why I choose him.
he's just.. AWOOGA. In my honest opinion, Malcom is just the best candidate to be Yuma and I actually think that he looks like the canon version.
Non-related to his appearance, but I headcanon that Yuma sometimes dreams with his past, but because he doesn't know that it is his past, he just gets confused on why he dreams with fire so frequently.
𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘴𝘢 ⤸
Thimothée Chalamet.
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I didn't want to put Thimothée as Azusa's FC, but I couldn't find any better. And to be honest, I actually like to see Thimothée as Azusa.
I think if Thimothée's face structure was kinda slimmer and had more droopy eyes, he would be the perfect face claim for Azusa.
Also I think Thimothée's rest face matches so well with Azusa's, it's like he looks lost, it's kinda cute.
Bonus headcanon: I think Azusa has some short-term memory loss, like, he has to make some effort to focus and try to remember what happened throughout the day.
A/N: I'll probably not do the Tsukinamis + Kino, but if I do, I'll say to y'all. If you came this far, thank you so much! See you in the next post! 💗
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla [BRUTE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts with Yui entering Carla’s room
Yui: Carla-san...?
Carla: ...
Yui: ( ...! No reaction... )
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Carla-san, are you alright!? Carla-san...!
Carla: ...Yui, is that you...?
Yui: ( Thank god, he’s still alive...! )
Carla-san, your life will be in danger at this rate. Let’s hurry to Rotigenberg!
You can recover from Endzeit by going there. Soーー
???: Well, well, if it isn’t Eve. Now what could you be doing here~?
Yui: ...!
Kino: I figured you’d be over at the Vibora Castle right now, playing the role of a true Goddess of Victory and leading their troops. 
I can’t believe you actually returned here, you must really love him?
Yui: Don’t hurt Carla-san!
Kino: I won’t? I don’t have to do anything and he’ll die either way.
Anyway, don’t you think you should worry about yourself instead of worrying about others!?
ー Kino runs up to Yui and grabs hold of her
Yui: Ah...!!
( He twisted my arm...! )
Carla: Cut it out...! Let Yui go...!!
Kino: Did you truly believe I would listen? You’ve become quite pathetic, haven’t you, ‘almighty King’? 
Eve was always supposed to be mine. I’m just taking her as was the plan all along.
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: No, let me go...!!
Kino: You can make a fuss all you want. Mr. King is on the verge of death and his younger brother already kicked the bucket.
There’s nobody to save you, do you understand? 
Yui: No way...Shin-kun has...!?
Kino: Yeah. He was being his usual rutheless self, so the Ghouls attacked him. I’m the one who delivered the final blow though. 
Yui: ...How could you...!!
Let go!! I’ll never do as you say...!!
Kino: Ow...! You scratched me just now, didn’t you? You cheeky little...!
Yui: ...!
Kino: God, you’re such a handful. Come on, you better behave if you don’t want to get cut up by this kinfe!!
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: No! I’m going to save Carla-san!!
( We have to get out of here and make it to Rotigenberg, no matter what. )
( I’ll save his life...! )
Kino: How many times do I have to tell you to stop making a fuss!? ...Ahー God, if you’re going to be this rebellious, I’ll start by killing the Founder King first, you know!?
Carla: Ugh...
Kino: Are you sure you want your precious King to die in front of your eyes!?
Yui: No...Dooooooon’t!!!
Yui: Uguh...!!
Kino: Idiot...! You jumped in front of the knife...!?
Carla: Stop...! Let her go...!!
ー She collapses onto the floor
Yui: A-Ah...
( The right side of my chest feels hot...Was I stabbed...? )
Carla: Yui, hang in there! Yui...!!!
Yui: Carla-san...
( It’s no use, my vision is going black... )
I’m sorry...I couldn’t...protect our new life together...
Carla: ...!!!
ー Yui passes away
Carla: ( For my sake... )
You bastard...How dare you!
Kino: W-Wha...Where are these powers coming from!? You’re supposed to be as good as dead...!
Carla: ...Unforgivable. I shall never forgive youーー!!!!
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Carla: Ugh...
( I ended up flattening Banmaden with the ground... )
( I am honestly surprised there was so much power left inside of meーー )
( But I suppose you could say those were the final embers of my life... )
( I have nobody left. No Shin, no Yui. )
( Not even the unborn child who would ensure the continuation of the Founder bloodline in the future... )
ー He collapses
Carla: ( Nothing matters anymore ーー... )
ーー THE END ーー
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What do the Tsukinami brothers and Kino do when you cry ?
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Carla : The blood-red moon stood high in the night sky above the home of three brothers and their guest. How long had it been since she had landed with them? It seemed to be forgotten just as quickly as the moon that kept coming and disappearing. With each night, not only the hours seemed to pass, but also her actual destination. She only wanted to stay for a short time and then move on to another stop and yet it had now been many full moons. While the lady saw this rather critically, the two brothers seemed to find it rather pleasant. The heartbeat of the human woman seemed to be a wake-up call in the infinite silence of their house. Not to mention the bewitchingly attractive smell of blood that emanated from her. There had never been any violence and yet she was sure that she could always feel their eyes on her. But this was not the reason why she went towards Carla's room with a few school books and exercise books. She just needed help with her homework this time and since Shin seemed to have found pleasure in teleporting away just before she had him, she had no choice but to go to Carla. She had deep respect for the old vampire. Even if she did not deny that she liked him very much. There was something about him that attracted her on so many different levels. When she arrived at his door she knocked but got no answer. A muffled cough pierced the wood and made her wonder. ,,Carla?" she asked, but again received no answer. Carefully she grasped the doorbell and pushed it down before stepping into the room. Horror was in her eyes when she saw the chaos. It was as if someone had bumped into everything in a fit and torn out all the things and broken them. But what made her heart ache was the sight of Carla kneeling in the middle of the mess and coughing. ,,Carla!" she said hastily and stepped towards him. ,,Stay...away!" he hissed so coolly and threateningly that for a moment she was truly afraid of him. Only when he looked at her did she see the deep red eyes flashing out from under the light lashes. She felt the desire to help him. ,,Let me help you," she said and tried to walk towards him. But before she could take a second step, her books were suddenly torn from her hands and he set them on fire with his power. ,,I said leave!" he shouted and she heard the struggle in his voice. The fear of his Endzeit and the rejection hurt her. She said nothing but the tears that had come to her eyes showed him as a silluette. ,,I'm sorry," she said before running out of the room. Leaving a pained Carla alone, looking sadly at the ashes of the books.
She didn't know if it was hours or minutes that had passed. Tears were still running down her cheeks from despair. I only wanted to help you she thought bitterly and sniffled. She winced as there was a sudden knock at her door. ,,May I come in," she heard Carla's voice. ,,Yes," she said so softly that it was almost a whisper, even though the vampire had heard her. Only a blink of an eye later, Carla was standing beside her bed, holding something behind his back. ,,What...do you want?" she asked, wiping away her tears. Her face showed surprise when the older man suddenly knelt down in front of her and held out the new books. ,,Please forgive me Y/n...I was too reluctant to accept your help. I didn't want you to see me like this, please forgive me " he said and looked down in shame. Hesitantly she picked up the books and saw that he had bought her a new one. ,,I was scared...but it's fine, I'll stay with you next time " she said resolutely and pulled him into a hug. ,,Thank you Carla" she said softly and she felt the cool hand stroking her back for a moment. For a moment he seemed to be cured of Endzeit by his feelings for her.
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Shin : It was night, but the bright white stars were hidden by the many clouds. Only the blood-red moon shone high in the sky. The Tsukinami's home was quiet, as it almost always was. But only their human guest was awake and in the process of packing her bags. She knew it was time to go when she couldn't even remember her arrival, it had been too long. And yet it couldn't have been more than a few months at the most, could it?
How long had she been here under the roof of the two Tsukinam brothers Carla and his younger brother Shin. She liked them both, the one calmer and the younger one more excited. But they were both always friendly to her in their own way. But she didn't know if she could live a life surrounded by them. She just wanted to go out. But they had warned her that there would be dangers out there. Especially for a human woman like her. She had only taken their concern half seriously. What could be out there but a few animals. She put the last piece of clothing in the suitcase before closing it and leaving her room. From there she went into the main hall and pulled a letter out of her bag. A short explanation of where she was going and when she would be back. It's time to go she thought and was about to open the door when it closed again with a hard jerk. Surprised, she looked behind her and saw a confused and uncertain looking Shin. ,,What are you doing?" the older man asked, sounding unhappy. ,,I'm going outside...I appreciate everything you've done but I've been here too long," she said, looking at the letter in confusion. But instead of a good word, she heard the click of the lock closing the door. ,,Shin, please open the door," she said and rolled her eyes. Sometimes she envied their powers, but he only came closer and crossed his arms before snatching the suitcase from her hand in the blink of an eye. ,,Hey, give it to me, I'm not a prisoner!" she said indignantly at his rather childish and unreasonable behaviour. ,,You can't go out, not at night, it's too dangerous," he said and wanted to leave again. ,,Not today! When then, how many times have you said that?" she said, upset, fear and hopelessness spreading through her heart. ,,I'll say it so many times until you understand it's dangerous out there...let's play something...a little distraction" he tried to convince her and smiled at her. In the past she would have said yes and fallen for that grin but now. She just wanted to leave. She shook the door but it did not budge. ,,Why are you doing this to me?" she asked, her vision blurred by the tears that were slowly forming. ,,You have no idea," he replied more quietly. Disappointed and hurt, she shook the door one last time before she went past him crying, trying to come to terms with her fate.
But her will was not broken, instead she seemed to be waiting for the next attempt. It was a risky attempt. But she did not want to stay here. Not after the way she had been treated. Tying the varnish of her bed together and attaching it to her balcony, she climbed down in a situation she would never normally do. Only when she reached the bottom did she exhale shakily from the exertion and brief fear. She looked around and yet all she saw was the forest around her and the moon. ,,It's...peaceful," she murmured before she started to move away from the house. She didn't understand what was wrong with Shin, everything was fine. Only when she went further into the forest and heard several cracking noises in the wood did she stop. An animal ? she asked herself and looked around uncertainly. Only when she heard rapid fluttering noises did she look up. Six large bats were apparently flying above her as if they were watching her. That was what she wanted to do, but when she heard a growl and howl behind her, she flinched. A wolf jumped out of the darkness and stood protectively in front of her. ,,Shin," she said, pleased and yet still stunned. The bats fluttered above them for a moment before Shin began to snap at them. Only then did the six vampires seem to retreat. ,,Thank you," she said weakly as she realised the danger of the situation. ,,I didn't want to lock you up, I just wanted to protect you," said Shin who had turned back. ,,I should have explained...I'm sorry," he said, his eye showing guilt. ,,You could have left me to them...but you didn't, thank you," she said before Shin suddenly pulled her into a tight hug. ,,How about I show her the forest now, scaredy-cat?" he said teasingly and was already back in his wolf form. But only to hide the expression of happiness that she was doing well.
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Kino : The believed illegitimate son of the vampire king meeting what began as a mere coincidence quickly became an intimate friendship. A creature and a human woman an unusual duo among the many other species. But it did not bother either of them. They had each other and that was a good thing. But besides the goal of becoming vampire king, he seemed to want to make everyone who had made him suffer in his life suffer as well. A habit she found hard to resent. But what she felt was an unfair choice. His powers were enormous, some rumoured they were even equal to Karlheinz. She herself had never seen said she was only human and even if Kino had already drunk from her she knew that she still knew little of the vampires. Which is why she relied on Kino to protect her and she helped him to get closer to his goal. As it always seemed in this new world for them, the blood-red moon shone brightly in the sky. It shone through the large windows of the dwelling. It shone on her and bathed her in a dark red as well. Her gaze wandered over the landscape before she heard the creaking of wooden thieves behind her. ,,Ki-" she was about to say his name when she turned around and saw the familiar blue eyes of a blond man. ,,You?" she said, confused, as she recognised Shu, whom she had stumbled across in the course of her journey. Also an acquaintance by chance and yet she liked the sleepy blond he had helped her to find her way around. ,,Not so loud, I-" he was about to explain when he was suddenly thrown against one of the huge walls by an invisible force. The blond gave a pained hiss and Y/n was about to run to him when Kino stood in her way. She saw the disgust in his eyes. ,,He's not worth it," the stronger one said and saw the horrified expression in the human woman's eyes. ,,Kino, he is not evil, he helped me!" she tried to appeal to him. But Kino only shook his head. ,,No, he's not like me, he's beneath me, he's like that scum back then," he said angrily and she knew what he had to suffer in his youth. Her gaze went to Shu who had stood up again in the meantime. Emotions overcame her and tears welled up in her eyes. ,,Kino, please let him go," she pleaded as she saw the stronger Shu hurl him aside again. Only when she grabbed Kino's wrist and tried to pull him towards her did she feel a pain in her shoulder. She realised only when she was on the ground that he had pushed her away with considerable strength. Only gradually did he seem to realise what he had done. ,,Y/n... I" he tried, but by then she had already risen to her feet and saw that Shu had used this moment to disappear. ,,Leave me," she said and wiped away her tears. A few days had passed since the incident and she felt the disappointment and discomfort inside her. Once again she stood in the large room. The walls were still riddled with the cracks and dents of the impact, but Shin had cleaned up with his powers. It was only when she heard the vampire's footsteps and turned to face him that she knew it was him. ,,What do you want?" she asked, her tone disappointed. The older one seemed almost overtaken by the situation. Before he suddenly said, ,,I'm sorry...I-I should have listened to you". She raised an eyebrow but when she saw him looking down in shame and regret at his upset state, she knew he meant it. ,,I know what you have been through, Kino. But please try to understand just because you are more powerful doesn't mean you automatically have to fight him," she explained, almost feeling like she was talking to a stubborn child. Who doesn't get his lollipop because he teased. ,,Okay...I'll try," he said and crossed his arms. ,,I didn't mean to push you away," he added and for a moment he seemed more agonised. ,,It's okay...it's going to be okay," she said and took his hand in hers. ,,I mean, we still have a goal," she joked and all at once he hugged her. His face was illuminated by the red moon and covered the slightly rosy cheeks he got. By the forgiveness of his dear friend.
Hope you like it
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unofficialmuilover · 11 months
Hi all..
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For the past few weeks, Shinobu has been nothing but patience towards you. She tried explaining to you that you were a demon slayer with promising talent as you are now a kinoe. Fellow demon slayers awe your determination to eradicate all demons. You trained hard to where you are now.
Even some hashiras had come to know your existence, some invite you for sword training with them. They were so friendly and welcoming towards you acknowledging your strength and determination. It was easy getting along with them as you were friendly and lovely.
You were hysterical at first when Shinobu explained that you were confused between dreams and reality. But from time to time you slowly accept the truth, Mui was never yours. It may have felt so real but you convinced yourself that it was just a vivid dream.
She didn't know how you met Muichiro though, you didn't remember either. You don't even remember your past. Shinobu assured you that it was a trauma response and I'll get them soon.
Rengoku came to visit and brought along Mitsuri. I was told that we were close friends. She brought me her favourite sakura mochi. She is lovely, her smile always radiants the room.
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There was a lot of disagreement from the slayer corp. Regarding your status at the moment. They held a meeting to discuss your situation as you were supposed to be promoted as hashira before you were sent to your last mission.
"Forgive me master, but seeing Y/n right now she isn't suitable to be hashira." Sanemi said in disagreement.
Rengoku remains positive, "If we train her now, she will gain her strength back stronger than before" His faith in you never falters.
"Master, I believe that Rengoku is right, Y/n is a strong girl but I also feel that sanemi has a point, she isn't capable of fighting right now" Mitsuri, tried to be reasonable with the situation, as your friend, she didn't want to push you to your end.
Master Kagaya nodded at their words, "Shinobu, my child, what is your input on this" he smiled warmly,
Shinobu, bow down, "Master, Y/n is not yet capable at the moment, She hasn't regained all her memories. Though she is recovering physically well, her mind is unstable. She needs to re-learn basic sword fighting if she wants to be a slayer"
Master and the hashiras discuss more and they settled that you'll have to pass final selection again if you want to be a slayer. They had agreed that they will all train you to be back on your feet in no time.
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You have completed your rehabilitation training and Master gave you your own estate which was supposed to be a gift if you became a hashira but you didn't want to stay there as you felt you were not deserving, no matter what the hashiras tell you to but they didn't want to push you.
"Thank you for letting me stay here Shinobu-san" you smile warmly at her. "Anything for you Y/n" she smiled sweetly.
Rengoku offered to train you after your rehabilitation training. You were skeptical at first. You're not in the right state of mind to fight demons. You don't even remember flame breathing anymore and Rengoku taught you that before. He believes in you. He trusts your strength, if he trains you he believes you'll get back on your feet again.
"I'll think about it Rengoku-san" you hesitately said. "Alright, we are willing to help you Y/n" He said before moving away.
Being in the butterfly estate, you became friends with Aoi, you help serving the injured slayers and helping them to get better.
One day, you were walking back to the estate when you bumped into someone.
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"oi watched where you were going" you gasped as you heard a familiar voice making you look up.
"Mui!!" You yelled, tears in your eyes, you tried hugging him but he flinched. "Who are you" he demanded. "I'm.. I'm Y/n! Can't you remember me?" You tried touching his arms, he tilted his head in confusion, "Have we met before?" "What?" It's me Y/n! Your.. your girlfriend!" You blurted out. Tears in your eyes. Mui. Your Mui he's alive, he has gashes in his cheek. You tried touching it but he pushes you away. "Stop lying! I don't even know you" He turned his back not wasting anymore time with you and continuing his way. "Mui" you yelled after him running to grab his arms, he harshly pulled his arms away from you. "Stop wasting my time" he harshly told you. "No.. no it's me, Y/n" you begged, you were now crying trying to get him to remember you.
"Y/n-san" you heard mitsuri yelled running towards you. She pulls you in her arms as you sob. "I'm sorry Muichiro-san, I'll take her now." you cried as you watched Muichiro continue his way.
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When you come back to your senses, you remembered that Mui you know was just a vivid dream and not real. You felt embarrassed and wanted to apologize but you couldn't face him now.
"uuugh why did I ever dream of him in the first place" you groaned. You know it was just a dream but your feelings were there.
"well its because you love him" Mitsuri giggled. Happy that you're calm now.
"what?!" You look at her, "Shinobu said it was just a dream that's why I feel like this"
"Ever wondered why you dreamed about him?" She nudges you, smiling widely.
"It's cause you like him Y/n" she continued.
"I.. what?! No" she laughs as she sees your face turn bright red.
"Cmon Y/n, we shared that secret, he's all you can talk about whenever you come visit me" She giggled, remembering the days you would come just to rant about him.
"He's mean! How could I possibly like him?!" You tried to argue despite the redness of your face.
"oh shush, you even asked me to help you spy on him while training. Oh try to remember that one time, you ask me to push you so you'll fall in his arms hahaha that's a good one"
You blushed harder, you can faintly remember asking her.
"Y/n-san Look! Muichiro-san is coming" Mitsuri Squealed tugging your arms. "Okay.okay just like we discuss. Push me towards him aah" you squealed excitedly. You were pretending to walk and when Muichiro crosses paths with you, Mitsuri pushes you, making you pretend to fall onto him. "Oops I'm sorry Muichiro" before running away. You squealed when you caught up to Mitsuri, "he smelled so good" you fangirl, smiling widely.
You were feeling better coming over at Mitsuri's estate, she always tried to help you remember. Slowly but you're starting to remember some of your past.
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mino-diabolik · 1 year
Five Years of Mystic Tsukinami
This August it’ll be five years since I created Mystic’s blog. And since I’ve reached the 500 followers mark not long ago, I thought I’ll compile a few fun facts and others about the blog and how Mystic’s character developed through the years into the rampant, chaotic-horny, grinning Founder you all know today! ✨
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I started this blog in August of 2018 thanks to the encouragement of a good friend and fellow Kino-lover, @munarisblog! I only interacted with the Hispanic community of DL’s fandom at the time, writing in Spanish all the time.
I’m not very sure when, but as friends started being less and less active, I turned to putting out content in English and getting myself out there by sending the first ask/starter to other blogs. Through which I acquired incredibly mutuals and people I very much consider friends today ✨
The first ever imagery of Mystic’s design I had to show for was manga-clips and Picrew depictions, as it was what everyone was doing back in the day.
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The manga clips, I used even up to a few months ago, but the Picrew avatar is very, very old. So, if you recognize it: Congratulations, you’ve been in this hellhole for quite a while LMAO
I later received the opportunity to obtain a proper sprite for Mystic! It being made for me by the talented @/lavendel081 ✨
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I believe these were introduced some time in 2018/2019. Don’t quote me on that, though. I’m not quite sure, but pretty confident it was very early on. I’m still greatly thankful to Lavendel for offering to make this sprite of Mystic for me back then.
Moving to the present, summer 2022, I got in contact with Lavendel once more in order to properly commission new sprites for Mystic. The finally product—which, fun fact, were coincidentally done by Mystic’s birthday on the dot lol—are the Mystic you interact with presently.
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As for Mystic’s other forms, I’ve only shown his wolf form. Which I will present here in both their past and current versions—
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I’m the future, I plan to make (at least) a sprite for Mystic’s owl form :D
Character Development
I was going to say I didn’t mean this as in dumping trauma on him, but that’s a lie lmao
In the beginning, Mystic was very much a flat character with very little interesting attributes to him, besides the fact he was an OC descendant of the Tsukinami. His personality was very much based on Shin’s back then, aside from a few aspects that would be considered extremely out of character today.
Early-Mystic used to be extremely shy and easily flustered, being (and forgive me for the wording lmao) a virgin who had no experience in love whatsoever. That is to say, Kino was his first-everything back in the day. Not to mention, he was your typical prince-boy that never had to lift a hand for why he wanted. That is to say, he was pretty whiny.
The current version of Mystic I have today is the abso-fucking-lutely opposite. Sleeps around, trauma based off past relationships, flirty, emotionally-unavailable, outgoing—you get it.
Not to mention, a lot of his backstory is based off the very vague notes I had of him during his early stages. Back then, I knew he was a prince, but truly had no clue where I was going with the Owl Clan and their lore. What you see today is the most detailed his backstory has ever been.
Routes appearances
Oh my god, I cringe just thinking about it. The very first version I wrote of Mystic’s LE route is very much what I described of his character during early-stages (refer to the inexperienced, easily flustered virgin fellow). It was a mess. He was so boringly weak, I could have made him a human and there (mostly) not had been much difference.
The Mystic I’ve depicted in his (in-progress) Dark Fate route is the kind of character Mystic is presently, and who is much like the canon that should be followed.
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This post isn’t all that impressive (I’m still considering making something else that includes my followers/community), but I thought it fun to make something that could trace back to the very beginning. I’m really thankful for those that have been here for a long time, but also you guys that have just arrived months, or even weeks prior.
I’ve met incredibly writers and characters through Mystic, with whom I hope to be able to continue interacting with ^^
I’m not very good at this kinds of speeches, so I won’t stretch this out any more;;; Thank you once more, and stay tuned for more! ⭐️😈⭐️
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starshapedpetals · 2 years
although rejet seriously needs to calm down with all the merch lines, i really like this new line so i’m going to do my usual screaming about it
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normally i don’t like this..sailor boy? cruise theme?aesthetic. but here. i like it. so much 👁👁. it feels refreshing for being so different but it still feels very diaboy style with how they styled the boys yknow? it’s also so interesting to see most of the boys without their usual character color. like Ayato without his red. at least i really love that. also does anyone know what’s going one with the band aids on almost everyone? is it just for aesthetic purposes?
first, we have to talk about the ones making the ones making me the most feral.
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I’m having a moment. hshshshshjsjajsjsj they put Kanato in that choker i’m hhsjdjsjsh he looks so pretty aaaahhhhshhshs. is that a beret he’s wearing? he looks darlinggggg. i’m really loving the socks & shoes. the plushieeeee. to me this outfit feels so him if he had to dress for an aquatic theme & i’m dyingggg😭💞 it’s interesting to see some teal on Kanato! i really like seeing the diaboys in new colors!
omfg did they finally give Azusa another beret? shhshsjsjjsjs he’s so pretty 😭😭😭 is that bandages on his neck? seems like it. i really love the way it sways behind him like a pretty ribbon. god. when isn’t he absolutely stunning 💘 i like how his outfit is baggier then Kanato’s, it just feels so him. Azusa with that purple gradient on him 💞 so pretty. with how much he’s matching with Kanato, i really love the contrast of his white top. god they both look so marvelous 💘
rejet is really not helping me with my small crush on Reiji & Carla.
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HSJSHSHSHSH i’ve been really wanting to see Reiji dress more relaxed & loose like that & it’s finally here babyyyy. i never expected them to give us such a Reiji but my god he looks so fucking good. i’m really loving the necklaces with the open shirt. & his face is so pretty 🥺 i’m curious where his glasses went. makes me really wonder if they are for the aesthetic or he just got contacts or smth. if it’s already been said that he doesn’t actually need them please forgive me for i haven’t seen it or just forgot. anyways he’s so pretty with & without glasses 💞
Carla almost always looks good so it’s no surprise he looks so god damn good here but damn just give me a moment to appreciate it. i love when Carla’s hair is put up or tied back. it’s so pretty man. i love the pants with the slit thing going on oh i love it so dearly. is he wearing a choker? i can’t tell but whatever is going with his neck is so pretty too 💞 i also like the glasses. i just think it works here. reallyyyy loving the open shirt. it’s such a good look on him (& Reiji👀)
Ayato, Kino & Subaru
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i really love what they have going on! Ayato & Kino’s outfit feels so fun! idk how to explain it but looking at it is so fun?? also i love their hats. i normally like Kino’s outfits & i really like it here :) Also Ayato’s painted nails??? 👀 he’s the only with painted nails too! wow! Subaru looks so him in that outfit! i really like it. i think they all look so adorable in this line 🥰
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Kou will always be adorable in my eyes but i don’t especially love this outfit tbh. i feel like it maybe needs a bit more color? him having white bottoms compared to his black bottomed brothers definitely makes him stand out though so that’s fun. i definitely don’t hate this outfit but i feel like it could’ve been stronger. that’s just my opinion.
uhm i can’t add more photos so i can’t show you his full body, sorry! i’m so happy they brought back this Ruki hairstyle! i absolutely loved it in that one line (idk the name of it so i’m sorry i had to use the last picture on this)
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i’m sorry i don’t have much else to say about his look. i don’t love it but it’s fine overall.
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toujokaname · 1 year
Princess Kaguya / Epilogue 2
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Author: Kino Seitaro with Akira
Characters: Hiyori, Kanata, Tatsumi, Arashi, Hokuto
"(Our growth may possibly exceed that of Princess Kaguya... Just kidding ♪)"
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Location: Princess Kaguya Stage
Season: Winter
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Hiyori: (Finally, the last scene of the reading drama.)
(A touching farewell, and then everyone will sing a song wishing for a future reunion.)
("Moonlight Disco"—a most wonderful, dream-like night.)
"...We sure got immersed in reminiscing."
Kanata: "Fufu. Looking back, these were fulfilling "three years"."
Tatsumi: "Even the most difficult events are now pleasant memories."
"No matter how painful the experiences that lie ahead may be, I feel that I'll be able to overcome them by remembering the time I spent with you all."
Arashi: "Right. It's a shame that we won't be able to get together whenever we want to, since we all have different paths to follow."
Hokuto: "But I'm sure we'll meet again."
Hiyori: "It's sad to say goodbye, but let's all smile and sing our farewells!"
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Hiyori: (Thank you, everyone. Even though we only spent one week together, you empathized with my feelings and made it such an enjoyable performance.)
(Our growth may possibly exceed that of Princess Kaguya... Just kidding ♪)
(Thanks to you, it turned out to be wonderful weather! You did a splendid job!)
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Kanata: "♪~♪~♪"
("Ohisama"-san. This is a temporary farewell.)
(It was a short time, but I will never forget the days I spent with you in the "same room".)
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Kanata: ("Ohisama"-san, "Chief"-san, and myself—a very unusual "combination".)
(But to me, they were people I "fit in[1]" quite well with...♪)
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Arashi: "♪ ♪ ♪"
(Tomoe-senpai. Thank you for your help in Pretty 5.)
(If you're ever in trouble, you can count on us, the idols of ES. We'll give you warm and caring advice.)
(Of course, if you wanna talk to someone, it can be anyone from Eden, our Shuffle Unit, or your Circle Members.)
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Arashi: (You've made such an impact on so many people. It's only natural that we'd help you in any way we can ♪)
(So, please be at ease. Tomoe-senpai.)
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Hokuto: "♪~♪~"
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Hokuto: (Thank you. Thanks to Tomoe-senpai, my "wish" came true.)
(I feel like this is the "best broadcast in the history of the program" that I wanted—we did the best we could in this past week, and we got here.)
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Hokuto: (This wouldn't have happened if Senpai hadn't been the leader of the unit.)
(If it weren't for Tomoe-senpai saying he was retiring—though it would be rude to say so...)
(If it hadn't been for that, we might have gone into this job without resolving our differences on the first day.)
(I will never forget the way Senpai shined as an idol.)
(For eternity, I'll burn into my eyes the spectacle that took place on this stage.)
Hiyori: "♪~♪~♪"
"♪ ♪ ♪ ♪"
Hokuto: (Fufu. His voice is so bright and graceful that it's hard to believe he's about to retire.)
(The way he only shows his cheerful side is exactly what an idol should be like.)
(...wait, no way. Did I just say that Tomoe-senpai saying he'd retire brought the unit together?)
(If so, then this Shuffle Project is—)
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Tatsumi: "♪~♪~"
(I knew about your sin. I knew it, and I stayed silent.)
(So, if you are to be blamed—I'll take the blame with you.)
(But. I'm sure it won't come to that.)
(If you look at this stage, you'll understand that you were in the right for lying.)
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Tatsumi: (Just by looking at this stage, which is as complete as a full moon—)
(I will forgive you. And we will share the same sins.)
(That is—the only redemption I can give to you.)
Kanata uses the expression 水が合う, which refers to being able to adapt and fit in well in an environment. It includes the kanji for water (水), which is why it's fitting for Kanata to say.
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nervousnotion · 1 year
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top 10 kpop songs july-dec 2022 ✨ 
1. 458 cix 2. bound key 3. crown seulgi 4. pose kino 5. cyberpunk ateez 6. underwater kwon eunbi 7. nxde (g)i-dle 8. bibi vengeance bibi  9. forgive me boa 10. vision dreamcatcher
i assume all of you have already done this but just gonna tag some mutuals @taeminie @soyeon @alexenglish @kihyunsgf @dripdropv @kdongyoung @wabisaba
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yuikomorii · 2 years
why does it seem to me that Ayato has the rescuer syndrome or am I the only one stupid to look at the fact that people think that he is a narcissist with no morals?
// Ohh, you mean the savior complex?
If you have a savior complex, you only feel good about yourself when helping someone and believe helping others is your purpose but I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true in Ayato’s case. Sure, he’s often perceived or described as a white knight or hero, but he doesn’t help others only to feel better about himself, he does it out of instinct. When someone is in danger his body moves on his own and saves them, he doesn’t care about consequences or if he’s going to get hurt instead.
Still, I have to admit that Ayato does sacrifice himself for the sake of others. It's clear that Ayato has low self-esteem; he doesn't think he's great in the least, and in his monologues he even refers to himself as a loser or an idiot. It was also confirmed in MB that he's afraid to fall in love with someone because he believes they won't love him back.
Speaking of morals, I can't deny that he was controlling, kinda bratty and had some questionable kinks in HDB, but that's probably because he was raised that way, so it's not his own fault. Still no excuse but I can see the reasons behind his actions. However, after HDB, we see a more serious and mature Ayato, at least in his flashbacks and monologue, which are both insightful and touching. He tried to persuade Laito that what he was doing with Cordelia was wrong, and he also tried to convince his mother that Karlheinz didn’t love her, but neither of them listened to him. Laito also describes Ayato as upright and honest, so I assume that's Ayato's true side, since no one reads people better than Laito.
The writers simply make him act dumb from time to time to generate laughter; he's literally one of the most perceptive characters since childhood, and the fact that he tries to empathize with others makes this even better. He began crying after killing his mother, who had literally ruined his entire life, when he heard her scream for Karl. He cried for her because he knew the person she loved the most didn't bother to show himself in her last moment. Another scene is in Kino's LE route, where Ayato forgives him for torturing him, gives him his powers, and is the first to recognize Kino as his brother after hearing his motives.
Extra points for being the character, other than Yui, who was not afraid to call Karlheinz out on his bad behavior!!
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therebelcaptain · 1 year
(hello this is in response to a reblog of a previous post of mine and it was a bit long so i'm giving it its own post... but you kind of have to read the previous post to understand the context lol sorry)
luthen is cassian's connection to the rebellion, not bix or the others on ferrix, and going to him wasn't cassian giving up, but rather him taking a gamble in order to join and fight the empire for real.
first of all, bix and co don't have any confirmed affiliation with the rebels beyond a rather tenuous connection with luthen. yes, they are rebels in a sense, but i doubt that cassian actually sees them as being a part of the rebellion. especially not in the same way that luthen is. if anything, he was sending them away to safety, so he could go to luthen—and by extension the rebellion—knowing that they were okay. he'd already lost maarva because (in his eyes) he hadn't taken her with him when he last left ferrix and he wasn't about to leave that to chance with the last of his family. cassian knew that with the empire actively looking for him, bix and the others wouldn't be safe with him anyway and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if they died because of him.
"i’d rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want."
this is what cassian says to kino in "one way out".
it goes without saying that cassian is not the same man he was before narkina 5 when he arrives back on ferrix. gone is the man who wanted to win and walk away, who was more interested in survival than fighting the empire. cassian knows that he can no longer stand by and do nothing. there's no other option for him going forward but to fight. i mean, he even starts listening to nemik's manifesto—something he didn't even want after everything that happened on aldhani—after retrieving it from the hotel on niamos. it's clear that he's bought into the idea of rebellion and is very much intending to fight even if he dies in the process, so it doesn't really make sense to me that cassian would go and confront luthen with the intention of dying right then and there, essentially giving up on the fight.
why would he give up now after everything he's been through, just when he's decided to fight back?
why would he give up when he knows what he's capable of achieving when he puts his mind to it?
"i didn't risk my ass for the starpath unit. i came for you."
this is what luthen says to cassian in "reckoning".
luthen made it very clear that he believed cassian would be of good use to the rebellion back when they first met in that warehouse. hell, it's extremely obvious that he'd already had his eye on cassian for some time before that. remember, bix hadn't even told luthen anything before he arrived on ferrix, but he still knew a hell of a lot about cassian already. so it's not that much of a leap to assume that luthen didn't actually want to kill cassian if he could avoid it—it'd be a waste of his talents.
thus i'd argue that the reason cassian says "kill me" is not because he actually wants to die, but instead because he knows that's why luthen and the others had come to ferrix. he was clearly a loose end in their eyes and as far as any of them knew, cassian wasn't even willing to fight and die for the rebellion—they believed that he was more than happy to take his cut and run which made him a liability. but a lot had changed since aldhani and if luthen knew how things had changed, he would likely opt not to kill cassian if acquiring him as an asset for the rebellion was possible. so if anything, it was a calculated risk on cassian's part because he knew luthen thought that it would be a waste of his talents—he'd been told as much already.
furthermore, we're shown time and time again that cassian is very observant + intelligent and more often than not knows how to play situations to his advantage without the other person catching on. so, i'd wager that cassian had enough of an understanding of luthen to know that he'd likely be suspicious of cassian turning up on his ship asking to be killed. this was a man who was so paranoid he'd never told bix or paak his name, so it's not too much of a stretch that he would instantly suspect cassian of having an angle. that's why he would have led with "kill me" before adding "or take me in". sure, cassian was prepared to die if it came to it, but he'd clearly anticipated that luthen would question his intentions instead of shooting first and asking questions later. giving luthen his gun was likely a calculated move to show that cassian was willing to lay down his life right then and there if that's what luthen wanted. cassian didn't have to do that, but he also knew threatening luthen + forcing him to take cassian with him would not have had the same effect. (honestly, the pause was most likely to add tension for viewers, not any sort of hesitation on cassian's part.)
so, yeah, i don't really think it's fair to say that cassian had given up and wanted to die when he went to luthen, especially after everything he'd been through. cassian deserves way more credit than that. yes, it was a gamble for him to go to the fondor knowing why luthen had come to ferrix, but cassian also knew that it was worth the risk because it was his most solid connection to the rebellion. was he sure that it was going to play out how he expected? no, but he was going to die either way, and getting luthen to take him in would at least allow cassian to fight the empire + do some real damage in the meantime. thus, he forfeits his own life for the cause. his life is no longer belongs to him, it belongs to the rebellion. so there's fear in that there's no telling what luthen will have him do in the name of the rebellion. then there's loss in that he'll no longer be able to go where he wants and do what he pleases, and that there's a real possibility he'll never see bix and others again. and there's resolve in that he's committed himself to the rebellion—all there is now for cassian is the fight and he'll die before letting them get what they want. but it's not himself he's fighting for—it's for those he just got off narkina 5 + ferrix and the loved ones who lost their lives at the hands of the empire over the years.
in conclusion: there's absolutely no way that he'd give up when he knows what's at stake.
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clnlbt · 1 year
TOP 20 KPOP SONGS 2022 (July-December) PART 1
1. BIBI - Animal Farm
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2. Seulgi - 28 Reasons
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3. BIBI - BIBI Vengeance
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4. AleXa - Black in Vogue
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5. Apoki - West Swing
6. YooA - Selfish
7. Seori - Cinderella
8. Chungha - Sparkling
9. Hyolyn - No Thanks
10. BIBI - Jotto
11. Hwasa - just talking to myself
12. Cocona - Twinkle
13. Park Bom - Remembered
14. Jo Yuri - Loveable
15. Moonbyul - Present
16. Jamie - 3D Woman
17. Youha - Last Dance
18. Hwasa - Grey Christmas
19. Moonbyul - Comma
20. Adora - Magical Symphony
Honorable Mention :
BoA - Forgive Me
1. Lee Changsub - Surrender
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2. Ten - Birthday
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3. DPR Ian - Calico
4. Leo - Losing Game
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5. Kino - Pose
6. Key - Gasoline
7. Colde - Cat
8. Zico - Seoul Drift
9. Wang Jackson - Cruel
10. Ash Island - Melody
11. Gemini - Do Me Right
12. Ha Sung Woon - Focus
13. Mark Tuan - imysm
14. Vernon - Black Eye
15. Zico - Freak
16. Jin - The Astronaut
17. Wang Jackson - Come Alive
18. Gemini - Hola
19. KB(OnlyOneOf) - be free
20. GSoul - Everytime
Honorable Mentions :
Seo Actor - Sand Castle
Mark Tuan - far away
JayB - go UP
Rain - Domestic
1. Apink Chobom - Copycat
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2. Loco x Hwasa - Somebody !
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3. Zico x Zior Park - Noctural Animals
4. Zico x Homies - New Thing
5. BIBI x Yoonmirae - Law
6. J.Y Park x Gaeko - GrooveBack
7. Crush x J.Hope - Rush Hour
8. Mamamoo+ x Big Naughty - Better
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9. Chanmina x Ash Island - Don't go
10. Maytree - Carol of the bells
11. RM x Youjeen - Wild Flower
12. Yesung x Solar - After Love
13. 10cm x Big Naughty - Just 10 centimeters
14. Ravi x Wheein - Bye
15. GroovyRoom x Gemini x Mirani - Rollin
16. The Attire x Woosung - Sricacha
17. Wheein x Colde - Sunny Shower
18. SMTown - Hot & Cold
19. Gemini x Big Naughty - 1,2,3
20. Kim Na Young x Jungkey - I can't sleep
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