yuikomorii · 3 days
// When I’m in a complimenting Ayato competition but I remember the 「 ユイがアヤトの横顔がこの世の者じゃないように見えたと告げます」 line, which translates as “Yui tells Ayato that his side profile looks out of this world”. That’s a way of expressing that someone’s appearance is so exceptionally stunning to the point that they look unreal. Wow.
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hey guys, it’s pride month, you know what that mean :)
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barclaysangel · 1 day
A thought regarding your headcanon that Junior loves the aquarium:
One of the first things that he wanted to do when him and Nica were free was go to an aquarium with her and the twins.
Nica had never actually been to an aquarium before, after what happened to her father, Sarah couldn't face the idea of going somewhere that gave the impression of being underwater. So Nica simply never visited one.
Omgggg I love that idea!
Junior was really excited to go to an aquarium, he hadn’t gone since he was at least 6 years old and was even more excited to learn that it was Nica’s first time. He stuck with her to make sure she wasn’t uncomfortable when they first went and would enthusiastically ramble about some of the sea life they would see, especially sharks (yes, I’m projecting once again onto Junior).
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dixbolik-lovers · 1 day
My mental health is being Not Great again and the migraines continue to absolutely suck, so not much writing is happening... but the Diaboys have been hovering in the back of my mind quite stubbornly as of late... >.>
Aka the mood to write here is very much present, but I'm continually feeling too awful to act on it :`D
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perotovar · 6 hours
happy pride, i have a new header gif lmao
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destielfandomlore · 10 hours
What happened with destiel and was it queerbaiting, queercoding, or both, and why? Also, why are we like this now, several YEARS after the finale?
Hi everyone. This blog is meant to be an archive to collect data to attempt to answer those extremely important questions and then work toward coming up with some sort of viable explanation of events for the past sixteen years. Basically, we’re trying to figure out intent on destiel and its impact on fandom.
Additional research questions we are considering:
1. Who are the players involved and what were/are their views? 
This includes the main cast, other cast, writers, crew, directors, network, general/casual audience/outsiders, con organizers, and fandom.
2. What happened in the narrative? 
This is examining the source material of the show itself to show evidence (or not) of the destiel subplot, including deleted scenes, cut or changed lines, etc.
It’s helpful to mentally break up the narrative into: s4-7 (early seasons), s8-11 (mid seasons), s12-14 (late seasons minus last season), s15, and spnwin.
3. What happened outside the show itself?
This is documenting the events and comments made surrounding the narrative and hopefully being able to come up with a comprehensive timeline of events.
When did destiel stop being a bit and start being written romantically (if it did)?
We’re also working on establishing what happened on Nov 5th and the resulting fallout since then, including destiel-related spn s16 content (referring to 2020-present, not a revival).
4. Why did things happen the way they did?
What was the point of all of this? Was destiel included in and outside of the narrative as queerbaiting or queercoding (+censorship/gaslighting by TPTB) or both?
Did the creatives involved (writers, actors, crew, directors, etc) tell the story of destiel intentionally, or was all of this an accident/coincidence and/or fanon?
What were the real world social contexts that influenced all of the above events? This is considering the impact on destiel of LGBTQ+ history in the US, toxic masculinity, social/political attitudes and differences across the country, role of internet access for fandom, etc. that may help explain what happened.
5. What is the impact of destiel on fandom, tv shows, etc. going forward?
I guess this is something we'll have to wait to find out 🤷🏻‍♀️
So that's that. As always, feel free to send an ask/submission or @ us, and if you want to help us with the chaos, you are more than welcome to reach out via DM to one of the admins!! 💙💚
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HAPPY PRIDE! Look at our beautifully bedecked Ridicubus. It's not pinkwashing if nobody's profiting. More importantly, this June 1st we bring you NOT the closure of pitcher sign-ups, as previously listed in the schedule, but an EXTENSION!
That's right: if you complete a 50% rough draft of ANY KIND OF FANWORK--fic, digital art, traditional art, baked good, interpretive dance--you can sign up for Crack in the Chassis right up until the due date, JULY 5TH.
(However, as there is no penalty for dropping out before claims, we do recommend you sign up sooner rather than later, even if you're not super sure you'll participate.)
Follow @crack-in-the-chassis for updates.
Check out the INTRO POST for further information.
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hell-drabbles · 2 days
im ngl ive been craving for more companion x angels/heaven ... especially with raphael and michael. michael would be equally, if not more crazy than his brothers
Same funnily enough, I'm just having trouble settling on an idea that really grabs me. Have a lot of little drabbles and scenes on the brain but none of them truly give me that oomph I'm looking for.
Hmm, I'm probably gonna default to what did for Raphael. Michael over here drooling over the thought of the Embittered Companion messing up his empty eye socket. And Gabriel wanting his chest torn up, scarred and marked by the Companion. Just, real messed up kinks on all the angels part.
Man if they could, they'd probably find a way to meld their flesh with the Companion's. How messed up would that be huh? Through their mutual love towards a creature that was once human, they all end up becoming a biblically accurate angel. Hehehe that's a funny thought.
I'm still trying to figure out how the descent into obsession goes for all the angels, that's what's preventing me from writing more about them. It certainly wasn't a quick transition too. It crawled it's way towards the Embittered Companion and, in their moments of lucidity, they could see that. It was... Very uncomfortable to say the least, seeing the angels go from general apathy or vague disgust to... These angels craving to be touched by the Companion, wanting their attention and watching their kinks go down the road of self mutilation.
Fun stuff, fun stuff.
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tf2weirdos · 7 months
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flapdoodlez · 1 year
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prints I recently drew for the Team Fortress 2 voice cast :D you can get em signed by the voice actors here
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yuikomorii · 12 hours
Wasn’t Ayato a snake tho? I mean in terms of face. I know a lot of people love seeing him as a cat but I have always thought he got more snakey features.
// You’re not entirely wrong. He used to have a snake type of face before, mostly because of his eye shape, but now he’s the cat type.
His eyes used to be big, sharper and more upturned, making him more intimidating.
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On the other hand, it seems Rejet softened up Ayato’s image.
His eyes are still big and slanted, but they’re rounder and give off a more gentle vibe.
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lorenzonuti · 7 months
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Tolerance threshold.
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barclaysangel · 2 days
Been thinking about Junior becoming a music teacher when he grows up
Like, it'd be great to imagine him as being a professional singer and all that jazz, but I can't see him as wanting to sign onto a record label and having someone else control his music. Junior's music is his alone and after being controlled by his father growing up, there's no way he would want to be controlled again. Even just being an independent artist, I can see that but see him mainly just wanting a peaceful life
I can see Junior going on some tours and travel around to perform, but nothing big. He would rather be with his family and not fill himself with anxiety almost every night if he's on tour.
Junior being an elementary or middle school music teacher is just something I can see. Encouraging kids to find their musical talent, being a sort of mentor to them that he was never able to have.
Just...Junior being a music teacher <3
What do y'all think? @nicascurls @streets-in-paradise @fairchilds-glasses @the-carlos-cow-eyes @zelinksupporter @high-functioning-fang1rl
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midnight-hotel · 4 months
Missing (Alastor x Reader)
My first fic in 4+ years, please go easy on me. This story occurs during and after the final episode of season one. Enjoy and feel free to give feedback!
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Coughs racked your body as you struggled to take in a breath of dust polluted air. Pain shot through your undoubtedly broken ribs and back with every cough, blood splattering across your bottom lip and tongue, amplifying the smell of iron in the air. Wrapping an arm around yourself, you stared up at the executioner who was quickly approaching with their broken spear. 
‘Shit- I might actually die here…’ 
They lunged, ready to plunge their holy weapon through your skull. You tried, with all your might, to push off the wall and away from death’s path, failing to notice that it wouldn’t have come to begin with. The next time you looked back at the angel, they were on the ground, covered in their alarmingly golden blood, several holes littering their body. 
Looking around, alarmed, you realised that you had been saved, but by who? Your eyes briefly met with Angel Dust’s, and in that moment, you knew your saviour. With no time to show your gratitude, you spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground and stood, grabbing the angel’s broken weapon to take as your own. If Alastor’s shield could fail, then there was no way you could take a moment to stop and breathe, everyone needed you to keep fighting, as much as you needed them to as well. You could only hope they were all okay. 
It seemed like there was no end to the onslaught of angels. They just kept coming out of that damned doorway into heaven. You were growing tired, injuries burning and only getting worse, but stopping now would only lead to your death and possibly the death of others. Stabbing another Angel through the chest, you kicked their body away, stealing their intact spear to replace the broken one you had left in the corpse. That’s when you heard more commotion from behind and then an irritatingly familiar voice. Turning, you understood why everything had kicked up a gear.
Adam was still alive? But that could only mean…
“Alastor!” His name tore up your throat as you quickly looked up towards the roof of the hotel. Shit- he couldn’t be… but would he have really allowed Adam to get away and rejoin the fight? 
Dropping the spear in your hands, you ran for the hotel, barging in through the doors and rushing up the stairs. You needed to get to him. He couldn’t be dead. 
Third floor.
The whole building began to shake as you reached the third floor. Looking down the stairwell, just barely able to see through the dust, you could make out Dazzle and… was that Vaggie? You contemplated jumping down to help- Dazzle was clearly not about to get up but… you needed to get to Alastor. Vaggie would be fine. So, you continued running up the stairs- cursing yourself for not being in better shape.
Sixth Floor.
The building shook again. ‘Shit- I don’t know if I’m going to make it up there.’ It sounded like the fight had made it to the top of the hotel already. Based on the rubble constantly falling overhead and how the place was quickly falling apart.
Seventh Floor. 
There was a bright light- a flash really- and you think you heard screaming? Fuck it, there had been non stop screaming for the past hour, what was one more? Your vision had hardly cleared from the flashbang when the whole building started to come down. Dropping to the ground, you tucked yourself into a corner, hoping that there was enough structural strength in that section of the building to prevent you from being crushed. The last thing you could recall was the feeling of something falling on top.
Who knows how much time had passed before you were being pulled from the rubble. There was too much going on- too many people talking at once, too many people hovering… you reached out, swatting away the faces that were too close. 
“Alastor… where’s Alastor?” you croaked, trying to push yourself up into a seated position. Your beaten body screamed at you- begging for you to just lay there and rest, but you needed to know if he was okay- needed to know where he was. 
Multiple hands helped you up, but you took no notice of who it was. From who you could see, the makeshift army hadn’t lost too many numbers but everyone was about as fucked up as you were. 
“We… don’t know…” You turned your head to Charlie who looked as if she had been crying. Of course she had… out of everyone, losing anyone would have hit her the hardest. Your heart sank. No one had seen him? Looking around at the others- even Husk shook his head, almost looking worried, before he spoke up. 
“He’s not dead. Not yet anyway. That asshole’s probably hiding away somewhere, butt hurt that he lost to an angel,” he grunted out, subconsciously bringing a hand to his throat. Of course Husk would know if Alastor was gone… he’s bound to him after all. 
“He could be buried under there though- we need to search. He could be dying in there,” You tried to argue, standing only to stumble back into what used to be the hotel. 
Angel Dust grabbed you by the wrist to stop you, pulling you back. “Easy there Doll Face. We’ll find him or he’ll show up. You’re in no state to go digging through what’s left right now.”
It wasn’t fair. How could everyone walk away from the disaster that was once their home while there were still people missing?
That was three weeks ago. As you laid in bed, in a room provided by Lucifer himself to those who had nowhere else to go, you stared up at the ceiling, thinking the last few weeks over. Everyone’s injuries had been healing pretty well, though yours were a tad worse since you had the building come down on top of you. There was a lot of talk about rebuilding the hotel. Plans had been drawn up and Charlie and Lucifer had teamed up to clear the rubble from the original hotel so that everyone could start building fresh when the time was right. 
There was also a lot of talk on what to do about the lost lives. Memorials were being planned out, names of the fallen cannibals taken down in order to properly remember those who sacrificed themselves for the cause, a painting for Pentious and even a statue of some kind. You hadn’t really been listening to that part. You hadn’t listened to much at all really, either constantly lost in thought or bed bound by your injuries. You were getting pretty sick of not being present, physically and mentally.
As you closed your eyes to sleep, something inside the room moved. Eyes snapping back open, you quickly looked to where you saw the movement, just barely catching the tail end of a shadow disappearing from outside your door. Climbing out of bed, you pulled a robe over your bandaged body and quickly exited the room, looking around for whatever it was that you had just seen. There was no one in sight. All the other occupied rooms in the hallway had their doors closed and lights off, so you doubted it was one of them. Right as you were about to head back into the room, you saw it again, rushing around a corner.
Quickly you ran after it, hoping that by the time you reached the corner, it wouldn’t have disappeared. Injuries, mostly healed but still tender, began to ache from the sudden strain as you tried to keep up with the shadow that passed through another door. 
Before you could open it and continue your pursuit, you had to stop and catch your breath. Healing ribs ached and your once punctured lung protested with every deep breath taken. Sucking in one more deep breath, you pushed yourself to open the door, leading out into the courtyard. Pretty big place for just one person to be living in most of the time, but this is the home of the king of hell himself, so you supposed it was fitting.
Subconsciously holding your ribs, you looked around for the shadowy figure again, but in the dark, there was no way you would be able to see it so easily. Without really realising it, you had walked further into the courtyard, admiring the garden in the small amount of light that was available. ‘Lots of roses… surprised there isn’t an apple tree or something.’
“They are quite beautiful aren’t they?” A voice suddenly spoke up, making you jump. Whipping around, wincing as your bruises and stitches stretched, you eyed off the culprit.
“Of course, I much prefer Nerium over roses.”
“Alastor…” Standing before you was the man who had made this last week a living hell. Did he not realise how much sleep you had lost, not knowing if he was okay? How worried you had been? 
“Only because they’re toxic you freak…” you retorted softly, not even sure if he had heard it as you slowly approached him.
“I had a feeling it was your shadow I had seen… You’re the only sonofabitch I know who can do that.”
Stopping just short of the man, you stared up at him with tired eyes. He looked down at you, that stupid grin on his face, like it always was. 
“Now Darling, must you use such language during our happy reunion? Aren’t you happy to see me?” He mocked, before you weakly punched him in the chest.
You hadn’t even realised it but you had started crying sometime after seeing him standing there. “You asshole… Don’t you know how fucking worried I was about you? Where have you been?” You hit him again, hardly bothering him by the looks of it, as he hardly flinched with every hit. He was a lot stronger than you were… but you supposed you didn’t really want to hurt him.
“Why couldn’t you have at least told us you were okay? Why didn’t you show yourself? I was scared you were dying under the hotel or something- after losing Pentious- I don’t know what we would have done if we found you dead as well.”
A hand dropped onto the top of your head, silencing you and you stopped hitting him, dropping your arms and instead, falling forward to rest your head on his chest.
“I apologise for causing you such grief my dear. I must be honest, I had some loose ends I needed to tie off before I could return. If I had been able to inform you of my whereabouts, I would have,” Alastor remarked, a familiar, almost comforting radio static coating every word. 
“Everything is okay now though isn’t it? We’re all alive and we can start rebuilding the hotel much faster now that I’m back! Though I must say, I am honoured that you care so much!”
You shut your eyes, concentrating on the hand that was gently petting your head before pulling back. “You’re a liar. You got hurt. You can fool everyone else as much as you want Al… but you can’t fool me that easily. I’ve known you far too long for that. You got hurt and you should have come to me. Hell, I was coming after you- to help you and I got crushed because of it!” You didn’t mean to raise your voice, or blame him for the building falling on top of you, it just happened. You wiped your tears away with the back of your hand and watched as his gaze softened a little while his smile remained. 
“You said it yourself (Y/N), you’ve known me too long, to think I didn’t get away. But, if it’s all the same, I apologise. I truly never meant to frighten you.” Alastor cupped your cheek, gently guiding you to meet his red gaze. “I promise, from now on, I will assure you I am okay before running anymore of my long term errands. Okay?”
Anyone could tell he was still hiding things from you, but what more could you do? You knew him well, but you didn’t think anyone truly knew what was going on inside of Alastors mind other than Alastor himself. 
“Wonderful Darling. Come now, I do believe we should be getting you back to bed. Those wounds aren’t going to finish healing if you keep running around like a headless chicken.” Spinning you around, he set a hand onto your lower back and started heading you back to your room so that you could get some rest. Typical Alastor… always quick to disturb and dismiss… but at least he was okay. You felt like, as long as he was okay, maybe you could be okay as well.
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perotovar · 1 day
attention girls, gays, and theys~
pride month theme is LIVE 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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