#frankie baby
fungal-rot · 15 days
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saw that tweet awhile back and immediately thought of these two dumbasses (affectionate)
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
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I call this disappointed dad Frankie.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 18 days
Oh gosh idk . . . Okay okay 😏 you really pulled my leg with this lmao
Smut under the cut, 18+ only
-Frankie ‘Baby face’ morales, all the carnies give him shit for having a baby face hence the nickname.
- Yes Frankie is a coke head, lost his job as a pilot and ended up joining the carnival company as a way to make money/have a place to live (in a trailer) and also still get to enjoy coke
- Frankie saw you before you saw him. He was working one of the games near the entrance when you came in. You looked stunning in dark wash bootcut jeans with the rhinestones on the back pockets with a cute pink v neck tshirt on (idk go with me on this I’m feeling girly, wear whatever you want babes!)
- You just happened to look over and see him as you passed his booth, cute man with these big puppy dog eyes that seemed to be stuck on you🥰 deciding to be bold you pointed at him and then made a ‘come here’ motion with your finger and then turned and walked off towards the porta potties
-Frankie jumped so quick to put up his ‘I’m on break’ sign and quickly followed you, watching you go in the portal potty farthest from everyone. He gave it a few seconds before opening up the door and seeing you inside smiling big at him
-“Hey handsome. By chance could you tell me where I could find something fun to get into?” You say as seductively as you can
-Gulping and hoping like hell he’s picking up what your putting down he pulls a little baggie out of his pocket, “I got something a lil fun right here baby. Whatcha say?”
- You pull your tits out of your shirt and Frankie gets to work dumping some coke on your tit to snort.
-After he gets his, you grab the baggie out of his hands, “My turn” you say all giddy like before crouching down and pulling his dick out of his pants. You pump his dick a few times but in all honesty the man is already pretty hard, so you get to work making a line on his dick for yourself.
-Frankie just watches in awe at you taking charge like that, about ready to fucking burst at you touching him. Watching you snort coke off his cock is just wildly erotic to him 😍
-The two of you end up walking around all night, talking and giggling. He takes you on a few rides, cutting the lines bc he’s friends with the guys operating them. His good friend Ezra lets them stay on the scrambler and ride it three times back to back.
-that wasn’t the best idea for either of you, after getting off y’all had to sit down for a few at a picnic table while your stomachs settled back down lol
- As the carnival was closing, the two of you had just walked into the fun house when he whispers in your ear, “Run”
-Without a second thought, you started to run from him. It was more of a weird fast walk/jog type of thing as you tried to navigate random twists and turns before you found yourself surrounded by mirrors.
-You saw several you’s looking back at you with the same lopsided grin on your face as your chest heaved while you tried to catch your breath when you heard him, “Found you!”
-looking around you still couldn’t see him, “Where are you?!” You shouted back with a giggle
-“Behind you” he whispered in your ear as his hand came up covering your mouth as his other arm wrapped around your body and pulled you back into his chest.
-He dragged you back a few steps before turning you around capturing your lips in a heated kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck, fingers tangled in his curly brown locks as his hands found purchase on your hips holding your body next to his
-“Let me taste ya baby please. I gotta know how sweet an angel tastes when she comes.”
-you enthusiastically shook your head yes and immediately started to pull your jeans down, Frankie made his way to the floor quickly pulling you on top of him
-your hands shot out to hold yourself up as he pulled you up over his face, taking no time in licking up into your cunt, finding you already soaking wet
-Frankie ate you like it was his last meal on earth, you held onto his curls as if that was the only thing keeping you tethered to this earth
-When you came, you came hard. And Frankie held your thighs down with his huge arms, keeping your pussy on his mouth. You came again, this one came a lil quicker.
-By the time he let you get up, your legs were jelly. But you were gonna return the favor. You are a lady after all.
-Except Frankie stopped you when you made a move to unbuckle his pants. “I-it’s okay cariño. No need. I just wanted to make you feel good.” He said sheepishly as he batted your hand away. That’s when you notice a wet spot. A smirk crosses your face as you look up at him, “did you come in your pants?” You keep eye contact with him as your tongue darts out and licks the wet spot.
-Frankie lets out a groan as he pulls you up, “You’re coming home with me angel” and he helped you dress again and then proceeded to throw you over his shoulder as he took off to his trailer where you spent the night fucking and laying next to each other and talking.
Alternate ending:
You exchange numbers before he leaves and that’s when you find out you’re pregnant. You call him to find out what city he’s in, driving out to see him and surprising him with the positive test. He’s overcome with a lot of emotions but ultimately you both decide to be together, Frankie cuts coke out completely, you have the baby and you join the carnival and become this cute lil carnie family 😇
A/n: I wrote this in like 15/20 minutes. There are prob mistakes, it’s fine. I’ve been thinking about carnie Frankie all day! I love him. I absolutely would have his babies. We are not gonna talk about that, I have issues. It’s okay.
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Your Camera Roll if...
Frankie Morales was your boyfriend (pt. 1)
Boyfriend Camera Rolls Masterlist
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coastielaceispunk · 1 year
Catfish & Otter: A Love Story
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Slow-ish burn love story (eventual smut) between two military helicopter pilots overseas serving their country. You become co-pilot to Francisco "Catfish" Morales in the desert and the relationship grows mission to mission and beyond deployment.
Main Masterlist
Pairing: Francisco "Catfish" Morales x military pilot F!Reader
Part One
Part Two
Part Three coming soon
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fearfully-dusty · 2 months
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vivian-pascal · 14 days
i suddenly feel like writing a frankie fic
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livingmydreams13 · 2 years
La leyenda del hada y el mago
Chapter 1:
Pairing: Francisco Morales x Fem Reader
Rating: +18
Sumary: Frankie's life was a hole black sad until he meets you
Warning: As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
Masterlist // Taglist
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You could tell how well she fulfilled Frankie's ex's promise of revenge, or as he called her "evil", he lived in a small town, and in a small town there is no room for secrets, if you told the wrong person something, the next morning everyone would know, Frankie didn't want to be with her anymore, neither of them were happy, but she didn't want to let him go, she called him an "ungrateful loser" she was there for Frankie's drug relapses and that's why she believed she had power over him.
"Who else but me would have held your loser ass...saying encouraging crap so you wouldn't fall again...you need me Francis" but that was what she did, disguising the insults in the form of "encouragement for you to be a better person" but that didn't matter to him and he left her, went to live in his old house, left her the new house for her with all the stuff he had bought just so she wouldn't bother him anymore. Frankie did not go out much, unless it was to buy food, pay bills or do mechanical work with his friend Santiago, with that he made a little money to live, Frankie used to fly helicopters but that was in the past, his drug problems almost destroyed him and he had to give up what he was most passionate about.
Santiago was his only friend in town, the Miller brothers lived far away and Santi convinced him to leave town and go to live near Benny and Will, to start again, but before he wanted to finish fixing his house to be able to put it on sale, Frankie's ex was still spreading rumors of his drug problems and that made some people to look at him in a bad way in the street, that was one of the reasons why he didn't want to go out, Santiago ended up going out with other friends at night to the bar because Frankie didn't want to go out.
The only place he used to go out was to the forest, there was one near the outskirts of the town and there was a certain place where there was a wooden table with chairs attached, and that became his place of peace, he would take food and books or something to distract himself and he could spend a whole day there, he used to go more on weekends when he didn't have to go to work with Santi.
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After a month everything seemed quiet for Frankie, there were only a few people who looked at him in a bad way but it wasn't like before and he was used to it anyway.
Santi convinced him after about 50 phone calls to go out to the bar "you deserve to go out and have a drink, have some fun my friend! after hesitating a lot he accepted, the night came and he got ready to go out but someone knocked at the door and it was the police, they took him arrested for a supposed "assault" and he already knew what it was all about, yes, it was her, did she pretend that Frankie had reached the limit of hitting her? yes, yes, she did, did she convince someone to hit her to make it look more real? Yes, he did.
Santiago arrived at the police station, trying to fix things, but inevitably Frankie would have to spend the night there.
After being all night talking to the cops and showed them evidence and brought one of the guys he works with that Frankie was that Thursday that he supposedly had "beaten" her, Frankie was working all day, even he left much later, almost at 1 in the morning, and the security cameras could prove it, she said it was around ten at night but it was not true, the cops tried to make her tell the truth of who had done it but she kept saying the same thing. The evidence was evident and they let him go.
Santiago was furious, Frankie was waiting in the car and he looked tired and with a totally empty look on his face, and he didn't say anything.
"Why can't you leave him alone? you're a fucking crazy woman" she just laughs as she got into her car.
"He will never be happy, if he is not with me the only thing he will have is misery".
Santi watched as she walked away and started walking angrily to his car, Frankie was sitting silently.
"Take me home" Santi looked at him as he started the car.
"You can come home if you want and.."
"I just want to be alone"
"I don't want to leave you alone buddy"
"Don't worry I'll be fine"
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Frankie quit his job, he started to spend most of the day in the woods near the town, he would bring food and spend the night there, doing nothing or reading, Santiago would go there a couple of times to try to cheer him up a little, to try to get them to move, to go live somewhere else, to go where his other friends the Miller brothers were, but Frankie did not want to do it anymore, he felt that they would follow him wherever he went, he felt cursed.
He didn't understand why she did it either, he was always understanding and patient with her, he knew about her family problems and that she could be a bit aggressive but he put up with everything because he really loved her and yet she made his life impossible, she managed to sink him completely.
Two weeks passed after the incident, and as it had become recurrent, Frankie was preparing everything to spend another day in the forest, only this time because Santiago was working, she had already spread the rumor of how "bad" Frankie was and of course many believed him and he only received bad looks from his neighbors, but that did not matter and he left, The morning passed quickly and he spent it reading and writing, until he began to hear noises, it was as if someone was running, he didn't think much of it, it could be other people walking around, but he heard the noises again and they were closer and closer.
"Who's there?" Frankie shouted, trying to sound angry in case it was something else.... Footsteps could be heard closer, Frankie stood up to take a better look around.
"If anyone tries to fuck with me, I'm warning them it's not a good idea" no one responded.
Until he saw in the distance someone running in his direction and as he got closer he saw who it was, a girl who looked a little scared, clearly did not see him and ran straight to Frankie stumbling and falling, the girl looked at him a little scared and agitated.
"Hey... are you ok?" Frankie held out his hand, she looked back but seeing no one she went back to Frankie and took his hand so she could get up.
"Hey are you okay? Why were you running?"
"I...someone started chasing me and it was...scary, sorry."
"It's okay, don't worry" Frankie looked around but didn't see anyone, after a few minutes he realized that I was still holding his hand, and he looked at it again a little more carefully and thought he saw the most beautiful woman in the world, he restrained himself by not starting to act weird so as not to scare you, you had enough that someone was chasing you a few minutes ago.
"Wow, looks nice everything you put together here.." and he gave her a smile, the warmest, most beautiful smile Frankie had ever seen.
"I don't want to bother you, I'm so sorry, I'd better keep walking and find a way out."
But frankie didn't want her to leave.
"Wait... you were running and you must be a little tired, you can sit down if you want, I have water over here."
"Really?" And he flashed his smile again and frankie just melted.
"Yeah... stay, it's not safe for you to come back alone, I can walk you when you want to go" and another smile, Frankie couldn't breathe anymore.
"God I... thank you, you're the nicest person I've come across these past few weeks" he watched her sit up and breathe a little, she was still a bit shaken and Frankie gave her her water. She kept smiling at Frankie and he felt strangely a little happier, it was like a break from all those people looking down on him.
That was the beginning of the fall .
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deadmantis · 1 year
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@intheorangebedroom It's not Frankie Friday without these two!
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thethirdman8 · 2 years
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fungal-rot · 23 days
i have frankie brainrot
friends, followers, mutuals please send me your sluttiest francisco morales thoughts- i will reply with like a short little drabble or some shit
you can be anonymous if you’d like but i just really wanna ride write him
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
second chances [francisco ‘catfish’ morales x f!reader]
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Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x F!Reader
Words: 1,938
Warnings: Mentions of drug use, some angst. SMUT - frankie’s belt buckle, oral sex (m receiving), make up sex, clothed sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk
Summary: You break up with Frankie to give him time to work on himself, but you come to realize neither of you wants that.
[frankie masterlist][frankie masterlist pt. 2]
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Second chances.
Not all of us get them. Some of us don’t deserve them.
Then there are people you are willing to give a hundred chances because you believe in them. And because you love them.
Frankie was one such person.
As he sits across from you at the little diner that had become a favorite spot for you both, you tell yourself that you are mad at him, that he needs to figure things out before you even think of letting him back into your life.
Even in the shitty diner lighting, his brown eyes gleam with emotion that his mouth can’t quite convey.
“I miss you,” he says, and you look down at the table before meeting his eye again. The low hum of the radio mixes in with the sound of the rain hitting the window. Of course, the weather chooses to match your mood. It always seems to do when you’re with Frankie.
“Frankie,” you sigh.
“I’m working on it...on myself, I mean. I need you, babe.” He uses the pet name that has you tilting your head and reaching out for his warm hands. Yours always fit so perfectly in them.
“I’m a distraction, Frankie….” It’s all you can say because the rest of your words are stuck…somewhere.
He can’t take this anymore. The table is putting too much distance between you two. He stands, and you watch him stand and make his way to your side of the booth. When he sits beside you, he brings his scent along with him.
Sandalwood, leather, and a hint of petrichor. You will never understand how this man can carry the smell of the earth when it rains, but he does, and you are willing to drown in it.
You fiddle with the collar of his worn brown jacket—a security blanket just like his hat. You look up at his cap and imagine that it most likely smells like his shampoo.
“Don’t call yourself that,” he says. “Babe…” His voice is lower now. “I can’t do this without you. I need you.” The desperation in his tone is deafening.
Frankie has never quite thought about how his life would be without you. He knows it isn’t healthy, but you are the person he will be with forever. He doesn’t need to think about life without you.
Until he does.
And what a lonely, pathetic thing it is. You brought vibrancy to his life, and when you uttered the words “take a break,” that vibrancy faded faster than he could remember.
“Where did you go?” you ask him. You always do when he seems to go into his little world.
He shakes his head. “Nowhere. I’m right here. With you. Always.”
“Are you?” you ask even as you trace the callouses on his big hands.
“Yeah.” He smiles down at your fingers. “That tickles.”
You smile for a moment, then nearly tackle him out of the booth with the force of your hug. “Frankie,” you cry, “My Frankie.”
“Take me back. Give me a chance to prove myself to you. I don’t need that stuff; I need you.” His face is buried in your neck, and his patchy scruff tickles your neck.
“Promise me. Promise me you won’t touch that shit again, Frankie.” You pull away and take his face in your hands. That boyish charm will always draw you in no matter how many greys shade his beard now.
He shakes his head repeatedly. “Never again, babe. Just stay with me. Love me.”
“I’ll always love you,” you say, and then he’s kissing you. It’s the kind of kiss that should be saved for when you two are alone, but that doesn’t matter right now.
“I need you,” you breathe between kisses. “Take me home.”
As quick as lightning, Frankie pulls his wallet out and slams some money on the table before taking your hand and pulling you out of the booth, out of the door, and to his truck. When you get there, he ends up pressing you against it to kiss you more. It’s a needy kiss that leaves you wanting.
Somehow, he can get his key in the car door, all while taking your breath away. “Get in,” he says breathlessly.
Usually, he would open the passenger door for you, but tonight you climb in on the driver’s side and crawl over to your seat. He chuckles behind you, and you look back at him. Frankie loves your butt.
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As soon as you get through his apartment door, he pins you to the wall and kisses you.
“What the fuck was I thinking?” he asks against your lips.
“What the fuck do I need drugs for when I have you?” He kisses you again, and you bite his lip, making him hiss in surprise.
“You don’t need them,” you say.
“No, but I need you.” After another kiss, he puts your arms above your head so he can get your shirt off. He lifts one of your legs so that it is up around his waist. His belt buckle notches between your legs perfectly, and he grins. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
You arch off the wall, only leaving your shoulders against it for support. He also supports you by gripping the thigh of your leg around his waist. He looks down as you start rubbing yourself against the buckle, but you stop a few moments later.
“What?” he wonders.
“I can’t feel it. Get my leggings off,” you tell him, and he quickly helps you out of them. You both get back into position, and this time you gasp as the belt buckle presses against your panties.
“Feel good?” he asks, and you nod.
“I wanna…fuck you,” you moan.
“Yeah? Wanna ride me and make me yours? You gonna make me say your name?” he asks. He’s grabbing your ass, making you move faster on his buckle.
“Fuck…get on the fucking couch,” you demand. “Why can’t I stay mad at you?” you ask as he stumbles back towards the couch. You unbuckle his belt as he walks.
“It’s the puppy dog eyes. They always get you,” he teases, then you push him down onto the couch. He watches in awe as you move with lightning speed to get his button and zipper undone. “Whoa, slow down, babe.”
You kneel and look up at him, breathing heavily. “Sorry.”
“Thank you for giving me another chance,” he says sweetly.
“Promise me again,” you beg as you stare at him. You reach into his jeans and find him hard inside his boxer briefs.
“Jesus…fuck…” he groans, and you stop.
“Promise…me,” you repeat.
“I fucking promise you. I’ll never touch the drugs again. …please…touch me,” he pleads.
It has been weeks for both of you.
You begin rubbing him again, and he throws his head back. “Ahhh, just like that.” His hips move with your hand. You slip your hand into his boxer briefs, and he grasps the couch cushions so hard, that his knuckles turn white.
“Been too long,” Frankie bites out.
“Only a few weeks,” you say.
“Babe, I can barely go a day without being inside you. A few weeks feels like for- ah, fuck me!” He looks down and watches you swirl your tongue around the tip of his dick.
“You were saying?” you tease, not even letting him get a word out before taking him into your mouth nice and slow, looking up into his eyes the whole time. His chest and tummy rush with each of his panting breaths.
You kiss around his cock as you pull his shirt up just enough to see his stomach. You smile up at him as you drag your nails down his tummy. He throws his head back again, and you drag your tongue along his cock, holding it against his stomach so you can get the underside.
“Don’t,” he breathes and pulls you away reluctantly. “C’mere.” He grabs the back of your neck and tilts your head up so he can kiss you as you get to your feet and then straddle him. His dick is pressed between your bodies, so you quickly adjust your body so you can slide your panties aside and slide down onto him.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Frankie groans, holding the vowel sound until you are fully seated.
You want to move, but he won’t let you. He wraps his arms around you tightly and pumps up into you slowly.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” he murmurs. His forehead is pressed to yours as he repeats himself. “So sorry.” He begins pumping faster, still holding you tightly.
“I know, Frankie baby,” you say in his ear. “Let me bounce on it.” He lets go of you almost immediately, and you grab onto the back of the sofa for leverage as you start to move up and down on him.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” Frankie says as he watches you bounce. Then his hands are on your ass, squeezing and massaging the flesh he loves so much. He gives you a quick spank, and you squeal playfully.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” He does it again, and this time you moan, giving him a little pout. “You pouting at me, hm?”
“Mmhmm.” You nod and pout at him innocently.
“You know what that does to me….” He reaches down to play with your clit. “You’re gonna make me cum,” he tells you.
You move your hands to his knees as you lean back to watch him play with you. He stops, and you’re about to complain until you notice what he’s doing. He maneuvers himself to get his belt out of the loops. Then he wraps the belt around his hand with the buckle sitting in the perfect position. So while you’re riding him, instead of him playing with your clit, the belt buckle does the work.
You cry out, looking down to watch yourself get off.
“Can’t wait to wear this everywhere, knowing that I made you cum all over it,” Frankie says, moving his hand with you. You cry out and move faster, rocking yourself on his cock as you do.
You grab his hand and hold the buckle in place when you come undone as your body jerks and trembles.
“Christ…” you breathe.
Frankie lets you rest against him, holding you close as he pumps up into you again. “I’m gonna cum,” he whispers in your ear.
“Please,” you whimper, only finding enough strength to kiss and suck on his neck, which happens to be just enough to push him over the edge.
He calls out your name and thrusts into you hard one last time as he fills you.
Eventually, he falls back against the couch, breathing heavily. “I’m never waiting that long to cum again. I thought I was gonna black out,” he says, then bursts into laughter. You join in before kissing him through the laughter.
“I can’t live without you,” he says, resting his head against your breasts.
“That shit you were doing…it could have killed you, and then I’d have to live without you,” you say sadly as you play with his curls.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he says.
“You better not.”
“Thank you,” he mumbles in a tired voice.
“For what?” you ask.
“For giving me another chance,” he yawns.
You kiss the top of his head and rub his back to comfort him. You know that you would give him a hundred chances.
Second chances—not everyone gets them or deserves them, but Frankie Morales is worth a second chance and so much more for you.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 4 months
Dark Frankie!! Tell me more about this wip!
Sitting at his desk in the security office, Frankie has google pulled up on his laptop. Scrolling through your social media pages, reading any article he can find about you. Not too long ago you had come to see about one of the houses for sale in the gated community he works security for. He had recognized your name, you’re the author of those romance books he loves to read. The very second your pretty eyes landed on his, he was hooked.
Rambling under the cut(:
Eee!! Okay I’ve been so excited about this one I just suck at writing lmao this is hugely inspired by @juletheghoul Dulcis. Backstory: I had a dream I was dropping my boys off at school and as I was walking down the stairs I passed an older guy (I assume was the principal) and he was on the phone, looked at me and goes “yea she’s here” and it creeped me out. It gave me the idea to write a single mom reader who’s stalked by Frankie. At first I thought Dave would be good for this but Frankie. We wanna feast on dark Frankie.
And now here we are with this story: Reader is a single mom to two boys (yes this is majorly self indulgent idc) and she moves to a new town. She also happens to be an author. She was able to get her and the boys a nice house in a gated community. She wanted/needed the safety bc her baby daddy was into drugs and now bad guys are after her and the boys. Frankie Morales, security guard at the gated community she just moved too. Also big fan of hers. He has a big heart. He loves too much too quick. He grows attached to her, wants to make her happy, be a father to the boys, give her everything.
They definitely flirt, she can admit he’s easy on the eyes and the attention is nice but she doesn’t want a relationship. Shes happy being single and just living her life. Only problem is Frankie won’t take no for an answer.
Not to give the whole thing away this will have: stalking, home invasion, noncon, he’s gonna have friends everywhere keep an eye on her bc she’s his and that’s what he tells everyone, def horror(frankie isn’t a good man 👀), maybe he chases her in her house and catches her and his dick slips in idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ tbh all I have written is mostly her backstory so the smut will probs change by the time I finish lol but expect creepy,obsessed stalker Frankie 🩷
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Your Camera Roll if…
Frankie Morales was your boyfriend (pt. 2)
Boyfriend Camera Rolls Masterlist
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134 notes · View notes
coastielaceispunk · 1 year
Francisco "Catfish" Morales
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Main Masterlist
Catfish & Otter Series
Another Frontier - Your husband Frankie takes you to Alaska.
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fearfully-dusty · 5 days
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