#free psychic readings
esotericpluto · 9 months
your life 5 years from now
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can donate here.
dividers credit: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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pile 1
fully intuitive, no cards
I feel like you will have a lot of success in your life, mainly financially. You will be very financially stable and living out your dreams. I see most of you will be in your desired career and learning everyday more about it, advancing in it and adquiring new skills. I see some of you investing money in various ways too, as buying properties, jewels or art pieces. Others might be investing in actions/stocks as well and building a diverse portfolio.
For some people in this group (mainly those who will be 25 plus in 5 years) I'm seeing that you will be building a family too or preparing yourself to build one, however I do advise you to be very careful with the partner you pick as some of you might be investing in a rotten apple without realizing. Do not ignore red flags and be 100% sure this person is fulfilling you and doing more than the bare minimum, as you do not want to regret the person you build a family with. Some of you might even receive warnings of this through dreams, so dream journal and study dream analysis.
Overall, I see, especially for women who picked this pile, that you will be highly successful. I see you having very close friends who are there for you and who are successful themselves, so no jealousy or envy in the scene. I see you all going on trips and nice fancy dates together and truly uplifting each other up.
You will be extremely well educated by then and might even be beginning to take on a PHD by that time. I also see you taking some free courses here and there and truly building yourself up and becoming very well read. You will be a real catch and grow into yourself both physically and mentally. You will be very grounded in all aspects of yourself. I am also seeing some travels around the world and possibly owning a cat or two.
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pile 2
2 of cups, 10 of swords, 4 of wands, 7 of pentacles
For those who picked this pile, you will be entering a harmonious time in your life after a long era of suffering and worrying. I see, however, that all this depends on you. You will have to remove your blindfolds and actually take control of your life and make a decision once and for all about yourself and the direction of things. This might be working on yourself, working on limiting beliefs, putting end to toxic behaviors and thoughts you have about yourself or others, going to therapy and doing shadow work. For some of you, this will require the end of friendships/a relationship that won't serve you anymore and you will have to put yourself first, choosing yourself over them, even if hurts you for a while.
For others, this might indicate you are going to be entering a new relationship after worries of never finding the ideal person for you. However, I see that you will be plagued by fears that the relationship won't work or that the person will leave eventually and that you'll have to start from zero with someone new all over again. This is a valid fear, but you will only be allowing these thoughts to drain you out of life and happiness if you don't address them. Not only that, but you will end up easily minsunderstanding your partner or jumping to conclusions that will only put a strain in the relationship. You have been hurt before and you didn't deserve that, but be careful to not project the aftermath of that pain onto innocent people.
I do feel like this partner could be the end game for you, but only if you are willing to truly work through these issues and I'd recommend starting now. When the time comes, be willing to be open with them about the things you have been through as they'll be open minded and understand you better than anyone has. Consider going to therapy too and even couple therapy with them if you have the chance. People tend to think couple therapy is only for when things are going through rough patch or to "fix" things, but the truth is that every couple can benefit from couple therapy and it can help them heal from expectations and fears they carry on from childhood or past connections.
Working through all this will require some time dedication and patience from both, but I see it strengthening the relationship and even possibly leading to marriage and a lot of happy moments together.
I also feel like you might be going through a lot of tiring moments when it comes to your career in 5 years. I feel like most of you will still be trying to find a career/workplace that fits you and where you feel welcome. Others might even not be enjoying your job/employers for being too strict, non-understanding and draining. While you should be collaborative, you should never take abuse or energy draining vampires. You are strong enough to leave and find a better job for you, there are enough of them out there for you and you might even find a better area or truly follow your childhood dreams.
Your efforts when it comes to work will definitely pay off after a while and you will even receive a financial bonus/reward due to this.
I see a lot of celebrations. I feel like some of your friends or even family members like cousins and siblings (i'm also seeing an younger aunt possibly) getting married, engaged or having children. You might also be going to parties or hanging out with friends, trying to maintain a healthy social life. I'm also hearing to keep family close.
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pile 3
Lovers, Temperance, 6 of cups, 5 of cups, Knight of Cups, 6 of wands, 7 of pentacles, 3 of cups
So I feel like for most of you 5 years from now this will be a time of self-love and balance in your life. I also see that you will be surrounded by life, with a stable partner/relationship (possibly already marriage for some of you) and expecting a new family member/child, whilw trying to balance things out in your life and home to make space for the new family element.
Because of this new addition to your newly founded family, I feel like you will be reminiscing a lot about your own childhood and how things went with your parents. I feel like they committed many mistakes that you feel resentful over still and that you'll fear repeating. It could also apply to anyone who might have hurt you during your childhood and you fearing the same happening to your kid. However, you're going to choose to look at this as a new beginning and as a way to give someone else the childhood they deserve, since you didn't have yours. I feel like this will help you heal your inner child and release the unwarranted guilt you might feel.
I feel like around this time you might even receive texts from ex partners trying to reconnect, which you will of course decline since you'll be in a happy relationship expecting (although this could also apply for people adopting/using surrogacy btw). Some of you, old friends will reconnect and want to catch up with you. I'm hearing to be careful with who you let back in, but a few of them will be trustworthy and you'll miss them in your life. I feel like some of them might just try to get into your life again for their own benefit and to ask you for money, so be careful. This could also be a family member for some of you.
Overall, it will be a time that you'll see many things come to fruition and you will feel truly victorious. I see a lot of happy joyful moments and celebrations, especially when the little one gets in the picture. I think it will be a very united and bonded family which is adorable.
There will be one month or two that you might need to go into introspection/solitude until you feel better and ready to face the world too. I feel like for some of you this could sadly be some form of postpartum depression, but I see you getting counselling for it and overcoming it without many struggles.
You will be pausing your career for a bit with this, however once you do get back I see people welcoming you with open arms, missing you and wishing you the best. I see you will also be able to get promoted/salary raise in a few months after you get back and so will your significant other, bringing more abundance to you two especially after being a bit tight on finances to make space for the baby.
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n3xii · 4 months
pick a card - what do they feel about you?
this pick a card is intended for people in relationships or have romantic interests, it will tell your energy towards them, their energy towards you and what you share. dont force anything to resonate if it simply doesnt make any sense for your situation.
i do personal readings as well check my pinned post for details! one question readings coming soon <3
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pile one- red heels
your energy: three of pentacles reversed
their energy towards you: 4 of cups
shared energy: 10 of cups
With the Three of Pentacles reversed representing your energy, there may be a sense of disorganization, lack of collaboration, or difficulty in working together effectively within your connection. This card signfies a lack of communication or feeling of working on the same page. You may be experiencing challenges or delays in building a solid foundation or achieving mutual goals with this other person. This card suggests that there may be a need to reassess your approach to teamwork and cooperation, as well as to address any underlying issues or conflicts that may be hindering your communication. The Four of Cups representing their energy towards you suggests that they may be feeling emotionally distant or disengaged in the relationship. I pulled the 6 of pentacles reversed to clarify the 4 of cups, honestly im getting that this person is not as invested as you are. the dynmics here are showing up unequally, and this is reflecting in the communication and energy of the connection. They may be experiencing a sense of discontentment or boredom, possibly feeling unfulfilled or uninspired by the current dynamics between you. It's possible that they are longing for something more meaningful or satisfying, i feel like they want more from this partnership but arent getting it, so they became disengaged. They may be struggling to find clarity or motivation. the 6 of pentacles reversed is telling me that they need to put in more investment in this connection so that they can get what they want out of it, instead of being disengaged. Despite the challenges however, the Ten of Cups as the shared energy between you both signifies a deep potential for emotional fulfillment, harmony, and happiness within the relationship. This card represents the ultimate joy and contentment that comes from sharing love and connection with another person. Together, you and this person have the opportunity to experience profound unity, love, and emotional abundance. This card suggests that your relationship has the potential to bring you both immense happiness and fulfillment, provided that you both willing to work through any challenges and nurture your connection with care and dedication. both people have to be invested, and both people need to be communicative about their role in the connection.
Pile two- red mansion
your energy: nine of wands
their energy towards you: the world reversed
shared energy: justice reversed
Your energy towards them is represented by the Nine of Wands, which suggests a sense of defensiveness, caution, and resilience towards this person. You may be feeling guarded or protective of yourself in the connection you have, perhaps due to past hurts or fears of being hurt again. The Nine of Wands indicates that you have been through challenges and obstacles, and you are now standing strong and resilient, but you may also be wary of fully opening up emotionally to this person. The World reversed representing this person's energy towards you suggests that they may be feeling incomplete or unfulfilled in the connection. They may be experiencing a sense of stagnation or inability to move forward, possibly feeling stuck or restricted in some way. The World reversed can indicate a lack of closure or resolution, indicating that they may be grappling with unresolved issues or unfinished business that is affecting their ability to fully engage with you. With Justice reversed as the shared energy between you both, there may be a sense of imbalance, injustice, or disharmony in the connection yall have. This card tells me that theres a shared energy surrounding fairness, honesty, or integrity that need to be addressed. There may be a lack of accountability or mutual respect, leading to conflicts or power struggles within the relationship. It's essential to address any underlying issues of injustice or imbalance and work towards connection where you dont have to feel guarded or cautious for yourself.
Pile three- red necklace
your energy: judgment reversed
their energy towards you: the lovers
shared energy: knight of cups
The judgement reversed here indicates a reluctance or resistance to embracing change. You may be struggling with feelings of self-doubt or indecision, which could be affecting your ability to fully engage with your partner. Judgment reversed suggests that you may be hesitant to confront issues or make necessary decisions, leading to a sense of stagnation or uncertainty towards this person..i pulled the death card as clairfication, this tells me that theres been a cycle that has come to an end in this connection, and this judgement reversed is telling me that you may be resisting this new chapter. you need to embrace what has changed and confront any decisions you need to make.
Their energy towards you is represented by The Lovers, which talks about a deep sense of connection, harmony, and mutual attraction. their energy towards you symbolizes a strong bond and romantic partnership based on love, passion, and compatibility. This tells me that they see you as their ideal partner or soulmate, feeling deeply drawn to you on both a physical and emotional level. Their energy towards you indicates a desire for unity and intimacy as well as good communication.
The Knight of Cups as the shared energy between you both signifies a romantic and idealistic atmosphere in your connection. This card represents a passionate and romantic energy, where both partners are swept up in the intensity of their emotions and desires. Together, you and your partner share the energy of the romantic journey, both are leading with your emotions and both are willing to communicate them. This knight of cups here tells me that although you both share mutual feelings, there is still room for them to develop more in the future.
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months
🍂🧡👻🎃Ask Game: Halloween Edition🍂🧡👻🎃 (CLOSED)
No anons!
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This ask game ends on October 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm KST. Any asks sent after this time will not be answered.
I may or may not answer all asks.
Pick 1 emoji out of the one listed below for your reading. 🪦- You can ask 1 q related to death. If it's about another person (non celeb), then you need to tell me their initials and their relationship to you. 🧛🏻 - What's 1 negative trait that your future partner has? 🦇 - What spooky/scary event will you likely experience? If you're asking about a celeb then I'll need their name. 🪓 - Will you experience some sort of betrayal soon or in the near future? If so what would it likely be? If you're asking about a celeb then I'll need their name.
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tuesdaystarot · 5 months
PICK A CARD: Valentines Day Reading 2024
This pick a card will tell you a bit about how Feb.14th will go for you.
Reminder: Do not choose the photo you find most appealing/aesthetic/beautiful. Choose WITH your intuition. Meditate or pray on it, close your eyes and really get in touch with yourself, eliminate noise. Go with your instinct/gut feeling. The right choice will often make you feel certain bodily sensations if you're like me (eg. a shiver, a feeling in your stomach, your heart beating faster).
Also, please remember this is a pick-a-card reading, so it is very general and broad. It is possible not everything will apply to you. Some messages from spirit may be meant for another person in the group and not you. Take what resonates, leave the rest, xo.
Please pick one of the four options below using your intuition
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From top left to bottom right (1, 2, 3, 4)
Option 1
Song: Naturally- Selena gomez and the scene
Oracle: spiritual truth
Queen of Cups Two of Cups Judgement XX
On valentines day, I see some sort of opportunity for a romantic union or a coming together with you and another person. this could be a date with your s/o or someone new, or something in some way is happening in which you and someone are coming together in partnership. 2 of cups is like the biggest signifier for love and romance with another person, so I def think this is in the books for you this feb.
Further, you are going to be having a spiritual awakening in love (you're going to realize who's meant for you or why a connection ended/should end or how to pursue a love you've been wanting). Whatever it is, it's going to feel shocking, like a revelation, and it's going to bring you together with this special person on love day.
Queen of cups is advising you to trust your gut, and the song saying it comes naturally is telling me that the right connection on v-day is one that makes you feel intuitively safe and one that feels not forced (this will be part of your big, spiritual realization on the fourteenth, for sure). Luckily, I think this new love or partnership that is coming on the fourteenth is a good thing as the 2 of cups is such a great signifier for a healthy romantic time, but let's get a signifier card to better understand what is going on here with 2 of cups. I got 6 of cups as a clarifier; in other words, someone from the past is coming in and is going to romantically approach you. it may be an ex. If this offering feels comfortable and natural, go for it. if it feels in any way the opposite, the cards are telling you to run. You really need to trust your gut on the fourteenth. With the photo, I am willing to bet this is someone who wants to sweep you off your feet or treat you like a princess/pamper you (if they have not already acted this way previously) on v day, soooo sweet lol.
Further, with the sun at the top on the oracle, this is telling me you do have an opportunity to have a lovely and positive valentines day, just choose wisely who you spend your time with, pay attention to gut feelings, and know that some sort of love offer from your past is coming in fast and furious. I do see the potential for a romantic outing here though.
One more signifier for the judgement card: High priestess. wow. I have gotten trust your gut messages for this entire reading; so pls know that this is your most important message and advice for your valentines day. Again, this card is neutral, it is not telling me much about the past lover coming in as to whether to trust them or not; it is just saying, be smart, listen to your inner voice, do what feels best for you on valentines day AND KEEP THAT IN MIND if an ex contacts you. if everything feels safe and good to you, it just might be that way, and you might be getting a very positive and beautiful love offer here. but if you have a weird feeling in your gut about anything, EVEN if he is wanting to pamper you and give you princess treatment and is coming in to offer love, do not fall for it. You are clearly an intuitive person, use that to your advantage, and i see you'll have a romantic, and wonderful v day if you do so.
Option 2
Song: Somebody else- the 1975
Oracle: express your truth
Justice XI King of Cups Three of Swords
Firstly, I am noticing tons of 3's in your reading. The song expresses a sadness from the singer because their lover found somebody else, which expresses a 3 person dynamic. Your oracle card has triangles within triangles written on it. And you drew the three of swords. This seems to be no coincidence. I have a feeling that on valentine's day, your heart is going to feel broken in some way either by something that happens shortly previously to vday or on vday. The three of swords really encapsulates a heartbreak (im sorry to say this love).
Secondly, justice speaks of karma, speaks of truth-telling, speaks of people getting exactly what they deserve. With the 3s, it is certainly possible 3 ppl are involved in this mess here. Maybe you will get cheated on (or have recently and it is all unfolding around v-day), or there is some sort of love triangle in which things are not working out in your favor. Know this though, on valentines day, the justice card is telling you that things will balance themselves out, and if someone betrays/betrayed you, they will karmically get what is coming to them. If it is you who has betrayed someone, then it is the opposite, you will get what you karmically deserve here (especially if you are dishonest about stuff, as the card "speak your truth" really emphasizes a need for honest conversation here).
King of cups denotes a partner who seems devoted, caring, emotional. Maybe this is your current partner or a person who has betrayed you, or maybe it is you. it is likely the person who has more masculine energy. Signifier; The sun. This person seems very warm, kind, genuine to you. They make you so happy. It is probably shocking to you that something could be going wrong in your connection.
I get the feeling you really love/connect with this person and with the lyric " I'm picturing your body with somebody else", your heartbreak is really encapsulated here. Gosh, Pile 2 ! I'm so sorry, this seems like a rough valentines day, and even possibly a rough month for you? However, it is not all shadows, so do not despair. The justice card is a hint that the truth always comes out, and the truth is ALWAYS better than deceit, even while painful. So know, that by valentines day, you will know the truth about any sort of betrayal or anything that someone you love may be involved in, you will not be kept in the dark.
I will ask for a signifier regarding the justice carD: page of pentacles. this gives me the feeling that you may PHYSICALLY find something or have receipts. Justice card is encouraging you to speak your truth, if you have found some sort of proof of unfaithfulness or someone doing you dirty in any way, even if its valentines day and it feels like ill timing, bring it to the table and communicate with them.
Advice on how to have the best valentines possible despite these negative messages and potentially hard implications: The hermit card. Spend some time in your own skin. After you communicate with this person, share your truth, stick up for yourself, and hopefully get some truth in return, spend some time alone with yourself. It is hard to hear this message on valentine's day, but hanging around this person or others just will not be the best thing for your mental state as of rn. Spend some time, cuddle up, watch a funny movie, take care of yourself, reflect on the situation by yourself if it helps you feel better, if not just pig out on icecream. Really though, treat yourself with something sweet on this day, cuz you deserve it! And know that things WILL get better, even if this is a hard day/time for you. I can feel that things will turn around for the better after this. Sending so much love and light.
Option 3
Song: Too much- Kehlani
Oracle: Allow the unknown
The High Priestess II The Lovers VI Seven of Wands
I really see valentines day as a self love day for you! A day where you work on yourself, you care for yourself, and you prioritize yourself (perhaps after needing this for so much time!). I see this as a day where you are going to regain some confidence with the lyric " I'm too much of a boss, baby its your loss, now you gotta live with it". You may think or reflect on an ex or person who stood you up, but you're not looking back with regret or sadness, you're literally thinking "damn he/she/they were an idiot because i've got my ducks in a row". And I love that for you! And this is not false confidence either, the high priestess is all knowing and intuitive. You know in your heart that you've got many great qualities and that any sane person should recognize you're a catch.... cuz you are.
But on v-day, other than that energy of reflecting on people before, it is less about love for you and more a professional/academic/creative pursuit you are placing focus on. You are going to have two paths or decisions that you can make on valentines day (and they are important, they will change the course of your life). One is going to be way more risky, with the seven of wands you will be calculating all the worst-case scenarios, and honestly, there are a lot. it is not exactly a safe choice. However, it is a passion-filled choice i'm seeing with the lovers, and the seven of wands is showing you have ambition, and you have your own wand/stick to fight against the risks, so while there are risks, you are able to fight against these challenges. the oracle literally is saying "allow the unknown", so I'm getting the advice here that for valentines day, spirit says choose the riskier and more adventurous choice!
Yes, it is risky; but you are a force to be reckoned with, and you need a little challenge in your life rn. You're also so, so unique and talented; the picture shows a golden heart in a black and white world, as well as the oracle with a palm that has intricate designs and fingerprints. There is something special and distinct about you and your ideas, and while one of the choices here may have many opponents lining up going against you, or maybe just the odds being stacked against u, you just may have what it takes despite this due to your uniqueness. So the cards are saying go for it! Keep loving yourself and being confident on valentines day and have faith in yourself.
The high priestess shows that you will intuitively know that the riskier choice is more for you, you have a keen understanding of these things. so do not doubt your gut feeling.
Just so we have a bit more of an idea of the tough choice you'll have to make, here's a lovers clarifier: The fool. Hah omg. So many signs are saying that you should jump into whatever this is without overthinking. I'm getting the choice may be something to do with adventure, with creativity, a new idea. Maybe a business venture? Or anything you've not fully tried before? Something the world has not yet seen? Whatever it is, it's a new, shiny, exciting, and terrifying choice, but spirit is urging u to make it this v-day. Best of luck!
Option 4:
Song: ...Ready for it?- Taylor swift
Oracle: Clarity of insight
Seven of Wands The Tower XVI The Chariot VII
Oh my, someone is going to have quite the eventful valentines day. For the lyric I got "baby, let the games begin.", and with seven of wands I literally heard in my head " beating them off with a stick" about your suitors, cuz you have so many competing over you. There are clearly lots of ppl interested in you on valentines day, it may feel even overwhelming how much people will compete to get your attention or get you to go out on v day. Nonetheless, know that, while attention may feel nice (any leo risings here?) not all of these suitors are right for you or will contribute to your life in a positive way. I am getting that two in particular may stand out to you.
The tower brings a lot of drama and destruction. And I think that represents two things for you this v day. 1. just the chaos and drama that may ensue due to all these people fighting for your attention, as well as the passion that will bring. 2. The potential for some of these guys/girls/people to be no good for you... the potential they may fuck everything up in your life, bring about a lot of games, drama, just toxic energy that is a no no. If you do not choose correctly who you spend your energy on, destructive relationships will ensue.
Nonetheless, you as the chariot, need to take control of your life. You cannot let a toxic person get the best for you... you need to make a choice that will support your future in a positive way for your love life. Know that sometimes something that feels "hot, passionate, exciting" and gives you butterflies, is also something that can be stressful and unsoothing and not a "soulmate relationship". The drama can be all fun and games, until it's not. and this valentines day, I'm getting the message from spirit that it's time to get serious about your love life and prioritize suitors who are going to bring the best energy into your life.
You may feel stuck between two people in particular this v-day when you're deciding who you wanna go for, spend energy on, go on a date with etc.
I'll pull up some clarifiers to better understand who these people are.
two of cups, the sun
Possible signs: Leo, Libra, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Spirit is telling me this person is your soulmate. They are, 100%, the right choice to go with this v day. You two will have a beautiful connection, but remember, it is your choice if you want to put energy into this. I feel like a calm, warm love will ensue. This person may have blonde and/or voluminous hair. They will have a very positive and funny personality. Think, golden retriever. They will be relationship oriented, and romantic. It may be someone you're currently seeing or just a crush.
2. Seven of swords, king of cups
Possible signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn
Spirit is telling me this other option is not the person to go for this v-day. They are sneaky and dishonest with you either currently, or if not, even worse, they have the potential to be like this in a future relationship with you. They may be witty, smart, cunning, and chatty; yet also emotional and traditional. They may have the habit of talking down to people. For looks, I am not for sure, but possibly a trendy sense of style, shorter in stature, blue eyes. This is not likely someone you're currently dating; either a crush or someone who has pursued you and you're thinking about seeing.
Remember, choose wisely and act insightful! And passion, while great, does not always mean a person is the best option. Pay attention to how people treat you and if their values align with yours and your future plans. Random message, but i feel like you'll get a cheek kiss this v day!
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shinpredicts · 1 year
Ask Game
Long time no see! I'm back until who knows, but to kick it off, I'll be doing an ask game!
You can only ask 1 question for this game.
You cannot ask anything related to celebrities. For example, would this kpop idol date me or what would this kpop idol think about me?
No questions about death.
If you send any hate or spam me, then I will delete your ask and block you. If you don't follow the rules, then I'll have to delete your ask.
I might not answer all asks as I'm busier these days and doing readings takes energy too.
Once this ask game is over, I'll reblog this post.
A. For non anons:
Please either reblog or like this ask game.
Tell me why you'd like me to answer your question.
B. For anons:
Please include at least 2 emojis in your ask.
Tell me why you'd like me to answer your question.
Tell me how you found my blog.
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Game IV
Status: Closed
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time for a new game.
Mercury is in Retrograde.. am I the only one here guilty of reaching out to people during this time? I hope not, because embarrassingly, I am. so hopefully my games can help..
topics to choose from:
a. reunite - what would happen if you went back to someone? could be your ex, an ex-friend, family member, or someone you miss.
b. clarity - what do you need to know about an old connection/situation?
c. moving on - how can you fully release/let go of a connection?
d. grounding - what do you need to focus on now?
1. tell me the option you choose, and give me details on your situation/the person and your initial/s
2. like and reblog and follow
3. ask box only
4. do an exchange for me (same question you want me to answer, in regards to person M besides question/option d)
5. leave feedback
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echoviolet · 5 months
Hello ~ I am back 🐚🌸 Send me some psychic and intuitive questions to answer (yes, meaning my readings are open) >*🔮~!
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crisps-craft · 2 years
readings :)
hi everyone,
readings are now open for tarot or astrology related questions. if the inbox doesn't work or isn't open, please let me know and i can try to fix it again (sometimes i get confused)
please no death, health, or future spouse related queries! im happy to answer relationship questions, but when everyone asks about their future spouse i cant read them all
please include initials, zodiac sign, and some emojis that you resonate with :) luv u all, take care
& if u can repost this to get the word out, i would appreciate it lil souls 🧿💜
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readingsbyawokemi · 1 year
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Free 30 Min. Psychic Tarot Readings!
Hey there!
I'm a gifted & trained psychic that has been using my psychic abilities and tarot/oracle cards since 2012 (11 years). I live in the country in Oxford, GA in a house that is also a temple for an African spirituality that I practice. (Think of us as African shamans. We don't call ourselves that, we use other terms with similar meanings but that's what we are). So I've decided to offer free 30 minute readings to anyone. You can come back for another reading in the next 3 days. I'm doing this to promote my brand so please support me! This offer ends 2/24/23! You can see my reviews on my Facebook page here. I don't do this for the money, I genuinely love helping people. I have other skills that could make me more money but this is what makes me happy. So please! Let me share my gift with you!
Steps to Get Your 30 Minute Reading
Follow me on these pages along with Tumblr:
Facebook >>>> here
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Youtube >>>> here
2. Message me on here or Facebook with screenshots showing that you followed me, your name and email address so I can add you to my mailing list for daily psychic tarot readings. (Promise I wont spam!)
-I recommend doing the reading over message that way you can go back and read it later. If we do it over the phone you may forget things that I told you.
-If you feel compelled to leave a review on one of my pages I would really appreciate it.
-No meanies. No disrespect. No rudeness. No people trying to play pranks on me or jokes because they're bored. if you don't believe in psychics that's fine but if I see your rants on my page you will be blocked.
-Before you get your reading remember it's 30 minutes so we have plenty of time. Really sit down and think about what you want to talk about and what areas of your life you need help with.
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sithisreadingcorner · 2 years
November Tarot Readings! ✨🤞🔮
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I have returned from my vacation and it's time to do readings again. I have seen a bit of an increase in the follower count which might mean that there are some people out there waiting for a new announcement. The wait is officially over.
I really liked the Alleyman Tarot Readings from last time so that's how we shall continue. Unless I'm called to something specific, I will draw you some cards, like this:
Send me an ask. You CAN ask a question, but you don't have to. You can also just pick a topic.
You will get three cards in return, with as much detail analyzing them as I can (at least two paragraphs. (You might also get a little extra, like an additional rune or fortune cookie slip.)
If you thought the reading resonated perfectly and you want to expand on it, you have the option to symbolically "pick up" the Alleyman's poker chip with a pay-what-you-want donation. This will give you one of my usual extended readings. It's hard to say how many cards you will get, but I will keep pulling as long as I keep getting new information.
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🔥 Reading and complying with the HOUSE RULES is not optional.🔥 In order to get a reading, you will have to prove it that you have read them. You will find it on the rules' page how to do that. They are here for desktop, and here for mobile in a post form. A lot of people send me asks ignoring this part, and they don't get readings unfortunately. 😕
To make it easier to parse, I have formatted the terms page in a way that if you read only the highlighted parts, you will still get the gist and have all of the requirements you need. 💜
I thank those who have donated with an additional, extended reading that they can redeem at any time, completely independent of the monthly slots.
If your birthday is in November, send me an ask that is off anon. If the ask has all of the requirements in it, including your birthdate, you will get a FREE extended reading as a birthday present courtesy of the house. 🎁
Please reblog this post for visibility! That helps a lot!
There are 5 slots for this month, but don't be shy to send an ask. If I have time to do more, I will open up more!
Fare well, and be TRICKY ✨🤞🔮🔥👁️‍🗨️
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esotericpluto · 9 months
the ideal career for you
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can donate here.
divider: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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pile 1
the moon, 7 of wands, ten of cups
this pile includes 18+ themes, so please skip over it if you are under 18. You can pick other pile.
with this pile, I'm getting a lot of possible careers coming through. I feel like many of you might end up working in careers that require you to work at night or until night. However, I do also see that some type of fame and recognition is very possible here and that you will keep this air of mystery, regardless of how famous and known you are. Some people reading this pile might even have more than one career from these options throughout their lives or even change it up a bit later on in life when you are more stable, looking forward to the field that truly makes you happy and fulfilled.
Now, some of you this indicates jobs in public eye. Some of you will be entertainers and bring joy to others. This can mean being an actor, singer, artist, musician, a comedian, a dancer or even could mean being an illusionist, working at the circus or at the entertainment part of hotels and touristic areas.
This might be especially true if you have leo and 9th house placements, if you love to sing, if you like to dye your hair or paint your nails. It might also resonate if your initials are C, K or M. Some of you who like to wear bold eyeliners can also resonate with this.
For some of you, I feel like you might end up becoming strippers (and yes this includes some men reading this) and get even some popularity from this. While this is sex work, keep in mind it still is counted as entertainment by many. Alternatively, you could go into burlesque/cabaret or similar things. Later on, for some of you, I do see a career change into something new you'll fall in love with but this will keep you afloat for a long time and many of you will enjoy it, especially due to the money. Others will make enough money to retire early or even leave early and just invest and live life. Now please, keep in mind that for those of you in this field, it is important for you to keep yourself safe and work in regulated spaces.
This could especially resonate for you if you have a couple tattoos, that know how to belly dance, that like smoothies, that have curly hair, that wear glasses/contacts, that love working out or go on shopping sprees. If you have a tongue piercing, it could also be a sign it resonates. Extra confirmation of any of you are aquarius, leo or virgo, especially with moon in scorpio or moon in capricorn.
Alternatively, some of you could end up working as dj's at clubs, bartenders or even bodyguards. This seems like it will actually help you meet a lot of people, make connections and network. I see some people even managing or owning nightclubs/bars later in life. The same could go for motels/hotels, although the sexual theme is being compelled here, so I think a motel seems somewhat likely for those of you this resonates with.
I feel like for some of you, you might become teachers/professors who give night lectures at universities or even to bigger audiences in important conferences. I feel like your input in your field will be extremely important. For those who will follow this teaching path, I feel like you will either be a political science, sociology, sexology or arts/entertainment teacher. And some of you could even end up having some minor career in politicians (like being a deputy/congress person in a parliament).
I feel like this one can apply for everyone in this group, so there is a chance any of you do end up doing this later in life out of passion.
For those of you thinking of going into investing into property or in general, I feel like this will go extremely well for you. Again you might invest in nightclubs/motels like i mentioned or even in rehabilitating older houses in usually less appealing neighborhoods, giving it a new life and appreciation and increasing thr value and safety of the area. If you want to invest in stocks instead, definitely invest in things related to the topics above. For some of you, I heard "invest in HIV research" so pick medicine companies that are working on researching it and creating cures/treatments. I'm also getting a special warning to not invest into crypto/nfts if you pick this pile.
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pile 2
7 of pentacles; Tower; 3 of wands; Queen of Cups
I'm getting that some of you might get a career that has a long path to go through and that might include having a lot of patience. I feel like this could indicate some of you will have to study a lot and spend years and thousands on education to get this career, which leads me to think some of you are becoming doctors or medical practitioners. Alternatively, you could be in a career that will require you to start with low paying entry level jobs, but that will take you to the top positions that will be extremely well paid. I see that for some, this could also indicate having to go through an unpaid or lowly paid internship in order to make your way into the field or being in a job that doesn't pay you well and overworks you before switching to a better one.
For some of you, this wait in order to collect the seeds of your labour can be literal as in becoming a gardener, a farmer or even similar jobs in agricultural management or even owning a flower shop. This could, in a few cases, also involve baking and cooking and all the time that can go into it.
There are a group of you that this wait refers to working on your psychic and intuitive abilities as well as on your spiritual knowledge to the point of mastery and make a career out of it.
Like I mentioned before, I do see many healers, doctors and medics coming out of this pile, psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists are also coming in strong. Some might also go into traditional medicine and hollistic practices, maybe even reiki, energy work or medical astrology. I see that checking your 12th house or pisces placements either on your solar chart or on your midheaven persona chart can help you confirm this information.
Those of you that are thinking about going into therapy and psychology are being recommended to look into specializing in anger management and conflict resolution, so possibly something like family and couple therapy.
There could also be some of you that create youtube channels/instagram pages to help others with your knowledge and tips.
A small percentage of you might end up becoming a military medic/doctor/nurse as well, specializing in helping wounded soldiers. On the same note, a military cook is also possible.
It is also very important to note for everyone who picked this pile that your career might cause you emotional overwhelm or pressure, so always be sure to protect your energy and not allow yourself to be too drained.
This strong energy also takes me to believe some of you will be writers or artists, which also makes sense for the time aspect of this reading, as making art or writing can be time consuming. Some of you could even become freelancers or start creative industry enterprises/businesses.
These are just extra confirmations, so if nothing of these signs match you, it doesn't mean the pile is wrong for you.
This could resonate especially if you've recently watched a documentary or movie touching on the subjects of oppression, if you're in university or if you have been to university and if you have ever worked a waiter/public service job. If you enjoy stuff like Silent Hill and Red Dead Redemption, this could also resonate with you. Same if you like purple and blue or are wearing either. Extra confirmation if you're a taurus, gemini, aries or capricorn. Also if you specifically have a libra venus in either tropical or vedic.
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pile 3
Lovers, Death, Star, Tower, Four of Pentacles
This pile has a brief mention of de*th and s**cide, so if you're very sensitive to those topics, please avoid this pile.
With the number of major arcanas here, I feel like whatever career you end up picking, you will have an important role in the area and maybe do something very groundbreaking in it. You'll be essential in your job/career and could even change the world in a way with it. No matter how small of a change it is, it will still be impactful.
The career will involve other people or at least one more person to some degree, this could be either a business/work partner or work involving clients or the public.
I'm getting two main groups here. One group will be focusing on healing and some type of therapy, especifically involving death. So this could be councilling focused on helping disaster survivors or grief therapy to help people who lost their loved ones or witnessed traumatic deaths. You will essentially be very important to help them move on and find themselves again. Because the Star can be related to peace, being true to one self and healing, you will definitely help people heal and find their peace and meaning in life again. For some of you, you could also help people who attempted suicide or have suicidal tendencies, helping them to work through this. You will help people who have lost everything and you'll help them rebuild their lives back up with healthier and better foundations, allowing them to feel more secure and in control of themselves and their lives.
For the other group, I feel like your work will be focusing more on creative industries. This could be publishing and marketing for some, however I feel like many of you will embark on music and acting careers, which will help many people also heal and have healthy coping mechanisms.
I feel like your music or your acting (mainly acting) will allow you to become separate from yourself for a moment by wearing another persona and putting yourself in someone else's shoes, but also will allow you to explore different aspects of yourself, giving you a deeper understanding of yourself and others. For some, this could be a musical theatre career. If not, you could become a music composer for movies and shows or even a music producer.
I'm also seeing some of you will be a play writer or a movie writer/director. I feel like there might be moments of your career you won't feel as valued, but rest assured there will be millions loving your work. You might also have extremely innovative ideas for the field and do things, create storylines no one has ever really seen before. You could even create a new genre of cinema or a new wave/style of film.
For a smaller percentage of you, I'm also seeing that you might be doing something money/management related, so an investor or establishing a new business/company that might help people around the world.
Extra confirmation if you like rock n' roll or watched an Elvis Presley movie/documentary or read a tweet about him recently. If you consume true crime, especially from the 80's, if you enjoy the aesthetic of the circus. It might also resonate if you listen to Britney and/or Mariah or if your favorite color is red. If you like high heels, especially louboutins, or enjoy using red/dark lipsticks, or shaved your legs in the previous 3 days, this is also extra confirmation for you. Could also apply if you're a scorpio, sagittarius or pisces.
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n3xii · 7 months
POV: Underpaid customer service employee gives you messages from the universe (PAC reading)
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Close your eyes andfocus on your intention, then carefuly select your employee; you have kenny, leroy, and phil.
Kenny's message
cards: ''boundaries'' ''knight of swords''
ok listen, i get that you're afraid of being harsh or mean but sometimes you have to lay the line down. you have the opportunity to tell others how they get to treat you, and sometimes you have to do it in a clear straight forward way. you can't dance around what you want to say espeically when it comes to people who benefit from you being afraid to piss them off. people work in stupid ways. they feel disrespected when people treat them with the same energy they show you but fuck them. i literally have to set boundaries everyday, you are capable of doing the same.
leroy's message
cards: ''ace of pentacles reversed'' ''creation''
you may be loosing out on possibilities and opportunities due to the fact that you're not willing to create them. sometimes things dont happen out of thin air, you have to create opportunities yourself, and that might look different for many people. for example, instead of waiting for a job to be given to you, you can have mine.
everyone is creative, creativity doesnt always mean arts and crafts, it can be a person who knows how to solve problems by thinking outside of the box. I dont know you well but you give the impression that you have alot of problems. i think you are in a situation where you feel stagnant, loss or hopeless, and my message to you is to get creative. think outside of the box and learn how to create opportunities for yourself. the current framework you're used to solving problems with obviously is NOT working.
phils message
cards: "7 of cups reversed" ''balance''
i dont know how to tell you this but you have alot of opportunities in front of you, but your own outlook and perception is clouding how you interpret them. also not to be crude or blunt but you aren't grounded, you're in a situation right now where you're not willing to face the realities of life and you need to integrate more moderation and balance into your life. basically what im trying to tell you is to get focused, get anchored to the world around you. stop getting lost in imagination unless you're visualizing your goals. but then again, visualization is useless unless you truly believe in your visions. i think you're trying to find escape from the horrors of the industrial corporate world that makes you feel dead inside, but that only gets you so far in life. Manifest with intention, stope escaping.
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tuesdaystarot · 5 months
I'm extremely sorry for the disturbance before I'll mention again; as before I made a mistake.
Hey, I really appreciate for being allowed to even just participate! It means a lot.
My name-Jasmine, I'm a Virgo moon (trop.) and Taurus rising.My questions;1. How will my fs view me?
2. How will he showcase his possessivenes/jealousy?
3. What makes our connection special?
Just know that if any of the question is too much you are allowed to say no, I'm extremely greatful for your efforts and kindness!! I really appreciate it-I'll love to know the cards too, it's always fun and exciting.
Sending lots of love 🧿✨
Hey! No worries at all.
Two of Wands, Shakti.
Your Future spouse will view you as someone who has a vision, has strong values. they will view you as someone who kind of has their life together in general and is a good planner. They also view you as someone who is super fun, has a lot of energy, and is dynamic (changing with every new day). You are a good balance between responsible/ fiery energy and they are very attracted to this.
2. four of cups, heart of god.
When they get jealous, they may have a bit of a pity party. They may get silent with you. It may be difficult for them to see your devotion and love for them, as their focus is only placed on whatever is making them feel jealous. With heart of god as a signifier, it shows that their love for you is so strong, and so sometimes that comes along with a strong jealousy as well (which shows how much they want you to be yours, so try to take it as a compliment even tho it gets annoying). You may need to help them learn to balance these feelings sometimes and work through them together.
3. eight of cups, god speaks.
One interesting aspect is the "walking away". It seems as if your future spouse is going to walk away from a previous connection or previous job or something or other to be with you. Further, you two truly UNDERSTAND each other when you communicate. When you speak to each other, something spiritual and profound occurs. Speak often! You two will improve yourselves so much by just sharing some words.
Further, I am sensing your future spouse is a twin-flame.
Thanks so much for the kind words. Sending lots of love your way too!
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bav1978 · 26 days
what is my future looking like
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🖤 Game III 🖤
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Guess my favourite songs in Midnights. The tracklists are in the album pictures below.
If you get my favourite favourite song right, you'll get two free readings/moodboards (you might choose either two of either or one of each)
If you get one of my other favourite songs right, you'll get one free reading/moodboard.
If you don't get anything right, you either get a mini reading (either a few words or a sentence or a song) or a mini moodboard (3 pictures).
Leave your initials, gender and Sun and Moon signs.
Leave one question or moodboard request (you'll be contacted if you win two).
Leave YOUR favourite Midnights song if you have one.
For moodboards, specify what kind of moodboard you'd like. I do astrology and typology moodboards.
For readings, no questions related to medical concerns or death.
Reblog this post and follow.
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echoviolet · 8 months
Hello again ❤️ what shifting method should I focus on that will help me have my first shift?
Thank you so much 🥰
I think it has to do with visualizing and laying in bed, like pillow method, also raven method seems to pop up in my mind. Something that includes imagining you physically moving in your DR or in your head and jumping to another reality (like griping a rope to pull yourself out of one reality to another and such).
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