#past life readings
meringuemorgue · 8 days
Pick-A-Card: Channeled Messages From Your Past Life Spouse
Hello and Welcome! In this reading we will find out what your past life spouse wants to say to you. Take a deep breath and choose between these three piles. Trust your intuition!
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Groups are from left to right.
Group 1:
I see ships, seas, and sailors. There’s a lot of noise, so the ship must be preparing for a long journey. I’m also seeing festive gowns, specifically a pink one with flowers sewn onto it. You could have been on this ship and sailed somewhere for a vacation or a better life in general.
“Oh, what I would do to hold you in my arms again. This journey changed a lot in us: you always were reckless, unstoppable, uncatchable, you always wanted to be on the go. Me? I’ve always liked my solitude. I’d much rather read a book, smoking a cigar, and sipping on a fine whiskey than to go and dance and whatnot. I don’t know how you convinced me to go on this journey, but I wish you hadn’t. Maybe our lives would have turned out differently. I wouldn’t have lost you. Where are you? I keep missing you, but I don’t even know if you’re there. I’m here. Stuck. Alone. With my demons and a bottle of whiskey I used to love. You’re gone. You’re gone. I need to accept that. But how? How can I? I can’t drown this love. I can only cloak it, fog it. I’m lost without you. [their energy is extremely heavy. If they are incarnated during this lifetime, they might suffer from substance abuse and/or other form of addiction. I would say they pretty much need your help if you are willing to help them. Some ways that you could help them is sending a message (telepathically if you don’t know them during this lifetime) that you are here, and you will be there for them as they get their life together again].
Group 2:  
It feels like they are your spouse in every lifetime. It feels like you are always together. Even if not as a spouse, they are there as your friend, a mentor, a family member, and so on and so forth. Therefore, it is likely you will also meet in this lifetime if you haven’t already. You have a deep spiritual connection and understanding of each other. They are possibly your Twin Flame or Soulmate or of any other spiritual connection you find to be deep.
“Your softness and the softness of your touch… Take my hand. Let’s run away. Let’s run away to our safe haven. You know the one we kept a secret? The one only we knew about? The best days were spent there. Oh, how I wish to get back there. The things we shared, your warm embrace and soft lips… This is enough to make a sane man go insane. You drive me crazy. I’m head over heels for you. You can have me. All of me. Like you always did.”
Group 3:
I’m getting poets, love letters’ vibes, so your past life spouse could have been a poet who wrote you multiple love letters. They feel very gentle, very passionate and very relaxed, also quite spiritual or religious. They are smart and could have been quite the handyman around the house. I’m hearing vows from the Corpse Bride, so this could mean they love you like that – deeply and surely. Also there could have been a third party between you in that lifetime, but your spouse neither you gave into them and kept on being loyal to one another.
“If I wrote a letter to the other side, do you think you would receive it? If I wrote another letter to my other half, do you think they would read it? If I screamed at the top of my lungs that I am yours and only yours, would you hear it? My love…My love for you is endless, it is vast as if it is the Universe itself. My love for you has no beginning and no end – it’s infinite like the stars that you can’t count at night. You are like the Sun, illuminating me like the Moon. You are my guiding light, my guiding star.”
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starryfree · 2 months
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Thank you for participating. If you’d like an in-depth and personal reading you can check my masterlist for my services and then you can dm me to book a reading.
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thesensteawitch · 2 months
Pick A Pile Reading
💫(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)💫
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Hey, Senstea Souls!🍁
I am back with another collective reading. Pick your pile intuitively and don't forget to tip my blog!
If you wish to book a personal reading-
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Pile 1🍁- I am channeling that your desire to receive emotional fulfillment, especially in the area of love, wasn't fulfilled in your last lifetime. You faced disappointments that made you put up walls all around you. In this lifetime, it's your purpose to understand emotional connections on a deeper level. You first need to intellectually understand the concept of love and the necessary boundaries. Your soul has everything mapped out regarding the events that must occur in this lifetime, so you let yourself experience the unknown and share your unique experience through writing. Reading is pretty important for you, pile 1.
Pile 2🍁- In your previous lifetime, you felt every problem was bigger than you, but you didn't realize that God was bigger than your problems. You struggled with finding stability in life, and when you did, you felt trapped. What I see is that you were looking for freedom all along. A safe space where you can open up your heart. In this lifetime, you are supposed to not stay silent just to keep the peace. You're supposed to find a balanced approach to speaking your mind. You have a lot of rage within you, as a lot of words that wanted to come out never did in the past. You're supposed to think twice before you speak. Be calm, but also assertive. You don't need to be afraid that you may end up saying something wrong. The more you are connected to your higher self, the better you'll be able to put your emotions into words. And then see the magic unfolding from what you say to someone!
Pile 3🍁- This is about love. In your past life, you have faced challenges to unite with the love of your life. There have been both outer and inner conflicts. In this lifetime, I see that there are some withheld resentments. You somehow end up saying the wrong thing to someone, or you are not able to frame the right sentence. There's an unresolved issue with a soulmate connection from a past life. Either you are with someone or not, you're asked to first resolve your internal conflicts to keep or manifest the love of your life. There's a need to heal yourself because I do see that others opinions of you matter a lot to you. There's an unhealthy attachment to what someone else thinks of you or feels about you. You need to love yourself and feel the right way about yourself first (in all love and light!).
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bloodlyhoney · 1 month
Bloody Honey Readings
Spirit Baby Readings: divination for your potential future babies (gender, how many, personalities, etc.)
Deity Readings (what deity is reaching out to you? What message do they have for you: ask a question!)
Spirit Guide Readings (what does your higher self want you to know? What are your spirit guides saying: ask a question)
Tarot Readings (ask any question)
Cryptic Readings (a weird or strange message that doesn’t make any sense: no questions needed for this one)
Bibliomancy Readings (a message from a book: ask a question or a general one for this)
Follow, like & reblog pinned post
Pick a reading
Be patient
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 months
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Feeling pretty inspired after my sale I did on them and others so for the rest of this month I’ll have them on sale!!
If you’ve never had a past life reading before this is what I will cover :
* past life gifts
* what past lives are affecting you today
* karmic lessons, karmic debts
* how to work with past life energy that’s coming up in your reading
& So much more 😉
If you want a reading, and just want to know more information. Please contact me and let me know!
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fae-elfhame · 1 month
Spirit Baby Readings
Now offering spirit baby readings!
Follow the Rules.
Read pinned post.
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Help Me Move Out❗️
Hey all! Im asking for your help. Tbh i hate making posts like this but right now life is not giving me much options. Im struggling financially and having a really hard time getting a job despite my efforts. Plus my family is extremely emotionally toxic and unstable and its taking a toll on my mental health. All money proceeds will go into funding to finally get my own place so i can move back to Arizona. By supporting youll help fuel a community were i can continue to help others through magical means.
OF COURSE I HAVE READINGS TO OFFER.(I have $2 ones) And my kofi is open! Any purchase or donation would be a big help!
cashapp in bio
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months
Hello dear
I wanna join your ask game : love edition. I choose
vii. 🕰️: Past life & love - How have your past lives influenced your current love life?
Thank you. Have a nice day 💕❤️
Hello! Have a nice day too.
I see a lot of pain from your past lives with respect to love. I see a lady (you) sobbing her eyes out. I believe you were in many situations where you were forced to marry someone you didn't love even though you were already in love with someone else or perhaps engaged to someone else. Sometimes it would be because your fiance died in a war so you were forced to marry the other brother or someone else. Sometimes your lover had to go to war and then they never returned and then some other enemy general came to invade your village. You happened to be caught in this invasion and forced to become his concubine. For some reason lots of situations related to war??? I think you were often born/lived during a period where wars were very common and you often lived in the Middle East (Afghanistan/Iran/Iraq etc) and in parts of Asia, specifically China. (The gif below is the closest one I could find of the image of you crying. You're crying more though in the image that I have in my head.)
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I'd say in this lifetime, you'll often feel like you're searching for a certain someone because you've lost this person/weren't able to be with this person so many times in the past. You can be single for long periods because of this. You're looking for that special connection and are willing to wait for that person to come. If you are in a relationship, you'd want to be the one who chooses who you'll be with and not go through like an arranged marriage etc.
(Just answering some asks from the last ask game - ones that were sent before the game closed.)
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candles-by-mokosh · 11 months
📜✨ Past Life Regression
Today, I would like to share with you a fascinating past life regression experience that unfolded before my eyes—a glimpse into the life of an author who once toiled the ancient fields of Chang'an as a humble farmer.
In the depths of a guided past life regression session, I found myself transported to the vibrant and bustling city of Chang'an during ancient times. The air was thick with the aroma of spices and the sounds of market vendors hawking their wares. My senses tingled with anticipation as I witnessed the glorious majesty of the Tang Dynasty.
Amidst the grandeur of the city, I discovered my past self—a humble farmer tending to the fertile lands just beyond the city walls. The simplicity of life in the fields was a stark contrast to the magnificent palaces and bustling streets. With each passing day, I cultivated the earth, feeling the soil beneath my calloused hands and the warmth of the sun on my back.
As the seasons danced, I witnessed the ebb and flow of life as a farmer in ancient Chang'an. From the tender sprouting of seeds in spring to the bountiful harvests of autumn, I was intimately connected with the cycles of nature. Each day brought new challenges and rewards—a delicate balance of hard work, resilience, and trust in the wisdom of the earth.
The true beauty of this past life experience lay not only in the rhythm of the land but also in the vibrant tapestry of human connections. I witnessed the camaraderie of fellow farmers, sharing stories, laughter, and the weight of a collective existence. Together, we celebrated the harvest festivals, expressing gratitude for the abundant blessings bestowed upon us.
While my days were spent toiling in the fields, a seed of creativity nestled within my soul. Evenings were devoted to the art of storytelling, weaving tales that mesmerized young and old alike. It was in the quiet moments, surrounded by the whispering breeze and twinkling stars, that inspiration struck and words flowed effortlessly from my pen.
As I emerged from this profound past life regression, I carried with me the wisdom of the farmer's life—a deep appreciation for the cycles of nature, the power of community, and the creative spark that dwells within. It reminded me that our present passions and talents may have roots in the experiences of long-forgotten lives, shaping who we are in the here and now.
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blackcrowing · 7 months
Followers, Do any of you dabble in past life readings?
Its not something I normally see offered by people that I feel are..... reputable... and honestly I'm just kinda curious/nosey
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starryfree · 13 days
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bloodlyhoney · 1 month
Reminder Regarding Past Life Readings
This post is going to serve as a major reminder if you request a past life reading, be open to hearing what you may not want to hear or learn about your past life. In past lives you could have been terrible or have gone through terrible situations or experiences. But they are our past life lessons and this life is different, keep that in mind when requesting one.
So please just be aware you may not hear what you want! Or you may will even, it depends what comes up!
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infinitydivine · 5 months
I was looking for Past life Oracle cards and they are sold old everywhere. 😭😭😭😭
I really want to start past life readings. They are so interesting. Maybe I could get more glimpse of myself from my past life too.
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queermycelium · 2 years
I am trying to raise money for my partner and I to have a deposit on an apartment. The one we are in has bled us dry on money and we have only until August to pull together about $650.
I am offering Tarot and Oracle readings! I can do general readings, one card readings, and past life readings. I do have set prices, but I'll also take donations of any amount in exchange for readings, please feel free to DM me and we can talk about it.
-One card (with full explanation): $5
-General reading (full detailed explanation of cards): $10
Past life reading (with full detailed explanation): $15
-Custom spread (if you have one you want done specifically you can give me the spread for it): $15
-Past life + General: $18
Any cards pulled to clarify the readings will be free!
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fae-elfhame · 2 months
Regarding Past Life Readings…
BTW you are allowed to ask specific questions about your past life readings! As well as your tarot questions!
I love to see what questions you come up with but you don’t have to if you don’t want to, this is just a reminder!
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Readings Open!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I have returned! 
Life hasn’t been the best, and I’ve been struggling a lot with financial issues. My mother’s been out of work for a while now because of health issues, and I’ve been taking care of her, while trying to put myself through school. I’m in my last year before I apply for my Master’s, and I’m *struggling*. I need to save up to apply for my Master’s, as well as be prepared to move depending on where I get accepted, and right now, I have nothing. My job doesn’t pay as well as I need it to, and it’s been hard to stay afloat. 
So, I am opening up my tarot readings, and hoping that I can make a little bit of money to help take the edge off! :) 
Here are my prices!  1 to 4 cards - $3 
4 to 8 cards - $5 
More than 8 cards - $7 
Specific spreads: $5 base, unless they are extensive, such as the Celtic Tree spread, in which case they will be $7! 
Live Readings - (such as voice/video calls) $10 
Past Life Readings - $12
Pendulum Readings: $2 
Please, if you have some questions, feel free to shoot me a message! My paypal will be linked below as well. I am open to any and all questions. :) 
Paypal: paypal.me/Alicia688
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